#what I don't get is why Will won't show El the painting when it isn't something she would ever ever clock as romantic or weird
givehimthemedicine · 2 years
You're the best person I know to ask about El. And I've been reading fellow bylers talking about this, so I want to know your opinion because I'm not sure what to think but there's a couple of things I know for certain: El isn't stupid, she saw the painting at the airport (and probably the van, too) and she (possibly) listened their fight at Rink O Mania and Will's "You're The Heart" before the monologue. So, does El know about the identity of Will's mistery "girl"?
oh great question. she definitely isn't stupid, but it could go either "El wouldn't guess about Will because she doesn't know being gay is a thing" or "El might guess because she has no reason to think being gay isn't a thing so her mind is open to what she's seeing". I lean a lot towards the former, because she doesn't know a thing about romance that she hasn't been told by her friends or seen in old movies, and at the time Mike first kissed her I would venture to say she had no idea of the existence of romance/attraction/relationships at all.
I'm inclined to say El didn't hear the rink fight (it's a loud place and they weren't standing right outside where she was) or the van scene (Max's trailer was her first stop and the van thing had already happened right?) but she definitely clocked the airport hug as weird. and for Will to bring the painting to the airport - I mean to actually bring it IN to the airport instead of leaving it in the car makes it pretty evident that it was for Mike (actually, why did he bring it in? was he planning on being like HIMIKEIPAINTEDTHISFORYOU in front of everyone if the reunion went better?) El did say maybe the painting is for a girl, but I don't get why she would be convinced it can only be a romantic gesture when Will gifts art all the time (she and all the rest of the party have his drawings on their walls).
El said she thinks Will likes someone, and I think she sees that something weird is going on between Will and Mike, but I honestly don't think she's put those two puzzle pieces together yet. She's observant, she just doesn't have the photo on the cover of the box to refer to. I think there's a lot that will quickly make sense in retrospect once it dawns on her though.
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love-byers · 3 months
(warning: long)
we should talk more about mikes choice of words in the rink o mania fight, or rather the writers choice of words
"You basically sabotaged the whole day!!"
in case you need a reminder of what sabotage means
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deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct
mike is not just saying will was being a douche for moping, rolling his eyes, and barely talking. he's saying wills a douche because he's doing it on purpose. not even just on purpose either, he's saying will planned this. will wanted to ruin the day. mike thinks will was out to get him by withholding his friendship. obviously will wasn't doing any of this, he just moped because he felt brushed off by mike and was ignored (or so he thought).
that kind of behavior, thinking the consequences of his own actions are a planned attack against him, is very consistent with the way he acted in s3 when el dumped him and he blamed it on max.
we can connect this directly to mike's apology where he calls himself a self-pitying idiot. the self-pity is mike allowing himself to believe it's not his fault that his day sucked, that it's not his fault will is acting this way. deep down he knows it's his own fault by purposefully brushing will off at the airport, but he was being so self-absorbed and self-pitying that he convinced himself it wasn't.
"why is this on me?? why am i the bad guy??"
so lets go through this again, inferring from mike's own words.
when will left hawkins, he felt weird. he'd just spent the whole summer trying to be grown up and acting like he didn't care about dnd anymore, shutting will down and really hurting him in the process, so he probably feels embarrassed that he now feels the exact opposite. he enjoyed spending time with max, lucas, and dustin but it just wasn't the same without will. he missed will so badly that the fact that will was barely reaching out got to his head, and he felt too insecure to find out for himself. he didn't know if will felt the same way or if he was doing fine without mike, making lots of new friends and enjoying life. he was afraid he'd lost will. then here comes el with her letters saying how life is awesome and they have lots of friends. mike probably thought, oh now i'm DEFINITELY not telling him how i feel. the letter about will potentially liking a girl was the final straw. wow. so he's occupied with some girl and thats why he won't talk to me. so now mikes determined to not give will an inkling of an idea that he's bothered or that he cares. psh, mike could care less. maybe when will sees that mike totally doesn't care he'll feel like he screwed up and he'll be super nice to compensate and win mike back.
so mike gets to lenora and hey, will, i totally don't care about seeing you, see how i dodged your hug? i don't care. then he sees the painting. maybe it's not for someone he likes, maybe it's for me. here you go will, opportunity one to win back my affection.
"Uh, what's that?"
"Um, it's nothing, it's just this painting I've been working on."
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operation-act like i don't care: EEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR FAILED.
LOOK at his face bro. he looks heartbroken.
from here on mike just got more and more annoyed. will isn't trying to win him back, he isn't compensating for the months of silence. he's acting sad. he's acting sad? he has the audacity to act sad after he made all these friends and left me behind?? no, this is not my fault, this is not on me. it gets under his skin in a way he can't ignore. those feelings of guilt and annoyance that will is causing mixed with his months worth of self pity and convincing himself he's not the problem leads him to another thought. he's doing this on purpose. he's punishing me. this was his plan all along. he's trying to ruin my day for no reason, because i clearly didn't do anything to deserve this.
then angela shows up and humiliates el and mike, for some insane reason, uses this as an excuse to express his anger to will, even though it had literally nothing to do with will.
"You should've told me she was having trouble."
"Well, I didn't know they were gonna be here, Mike."
"Yeah, but you knew she was having trouble for like a year and didn't tell me."
in WHAT world is this will's fault?? he had absolutely no idea el was lying until that day. and mike is blaming him? no, he's really not, he just wants a reason to express his anger without having to admit why he's angry.
"Well, I didn't know she was lying to you."
"Is that why you decided to be a douche to her all day?"
her. he's hiding behind el's name. psh, what? i don't care that you weren't talking to me, it's because of el.
el just got publicly humiliated and mike thinks now is the time to get on will and act like el's biggest problem was will not talking to her?? no way. he just doesn't want will to know that these are his feelings.
"I wasn't being a douche!"
this completely sets mike off. how dare will act all innocent after what he did to me all day? any part of him that was trying to hide that will's behavior is bothering him has been completely overridden. will purposefully withholding his attention from mike has pissed him off soooooo badly that he can't keep it to himself anymore or hide behind el.
"You were! You were! You were rolling your eyes, you were moping, you were barely talking you basically sabotaged the whole day!"
yup, thats right will. i know exactly what you're doing and i'm calling you out on it.
"Well she was lying to you, Mike! Straight to your face ever since you got here! And...and I've been a total third wheel all day it's been miserable. So sorry if I wasn't...if i wasn't smiling."
third wheel? really?
"Yeah, whatever man."
"Well what about us?"
i imagine this is where mike shits himself. i mean he literally stops in his tracks. will is directly addressing what he'd been trying to hide his care for the whole time, them. all of a sudden after all these months, he cares about us? and it's poking at that weird feeling he had, like he missed will too much. like he was feeling too much.
"What, you're mad that I didn't talk to you? Seems like you've made it super clear you're not interested in anything I have to say."
"That's just not true."
mike says that so fast it's like a knee-jerk reaction. of course he cares what will has to say. all he's wanted all day, and all this time for that matter, was for will to talk to him. and will is blaming him?
"You called maybe a couple times. It's been a year, Mike. Meanwhile El has like a book of letters from you."
now mike's defense is kicking in. he feels like will is directly picking at that feeling. the weirdness. the fact that he feels differently for will than the rest of his friends, even his girlfriend.
"That's because she's my girlfriend, Will!"
"And us?"
now the alarms are going off. he knows something. "us" for will in this moment is just their friendship. "us" for mike is something more, because that's what's been brewing in him the whole time they've been apart. internalized homophobia in 3..2..
"We're friends! We're. Friends."
"Well, we used to be best friends!"
oh. he was just talking about our friendship. i was tweaking a little bit. and...ouch. will just officially said they aren't best friends anymore. and he's blaming it on mike. but mikes defenses are still up high.
"Well...well maybe you should've reached out more, I don't know! But why is this on me? Why am I the bad guy?!"
then will is lost for words, and he just look sad. and as mad as mike is, he hates seeing will that way.
i imagine the day or two between this and his apology, mike went over this fight in his mind multiple times. and the more he thought about it, the more he realizes, ah shit. i was way too in my head and this was completely one sided. will wasn't plotting against me, i just felt so bad for myself i convinced myself i did nothing wrong. all this because i thought he found new friends and i felt bad for myself. and now i've lost my best friend and made him feel like all of it is his fault. i have to let him know it's all on me.
tldr: mike is weird and gay.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
Not sure if you’re still in “that mood” lmao but what do you think Mike’s future is going to be?? Like not in the distant future but his story layout for season 5. Do you think he’s going to get vecna’d? Just would love o hear your thoughts :) he’s so interesting!!
UFF mike is soooo getting vecna'd next season, even from a storytelling point of view it needs to happen, mostly bc of how his arc developed in s4
i might nerd this one out more than others, but if you think about it mike's s4 started awful, downhill straight to hell. he made things weird with will because he couldn't communicate how he was feeling after they moved out to cali, he found out el had been lying to him all this time and acted like an asshole, he and el had a huge fight in which both of them refused to understand each other, then his girlfriend was arrested for assault and they went under military custody.
all downhill, right?
but then, right before anything else can happen to really boost mike deep into hell, things start to look up a little for mike. he has his first heart to heart with will where he finally communicates how he's been feeling, how he thinks he lost will and how he's missed his best friend. mike finds a common ground with will. then things start moving, they make plans to go back to hawkins that then change to go save el, they have a ride, a plan, a way to find her (and yes all of this happens in the middle of a shooting and while burying a body, but mike's momentum still isn't as negative as it was when the series started in terms of inner confict). we get some more heart to hearts, mike gets will's painting and loves it, will comforts him, they find el, mike is forced into a love confession and then el lives even though there's major consequences they still don't know about all the way in hawkins.
why the little summary? well, if you think about it, mike has sort of had a "false victory" (as in his arc started by being negative to then being a bit positive), a beat in story telling that can only be followed by *drum roll* the darkest moment. the moment when a character hits rock bottom, where they lose everything and because of it they reach their "aha!" moment. now, this will happen with the plot itself and other characters since this is the last season though i would say the darkest moment is for the overall plot is the ending of s4 when max dies and the four gates open. but when it comes to mike, i think that moment still needs to come in s5 and what better plot device to use than vecna's curse?
in my humble opinion mike has been dancing around his demons and conflict for way too long and while in season 4 we got a bit of mike stealing a glimpse at them, this time mike needs to stare at them dead in the eyes so he can have his "aha!" moment or the moment of realization that will boost him into the beginning of the ending of his arc. while being cursed, mike will be face to face with his greatest fears and conflicts, with those things he's been avoiding throughout the entire show, and then... he'll die.
i am a "mike dies and is brought back to life" truther. mike's death would be so important for other characters' arc but also for his own arc, because you can die and then come back to life without realising some stuff, right? i think season 5 is mike's season to get hurt and be exposed to everything he's been shoving under the carpet. i would love to see him realize about how other people have hurt him and how he's hurt others. i want him to scream and yell and be loud and for example go and face karen and ted and tell them everything he's been keeping inside, same with nancy. i want mike to cry and scream and just explode and let it all out after he is cursed and brought back so he can start healing.
i think s5 will be mike's cathartic moment when he finally comes to terms with many things, but that won't happen until he faces his darkest moment and reaches rock bottom. i'm not sure how this would align with the time jump, but i'm so scared for mike in s5 and still i'm shaking with excitement
so sorry this was so long shdshdhs i'm not sure i even said that much help but thank you for the ask!!!
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tacofriend · 1 year
Hot take the Deora III sucks ass.
If you aren't interested in Hot Wheels cars, car design, or cars in general, you don't have to read further. If you do, I have included links that will hopefully make understanding this easier.
The original Deora was very much of its time, the 1960s. It has that very muscle car feel, a bit like a cab over version of the Chevrolet El Camino. When I first encountered the toy, I could pretty much instantly recognize the time period from which it came. And of course, this first version defined the platonic concept of a Deora. The Deora is a truck/ute thing in which the cab sits at the very front of the vehicle without a hood or engine bay in front of it. There are no side doors, but instead, the front opens up to allow passenger and driver to enter and exit the cab.
And then we get the Deora III which like, excuse me but what the fuck is this‽ This isn't a Deora. Like yeah the driver sits in front of the front wheels and there's a bed in the back, but why is there no roof, or even a windscreen? Why is there a bicycle in the back? Why is the front end lower than my knees? Why does it look like someone cut a massive chunk out of it? What the fuck is going on here‽
The Deora II takes this concept and rebuilds it with the design language of the late 90s and early 00s. Instead of a boxy 60s muscle car design that the original Deora had, the Deora II had a much softer bubblier style that was incredibly common in the design language of the time. While it keeps the cab over front end and long bed, it presents those with swooping curves and round headlights and round vents. Instead of the muscle car style wheels and fat tires that the original had, the Deora II boasted massive rims and tires that looked like rubber bands, as was aesthetically desirable at the time.
So it fails on two levels. Firstly, it fails to analyze or understand contemporary 2020s car design language. Secondly, it fails to even be a Deora with that two box design.
So first, understanding 2020s car design language. Today's automotive design language is very angular and aggressive. Trucks are boxy and chunky. Cars all have angry headlights and frowning grills. The Deora III hardly had headlights at all, and pretty much no grill. Its open design is reminiscent of the Renault Laguna concept car, which is from the 90s.
Additionally it fails to even look like a Deora. While it does have a long bed, the way that the body panels are cut, instead of having a two box design, the primary shape that stands out is a weird V or a check mark coming down from the rear tailgate, bottoming out in the middle of the bed, and then rising to form the roll bar. It's cut so low that you end up with this wall thing inset from the actual side of the car. And I use the word cut deliberately. With this deep V and the lack of any windscreen or side windows, it looks like they took a Deora and frantically cut it to ribbons with a pair of scissors.
It reminds me of Mr Regular's thoughts on both the third generation Toyota MR2 and Back to the Future III. "AW11 is Back to the Future Part 1, classic 80s, love it, smile every time I see it. SW20: Back to the Future 2: everything you liked about Part 1 but more! ZZW30... Part 3 Why is this a convertible? Why are we in the old west? Where's the flying DeLorean? Where are the popup headlights?"
I'm not asking for a re-release of the Deora II that I loved in my childhood. I want a Deora III that looks like a Deora made for modern times. I probably won't like it as much, but that's because I'm a child of the 90s and 00s. I grew up playing Need for Speed Underground and watching 2 Fast 2 Furious. But those times are gone. Even the new Fast and Furious movies have abandoned the gaudy design of the 00s with custom body kits and custom paint jobs for at most flat black paint and fender flares. Heck, most modified cars in modern car culture look stock. People aren't going for all show and no go anymore, and there are reasons for that, both economic and social, and we can go into those at a later time.
I just want a Deora III that speaks accurately to the times we live in and the design language of contemporary car design while also holding true to the original concept and shape of the Deora.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Even if Mike meant everything he said to El, the whole monologue stems from a lie. The one thing (all the stuff about the painting and El etc) that encouraged him to confess his feelings wasn't even true lol. Now he thinks that El "needs" him, when she doesn't. It's funny bc Will is the only reason why he said anything to El. I'm just curious about it because I wonder if it will come back and bite them in a way. At the same time though I'm still really mad at the writing when it comes to Mike.
I totally agree. They completely failed Mike this season in every possible way. They had him ignore Will (his best friend for 10 years) for no reason, realize he "loves" El only after she gets her powers back, and not even be able to tell El his feelings until Will begs him to do so.
The whole monologue is full of lies, which is so funny because mi|even's whole relationship is also built on lies. Both Mike and El have been constantly lying to each other since they got together in S3, even with "friends don't lie" being Mike's key phrase.
The line from Mike's monologue that stuck out to me the most was "I feel like my life didn't begin until the day I met you. I knew I loved you then and there." Like???? He had the audacity to say that lie while sitting right next to Will? The same boy who went missing that day and was trapped in the upside down and hunted by monsters for a week?? Furthermore, it was certainly not love at first sight. Mike plans to send El away the morning after he finds her, basically because she's getting in the way of his plans to find Will. After she shows that she has superpowers, Mike lets her stay, but tells Lucas that they need her as a weapon to fight whatever took Will. He says, "do you really want to face the demogorgan with your wrist rocket?" How is any of this love at first sight? When El took Mike to the quarry and he saw Will's "body," he slapped El's hand away, yelled at her, and left her without a way back to his house. That certainly doesn't seem like love to me, but idk. 🤪
Everything Mike said just doesn't make sense with his character arc. He's afraid El won't need him anymore? That he's replaceable? And this is after she writes him nearly everyday, then cries and begs him to tell her that he loves her. He didn't feel needed then? Not when he had absolutely no reason to not say it back (if his monologue is true, which, we know it isnt)?
What was the "truth" Mike was afraid to tell El? That he loves her?? That's exactly what she wanted to hear. Why couldn't he say it when she needed him the most? Then he can conveniently say it when she's on death's door, has her powers back, and may not even be able to hear him??
Mike didn't show any romantic interest in El when she was without her powers. The kiss at the end of S3, his confused expression after she told him he loves her, his fake california demeanor, and being unable to say he loves her when she's sobbing and begging him to. It's only when she got her powers back that Mike could be convinced to tell her his feelings. This just makes him look like an absolute asshole for no reason.
Why was a character with such potential in S1-2 completely massacred in vol 2? Why did his whole character arc become being "El's boyfriend"? What happened to main character Mike who would do anything for his friends? This isn't the Mike who sat on El's bed while she sobbed about his lack of feelings. This isn't the Mike who ignored Will sobbing next to him in the van. And this certainly isn't the Mike who cruelly stated in front of Will that the day Will went missing is when his own life began.
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sunhufflepuff · 2 years
Okay, guys the script is just here to direct actors. The van scene is essentially from Will POV.
So, I won't freak out about this line so much.
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That's mostly Will thinking; "Why did I say that? It's so stupid."
He's thrown back in their fight last summer. Where Mike said the exact same line.
"We’re not kids anymore. I mean what did you expect? That we will never grow up? That we will never get girlfriends? That we were going to stay in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?"
He backtracks here—because he thinks that Mike thinks he's childish, for wanting to play Nintendo for the rest of their lives.
Instead let's focus on what's happening on screen:
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It's stunning. His face can brighten a room.
We see Mike letting down his walls, something he only does with Will. Here he doesn't have to pretend, doesn't have to act normal. He just being himself.
He's overjoyed to receive the painting and it shows.
It doesn't correlates with the underline line above, so that's definitely a stage direction or that's Will POV.
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(Don't look at him. Act cool. Focus on your words)
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Mike face fells when Will says that El commissioned the painting. He's disappointed.
Will doesn't see it here since he's not looking at him, but we do.
They're only two idiots pining for the other, thinking that their feelings are one-sided.
Which given their reaction—not their thoughts—we know it isn't.
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butwhybother · 4 years
Rhythm of War part 5 and Epilogue reactions/thoughts.
Rhythm of War spoilers!
For previous Parts, I read the whole Part through, then made notes on it as i re-read or skimmed through it again. On Part 5, I'm trying something different. I'll make notes as I go, but still read it twice (read a chapter, re- read it, make notes, then move on).
The Knights Radiant, Navani, Bridge Four, Taravangian, Vyre, Lezian, Wit. Should I be worried that Adolin isn't listed as a viewpoint character?
Chapter 98 An Unwholesome Shade
Who is El?
Horneaters fletch their arrows with "goosefeathers." It's good to know someone has a word besides "chicken" for all the birds. By the way, if Dalinar doesn't recognize what a goose feather is, what have the Alethi been using to flock their arrows? Or Listeners, for that matter?
I'll bet Emuli Radiants had Shardbows.
Of course Dalinar wouldn't like a goblet full of rubies for light. He's spent years lighting everything blue with sapphires.
Stargyle was the one who didn't go with the Shadesmar mission because his wife was sick. I hope she's better. "He began to paint with his fingers in the air." Drawing Aons?
How about this: Stargyle is not not a Radiant and has not bonded a spren. That's why he wiggled out of going on the mission to Shadesmar. Plausible?
Ishar has "frost crystallizing on the stone around him." Sounds like he's using Honorblade powers. He must've got his Blade back somehow.
Chapter 99 Not Bound
This is my jaw dropping. This is me freaking out. Back in Part 1, when Navani mentioned rumors about Wit and Jasnah, I was like 'very funny, Mr. Sanderson. We won't fall for your tricks and misdirections. I would know a red herring when I see one. Everyone knows they're not open to that. Wit is not even available, he's way too old for any of them, he said so himself.' And here I am, proven wrong. The rumors were not unfounded. The relationship is not a sham. It is real and they actually like each other. They want to have this relationship. I know Sanderson had often paired young women with older men, but this is really going too far. At the same time, I want Wit to be genuine. It would be awful if Wit is fooling Jasnah just to manipulate her.
"Without proper affection, your Wit will wilt." Like how Shallan wilts without Adolin? This is so sweet it's almost gross.
You can't trust Wit, Jasnah! This is a man who would watch your world burn if it meant Odium would be defeated that way.
So Rayse/Odium is a show-off.
Wit is not bound. Shards are bound.
I'm not sure trapping Odium to Roshar will work. I think Odium will destroy Roshar, its sun, and all the planets in its system. If the Roshar system doesn't exist, he can't stay in it, can he?
Everyone, don't forget to take a healthy dose of paranoia daily!
Chapter 100 Watchers At The Rim
Teft and Kaladin do recognize this is a trap. But I also worry that Singers are faking the Sibling's voice somehow. If they can listen in, couldn't they also speak in? Or maybe they fully corrupted Sibling and now Sibling is in on it, setting a perfect trap.
Chapter 101 Undertext
Little Gawx is all grown up and has become a proper emperor. Look at those lucky people who won the lottery and got to watch him eat.
Would Ishar really help Dalinar, though?
Raise your hand if you think Jasnah's undertext to Oathbringer will be used as epigraphs later!
Chapter 102 Highstorm Coming
The times I remember Navani burning a prayer (Adolin's duel, Gavilar's death, Dalinar's justice) something always came of it.
Ugh. I guess Moash is going around looking for excuses to murder monarchs now.
It is so not fair that Moash gets to use Stormlight and surgebinding freely.
Moash would kill Syl, and act like this hurts him, still acting like he cares about Kaladin. So. Messed. Up.
People have built up such high expectations of Kaladin and hung so much of their hope on him, regarding him like an untouchable, divine being. Like a Herald. And like a Herald, he's been worn down thin. But he won't run away. He'll make one last stand.
Kaladin is going to his death.
Chapter 103 The Legend You Live
I love the way Teft and Phendorana get along.
Why? Why did Moash come for Kaladin's family first? How does gagging little Oroden help him kill Syl? You know what, nevermind, I shouldn't expect to understand Moash.
That was an epic taunt from Kaladin to the Pursuer!
Chapter 104 Full Of Hope
I don't see how anything could turn out well. Even if Kaladin kills the Pursuer, he'll still be surrounded. Rlain and Dabbid can't get to Navani. Not sure what Venli can even try here. And everyone else is so far away. Shallan in Shadesmar around Tukar, Dalinar around Emul.
No! Phendorana! TEFT!
Chapter 105 Children Of Passions
Kaladin broke the Pursuer. The whole city chanted his name. Then Moash broke Kaladin. On purpose. How dare he!
Venli is starting to see that she may be a bit sociopathic.
How does this work out in Raboniel's head? 'Yeah I reverse engineered the technology you developed and I totally stole, sorry I lied to you about that, and now I'm gonna use it to kill lots of people but I'm gonna let you escape so it's even. We good?'
Chapter 106A Hundred Discordant Rhythms
Raboniel really wanted the war to end. With Singers winning, preferably, but she really didn't care as long as it ended.
What is happening to Kaladin? It got dark and bad really fast. I'm scared. What's wing with his eyes? Is Odium going to use this moment as an excuse to make Kaladin his champion later?
Chapter 107 Uniting
Moash you lying liar! That is NOT how Elhokar died! You think you're your best self now? Well you're not! Renarin showed you your best self and you ran from it, you couldn't stand the sight of it!
Maybe Raboniel infused the crystal pillar with Stormlight-Voidlight hybrid instead of just Voidlight? Can I hope for that?
Will Venli's reveal to Leshwi work out well like Kaladin's to Dalinar did?
Please save him, Dalinar! Save Kaladin!
Chapter 107 Moments
Tien! Sweet, loving Tien. When I realized the vision was about Tien, I thought Kaladin would re-live the memories but with revisions so he could be like 'I protected him this time.' But no, this was even better. Journey before destination.
Teft, you wonderful, amazing to the last.
Chapter 109 Emulsifier
The spren...have.. forgiven them? Didn't the Singers always say that the spren betrayed them? Our understanding of history is flawed at best!
Chapter 110 Reborn
Syl! Joy! Windspren! Joy!
Sibling said before that their Bondsmith created Light through connection with them. Implying that Sibling's not making much Light, so the Bondsmith (if any bonded) wouldn't make much either. And now look at that, Navani and Tower making Light together. And lots of it.
Lirin. Kaladin. Hugs. Shash. Reconciliation. Love.
Chapter 111 Unchained
Ishar plans to unite the Shards of Adonalsium. Interesting. That is one possible way to interpret "Unite Them." I admit I thought that's what Dalinar would do eventually.
Rlain bonded a spren like Renarin's. Right? He's become a Truthwatcher. In your face, Mraize! He's seeing the future, right? This will make another blind spot in Odium's planning.
Adolin, the best duelist we've seen so far, could handle three Shardbearers. Then here is Ishar, easily handling three Shardbearers and two spearmen, and he's not even the best among Heralds.
Ishar can steal connections. But Tien said Connections can't be taken! I know we keep finding that we don't understand the rules of the Cosmere, but honestly, this rule was freshly established only twenty pages ago. *grumble grumble* *goes back twenty pages and reads* Okay, Tien said Odium cannot take the Connection away. But apparently, Ishar can. Ishar is more scary than Odium.
Nightblood chipped an Honorblade. Thank goodness it wasn't a living Blade.
Ishar can open a Perpendicularity, but whose Perpendicularity is it? It can't be Honor's, otherwise Stormfather would have felt it. He's not an Elsecaller, either, who can pop people into Shadesmar.
Ishar's moment of lucidity came from Navani being made a Bondsmith, didn't it? That means Ishar had a moment like this too when Dalinar bonded the Stormfather. And maybe when Dalinar opened a Perpendicularity for the first time. I wonder if any of the other Heralds felt anything.
I thought it would take Chiri-chiri (or at least Venli) to suck out the Voidlight from Urithiru, but nope! Navani SCIENCED it out. Yeah. Scholar powers.
Sibling sounds so excited to have someone who understands their complexities. Well, Navani has spent well over a year trying to understand the Tower. She learned a lot about the Tower before she got to know the Tower.
Stormfather is telling on Ishar to Dalinar. "I never liked him." *giggle* He can sound so petty sometimes, but he is honest.
Ishar was ambitious and he "was the one Odium first tricked into experimenting with the Surges." I sense an echo of Venli.
Did anybody else know that a living Shardplate could zip around like that? That was incredible, with attitude from Sibling and Kaladin making the perfect finish!
Spren bodies. Ishar killed the unkillable. This is a terrible misuse of Bondsmith powers. Notum could have ended up here too, if Adolin had not intervened.
Ishar=break all the rules. He is an embodiment of the Cosmere taunting you for your feeble concepts of facts and reality.
Moash feels pain, shame, and anger. But feeling guilty or feeling bad is different from saying 'I am guilty' or admitting 'I did something bad.' 'I want to stop feeling bad' is not the same as 'I want forgiveness.' *sigh* He could not even say 'I'm sorry.' "He wasn't sorry for what he'd done. He was only sorry for how his actions made him feel." There, he said it himself.
Can I say that Moash was literally blinded by Navani's awesomeness?
So. A lot happened there. Kaladin is happy. Sibling is bonded. Urithiru is saved. Moash is blinded (like a physical parallel to Deadeye spren?) Dalinar is scared. I think the rest of the book will be just the wind-down from there, with clues and preparations for the next book. We are past the danger now. Definitely no last-minute stabs in the back. (BFF: Pick up the phone. Me: Why? BFF: Because you called it. Me: Huh?)
Chapter 112 Terms
Although Dalinar tried, and Dalinar wanted to, in the end it wasn't Dalinar that saved Urithiru or pressured Odium to agree to terms. It was Navani.
Odium thinks Dalinar has been colluding with Ishar. Wow, he can be wrong so easily when he can't see the future. Just as Lezian was no soldier, Rayse was no scholar. He has limitations.
Oh. The contest of champions is in ten days, and that's what the "Final Ten Days" is about.
I see three faults in the terms agreed to. First, Odium is still free to send his armies throughout the Cosmere, which can be plenty destructive. Second, protection of Wit was not included. Third, there were no provisions in case of a draw. Wit told Jasnah earlier about how he lost terribly because he hasn't accounted for ties. Wonderful foreshadowing, yes?
Chapter 113 Emotion
When Raboniel died, a breath escaped as black smoke. Sounds a bit like Nightblood, doesn't it? If the special dagger with anti-Voidlight is a special key that destroys only with Voidlight-holding entities, Nightblood is a master key or skeleton key that can destroy any soul.
I am sick of Taravangian's constant effort at scheming.
In the end, Taravangian's "dumb," emotional day is what led him to prevail over Odium. And then, to become Odium. Is this how Cultivation intended her gift to be used? Did she see this?
Renarin saw this. Sja-Anat used Renarin to send her spren to Taravangian. And Renarin told him, "I'm sorry." Is this the pinprick of light that Renarin saw in Taravangian's future? Why didn't Renarin tell anyone else about Taravangian?
Nightblood ate up quite a bit of Rayse-Odium there. Is Nightblood going to pick up Rayse's speech patterns now?
Will Taravangian let Sja-Anat be independent?
Chapter 114 Broken Gods
With Radiants and Leshwi, I am sure Listeners have a bright future ahead of them. This will be good.
Good to hear Kaladin got some good sleep. My goodness, he needed it. I hope Moash leaves him alone for good. But just in case, I'd get Kaladin an aluminum nightcap to wear to bed.
Why won't Kaladin be ever seeing Rock again?
We all miss you, Teft.
The melding of, and separation between, a Shard and its vessel is mind-boggling to me.
Shouldn't Szeth find it suspicious that "Taravangian" left a corpse at all, even if it was just bits of bone, instead of puffinglg away into black smoke entirely?
Oh wow, Cultivation did see this. She has not been sleeping the whole time at all. She prepared Taravangian to be a vessel of Odium. She knew how to use Nightblood in her plan, too. She had been in possession of Nightblood at some point (Nightwatcher offered to give a said that bleeds black to Dalinar). Cultivation knew more than Odium. Taravangian thinks he's got her fooled, but it could still be the other way around.
Will Cultivation's Boon and Curse still affect Taravangian? Or does being Ascended (or dead) cancel that out?
Even as a Shard, Taravangian can't stop scheming. *groan* I don't trust the salvation Taravangian offers.
Chapter 115 Testament
Aww! Shallan and Adolin are trying to make her first spren better. And the spren is a she. I imagine little Shallan befriending Testament and it's so sweet.
Mraize, you evil man, how could you abuse a Seon so. Poor Ala! The Seon probably was frightened to death when Shallan opened the cube, believing destruction of self to be imminent.
Shallan truly told everything to Adolin! Her Cryptic, Ghostbloods, everything!
Wit and Pattern got one step ahead of the Ghostbloods and got Shallan'a brothers to safety. Woot!
BFF had to point out "Lord of Scars" on a different "planet" that Wit once "slapped around" and help me figure out: Kelsier!!! You meddling man, do you have any idea how much pain, suffering, and death you have caused? Do you even care? Why don't you go and pick up the Shard of Meddling or something? You'll get along SO well! (I am, generally, rather fond of Kelsier. But the fondness tends to make me forget how crazy and destructive he is. He really needs to keep a better eye on those who work for him. And try to care more about people.)
Hey! Kelsier! Your minions are abusing orphans and selling little girls to evil scientists!
Psst, Mraize! Here's Cosmere for you. You don't know who you're serving.
Listeners are wary of Venli and anything she suggests. Very good! Good for them!
Listeners had almost lost all their songs. Centuries of history and tradition, just gone.
One question about Willshaper spren. Why are they called Reachers? For a lot of other spren, the name is descriptive of their appearance (high, peak, mist, ash, cultivation, ink) or their ideal (honor), or what they like (lie/cryptic). But I can't find the tie between the name "Reacher," bronze skin, and freedom.
A chasmfiend protected the Listeners. What. How. Incredible.
We've seen people come back from the dead, rise back to life from a bloody pulp, regrow limbs, and all that magical healing. Why does the healing of Jaxlim's mind affect me more than these other miracles?
Chapter 116 Mercy
The contest is ten days away, and the book is so close to the end. ... Something's going to go wrong, isn't it? (I hadn't accounted for the Epilogue and Ars Arcanum. The book did end before the contest happened. Whew. Will see what happens in book 5.)
Meet Bondsmith and Bondsmith, Radiant power couple.
Kaladin found Wit's flute! Oh this is good.
Oh wow. The title "Defeated One" actually stuck. They let a human name a Fused.
And we finally meet this mysterious El. It sounds like El used to hold the title that is now Moash's (He Who Quiets). I didn't know a Singer could speak without rhythms. Why is El forbidden rhythms?
Kaladin found Tien's horse, miraculously. And he's going out with his man without being dragged. And he's joining the meeting. I am so hopeful that he'll get better. Not cured, maybe, but better.
Yes, Dalinar, praise Navani. Praise her more. Verbally expresses how much you appreciate her. Articulate her awesomeness.
Chapter 117 One Final Gift
We got to witness Eshonai's last moments. She fought for her freedom, won that battle, and died as herself. Then, finally, she got to see the world. All of it. To her, even the Beyond is another adventure. It's making me cry.
Epilogue Dirty Tricks
This is too horrible. The one person we believed to be safe, untouchable, invulnerable, has been violated. Messing with a person's mind is THE WORST!
But Breaths cannot be stolen! It has to be given willingly with words and intent! *shakes fist at the Cosmere*
Ars Arcanum
"Stones reaching back through generations of Connection to display events, feelings, emotions, and idea from long ago." And that's why Willshapers' siren are called Reachers. They teach into the past through Connection. Curiosity satisfied.
So. Book 5 is going to be about the contest. The whole book taking place over the course of ten days. It'll be a Sanderson Avalanche, from front to back, the whole way.
We are looking at, I assume, the Last Desolation. We have seen the Everstorm. I guess we will see the Night of Sorrows in book 5. That doesn't sound happy, does it?
I've finally finished reading the book. That took a lot of emotion or of me. Much appreciation to my BFF, wonderful husband, man of my dreams, love of my life, for being patient with me while I read everything twice.
Now I can go see Tumblr without fear of spoilers.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 21)
"A hippie, A punk and An Alien"
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Upstairs, Luna throws on a pair of old jeans with a pair of strappy, flat studded heels. She adds a chunky, gray knitted cardigan over her thin, white tank and black lacey bra. Making sure to be careful of her arm. Leaving her blonde hair loose.
Before leaving she heads back into the studio to kiss Colson goodbye. They're still working on the track. After she kissess him, she asks Colson to send her a copy. He obliges. Walking back up the stairs, song playing in her head, something about it just isn't sitting right with Luna.
"I wanna work this in..." Colson thinks to himself, after saying goodbye to Luna. As he helps mix the track, his mind trails off "But there's somethin ain't right..." His thoughts nagging him.
Colson offered his Rover but Luna prefers to uber. The New Yorker in her doesn't like to drive if she doesn't have to. Looking out the window, heading to meet Frannie and Paris, 'Tangled up in Blue' comes on the radio. Leaning up Luna begins to ask "Can you..." She stops herself, leaning back into her seat, letting the song play as her mind drifts to Justin. Bob was Theirs.
With a deep flash of pain, she opens her heart as he floods in. Remembering all those nights in bed with just a guitar and a bottle. All the songs they wrote together, littering her brain. "FUCK." She thinks. She breathes deeply, letting him linger in her soul instead of reaching for a Xanax. They had been together since Luna was 17. At almost 27, he had been tangled through out almost her entire life. "I'll always love you." She sighs. Holding her tears, she collects herself as she tips the uber driver and slides out.
"LOOOONS!!!" Frannie and Paris greet her in unison as she steps out of her uber. They're in The Valley, close to Roger's Bowling. Heading to their favorite Mexican hole in the wall, El Familia.
Chatting with each other unrelentlessly, they're sat easily, ordering margaritas immediately. As they're placed on the table, Paris takes a long sip of hers.
"I fucking LOOOVE their Margs!!" She declares happily, making Luna and Frannie laugh hard.
They don't need menus, they've been eating here ever since they discovered Roger's on Luna's first trip to see Frannie. YEARS ago. They had met in NY, at Vogue, both interning as teenagers at the same time. It was a great experience and connection for them both.
Anna is a wonderful, delightful and a trusted role model/associate to them both. She had been delighted to connect the girls, pleased to encourage such kind, artistic linears. Without knowing it, Anna fell absolutely in love with both of them. She continues to find it to be a personal privilege, watching their friendship and styles blossom over the years. Observing as they both continued to find their own ways through life and fashion. Her heart broke with their obsure, unfortold similarity. Being who she is, she can't help but admire their own individual strengths and styles. Their sole persons never being lost upon her. They both have a bleeding, long standing, personal sense of self. Aligned with an AUTHENTIC friendship. It's one of the rarest gems Anna has found in her glittered world.
But, glam and glitter aren't in these girls bones. Their friendship was the greatest gift they both took from the internship.
"YOU fucking love TEQUILA, P!!" Luna laughs, teasing her friend.
"I do. I do..." Paris nods her head laughing, acknowledging both her love and friend's knowledge. She's known Luna almost all her life. Her dad had been friends with Luna's grandmother. They'd been through a lot together. Luna, P and Frannie had all gravitated to each other easily. Luna introducing P to Frannie. They were their own version of The Three Musketeers. A hippie, a punk and an alien, as Frannie liked to refer to herself. All artists. Trying to create their own world, beyond their predecessors.
"Sooooo.....MGK, I mean, Colllllson..." Frannie teases Luna.
"Yeeeahhhhh...." Luna responds beaming.
"You guys are FUCKING cute!!" P declares, Frannie nodding in agreeance.
"We got tattoos..." Luna says beaming, sliding her cardigan off her shoulder. Lifting her right arm to showcase her new ink.
"You drew that, didn't you!?" Frannie asks laughing, knowing Luna's work immediately.
"I did." She laughs, blushing. "We wrote a song too...." She cheeses, rolling her eyes. "Will you listen?" She asks.
"OF COURSE!!" Both girls respond in unison.
Luna pulls her phone out. Finding the file Colson had sent her, she plays it for her friends. They listen intently.
"Wow." Frannie says first. "That's different for you. You're on a beat, not live?"
"Yeeeahhh...." Luna says reluctantly.
"I like it. But doesn't he have a band? Why aren't you live?" P persists.
Her friend's insight seeps into Luna. "I don't know...." She trails off. Knowing that, THAT, was what she was feeling when she walked out of the studio earlier.
"It'd be better live." Frannie says flatly "That's who YOU are and HE HAS A BAND" She continues with a knowing look "I like him and I LOVE that you're happy and creating..." She trails off before she starts again "The lyrics are fucking GREAT, Loons, BUT I'm gonna call you when you're doing some false shit." Frannie continues pointing her purple painted finger out "You don't ride a fucking beat, Loon." Frannie shakes at her matter of fact.
"SOOOO...!!!" Luna starts, changing the subject. "Tell me the latest news on THAT Motherfucker." She's referring to Frannie's divorce. "He still going after The '59 Martin?" She asks her intensely, chin in hand, Frannie's previous words not lost on Luna's mind.
"Yeah.... He won't stop." She sighs.
"You know, I can just fucking kill him." Luna states matter of factly.
Laughing, Frannie responds "I know!" She reaches across the table to grab Luna's hand. "He's already claiming Courtney has tried, though." She sighs, squeezing Luna as she rolls her eyes, letting out a light, sad, chuckle.
"PERFECT!" Luna laughs loudly, squeezing Frannie back. Trying to lighten her friend's heart. "2 birds, 1 fucking stone. Fuck 'em both. I'll ride and let that crazy bitch take the fucking hit!!"
All 3 girls erupt into laughter, knowing there's a legitimacy to Luna's words. She hates the situation Frannie's in, all around. She can't stand Courtney, nor this stupid fucking "husband". As one of Frannie's most trusted friends, she's never cared for either one. A solid regret of Luna's, being that she didn't speak her mind on the latter before it was too late.
"Never a-fucking-gain" Luna thinks squeezing Frannie's hand again, as she looks her friend deep in the eyes.
"You lemme know." Luna says with a nod and her devilish smile, unwaveringly before turning to Paris.
"Tell me about this new Lovaaaa!" She smiles softer at P, snaking her black index finger. Luna hasn't met her new boyfriend yet. She'd been mourning on the East Coast as her friend fell in love on The West.
"Ohhhh...." Paris sighs happily. "He's wonderful and beautiful and..." She trails off beaming. "I have SO much fun creating with him, Loons!!" She bursts to Luna's pleasure.
Excited for her friend, Luna asks when their next show is. Paris isn't sure, her and Gabe are just starting off. "I'm here for a minute." Luna tells her "Let me know when you have a gig, P. You know I'm there." Smiling at her friend. She loves P's style and is always happy to support and experience new music. Personal friends or not. Luna's heart lies deeply in music. It's why she has a cleft note tattooed on her left ring finger. Her first and true love. She's married to music.
"We both will!!" Frannie chimes in. Paris smiles brightly, knowing she has the GREATEST friends.
The girls finish dinner. Floating around The Valley, they stop into "Roger's" to say 'Hi' to their friend, catch up and reminisce. Luna regrets not thinking to bring the magic slushies. They grab a couple bottles before heading to the beach to burn and watch the sun.
Although she was raised in NY, Luna loves and knows CA like a sweet step-parent. Watching the sunset bob against the sea, enjoying a joint with her friends, Luna's heart swells. She loves and lives for moments like this. She pulls her camera out. It's never far from her grasp. P pulls another joint from her bag, never far from her grasp. The girls giggle, getting stoned, passing the bottles and joints back and forth in delight.
After the sun has beyond set, huge burn circles and lots of love talking on the beach, the trio hug each other before separating. Each taking an uber. Luna's slightly drunk, but extremely heady as she rides back to Colson's. She enjoyed her time with her friends. Smiling contently she leans her head back for the rest of the way.
Walking into the house, Luna doesn't know what time it is. She doesn't care. She's drunker than she thought and she wants Colson. And she wants to go to bed. Walking downstairs, she finds him in the booth. Some of the guys are in the studio with a bunch of girls. Slim and a guy she doesn't recognize are at the board. She doesn't care. She walks right into the booth. Heels clicking in her stride.
Colson has been watching her since she came into the studio. His dick grows as he watches her find him and zone in. Her stride is sexy and smooth. Heels clicking with authority. She places her hands on his hips, pulling her into him while sliding her brilliant blue eyes inside his. DEEPLY. "Come to bed, Bunny..." She says, giving him THAT One Look. "Please." She begs before loudly kissing him on the cheek. With drunken, knowing eyes, she smirks at him before sauntering out of the booth. Heels clicking. His eyes follow her out of the booth, through the studio. She stops at the door, letting her cardigan slide down as she looks at him over her tattooed shoulder. Narrowing her eyes, she bites her lip hard before heading out the door with a taunting smile.
""THIS FUCKING BITCH!!!" Colson thinks, his dick growing in excitement with her every move. He looks at AJ and Slim, throwing a wrap it up signal up. He hangs up his headphones before following behind Luna.
To be continued.....
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ververa · 5 years
“You are enough”
CHAPTER 10 (part 1)
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They entered the gallery shoulder to shoulder – holding hands all the time. Ellie wasn't eager to leave the comfort of their house, at least didn’t really want to spend the New Year’s Eve in a gallery. But Ronnie insisted she had to, since the gallery had a new owner, who wasn't really into allowing young artists to exhibit there. And so Ellie went there as well, cause she needed to keep an eye on the girl.
"What the hell is that?" Ellie asked looking at one of the paintings
"Well" the girl tilted her head to one side "I... I truly don't know" she sighed
"We should be somewhere... nicer. Like a restaurant or at home... Even the club would be better than this" she rolled her eyes
"I know. I know. I'm sorry, but I have to attend it. It's the idea of new owners... And if I won't be here they may have half a mind to knock my works off of here" she explained as they moved further "Besides I need backers... And since they pay I don't really have a choice"
"Oh, fuck them. I'll pay" she whispered and kissed the shell of Ronnie's ear
The girl chuckled.
"No, you won't. I don't want you to pay for me all the time. It would be as if I were..."
"Not capable of taking care of yourself. Yes I know. I didn't mean that. I just fail to understand this" she pointed to another picture "And it's no fun" she complained
Ronnie shook her head
"Your works are so much better. Just look... What is that supposed to be?" she pointed to a picture with some lines creating a weird shapes
"Well, the name says it's a ride..." she pointed to the inscription below the painting
"A ride?"
"The only thing it has in common with a ride is that unsuited name. I can show you what a real ride looks like"
Ronnie giggled
"I bet you can" she dragged Ellie to another object
"So, do you want to go home and have a ride?"
"Elliiiiiie!" the girl reprimanded blushing profusely
"What?" she smirked
Ronnie said nothing trying to focus on another painting.
"Are you wet already?" she whispered only for the girl to hear "Did the thought of it alone turn you on?" "Ellie, stop" she could say her cheeks became even redder
"I bet you're soaked, aren't you, kitten?" she emphasised the last word knowing how it always work on the girl
"You'll be the death of me"
"Your fault. You promised to be my snow maiden" she bit her lower lip "Come on, baby. Let's have a ride" "El..."
"You can be the top" Ronnie looked at the woman
Ellie smiled with satisfaction seeing the girl's sparkling eyes
"There you are" she smirked knowing that she will get what she wanted
"Oh... Wow" Ellie's eyes sparkled as she saw Ronnie only in her lingerie and that red hat on "I think I may start liking Christmas"
The girl chuckled, as she could feel the blush on her cheeks again
"Come here" Ellie patted her thighs in an inviting gesture
"You promised I'll be the top"
"Right. I'm sorry. I just... God... I want you now. Please..."
Ronnie smiled approaching the bed and crawling on to it.
"So, are you going to take me for a ride like promised?" the girl asked smirking
"Of course, I'm not the one to make empty promises"
"Good" she straddled Ellie's bare thigh
The psychiatrist shifted a bit and wanted to place her hands on the girl's hips, but Ronnie caught her hands before she managed to do it
"Csk csk csk" she shook her head "No, doctor. No touching today"
"What?! Why?!"
"Because" she leaned closer to whisper into the woman's ear "You were a bad girl"
"No" she chuckled mischievously before licking Ellie's jaw with a tip of her tongue "No touching. You can only watch"
The psychiatrist groaned with dissatisfaction, but lifted up her thigh anyway, so that Ronnie would have a better access. The girl smiled looking down at the woman as she felt her thigh between her legs. Ronnie grounded her hips down onto Ellie's leg. The older woman smirked feeling how wet the girl was.
"As I thought. You're completely soaked"
"Ohhh. Shut up!" she said not interrupting the move of her hips and closing her eyes
At this Ellie flattened her leg out onto the bed
"W-what the fuck?!" Ronnie almost cried as her body was disconnected from the psychiatrist's thigh
"Is somebody not enjoying themselves?"
"Ellie!!!" she cried with frustration
"What baby?"
"Why? Tell me, why do you have to be like this?" she rolled her eyes
"What do you mean baby?"
"Ohhh. Why do you have to tease so fucking much?!"
"Watch your language!" Ellie slapped the girl's thigh "Ask me nicely"
"Fuck you!"
The older woman barely managed not to laugh at Ronnie's reaction.
"Oh, baby I don't need to. I have you for this" she winked at her
"You're the worst"
"But you love me"
Ronnie rolled her eyes once again
"So, can I touch you? Tell me, baby girl, do you want your doctor to touch you?"
"Oh my... Yes! Yes, I want my doctor to touch me! I want my doctor to fuck me! For fuck's sake, Ellie!"
The psychiatrist smirked lifting her thigh back to its previous position. She smiled even wider when she placed her hands on the girl's hips to guide her moves. And soon the girl was almost at the edge.
"You're doing great, kitten"
"I'm n-not g-go... O-oh my..."
"What baby?"
"I'm not g-going... to t-talk t-to you" she stuttered breathlessly
"Are you sure?" she asked
"Y-yes, I'm su-" Ronnie's words were interrupted by a loud moan, as Ellie lifted her leg higher – increasing the pressure
"Fuck! I-I'm close"
"Then, come for me, kitten"
And she did. The girl let go and soon she wasn't able to hold herself up. She fell into Ellie's embrace – her body still trembling lightly. Ronnie needed a few minutes to come back from her high. But as soon as she eased her breath she moved away from Ellie's soft arms. The psychiatrist looked at her confused.
"I was serious. I'm not going to talk to you" she huffed
"Oh, kitten, don't be mad"
The girl rolled over to the other side, so that her back was to the older woman.
"But didn't you cum after all?" Ellie chuckled "Don't be childish"
Ronnie only lifted her hand and showed her girlfriend a middle finger. The psychiatrist barely stopped her laugh.
"How about me making it up to you?" she leaned closer to the girl "Huh? How does it sound, darling?" "You'll have to put a lot of effort into it"
"How about this?" she reached to the drawer and placed a small box in front of the girl "Will it be a sufficient amount of effort?"
Ronnie sat up and took the box. Ellie looked at her with anticipation and she couldn't hide a smile as she saw how Ronnie's eyes widened
"Oh my god..." the girl looked at her girlfriend "Are those..."
"Wedding bands. Yes"
Ronnie looked at the content of the box once more. There were two rings. One with a black rock created as a flower of rose and a band formed in leaves and the second one – only with leaves.
"I know we were going to pick them together, but I just thought that maybe I'll surprise you..."
"You did. I'm surprised..."
"Do you like it?"
"Of course I do. They are amazing" she smiled looking lovingly at the other woman "Perfect" she cupped Ellie's cheeks "Just like you" she added leaning in for a kiss
"So, am I forgiven now?"
"Yup. But I'll get my revenge"
"It sounds sweet in your mouth, but" she smirked "I think we can put them to a better use"
Ronnie shook her head straddling Ellie's lap.
"Teasing. Again? You're such a naught girl today, Miss Staple" she kissed the woman "But don't worry, I'll return the favour"
She slowly moved down Ellie's body – kissing every exposed inch of her soft skin. Ronnie placed a few sloppy kisses on the psychiatrist's abdomen and then gently spread the woman's legs out. She began kissing Ellie's thigh. The psychiatrist tilted her head back and closed her eyes waiting with anticipation for the girl to move right between her legs.
Ronnie looked at Ellie's relaxed face and smirked. She trailed a few more kisses down her inner thigh and unexpectedly – for Ellie – slapped her other thigh.
"Now, pop on some nice clothes and get ready for the party"
The psychiatrist need a while to process what happened.
"What? Wait"
Ronnie chuckled mischievously.
"New Year's Eve party" she was going to disappear in a bathroom
"Wait. What about me?" she complained "I thought we're okay now"
"Oh, honey" the girl moved closer to the bed "Of course we are" she said happily "I'm not mad at you any more" she quickly kissed her forehead and run to the bathroom
Ellie sighed with frustration and after a while she followed the girl.
"Baby" she began sternly "It isn't fair"
"What's not fair?"
"I let you cum"
Ronnie laughed at the woman's face expression
"Oh, don't worry. You're going to cum too. Just you'll have to wait, kitten" she whispered before biting Ellie's earlobe.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
My big worry is that there just won't be enough time in the last two episodes (despite how long they'll be) to focus on Will the way we want the writers to focus on him. I am absolutely certain that there'll be something more about his sexuality, but it really needs to be something more than what we've been given in vol 1 because even though they are focusing on his sexuality, they're focusing on it as if he's a recurring character, not a main. And I'm not really sure about any other storylines for him bc there's only two eps left and there's so much going on at the moment. I loved his scenes in vol 1, don't get me wrong, but he just wasn't a big focus and Noah didn't get much challenging material to showcase his talent and I'm kinda like why would that change in vol 2 when there's only 2 eps left? Especially now that I feel that they possibly could be preoccupied with El and the other stories going on in Hawkins. I hope that El doesn't overpower the story once they find her...I don't want Will to be treated like an after thought and get a few measly scenes that briefly focus on him.
I totally agree! I was super disappointed with the lack of screen time Will got in vol 1--he felt like as much of a side character as Argyle when he's supposed to be one of the main characters and even had 2 seasons centered around him! However, I'm very hopeful for his narrative in vol 2 mainly because the story seems to be setting him up to be involved heavily with defeating Vecna and getting answers to the upside down.
So far, for vol 2, here's what we know about Will's storyline: his sexuality will be addressed (meaning it will be explicitly made clear he has a crush on Mike), he will have a one-on-one chat with Mike in Hopper's cabin (most likely involving his painting, which was spotlighted multiple times in vol 1 to clue the audience into the fact that it's important), he will somehow be at the roller rink in his present clothes (meaning he most likely gets vecna'd or shows up in someone's trance), he will be involved in some sort of stunt (most likely a trance, based on his harness' similarity to Sadie's), and he will have lots of dialogue (Noah posted something about having to memorize tons of dialogue--something we didn't see in vol 1).
With all of these clues put together, I think it's safe to say Will will play a much larger role in vol 2 than he did in vol 1. It almost seems intentional that he was essentially "forgotten," both by the characters (Mike and El), and the writers (as a meta to the plot), probably to make it hit harder when Vecna brings this up. This was pretty much a continuation of his S3 arc, so his storyline isn't finished--there has to be a conclusion to this, most likely involving a confession of how hurt he was to the people closest to him.
I can see the possibility of when the cali crew gets El back, that Mike/Jonathan could "forget" about Will and focus on El's wellbeing, which could make Will all that more vulnerable before arriving to Hawkins, where Vecna will be waiting. I think this time though, Mike is more in tune with his own feelings and will be "kicked into gear" when Will falls into danger. This will prompt a strong storyline for Will in vol 2, hopefully 🤞🏻🤞🏻
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