#wh rembrandt
eye-cri · 3 months
Shout out to me and Aidma 🗣🗣❗️we got a birthday today 💯❗️
So I decided to bring back the birthday meme series in a different font 😁 enjoy (Part 1. There will be 2 other parts, all posted today, instead of waiting for another year for each. Lolzies!!)
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I love re-using this CG to always portray Vincent as a middle aged frat boy 😭😭 it's just so funny, like look at him every time I re-use the pic and try to tell me it doesn't get funnier every time.
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memoria-99 · 8 months
Caesar finds love
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Who will be his choice?
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 15 - Happy Ending (1-5)
Last time on the Caesar Route, everybody gets trapped inside the castle until they’re broken out by Hugo ex Machina finally doing something helpful for once. They all make it out of the castle alive, but then the wizard army comes to arrest Caesar for all those crimes he committed.
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Starting on a real high note with Shithead escorting Liz and Caesar to the Ministry for some Consequences That Certain Other Characters Never Faced (i know usually I target Shithead with these jokes, but Azusa also comes to mind). 
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Guess that’s why this is the happy ending. I wonder what the unhappy ending’s like.
Anyway, Shithead discreetly tells Liz and Caesar that Zett and Lucious escaped, although I kind of want to see what would happen if the Ministry decided they needed to question or arrest Lucious, considering that minor thing where he’s cursed to never leave the Labyrinth. 
Liz thinks on the positive side and thinks they have a chance to get Caesar’s name cleared, but Caesar isn’t so sure. 
So Liz, Caesar, and Shithead go to the office of Thanatos, a character who I probably should remember considering he has a Big Scary Name but I cannot for the life of me remember who this guy is. 
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Huh. I guess this is Thanatos. Skull’s on brand, considering the name. 
Just to summarize the next series of events here, Caesar lies and tells Thanatos that Liz didn’t know about his plans for the Star Sapphire, but Liz tells him that she knew about them. Thanatos doesn’t give a fuck about their attempts to cover for each other but tells Caesar that his petty crimes while living in the shitty circus is something he can overlook, and the big thing is basically cheating his way into the Academy and “stealing” the Star Sapphire, even though I’m not sure any legal definition of stealing can be applied to what happened to the Star Sapphire, since it technically never left the place they found it.
Also, why does the Ministry have any legal jurisdiction over a region that transcends space and time anyway?
Nevermind, I’m not going down the rabbit hole of trying to make sense of a barely-build world’s vaguely defined and probably corrupt legal system.
So anyway Thanatos decides that Liz will also be tried “equally” with Caesar, which makes no sense because she didn’t commit the same crimes as he did. For starters, she didn’t cheat her way into the academy. Shouldn’t the charge be aiding and abetting, or something similar? Thanatos ignores Shithead’s attempts to speak up on Liz’s behalf until his receptionist barges in and announces that Remy’s here. 
So Remy comes in and finally addresses the elephant in the room that Caesar pursued the Star Sapphire to save his fucking life, then says that even though he got into the Academy illegally, he’s still a skilled wizard who became a prefect. Which is a little more dubious imo but whatever, it’s coming straight from the Headmaster.
We’re gonna have to wait until next time to see what Thanatos makes of this. I’m sure it’ll be very reasonable and definitely not something that will remind us that ACAB applies to fiction as well.
Queued for July 20
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ind1exo · 3 months
[ How I Pronounce WH Characters' Names ]
Elias Goldstein: (2017) El-li-yahs Gold-steen; (Now) El-li-yis Gold-steen
Yukiya Reizen: (2017) Yu-kai-yah Rey-zin; (Now) Yu-key-ya Rey-zin
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Klaus Goldstein: Claus Gold-steen
Randy March: Ran-dee March
Azusa Kuze: Uh-zu-sa Ku-zay
Joel Crawford: (2017) Johl Crawford; (Now) Jo-el Crawford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leon
Cerim Leiado: Ser-im Lay-ah-do
Guy Brighton: Guy Brai-tin
Glenn Qing: Glenn King
Leslie Roseblade: Les-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Sih-gurd Kur-tis
Mel Glover: Mehl Glow-ver
Zeus Brundle: Zeus Brun-dul
Hiro Tachibana: He-ro Tah-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fonse Gold-steen
Caesar Raphael: See-zar Ra-fai-el
Lucious Duller: (2018) Luh-cious Dul-ler; (Months ago) Lu-see-is Dul-ler; (Now) Lu-cious Dul-ler I've taken years of vacations off the game twice so that's why the timeline is drastic
Hugo Peers: Hue-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: He-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-rae
Willem V. Rembrandt: Will-em V. Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nohx No-ar
Rex Blanc: Rehx Blahnk
Gray: Gray
Ted: Tehd
Lars Lagrene: Lars Lah-gren
Clive Lagrene: Clive Lah-gren
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-den
Albert Auburne: Ahl-bert Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Feel-lix
Viggo: Vih-go
Vain: Vain
Zett: Zeht
Augustus Cole: Au-gist-us Kole
Scarlett Quinn: Skar-let Quin
Randolph: Randolph
Conrad Schuyler: Cohn-rad Sk-huy-ler (It's hard to tell how his last name is actually pronounced...)
Loran Merkulova: Low-ran Mer-ku-lova
Thanatos: Than-na-tohs
Lacan: Lah-kan
Carbuncle: Car-bun-kle
Eress: Air-ess
Ronnie: Rah-nee
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mees-cha (Surprisingly, since my accent is supposed to make me say Mihs-cha like mischievous)
Chocolate Cake (Coco): I just call him Coco because saying the whole name is a pain. Luca reference
Nidhogg: Nihd-hog
Shu: Shoo
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mcl-mia · 1 year
//so... i have (finally) began trudging my way through the routes of wh again (done every route prior to rembrant's, sans klaus 2 because i am petty and still think it shouldn't have existed), and i've finally gotten to nox's route. just finished rembrandt's. and like... man do i have Thoughts. so i'm going to compile them and scream into the void. many of them will probably be on rembrandt's route, but that's because.... you know. the one i just finished.
first of all. narrative wise, i ADORE the continuation. i love how they are all in one connected timeline, it really brings such a finality to season 2 and it does, despite having its own issues, fixes what one of my biggest problems with the s1 routes (i.e. self contained story lines that don't connect anywhere). they introduce like, 80% of the cast that you're going to be interacting with and dating for the forseeable future and it makes it feel like a proper overarching storyline actually EXISTS!!! AND THERE IS ONE!!! AND IT WILL SOMETIMES REFERENCE S1 STUFF!!! IT'S SO GOOD. SO GOOD.
-100 points for having the rest of the s1 cast being almost fucking absent though. i understand that like. narratively they wouldn't always need to be there. however. i miss my boys. also -10000000 points for practically no amelia. where's my fucking wingman.
i 👏 love 👏 the 👏 night 👏 class 👏 boys. 👏👏👏 they feel like an actual friend group and shit like this makes me soooooo fucking emotional:
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literally this makes me so feral. like, these people are liz's best fucking friends and it SHOOOWWWWSSS. the unconditional love here makes my heart want to burst.
i am eating so much good food lore wise. geography from bith hisoka and rembrandt's routes have me eating so good.
i like the time travel aspect well enough, though i do wish they did a smidge more with it? i'm not done with the rest of the routes yet obv but i'm curious to see if liz gets to keep her time powers. the end of rembrandt's route seems to imply that she lost them because the goddess crystal shattered, though?? status is currently unclear.
this line from mischa destroyed me:
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like seriously. what the fuck. this is such a good line. and it reminds me that hugo, vain, and mischa have seen so many possible timelines that exist, and yet there IS one where hugo decides to take his shot. i know they basically have everybody be in love with liz but i think it's especially cute but very cruel for hugo, who almost certainly falls in love with her every time he meets her in a different timeline. just something to think about.
speaking of mischa. i think it's fucking adorable how chica and mischa are pen pals. besties. refined ladies. we love them. idk why tumblr doesn't want me to upload the screenshot but it's really cute.
so. routes. hugo's and hisoka's felt like..... nothing? like sure, they had some Big Picture Plot relevance, hugo's moreso for obvious reasons, but hisoka's felt like a beach episode. really weird.
hisoka's especially felt like nothing. like, cool that they introduce beastmen and , subsequently,the not so cool furry racism (wow i love fe9/fe10). but like. what else did it do besides have rembrandt take his watch back. and some geography. it was a nice change of pace, but the stakes felt so incredibly low compared to the two other routes its sandwiched between. don't get me wrong, i love the ending that came out from it. i LOVE the market idea and i love how it was walter fucking goldstein that sponsors hisoka. i just wish that, like..... there was bigger things going on in it. cute route overall, but just felt a little out of place. also hachi is a 10/10 familiar. would give so many pets.
ok. so rembrandt. i love, like, a LOT of how this route is written, to an extent. it is SO full of lore and dragonkin biology. i also like the overt head-smashing symbolism of rembrandt's magic being called "twilight" - not quite day, not quite night. if i were any dumber i'd call it clever.
so. to go back to the bad. because i think, very ironically, rembrandt is the worst part of his own fucking route. it's not that i don't find rembrandt exceedingly pretty, because he is, and his characterization is kinda... good? but he's just not the rest of the cast. literally the rest of the s2 squad consistently make me smile and giggle like a child, while i'm giving the "romance" a 1000 yard stare.
like, seriously. this small convo with lucious is just fucking great and better than any dialogue liz and rembrandt have ever had:
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lucious calling his friends virgins is so funny. you go you funky little dude. never change, baby boy. but this is just soooo GOOD.
there's a lot of instances where they make it a point to show that the s2 cast really cares for liz, and that they are so comfortable around her. there's SO much good interaction and it's so cute... and then rembrandt is just. there. in the corner. losing his religion.
ok but seriously. let's talk about rembrandt himself for a sec. because like, rembrandt is fine. i appreciate that they don't beat around the bush that he is literally going to outlive liz. i also appreciate that everybody else is like, "do not fucking trust him, he is literally the enemy". unfortunate that due to the nature of the route liz is like "nuh uh" which makes everyone else be like "fym nuh uh". overall though i feel like he's just. too bland. which is WILD considering that he was a prison of war for like 1000 years. i know it's moreso that in his route he has (because of liz) finally started to trust humans again, but i wanted hesitation, i wanted DRAMA, a more romeo and juliet type beat!!! that came kinda close to it, but rembrandt being there and basically turning himself in is.... lame. very lame. sigh.
and then we have the incorporation of rembrandt into the main group. like, i love the night class boys SO much. and like, it bothered me a lot when liz would be like "oh don't worry rembrandt, we're your friends and you're part of the group now!" when rembrandt would do basically nothing but exist there. like, he barely interacted with them??? he felt very out of place, especially when the rest of the boys were still unsure about rembrandt. at least make fun of zeus like the rest of us, old man.
also. the plot point where rembrandt met liz when she was a kid, and she changed his whole outlook on humans..... uuuugggghhhhh. felt very unnecessary imo. it's like they just wanted to slap in another romance trope to make up for the fact that there wasn't a lot of romance to begin with. uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
this was funny:
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thank you for your services caesar o7
oh! and nox's outfit as nightmare is dumb. i know wh probably wasn't getting the greatest budget in the world but like... could have made it, like, so much better. i'll do a separate post for that in a min.
uhhhhhh i think that's all i got for now. i have . more but y'know. more to come.
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cheap-laptops-site · 2 years
Cheap Laptop Gaming Oled Display with AMD 6800u
Specs – Asus Zenbook S 13 UM5302
Asus Zenbook S 13 UM5302TAScreen13.3 inch, 2.8K 2880 x 1800 px, 60 Hz, OLED, glossy, touch, Samsung SDC4172 panelProcessorAMD Rembrandt 6000, up to Ryzen 7 6800U, 8C/16TVideoAMD Radeon 680MMemory16 GB LPDDR5-6400 (soldered)Storage1x M.2 PCIe 4.0 x4 SSD (Samsung PM9A1), single M.2 2280 slotConnectivityWireless 6E (Mediatek MT7922), Bluetooth 5.2Ports3x USB-C 3.2 with data, video, charging; audio jackBattery67 Wh, 65W USB-C charger with quick-chargingSize297 mm or 11.68” (w) x 210 mm or 8.29 (d) x 14.9 mm or 0.59” (h)Weight2.4 lbs (1.08 kg)+ .49 lbs (.22 kg) charger + cables, EU versionExtraswhite backlit keyboard, glass NumberPad, HD webcam without Hello, finger sensor in the power button, stereo bottom speakers
The Zenbook S 13 OLED is a powerful and stylish companion for people who are always on the go. It has the latest AMD RyzenTM 6000-Series Processors and AMD RadeonTM graphics in its super-thin magnesium-aluminum alloy body, which is only 14.9 mm thick. The Ponder Blue finish on the Zenbook S 13 OLED makes it stand out, but it still fits in anywhere. Your eyes and fingers will enjoy the clarity and responsiveness of the 16:10 13.3-inch 2.8K OLED NanoEdge touchscreen, which is Dolby Vision-certified and has ultra-vibrant colors for a superior viewing experience. And your ears will love how the Dolby Atmos audio system makes the sound feel like it's coming from all around you. This is about as classy as it gets when it comes to elegance. The Zenbook S 13 OLED has three USB-C® ports that support Power Delivery and 4K external displays to make it easier to get work done. The audio combo jack makes it easy to connect to other devices and send and receive audio. * The actual transfer speed of USB 3.2 (Gen 1 and Gen 2) and/or Thunderbolt will depend on many things, such as the processing speed of the host device, the file attributes, and other things related to how your system is set up and how you are using it.
Summary: The ZenBook S 13 is a more compelling ultrabook than any of its 13-inch ZenBook predecessors before, and one of the best-value ultraportables available as of mid-2022. That's partially a consequence of the multiple improvements that Asus brought to this design, as well as of the implementation of the excellent AMD Ryzen 6000 hardware platform, even if it doesn't run at its full potential in this compact and power-limited chassis.
Our score: 4.5 / 5
refreshed design and ultra-portable form factor
improved build quality and ergonomics over previous gen
punchy OLED screen, now with 180 hinge
good keyboard and clickpad
balanced performance in daily use and demanding loads, for the class
67 Wh battery and long runtimes
competitively priced
USB-C only IO, so you might need adapters
only available with OLED screens, no matte IPS options
power-limited Ryzen 7 6800U implementation, especially impacting sustained GPU performance
Read more:
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
Okay, so this new collection is out and can I just say,
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3 of my husbands are in this 😍🤤🤤
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HNNNGH I could never be mad at you baby 😏 You just can't ever leave me
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And something about Yukiya in all black makes my underwear and my jaw just drop to the ground 😅🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍😍
Uh, I'm gonna wait until a triple boost comes out to start going crazy on this collection so y'all will have to give me some time to complete this collection, but you mark my words I will! ᕙ(☉ਊ☉)ᕗ
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solarsollux · 5 years
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@leonthecardboardunicorn had the awesome idea for pirate dragonkin, so I did some fanart of their fanart of pirate Rem!!!
Check out their art here!!
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Ngl I made myself sick out of excitement for Rembrandt's route
I've been waiting for this
I shall die in peace
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45654757899987 · 3 years
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Happy now 2 weeks belated bday @leonthecardboardunicorn ❤
Palette num 6 used
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eye-cri · 3 years
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memoria-99 · 3 months
First impressions on the names in WH
Elias: Looks like a Christian
Luca: Vocaloid Luka
Yukiya: Snow? Is he Japanese?
Klaus: Santa Claus
Randy: Somehow rhymes with candy
Azusa: Another Japanese style name
Vincent: Van Gogh
Leon: He doesn't look like lion
Cerim: Never heard of that name
Guy: Ofc he's not a girl
Leslie: Never seen a boy using this name
Sigurd: How should I pronounce sig part?
Mel: On
Zeus: Greek god crazy for women
Hiro: Hero
Alfonse: Daudet
Caesar: Where's Cleopatra
Lucious: Malfoy?
Hugo: The author of Les Miserables
Hisoka: Pedophilia clown
Rembrandt: Painter
Nox: Greek goddess of night
Rex: Dinosaur or rabbit
Gray: What a half-hearted naming
Ted: Teddy bear
Lars: Mars
Clive: Olive
Florin: Floor in
Albert: Camus
Light: Opposite of dark or heavy?
Felix: Pretty name
Vain: All went in vain
Viggo: Vigorously
Randolph: I'm more familiar with Rudolph
Schuyler: Sky Lurr
Merculova: Is he Russian?
Zett: Z
Eress: Pretty
Brunhild: Isn't that the woman from some myth
Taffy: Candy
Ronny: Weasley?
Chica: Brushing teeth
Mischa: Karamazov brothers
Fandamilla: "Fan"damilla
Scherazade: Arabian Nights
Lulu, Belle: Disney character Lulubelle
Kureha: Sounds strong
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 9 (1-5)
Last time on the Caesar route, Hugo shows up and solves literally no significant problems, Alfonse solves at least one significant problem, and Caesar get geared up to solve his most significant problem, to break the curse that into a pig when literally anyone makes out with him.
Why can’t he just ask Remy if he can borrow the goddamn Star Sapphire? 
So the chapter starts, and it’s called... this.......
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So the entire prefect gang is in Remy’s office. Remy asks how Caesar is feeling, Liz and Caesar do some banter, I guess to give a sense that everything is normal even though everything is decidedly not normal.
This route is really all over the place.
Except uh oh, Liz might be Catching Feelings now
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What an interesting way to put that Remy.
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Remy assigns Alfonse, Elias, and Yukiya to help Shithead and Vincent track down Hugo, then dismisses everybody. Liz and Caesar decide that obviously the best way to deal with their task is to... camp out somewhere? Idk. Zeus and Hiro go to steal food from the dining hall while Liz and Caesar track down some camping supplies.
Remy tells the gang that it’s all hands on deck on finding the Star Sapphire because they can’t even begin to find Hugo. Remy tells Liz, Caesar, and Hiro to continue looking for the Star Sapphire, and then Zeus butts his way into joining that team with all the subtlety of a D&D problem player with main character syndrome.
As everyone is leaving, Caesar pulls Liz aside and they go to see Zett, for some reason. Which feels like a bad idea. Caesar tells Liz that he didn’t want to see Zett alone so that she could trust that he wasn’t conspiring with him. Liz tells him that she doesn’t trust him at the moment but he can win back her trust.
They come across Viggo, FOR SOME REASON, and have a conversation that makes me want to chew cement. Liz and Caesar about to move on but then Viggo makes a comment about the shadow of death looming over Caesar or whatever, and the chapter decides to cut off there.
Queued for: May 16
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ind1exo · 3 months
First Impressions of WH Characters (In My POV)
The reactions I had were based on their appearance, trailers, or their appearances in routes. Some of these may be goofy but just bare with me, thanks.
Elias - Link?! (From Legend of Zelda)
Yukiya - Ike?! (From Fire Emblem)
Luca - He doesn't look like any of the characters I recognize... He's just green and that's it.
Klaus - Like Santa claus?
Randy - He looks like a nice guy and also giving off zesty vibes.
Azusa - He's so pretty! Why is there so many "???" in his bio? welp
Joel - Wow a cute boy with different colored eyes!
Vincent - He looks... kind of old.
Leon - He looks strange and why is he white all over?
Cerim - Why tf did he put a knife on the MC's throat? I don't like him already.
Guy - Well he IS a guy...
Glenn - A samurai warrior looking guy is in a wizard game?
Leslie - Is that a girl? *Quickly realizes it's a boy* Oh, duh-
Sigurd - Never thought I'd see a purple haired boy with yellow eyes. Odd.
Mel - This guy has an attitude for someone younger than the MC-
Zeus - He seems like a pompous prick based off that CG of him cornering MC.
Klaus 2 - OMG KLAUS GOT A SEQUEL?! *Does the route immediately*
Hiro - Emo boy vibes.
Alfonse - He looks an AWFUL lot like Elias and Klaus. Suspicious.
Caesar - *Thinks of Julius Caesar... then of Caesar salad.* A character that turns into a pig is... Well, alright then.
Lucious - Femboy prince vibes over here!
Hugo - Isn't that an enemy? We get to date an enemy now?
Hisoka - I can tell he's not a human by his appearance. He reminds me of Sascha from BiR.
Rembrandt - Hold up we're dating the Headmaster now??? How is that supposed to work-
Nox - Didn't really care to know about him at first What is he wearing? Is he a prince or something?
Rex - Also didn't really care to know about him at first He was a night classer? Why does he kind of look good in that night class uniform though?
Gray - His name is a color? Alright... He probably went by something else originally. And I bet he's some bratty pretty boy prince based off that smug of his... not sure where I drew that conclusion
Ted - Ted like Teddy bear? Wow we're really dating more furries and animals...
Lars - He seems to really like the MC a LOT. I feel bad that his own brother hates him. Woah that dancing CG though!
Clive - Uhh why does he hate his brother so much? That one face is creepy af. I don't really like him ehh- aged REALLY badly
Florin - He seems okay but, I don't like his last name. I've had conflict with someone who's name was this guy's last name so... yeah
Albert - He's wearing clothes similar to Klaus... An Auburne?!
Light - He lowkey reminds me of Dark Pit (From Kid Icarus Uprising). And... very creative name.
Viggo - A random emo night classer I guess.
Vain - What in the world are these strange looking characters?
Felix - Ugh he looks so scary and emotionless-
Lacan - Phew, glad he's way more friendlier than Felix.
Liz Hart (Older design) - I expected her to appear Japanese... She looks cute but I don't. Like. The. Hair.
Liz Hart (Newer design) - Thank the Lords!! She looks SO much better now.
Amelia Nile - I like her vibe. I was worried about a potentially bad roommate before I even saw her.
Augustus - He seems like one of those athletic frat boys, I guess.
Scarlett - Finally a female lover! ...Only in the spin offs? Uh, alright? At least Amelia gets some action herself.
Randolph - *Automatically thinks of Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer for some reason*
Schuyler - He seems edgy and I have a bad feeling about him.
Merkulova - I can tell he's the nicest professor.
Carbuncle - Looks like a Pokémon.
Taffy - Like the Laffy Taffy candy?
Eress - Is she a bug?
Ronny - This squirrel has an attitude-
Chica - Her name is literally girl-
Mischa - She seems suspiciously neutral.
Hachi - I like him already with the occasional "woof woof" he does.
Chocolate Cake - Is that supposed to resemble Morgana..? That's bootleg Morgana.
Nidhogg - I don't like how he looks like an Oni, he's definitely not a friend at first. *Originally gave him Monokuma voice*
Shu - Aww, a cute dragon!
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dark-wizardess · 4 years
This is a bit random but who really wanted to see a CG of The three reciters back to back fighting? I really would've loved to see something like that! Especially Since I really, really want to see how Lacan looks like! Come on Am I the only one who wanted to see a cg with all three of them?
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skating-jellyfish · 4 years
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Honestly I think there is nothing more cute that the dragonkinds in their human clothes, like look at their cute tails ;w; and their horns! Since in Felix’s sprites are harder to look at ;; I love them so much
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