#what if i failedddd
goblinofthelaboratory · 6 months
i am having second thoughts
i took a math final today and I was the first one done. i looked over it, double checked everything, but when I checked the time after turning it in it had only been 30 min. like I know I prepped, but I feel that I may have made a massive mistake here. its probably (???) fine since I did the study guide and reviewed carefully but 30 min? and I took the test tired? the Fear arises
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jewishcissiekj · 7 months
Why did all my Star Wars girlies (Aayla, Aurra & Asajj) have some degree of history of slavery in either their Legends or Canon origin story...
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andichoseyou · 2 years
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eudaemon-m · 6 months
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been drawing honky fanart for a year huh... damn eudaemon keep a consistent style challenge failedddd but while this does concern me and i whine about it a lot i also maybe don't mind it that much. i came back to trying to draw more or less often for the first time in quite a while and it's frustrating but also it's kinda cool to have zero idea what you're gonna end up with and try to come up with something new? and tbh this year fucking sucked for me but i haven't enjoyed drawing like that since i was a child i think lol. and it's one of the few good things tis year and i'm really glad to have found that again, and it is probably the reason why i'm even writing this. had fun
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heartstringsduet · 9 months
get to know me
I was tagged by multiple people but was on vacation mode so now I don't find it in my notifications but still want to do it :D
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Favorite Animal: Fruit Bat
Look at them. Just fluffy...flying dogs. That's literally what they're called in German too and I get it.
Favorite Movie: The Perks of being a Wallflower
Did I get stuck on that? Yes. Should I rewatch that and try to filter out Ezra Miller. Yes. Alternative fave would be the polar opposite of moods: The Wizard of Oz
Favorite Season: Spring
I can feel the winter depression getting slowly thawed into the little warm puddles by the sudden sunny days and bright flowers
Favorite Character: LOU II TK Strand
I tried not to go that route. I TRIED okay?? But I have one obsession at a time and I will honorable name Kurt Hummel and Naruto. Yes you heard me right, the little blond ninja, I did not stutter.
Favorite Color: Blue
Maybe it's because it matches me well or maybe it's just that it's the color of the clear sky, the reflection in the water, the rarity of the color in nature, calm and yet endless and threatening? Blue.
Favorite Hobby: Writing
What can I say? I'm not making wise decisions as my therapist would say.
Favorite Book: Know My Name - Chanel Miller
I've only read it once so far. Mostly because it makes me sad, but then it sticks with me for more than the subject matter. Her writing is so poetic and so raw at times, that I keep wanting to find the headspace to read it again and pick apart her writing.
Favorite Song: Taylor Swift
Again. Did I stutter? It's her discography in my veins, don't make me choose between my flesh and blood.
Favorite Drink: Coke
You can and should judge me. I failed as a human. I failed. But damn it somehow it has made it's way into my daily life. I have failedddd.
Did you all get tagged fandom? Do youuuu want to do it? Then I tag you and you tag me so I can see it please and thank you?!
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dragonshine · 3 years
Consider : roleswap au. Bartimaeus is the young magician, Nat is the grumpy djinn, Kitty is, well, to Nat what Ptolemy was to Bartimaeus (maybe centuries ago she tried to?? Rebel against the system or something?? And it failed so now Nat has lost all hope of freedom??) and Ptolemy kind of has Kitty's role, but since he's a magician and not like Kitty, he grows up along Bartimaeus (childhood friends 😔) and they both plan since childhood to destroy the government (because Ptolemy is absolutely appalled by Government's methods >:( and Bartimaeus is only here for the chaos and Ptolemy) and to help them they summon Nat cause hm they read about past failed rebellions (to know how to avoid making the same mistakes :/) and discovered Nat's implication in Kitty's revolt and thought he could help them?
I'm always here for Nat as dijinn AU!!
And oooh the angstttttt that Kitty's revolution failedddd. Bart and ptol summon Nat to consult on for their current revolt but it's like opening up poor Nate's old unhealed wound about Kitty.
If he was personally involved, he would probably feel responsible for the failure and likely Kitty's death, no? Everytime they ask him why the revolution failed, Nat would probably get irrationally angry and snap at them. But he does help out cause hey these two kids remind me of someone I loved and oof it would suck for them to have the same fate.
But hey, design wise! I want nat to have a dragon form because it would be epic. His preferred forms might be some sort of reptile or dog?
And modern! Ptolemy! That would be so great. I'd love to read about what shenanigans he gets up to. He was already so strong at 14, can't imagine how powerful he is now, if he got to grow up.
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