#wh viggo
dark-wizardess · 1 year
Not me still being salty that Viggo didn't get a route.... how long has it been bruh-
Lowkey still hoping for a sudden wizardess heart revival lmao
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ness-plays-wizards · 2 years
Caesar Route Chapter 7 (1-10) *Special Ides of March Bonus Post*
Last time on the Caesar route, Liz and Caesar visit a circus run by a child abuser that Caesar stayed at? Was trapped at? Unclear. Caesar tries to kill the Ringmaster but Liz stops him. I’m sure the ensuing argument will be very well-thought out and not childish or lacking in nuance at all.
I’m scheduling this for the Ides of March because what better way to celebrate the Ides of March than by airing a segment of the route for the guy named Caesar? It was divine inspiration. I just really hope a fight comes in this chapter so that I can make stab jokes.
Liz and Caesar escape from the Ringmaster through the window and are pursued through the streets by the circus workers, who have decided that they should totally just stab Caesar. Caesar slows them down with nonlethal magic and they escape into an alleyway.
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Caesar finally gives up his backstory with the circus. It’s where he met Zett too, apparently, and they began stealing food because the circus did not meet OSHA or child labor standards. Liz and Caesar have a Touching Moment of Connection, but then the carnies catch up to them.
The carnies have them surrounded, so Liz and Caesar fight their way out with magic. 
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How big is this fucking circus??
So then the Ringmaster comes and is all like “Oh, I’m not a villain! Im just a poor little meow meow. The real villain is the abuse survivor next to you!” The Ringmaster tries to spin the story to make the circus the good guys? I’m going to assume that’s just a straight up lie. And then the Ringmaster reveals everything Caesar just said as if its some big reveal.
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I literally can’t keep track of these twists anymore.
And then the twist is “Caesar illegally entered the magic academy.” However that’s possible. And that he plans to steal the treasure of the academy. Which makes no sense because academy security is so lax that if he was really going to do that he literally would have already done that.
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Bitch, what threads!!
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I’m gonna need this man to shut the fuck up, pronto.
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So apparently this is The Plan. The Big Twist. The Reveal. Maybe I just haven’t been paying a ton of attention to this route but this doesn’t feel properly foreshadowed. Or maybe it’s because they already established that the Ringmaster is a huge liar so you can’t really trust anything he says. Jesus, who was in charge of writing this reveal?
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That’s the plot of like at least a quarter of these romance routes. 
So in conclusion, I guess the real traitor was Caesar! I suppose some dramatic “et tu’s” are in order?
The carnies make the 40 Roman senators and attack Caesar (and also Liz) while Liz is reeling from the Big Reveal (if it’s even true or going to stick). 
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Holy shit!!! I can’t believe this! And on the Ides of March too!!!! I can’t. This is too perfect.
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I mean, that question kind of answers itself, doesn’t it?
So Caesar is protecting Liz from the carnies, she can’t fucking fight, FOR SOME REASON!!! And then mist ex machina pours into the alley, which takes the form of a giant fist.
.......... Scanlan Shorthalt?
So Scanlan’s Hand fights off the carnies and apparently the guy who cast it is that asshole from the detention center. Woo /s. Viggo joins the fight and is an asshole about it because how else would he act? And he causes a shit ton of property damage, because he wasn’t enough of a shithead.
And that brings us to the conclusion of the Ides of March special! I’m so glad that Caesar got stabbed in these chapters because otherwise this would have been a really lackluster special.
Queued for: March 15
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eye-cri · 3 months
Shout out to me and Aidma 🗣🗣❗️we got a birthday today 💯❗️
So I decided to bring back the birthday meme series in a different font 😁 enjoy (Part 1. There will be 2 other parts, all posted today, instead of waiting for another year for each. Lolzies!!)
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I love re-using this CG to always portray Vincent as a middle aged frat boy 😭😭 it's just so funny, like look at him every time I re-use the pic and try to tell me it doesn't get funnier every time.
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tenebrius-excellium · 3 months
Viggo, stammering: But wh-what happened to Maces and Talons?
Hiccup, innocently bottle-feeding Zephyr: Yeah, what did happen to Maces and Talons?
Bro moved into a whole different season of his life and his arch-enemy did NOT get the memo lol
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just-a-little-silly · 3 months
Wizardess Heart Ocs!
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(Okay soo technically they’re multifandom but I’m hyperfixated on them in WH so I just drew how I picture them for it :3)
These would be their casual outfits i think????…did i get ridiculously carried away? yeah. as usual.
Anyways here’s some stuff about them:
• They’re rly just a tight-knit group of girls trying to make it through the school year of their magic academy :P
• Měi Líng and Safiya are humans but Lynn is a siren, Yessenia is a nymph, Kajal is fae and Abena…well no one knows what Abena is. She’s never said anything about it and all the girls know not to ask-
• As for their main ships: Měi Líng is w/ Leslie, Kajal is w/ Zeus, Safiya is w/ Elias and Yessenia is w/ Viggo^^ Lynn and Abena don’t have partners as of now
• Měi Líng, Kajal and Abena are Night Class students while Yessenia, Safiya and Lynn are Day Class students
• Kajal and Yessenia are childhood friends! Their families have been close for several centuries, Safiya and Lynn are also childhood friends though their families don’t really know each other too well
• Lynn is royalty! She’s the youngest princess of her kingdom under the sea. Yessenia and Kajal both come from aristocratic families, Měi Líng was raised in a military household, Safiya was raised in a peaceful village and again, no one really knows anything about Abena’s past-
• Also fun thing I wanted to note: Lynn’s fin design thing on her outfit is actually what her tail looks like!! (Shes a siren so she has a mer form skjakak and yeahh)
I can’t think of anything else to blab about as of now😭 Maybe I’ll make a more detailed post for each of them at a later time^^
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evilwriter37 · 2 months
Eyes Up Here
Augusnippets Day 5
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Drunk Caretaking
Rated: teen
Warnings: blood, drunkenness
“Dagur, my wound is up here,” Hiccup said tiredly, pointing to his chest. He’d known going to Dagur for help could be dicey, but he hadn’t expected the man to be this drunk. 
“Hm…?” Dagur had zoned out with his eyes between Hiccup’s legs. Hiccup couldn’t tell if he was actually looking at him with desire, or if that just happened to be the place where his eyes fell when his mind went blank.
Hiccup was laying on Dagur’s couch. He’d gotten into a fight with some of Viggo’s Dragon Hunters, and gotten a nasty slash across the chest from a sword. Dagur’s place had been the closest, so he’d gone there for help. 
“Up here. You know, wh-where the blood is coming from?” Hiccup felt like he was in too much pain to deal with a drunk Dagur right now.
“Oh. Oh right.” Dagur scratched his head, looked at the wound. It had mostly stopped bleeding. There were bloodied rags all over the floor, and Dagur had a roll of bandages in his hand. “Uh, sit up so I can bandage that.” His words were terribly slurred.
Hiccup did so with a grunt, and he had to catch his breath after. Pain really could take a lot out of a person. 
He raised his arms so Dagur could wrap the bandages around his torso. It was sloppy, and he didn’t pull them tight enough in Hiccup’s opinion, but eventually, his wound was covered. 
Hiccup leaned back against the couch, breathing hard.
“You… uh… need anything else?” Dagur asked.
“Some pain killers would be nice,” Hiccup responded. He met Dagur’s gaze. The man wasn’t fully there. “And for you to go sober up.”
Dagur just leaned back against the couch beside Hiccup, closing his eyes.
“In a minute.”
Hiccup bit his tongue against a rude remark. Dagur was seriously drunk right now, and there was nothing he could do about it. He looked down at the mess of bandages around his torso. Luckily, no blood was seeping through. 
Hiccup supposed that, for now, that was the best he was going to get.
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memoria-99 · 3 months
First impressions on the names in WH
Elias: Looks like a Christian
Luca: Vocaloid Luka
Yukiya: Snow? Is he Japanese?
Klaus: Santa Claus
Randy: Somehow rhymes with candy
Azusa: Another Japanese style name
Vincent: Van Gogh
Leon: He doesn't look like lion
Cerim: Never heard of that name
Guy: Ofc he's not a girl
Leslie: Never seen a boy using this name
Sigurd: How should I pronounce sig part?
Mel: On
Zeus: Greek god crazy for women
Hiro: Hero
Alfonse: Daudet
Caesar: Where's Cleopatra
Lucious: Malfoy?
Hugo: The author of Les Miserables
Hisoka: Pedophilia clown
Rembrandt: Painter
Nox: Greek goddess of night
Rex: Dinosaur or rabbit
Gray: What a half-hearted naming
Ted: Teddy bear
Lars: Mars
Clive: Olive
Florin: Floor in
Albert: Camus
Light: Opposite of dark or heavy?
Felix: Pretty name
Vain: All went in vain
Viggo: Vigorously
Randolph: I'm more familiar with Rudolph
Schuyler: Sky Lurr
Merculova: Is he Russian?
Zett: Z
Eress: Pretty
Brunhild: Isn't that the woman from some myth
Taffy: Candy
Ronny: Weasley?
Chica: Brushing teeth
Mischa: Karamazov brothers
Fandamilla: "Fan"damilla
Scherazade: Arabian Nights
Lulu, Belle: Disney character Lulubelle
Kureha: Sounds strong
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ind1exo · 3 months
[ How I Pronounce WH Characters' Names ]
Elias Goldstein: (2017) El-li-yahs Gold-steen; (Now) El-li-yis Gold-steen
Yukiya Reizen: (2017) Yu-kai-yah Rey-zin; (Now) Yu-key-ya Rey-zin
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Klaus Goldstein: Claus Gold-steen
Randy March: Ran-dee March
Azusa Kuze: Uh-zu-sa Ku-zay
Joel Crawford: (2017) Johl Crawford; (Now) Jo-el Crawford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leon
Cerim Leiado: Ser-im Lay-ah-do
Guy Brighton: Guy Brai-tin
Glenn Qing: Glenn King
Leslie Roseblade: Les-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Sih-gurd Kur-tis
Mel Glover: Mehl Glow-ver
Zeus Brundle: Zeus Brun-dul
Hiro Tachibana: He-ro Tah-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fonse Gold-steen
Caesar Raphael: See-zar Ra-fai-el
Lucious Duller: (2018) Luh-cious Dul-ler; (Months ago) Lu-see-is Dul-ler; (Now) Lu-cious Dul-ler I've taken years of vacations off the game twice so that's why the timeline is drastic
Hugo Peers: Hue-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: He-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-rae
Willem V. Rembrandt: Will-em V. Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nohx No-ar
Rex Blanc: Rehx Blahnk
Gray: Gray
Ted: Tehd
Lars Lagrene: Lars Lah-gren
Clive Lagrene: Clive Lah-gren
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-den
Albert Auburne: Ahl-bert Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Feel-lix
Viggo: Vih-go
Vain: Vain
Zett: Zeht
Augustus Cole: Au-gist-us Kole
Scarlett Quinn: Skar-let Quin
Randolph: Randolph
Conrad Schuyler: Cohn-rad Sk-huy-ler (It's hard to tell how his last name is actually pronounced...)
Loran Merkulova: Low-ran Mer-ku-lova
Thanatos: Than-na-tohs
Lacan: Lah-kan
Carbuncle: Car-bun-kle
Eress: Air-ess
Ronnie: Rah-nee
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mees-cha (Surprisingly, since my accent is supposed to make me say Mihs-cha like mischievous)
Chocolate Cake (Coco): I just call him Coco because saying the whole name is a pain. Luca reference
Nidhogg: Nihd-hog
Shu: Shoo
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Eret, what do you think about you x Hiccup?
Eret: Well if I had to be honest, I think that we could make it work. If Astrid wasn't in the picture, I think that I would won him over by now. But, I'm not that kind of person to hurt a friend and go behind Astrid's back on her boyfriend. I'm a gentleman, not a prick.
Dagur: Ooh, you're a keeper!
Eret: Wh-Get the f@ck out!
Dagur: Viggo! Guess what Eret just admitted!
Eret: Sorry anon, I have to go and I don't want to get blood on my new laptop.
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hisui-cotton · 4 years
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A couple of very messy Viggo and liz doodles
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dark-wizardess · 1 year
No matter how much I think about it... I am certain that Luca's route was deliberately left out for when Viggo eventually got his own route and it gets revealed to mc and the others that he is the crown prince of Gedonelune... so here are some things I think would've happened in Luca sequel.
1- Viggo would have played an important part in it as he is Luca's cousin/relative (probably cousin), they didn't know about that at the beginning though. I predict that Viggo route would be a sort of "prequel" incident to Luca sequel or they would've basically been connected somehow.
2- Luca's identity would eventually get revealed which MAY or may not put him in danger. Not necessarily from the royal family alone but from other forces as well. I mean he is of royal blood.
3- Luca would possibly receive contempt from nobles for his origins but would eventually reclaim his rightful place in the royal family or receive some kind of noble title and his regain his true name: "Luciano Orudeus Gedonelune" the son of princess Aulelia.
4- Luca would probably care less as this is NOT his really his lifestyle 💀like bro is lazy, smart, skilled and talented yes but lazy. Unless he had a STRONG reason for his identity to be known anyway.
This is just my own interpretation at least... I feel like Luca's Identity WOULD have to have been revealed at SOME point, this is made somewhat more likely with the existence of Viggo his cousin/Relative. The only reason I feel Viggo route should've taken place FIRST is so it would be revealed that Viggo is the crown prince and thus his interaction with Luca would've been that much more important and may have eventually lead to Viggo finding out his identity which as I mentioned would definitely put him in danger.
Anyway what are your own headcanons for Luca's sequel? 👀
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 9 (1-5)
Last time on the Caesar route, Hugo shows up and solves literally no significant problems, Alfonse solves at least one significant problem, and Caesar get geared up to solve his most significant problem, to break the curse that into a pig when literally anyone makes out with him.
Why can’t he just ask Remy if he can borrow the goddamn Star Sapphire? 
So the chapter starts, and it’s called... this.......
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So the entire prefect gang is in Remy’s office. Remy asks how Caesar is feeling, Liz and Caesar do some banter, I guess to give a sense that everything is normal even though everything is decidedly not normal.
This route is really all over the place.
Except uh oh, Liz might be Catching Feelings now
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What an interesting way to put that Remy.
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Remy assigns Alfonse, Elias, and Yukiya to help Shithead and Vincent track down Hugo, then dismisses everybody. Liz and Caesar decide that obviously the best way to deal with their task is to... camp out somewhere? Idk. Zeus and Hiro go to steal food from the dining hall while Liz and Caesar track down some camping supplies.
Remy tells the gang that it’s all hands on deck on finding the Star Sapphire because they can’t even begin to find Hugo. Remy tells Liz, Caesar, and Hiro to continue looking for the Star Sapphire, and then Zeus butts his way into joining that team with all the subtlety of a D&D problem player with main character syndrome.
As everyone is leaving, Caesar pulls Liz aside and they go to see Zett, for some reason. Which feels like a bad idea. Caesar tells Liz that he didn’t want to see Zett alone so that she could trust that he wasn’t conspiring with him. Liz tells him that she doesn’t trust him at the moment but he can win back her trust.
They come across Viggo, FOR SOME REASON, and have a conversation that makes me want to chew cement. Liz and Caesar about to move on but then Viggo makes a comment about the shadow of death looming over Caesar or whatever, and the chapter decides to cut off there.
Queued for: May 16
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eye-cri · 1 year
I'm still surprised that Ninja Shadow lasted longer than Wizardess Heart, and the fact that a character from Ninja Shadow got voiced and not from Wizardess Heart.
Just off the tags on the social medias I check now and again, WH was more popular with at least English speaking players. Did the JP version of Ninja Shadow have more revenue than English version of Wizardess Heart.....?
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thatwisegirl · 3 years
They have the same personality type like me!
Except my enneagram is 5w6
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I finished my second set of ship doodles and I love them very much. Did I make a theme for this set? Yes. Did I use my god/goddess au (the exception for one couple)? Yes, yes I did. 
God/goddess au:
When a god/goddess dies the balance of nature selects a random mortal to fill in the role of that god/goddess.
Akemi: Helios
Alfonse: Dionysus
Aphrodite: Eros (tricked ya on that one didn’t I? >:3)
Fay: Oni
Genova: Hestia
Hisoka: Kitsune
Lizzy: Hades
Lucious: Athena
Vain: Kratos
Viggo: Ares
Zeus: Chaos
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