#what does my kinlist say abt me
kazester · 6 months
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hey guys check out my kinlist ! ! ! ! ! ! [also this is a ‘what does my kinlist say about me' post since I'm actually kinda on tumblr more often again; say whatever thumbs up]
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oupydogcity · 2 years
ann if you’re still doing those character asks
ah fuck i left this in my drafts. ive been on an ann tirade today though so this is convenient.
sexuality: butch lesbian and i honestly kind of hate every other interpretation for no good reason besides umm. Well they make no sense and suck and are incredibly stupid. like im not gonna seriously argue with people over something as irrelevant as lgbt headcanons but i still think they’re incredibly wrong.
gender: transmasc butch as gender. the thing about ann and i was talking abt this on my priv twitter earlier but like she literally isnt fem. like atlus makes it a point to show that ann sucks at being girly what with the flirting/acting stuff. also any outfit (that isnt an overtly sexualized costume) ann wears has a jacket with it to cover up with even the summer ones. she also tends to wear oversized shirts, and those opaque tights, and converse. i find it kind of insane how atlus does a better job at making her androgynous than a lot of fans do? i keep seeing really nice art of ann but she’s in a puffy pink dress and it just makes no sense to me. i think for her in particular the way she dresses is fundamental to the character and people kind of just close their eyes and ignore that bc umm shes pink and likes hearts ❤️ or something. like pink and hearts cant be masc. its stupid. boys can giggle and go mmm yummy and yaaay. anyways she/he pronouns.
a ship i like: annshiho canon. butch4butch. theyre very different types of butch but still veryvery butch. and while Yes i would have liked more shiho content in the game i think people could also just pay a little bit more attention to things for extra shiho context. i know her very well actually.
brotp: fuckin. all the phantom thieves really but im particularly fond of ann/akira/ryuji, ann/ryuji, and ann/goro.
notp: ive covered this but i think ann with any man at all is like, so stupid its comical. i particularly hate ann and yusuke because like. no dude. bro. ann would hate that. theyre wonderful friends but think about how yusuke would be in a relationship for two seconds and then think about anns complicated relationship with modeling and performance.
a random headcanon: less of a headcanon more of a thought but i really REALLY wish her relationship with her parents was explored more. like her confidant is mostly sweet, her desire to make her heart stronger to protect girls (which, SO butch of her, hello?) was really nice. but. holy fuck ann needs to quit modeling and start working on her relationship with her parents in a more healthy setting. i really wish her confidant was about opening up to them and saying hey, this teacher sexually abused me, and you werent even here for it at all, and that sucks! you know making her heart stronger by working on herself and making connections because TURNS OUT SUPPORT IS CRUCIAL TO YOUR ABILITY TO DEAL W THINGS ACTUALLY.
overall opinion: i can get so worked up about her but in my defense someone has to. i love her more than anything back when i kinned she was always at the top of my kinlist. she isnt fem i hate when people portray her as fem.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I hate Berdly. I hate Berdly so Much. As a character (I hated him in my Kris tl but this isnt abt that). And its hardly even because of the things he does in game (none of which are really /bad/ persay, just.. Clearly done by a teenager not thinking).
He drives me crazy because I know full well that that is exactly how some people see /me/ and I'm just waiting for the dreaded day that someone will try to kinassign me and I'll just lose my damn mind.
YES I have a tendancy to hyperfixate on my own intelligence, I want others to percieve me as smart, its some of the only worth I see in myself. But GOD I don't want to be seen like Berdly. The grade A douchebag who puts others down to make himself feel smarter. Thats not what I am. Thats not what I do.
Yet I still know thats how people will view me. That some aquaintences in discord servers will play Deltarune, see Im into it, and say I'm "Such a Berdly kinnie" and I'll have to go on a whole rant about how tired I am of getting nothing but "Smart douchebag" kinassigns.
Just because most of my kinlist is smart men, and most tend to be either cold, or villains, doesnt mean I have to kin every single smart dickwad. I have other kin tropes. So many other kin tropes, but everyone only focuses on the "smart". It fucking hurts sometimes!
Worst of all I hate that I'm actually semi open to kinning Berdly. That I made these connections on my own and can thus twist them into a reclaimation. But I suppose that all depends on Chapter 3, or perhaps fan content.
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