#snk rose
melishade · 8 months
I love the idea that Megatron has a totally different relationship with Rose compared to Maria. He's such a girl dad, yet he butts heads with Rose? Like, is Rose to Megatron what Baby Groot is the Drax?
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Previous episode of the Peaceful Timeline
Megatron: You sit on a throne of lies, child.
Rose: You're just mad I beat you at Hnefatafl.
Listen, Megatron loves Rose. She's an...overall good kid. And it's nice to have someone else not look at him with fear. But he is convinced that all the anger and deceit and pettiness that should have been in Oshern got syphoned into that one!
Like he had no problems with Maria. He has a strong attachment to her because she's the first being in a long time to look at him without fear. Meanwhile, with Rose, he feels like she has it out for him. She will find a way to twist his arm to get what she wants!
Megatron: Rose, I need you to not say anything when it comes to stuff we're not supposed to do.
Rose: Depends on what I get in return.
Megatron: Are you serious?!
Rose: If I'm risking something for you, I need to be paid back.
Megatron: I don't know if I should be angry with you or proud. Fine, I will get you more of those fancy art supplies you've been asking for.
Rose: Are you going to steal it?
Megatron: Really?!
Rose: Papa (Oshern) runs an honest business practice. It's rude to steal.
Megatron: Fine! I will work it off! Just keep your mouth shut!
Their relationship is very uncle-niece vibes. Ymir and Oshern do notice the pettiness that starts between them and tries to stop it, but Optimus just asks them to let this happen.
Oshern: Why exactly are we letting them argue like this?
Optimus drinking some energon: Payback.
Oshern: What?!
Rose's relationship with everyone is also significantly different compared to Megatron. She relishes in the attention Ymir gives her through head pats and hugs and thinks her mom is beautiful. She admires her father and asks him about his work and his life before Ymir. She thinks he's a good cook too. She definitely sees Optimus as a mentor and asks about the knowledge of the universe and he's more than happy to oblige. Rose's relationship with Maria is fairly close despite the age difference. But it didn't start out that way.
Initially Maria started getting jealous of all the attention Rose was getting as a baby. She's always crying, doesn't move much, and everyone is fretting over her. It takes a little time for everyone to notice, but Megatron is the one who notices first. Maria explains how she feels and Megatron rather tactlessly says:
"Well of course she needs more attention. She's a baby, and babies are stupid."
"Megatron," Optimus scolded while Ymir slapped him in the arm.
Megatron then takes the baby from Oshern and holds her in front of Maria. Megatron explains relativity, calls the baby stupid, but there's no reaction. She can't even look Maria in the eye properly. She has no protective shell and the only thing she can do is cry.
"Your responsibility, as her sister, is to protect her, and be her guide," Megatron told Maria, "She will one day look to you for support, but you cannot resent her for something beyond her control."
Optimus reminds Maria that they still love her, and they are sorry for neglecting her and her needs. They end up making a schedule that allows them to spend more time with each other. But Maria ends up maturing and taking on a much more serious role in protecting Rose. They go on walks together, Maria teaches her stuff, etc. They still have their sibling spats and arguments, but when Rose questioned her own purpose in the universe. Maria gave her an honest answer: She didn't know. But she was happy that Rose was in her life none the less.
(When Maria ultimately goes on her journey with Megatron around the world, Rose definitely feels upset at the loss. Even though she has more space since they shared a room.)
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neo-theicecreamkid · 11 months
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The holy trinity
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acquired-stardust · 2 months
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Capcom vs SNK 2 Playstation 2 2001
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pvandboxmanswife · 3 months
CW/TW: yandere behaviors, jealousy, toxic behaviors, kidnapping, obsession
Yanderes who are obsessed with you like a puppy. 
Whenever he sees you his eyes get a little sparkle and he instantly smiles.
Like a mutt wagging its tail when their master comes home.
Following you around and insisting that he give you a ride back to your home, or that he can do some of your work because he wants an excuse to spend time with you and wants to be a good boy.
Always clingy and calling you and texting you because not knowing where you are or what you’re doing worries him sm if you had just answered his calls he wouldn’t be at your door right now :(
When he kidnaps you , he does it so you don’t know. Inviting you to his home under the guise of having dinner when suddenly you feel dizzy and wake up in his bed with your favorite food on the nightstand and a note saying he’ll be back from work and that he’ll explain when he’s back.
When he does come back the sight of you screaming and crying makes him oh so sad won’t you just listen to him??? Look at those sad puppy eyes as he tries to hold you.
Clinging onto you and stroking you as he drags you to your room saying how panicking will make things worse and he just loves you so much and wants to protect you.
Give him the silent treatment and he’ll BEG for you.
He just wants you to love him because he loves you sm why can’t you see??? He’s been such a good boy for you and he just wants to keep you safe from the big scary world…
“___ , please…” he pleaded, as you sat in your shared room, facing away from him.
He sat next to you holding your hand.
“Please say something.” he whined.
You remain silent.
“___, please just talk to me, I understand you’re upset… please, just look at me..” he begged.
You glanced over, his eyes glossy and his lip quivering.
He just wants your love and attention.
He promises that he’ll be a good boy.
Why won’t you tell him he’s a good boy????
CM: Spencer Reid
AOT: Reiner, Armin
KNY: Rengoku, Douma
The Batman: Edward Nashton
RE: Leon
FNAF: Michael Afton
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newgabeorder · 2 days
Toon Time Theater Brings You U-PICK Poll No.7!
Salutations, anime fans. This is Gabriel Ramos, DJ and live-streamer of Toon Time Theater. I heard that the upcoming UZUMAKI will have Saturday premieres on Toonami, but I have a poll up my sleeve. I am concerned about what to live-stream on Saturday mornings. You have these outcomes to vote for, and the top result determines tomorrow's lineups, also affecting the weekends following it.
Saturday morning UZUMAKI (lag)
Sunday morning UZUMAKI (no lag)
.hack//Liminality (may pre-empt a program)
Pokémon Origins
LARRYBOY: The Cartoon Adventures (E/I)
You have until September 27 at 2 PM PDT to make your choices. When the time comes, I will end the T3 Express peepshow and review the poll results and reveal the lineups before I live-stream SAILOR MOON.
If most of you vote for Sunday morning UZUMAKI, then I will end T3 Express after the poll and move most of its programming to the Saturday Morning Animation Cram Session (More One Night for Japanese late-night viewers). Not only that, I will introduce T3 Essentials, the Sunday morning replacement for T3 Express that focuses on cartoons which I deem "essential" to my weekend cartoon block live-streams. Most of the programs will be carried over from the previous SMACS (M1N) lineups, giving (American and Canadian) Sunday morning viewers a short-but-satisfying lineup just in case they miss out on the Saturday morning lineup.
Anime fans, if this is your first time seeing this post, this is because I run a series of weekend anime blocks on the New Gabe Order Twitch channel, Toon Time Theater. My purpose of Toon Time Theater is to showcase the latest and greatest of action-packed animation on Saturday mornings at a time where modern Saturday morning cartoon blocks on FCC-controlled over-the-air TV stations no longer exist in today's world.
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muekyn · 4 months
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eren: oh yeah, i got them from the neighbor’s front yard!
me: you WHAT
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Prelim Poll 21
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Propaganda here
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rykiioudreams · 2 months
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YCH Commissions for @roseashfordaot ✨
Thanks a lot for your trust 🥺💚
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redr0sewrites · 9 months
i dont post much art but heres a levi drawing i did while on call w @milyki last night teehee <3
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here he is!!! tumblr fucked up the quality and now its all grainy😭
ive been getting into aot sm lately but ive been waiting until after i finish it to start writing for it bc i wanna avoid spoilers as much as possible😭 levi is so interesting i love him.
im ab to start the first ep of s3 btw, and my current favs r:
in no particular order <3
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melishade · 5 months
Wait so I know it's not possible but can't they use holovision to Freeze imagine of ymir and her family and copy the image and store it or that's too scientific?
In response to this prompt ask
The ship that Optimus and Megatron have used when Ymir was alive and have lived in after Ymir’s death, didn’t have that equipment. The ship has been there for eons and has been damaged beyond repair.
They still have items that belonged to the family long ago. Optimus made sure to keep every single notebook that Ymir has ever used. Reading it is the closest he can get to speaking to her, even as he forgets her face over time. Additionally, he will also see the words of others that have written in Ymir’s notebook, including Oshern, Solveig, and the villagers. He also holds onto Maria and Rose’s writing. Maria did have lessons and homework to further her knowledge, even though she ultimately traveled the path of a warrior like Megatron. Meanwhile, Rose was the artist. She drew and created music that transcended her time, and even though Optimus has kept the original lyrics, the two have managed to hear rewrites and renditions of her music over time. Optimus has even managed to hold onto Oshern’s recipe book, the baker actually finding a place in their family.
Meanwhile, Megatron has held onto Maria’s weaponry, the tools that he had trained her with personally. He’s held onto some of the jewelry and clothing from Maria’s nomadic wife. He managed to keep some of Oshern’s cooking tools and Rose’s lyre. There wasn’t much to hold onto for Ymir for him. Optimus was the one who catalogued Ymir’s belongings.
But…they had no way to record their faces and keep it to memory. No cortical psychic patch to record, no recorder, nothing. It’s made tracking Ymir’s descendants rather difficult at times to make comparisons, but they do their best.
However, after Optimus tells the modern day trio about Ymir, they can’t help but ask about the family they had stayed with for so long. They ask their names and what they even looked like. Megatron has limited interaction with the modern day trio out of fear of gaining a connection with them and ultimately going through the same loss he had with Maria. But when they ask about the family, he refuses to give anything because he’s afraid of how much he might have actually forgotten.
Optimus does give what he can, but he grows solemn at the fact that some of the faces he knew in the past are practically a faded memory. He can describe simple details to them, but he apologizes for not giving accurate descriptions.
And Optimus’ solemn expression at the loss caused the trio to talk one night, and determine they need to find a way to recreate what Ymir, Maria, and Rose looked like. They were certain they couldn’t get Oshern and Maria’s wife, but if Ymir, Maria, and Rose were all related and Optimus kept track of Ymir’s descendants, some similarities have to come up. They knew it was a risk, and they knew if they got it wrong or right, they could get in trouble for sticking their nose into things they shouldn’t be in. But they wanted to make Optimus and Megatron happy somehow, so they do it.
Eren, Armin, and Mikasa end up doing so much research with what they can get their hands on. Optimus did tell them that Historia was the latest in the line of Ymir’s descendants, much to Eren’s dismay. And they work backwards from there. Historia’s family is rich and come from a long line of wealth and success, no doubt due to Optimus and Megatron’s interference to keep them alive. They compare Historia’s ancestors with each other and make a list of Optimus’ descriptions of Ymir, Maria, and Rose. Once they have that, they end up going to Moblit, who is a part time sketch artist for the police and a friend of Hanji. They give what they know, and while Moblit is baffled at the amount of research they conducted, the kids were paying quite a lot of money, so Moblit wouldn’t question it for now.
He provides a detailed sketch of all three woman. And while Armin and Mikasa are obviously nervous about whether or not they got this right, Eren feels deep down in his gut, that this was correct. After all their research, this is what they have and Eren believed it was right.
The next time Optimus picks them up and takes them to the ship, all three are obviously nervous when they say they have a gift for Optimus.
Optimus drinking energon: A gift?
Armin nervously: Well….maybe not a gift….it’s definitely not the best gift.
Mikasa: Just please don’t be mad at us!
Optimus: Why would I be mad at you?
Eren bringing out the papers: It’s…we really worked hard to figure it out and we don’t know if we got it right.
Eren asks if they could somehow upload what they have to the server, and Optimus manages to pull up the equivalent of a fax machine. Eren sets the papers down to scan and upload it. And when it’s done:
The three flinched when they heard something shatter on the floor. They look back from the elevated keypad to see Optimus’ battle mask on, and the liquid energon in his servo on the floor, the glass shattered to pieces.
“Eren I think we messed up,” Armin proclaimed nervously.
Eren noticed the way Optimus approached the screen, ignoring all three of them completely. He placed his servo against the screen, right next to the image of Ymir. He stared at that image with shock and nostalgia. Eren then grew fearful when tears began to form in Optimus’ optics.
Optimus didn’t say a word as he quickly opened the groundbridge.
“Please return home.” Optimus could barely keep his voice steady when giving that request. The trio relented and slowly walked through the groundbridge. When it closes behind them, Optimus crumples to the floor and sobs in sorrow.
Megatron returns way later and finds Optimus on the floor a complete mess. Megatron runs to his side and demands what happened, but Optimus can only point to the screen and continue crying. Megatron stares at the screen and sees all three women, and breaks down at the sight. The two titans end up hugging each other and grieving over what they had lost and gained.
Meanwhile, it’s been a week since Eren, Mikasa, and Armin gave those drawings and they are afraid. Because they are expecting the worst! They really did some digging which in hindsight, they shouldn’t have done, and made a really bold assumption. They don’t know how Optimus really felt about it since he told them to leave. They are scared of how Megatron is going to act because he’s always been rather combative around them, refusing to interact with them besides a scowl and maybe a hello. So when Optimus goes back to get them, they immediately start apologizing and start coming up with explanations to try and soften the blow. But the Prime hugs all three of them in human form and tells them how grateful he truly is to them.
They end up going back to their home and Optimus asks how they’ve even managed to figure it out. He’s in disbelief. They all explain that they had to do some research on Historia’s ancestors while also making guesses on what they would have looked liked before commissioning a sketch artist to do so. They really had to dig into their allowance and pay extra just so Mobilt wouldn’t question them further. But they couldn’t get Oshern or Maria’s wife since there was no blood relation for obvious reasons. Optimus is amazed and explains how they didn’t have the technology to really take pictures of their family before their passing. They have tokens and items that they’ve used when they were alive but that was it.
Optimus: I am forever grateful to the three of you.
Eren can’t help but ask how Megatron felt, and Optimus explains that Megatron has taken a copy of the picture and hasn’t really come out of his room. The trio are initially scared, but Optimus quickly reassured them that Megatron is also grateful to them too.
Optimus: Please understand that the loss of Maria was…difficult for Megatron to accept. He just needs time.
The trio do stay for a while, and before Optimus sends them home, Megatron finally makes himself known to them. They are practically sweating bullets and even though Optimus reassured them that Megatron was grateful, they can’t help but apologize for overstepping. Megatron approaches them, and they can’t help but shut their eyes as he approached. They heard noises but didn’t know what it was…
Until Eren felt a hand on his head. He slowly opened his eyes and gasped at the sight of Megatron’s human form. Again, they’ve seen Optimus’ holoform, but never Megatron. The fact that Megatron was showing it all to them showed that Megatron was grateful to them.
Mikasa and Armin couldn’t help but gawk as Megatron gently ruffled Eren’s hair. Eren touched his head as Megatron released his head.
“Thank you,” Megatron spoke, “For giving us back our memories.”
The trio’s act of kindness gets to Megatron and he allows himself to open his spark again to the humans, and he allows himself to be kinder to them as a result.
(Later Optimus asks for Moblit’s place of work in order to ask him to draw Oshern and Maria’s wife. Oshern is a lot more accurate considering Rose was already drawn, but Maria's wife was much more difficult and not completely accurate. Still Optimus appreciates Moblit's time.
-Additionally, Megatron and Eren don't have the same hostility they usually do in the other timeline.)
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ainhoagm99 · 11 months
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I was still 13 years old when Snk was released, it's a special series for me because thanks to Snk I got into the world of anime/manga and roleplay. It was also the first manga I read and finished at the same time it was published. Today, despite knowing the end, I'm very nostalgic to say goodbye to the anime. I leave you this coloring I did to commemorate the end. ❤
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reapers-remorse · 22 days
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Sexy roses~
Garrison Regiment. 🌹
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
Heyy Krikkit! How's everything? I'd like to request number 24 “Well, that’s embarrassing", please and thank you 🙃
hey Alice! everything's alright, i hope you're well too! 🥰
this was initially going to be light and fun, but i got a different idea so i changed it up a bit. hope you like it, thank you so much for sending a prompt!! ♥️♥️
send me a number and a ship/character, and i'll write you a drabble!
Relief (ao3 link because now it's a multichap canon divergent fic woot woot)
Characters: Levi, Hange, The 104th kids, Onyankopokon
Tags: snk 132, canon divergent, fix it fic sort of, hange is alive and well, i mean... yeah hange's alive, angst, just imagine those mechanics were better at their jobs than in canon ok? ok thx
The honest shock in the gasp that escaped Hange's lips when Levi's fist hit their chest, louder than the sound of countless Colossals approaching, burned its way into his ears and engraved itself into his memory with so much force he almost backed away then. He stopped thinking as a Captain and a soldier for a second, stopped putting the entire world's value above what their life meant to his, and almost disregarded their last order to let them go and look as cool as possible to everyone else while he alone would be stuck remembering their shaking hands and voice as they prepared themself to fly off to their death –if he even made it out alive himself.
Except Hange had been his closest friend for a decade and outstanding leader for almost half that time; Hange had been steering the wheel of this sorry army of theirs with the last bit of strength in their formidable spirit and visionary mind in those direst of circumstances, and Hange wouldn't request this of him if they hadn't thought every other possibility through and weren't past ready to cross that line.
Hange had always dedicated their heart to the cause they rightfully supported, and now wasn't the time for Levi to challenge their last command. Now was the time for him to dedicate his own, and let them go –no matter if he shattered it in the process.
"Shinzou wo sasageyo,” he recited solemnly, looking ahead, thankful for once for their mirrored injuries, and their current position that prevented either of them from seeing the other's face.
He still heard and felt the sharp intake of breath they drew in after the words had tumbled from his mouth, and for a second there when he could feel their heart starting to beat harder and faster under his fingers, could feel the cruel scorch of unrealistic hope –that those words might have made a difference, that Hange might have perceived the corrosive sting that declaration inflicted on his tongue and the meaning under it and somehow changed their mind– flowing from the veins of his left hand directly into his heart.
Their posture straightened soon after anyway, their sternum pushing back against his hand that he let fall in defeat as their feet carried them away from him and a chuckle made its way through their lips.
"Ha, ha! It's the first time I've ever heard you-
The sound of quick, human-light steps drowned the rest of their sentence and Levi's head shot up to watch Mikasa nearing their spot, her mouth opening as she closed in on them.
"Hange-san, wait! Onyankopon just said the plane's ready to go!"
Levi felt more than he saw Hange turn around again to face the kid as he took in the words she'd just spoken, praying Gods he never believed in that his ears and eye weren't playing tricks on him under the loud sound of the advancing Rumbling and the dust that was starting to saturate the air all around them.
“Are you shitting us right now?” he asked, not recognizing his own voice, not sure it even carried far enough that she'd hear him.
“Come on, hurry up!” Mikasa shouted again, before sprinting away back where she'd come from.
The faked glee faded from Hange's face and they stared at Levi like they had that day they'd reached the Jeager basement and found out about the world outside the Walls, like they needed him to confirm his relative's words.
He could be of little help to them right now, when his own brain was having trouble understanding the situation, when his mind hadn't nearly recovered from this most recent whiplash. But he still nodded their way and started moving.
The two veterans walked towards the others and the plane, and Levi couldn't help but wonder if Hange, only a few meters ahead of him, was matching his pace out of kindness to not leave him behind, or if their legs too felt like they had to move through thick, ton-weighing mud with each step.
“Guess I'm not dying today after all,” they said suddenly.
Their humorless tone made a shiver run down Levi's spine and he looked at them sharply, his hand wrapping around their wrist.
“Hange,” he called when the contact didn't prove enough to make them turn around and face him.
But they only laughed a strangled, wet chuckle that sounded so unlike them, and refused to look back at him. Instead, they shook his hold off and picked up their pace, quickly reaching the others and helping them push the repaired floating plane into the water.
He didn't hear them speak again until they were all safe sitting inside the aircraft and they turned to face Armin, still panting from the effort they'd all just put into getting out of the hangar that had now been crushed by rubble the Colossals had shot its way while advancing.
"Well, that's embarrassing after that goodbye speech but... Armin, would you mind if I back-pedalled on that Commander promotion? At least for the time being?" they asked, a familiar, playful grin splitting their face as they looked at everyone but Levi.
"Of course not!” Armin replied, blushing at the direct address. “I'm only relieved you didn't have to sacrifice yourself for us.”
Agreeing noises could be heard from the other Scouts.
"Right, me too,” they said, their smile faltering ever so slightly. “Me too.”
“Everyone, hang on tight! We're taking off,” Onyankopon warned from the cockpit.
The cabin shook and thundered, but the deafening noise and trembling floor weren't distraction enough for Levi to detach his stare from the surreal vision of Hange, still alive and breathing, settling in the seat directly across from his own.
They readjusted their cape around their slumped frame, their still shaking hands lingering against the spot his fist had touched minutes ago. He let his eye wander to their face, spotted the tensed jaw, the downward edges of their mouth now, and the tears welling up under their one iris, and he knew for sure then.
Hange wasn't relieved one bit.
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roseashfordaot · 1 year
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Just a simple meme to explore all of the possibilities of Rose Hairstyle >w<
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blee-bleep · 1 year
tw: rape, pedophillia, canniballism; the regular aot shebang
"hi, welcome back to me screaming nonsense"
so i've been trying to gauge what age ymir and her daughters were when they got their titan powers, and theorists pointed out that with ymir standing with eren when he was ten yo (and when he recieved the titan power from grisha), it can also be assumed ymir was also ten years old when she fell down into the tree and had hallu-chan stuck to her spine. she's (possibly) 23 when the spear hit her and got transferred to paths
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and we know that after gaining those powers, king fritz used her to expand the eldian empire and defeat the marleyans for a few years before giving her his "seed", basically fucking using her as a breeding cattle because he wanted his slave's power to continue. (oops, sorry i didnt mean to make a parallel with historia's story in uprising arc, she doesn't matter aheh, right yams </3)
so she gives birth to maria, rose, and sina in the 13 years she lived after encountering hallu-chan. by determining maria's age, we can also determine how old ymir was when king fritz r@ped her (im not using any other term aside from this regarding their relationship, i still stand that her "loving" fritz was a retcon and even if it wasn't, it SUCKS).
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rose and maria are seen walking along with ymir in this page so its to assume that they are already toddlers, so it's been 2-3 years since they were born, and sina being possibly 6-12 months old. their age gap are just one year apart. so really he didnt waste any time using ymir as cattle.
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on the day of ymir's death at 23 yo, it seemed that they only had three living children together so its been a few years since sina was born. the king couldn't produce more was possibly due to the fact that he is old as dick and his sperm count was probably approaching zero.
they're conscious at this point, and the whole event of ymir (their MOM) dying and having been forced to eat her by the king (who they considered as a father, seeing as he does acknowledge they're his daughters cuz he addresses them as such, tho by no means was it probably affectionate) was probably TRAUMATIC AS FUCK, as we can see from their devastated expression
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and we all know how much that would probably affect their development (and i think this will fuck up anyone regardless of age and maturity). but seeing as they *did* consume ymir after her death, they only lived 13 years at most, and they *did* have children during that time, same as their mother; we could only form the idea that they forced themselves to enter the role of slave, the same as their mother; being heavily affected by the king's will without any regard of their own.
from sina's height and consciousness, we can infer that she was possibly no more than 4 to 5 years old when ymir died. rose was possibly 6 yo, and maria 7 yo. at 23 with 3 children, the king had taken advantage of ymir when was 15-16 yo. while he died of old age, he was probably DECADES older than her when he did which just makes me 🤢
from that point of ymir's body being consumed, maria rose and sina only had 13 years left to live, with maria dying at 20, rose at 19, and sina at 18.
if maria was only 7 when she got the 13-year curse of ymir, and seeing as the female reproductive could only have been fully developed when she's 13-14 yo, she would only have enough time to have 8-9 offsprings by the time 13 years passed. and that's if she starts YOUNG. rose and sina even less, so they wouldn't have had as many offsprings. possibly only three at best, just like ymir.
that means all three daughters used half of the 13 years as titan superpowers to expand the eldian empire, and the other half to create offsprings for the king's will
which is just... plain fucking tragic.
and realization of this just makes me SICK TO MY STOMACH GAHHHHSDHGJKSDJKGH
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muqingswife · 9 months
eu adoraria ler uma fic titânica de Levi Ackerman onde o leitor é 'rose' e de fora dos muros enquanto Levi é 'Jack' que descobriu um mundo totalmente novo com o leitor (sem mortes aliás, apenas um final feliz para este pobre homem)
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