#what i want is for the whole film to be a romcom ideally but i would rather them not do it than fuck it up i guess
daevstroders · 8 months
i was smoking some top tier jake english crack ln and had some thoughts and much to ponder when i woke up so have some alloaro jake musings under the cut.
there is always the underlying element of not right not enough yet perfectly aligned and too much with these two. and i think what makes the alloaro jake narrative (which to ignore would be like ignoring his feminine coding imho (that is: impossible) really interesting is Love (capitalised to emphasise romantic from here on out, love sans capitalisation is not to be taken as romantic) is only what he believes it is, what he thinks it should be. what he's seen in his movies, of which he doesn't care for - he watches ACTION FILMS and SUPERHERO FLICKS, john and karkat are the ones who engage most with romcoms - and the kind of love he experiences is not the Love he equates to being 'real'.
everyone's experiences with aromanticism are different, and i think from jake's perspective its more so about his ideals of Love not matching his experiences. he's not shown to have anything more than passing interest and sexual encounters with others in the narrative, save dirk, and that is a whole shitstorm he can hardly bear to think about. its easier to renounce Love itself because to delve into these things would be to self reflect and jake english does Not. self reflect.
his love is destructive and selfish and reactive and obsessive and consuming. the kind where its you are Mine (and i guess that has to make me yours). i'll follow you to the ends of the earth because you're the only one who understands me and doesn't ask more from me than i'm capable of, but i won't force myself to appreciate the parts of you i detest and i don't expect you to do that either. the kind where i enjoy having you around but the domestic ideal i've seen sounds fucking boring and not something i'm capable of or want to be. i love you but i don't Love you. its more than i feel for anyone else and its too much, yet it is still not enough.
vs dirk who believes that his obsession and devotion is what Love is. he is the god of his own reality and the only word he can place on this emotion IS Love because he doesn't know anything else. he's just so much more intense than the rest, it doesnt matter if they don't understand it, because its Raw and Visceral and Real, more than their washed out depictions of Love. he's the same in the sense that the domestic Love for him is fucking boring and unsuited to his tastes but that doesn't make his Love lesser, it makes theirs. he again wants jake to be His but has a hard time accepting that to do so would make him jake's. they both want to possess and consume the other without allowing themselves to be possessed and consumed in return.
i just think both of them have incredibly thwarted ways of experiencing affection and the way they think about Love influences their perspective on the emotion. this is why jake so readily accepts his love isn't Love, assumes roxy's feelings for dirk are more real than his because the feelings there are selfless, unconditional, and passive. which aligns with what we are taught about Love, that it is hard work and unselfish and placing trust in another etc. his feelings are selfish, conditional, and active. he wouldn't want to put the hard work in to make something work with dirk because that would require self reflection, to accept difficult things about himself and accept unpalatable things about dirk. he wouldn't feel the same about dirk if he didn't keep him on his toes, fuck him around mentally and physically, he'd be as blase about the man as he is every other proposed Love interest. he can't sit still and let dirk move on without having his say, he needs to keep what's Mine while still trying to shy away from being His. everything he feels is a contradiction to what he assumes Love to be, therefore he can't Love. whereas as stated with dirk he assumes his Love to be real because it is so much more than what the ideal is portrayed to be like.
and i'm not going to go into it entirely because this is already so long but theres a link here to the cherubs i think. besides the dirk splinters and the english influence, the foundation of a cherub is two dichotomous beings sharing a body which i think is so so representative of dirkjake. they both live on inside one and another, they aren't soul mates or two halves of a whole, they are simply one. and the nature of cherub reproduction and 'romance' is so far removed from what humans would consider 'romance' which is the kind of romance that can be found in dirkjake but in a minor key instead of a major if that makes sense. same tune different sounds.
hussie consistently tries to challenge mainstream ideals of Love through quadrants cherub reproduction leprechauns etc so having a cosmically fated couple actually not fall anywhere on the scale of stereotypical Love is so incredibly on brand.
tldr maybe they are in Love. or maybe what they have is something different. and that is so cool.
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Nessian AU // Exile 
requested by @ncssian
I am not the best at interpreting songs but I tried my best :)
I can see you standing, honey. With his arms around your body. Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all. And it took you five whole minutes. To pack us up and leave me with it. Holdin' all this love out here in the hall
Cassian pauses on the sidewalk, the window was open and he could see Nesta throwing her head back laughing as she shoved someone next to her. Feyre had told Cassian about him, Nesta had met him at work a few weeks ago, apparently he had been asking her out for months and she finally said yes. 
They had only been broken up for a month and half. She hadn’t told Cassian about him. 
He hadn’t even wanted to come to the annual Christmas party Feyre and Rhysand threw every year. If he had known Nesta and her new boy toy would be here he wouldn’t have bothered to come. 
He trudges up the walkway, he was close enough to her laugh, an unfamiliar chuckle following her gorgeous laugh. Cassian doubted that he was that funny, what could he possibly be saying that was making her laugh that hard. 
He didn’t understand how she could move on so quickly when he felt empty inside every time he got home from work. They hadn’t officially moved in together but she was there more than him. Spending the night and doing her homework there between shifts and classes. He wasn’t used to her not being there. 
He hated unlocking his door to a dark and still house. He missed her. 
I think I've seen this film before. And I didn't like the ending. You're not my homeland anymore. So what am I defending now?. You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out. I think I've seen this film before. Ooh, ooh, ooh
He leans in again the brick archway of his friends house, listening to the hum of Christmas music and laughter fill the space. He could hear the clink of pots and pans, Rhysand and Feyre must still be preparing dinner. He looks back to see his car already covered in snow. 
He wondered what would have happened if this was one of those fluffy romcom movies she loved to watch. He never understood the point, two people would meet, fall in love, then live happily ever after. He never understood why she watched them when they all ended the same. 
What would their story have been like if someone was writing their happily ever after? 
Would they not have all those petty fights? Would he not have left her countless nights to drink with Rhysand or box with Azriel? Would she not have skipped out on the many dates he had planned to try and rekindle their light? 
He knows the end wasn’t good, he knows they were both bitter and unhappy, picking fights on everything and anything. He couldn’t help but remember the good, the beginning, how they were passionate about one another. How couldn’t they spend every minute together. She was his everything. 
What changed? 
He gripped the doorknob, pushing open the door, the air warming his skin as Feyre peeks out from the kitchen. “Cassian, you made it!” she exclaims. He nods, taking off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. He can feel Nesta’s eyes but he can’t look at her. He can’t see her cuddled into another side. “Come pour yourself a drink!” 
I can see you starin', honey. Like he's just your understudy. Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me. Second, third, and hundredth chances. Balancin' on breaking branches. Those eyes add insult to injury
She tried not to notice. 
She tried to stay focused on the words her date was saying. He was talking about some hike he had taken with his dad a few months prior. She nodded along but his words were going in one ear and out the other. 
She could feel Cassian’s eyes every now and then. He was standing across the room, drinking in hand and talking with Azriel and Mor, wearing the burgundy sweater she had gotten him a few Christmas’ ago. Did he realize? Did he realize what he was doing to her? 
She still loved him. It was clear to everyone that she was just in love with him now then she was years ago. She hadn’t taken the decision lightly to break it off. She had sat in his apartment for four days before he finally returned. He muttered excuses about Rhysand and Azriel but she could smell the alcohol on his breath and he had fresh bruises. He was fighting again. 
She was in med school, she had two jobs to try and get her through the program, she couldn’t handle worrying and wondering about him whenever he decided to disappear.
So step right out, there is no amount. Of crying I can do for you. All this time. We always walked a very thin line. You didn't even hear me out (You didn't even hear me out). You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs). All this time. I never learned to read your mind (Never learned to read my mind). I couldn't turn things around (You never turned things around). 'Cause you never gave a warning. sign (I gave so many signs). So many signs, so many signs. You didn't even see the signs
She’d see this ending before. She lived through it. She had given him the signs. Basically wrote it out for him but he was too oblivious or naive to notice. Their relationship was something she would always cherish but it wasn’t ideal. 
She couldn’t be with someone that couldn’t see the signs.  
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I have decided to post my list of all the stuff I watched this year (that I kept track of anyway!), so you can understand why I am incredibly not productive at reading, writing, or keeping my house clean.
Italics are used to indicate rewatches!
Movies Watched In 2020
January 1. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Ehh!) 2. The Biggest Little Farm (yay! nature! i guess.) 3. Cats (oof - but also, amazing!) 4. Like A Boss (I honestly barely remember what this is at this point. A relic from an age where we went to the movies just because we were bored!) 5. The Turning (NOPE! Thank God we got Bly Manor later in the year!) 6. You, Me, and Him (Very promising premise. Lucy Punch and David Tennant are there, even. But BAD!!!!!!!!) 7. Dolittle (Going to the movies just because you’re bored: Part 2) 8. Miss Americana (YES!!!!!) 9. THE VELOCIPASTOR (YES!!!!!!) February 10. Knives Out (a good ‘un) 11. A Little Princess (the BEST ‘un) 12. Enchanted (always an important rewatch!) 13. Birds of Prey (x2!) (THE ONLY WAY TO WATCH BIRDS OF PREY. can you believe that in this calendar year, i got to go see birds of prey in the theatre twice?) 14. Austenland (ALWAYS!) 15. Vita & Virginia (found it kind of a slog but might try it again someday) 16. Honey Boy (my boyfriend wanted to watch it okay) 17. Brittany Runs A Marathon (a decent dramedy time!) 18. Ideal Home (like sherlock holmes always called irene adler the woman, i always call this movie The Movie) 19. To All The Boys 2 (okay, with pretty colors and stuff!) 20. Best in Show (can you believe it took me this long to see it??) 21. Tell It To The Bees (nooooooooooooo! don’t tell ME about it, anyway!) 22. Napoleon Dynamite (PERFECTION ITSELF WAS ACHIEVED IN THE YEAR 2004!)
March 23. Mr. Right (trying to remember what this was. i think it’s that movie with anna kendrick and sam rockwell! in which case: a solid action romcom, VERY fun chemistry betwixt them!) 24. Mansfield Park (1999) (always a good ‘un full of hot mess people!) 25. Wild Nights With Emily (YES!) 26. Emma. (and on that day, we all knew austen aesthetic perfection) 27. Fighting with my Family (a solid watch always. plus: a movie about a teenage girl with no love interest!!!!! i am STILL thrilled about that.) 28. Jojo Rabbit (laugh-sob!) 29. Last Christmas (laugh-sob ft. emma thompson! emilia clarke make me one million more movies in the romcom-ish department! you were made to be sparkling and hilarious!) 30. Roman Holiday (this was the first time i’d seen this movie as an adult and it owned my whole soul) 31. The Big Year (i like birds and jack black and rashida jones and movies that feature alaska. who doesn’t?) April 32. Onward (this was fun!) 33. Parasite (this was fun, and then it TEARS YOUR SOUL OUT!) 34. Love. Wedding. Repeat. (.............. NO. do not, under any circumstances, repeat. why would you use sam claflin like this?) 35. Damsel (mia wasikowska and rpattz cool western weirdness!) 36. Jane Goodall: The Hope (jane goodall rules!!!!!!) 37. The Secret Garden (PERFECTION ITSELF, like and yet not at all like napoleon dynamite) 38. Portrait of a Lady on Fire (such a beautiful and aesthetically exquisite film!) May 39. Sense & Sensibility (1995) (ALWAYS) 40. That Thing You Do (i still had the soundtrack 100% memorized from my childhood!) 41. Click (DO NOT RECOMMEND) 42. Much Ado About Nothing (2011) - Not a movie, but it was 2 hours and 40 minutes so I'm counting it! Such a joy to see the T&T Delight Factory up to their antics in classic romcom shape! (that was my original note when i put it on the list; i stand by it. WHERE IS OUR TENNANT/TATE MARRIEDS SHOW?) 43. The Half of It (so good!) 44. Yes Man (i mean ... it happened!) 45. The Lovebirds (not amazing BUT a very fun pair of characters) June 46. If Beale Street Could Talk (beautiful! heartbreaking!) 47. Her (i mean ............ okay.) 48. A Mighty Wind (do you ever feel like eugene levy is eugene levy-ing TOO hard?) 49. Rocketman (a great ‘un!) 50. The King of Staten Island (i had some feelings! pete davidson did good!) 51. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner (hey! i watched a classic movie this year! it was good! it felt more modern than i expected!) 52. Cat People (1982) - GOD HELP ME (my original note; i stand by it) 53. Blow the Man Down (aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!) 54. Outside In (what is this? i guess i’ll have to google it. oh! it was a lynn shelton movie! poignant and weird.) 55. The Hundred-Foot Journey (really nice if you want the feeling of going to very aesthetically pleasing europe without actually being able to go to europe! plus: FOOD) 56. The Good Liar (oh my god this movie was BLEAK and i wanted it to be FUN, damn it!) 57. The Blackcoat's Daughter (I hated watching this ... SO MUCH!!!!!!!) 58. Eurovision Song Contest: the Story of Fire Saga (I loved watching this ... SO MUCH!!!) July 59. Carrie Pilby (i mean, it happened) 60. Big Eden (so sweet!!!!!! this dude also made the family stone and i’ve realized i kind of love his movie style.) 61. Love Jacked (some classic made-for-tv-level romcom goodness!) 62. Uncut Gems (AAAAAAAAAH) 63. Late Night (i mean, it’s mindy kaling and emma thompson, come on) 64. Spaceship Earth (i watched a documentary! i’m a really smart person now, guys! like, if you asked me what this documentary was about, i would say, “blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah!”, giving you the exact right answer!) 65. Desperados (BAD, but a winston/aly reunion is not something i’m gonna turn my nose up at) 66. Palm Springs (so good!!!!!!) 67. Hannah Gadsby: Douglas (so good!!!!!!!!) August 68. Summerland (SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!) 69. Outlaw King (no thank you please! i just wanted the whole thing to be about chris pine and florence pugh’s arranged marriage, because i am me) 70. 10 Cloverfield Lane (a forever gothic fave!) 71. Crimson Peak (another forever gothic fave! [we were watching all these because my boyfriend was writing a paper about all my gothic faves]) 72. Get Out (see above!) September 73. Rear Window (what a zany time this movie is! grace kelly = PERFECT, window guy with broken leg whose name i’ve forgotten = A DAMN FOOL for stringing her along) 74. Little Women (2019) (i mean, you don’t need to hear me talk about this even more) 75. Ex Machina (gothic fave again!!!!!!!!!!) 76. Enola Holmes (this movie really just made me so happy with its bright sunny aesthetic and enola being epic, hilarious, plucky, and awesome) 77. Parasite (again! this time for the whole modern gothic movies purpose! by this point me and the bf were starting to get kind of depressed/freaked out!) 78. Leap Year (MY LOVE, MY LIFE) October 79. The Witches (1990) (um. WHAT! i thank the good lord that i never saw this as a child, because it would have been the mental ruin of me.) 80. Hubie Halloween (hey, it happened in front of my eyeballs, okay!) 81. Rebecca (2020) (x2) (yes. i watched it twice for some reason. and by ‘some reason,’ i mean SHIPPING MRS. DW 2 AND MRS. DANVERS BECAUSE WHY NOT, THEY WERE VIBIN’!) 82. The Witches (2020) (would NOT scar me for life; i did find it nicer than critics seemed to) 83. The Addams Family (i mean, *chef’s kiss*) 84. Addams Family Values (DEBBIE IS MY HERO!) 85. Holidate (this was dumb but also quite fun?) 86. Hocus Pocus (THE essential october watch! god, i miss the 90s.) 87. Ready or Not (s’more excellent halloween viewing! i didn’t find this movie quite as fun rewatching as i did the first time around, but danged if it’s not a great lead performance.) November 88. Downhill (well, no. i guess what this gave to my lif was when i read the new ruth ware novel shortly after this, i was like, “dang, avalanches are really factoring into my fiction lately!” and that’s what this movie gave me. would have loved to see a stronger movie from these actors!) 89. My Best Friend's Wedding (rewatchin’ a classic! this movie kind of rules?) 90. Easy A (the parents are my lifespiration always!) 91. Ideal Home ❤️❤️❤️ (sometimes, you watch a movie you love very much yet again, and your soul cannot rest until you put three heart emojis beside its title) 92. Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey (so fun and pretty to look upon!) 93. The Invisible Man (2020) (AAAAAAAH! this was a great movie.) 94. An American Pickle (rather poignant and diverting!) 95. The Princess Switch (i don’t know why the exact degree of sweet stupidity in these movies charms me so, but it does. it does!) 96. The Princess Switch 2 (EVEN BETTER! MORE VANESSAS TO SWITCH!) 97. Big Miracle (alaska movie!!!!!!! with lots of great people in it!!!!!) 98. Happiest Season (i mean, i don’t know. i’ve read so much discourse on either side of the issue that i just DON’T KNOW. it happened! i watched it!) 99. Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day (AMY ADAMS BEING PERFECT, FRANCES MCDORMAND BEING PERFECT, LEE PACE BEING PERFECT, CIARAN HINDS BEING PERFECT) 100. The Family Stone (i hated this movie when it first came out but i loved it watching it this time around??? i love movies when it’s a bunch of people just interacting within a small, not very dramatic setting. that’s my catnip.) December 101. Godmothered (i love the f/f version i made up in my head) 102. Little Nicky (yeah! that’s right! i watched little nicky this year! i blame spn!) 103. Emma (2020) (sometimes a girl needeth a rewatch) 104. The Secret Garden (2020) (nah.) 105. Batman Returns (WHAT!) 106. Batman Forever (WHAT!!!) 107. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (i did it! i finally watched them!) 108. The Holiday (i, no joke, love this movie more every single time i watch it.) 109. Little Women (1994) (SAME!) 110. The Hobbit 2 (probably the one i enjoyed the least in the trilogy? but also: tauriel!) 111. Little Women (2019) (some years, you just keep watching cinema auteur greta gerwig’s adaptation of little women.) 112. Wonder Woman 1984 (*shrug*) 113. The Hobbit 3 (i actually liked this one, maybe the best of the lot! but not enough to include the actual title in my list!) and my list of tv for the year, but sans commentary because i’m tired. if you want to ask what i thought of anything, go right ahead! you’re sure to get a thrilling answer!! TV Shows Watched in 2020 January Spinning Out, Season 1 New Girl, Full Series Grace and Frankie, Season 6 The Mandalorian, Season 1 Sex Education, Season 2 February The Crown, Season 1 Sanditon, Season 1 Locke & Key, Season 1 The Crown, Season 2 Fresh Off The Boat, Season 6 March Hillary, Full Series (Huh, something weird must have happened this month! Ahahahaha ......)
April The Office, Full Series Anne with an E, Season 1 Happy Endings, Full Series Avenue 5, Season 1 Derry Girls, Full Series The Kingdom of the White Wolf May Never Have I Ever, Season 1 Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Season 1 Good Girls, Season 3 Bless This Mess, Season 2 Sense & Sensibility (2008), Full Series The Last Man On Earth, Full Series Broadchurch, Full Series The Great, Season 1 The Mick, Full Series Poldark, Season 5 June Beecham House, Season 1 Wanted, Seasons 1-3 The Baby-Sitters Club, Season 1 July Anne with an E, Full Series The Mindy Project, Full Series Four Weddings and a Funeral, Full Series This Is Us, Season 4 The Big Flower Fight, Season 1 Atlanta, Season 1 Catastrophe, Full Series August Lovesick, Full Series The Miniaturist, Full Series Harley Quinn, Season 1 Doctor Who, Season 1 Episodes, Full Series Harley Quinn, Season 2 The Comeback, Full Series Doctor Who, Season 2 Torchwood, Season 1 September Reign, Season 1 Reign, Season 2 Doctor Who, Season 3 Torchwood, Season 2
Escape to the Chateau, Season 1-Season 4 The Duchess, Season 1 Torchwood, Children of Earth Superstore, Season 1-3 Reign, Season 3 October Superstore, Season 4-5 Emily in Paris, Season 1 Over the Garden Wall, Full Series Doctor Who, Season 4 Pen15, Season 2 Last Tango in Halifax, Season 5 Reign, Season 4 The Haunting of Bly Manor Doctor Who, Season 5 The Baby-Sitters Club, Season 1 Dickinson, Season 1 November Ted Lasso, Season 1 Flesh and Blood, Full Series Supernatural, Season 1 Supernatural, Season 2 Brooklyn 99, Seasons 1-7 Miracle Workers, Season 1 Supernatural, Season 3 I Hate Suzie, Season 1 December Supernatural, Season 4 Dash and Lily, Full Series Supernatural, Season 5 Supernatural, Season 6 The Undoing, Full Series Life in Pieces, Full Series The Flight Attendant, Season 1 Ghosts, Series 1-2 Doctor Who, Season 6 Supernatural, Season 7 Doctor Who, Season 7 His Dark Materials, Season 2 Bridgerton, Season 1
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Meeting and Dating Dwayne
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(Not my gif)(Requested by like three anonymous askers)
(Sorry if these suck its hard to write for someone who has like no lines)
- You met Dwayne on the boardwalk, the only place anyone has a chance of actually seeing the vamps. Laddie had ran past and knocked the bag out of your hands. As you were picking up everything that had spilled out, two more hands came to help you.
- When you looked up, voila, there he was in all his glory. You realized the boy was with him after he turned around and told him to apologize. You brushed off the apology with a smile, thanked the man and quickly retreated back into the crowd nervously.
- Dwayne decided that he needed to have you the moment he watched you practically run from him, a flustered look on your face and the sound of your quickened heartbeat racing in his ears.
- The two of you bump into each other again later that night.
“...Hi.” He’s never been much of a talker has he.
- The two of you share a small laugh and talk for a little bit before you have to go. As you go to walk off, he stops you and asks if you’d like to go out with him sometime. Because you’re a normal person with a functioning brain, you obviously agree to see him again. 
- He takes you to the movies because he doesn’t trust his people/conversation skills. He’s somewhat shy when it comes to new people, especially when he’s alone with them and they’re as pretty as you. You take notice of the fact but to you, it’s kind of sweet and endearing. It’s nice to think that you have some sort of effect on the man who looks like he’s jumped straight out of a magazine.
- You guys keep looking over at each other more interested in the beauty beside you than the actual movie. You end up making out after thirty minutes of “watching” the film. It’s hard not to make out with someone who is just so kissable but I digress
- After that you continue to see each other. You would kiss and all that but he would also sometimes disappear for a day or two and sometimes more with no warning leaving you wondering if he was alive or not or if he really cared about you.
- You guys never put a label on what you had so you didn’t feel like you could really say anything about it or demand to know where he was going. You had fun with him when you did see him so you just tried to enjoy the time you spent with him and told yourself that you you guys weren't serious and that you shouldn't waste your time thinking about “what you guys are”.
- That is until your friends ask about him and whether you’re dating him or anyone else, you can’t exactly say you are since you don’t know so they try and set you up with someone else.
- Dwayne comes to visit you while you’re getting ready for your date and it’s obviously awkward when you have to explain where you’re going and why you’re so dressed up.
- You guys start to argue after he gets angry and when your date comes he straight up goes to the door and tells him to get the fuck off the property before closing the door and pulling you into a kiss.  
“I don’t know if you were confused or what but you’re mine. So you never pull that shit again or else I’ll do more then just scare them away.”
- He’s not entirely romantic but you can’t complain, not many guys are but at least you can say Dwayne has his moments.
- He’s a bit temperamental. He’s quick to anger but hides it behind his usual stoic expression although now you’re an expert at spotting when his body tenses up and his jaw clenches. 
- Jealous as hell, Paul makes fun of him for it and uses it against him when he’s bored and wants some entertainment.
- Though guys don’t really dare try to flirt with you anymore considering your brooding boyfriend is always behind you or at your side but there’s always a time when you’re “alone” and a guy will approach.
- You’ll be talking to a random guy in a completely polite and platonic manner while Dwayne’s watching on like a hawk as per usual. Paul will them proceed to stroll up beside him and trie to start shit.
“Damn do you see the way he’s looking at her Dwayne?”
“What are you talking about Paul?”
“Well man I’m just saying I would never let a guy look at my girl like that. I’d punch the guys lights out but obviously you’re more patient, trusting ... or just dumb.”
- He probably ends up fighting the guy later because Paul provoked him. You have to sit down and scold Paul because he knows damn well what he did.
- If you work a night shift he is always visiting you, he says he’s just hanging around the boardwalk and decided to drop by.
- You probably find out that he’s a vampire like months into the relationship. He probably doesn’t even tell you, you find out from him baring his teeth at some drunk guy who smacked your ass.
- You spend the rest of the night inspecting his face and teeth while he tries to explain it. He’s kind of scared that you’ll decide you can’t be with him because of the whole vampire thing. 
- Intense and rough kisses, he either holds your face or your neck when you kiss.
- He’ll never admit it but he lets out soft moans when you kiss.
- It’s a very intimate and heavy experience, he’s one hell of a kisser and can get you to the point where you feel addicted to him.
- Motorcycle rides, he grabs your ass when he’s helping you onto his bike.
- Night time beach dates with bonfires. You cuddle into his side and watch the stars while listening to the crackling of the fire.
- He loves playing with your hair while you guys lay together, you can hear the slight jingle of his bracelets as his hand moves around your head.
- Wearing his jewelry, he’ll sometimes tell you to keep it when he sees the look on your face when you put it on and the way it looks on you. 
- Head kisses, usually right at your hairline or on the top of your head. 
- Finger guns
- Constant winking
- He’s like shirtless 24/7. Does he own a shirt? You don’t know.
- It’s sometimes annoying because girls ogle the hell out of him (who wouldn’t). He giggles in a manly way when you get jealous, he thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world when you usher him away from girls
 “You know I only like you baby.”
- He’d let you put makeup on him. He wears eyeliner himself and is surprisingly good with makeup.
- He also likes doing your makeup, he loves that he can be so close and have an excuse to touch and look at your face.
- You’re usually the one who initiates any affection. He does actually love when your touching on and kissing him especially when you do it to try and cheer him up. 
- He feels like he can let his guard down around you and open up more than he ever has with anybody.  
- He has never really felt this way about anyone else and he tells you this every so often.
- It’s his way of saying I love you but with more meaning.
- He feels like ‘I love you’ is really cliche and meaningless a lot of the time but if you want to say or want him to he will.
- You’re one of the things that makes him smile the most.
-  His laugh can heal people.
- Loves when you straddle him and kiss his jaw and neck. 
- Since he likes it so much he does the same thing to you. You can’t say that you don’t like it because lets be honest you do. A lot.
- Husky whispers in your ear or while your faces are close together.
- Little gifts from street vendors, you have a little key chain with your initials on it that he randomly got you one night. 
- Thinks it’s impossible to get and stay mad at you. The instant he sees your sad face or hears an apology he forgives you he just can’t stand to see you upset. 
- Paul teases him for this as well but he once saw you when you were upset and has never felt the same ever since. 
- He can’t stand when your mad at him because he barely sees you as is and if you’re trying to avoid or ignore him how is he gonna spend some quality time with you. He’s very dramatic about this.
- Has literally stood outside your door knocking and calling for you until sunrise where you had to let him in so he didn’t fucking die. You finally talk and he apologizes while your checking that he’s not burnt to shit. 
- You threaten to actually burn him if he ever does that again and he just kisses you; happy that you’ve forgiven him.
- He’s always looking out for you and making sure you’re safe
- He actually likes watching romcoms with you because he can see what you wish a guy would do for you. He takes notes ladies and he’ll become your’re ideal man. 
- He calls you babe, sweetheart and hon.
- Couldn’t care less about stretch marks, he actually prefers them. He thinks they’re cool like they’re some type of tattoo.
- Staying up so you can see him.  He tells you that you should really be sleeping but makes no move to leave or take you home.
- He’s stayed at your house during the day at least once, you spend it cuddled up in a dark room watching movies and enjoying the serenity. 
- You surprise him with a room with blocked out windows and his heart melts when you ask him if it could work. 
- He’s ready to die for you no joke. 
- He mostly tries to keep you away from the guys, he knows they aren’t the safest or most trustworthy company. 
- You are the friendliest with Paul out of all the guys, he’s the most easygoing and least ready to fight or kill you. He’s also borderline the only one Dwayne is slightly okay with you hanging out with.  
- You only really met them because they found out about you and took it upon themselves to come to your work and introduce themselves. Dwayne could actually feel his heart drop when you told him. 
- You don’t get why he doesn’t want you hanging out with them. They were only ever nice to you, slightly threatening but nice. 
- He’s just trying to keep you safe and happy for as long as possible before you have to really make the decision between vampire or human.
- He’s willing to get married but would most likely want a small wedding with only close friends and family. 
- He’s obviously good with kids. He wouldn’t mind stealing one and raising it with you.
- He might not be the easiest to date but he definitely makes it worth the trouble.
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Isn’t It Romantic?
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The romcom is having a Moment right now, so it’s not surprising that a movie like Isn’t It Romantic? got greenlit to act as a sort of post-ironic, winking takedown of one of cinema’s oldest (and most old-fashioned) genres. Rebel Wilson stars as Natalie, a single gal living in New York City just trying to get through the day without too many indignities happening. Her apartment is a dump, she’s talked over and ignored at her job, and she’s bombarded with Sex Sells advertising like we all are, promising that if she just buys enough stuff, her One True Love will sweep her off her feet and she’ll live happily ever after. She’s got a realistic cynical streak, and she really, REALLY hates the glossy, over-idealized unreality of romantic comedies. At the insistence of her best friend Whitney (Betty Gilpin), she opens herself up to the possibility that the world isn’t a complete dumpster fire, and promptly gets mugged for her purse on a subway platform. In the scuffle, she hits her head and BAM - wakes up in shiny, glossy, romantic comedy world, complete with full style makeover, incredible apartment, and simmering romantic tension with her best guy friend (Adam Devine) as well as a new fling with a handsome stranger (Liam Hemsworth). I’ll admit I had high hopes for this movie, but recognized that all the signs were there for it to be a cringey trainwreck as well. As we discussed with Ready Player One, simply pointing out things that other movies have done and saying DO YOU GET THIS REFERENCE does not a great movie make. So did this end up sweeping me off my feet or knocking me out cold? Well...
Much more the former than the latter, mainly due to a smart script that is more interested in developing Natalie as a real, interesting, three-dimensional woman who is able to grow and change in ways that feel authentic and earned. Combined with excellent supporting performances (especially from a giddily hilarious Hemsworth) and dazzling production design, the end result leaves you feeling the best kind of fizzy happy that only a good romcom can provide.
Some thoughts: 
Oh god, the youths sitting behind me didn’t recognize that the movie Whitney is watching is The Wedding Singer and I just died a little inside.
I was so pleased that Natalie is an architect instead of like, a handkerchief designer, or a magazine florist, or some other bullshit made up job for women in romantic comedies.
One of the best things about the entire production design of this movie is the little details in the background. The parking signs change to things like FROM NOW TO ETERNITY, FALL IN LOVE, and TIL DEATH DO US PART. Or the posters on the subway that say “See someone, say something” - that really killed me.
And there are some fantastic homages to romantic comedy hall-of-fame, like the outfit Natalie wears from Pretty Woman to go home from the hospital. Pretty much all her clothes are amazing, honestly, and since we live in a world where it STILL remains nearly impossible for plus-sized women to find fashionable clothes that actually fit and are meant to convey a sense of confidence and self-worth, this is really remarkable. 
I know some reviews complained that all the references to other romcoms were lazy, or simply pointing out “hey this is a thing in romcoms” and expecting that to be the joke, but I actually disagree? I thought it was a refreshing look at tropes that, when compiled together, can be really harmful. Like the Gay Best Friend having no plans whatsoever, ever, or the main conflict at work being gearing up for “The Big Presentation.” It’s pointing out that for a romcom to actually encourage any real emotional honesty, there needs to be recognizable stakes and characters that go beyond two-dimensional stereotypes, and then putting its money where its mouth is.
Priyanka Chopra might honestly be the most beautiful woman in the world, and it’s unfair that she’s got pretty great comedic timing here too.
It’s unnerving how much Liam Hemsworth sounds exactly like Chris Hemsworth. If you close your eyes, their voices are nearly indistinguishable. Since I’ve only seen him in the Hunger Games franchise, it was pretty delightful getting to hear his actual accent!
Related, what is in the water in the Hemsworth household, because it just doesn’t seem fair that the whole family is this charming, talented, funny, and gorgeous. I have a lot more respect for Liam’s comedic chops after this film, and I can’t wait to see what he does next.
Maybe the best line reading I’ve seen so far this year was Brandon Scott Jones’ “...Do you want weed?” I think I laughed so hard I cried. 
I honestly loved this movie. It felt sweet in all the best ways, and the giant climactic “I love me” moment actually felt earned. I think this is the movie that I Feel Pretty wanted to be but failed so miserably at. It feels revolutionary in a way that doesn’t feel forced - a plus-size female lead who’s not being made the butt of the joke but is simply human, a person learning and growing and becoming better by demanding better. The filmmakers take the groundwork laid before and say “this was good, but wouldn’t it be better if...?” and deliver something modern and interesting that doesn’t feel pandering. This was one of my favorite surprises so far of 2019, and I only hope it paves the way for more romcoms of this type in the future.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Osamake – 02 – The Cost of Assumptions
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Maru Sueharu was indeed a famous and talented child actor, while his dad was a stuntman and his mother an “unsuccessful” actress. Abe Mitsuru asks why Sueharu suddenly quit acting six years ago, but I doubt the answer matters much to him, as once Mitsuru found out Sueharu liked Shirokusa, he decided to date her for the express purpose of humiliating him and proving that he “won”. I take it back; this guy’s a dick!
Mitsuru also makes clear his intentions to officially confess to Shirokusa at the confession festival, in hopes of squashing Suehar’s first love for good. Why he cares so much about Sueharu is anyone’s guess, but the bottom line is that if Sueharu will need to make a big splash at the festival to foil his scheme.
Despite Kuroha loudly proclaiming she and Sueharu are now dating, Shirokusa still agrees to write a script for a play Sueharu will perform for the festival—provided he’s the star and she gets properly compensated. She then contributes to his persona non grata status with the boys by exchanging NINE info with him.
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Kuroha, who we learn is one of four beautiful Shida sisters who live next door to Sueharu, stops by to check on him. Once again the two exhibit a warm, lovely lived in chemistry. While she’s organizing his books, a photo slips out of one of them: a photo of him as a kid with someone who is clearly Shirokusa.
Sueharu, who calls Shirokusa Kachi, doesn’t make the connection to his old friend “Shiro”, because he is very dumb and possibly face-blind. Right on cue, Shirokusa then calls Sueharu up, and they have a playful little chat to arrange a place and time to meet and talk about the play. After the call, Kuroha knows it was Shirokusa on the line, and is worried about Sueharu jumping back into acting after so long.
She also makes clear that even if it doesn’t go well it doesn’t matter, because he has other qualities besides acting ability, and she reiterates that she likes him. When she teases his red face, he raises a mirror to show her hers, then tries to go further by taking her by the chin and teasing a kiss, only to chicken out when she was ready to go.
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I realize I said this last week, but it sure would be a lot easier if he got over Shirokusa and dated Kuroha for real! I know, I know, love polygon romcoms need these kinds of bumps to provide drama. Speaking of drama, on the day Sueharu practices on stage with Tetsuhiko, he suddenly suffers what I’d describe as a panic attack and passes out.
He wakes up in the nurse’s office, with Shirokusa by his side, ready to begin their meeting when he’s ready. She admits she decided to write the script for him because she’s supporting him getting back into acting. As far as payment goes, she wants neither cash nor groveling, but an explanation for what happened to his acting career. Sueharu proceeds to tell a sad tale of his mother getting the role of his mother in the second season of Child Star, the show that made him famous.
But his mom put so much into her role, she ended up hitting her head while filming a scene where her character was to be hit by a car. The show was going to be cancelled, but Sueharu insisted the show go on. But after that second season it went on indefinite hiatus, along with his career. He couldn’t tell anyone at the time what happened due to a gag order.
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Sueharu’s story moves Shirokusa to tears, and not just because it’s a sad story, but because it throws her whole revenge plot on him—which predated his by six years! As expected, the “Shiro” he and Kuroha saw in the photo was her. She became enamored of his performance on TV, and had him invited to her house to hang out. I love how she mirrors how she looked his way with her head on the desk in the present.
Back then, she asks if she could write something for him to act in, and he was enthusiastic about it. He thus became her muse, as she began to write prolifically. But when he stopped coming by without explanation and his show ended, Shirokusa took it as a personal affront. She dedicated to becoming stronger, prettier, and famous to get back at him for leaving her.
As she walks home after their meeting, Shirokusa is in tears, because he’d gone from her first love to her hating him, and now she’s back to loving him, especially knowing what happened wasn’t her fault, or anyone’s. My questions are, is she in cahoots with Mitsuru or are they using each other to make Sueharu envious, and will this revelation lead to her cancelling her vendetta?
Whatever path she takes, Sueharu and Kuroha are proceeding with the play in which he upstages Mitsuru and confesses to Shirokusa. But Kuroha doesn’t trust Shirokusa and worries that this is a trap by her and Mitsuru to kick him as low as he can go just when he’s riding high. Nevertheless, Sueharu wants to give it a try.
While Kuroha is worried about him, as a childhood friend would, she’s also supportive, telling him that even after all this time his natural talent is still there, and he’s a better actor than he gives himself credit for. As long as he’s acting for someone, she knows he’ll do great. Ideally, that someone is her!
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By: sesameacrylic
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akajustmerry · 7 years
I just read your write up about the misogyny in Stranger Things and it's amazing! I wanted to ask, how do you enjoy problematic media? I LOVE Stranger Things but I hate Jonathan, I hate Eleven's vanity and her dismissal of Max. It takes me out of the show. I used to like a lot of media, but lately I'm picking apart everything. Which in a way is good, but almost everything is problematic in some way and it's tiring. I just want to enjoy things, while also understanding the societal implications.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!! thank you so much for reading and I feel u, anon. I feel u! especially because the tv and film industries are built on toxic af infrastructures of racism, homophobia, sexism - it can feel overwhelmingly hard to find anything to enjoy. I also struggled with this a lot a couple of years back (i mean, the old’ depression monster didn’t help either) BUT I don’t struggle sm now so here are some tips 
WEIGH IT UP: face facts, friend. you’re never gonna find a piece of ideologically pure media because a) there must always be conflict in a story and b) human beings have and always will be ideologically flawed. WHAT YOU CAN do is decide how much of the bad in a piece of media outweighs the good and ultimately ask yourself if letting the bad get to you is unfair to the good parts and your own sanity. lord knows i hate jonathan and eleven’s misogynistic vanity, but man oh man do i love the portrayal of friendship between those kids and the wonderfully original sci-fi elements,.. I love so much more about it than i hate.
YOU’RE NOT JUST SUPPORTING THE BAD: for example, the ceo of marvel is a piece of shit and when i learned he donated to trump and is a zionist i stopped seeing marvel movies at the movies for a while but then thor 3 was announced and was being made by taika waititi (independant maori filmmaker) and he made an effort to employ lots of indigenous workers when he was filming here in aus so i went to see it because even tho i don’t wanna support marvel’s ceo, i wanna support the employment of my people in filmmaking more. same with black panther because i want to support the hell out of black superheroes
TAKE THINGS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT: criticism shouldn’t always be seein as a deal-breaker, it just means you’re aware of larger issues. when it comes to media you can always ignore the stuff you’re not a fan of. for example, I love The Nanny is one of my favorite sitcoms, but oh boy is there some really iffy misogynistic plotlines in that show BUT I know not to idealize that and i just roll my eyes and move on. watching a show isn't all or nothing. i mean i hated the last jedi and i won't be purchasing that bluray but i still love star wars as a whole
separate media elements between being problematic and compelling: there’s a big difference between a show, let's say, portraying rape culture, being ignorant of it and promoting it. a show can portray rape culture in order to criticize it without promoting it or validating it (shows like Jessica Jones). then, there are millions of romcoms where things like consent, respect for boundaries, etc. are disregarded in the name of running times (just ignoring it) and then there are films and television shows like game of thrones, etc. that promote really unhealthy uncriticised sex. basically, the fact there’s racism, crime, etc. in a show doesn’t make it problematic. the problematic bit comes in the way the media chooses to handle it. if something isn't handled well see: point one
SUPPORT SHOWS YOU LIKE AS WELL AVOIDING SHOWS YOU HATE: this is my favorite method of balancing my media consumption. shows like game of thrones will get made poorly regardless of criticism because it already has the ratings. boycotting won’t really do much but save yourself from watching it. so try and support a similar show that's less problematic (like into the badlands). i hate gal gadot and zionism in general so i make a big effort to watch and support palestinian films, as well as boycotting what i can.
DON’T WATCH THINGS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL BAD: Ultimately if you really aren’t enjoying something stop watching it. you don’t owe it anything 
It's okay to enjoy things that aren't harmful: Call-out culture has cultivated a practice where we do look at a lot of problems in what we consume. This is a good thing because media shouldn't be passively consumed but at the end of the day its meant to be entertaining too and its okay to be entertained by things that aren't totally perfect, especially when we are constantly bombarded with dismal news in this age. sometimes you just need to take charge of your own mental health and say, "yeah okay brooklyn nine nine could easily be considered police propaganda, but its funny, promotes positive thinking, good morality and gosh dang it watching this 20 minute sitcom is gonna make me laugh after a shitty day and thats okay"
If you (like me) love watching films and tv but you also wanna support good work then the easiest thing to do is well, what you can when you can. promote work you think is good, enjoy the things you can enjoy, stop watching the things you can’t. its hard sometimes but its just a matter of gauging what you can handle and what you know to be right and finding a balance.no one expects you to be perfect all the time (i certainly am not), but you can do what you can where you can and thats better than nothing and definately better than driving yourself mad trying to only consume ‘pure’ media
wow this is really long, sorry!! but i hope its helpful!!
for more resources on media representation, check out my tag:
merry xxx
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romcomathon2016 · 7 years
The Proposal (USA, 2009)
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Predictions: We had both already seen this movie and knew that it was acceptable. We remembered that Alaska was extremely beautiful, that there was a very cute dog, and that Ryan Reynolds was at some point naked. We also remembered that Funny or Die video of Betty White and Sandra Bullock taunting him on set.
Plot: Sandra Bullock is a Canadian Miranda Priestley at a publishing company, and Ryan Reynolds is her American assistant, whom she terrorizes with every breath. One day, however, the news arrives that Sandra Bullock's visa application has been denied, and she is about to be deported. Naturally, she decides that, instead of being deported, she will just marry Ryan Reynolds. He is understandably like, WTF???? NO, but she convinces him that his professional wagon is hitched to hers, so he'd better.
They go to see the immigration people, and Ryan Reynolds discovers that there could, of course, be terrible criminal consequences if they go through with this fraud. He wants to back out, but then he and Sandra Bullock come to an agreement wherein she will promote him, etc. Also, to persuade their immigration interviewer that their relationship is genuine, Sandra Bullock blurts out that they are going to visit his family in Beautiful Alaska. Um. So they go.
In Beautiful Alaska, Sandra Bullock discovers that Ryan Reynolds is super rich and also that his family is super sweet. Lots of shenanigans ensue, and she begins to have a change of heart. They also begin to get to know each other as people, which leads to ~complicated feelings. It probably also doesn't hurt that they accidentally see each other naked. (They are both in extremely good shape, for two people who supposedly spend their days sitting in an office drinking lattes and reading books.) Ryan Reynolds has a difficult relationship with his dad, and, for some reason, as a way of making up for his dad's unsupportiveness, his family is like, you guys should get married tomorrow, in the barn!!!! ...Oh. Okay. That seems -- not at all contrived.
Meanwhile, their excessively determined immigration official contacts Ryan Reynolds's dad, and he and Dad try to persuade Ryan Reynolds to give Sandra Bullock up. But he refuses. The barn wedding goes forth. But what's this???? Sandra Bullock can't go through with it???? Her heart of ice has thawed and she cannot drag Ryan Reynolds and his family into her life of crime after all???? She confesses the truth to the entire barn-congregation, and gets on a plane to leave.
Naturally, as soon as she's out the door, Ryan Reynolds realizes that he actually does love her, possibly, now! and chases her to the airport. But (surprisingly, for a romcom) he doesn’t make it in time, and her plane takes off without his getting to declare his love on the tarmac. Instead, he winds up chasing her down in the office, where she's packing to move to Canada, and, in front of all his bewildered coworkers, asks her to marry him for real, so that she will not be deported and they can, like, maybe go on a date sometime. The end.
Best Scene: Well, we don't love this movie, but we do love this trope. So pretty much any time they're getting caught in their house of lies, we enjoy. We also deeply enjoy this adorable fluffy dog, the real star of this film. In terms of specific scenes… Maybe some of the scenes in the beginning where they are negotiating their blossoming “romance” (lolz), that one scene in the bedroom where they actually talk and enjoy each other for the first time, and poooossibly the last thirty seconds of their love confession (most of that part is unbearable).
Worst Scene: Oh god. Obviously the scene where Sandra Bullock, biking through the forest, stumbles upon Betty White doing a Native dance and chant. The second half of this scene, in which Sandra Bullock starts singing and dancing to "Get Low," is actually pretty funny, but the whole premise is just...not okay. NOT OKAY, GUYS. Although we later find out that Betty White supposedly has a tiny bit of Native heritage, it is still...not okay. It is terrible.
Best Line: The humor in this movie is mostly concentrated in a) the premise and b) certain scenes, and some of it (racist stuff, the idea that old people can't be salty) really isn't our fave, but Ryan Reynolds does have a couple of early zingers that we enjoyed. Like, "Pine nuts, and the full spectrum of human emotion." (When Sandra Bullock asks him if he knows what she's allergic to.) And, "I can pretend to be the doting fiancé; that's easy. But for you, that's going to require that you stop snacking on children while they dream." (Self-explanatory.)
Worst Line: "We know you're incredibly busy with a room full of gardeners and delivery boys." -- Sandra Bullock, being super racist at the immigration office. While we know that this is likely intended as an example of how she starts the movie as an awful person, so we don't feel like the movie endorses this comment, it's still not an example we would have chosen, because racism is not the kind of terribleness that a weekend in Beautiful Alaska can cure.
Highlights of the Watching Experience: THE DOG. THIS IS THE CUTEST FUCKING DOG. THEY GOT HIM FROM THE POUND???? WHO WOULD ABANDON THIS DOG???????? Also, why are the three women Sandra Bullock spends most of her Beautiful Alaskan time with Ryan Reynolds's mom, grandmother, and EX-GIRLFRIEND???? Why was Malin Akerman his ex-girlfriend???? Wouldn't it have been just as easy and less weird for her to be his sister, since she's pretty much always somebody's sister???? And finally, the fact that Beautiful Alaska was in fact Beautiful Rockport, Massachusetts.
How Many POC in the Film: A surprising number, although not great roles. Sandra Bullock's crappy second-in-command, and many other employees at the publishing company, where we spent very little time. Both workers and immigrants at the immigration office. In Beautiful Alaska, some friends of Ryan Reynolds's parents, and the local stripper/cater waiter/general store manager/wedding officiant, Oscar Nuñez, whose whole role was...questionable. :|
Alternate Scenes: Okay, so. This movie had a lot of Bad Stuff we did not remember from our previous viewing/s. The Native references and that terrible scene, general weird racism (especially around the idea of immigrants and immigration), and like...a lot of unnecessary sexism???? All of these things served no plot purpose and were really disconcerting. So our ideal alternate version of this movie would REMOVE all of those things and be a much shorter, more pleasant watch.
Was the Poster Better or Worse than the Film: Worse, despite all the things we did not like about the movie. The poster really looks like Sandra Bullock is forcing Ryan Reynolds into a BDSM relationship, and Ryan Reynolds is not a consenting adult. At least, in the movie, while so many unfortunate things happened around them, the actual relationship and balance of power between Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, and the degree to which they both entered into this situation willingly, was fine. (NOT FINE IN REAL LIFE, GUYS, MIND. THIS WOULD NOT BE FINE IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME, KIDS, ONLY IN ROMCOMS.)
Score: 5.5 out of 10 deportation-dodging smooches. It's so unfortunate, guys. This movie could have scored a lot higher, given the fantastic trope, except there were so many offensive things.
Ranking: 34, out of the 86 movies we’ve seen so far. Awwww, come on, The Proposal. So much wasted potential! It’s like you were the class valedictorian but decided to major in media studies and now work in a coffeeshop in Williamsburg. Your mother and I are both angry and disappointed. 
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metazensae · 7 years
Jessica, Jeremy and Mick, I wanna know more about them so how about 4, 14, 16, 17, and 38 for the hard mode. Annnd... 2, 5, 7, 16, and 19 for Glass, Zeke, and Emile on the specific one! If you're doing it, that is.~
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Jessica - Yes. Jess grew up poorer than her peers which made her distrusting and shrewd when interacting with others. She used to be cruel and isolating, and despite being “friends” with Nami and Alana her whole life, she actually used to pick on Nami quite a bit when they were young. But something happened, and that’s changed now.
Jeremy - No. Even if something fundamental happened in his life, he would not recognize it and continue living like the asshole he is.
Mick - Mick is a simple dude. He wanted to live quietly and treat people how they treated him - that is until something happened to his sisters. He didn’t witness it personally but he feels somewhat responsible for not noticing warning signs or doing more to protect them. He doesn’t trust people anymore, and he certainly doesn’t trust them around his sisters.
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Jessica - Faces; she is SO BAD at names. She has her own names for everyone else.
Jeremy - Faces, if even that.
Mick - Faces likely, but he knows pretty much everyone in Caestarwic, so it’s not a big deal.
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Jessica - Success. Oh totally.
Jeremy - Success. He has to win.
Mick - Happiness. That’s the whole point, right?
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Jessica - Jessica didn’t really have many toys - but her mom sewed her this doll from some fabric scraps. Jessica was so in love with it that she got into sewing herself. That’s why she’s at Wynburh U.
Jeremy - Honestly? He’d never admit it, but he liked playing with his sister’s dream castle set. She teased about it, so he broke it.
Mick - A bbgun. His dad taught him how to shoot and hunt. He likes that way more than farming.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Jessica - Remove herself, but if she has to, she’ll remove the problem too.
Jeremy - Remove the problem. He’s hyper-aggressive.
Mick - If it’s just a problem for him, he’ll remove himself. If there’s a threat for someone he cares about, he’ll remove the threat.
Fun, but specific OC questions
2. Say your OC made a playlist on Spotify. What bands would be on that playlist? Any specific genres?
Oh geez. Questions like this are so hard bc our types of music don’t necessarily translate to their world. How about I just tell you which songs make me think of them instead?
Zeke - Electro/Drum & Bass/ Dubstep
Tristam & Rogue - Flamewar  (eeeeyyyyyy - I think of this as being the theme song for FoB lol)
The Qemists - Anger
Emile - No idea
Purity Ring - Begin Again
Glass - Retropop/ Jazz
Postmodern Jukebox Radiohead Cover ft. Haley Reinhart - Creep
Haley Reinhart - Free
5. What’s their favorite type of weather? Do they like to do anything specific on days when the weather is how they like it?
Zeke - Somewhat blustery, overcast days. He’s for sure going to go sit by the water’s edge and stare out at the horizon for a long time.
Emile - Nippy weather. He likes wearing coats and layers. He’ll take a stroll around town and windowshop - coincidentally when most businesses are closed and the streets quiet.
Glass - Rainy days. Good days for research. She doesn’t even need to Time Out.
7. What kind of animals would they like as a pet? What names would they give their pets if they got any? If they already have pet’s what are their names?
Zeke - A dog? Snythian (basically the equivalent of calling a dog Smeller. Don’t let him name his own kids.)
Emile - A pet rock. Crag (or… a dog??? Zeke???)
Glass - A cat. Moira.
16. If your OC was a film director, what kind of movies would they make?
Zeke - Historical/war dramas or documentaries
Emile - Probably like Film Noir /artsy porn
Glass - Romcoms probably?
19. Does your OC like to collect things? What kind of things do they collect?
Zeke - This nerd right here collects history books ;A;
Emile - Plants actually.
Glass - Boyfriends.
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afoolsingenuity · 7 years
When Dimple Met Rishi // A Brilliant Read Which Makes Me Cry For More Diverse Reads
When Dimple Met Rishi – Sandhya Menon Published: 1st June 2017 Source: Netgalley/Bought Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult My Rating:
The arranged marriage YA romcom you didn't know you wanted or needed... Meet Dimple.
Her main aim in life is to escape her traditional parents, get to university and begin her plan for tech world domination.
Meet Rishi.
He's rich, good-looking and a hopeless romantic. His parents think Dimple is the perfect match for him, but she's got other plans...
Dimple and Rishi may think they have each other figured out. But when opposites clash, love works even harder to prove itself in the most unexpected ways.
As joyfully refreshing as Rainbow Rowell, Jenny Han and Nicola Yoon, When Dimple Met Rishi is a frothy, funny contemporary romance told from the dual perspectives of two Indian American protagonists. While Dimple is fighting her family traditions, Rishi couldn't be happier to follow in the footsteps of his parents - could sparks fly between this odd couple, or is this matchmaking attempt doomed to fail?
The number of times I begin a review saying ‘I don’t know why I waited so long to read this book’ is starting to get a little boring, but it’s true! I put off reading books for stupid reasons and I really need to make better book choices going forward.
This book was adorable! I knew I would probably (hopefully) love it but I was definitely a little wary going in because these is always the chance you will be the black sheep on these things. I wasn’t a black sheep and like every other review I’ve seen for this book I loved it and below I will explain why.
When Dimple Met Rishi was not completely what I expected. This was mostly because I’d never bothered to fully read the summary before I began reading. I knew that the MCs had Indian parents and were involved in an arranged marriage so, as you can imagine, I had certain ideas in my head about how this book would go down. My ideas were very different than what actually happened and the book was all the better for that fact. 
Half the reason this book was so great is that our main characters were adorable! I mean, Dimple was so easy to like because she may have been raised quite traditionally by her parents and they certainly made it obvious about their wishes for her future and finding the ‘Ideal Indian Husband’  but she made it obvious that whilst she respected them she had her own path. She didn’t want to wear make up and dress pretty, she had her future determined and she wanted nothing to distract her from that. I didn’t fully understand her knowing exactly what she wanted to do as a teenager because I’m 26 and I still haven’t figured that out but I appreciated her focus and determination. I did find it frustrating that she was so unwilling to compromise for others and instead thought her way was the best. Even when it meant angering her friends and those close to her. It was her worst quality and was something which came between her and Rishi and it was annoying. I did like seeing her grow throughout the book, though, and I appreciate a character growing.
And then there was Rishi. I didn't think I'd like him as much as I did. I mean, he was close to his parents and willing to follow the path which they wished for him. He was willing to sacrifice a lot to do what was expected. Normally, the good guy in YA can come across as a bit dull and bland because I have had TV shows and films drill into me bad boys are more attractive when it comes to the fictional world. Rishi was the exception who may teach me to reconsider these things. He was awkward and cute and I loved him. I wasn't even overly bothered by the fact he had money and was privileged because he didn't flaunt it. He was just an adorable cinnamon roll and I think I loved him. I was just as frustrated by him as Dimple but I felt his reservations were far more logical. Wanting a secure future, whilst not totally believable for a teenager, is not a bad thing and so I got why he was so hesitant to pursue all of his dreams.
I found the whole book very adorable, though. And for both Dimple and Rishi their Indian heritage was obvious and I loved how Rishi honoured it so much and then Dimple was learning parts of her culture was ingrained because that was how she was raised. She considered how her parents would react to big decisions and even her quest to design an app was partially done to make her father proud of her. It was brilliant reading about two Indian-American teens and how this dual identity led them to struggle with their choices and influenced how they did these things.
I loved this, it was a brilliant YA and demonstrates the genre is totally growing. I want more diverse reads like this one. Fingers crossed this is the start of a trend.
Have you read this, what did you think? And do you have any recs for anymore good diverse reads? I feel like I need to expand my horizons and read all the diverse reads.
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romcomathon2016 · 7 years
Hitch (USA, 2005)
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Predictions: Alex thinks she may have seen this movie at some point before, but she remembers nothing about it, including its premise. Kat predicted that Will Smith...had a job getting people hitched? But then there was a hitch? So now he has to hitch his wagon to a different...career? And along the way, he probably meets a lady. Maybe they get hitched!
Plot: Well… Kat's prediction was…partially accurate???? Will Smith has a job helping mediocre men get women to fall in love with them. But only the pure of heart, apparently, even though we do not understand how he could possibly know for sure that these men and the women they covet belong together. He creates elaborate schemes...for the purpose of allowing people's true personalities to shine through???? thus bringing couples together, such as Accountant Kevin James and an heiress that he's met once or twice. He also sends them on the tamest dates of all time, it would seem; they do not even attempt to kiss until the third date. Seriously? Is this dating for adult humans or a Duggar-style teen courtship??
Meanwhile, Eva Mendes is a gossip columnist who hates people. Now, we hate people ourselves, but boy, she really hates people. She meets Will Smith and, shockingly, kind of starts to like him, but then, because she's a gossip columnist and looking for a scoop on the aforementioned heiress and her new beau Accountant Kevin James, she discovers Will Smith's true profession and is enraged. Why? It's...confusing… Someone...like, probably hurt her one time?? But she's just, like, real betrayed for someone who's met this guy thrice.
Um, long story short, they are both just super guarded people, and then, like, they both have to be less guarded, and then they can be together. And then they are. And also Accountant Kevin James and the heiress get married. We were riveted by this film, if you couldn't tell.
Best Scene: The credits, in which Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Accountant Kevin James, and the heiress party it up at the wedding. Partly because it was the credits, which meant this...confusing? boring? movie was finally over, and partly because everyone was a bunch of weirdos dancing, and that was charming.
Worst Scene: Weeeeellllllllll… When Eva Mendes decides she's super mad at Will Smith, she does NOT handle it well, y'all. He's, like, making her dinner in his home, and all of a sudden she's just like, SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT and throwing produce at him. It's -- it's not good. Not a good way to express your feelings, Eva Mendes. Neither effective nor appropriate. Also, there were a lot of mediocre-to-bad scenes with Will Smith's clients and would-be clients. The biggest flaw of this movie was how much time we were forced to spend not caring about his clients.
Best Line: "Look, I'm really sorry. When I saw him on the computer, it said 'The Butcher of Cadíz.' I thought it was a profession, not a headline." -- Will Smith, apologizing after Eva Mendes flees their first date in tears. He has jet-skied her over to a private tour of Ellis Island (ALERT, ALERT: Will Smith, dating guru, thinks that this is the ideal first date????), during which he shows her the signature of her ancestor who passed through there. So...romantic?? She seems to think so, at first, and weeps with emotion. But then, she starts to sob uncontrollably and runs off. Cut to them walking outside and this AMAZING line. Super funny, to the credit of this movie, but wait, seriously, WHY did Will Smith think that the inspirational suffering of immigrants was the way to go on a FIRST DATE???? A FIRST DATE, BUDDY.
Worst Line: Ugh, surely anything said by Rapey Would-Be Client Jeffrey Donovan, who meets with Will Smith but is ineligible for his services because he's clearly such an abominable creep. Good acting, Jeffrey Donovan. We wanted to kick you in the face.
Highlights of the Watching Experience: Will Smith must be making really good money as a love guru, you guys! He has a fantastic apartment. So does Eva Mendes, for that matter, which is weirder, since she is a gossip columnist with a determinedly down-to-earth air. Perhaps the Butcher of Cadíz's children, as a reaction to having such a disturbing father, made good as a bunch of railroad barons.
How Many POC in the Film: So many, you guys! Will Smith and Eva Mendes's immediate supporting cast was pretty much all white, but many, many minor characters/background were POC. It was almost as if we were actually in New York City!
Alternate Scenes: The scene in which Eva Mendes approaches Will Smith calmly to discuss her feelings about his profession, and he responds truthfully, and they have an adult conversation about it, and then they sit down and share a nice salad.
Was the Poster Better or Worse than the Film: Better. The poster is interesting, though -- really not romantic-comedy-like at all. It features only Will Smith. In fact, it looks like the front of the DVD box set of a late-'90s/early-'00s sitcom starring Will Smith. The Fresh King of Bel-Air, anyone???? We would watch that, and sing along to its theme song.
Score: 4 out of 10 Butcher of Cadíz smooches. OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS. THAT JOKE. THAT ONE JOKE REALLY MADE THIS FILM FOR US. As for the rest of the movie… We're not sure we were correct to watch this as a romcom? Will Smith was admittedly quite funny at many points, but we wish this film had committed more fully to being either about his weird job or about his possible love for Eva Mendes. We also wish that Eva Mendes had committed a little less fully to being so jaded about love (and, by extension, Will Smith).
Last but not least, we have a LOT of qualms about the overall premise/Will Smith's job. We despised Will Smith's many declarations that women do not know what they want, and specifically questioned the idea that so many women did not know what they wanted that he could make an ENTIRE BUSINESS off this idea. But...clearly that would be a whole entry all on its own, and we simply did not care enough about this film, in the end, to get into it.
Ranking: 54, out of the 77 movies we’ve seen so far. Disappointing! We were disappointed to realize that we would rather rewatch New Year's Eve. That's embarrassing for everyone.
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