#what is network marketing
digitalazadi · 6 months
Digital Marketing For Network Marketers in Hindi क्या है ,कैसे करते है इससे आप एक नहीं बल्कि Multiple Sources Of Income Create कर सकते हैं।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारा ब्लॉग पढ़िए-https://digitalazadi.com/digital-marketing-for-network-marketers-in-hindi/
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mlmdiary · 1 year
MLM or Network marketing is a business model that involves a pyramid-shaped network of people who sell products directly to consumers. The primary goal of MLM Companies is to sell their products through a network of independent salespeople, also known as distributors, who earn commissions based on the sales they generate. The distributors, in turn, are encouraged to recruit others to become distributors, and they earn commissions on the sales made by their recruits.
Want to know more about this so read our Blog: What is MLM or network marketing? How it Works and Benefits for Individuals and Businesses
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digitalanant · 2 years
Best Opportunity To Join Network Marketing In India In Hindi | Is MLM Good 2022 ? | Digital Anant
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Best Opportunity To Join Network Marketing In India In Hindi | Is MLM Good 2022? , नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है आप सभी का एक बार फिर हमारी Website Digital Anant में, आज एक बार हम फिर हाजिर हैं आपके लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को लेकर जिसे हम Best Opportunity To Join Network Marketing In India In Hindi | Is MLM Good 2022?  के नाम से जानते हैं।
दोस्तो क्या आपने भी 4 Phases Of Network Marketing, Reality Of Network Marketing In India, Network Marketing Scams In Hindi और How To Join Network Marketing आदि के बारे में Search किया है और आपको निराशा हाथ लगी है ऐसे में आप बहुत सही जगह आ गए है, आइये Network Marketing Review In Hindi 2022, What Is Best Time To Join Any Business, Online Network Marketing Join In Hindi और Is MLM Good 2022? ​आदि के बारे में बुनियादी बाते जानते है।
दोस्तों अगर आप Network Marketing Business की सच्चाई के बारे में जानना चाहते है तो लिस्ट के अंदर तक बने रहे। आज इस लेख में मै आपको Reality Of Network Marketing In India के साथ ही किसी Business को Join करने का Best Time क्या होता है? आदि के बारे में महत्वपूर्ण Updates देने वाला हूँ, चलिये शुरू करते है। आगे पढ़े...
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tricksterlatte · 5 months
Anyone else think short form social media based on algorithms designed to promote topics that create more engagement instead of more joy, the idea of fast fashion but conveyed through social media, and the fact you can monetize suffering and outrage better than ever has largely resulted in the death spiral of media literacy and the mass emergence of bad faith readings?
#I may be venting a lil but god it blows my mind#fyp is a blessing and a curse because i don't think ppl were ever meant to be subjected to this many ppl at once#god i took a bird site hiatus for weeks and now BARELY check it and it already feels like a hit#oughhhhh#even fandom spaces have hugely incorporated marketing and networking into them bc of cmms and sponsorship and building portfolio#which would be fine tbh if it weren't for the way socmed is designed#now it's like you can't support too many ppl or else you're shadow banned or you have to make yourself palatable and marketable#and websites with threads in which people will only read the first post before qrting because ratios are seen as five minutes of fame#features that permit beating an algorithm are locked behind a paywall that promises you money if you go viral#and what goes viral is usually incendiary content meant for those ratios or trends. whether for or against OP#even in hobbyist spaces the climate has changed so much due to the monetization and marketing and just. ugh#not to mention side accounts dedicated to gossip in this new priv account culture like...idk#if you have to make another account so you can make fun of a friend on main with selected priv friends it just doesn't sit well with me#and not every priv account does this but enough do and it makes me tired#unsolicited hate comments are still as bad as they used to be on ff dot net except now people openly are proud of it more#why do most socmed feel like passive aggressive sticky notes on high school lockers#there is so much more I could say about everything that has left me weary about the internet but I don't know the time or place#and I don't want anyone to think this is about them because it's a general statement. though if you are doing the more inflammatory things.#maybe rethink that. it's not good for anyone else and it's not good for you either#I keep coming back online to check on ppl and see art and I *know* it's draining for my health every time#but I feel a lot better now that i use socmed less overall. and that I try to focus on what makes me happy#it just sucks seeing so many people i care about endure absolutely wild struggles bc people online do not care.#I like rambling in my tags because this is the only place I ramble except my personal journal and to my wife
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mockingmolly · 2 years
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THIS is why not having an icon or anything on your blog will get you blocked. bc mass bot-following is a huge issue here and there’s absolutely no way people aren’t going to mistake you as one when you pop up in their notifs.
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thepavementsings · 10 months
Honestly I think the #1 thing about moving into the professional space that I wish I learned about sooner was the importance of finding a true mentor in your field. There's so much talk about network network network but having a few people with knowledge and experience truly ride for you beats the thousands of linkedin connections ten times out of ten.
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fvckw4d · 26 days
The concept of queerbaiting annoys me. I was told that it refers to a work of fiction pretending to cater to a queer audience but then pulling back from it to avoid alienating homophobes, which is an incredibly specific thing. But a lot of people seem to think that it instead means "any time there's any gay subtex, metaphor, or ambiguity" or "whenever something from 1995-2012 was being a normal amount of homophobic for the era."
#I've secondhand seen the way Sherlock...was.#And yeah that's very pointedly cruel to the audience.#But not everything is that aware of its following to point by point mock them for half an hour.#And I think people forget that for a period there was a unique combination of awareness of gay people and homophobia bad#and a severe need to avoid being perceived as gay (and sometimes homophobic) at the same time#while it was ALSO very acceptable to treat the existence of gay people and homophobia or discomfort with both as a joke#so that whole wink wink nudge nudge dance was a huge thing in some of the 90s and earlier 2000s#and sometimes by doing that people accidentally made it seem even more fucking gay.#Or on purpose. People also forget that yeah gay people could exist as a joke but they couldn't be casual protags or w/e.#It wasn't really done like that.#I think what it's really proof of is that the 90s/early 2000s is long enough ago that people have become illiterate to the cultural cues.#When comedians complain 'you cant make jokes anymore' sometimes this is the exact thing they're referring to.#Gay people being on TV or in books isn't some funny joke you make anymore. Just being gay or seen as gay isn't the punchline it used to be.#People are shitty about it still but it's in a different way now. Being gay isn't as much the big embarrassment it used to be.#Gay tv shows and books are a whole market now. And stuff like Sherlock or supernatural were made right in the middle of that shift.#It's the only way you could position a strategy like this. I don't know if that cultural moment really exists anymore.#Audience backlash is also more massive and in real time.#Now instead of mockery at the idea of idk Dr house md being gay conservatives would see it as a 'culture war' thing.#And non conservatives are more vocal and more liable to criticize. TV shows are seen as keepers of culture in ways they weren't before.#I don't know how to describe it exactly. I'm not an expert and I know I'm missing some pieces or things I wanted to point out.#But yeah I just think people kind of. Forgot how people treated gayness as some kind of cootie disease you had to say#You didn't have really hard all the time. People are still sort of like that but idk the language changed.#A lot of talk about homophobia and queerness is very pseudo-academic now. The distancing happens with different signifiers.#But. Yeah.#☠️#I also think queerbaiting requires a specific kind of intent as a marketing strategy.#Instead of the more likely 'well we have an unintended gay following now so I guess we can throw in some fanservice#the network would literally never allow us to do anything with it even if we wanted to though.'
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
hand model! kuroo is something so dear to me
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seokreatif · 6 months
5 Best Social Media Marketing Tips https://www.blatheringsblog.com/best-social-media-marketing-tips-for-small-companies/
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coockie8 · 6 months
ok im not in the storm hawks fandom literally dont even know what that show is but i thought you were fucking kidding when you said the main plot is dark enough to be on par with game of thrones until you reblogged that unnerving trivia post like wtf this was a kids show?!?!?
This show was only a kids show because the networks wanted it to be. It could've been an R-rated sci-fi/fantasy series about the horrors of war by just taking itself more seriously. Easily.
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thefiresofpompeii · 1 year
i don’t want to kill myself but looking at the future sometimes i feel like i have no other option. i fucked it up too far without anticipating consequences and it’s too late to make a change or strive towards any kind of hopeful meaningful existence. there is no way out for someone like me who has nothing going for them, squandered any opportunity, any talent, everything that was handed to them on a silver platter. no interesting personality traits, no aptitudes, nothing to make up for the gaping void where motivation and will to live and thrive and put in effort towards a goal should be. even the most basic steps are a pipe dream. i don’t want to die because i fear the possibility of hell but i no longer see any tolerable way of living.
#i reread parts of mark fisher’s capitalist realism last night and i know it’s unhealthy for theory to cement your own depressive spiral but#i’m thinking of him. even an accomplished thinker and it’s all the fucking same#i’m goinh to listen to swans and cry. i skipped class again and for fucking what#notice how it’s all i i i i i. i have no community no support network no close friends no partner nothing#only my parents who are affluent enough to support me financially but that support is conditional because if#they knew about what i was really like and even parts of my identity that support would be cut off and because i#have no marketable skills i would be left penniless to beg on the street#how long can i keep pretending to be cis and depending on them for vital necessities? until i’m 22? 25?#dropping out isn’t even an option because a bachelors’ degree is prerequisite to getting ANY job that pays above minimum wage but i#feel no passion for the subject i’m studying despite it being literally one of the only things i used to be GREAT at (media analysis; so —#lit major; on foundations for liberal arts; which should be all about PASSION FOR THE SUBJECT)#i’m teetering on the precipice of a steep cliff that drops down into the abyss of abject poverty with no way out#i don’t know what i enjoy doing; what to dedicate my resources and energy to; if i have none left. i don’t even smoke or drink or do drugs#it’s just sober suffering in silence. of course the meds don’t fucking help; meds can’t alter the world around us or our circumstances#this fucking close to going out and buying a rope. i have free will :)) hell can’t be real; it can’t be. worst that could#happen is reincarnation and honestly i could go for a second chance#jamie.txt#tw suicidal ideation
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digitalazadi · 7 months
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Network Marketers क्या करते हैं - Network Marketers Working Process
Network Marketers के काम को हम तीन Stages में Divide कर सकते हैं – Join Program, Promote Program, Convert Leads To Customers
Join Program : कोई भी साधारण व्यक्ति जब Successful Network Marketers के बारे में सुनता है, तो उसे भी लगता है कि ये कोई Quick Rich Scheme है। 
इसी बात को ध्यान में रखकर वो उस Program या Company के साथ जुड़ जाता है और उसका एक Member बन जाता है। 
Join करने के बाद उसे Company अपने Seminars में बुलाती है और बेचने की कला (Sales Training) सिखाती है। 
Multi Level Marketing का Foundation ही Sales है, जिसके बिना उस Company के Product बेच पाना असंभव होता है। 
Promote Program : Program Join करने के बाद New Members को लोगों से बात करना, उनकी Psychology समझना, कोई Product या Service कैसे उनकी लाइफ बदल सकता है, आदि सिखाया जाता है।  
एक बार सीखने के बाद, Members Product Promotion शुरू कर देते हैं जिनमे Personal Care And Cosmetic Products से लेकर Household Products, Jewelery तक शामिल होते हैं। 
Product Promotion दोस्तों, रिश्तेदारों, पड़ोसियों से शुरू होता है और कई Marketers WhatsApp, Facebook And Instagram जैसे Platforms भी इस्तेमाल करते हैं।  
इसे Digital Networking भी कहा जा सकता है लेकिन इन Platforms का सही उपयोग न करने की वजह से उन्हें अच्छे Results नहीं मिल पाते। 
Convert Leads To Customers : Program या Products Promotion करते वक्त ऐसे कई Leads एकत्र हो जाते हैं जो Program के बारे में और अधिक जानना चाहते हैं। 
इन Leads को Customers में Convert करने के लिए Network Marketers अक्सर Personal Meeting Prefer करते हैं। 
Personal Meeting से वो सामने वाले व्यक्ति को Influence करने की कोशिश करते हैं और अधिकतर समय उन्हें कामयाबी मिलती है। 
इन तीनो Steps को Successfully Complete करने के पश्चात् उन्हें अलग-अलग तरीकों से Income प्राप्त होती है।  
अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारा ब्लॉग पढ़िए-https://digitalazadi.com/digital-marketing-for-network-marketers-in-hindi/
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bexofalltrades · 11 months
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mabelsguidetolife · 9 months
my dad doesn’t know he’s probably autistic because he’s what one would call a ‘functioning autistic’ and he’s a senior citizen so he has never questioned these aspects of himself
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wainswright · 8 months
This is my googled 30 min research so i'm just guessing for fun.
Looks like either you need to be a hip place that attracts so many new users (makes a splash in numbers for investors?) and get good press as THE place to be in order to attract advertiser dollars OR
Make your core usability lock behind a paywall like spotify, which is cashflow positive, but can't tell if this worked out for medium (probably not)- (and looks like Substack isn't doing too well) This focuses less on advertisers and more on users.
Alternatives? Monetizing content + ads on selected produced articles? That's a niche that isn't filled.
You know there's this whole style of paying for webnovels in China or something, like if they didn't ruin the concept of wattpad by viewing users... like that, instead of treating them like content creators a la Youtube. Which looks like it's going strong.
In lieu of nonprofit, I guess you'd have to get a community of people producing good content that the site made a no brainer to use- and a kind of distributive ad process like uh... tiktok.... hm..... untargeted is that big of a deal? But it'd take advantage of the tumblr social pathways- the ability to monetize a post if you chose. Can't remember much about post+ but that came out of nowhere... I don't remember having any idea how to use it. I hope it was something like- you can choose to monetize certain posts behind a paywall? That's the only way you could do it, right?
Fanfic concerns: nobody on youtube worries about this when making videos about established properties tbh. I guess don't write fanfic specifically and put that behind a paywall (or do and see where this leads us) but fanart is free game? How confusing. Home of fandom could be like.... reviewers.... taste makers..... god tumblr actually IS good at stealth word of mouth marketing for a lot of properties. Very funny.
But if I was thinking informational- or like "how to recognize chords", or news feed that would be an idea I didn't even think of when post+ in it's unclear use state came out.
Okay, maybe that wouldn't work- we come here to shitpost. Maybe you could have the option of making a goodpost blog (original posts only) behind a paywall. But a general fee, like spotify charges $5 for access to all songs, instead for monthly access to paywalled content? The response would be a little different now, I'd imagine.
Both options, as well as an option to see blogs more automatically as the constructed sites and not just on the dash like squarespace? that's doing well, though I've seen random complaints about the nature of the not-html style site constructions. Complexity was mentioned as part of the issue retaining users along with lack of immediate interaction/reason to stay, but showing off various blogs as their own sites and then letting you follow the author of the blogs on the dash seem like it'd work out..........
It retains the free functionality but the alternative would be presented as a sidegig.
Chaotic patreon.....Patreon and Reddit are private, with Reddit maybe having an IPO by the end of 2023, so I'll assume they aren't doing super great. Tumblr up for IPO soon?
Best case scenario for site survival: it's sold to huge company that can eat the cost of operations until the site is made hip to advertisers, or shrug.
But there really isnt a good microblogging site- that allows all the ability to make a searchable blog..... (I see maybe they were thinking they could just use the social part of tumblr and somehow get wordpress to show up on the rss feeds) but yeah there's not really any social capacity baked into to wordpress, on lj I would go over to see what people were doing for that day and read their comments. That site does live on in spirit in dreamwidth
Bluesky and mastodon have that character limit and you can't format anything, but if they get successful they can rake in ad money. I don't know about this. Can't even remember what pillowfort is like but I remember there was some weirdness with the founders that scared me off, I didn't think it was going to last well.
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fates-theysband · 1 year
im genuinely scared to look in the notes of that "gay rep on big tv shows" post because i think it will be full of people being like "and what's wrong with chubby middle-aged fatherly gay men and young feminine lesbians huh?" well in real life nothing but when that's the sole gay representation in media there's a lot wrong with it
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