#wg ambition
anti-solidcoffee · 11 months
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Guildtober Day 16 - Sleeping
Cozy cozy vibes
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pecanwriter · 8 months
Not Big Enough (WG story)
Themes: fantasy-setting, body worship, fat-centric society
Words: 3053
Part: 1/1
Dainon was freezing to death. He managed to survive another night, huddled behind a smithy, where the furnace's heat radiated through walls, making even the nasty winter in Grothol survivable. His exhaustion was bone-deep. Soul-deep, even. So when he managed to sneak up behind the smithy without anyone noticing, he let himself fall into a deep sleep like a fool. Had he gotten up early, before the smiths started their day, he could squeeze in another few nights in this new hiding spot. But he didn’t get up, he didn’t even try, huddled up next to the warm wall and feeling like a baby in his mother’s womb, he slept on soundly until the very moment strong, calloused hands grabbed him by the rags he called clothes and kicked him out into the main street, where mud was ice. 
He fell into a puddle, the water so unbelievably cold at first he thought it was boiling. Dainon scrambled back to his feet, already shivering. A gust of wind swept through the street, penetrating his rags completely. His trousers were more holes than they were trousers and the patchy shirt was missing one sleeve. Despite his meagre stature, the coat he was wearing was way too small for him, he suspected it might have been made for a youth. Stretching the too-small garment over himself was better than nothing in the dreadful cold, but he could feel the seams coming apart more and more every day, wind and chilled air seeping in and assaulting his malnourished body. 
Dainon was the youngest son of a relatively wealthy merchant from a port town in the south of Grothol. His father was a strict and unyielding man. To his customers, to his workers, and to his children. Dainon’s sister left the house young, got married and had children of her own. His brother joined the army and that was the last time anyone saw him. And so his father’s ambitions about keeping the business in the family came full force down on Dainon. It wasn’t that he necessarily hated commerce, he would just much rather do anything else. When he suggested to his father that maybe he could get an apprenticeship as a kitchen boy to become a cook for a wealthy lord, his father beat the idea of out his head so forcefully that Dainon never dared to voice his opinions again. 
When Dainon turned eighteen, his father decided he was ready to prove himself. He gave Dainon a horse and a cart of goods and sent him on his way to the Gothol’s lavish capital city. “Bring back three times the value of the goods, or don’t come back at all,” his father told him, and Dainon knew without a shadow of a doubt he meant it. 
He made it to the capital, he even managed to make a few transactions that would make his father’s scorn soften. But then, just as he was warming up to his role, Dainon was robbed. They took everything; the goods, the card, the horse, even his shoes. 
There was nothing left for him to sell to gain passage back home, but even if he did, he couldn’t go back. Through spring, summer and autumn he managed to scrape by somehow. There was a lot of commerce everywhere and labour workers who would slave away all day for a piece of bread and a tanker of piss-poor beer were always needed. 
But then came the winter. 
Dainon, dragging his feet, so cold he could barely walk, stumbled into one of the smaller streets where shameful business was conducted. There was a high chance one would get robbed, but he had nothing to be robbed of, and at least they wouldn’t shoo him away like the smiths. Unable to walk any further, so sick and cold he didn’t even know where the icy mud ended and he began, Dainon squeezed himself between two barrels and the side of a gambling house and waited. For death or for an opportunity to rob some drunk fool. Whichever came first.
Doors opened on the opposite side of the street and a group of people stumbled out in a cloud of perfume, smoke and ruckus laughter. 
Dainon’s exhausted, nearly delirious brain made it seem as if the warm light pouring out of the door was pure gold. He stared at the people coming out. 
It was a whore house and a good one from what he heard. The people that emerged appeared to be two whores sending their client on his way. The whores were barely wearing any clothes, seemingly unbothered by the cold. As if enchanted, Dainon stared at the whores. He stared at their plump bodies, round, blushy faces, their smiles and thick, lustrous hair. One was a woman, and one was a man, but he had tits almost as big as she did, resting on top of a big, fleshy belly swaying in front of him proudly. Their thighs jiggled and rubbed against each other as they walked, pushing the drunk client along the street to the stables where his horse presumably waited. 
Dainon’s stomach was so empty he didn’t even remember how food tasted or how it was not to be hungry all the time. Even when he was asleep, he was still completely aware of the fact he was starving. The whores were coming back and Dainon looked at their enormous backsides jiggling, at their side rolls, at their arms so plump and soft their elbows were only dimples. He couldn’t imagine how amazingly rich and filling their meals had to be for them to be so big. Another wave of nauseating hunger and paralyzing cold rattled him so hard he had to close his eyes. When he opened them again the golden light of the brothel was no longer spilling into the street and the whores were gone. Dainon wept, his tears scorching hot on his freezing face. 
The door opened again and the beautiful light spilt out. Another boy was escorting his client to the exit. He was even bigger than the first two; his tits spilling to the sides of his enormous belly and his thighs so thick and fleshy he waddled as he took the few steps to see the client out. 
Dainon stared as the whore waddled back inside and he knew that if he couldn’t see that beautiful overfed body again he would simply die. 
This really was a good brothel, he realised. To have so many well-fed whores? In Gothol fatness was the sign of good fortune and prosperity. The King was expected to go to war, so he was usually lean or muscular, but it was traditional for the King’s consort, be it a woman or a man, to be as fat as possible. The fatter the consort, the more prosperous Gorthol was. Two hundred years ago, there was a plague that nearly threatened to undo the whole country. At that time, the King’s consort was so thin he didn’t even have a belly. Nearly all portraits of him have been destroyed for fear of casting bad fortune over the land again. The upper classes followed this trend diligently, every Lord and Lady stuffed themselves to grow bigger and fatter than their rivals in court. Amongst the lower classes and peasants, it was very uncommon to see someone appropriately fleshy; they couldn’t afford it. The only truly fat, well-fed peasants were whores. The customers spent nearly as much on the services as they spent on the food they bought to keep their whore nice and plump. With a fat, well-fed whore every simple man could feel like a King for a day. 
Driven by a desperate need to survive and with the memory of that golden light filling his heart, Dainon stumbled to the brothel doors. 
A young, slim whore opened the door. His hair was long and orange like the sunset, he cocked a perfectly plucked eyebrow. 
“Go away!” He barked “There’s nothing here for the kinds of you!”
“No,  please!” Dainon rasped, his voice scratchy “I want to work. Please, I will do anything. Please.” 
“Go away…” The man started saying again, but a hand with multiple golden rings on each finger ceased his arm and pulled him inside. 
“Move away, Robin, don’t you have something to do?” A woman who was past being middle-aged, but diligently tried to keep up the appearance stood in the door. The rest of her was as richly adorned as her fingers, gold was hanging off her every body part and she seemed to float in a cloud of pipe smoke and perfume. She looked at Dainon with a shrewd, keen eye of a Madam. 
“I want to work, please.” He repeated. 
She looked him over, grabbed his chin, looked at his face from every angle, and then grabbed his arm, examining his skin, its deep umber colour stood out even more against her pinkish fingers. 
“We have enough skinny boys.” She said with finality. 
“I don’t have to be one of the skinny boys!” He blurted out, almost desperately. His merchant senses smelled an opportunity and he grabbed it immediately “You don’t have to pay me! I will work just for food until I’m big enough for you to start making good money on me.” 
She gave him a steady look and Dainon forced himself to not break the eye contact. Her poker face was good, but he could see the change taking place deep inside her mind. The ring-clad hand wrapped around his arm and he was dragged inside, into the golden light. 
“Robin, Cuckoo, wash him and help him get ready to work.” She pushed him towards a pair of whores, the red-haired one from before and another skinny one with ashen blonde hair and pale eyes. “From now on,” She said, giving him one last measuring look “Your name is Starling.” 
And Starling let the young whores lead him deep inside the golden light and warmth of the warehouse. The smell and heat filled him so completely that he felt born anew. 
General Forthros jumped off his horse and let out a juicy curse as his boot landed perfectly in a pool of mud.
“Hello, good sir, may I welcome you…” He tossed the reigns to the stable master along with a purse of silver coins. He was in no mood for talk. It’s been way too long and he was prickly with need. It crawled under his skin like slow-acting poison. 
This brothel was way outside of the upper district, but Forthros heard stories. He heard they had whores here like nobody dreamed of; so soft and overfed, with their enormous rumps jiggling, their soft tits resting on top of round bellies, their faces with double chins and round rosy cheeks… 
Just thinking about it made his cock stir, but he had to keep himself in check. The last brothel he heard similar stories about turned out to be ludicrously expensive and the young man they gave him didn’t even waddle. 
None of them were big enough. Just not big enough. 
He dreamed of flesh so soft and filled with fat he could sleep on it as on a pillow after he’d fucked its owner into a whimpering, needy mess. He wanted a whore who would laugh at the feast he brought with him and demanded more food. He needed a whore so fat two others would have to be called to help him stand up. 
Forthros walked across the muddy street and opened the door, stepping out of the grey, dirty world and into a land of gold, potency and sweet smells. 
“Welcome!” A woman appeared as if out of nowhere, her hands and wrist so completely covered by gold jewellery that her skin was visible only from elbows up. “We haven’t seen you before in my fantastic establishment, Lord.” She said, not able to keep the glint of greed out of her eyes as she eyed his expensive clothes and the massive basket filled to the brim with lavish, expensive foods only made in the upper city. “How can I serve you? I have everything you could wish for, every girl and every boy the absolute best quality!”
He gave her an unimpressed look. She rubbed her hands, visibly slightly worried, but not dropping her selling pitch. She pressed on:
“Will it be a girl or a boy you’d be wanting, my Lord?” 
“I want a boy. The biggest one you have.” He said. “Money is no object.” 
Her eyes were ablaze with opportunity. 
“Of course, my Lord!” She bowed deeply. “Boy, fetch Swan.” She ordered the scrawny servant. He took off down the corridor. 
Swan was appropriately named; he was tall and pale, with a long neck and rosy lips. He had a soft chest and a flabby belly, he was smiling coquettishly. Forthros stopped him with a hand. 
“Not big enough.” He said. 
The Madam shooed Swan away and he retreated with a pout. 
“Bring me Blue Jay, boy!” She ordered the servant. 
Blue Jay was likewise appropriately named; he had some Djinn blood in him which was evident by his bright blue skin and navy blue hair woven into two thick braids. He sauntered over, shaking his big, round gut and plushy thighs. Forthros was intrigued but he was just…
“Not big enough.” He repeated and the Madam tsked but shooed the Djinn’s bastard away. 
“Bring Sparrow, be quick about it!” She snapped and the servant ran. 
Sparrow was brown-skinned and brown-eyed. His tits were big and soft, falling on top of a prominent, soft belly that swayed in front of him as he walked. His legs were thick and swollen, and Forthros' dick hardened as he saw him waddle up. This one was beautiful, but…
“Not. Big. Enough.” He said, looking the Madam right in the eyes. 
A sly, appreciative smile spread across her face. She slapped Sparrow’s jiggly ass, sending him away. 
“I see you are a connoisseur.” She said, bowing in acknowledgement. “Follow me.” 
He followed. They passed an open room full of whores killing time, waiting for clients. He spotted Sparrow sprawled on a mountain of pillows, idly popping sugar-coated grapes into his mouth. Forthros’ cock stirred again. If the Madam’s most priced possession didn’t prove to be satisfactory, he’d come back for Sparrow. 
The madam stopped in front of a door and opened it with a flourish. 
“This,” she said theatrically “is Starling. But he’s not cheap.” 
Forthros had to rest a hand against the door to keep himself upright, almost dropping the feast in the basket to the floor. He put it down with reverence at his feet and fished a purse out from his inside pocket, tossing it blindly at the Madam, still unable to look away from the sight before him. There was more coin in the purse that she probably made off all her whores in a day and they both knew it.
“Enjoy, Lord.” She bowed deeply and closed the door behind herself. 
The man on the bed, Starling, was a vision out of a dream. No, he was more beautiful than any dream Forthros ever had. 
He had dark umber skin that seemed covered with scented oils and perfumes that floated around the room. His dark hair was curled and adorned with gold, and two enormous emeralds hung on his ears. He was so big his hips spanned almost the entire width of the bed. Forthros took in the beautiful flesh, overstuffed to the brim with fat and folding on itself in fascinating, enchanting ways. Starling’s legs were shapeless as if formed of hefty sacks of jiggly fat folding in on themselves with the swollen feet at the end that Forthros doubted touched the floor often. The beautiful legs were spread wide to accommodate the gargantuan mass of Starling’s belly, that pooled in front of him like a see of soft flesh. Forthros couldn’t see a belly button but he guessed it was buried deep underneath fat where the upper and lower fat fold of Starling’s belly met. His breasts were blubbery and saggy, pushed to the sides by the improbable accumulation of soft flesh on Starling’s midriff. The nipples were dark and stretched and Forthros could feel his entire body tingling. Starling’s robust arms rested at almost acute angles to his body, unable to land any lower for the numerous chunky fat folds pushing outwards at his sides. His shoulders and chest were so thoroughly encased in fat he almost had no neck. His face was round, with incredible, fleshy cheeks and multiple chins. 
This was, without a doubt, the most beautiful man Forthros had ever seen, but what struck him most, was the man’s face. He was beautiful, of course, with a slightly hunched nose and wide-set dark eyes. But that wasn’t what it was, still. The striking thing was the expression on that angelic face. His plump lips were stretched into a smirk that seemed to hold all the secrets of the world in it and the dark eyes that stared at Forthros from underneath dark, heavy lashes were sharp like a fox’s. Quick wits and shrewdness were immediately apparent in that gaze. That, and immense satisfaction. Just his face alone seemed to be saying “I am everything you ever wanted and I know it.” 
The biggest whore he had before this, many years ago, was somewhere between Sparrow’s and Starling’s size, he was beautiful but the food had dulled his mind. His eyes were always glazed over, sleepy, almost unresponsive; he saw this happen to some people when the food was too much for their bodies to handle and they seemed almost dim-witted. Although that man was beautiful, Forthros couldn’t bring himself to fuck him, he didn’t want to fuck someone who barely knew what was happening. 
But Starling… Starling was perfect. 
Forthros swallowed, his throat suddenly dry, his cock almost painfully hard.
“I’ve brought you a feast, beautiful.” He said, hauling the enormous basket overflowing with the greatest delicacies Grothol had to offer to the bed. “I hope such a feast is to your liking?” 
Starling looked at the basket and then, looking straight into Forthros’ eyes with an almost devilish grin he said: 
“Not big enough.” 
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im-goofball · 4 months
Hello !! I was wondering what kind of relationship the gorosei have in your lore (good, bad, professional, friendly..)and does it change after they joined the WG ? Thank you so much in advance your work on their lore is amazing 🥰
Aaw, thank you so much! That really warmed my heart! 🥺💗
Pre-WG creation
Peter—His son and future heir to both Aurelion and Themisto Isles as Mars wrote it. Despite not sharing a drop of blood with him, he loves the boy as any father could love his son, you may even call him protective when it comes to Peter's safety and well being (so beware on which end of his sword you are standing at)
Saturn—A fellow monarch and respectable man, enough to get well with him. Thanks to his and Tethys' inventions and discoveries the world's technology grew rapidly fast, even in his kingdom. +He is a father of two kids, so Mars relates to most things that go in his head, especially when it conserns his younger daughter, Rhea.
Ethan—Respects his loyality and skill with sword which is very incredible, since Mars himself uses sword in battle.
Warcury—He views Warcury as a very just man, who seemingly despises nobility and monarchs in his kingdom, but can get along with others (as long as they are not pompous pricks that is)
Mars—His dad and role model. Unlike with Krono, his biological father, the relationship he has with Mars is much more warmer and they show affection to each other even in public, which is nice.
Saturn—Doesn't like very much, thinking he is neglecting Dione and Rhea in order to pursue his ambition of making a "better world"
Ethan—A very cool uncle-figure (Poor Ethan has no idea Mars views him as a competition. Marcus "No one takes my son away from me" Mars being protective 24/7) and good swordsman. Wants to get lessons from him by their fighting styles seem too different
+Ethan is not very good with kids
Warcury—Very stern and philosophical man. Peter views him wity respect and awe, because it seems that nothing can budge with this man once his judgement has been told.
Peter—Doesn't view him as a king, bur rather a child that still needs to be taught proper manners and ways in politics and ruling kingdoms. Won't stop his friendship with Dione though, because it is the happiest he has seen tue boy since Tethys died
Mars—Fellow monarch and father, so he understands most of Mars' worries when it comes to Peter. Doesn't like how he treats the young boy as a king of his own kingdom, however. He should be the one ruling Themisto Islands until Peter reaches his eighteenth nameday
Ethan—Although a memember of Shogun's family, he doesn't view him as royality due to his blood statusm Still a respectable swordsman and potential teacher for Dione and Rhea
Warcury—Won't believe that this man's pursue of justice is pure as everyone think so. Saturn believes that everyone can be corrupted, and there must be something Warcury would do to keep his mouth shut. After realizing his grave mistake, he came to a conclusion that no, Warcury wouldn't do that because that would taint his honour. (Saturn became rather fond of the Supreme Judge after that discovery)
Mars—Good king and father. Kinda envies the relationship he has with Peter, sibce he never got that amount of love from either of his parents
Peter—Unlike Saturn, he already views him as a righteous ruler of his kingdom and is quite proud of how capable the boy is as a king
Saturn—Thinks of him as a very similiar person to Shogun. A father that tries his best, but still puts the wellbeing of his country above his loved ones. Although for Saturn it is also the whole world.
Warcury—Respects him a lot, ewpcially his cold resolve and willingness to put kings and queens down onto their heels if he doesn't view them just enough
Mars—A capable ruler and very honourable in his opinion. Too protective of his adopted son however, and that protectivness hinders his oublic image
Peter—Like Saturn, he doesn't view Peter as a king due to his very young age and fiery personality.
+That boy could be taught some manners. His sass can get on his nerves sometimes
Ethan—Highly respects his loyality and sense of justice. Someone like him could be needed in the Royal Court of Slaviugia
Saturn—After tha accusation and questioning of his resolve, Warcury decided that Saturn is just as high-nosed as the Tsar and nobility in his kingdom and not even his inovations and discoveries will change his mind. Surprisingly enough, the man started apologizing with bouquets of black lilies, (Warcury's favourite flowers which only grew in western side of Slaviugia), expensive dinners and gods know what else (the fact that he started thinking of Saturn more then a simple acquaintance is another story)
Post-WG creation
Mars, Warcury and Ethan have purely professional relationahip, and more on the good side of it I suppose
Mars and Saturn have strong rivalry like Sanji and Zoro, but there is so much resentment between eachother and some sort of hate as well (Neither Mars or Peter ever forgave for what Saturn did to Dione and Rhea)
Saturn and Warcury have definitely, surely purely professional relationship (very married old men yaoi vibes)
Everyone and Peter have a "never wanted a child but a got a child anyway" relationship. Except Mars. He loves Peter and after 900 years his protectivness grew only stronger
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Found this on Pinterest and it's not meant to be taken too seriously, but yeah, I get where this comes from. Usually you see Zoro being pictured as either a sex machine or as aromantic/ace, and literally never anything in between, and I personally believe that either of these takes is true. It's a manga of the shonen genre and follows the respective, genre-based rules. My interpretation of the character is that he undoubtedly puts his goal(s) on top of everything else. Luffy gets to become the pirate king. Zoro himself is going to be the world's strongest swordsman. Period. BUT. These ambitions go hand in hand with a sacrifice, at least to Zoro. This is going to be a long read and I have to digress a bit so please be patient lol.
Zoro has lost the person most important to him and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He couldn't protect Kuina. Now, we don't know his own knowledge of his parents, but I always assumed that his desire to become stronger and stronger is a direct result of the loss of his parents, something he witnessed, but couldn't do anything about it either. So he chose to follow his father's footsteps and became a swordsman, trained in Koushiro's dojo, driven by anxiety. He made friends with Kuina who died too. And then he swore to himself that never again he would anyone ever become close to him. He traveled alone and at first and kept his distance to Luffy, Nami and the others.
But there's no way to fight human nature. Slowly, he allowed himself and them to get closer and he found it comfortable to be around them, but accepting that they're his friends also multiplies his anxiety and ultimate weakness: losing someone again. He not only wants to become stronger to be the WGS, he also thinks it's the only way to protect his loved ones. When he struggles with an opponent, he can be seen training even harder afterwards. He takes the night's watch. He guards the ship. He only sleeps when someone else is awake. He tells the others to escape when it's dangerous. He tries to take incoming damage alone. He refuses that anyone sacrifices themselves and knocks them out should they try (Sanji @ Thriller Bark). He keeps things a secret. He holds back emotions to remain collected and supportive. The further along they travel, the more of his humanity he has to lose in order to keep them all safe.
Back to the original intention of this post. Zoro has kind of a soft spot for women who need help with something. They just trigger his protective instinct. But he also tries to keep away from any woman because they'd weaken him. And he can't afford to be weak. A woman by his side would mean he'd have to look after her, provide for her, protect her, make sure she's alright, take better care of himself in order to be there for her, all things he simply can't afford and which distract him from his goal (he would think that way, being a bit traditional). Maybe he doesn't trust himself to remain as determined as he was once he's in a relationship. Maybe he's afraid that his partner would try to talk him out of his goal and stand in his way. Which leads me to think how a woman has to be in order to be a good match for him?
We've covered that a woman often triggers his protective sense, I'm not sure though if that is what he finds an important trait. I like to imagine that a woman he'd be interested in has to be similar to himself - independent, strong, able to defend herself, not afraid to put him in his place, self-confident and courageous and most importantly be supportive and understand how he rolls. He wouldn't have to worry about her as much then (he'd still be worried though of course lol). So yeah, ZoTash all the way!
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However, even if they'd fall in love during the series, he'd not give in to his feelings before he would have reached his goals, due to the above mentioned reasons. He'd ask her to wait or he wouldn't open up to her until he's the WGS, and then reunite with her and be like "Hey sorry you had to wait" and you know how loyal he is, he'd stay with her until the end of his days. And I think that's another reason why he's not dating a woman - he wants to make sure that she's THE ONE. He's not interested in an affair or something not serious. He's there for the long run. He doesn't give away his heart so easy. He could even play hard to get, to check if his love interest really means it. He wants to protect himself from heartbreak and loss, afraid to experience it ever again.
He wouldn't be a perfect lover, but try hard to be the best version of himself.
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moxie-girl · 11 months
I wanted to just put together a post with all of my ideas so far for the straw hat Uta au… (under the cut cause it's long)
the gist of the au is that the main strawhats are all replaced by other characters from their backstories/islands/etc? it's a little confusing to explain but here's what I got so far: (list is in recruitment order, not by role)
Luffy -> Uta (Captain) Uta in this AU ate the gum-gum fruit instead of Luffy (who then ate the sing-sing fruit.) her dream is to be the pirate king, but she doesn't have quite the same deal with Shanks as Luffy does, mostly because I think it'd be funny if the crew was ambushed by Pirate Emperor Shanks and Uta was just like "oh!! that's my dad!!! :D" Uta also grew up on dawn island in this au, because after she ate her devil fruit, Shanks thought it was too dangerous to keep her on the ship (since the WG was kinda after her.) she's a little less than a year older than Ace+Sabo b/c I messed w/ the ages a bit and I wanted her to be the older sister (like half of the crew in the beginning are all older sisters lol but that wasn't even on purpose…) Uta's fighting style is pretty similar to Luffy's, but she has a bit of a head-start on Haki since she spent so much time with Shanks.
Zoro -> Kuina (Swordsman) Zoro's not actually dead in this au, just fyi, because I didn't want to kill off any of the canon strawhats, but his accident did put him in a coma for a while, and he kinda lost most of his ambition and is still struggling with his lost dream… Kuina picked up 3-sword style to "take him with her" and prove to him that it's not an unachievable dream. she's got a bit of a complex still from some of the stuff her father said, and insists on being a "swordsman", not a "swordswoman," which is why when Uta approaches her and says she wants to be the pirate king, that is part of what convinces her to join. Kuina also uses Wado Ichimonji more than Zoro does - I noticed in canon he typically uses his two other swords and only uses Wado when he needs to use three-sword-style, so Kuina is kinda the opposite - she uses one-sword style more as well.
Nami -> Nojiko (Cook) I wanted to not keep all the switched characters' roles exactly the same as their canon counterparts, so I decided to play more with cocoyasi island's tangerine groves and make Nojiko a cook who specializes in tangerine dishes. I imagine she learned to cook to try to make the simple foods she had growing up more appetizing, and continued after Belle-mere died because she had to keep Nami fed. She still worked as a thief for Arlong, same as canon Nami, but instead of his navigator, her role was basically his servant in that she cooked for him and the other Arlong pirates. she fights with Belle-mere's rifle, mostly a mid-range fighter, but she can also use it as a blunt weapon Benn Beckman-style, and does this more after Uta mentions that her dad's first mate fights like that.
Usopp -> Kaya (Doctor) this one's kinda a no-brainer role-wise, and also I really can't believe the canon strawhats didn't get a doctor until like 90 episodes in like?? how are they not dead tbh. Usopp in this au grew to hate Yasopp for leaving instead of admiring him, but Kaya as a kid would also listen to Usopp's mom's stories about Yasopp and was excited by the idea of being a pirate. Kaya also wants to be a doctor because Usopp's mom died from a disease that was potentially treatable, but the doctors on syrup had no idea how to. this Kaya also chafes a lot more under Kuro's strict rules, and he was particularly upset because she kept "squandering" her family fortune on things like medical textbooks and expensive tutors. Kaya fights mostly with scalpels, because I'm an absolute sucker for characters that use scalpels like knives, and at some point on their journey (maybe Drum?) she learns to coat the blades in poisons/paralytics.
Sanji -> Reiju (Navigator) Reiju in this au is the sibling who the enhancements didn't work on, which Judge hates even more because Reiju looks so much like Sora. Sanji is technically Stealth Black, but he actually secretly does have emotions, the physical enhancements just worked on him. He still wants to be a cook, and one of the reasons Reiju wants to map the world is so she can find the All Blue for him. Reiju has a pretty similar backstory to canon Sanji, as in dungeon -> escape to a passenger ship -> shipwrecked with attacking pirate, etc, but the (currently unnamed) pirate she was shipwrecked with wanted to map the way to raftel, and instead of being stuck on a rock, they're stuck in a wrecked lifeboat, where they could theoretically get to an island if they had any navigational gear, but they didn't. Reiju is a bit paranoid about getting lost, the same way Sanji is about wasting food, and she aslo fights with kicks, because how could she draw detailed maps if she damaged her hands? (the only difference is that she wears sharp stiletto heels and tends to stab people with them.)
Chopper -> Vivi (Strategist/Diplomat) (+ Karoo) When this au's strawhats go to drum, they technically already have a doctor, but since Kaya can't treat the bug bite they still need help. Kaya learns a lot from Kureha, but since they don't need a doctor, Chopper stays on drum (for the time being.) Instead, at the end of the alabasta saga, Vivi entrusts her kingdom to her father and Kozha, and decides she'd rather be free and joins the strawhats. her job is kinda vague, but it's basically to try to deal with any situation the strawhats get into diplomatically, though they end up resorting to violence most of the time anyway. she's also the crew's planner, since Uta has a little more respect than Luffy for a well-thought-out plan (but not much!) Karoo also joins the crew, and is their "cute animal mascot" in place of Chopper. I imagine the fact of Vivi having the "will of D" is better-known or leaked somehow in this au, because there has to be someone on the crew who's a "D." Vivi fights using her peacock slashers, obviously, though they get a couple major upgrades at some point.
Robin -> Bon Clay/Bentham (Intel Officer/Entertainer) Robin still betrays Crocodile and helps the strawhats, but she runs off and joins the revolutionaries for a time instead. Instead, Bentham also betrays Crocodile, since he's grown to like Uta and the others, and joins the crew. he has two roles: his devil fruit allows him to gather intel when the crew needs it and confuse enemies, and he enjoys dancing and storytelling and does this in free time on the ship. the crew doesn't have an official musician, since Uta still loves music and grew up with this au's Luffy, who has the sing-sing fruit, so Uta and Bentham both play that role in a way. since both he and Vivi were in baroque works for a while, they often make references to that time like: "hey remember that time we did [super fucked up mission story none of the crew are willing to ask if is actually true]." Bentham's dream is not only to find the okama kingdom, but also to spread the okama ideal around the world so that more people understand it, which stems from his backstory - his parents disowned him because they weren't accepting of his identity :(. he fights with the okama kenpo style, and often trains with Reiju since their fighting styles are very compatible.
Franky -> Paulie (Shipwright) Paulie also wants to build a ship that sails the world, though he's less open about this ambition for fear of ridicule. after enies lobby - where Franky and Iceburg are captured to find the pluton blueprints - Franky decides to stay (for now) to help rebuild the galley-la company and fix up the sea trains with Iceburg. the ship the strawhats get built isn't the Sunny (if/when this au's Luffy sets sail, he'll eventually end up on the Sunny.) since I'm discarding most of the movie canon, their new ship is the Tot Musica: the figurehead bears a resemblance to the demon, and it's a bit more steampunk in design, since Paulie draws more inspiration from the sea trains and his style isn't the same as Franky's more high-tech designs. the Tot Musica's special features draw from stored solar power to work steam engines (like those in the sea trains) and to make an allusion to the sun since the ship isn't named after it. Paulie has a hard time at first on a ship with so many girls since he's so easily embarrassed lol… also he fights using a variety of ropes of different widths/strengths and with different weights/other objects tied onto them.
Brook -> Perona (Archeologist) the crew still help Brook out, but he decides he wants to sail a bit on his own to see how the world has changed. instead, they pick up Perona on thriller bark and she decides to join! I'm playing around a bit with how Perona's devil fruit works, and saying it also allows her to speak with ghosts to some extent. Perona gained an intrest in history because of this, and at one point in her childhood asked a ghost she knew to teach her lots of languages - this ghost was an oharan who died before the island was destroyed, so they taught her how to read poneglyphs without thinking it was a big deal. this ghost taught her enough that she is considered an honorary oharan archeologist, and she meets up with Robin at some point in the story and they get along pretty well. Perona's personality is still pretty close to canon, like her obsession with cute things (she loooves Karoo) but her dream is to find out more about the void century, since not even any ghosts she talks to can tell her about it. she fights using her devil fruit pretty much the same way, but she also has a tendency to see ghosts following people around and comment on it to unsettle them, like "oh your grandma is so disappointed in you :("
additionally, while most other canon characters stay the same, there are two other characters I'm adding, who also serve the purpose of rounding the supernovas up to an unlucky 13…
Lami Lami and Law both live in this au, and they're unhealthily codependent and attached at the hip. Lami is the Heart Pirates' first mate, though she's basically the co-captain. she and Law were both rescued by Corazon, since while both he and Doflamingo saw Doffy in Law, Cora saw himself in Lami. she's more of a medicinal/chemical based doctor as opposed to Law, a surgeon, and she fights using chemical concoctions and bombs - think a little like Honey Lemon from BH6? Lami originally doesn't have a devil fruit, but during dressrosa, since I haven't worked out how but I know Ace lives, the coliseum prize is Cora's devil fruit, which she obtains and eats.
Vicky "Punk Vicky" Victoria (the girl from Kidd's backstory who died & he named his ship after) is the captain of the Kidd Pirates, who are called the Punk Pirates in this au. Killer is still her first mate, and Kidd is the shipwright/mechanic/main fighter(?). Kidd still has the biggest bounty, due to property damage - something she's very frustrated about. I don't have much to work with for her, considering there's only one canon doodle of her, but to fit in with the punk-rock designs of the rest of the crew, I imagine she wears heavy/dark makeup, dyes her hair different bright colors (the mental image I have is her having a different hair color every time the strawhats meet her) and wears clothes with lots of spikes and patches. Vicky's main weapon would be a spiked baseball bat, and she's also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
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snackleggg · 9 months
Just some rambles, but I find Sengoku to be a very interesting character.
Unlike most Marine characters, we know very little about Sengoku's ambitions and moral alignment. Sengoku seems like an important character in the overarching story of One Piece due to: 1. His high ranking in the marines 2. His connection to Garp 3. Being present for a lot of major events (such as Marineford and Dressrosa (even if he only showed up at the end)).
Despite all of this, he never actually DOES anything. Most of the time, when we cut to him, he's usually in some marine base at a meeting or doing paperwork (or bickering with Garp). We have very few instances of him being out in the field and even fewer of him actually fighting despite him supposedly being an incredibly strong character both due to his devil fruit (which we haven't seen much of) and whatever marine training he's had.
A large part of One Piece are peoples dreams and goals. For Sengoku, we just flatout don't know what those are for him. Why did he join the Marines? How did he and Garp become friends? What military achievements led to him becoming one of the highest ranked Marines? Outside of him being Rosinante's and Drake's adopted father, we don't know ANY personal information about him.
He just does nothing and seems to follow the WG orders without a thought. Yet Oda makes it a point to involve him in important events, even if it's just cutting to him talking about the event with Garp.
I hope that at some point in the final arcs of One Piece, Sengoku ends up rebelling against the WG especially since we can see he lost trust in them after the cover up of Impel Down, and we finally get some personal information on him. It would also be a big turning point due to how much status he holds in the marines and all the information he may have.
I hope that whatever causes him to turn against the world government has to do with Law. It's already established that they have a connection through Rosinante, plus despite Sengoku knowing that Law had teamed up with Luffy and the whole stunt of Dressrosa he didn't even attempted to bring Law in/capture him even though he was wounded and exhausted, using the excuse that he wasnt a field officer. He just had a little chat with him and then let him on his way.
Generally, I just really like the idea of Sengoku taking on a grandfatherly role to Law or just looking out for him for Rosinante. Plus, I love the parallel between Sengoku and Garp's & Law and Luffy's friendship. (They are both chanting "Not my circus, not my Monkey's" every time that family does some shit but too bad for them, they are their Monkey's)
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kethsi · 1 year
omg, I’m so glad that somebody else sees what Jagex did to Zamorak too — I feel like I’m driving myself crazy getting upset about how bad the retcons are because nobody else seems notice or care! :|
Thank you for showing me I’m not the only one so I can stop gaslighting myself into thinking I’m just being unreasonably bitter… (I totally still am.)
You're absolutely not alone in your realization there. If you feel like you've noticed the whiplash that is character 'progression' in RuneScape, chances are it's absolutely there, and also good on you for keeping your eyes peeled and either doing certain quests back to back or reading dialogue transcripts from time to time. The reason most people either don't notice or don't agree with you is because the mods sitting down in the RS discord lore channels are doing a phenomenal job shrugging and going "Eeeeeh you're wrong, we totally didn't do that" or "Agree to disagree" whenever someone brings up the slightest inconsistencies instead of owning it and committing to being better at consistent writing.
I firmly believe that Jagex as a company as well as any of their lore teams never had a character sheet for any NPC in the game whatsoever. Not having a character's logical end goal written down is acceptable - growth, change and development are great things. The problems start where you can clearly tell they don't have the key traits or values that characters believe in discussed or written down anywhere. Their way of 'developing' characters is giving them 180s from one extreme to the next, while always using 'this is the only way!' as justification, whether it's Kerapac or the young god of the week. They also seem to have a weird liking for showing that their current 'fav' is good by demonizing and vilifying other characters, which is bizarre because you can be a 2/10 writer and still be more than adequate at making your favs likeable without having to go the Jagex route and bash another character to make yours look good (The complete bastardization of EVERYONE to make Saradomin look good in comparison was about as subtle as a Barrelchest in a WG's house). Zamorak specifically is such a baffling case. Going from 'the world is worse with Zaros in it, and if no one will remove him, I will', to having a borderline panic attack on his knees clutching the stone of Jas like a stabilizing support wall while the other gods were grilling him about killing Zaros (which, come on, you KNOW Saradomin totally wanted to do and would've if he could!) before nuking Forinthry partially out of the panic and confusion of being cornered like that, to winning the lower classes of Infernus their freedom because damnit they deserve to fight for their right to live, to perfecting the philosophy of wanting to fight to improve your life to this... uh... defeatist attitude? out of nowhere? Sending Khazard to steal an ancient artifact that could turn the tide of a war currently at a stalemate because we're all doomed and there's no sense trying? What? and destroying it because if he's not achieved victory over the Elder threat himself, none of us deserve to fight? Since when? Has he become Zaros's Legatus Maximus by quitting the moment things didn't go his way in combat? Obviously not. So why turn the one character with burning ambition and a will to live glowing as brightly as a newborn star into this sadsack that has to ruin it for everyone else if he can't get his way? Because you want to build Saradomin up as righteous? Because Armadyl deserves more screentime? Because you want him out of the way for when you bastardize Seren next quest before quickly coming back to grill him again? Clearly someone at Jagex ran out of ideas on who to character-assassinate next. And clearly not enough people have told that person to think it through.
Zamorak's not even the only one it happened to, y'know? Remember Kerapac? You know, Kerapac, who in OoaK is the bright, reasonable, genius scientist gritting his teeth through chronic pain to give a fighting chance to others he believe were affected by the selfishness of gods or fate, while respecting others' agency enough not to force them either way (Remember the whole 'Hey Hannibus, if you wanna sacrifice yourself for a chance and a shot in the dark, go for it, but no pressure either way' thing? I do. I remember. I remember that Kerapac before he got ripped away from us and replaced with a lunatic). Then, 2 quests down the line, he controls the needle and time itself and is an extremist who won't listen to reason whatsoever? What was it he said? 'I'm giving you a chance to say goodbye to your loved ones, be happy and take it?' something along those lines? Dude, you control time itself, you have a shadow anima device to force a non-interaction clause from the elders if you play it correctly, and the best you can give us is "It's my way or the highway and if you want any say or rights, f you", when an amicable solution that would've been preferable is "I'll rewind time for a few weeks while you evacuate everyone through the world gate so I can kill the elders in peace and you can return whenever I'm done fighting them if the planet survives" - Kerapac still gets to be reasonable, WG still gets to refuse because no other world has the biome to accommodate all species and factions on the planet, also putting them so close to eachother will just escalate old conflicts immediately and whatnot... But no. Let's make the enslaved guy battling chronic pain the monster while implying he's a monster specifically because he thinks the eldritch horrors enslaving his species deserve consequences. Why not. Oh wait. I'll tell you why not. Maybe because if you don't have anything new, helpful, or carefully nuanced to say about a heavy subject, you shouldn't touch the heavy subject.
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
Chapter 1064 — Egghead’s research stratum
Or, ‘Keep still my beating Heart’ because puns make the world go round.
So much info about the Heart Pirates! And a new name!
But to start form the top. Or the cover story.
Kuzan is officially a Blackbeard pirate, in the ink. I do wonder about his motivations. What drives him now? And what did Blackbeard make him do to prove his ambition in joining them? He must have he his reservations as well when a former admiral turns up on your doorstep with a ‘I wanna join’-note tacked onto his penguin.
And speaking of Penguin…
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You get the page because look at that!
The beautiful perspective of Blackbeard on top of Doc W on top of Stronger!
Helmsman has a name! ‘Hakugan’ is either a snow goose or a sort of peony. With the Hearts animal theme, I’m going with the goose.
Shachi and Penguin have a mission! A purpose! Great combat and swimming skills!
I also really enjoy sneering Blackbeard, with his very piratey ‘you bilge-sucking’ rats’ there.
‘No-one told me..’ indicates extensive research into fruit powers, which isn’t that surprising since his crew hunts powerful Devil Fruits. But Blackbeard is a strong opponent: he is surprised, but adapts to the situation at once.
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Can somebody please animate this?
Doc W’s fate is still (literally) up in the air while flee focus on..
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..Bepo of the Sensitive Ears and Jean-Bart of the Iron Heart! Such great teamwork!
Another page because look at that Law.
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So cocky. So capable. So ready to throw down.
And menacing Blackbeard, in it for all he can get!
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But it doesn’t look good for Law.. I do trust his resilience and adaptability. And if nothing else, some catching up with Koby and Pudding in Blackbeard’s cells could be something. Pudding might have a rubbing of the Poneglyph and Law could be the key to keep block her third eye and ability? Who knows, but I’m here for the ride!
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Can I just post the whole chapter, page by page?
This explains the Hearts fighting style and rise to fame. Also: “who knew they were so strong underwater?”
They have a submarine. Made for underwater shenanigans. It would be weird if their main strength wasn’t under water.
And Pudding! Still no clear yea or nay for the fate of Big Mom and Kaido, as the dialogue shows.
But also: if Pudding is there, then Kuzan is there and I foresee an ice age..
But back to Egghead!
[picture of old geezers and young Bonney removed due to limitation on picture numbers]
Is Jinbe old or young? And those alternative Luffy and Chopper are uncanny when you’ve seen the SBS-versions.
And it’s infodump time!
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Jinbe, Jinbe, Jinbe. After all your own experiences with the World Government, don’t you think that might be, you know, propaganda? Especially with, I realise you don’t see due to narrative purposes, Kuma being drawn in a similarly exaggerated way as for example Fukurokuju described Luffy and gang in Onigashima.
Why would a king have ties to the Revolutionaries? And why would the WG employ such a person as a shichibukai, even if he agreed to being a Guinea pig? A shichibukai still has a lot of freedom and they could just have imprisoned him on Egghead instead.
My theory: Kuma wanted to reform his country in a more democratic direction, the WG didn’t like that, deposed Kuma through a banana-like coup* and he became a pirate. He might have the same physical anomaly as Blackbeard which made Vegapunk interested, and he might have been the one to persuade the WG to let Kuma run lose to… test the cyborg modifications in the field?
And Bonney might have been too young to understand what really happened: she looks doubtful but still defends her father.
*Look up United Fruit and South America if this is an unfamiliar reference
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You can’t see both boobs and ass at the same time. Not without some serious spinal injury, at least.
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Okay, Vegapunk’s lab looks really cool. And there has to be some Feature(TM) to the boots, they’ve been so very visible the last few chapters. Can they fly?
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So much is happening: disaster-dad-Sanji, Ken-doll-Usopp (why Oda, he has the body! Let him flaunt it!), Wind-Up-Franky…. and Robin does look cool, although trousers would be a bonus.
And the connection between Vegapunk and Dragon is confirmed! Can’t wait to hear more!
I wonder if Vegapunk realises he’s become old and wants to go out with a bang, if he knows about he CP0-mission or both?
Great chapter! I give it a heap of plot and a sprinkle of intrigue.
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anti-solidcoffee · 1 year
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Guildtober Day 3 - Recreate a Meme
Super late but here she is lol
And the reference meme:
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tumblestonesa · 2 years
"You were not what I was expecting." (From WG for evil Augustine?) | @flarefeu
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"I could say the same, Lysandre." Not his. His is stone, positioned in a place of beauty like the love of his life deserves, a short walk from Augustine's lab. He reaches out to touch the other on the arm, almost reverently. "Was this my ambition, or the product of your passions, mon soliel?"
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abysscronica · 2 years
Yeah, ngl if this is really all Oda’s gonna give and he has no plans beyond that….it hurts and lowkey pisses me off
But imo it seems kinda similar to how Law met Shachi and Penguin and formed the Heart Pirates. So maybe there is a little bit of hope 🤞 This info was so stupidly vague and doesn’t even address his Pirate King ambition. Just seems weird if that’s all Oda has and lowkey disrespectful to his character
Do you think this’ll have any impact on Kid’s future role in the story? A lot of people are seemingly taking it to mean that Wano was his big moment
Hey, I'm still holding out hope. There's the fact that the SBS seem to say Kid & gang are from a "certain" island in the South Blue, that's usually Oda's way to withhold information because he wants to use it later. So there's still some chance we might see more on this in the future. For example, what if he's from the same island Ace is from and his family was caught into the WG looking for Roger's child?
I also found a little weird that the backstory didn't mention at all Kid's dreams and ambitions, that sets quite a sway from the lists of parallelisms (and anti-parallels) between him and Luffy. But this may still be addressed in the future. 🤞
As for Wano being Kid's high moment, not gonna lie, it's also one of my fears. I truly hope there's more in store for the Kid Pirates, but I'm prepared for everything (or not, damn, I'm not prepared at all and I know it 😭).
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yvelgr · 2 years
@flarefeu asked:
"Must we fight, old friend?" (WG for Yveltal)
As if they might roar in such a title, their voice ringing within the general's mind like fire burning away at one's skin. All consuming and indiscriminate to it's own boundless abhorrence to whom spoke to them. Friend? No, no, this was a tool to this man, they were but a means to an end, a use for furthering his own wishes, his own hapless and pointless dream.
And how disgusting it was, so bound and in metaphorical chains.
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' you are no friend, no companion, not even PERSON! you, a monster given life and death to your will, with nothing to stand against that toxic ambition. yet i, yet I will not willingly allow myself to be BOUND, to make every STONE STATUE a STRUGGLE, i will never willingly give in, I will ALWAYS fight, to haunt your life, to drain away at your being, to be fed by and SCOWL as i BITE AWAY. i, who will be the RAVEN that gouges out your EYES for ETERNITY. '
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1067 - Initial Thoughts
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So we have an early one today thanks to translations showing up earlier
Fresh off of some Ancient Kingdom and Ohara reveals we jump into the next chapter with further intrigue on what lore we'll get next. We've met every Vegapunk but soon conflict is bound to take place.
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
So it seems that Judge and Caesar aren't on good terms, since their first encounter since MADS is to throw hands
Like I predicted, Vegapunk did basically cut down his brain to reduce his head size
Turns out beforehand his head was so big he was the size of a giant
And the reason is a Devil Fruit, he makes it clear that he was still a genius at birth, but it seems the fruit (Nomi Nomi no Mi, I think the first time he tried he bit his tongue) allows him to have an eidetic memory too
Chopper of course is interested as a fellow Doctor, asking if Vegapunk is strong as well
Luffy meanwhile does ask an intriguing point though; if he cut his brain, doesn't that make him dumb now?
Vegapunk however seems to take offense to that, calling the son of his friend 'damn brat' now
Turns out the apple head isn't just a fashion choice, it's an antenna
I knew they kept showing 'PUNK RECORDS' for a reason, turns out that gigantic egg is actually Vegapunk's brain!
The antenna psychically connects, uploads and downloads data to his head, and his other satellites too
'Is that a ninja move!?' well...no, but also yes, depends if you have the Rinnegan and six dead bodies...
Each Satellite is also an expert in a certain field (I did get that feeling too given how Lilith was working on mechs but Atlas on amenities)
Once a day it appears that they synchronize their experiences and knowledge into Punk Records
Naturally the mechanics are flying over Luffy's head, at least this time he's not entirely alone in that regard
It would appear as well that Vegapunk has ambitions to share this brain network with others, creating a 'sea of knowledge'
Chopper likes the idea but Jinbe does wonder the repercussions of Punk Records being able to access your brain directly
It's time though for Bonney to pop off, though I kinda expected her to go guns (well, laser sword) blazing though I guess she does also want to see if Kuma's mind can be restored
Jinbe tries to talk her down but Vegapunk is worried about the laser sword's after-effect
It attracts bugs, which apparently Bonney is scared of which makes her freak out
Oh Luffy and his beetles, Bonney's a bit catatonic right now to appreciate his find, at least the beetle itself is happy
Vegapunk does seem regretful towards the Bonney situation, but also relieved that she used a 'failed product'
He also asks about the rumor that there was another Dragon in Wano, confirming that it was his artificial Devil Fruit made from Kaido's lineage factor from 20 years of funding
Joyboytheories strikes again, Vegapunk deems Momo's fruit a failure because it's Pink, meaning the laser sword is likely a failure because it attracts bugs too
Very lucky the WG never asked why he deemed anything a failure or else they'd be sitting on an army of Power Rangers-themed Dragon fruit users
Luffy then decides to ask Vegapunk to activate the mecha, but Vegapunk states that he never built it, it attacked Marejois 200 years ago, but was made over 900 years ago
'Attacked' may not be accurate though, since Vegapunk goes on to note that it didn't damage anything due to a lack of energy, and they don't know what it was made for or made to do, let alone where it came from
Nevertheless, the WG wanted it destroyed, but curious scientists instead hid it, the WG still don't know it's here either
Jinbe's got a pensive look though
It appears that the mech is also what Shaka was showing the other members of the crew
Turns out that 200 years is also the time since discrimination against Fishmen started, it's possible that they believed Fishman Island connected to the mech and felt it climbed the Red Line much like Tiger would later do
Shaka tells the group that they built the Vega Force based off of this mech, but they couldn't make everything because they don't know its power source
The crew also get filled in about Bonney, think it's Usopp who recognizes her but it could be someone behind the group
Love that Luffy's go-to for Vegapunk reminding him that Bonney has a reason to be pissed at him is 'say you're sorry'
But Vegapunk is back to being vague again, lamenting about not giving her something
He also asks Luffy a request: to get him out of the island!
I mean, I can see the reasons but if he leaves doesn't he go braindead? How big is the range on Punk Records?
CP0 are here at the island, and they've already taken out one of the Vega Force beasts
Seems CP0 also know that Bonney's there, but Lucci wants to kill her since she no longer has use
The Satellites are alerted by CP0's presence, including Lucci - which does render the mask redundant
Lilith, being evil and by the sounds of things an agent of drama, wants to let Lucci in, though the group have objections given the Enies Lobby flashbacks
Shaka though pulls his Punk 01 duties though, they ain't letting CP0 in willingly
Things are going down at the Kambakka kingdom too though; Kuma has activated
Lindbergh was repairing him thus the metal appendages but he seems to be on the move, dragging the machines with him
Kuma won't respond where he's going though (doesn't seem to be using his DF either) which causes Dragon and Iva to be on edge about his motivations
Another break now too -_-
Another lore based chapter now with us tying in Fishmen to whatever this mech is. Given that it appeared 200 years ago it rules out it being armour for Oars, since he died 500 years ago.
I'm kinda mixed on Vegapunk being DF-powered to an extent, it's true it's not the reason for his intelligence but it does undermine it a little, he's also shown to be pedantic on what counts as a success or failure, which may end up turning in the Straw Hats' favour if they end up picking up some 'failed' products. The reveal that his brain is the giant egg is a clever one though, even if 'psychic waves' is a bit dodgy.
CP0's presence looks to activate the conflict portion of the arc, given how Shaka won't let them in it's going to end up being a fight between Punks and CP0, I would be a little concerned about Lilith though given how she wants them to come. All the while there's also the concern that the stella body may go out of range for Punk Records too, hard to know if getting him off the island means his brain as well, also we need to know why.
In addition to this I do kinda have the slight fear now that SWORD and Tashigi were just one-off appearances, I still hope not obviously but if CP0 are already here there'd need to be a reason to compel them to come to Egghead as well, maybe they get a distress call or info from Drake, heck we don't even know if Smoker's at that base, Egghead or back at G-5 yet either maybe he could alert them.
Which finally continues on with Kuma, his wordless reaction does leave a big question mark over his destination; marejois, Bonney, wherever he left his trusty bible? His mouth is smoking as well maybe there's something to that too?
Nevertheless, Oda's gonna make us wait extra to find out, maybe next chapter we'll get Zoro and Brook doing something too, given how much we've put them out of the loop.
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briefsoulsuit · 6 months
hey, im here to as for a reading on what wg feels for me ?? thank uuuu <3 i’m ma
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Also Disney Villains Tarot
Seven of Wands R
Four of Swords R
Two of Swords
Three of Pentacles R
Devil R
On dropping the cards I note that the Two of Swords stuck behind the Three of Coins
All of these cards are inverted except the Two of Swords. Normally I'd see that as a positive but you asked what THEIR feeling were.
If read upright this spread spells danger.
There is something hiding as a blessing that you're not willing to look at.
You can see that something's not quite right, but you're blinded at the moment by your own ambitions.
At some point you're going to have to face the facts and accept that even if someone seems generous and kind, some coins are two faced and the Devil always collects his dues.
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yamatossideboob · 10 months
One Piece 1099 spoilers!
I put off doing this yesterday bc qf the aged-up child Bonney aspect just nauseates me. It's unnecessary and creepy and just doesn't add anything that wasn't done already and better. By this I mean the 'forced to grow up while still a child' aspect that I assume Oda is going for, which was done much more powerfully and much less creepily with Momonosuke, literally and figuratively! Unless next week and beyond really turn things around, this just damages Bonney's character so much, jfc Oda.
ahem. Let's see what else this chapter offers:
The cover pages is admittedly very good
so we don't even get to see how Bonney got her fruit 8T Oda is not beating the allegations!!
so the whole Kuma the Tyrant angle is just WG hearsay backed by tabloid media. makes sense lol. This is less interesting than what could have been with Kuma's character but tbqh I'm just glad he's not like that lmao.
Also ngl when I saw the Paw Paw 'Splosion I assumed Kuma just Mountbattened Bekori to smithereens, but nah.
Old prune Bonney messing with Connie is cute 🥺
I respect pacifism when it's integral to a person or character's being, but in fiction and real life it's just. not practical and often not admirable lmfaoooooooo
I do love this bit with Kuma visiting places he would later send the Strawhats. Also, actual bounty hunters! (I'll never not be a little miffed that they didn't have a bigger role in OP, but I can hardly complain)
I really do love the back n forth between Kuma, Dragon and Betty, esp the captain bit... idk what Dragon's been up to off-page all these years but little touches like this really sell what he's clearly meant to be.
YAY KOALA MENTION also Sabo too I guess
sigh... I do appreciate that we see Bonney training to take on the seas one day, even if it won't be like she hoped it would. In retrospect this helps sells how she became one of the Worst Generation later on.
She's right though, Vegapunk's original head has always squicked me a little... *shudders*
That tiny bit between Sentomaru and Bonney is very cute 🥺🫶
Oda Says Fund Stem Cell Research!
srs though what a peculiar term to see in OP imo lol
okay here we're getting a hint at just how Vegapunk could stand to make all those weapons and such for the WG while claiming to be working for humanity's good... morality and ambition are not glad bedmates....
Though I can well say similar about Kuma... deal with the devil indeed....
and so a terrible beauty is born...
Another chapter is scheduled for next week, but with the condition of the last installment (and possibly Oda), I'll not count eggs etc. Hopefully the usual break was what Oda needed, and the SJ winter break is around the corner... I really hate this industry lads.
Til next time 💪✖️
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silverpathfinder · 1 year
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Meet Faby Brinewing, one of my oldest OC, who I just updated:
Youngest daughter of House Brinewing, Faby is a shy and reclusive harpy that shares none of the aggressive ambition and opportunism of her seagull related species. What she is however, is an hedonist whose lack of self-control made her the heaviest harpy in the whole city of Silvershore.
To learn more about Faby and how she acquired such a cumbersome figure, you can read this story I wrote, which is centred around her: A Travel to End them All (WG)
This piece is a update of a very old drawing I made of her. She is in fact one of my oldest OCs ^^
I changed her anatomy to place the wings in the back, as this body plan was more fitting with the kind of society the harpies of my setting are part off. Not that it changes much for Faby, as she is so heavy she can barely get her feet off the ground on a good day.
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