#what is Vet coin
timeofcrypto · 2 years
VET Coin (VeChain) - Timesofcrypto
VeChain is a blockchain platform intended to upgrade business tasks and supply chain management. Its goal is to utilize appropriated record innovation to speed up the data stream in these techniques for perplexing supply chains (DLT). On the Vechain platform, there are two unique tokens: VET Coin (VeChain Token) and VeChainThor Energy (VCE) (VTHO). While the last option is utilized to control shrewd agreement exchanges as energy or “gas,” the previous is utilized to move esteem across the VeChain organization.
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VeChain Mission
As per VeChain, its mission is to “make a without trust as well as circulated business environment platform that will permit straightforward data stream, proficient cooperation, yet in addition rapid worth exchanges.” As of now, supply chain information for business processes is compartmentalized in storehouses among numerous stakeholders. Once more data stream is impacted by this and is splitted among stakeholders.
In the white paper distributed by VeChain, it is guaranteed that blockchain innovation can “tackle the uneven data issue as well as permit responsibility for to get back to that and engage its owner.”The VeChain platform makes the case that it will increment market straightforwardness by giving approved stakeholders a 360-degree perspective on the data they need about an item as well as its business processes (like capacity, transportation, and supply).
How could VET Coin be utilized?
The platform, for instance, can be utilized to follow the quality, stockpiling temperature, legitimacy, transportation medium, and the last conveyance of a medication pack or a liquor bottle from the assembling office to the end client. To accomplish this objective, VeChain utilizes shrewd chips or Radio Frequency ID (RFID) labels as well as sensors that broadcast key data onto the blockchain network, which approved stakeholders can access continuously.
The utilization of sensors permits all item boundaries to be continually checked and any issues to be conveyed back to the important stakeholders. On the off chance that a medication parcel is put away beyond a recommended temperature reach, producers and clients are informed, considering administration upgrades as well as better quality control. Another model is that the VET Coin permits vehicle proprietors to claim their information and use it to haggle better terms and strategies with their insurance agency.
History of VET Coin
Radiant Lu, a previous boss data official (CIO) for Louis Vuitton China, established VeChain in 2015. It is one of a handful of the blockchains that as of now has a huge client base among laid out organizations. The VEN token at first worked on the Ethereum blockchain. In 2018, VeChain changed to its own blockchain and changed its name. The VeChainThor (VET Coin) blockchain supplanted the VEN blockchain as a component of the rebranding.
The VeChain blockchain platform’s targets are recorded in its white paper. By making information straightforward and significant, its underlying objective was to overturn the supply chain industry. It additionally means to start to lead the pack in dApps, VeChain-based beginning coin contributions (ICOs), and Web of Things (IoT) delegates.
VeChain has laid out strategic alliances with various organizations over the course of the years to help with accomplishing this goal. An arrangement with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is one of them, permitting VeChain’s blockchain-controlled answers for be utilized by the client base of the bookkeeping firm to upgrade item check and discernibility. VeChain has likewise teamed up with Renault, fostering a computerized vehicle support book which can’t be altered in a joint effort with Microsoft and Viseo, and is the public authority innovation accomplice for Gui’an, a financial improvement zone of focal Chinese Government.
The Blockchain Platform of VeChain
VeChainThor is a public blockchain platform with two tokens: VET and VTHO. VET Coin is the VeChain token used to ship worth or “shrewd cash” from brilliant agreements. All in all, exchanges on VeChain’s blockchain including decentralized applications will utilize VET. It is open for venture to the overall population.
The VTHO token, which represents VeChainThor Energy, is additionally alluded to as VeThor Energy. It powers VeChain exchanges and is equivalent to the expense of completing exchanges on its blockchain. Engineers should spending plan for a particular number of hidden tokens (which are imperceptible to the general population) to complete exchanges for one’s decentralized applications, like Ethereum’s ether as well as NEO’s “gas.” The two-token framework was intended for powerful administration and an anticipated monetary model for decentralized application designers, as per VeChain’s white paper.
Governance Protocol
The VeChainThor blockchain involves Verification of Power as a consensus protocol. As per this protocol, votes are allotted in light of VET property and exposure. 20% of votes are projected by VET holders with no know-your-client (KYC) credentials and 1 million tokens in their records, while 30% of votes are projected by holders with KYC credentials and similar number of tokens in their records. On the VeChain blockchain, consensus on exchanges is arrived at by 101 expert hubs. Dissimilar to Bitcoin, this framework requires consistent endorsement from all hubs preceding arriving at consensus on an exchange.
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
im in jail but yes!! my url is ritsu's solo <3 i was gonna go for mayonaka-no-nocturne so it was a little clearer but someone has that url already </3
(they haven't posted in a year... tumblr free the url i want to get my greedy hands on it)
The url thing so real literally all I want is any kind of variation of the Rainbow Circus url but they're all taken whyyyyy </3 same goes for Neo Sanctuary and Honeycomb Summer
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blortch · 1 month
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Quick Link to Featured vetted Campaign
Offer until: Indefinitely! Artworks acquired: 16/~40 Raised: 229.12$
🌟Donors🌟: @donttellsilver, @amberspacedf, @horseplunko, @mikestoklassa, @frostytherobot, @stupid-interrupted, @ryujibauman, @halfinthebestoftheworst, @surviving-misfortunes
What do I need to do to show that I have donated to a fundraiser?
I require a link via DM/non-anon ask of the fundraiser and a screenshot of your confirmation screen/confirmation E-mail of the donation. If you wish - you may blur out the donor name but the donation and donation date (Any date after the 12th of August 2024) must be visible. Depending on the amount you donated you are then able to choose the categories under your tier!
Does it have to be a Palestinian gofundme fundraiser?
Although that is the focus of the campaign, fundraisers for causes such as Congo and Sudan are encouraged and accepted as well - though for organization to go smoothly and to guarantee your money back were something to happen to any fundraiser please do stick to gofundme as your venue !
Can I choose what I receive?
You can choose within your tier and whether you'd like something with Mike's or Jay's characters, and according to any other choices I may ask for specification after.
What can I do with the art I get?
You May: Share with friends - unless explicitly stated otherwise You May Not: Claim as your own or Repost
Is the artwork I get unique, or do others receive the same ones?
Unless stated otherwise, they are all handed out only once!
What does 'combination of previous offers' mean?
In nerd terms, you acquire 'coins' depending on how much you donated and you can choose how to spend said coins. One coin equals roughly 5$ and can be exchanged for a small doodle. Were you to donate 11$-15$ you could get an animatic or 3 doodles, and so on.
What does it mean if an offer is striked through in red?
It means you can still get it, though it will be a duplicate of what someone already received !
Why doesn't the last tier say "choose among" ?
Because you get the opportunity to receive BOTH a combination of previous' tiers according to the amount above 15$ you donated AND a wild card!
What if I don't want an artwork?
I encourage you to donate regardless!
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absolutebl · 5 months
This Week in BL - Thailand surprised me
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
May 2024 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 eps - I love love love Sol! Pink-haired baby idol blast from the past nursing a crush = absolute catnip for me. This is def my favorite Thai BL currently airing. And it’s probably because it has a sort of odd queer authenticity to both its gayness and its rep of the film industry. I mean, of course it’s sanitized into BL fantasy-landia, but there’s an underpinning of something real, for lack of a better word. Normally I prefer the fantasy of my dumb BL worldview, but in this one I’m kind of liking a little chew and grit.
All of which is to say: this is very fucked up messy gay, which normally I’m not wild about, but for some reason I’m really enjoying this version.
On the other side of the BL coin we have:
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Wandee Godday (Sat YT) ep 1 of 12 - And I like it a lot. It’s fun and I’m enjoying it (possibly more than it deserves). I like how it’s a little absurdist. I like that it starts with a one night stand. I like all of the side characters. I love the asexual representation. Bonus LUBE! It’s a fun show. More FUN that GMMTV usually goes for.  
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Two Worlds (Thurs iQIYI) ep 8 of 10 - The sketching in the cave scene was v sexy. And I’m enjoying this BL, but not for any other reason than MaxNat being MaxNatty all over my screen. 
1000 Years Old (Thurs iQIYI) ep 12fin - I don’t know what I feel about this one. Mostly just indifferent. It was meant to be the paranormal Thai BL pulp about vampires that we were all waiting for, and it ended up just being boring. Frankly, I'd rather be pissed off than bored. 6/10
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 4 of 12 - I truly love the naked lust on our side couple's pining friend's face. Usually only Japan get this thirsty.
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Book is perfectly cast as Moo's older bro. They even look a bit alike but it might have been a mistake, because he’s so damn charismatic. Stole all the breath from the show for a bit. 
We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 5 of 16 - No report until next week. 
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
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Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 11 of 12 - What a fantastic ep. This show really is killing it. I’m so happy with Taiwan right now. 
Carry on.
Blue Boys (Korea YouTube) 3 of ? - It remains lovely and I remain enjoying it immensely. It’s very Strongberry feeling. That's always a welcome sensation.
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - They are so cute and pretty much just boyfriends already regardless of what they each think. I'm scared that next week is the final episode, it doesn’t feel like it’s gone very far.
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - I liked it a little better this week. I guess I’m warming up to this one?
Boys Be Brave AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) ep 3-4 of 8 - Ah poor lonely neglected child. They are all such weirdos. I don’t understand any of these characters or their motivations except they are strange kind of cartoons of... something.
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 9-10 of 12 - The guy who plays the vet should be playing a vampire. That's it. That's all I have to say. 
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It's airing but...
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - 6 eps, when it's done, tell me if I should bother?
You Made My Day (Thai YT) ep 1 of 5 - supposed to have started on Friday but I couldn't find it, I also didn't try very hard.
In case you missed it
GMMTV announced the second half of their 2024 line up. I got excited and picked my favorites, details + trailers here.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
May Releases
5/10 A Balloon's Landing (Taiwan movie) trailer - A frustrated Hong Kong writer, Tian Yu, meets a Taipei street gangster, Xiang (Fandy Fan from HIStory2: Crossing the Line), and the two of them embark on a journey to find the Bay of Vanishing Whales. Along the way, they discover unexpected twists and turns and close bonds, which brings out the message that "there is always someone like you in this world who is waiting for you.
5/16 Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 1 of 6 - Strongberry doing classic BL! Weeee!
5/19 OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ????) ep 1 of 10 - LeeFrank are back - not unlike the undead (as it were). But how do we feel about it? Unsure given their track record.
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5/25 The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer - HoTae & DongHee are back but unfortunately not in a cinema near me. Side couple from Unintentional Love Story, same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS.
5/28 My Biker 2 (Thai movie YT?) - trailer
5/31 The Time of Huannan (Taiwan movie) - May not be BL
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I love a shrimp peeling moment in my Thai BL. (Only Boo)
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Unquestionably the best moment in BL this year. FIGHT ME. (Unknown)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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doberbutts · 4 months
Also just because I've been getting some harassing anons and replies on my post ever since that one self-identified Zionist blog got BIG MAD at me for posting the Palestinian flag (ironic considering like 3 days later when I reblogged something Jewish I had people then BIG MAD at me for that too.......)
Skoll, I took on knowing I would probably have to euthanize him for his aggression. From the very beginning the deal was that I was his last stop since he was a known abuse court case dog who was taken from his most recent owners and languishing in a kennel environment but deemed otherwise unadoptable due to severe aggression. The agreement was that I would have him for however long it would take to determine if he was fixable and then either I'd fix it and keep him or I'd euthanize. He bit me three separate times when we were still learning each other, and then attacked me randomly for the crime of petting his head, an act of affection he normally would approach me to request. I euthanized him at the advice of literally everyone involved with his case, and a few days after I euthanized him I got a letter from the state telling me either I put him down or animal control would take him and do it themselves. Pennsylvania is very strict on what they consider a mauling or a maiming and the resulting bite from his attack was very severe. I have had multiple people, including vets, neurologists, and behaviorists, tell me that they think he had rage, a seizure disorder which causes uncontrollable aggression, when I describe what his random bouts of attempting to attack literally the first thing he locked eyes on looked like.
Tiki, I rescued because I wanted a tiny dog and a dog that would live longer than a doberman, because dobe lifespans are hideously short due to their health problems. Within about 5 minutes of driving away with her, I realized she was very, very sick. We stopped at the vet before we even got her home. Over the next several months and constant ER visits we discovered she had hydrocephalus and also an immune condition that was slowly eating her lungs. She crashed during a procedure that was supposed to be our last attempt at fixing the lung problem as by then we knew the hydrocephalus would kill her anyway and we were trying to extend her life as long as possible. I dropped her off for the procedure, they called me on my way home, and I turned around so I could be there to say goodbye.
Creed died from cancer 🤷‍♂️ mast cell cancer is THE most common cancer in dogs as a species and it's a genuine coin toss if removing the initial tumor fixes it or if it's too late by the time you notice, because it forms on scar tissue so it hides by looking like a regular scar. Creed had a bunch of nicks and scrapes from running around in the woods on our hikes. One of the earliest scars he ever got is what killed him in the end. Losing him is what turned my blog from what it used to be, all dogs all the time, to what it is now. Ironically, he lived roughly the average lifespan for a doberman at 7.5 years old.
Phoebe, I was not involved in the decision to euthanize her. She came to me once again very sick, and I did my best to fix the problem, but it seemed to be a lot bigger than me or her other owner had expected. Her other owner took her to multiple specialists more local to her, and finally we came to a tentative diagnosis of a liver shunt. Her condition degraded rapidly and she went blind and began having seizures, and her other owner made the choice to say goodbye. Surgery was not an option due to her already bad condition not being certain she would actually survive anesthesia. I knew that she was not doing well, but I was not informed that she had died until several months later, despite my asking for updates because I suspected she'd passed. I don't disagree with the choice, I just wish I'd known when it happened. What we thought was just a chronic hookworm infestation and possible pancreatitus from the long-term damage from the hookworms turned out to be much more serious, and deadly, when it stopped responding to treatment.
If you have any questions on my capability as a dog owner to actually keep dogs alive, I'd like to direct you to the fact that Creed and my other actually-purchased-from-a-breeder dogs have lived good long lives. I keep getting sick dogs in rescue despite being told they are healthy, and that is exactly why I refuse to rescue dogs anymore. I'm tired of breaking my heart while cleaning up a problem someone else created. This is the part of rescue that doesn't get shared- what happens when someone loses the rescue lottery again and again and again with sick and mentally unwell dogs that are doomed to die before they've had a chance to truly live? I'm tired of being that someone. I'm tired of loving dogs and hemorrhaging money in a desperate attempt to fix them and feeling the weight of their bodies in my arms when that wasn't enough and they die anyway.
At least I can say Creed had a good fulfilled life as my constant companion, even if he didn't live nearly long enough compared to what I wanted.
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leapdayowo · 5 months
Redstone and Skulk au time!
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To start off with, here’s cat!Tanguish college au
(ignore that I don’t know how to draw people holding a sandwich from memory)
Tanguish is a scrappy alley cat Tango found who one day escapes from Tango’s apartment. Tanguish ends up trying to steal Helsknight’s lunch, but fails at first and falls on his face. Helsknight feels bad and gives Tanguish bits of meat and bread from his sandwich bonding them for life. He then wraps up Tanguish in his theatre cloak (he’s definitely a theatre kid + does historical reenactment fights with swords and such) and tries to take him to a shelter or vet or something, but Tanguish spooks when a really loud car passes by and runs into an alleyway. HK almost decides to leave it at that, it’s not his problem, but then hears Tanguish yowling and hissing and the sounds of another cat doing the same. He rushes into the alley and gets Tanguish away from the biggest cat he’s ever seen (it’s the Demon), but in the process he gets a good slash of claw marks across his face.
From there he takes Tanguish to his place, cleans them both up, and from there they have a bunch of misadventures of HK trying to take care of this scrawny, half hairless cat while also trying to find its owner/take him to a shelter/keep him. Eventually, he would find the Hermits on campus (who I am imagining are a more chill fraternity), and comes across Tango hanging out with Welsknight. Tanguish and Tango are happily reunited, HK looks like he got into a fight with a lawnmower the other night, and Wels takes glee in pointing that out while the two (they’re definitely brothers) are unhappily reunited.
Later that night, Tanguish escapes again and follows Helsknight home. When HK discovers this, he begrudgingly texts Wels to tell Tango Tanguish is with him (having not thought to grab Tango’s phone number earlier). There’s probably some joint custody thing that happens and Tanguish gets to eat muffins from two different friend groups now :3
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And on the other side of the multiuniversal coin: dog!Helsknight college au
This one is not as fleshed out, but essentially Helsknight is Welsknight’s dog who he keeps on campus, but HK has gradually grown to hate Wels. The coliseum group are all dogs too, and one day at the dog park, Helsknight runs away from Wels. He then stumbles across Tanguish (not a cat) who is getting harassed by these guys he used to steal things with along with other petty crime (not a crowd he wants to be with anymore), and when things get violent, Helsknight jumps in and attacks the guys (except Tanguish). Tanguish freaks out, but is trapped in the alleyway and can’t escape from this aggressive dog attacking everyone, so he holes up on a dumpster. When all the aggressors are gone, HK barks at Tanguish which scares the young man enough that he tries to scale the alley wall instead of get off the dumpster. He slips and falls down painfully next to Helsknight. More concerned if he broke a rib and finding some blood on him, he doesn’t notice HK checking him over until a rough paw tugs at his shirt.
He cautiously lets HK sniff his face and hands before getting up and slowly walking himself home. HK looks scary and is a big dog, but for some reason he has chosen to stick by Tanguish. They get to Tanguish and Tango’s apartment (roommates :3) and Tanguish has to introduce Tango to the Big Scary Dog that saved him and wants to be their third roommate, only to find out the HK is Welsknight’s dog who ran away a few days ago. At any mention of Wels’ name however, HK pins his ears back with a low growl. Regardless, Tanguish and Tango try to take HK back to Wels, and when they do everyone can tell just how unhappy HK is with Wels (he just doesn’t like the man’s vibes). Not knowing what else to do, Welsknight lets HK stay with Tanguish and Tango as a trail run to see what happens.
So yeah, Tanguish ends up with a big scary dog who keeps unwanted people away from him :3 HK eventually gets less hostile towards Wels over time, but still is not very friendly towards him. And yeah, dog versions of the coliseum crew playing in the dog park :3
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Last one :) warden!Helsknight au
even less fleshed out than the other two. I like the idea of Tanguish being able to do the shrieker sound, but then thought what if he could actually summon a warden with it?
So Tanguish is an inexperienced witch (maybe, or is just magical) who can do basic ice related magic, but one day he steals from a woman part of a larger crew of bounty hunters or something, and he gets chased down by them. He gets corner in a strange part of the woods and does the shrieker noise three times to ward them off, which doesn’t work until after the third try a tall armored warden!Helsknight emerges from the soft soil and scares off the bounty hunters.
I don’t really have much else in mind except Tanguish sitting on Hk’s shoulders while the two try and figure out what to do in the world (which is very vague I know). I’m not sure what HK’s relationship to Wels is like or if Wels would also be a warden (if he was I imagine he’s been on the surface much longer).
uhhh yeah! If anyone wants to run wild with any of these ideas, go for it! Maybe just mention me as an inspiration if you make something from these, but yeah they are free for anyone to develop further if you wish :)
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f4nd0m-fun · 3 months
It was getting too long so...
Okay this was VERY long but I love it all. So much food, and very much alive when possible. And yeah they're very much venomous.
... oh gods you're making me hungry for food that isn't even safe even if it existed 😂
Also, I feel like Ivy's plants would, ah, sometimes move if they don't like where they're currently planted. If your neighbor is taking better care of your flowers then you might wake up and see them over there, you just learn to deal. 😅
Ooooo I love that. And I feel like, to Aquaman, it would be like speaking in Pig Latin + Esperanto mixed with the heaviest Scottish accent ever. He can tell it's words, but he can't really understand it.
Also, Bruce singing lullabies to the kids, just imagine. Jason or Dick or anyone shows up having a panic attack and Bruce starts calming them down. First in English, then aquatic, and slowly morphing into a lullaby.
Oh definitely, those other heroes will be struggling. Almost feel bad for them.
The medical professionals must be paid well, and Gotham University probably ends up with a very heavy metal degree that most people might assume is for vets not human doctors. 😂
Oh my gods Helena yes. Poor Supes, and I love the JL freaking out. Also, her bottle HAS to be a little pink, because of the blood that's probably in it. Also, I imagine they're born with weak venom, and drinking their parents' blood lets them process and produce stronger toxins.
I bet Dick and the other kids probably have the same weird food habits and their teammates aren't really sure what they're supposed to do. Sometimes Tim will fall asleep in the middle of lunch and whoever is in the same room will get to see his lunch run away. Probably a bit unnerving. 🤣
I like the idea they might do them for 'major holidays'. Not on the holiday, because Calendar Man (on the holidays is Gotham only, they fully expect him to show up, he's practically invited without saying anything outright), and that's the Outsider Galas. Not just one a year, but not like 20 of em either.
And yeah, aside from runaway food, Tim is pretty good with outsiders. He probably wouldn't eat 'normal' (normal for Gotham anyway) around his team if he didn't trust em or something either. This is probably another reason Bruce made him CEO. 😅
Yesss uncanny valley please. Everyone is freaking out internally, and yet at the same time they can tell they're safe... for now. Servers doing their job, and Gothamites not revealing anything, unless someone does something wrong.
Yesss the rogues. Honestly I just want an AU where the rogues are basically family.
"Oh yeah that's aunts Harley and Ivy, they can be fun but don't drink the wine."
Then (controversial I know but also heavily depends on the AU)
"That's Uncle J, we're on tense terms with him but he's got the best drinks if you don't mind letting a bit."
"There's not-dad Harv-"
"he's Uncle T right now-"
"-that's Uncle T, don't gamble with him or ask about his coin collection unless you want to stay a while."
"Don't mind Uncle Cobbles, he's a little competitive with B about their family histories, but other than that and birds he's pretty calm."
"Yeah don't mind Uncle John, he's probably more nervous than you are, doing spook him and you'll be fine."
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Yesss so many photos.
Also, there's two wedding photos. One he shows to outsiders, the other is up at the major as a painting and is the same wedding photo but underwater.
... Ras don't bother your son-in-law's friends please, they have enough on their plate. Seriously, stop. 😂😅
Bruce probably confuses everyone even more by knowing the assassins.
Oooo yes. Sharks, aquariums, oh my. I love all the animals you mentioned too.
... so I randomly looked up 'Victorian modern punk' because why not and...
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This was the top result.
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bcolfanfic · 2 months
craving some soft domesticity and romance....do you have any h/cs for the young vets Clegan when they first set up house? who's the cook? who likes to decorate? what's their sunday morning routine? do they bicker over what to watch? who's the little spoon? etc etc etc <3
sweet babies. this is the zillow house i decided they move into once they find somewhere in sheridan and move out of staying with gale’s sister immediately after getting home post-war.
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they’re there when they first get josie/convert the upstairs into her room- and then once the adoption is finalized they move somewhere a little bigger.
but that’s all down the line. to your actual prompt,
- gale copes with being back in civilian life by throwing himself head first into it. always cooking, kinda goes full throttle house husband mode for a while while he’s looking for work. john isn’t making him fill that role, it just helps him feel like he has all his ducks in a row. gives him something to focus on.
- not that john is complaining either. he thinks gale is so damn sweet. and loves getting to see that domestic side of him that it wasn’t even really possible to see overseas.
- john has some stuff in boxes that he took from wisconsin when they stopped through there that it makes him feel Good to put around the house. books, photos of him and his sister when they were little, a bunch of throw pillows and blankets and ~homey~ things that his mama kinda unloaded on him to take back to their house.
- the only way you’d know either of them were in the military just by walking around their house is if you were looking close enough to see a challenge coin holder on the tv shelf. the coins stay out because they look nice, but everything else goes into a drawer or a box. it’s mostly john’s doing- but gale is 100% on board. out of sight out of mind (: right (: loud incorrect buzzer
- their neighbors are a very sweet older couple with horses and are always inviting them to church. with the stipulation that we won’t let anyone give you boys any trouble, but they still opt to not go together and just go individually with those neighbors every now and then. they’re good boys and know those folks mean well.
- but if it’s a morning when both of em stay home they just take the morning real slow. sleep in, half asleep wander around in their pajamas. before john’s doing Bad and can’t be left by himself gale will sometimes go out and pick up breakfast from a little local place a couple minutes away to bring back to the house. brings it back home instead of the two of them going out to eat so they can stay in their jammies and eat on the couch and pet each others hair and snuggle <3
- gale is biggg into documentaries but john’s opinion on docs is that there needs to be some good Reenactment scenes or he finds it hard to pay attention lmao (me too buddy). when he has tv control he likes binge watching older shows. gonna project for a minute and say that he likes cheers (: and gets Passionate about how sam and diane’s plot line ends even when he’s seen said plot line like seven times.
- gale is the lil spoon most of the time and once john starts struggling with his mental health more those roles kinda reverse. but before that gale lovesss curling his lanky self as small as is possible for him and feeling john press up against his back. lovesss the sensory input of that. makes him feel grounded and safe (:
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swifty-fox · 6 months
What Comes After
blacked out. wrote 1.7k fic for @bcolfanfic's Young vets AU.
Fanfic/Sequel of
Tw for aftermath of a suicide attempt and all that may entail
Nobody tells you what to do in the hours after your husband tries to take his life. Nobody says you’re going to be angry.
Nobody tells Gale how much he’ll have to pay for gas to the only Hospital for miles, seven hours tailing the red ominous lights of an ambulance there seven hours back all alone for the first time in a long while (one-hundred-twenty-seven dollars and fifty-three cents).
There’s nobody to tell him how to smile at his husband as he’s led away in a stunned daze. Does he smile at all? Small and painful and fake? 
And who can he ask what to do as he comes home to a now empty home, dawn well past finished and a hole the size of a man's life in the wall. A hole, no bigger than a nickel and just perfectly at eye level. The difference between a happy ending and a tragedy; the scales tipped kindly in his favor this time. 
You never wrestle for a gun. That’s the easiest way to get your own damn self shot.
A coin flip. Heads for John, Tails for Gale. 
“Guess the quarter got stuck in a crack.” he mutters. He knows his thought patterns aren’t quite clear, confused and weighed down by exhaustion and shock. 
Somewhere an animal is in pain. It gasps raggedly; sharp and raw. Someone should put that animal out of its misery, nothing deserved to be driven to sounds like that. Gale knows he is that animal. He swipes at his suddenly-tear soaked cheeks with a rough palm and sits down on the floor hard. 
His phone is in his hand, it’s first instinct to want to call John, hear his teasing voice (it hadn’t been teasing in a long time Gale Cleven don’t you lie). Bucky wouldn’t answer. He knew it would be a day or two before he would get an update on his husband. Not until observation was over, until paperwork was filed and permission was given. The nurse had explained it all through the ringing in Gale’s ears.
“Curt.” Buck says, shocked by the steadiness in his voice even as more tears trail their acidic way down his face. 
“Hey Buck, y’just caught me on break what’s up?” The familiar voice, clipping all it’s ‘T’s  away to nothingness devastates Gale. He lets out a sob with all the violence of vomiting.
“Ah fuck Curt, John had a gun.” Gale moans, covering his eyes and trying to breathe. The gun, now tossed carelessly on their bed like a stray shirt. 
Nobody tells him how to inform their friends of what has happened.
“What.” Curts voice is so strangled, so tiny that Gale realizes his fatal error immediately. 
“He’s okay. He’s okay Curt the gun- it went into the wall. He’s at a hospital right now. He’s where he needs to be.” 
Gale had heard that phrase a lot; spoken by people trying to reassure themselves that their loved ones would come home whole and healed. Now he was one of those people whispering the phrase with false confidence.
John needed to be Home. 
Curt devolves into a mess of swearing, punctuated with a passionate “Fffffucking VA!”
“I woke up and he wasn’t next to me. I thought maybe he had gotten out somehow, past the alarms. I’d already gotten my gun out of the house Curt I didn’t think-”
There's muffled voices on the other line, Curt talking to someone else, “- No I’m sick can’t you see? Gotta go Sean sorry. Fuck the client pardon my fucking french I gotta family emergency.” A car door slams, the sound of keys in an ignition. “You didn’t know Buck. It’s not your fault you did exactly what ya should’ve.”
“He had the gun to his chin,” Gale says numbly. 
Is there anyone to tell him how to get that single heart-stopping image out from behind his eyelids? He saw it every time he closed his eyes. 
“Fuck, Gale.” Curt exhales. “He’s okay?” so vulnerable, so sad, needing to double check just in case. 
“He’s in fucking psych ward. I can’t even call him.” 
“Yeah dumb question.” A pause where Gale just tries to breathe, looks up at that hole in the wall. It could be a woodpecker's hole on any tree outside. It was in his home and smelled faintly of gunpowder and terror. “I’m looking up plane tickets right now.” 
“Y’don’t have t-”
“G’fuck yourself, I’m coming.” 
Gale has no strength to argue, he’s got nothing left, really. 
“I almost lost him, Curt.”
“But you didn’t.” Curt still sounds stressed and Gale feels a twinge of guilt for ruining the guy's day just because he wasn’t able to help his own partner. “You did everything right. And you’re going to go to bed, then you’re going to wake up and I’mma be there. And we’ll deal with things together.”
“Together,” he echoes. 
“Get some sleep Buck. I’ll send you a text when my flight lands.” Curt orders before hanging up.
The thought of going into the bedroom; to the bed he shared with John. To have to see that fucking gun again. 
Nobody tells him how to handle that.
Gale falls asleep on the couch instead. 
When he awakes it’s night again and he feels such a violent sense of deja-vu that he has to do a walk-through of the whole house just to make sure that saving John hadn’t actually been a dream. That his body wasn’t lying somewhere with horrifying finality. 
Nobody tells you that maybe your husband's trauma-based decisions might cause a little trauma themselves.
Even though he knows there will be nothing - John's phone kept safely in a plastic bag along with the rest of his personal effects- Gale checks their messages first. Scans them for any sign, any slip that he may have missed that told him what Bucky was planning. ‘Love You’s’ and ‘Be Home Soons’ and ‘Get There Safes’. Bucky had been struggling, but he hadn’t seemed quite that bad yet.
Or maybe Gale just hadn’t wanted to see it. 
There’s a text from Curt showing his seven hour direct flight was only a half hour from landing. 
Exhaustion still claws at Gale as he shuffles out to the truck, clothes rumbled and sweaty from sleep, from stress; from wrestling a fucking firearm from a man determined to end his life and Gale’s in the same action. The truck is too silent. John usually sat to his right, hand on his thigh or the back of his neck; always touching Gale in a way the blonde allowed no other man to do.
He has to pull over to stop himself from hyperventilating.
When he pulls into the pick-up zone at the Airport it’s nearly deserted aside from a short familiar man in a windbreaker and military boots. 
Curt takes one look at his pale face and walks around the nose of the car to the driver's side.
“Budge over.” He says, opening the door and waving an impatient hand at Gale. 
Gale didn’t think he could, felt like his hands were glued to the smooth leather of the wheel. Just twenty-four hours ago he’d driven Bucky to the hospital in this car. He wondered at how quickly he’d gone from seeing the next steps so clearly in front of him to having to remember how to even speak. He was a puppet, his strings cut the moment John had entered the doors of the hospital. Through security guard checkpoints and metal detectors and locked doors. It was like being back in the desert with that level of protective diligence; or perhaps a prison
That can’t be very good for Bucky.
Nobody told him it might have been a good idea to inform the hospital why sometimes the glint of metal in the light made John do a double take.
When Gale still hasn’t moved, Curt lets out a tender sigh and unclips Gale’s seatbelt for him like the other man is a child.
“Come on Cleven, scoot on down the line.” He says gently, gives him a light push.
This is enough for him to move his wooden limbs, shuffle awkwardly over the center console and collapse gracelessly into the passenger seat. Curt hauls himself into the truck with an awkward grunt. He takes a second to maneuver his leg, move the seat upwards and the wheel down, and adjust the mirrors.
Gale sits there, opening and closing his hands. John had sat here last. Cried here not because he was alive and safe like Gale had cried; but for the opposite. 
Nobody told him how to sit in a puddle of his husband’s shed grief. 
“Here,” Curt tosses his phone into Gales lap. “Text Kenny for me will ya? Tell him I got y- got  here safe” 
“Does he know?” 
Curt pulls out of the airport, opens a window and leans his arm out as if he could air out the stuffy melancholy of the truck. “He asked where I was going. I didn’t-”
“John’s gonna hate it.” Gale mumbles “He won’t want anyone to know.” 
“Yeah, well, if he didn’t want people to know, maybe he shoulda woken you up. Shoulda called m-” Curt cuts himself off, presses sturdy boxer’s fingers to his mouth. “Fucking VA.” he curses again.
“Fucking VA.” Gale agrees. And it feels a little good. 
When they arrive back at the house It’s Curt that leads them inside. Curt, who picks up the gun, carefully disassembles it and puts it safely in the lock-box to be gotten rid of later. Curt who makes them a simple dinner of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
They stand at the counter, eating silently. Gale feels wired and too awake, his sleep schedule beyond to fucked. 
He’d have to call out of work tomorrow. Maybe take a short leave. How could he even pretend to be okay for the kids?
“This is- In here right?” Curt’s eyes are jumping around the dark room, searching searching. 
Nobody tells you the shame that curls in one's belly when you have to show your best friend the bullet hole that nearly ruined all their lives. 
Curt puts his hands on his hips, bread crumbs stuck to the corner of his mouth and brow furrowed. Neither of them say much for a long time. Curt surveying and Gale staring a little blankly and replaying the sound of the gunshot over and over in his head.
“Well,” Curt finally drawls, “That’s an easy fix. You got any spackle?” he turns and smiles at Gale, crooked and reassuring, 
Gale thinks he’d like to tell someone about this part. The part where people show up for you.
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diamondsandplumbobs · 2 years
🪙 Coin Flip Legacy Challenge
There are two sides to every coin and two paths your sims can take in this new spin on the ten generation legacy challenge. Each generation your sim will be given a basic background and personality along with a set of requirements like usual, but that’s only half the story. You will have to choose either heads or tails in order to decide your sims future, each side with its own pros and cons, effecting not only the required tasks but your sim’s story as well.
Will your sim become a mad scientist or a tomb raiding adventurer? Will they explore their love of nature through gardening, or help animals in need as a vet? Will they become a werewolf, or a vampire? You decide! Or... leave it up to fate, and flip a coin.
General Rules:
No, you do not actually have to flip a coin. I wanted to create a flexible, customizable playing experience, so feel free to choose whichever side you want to play or works best for your story. Though you can certainly flip a coin if you want to.
The challenge is designed so that your heir sims can stay neutral through their baby - teen life stages. You can decide which side they end up pursuing as they grow. However, the deadline to choose a side is when your heir ages up into a young adult.
The only exception to the above rule is the founder, you do not necessarily have to choose which side to pursue immediately, but I’d recommend officially choosing their route by the time they’re at most halfway through their young adult hood.
Each generation must complete their specified career and aspiration.
If the career branch is not specified, you can choose whichever branch you’d like.
Some generations only have 1 required base trait, so if you haven’t decided on a path before your sim becomes a teen, feel free to choose any trait you want and then change it to the required trait once they become a young adult and you’ve chosen your desired path.
Bonus Challenges are optional. Their just fun extra things I thought of to make things more challenging, but they’re not required.
If you decide to play this challenge and share your game play, please feel free to @ me and use the #coinfliplegacy. I’d love to see what you guys create 😊
Gen 1 - Family First
You always loved making things with your hands. You have always forged your own path in life, and that is exactly what you intend to do now. You moved away from home to start a new life that you plan to build up from scratch, literally. Just as you forge bonds with new friends and neighbors, you build the foundation of your legacy. You're a crafter, and you sell your creations to survive, but just what is it that you craft, exactly?
Base Traits: Self-Assured, Family Oriented
Base Requirements:
Start on an empty lot with 0 simoleons
Master Handiness
Meet someone and have at least two kids with them
Craft each piece of furniture and carving on the woodworking table and use it in your home
Bonus Challenges:
Have the “Gremlins” lot challenge on
Fully upgrade every appliance in the house
Furniture! Appliances! Tools! You love getting your hands dirty and are willing to fabricate anything you or your family might need from scratch. You are strong and independent, so when your relationship with your partner takes a turn for the worse you aren't afraid to break things off and become a single parent. Nothing will stop you from living your own way. It’s probably for the best.
Unique Trait: Maker
Aspiration: Master Maker
Career: Freelance Crafter 
Master the fabrication skill
Use every piece of craftable furniture on the fabricating machine, in your home at least once (color variants not included).
Break up with/divorce your partner and become a single parent
Find love with someone who you truly connect with
Later reconcile with your former partner and become good friends
Clothes! Plushies! Decorations! You love putting your own personal flare on things by decorating your home and adorning your loved ones in hand made goods. You are determined and loyal, so when your relationship with your partner takes a turn for the worse you are willing to try and make it work, even if that means you have to make a compromise. You are certain it’s the best thing for your children, even if it’s not the best thing for you.
Unique Trait: Perfectionist
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits
Career: Self Employed (sell your creations any way you like: through plopsy, on vending tables, or just selling them in your inventory)
Master the knitting and cross stitching skills
Make every type of knitted item (color variants not included)
Make every type of knitted item and use them to decorate your home (size and color variants not included). Have at least one cross-stitch of each size displayed in your home.
Stay with and marry your partner despite your issues, eventually resulting in a loveless (but functional) marriage
Have a secret affair with someone you truly love
Gen 2 - Find Yourself
You were always an energetic kid. You loved going outside and being active. It’s no surprise that you end up getting into fitness. You want to see what the big wide world has to offer, which means you have always been a bit indecisive when it comes to love. I mean, there are so many fish in the sea! Anyways, you want to focus on yourself, follow your dreams, and become the best you can be. The question is: what does that mean to you?
Base Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Active
Base Requirements:
Master the fitness skill
Bonus Challenge:
Complete the Rambunctious Scamp Aspiration as a child
It means finding inner peace. You want to cultivate and maintain a mind-body connection, as well as a connection to the natural world around you. Granite Falls is your favorite place to do so. As for your love life, we’ll, you certainly have options, it’s just a matter of choosing one. You want to make sure you find the person who is truly right for you, and that means getting to know yourself first.
Unique Trait: Vegetarian
Aspiration: Inner Peace
Career: Athlete (Bodybuilder Branch)
Master the wellness and herbalism skills
Travel to Granite Falls at least once a week
Have three love interests at once
After completing your aspiration, choose your partner and start a family with them, having at least two kids
Have a strained relationship with one of your children (the heir)
It means being the best athlete to ever hit the slopes. You chase the thrill of pulling off daring stunts and competing in intense competitions, and what better place to do it than Mt. Komorebi? You end up having quite a few partners in your lifetime, each with a different outcome and lesson to take away, but in the end you realize you're not interested in settling down. You’ll always be chasing that thrill.
Unique Trait: Adventurous
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Athlete (Professional Athlete Branch)
Master the rock climbing and the skiing OR snowboarding skill
Live in Mt. Komorebi
Have at least five partners over your lifetime (never two at the same time), but end up with none of them
End up being best friends with one, become enemies with another, and accidentally have a baby with a different partner from the other two
Have a strained relationship with your child
Bonus Challenge:
Successfully climb to the top of Mt. Komorebi
Gen 3 - Just Be You
Unlike your parent, your totally uninterested in being active. This causes a rift in your relationship. You’d rather be on your computer than be outside. However, you have an eccentric personality that people are drawn to, and you are incredibly talented in your own right. Unfortunately, your parent doesn’t seem to see that. They think you should focus on “more practical pursuits,” but you intend to utilize your talent to show them how wrong they really are. What is that talent?
Base Traits: Geek, goofball
Base Requirements:
Master the comedy skill
Making online content! People love your posts, videos, and live streams, and you realize you can make a lot of money doing it. You find your own success as a social media personality, despite your parent’s reservations regarding your career path.
Unique Trait: Outgoing
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality Branch)
Master the gaming and mischief skills
Have a distant relationship with your parents (maintain the “acquaintances” relationship status). Siblings are unaffected by this rule.
Have two roommates who end up becoming life long friends
Find love with a fellow Internet personality and start a family
Hacking! You love making money and spreading mischief with your abilities, and you make a name for yourself in the criminal underworld as one of the most infamous hackers. Your family cuts all ties with you as a result, but you don’t need them anymore anyway.
Unique Trait: Genius
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Criminal (Oracle Branch)
Master the programming and mischief skill
Have a bad relationship with your parents and siblings (maintain the “despised” relationship status or worse)
Form your own found family of criminals
Find love with a fellow criminal, and start a family
Gen 4 - Knowledge is Power
Your parent encouraged you from a young age to find your passion and pursue it, no matter what it was. You find your passion is knowledge, and so you embrace your education to its fullest. Your parent supports you every step of the way, even going as far as to completely cover your university expenses. What do you decide to study?
Base Trait: Genius
Base Requirements:
Master the logic skill
Physics! You are obsessed with the laws of aerodynamics, more specifically, how to break them, which leads you to pursue a career in engineering. By day, you pioneer new and innovative forms of technology, but by night you follow your true passion by making your own homemade rocket ship! It may be “unregulated” and “illegal” but they’ll eat their words when you're the first sim to set foot on undiscovered alien planets! You don’t have time for love, but you are determined to have a child of your own.
Traits: Geek, Self Assured
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Engineering
Master the robotics and rocket science skills
Go to Foxbury, and get a distinguished degree in physics.
Visit Sixam on your homemade rocket (must be after graduating)
Have a child/children by unconventional means: either adopt, use mods or cheat to do IVF, find a surrogate, or have an alien pregnancy
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Whiz Kid aspiration as a child.
Have 3 children through alien abduction, IVF/Surrogacy, and adoption respectively
Complete the Aliens collection
Psychology! You are fascinated by human nature, which leads you to pursue a career in anthropology. By day, you will be a professor, teaching students about ancient Salvadoradan culture, but by night you will go on daring adventures in the Selvadoradan jungle, exploring tombs and excavating artifacts. All so you can teach your students about them when you return home. Who said being a professor wasn’t cool? You meet someone and have a child with them, but you soon learn that they can’t handle your lifestyle, so you become a single parent when your child is young. It doesn’t get you down, though! It’s nothing you can’t handle!
Traits: Bookworm, Adventurous Aspiration: Archeological Scholar
Career: Education (Professor Branch)
Master the Research & Debate and Archeology skills
Go to Britechester, and get a distinguished degree in psychology
Explore a temple at least once a week after graduating
Meet someone in university and have a child/children with them
Have them leave before your kid ages up into a child.
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Whiz Kid aspiration as a child
Complete the Omiscan Artifacts Collection
Gen 5 - Love Comes Naturally
Your primary parent is always busy chasing their passions, and your secondary parent is either non-existent or completely absent from your life. As a result, you ended up forming a strong connection with nature from a young age. You spend most of your childhood outside fishing and taking in the world around you. You want to spend your life embracing the natural world, but there are many facets of nature, so you need to choose what you love most about it, what is it exactly?
Base Trait: Loves the Outdoors
Base Requirements:
Master the fishing skill
The plants! Because who needs people? You yearn to spend your days peacefully alone in the wild, nurturing your very own garden, cultivating beautiful flowers and growing your own herbs, fruits, and vegetables. What more could you ask for? You always thought you’d spend your life alone, but you meet a special someone who changes all that.
Traits: Loner, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Gardener
Master gardening and flower arranging skills
Have the Simple Living lot trait
Socialize with other sims as little as possible
Eventually find love with someone who is able to earn their way into your heart
Have a child/children with that person.
Bonus Challenges:
Join scouts as a kid, and try to collect all the badges
Collect all fish
Collect all the magic beans to obtain the forbidden fruit and become a plant sim (you can stay a plant sim for as long as you like after that)
 Complete the Plant collection
The animals! You yearn to spend your life caring for animals by running your own vet clinic and looking after your own pets. After all, there are a lot of animals in need. It’s the least you could do. You don’t have a lot of time to yourself, but your naturally nurturing nature makes you yearn for a family. Unfortunately most can’t handle all the animals you keep… until one day you meet that special someone who shares your passion.
Unique Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Dog Lover OR Cat Lover
Career: Veterinarian
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Master: veterinarian, animal training
Run your own vet clinic and get it to a five star rating
Always have at least 2 dogs or cats (depending on the trait you chose)
Have at least two failed attempts at a relationship, then meet the love of your life
Have a child/children with them
Bonus Challenges:
Join scouts as a kid, and try to collect all the badges
Collect all fish
Live in Henford on Bagley and befriend at least one of each farm and wild animal
Also complete the Animal Caretaker aspiration after completing Friend of the Animals
Gen 6 - Define Your Sound
For as long as you can remember you’ve always loved music, and as you get older you realize you want to make it yourself someday. You love the adrenaline and the attention that comes with performing on stage, and dream of doing it for a living. Question is: what kind of music will you be performing? For what audience? And what sort of image do you want to maintain?
Base Trait: Music Lover
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Base Requirements:
Master the singing skill
Join the Entertainer Career (Musician Branch)
You choose classical music. You’ve always had a love for the great composers: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach. You excel at the piano and violin. You hold prestigious concerts that the rich and the elite pay hundreds to see. In turn, you feel the need to become elite yourself. You become obsessed with cultivating your image, an expectation you place on your family as well.
Traits: Snob, proper
Master the piano and violin skills
Maintain a perfect, classy appearance
Marry the “perfect,” upper class spouse
Have at least 2 kids
Hold your children to high standards, resulting in a negative relationship with any child who isn’t the heir.
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Creatively Gifted aspiration as a child
Max the pipe organ skill
You choose house music. You’ve always loved a catchy beat that makes you want to get up and dance. You quickly pick up the guitar, but more importantly: the DJing skill. You want to make music that everyone can enjoy, especially those who just want to have a good time at the club. You pride yourself on being your authentic self, even if that means living under your means. You want to make sure your family is never negatively affected by any sort of fame or reputation you receive.
Trait: Dance Machine, Insider
Master the guitar and DJing skills
Maintain a decidedly “un-classy” appearance.
Marry your true love, regardless of their personal image
Have at least 2 kids
Protect your kids from the limelight, and give them an ordinary childhood, resulting in a positive relationship with all of them.
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Creatively Gifted aspiration as a child
Max the media production skill
Get signed onto a music label
Gen 7 - Find Your Flavor
You were so excited when you got old enough to finally help your parents in the kitchen, and as you grew you never got tired of it. Experimenting with ingredients and seeing how they affected the flavor was always something you found fun and exciting. You look up to your musically talented parent and you desperately want to impress them with your culinary prowess. This is what led you to realize you wanted to utilize your culinary skill for a living, the question is how?
Base Traits: Foodie, Ambitious, Self Assured
Base Requirements:
Master the cooking skill
By becoming a chef, of course! You might hate the high stress environment of a restaurant kitchen and the late hours, but it all feels worth it when you see people enjoying the food you made. One day, you’ll become head chef and create an environment where people can come together and enjoy your culinary vision. However, your hard work comes at the expense of your relationship with your family. Can you rekindle your relationship once you’ve made it to the top?
Career: Culinary (Chef Branch)
Aspiration: Culinary Connoisseur
Master the gourmet cooking and baking skills
Eventually run a bakery or restaurant
Marry someone, have a child/children together, but later divorce due to working all the time
You start a relationship with someone new, but it doesn’t work out
After opening your restaurant/bakery, you rekindle your relationship with your ex, but you never remarry.
Bonus Challenges:
Develop the workaholic trait
Run a Bakery AND Restaurant
Create ambrosia
By becoming a mixologist! It’s unconventional, yes, but you love the energetic atmosphere of nightclubs, and the intimate social atmosphere of bars. Plus, you were always a bit of a night owl anyway. Most importantly though, you love providing your patrons with the comfort of a good drink. You find love with said patron, but you soon realize you found each other at the right place in the wrong time. Ironically, the choice to break up was exactly what allowed your relationship to work out in the end.
Career: Culinary (Mixologist Branch)
Aspiration: Master Mixologist
Master the mixology and juice fizzing skills
Eventually run your own juicery (A retail lot that sells the juice you make)
Fall in love with a customer at a nightclub, have a steady relationship before breaking up due to not wanting to commit at the moment
Have a child with another sim as a result of a one night stand
After opening your juicery, you end up reconnecting with the sim you initially fell in love with and get married
Bonus Challenges:
Create every type of juice
Create the Snaggle Fluster Drink (A drink that can be unlocked by a chance card you can receive at level 9 of the mixologist career)
Gen 8 - The Price of Fame
You’ve always been the creative type. Someone who yearns to express themselves through their art. You want an audience, a following, and a big one. It is not enough to be a niche creator. You want to be famous. You want the whole world to know who you are and what you can do. The question is: What can you do?
Base Traits: Creative, Self Absorbed, Art Lover
Base requirements:
Master the media production skill
Become a five star celebrity
You can create! With an eye for composition, you're incredibly talented at painting and photography. You dream of having your works displayed in galleries all over the world, and hope that one day art history books will have an entire chapter dedicated to you and your artistic genius. If achieving that means exploiting your loved ones for fame and profit, then so be it. You look like a kind, caring, family oriented sim on the outside, so what’s on the inside doesn’t matter.
Career: Artist
Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
Master the painting and photography skills
Marry a celebrity who is one star above you when you first meet
Exploit your family for viral attention, leading to you having a distant relationship with your child/children
While your relationship with your spouse is great, your children come to resent you. Your home life may be messy on the inside, but it looks perfect on the outside.
Have a pristine reputation
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Social Butterfly aspiration as a child
Open an art gallery OR have a museum dedicated to your work
You can perform! Born with a natural sense of rhythm and a talent for acting, you were cast as the lead for every musical your high school put on. You dream of being Plumbob Pictures’ next big star. You want a role in every big film, and to be nominated best actor for each one. All you ever wanted was to focus solely on your career and your craft, but when you suddenly find yourself married with a child, you are sorely unprepared for the pressure and responsibility. This causes you to act out, and soon you become just as famous as you are infamous for your awful behavior.
Career: Acting
Aspiration: Master Actor
Master the acting and dancing skills
Mary a co-worker, whether it be another actor, a director, or hair/costume designer
Have an accidental pregnancy that you don’t want, and have a distant relationship with your child as a result
Become distant from your spouse as well, leading to you having an affair. Eventually, this affair is revealed to the public, and your partner.
Have the worst possible reputation
Bonus Challenges:
Complete the Social Butterfly aspiration as a child
Get to level 3 of Drama Club before becoming a young adult
Gen 9 - Taking Control
Growing up in your parent’s spotlight made you weary of all the attention. You choose to live a life of secrecy while studying your favorite subject: the paranormal. As you research, you realize your fantasies may be a reality, turning your fascination into an obsession. You leave your normal life behind to follow a lead on your research… Where does it take you?
Base Traits: Loner
Base Requirements:
Master the medium and vampire lore skills
It takes you to Forgotten Hollow, where you discover a community of vampires living in secret. Enticed by the promise of eternal life, you become one yourself and join their ranks. While at first they call you weak for maintaining a human sense of morality, you prove them wrong by becoming stronger than all of them. You vow to overthrow Vlad and create a newer, kinder society of vampires. One where you can live in peace with your partner.
Traits: Good, Gloomy
Aspiration: Grand Master Vampire
Career: Secret Agent (Diamond Path)
Become a Vampire
Develop the Guilty Drinker trait
Meet and fall in love with either a spellcaster, werewolf, or human (non of which can be turned into vampires)
Become a grand master vampire
Make the vampire cure, defeat Vlad in a duel, and then use the “Slay Vampire” interaction to strip him of his power and usurp him as leader
Bonus Challenges:
Live in a haunted house
Never drink from a human sim, and survive solely on plasma fruit/plasma packs
Master the pipe organ skill
It takes you to Moonwood Mill, where you are attacked by a werewolf, and as a result become one yourself. Your new bestial instinct makes you bitter and spiteful. You resent the human world you came from and how you were treated growing up. As a result you join the Wild Fangs, but that’s not enough. You decide that you will become the new leader of the pack, and lead your people into a radical and violent new era. You will wage war on the Moonwood Collective, as well as vampires, spellcasters, and humans alike.
Traits: Evil, Hot Headed
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade 
Career: Secret Agent (Villain Path)
Become a Werewolf
Join the Wildfangs
Completely cut ties with your old human family and friends
Become enemies with every vampire and spellcaster you meet
Fall in love with a werewolf within your pack
Become the leader of the pack, and defeat the Moonwood Collective’s leader in battle
Bonus Challenges:
Live in a haunted house
Be responsible for the death of the leader of the Moonwood Collective, Vlad, and at least 1 out of the three sages.
Complete the Lone Wolf branch of the aspiration after completing the Wildfangs branch
Gen 10 – Domestic Bliss
You hated being so different from all the other kids growing up. Your parent lived a life pursuing supernatural and political power, but all you want to do is settle down and live a peaceful, domestic life raising a family. You give up your supernatural nature and start a new, normal life with your partner. The question is: what kind of parent will you be?
Base Traits: Family Oriented
Base Requirements:
Master the parenting and writing skills
Your the fun parent! You love to take your kids on fun trips out of the house. Do they have homework to do? Yes, but you're only a child once, and you want to make sure they enjoy it. You might not be setting the best example for your kids, but you are their best friend, and that means the world to you.
Traits: Bro, Childish
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Writing Career (Author Branch)
Have at least 3 kids
Be Best Friends with all of your kids (if you don’t have a mod that allow you to have multiple best friends, just make sure the bar is entirely green with all of them)
Go on a fun outing with your kids at least once every three days
Write a children's book and read it to your children
Bonus Requirements:
Max the Bowling skill from taking your family out bowling so often
Max the invisible skating skill while out with your family
You are the strict parent! Your kids might hate doing homework and studying now, but they will thank you for it later. You love your child/children with all your heart, but you want to be sure that they’re prepared for life in the real world. You know you won’t be around to provide for them forever, and you want them to be ready when that day comes, even if that means being the bad guy sometimes.
Traits: Perfectionist, Neat
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Freelance Writer
Have at most 2 children
Write a novel based on your child’s favorite genera and have them read it
Max all your child’s toddler skills so they get the Top Notch Toddler trait
Raise your child/children to have:
An A in school
A completed child aspiration
At least 3 character values maxed
Bonus Challenges:
Have your child join scouts and collect all badges
Complete all school projects your child receives
Have your child do extra credit at every opportunity
Have your child/all of your children go to university with a distinguished degree
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cardiomyapathy · 6 months
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Hey, it's LANE and this is my really funny dog Milo. I make stickers of him to help fund his vet bills. You can find them HERE
TLDR; I got him from an abusive household in October. He's 8 so I was going into it knowing he'd have health issues down the line, but I didn't think they'd kick in RIGHT AWAY. He was basically fine his whole life, then showed up at my house and basically told me in plain English that his liver is doing very poorly. Currently figuring out what's wrong with him, how serious it is, etc, but mannnn, I've only had him for a few months and love the guy to pieces.
it would mean the world to me if you checked out the site or reblog this post! maybe drop some coin for some stickers. all funds will go towards his vet bills! thanks and be well!
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mopopshop · 4 months
your last post made me realize that a lot of unhinged uconn stans act the same entitled way people scream about CC fans acting. they get upset nika doesn’t get much playing time as a 14th draft pick, and say she’s being iced out for her team not helping her up on the first game. they also treat vets with disrespect. two sides of the same coin.
yeah and i’ve already talked about nika not getting playing time but i don’t really know what’s going on with the teammates icing her out or anything, i’m not gonna assume bcs none of us know them personally so we have no idea what’s really happening
but i will say a lot of these new uconn stan’s haven’t watched a single wnba game and have a lot of opinions on a league they know nothing about and that high key gets on my nerves 😭
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 months
🌌a warm celestial welcome! REQUESTS: OPEN!🌌
hello wonderful friends! I am Reign, they/them, I'm a xenogender + genderqueer aroace sapphic bi lesbian! this is my main mogai blog where I coin genders, orientations, and do combo flags! below you can find: what I will take requests for, my tagging system, my boundaries, and ways you can help Palestine and Sudan!
🌌what I do-
Xenogenders/gender identities
orientation terms
Combo flags (no more than 5 flags)
allions, otherspirit terms, and alderns
🌌tagging system-
🌌a star is born ; coining🌌 ← for both my terms and my flags
🌌written in the stars ; asks🌌
🌌wish upon a star ; reigns requests🌌
🌌when the stars align ; reigns rambles🌌
i know I cannot stop people from interacting. that being said, fuck Zionists, queer exclusionists of any kind, TERFs, radqueers, ableists, and racists.
I hate all cops (especially ur cop dad <3). abolish police, prisons, and landlords. Land Back. fuck white saviorism- hands off Congo and all of Africa, free Sudan, Tigray, and Palestine, and last but not least, FUCK ISRAEL AND THE UAE!
PALESTINE: Consistently updated master list of vetted Palestinian fundraisers
SUDAN: Donate to- Sudanese-American Physicians Association, Khartoum Aid Kitchen, Darfur Womens Action Group , x
SUDAN: On Instagram, follow @/red_maat , @/bsonblast , @/for Sudanese liberation , @/Sudan.updates , @/Sudansolidaritycollective , @/yousraelbagir , @/modathirzainalabdeen , @/forsudaneseliberation , @/nasalsudan , @/zzeirra , @/sudanuntold , and @/kandakamagazine to stay up to date on how to get involved
CONGO: Donate to- Focus Congo, Congo Friends
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doelike · 1 year
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꒰⠀⠀♡⠀🐈️⠀ ﹕ ⠀ CATKID.
coined + designed by the doelike. requested by @theadhdace.
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catkid - in relation to swankid, doekid & bunnykid, a alter role relating to syskids/young alters who hold/carry trauma specifically related to medical and health. this can be from any kind of trauma.
coined in part to help describe why a catkid may struggle to or front more often during medical related instances , and the complex relationship with personal health that come from having this experience.
the cat is meant to offer a pleasant imagery in contrast to what the child holds, as well as a vague reference to the experience of taking a pet to the vet, and to make the experience of holding this trauma less intimidating.
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Got here tru the one Vaporeon post and I'm quite curious about how good you'd think a Pokemon like gholdengo would be as a pet.
While it was stated that they may steal the life force off of everyone trying to steal their stuff, it's also stated via both the Dex and their personality in-game that they're pretty quick to make friends and good companions overall.
What ranking would you give em'? [Thanks in advance]
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Gholdengos are certainly an interesting case. Unlike many ghost-type Pokémon I’ve covered on this blog, this rare Pokémon seems to make a pretty good pet!
At three feet tall, they’re definitely on the taller size when it comes to house pets, but certainly not anything unmanageable. Their bodies are each made up of 1,000 gimmighoul coins, but it is said to be sturdy (Violet). Since they have been observed using the coins that make up their body to attack enemies (Violet), it seems that they can either regather or seek out new coins to rebuild their bodies with ease.
As you point out, gholdengos are known to be super friendly to humans and other Pokémon alike, making friends easily (Scarlet). They get along well with anyone, so they have a low chance of aggression, so long as you don’t try to steal their coins without permission! Be wary: your pet may become the target of thieves at the pet store, Pokémon park, etc. who try to snag a couple of their coins. If pushed, gholdengos can defend themselves, though their move set isn’t very threatening. Moves like Night Shade and Confuse Ray can terrify and confuse targets, while moves like Shadow Ball deal decent, but by no means deadly, damage. Some of gholdengos’ moves are even beneficial money-savers! Recover allows you to dodge vet bills by allowing them to heal themselves. Their signature move, Make It Rain, involves pelting enemies with coins. They don’t seem to mind if you pick up the coins they expell this way, making them a… somewhat infinite money source so long as they are able to seek out more gimmeghoul coins?
Overall, gholdengos are great candidates for pets. They get along with pretty much anybody, and aren’t exceptionally dangerous. They can also help you raise money, which is an unusual plus.
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windywallflower · 5 months
ALRIGHT FOLKS. 4 DAYS LEFT (3 DAYS starting early tomorrow.) To help get us to 10k.
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JUST LOOK at these fancy golden beauties. They could be YOURS (and MORE) if you could peep my project & snag them for yourself~!
I've got a bunch of killer rewards I'd LOVE to unlock for the pre-order store after!!
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A pin?? A Patch?? A Keychain?? A pin with an interchangeable centre?? I'm wheezing with anticipation over here.
If we get to 10k I'll even unlock the last of the individual stickers for you all to choose from!
HECK if we get to 10k before the end of the campaign on THURSDAY-- I'll put my pin banner & maybe a bonus goodie up on the pre-order store~
This is my real last-ditch here! If you like what you see, whatever spare coin you got will be put to good use (paying vet bills & making cool shit).
Thanks everyone~!! Lets kick some ass in these last few moments, yeah???
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