#what if optimus appeared during founder ymir's time AKA the Peaceful Timeline
melishade · 3 months
As Megatron learns to be a better person in the Peaceful Timeline, where Optimus was sent to the Founder Ymir's time in Attack on Titan, he opens up more to Maria, the human to look at him without fear.
If you're curious about the Peaceful Timeline, you can check out the masterlist pinned to my page.
If you haven't already, please vote in the new pilot poll for my Attack on Prime AU's.
And here's Megatron's holoform design.
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melishade · 1 month
Number 4?
This ask game
Optimus telling modern day Eren, Armin, and Mikasa what happened 2,000 years ago in the Peaceful Timeline. Here's Part 23: Modern Day AU for more context.
The humans watched as Optimus' holoform opened the door to a small cabin up in the mountains that they had groundbridged to. The Prime wordlessly walked inside, forcing the humans to follow. Eren looked behind him to see Megatron standing outside in his bipedal mode. Eren could tell that he looked reluctant to even be here.
Or...to have the three of them here.
Eren jolted when he had heard the door shut behind him, realizing that it must have been Megatron, but he still didn't see a human form. Eren turned his attention to the inside of the cabin. He saw a living room on his left with a fireplace, and a kitchen on his right. Dead ahead, was a hallway with multiple rooms, but he didn't ask to see what was there. However, Eren did notice that the cabin looked so well maintained. There was great care in keeping it clean and tidy, but...somehow, it felt like something was missing.
"What do you three know of Marley's oldest tale?" Optimus questioned them.
"The Savior and the Devil?" Armin asked, earning a nod from the Prime.
"Legend says that the humans worked with a devil to conquer the lands," Mikasa began, "Marley prayed to the heavens for a savior, and adorned in red, it had slain the devil and had restored peace in the world."
"Although, historians say that they have no real evidence besides word of mouth and drawings of the events happening," Armin retorted.
"But it's one of Marley's oldest tales," Mikasa reminded, "And it's been consistently passed down."
"So were other mythical gods, but they were all considered fake," Armin proclaimed with a smirk.
"The Marleyan tale was incorrect," Optimus spoke up, ending the conversation then and there. Armin looked at Mikasa with smugness while the goth girl rolled her eyes.
"So...what really happened?" Eren stepped forward.
Optimus took a deep breath before turning his attention to the hallway. "2,000 years ago, I had sacrificed myself in order to protect my home planet from destruction. I thought I would be dead in that moment, but I somehow found myself on this planet. When I had awakened, I was alerted to the sight of a massive creature transforming on a battlefield. It was as tall as some of your buildings in the downtown area, and could crush me if it wanted to. I drove towards it, and on instinct, I attacked the massive creature, which you refer to as the 'devil' in the story. As a result, I had made an ally to the Marleyan forces adorned in red, and made an enemy out of the Eldian Empire adorned in blue."
"What?" Eren mumbled.
"The Eldian Empire then ordered the creature to attack me and the Marleyan army, so I replied in kind in order to protect the ones who were defenseless," Optimus continued, "Throughout the battle, the Marleyans and the Eldians continued to battle one another, and I struggled to stay alive. But then I heard someone bark out orders towards the creature. Demeaning it, insulting it, threatening to abandon it. As a result, it behaved more erratically and fearfully. It behaved like it desperately wanted to correct a mistake. It had me in a deadlock, ready to crush me with its massive hand, but even then, tears streamed down its face and it cried out in frustration."
"Why would it do that?" Armin asked, "Why not defend itself or attack the people saying those cruel words?"
"Because it was conditioned, brainwashed, and abused into staying with the Eldian Empire," Optimus answered, "It knew nothing else, only the cruelty of the world. So...I appealed to it. I told the creature it wasn't a slave. That I understood her pain, and I begged her to let me save her."
"Her?" Eren questioned.
"...initially, I had no clue what she was," Optimus explained, "And when she stopped attacking me, the Eldians had turned on her, climbing on her massive back to kill her. I jumped onto her back to protect her, but...then her human body emerged from the nape of the neck."
"The devil...was a human that had powers?" Mikasa asked.
"She was no devil," Optimus declared, "She was just a human girl, no older than the three of you. Before she acquired her power, she was captured as a slave for the Eldian Empire and conditioned to stay even after she got her powers. But when she emerged from the massive form she had created, she only mouthed three words to me."
Optimus turned to face the trio. "Please, save me."
"...Then what happened?" Eren asked.
"I took her," Optimus answered, "I shot the titan body she created and used it as a cover to drive as far away as possible. Years later, we had learned that the Marleyan general known as Helos, had slain the leader of the Eldian Empire, bringing his reign to an end and creating an era of peace."
"So...then what's this place?" Armin asked.
Optimus walked over to the kitchen table, and let his fingers glide across the old wood. "This is our home."
"What?" Mikasa gasped as she felt tears forming in her eyes.
"This is where I had kept her safe," Optimus explained, "This is where we raised her daughters and where she had found love once more. This is the place where she was allowed to live a peaceful life in obscurity, free from the cruelty and hardships of the world. I did not come here to slay some devil as depicted in Marleyan folklore. I came here to save the life of someone who had desperately cried out for help."
Mikasa found herself covering her face as she continued to sob while Armin just looked dumbstruck as silent tears streamed down his face. Eren could feel his throat swelling, but he refused to let himself cry. He still had questions to ask.
"But..." he hated how offensive this question was going to no doubt sound like, "...she's gone, right? The person you saved. So...why have you stayed for 2,000 years here?"
Optimus turned to Eren, and the teen could see just how emotional and sorrowful he looked. His emotions were laid bare before him and Eren just felt terrible for pushing too far.
"There is only so much we can do to keep her memory alive," Optimus explained, "Megatron and I have maintained the condition of this cabin, but....this was not enough. Even though we had returned to hiding, we made a vow to protect her descendants for as long as possible. Our sightings on this world, our interference, was because we were trying to protect her legacy, and have her live on in her children. Everything we have ever done and continue to do now is for her, and the family we were once part of so long ago."
Eren couldn't believe it. All this time he had questioned why Optimus and Megatron were even here. They weren't here for some grand purpose of protecting the world. They continued to stay here out of love, out of a promise to protect someone that hasn't existed for years. That was it.
Eren hugged the Prime out of comfort, causing him to grunt in surprise. The teen finally let himself cry as his body continued to tremble.
"You must have loved her so much," Eren whimpered.
"...I did." Eren could hear the way Optimus' voice trembled, "Eren, I loved my daughter so much."
Eren felt Armin and Mikasa wrap their arms around Optimus, and in turn, him. Optimus had broken down into tears, but the humans still provided their own comfort while also crying themselves. This was all the trio could provide to such an old soul, and they could only hope it provided him with some relief.
(So #95 has been asked but the rest is free game.)
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melishade · 5 months
Number 15?
This ask game
Peaceful Timeline. Megatron and Maria bonding.
He didn't understand why this human had a fascination with him. But...she did. Every time he stepped into the cabin, the three year old cried out with excitement. She constantly toddled over to him. Followed him around until she couldn't walk anymore or until Optimus or Ymir came to get her. Honestly, the walking scared him for a moment. She wanted to run wherever her feet could take her, so they had to keep an eye on her.
But today was different. He was tasked with watching her while Optimus and Ymir went down to the village once again. They took shifts. The shifts were necessary. It gave all of them breaks. It allowed equal share of the work and split time between them taking care of Maria. The child...this frail little thing that continued to look at him without fear.
"Mama?" Megatron shot up from the chair when he heard a whimper from Maria's room. He walked over to the child's room and opened the door to see Maria awake from her nap, eyes full of tears and lips softly trembling.
"Your mother isn't here right now," Megatron informed her, "She's down in the village with Optimus."
"...oh," Maria could only let out, "But I had a bad dream."
"Did you now?" Megatron asked as he walked into the room, "I doubt someone like you should have anything to fear."
"...I don't like the dark," Maria confessed.
"The dark?" Megatron couldn't help but be annoyed. It was something so simple. How could he not be annoyed? But his annoyance showed on his face, and it made Maria cry more.
"It's scary!" Maria yelled at him. "It's cold! I can't see!"
Megatron thought it over. "I see. This is about the fear of the unknown."
Maria stared in confusion.
"You cannot see or hear, and as a result, you are afraid," Megatron explained, "Simple in theory. People fear what is not understood."
"...I don't like it. I want it to stop," Maria pleaded.
"I can't make it stop," Megatron told her truthfully, "But I can teach you to be brave to overcome it."
Maria whimpered at that. Nervous at the thought of being brave. Megatron noticed this and sighed to himself before sitting on the bed.
"I suppose you are fairly young for something like that," Megatron remarked, "I can stay-!"
Megatron yelped when Maria tackled him into a hug. He wanted her to let go. He was going to try, but she was so clingy. Her small chubby hands were snagged around his waist, and she cried in his chest.
"I don't understand you child," Megatron confessed to her, "You fear the dark, but you do not fear me? Don't I look scary to you?"
Maria shook her head. "Meg is safe."
Those words made Megatron's undead spark stop. Safe? He had so much death on his servos but this human called him safe? Being believed to be safe...he never imagined such a thing from something so frail. Megatron adjusted his seating on the bed, allowing Maria to cling to him tighter. He had no idea how long he was going to sit there.
Optimus didn't know how to properly respond to the sight before him when he and Ymir had returned to the cabin. His processors...couldn't properly compute it. Megatron was resting next to Maria on her bed. She was clinging to the side of the former warlord's holoform and snoring softly while Megatron was resting against the wall with his eyes closed. By the Allspark, he wished he had a camera!
(So I'm working on #5 now, but everything else is free game)
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melishade · 2 months
Number 9?
This ask game
Optimus and Megatron talking after Ymir reveals her titan form to save Maria's life. Part 5:Maria learning the truth
Optimus arrived at the Cybertronian ship late at night before transforming into his bipedal mode. He stared at the entrance before venting a little and walking inside. The titan walked down and searched the halls for Megatron, and after some time, had found the former warlord sitting on the berth. His back was hunched over and facing the Prime.
Today was a difficult day, arguably, it was no doubt his fault it all started. Maria had spotted Optimus in his bipedal mode instead of his holoform during the day, and all three of them had played dumb to deter Maria from asking questions. However they didn't expect her to go searching for him in the rain. Ymir had bolted after her and transformed into her titan form to save her from falling off a cliff she was climbing. However, emotions were running high, and Megatron became...angry. He didn't strike Maria, but he did grab her dress and pull her in the air, yelling at her for her stupidity. The damage was done, and Optimus had to console Ymir and tell Maria the truth about Ymir and ultimately himself. At it had been so long since he felt afraid of rejection in that moment. He was afraid of what Maria would say, even though he argued that she deserved to know. But, the girl had hugged him and told him that she loved him. It was a weight that was instantly released from his shoulders.
Optimus had to leave the cabin in order to check on Megatron after he told Maria to rest. Still...the argument that Optimus, Megatron, and Ymir had prior to Maria's escape rang in his processors.
"Megatron..." Optimus took a step forward, but paused, recognizing that Megatron would no doubt still need space, "I...I understand why you and Ymir did not want to tell Maria the truth. I understand that you and Ymir have had more negative reactions when revealing your forms to humans. I should have acknowledged your concerns when we discussed the matter earlier today."
Megatron didn't reply to that, so Optimus continued. "I...understand that you need time. But...I am sorry for acting so careless today. And I am sorry for not taking your concerns into account."
"...it was a human," Megatron mumbled, just as Optimus was about to leave him alone.
"What?" Optimus turned back to Megatron.
"It was...It was a human," Megatron reluctantly confessed, "A tiny, frail, little, human that looked at me with admiration instead of fear. I never realized how much I missed that...and I know that when she sees me, she will look at me in fear. Just like everyone else has. Just like you have....I don't want to lose that."
Megatron raised a servo and covered his face in shame. "But I'm certain I did...when I scared her."
Optimus slowly approached Megatron before placing his own servo on Megatron's shoulder, avoiding the spikes in his armor. "We won't lose what we've built. It will take time to adjust to this change, but Maria's feelings for all three of us have not changed. She still loves us."
"She's a child," Megatron retorted, "An impressionable one at that. How can you be so certain that her feelings won't change once she sees who we are?"
"Because she is our child," Optimus declared with no hesitation, "And we raised her to be kind. And because she told me that herself."
"...Do you really have that much faith in her words?" Megatron asked him.
"...Do you possess that much doubt in her words?" Optimus challenged him.
"...I don't...I..." It looked like Megatron wanted to say more, but...he couldn't bring himself to confess his feelings. Optimus decided to sit down next to Megatron before rubbing his back.
"We will go to the cabin tomorrow," Optimus declared, "And we will get through this together. I only ask that you trust me."
Megatron finally glanced over Optimus' way, and Optimus could see the fear and uncertainty in his red optic. "I..." Megatron stared at the floor. "...fine."
(Alright, everything else is free game.)
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melishade · 2 months
Number 75?
This ask game
I'll do the Peaceful Timeline, where everyone finds out about Ymir's pregnancy with Rose. For more context: Part 17: Notes for the Peaceful Timeline/ Rose and Part 19: Ymir’s second Pregnancy
Ymir wasn't someone who got sick. That was something Oshern learned fairly quickly. Maria got sick at least once a year. It made sense due to the fact that she was a child exposed to the elements. Kids always got sick during the winter. Orion and Matthew, or Optimus and Megatron, couldn't get sick because they were titans. They didn't get sick the same way that humans did. Ymir did explain to him that the power that she had protected her from most illnesses. So he supposed that was something he didn't have to worry about.
Until he had heard Ymir throw up rather violently in the bathroom in the morning. It scared Maria, the girl never seeing her mother get sick before. But Oshern knew how he could help. He's had one too many close calls with illnesses when he was on his own. He checked if she had a fever, checked her bile for anything that wasn't supposed to be eaten before cleaning it up. He helped her up to the living room and got her to lie down on the couch before getting her something to eat. He tried to get her to eat some stew or bread, or even just potatoes, but all of them made Ymir look like she was ready to gag. Oshern then decided to get her to drink some water, which she was able to keep down. Ymir moaned and rested her head on Oshern's chest while patting their daughter's head in reassurance.
They waited for a good while before Optimus and Megatron had shown up in human form. Ymir still rested against Oshern's chest while Maria rushed over to the both of them to explain what happened. Megatron did his best to try and reassure Maria that Ymir would be fine while Optimus walked over and kneeled down in front of Ymir.
"How are you feeling right now?" Optimus asked Ymir. Ymir finally raised her head before shaking it, signifying that there wasn't much improvement. She still felt sick.
"I could only give her water. She wouldn't eat anything else," Oshern explained, "I also did a few other things to see if Ymir was fine and she doesn't have a major fever or anything like that."
"How long has she been feeling sick for?" Optimus asked Oshern.
"A few hours maybe," Oshern explained, "She threw up a lot in the morning."
"Is Mama going to be okay?!" Maria exclaimed.
"Firelight, your mother will be fine," Megatron reassured.
"But she's never gotten sick before!" Maria retorted.
"Ironspark has been sick before," Optimus proclaimed, "The last time she was like this was when-!"
Optimus' sentence halted as he snapped his head to Ymir, who looked just as equally uncertain and bewildered as Optimus did. Was...was it happening again? Could it even happen again?!
"When?! Since when?!" Oshern pressed. The Prime ignored Oshern as he pressed a hand against Ymir's abdomen. Ymir didn't fuss or flinch at the pressure, but her fingers did curl into fists, and Oshern could tell that she looked afraid.
Optimus closed his eyes and concentrated. He could feel Ymir's pulse throughout her body, but that's not what he was searching for. He was searching for something else. Where was it? After moments of listening and anticipating, he felt it. He felt a second pulse in Ymir's abdomen. He felt a faint, second, heartbeat.
"By the Allspark." Optimus opened his eyes and faced Ymir, "You're pregnant."
Oshern's face contorted into one of confusion, while Megatron's morphed into one of dread. Meanwhile, Maria's face broke out into a grin and she gasped with excitement.
"What?!" they all said. Oshern was perplexed. Maria was elated, and Megatron was fearful.
Optimus heard the confusion in Oshern's voice and turned to him. "With child. Ymir is!...she's carrying your child."
"What?" Oshern felt his voice crack at the news. He...he was going to be a father again? He was going to have a child come from him directly? He...he and Ymir did consummate their marriage not that long ago, and Ymir felt more confident in continuing those acts with him after that night, but...he never thought that something like this would happen. Oshern genuinely wanted to burst into tears of joy, but Ymir looked so frightened at the news. Why did she look so scared?
"I'm gonna be a big sister!" Maria cheered, raising her fists high into the air. Meanwhile, Megatron still looked mortified at the news of Ymir's pregnancy.
Optimus let go of Ymir before standing on his feet. "Family meeting. Now."
(Then Optimus proceeds to explain Ymir's pregnancy and pregnancies over all in detail, causing Ymir to cover her eyes and shrink in embarrassment. Anyway, 13 has been asked, the rest is free game.)
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melishade · 2 months
Number 24?
This ask game
Ymir's panic attack after learning about the attack on the village. For more context: Part 13: What Optimus did to protect Ymir and Attack on the Village
TW panic attack. TW anxiety
Ymir had to go down to the village, and take her daughter with her.
It's not like she hasn't done it before. She's gone down there with her daughter plenty of times to get supplies on her own. Solveig insisted she bring her for proper social interaction. But this time felt different. Four days ago, Ymir saw a fire down in the village as she and Optimus were headed towards there. Ymir panicked, but Optimus brought her to reality and ordered her to run back up the mountain and to not look back. She bolted as fast as she could and found herself back at the cabin. She spotted Megatron watching Maria play with a pinecone, and Ymir used all the strength in her voice to yell out 'danger' before pointing down the mountain. Megatron didn't need to be told anything else as he bolted towards the path to the village.
Ymir brought her daughter inside for safe keeping and held a knife in her hand the whole time she was by herself. She had questions as she waited for Optimus and Megatron to return. Nothing could really harm them here. She was the closest thing that could, but...why was there a fire in the village? She could've sworn she saw men on horses, but she didn't get the chance to examine the danger in detail. And she could use her titan power to protect herself and Maria, but it would just draw attention, and it would destroy the home she lived in for over two years.
The door creaked open and Ymir tightened the grip on her knife and held her child close to her chest, but she dropped the knife when she saw Megatron's human form step inside. She was relieved and stood up while holding her daughter. She ran up to him, but she saw a shaken look on Megatron's face, and...there was no sign of Optimus. She looked at Megatron with a pleading expression, and Megatron seemed to notice that.
"The crisis has been taken care of," Megatron answered cryptically, "Optimus will return later. Don't come down to the village right now."
It didn't ease her worries. It only increased them, and she was running low on food. Optimus wasn't back, and Megatron said he was busy with helping the village. She had to go down there. She had grabbed her woven bag and was ready to pick up her daughter, but she started pushing at her.
"No!" Maria pouted. Ymir raised an eyebrow in confusion and she tried again, but the girl still pushed. "No!"
Ymir was still confused. What was she on about? The child walked over to the door and tried to reach the handle to open it. Ymir followed her daughter and opened the door to the green of the mountain. Maria took a few steps before crawling down the steps of the porch and standing on the grass.
Oh. Ymir realized what was happening as she walked onto the grass. Maria wanted to walk on her own. Ymir stood close by Maria as the toddler continued to walk. It was a slow walk. Maria could only get so far on tiny legs. When she saw her daughter becoming fatigued, she tried to pick her up, but the child refused. When they reached the pathway to get to the bottom of the mountain, Maria fell down on her bottom. Ymir had no choice but to pick her up. She whined in protest about being scooped up and held by Ymir, but Maria passed out rather quickly from exhaustion. Ymir smiled as she continued to make her way down.
As she reached the bottom of the pathway, she noticed that one of the houses in the village was being rebuilt. She could see the ground looking darker from the flames and realized that this was the house that burnt down a few days ago. Ymir quickened her pace and stood a safe distance away from the construction. She saw Megatron working with Beini and Garth to push up a support beam for the structure of the house. Darrbey, the carpenter, was talking to Solveig as he was carving out a new design. Ymir managed to catch a glimpse of the romantic, Tove, flirting with her boyfriend Garth from afar. Ymir could see his flustered face, but Beini shouted at him to focus while Megatron rolled his eyes.
"Oh, hey Ymir." Ymir looked behind her to see Magnar walking up towards her. Ymir pointed to the construction, hoping he would understand what she was trying to ask. She had left her notebook at home. She shouldn't have done that.
"Construction," Magnar answered, "A group of thugs attacked the village."
Ymir grew worried. Attacked the village?! Magnar noticed her worried expression and continued. "Orion and Matthew took care of it. The village is safe, but..."
But what? Answer her musician! Ymir pulled on his sleeve to prompt her to continue.
"I mean...," He seemed hesitant to continue, but he answered Ymir anyway. She appeared to be completely out of the loop, "Orion kind of lost it. He dragged one of them away and hasn't come back. The last thug brought up some 'Eldian Empire'-!"
Ymir heard nothing else of what he said after that. She only heard ringing in her ears as her woven bag fell off her shoulder. She suddenly found that she couldn't breathe. Her own mind was spiraling out of control. Her hands were trembling and instinct told her to hold Maria tight so she wouldn't drop her as she fell to her knees. The voices were muffled, someone was saying something louder but she couldn't hear it. They were back?! They had found her?! No! NO! NO! Oh god, please no! She can't go through that again! Please!
Megatron paused when he heard another one of those humans crying out for help. He turned his attention to the source and found the musician kneeling down and talking to...Megatron's eyes widened at the sight of Ymir on her knees, looking to be in a state of panic and despair, holding Maria so tight while struggling to breathe properly.
"Ymir!" Megatron abandoned the support beam, causing Beini and Garth to struggle and hold it up.
"Damn it, Matthew!" Beini shouted at him.
Megatron was tempted to go to the musician to choke him out, but Ymir was struggling to breathe. He got in between the musician and her and got on his knees as well. "What are you doing down here?! I told you to stay up in the mountains until it was safe!"
It was clear Ymir didn't clearly hear his response. She choked on her breath as it struggled to find proper momentum. It was clearly causing pain to her throat as she tried to reach for her neck and hold it to get it to stop.
"No, don't do that!" Megatron ordered as he pulled her hand away, but she still couldn't breathe right. Megatron noticed the other villagers approaching. Too many eyes. Too many people. He needed somewhere quiet. Megatron quickly grabbed Ymir and carried her and Maria in his arms before standing up.
"Deal with the repairs yourself!" Megatron shouted before he bolted towards the top of the mountain.
"Magnar, what the hell did you say?!" Darrbey demanded as Solveig walked towards the forgotten bag on the ground.
"I just told her what happened!" Magnar explained as Solveig picked the bag.
"She started panicking!"
"There's nothing we can do about it now," Solveig cut the conversation short as she folded the bag in her hands, "We continue repairs without Matthew!"
"Listen to Solveig and someone help us with this damn thing! Matthew's clearly been supporting his weight against this!" Beini and Garth were clearly struggling to keep the support beam upright.
Megatron continued running as far as he could towards the cabin. Despite getting there faster than any normal human would, it felt like it took an eternity. He finally reached the door and kicked it open before running inside and kicking the door close. He set Ymir on the wooden floor as she still continued to panic. Thankfully, Maria was still sleeping through all of it. The girl must've passed out earlier.
"Ymir, look at me!" Megatron grabbed her face and forced her to look at him, but the movement was too aggressive, and it caused Ymir to claw at his face and push her way out of his grip.
"No! NO!" Ymir screamed as she held Maria close to her chest. "Won't go! NO!"
Megatron didn't know what to do. The woman was in a state of panic and he didn't know how to comfort her! This was Optimus' job! And he wasn't here at all! What was he supposed to do?!
"O-Optimus," Ymir sobbed, tears streaming down her face as she trembled, "Where...are you? I'm...alone."
Megatron couldn't help but feel pity for her. He...he had grown attached to Ymir and Maria. He couldn't deny that now. And while Ymir grew used to his presence, it was clear that she only truly trusted Optimus. He hadn't been good to her. First few years, he was actually quite hostile towards her, and only cared for Optimus. Yet, she was the one putting in the work to understand him.
This human...she was too kind for her own good, and it was clear the empire took advantage of that. He had to make it up to her and show her that he could be depended on in times of crisis. Megatron slowly approached her this time and raised his hands to gently cover her ears. He placed his forehead against her own in order to ground her.
"Breathe," Megatron assisted, "Breathe, Ymir. I'm right here."
The hands against her head were cold, but they were comforting. It didn't pull or yank on her head. It just blocked out the sound. The lack of that sound allowed her eyes to focus on the figure in front of her. She felt something on her forehead and when she blinked, she could see the scars on the face there.
It was Megatron...and he was...comforting her? What...what was he doing here? Why was he doing this? Ymir felt Megatron release her head before sitting up straight.
"Are you okay?" Megatron asked her.
Ymir found that she was breathing properly and nodded.
"Good," Megatron said to her, "You're alright."
"...you're...here," Ymir was surprised.
"...I'm still here," Megatron said, "And I don't make this lightly, but I won't leave you. I know I haven't been good to you, but I promise, Ymir. I'm going to stay. If Optimus isn't here to protect you, then I will act in his stead to protect you and Maria."
"This I vow." Megatron raised his hand and rested it on his chest, "With all my spark."
Ymir stared for a moment before, feeling an enormous weight released from her shoulders. He wasn't going to leave her alone. She was going to be safe. She could actually trust him. Ymir's body slumped against Megatron's shoulder in exhaustion, her energy now spent.
"...Sorry...didn't listen," Ymir apologized.
"I didn't give you the full context of what happened. I was protecting you from the truth because I didn't want you to have a severe reaction. That was my mistake. I know that now," Megatron explained.
Megatron sighed. "I wish I could tell you where he went, but I don't know, and I don't know when he'll be back."
"The bag is unimportant. I'll get you a new one," Megatron cut her off.
"...okay," Ymir mumbled as she passed out.
Megatron had to tend to both Ymir and Maria for the rest of the day, and kept guard over their cabin at night. However, he still paced around the cabin in his bipedal mode. Where in the Allspark was Optimus? He could try calling him, but...
Megatron remembered that cold-hearted glare of fury. The thought of calling Optimus made him feel uneasy, since he had no idea what his mindset was but...maybe giving something to report to Ymir might lift her spirits, depending if Optimus was in the mood.
Megatron activated the comm. link and contacted Optimus. He was ready to speak, but he froze when he heard the sounds of terror and screams echoing in his comm. link. He could hear the familiar sound of blaster fire, and the crunch of something being stepped on!
Megatron quickly disconnected the line before he got enough extra information to picture the absolute slaughter that was happening right now. All of this...for a human girl. Was this really all it took to push him over the edge?
Never in his long life would he ever be grateful he never pushed Optimus that far.
(Megatron and Optimus switching roles in this one. It's great. So 6, 15, and 96 have been asked but the rest are free game.)
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melishade · 2 months
Jesus Christ, that last one made me cry a little. Number 17?
This ask game
Optimus and Megatron bickering in the Peaceful Timeline.
"No," Optimus spoke in their native tongue, ignoring the strange stares from the humans walking past.
"Yes, Optimus," Megatron shot back with crossed arms.
"It's irresponsible," Optimus retorted.
"It is a piece of fabric," Megatron rolled his eyes.
Both titans were in a town quite far off from the cabin in their human forms. They were staring at one of the stalls of a vendor selling luxury items. One item they spotted was a beautifully stitched purple scarf hanging on a rack with golden embroidered leaves on the edges.
"It is still wrong to steal," Optimus retorted.
"It is cloth. No one will know it's gone," Megatron reasoned.
"Someone will notice it's gone," Optimus proclaimed, "Purple fabric during this time period is extremely valuable and extremely rare. We cannot steal the scarf from the shelf. We could be hunted down for it."
"Nothing we can't handle," Megatron reasoned, cracking his neck in response.
Optimus glared in annoyance before a smirk formed on his lips. "Then how would Maria feel if she learned that her 'Papa' stole something for her eighth birthday instead of properly paying for it? By the Allspark, she might not even wear it."
Optimus almost grinned when he saw Megatron flinch in frustration.
“Your tactics are underhanded,” Megatron hissed.
“I learned from the best,” Optimus declared smugly.
“Then how do you propose we acquire the scarf?” Megatron asked.
“We could find gold and give it to him,” Optimus proposed, “But that would take time, and we do not know how long the vendor will be in town.”
“It would probably be the best solution,” Megatron retorted, “Gold is highly valuable among the humans. A flake of that would allow the scarf to become ours.”
“I would have to go over some information about finding it in certain locations,” Optimus decided, “Any other suggestions?”
“Street performance?” Megatron pointed behind him to see some nomadic humans dancing and playing music, earning money and cheers from the crowd.
“I am not good with a performance like that,” Optimus retorted, “I’m certain I would break character every time.”
“It seems to be an easy way to make money,” Megatron retorted.
"Humans do not tend to be too generous when it comes to their payments," Optimus informed, "It would probably enough to only afford a meal. Not a scarf made out of a rare color."
"Are you two going to buy something?" Both Optimus and Megatron turned their attention to the vendor staring at them in confusion. "You've been standing outside my shop for a few minutes now. You've been scaring customers away."
"Apologies sir, but how much is this scarf worth?" Optimus pointed to the fabric.
"You got five pounds of gold on you?" the vendor asked.
"Five pounds?!" Megatron found the price ridiculous.
"Not at the moment," Optimus replied.
"So you can acquire it?" the vendor pressed.
"It would take time," Optimus confessed.
"Well how long?" the vendor demanded, "I'm a traveling cart. I'm set to head for Marley's capitol soon. I'll definitely be making more money there than here."
Optimus hummed at that. "Could you grant us a week to come up with the payment?"
"Eh...," the vendor didn't seem to like the timeframe. An idea formed in Optimus' head as he placed a hand on Megatron's shoulder. "My friend here could help you drum up business."
"Prime!" Megatron warned in their native tongue.
"Him?" the vendor eyed Megatron up and down, "He looks like the person to drive it off."
"My friend is a phenomenal story teller and has a way with words," Optimus praised Megatron, "I am certain that he will be able to provide you with the assistance you need to sell a few of your items in this town."
The vendor rubbed his chin with his hand. "If your friend here scares of my customers, our deal is off."
"Very well," Optimus accepted.
"Prime I will tear every circuit from your body! How is this supposed to help?!" Megatron demanded.
"If you can get him to sell his material and I do not find enough gold, then he might be more lenient," Optimus explained, "I will search for the ore. You help sell his product."
"Op-!" the Prime had already run off before he could chew him out. This had better be worth it.
A week later
Maria stared out the window of the cabin rather solemnly. There was some rain pouring down the mountain, but the rain and the lack of play wasn't what she was upset about. She was upset at the fact that it was her birthday today, and her papas weren't here. They were gone. They were always here for her birthday. Where were they?
Maria whined a little, slumping against her arms in sadness. The rain wasn't helping her mood. At least if it were sunny, she would be allowed to play. She didn't understand. Why didn't they go to the beach like last time? Or see fireflies? What was so important right now?
Maria felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to her mother. Ymir gave her a small reassuring smile, causing Maria to force a smile.
"Do you know when Pop and Megs are coming back?" Maria asked solemnly. Ymir reluctantly shook her head. Maria hated the words about to come out of her mouth, but...
"This is the worst birthday ever," Maria slumped against her mother's chest, hiding her childish tears. Ymir petted her daughter's head in comfort. She didn't want to introduce her daughter to disappointments, but it was bound to happen eventually. She still preferred Maria to be sad over her birthday not being perfect, then for her to be a slave to someone else.
Both jolted when the cabin door slammed open and Optimus and Megatron stumbled inside. Optimus appeared to be holding a dry box in his hands, but both were soaking wet. Megatron grabbed a corner of the wall to prevent himself from falling over, but Optimus ended up slipping and falling face first. The Prime still held the box high to prevent it from breaking.
"This was not worth it Prime!" Megatron shouted at him.
"Maria, we are sorry we are late!" Optimus apologized as he forced himself to stand up.
Maria bolted towards the two and quickly hugged Optimus before hugging Megatron. She let the former warlord go and sniffed to hold back her tears.
"Why were you late?" Maria asked as Ymir checked on Optimus.
"Blame Optimus!" Megatron accused.
"Yes, the search took longer than anticipated and we got something extra," Optimus explained.
"You thought of that last minute, I had to fly back to get you!" Megatron shouted.
"Get what?" Maria asked. Optimus rummaged through his jacket, and Ymir's mouth dropped in shock at the sight of the purple and golden scarf. Purple dye...is extremely rare! The king always sought for purple clothing! How did they get that?!
"This is for me?" Maria marveled in awe at the scarf as she took the scarf from Optimus.
"Happy Birthday, Firelight." Megatron kneeled down and patted her head.
"Thank you." Maria smiled at the warmth and thoughtful gift.
"We also got these." Optimus opened the box to reveal some honey cookies with sesame seeds on them. Maria gasped with excitement before taking one and eating it with fervor.
"Dinner," Ymir reminded her daughter.
"But-!" Ymir shot her a look of warning, causing her to put the second cookie back in the box. Optimus closed the box and stood up; however, both titans were met with a look of suspicion from Ymir.
"Towels," Ymir told her daughter.
"Yes, Mama." Maria ran down the hall, and when the three were alone, Ymir pulled out her notebook and wrote something down before showing it to them.
"What did you do to get that scarf?!"
"Calm down, Optimus made us work for it." Megatron rolled his eyes.
"We did find gold in order to help pay off the scarf," Optimus explained, "We also used the remaining gold to buy the sweets."
"And you stole nothing?" Ymir underlined the last word to emphasize the importance of it.
"By the Allspark no," Megatron sighed in annoyance. Ymir glanced at Optimus and got a small shake of the head. Before Ymir could examine it further, Maria returned with the towels and the purple scarf wrapped around her neck.
"Thank you, Firelight." Megatron took the towel from her to dry himself off. Optimus took the towel from her as well, drying his face and hiding it from Ymir. Ymir seemed to let it go for now before beckoning her daughter to the table. Optimus and Megatron glanced at each other before their faces turned sour. Megatron hated the idea that he was actually feeling guilty for lying to the woman, while Optimus was relieved Ymir didn't press him further.
Unfortunately, they did have to steal from the vendor. The man had somehow managed to acquire energon in a glass bottle, so they had to steal it without him knowing. They couldn't allow energon to fall into any human's hands, but they didn't like the fact that they ultimately conned him.
(Here's something happier. #94 has been asked, everything else is free game.)
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melishade · 2 months
Number 5?
This ask game
Peaceful Timeline. Maria's first words.
Ymir couldn't stop staring at Maria. The one year old rested beside her in bed. Her chubby fists rested next to her head, and there were moments in her sleep when she kicked her tiny feet. Ymir rested on her side, and her hand rested atop of her daughter's stomach. She was well rested. No signs of discomfort or crying. The thought of Maria getting sick again still scares her half to death. And so young, she couldn't tell any of them what was wrong with her. They would have to guess it, and hopefully get it right. She couldn't talk to them at all.
Ymir grew sullen at that. Right, talking.
She had heard whispers in the village whenever she was with Solveig, asking if Maria was mute, and if she was even going to talk with a mute mother. It made her feel incompetent. She could talk. It just hurt her throat to do so. It was the one thing her new found power couldn't seem to fix. Even though she regained her tongue, her throat still felt like it burned from all the alcohol she was forced to guzzle.
It wasn't even her fault that she ended up like this. Why did the villagers have to judge her so cruelly? At least Solveig was still kind to her. The old woman had actually asked if Maria was deaf. She was clearly not mute, with all of her consistent babbles and shrill cries. But Optimus was able to run some tests and determine Maria was not deaf, nor blind. She was completely healthy.
The herbalist did say that Maria should start saying simple words soon, and recommended that she prompted Maria to say words through repetition. If Ymir wanted Maria to call her 'mother', then repeating that phrase or something similar would help.
Ymir sighed. But she didn't have the confidence or strength to speak so loudly. If anything, it was always Optimus to who spoke to Maria and told her stories to lull her to sleep. There was the possibility that Maria's first words would be his name. Optimus was always gentle and kind. Maria would no doubt say his name first. Maybe a shortened version of it. 'Optimus' seems like a mouthful for a baby.
Would she say Megatron's name first? The thought of that....genuinely made her feel frustrated. She actually didn't want Maria's first words to be Megatron's name. Despite being with them for over a year, she still found herself holding some grudge against him for the way he treated her with contempt and even jealously. She's been observing him for a while now; she's seen his expressions of envy. Sure, he's grown and has changed, but...she was still feeling some doubt about him staying.
She was certain if Optimus wasn't here, or if something bad happened to him, Megatron would leave her and Maria alone to fend for themselves. She could protect Maria, but she could never raise her on her own. She needed help and guidance.
Ymir scooted closer to her daughter and whispered in her ear. "Ma...ma..." Nothing happened, so she repeated the phrase a few more times before her throat got sore. Maybe it was selfish, but Optimus was helping her relearn that there was nothing wrong with being selfish from time to time. So her selfish act right now was to make sure her first words were 'Mama.'
A few weeks did past, and Ymir would whisper 'Mama' in her ear a few times a day, but nothing happened. She continued to babble and cry and giggle like any other child, but she didn't speak. It hurt her. It made her feel worse than she already did. She followed Solveig's advice but she still didn't say her first words. She didn't say 'Mama'. She still was wordless. Ymir snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Maria cooing in her arms. The baby reached out towards her and tried to grab her hair to chew it. Her child's chubby hands had forced her to change her hairstyle. Her hair was now tied in a low ponytail; however, some of that hair still hung out along with her bangs. She thought about whispering 'Mama' to her right then and there, but...she was certain that it wasn't going to work.
"Hello, Ymir," Optimus greeted as he approached the cabin in his bipedal mode. Ymir couldn't help but smile as he kneeled down towards them, but the smile lessened when she saw Maria captivated by the sight of Optimus. She reached out to him, wanting to touch him, but the Prime transformed into his alt mode and activated his human form. Maria seemed to be searching for the massive lumbering beast just before her, but Optimus reached out to her with those human hands, and she latched onto them with excitement.
"Do you wish for me to attend to her?" Optimus asked Ymir. Ymir nodded in response. She felt a little tired taking care of Maria and attending to the garden sounded nice. It was one of the few things she genuinely enjoyed doing under the Eldian Empire. She used her hands to help food grow and provide assistance to those who needed it. She felt needed and competent.
The woman handed Maria over to the Prime, and he ever-so-gently cradled her daughter to his chest. Ymir heard the rustling of bushes and looked behind Optimus to see Megatron's human form stumbling out of the forest, holding a dead goose in his hands. However, it was clear that the kill wasn't clean, since there was blood and feathers all over him.
"Megatron, what happened?" Optimus asked him.
"I don't want to talk about it," the other titan seethed.
"You look a mess, and there is blood everywhere," Optimus noted.
"Thank you for pointing out the obvious!" Megatron yelled as he stepped forward.
Ymir sighed in defeat as the two continued to argue, no doubt about Megatron's unclean kill not being safe around Maria, considering all the bacteria and viruses it might contain. At least, that was how Optimus explained it to her. Those two, they always seemed to argue over trivial things. She wished she could understand them, but she knew she never would be. They have known each other for a long time and would continue to know each other long after she was gone.
Ymir walked down the steps of the cabin and past Megatron, heading towards the side of the house where the garden was. The mother was unaware that her daughter was trying to reach out towards her. Maybe the villagers were right, maybe she was unfit to be a mother. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to have Maria. Finding out she was pregnant with no real place to call home at the time terrified her. She was scared, and she consistently needed help in order to get by. It felt like she was never able to do things on her own. Optimus was always better at this than she was. She-!
"Ma!" Ymir paused and the ramblings of Optimus and Megatron's conversation stopped. She snapped her head towards the child in Optimus' arms trying to reach out to her. Both Optimus and Megatron both looking equally bewildered.
"That's...a new one," Megatron remarked slowly.
"Ma!" Maria seemed to cry out louder, "Mama!"
Ymir ran back to Maria, and Optimus quickly handed her over to the mother.
"Ma...ma?" It almost sounded like a question, but she wanted her to repeat it. Please repeat it.
"Mama!" she giggled and tried and failed to clap her hands. But it was enough. Ymir happily planted kisses all over Maria's forehead, her daughter seemingly whining in discomfort. She rubbed her cheek against her daughter's, ignoring the two titans that were staring at her. She was reminded of their presence when Optimus placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, and saw a small smile that was no doubt of pride.
"Is there anything that I can assist you with?" Optimus asked her.
Ymir nodded and pointed to the garden on the side of the house. The two walked over there together, ignoring Megatron in that moment. But the former warlord was still rather stunned. It barely said a word. He was certain it wasn't even a word. It was slang of some kind, but Optimus and Ymir were praising the child like it made such a massive accomplishment. He supposed Cybertronians are fast when it comes to picking up speech, but humans were so slow.
Megatron looked down at the bloodied goose and his own disheveled appearance. He...supposed he was rather slow when it came to learning about this world. He was just frustrated with that blasted bird for its consistent pecking that he had gone overboard with the kill.
(So someone did ask me #25, but the rest is open for free game.)
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melishade · 2 months
Number 81?
This ask game
Peaceful Timeline. Optimus and Ymir dealing with the winter.
Ymir’s eyes snapped open, and her body shot up on reflex from the nightmare that she had just dealt with, pushing her blanket off her body in the process. She took heavy breaths, looking around in a panic to find out where she was, but she was met with the sight of darkness and the sounds of the howling winds.
She frantically searched the darkness blindly, trying to figure out where she was, but when a soft blue glow illuminated from the screen in front of her, did she remember what was going on.
“Ymir, are you alright?” Her savior had asked her from the blue screen.
Ymir slowly nodded her head at that before rubbing her eyes. She bent forward a little, but had to pause when she felt her round belly pushing against her.
She was carrying this child for four months now, and just last month, the two had managed to find a small cabin up in the mountains, secluded from any and all people. There was a village at the bottom of the mountain, but Ymir didn’t care to visit, and neither did Optimus.
However, the cabin needed to be cleaned out and repaired, since it was abandoned by someone else long ago. Where they went, they didn’t know, but it still took time for Optimus to fix by himself, the Prime insisting Ymir sit, rest, and learn how to write so the two could better communicate. She had reminded him that she has worked with her hands before, but Optimus stated he wanted to be careful for her health and her unborn child’s.
However, the winter and the snow storms have slowed down progress, and Optimus hadn’t finished preparing Ymir’s room, so he insisted that she sleep in his alt mode so that she would be warm for those stormy nights.
Ymir lied back down on the recliner chair of Optimus’ alt mode and curled in on her side. Her hands slowly and blindly searched for something to grab onto for comfort, but there was little to nothing she could really use. Her other hand blindly reached for her blanket to pull back onto her body, but was stunned when someone else picked it up for her. She saw her savior’s human form draping the blankets over her shoulders, his blue eyes practically glowing in the dark.
“Is the dream something you wish to discuss?” Optimus had asked her.
Ymir shook her head at that. It was so strange to finally be allowed to saw no again, but…she felt safe enough to say what she didn’t want. She did find it odd to be treated with such fragility and kindness. He wanted to protect her, but carrying a child has made him think she couldn’t take care of herself. She would have retorted to not push himself too hard for her. He was already staying out in this snowstorm just to keep her warm at his own expense.
…But…to be loved and cared for…to be cherished…let her be selfish in that, without any repercussions.
Ymir’s hand slowly reached out in the dark to find Optimus’ human one. The Prime was confused to see her hand searching, but when her fingertips grazed his own, he understood. He turned his hand over, palm facing up, and Ymir slipped her hand in his own. Ymir snuggled deeper into the blanket and closed her eyes to sleep.
(Sorry this took so long to answer. I was working on the War Timeline pilot and I’m still trying to finish Guren No Yumiya. #20 has been asked, everything else is free game.)
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melishade · 4 months
I love the idea that Megatron has a totally different relationship with Rose compared to Maria. He's such a girl dad, yet he butts heads with Rose? Like, is Rose to Megatron what Baby Groot is the Drax?
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Previous episode of the Peaceful Timeline
Megatron: You sit on a throne of lies, child.
Rose: You're just mad I beat you at Hnefatafl.
Listen, Megatron loves Rose. She's an...overall good kid. And it's nice to have someone else not look at him with fear. But he is convinced that all the anger and deceit and pettiness that should have been in Oshern got syphoned into that one!
Like he had no problems with Maria. He has a strong attachment to her because she's the first being in a long time to look at him without fear. Meanwhile, with Rose, he feels like she has it out for him. She will find a way to twist his arm to get what she wants!
Megatron: Rose, I need you to not say anything when it comes to stuff we're not supposed to do.
Rose: Depends on what I get in return.
Megatron: Are you serious?!
Rose: If I'm risking something for you, I need to be paid back.
Megatron: I don't know if I should be angry with you or proud. Fine, I will get you more of those fancy art supplies you've been asking for.
Rose: Are you going to steal it?
Megatron: Really?!
Rose: Papa (Oshern) runs an honest business practice. It's rude to steal.
Megatron: Fine! I will work it off! Just keep your mouth shut!
Their relationship is very uncle-niece vibes. Ymir and Oshern do notice the pettiness that starts between them and tries to stop it, but Optimus just asks them to let this happen.
Oshern: Why exactly are we letting them argue like this?
Optimus drinking some energon: Payback.
Oshern: What?!
Rose's relationship with everyone is also significantly different compared to Megatron. She relishes in the attention Ymir gives her through head pats and hugs and thinks her mom is beautiful. She admires her father and asks him about his work and his life before Ymir. She thinks he's a good cook too. She definitely sees Optimus as a mentor and asks about the knowledge of the universe and he's more than happy to oblige. Rose's relationship with Maria is fairly close despite the age difference. But it didn't start out that way.
Initially Maria started getting jealous of all the attention Rose was getting as a baby. She's always crying, doesn't move much, and everyone is fretting over her. It takes a little time for everyone to notice, but Megatron is the one who notices first. Maria explains how she feels and Megatron rather tactlessly says:
"Well of course she needs more attention. She's a baby, and babies are stupid."
"Megatron," Optimus scolded while Ymir slapped him in the arm.
Megatron then takes the baby from Oshern and holds her in front of Maria. Megatron explains relativity, calls the baby stupid, but there's no reaction. She can't even look Maria in the eye properly. She has no protective shell and the only thing she can do is cry.
"Your responsibility, as her sister, is to protect her, and be her guide," Megatron told Maria, "She will one day look to you for support, but you cannot resent her for something beyond her control."
Optimus reminds Maria that they still love her, and they are sorry for neglecting her and her needs. They end up making a schedule that allows them to spend more time with each other. But Maria ends up maturing and taking on a much more serious role in protecting Rose. They go on walks together, Maria teaches her stuff, etc. They still have their sibling spats and arguments, but when Rose questioned her own purpose in the universe. Maria gave her an honest answer: She didn't know. But she was happy that Rose was in her life none the less.
(When Maria ultimately goes on her journey with Megatron around the world, Rose definitely feels upset at the loss. Even though she has more space since they shared a room.)
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melishade · 3 months
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This was an art piece I also worked on for a while! I wanted to bring Ymir and Oshern to life after they got married in the Peaceful Timeline. And this definitely happens late at night during the reception:
Magnar continued playing his lyre, leaning back against the chair he was sitting in under the light of the common area. A soft melody continued to echo through the area. Tove rested her head against Garth's shoulder, muttering about a wonderful night. Her husband agreed with a chuckle, the two completely drunk to say anything else.
"Someone will need to help them later," Sigrid commented, hauling Beini over her shoulders.
"Sigrid~. Your curves are awesome~. The other villagers don't know what they're talking about~!"
"Beini, you need to manage your alcohol intake better," Sigrid cut him off.
"I should head home," Thyra yawned as she walked up to Sigrid, "Where are Idunn and Darrbey?"
"I think they left early after the dancing," Sigrid recalled before turning her attention to the couple still dancing, "I don't think they'll be leaving anytime soon."
Thyra followed Sigrid gaze and smiled at the sight of Ymir and Oshern slowly dancing with each other. They held each other's hand while embracing the waist of the other. Ymir had rested her head against Oshern's chest. Her eyes were closed, and a smile of contentment was on her face. Meanwhile, Oshern's green eyes seemed to shine brighter under the candlelight as he stared at his new wife with love and adoration.
"I can't believe they actually got married," Thyra said.
"It's impressive, I'll give Oshern that much," Sigrid said as she dragged Beini out of the common area, "Lovestruck dumbass."
Megatron sighed to himself in annoyance. He had one hand on his hip while the other was carrying a tired Maria. The flower girl was resting on his chest, slouching against his shoulder with her hair looking a little messy. The girl's mouth was hanging wide open, letting out fairly loud snores for a nine-year-old. He supposed it made sense. It was past her bed time; she was exhausted.
Megatron heard sniffling on his right and felt the holoform's eye twitch. He glanced over to see Optimus' holoform hunched over the top of the table. He used his arms to cover his face from view, but it didn't help disguise what was going on. The Prime had started crying again and was merely hiding his tears so his cover wouldn't be blown. Next to the Prime sat Solveig. The old woman simply continued to rub Optimus' back without question, but she couldn't help but be baffled at the sight.
"I never knew gods to be this emotional," Solveig remarked to Megatron.
"I don't think you understand just how much he's degraded over the years," Megatron proclaimed.
For more context on this picture, read:
The Oshern Arc
and then!
The Marriage
And if you want to catch up on What if Optimus appeared during Founder Ymir's timeline AKA the Peaceful Timeline, be sure to check out my masterlist on my page!
(Also, again, shout out to mellon_soup! They have awesome drawing references!)
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melishade · 2 months
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This is the moment in the Peaceful Timeline where Oshern finally learns about Ymir's titan form. It's not my best work on Krita, but practice makes perfect! Here is the full Oshern arc: Part 16: The Oshern Arc
And here is that particular scene:
"Kill...me...if you must." Oshern's hand stopped when he heard Ymir speak.
"...I'm...monster....devil...demon," she continued, "murderer...I don't...deserve kindness...or...love...I deserve...death....but...sorry....Oshern...sorry..."
Oshern could see her body trembling. He could hear her trembling breath, but not once did she raise her head to face him. Oshern's hand slowly fell back to his side. The adult in him, the one that grew past the Eldian Empire, only remembered Ymir's kindness and patience. He remembered how much she loved her daughter, and how much Maria adored her. He remembered how Ymir constantly helped out wherever she can in the village. And no matter how often the village scorned or ridicule her family, not once did she use her power to harm or kill anyone. She was bowing before him, giving him permission to end her life!
Oshern looked down at his trembling hands. What...what was he supposed to do?! Should he listen to the logic of his father?! Should he listen to the kindness of his mother?! Oshern then remembered the two brothers, and how he decided to show them mercy. It saved all three of them, and it helped them build a better life. He did not contribute to the hatred in the world, and it brought him here. If he killed Ymir, he would no doubt be doing irreparable damage. He would leave Maria without a mother. He would leave Orion and Matthew without a daughter. He would be killed or hunted for the rest of his days. He would...he would destroy a family. And that was the last thing he wanted to do: he did not want to contribute to the hatred in the world.
Oshern slowly kneeled down in front of Ymir. "Ymir...can you please look at me?"
It felt so strange asking a powerful deity for permission to look at someone like him. She had the power to crush him. He couldn't help but think it to be so surreal. Oshern grew tense when she raised her head. He wasn't sure what he was going to be looking at, but...his heart stopped. Her face was covered in red markings that went down from her eyes to the bottom of her cheeks. Steam still arose from her body; he could feel the heat radiating off of her. But...her eyes never changed. Her beautiful grey eyes, filled to the brim with tears, still glistened as brightly as the first day they met all those years ago. She was still...the same person...that he fell in love with.
"You're..." Oshern couldn't find the words, "You're beautiful."
Ymir's eyes widened in shock, and her mouth hung open. Beautiful? Why would he call her that? She wasn't beautiful. She was a monster. A slave. Why would after knowing the truth, would he call her that? She shook her head and covered her eyes with her hands. No! No, that was wrong! This was wrong! There's no way that this could be real!
"No..." Ymir's voice trembled, "No...not...not!" Her breath hitched in her throat, her lips trembled, and more tears fell. "Not!"
Oshern couldn't help but feel terrible for Ymir. What had she gone through, to make her not believe those words? He was expecting something cruel and heartless, but she was just as much of a victim as anyone else. Oshern raised both hands, and rested them on Ymir's cheeks. Ymir froze at the sensation of his touch, removing her hands from her face and staring at him. Oshern felt how hot her skin was to the touch. He felt the grooves of the markings in her skin. He felt her tears staining his hands.
"You are." Oshern leaned in close, confusing Ymir greatly. What...what was he doing? Ymir gasped as Oshern placed a small, feather-light kiss on her lips. He remained there, choosing not to pull away, but also giving Ymir enough room to move if need be. He didn't want to frighten her, but she needed to know how he felt. Ymir...couldn't comprehend. She...she was being kissed. Like...the others couples she saw. Not once has she been kissed. She'd never been kissed before. Now this man, who was hurt by her actions, not only called her beautiful, but was kissing her. This beautiful, kind-hearted man, was still choosing to show her love and affection.
Before Ymir could even consider reciprocating, Oshern released her lips and let her go. Oshern smiled at her, and Ymir raised her fingers to her lips, the burning and electrifying sensation still lingering. The tears started to even more now, and before Oshern could ask what was wrong, Ymir wrapped her arms around him and hugged him so fiercely. She sobbed in his shoulder, still trying to come up with words of apologies. Oshern only hugged her back in response, cradling her head and pulling her closer. He wasn't going to let her go. He wasn't.
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melishade · 4 months
Number 7?
This ask game
A glimpse into the future of the Peaceful Timeline
"Stop making that face, child," Megatron ordered Maria in his bipedal mode.
Maria stopped rubbing her hands around the stick to try and make the fire for herself. She then stared up at Megatron in annoyance. "I'm twenty-six, Papa."
"Well, you're acting like you're six," Megatron accused her.
Maria rolled her eyes as she continued trying to start the fire. "Are you going to help me or just accuse me of stuff?"
"It has been a week since we started this trip, but not once have you actually enjoyed it," Megatron proclaimed, "This is something you've always wanted, but now you're not happy."
"You know why I'm not feeling so great right now," Maria hissed at him.
"Your mother let you go," Megatron reminded.
"Yeah, after we had that massive argument," Maria retorted as she rubbed the stick harder, "I wanted to leave with a clear mind, but instead, I've made Mama upset and she just gave me that stupid look of disappointment."
The fire finally lit, and Maria gently blew on it to let it burn brighter. "I'm pretty sure she hates me for it."
Megatron crossed his arms. "It sounds like you are more upset at yourself at hurting your mother."
"Maybe?! Yes?!" Maria exclaimed, "I really wanted to go and travel the world and she knows that I wanted to do it! And you're with me! Why was it such a big deal?!"
"Because it was the world that hurt her," Megatron reminded.
"The Eldian Empire hurt her, and it's long gone," Maria proclaimed.
"...Your mother and I talk," Megatron told her, "Eldians weren't the only ones who hurt her."
Maria looked up at Megatron and sighed. "Well, I guess being the daughter of the Eldian king means that I'm still finding ways to hurt her, aren't I?"
"By the Allspark, you and your mother share the same amount of self-loathing," Megatron declared in annoyance, "Firelight, we have all talked about this with you. You are not your father's daughter."
"I know!" Maria yelled in frustration as she stood up and began to pace, "It just doesn't go away after telling me and hurting Mama doesn't help either! This was something I wanted! She didn't support me! I got angry and then I hurt her! How does that make me any better than the people who hurt her?!"
"Firelight, you didn't kill anyone!" Megatron retorted.
"Not all acts of evil start off with murder!" Maria interjected.
"Okay, did you subjugate anyone?! Make anyone your slave?!" Megatron challenged her.
"No!" Maria yelled.
"Then why do you still believe you will end up like the Eldian king?" Megatron demanded her, "We raised you better than that."
Maria sat back down on the ground. "I guess...I don't trust myself."
Maria yelped when Megatron scooped her up in his servo and brought her up to optic level.
"I suppose no amount of us telling you we trust and love you will change how you feel," Megatron surmised, "This is something that you will need to believe in yourself for."
Maria sighed in response.
"Even so, no matter how you feel, I will never abandon you," Megatron declared, "Not now. Not ever. No matter how you turn out. I will always be there for you."
Maria shyly glanced up at Megatron and gave a small smile. "Thanks, Papa."
"Now please enjoy this trip. I don't want you sulking the entire time," Megatron told her, causing her to laugh.
"Alright! I gotta make sure my fire's fine," Maria remembered, "Put me down."
Megatron gently placed her back down on the ground, allowing Maria to return to her burning flame.
(Free game: 44-46,14, 19,23,26, 32,34, 36, 37,39. 35 has been asked.)
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melishade · 5 months
Number 38?
This ask game
Peaceful Timeline, 2000 years later
Optimus was quietly browsing through the computers on the ship to try and hack into the satellites on this world, but he wasn't an expert on technology. And neither was Megatron. But this was something that needed to be done. Decepticons were still active over 2,000 years after the war ended, and they had gone after humans. No doubt to get to him. That had to be the only reason. But was the Decepticon working for someone else? If so, who was he working for. This situation had lead to...another problem.
Optimus' audio receptors picked up on some chatter and glanced behind him to see the humans he had saved poorly hiding and whispering to one another on how to approach him. Humans. It's...it's been so long since he's been in the presence of a human for an extended period of time. Not like when he protected Ironspark's descendants. Those moments were brief. Instant. But to have humans in their home...it was surreal.
Megatron wanted nothing to do with them. He didn't want to get attached to the humans again. He knew why: it hurt Megatron too much. He practically spat in Optimus' face, telling him to 'take care of those new pets yourself'. Optimus knows that Megatron had a right to be angry. They had a rule: do not let the humans get involved in their lives. It happened. He didn't mean to. He just didn't want to see them get hurt. But now...did he put them in more danger? He just wanted-!
Optimus heard something clang in the hallway and could no longer ignore the humans. He minimized his work on the screens and walked over to where the humans were. He peered his head and looked down at the trio to see them panicking over knocking over a piece of metal. They must have thought it was something important.
"Is everyone alright?" Optimus asked them, causing them to look up at him with worry.
"W-we didn't mean to touch it!" the blonde boy, Armin, raised his hands in surrender, "Honest!"
"Thankfully what you hit was not important," Optimus informed, "But if you are going to be here for your protection, you must be careful with what you touch. You are more than welcome to ask me for information, but if you have nothing to do, then I suggest you work on your studies and extra curriculars. You are high schoolers and no doubt have to worry yourself with college."
"Well!" the brunette, Eren, spoke, "It's a little hard to do that when this is the coolest thing that has happened in our lives!"
"I understand, but I do need to focus," Optimus informed them, "I am uncertain of the location of the assailant who came after you, and I would prefer to locate them as soon as possible."
The woman, Mikasa, gasped. "Maybe we can look on the conspiracy website!"
"Yeah!" Armin agreed with excitement, "Someone must've taken a picture of it and thought it was like Optimus!"
"Conspiracy website?" Optimus questioned, regaining the attention of the trio.
"Y-yeah," Mikasa answered, "You're on the conspiracy website. So is Megatron."
Optimus showed visible astonishment at the proclamation. "Is that how you knew to search for me?"
"Yeah, you and Megatron have a reputation for being one of the oldest mysteries of our planet!" Armin exclaimed.
"Honestly, I thought it was all bullshit until I saw you," Eren confessed.
Optimus looked to be deep in thought.
"What's wrong?" Eren asked.
"Nothing, I just...did not expect our presence here on this world to have that much of an impact," Optimus explained, "I suppose I cannot erase the evidence."
"NO!" Armin screamed.
"DON'T DO THAT!" Mikasa hollered.
"Alright, I will not!" Optimus had to cover his audio receptors in response. He had forgotten how loud humans can be. But...he was curious as to what the humans thought. "Could you...show me this information you have acquired?"
The shock that morphed into unhinged gleam on both Armin and Mikasa made him feel uneasy.
"You shouldn't have done that," Eren proclaimed.
Megatron arrived later that night after scouring for energon and visiting Firelight's resting place. He honestly was just angry at Optimus and just didn't want to be around him. Now those fragile, puny humans were in their home! They only had one job! One responsibility! Keep tabs on Ironspark's descendants before sending Optimus back to Cybertron! Why did Optimus have such an attachment to these frail creatures?! It frustrated him! Why would Optimus be willing to risk going through that same emotional turmoil again?! It was just going to destroy him!
Megatron stopped himself before stepping inside the ship. Their home. He just didn't want Optimus to get hurt. Why would Optimus be willing to risk that pain again? Megatron growled in frustration as he stepped inside. He needed energon. Those pesky humans were no doubt gone. Megatron passed Optimus' work station, but paused in his step when he noticed something...odd. He could've sworn he saw a photo of Optimus on the screen. Megatron backpedaled to find Optimus staring at the screen containing both his and Optimus' alt modes. The Prime then selected a video, and was about to play it, but stopped when he noticed Megatron out of the corner of his optic.
"Welcome home," Optimus greeted.
"Optimus, what are you doing?" Megatron demanded as he stepped into the room, "I thought you were looking for the Decepticon that attacked you."
"I was," Optimus explained as he pressed play on the video, "But the humans have alerted us to the impact we might have had on this world."
Before Megatron could question him further, the video played, and he saw the logo of a show called 'Buzzfeed Unsolved'.
"This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we discuss what might be the oldest legend in the world."
"I still think some of the photos are photoshopped,"
"It was talked about for years!"
"Ryan, it doesn't even have a cool name! This is one of the better theories we're going to talk about and all they can come up with is the 'Futuristic Car' or the 'Ghost Car'?!"
"Oh my god, Shane,"
"Just call it an alien! It's an alien! That makes more sense!"
Megatron was confused at the sight of the two men laughing at each other before turning to Optimus with a questioning look.
"I believe we might be famous on this world," Optimus explained, "Do you wish to watch?"
"Watch what mere humans have to possibly speculate about our existence?" Megatron cocked at eyebrow, "...I'll get energon for the both of us. I'm curious."
(They proceed to make comments about the theories and Megatron laughs at being called a supernatural spirit. Anyway, 17 might take a while. I have something planned for that, and I've been asked 41, but the rest are free game. And be sure to vote in the pilot poll.)
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melishade · 1 month
I know you’re doing the prompts but what are Optimus and megatron thought on frieda and historia in the modern day UA?
Previous ask in the Peaceful Timeline
Disclaimer before I begin: I don't mind people asking me other things regarding the other timelines besides the prompts. It's just going to take me time to answer them because I'm busy with work and other things. As long as you follow the ground rules, we're fine.
Also, a side note, I don't like spoiling future chapters of my work. It's just a general rule of thumb for myself when I'm asked about what will happen next. I did tell someone once about Azula showing up in my old TFPxATLA fanfic (which no longer exists), and they decided to be a dick and spoil it in the comments section when it was up on fanfiction.net. Thankfully, there were some people who didn't see it, but the fact that someone was willing to spoil the whole experience for someone else just goes to shows that no one online is respectful and I cannot trust anyone.
So you wait like everyone else.
That being said:
With the Peaceful Timeline 2,000 years later, I tend to take a lot of inspiration from Isayama's AOT modern day AU. Mikasa being goth, Armin being a nerd, Eren being rather apathetic in a peaceful world, etc.
That being said, because Historia is a bitch, Optimus is internally annoyed at Historia's behavior while Megatron absolutely hates her guts!
Megatron: How in the Allspark did Ironspark's descendants turn into that?!
Optimus: Megatron, we cannot control how Historia was raised-!
Megatron: Control my aft! I'm fully ready to interfere to teach this girl some fragging manners!
When Optimus tells the modern day trio that Historia is the most recent line in Ymir's descendants, they can't help but complain and feel bad for Optimus. Armin and Mikasa talk about how she's a snobby cheerleader with more money than she'll ever need, with people following her around like servants. Eren explains that Historia had accused him of doing something wrong when he didn't and harassed him for it. Eren ended up biting Historia's head and the video ending up going viral, humiliating the girl.
Megatron patting Eren on the back: Good job.
Optimus: Megatron!
Megatron: She deserved it and you know it!
Even though Eren explains that he apologized because he felt bad for Historia, Megatron still has more respect for the teen because he managed to make a fool out of that brat. Optimus relents that protecting the family and allowing them pathways to earn more money than they need has caused them some problems. He just wanted them to be safe!
Eren: You made monsters.
Megatron: The boy is right.
Mikasa: Aren't you technically an accomplice in making Historia mean?
Megatron: The difference between me and the Prime is that the bar is on the floor. Any good thing I do will exceed expectations. Optimus preaches about morals even though he's just as annoyed with Historia as I am!
Optimus looks away in embarrassment.
Freida is still kind in the Peaceful Timeline; however, there was a lot of expectations and demands for her, being part of the Reiss family. There have been a few times where she has acted out in the past and ran away, one of which resulted in her getting kidnapped. Both Optimus and Megatron had to rescue her from her captors (Optimus ordered Megatron to not kill them because that would cause more problems for them, and Megatron relents). Optimus quietly reassures her that she would be safe and tells her not to tell the police about the two of them. Freida can't help but ask if she'll see them again, and Optimus says that might be possible, but in the late future.
After that incident, Freida learns to behave and better herself for the sake of the Reiss family. She gets older, studies and exceeds expectations to make her family proud. Uri, the previous head of the Reiss family, ends up dying from cancer, and he lists Freida as the heir to the family, skipping Rod altogether. It stuns Freida, even as they prepare the funeral arrangements. At the funeral, she spots a middle aged man in a hat and a black coat in the crowd before he disappears in an instant. However, in the distance, she spots Optimus and Megatron watching from afar in human form. Optimus had an umbrella over him while Megatron hid under the leaves and branches of a tree.
Freida has taken on a lot of responsibility, and her already thin relationship with Historia is practically non-existent. She has tried to bond with her sister, but interactions have usually amounted to nothing. She was given the family's heirloom ring and gave it to Historia (Ymir and Oshern's wedding rings), telling her to give it to someone she loved, but Historia didn't seem to care about their priceless ring. Her reaction was non-existent. Just apathy. It bothered her. It made her feel upset. Historia had little expectations and was given everything she wanted, but still seemed to want something more. Freida did end up seeing the viral video of Eren biting Historia, and Historia coming home in tears. She tries to comfort Historia, but she tells her to go away.
Freida does still push and ultimately comforts Historia as she cries her heart out. She states her fears of being bullied at school and being alone. She hates how selfish and horrible she's been, and Freida asks her if it's because her selfishness and apathy came back to bite her. Historia is offended, but Freida explains her behavior from her perspective. And tells her that she needed to be kinder, because one day, the world could be ripped out from under her and there might be no one there to protect her.
"If you're always so cruel to other people, they won't be by your side when you need help," Freida warned her, "This is a result of your cruelty, and now you have to learn to live with it."
It ultimately blows over later, but Freida does notice a slight change in Historia's behavior. There is some improvement, but not that much.
Meanwhile, Optimus and Megatron continue to keep tabs on Freida, and are content with the way that she's turned out to be all things considered. They still don't interfere with Frieda's life unless she's in actual danger.
(There's a lot that I have for the modern AU for the Peaceful Timeline, so if you want to ask, go ahead. Also, thought it would be fun to reference Kenny for reasons. Lol.)
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melishade · 1 month
Wait so I know it's not possible but can't they use holovision to Freeze imagine of ymir and her family and copy the image and store it or that's too scientific?
In response to this prompt ask
The ship that Optimus and Megatron have used when Ymir was alive and have lived in after Ymir’s death, didn’t have that equipment. The ship has been there for eons and has been damaged beyond repair.
They still have items that belonged to the family long ago. Optimus made sure to keep every single notebook that Ymir has ever used. Reading it is the closest he can get to speaking to her, even as he forgets her face over time. Additionally, he will also see the words of others that have written in Ymir’s notebook, including Oshern, Solveig, and the villagers. He also holds onto Maria and Rose’s writing. Maria did have lessons and homework to further her knowledge, even though she ultimately traveled the path of a warrior like Megatron. Meanwhile, Rose was the artist. She drew and created music that transcended her time, and even though Optimus has kept the original lyrics, the two have managed to hear rewrites and renditions of her music over time. Optimus has even managed to hold onto Oshern’s recipe book, the baker actually finding a place in their family.
Meanwhile, Megatron has held onto Maria’s weaponry, the tools that he had trained her with personally. He’s held onto some of the jewelry and clothing from Maria’s nomadic wife. He managed to keep some of Oshern’s cooking tools and Rose’s lyre. There wasn’t much to hold onto for Ymir for him. Optimus was the one who catalogued Ymir’s belongings.
But…they had no way to record their faces and keep it to memory. No cortical psychic patch to record, no recorder, nothing. It’s made tracking Ymir’s descendants rather difficult at times to make comparisons, but they do their best.
However, after Optimus tells the modern day trio about Ymir, they can’t help but ask about the family they had stayed with for so long. They ask their names and what they even looked like. Megatron has limited interaction with the modern day trio out of fear of gaining a connection with them and ultimately going through the same loss he had with Maria. But when they ask about the family, he refuses to give anything because he’s afraid of how much he might have actually forgotten.
Optimus does give what he can, but he grows solemn at the fact that some of the faces he knew in the past are practically a faded memory. He can describe simple details to them, but he apologizes for not giving accurate descriptions.
And Optimus’ solemn expression at the loss caused the trio to talk one night, and determine they need to find a way to recreate what Ymir, Maria, and Rose looked like. They were certain they couldn’t get Oshern and Maria’s wife, but if Ymir, Maria, and Rose were all related and Optimus kept track of Ymir’s descendants, some similarities have to come up. They knew it was a risk, and they knew if they got it wrong or right, they could get in trouble for sticking their nose into things they shouldn’t be in. But they wanted to make Optimus and Megatron happy somehow, so they do it.
Eren, Armin, and Mikasa end up doing so much research with what they can get their hands on. Optimus did tell them that Historia was the latest in the line of Ymir’s descendants, much to Eren’s dismay. And they work backwards from there. Historia’s family is rich and come from a long line of wealth and success, no doubt due to Optimus and Megatron’s interference to keep them alive. They compare Historia’s ancestors with each other and make a list of Optimus’ descriptions of Ymir, Maria, and Rose. Once they have that, they end up going to Moblit, who is a part time sketch artist for the police and a friend of Hanji. They give what they know, and while Moblit is baffled at the amount of research they conducted, the kids were paying quite a lot of money, so Moblit wouldn’t question it for now.
He provides a detailed sketch of all three woman. And while Armin and Mikasa are obviously nervous about whether or not they got this right, Eren feels deep down in his gut, that this was correct. After all their research, this is what they have and Eren believed it was right.
The next time Optimus picks them up and takes them to the ship, all three are obviously nervous when they say they have a gift for Optimus.
Optimus drinking energon: A gift?
Armin nervously: Well….maybe not a gift….it’s definitely not the best gift.
Mikasa: Just please don’t be mad at us!
Optimus: Why would I be mad at you?
Eren bringing out the papers: It’s…we really worked hard to figure it out and we don’t know if we got it right.
Eren asks if they could somehow upload what they have to the server, and Optimus manages to pull up the equivalent of a fax machine. Eren sets the papers down to scan and upload it. And when it’s done:
The three flinched when they heard something shatter on the floor. They look back from the elevated keypad to see Optimus’ battle mask on, and the liquid energon in his servo on the floor, the glass shattered to pieces.
“Eren I think we messed up,” Armin proclaimed nervously.
Eren noticed the way Optimus approached the screen, ignoring all three of them completely. He placed his servo against the screen, right next to the image of Ymir. He stared at that image with shock and nostalgia. Eren then grew fearful when tears began to form in Optimus’ optics.
Optimus didn’t say a word as he quickly opened the groundbridge.
“Please return home.” Optimus could barely keep his voice steady when giving that request. The trio relented and slowly walked through the groundbridge. When it closes behind them, Optimus crumples to the floor and sobs in sorrow.
Megatron returns way later and finds Optimus on the floor a complete mess. Megatron runs to his side and demands what happened, but Optimus can only point to the screen and continue crying. Megatron stares at the screen and sees all three women, and breaks down at the sight. The two titans end up hugging each other and grieving over what they had lost and gained.
Meanwhile, it’s been a week since Eren, Mikasa, and Armin gave those drawings and they are afraid. Because they are expecting the worst! They really did some digging which in hindsight, they shouldn’t have done, and made a really bold assumption. They don’t know how Optimus really felt about it since he told them to leave. They are scared of how Megatron is going to act because he’s always been rather combative around them, refusing to interact with them besides a scowl and maybe a hello. So when Optimus goes back to get them, they immediately start apologizing and start coming up with explanations to try and soften the blow. But the Prime hugs all three of them in human form and tells them how grateful he truly is to them.
They end up going back to their home and Optimus asks how they’ve even managed to figure it out. He’s in disbelief. They all explain that they had to do some research on Historia’s ancestors while also making guesses on what they would have looked liked before commissioning a sketch artist to do so. They really had to dig into their allowance and pay extra just so Mobilt wouldn’t question them further. But they couldn’t get Oshern or Maria’s wife since there was no blood relation for obvious reasons. Optimus is amazed and explains how they didn’t have the technology to really take pictures of their family before their passing. They have tokens and items that they’ve used when they were alive but that was it.
Optimus: I am forever grateful to the three of you.
Eren can’t help but ask how Megatron felt, and Optimus explains that Megatron has taken a copy of the picture and hasn’t really come out of his room. The trio are initially scared, but Optimus quickly reassured them that Megatron is also grateful to them too.
Optimus: Please understand that the loss of Maria was…difficult for Megatron to accept. He just needs time.
The trio do stay for a while, and before Optimus sends them home, Megatron finally makes himself known to them. They are practically sweating bullets and even though Optimus reassured them that Megatron was grateful, they can’t help but apologize for overstepping. Megatron approaches them, and they can’t help but shut their eyes as he approached. They heard noises but didn’t know what it was…
Until Eren felt a hand on his head. He slowly opened his eyes and gasped at the sight of Megatron’s human form. Again, they’ve seen Optimus’ holoform, but never Megatron. The fact that Megatron was showing it all to them showed that Megatron was grateful to them.
Mikasa and Armin couldn’t help but gawk as Megatron gently ruffled Eren’s hair. Eren touched his head as Megatron released his head.
“Thank you,” Megatron spoke, “For giving us back our memories.”
The trio’s act of kindness gets to Megatron and he allows himself to open his spark again to the humans, and he allows himself to be kinder to them as a result.
(Later Optimus asks for Moblit’s place of work in order to ask him to draw Oshern and Maria’s wife. Oshern is a lot more accurate considering Rose was already drawn, but Maria's wife was much more difficult and not completely accurate. Still Optimus appreciates Moblit's time.
-Additionally, Megatron and Eren don't have the same hostility they usually do in the other timeline.)
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