#what is the difference between acute and chronic inflammation
ordonianhero · 1 year
Is Twilight really okay?
So I see tons of folks bring up how they are feeling sus out by if twilight is truly okay
No. He’s not okay, yet.
Warning: discussion of illnesses and injuries.
I get why folks are quick to be Sus of how twilight is. I will sort of explain this the best way I can. Using my own personal experience of what going okay. But note I am not invalidating anyone feelings on their thoughts of twilight and his finally seeming to be recovered.
I can say, I think he was given as much healing as they can provide him. He is not fully 100%. He probably got enough healing he can get. Over time it will heal more. However he is most likely poisoned by dink’s blade. But his wound will never truly heal. He will suffer from it till he last days. Something a lot like what Happened to Frodo in the Fellowship of the Ring. In the end Frodo does die once their task was completed and evil was banished from the land. I suspect this how it will got for Twilight.
More on a personal level, I suffer from chronic pancreatitis*. So I sympathize with how Twilight must be feeling. The aches and pains are unimaginable. However I kept going. Weakness can be strengthened slowly at my own pace. Which what he will have to do. You don’t just drink a potion, get heal with a life spell and can be spring chicken. It takes time. As we can see. There will be a struggle and frustration at every corner cause you want to not be a burden to anyone and be able to function the way you use too. The trauma of it will over time heal as well. He will have to relearn to do things. He won’t be able to fight the way he has done. Rest and recovery is a must. Not pushing too hard. Twilight and Time being related- they both share a stubbornness. So emotionally he will lash out a bit (or not). So I sort of get how Twilight must and will feel.
I know people are quick to be like “angst, angst, angst.” But I think people don’t understand there’s something much deeper to a wound that won’t fully heal, but heals enough. It will be a chronic thing for him. Could he maybe get turned into a puppet for dink and turn on the chain. Maybe, but let’s be more logical and see it as he just won’t be fully healed. However he will continue to fight till their adventure ends and dink is defeated properly. So you are all valid in not trusting him being okay. It just may not be how angsty as you think. Just simply he will never be 100% and that now his struggle will be to learn to handle is medical situation and work around what he can and can not do any longer.
He will still be a down tight magnificent fighter, good hearted gent he is. How just now in a new phase in his situation where he will have to come to terms with his limitations. Which mentally is often hard to come to terms with. For me, I can’t eat a lot of my favorite stuff and knowing when I need to take it easy. Something along those lines. It’s an emotional, physical and mental journey. Which we will be watching as the comic progresses.
That’s my take on how he is and what we will expect as the comic progresses. More then welcome to disagree and think more into things. This just my own view of where things may go.
[* Chronic pancreatitis is similar to acute, but in this case, the inflammation is long-term and won’t get any better. In fact, over time, it tends to get worse and lead to permanent damage.
Chronic pancreatitis will often develop after an episode of acute pancreatitis has already occurred.
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obfuscated-abstract · 2 months
Title: Hypermobility, the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and chronic pain
Date: September 2017 Published in: Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology Publicly available? Yes (pdf will download)
Citation: Syx, D., De Wandele, I., Rombaut, L., & Malfait, F. (2017). Hypermobility, the ehlers-danlos syndromes and chronic pain. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 35 (5), 116–122.
ECM: extracellular matrix
EDS: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (lowercase letters in front indicate the subtype; e.g., hypermobile EDS = hEDS)
GJH: generalised joint hypermobility
HSD: hypermobility spectrum disorder
JH: joint hypermobility
JHS: joint hypermobility syndrome
MSK: musculoskeletal
Article Summary
Hypermobility, joint hypermobility syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
Joint hypermobility (JH) is a range of movement in a joint that exceeds what is normal (accounting for the age, gender, and ethnicity). JH can be localised or generalised with GJH being defined by a score of at least 5 on the Beighton scale.
JH has a strong genetic basis and is affected by gender, age, and ethnicity but can also be affected by environmental factors including weight, training, trauma, surgery, and medical conditions.
JH does not necessarily lead to symptoms and is not a disease or permanent diagnosis
The history and historical classifications related to GJH are detailed and the overlap with connective tissue disorders including Marfan syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, and notably Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS)
EDS is a group of disorders that mainly affect the soft connective tissues but that are varied in their genetic and phenotypic (observable characteristics) presentations. Major characteristics include skin hyperextensibility and fragility; vascular fragility with easy bruisability and a variable bleeding tendency; joint hypermobility (usually generalised) and manifestations of generalised connective tissue fragility. The severity of symptoms can be varied.
There are now 13 EDS subtypes (expanded from the 6 originally identified in 1997) with molecular defects identified in 19 different genes. The effects are briefly discussed and Table III details these defects.
One of the most prevalent subtypes of EDS, hypermobile EDS (hEDS), is still molecularly unexplained. hEDS shows considerable overlap with JHS and it has been considered that they may be the same and/or can be used interchangeably. Hypermobility syndrome and JHS have therefore been combined into the single HSD diagnosis to be used for patients with symptomatic JH who do not meet the new criteria for hEDS or another form of EDS. This review uses JHS instead of HSD as it is a review of old literature (consider them interchangeable).
The natural history of pain in JHS and EDS
The compromised structural integrity of connective tissues, people with EDS and JHS are prone to joint instability, and as a result, joint disclocations (full displacements and subluxations), and articular and soft tissue injuries. This commonly causes acute and reccurent pain which can evolve to chronic widespread musculoskeletal (MSK) pain.
Approximately 3.3% of women and 0.6% of men experience chronic pain but these numbers are likely an underestimation since clinicians are generally unaware of GJH-related pain. More recent studies have found incidences of chronic pain over 90% in hEDS patients -- higher than that in cEDS. Clinicians report that pain is the primary reason fro seeking medical help and the most frequent complaint but more studies are needed.
Most studies focus on hEDS and many do not distinguish between hEDS and JHS.
Pain usually starts in early life and is often triggered by an apparent external factor such as an injury, surgery, psychological distress, or by a comorbidity. The pain is initially felt as an acute and localised symptom or as 'growing pains' related to the trauma. Muscle cramps, pariarticular inflammation, enthesopathies, and nerve entrapment syndromes can add to the localised MSK pain.
The pain later becomes widespread, most commonly presenting as arthralgias and myalgias (joint and muscle pains) in young adult and adult patients. The pain is most frequently localised in the neck, shoulders, forearms, fingers, hips, knees, and feet and may, at first, be localised to a few joints or muscles with a migratory pattern. The pain will gradually become more widespread and additional symptoms including burning sensations, peripheral paresthesias, generalised hyperalgesia, allodynia, and hypersensitivity to various stimuli (e.g., light, sound, and odors) become apparent. Pain in non-articular regions (e.g., headaches, gastro-intestinal, pelvic) as well as fatigue often appear. The underlying cause of the fatigue is unclear.
The pain is generally resistant to the use of analgesics (painkillers), surgery, and physical therapy. This can have a negative effect on physical, social, and emotional wellbeing.
The pathogenesis of pain in hypermobility and EDS
The underlying causes and mechanisms of pain in JHS and EDS are poorly understood.
Pain caused by an injury or damage (nociceptive pain) is often present, especially in early stages and neuropathic pain may also contribute to the pain (and account for parasthesias) and be exacerbated by dislocations and subluxations. Central sensitisation may also contribute to the pain becoming chronic.
It has been proposed that lack of proprioceptive acuity (ability to sense joint position and movement) and muscle weakness play a role in generating chronic pain. The fear of pain is common in people with JHS and hEDS and can cause deconditioning and exercise intolerance which leads to a cycle.
It is hypothesised that abnormalities in the extracellular matrix (ECM) can contribute to the generation and chronification of pain. The ECM has a clear role in the general detection of noxious stimuli (nociception) and painful injuries have been shown to alter the the ECM at acute and chronic time points after the injury. The ECM also has a role in neuroplasticity and connectivity of the central nervous system.
Patients with EDS have defects in different components of the ECM which can lead to a devastating impact on the nervous system. Defective connective tissue can also inhibits the body's ability to react protectively to stretching or pressure of peripheral nerves.
The abnormal ECM may contribute to the central sensitisation that causes the chronification of pain.
The complex nature of pain in JHS and EDS patients, fragmented understanding of the underlying mechanisms, and lack of reported effectiveness of treatments highlight the fact that the management of pain in JHS and EDS patients.
Management requires pharmacological and psychological therapy.
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gastro-delhi · 23 days
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment In Delhi
Pancreas is a vital organ and performs both the exocrine and endocrine functions. Pancreas may have several diseases. There are various causes of pancreatic diseases. Doctor advises to undergo several diagnostic tests to determine the type, cause, and extent of the disease.
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment In Delhi
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What Is Pancreas?
Pancreas is situated in the abdominal cavity and helps in food metabolism. It is a gland and performs both exocrine and endocrine functions. Due to its exocrine function, it helps in digestion, while its endocrine ability helps in regulating the optimum blood sugar level. The length of the pancreas is about six to eight inches and the shape is like an extended pear. Several organs such as liver, small intestine, and spleen surrounds the pancreas.
Pancreas secretes chymotrypsin and trypsin for the digestion of proteins, amylase for the digestion of carbohydrates, and lipase for the digestion of fats. The pancreatic duct carries the enzymes from the pancreas to the stomach when the food enters the digestive tract. A part of the pancreas, islets of Langerhans, synthesizes the hormones and secretes them directly into the blood stream. The main hormones secreted by the pancreas are insulin and glucagon.
What Are The Diseases Of Pancreas?
Different diseases may affect the pancreas. The symptoms of the diseases depend upon the type and severity. Some of the diseases of pancreas are:
Acute Pancreatitis : The acute pancreatitis is the condition in which there is a sudden inflammation in the pancreas. The patient with this condition experiences severe abdominal pain. Patient may also have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. There are several causes of acute pancreatitis. The treatment depends upon the underlying causes of the disease. Most patients with acute pancreatitis completely recover.
Chronic Pancreatitis : Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term disease and may result in damage to the pancreas. The condition most commonly occur in people with the age between 30 years to 40 years. Men are at increased risk for developing this condition. The symptoms, along with the disease, progresses from mild to severe. In case of complete pancreatic damage, the patient is unable to maintain optimum blood sugar level and may suffer from diabetes mellitus.
Hereditary Pancreatitis : Pancreatitis may also occur due to hereditary alterations in the pancreas and intestine. The patient may have pancreatitis early in the life and then progress tochronic pancreatitis. Cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease, also cause pancreatitis. The condition progresses and result in permanent damage to the pancreas. The treatment for hereditary pancreatitis is almost like chronic pancreatitis.
Pancreatic Cancer : Malignant cells in the pancreatic tissues result in pancreatic cancer. Patients do not experience any symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the initial stage. However, as the diseases progresses, symptoms began to appear. Painless jaundice is usually the first sign of pancreatic cancer.
What Are The Symptoms Of Pancreatic Diseases?
Most patients do not experience any symptoms during the initial stage of the pancreatic disease, except in acute pancreatitis. Some of the general symptoms in pancreatic diseases are:
Fatigue and weakness
Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
Pain in the abdomen
Weight loss
Upset stomach
What Are The Causes Of Pancratic Diseases?
Some of the causes of pancreatic disorder are:
Underlying medical conditions : Several underlying medical conditions result in pancreatic diseases. The patients with infection, gallstones, high level of triglycerides, and metabolic disorders are at increased risk of developing pancreatic diseases.
Medications: There are several drugs that causes pancreatic diseases as their side effects. Some of them are estrogen, corticosteroids, antibiotics, diuretics, and medicines for autoimmune diseases.
Trauma : A trauma to the pancreas causes pancreatic injury and may cause pancreatic dysfunction. Trauma may occur during vehicle collision or when hit by a blunt object.
Surgery : In some cases, the post-operative complications may result in hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
Hereditary disease: Certain hereditary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, may result in pancreatic diseases.
Prolonged consumption of alcohol: People who consume excessive alcohol for a prolong period are at high risk for developing pancreatic disease.
Family history : People with the family history of pancreatic disease are more vulnerable to developing the pancreatic disease.
How The Doctor Diagnoses Pancreatic Diseases?
There are several methods to diagnose the pancreatic disease. Some of the methods are:
Physical evaluation : The doctor perform comprehensive examination and seek information about your symptoms.
Blood tests: The doctor may advise you to undergo blood test. Through the blood test, your doctor may evaluate the functional status of the pancreas. Blood test includes determining the level of amylase and lipase.
Imaging techniques: The doctor may also advise you to undergo imaging techniques to determine the presence and severity of the pancreatic disease. The imaging techniques include MRI, Ultrasound, and CT scan.
Stool tests : Stool tests may also be performed to analyze the level of fat present in the stools. It will provide information about the nutrient absorption status.
What Are The Options For Treating Pancreatic Disease In Delhi?
There are several options for the treatment of pancreatic diseases in Delhi. The type of treatment depends upon the pancreatic disease and its severity. Some of the treatment for pancreatic diseases are:
Medications: The medications may help to manage the underlying causes of pancreatitis. For example, if the pancreatitis is due to infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The doctor may also prescribe pain relievers to manage pain.
Fasting: The doctor may also advise you to stop eating for one to two days to allow the pancreas to recover. Once the inflammation is stable, the doctor may allow you to drink liquid. After some time, you may return to your normal diet.
Surgery: The doctor may also recommend surgery in case the medications did not provide any relief. The surgery depends upon the cause of pancreatic diseases. You should consult with the best GI surgeon in Delhi for surgery for your pancreatic disease.
What Is The Cost Of Pancreatic Disease Treatment In Delhi?
The cost of pancreatic disease treatment in Delhi depends upon several factors. It depends upon the type of hospital, experience of the doctor, type of treatment (whether medicines or surgery) and severity of the disease (as more severe disease may require longer hospital stay or longer treatment).
From Where I Can Get More Information About The Pancreatic Disease And Treatment?
For more information about the pancreatic disease and treatment options, you may fill the form and write your symptoms in more detail.
To schedule an appointment With Dr. Neeraj Goel for Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, please contact: Name: Dr. Neeraj Goel (Cancer Surgeon in Delhi) Address: D-1, Hakikat Rai Rd, Block D, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, 110033 Phone: +91–9667365169, +91–9599294453 Website: www.gastrodelhi.com
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Bronchitis vs. Pneumonia: Understanding the Differences
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When respiratory illnesses strike, distinguishing between bronchitis and pneumonia can be challenging but critical for appropriate treatment and recovery. Both conditions affect the lungs, but they differ significantly in their causes, symptoms, and severity.
What is Bronchitis?
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your lungs. It often results from viral infections, though bacterial infections can also cause it. Bronchitis manifests in two forms: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is more common and usually follows a cold or respiratory infection, while chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition often associated with smoking.
Symptoms of Bronchitis:
Persistent cough, often producing mucus
Wheezing and shortness of breath
Chest discomfort
Mild fever and chills
What is Pneumonia?
Pneumonia, on the other hand, is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. These air sacs may fill with fluid or pus, leading to difficulty breathing and other severe symptoms. Pneumonia can result from a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It ranges in severity from mild to life-threatening and can affect people of all ages, although it is particularly dangerous for infants, elderly individuals, and those with compromised immune systems.
Symptoms of Pneumonia:
High fever, often with chills
Cough that produces green, yellow, or bloody mucus
Sharp or stabbing chest pain
Severe shortness of breath
Fatigue and muscle aches
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Key Differences and Treatment
The primary distinction between bronchitis and pneumonia lies in the nature and location of the infection. While bronchitis affects the bronchial tubes, pneumonia impacts the lung's air sacs. Treatment for bronchitis generally includes rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medications to ease symptoms, whereas pneumonia may require antibiotics, antivirals, or antifungals, depending on the cause.
For those dealing with chronic conditions or severe infections, having access to the right medications is crucial. Here, the role of a pharmaceutical distributor in the USA becomes indispensable. These distributors ensure the timely and efficient delivery of necessary medicines to hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies, aiding in the prompt treatment of respiratory illnesses like bronchitis and pneumonia.
In conclusion, understanding the differences between bronchitis and pneumonia is vital for effective treatment and recovery. If you suspect you might have either condition, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. And remember, the support of a reliable pharmaceutical distributor in the USA can be a lifeline in managing these respiratory health challenges.
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loovdesigner · 5 months
Master in Pain Management
Everyone could understand and feel of the pain that is bearing or suffering by their close relatives including their family and friends. But the bottom line is that No one could make them pain free. This situation is very crucial and make them everyone helpless against the pain.
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If we see that the treatment approaches to chronic pain after taking following certain procedures as mentioned below:
You can see that the task of medicine is to relieve suffering under few circumstances. For instance initially it is when a painful injury or pathology is resistant to treatment and persists. Other one is when pain persists after the injury or pathology has healed. Lastly, it is when medical science cannot identify the cause of pain.
If we see that the treatment approaches to chronic pain after taking following certain procedures as mentioned below:
Intervention procedures, etc.
When Should I Call My Doctor or Pain Expertise ?
Before calling the Doctor you should have to know about your Pain behavior like it is happening continuously that is first time ? You have a new pain or the pain seems stated at different parts of your body than before ?
Pain is continuous even though after you take your pain medicine. Like ask yourself Is it continue to have breakthrough pain that is pain between medicine doses ? The medicine you are taking makes you sleepier than usual or confused.
You have digestion issues from prescription pain medicine that is not helped with treatment. A challenge in pain management is communication between the health care provider and the person experiencing pain. Because people who are experiencing pain may have difficulty recognizing or describing what they feel.
If someone is taking the services of Health care providers and patients may have difficulty communicating with each other about how pain is intense and how responds to treatments. The pain has so many factors but we may determined it like following manner in respective of time like in morning, evening, night and so on.
You may also note the activities of your daily routine where you may feel the intense pain.
Factors and Measurement of Pain Diagnosed.
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What kind of medicines may be used for reducing or stopping pain ?
Commonly prescription pain medicines such as opioids, narcotics are only used for short-term who is suffering by acute pain. You may consult your healthcare provider who will tell you how to take your specific prescription of medicine safely. Your health provider will tell you about common and serious side effects of the medicine. Also some prescription of pain medicines contain acetaminophen. Hence do not take other medicines that contain acetaminophen without talking to your health expertise. Unnecessarily and too much intake of acetaminophen may cause liver damage too.
The following prescription of medicines may be used for pain:
Steroids, it decrease inflammation that causes pain.
Anesthetic, this medicines may be injected in or around a nerve to block pain signals from the nerves.
Anxiety medicine, it decreases anxiety and intense levels of anxiety that make pain harder to manage.
Antidepressants, it may be used to help decrease or prevent the symptoms of depression or emotions. They are also used to treat nerve pain.
Anticonvulsants, they are usually used to control seizures.
How to Manage Pain Without Medicine?
Is this Possible ?
Firstly, you should have to talk to your health provider about your daily activities, as some of activities of your daily routine may cause worsen pain. Your health provider can help you to find various ways to reduce pain. Your therapist may recommend assistive devices. For instance, a splint, cane, crutches, or walker can remove pressure or provide support. Also Braces or orthotics that would help you to stand or walk more easily.
You may ask about pain management techniques this may include the massage therapy, it would helps relieve tight muscles. You may also consider transcutaneous electrical stimulation which is safe electrical signals to help control muscle or nerve pain but use it rarely when actually it needed.
You may use the home remedies like apply heat or ice as directed by your health provider. For heat, use a heat pack, heating pad set on low, or a warm washcloth. You may apply the heat for 15 to 20 minutes or as many times as directed. Simultaneously for ice, you may use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Cover the bag with a towel before you place it on your skin and apply ice for 20 minutes or as directed by your health provider.
Yes, that is possible to manage and master of pain control but it would depend on your ability. Like how long you would keep busy yourself with creatively. Do try to keep all the things parallel way which you do as before. For this you may watch your favorite entertainment stuff, keep debating with your family members and friends. You should have to make yourself habitual to play any game.
If possible ask any kid that you wanted to learn and play his or her favorite game. How much strength you have it does not matter but just try to walk or indulge yourself into any physical activity. Do breathing exercise regularly. Be positive in your thoughts and actions.
The purpose of above given information is just for awareness. It is not intended as medical advice for anyone or any medical conditions or treatments.
It is requested kindly talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical plan to see if it is safe and effective for you. Be happy and keep smiling.
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beavertonfamilychiro · 6 months
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Back pain is an unfortunately common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes of back pain include poor posture, muscle strain, and injuries. There are many different types of back pain, and each can have its own set of symptoms and causes.
One of the most common types of back pain is known as acute back pain. This is usually the result of a sudden injury or strain and typically goes away within a few days or weeks. However, some people may experience chronic acute back pain, which lasts for months or even years. Another common type of back pain is known as chronic back pain. This type of pain is often the result of an underlying condition, such as arthritis or a herniated disc. Chronic back pain can vary in intensity and may come and go over time.
If you are experiencing back pain, it is important to see a chiropractor or other healthcare provider to determine the cause. With the proper treatment, most people can find relief from their back pain and get on with their lives.
What Causes Back Pain?
It’s no wonder that back pain is one of the most common health complaints – it can be caused by a variety of things, from poor posture to herniated discs. Back pain is a common issue that can have a number of different causes. In some cases, it may be due to an underlying health condition, such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease. Other times, it may be the result of an injury or strain.
Many injuries, conditions, and diseases can cause lower back pain. They include:
Strains and sprains: 
The most common cause of back pain is a strain or sprain. You can injure muscles, tendons, and ligaments by lifting something too heavy or not lifting safely if you have been doing these activities for an extended period without taking time off to rest up properly.
A sprain occurs when muscles stretch beyond their normal range during physical activity or stressful situations such as sports-related puncture wounds by sharp objects resulting from biking accidents where one might fall onto pavement causing significant tearing along with bruises under skin surfaces.
The bones in your spine can break during an accident, like a car crash or fall. Conditions such as spondylosis and osteoporosis increase the risk of fractures because they make it easier for calcium to enter into these areas where there are no chips on any plates.
Disk problems: 
Disks are cushioning the spinal bones. The disks can bulge from their position and press on a nerve, or they might tear (herniate). With age comes changes in disk shape that offer less protection against injury-degenerative disease will eventually take over if left unchecked.
Structural problems: 
The spine has a series of disks that protectively cushion and support the brain. These same discs can become too narrow for their respective centers, causing pinching or pressing against nerves leading to severe pain in various parts such as lower back muscles ( sciatic), and sharp shooting pains down one side if you have scoliosis which often leads people into awkward positions.
Osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are the most common types of arthritis to cause lower back pain. Back issues caused by these two conditions include inflammation, and stiffness in your spine (secondary effects).
Due to the endless number of possible causes for back pain, it can be hard not knowing what’s causing your discomfort. Some common include kidney stones and abdominal aortic aneurysm but there are many more serious conditions that may lead you down this road as well such as spine tumors or infections.
The vertebrae in the spine can become misaligned and cause low back pain, which may also radiate down your leg. It leads to slipping of these discs between one another leading to painful symptoms such as chronic sciatica nerve damage or even spinal cord compression.
5 Types of Back Pain in Beaverton
Back pain is a very common affliction that can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. There are many different causes of back pain, but one of the most common is flexion-dominant back pain.
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms are made worse by sitting, bending, lifting
Symptoms improve after standing and walking for short durations
May include spine pain, leg pain or both
May experience tingling/numbness
Can progress to leg weakness
Often has pain with cough/sneeze (but not always)
Loss of range of motion (difficulty straightening up after rising from sitting)
Treatment for flexion-dominant back pain often includes a combination of stretching, strengthening, and massage. In severe cases, injections or surgery may be necessary. However, most people with this type of back pain can find relief with conservative treatment methods.
There are many different causes of back pain, but one of the most common is Extension Dominant Back Pain (EDBP). EDBP is caused by a combination of factors, including poor posture, weak back muscles, and tight hamstrings. One of the best ways to treat EDBP is to stretch the hamstrings and strengthen the back muscles.
Signs and Symptoms
Pain after standing for long periods
Temporary relief from sitting or bending
Range of motion is typically stable and does not change in short periods of time. 
The back may be stiff, but it is always stiff in the same way
Pain after high-impact activities (running or gymnastics movements)
Usually includes localized spinal pain
May include leg pain, tingling, or even numbness in severe cases
 In addition, it is important to maintain good posture and avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. If you are suffering from back pain, talk to your doctor about a treatment plan that may be right for you.
Acute back pain refers to a sudden and intense episode of pain in the back that typically lasts for a short period, generally up to six weeks. It can be caused by various factors, such as muscle strains, ligament sprains, herniated discs, or improper lifting of heavy objects. The signs and symptoms of acute back pain may vary from person to person.
Signs and Symptoms
Sharp or shooting pain in the affected area
Difficulty or discomfort when moving your back or performing certain activities like bending, twisting, or lifting
Muscle stiffness or tension
Muscle spasms or uncontrolled contractions of the muscles
Pain radiating to other areas like buttocks, hips, or down the legs
Inflammation around the affected area can cause localized swelling, redness, or tenderness
Neuropathic back pain refers to a type of chronic pain that originates from damage or dysfunction of the nerves in the back or spinal cord. It is different from other forms of back pain, such as mechanical or muscular pain, as it is caused by a disruption in the normal functioning of the nervous system.
The signs and symptoms of neuropathic back pain can vary from person to person, but some common characteristics include:
Signs and Symptoms:
Shooting or burning pain in a specific area or radiating along the nerve pathways
Abnormal sensations such as tingling, numbness, or pins and needles (paresthesia).
Chronic nature (lasting for months or even years)
Hypersensitivity to touch or pressure on the affected area
Muscle weakness or loss of coordination due to nerve compression or damage affecting the motor nerves that control the function
Sleep disturbances and emotional impact (may lead to fatigue, anxiety, and reduced ability to perform daily activities
Chronic pain disorders are a type of condition that causes pain to persist for long periods of time. These disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including injuries, diseases, and nerve damage. Chronic pain disorders can interfere with a person’s ability to work, sleep, and participate in activities they enjoy.
Signs and Symptoms
Vary widely
Pain does not follow typical anatomic boundaries
The location of pain may migrate to include other parts of the body
Pain can be made worse by a state of anxiety or depression
Increases and decreases in pain are not necessarily linked to mechanical trauma or physically stressful events
What are the Risk Factors of Back Pain?
Back pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages. While back pain can be caused by a number of factors, there are some risk factors that are more commonly associated with the condition. Age is one of the most significant risk factors for back pain, with the condition becoming more prevalent as we get older. This is often due to the wear and tear that our bodies experience over time. 
Other risk factors may include:
occupational activities
poor physical fitness
a sedentary lifestyle
obesity or excess weight
strenuous physical exercise or work
genetic factors
medical conditions, such as arthritis and cancer
Chiropractic Care for Back Pain in Beaverton
Back pain is a common problem, with more than one in four people experiencing it at some point in their lives. Chiropractic care in Beaverton is an effective treatment for back pain and can help to improve function and reduce pain. At Beaverton Family Chiropractic in Beaverton, experts use a variety of techniques to treat back pain, including spinal manipulation, massage, and exercise therapy. 
If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, chiropractic care in Beaverton may be the right choice for you. Book an appointment today or call us at (503) 644-8844.
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mi-bodyhealth · 7 months
What is Acute Pancreatitis?
Acute Pancreatitis is defined as the inflammation of the Pancreas that develops within few hours or days. It is the more severe and fatal form of pancreatitis compared to chronic pancreatitis. The main difference between chronic and acute pancreatitis is that in acute pancreatitis, the structure and function of the pancreas returns to normal after resolution of the inflammation, while in…
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drbasilshomeo · 8 months
homeopathic treatment for sinusitis | homeopathy treatment
Does Sinusitis and Headache irritate you? Permanent solution by homoeopathy!
Waking up with a stuffy nose and throbbing headache are very annoying. Sinusitis is a condition which irritates the patient in such a way that the whole day becomes tired. Each patient suffers from different symptoms such as headache, blockage of the nose, pressure in the face region, running nose, breathing difficulties etc. Sinusitis is a condition in which sinuses are infected and filled with mucus. Drainage becomes blocked and causes various symptoms. In these situations, homeopathic treatment will bring a permanent cure by correcting the root cause of sinusitis. The reason behind the sinusitis will be found by a homeopathic physician and clear it out by minimum dose of homeopathic medicines.
 What is sinusitis?
Sinusitis means inflammation of the tissues lining the sinuses. Sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull. When it becomes filled with mucus due to any blockage, the infection enters into the spaces and the patient gets annoying symptoms.
Various conditions which cause sinus blockage are;
·         Common cold
·         Deviated nasal septum (DNS)
·         Allergic rhinitis – caused by allergens.
·         Nasal polyps and adenoids
Different types of sinusitis according to the onset of symptoms
Acute sinusitis- Acute sinusitis starts suddenly with a running or stuffy nose and pain in the forehead or cheeks. And lasts up to 2-4 weeks
Sub-acute sinusitis- It usually lasts up to 4-12 weeks
Chronic sinusitis- Symptoms get prolonged to more than 12 weeks.
Pan sinusitis is a condition in which all sinuses in the head are affected instead of one or two. In many patients, symptoms appear repeatedly which is termed as recurrent sinusitis.
Symptoms of sinusitis
Patients present varying symptoms according to the sinuses involved. The common presentations are;
·         Nasal block
·         Pain or tenderness in the forehead, behind cheeks, and inner aspect of the eyes
·         Yellow or greenish discharge from the nose
·         Cough
·         Bad breath or loss of smell
·         Throat pain and post nasal drip etc.
Sinusitis also causes middle ear problems due to nasal congestion and blockage. It is manifested as dizziness or a vibrating feeling in the head. Some patients have Bad breath, toothache, loss of smell etc. However, symptoms of pain and pressure depend solely on the sinus which is involved. In maxillary sinusitis, pain appears in the cheek area such as toothache and headache. In frontal sinusitis, pain occurs in the forehead, above the eyes. In ethmoidal sinusitis, pain occurs between the eyes or sides of the upper part of the nose. In sphenoidal sinusitis, pain is felt behind the eyes or upper part of the head.
Causes and Risk factors to develop sinusitis
Acute sinusitis is mainly precipitated by an upper respiratory tract infection caused by viral, bacterial or even fungus. Common viruses are influenza viruses, rhino virus and adeno viruses. Streptococcal pneumonia is the main causative bacteria.
Chronic sinusitis is mainly due to multifactorial reasons, which might cause inflammation in the nasal passages. The diseases that mainly contribute to the development of chronic sinusitis are;
·         Allergic rhinitis
·         Nasal polyps and adenoids
·         Asthma and cystic fibrosis
·         Dental & ear infections
·         Deviated nasal septum
Diagnosis of sinusitis
Clinical features of the patient itself give a positive diagnosis. If the symptoms resolve within 1 week without any complications it must be due to any viral infection. If symptoms get worse bacterial infection may be suspected. In such cases, Nasal endoscopy, and X-ray of para nasal sinus are suggested to get an exact cause. In some cases, CT, and MRI are suggested according to the severity.
Management of sinusitis
The severity of symptoms in sinusitis patients can be reduced by following these measures;
·         Drink plenty of water and keep hydrated
·         Nasal saline drops are applied to both nostrils
·         Nasal spray to reduce allergic reactions
·         Steam inhalation to loosen the mucus
·         Eat food rich in antibacterial properties like ginger, garlic, honey, apple cider vinegar etc.
·         Take sufficient rest
·         Apply warm compresses to the face and head
Homeopathic treatment for Sinusitis and facial pain
Sinusitis and related issues are well cured by many homeopathic medicines that I used in my clinical practice. Some of the medicines which are widely used for the treatment are listed below;
·         Silicia – This medicine is  well indicated in cases of facial pain with nose block and discharge of greenish yellow color.
·         Kali bichromicum- It is a wonderful remedy for sinusitis with post-nasal dripping with pain at the root of the nose.
·         Belladona- It has the power to reduce the inflammation in the body and hence the pain.
·         Natrum muriaticum- when allergy is associated with sinusitis, this medicine gives good results
·         Lemna minor – this medicine helps to correct nasal polyps and other growths in the nasal passages.
Homeopathic medicines act at the root cause and try to correct it. If the patient has allergic rhinitis or nasal polyp, homeopathic treatment aims at curing the polyp or allergy. The mental and physical evaluation was done by the homeopathic physician and a constitutional homeopathic medicine give to the patient. The homeopathic medicines not only cure the sinusitis but also other inflammatory problems in the body. The patients need not take painkillers for a lifetime and also having zero side effects by taking these homeopathic medicines.
For any queries regarding Sinusitis and its online consultation please visit www.drbasilhomeo.com
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cardiffpainclinic · 8 months
Treat Chronic Hip Pain Using a Holistic Approach to Life-Style Change, Therapy and Medicine
Cardiff Pain Clinic is here to help you with hip pain relief. The information you need to know to restore your hips' strength and health and assist you in receiving the treatment you need to stop suffering. Finding relief from hip pain is something everyone deserves. Although aching hips are commonly connected to age, they can also be caused by debilitating stiffness and a dull throbbing for various reasons at any age. Chronic pain can be a side-effect of everyday life, but it's not something you have to accept as normal. People who have experienced chronic hip pain for years can now obtain useful insights thanks to the Cardiff pain & performance clinic guided by Dr. Guru. The back pain clinic Cardiff South Wales team treats the patients based on their pain's cause and intensity.
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Chronic hip pain is a result of multiple causes. It could be a sign of another underlying disease or it could be an independent condition. Relieving your chronic hip pain may be possible through the treatment of another health condition, particularly if it appears to be causing the pain. The fibromyalgia clinic Cardiff South Wales team have treated various kinds of hip problems to effectively improve your quality of life and get you moving again. Not all hip pain is the same. The causes and appropriate treatments can differ based on the frequency, severity, and type of symptoms you're feeling. Understanding the differences and knowing when to get checked out is crucial to finding hip pain relief.
Nerve pain clinic Cardiff South Wales team says,” Understanding the distinction between acute and chronic hip pain is important. Pain that occurs unexpectedly following a traumatic hip injury, such as a car accident or fall, is called acute pain. Chronic or persistent pain has a longer duration and can indicate an underlying condition, such as runner's hip or arthritis”. What are the common descriptions of pain in your hips? Most commonly, it happens in the groin region, where your leg meets your body. Under certain circumstances, you may experience a clicking or popping in that area. Hip pain, like any other type of pain, ranges from a mild ache to a sharp sensation. If the sensation is a mild one, then you may try some of the following home remedies. Reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow can be achieved by using ice packs and hot packs. The recovery of the hip joints is dependent on the rest as well. Read more about remedies for reducing Hip pain at home in the concluding part of the blog, Part 2. Visit https://cardiffpainclinic.com/  for booking and appointments.
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drparthiv · 8 months
What are the common causes of bronchitis?
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Bronchitis is typically caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which can result from various factors. The common causes of bronchitis include:
Viral Infections: Acute bronchitis is often caused by viral infections, such as the common cold or the flu (influenza). Viruses are the most frequent culprits, leading to symptoms like cough, mucus production, and chest discomfort.
Bacterial Infections: While less common than viral bronchitis, bacterial infections can also cause acute bronchitis. Bacterial bronchitis may require antibiotic treatment.
Irritants and Allergens: Exposure to irritants and allergens can lead to chronic bronchitis. The most significant contributor to chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoke, but exposure to other lung irritants like air pollution, dust, or chemical fumes can also be a factor.
Environmental Factors: Inhaling polluted air, such as industrial emissions or indoor air pollutants, can irritate the bronchial tubes and lead to bronchitis, especially in areas with poor air quality.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Stomach acid that backs up into the throat and airways can irritate and inflame the bronchial tubes, contributing to chronic bronchitis in some cases.
Respiratory Infections: Other respiratory infections, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), can lead to bronchitis, especially in young children and the elderly.
Weakened Immune System: People with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, or those taking immunosuppressive medications, are more susceptible to bronchitis.
Asthma: Individuals with asthma may be at an increased risk of developing bronchitis, especially if their asthma is not well-controlled.
Occupational Exposure: Certain occupations that involve exposure to lung irritants and toxins, such as coal miners or textile workers, may be at higher risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
It's important to differentiate between acute and chronic bronchitis, as they have different causes and treatment approaches. Acute bronchitis is often caused by viral or bacterial infections and is usually short-lived. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, is typically a result of long-term exposure to irritants and is a component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It requires ongoing management and lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation, to improve the condition.
Consult Dr. Parthiv Shah is one of the Chest Physician in Borivali at Sparsh Super Speciality lung Clinic. They can assess your condition and determine whether a referral to a pulmonologist is necessary.
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alisonmotleyblog · 8 months
No-Hassle Safelaser Products - An A-Z
In recent years, clinical technology has experienced considerable improvements that have revolutionized exactly how we come close to medical care. One such innovation is Safe Laser Treatment, an interesting advancement in treatments. This short article explores what Safe Laser Treatment is as well as how it is being utilized as a promising tool in various healing applications. Understanding Safe Laser Treatment Safe Laser Therapy, additionally called Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or cold laser therapy, is a non-invasive clinical procedure that makes use of low-power laser light to promote tissue repair as well as decrease inflammation. Unlike high-power surgical lasers utilized for cutting or ablating tissue, Safe Laser Therapy runs at lower power degrees, making it safe and also painless. It has actually gained appeal for its flexibility and effectiveness in dealing with different clinical conditions. Just How Safe Laser Treatment Functions Safe Laser Therapy is based on the principle of photobiomodulation, which entails the communication between laser light and living tissue at the mobile degree. Here's just how it works: Absorption of Light: When the laser light is related to the skin, it is soaked up by the cells' mitochondria, the cell's powerhouses. Mobile Excitement: The taken in light power promotes cellular processes, such as raised production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule that offers power for cell features. Cells Repair work: This mobile energy boosts cells repair work, decreases swelling, as well as enhances blood circulation. It additionally motivates the launch of endorphins, promoting pain alleviation. Applications of Safe Laser Therapy in Medicine Safe Laser Treatment has discovered applications across different clinical fields many thanks to its capability to advertise recovery and ease pain without creating injury. Here are some noteworthy locations where Safe Laser Therapy is made use of: Pain Administration: Safe Laser Therapy takes care of chronic as well as acute pain conditions, including joint inflammation, bone and joint injuries, and also nerve discomfort. It can lower pain by reducing swelling and safelaser advertising tissue fixing. Physical Recovery: Physio therapists make use of Safe Laser Therapy to help in the healing of injured muscular tissues, ligaments, and tendons. It can aid speed up the healing procedure and also enhance variety of activity. Dermatology: In dermatology, Safe Laser Therapy treats skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, and also acne. It can likewise assist in wound recovery and also mark reduction. Dental care: Dental professionals make use of Safe Laser Therapy for procedures like treating periodontal condition, alleviating mouth ulcers, and decreasing discomfort and also inflammation after dental surgery. Veterinary Medicine: Safe Laser Treatment isn't limited to human patients. Vets utilize it to deal with pets and also animals for numerous conditions, consisting of joint inflammation and injury recovery. Advantages of Safe Laser Therapy The advantages of Safe Laser Therapy are various and consist of: Non-Invasiveness: It offers a non-invasive alternative to typical operations, lowering the threat of issues and also the need for anesthesia. Quick Recovery: Safe Laser Treatment accelerates the body's all-natural healing processes, leading to quicker recuperation. Marginal Side Effects: It has minimal negative effects and is well-tolerated by many individuals. Adaptability: Safe Laser Treatment can be used with other treatments as well as is ideal for various clinical conditions. Discomfort Management: Its analgesic impacts make it a beneficial device hurting administration, reducing the need for pain medications. Conclusion Safe Laser Treatment represents a considerable advancement in clinical technology, offering a safe and efficient approach to recovery as well as pain management.
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sweetboy19866767 · 9 months
Acute Pain- What Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Acute pain is characterized by quick, severe, and short-lived pain. Acute pain can range from minor to severe and is brought on by an accident, surgery, or even a disease.
It can occasionally signal a health issue with the body. Usually, this soreness subsides after a few days.
Acute Pain: What Is It?
Acute pain is a sudden kind of pain that develops after an injury, surgery, or disease that causes tissue damage. The discomfort only lasts a few days to a few weeks and is quite brief.
What Brings About Acute Pain?
There are several different causes of acute pain, some of which are common:
The Roots of Urgent Pain
1.) Injury: An injury such a cut, bruise, sprain, or fracture might result in this kind of pain.
2.) Surgery: Because surgery results in tissue damage and inflammation, acute pain is quite frequently experienced following surgery.
3.) Due to disease: This discomfort may also be brought on by an infection, cold, or other disease.
And intense pain after dental work or IV insertion, as well as agony brought on by delivery and labor.
What Are the Signs of Acute Pain?
Here are a few typical signs of severe pain:
Sorts of pain that are throbbing, scorching, or sharp
Heightened tactile sensitivity
Redness and swelling at the sore spot
Spasms of muscles
Mood shifts
What is the best course of treatment?
The reason and degree of the pain will determine the course of treatment. However, some popular choices for therapy include things like:
Best Course of Treatment:
Nonprescription painkillers like   Aspadol 100mg .
Prescriptions for painkillers and muscle relaxants like those sold under the carisoprodol and tapentadol brands.
Physical therapy, relaxation techniques, cold or heat therapy, and many more.
Between Acute and Chronic Pain:
Pain comes in both acute and chronic forms. An accident, an infection, or a disease can all be the cause of chronic pain, which lasts for more than three months. A person's quality of life is affected by chronic pain, which can be challenging to cure.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 11 months
World Hepatitis Day: Signs and Dangers of the Liver Illness
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According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that 40 million people are diagnosed with hepatitis B and 6 to 12 million are infected with hepatitis C. In 2019, Hepatitis B led to 820,000 deaths.
So what is Hepatitis, and why should we worry about it?
The WHO defines hepatitis as “an inflammation of the liver that is caused by a variety of infectious viruses and noninfectious agents leading to a range of health problems, some of which can be fatal. “ There are various types of hepatitis ranging from letters A to E.
A, B, and C are some of the most common types of hepatitis. Hepatitis A is usually short-term, While B and C can cause long-term or chronic infections. A person might have hepatitis B and C at the same time. The major difference between B and C is that Hepatitis B spreads from contact with bodily fluids, and C spreads from blood-to-blood contact.
Hepatitis D is also known as ‘delta-hepatitis’. But it only occurs if a person already has been affected by the Hepatitis B virus. It is transmitted through broken skin or contact with infected blood. Hepatitis E results in self-limited and acute illness.
To raise awareness about hepatitis, the World Health Organization has marked 28th July as World Hepatitis Day. The day coincides with the birth anniversary of Baruch Samuel Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus. He was awarded a Nobel Prize for his discovery in 1976.
Hepatitis can be spread through various means like food or drinking water with the virus, sexual contact, sharing of dirty needles, contact with the infected blood, needle stick injuries, transference from a pregnant person to a fetus, and contact with an infected person’s body fluids.
Some symptoms of the disease are dark urine, stomach pain, yellow skin or eye whites (jaundice), pale or clay-coloured stool, fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, aching joints and feeling sick to the stomach.
It is usually advised to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any symptoms. Hepatitis B and D can be prevented by a vaccine. There is no cure for Hepatitis A, but you can stop the infection with a dose of the hepatitis A vaccine or hepatitis A immune globulin.
People with a high risk of contracting hepatitis are
people who share needles to take drugs,
practice unprotected oral and/or anal sex,
have many sex partners,
drink significant amounts of alcohol,
have poor nutrition,
work in a hospital or nursing home,
receive long-term kidney dialysis, or
travel to areas with poor sanitation.
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Getting diagnosed with Hepatitis might seem scary, but there are ways to keep yourself safe. Vaccination is one of the ways to keep yourself safe, Other ways include practising protected sex, not sharing needles, not using an infected person’s personal items, taking precautions while getting tattoos or body piercings, following hygienic habits while traveling and drinking bottled water while traveling.
Filaantro recognizes the danger of Hepatitis. That is why we actively raise funds for people afflicted with the disease. If you are suffering from hepatitis or know someone suffering from hepatitis, you can start fundraising on our very own website.
Thank you for reading this article. Remember to share it with your friends and family members.
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hudsonspinalchiro · 1 year
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Back pain is an unfortunately common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes of back pain include poor posture, muscle strain, and injuries to the spine. There are many different types of back pain, and each can have its own set of symptoms and causes.
One of the most common types of back pain is known as acute back pain. This is usually the result of a sudden injury or strain, and typically goes away within a few days or weeks. Another common type of back pain is known as chronic back pain. This type of pain is often the result of an underlying condition, such as arthritis or a herniated disc. Chronic back pain can vary in intensity, and may come and go over time.
If you are experiencing back pain, it is important to see a chiropractor or other healthcare provider to determine the cause. With the proper treatment, most people can find relief from their back pain and get on with their lives.
It’s no wonder that back pain is one of the most common health complaints – it can be caused by a variety of things, from poor posture to herniated discs. Back pain is a common issue that can have a number of different causes. In some cases, it may be due to an underlying health condition, such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease. Other times, it may be the result of an injury or strain.
Many injuries, conditions and diseases can cause lower back pain. They include:
Strains and sprains: 
The most common cause of back pain is a strain or sprain. You can injure muscles, tendons and ligaments by lifting something too heavy or not lifting safely. 
A strain occurs when muscles stretch beyond their normal range during physical activity.  A sprain is when there is injury to the ligaments that hold joints together.
The bones in your spine can break during an accident, like a car crash or fall. Conditions such as spondylosis and osteoporosis increase the risk of fractures.
Disk problems: 
Disks are cushioning the spinal bones which are called vertebrae. The disks can bulge from their position and press on a nerve, or they might tear (herniate). With age comes changes in disk shape that offer less protection against injury. Degenerative disease will eventually take over if left unchecked.
Structural problems: 
The spine is a series of vertebrae separated by discs that protectively cushion and support the spine.  These same discs can become too narrow for their respective centers, causing pinching or pressing against nerves leading to severe pain in various parts such as lower back muscles which can result in sciatica  and sharp pain.
Osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are some common types of arthritis that cause lower back pain. Back issues caused by these two conditions include inflammation, stiffness in your spine (secondary effects).
The vertebrae in the spine can become misaligned and cause low back pain, which may also radiate down your leg. It leads to slipping of these discs between one another leading towards painful symptoms such as chronic sciatica nerve damage or even spinal cord compression.
Back pain is a very common affliction that can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. There are many different causes of back pain, but one of the most common is flexion dominant back pain.
Symptoms are made worse by sitting, bending, lifting
Symptoms improve after standing and walking for short durations
May include spine pain, leg pain or both
May experience tingling/numbness
Can progress to leg weakness
Often has pain with cough/sneeze (but not always)
Loss of range of motion (difficulty straightening up after rising from sitting)
Treatment for flexion dominant back pain often includes a combination of stretching, strengthening, and adjustments of the spinal vertebrae. In severe cases, injections or surgery may be necessary. However, most people with this type of back pain can find relief with conservative treatment methods.
There are many different causes of back pain, but one of the most common is Extension Dominant Back Pain (EDBP). EDBP is caused by a combination of factors, including poor posture, weak back muscles, and tight hamstrings. One of the best ways to treat EDBP is to stretch the hamstrings and strengthen the back muscles.
Signs and Symptoms
Pain after standing for long periods
Temporary relief from sitting or bending
Range of motion is typically stable and does not change in short periods of time. 
The back may be stiff, but it is always stiff in the same way
Pain after high impact activities (running or gymnastics movements)
Usually includes localized spinal pain
May include leg pain, tingling, or even numbness in severe cases
 In addition, it is important to maintain good posture and avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. If you are suffering from back pain, talk to your doctor about a treatment plan that may be right for you.
Neurogenic Claudication is a condition characterized by back pain that is caused by compression of the nerves in the spine. The compression of the nerves can be due to a variety of reasons, including herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
Signs and Symptoms
Typically no symptoms when sitting
Upon rising and walking: pain, numbness or weakness in the legs begins after a predictable amount of time (length of time depends upon severity)
Many of these patients have no local spine pain
After symptoms begin, the patient must sit or bend forward to reduce symptoms
Some patients are seen leaning over a shopping cart, for example, so they can walk without leg symptoms
Neurogenic Claudication is a condition that results in pain and cramping in the legs due to compression of the nerves in the lower spine. The condition is often caused by degenerative changes in the spine, such as herniated discs or spinal stenosis. 
In some cases, chiropractic care can help to alleviate the symptoms of Neurogenic Claudication. A chiropractor can perform adjustments to the spine that may help to relieve pressure on the nerves and improve circulation. 
Signs and Symptoms
Onset of pain is usually in patients under 35 years of age, and not due to trauma
Pain persists for more than three months
The back pain and stiffness worsen with immobility, especially at night and in early morning
The back pain and stiffness tend to ease with physical activity and gentle exercise
Chronic pain disorders are a type of condition that causes pain to persist for long periods of time. These disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including injuries, diseases, and nerve damage. Chronic pain disorders can interfere with a person’s ability to work, sleep, and participate in activities they enjoy.
Signs and Symptoms
Vary widely
Pain does not follow typical anatomic boundaries
Location of pain may migrate to include other parts of the body
Pain can be made worse by a state of anxiety or depression
Increases and decreases in pain are not necessarily linked to mechanical trauma or physically stressful events
Back pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages. While back pain can be caused by a number of factors, there are some risk factors that are more commonly associated with the condition. Age is one of the most significant risk factors for back pain, with the condition becoming more prevalent as we get older. This is often due to the wear and tear that our bodies experience over time. 
Other risk factors may include:
occupational activities
poor physical fitness
a sedentary lifestyle
obesity or excess weight
strenuous physical exercise or work
genetic factors
medical conditions, such as arthritis and cancer
Back pain is a common problem, with one in four people experiencing it at some point in their lives. Chiropractic care in Westerville is an effective treatment for back pain, and can help to improve function and reduce pain. At Hudson Spinal Health & Wellness in Westerville experts use a variety of techniques to treat back pain, including spinal manipulation, postural rehabilitaion, and exercise therapy.  If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, chiropractic care in Westerville may be the right choice for you. Book an appointment today or call us at  (614) 954-3827.
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mambasoftwares · 1 year
What is the difference between gastritis, gastric ulcer and stomach cancer?
Gastritis, gastric ulcers, and stomach cancer are all related to the stomach, but they are distinct conditions with different causes and characteristics. Here’s an overview of each:
Gastritis: Gastritis refers to inflammation of the stomach lining. It can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). The common causes of gastritis include infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and autoimmune disorders. Symptoms of gastritis may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, indigestion, and loss of appetite. Treatment typically involves medications to reduce stomach acid, antibiotics to eradicate H. pylori infection if present, and lifestyle modifications.
Gastric Ulcer: A gastric ulcer, also known as a stomach ulcer, is a sore or lesion that develops in the lining of the stomach. The most common cause of gastric ulcers is infection with H. pylori bacteria. Other factors that may contribute include long-term use of NSAIDs and excessive alcohol consumption. Symptoms of gastric ulcers may include abdominal pain (often described as burning or gnawing), indigestion, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and blood in the stool. Treatment involves medications to reduce stomach acid, antibiotics to eradicate H. pylori infection if present, and lifestyle changes.
Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer): Stomach cancer is a malignant tumor that forms in the cells of the stomach lining. It is usually a result of a slow, progressive transformation of the normal stomach cells into cancerous cells. The exact cause of stomach cancer is not well understood, but certain factors increase the risk, including infection with H. pylori bacteria, a diet high in smoked, pickled, or salted foods, family history of stomach cancer, smoking, and certain genetic conditions. Symptoms of stomach cancer may include abdominal pain, persistent indigestion, heartburn, unintentional weight loss, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and blood in the stool. Treatment options for stomach cancer depend on the stage and may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy.
It’s important to note that if you have any concerns about your stomach health or experience persistent symptoms, you should consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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tridentchiro · 1 year
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Back pain is an unfortunately common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes of back pain include poor posture, muscle strain, and injuries. chiropractor, There are many different types of back pain, and each can have its own set of symptoms and causes.
One of the most common types of back pain is known as acute back pain. This is usually the result of a sudden injury or strain and typically goes away within a few days or weeks. However, some people may experience chronic acute back pain, which lasts for months or even years. Another common type of back pain is known as chronic back pain. This type of pain is often the result of an underlying condition, such as arthritis or a herniated disc. Chronic back pain can vary in intensity and may come and go over time.
If you are experiencing back pain, it is important to see a chiropractor or other healthcare provider to determine the cause. With the proper treatment, most people can find relief from their back pain and get on with their lives.
It’s no wonder that back pain is one of the most common health complaints – it can be caused by a variety of things, from poor posture to herniated discs. Back pain is a common issue that can have a number of different causes. In some cases, it may be due to an underlying health condition, such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease. Other times, it may be the result of an injury or strain.
Many injuries, conditions, and diseases can cause lower back pain. They include:
Strains and sprains: 
The most common cause of back pain is a strain or sprain. You can injure muscles, tendons, and ligaments by lifting something too heavy or not lifting safely if you have been doing these activities for an extended period without taking time off to rest up properly.
A sprain occurs when muscles stretch beyond their normal range during physical activity or stressful situations such as sports-related puncture wounds by sharp objects resulting from biking accidents where one might fall onto pavement causing significant tearing along with bruises under skin surfaces.
The bones in your spine can break during an accident, like a car crash or fall. Conditions such as spondylosis and osteoporosis increase the risk of fractures because they make it easier for calcium to enter into these areas where there are no chips on any plates.
Disk problems: 
Disks are cushioning the spinal bones. The disks can bulge from their position and press on a nerve, or they might tear (herniate). With age comes changes in disk shape that offer less protection against injury-degenerative disease will eventually take over if left unchecked.
Structural problems: 
The spine is a series of disks that protectively cushion and support the brain. These same discs can become too narrow for their respective centers, causing pinching or pressing against nerves leading to severe pain in various parts such as lower back muscles ( sciatic), and sharp shooting pains down one side if you have scoliosis which often leads people into awkward positions.
Osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are the most common types of arthritis to cause lower back pain. Back issues caused by these two conditions include inflammation, and stiffness in your spine (secondary effects).
Due to the endless number of possible causes for back pain, it can be hard not knowing what’s causing your discomfort. Some common include kidney stones and abdominal aortic aneurysms but there are many more serious conditions that may lead you down this road as well such as spine tumors or infections.
The vertebrae in the spine can become misaligned and cause low back pain, which may also radiate down your leg. It leads to the slipping of these discs between one another leading to painful symptoms such as chronic sciatica nerve damage or even spinal cord compression.
Back pain is a very common affliction that can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. There are many different causes of back pain, but one of the most common is flexion-dominant back pain.
Symptoms are made worse by sitting, bending, lifting
Symptoms improve after standing and walking for short durations
May include spine pain, leg pain or both
May experience tingling/numbness
Can progress to leg weakness
Often has pain with cough/sneeze (but not always)
Loss of range of motion (difficulty straightening up after rising from sitting)
Treatment for flexion-dominant back pain often includes a combination of stretching, strengthening, and massage. In severe cases, injections or surgery may be necessary. However, most people with this type of back pain can find relief with conservative treatment methods.
There are many different causes of back pain, but one of the most common is Extension Dominant Back Pain (EDBP). EDBP is caused by a combination of factors, including poor posture, weak back muscles, and tight hamstrings. One of the best ways to treat EDBP is to stretch the hamstrings and strengthen the back muscles.
Signs and Symptoms
Pain after standing for long periods
Temporary relief from sitting or bending
Range of motion is typically stable and does not change in short periods of time. 
The back may be stiff, but it is always stiff in the same way
Pain after high-impact activities (running or gymnastics movements)
Usually includes localized spinal pain
May include leg pain, tingling, or even numbness in severe cases
 In addition, it is important to maintain good posture and avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. If you are suffering from back pain, talk to your doctor about a treatment plan that may be right for you.
Neurogenic Claudication is a condition characterized by back pain that is caused by compression of the nerves in the spine. The compression of the nerves can be due to a variety of reasons, including herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
Signs and Symptoms
Typically no symptoms when sitting
Upon rising and walking: pain, numbness, or weakness in the legs begins after a predictable amount of time (length of time depends upon severity)
Many of these patients have no local spine pain
After symptoms begin, the patient must sit or bend forward to reduce symptoms
Some patients are seen leaning over a shopping cart, for example, so they can walk without leg symptoms
Neurogenic Claudication is a condition that results in pain and cramping in the legs due to compression of the nerves in the lower spine. The condition is often caused by degenerative changes in the spine, such as herniated discs or spinal stenosis. 
In some cases, chiropractic care can help to alleviate the symptoms of Neurogenic Claudication. A chiropractor can perform adjustments to the spine that may help to relieve pressure on the nerves and improve circulation. 
Signs and Symptoms
The onset of pain is usually in patients under 35 years of age, and not due to trauma
Pain persists for more than three months
The back pain and stiffness worsen with immobility, especially at night and in the early morning
The back pain and stiffness tend to ease with physical activity and gentle exercise
Chronic pain disorders are a type of condition that causes pain to persist for long periods of time. These disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including injuries, diseases, and nerve damage. Chronic pain disorders can interfere with a person’s ability to work, sleep, and participate in activities they enjoy.
Signs and Symptoms
Vary widely
Pain does not follow typical anatomic boundaries
The location of pain may migrate to include other parts of the body
Pain can be made worse by a state of anxiety or depression
Increases and decreases in pain are not necessarily linked to mechanical trauma or physically stressful events
Back pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages. While back pain can be caused by a number of factors, there are some risk factors that are more commonly associated with the condition. Age is one of the most significant risk factors for back pain, with the condition becoming more prevalent as we get older. This is often due to the wear and tear that our bodies experience over time. 
Other risk factors may include:
occupational activities
poor physical fitness
a sedentary lifestyle
obesity or excess weight
strenuous physical exercise or work
genetic factors
medical conditions, such as arthritis and cancer
Back pain is a common problem, with one in four people experiencing it at some point in their lives. Chiropractic care in Spartanburg is an effective treatment for back pain and can help to improve function and reduce pain. At Trident Health and Chiropractic in Spartanburg experts use a variety of techniques to treat back pain, including spinal manipulation, massage, and exercise therapy.  If you are looking for an alternative to traditional medicine, chiropractic care in Spartanburg may be the right choice for you. Book an appointment today or call us at  (864) 871-4951.
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