#what could've been
backjustforberena · 1 month
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listen, folks, they just love each other
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loki-hargreeves · 25 days
Tua missed the opportunity to have a Ghost pottery scene between Klaus and Dave
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arandomdai · 3 months
A Random Thought 🤔💭
I really wished she would've stuck with them looking like the mortals with their color glowing over them (showing they're immortality). They look so much better this way (even Hades).
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manikas-whims · 7 months
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that moment when character A is staring at the view and calls it beautiful while character B is staring dreamily at them instead and agrees quietly because A is beautiful ♡
feat. Shuri and Namor
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ricracing · 11 months
Cyril was invited on a French podcast about motorsports. It's almost 2 hours long but he shares a lot about the RBR/Renault negociations and contracts throughout the years, as well as crash gate or how the teams reacted to Liberty Media buying F1. I am halfway through and he hasn't spoken about Daniel yet but it is really worth a listen if you speak french!
He mentions for example how during the 2015 season, Horner and Marko thought they were going to get Mercedes engines (because of a lunch they had with some Mercedes people) and wanted to terminate their deal with Renault. I just can't imagine what Daniel's 2016 season would've been if they had actually had the Mercedes PU.
I'll write down the main points about Daniel once I've finished listening to the episode.
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elvishdemigod · 3 months
Valdengelo Could've Been
Now I did somewhat enjoy TSATS, I like that both Nico and Will were just kids in their first relationship ever and are far from perfect, and both have their flaws.
But honestly, I feel like Valdengelo could've been. It would still somewhat be that Grumpy x Happy/Light x Darkness dynamic, except they're both working through their issues and have their own ways of deflecting from their depression. Both have their growing to do, and we actually had more time to get to know Leo.
And not only that, it would be a little poetic? Leo's grandpa and Nico's half-sister had liked each other, then later Leo and Nico got together. They already would've had some kind of extended connection.
Leo could've taught Nico how to find joy in the little things, Nico could've taught Leo how to be more serious about situations.
Like Will, Leo might've also had that "I can fix him" attitude, but it would be different. Though it was something he grew from, Will thought he had to fix Nico out of the "doom and gloom" lifestyle. Like the "goth is just a phase" thing. Leo, however, would be a "I need to help him take better care of himself" type. It's still not healthy to try and force someone to like themselves, toxic positivity. But it would be more well-intentioned.
Even if they barely had any interactions, the what could've been is still there. The two would for sure start off on a bad foot, but after a while they would start to warm up to each other.
Solangelo was fine, but left a lot to be desired.
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gelatina-destroyer · 4 months
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This is exactly how Helluva Boss newest episode ended. Yup
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warsamongthestars · 4 months
What made the TCWshow Bad Batch stand out to me initially, was their status as the Odd ones out. Meself being someone who's always been the odd one out, even in a group of odd ones out, that spoke to me.
When I contemplated them, on an analysis level, there was even more to discover.
They stand in defiance of the "Five-Man-Band" trope. There's no real "lead character" (yes Hunter is designated a Leader, but on a character level, he's not the lead character--because there is no lead character in the Batch).
They each serve as each others compliment and contrast. THe Smart Guy and the Strong Guy aren't some hangers on to the Lead, the Contraster and the Complimenter--they all do that for each other.
If anything... and I know this is probably going to either confuse you or make the lightbulb go off...
But by character construction and narrative value?
Echo is actually the lead character of the Bad Batch.
He's a regular clone, and the Batch are meant to contrast the regular clones, and it'd make sense, that through Echo, we find that each Batcher is both a Contrast and a Complimenter.
He's a strategist that gets along with everyone, who holds the ideals and values of clone troopers seen throughout the Clone Wars, who's been one of the audience surrogates, and has a citable backstory seen on screen... and for our fans, he's got tragic and traumatic events for all your fanficy needs.
By all accounts, Echo is is the "Hero" trope for the Bad Batch group.
And how you'd get a proper Bad Batch Show, is by having Echo as the POV, who adventures with the Bad Batch, and explores the various dynamics--both between them and himself... and then eventually meeting the challenges of those strengths (and weaknesses), when the Order comes down and the Empire rises.
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jessmac566 · 16 days
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So we could've had Laurens being teammates/ in the sister Audi to André? Or we could've had Kevin in Porsche LMP1, Laurens in the Audi and even André in a Toyota?
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ashneiji · 29 days
I just finished rewatching Banana Fish...I am not doing this again, it's pouring with rain and my parents probably heard me sobbing. IT HURTS SO BADLY 😭😭
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tljisthegoat · 1 year
Rey/Dark Rey & Ben Solo/Kylo Ren could've had a trilogy about their adventures, but unfortunately, we got screwed outta that.
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ricracing · 11 months
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321spongebolt · 9 months
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Lord Vortech was originally planned to be a playable character in Year 3 had it not been cancelled. In fact, Gary Oldman (the voice of the character) even recorded some dialogue for how he would interact with certain characters.
As far as what abilities he would've had, and what his dimension would've been like, that would be up to your imagination.
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httyddragonfox · 1 year
The Hexsquad in Nightmares
I read this fanfic where Amity was put in the Nightmare instead of Luz, so I got to thinking...what would be the the rest of the Hexsquad in nightmares? Let's take a look at this:
For Luz:
Amity tells her she's just like Belos and basically helped him win, Willow says she has no future now, Gus says because of her he'll never see his dad again, and hunter says Flapjack is gone because of her.
Amity says 'Witches battle' and that's where Luz is clued in.
For Amity (in the fanfic):
Willow comments on how Amity abandoned her, Gus mentions how he's constantly overlooked or lumped in with other people, Hunter comments on how they're a lot alike but he had it worse and she didn't care about the consequences for him, and Luz says because of her she became a villain like Belos, like she used to be.
Luz says 'Pictoglyphs' which cues Amity in.
Now how about the rest;
For Willow:
Amity or Luz would be first, Amity would say she was abandoned because she was weak and her parents were right because she's still weak, Luz would say she only helped her and called her strong because she pitied her, Gus would be second and say if she was a better friend they wouldn't suffer in the first place like what happened in Labyrinth runners and then he then hints at Hunter, 'Neither would him.' Hunter would mention how close they've gotten, but then he'd mention that if she was a better friend then she would have gone all out to save Flapjack, she would have noticed something was wrong with him before it was too late, but she didn't do enough.
She'd be cued in by Hunter saying she did 'everything' wrong. Hunter told her recently that she didn't do anything wrong.
For Gus:
Willow would be first, she'd comment on how he was so wrapped up in his own problems he didn't notice anything was wrong with her. Luz would be next, she'd mention that she taught him the fire glyph because she knew how powerless he actually was. Amity would follow, she would say he's not really her friend because he's practically nonexistent, everyone else in their group is more substantial than him, makes more of a difference. She would then hint to Hunter saying 'He'd know more than anymore.' Hunter would point out how Gus knew Hunter was a Grimwalker, and Hunter was obviously struggling with that info, who his original was, if he was good or not, but Gus knew the whole time and said nothing. It would have made him feel a lot better, he wouldn't have wanted to prove himself by going on his own, someone could have noticed before it was too late, heck if Gus did more than make Belos mad, Flapjack might still be alive. Everyone would show up then, berating Gus for being weak.
Willow would be the one to cue him in, I'm not sure what she'd said but I'm pretty sure it'd be her. This would show some growth because he didn't recognize it was fake last time, he'd say 'I'm not being fooled a second time, you're not her. None of you are you."
For Hunter:
Willow would probably be first, commenting on how his original was a witch hunter, Belos' number 2, that's his destiny so he'll always hurt others, even her, for added points he'd be in his Golden Guard garb. Next would be Amity, she'd point out she reached out a hand to him at eclipse because they were similar, but instead of being good he just chose to run back to Belos, he chose to be the bad guy, so why should they ever give him a chance. For Gus, he'd point out Chief Engineer O'Bailey is a fictional character, his immediate goal was to turn on Captain Avery, and because it's fiction Captain Avery showed him the light, Gus questions if he was ever really their friend, did he ever see himself as one of them. Hunter would retort, 'Of course, I'd never hurt anyone." Gus would say, "Oh really, then what about them?" Hunter would be shifted to see Luz. She'd talk about how she was there when he dragged her into the mess with Belos. She thought he was like family, but he dragged her away from the group to confront Belos alone with no magic, not considering what could have happened. Sure he had a palisman, Flapjack, but look where that got him. He knew Belos liked killing palisman and had a grudge, but he still brought them alone. If he pushed back sooner, Flapjack wouldn't have died. Hunter would start crying then, saying that he knows. The whole group would show up, Willow would say he's the golden guard, he hurts people, it's what he does, it's what he was made to be, and he's not one of them and never will be.
Hunter will remember that Willow told him that it didn't matter who he was because he was one of them now, and Willow is too kind to lie about something like that. He knows Willow and this isn't her, none of them are them.
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ms-nishakadam · 1 year
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This would have been so great! 😩
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vander-affectionate · 2 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝’𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧...
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if you use the icons above please credit me because it took a LONG time to make them
lookie here, this yet another event by yours truly. a valentine's day event called, What Could've Been...
request at your leisure, but know during this event we're reviewing themes such as heartbreak, angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, and much more. comfort fics are a must but straight up against is okay too. you do not have to stick to the presented theme
this event goes on all week until friday at 8 pm EST (ie. 20:00)
+ i'm accepting gn, fem, and idk if i can do male reader strictly for this event (its a trial period so bare with me here)
+ sfw and nsfw requests are accepted, please remember to do this when you go looking for your request as it's critical so that you may view your req
+ sfw and nsfw requests are accepted, please remember to do this when you go looking for your request as it's critical so that you may view your req
+ there's a limit of one character per request
+ no minor x adult relationships (ex. silco x jinx)
+ obviously i have the right to refuse requests
+ i'll try for 1k for each request, please be descriptive with what you want to make it easier on me
+ if your character is done ooc im sorry, also not sure how well i can write sevika so do that at your own risk otherwise
the following themes are not accepted:
noncon, yandere, pedophilia, watersports, etc. more tba
this is my masterlist for everything else + the blog
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