#what is even going on in juju blah blah
hxhhasmysoul · 2 years
the chainsaw man people are starting to really make me irritated. no i’m not going to reblog your jjk 212 fanart when you write under it that megumi just got treated like aki. sorry to break it to you but megumi’s fate was first hinted in may 2018, half a year before the first chapter of csm was published. i don’t care fujimoto got there first. what’s going on in juju rn isn’t some riding the coattails of csm. it’s very clearly been the plan all along.
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thezfc · 8 months
I don’t pay much attention to 🐍 and I have her name blocked on sm apps where I can do it, but it doesn’t appear to work well on my Facebook newsfeed. I label anything she’s mentioned in as irrelevant to maintain my feed, but her stupid face keeps showing up.
Anyway! I bring this up bc I noticed something in the last week or so in the tone of the headlines. And I’m 99% sure she’s still following her Relationship Script pretty closely. It’s all lovey-dovey for a couple months right? Then there’s ring talk and how they’re “oh-so-in-love” and he’s so good for her and blah blah blah. Then real discreetly the headlines start getting vague and hinting that they’re “entering a new phase” and “seeing how it goes.”
Isn’t it weird how it goes from super serious romance to just having fun and whatnot in a matter of weeks? Kinda feels like they’re already setting up the narrative for a breakup. I even think there was a headline questioning what Travis was going to do with himself while she was overseas on tour. 🙄
Anyway. This is already too long. I was just wondering if anyone else had spotted the similarities to past “relationships.”
Yeah I saw that too, they push the ring talk and then some “insider” says they don’t see it lasting. What everyone, even if you’re not an American football fan, must send all the best thoughts and juju to the Buffalo Bills on Sunday because if the Chiefs lose we’re not gonna see her fucking face as much and I’m sure they will promptly find “they don’t have anything in common” and it’ll be over. 
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gimletagain · 2 years
the mystery! 
Here’s what I think happened. *Complete conjecture up ahead.*
Whether they did or didn’t travel with the kids is besides the point - they were used as leverage and no RF member met with them.  They did not expect to leave early and did so, completely furious. They did that to hurt the family the only way they can.
They started their bid to get the Lili Squared photo in the late fall of last year. Their bids to get christening, etc fell on deaf ears - always met with the response of “we would of course love to meet her privately, any time.” Calling their bluff. Hence the tantrums over security because they had no excuse to not go home, asides from their desire to get only PR out of the visit. 
As jubilee time came, they amplified their requests and even maybe made a “press kit” of it - pitching that it would be a historic event with the queen to be united with her great granddaughter and namesake, the child of a biracial woman. How it would be so great for the RF that they’d be publicly cleansed of their sins of being racist abusive family members to celebrate her first birthday and the Jubilee. Etc. Yes, they are that delusional that they think the RF deeply needs them for PR help and that they’d bite. 
Of course, the RF held firm: they are of course welcome and can partake in Jubilee, with the same treatment as non working royals, as protocol dictates. The jubilee diaries are firm and there is no way to accommodate them in particular with other events like a birthday or christening. They can attend all of the lunches and concerts and events they all find so boring in the nosebleed seats.  (I believe they were at least invited to the concert if not others. It was a huge event.) They would love to meet with the kids privately the week after festivities, away from the press.
Harkles are backed into a corner and go anyway despite not getting what they want, because even some publicity is better than none. They likely agreed to have the kids meet with the RF sometime this upcoming week, privately. They were prepared to stay longer - at least a week-  and attend the concert - they had their makeup, hair, and merching outfits for everything planned. Here’s where the scenarios might differ depending on whether they brought the kids or not. 
No kids: After not getting their way, they decide to throw a last minute dagger at the family and show up without the kids despite plans being made to meet them privately this week. When the family gets wind of this they are, as expected, pissed but not surprised and they explicitly close ranks on them forever after the church service. The Harkles show face and leave. (The absolutely toxic juju emanating from church that AM and them mysteriously vanishing immediately is why I favor this theory. I would bet money on if it weren’t for the fact that her hair dude commented on IG about seeing them in London and how cute they were blah blah blah so I can’t reconcile that, unless she literally straight up told him to write that and he did. Which is possible. Plus, it’s just cruel to bring kids on such a long and disruptive journey for such a short period.)
With kids:  They brought those poor, jet lagged kids along and tried to squeeze into the schedules any way they can: asking again and again to meet (“we can come by right now!”) or straight up guilting everyone by saying that they were going to do a birthday party for Lili. This explains all the frantic stories in the press about the party, the meeting, etc. MM loves, loves, loves to use the press to announce her wishlist. When everyone held firm to their original diaries, and it became clear that there was no official Lili Squared jubilee event they could manifest, they threw a fit and left with their kids ASAP. Again, disrupting any potential plans of meeting later this week. 
Either way, the main points are:
They never had a formal family reunion with the kids. The Queen has never met Lili, sadly, and likely never will. 
They did this purposefully, to punish them for the lack of “special treatment” and unwillingness to play their press games. 
They did not think that their absence would be glossed over, and the festivities would generate so much goodwill globally. They likely believed that the concert would be a variety show type of deal, and not an internationally streamed A-list mega event with well wishes from the Obamas and a Bond-level, tear jerking Paddington skit.
They likely f’ed with the business expectations of this trip too, and I don’t mean Netflix. There is no way Dior expected her to only show one outfit. They likely worked overtime to tailor 15 things for her, which she is now keeping, while leaving all their emails on read.
The chaos of it all. What do you guys think?
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technicolorthoughts · 3 years
October 15, 2021.
Today is my mother's 60th birthday. Normally, I put good juju out in to the universe by making a post somewhere that says "I hope you're happy, happy birthday, blah blah." I try to be the bigger person because I know that I remember hers, even though I'm sure she doesn't remember mine. But today, I really don't want to be the bigger person. I talked a lot about her on Wednesday with Phillip's mom and a good family friend, and (like always) they couldn't understand how it's been 13 and a half years, and I only know where she is and what she does from Google sleuthing. "How can a mother not speak to her children? How can a mother not seem to care about her children? How can she hold her head up high and know that she's an awful human?"
It's because she doesn't care. She never did. I know she never truly wanted children. She only had them because my dad wanted them so damn bad. We're only here because she "let" him have us when she went to the sperm bank to get pregnant. (There's a long backstory there) I'm sick of pretending that I'm okay with the fact that she just decided she didn't want to play the role of mother anymore. I'm not okay with it. I'm still so pissed about it that there are days I just want to find her number, call her up, and tell her she's a piece of shit human for everything that she did to me as a child and a teenager. She's a piece of shit human for making me feel worthless and stupid and unlovable. She's a piece of shit human for not caring enough to stick around long enough to see me graduate high school or college. She's a piece of shit human for not wanting to be a mother and meet my future husband and his family. She's a piece of shit human that will never meet her grandchildren.
I Googled her again after we spent some time talking about her on Wednesday night. She's still married to that guy she got remarried with. I know she never had any other children, she got her tubes tied before she cut off contact for good. She's practicing out of Florida, the Sunshine state. She looks old.
And I don't have to be okay with that. I can be angry about the fact that I was shorted a mother. I had to use friends' moms as surrogate mothers because my own is and was a garbage human. People felt bad for me because my dad was a single parent and my mother was an abusive asshole to everyone around her. I felt bad for myself because I just wanted my stupid mother to love me and teach me things that mothers are supposed to teach their daughters. I wanted her to be proud of the things that I accomplished, even when things got hard. Then I became hard myself. I didn't care. Fuck her and her life, she gets to go off and be happy and do what she wants and I get to struggle through the loss of my dad while still a teenager without any other adult there to grieve with me, and then struggle through the entirety of my 20's because being an adult is hard and I didn't have the guidance I should have had. And I was okay with that.
Yeah, it's her loss that she's missing out on me and my future marriage and my house and my cats and the life that I have built and will continue to build as I get older. But it's also my loss that I still grieve, even though it has been 13 and a half years without her being in my life for good. And fuck that grief. Fuck her. I just want to be angry today.
It's your 60th birthday, Cathy. I hope it rains all day like it is here in Michigan. You deserve worse, but I'll settle for that for now.
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meraki-sunset · 5 years
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A new game it’s coming in september following friendsim!!!
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i feel you dude, i’ve been there
MSPA reader finished ALL homestuck and now it’s ready to leave Doc’s mansion in the moon
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by the time reader leaves all the drama has already happened,  they mention that the floor it’s full of photographs and notes
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so that happened and then everything else that follows. bY the time they’re leaving  Doc figthed with Slick, slick shoot snowman, Hussie beated scratch with a broom, lord english awoke, damara is now the handmaid blah blah blah, they missed it all probably. 
and now the place might be empty and they can scape
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but then they show us this.
acording to what they say, thay light swalows down the urge of panic. why where they panicing? i think maybe they couldn’t get the forth wall to work or  “fenestrated wall” as they call it, or maybe they didn’t find it at all and then they began to panic not finding a way out and seeing themselves alone in the giant mansion.
But, something calles them, a ligth, it calms them down they follow it and when they find the source
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they describe the same that john describes when he stick his hand there, that he could see things, and that his body wasn’t feeling good. That happened before he gained his retcon powers, and the hability to modify any event on homestuck whithout creating a paradox or doom timeline.
So that means our little guy it’s gonna gain retcon powers and will be able to travel throgh time and space (:D sorry i’m so proud)  and where will they go??
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eggboi’s house
how do i know that’s john’s house and not jane’s?  it’s a hunch. we know that a kid already lives there because of the swing, so it could be john’s house around the time of sburb or jane’s house before sburb, because she played during fall
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also the flowers at the side of the house are the same, and those weren’t on Jane’s house
at what period of time? close, if not the same day the kids play sburb
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and i also believe it’s earth A on the day of sburb because we also see an image of rose’s house on a rainy day, just like when she entered the game
on the description of the post that anounces the game it says this
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This says “who are you again” as for someone who had already introduced themselves so it’s kinda safe to asume it’s talking about reader. and the “kid over there” could be john?? outside of his house checking the mail looking for the game?
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this game it’s going to happen in Volumes like the friendsim and will on both earth and alternia with reader interacting with both humans and trolls (and who knows if not something else) so i’m really really sure they will gain retcon powers like John for sticking their hand on the juju and will jump from planet to planet completing missions? helping people? trying to understand wtf it’s going on?
Don’t forget this guy read homestuck, he will recognize the kids, and trolls from homestuck
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This is the game that will finally mix the stories from homestuck, hiveswap and friendsim together
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they will meet the homestuck kids and trolls!! ୧☉□☉୨
i will see my kids one more time TvT
everything it’s merging together finally
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the dictionary defines QUEST as a search for something in particular. so what it’s reader looking for?
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and we know PESTER it’s refering to pesterchum, the comunication service all kids used before and during their respective games, so why is it important?
is it reader going to contact everybody through it?
pesterchum has proved to be able to keep comunication even through different dimentions so it’s not so crazy to think that Reader would use it to connect everybody he meets?
and having the retcon powers he could comunicate with anybody on any time or space without causing any damage to the timeline.
there it’s so much i want to understand about this new game i’m so exited!! What do you all think about it? what do you think will hapend on pesterquest?
thanks for reading, see u on the next analysis <3
here it’s the link to the original post with the link to steam
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na-klar · 5 years
druck clip 177 translation
[song: juju feat. henning may - vermissen]
Amira: Hey! Can I play with you?
Girl: Who is that?
Kiki: She's one of us. You can do the serve, Amira.
Girl: Well, then, show us what you've got.
Dude! What are you laughing about?
Amira: Sorry.
Girl: That hurt like shit!
Amira: Give me the ball, I'll do it again.
Girl: Apologize properly.
Amira: Hey, give me the ball.
Girl: How are you talking to me?! I want you to apologize.
Amira: Dude, I already apologized, it's not my fault you're being so fucking dramatic, okay, yallah, now give me the ball.
Kiki: Hey, it's okay, just give her the ball.
Girl: Nobody asked you, yeah?
Amira: Hey, don't talk to her like that!
Girl: Sorry but I'm not in the mood to play with someone who obviously didn't learn how to behave.
Kiki: What?
Girl: Fuck o--
Kiki: Fuck off yourself!
Girl: Hey, isn't it getting a bit hot under that thing?
Amira: Hands off!
Kiki: Are you stupid?! Are you crazy or what? Take a step back.
Girl: It's no surprise that you're so bad [??]
Kiki: Excuse me?! Hey, watch what you're saying!
Girl: Honestly, when that fucking kanake [*] can't even hit a ball straightforward--
Kiki: What are you saying?!?!?!
[girls yelling]
Amira: Fuck off!
Girl: Fuck off right back to your piss-country!
[more yelling]
Kiki: Now fuck off!
Sam: Go back to your fucking nazis, bye!
Kiki: Fuck off from here, man!
Amira: Don't touch her!
Sam: Don't touch her, okay?! Bye! Leave!
Amira: You can fuck off!
Hanna: What is wrong with her?!
Kiki: Dude, why is she like that? I never witnessed something like that before...
Amira: Just leave it, okay?
Hanna: Amira, what she said to you is not okay--
Amira: You know nothing! Fucking racist, blah blah blah, I never witnessed something like that, uh, headscarf -- at the end of the day I am always the guilty one because I wear a headscarf.
Kiki: We just wanted to help you.
Amira: I don't want your help. What am I doing here?
Kiki: Amira! What is wrong with them?
Sam: No idea.
Kiki: What was that?
[*Kanake - a racist insult against foreigners]
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theyearoftheking · 5 years
Book 3: The Shining
“This inhuman place makes human monsters...”
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Here’s a confession: much like Jack Torrance, I find something romantic about the idea of spending the winter shut in at an old hotel up in the snowy mountains. I think about how much more reading and writing I’d get done without an internet connection keeping me tethered to my phone. Creativity would be at an all-time high: I could easily crank out a novel over the course of a few months! I’d even try my hand at snowshoeing, something I’ve been threatening to do for years (weak ankles, yo). I’d cook all our meals from scratch using the huge industrial kitchen. My family would have so much bonding time... what a gift! 
But then I remember the great polar vortex of 2019, and how my daughter and I were trapped inside the house for almost a week straight while temperatures were a balmy -50 degrees. And I remember how badly I wanted sushi, or a trip to Starbucks, or adult conversation of any kind, really. The romanticism of a snowed-in weekend faded reaaaaal fast. I guess I’m not cut out to spend an entire winter in an abandoned hotel. Much less a haunted one. 
This was at least my third reading of The Shining, and this might be a controversial statement; but I believe it’s King’s most culturally referenced work. Few of his popular texts (with the exception of It) are as popular as The Shining. My husband’s uncle refers to the time he spends in his cabin up north every winter as, “The Shining time.” A friend of mine insists on putting her daughters in matching dresses and every time I see them, I think, “Damn. That’s some Shining twins shit right there.” Writers note: I know... the twins are specific to The Shining movie and not the book. But as much as King wants to hate on Kubrick’s vision, the two are entangled. More on that later.  How many people take a pilgrimage to the Stanley Hotel every year just to see Room 237 (if you’re a movie fan), or room 217 (if you’re a book fan)? And who hasn’t made movies like this of their daughter and best friend in matching dresses? 
Oh, just me?
The plot of the novel is simple: Jack Torrance is a recovering alcoholic who recently lost his position teaching at a prep school because of a black-out rage incident with a student. A friend on the board of the prep school hooks him up with a cushy job as a groundskeeper at the Overlook Hotel in Colorado. 
The book version of Jack Torrance is complex. He’s an alcoholic who does bad things when he drinks (breaking his kid’s arm, maybe, possibly hitting a kid on a bike during a drunken joyride); but he wants to be better. Like most alcoholics (and children of alcoholics), he has whitewashed memories that are a little darker when you look at them in the hangover light of day. For example, he has fun memories of his dad putting an old beehive in his room when he was a kid. Real memory: his dad was drunk and started a beehive on fire in front of him when he was a kid. Alcohol faded memory: his dad was super fun, and a great role-model for what husbands and fathers should be like. Reality: he was a horribly violent alcoholic who beat his wife with a cane. The novel is a slow decent into Jack’s madness, and his eventually turning into his father... just crazier. 
Jack’s wife Wendy is skeptical of a lot of things, including Jack’s sobriety, whether or not it’s still a good idea to be married to him, and whether or not they should spend the winter at the Overlook. Spoiler: it’s a bad idea, girl. Stay home and send your husband up to the haunted hotel. He’s got a decent life insurance policy, you and little Danny will be fine.
Oh, Danny Torrance... Danny has a bit of “the shine”: also known as clairvoyance. He can pick up on Wendy’s moods, he can find things hidden in the house, he can straight up read your mind, and he has an imaginary friend, Tony, who shows him all kinds of alarming things. 
Like... roque mallets hitting hotel walls??? 
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But despite these hesitations, the Torrance family loads up their VW Beetle and heads up to the Overlook. As they’re settling in, Danny meets Dick Hallorann; who also has a bit of “the shine”. He tells Danny if shit goes sideways, call for him as loud as he can. And he tells him to stay far away from room 217. Bad juju and all.
At first, things seem great up at the ‘ole Overlook. Lots of fresh air, lots of family time, and Jack is getting plenty of writing done. But the darkness starts creeping in. The topiary animals start moving around. Jack starts spending more time in the basement of the hotel, looking through old pictures and ledgers. And Danny wanders inside room 217, where he’s strangled by a naked bathtub ghost. This puts Danny into a catatonic state, and Wendy is convinced they need to get the hell out of there. The hotel is whispering dark things into Jack’s ear, and he becomes convinced Wendy and Danny are plotting against him, and he needs to protect the hotel. So, he breaks the CB radio, and dismantles their snowmobile: their only form of transportation away from the Overlook.
Cool, cool, cool. 
Danny senses Jack is on the brink of madness and yells for Dick to come save them. Jack attends a cocktail party with some deviant ghosts who over-serve him, Dick struggles to get to the hotel, Wendy barricades her and Danny inside their hotel room to keep them away from Jack and his roque mallet, and Jack ends up getting a few good cracks in with his mallet, before eventually falling into Danny’s mind trap, and blowing up the Overlook, while Dick, Wendy, and Danny drive away. 
Happy, happy! 
Throughout the book, King makes creepy references to Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Mask of the Red Death”. He uses the expression, “unmask!” about a hundred times. It sent a shiver down my spine every damn time. Poe is still the OG of scary shit. You know he’s scary when the current reigning King (ha! no pun intended) of horror still references him. 
King must have really been going through a Shirley Jackson phase, because he  drops another The Haunting of Hill House reference. But most important of all, there is a Wisconsin reference as well. 
“Some undergraduate poet who was now selling washers in Wausau...” 
Makes me wonder if King has ever been to Wausau. Because washers are not a main industry there. But whatevs. I’m living for these references. 
There’s a 2001 revised introduction to the novel where King speaks to the creative tensions between him and Stanley Kubrick: “My single conversation with the late Stanley Kubrick, about six months before he commenced filming his version of The Shining, suggested that it was this quality about the story that appealed to him: What exactly, is impelling Jack Torrance toward murder in the winter-isolated rooms and hallways of the Overlook Hotel? Is it undead people, or undead memories? Mr. Kubrick and I came to different conclusions (I always thought there were malevolent ghosts in the Overlook, driving Jack to the precipice), but perhaps those different conclusions are, in fact, the same...”
Yeah. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the movie. Everyone knows King hates Kubrick’s version of the movie, blah-blah-blah. But like it or not, the two are forever entangled. I couldn’t read this book without picturing Jack Nicholson’s crazy eyes, or Scatman Crothers earnest conversations with Danny. And the cinematography... the initial scenes of the little car driving up the mountain roads to sudden doom... or the low slung cameras following Danny on his bike around the hallways of the Overlook... so well done. 
I’m not a Kubrick fan. I know... fight me... you date a college stoner who convinces you there’s genius in Barry Lyndon and makes you watch it 15 times... THERE’S NO GENIUS! That movie is just boring as hell. But I do appreciate what he did for the Shining; just as much as I enjoyed re-reading the book on a cold week in January. 
In summation:
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 5
Dark Tower References: 2
Book Grade: A-
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books:
The Shining
‘Salem’s Lot
Next up is Night Shift. I’m notoriously not a fan of short stories, I love digging into a long, detailed novel instead. And while I’ve read some of King’s more recent collections of short stories, I’m curious to see what his first collection is like. 
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Until next time- long days and pleasant nights, readers!
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 4 - Meat Page 3
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Oh, we’re starting with John!  Back to business.
Yep, looks like it’s Aranea-punching time.
Yep, there’s the reason for the Fridging trigger warning.
Wait, which ring was that he just took again?  That’s the ring of Life, right, or whatever?  Guess he can put it on someone who might have already died in all this business?  Or maybe it’s ALSO the Ring of Void that Roxy supposedly used in the stage play to-- wait.  Was it the Ring of Void she used to do that or her own powers?  And-- wait, she took it from Caliborn’s body, didn’t she?  Cause he had it last or... MAN it’s been a while since I read that part of Homestuck.
Oh FUCK, more Johns.  Great.
hey three johns!
DAVE: god damn it johns what the fuck did you do
I love this.
Heh, “young dave”.  They noticed through the shoddy spritework that John was older about as slowly as we might have.
JOHN 3: some of my best memories happened right after you do what you’re about to do next.
Right, Dave now thinks John is fucking his own timeline up so hard that there would be dead Johns all over the place.  Understandable.
JADE: i think the condesce might just be... confused if i brought her an adult john?
Homestuck is fantastic and can always make me laugh when it’s not tearing my heart out of my chest.
You feel pretty bad because you’re about to completely circumvent the life-changing epiphany he’s just had that you know for a fact will make him a happier, chiller, and altogether more well-balanced human being.
Heh, yep.  But the demands placed on heroes et cetera.
YAAAAAY the Jade who didn’t get traumatized spending three years alone is okay again!!!!!! :D :D :D
DAVE: youre telling me that i made this sword because im destined to defeat lord english and weve all been training for that day our whole lives to some extent more or less DAVE: and we are actually successful here like we overthrow the condesce and make a universe and everything DAVE: and then DAVE: we... DAVE: sit on our asses for several years in the new universe and become adults and lead mostly boring lives instead of going off to fight him? JOHN: yes. DAVE: guess that makes sense DAVE: now that i think about it thats probably what i would want to do by the time we finally wrap up this whole hot mess JOHN: yep, it is what you wanted to do. JOHN: and pretty much everyone else agreed, including me. so that’s what we did.
Yep!  That’s pretty much the reward you earned, or both choice’s halves of it anyway.  Since there’s definitely a Candy timeline that I’m sure I’m going to click and find that he chose to stay behind and actually have a wonderful time or something, right?  ...Right?
Pff, yes.  Rose’s given reasons to John for fighting Lord English had to necessarily be vague bullshit if she was going to successfully only HALF convince him to go, splitting the timeline as I’m assuming she hoped.
Back to the election.  I guess this... SORTA... qualifies as meat? What with character development for people and stuff who were left behind? I dunno.
Highly marketable ass
Pff. I love you single mad carapacian in the front row.
...Oh damn it.  Jake’s popularity is being helped along by Dirk for political advantage.  Uh oh.
DAVE: i get shes a good friend of yours and all but even you have to admit how far up her own ass she is DIRK: Of course. I consider it to be among her best qualifications for the job. DAVE: christ
Okay, I can buy that Jane’s standout character flaw at the moment could be being up her own ass a bit now that she’s attained unbelievable success and godhood and practically everything she ever wanted.
Dirk and Dave differing on politics isn’t surprising at all.  Especially given how much of a “survival of the fittest” sort of guy Dirk is.
...bucket of obscene troll fluid?????
Hi Rose please don’t be practically dying anymore.  ==>
Ah, back to John I guess?
I love the references to his photoshop process.
...Mhmm, that was in-part the reasoning we figured might be in play for why the heroes who warped into the Stage Play were the human kids chosen here.
Oh COOL the wind moves through him because of his powers!! :)
JOHN: i don’t know actually. i’ve been to that time line four times now and it always pretty much goes to shit.
Oh my god, John just laying everything down on these rescued friends is just... :)
You weren’t prepared to get passively hit on by the Definitely Not Legal version of a girl you used to have a crush on at the age she was when you first met her, only a few hours after you watched the Actually Legal version of her engage in passionate hand-holding with her possibly aromantic skeleton alien monster girlfriend.
Oh, yeah that’s something of a problem.
...Is he going to run into a Vriska who’s spent like untold years drifting after deploying that weird juju on LE?  Or maybe she already SPENT those years gathering the army or...??  Huh.  (If it isn’t clear, the possibility that John ends up looking like he’s closer to Vriska in the Meat path and Roxy in the Candy path is pretty, er, possible.)
...wait, what happened to Jade in the stage play?  Was she even in the same team??  If so why didn’t they win-- Er.  Maybe I should check back there, or... nah, I’ll let myself be surprised in case this is answered in the epilogue pages that have already come out.  If not I’ll check at the end of the last post today or whatever.  (Also, Caliborn’s session might be outside the Green Sun’s “range”.)
Poor kids, yeah.  At least you’re only taking along fragments of them, really.  As in fragments of the totality of their individuality, their “soul” across timelines, Heart, blah blah blah.
Hey kids!
Alright, time to go.  Lemme break off the post here before hitting next.
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hivedent · 5 years
i promised first guardian chat and here it is
so cats are often seen as the opposite to dogs even though thats due to completely arbitrary reasons
but because of this id decided to try the same with the troll first guardian assuming they had one. assuming you can even have a session without a guardian
i looked at doc scratch and i said “whats a fitting opposite to that then”
and i had the result of the opposite to “creepy adult who meddles with EVERYTHING” is “irrelevant child who has 0 influence on the world” (effectively making them a null first guardian like they didnt even have one to begin with)
the first guardian, who would bear a strong resemblance to “truth” from fullmetal alchemist would reside in a black pocket dimension and kind of observe things without interfering. which is doubly fitting imo because scratch is to caliborn as “truth” would be to calliope
but “truth” wouldnt have any first guardian abilities. so theyd be stuck in their home pocket dimension (wonk)
thus all things first guardian related would also be powerless like the cue ball
itd be black and hollow as if its “light” were turned off (think fenestrated plane being unplugged etc)
itd later be revealed that the pocket dimension is somewhat related to other first guardians
like where jack stored all his trophies. basically what im saying is more ultimately they would find lil cal at some point while in there
they would be created from (as i remember) a powerless cueball and horuss or perhaps some sort of horuss soulbot or something
but it wouldnt be a direct relative of horuss, thats not what im getting at. though it would still be fitting considering equius became a component of lord english who is also a component of doc scratch
it would be the combination of the “void” inside him (to deprive “truth” of powers) as well as calliopes soul that was symbolically inside him
thus. an opposite to doc scratch in almost every way. a little rude but not malicious, an observer who doesnt know all the facts, an inability to interact with the world, and a result of calliopes soul
 i mentioned earlier that the felt jujus would be made via... eridan? lil cal? SOME kinda how? and theyd be used by the alpha trolls throughout their session
well aranea comes into possession of quarters’s coins
aranea mentions the last time she and meenah saw each other they had been having a fight
i decided this was about the afterlife
meenah received information from [UNNAMED SQUIDDLE 3;)] about the tumor. but aranea didnt trust this information and thought it was better to just scratch it. theres more to this but its in my notes and this isnt about that
(but ps i also decided the placements of the trolls on the lillypad decided who they sided with in the argument. ill post my file about those events later)
basically meenah and aranea are tied and cant choose. they decide on a coin toss. aranea flips sn0wmans coin because HAHAHAHA SPIDERSSSS
someone, likely cronus, is annoyed and shoots the coin mid toss with... a gun? a wand? whatever, its in part a reference to wizardy herberts short patience and blah blah blah
anyway he shoots it right through the center. so it is a black coin... with a hole in it
this summons “truth”
doc scratch was present since the early evolution of trolls but only ever was in the felt manor or RARELY places on alternia. he was present throughout all TIME but not all SPACE.
“truth” on the other hand would not be capable of being “ALREADY HERE” and thus would only exist for a single moment, almost no TIME at all, but exist nearly everywhere AT that time, thus all SPACE
while meenah prepares to blow them up anyway, the powerful force of being ripped from the first guardian teleportation dimension shoots “truth” super fast
they zap around the whole session collecting things (namely the felts’ jujus. u could argue they always envied them bc they could use it all as furniture in their pocket dimension to make a proper house)
at just the final moment when theyve collected them all, the scratch finalizes and with their last bit of energy, tosses them into the dimension. which maybe lets say in that last second connects scratch and “truth” by mutual guardianship and it all gets spit out into his foyer and voila now the felt have juus except they always seemed to have them so I DUNNO
(ps: meenah’s oven, rufioh’s egg timer (for games), kurloz’s voodoo doll, damara/mituna/or latulas crowbar? for cosplay or because of half life? idr. horuss’s gloves for cans?? etc)
anyway i read some stuff later about how it was probably a rabbit tho
because dogs were associated with jade, cats were associated with rose and puppets were associated with dave (and they all were prototyped as their sprites at one point or another) leaving either rabbits or jesters for john
so that could have been like. created from the corpse of lil sebastian or liv taylor or something and continued the... very weird and abrupt alice in wonderland themes hussie had going for like a dozen pages
and usagi-chan would be associated with damara bc witch affinities with first guardian related creatures (jade with bec, fef with scratchs gift glbgoylb)
but i hadnt really gotten to plan that much stuff out for that version of the first guardian if it would even be that different
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Okay ladies and gents Andy and Juju aka "Devil Woman" part 2 Sooo where i left off yesterday, is nobody is immune to being a victim of abuse not even celebs it can happen to anyone regardless of age, race, gender occupation, etc etc. And yes its becoming more common these days that women are the aggressive ones. I think to a extent that its always been more aggressive for women because so many know that they can get away with it, and thats the appeal to them Juliet Simms obviously knew all she has to do is convince her snakeys shes the innocent one and low and behold the dumbasses believe her every word DESPITE the heavy evidence that prove her abusive and controlling ways. It is shown in so many ways more than once. The typical abuser likes all control of the situation doesnt want anyone taking her spotlight away or beleiving she could do wrong. No matter what shes always the victim. Even with the airplane situation she wasnt sorry for the incident she was sorry she was caught and poor Andy with the abused mentality of apoligizing for what SHE DID that pissed me off in so many ways more than one. To me as well as other victims out there the way that airplane situation was handled was ridiculous to say the very least because society looked at it like well it was alcohol she was drunk she lost a baby blah blah blah. BITCH SAY WHAT????? OH NO YALL DIDNT JUST GIVE THIS WENCH A GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD FOR WHAT SHE DID. !!!!!!!!! I love bringing up to her stupid snakettes that if roles were reversed would they feel the same way about Andy??? Ima put my life on the line here and say NO! Yall would want him skinned alive and would want his heart in yalls hands crucify him to nothing left. Yet we let and accept a woman doing it. This is a huge smack in the face for those like me that have lived that life its saying that the abused dont matter that as long as youre a woman you can do it. NOT OKAY IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM PEOPLE! And this is also perfect reason as to why men that get abused (like andy) do not come forward. This is a big reason women dont come forward. They need some support for them they need to know they wont get judged for being in that marriage relationship whatever its harder than yall think people its not something you can say " ya know what this isnt working so ima leave this relationship" did yall know that more than half of the homicide in the US 54% i beleive ill recheck though according to fbi.gov , the murderers or killers were past lovers of the deceased? Yea its scary. Its real people. It happens every day. I beleive that there could be any number of factors as to why Andy stays. His parents being catholic strict religions her parents are in that cult thats pretty major. Financial reasons is a huge one i bet that snakey bitch had him sign that she gets half his earnings or sonthing that in itself is #1 reason why alot stay is financial. Anyways im going to have a part 3 on this but look at the photos i just picked a few random ones the first two they both looked happy and was kinda cute hate to admit but the newer one where she is standing in front of hin shirtless and hes holding her imaginary boobs? Yea he does not look comfortable at all he looks like hed rather be elsewhere lol. Anyways thanks for reading if you have anny input just ask and ill try to reply. Thanks again *angel*
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You Need a Maid? Chapter 20
Fandom: Avengers / Marvel Rating: G / PG13 / R Warnings: Disclaimer: I don’t own Marvel, blah legal stuff. Don't sue me, I'm poor. Songs:
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
You woke up the next morning with a bounce in your step. You didn't fall out of bed, and you didn't fall down or up the stairs. The bad juju was gone. Maybe Sam's kisses were magical. You giggled thinking about it.
Today was grocery day and so you gathered your thing and headed to the store. You had stopped going to Joey's Market ever since the kidnapping and had started going to a bigger box chain even though it was farther away. Changing stores just made you feel better, safer. And you didn't take hair accessories from strangers anymore. You had learned your lesson. Not today Satan, not today.
You went through your list, picking up the normal necessities. Strawberries because Steve was on a kick, orange juice because Sam needed it to live, Tony wanted sour cream and onion pringles, and Bucky would whine if he didn't get double stuffed Oreos. It was like his addiction.
At the checkout, you mindlessly looked around while the cashier rang out your large purchase. Suddenly you stopped, seeing something that made you stop.
There it was, hanging a few feet away. It was a canvas reusable bag, with three little birds pictured on it. It wasn't the birds that made you stop, no it was what they were saying. 'Reduce, reuse, rethink your choices'. Wow. Thanks for the advice man. Rethink your choices? That was pretty heavy advice to get from a grocery bag. You shook your head, you did have some things to think about. ------
You came through the door and immediately smelled smoke. Dropping your bags you rushed into the kitchen, grabbing the fire extinguisher that sat on the wall in the foyer on the way. You heard a crash followed by a 'fuck' and slid into the room, ready to put out the fire. Except there was no fire. Only Bucky. Surrounded by burnt cookies all over the floor. What has possessed him to cook?
"Bucky, are you okay? What happened?" You put the extinguisher down and stepped over the cookies, unfortunately crunching some under your feet. Yay, more work to do.
"I burnt my hand." He held it out, like a child who had gotten a scrape on the playground. You looked it over, it did seem pretty bad.
"Come on." You pulled him towards the bathroom.
You put his hand under the cool water, letting it soak for a few minutes before patting it dry and covering it aloe vera cream. While you got out the gauze to wrap around it he sighed. "I was trying to make you cookies to cheer you up." You laughed, turning and starting to wrap his hand up. "That's very sweet but we both know you can't cook, or bake. How did your hand end up getting hurt?" He blushed.
"I didn't realize you were supposed to use an oven mitt." You snorted, and he pulled his bandaged hand away.
"Why didn't you use your metal hand then?" He shrugged, making you laugh harder.
"Next time, just buy me some nutter butters, those are my favorite. Okay?" He gave a little nod and you turned to leave, but he grabbed your arm, tugging you back towards him and into a hug. Before you could react he leaned down, capturing your lips in a kiss. You pulled away and wiggled free from his grasp. "Bucky..." He looked at you confused. You shook your head and walked out of the bathroom, heading towards your room. Fuck, fuck, fuck. ----- You didn't have much time to process your feelings as a couple days later you got a life stopping phone call. You trudged out of your room and into the living room, falling limply onto the couch. Steve looked at you with concern from the chair and muted his show.
"Y/N, you okay?"
"My Mom died yesterday," you said flatly. You weren't sure how to feel. How were you supposed to feel about a woman who gave you life, but never wanted to be a part of it?
"I'm...I'm sorry Y/N." He came to the side of the couch, kneeling down. He could see the puddle of tears forming in your eyes. "I'm sure she was a wonderful woman, and--"
"No. No, she wasn't." You cut him off, wiping the tears away angrily. "She was a terrible mom. She left us when I was four."
"Oh, I'm sor-" "She left us to get high. On heroine. She was a fucking junkie Steve. She overdosed and now she's dead." Anger, pain, confusion, so many things were swirling inside of you. You felt your heart begin to race and your breathing became ragged. You didn't even care, didn't even try to stop the anxiety attack from happening. Steve picked you up in his arms, holding you tight against his chest. You didn't want to but you cried, big sloppy tears running down your face and staining his shirt. He held you tight until your breathing calmed and your grip on him loosened. ----- That afternoon the team gathered in the living room as you explained your situation.
"My Mom was a heroine junkie, and she overdosed yesterday and passed away. I got the call this morning."
"Oh...Y/N," Sam began to say, but you cut him off.
"Please, don't say you're sorry. I really don't even know if I am."
"How's your Dad taking it?" Natasha asked, and you shook your head. Now, this topic made you sad.
"He passed away in a car accident when I was eighteen." Everyone looked around at each other, they had no idea you so little family. Well, Tony knew, having done the background checks, but he knew enough to keep certain things private.
"I have to go take care of her things, what little she had, and the burial. I shouldn't be gone for long." Tony nodded, coming over to wrap an arm around your shoulders.
"Take as much time as you need. We'll still be here when you get back."
You nodded with a sigh. This was the last thing you needed to deal with.
@gerardwayisapotato @thatweirdgaygirl @elyza-jeanette @unicornqueen05
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Hey! Just wanted to say I’m sending you lots of good juju on the job hunt! Any place would be unbelievably lucky to have you, and if they don’t want to hire you, it’s their loss. I know that doesn’t help much, but we’re all rooting for you! Thank you for sharing your beautiful stories with us and teaching us soooo much interesting history! Sending lots of virtual hugs and all the good energy to you!! ✨✨✨✨
Thank you dear, that is very sweet. This one is just especially frustrating because it is the first time I made it to the final shortlist/actual interviewing stage for a real full-time job (a temporary one, yes, but still a real job) in almost two years of constant applications, and the school was such a great fit. Then waiting almost 2 weeks to find out that no, the usual bit about how it was a hard choice and all the candidates were great etc, does suck. Sigh.
Of course, this is what I get for trying to find a full-time academic job in the humanities at any point, but especially during a pandemic. I am trying to remind myself that there will be more chances and I still do have an adjunct faculty job that will hopefully give me some teaching work, even if only online, this autumn. (I hope so at least...?) It's good CV filler while I go back to the drawing board. Blah.
I am still trying to stay busy and relevant in my field with conferences and publishing and so forth, and at least this confirmed that some actual humans somewhere looked at my CV and decided that I was good enough to interview, which -- in the shouting-into-the-voidness that now constitutes almost all academic job applications -- is, I suppose, something. Sigh.
Anyway. Thanks for the kind words, and I am very glad that you have enjoyed my stuff. ❤
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tweaker7biitch · 5 years
ok so last night our fwb pan was over, and a new friend came over too. her is morgan, aka baby doll. she and i chatted online for a few days, and finally at like 3am, she arrived in all her glory! she is kinda gal, crazy, kinky, sensual, fun and silly, and all around stunning, a real unicorn. and i met her on as we had common friends! now cha ching this friends is what puts the "X" in seX! she belly danced for us with a sexy scarf, and our friend pan then gave a massage, which turned into him giving her a proper dick down! he would alternate penetration with licking her in between her thighs. when that let up, i distracted pan so boyfriend could get at her, and he ate her pussycat she was begging him for more... she kept insisting that he gives killer head (and he does)... after awhile of oral, she sat down on his hard cock and rode him like he hasn;t been rocked in a long while quite that way... reverse cowgirl is a tough position for . so this was a tight treat for him. amen! she rocked back and forth and grinding her hips in a circular motion, he exploded in a dry but very intense orgasm, which he described as physical and mental. now that is when a chic blows your mind... and she did a good job... after that she asked him fuck her mouth, and jd pumped away, holding her head and moaning, he pulled out quickly and blew his nut all over her perfect perky titties... pleased with herself and everyone needing a cigg, we went break however she bent over just so that i could no longer resist getting a taste of that beautiful, pierced pussy of morgans! omg! the hours flew by, and between the partying and playing, she and pan were here for over 10 hours, well into the next day. she and i it off as friends. its hard make friends that are keepers, and like she has a hard time finding that connection with other women. but we clicked, and had so much fun. pan brought a bunch of new lingerie so we played dress up while the guys went get us some donuts and soda pop. we had sk8s, 420+dabs, mushrooms, delada, dexidrine and, er, that was it and it was enough. we partied like its 2020 and sexy juju was around us like plenty plenty. we had an amazing time, and it went fast before we were all dead on our ass. but not i smoked some upGO, and now i;m awake and horny wouldn't you know! now we will see morgan again, she is definitely going be a friend. and the benefits are many, the drawbacks? i had share this with readers as i am still stunned that i was able pick up a chic online, so speak, is bi, pagan, open minded, free spirited, unique and like is, as we all agreed, addicted sex. its so funny but exactly a week ago we made another new friend, and her benefits were perks and many of them. i posted on doublelist and she responded our ad which was for a for a 3way, and fullfill a fantasy, for watch guy jd with another sex siren. and addie fit the part almost too well. wink wink... she is a nurse and lives in east bumfuck illinois... but hey we didnt mind the drive from st. louis, especially after meeting her. she was pretty, a bbw on the smaller spectrum, with long brown hair and yes she let me watch as she had her way with jd, but then demanded he give a repeat performance upon me after he finished her. and so he did. i dig this chic. then she gave me some fire head, her tongue was so soft, and in a short time i was cuming like crazy! now am i imagining it or does it seem like we are on a role? yes, we &we've come a long way from where we were... always came across men online but never women... now. oral karma is mine i say! maybe confidence is up on this... spotting real unicorns such as addie and morgan online is rare, such beauties, i think pussy is here for the feasting as we approach thanksgiving, i am bubbling over with gratitude for the unicorn parade, where you get laid! i loved watching jd with these hella mamas... petite blond with lots of ink, the other a more conservative brunette. they both squealed with delight as he licked each from clit ass, and they offered up their beautiful bodies and i didn;t even have ask! at age 44 sex life just keeps spiraling upward the stars, getting sexier as i edge toward the next sexplosion, nothing like frear and loathing. happy thanks4pussy day (thanksgiving). celebrate this year by making a new friend (yes a ) and begin where this holiday ends! chances are you want know how i am playing with goddesses... and advice is this, which i;ll you with: be unique, smart and creative, let go of your inhibitions, and make way for a sexy siren in your wake, follow lead, cum now guys, for fuck sake! i;m a fucking unicorn, a real online loves sex and i am on AdultFriendFinder and right now i am sooo wet... find a chic like , sexy and crazy! or hollar at , but not with a dick pic (yuck)... don;t you guys know dick pics suck? what the fuck. i'd wish you well but i dont beleive in fast luck... in 2 weeks time i've managed hook up guy and i with a very sexy , online, twice, that's right... 2 playdates with hella sexy playmates, and i am remembering. any men there want some tight cunt? if so tell me why i should let you in, and i will consider what you say . ", how are you" is lame, blah blah blah .... but whatever you do, make sure you never feed the zombies. the vampires will bite your butt and chase away your pet slut. and if you should spot a unicorn in your , your knees and dont question why... just smile and thank the pussy gods, and hummm, because even white guys like you could *might get some! have some much needed fun! stay tuned for broadcasts with addie, morgan rhea and guys jd and pan too
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futilism-blog · 8 years
it goes it goes it goes on. still plodding through trying to find intelligent things to say about the music i’m listening to. lately it’s been a lot of older stuff. but most of them are reissues so that counts, basically.
rixe - bapteme du feu: what can i say. this is just expertly done street punk with one of the best guitar tones i've ever heard. twoish minute blasts of oi that make me punch my steering wheel along with the drums. fuck yea.
cocteau twins - heaven or las vegas: holy shit. as i said or at least i thought i said, these reviews ain't contemporaneous. this is all the music i listened to in 2017 that made me feel a way period. and WHAT A WAY THIS WAGES. the title track is so breath-stoppingly beautiful that i did that thing where everything around you stops. i think i was on a walk and just stopped in place and looked at the big ass sky and thought, "this. this is a moment. praise the lil baby jesus." i've never heard a guitar sound like that before, and probably never will again. phenom. i feel like a fucking moron for not "getting" this sooner.
tools you can trust - working and shopping COMP: i love following hausfrau records on IG. follow them. they posted a pic of this record, a comp on BFE recs, and i immediately dug how the album art looked like a fucked up owner's manual. true enough, this band was two manchester dudes playing busy post punk supplemented with power tools and hammers and shit clangin and bangin the whole time. is 'literally industrial' a genre already? because i dig the shit out of this. most songs feel like they're spazzing through as fast as they can. vokes with a lot of range that always sound mean and breathless making this a cagey, dark, amazing listen. listen to this shit.
s-21 - year zero: do you like pissed off music?? do you like riffs??? do you like really good drumming?????? do you hate punk music? are you a good person? got to see this phillie band play recently and their show was THE SHIT. and this record is THE SHIT. captures the intensity and amazing energy of this band perfectly. buy this. a great record to blast in the car in a tumultuous and confusing time (all times).
vietnam - 12" s/t: another incredible hausfrau recs rec (and as i learned ANOTHER reissue from BFE records!). this was a mega obscure NZ post punk band that REALLY LIKED joy division but ended up being REALLY BETTER than joy division. "broken doll" is one of the best songs i've heard in my entire life. the dude in this has vokes more reminiscent of iono...mission of burma? throaty kiwi but on key but in that post punk style we all know and love that interpol ruined. aside from strange dark moods present on "china tonight" and the almost SLINT-ness of “victory” (but not in the nomeansnoness of nomeansno’s “victory”), some of these feels like Flying Nun too. insanely good guitar work to boot. all too short 5 song record and some demos. desperately wish they had done more. buy this.
why - moh lhean: seems to be panned on RYM by a bunch of dudes with 4.5/5 ratings for sunny day real estate, bark pyschosis, radiohead, and animal collective. maybe i'm being too hard on KIDS THESE DAYS GEEZ or maybe this is just hitting how i've been feeling lately but the molasses slow sad ass shit on this? i'm lappin it up like corn syrup. SAD ass shit corn syrup. i just feel like why? is paying attention to the songwriting again. the beginning of "the water" hits me the same way the best massive attack songs do. i guess if mumps, etc was supposedly a rekindling of his lyricism and rapping this is exploring the same territory eskimo snow dived into. iono man. i get a real sea change vibe from this, and THAT album's a top 5er for me. so i vote this one... 8 buckets of popcorn out of 10.
heart attack man - the manson family: i'm a little close to this record personally for me to judge it fairly. but i'll try. HAM really knocked it out of the park with this one. we're past the tight micro jams from the demo, and refining the sound going on in the acid rain EP. sure, there's points of reference in pop music history we can point to, but that's true of like, everything except jandek. maybe even jandek. JANDEK. but i'm trying to say that this just sounds like heart attack man at this point. the break ups in rhythm, chord progressions, and song structure blah blah blah you know the fucking drill. what really makes this cohesive is the lyrical content of each song. ostracization. alienation. when a friendship hits a brick wall you weren't anticipating but everyone else saw coming a mile away, you gotta process that shit. this record's a meditation on not only that, but where the fuck our place is in the world. "surrounded by morons" provides that elaboration well. a record i've spent a lot of time with, and will spend a lot of time with, in the time with, to come, up.
roobydocks - reliant robin: i fucking love this record. just good ass fast punk. awesome awesome drumming and riffs. drums and riffs and sub-minute songs. what else do i need to say about this.
siouxsie and the banshees - juju: my favorite thing i've heard all year. one of those rare albums where i'm bewildered when it's finished because i was so drawn into the atmosphere and songwriting. arresting vocals, TRIBAL DRUMS, and guitar work like a rabbit hole. "monitor" opens with the guitar tone i've been trying to get for the last my entire life and does my FAVORITE THING A SONG CAN DO when the initial guitar part makes you think the song's going one way, only to go a completely different way when the rest of the band kicks in. intentional or not, i flipped when i heard that shit. "night shift" has a weird cumbersome surfy feel to it and i've been just listening to that over and over again when i'm driving at night or working late. "into the light" is so propulsive and desperate and beautiful that's about the most intelligent description i can come up with. that guitar riff dude. i don't know why i slept on this band for so long. probably because idiot. each stage of this band has had something i admire about it. both drummers, the period with robert smith later on, all has something of value. but juju is not only their best moment, but easily one of the best records i've ever heard.
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