#what a cat-astrophe
dynamic-k · 4 months
Meow meow Meow meoow meoow meoow meoow meow meow Meoow meoow Meoow meow meoow meow Meow meow meoow Meow meoow meow Meow meoow meow Meow Meoow meow Meoow Meow meoow meow meow Meoow meow meoow meoow Meow meoow meow Meow Meow meoow Meoow meow meow Meow meow Meoow meow Meoow meoow meow Meow meow Meow meow meow Meow Meoow meow meoow meow Meoow meoow meoow Meoow meow Meoow meow meow Meow meoow meoow meoow meoow meow Meoow meow meow Meoow Meow meoow Meow meoow meow meow Meow Meow meoow meow Meoow meow meow Meow meow Meow meoow meow meow Meoow meoow meoow Meow meow meow meow Meow Meow meow Meoow
:・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=):・゚✧
*drowns in meows*
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thebroccolination · 6 months
Behold my favorite "the impulsive thoughts won" moment.
[Note: This man is highly allergic to cat fur and no one, not science nor god nor Krist himself knows why he has three cats with fur or how he's still alive.]
It's not just that he went in for a chomp and his allergic body reacted poorly to this choice, it's that he did it again twenty seconds later and had the same reaction.
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This screenshot of the chat on this moment is pure chaos, beauty, and light.
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valentineish · 5 months
Death of a parent isn't easier if they were abusive, by the way. The grief just seeps into the invisible fractures of your heart, hurting in unexpected directions. And it disgusts you that you're mourning somebody who failed to give you even a fraction of this much love.
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cat-astrophe-comic · 9 months
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quietplace26 · 1 year
(There! I did it! The whole What a CAT-astrophe au has been updated and reposted! Please enjoy it!)
Final Part~
What a CAT-astrophe au (4)
The next morning Akito wakes up feeling very different... and to KK falling out his bed with a loud, "SHIT!"
"KK?! Are you okay?!" worried Akito sits up in a panic, only to freeze when he finally realizes why he felt so off this morning.
He-he was no longer a tiny, defenseless kitten! He was back in his original body! He was HUMAN again!
With a positively giddy smile, Akito looks over to KK. "It's gone! The curse is finally gone KK!" His smile does however slip away when he saw how KK refused to look at him. "KK?"
KK, who still refused to turn around and look at him, just covers his eyes with a groan. "I'm... happy for you kid, but..." He waves a hand at Akito while making an odd strangled sound.
It takes only a few seconds for Akito to finally realize why KK was acting so weirdly. Akito was in fact, completely naked.
With this horrifying realization, Akito's face blooms a bright scarlet red and he proceeds to hide under the covers with a squeak of embarrassment. Oh god this was so humiliating!
A loud shriek is suddenly heard from somewhere in the hideout. "M-MARI?!" Ah. Mari must've returned back to normal as well.
Several chaotic minutes later, both Izuki's were dressed in some borrowed clothes (Akito was wearing KK's and Mari was wearing Erika's) and was eating breakfest with everyone.
It was rather awkward trying to eat at first, as both Akito and Mari had become accustomed to having paws, not human hands.
But thankfully no one held it against the two of them for making a small mess as they got used to being human again.
Though Mari did try to take advantage of it by asking Erika to hand feed her. Akito of course quickly puts a stop to her mischief with a glare.
After breakfest came the serious stuff. What happens now that Akito and Mari were normal again?
KK had a serious look on his face as stared at the siblings. His gaze drifting between them until he focused directly on Akito.
"What's it going to be you two? Do you want to stick with us and fight? Or do you want to leave and forget all this ever happened?"
Akito tugs on the clothes KK lent him as he thought about his answer. Glancing over to Mari, he already knew her answer. His sister wanted to stay with this group of misfits, with Erika.
But what about Akito? He wanted the best for him and Mari. He wanted to keep them both safe from harm! And being with these group of people would only take them further into danger!
...But despite feeling that way, Akito wanted to stay. He wanted to stay with this team of yokai hunting misfits. He wanted to learn more about their ways, and maybe even learn how to help?
This was Akito's answer. He wanted to stay. He wanted to stay with Erika, Rinko, Ed, Dale, and most of all? He wanted to stay with KK.
He... He cared about the older man. Maybe even more...
Looking over to Mari, Akito nods with a smile. "We'll stay as long as you'll have us." The happy looks he got from KK and his team only further supported his decision to stay.
With all that seriousness out the way, Erika quickly latches onto Mari, draggin Akito's sister off to her room, saying they had so much to talk about now!
Rinko follows them, saying she'll keep an eye on the girls. Akito gives her a thankful look as she went and she gives him a tiny smile.
Ed and Dale also end up leaving, as they had things to do. Ed gives Akito a pat on the shoulder and a nod as he walked passed the younger man. Dale on the other hand just ruffles Akito's hair with a grin and says they could talk later.
Soon it was just Akito and KK...
Akito wasn't sure what to say to the older man. Should he maybe apologize for appearing naked in KK's bed?
"...KK?" They were both in KK's office. Akito was curled up in a chair right by KK's desk where the yokai hunter himself was sitting at, looking over some paperwork. "Yeah Akito? What is it?"
Akito blushes as he tugs at his shirt sleeve nervously, feeling the familar feeling of embarrassment creep up on him. "A-about this morning... I'm sorry!"
KK stops working and glances over at Akito, who was at this point covering his red face with his hands. "...And why are you apologizing?"
With his red face still covered by his hands, Akito makes a strangled, frustrated sound. "You know why!"
After a few minutes of complete silence, KK finally understood what he was talking about. "You mean what happened this morning? You're apologizing for that?"
Akito doesn't answer, just nods his head and continus to cover his red face. He just couldn't look at KK right now...
He hears KK sigh and stand up from his desk. "Akito. I'm not mad at you." Akito hears KK walk over, and the older man grabs his hands, gently pulling them away from his still burning face.
Akito looks at the older man with an unsure expression. "Really?"
"Yes, really. You just startled me, that's all." KK suddenly gives him a rather boyish grin. "I just wasn't prepared to wake up this morning face to face with a pretty thing such as yourself."
"K-KK?!" Akito gives the yokai hunter a wide eyed stare of disbelief. Did KK actually just call him pretty?! "W-what're you saying?!"
KK just shrugs, still grining as well. "The truth."
A flustered Akito smacks one of KK's arms, yelling at the amused yokai hunter to shut up with a bright blush on his face.
With a smug smirk, KK brings his face closer to Akito's and whispers, "Like I said, I'm just telling the truth A~ki~to, or better yet! Kitten~"
"K-K-Kitten?!" Akito had no idea how he was supposed to handle KK's new nickname for him! It was so cutesy, something that should've felt insulting to Akito, but all it did was make him blush more!
A hand suddenly raking though his hair breaks him out his chaotic thoughts and causes him to stiffen in shock. The hand, KK's hand, was petting him!
Akito should shove KK's hand away, but as the pets kept coming and coming, it eventually leads Akito to melting into a pile of relax goo.
An odd, but clearly happy sound even leaves his throat as the pets kept coming! And it almost sounded like he was purring...
"Even with you being human again, you're still a little kitten, aren't you Akito?" KK mumbles as he contiuned petting Akito's head gently. Weirdly enough, KK's petting was starting to make Akito feel sleepy...
"M-mm?" KK suddenly stops petting Akito and nudges him over to the nearby couch. Once Akito was settled, KK heads back over to his desk, grabs a few things, and then makes his way back over to Akito.
Akito soon finds himself laying down on the couch with his head resting comfortable on KK's lap. KK was also gently running his hand through Akito's hair again as contiuned working.
"Just sleep kitten. I'll wake you up when I'm finished." Akito sleepily nuzzles his face into KK's lap and dozes off with a soft purr...
To think everything started out a complete CAT-astrophe! But now it enede absolutely purrfectly~
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pucksandpower · 11 months
Grid Kids
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: your adopted family may be chaotic but you wouldn’t change it for the world
Series Masterlist
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Max Verstappen: Jailhouse Rock
It’s an ungodly hour of the morning when your phone rings. You groan, fumbling blindly on the nightstand to silence the offender. The name glowing on the screen gives you pause: Max Verstappen.
“Seb,” you mumble, nudging your husband awake. “Max is calling. It’s 3 am.”
Sebastian grumbles something unintelligible, face squished into the pillow next to you.
“You take it,” you insist, poking him again, “I spent three hours on the phone with Lewis last night promising him that Roscoe doesn’t hate him for being left at home this weekend.”
Reluctantly, Sebastian sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He swipes to answer, his groggy voice filling the silent room. “Max, do you know what time it is?”
You hear a hurried explanation from Max’s end, something about a go-kart race, a party, and a tiny misunderstanding with local law enforcement. Your husband’s face becomes more incredulous with every word.
“Wait, you’re where?”
Ten minutes later, you find yourselves at the police station, bleary-eyed but amused. Max is sat behind bars, a sheepish look on his face.
“I promise, it wasn’t my fault,” he insists, blue eyes pleading.
You both manage to suppress your laughter. After signing a few papers, Max is free but the smug grin on Sebastian’s face tells you that he’s not going to let him off that easy.
“So, this is our life now?” you whisper to Sebastian, wrapping your arm around his. “Running a day care for unruly F1 drivers.”
He chuckles, giving you a light kiss on the forehead. “I think we make a pretty good team.”
Charles Leclerc: Open the Floodgates
It’s a stormy evening when your phone buzzes again. This time, it’s a text message from Charles Leclerc: Hey, can I crash at yours? My flat’s kind of … flooded.
Sebastian, reading over your shoulder, raises an eyebrow. “Flooded?”
Before you can respond, a photo arrives — Charles’ living room, a sea of murky water with floating furniture: Okay, maybe more than just kind of.
You look at each other, suppressing laughter. “Guess we’re running a bed & breakfast now too,” you comment, already texting Charles back: Come over. Bring a mop.
Not an hour later, there’s a knock at your door. Charles, drenched from head to toe, stands at your doorstep, carrying what appears to be a plant pot with a small, equally wet cactus.
“I saved the cactus,” he says, looking as pitiful as a drowned rat, albeit a very cute one. He offers a half-hearted shrug, “I didn’t want it to drown.”
Sebastian bursts out laughing, his contagious mirth echoing around the hall. You can’t help but join in, hugging your sides in an attempt to remain composed.
“Well, come in. We can’t have you and the cactus catching a cold.”
Over the next few days, you quickly adapt to the unexpected housemate situation. Charles proves to be a surprisingly tidy guest, always washing his dishes and even cooking dinner one night (although you had to discreetly order pizza after trying his special lasagna).
In the evenings, the three of you curl up on the sofa with Sebastian’s old race replays, laughing and teasing each other. And every night, before he goes to his bed in the guest room, Charles says goodnight to his cactus — the newest member of your eccentric family.
Lance Stroll: The Cat-astrophe
A week later, you get a frantic call from Lance Stroll. “Guys, I found this cat,” he says, panting heavily, “It was all alone in the alley and I couldn't just leave it there.”
The line goes silent for a moment before Lance coughs then sneezes loudly. “Uh, guys, I think I might be allergic ...”
When Lance arrives, the culprit — a tiny, scruffy looking kitten — is perched on his shoulder while Lance himself is a picture of misery: puffy eyes, runny nose, and all.
Between his sneezes, Lance pleads, “Can you please keep her until I figure out what to do? I can’t just abandon her.”
You glance at Sebastian, who looks at the tiny furball with a mixture of amusement and concern. He’s been a dog person all his life but how can you say no to those pleading green eyes?
And so, your home expands to accommodate another kid — this time, a four-legged one.
The next few days are full of chaos. The kitten — whom Lance named Speedy — turns out to be an agent of destruction, knocking over everything in her path and giving Charles’ cactus a few worrying near misses.
You try to give Lance advice on finding a new home for Speedy while dealing with cat-proofing your own. But, during the ensuing pandemonium, you can’t help but laugh.
George Russell: The Shrunken Sweater Saga
One sunny afternoon, George Russell bursts through the door, a panicked expression on his face. “Guys, something terrible happened!”
Sebastian and you exchange a concerned look, jumping up from where you were cuddled on the couch. “What is it, George?”
He holds up a shrunken cashmere sweater, once a luxurious wardrobe piece, now resembling something only a toy poodle could wear. “I accidentally put all my sweaters in the washing machine! They’ve shrunk!”
As the reality of the situation sinks in, you can’t help but chuckle. “George, you do know cashmere isn’t machine-washable, right?”
“I thought they were!” he laments, looking at his miniature sweater in disbelief.
Sebastian claps a hand on George’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, mate. We’ll figure this out.”
Over the next few days, you and Sebastian embark on a quest to save George’s beloved cashmere sweaters. Armed with online tutorials and gallons of fabric softener, you attempt various rescue techniques.
Some of the sweaters regain a semblance of their former glory while others are beyond saving. You present George with a colorful assortment of shrunken clothing which he accepts with an embarrassed grin.
A sudden thought strikes you and you can’t help but giggle. Holding up a particularly tiny sweater, you call out to Speedy.
“Look, Speedy! It’s your size!” you exclaim as you gently dress her in the shrunken garment. It fits her perfectly, making her look like the most stylish cat on the block.
The sight of Speedy strutting around in a cashmere sweater breaks all of you into laughter. Even George can’t help but chuckle, despite his heartbreaking loss.
In the following days, Speedy parades around the house, flaunting her new wardrobe. George’s shrunken sweaters have found a new purpose, and despite the initial panic, everything worked out in the end.
“This is the most high-fashion cat I’ve ever seen,” Sebastian comments one day, watching Speedy strut her stuff on the living room rug. “She should be on a runway.”
George, watching his beloved sweaters being put to good use, grins. “I think they look better on her than they did on me.”
Speedy watches you with a lazy stare, now comfortably nestled in her new family’s hearts (and cashmere sweaters).
Lando Norris: Call the Milk Man
It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon when the doorbell rings, jolting you out of your peaceful nap. Groggily, you stumble towards the door, pulling it open to reveal a sheepish-looking Lando Norris.
“Hi, I was just wondering,” he starts, shifting nervously from foot to foot, “Do you have some milk I could borrow? I ran out and the shops are closed.”
Suppressing a smile, you nod, motioning for him to wait while you go fetch the milk.
When you hand Lando the milk, he seems relieved. But then, he looks at the container quizzically. “Why is it in a glass bottle? Don’t you use cartons?”
Your laughter fills the hallway as you explain your household’s eco-friendly policy. Lando listens attentively, his previous discomfort replaced with genuine curiosity. You can tell he’s taking mental notes.
Over the next few weeks, Lando pops by more frequently. Sometimes he borrows more milk, other times he just wants to chat about sustainability, an interest sparked during his first milk visit.
One day, he arrives at your doorstep with a broad grin and a glass bottle in hand. “Look, I’ve switched to glass milk bottles too!”
Sebastian will be proud.
Mick Schumacher: Comfort in Company
One evening, you find Mick Schumacher sitting alone in your backyard, gazing at the stars. His usually cheerful face is thoughtful, his eyes a little glossy.
“Mick, everything alright?” you ask, settling down next to him on the grass.
He looks at you then at the stars again. “I just ... I miss my dad, you know?”
The silence hangs in the air, thick with emotions. You reach out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay to miss him. You don’t have to hide it. Especially not here with us.”
He nods, wiping his eyes. “I know. It’s just some days it hits harder than others.”
You stay with him, listening as he talks about his dad, his memories both sweet and poignant. You realize that while you’ve adopted your grid kids into your chaotic family, they each come with their own sets of joys and sorrows.
Sebastian joins you two after a while and the three of you sit under the stars, sharing stories and remembrances. Mick smiles as Sebastian tells him stories about racing with Michael, the camaraderie they shared, and the respect they had for each other.
By the end of the night, Mick seems lighter, the earlier sadness replaced with a soft smile of remembrance. He thanks both of you for listening and understanding. “You guys really are like a second family to me.”
The Big Announcement
One sunny afternoon, you gather all your grid kids in the living room. The chatter is lively, the room buzzing with energy as they try to figure out why they’ve been summoned.
Sebastian gives your hand a reassuring squeeze as you both stand in front of your unconventional family.
“We’ve called you all here because we have some news,” you begin, heart pounding in your chest.
When you finally tell them you're pregnant, the room falls into a stunned silence, their wide-eyed expressions making you chuckle. But then, as the news sinks in, the silence is broken by whoops of joy and congratulations.
“Wow, so we’re going to be big brothers?” Max exclaims, while Lando jokes about teaching the baby to prank Sebastian, Mick looks almost teary-eyed with happiness, and George immediately volunteers for babysitting duties.
With your pregnancy announcement, your grid kids go into overdrive. They begin to dote on you in a way that’s both touching and a little overwhelming. From Charles insisting on cooking you healthy meals (despite his previous lasagna disaster) to Max bringing you comfortable pregnancy pillows, everyone tries to make you as comfortable as possible.
Lance even makes Speedy wear a bell around her neck in case she inadvertently startles you. The cat isn’t pleased but the sight of her jingling around the house keeps everyone entertained.
As the weeks go by, their concern borders on overprotectiveness. They fuss over you at the smallest things, like Max insisting on driving you to your doctor’s appointments because he’s “the fastest driver” or Lando continually adjusting the house temperature to ensure you’re never too hot or cold.
While their actions are well-intended, they often become hilariously excessive. One day, you find Mick baby-proofing the house even though the baby isn’t due for months. He sheepishly shrugs, “Just trying to be prepared.”
Despite the chaos, their actions stem from love and concern, which warms your heart. One evening, you find yourself surrounded by your grid kids as you sit in the living room, their laughter filling the air.
As you watch them, your hand gently resting on your growing belly, you can’t help but feel grateful. These young drivers, your grid kids, have become such a vital part of your life. Their genuine care and, at times, overzealous concern during your pregnancy only emphasize the strong bond you share.
Your family may not be traditional and your daily life may be filled with mayhem but it’s your life with Sebastian and the grid kids. It’s chaotic, hilarious, and unpredictable — and you wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
The Big Day
The day finally arrives when you’re rushed to the hospital. Sebastian is by your side, holding your hand through every contraction, while your grid kids anxiously wait in the waiting room, pacing and biting their nails.
A few hours later, when your newborn daughter makes her entrance into the world, Sebastian walks out to the young drivers, his eyes sparkling with joy and exhaustion. “You can meet her now.”
The joy and anticipation in the room is palpable as they rush in, crowding around the hospital room door in their eagerness.
The sight that greets them is nothing short of heartwarming. You’re in bed, looking tired but blissful, a tiny bundle nestled in your arms.
As they take turns holding the little one, their faces light up in awe. From Max’s gentle cooing to Lando’s finger being gripped by tiny hands to Mick’s unashamed happy tears to Charles’ whispered lullaby in French and George’s soft-spoken promise to be the “coolest brother,” the room is filled with a warm sense of family.
Even Speedy, smuggled into the hospital in Lance’s jacket, gets to sniff the newest human member of the family, much to the nurses’ chagrin.
A Baby in the Paddock
Several months later, the paddock welcomes an unexpected visitor — your baby daughter, wrapped snugly in a cute onesie with a tiny racing helmet print. As you push her stroller through the crowd, your grid kids and their fellow drivers are visibly smitten by the adorable sight.
Your grid kids instantly surround your daughter, their faces lighting up as they coo and make silly faces to elicit giggles. They take turns pushing her stroller and you can’t help but chuckle at their enthusiasm in their newfound roles as big brothers.
Sebastian, ever the proud father, looks on with warm amusement as he watches your daughter bond with her extended family.
Amid the hustle and bustle of the paddock, your daughter experiences her first pit stop as Charles and Lando try to change her diaper. Even Mick, the baby-proofing master, hovers nearby to ensure everything goes smoothly.
You can’t help but admire their dedication and the way they’ve embraced their roles as her protectors and playmates.
At the end of the day, you gather the whole group for a family photo. Your daughter, held by Max and Mick on either side, steals the show with her toothless grin.
As you look at the photo later, you realize that this quirky, chaotic family has grown and changed in the most beautiful ways. Your daughter has been embraced by these young drivers, who have become her brothers and protectors, just as they’ve become sons to you.
A New Racer on the Track
Years pass in the blink of an eye and soon your little girl is no longer a baby. She’s grown into a lively child with a love for speed, much like her father. Today, she’s ready to participate in her first karting race, and the whole gang — your grid kids now with seven World Championships between them — are here to support her.
As they gather around the track, an old joke resurfaces. Max points at a particular bend in the track, nudging Charles with a smirk. “Remember the inchident?”
Charles groans, rolling his eyes, “Not this again. It was years ago!”
Laughter breaks out among the group, their bond echoing through the years.
Before the race, each of your grid kids offers your daughter their sage advice. From Lando’s “always keep your cool” to George’s “remember to enjoy the ride,” her brothers are keen to impart their wisdom. Mick even attempts to show her how to properly do a pit stop, using a toy car and tiny plastic cones.
Your daughter, with a sparkling helmet almost too big for her head, listens earnestly, her wide eyes moving from one brother to the next.
When the race finally starts, your grid kids cheer on loudly, their voices carrying over the vroom of the karts. The sight of your daughter, determined behind the wheel of her tiny kart, brings a surge of pride and a few tears to your eyes.
As the race ends, your daughter crosses the finish line in third place, a beaming smile on her face. She’s welcomed back to the pit by a roaring cheer from her family, her brothers lifting her onto their shoulders.
That night, the celebration is filled with laughter, teasing, and an impromptu re-enactment of the inchident by Charles and Max, much to your daughter’s amusement.
Sebastian lifts his glass for a toast, “To our little racer, may you always find joy on the track. And remember, an inchident is only funny if it doesn’t happen to you.”
Laughter fills the room once again, and you can’t help but marvel at the love and joy surrounding you. These are the moments you cherish the most, moments of laughter and unity shared with this extraordinary, unconventional family.
As you watch your daughter being coddled and celebrated by her brothers, you realize that this legacy of love and support will always continue, and for that, you couldn’t be happier.
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dumpywrites · 2 months
Cat-enaries - Min Yoongi / Suga
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Part two of Cat-astrophe 
Summary: all these series of meaningful acts, but you still don’t know where your relationship stands. 
Genre/tags: Fluff, smut (protected sex, vanilla)
Pairing: Yoongi x she/her/afab reader
a/n: this is my first time writing smut! T_T
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Ever since that eventful night you spent at Yoongi’s place, where both of you got drunk and eventually ended up sleeping on the same bed together (just sleeping!), and him wanting to get to know you more, you continued to see each other more and more. Mostly after you came back home from work, but it could be on weekends too if both of you did not have any other plans. 
After a while you began to know some of Yoongi’s friends, and same thing for him as well. He had a small circle but you were surprised on how they bring out the best out of him. He had been doing all these small gestures just like randomly giving you snacks, offering to babysit your cat when you were busy, or just simply wanting your company while he was producing music. Occasionally he would invite you to a party from his management, where you met his co-workers. 
He would only introduce you by your name though, never any label following behind the introduction. A friend? A neighbor? No, just your name. All these things he had done, and never once did he ever mention about relationship, or at least to put a name on your situation. 
It had only been three, going on four months, you kept telling yourself. Maybe he wanted to get to know you slowly and throughly and did not want to rush things. But then again, you knew how straightforward Yoongi was and he would had at least said something about it if that was the case. Maybe it was for the best, reminding yourself of the traumas you got from your past relationships, maybe it was better to take things slowly. But what made you anxious was the thought of falling by yourself.
Tonight you both agreed to watch a horror movie together at your apartment, with the occasion being you just got a promotion. The promotion happened two weeks prior, but both of you were busy. Yoongi had already sent you a dozen of donuts as a celebratory gift, but you insisted on wanting to spend some quality time with him.
“Have you eaten?” You asked as you opened your apartment door for Yoongi. 
“I have.” He simply said and immediately bent down to greet your pet who was meowing by his feet. 
“He misses you.” 
“We see each other a lot, don’t be a clingy cat.” He smiled and booped the cat’s tiny nose. He picked Cookie up and lightly kissed his forehead before letting him back to roam around the house. 
The scene made your heart race and you cleared your throat. “Well, I also miss you.” You said, hoping Yoongi would catch your intention. 
“I miss you too.” He giggled and ruffled your hair instead, before walking to sit down on your sofa, completely unaware by how disappointed you were. “We’re watching Exhuma, right?” He asked. 
You hummed in agreement, hoping he wouldn’t catch the slight disappointment in the tone of your voice. “You wanna drink something?”
“Anything’s fine.” 
You muttered an “okay” before going to your fridge and grabbed two cans of Sprite and small bowl of popcorn you had made beforehand. You sit down next to him and played the movie and thought to yourself. There wasn’t really anything affectionate happening after you spent the night at his. You had never really kissed officially with you being sober, maybe only once when he kissed your forehead when you went to roller skate together, that was if that could even be counted. 
That day you were struggling to keep your balance and he caught you in his embrace just when you were about to fall frontward. He was laughing and despite being annoyed, you couldn’t help but to get swayed by the sound of his laughter. You didn’t get to process it that much when you felt his lips lightly pressed against your forehead. It happened just for a few second before he let go and simply asked if you were okay. 
Reminiscing the moment had your whole body warm. You put your feet up and hugged your knees together. Yoongi looked to your side, noticing your behavior. 
“Are you cold?” 
“Uh, I don’t know.” It was the opposite, you dummy! You secretly complained. 
“Here,” He grabbed you by your shoulder and scooted you closer to him. “Better?”
“Slightly.” You said, you didn’t realize you were pouting while saying it. 
Yoongi sighed, but a small smile was on his lips. “Only slightly?” 
“Only slightly.” You were annoyed by this point, but you felt awful for wanting to ask, and basically begging, for any skinship from him. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He softly asked while stroking your shoulder gently. 
“Do you not like me like that?” You said while avoiding his gaze. “Am I reading the whole situation wrong? Do you just wanna be friends?”
Yoongi chuckled and it annoyed you further more. He had the audacity to find this hilarious while you felt confused and hurt. 
“Yoongi, this isn’t funny.” 
“On what situation is what we’re doing considered as just friends?” His words immediately made you look back at him. 
“I don’t know! You never really said anything about us being a thing, anything, and…” You found it hard to admit that you basically were asking for his affection. “Nevermind, this is stupid! Let’s just get back to the movie…”
“Look at me.”
“No.” You refused, even when your heart was beating faster at his request. 
“Y/N, look at me.” He said again, this time softly grabbing your chin to make you face him. 
Not a single word came out from him after that, only him dipping down quickly to meet your lips. You were surprised but shortly melted into his kiss and found yourself returning it. He was taking his time tasting your lips. His kisses were very gentle that it almost made you beg for more. Slowly his tongue made an entrance and you welcomed it swiftly. A small low moan escaped your lips as you parted them wider for him to access you. 
And when it was done, mainly because both of you were completely breathless, Yoongi hugged you. He chuckled and this time you couldn’t help but to smile as well. 
“I like you. Maybe in love at this point.” He confessed with you still wrapped in his embrace. “I couldn’t recall when exactly the shift to love began and I’ve been thinking to myself these past few weeks… but every time I see you, I keep wondering if there was even any moment when I wasn’t.”
You blushed at this and snuggled closer, hugging him tighter.
“I feel like I’ve been buying extra portions of my food a little too often, been on Instagram more just to send you some random internet memes that you like so much, been making sure I hear that door opening sound when you come home from work, been thinking about you twenty four seven that my music starts to have your vibe, the melodies just sound like they were made for you and I couldn’t even explain how…” He chuckled at the last mention. “The composer even told me that my work has a romantic touch to it lately.”
He broke the hug so he could look at you and smiled, showing his gum a bit. “I’ve given up cause honestly, I can’t even remember what was life before all these feelings.” He shrugged playfully. “Honestly, I don’t think I even wanna remember how life feels without these emotions.”
Your eyes got teary all of the sudden. Your view was getting a bit blurry. A small laugh, mixture of both relief and happiness, escaped your very own lips before you crashed them back on his. Yoongi immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back close to him. The kiss was more desperate this time, demanding, needy, but most importantly, filled with overwhelming feelings you both had for each other. 
Yoongi swiftly pulled your body and brought you on his lap without breaking the contact on your lips. A muffled squeal came out from you, but you instantly put your arms over his shoulder, deepening the kiss. 
After moments of tongue dancing between the two of you, you pulled back first because once again he had you breathless, but it seemed like he didn’t want you to rest yet, as the moment you pulled away, his lips found their way on your neck, leaving trails of the softest kisses. You bit the insides of your lower lip, trying to subdue the moans that were eager to get out. His thigh being exactly between your legs was certainly not helping you either. Hearing you trying to conceal your voice made him looked up. The sight of you flinching concerned him. 
His right hand palmed your cheek. “I’m sorry, are you uncomfortable? Is this too much?” 
You blush at the tenderness and shook your head in disagreement. “No… uh, I’m not uncomfortable…”
Yoongi smiled at you and quickly kissed your forehead. “Okay.” He simply said, before he went back to put his attention on your neck, showering it with pecks. You were still making low sounds, not trying to conceal your voice as much, just humming with your mouth closed. Your body was still tense but was progressively easing the more his lips kisses you. 
His hands started to move up underneath your top, just shyly under your bra, as if he wasn’t sure if you would grant him more than that. When an open-mouthed moan finally came out from you, Yoongi took it as his green light and began to bring the movement of his hands upwards, gently fondling your clothed breasts, which promptly made your body turned into jelly against him. You could only bury your head on his neck, letting him continue toying your chest. 
Your eyes shot open at the feel of him unclasping your bra. The touch of his palms meeting your bare breasts sent heat through you that instantly went south. You whimpered and hugged him close, burying your face further on his neck. 
“You okay?” He chuckled, not stopping but decreased the pacing of his hands. The angle now making it awkward due to your body pressing closer to him. 
“I’m just shy.” You said while still not moving from your position. 
“You don’t wanna continue? Cause I don’t mind.” He said as he moved one hand to soothe your back. 
“N-no, Yoongi I just… kinda just getting all insecure cause it’s the first time you’ll be seeing me and I’m just scared if I’d look weird to you.” 
“You’re perfect.” He told you and he meant it. 
“I haven’t done this in a while.” You said with a slight moping tone. 
“So do I.” He took your hands to pry them apart from him. He guided them to his chest where you could feel his heart beating rapidly. “Do you think I’m not nervous?”
You looked at him and couldn’t help but to smile. But when you looked down, you realized a growing bulge was present and that seemingly he was not only nervous, but excited as well. 
“You also seem excited…” You giggled. 
“Not exactly my fault now is it.” 
“It’s okay,” You looked up to the ceiling. “I may or may not be soaking through my panties now as well.” That earned a groan from him. 
“Do you want me to help?” He breathed out. His hands now holding your waist steadily, thumb grazing your underboob. “Or we could totally just makeout and it’s alright.”
“Continue… please.”
He groaned once again before lifting both your top and bra at the same time. As the garments sat just above your chest, the view of your nipples perking out just for him had the man salivating. Slowly, he lifted you to his side and laid you down so you could rest on your back on the sofa. He bent down and proceeded to pepper your chest and breasts with soft feather-like kisses, almost as if you would break if he pressed harder. He looked up and felt his ego somewhat boosted with the scene of you biting your lips, whimpering. 
He kissed your right nipple and began to sensually nip and twirl his tongue around it, that was it for you. You fully moaned when his right hand pinched your left nipple and twisted it. You brought your hand to your mouth, trying to repress the arousing sound coming from your mouth from being too loud. 
“It’s just me.” He mumbled into your skin, one hand went to trace the line on your back. 
But that’s the problem. Yoongi himself was your main weakness. 
He continued to play with your twins, lapping the buds with his tongue, making sure he gave both of them the same treatment. Slowly his right hand traveled downwards, caressing your middle through your sweatpants. Your breath hitched. 
“Everything okay?” He asked again. 
“Y-yeah.” You managed to vocalize. 
“Can I take these off?” He said, tugging slightly at the band of your pants. 
You only nodded and he kissed your forehead. He proceeded to deliberately slide down your bottoms, leaving you with your exposed panties. 
Yoongi gulped at the sight of your damp underwear. A small patch of wet spot could be seen and he could not lie to himself and felt proud of his doings. He bent down and kissed your lips for a second before flashing a soft smile. 
“Can we continue in your room?” Before you answered, he followed. “I want you to feel comfy while I eat you out.” 
That sentence almost had you hollering.  
“Okay…” You breathed out heavily and took his hand, dragging him inside your bedroom. 
Just after he closed the door, for a split second you saw a smirk visible on his face, before he scooped you up in his arms. You gasped, and he quickly pecked your lips before gently laid you on the bed. He brought his right hand to caress your thigh softly, slowly moving upwards to your crotch area. You moaned instantly at the contact. 
His middle and ring finger moved up and down, petting your core through the cotton cloth. The pace slowly increasing, and so did the volume of your pleas. You could feel your body turning into jelly already when neither his fingers or lips had touched your naughty bits yet. 
Finally you felt one of his finger tugging and pulling your underwear. You gladly, almost too eagerly, helped him by wiggling out from it, as you watched him pulling it loose and dropped them to your floor. He pulled you slightly so you were close to the edge of your bed, and he bent down on his knees. He gaped at your glistening core, and he really was ogling for a hot minute, lost at his thoughts. 
“Stop staring at me like that.” You quickly clamped your legs together. 
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t believe this.” He chuckled, hands on your thigh, meddling your legs back to spread out for him. “I haven’t done this in a while…”
“You’ve told me.” Your eyes searched for his. 
“No, I mean, I might be rusty… if it feels weird or if you wanna stop, we can stop anytime.”
You could see the nervousness and self-consciousness in him and it made you wanna love him even more. 
“I just wanna taste you so bad right now.” 
He hunched closer in between your legs and dived in. He licked a bit, tasting you in his tongue. At that moment he decided it was his favorite flavor. He licked a full strip your labia, before then letting his tongue danced around it, making out with your cunt. He tried to make a mental note on which part made your back arched, which side made you moan louder. Hoping the next time, if you would let him, he promised himself he would make you feel ten times better. 
A loud yelp came out from you when he slid in his middle finger. You bit your lips, feeling shaky. He carried on trusting you, slowly in and out, pacing increasing at the same time as his tongue on your clit. He then added his ring finger and you felt it effortlessly sliding into your sopping wet hole. The attack from both his tongue and fingers quickly trembled you down. You felt your stomach came into a knot and your insides clenched. 
“Y-Yoongi… I…”
You could not form a sentence and Yoongi seemed to be too immersed to respond your pleas as he kept his tempo. You were grasping onto the bedsheets, back arching towards him, and then the orgasm hit you. 
The image of Yoongi smirking with your slick trailing down his chin would now be forever embed on your brain. It would certainly be in your dreams for quite some time. 
“That was… okay, right?” 
“That was incredible.” You said through panting. 
The guy smiled and kissed the crown of your head. He pulled his t-shirt off in one go and kissed you once again. You broke off the kiss first, pulling him by the neck so he could crawl on the bed with you. Now with you under him, he then kissed your neck before sliding your cropped top over your head, making you fully bare before his eyes. 
“Beautiful.” Yoongi said in a low voice. 
The compliment flipped your stomach upside down. “How come I’m the only one completely naked…” 
Your comment earned a smile from him. “Would you help me then?” 
You blushed, but did not oblige. You didn’t waste any time and helped him out from his pants. 
He suddenly stopped mid through. His pants were already down to his knee area, and it couldn’t be helped that all your attention were now heading towards his massive bulge that wasn’t in any way shy behind his boxer brief. He stepped down the bed, finally taking off his pants fully. You could see him taking out something from his back pocket before he let the cloth fell down joining the rest of your clothings on the floor. 
“You came prepared.” You commented with a teasing smile after seeing the item he took out from his pants. 
Yoongi just looked at you with a hint of red decorated his cheeks. You found it extremely adorable that he was bashful about it. 
You took his hand and pulled him back with you on the bed. He put the condom on your bedside table, before dipping in to kiss you. It seemed like you both had found out that kissing each other was the best thing and you felt dumb for not doing it sooner. As he kissed you passionately, you were hesitant for a second, but you slowly brought your hand to feel up the swelling bump on his below. You swallowed his groans in the kiss as you continue to stroke up and down. Breaking the kiss, you mumbled something about wanting to return his favor, but Yoongi grabbed your wrist immediately, stopping you from taking off his boxer. 
“At this rate I’m going to cum in my pants so maybe next time, sweetheart.” He kissed your forehead.
When he free himself from his underwear, your jaw dropped along with it. Of course you were no saint, you had caught a glimpse of his groin area before when he wore that one gray sweatpants that you fancied. You were in fact suspecting that he was at least a little above average, but not this. He had completely proven you wrong. Quite frankly, you had never thought about how beautiful a male part could be until you saw his. 
You gulped your saliva and salivate the mesmerizing scene in front of you, watching as he ripped the condom pack with his teeth and rolled the rubber from his tip downwards. He positioned himself in between your legs, sliding his tip up and down on your entrance, which made you whimper instantly.
“Yoongi… please…” You pleaded.
“If it hurts even just the slightest bit, let me know, okay?” He said, caressing your hair. 
You only nodded and soon after you felt his tip entering you ever so gently. You moaned loudly and it seemed like the movement not only affect you, but Yoongi also, as you saw him closing his eyes shut, grunting along with you. He slid in very carefully, making sure you were adjusting well with his girth. When he reached a certain length, you yelped. 
“Did I hurt you?” He suddenly asked out of worry. 
“No… it just… it just feels very full.” You managed a smile to reassure him. 
“Okay.” He breathed out, combing his locks through his fingers. “Let me know when I can move.”
You touched his hand to catch his attention. He looked at you with a wary expression. “You can move, I’m not that fragile.” 
He muttered a stuttered “okay” before sliding himself deeper. He lunged deep and out slowly, making love to you passionately. He intertwined his fingers with yours, going on a soft tempo, as if he was trying to confess his feelings through, making sure you feel how sincere he was. You brought your hands to cup his face, then stroked his hair, before putting them over his shoulders to pull him close. Your lips met again in the middle, muffling your moans through the tongue lacing activity. His hands were cupping your breasts, fondling with them as your kisses went harsher and sloppier. 
And when he moved from your lips to kiss your chest, you bucked your hips against him, with your hands ruffling his hair as he tongue your nipple carelessly. His tempo began to distort and the knot in your stomach started to feel too much and you knew you were close. 
Not long after you came to release, he followed soon after the feeling of you clenching hard over his cock. The sound of both your heavy breaths filled the room. Yoongi once again dipped down to kiss you. Starting from your forehead, your nose, your cheek, and lastly your lips. You giggled in between every single one. He then got up to tie the ends of the condom, timidly walking towards your bathroom to where your bin was. When he was done, you were now lying to your sides, curving your legs in a fetal position.
Yoongi approached you and slowly cuddled you from behind. You automatically scooted closer to his body warmth. 
“This is oddly familiar.” He chuckled. 
You recalled the first time you spent the night at his place by accident, when you woke up with him cuddling you exactly like this. Minus the nakedness of course. 
You turned your body to face him. A huge smile was plastered on your face. “I hate you.”
“I’m sorry?!” He eyed you with an annoyed expression. 
“I’m so madly in love with you it’s insane!” You smacked his chest lightly.
“I’m sorry, I guess I was just afraid of moving too fast. I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time and I was worrying if I’d make you uncomfortable…” 
“I thought you had decided that you don’t like me or something… I was even jealous of Cookie when you kissed him!”
“I noticed.”
“You noticed?! And you chose to do nothing???” You huffed.
“You looked cute so I decided to leave you be.” He snickered. 
“You’re evil.” 
“You’re evil for wearing that extremely tight crop top today.” His eyes travelled down and up to your nude body.
“It was… on purpose.” You bit your lips. “I guess it worked? Haha?” 
He raised one of his eyebrows at you and smirked. “Give me five minutes and we can go again.”
“Oh my god??? Who are you?! Give me back my cute and shy Yoongi!” 
You squealed as he laughed and hugged you close. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You said, followed by a loud smack of smooch to your cheek from him, then he flashed you his gummy smile. 
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Thank you for reading! 💎
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taglist: @yunaurlove @waitaminswife @yoongisababygoat @hazyjoon @callsignwidow @ai-des-blog-blog @jovanaprime @bangtanmisser7 @angelk0503
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livingformintyoongi · 2 months
BTS fic recs
I wanted to do this a while ago, but felt like I hadn't read enough, until I checked my likes and got a shock to the face lol. I wanted to give some recommendations of some fics (and a series) that I quite enjoyed reading, plus leave a small review because I feel like it's very underrated to comment on what you like something (people, comment more, I swear it makes a writer feel so much better than a like). There's the occasional spoiler in the reviews, so I recommend you read it carefully or just skip the comment ^^.
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Dawning by @wintaerbaer JJK
summary: He’s never invited into your world during these late night sessions. You always push him away or ignore him. This is new. warnings: heavy depictions of depression and panic attacks, a brief line where taehyung worries oc is s**cidal. I really loved this fic. For a moment I thought it was some kind of two shot or something, but it only has this one part. Still, I felt the author captured the emotions very well. It felt so realistic that even I was worried when Y/N disappeared lol.
Bottle up old love by @wintaerbaer KTH
summary: Jungkook may have broken up with you a year ago, but that's not going to stop him from coming to your rescue when he sees you being cornered by a creep. warnings: language, a short harassment scene at the beginning (nothing too intense), explicit content including: unprotected sex (DO NOT), fingering, praise kink, biting, marking, spanking, cum eating (sort of?), big cawk soft dom jk, cowgirl (yeehaw), creampie, cockwarming. This fic made me remember why I love the exes to lovers trope. I loved seeing Jungkook as a tattoo artist, it's like, I don't know, so him, anyway, I loved it. I just found this account yesterday in the wee hours of the morning and I'm already loving it <3.
Cat-astrophe & Cat-enaries by @dumpywrites MYG
Summary: Your pet cat keeps going to your neighbor’s apartment and it’s a problem.  I fell in love with this Yoongi like you have no idea. When I just read the first part I was so eager to keep reading, seriously, I loved it, it deserves so much love.
Two Days by @dumpywrites JJK
Summary: He just wants you to give him two days. He'll take you on a few dates and you'll decided if you actually like him? Or not? I live for Jungkook being simp of the reader, I feel it's so real lol. This fic made me feel so warm inside, it was too cute to read. It's kind of like my comfort fic.
S'more than friends by @borathae MYG
Warnings: subby!Yoongi, switchy!Reader, consumption of beer, so much awkward tension, jealousy, sex in a tent, mutual masturbation, handjob, fingering, making out aye, Yoongi loves her boobs and she loves his butt it’s a win-win, sex while other people are sleeping, public sex, she has a thing for his hands (but what’s new lmao), fluffy post-orgasm talks because I’m soft. I read it a while ago now, but I remember when I did I felt so soft. This Yoongi is just too cute.
Please don't go by @httpjungkookcom JJK
Summary | Jungkook’s never kept anything from you, ever. Not even the time where he tripped and accidentally kicked your dog, or when he fucked the most popular girl in high school and couldn’t make himself cum (poor guy was embarrassed for weeks), or when he accidentally rubbed all of his acceptance letters in your face without realizing. To put it short, Jungkook is an open book to you. So when he suddenly disappears, there’s a lot to question. Even more to question when he finally gets back and won’t tell you anything, going as far to avoid you. You’re on a mission to figure it out, even if it kills you. Index | Jungkook is so smart, but so stupid at the same time. Jungkook is not sly in the slightest. Kind of angst, fighting, arguing, bickering, etc. Criminal activity, it’s a Spider-Man fic. Injuries and mention of blood. College setting and age, reader and Kook share the same major. Some cute fluffy moments in between all of the action. Aunt Yoon is essentially Aunt May in the Marvel story line.  Spiderkook, is more needed to read this fic? It was the first one I read about this au and I was WONDERED. God, you can't imagine how much I loved it. I thought it was so cute the way Jk approached reader being in his suit….
Accidental roommates by @jjkeverlast JJK
summary: moving apartments is stressful and difficult enough as it is. all the planning and packing and multiple moments of rearranging furniture; all you crave is peace. yet it seemed like peace was far within reach as the owner of the apartment had left out one tiny crucial detail from the ad — a ripped tattooed adonis, coupled, with a tiny baby daughter will come as your roommate. warnings: second hand embarrassment | jungkook's abs | annoying antics | suppressed feelings | both of them are stubborn and petty (it's gets tiring lmfao) | mentions of past relationships | a lot of time stamps | sexual tension | ft. namjoon 👀 | !constant change of perspective between reader and jungkook. I have a tremendous weakness with dilf, no matter who it is, I just love them. I think this was the first one I read by Jungkook. It was so fun and easy to read that the 14.7k words flew by for me.
Silk & Stones by @taegularities KTH
Summary: “Taehyung was a writer… he was a writer indeed.” Kim Taehyung knows his way around words – they cast a spell on your heart and mind, leave you gasping dangerously fast. Until the mystery behind his persona unveils and his touch, along with his words, becomes a vivid memory. warnings: writer + violinist tae 🥺 who’s a gentleman in the 19th century, brief mention of injuries/a mental institution, misunderstandings, heartbreak, secrets, grief, much poetry (and my attempt at writing a poem, pls spot), much disgoosting fluff, flirting and lots of sexual tension; explicit sexual content: 2 sex(y) scenes, fingering on a boat, choking, teasing, begging, praising, soft dom!tae, big dick!tae, tiddie fondling/sucking, some manhandling, dirty talk, they’re just so cute :((, oral (f. and m. receiving), some masturbation, oc is into neck kisses, some biting, fingering, hair pulling, asking for permission :(, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (it’s the 19th century...), aftercare; there’s quite some angst ok; lmk if i forgot smth !! This was a work of art for me. I felt so immersed in the story, so confused by the time changes and everything surrounding Taehyung, but I loved it, one of the best stories I've read of Taehyung since I joined tumblr.
17 going on 27 by @hansolmates JJK
summary; one second, you’re sobbing at prom because the most popular guy in school dumps you due to your relationship being a little prank to break your heart. the next? you’re a creative editor at Ego, the hottest young adult fashion magazine. as you try to figure out what’s the deal with this sudden time skip into adulthood, you come across relationships and friendships that are made to be cherished and made to be broken. genre/warnings; fluff, crack, future enemies to lovers, teenage and adulthood angst, time skips from high school!au to late twenties!au, 13 going on 30!au, all your romantic movie tropes come to life! a really big mess honestly, various movie and music references, mentions of sex, use of alcohol, everyone give jin and jimin a big ol hug, language, a surprise guest from the queen of england. I love adaptations, especially ones that add their own touch, and the writer did it so well. She made me hate Jungkook, and then love him, and then hate him again, in the end I ended up resenting him, I wanted reader to stay with Jin lol, but I still loved it. Definitely my favorite part was having Jimin as a best friend, I loved watching him take on Jungkook in the car. We all need a friend like him.
Hot Bot by @httpjeon JJK/PJM/KTH/JHS
JJK: You order a sex robot online after getting a coupon for half off. however, there’s something strange about yours. PJM: Fear is primal and causes one to make stupid decisions. KTH: Your parents have a gift for you, however, there’s been a mistake. JHS: As a product tester, you have one of the most sought after temporary positions in Hot Bot Inc. This is a series that has smut, I think the name gives it away. It's rather sad that the writer is on hiatus, but he left the gems of his works open to the public. The series is pretty good, I fell in love with Jungkook (and Yoongi kskjdsksjds). Highly recommended.
The proposal by @hansolmates JJK
summary; Jeon’s the editor-in-chief for Big Hit Publishings, a closet romantic with a penchant for antagonizing his assistant on the reg. When his work visa is in the process of being renewed and he takes a trip to Norway, his eligibility to stay in America is on the line. However Jeon Jungkook doesn’t go without a fight, and in order to save his job he offers you a proposal you can't refuse. genre/warnings; the proposal!au, fake marriage au, enemies to friends(!!!), friends to lovers, bouts of flangst, dry humping, slight blood but not too bad, lang, alcohol, poor jjk discovers he has the ability to feel emotion, poor y/n is in the middle as always. I was looking for an adaptation of this movie for so long that when I found this one I almost cried with emotion. I LOVED the movie and the concept it had, and I was so happy to read this fic that captures that very romcom essence that the movie has. I loved it.
Marshmallows and report cards by @untaemedqueen KTH
Warnings: Impreg Kink, Marking, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Birthday Sex, Spitting, Begging, Praise, Fellatio, Face Fucking, Big Dick!Tae, Multiple Orgasms, Unprotected Sex, Possessive!Tae, Cock Warming, Creampie. I already confessed, this kind of fics get to me. I remember reading it and melting with the ending. I read it a long time ago, so I can't give a longer opinion, but I do remember that I loved it and came out internally squealing after I finished it.
Orange tulips by @kainks JJK
Summary: You’d remember Jungkook with every life you lived. Only he’d never remember you, never recall how your fates were written in the stars since the beginning of time. Genre: Angst. Fluff. Light Smut. The anxiety and helplessness I felt reading this fic are on another level. This scarred me, I read it once and I was never the same person again. It was wonderful, I felt so many things and I was so nervous during the whole reading that I almost didn't even realize when it was over. It is a very enjoyable fic.
What if I love you too much? by @taleasnewastime
Summary: Jungkook. It’s only a name you learn after your son kicks his ball over the fence. Before that you only knew him as the hot new neighbour who mows his lawn topless. And though you have no intention of getting to know him anymore than that, inevitably you do. You don’t necessarily fall, it’s too slow for that, but you definitely develop feelings you don’t intend to feel. Because you know men like him, and you know that whatever you’re feeling, he’s probably not feeling the same. All the same, however hard you try, you can’t help yourself. Warnings: Single mum, small fights, explicit sexual content, oral (f receiving), safe penetrative sex, reader thinks Jungkook is cheating/playing the field, angst, but also fluff, child gets injured (though not seriously), talks of cuts and a small amount of blood. This fic left me feeling bad, it even made me question some future decisions regarding my relationship with my future partner and the necessary communication that must be had in a relationship from the beginning, especially if there is a child in the middle. It was something I really enjoyed reading, and even though I had my internal dilemmas with Jungkook, the drabbles in the story helped me a lot to let go of my grudge (I swear I have nothing personal with him sksjkajskajsj).
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impishjesters · 8 months
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Agents of Cat-astrophe
warning(s): none unless you count Jax note(s): This gave me a good chuckle as someone who's consistently dropping more curse words than regular words, I'd imagine the system to just censor anything and everything that comes out of my mouth at that point. A/N: (In response to the requester) I wish I was taking breaks (I mean I am sorta), I'm fully aware I'm running myself ragged right now. But it's hard for me to stop myself... I'm caffeinated and chaotic and I don't wanna stew in my brain for too long. At least I get up and stretch every now and then. Request: Anyways, I’m requesting a Jax x reader (crushing stage) where the reader is sorta at the same level of meanness as Jax and likes to do pranks with him on the other characters. Also the reader’s digital form is a short cat that at first glance makes them look nice/friendly (obviously not an actual cat but yk what I mean), and they have a sailor’s mouth that is unfortunately censored but that doesn’t stop them (can also purr and does so when they’re content which is usually when there chilling in Jax’s room or with Jax in general). I think it would be fun if the reader surprisingly was sorta nicer to Kinger and has a small soft spot for him and does more playful pranks on him than mean/harmful ones.
When you first showed up, you looked so small and frail, like a literal little kitten completely out of place in this big colourful nightmare world
Ragatha thought you’d be like Pomni, and boy howdy was she wrong
You just ended up being another Jax—who you later met and found out was also an agent of chaos
Similarly to Pomni you cursed up a storm when you first arrived and the endless censorship that came with it
You have a knack for testing Caine’s patience when it comes to your sailor’s mouth, much to Jax’s entertainment. It’s not every day Caine loses his cool like that and you’re just a newbie, needless to say, you caught his interest
That sailor’s mouth also gets used towards the other’s and Jax won’t lie and say it’s not funny because shit’s hilarious.
Sure they all curse from time to time, but you just laid out an entire sentence that was completely and utterly censored. Like the system said “fuck this I’m gonna censor the whole damn sentence”
Unlike Jax who doesn’t show any remorse for who he pranks or how cruel they are, you draw the line at messing with Kinger.
Okay, that’s a lie you still mess with him but it’s not like how you mess with the others. Kinger has this sweet unstable dad/grandpa vibe and it kind of makes the place more homey in a weird way. (plus that man has been through enough trauma, give him a break, and talk about his bug collections or some shit)
The upside is that his mind is so scattered sometimes that using the same pranks on him always results in something hilarious. So you really don’t need to try for any new material. (he also really needs to consider actually using the lock on his door, he makes it too easy)
Jax considered you his little partner in crime the more time passed—not exactly a friend nah, but like a good ol pal that also likes to partake in joining him and his bullshittery
The first time he hears you purring is when the two of you are lazing about in his room, he’d gotten distracted collecting things for a prank on someone and heard the loudest rumbling coming from behind him
“Are you fucking purring?”
It’s a little embarrassing at first, you’ve uh, never done that before..
Jax has the biggest shit-eating grin, if he wasn’t using dumb cat-themed nicknames before he sure as hell is now
“Oh, like you don’t stomp your feet like a petulant child you overgrown rabbit.”
He does not stomp his fuckin feet like a temperamental rabbit, thank you very much (that’s a fuckin lie if I ever heard one)
Jax already had mixed feelings about you before, nothing particularly bad, just feelings he couldn’t place…that was until the prank…
He doesn’t know how you did it, or how he got so wrapped up in it. But you pranked him, and you pranked him good.
Oh, oh okay that feeling is new… butterflies don’t typically belong inside your gut, now whether Jax has ever experienced a crush before or not is probably beyond him. But these little butterflies are a bitch and it takes awhile of placing two and two together to realize he’s… caught feelings to some degree
You, however, probably had a crush on him for a while, perhaps really noticing it after the whole purring fiasco when you learned that it only happened around Jax
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bimobuddy · 5 months
Cut the Cat-itude
sfw Hazbin TK fic
Lee!Husk, Ler!Alastor
CW: feet, kinda? It's more 'bean' related since they're paws
Summary: Husk is grumpy and doesn't think Alastor's jokes are funny, but the Radio Demon is determined to get a chuckle out of him.
Husk groaned and let his head thump against the bar counter. Alastor must have been in some sort of mood that day, he hadn't stopped telling awful jokes all morning. First most people were laughing with him, then it was just Charlie and Nifty, and now even Charlie was trying to excuse herself because "Oh you know, Hotel Stuff, ahaha.."
Husk looked over at Nifty who was still giggling away at everything the boss said, but then again he didn't know what went on her feral little head. He reached for his drink again only to have it yoinked away by a familiar looking shadow.
"Hey!" He sat up, reaching for it back, but Alastor's shadow just grinned and stretched upward, holding it out of reach. Husk grumbled. He knew this game. "I ain't flyin' for you, give it back." The shadow wiggled it over his head, taunting.
"Alastor, put this damn thing on a leash. Only you would somehow manage to lose control over your own shadow." He muttered the last part.
"Oh Husker, I didn't 'lose control' over him, he's free range." The host grinned, looking at Husk a bit longer than usual. Husk didn't know why he was staring at him until it suddenly clicked and he sighed. "Was that supposed to be another joke? Al, that wasn't even a real joke."
"Oh you're right, that was a total cat-astrophe!" A laugh track played off his cane, followed by Nifty who enjoyed the joke a little too much, "Ahahahahaha! Becahause he's a cahat!" She laughed. Husk folded his ears back and groaned.
"Oh relax, old friend, I'm just kitten around!" He grinned at Husk, who frowned in response. Alastor strutted up to the bar and leaned against it. The Shadow disappeared, taking the bottle with him, only making Husk grumpier.
"Clearly those weren't funny enough for you.. maybe I ought to put my thinking-cat on and come up with some more!" He let out a laugh, followed by the classic laugh track again. "Or maybe you just don't have a sense of humor. I mean just look at darling little Nifty, she's hiss-terical!" Of course this was followed up by Nifty losing her absolute mind.
Husk only sighed and rolled his eyes. "You done yet?"
"Not yet. What's a cat's favorite book? The Great Cats-by! Oh, why did the cats ask for a piano? To make mew-sic, of course!" He laughed and looked back at Husk, who somehow looked even grumpier than he did five minutes ago.
Well this wouldnt do.
"Why don't you cut the cat-itude, dear friend?" He snapped his fingers and two shadowy tentacles rose up from the floor behind Husk. Before he could react, the wrapped around his upper arms, hoisting him up about a foot off the floor, and proceeded to wiggle the tips into his underarms.
Husk had started to kick, biting his lip, cheeks puffed out, as he didn't want to give Alastor the reaction he wanted. The Radio Demon didn't seem to mind though.
"What's a cat's favorite cereal? Mice Crispies!" The tentacles wiggled down his ribcage, starting to get little huffs and muffled noises.
"If cats taught schools, what do you think they'd be called? Purr-fessors!" The tentacles traced and wiggled down his sides, causing him to hold his breath, his face and ears going red from how hard he was fighting back his laughter.
"What do you call a cat that likes to bowl? An alley cat!" Finally the tentacles found their way to his tummy and he couldn't take it anymore. Husk tossed his head back and laughed, reflexively flapping his wings to try an get away, much to the delight of the Shadow, which had been trying to make him fly earlier.
"Ahahahahahaha! Ahahalast- Alastohor!" He tried to growl to cancel out the laughter but it came out as more of a panicked, choked giggle.
"See, I knew you'd come around!" Alastor said cheerfully. "Now, why dont cats shop online? They prefer cat-alogues!" Husk's laughter kicked up a notch when one of the tentacles started to wiggle into his lower belly, where there was a bit more pudge. His tail whipped around trying to smack it away but it was no use.
Husk suddenly made the mistake of trying to kick out at Alastor, across the counter. A third tendril rose up and caught his ankle before he made contact, as Alastor leaned back just a bit. He stepped to the side a little to make eye contact. "Now, Husker, is that any way to thank someone who's only trying to make you smile?" He chuckled.
The third tendril started to wiggle into the heart shaped pad at the bottom of his paw. Husk, a little startled, let out a high pitched, squeaky giggle that did not sound like himself at all.
Even Alastor was caught off guard enough for the tendrils to disappear and let him go, letting him drop with a soft thud. Husk groaned as he hit the floor and panted. "Damn you, Alastor.." He grumbled, sitting up.
"Too late, we're already in Hell!" Alastor laughed. Husk chuckled a little then quickly stopped himself. But of course the radio host heard it. "Oh? Did I finally get a genuine laugh out of you?" He asked, leaning on his can to be eye level with the bartender.
Husk sighed, folding his ears down. "Shut up... I gotta get back to work." He muttered, starting to wipe down the counter.
As Alastor turned to walk away, Husk called out again. "Slapstick Comedy. Just for future reference, so you don't have to tickle me next time, I tend to like Slapstick Comedy."
Author Note
Aahhhhh I couldn't figure out how to end this naturally I'm sorrryyyy!!!
Though I do already have another idea for a Lee!Husk fic that I'm gonna start writing immediately after posting this one, so I MIGHT post it tonight, but it might wait until tomorrow, we'll see :)
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phoenixblaze1412 · 6 months
halloaa, i was the anon who asked for dottore as our father, and it was pretty cute! can i request something the same, where we were playing around in his lab then we accidentally turned into a cat after knocking a random chemical, how would our father (dottore) react? thank youuuuu!! (father dottore has been in my mind for a while now tehee)
Of course^^
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You didn't know exactly what happened. You were only playing a board game with the segments, your current caretakers, in the laboratory while your father is busy attending a meeting. Now here you are running away from the chaos Gamma, Theta and Beta had caused that you didn't see where you were running to.
This caused you to harshly bump into a nearby work desk, the vial placed on top of it fell over as the concoction poured itself over your head all the way to your small figure. A loud explosion occurred, smoke filling inside the room as you felt yourself becoming more smaller than usual when you noticed your surroundings got a bit bigger than what you remembered.
Your ears quickly caught the sound of multiple footsteps coming inside the laboratory as the voices of the other segments echoed inside the room and calling for your name. Theta and Beta kept calling out your name as they tried to find your tiny figure within the smoke, worried that you may have been caught in whatever the explosion was.
You tried to call out to the segments but all that escaped from your throat was a small mewl. Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked down at yourself only to see your hands and feet have become paws. You tried to move around when you accidentally stepped on a glass shard from a broken test tube, the glass sinking deep into your paw as blood started to spill, making you panic and cry for help.
"Is it just me or am I hearing a cat?"
"You're not the only one, besides no one is even allowed to bring a pet here without anyone's knowledge."
"I remember hearing something bump.. it could probably be (Y/n)?"
Omega let out an annoyed sigh as he turned on the ventilation system to get rid of the smoke. Once the smoke cleared up, the segments found a small kitten mewling on the floor. What caught their attention was the kitten's red eyes and its blue fur.
The segments watched as the kitten mewled in response to the name, making them both shocked and surprised at what happened to their creator's child.
Gamma quickly walked up towards you and picked up your tiny form. He was both panicking and gushing at how cute you are as a feline.
"They're so tiny and their fur is so soft!"
"Don't just hog them all to yourself, let us see as well!"
You tried to get out of the segments' grasp since their hold on you was adding more pressure to your wound and sinking the shard even deeper than before, making you let out a hiss. You tried to tell the segments to stop and let you go but couldn't due to your current situation.
"What are you idiots doing? Why is the laboratory a mess?"
All the segments halted in their positions as their heads turned to see Dottore glaring at them from the doorway. Dottore raised a brow, usually when he comes back he would see you running up to him but now, you're nowhere to be found.
"Where is (Y/n)?"
The segments looked at one another, speaking telephatically to each other before pushing Gamma to the front.
"You see... little (Y/n) became a kitten."
Gamma held you out towards your father, you sat upon the segment's open palms. You looked at your father, happiness bubbling inside you knowing that he's here and knows how to turn you back, your tail subconsciously swishing back and forth. Dottore picked you up by the scruff of your neck as he inspected your feline form before letting out a sigh.
"I want this place cleaned up when I get back. Is that understood?"
Dottore adjusted his hold on you so you were being carried between his palms instead. He brought you to his office before placing you down on his work desk as he sat down in front of you.
"Unfortunately, my child, you were doused with a cat transformation potion from one of my old concoctions. How fortunate for you, it wasn't the one that turns you into a worm. Not to worry, the effects will last within an hour or two."
Your father explained while you let out a small mewl in reply as you started to limp towards him. Dottore noticed the droplets of blood staining the papers on his desk as he quickly grabbed your neck and lifted you up to his eye level. He lightly poked and prodded at you, searching for the cause of your bleeding.
When Dottore held your injured paw, you immediately let out a hiss and without knowing it, you roughly bit down on your father's finger. Dottore bit the inside of his cheek, not bothered at all from the bite as he tried to calm you down by stroking your chin with his thumb. A small purr escaped from your throat as you pulled away from the bite to nuzzle to your father's touch.
While you were distracted, Dottore noticed the glass shard on your paw as he grabbed a tweezer from his drawers. Once he made sure you were calmed, your father held your forelimb as he pulled the shard away from your paw using his tweezers before placing a small bandage on your wound.
"Not in pain anymore, little one?"
You nodded in reply to your father's question. Feeling guilty for biting his finger, you nuzzled your head to the wounded finger.
"Ah, ah, ah... don't even try to lick my wound, child. Who knows if you have rabies."
Dottore teased with a grin as he booped your small nose before picking you up and placing you upon his lap so he can sign the documents given to him.
"You may rest if you wish, little one. The potion will wear off soon and you'll be back to your normal self."
Happy with the news, you settled against your father's lap, making yourself comfortable as you soon fell asleep. Dottore let out a small hum when he noticed you were already sleeping as he petted your head while signing the rest of his papers needed.
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1000roughdrafts · 4 months
Dean Winchester X Reader Masterlist
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Some of my works are 18+, which I'll write as such here, but please heed the warnings on the individual posts as well - All under the cut :)
One Shots xx
💙 Us - request: Can you do a deanxreader songfic to the song us by Regina spektor
💙Goodbye ~ After Dean takes on the mark, his relationship with Y/N starts to fall through the cracks. She’s had enough of him taking out his stress on her, and after years of silencing her pain, she finally lets him know why  it’s time to say goodbye.
💙How Do I Become Enough ~Reader and Dean right about her doubts, she feels somewhat isolated and annoyed. No cheating, necessarily, but think along the lines of Dolly Parton’s Jolene  
💙Intrusive Thoughts ~Dean was supposed to visit Y/N while she was at work, but when he didn’t show, she got worried. After finally getting ahold of him, she was relieved to know that he was alive. But when another full day passes by without a word, her mind goes into overdrive about what could have happened to him.
💙Voicemails ~ this is a small, angsty thing, and it is 100000% self indulging so please feel free to just ignore it.
💙 Illicit Affairs - Request from anon based on Taylor Swift’s song Illicit Affairs &lt;3
💙  Promise Me This Is Forever -  this is for @allywritesblog and #allyswriting event, and im using the quote "promise me this is forever" :)
💙 Phone Calls With Dean ~ just a random thing I wrote for a story that didn’t pan out, no real plot to this.
💙Shooting With Dean ~ Dean takes you out for target practice, but something else is on his mind.
💙Time ~Soulmate AU, Y/N has had the ability to pause and unpause time for likely her whole life, believing she was the only person with such a power. One day, she learns that not only is that not true, but the other person is her soulmate. 
💙 Salted Baseball Bat - Anon Request: "'They said that gluing salt to a baseball bat to fight ghosts was a stupid idea, but who's laughing now?' you say as you whack the ghost again."
💙 Criminal - DeanxReader request from @rileynicole1967 based on the song Criminal by Britney Spears
💙 Cat-astrophe Written for @spnfanficpond​‘s unfic challenge with the prompt “I may have accidentally sort of adopted 5 cats.”fluff, stern!Dean, 
💙  Baby Winchester 2021 - Reader finds out she's pregnant, and tells Dean in a cute, fluffy way.
💙  Just Another Day - Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine's Day post
💙 We're Gonna Get You Through This - reader is triggered back to a horrible memory and explains to Dean why waiting to have sex is best for her. 
💙Currently untitled ~ Request: could you do a deanxreader fic where she goes out on a date (maybe to a bar) for drinks with a guy and towards the end of the night, the guy (you pick the name) starts being rough with her cause he’s drunk and hurts her, then dean finds out somehow and comes over to kick his ass then admits his feelings for her?
💙 A Boring Holy Cross Tattoo - A Fic inspired by Cards Against Supernatural with the cards “Dean has 99 problems but ____ ain’t one.” and “A boring holy cross tattoo”.
💙 Amnesia - Request from @rileynicole1967​ : Deanxreader one shot or series ;) based off the song “amnesia” by 5 seconds of summer but in the readers pov and at the end he comes back for her and it’s all fluffy and cute.
💙 Half a Man - Follow up to the Amnesia request from @rileynicole1967​ - this one takes place the same night as Amnesia, but in Dean’s perspective and based on the song Half a Man.
18 + / Smut One Shots
💙Downtime ~ 18+, smut; After weeks of hunting the same witch, you and Dean decide to take a weekend break, but you didn’t expect what was in store for that weekend.
💙Punishment ~ 18+, smut; After embarrassing Dean at an important dinner, he punishes you with a cold shower.
💙 Size Matters - 18+ Smut DeanxReader request from anon, where reader has a size kink
💙 Poison  -  DeanxReader request from @kaitlaitlaitl​ based on the song Poison by Alice Cooper
Mini Series xx
💙 Movie Monsters Part One | Part Two ~ You’re teamed up with Dean, a man you’ve always found obnoxious, to find out the path of a new monster. Of course, things don’t always go as planned. (Complete)
💙 Never Have I Ever Part One | Part Two  ~ Part Two is pure smut; College!AU - Dean gets jealous of the attention he thinks you’re receiving from Cas during a small party at your house and doesn’t know what to do with it, so he leaves the room to keep drinking. 
💙 Hope is a Dangerous Thing... Part One | Part Two ~ The renowned author of a best-selling crime novel, Y/N Y/L/N, was thrown into a whole new world after her parents were brutally murdered. Their killer never found, Y/N took things into her own hands, meeting the Winchesters in her journey for justice. Even years later, she struggles to let anyone close in fear they’d leave or worse.
💙  i hate u, i love u (1) Slowburn au/Y/N has been in a relationship with Nick for the last 5 years. They’ve had a rough go. There’s been good and bad times, but she finally realizes that the man she thought she loved has been abusing her. Dean offers her a safe haven when she feared she had nothing else. (this may be abandoned, but we will see)
💙Reverse Supernatural  ~ request; “Hi!! I have been tossing an idea around for a bit… What if… Now hear me out… What if the Reader was the experienced hunter and she/he has to save Dean and/or Sam who have never known the supernatural existed…?” (only part one is out right now / ongoing / might also become abandoned)
Series xx
💙Family Secrets ~ 18+ ; Your uncle Bobby, and adoptive father Rufus, had a secret. A secret they never wanted the Winchester’s to find out. They had done a good job of keeping you from crossing their path, but now that they've both passed away there is nothing they can do about the brothers finding out their secret; you. (ongoing BUT I really want to and am seriously considering taking it down to rewrite it - this was the first thing I ever wrote and it's... it shows lol) 2/22/24 A/N: I want to return to this series, but since it was pretty much my first fic ever, I really want to rewrite some of the episodes and make it pace better. I understand that that might not be the best solution, however, so maybe I’ll just add inbetweeners or something. Just know I want to come back to finish it and may change some things along the way 😊
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letter-from-afar · 3 days
☆ A Cat-astrophe !
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content warning: long post featuring all 9 villains. 1k~ wc. synopsis: the tables have turned. what happens when you turn into a cat? it might not be the most purr-fect situation, but your lover is here to help notes: ...i should probably stop with the puns now. interactions are appreciated always ♡
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• It doesn’t take him that long to realise the feline following him everywhere is you
• Most of the time, he’s going to pick you up by the scruff of your neck
• He buys you a dog collar with his initials carved on it
• An alternative option would be “Princess”
• Surprisingly, he lets you climb him to stay on his shoulders
• But he says he’s not going to take any responsibility if you fall
• He subconsciously ends up stroking your fur while he’s reading
• He’d rather not take you with him on any missions in case you get hurt. After all, not everyone is so kind to animals
• But if you insist, he may use you as bait since you happen to be so adorable
• What? He’s not sayin’ that he finds ya cute!
• You’re absolutely safe with him
• Unfortunately, he assumes that you’re a stray at first
• Would probably hand-feed you treats
• And bathes you too
• Makes mini flower crowns for you!!
• Loves to hug you, especially to sleep. Your purrs make him feel at ease
• There’s a tiny part of him that wishes for you to not turn back
• Of course, he’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, whether as a cat or a human
• He’s careful not to touch your head, as there’s a chance his curse still works on you
• Despite that, he really wants to pet your ears
• Keeps the cat you as a gift for the real you
• No matter your form, he’ll always find you beautiful
• But here’s to hoping that you don’t end up as one of his taxidermy victims
• May or may not end up locking you up in his room at one point
• Takes you with him everywhere he goes
• He understands the tone of your voice and the emotions you’re trying to convey more than you think
• No. 2 when it comes to spoiling you
• And it’s because he has no concept of what wealth management is
• Someone cough cough Alfons had to step in to remind him
• He’s not particularly fond of others petting you (except Alfons)
• I genuinely feel bad for you if he’s the one taking care of you
• Not that he’d be bad at it, but he’s going to mess with you all day, regardless if he knew the feline was you or not
• He is a cat person though, if that makes you feel any better
• Loves to call you like this: adjective + kitty
• Gets you a collar with a small ornamental mirror attached
• Finds it cute when you snarl at him and isn’t afraid of being bitten — he welcomes it even
• Probably has stepped on your tail once or twice by accident
• And offered to show you a sweet dream in compensation
• You won’t ever know this but, when you’re asleep, he’ll stroke your fur as he looks at you with a gentle but melancholic face
• It’s during these moments that his thoughts drift off and his true self is revealed
• He’s likely the reason why you turned
• But worry not, he’ll be taking full responsibility for it
• Naturally, he’s not going to let the opportunity to experiment on you slip
• It’ll be safe for the most part, or so he reassures you
• He did a bit of research on how to take care of a cat, for your sake
• Ensures that you eat properly and on time
• And makes you feel better if you feel any discomfort
• It’s too bad that you wouldn’t be able to surprise him even in your current form
• He can hear the soft swishing of your tail and your small steps across the floor
• A smile always spreads across his face once he realises your arrival
• He takes a liking to you immediately
• But it may take him a bit of time to realise that it’s you
• Practices his lines with you
• Has meowed at you once while you confusedly meowed back at him
• Shows off how cute you are to everyone he knows
• Bought treats for you, but his curiosity overtook him, so he may have eaten some of them
• Boops your nose against his
• Has given you a jump scare at one point by sneaking up on you
• Likes to take naps with you
• Match collars with him!!
• He does a pretty quick job of figuring out what happened
• However, he’s not in a hurry to find a way to turn you back
• It’s not everyday that something like this happens, so he wants to cherish it for a while longer
• Spoils you a lot as a way of showing his affection
• Trims your nails himself
• Also attempts to teach you how to play the piano. This can end in two ways:
• 1. You try your best but only so much can be expected from a cat
• 2. You’re flawlessly performing duet plays with him now. Meowzart who??
• It’s odd that you’re struggling to wake him up in the morning, considering how he’s a light sleeper. Doesn’t he know that you’re hungry?
• (He’s pretending to be asleep while you’re swatting at his face with your paws)
• He’s going to tease you endlessly, but hey, at least it’s less worse than Alfons
• Pokes each one of your toe beans, squishes your face between his hands
• And aggressively (read: affectionately) pets your “irresistibly fluffy ears,” as he so claims
• Still goes on dates with you. Which also means there’s a lot of eyes staring
• Well, it’s not everyday you see a guy and his cat seemingly engaged in a... conversation? (It’s one-sided, but I’m not telling you whom)
• He’s caught you napping on his coat a few times
• Unlike William, he’s not pretending to be asleep in the morning as you try to wake him up
• As such, you always end up as his temporary pillow, hugged tightly to his chest
• One last thing: Can he tell if you’re meowing a lie or the truth?
• No. 1 when it comes to spoiling you
• Prepares a whole NEW room just for you
• Buys you a collar and tons of accessories, preferably in black
• He knew you were a cat all along but acted like he was gradually realising it
• He couldn’t help it, you were just too cute while trying to prove to him that it’s you
• Claimed that it was truly a disaster that this happened to you, but was internally celebrating
• You can rest on his lap while he’s doing paperwork
• If you happen to fall asleep in his office, he’ll drape his coat over you
• He loves it when you act affectionate — so go on, jump at him, climb him, nuzzle against him
• Commit crimes Make trouble together!
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quietplace26 · 1 year
(This is the repost I promised. Mind you I made it longer, added a few new things here and there. Hope you like this newer version of this au.)
Rememeber my Kitty Mayhem au? The au where KK and his team were cursed to be kitties? I'm doing a different version. Let me introduce Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari!
What a CAT-astrophe au
It was a dark, cold rainy night in Shibuya, and not a soul was out wandering the streets because of this.
Everyone in Shibuya should've been at home, eating a hearty meal and staying warm.
Too bad that wasn't the case for a certain pair of siblings....
Sitting under a soggy cardboard box was two shivering kittens. The bigger one was male and the smaller was female. They look like normal street cats, don't they? Well, they aren't.
These two 'kittens' were Akito and Mari Izuki, two unlucky human siblings that were unfortunate enough to catch the attention of a corrupted Nekomata.
It just happened so quickly! One moment the Izuki siblings were peacefully walking home after getting some groceries, the next a scary looking cat with two tails was suddenly in front of them!
Besides the two tails, there was dark smoke pouring out it's mouth as it stared at the siblings hungrily with it's deep red eyes...
It ends up attacking Akito and Mari, and during it's attack, the creature starts chanting. Neither Akito or Mari could understand what it was saying, but then they started shrinking!
That monster-! It turned them into kittens!
Luckily for the siblings, they managed to escape the beast before it could finish whatever it was originally planning on doing with the former humans.
Now here they were as defenseless little kittens! And to make matters worse, that scary looking cat monster, which was apparently a real life Nekomata, who also cursed them to look like this, was still somewhere out there looking for them!
"Aki... I-I'm so cold..." Kitty!Mari whimpers as she snuggles closer to Kitty!Akito for warmth. Her little body was shivering violently...
Kitty!Akito looks at her worriedly. He had no idea what to do! They were cats now, so they couldn't just ask for help as no human could understand them now! And there was still the issue with that Nekomata hunting them...
So with a tired sigh, Kitty!Akito curls up protectively around his sister's smaller form, whispering how they were going to be fine as long as they had eachother...
*THUMP* Something lands outside their box, making the kitty siblings tense up in fear as their shelter was ripped away.
To their absolute horror it was the Nekomata, and it looked hungry! "I FouND YoU!" It yowls out as it lunges at them with the intent to kill!
Kitty!Akito covers Kitty!Mari with his body and clenches his eyes shut, waiting for pain to come.
...But the pain never comes. Instead, the Nekomata yowls again, this time in apain as it was suddenly dragged away from the kitty siblings.
"Hm?" Kitty!Akito opens his eyes and sees a group of human near the opening of the alley way. One human was using an odd golden rope to drag the yowling Nekomata over to him.
The man makes a few strange hand motions and the yowling Nekomata shatters to dust, leaing nothing behind to show it existed in the first place..
"W-wow..." Kitty!Akito whispers in awe, but quickly jerks back when the humans finally notices him and Kitty!Mari.
"Oh! Cats!" A girl Mari's age squeaks happily as she walks over to the kitty siblings with an excited look on her face, but then she pauses.
"Erika? What's wrong?" Another human, a scary looking lady asks the girl worridly.
"KK? Rinko? I don't think these are normal cats."
KK, the man who destroyed the Nekomata, steps forward and gets a closer look at the kitty siblings. "...Yeah. These aren't normal cats, but they aren't Nekomatas either."
Kitty!Akito lets out a shocked meow when KK plucks him off the ground to stare at him closely. "You... You're a human, aren't you?"
Kitty!Akito stops struggling at KK's question and nods with a tired meow.
KK sighs, rubbing his free hand down his face in annoyance as he mutters a tired, "Great." He then drops the shivering kitten in one of his trenchcoat pockets.
Kitty!Akito pokes his head out the pocket with a confused meown, but KK just pats his head, urging him gently back into the warm pocket.
"Erika you hold the other cat, and Rinko, call Ed and Dale... Looks like we still have a case to solve."
To Kitty!Akito's relief, this strange group of humans take him and Kitty!Mari somewhere dry and warm. They were safe now!
After being given some food, the kitty siblings were then placed in front of a keyboard where they were asked to type their names out and explain what exactly happened to them.
When the kitty siblings typed out everything, a foreigner with glasses stands up and walks out the room without saying a word.
Kitty!Akito, who was snuggled next to his sister in a nest of warm blankets and pillows, looks over to KK with a confused meow and head tilt.
KK gives him an amused look. "Ed doesn't really like talking to people much. That also inculdes me and the rest of the team. He's just getting some recordings ready so he can explain everything to us."
Ed does come back with a few recordings a few minutes later, and with these recordings he explains that the curse on Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari was thankfully not permanent.
In fact, the curse should be gone in a week or two at most! So until the curse was completely gone, both Kitty!Akito and Kitty!Mari would be remain under KK and his team's protection till then.
Kitty!Akito relaxes at the knowledge of knowing that both he and his sister would be humans again soon enough.
Before settling down for the night, Kitty!Akito looks over at KK, who was doing some work nearby, and meows at him, gaining the older man's attention.
The older man raises an eyebrow at him. "What is it?"
Seeing how the keyboard was still out, Kitty!Akito darts over to it and types out a quick 'Thank you' before darting back over to where his sister was snoozing away peacefully in the nest of warm blankets and pillows.
And if it wasn't for his kitten ears, Kitty!Akito would've almost certainly missed the quiet, "You're welcome." from KK...
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moonficrecs · 11 months
Favourite Series Part 2
🌙 - all time favourite
✔️ - completed series
👩🏻‍💻 - ongoing series
1. Tongue tied by @jeonqkooks 🌙👩🏻‍💻
summary: pure domestic bliss between two idiot neighbors.
genre: neighbors to lovers, fluff, angst, smut
2. Cat-astrophe by @astralmono 👩🏻‍💻
summary: Hello! I love your work, could I ask you a request about Jungkook strong/intimidating aura but soft towards the reader who is shy, inexperienced and shy?🥺it turns him on but at the same time he feel protective towards her innocence. I would love to read a smut interactions between this two 🥺✨
genre: slice of life, established relationship
3. Ruin you by @taegularities ✔️
summary: It started with a gentle spark and harmless gazes; but by now, you’re caught in a wildfire that will expand until you’re burned inside and out.
genre: established relationship, fwb; fluff, angst, smut
4. Colour me in by @taegularities 🌙👩🏻‍💻
summary: Jungkook's door only opens for you when there's a barter: a trade of lust and haze. But today you knock for something more, as intriguing as it is frightening – and you hope it doesn't close his door forever.
genre: fwb, fake dating, college!au; fluff, angst, smut
5. Summer bummer by @kooktrash 👩🏻‍💻
summary: Summertime is supposed to be a time of easy living and that’s what you were hoping for when you signed up for an extra credit program cleaning up the shores of Busan and staying in a luxurious beach house. what you didn’t sign up for was to live with Jungkook, a failed talking stage who you’ve avoided for the past few months. despite having a slight disliking toward each other you find yourselves be by pulled back into each other throughout your stay. the only question that remains is if this is just going to be a summer thing or something more.
genre: enemies to lovers/beach read. jungkook x y/n [afab she/her]
6. I know the end by @onlyswan 🌙✔️
summary: But you had to go, i know, i know, i know.
genre: angst, a dash of fluff
7. Gold rush by @onlyswan ✔️
summary: What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? with your falling into place like dominos.
genre: fluff, smut
8. Evolution of lover’s heart by @jeonstudios ✔️
summary: The rules are simple: first one to take the virginity wins.
genre: fluff, angst, college au, fuckboy au, bet au
9. Bad influence by @noteguk 👩🏻‍💻
summary: In which you know Jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
genre: badboy!jk x goodgirl!, smut
10. Dilf JK by @venusiangguk 👩🏻‍💻
summary: You find a baby in your store and in turn, a dilf finds you.
genre: strangers to lovers, friends with benefits, smut, fluff
11. Gold rush by @venusiangguk 🌙✔️
summary: Jk comes back from a weekend away and he wants to show you just how much he missed you. 
genre: pwp, smut, college au (kinda), established relationship
12. And they were roommates by @hoseok666 🌙👩🏻‍💻
summary: It all started with a rejection from your longtime crush, jeon jungkook. you decided to confess to him on your last day of high school. after a harsh rejection and a rough summer dealing with the heartbreak, you were starting anew once your freshman year of college came. you were going to be sharing an apartment with two other roommates that you don’t even know. what a surprise you’re going to be in for once you find out it’s the one and only: jeon jungkook and kim taehyung. 
genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut, pretty much everything . college!jungkook AU, college!taehyung AU, cold personality jungkook, warm personality taehyung, slowburn
13. The lucky one by @babystrcandy 🌙👩🏻‍💻
summary: Growing up you only had one goal: beat Jeon Jungkook. Sometimes you'd win, other times you'd lose. Sometimes he'd lose, other times he'd win. But you'd both walk away from the match thinking the other was the lucky one.
genre: 18+ Minors DNI | sports au, e2l/r2l, angst, fluff, smut
14. Fool for you by @btsgotjams27 ✔️
summary: When Jungkook is finally single, you shoot your shot.
genre: fluff, angst, romance | college, fake dating, strangers to friends to lovers
15. My pretty boys by @btsgotjams27 🌙👩🏻‍💻
summary: They say if you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph, you just didn't think your best friend would be one of them.
genre: romance, angst, drama, eventual smut | non-idol!au, camp!au, college!au, best friends-to-lovers, strangers-to-lovers
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danpuff-ao3 · 20 days
Snarry-a-Thon 2024
Another year of Snarry-a-Thon has just wrapped up! What a fun season this has been. There was a lot to love, but as usual, I've narrowed it down to my Top 5 favorites! But first…
Disclaimer: my rec lists are created based on my personal experiences and preferences. There are plenty of other stories and authors who are quite good and deserve just as much love. This is not meant to be an objective “best of the best” list, but the subjective opinion of a longtime reader and fangirl.
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by blackwhitelight (@loneamaryllis). Rated: E. Words: 13,972. Fluff & humor. Cat!Harry. Cat!Severus. Idiots in love.
"It's a door," Harry said. "I killed Voldemort. I can manage a door." "Can you?" Snape said, with such smugness it was dripping off his whiskers. Or the adventures of Harry and Snape as cats after an unfortunate potion accident.
Turning Back Time
by cruisedirector, Dementordelta. Rated: T. Words: 8,455. Time travel. Domestic. Established relationship.
Harry and Snape are equally sure about who made the first move. They just disagree about which of them it was.
Symmetry and Murder
by salizarinadress. Rated: T. Words: 21,795. Murder Mystery. Severus has OCD. Trust issues. POV Severus.
Severus has been going steady with Potter for six months now, taking what pleasure he can from what is clearly a sting operation to uncover his non-existent illegal brewing enterprise. Then Harry confesses his love. He insists that he really did retire as an auror, and that he thought they were dating for real this whole time, and he's willing to go public to prove it. He organises a last-minute Murder Mystery night and invites Severus as his official date. Hijinks ensue.
The Bubbling Brew
by Trueliarose (@trueliarose). Rated: T. Words: 35,540. Coffee Shop AU. Muggle AU. Fluff. Idiots in love. Mutual pining.
Harry works at a café. Everyone warns him about the grumpy regular who always occupies the table in the far corner. Except, Harry doesn't know what everyone is on about; he likes the sarcastic man.
He Who Lives More Lives Than One
by Writcraft (@writcraft). Rated: E. Words: 24,041. Curses. Hurt/comfort. Falling in love. Vampire Harry. Immortal Severus.
Harry is in trouble again. When immortality is forced upon him, there is only one person who can help. Severus Snape, the wizard who refuses to die.
Bonus: Art Rec
A Hissy Fit
by sillybeans (@sillylittlebeans). Rated: G. Comic. Cat!Harry. Cat!Snape.
Crookshanks sneezes.
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