#what made me think 3 multi pages comics for three days was a good idea 😭 i simply do not have the time dnjddjd
orykorioart · 1 year
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Old Sweet Flips sketch from June 2021 to celebrate TAZ Sapphic week beginning later this week :3c
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2022 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Results! (Part 2)
The results are in, and the greater Megaman fandom community has chosen me as it’s...
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...of the decade! That’s it, that’s the contest. Thanks so much for your votes and support! Good night, everyone!
*Ahem* Oh, that’s right. You have all been patiently waiting for the results of this year’s Valentine’s Day Fanart Contest. Carrying on, then.
Here are the results for Category 2 and the Wildcard, after the break.
I will be contacting all participants soon.
Reminder, for part 1 of these results, please head HERE.​
CATEGORY 2 (Humor):  I Feel All Mushy Und Tingly Inside
For the humor category, our participants were to draw something in which a character had created some sort of mind-controlling device or concept to make other characters fall in love in a humorous way. 
For the full gallery of entries, you can head to this link HERE. Beneath each entrant’s name will also be a link to their individual pieces at full-size. This category was mostly multi-page comics, so get ready for a lot of reading.
1.) @papillonthepirate: $150 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3]
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Gaga, oooh la la! Yes, you were right. You did have a perfect idea for this category! Fit into the cheesiness of Ruby-Spears with your dialogue on point and the perfect twist to Wily’s plan leading to his downfall. Easily made me laugh the most, as I could hear their voices as I read through this whole thing. 
2.) @aw-colorcat: $75 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5]
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Even though I never had one, I should have realized that was an Atari from the beginning. LOL Clever job with that twist at the end, as well as the cute part between Heat and Fire proving love can find a way without mind-controlling. Very cute comic!
3.) @hyperbole1729: $50 [IMAGE 1]
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Oh, Neo World Three, always screwing up a plan, and yet it still somehow working out in the end. Although with Charlie not getting hypnotized, will he still fall for Tesla? How will he compete for her love against four other eligible bachelors? Find out on the next exciting season of Rockman.EXE: The Tesla-rette.
And the rest of our entries, in alphabetical order by alias.
Still a winner.) AbilityField: $50 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3]
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So cool and suave Blues is. You can’t control his love, but he can now control yours! I think Kalinka wins either way, even if poor Over-1 feels like it might have not gone to plan. 
Still a winner but you already got your prize money for another category.) @subzeroiceskater: [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5] [IMAGE 6] [IMAGE 7] [IMAGE 8] 
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As always, you are so ambitious with your comics. And this one is such a wild ride. Even with a few heavier battle moments, the puns, the pairings, the frog and prince plot spin all made for really amusing content. Loved a lot of the crazy emotions and faces drawn, between Ninja Froggy Time, Spark Man both feeling it and getting ignored, and so many more. But again, you are being rewarded for something else.
For the wildcard category, all anyone had to do was draw me something Valentine-y featuring my favorite Megaman lady, Hoshikawa Akane. This act of mine hasn’t changed since Star Force came out, and yet you still all put up with me?! Well, now deal with me gushing over these pics, in a category just meant to tempt me.
For the full gallery of entries, you can head to this link HERE. Beneath each entrant’s name will also be a link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) @digitallyfanged: $150 [IMAGE]
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Love is what I feel for this image. Gosh, those eyes just draw me in, with those super-stylized extra long lashes. The flow and movement of the pic from her hair to the dress blowing around in all it’s pieces, to the unique leaning pose. It’s just so different and gorgeous and totally won me over, so thank you!
2.) @subzeroiceskater: $75 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5]
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Only you would both call me out as a simp and craft a piece around SIMPsons references, knowing how much I would enjoy it. I appreciate the volume and range of Akane’s in varying styles to tide me over. Super cute, super deformed, super hot and super humorous. Throwing in old pics you have drawn for the Kattelox gallery was perfect, and I don’t deserve you humoring me as often as you have over the years. Thank you!
3.) @maqqy96: $50 [IMAGE]
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Pants are optional. Gosh, she’s so cute and so adorable here! Even as simplistic as the background is with her name and the green heart, it just works so well with the colors to tie into her outfit and still make the main art pop out. I love it a ton, thank you!
And the rest of our entries, in alphabetical order by alias.
Still a winner but you got your prize money for your other entry.) AbilityField: [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5] [IMAGE 6] [IMAGE 7]
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So much variety! I really do love the final pic the most with the heart hand pose and appreciate the wishes. But there is so much cuteness throughout! From the young lovebirds, which hardly anyone draws them from that concept art style, to hitting the major holiday costumes which tie into other contests/events I’ve held or helped out with over the years. The page of chibis is just super adorbs. Thank you for drawing so much of her, I love ‘em all!
Still a winner.) @duskblogsthings: $50 [IMAGE]
(Side note - I have no clue why the imgbox link changed the orientation when it uploaded! Sorry!)
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I will gladly accept this Valentine heart box of chocolates from such a cute lady! Thank you so much for drawing this!
Still a winner but you got your prize money for your other submission.) foidot: [IMAGE]
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The artsy side of Akane is something that draws me to her (pun intended), and I appreciate you tying that in here with this piece. Thank you so much for drawing her ready to create another masterpiece!
Until next contest, thanks everyone! 
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shortend · 7 years
Comic Script Prompt: Batgirl of Burnside
My Overwatch script got at least one artist working on it from what I can tell. One is more than the zero that I was expecting, so after what I consider to be a successful first attempt at this I’m gonna give it another go. I only read a few volumes of Batgirl from Stewart, Fletcher, and Tarr, and while I understand there were some controversies regarding certain villains, it was still stylish and entertaining. That being said, I only read a few volumes and have NO IDEA what’s going on in current continuity, other than what I hear about Frankie Charles apparently being dropped which is what inspired me to write this script... last year. I forgot it was even here. But I’m not worried about this script fitting into any sort of canon, are you? Good. We’re here for fun. You know what’s fun? Batgirl. Let’s have fun. THE RULES: For those who are new to illustrating comics: the rules are simple. Read the whole ten-page script. Outline and illustrate based on how you feel the story is best told. The panel counts and even the descriptions of the panels are only suggestions. The writer’s job is to give you the story to tell. Therefore you are the story teller. It’s only polite to stick to the dialog as closely as possible, but most writers can’t even draw stick figures, so the layout of the actual comic falls to your expertise. Go get ‘em. I would love to see as many takes on this script as possible, so I would be grateful to those who are willing to share this script in order for it to be seen by artists far and wide. I would appreciate writing credits, of course, but the rest of your work is yours to do with as you please. I also ask that you PLEASE TAG ME if you post your illustrations on tumblr so that I can ooh and awe. If you’re looking to get into comic book illustration, or are just bored and need something to mess around with before your own inspiration takes over and leads you to make your own art: this is as good a place as any to start. This goes to writers too. Do not be afraid to post fan scripts online. Everyone needs practice, and it could lead to exciting collaborations. Feel free to share any questions or comments. Thank you. PAGE ONE (Six Panels) Panel 1. Interior warehouse. Batgirl, clad in her ever-stylish bat-themed ensemble, and Operator, clad in a hoodie and several multi-purpose cybernetic enhancements including bulky gauntlets, backpack that converts into a small robot, and ever-important leg braces, lurk in the foreground behind some industrial barrels as they watch Killer Frost command her henchmen. I know Frost's kind of an independent homicidal maniac nutjob who don't need no hench-man, but this is only a comic prompt so mind your biscuits. BATGIRL: I think we finally found Killer Frost's lair. OPERATOR: What gave it away? The freezing cold or the fact that she's literally right in front of us? BATGIRL: Don't question the super sleuth.
Panel 2. Operator wraps her arms around herself to stay warm and restrain her shivering from drawing unwanted attention. Batgirl pulls a stick of lip balm out of her utility belt.
OPERATOR: Man, it's so friggin' cold my lips are chapped. BATGIRL: Here, I have something for that. Panel 3. Close up. Operator holds the closed stick of lip balm in front of her face and scowls at it and its patented bat motif. Panel 4. Batgirl looks concerned. BATGIRL: What? Panel 5. Close up. Operator continues to scowl, only this time it's directed forward at the camera. Panel 6. Batgirl lowers her head and fidgets nervously. BATGIRL: Never mind. Your eyes say it all. PAGE TWO (Five Panels) Panel 1. Operator applies the balm and raises an eyebrow to Batgirl, who simply shrugs. OPERATOR: Does Bat-MAN carry around a tube of lip balm too, or just Bat-GIRL? BATGIRL: Presumably? I guess? Why not? Panel 2. Imagined scenario. Exterior. Gotham City. The Batman looms atop a gargoyle and surveys his city with a brooding scowl. Such is the severity of his brooding scowl that it can easily be conveyed through his brooding cowl, which is itself designed to convey both brooding and scowling because it is a mask and the whole point of a mask is to hide your face regardless of its expression. BATMAN (Caption): “Somewhere, even now, Scarecrow is preparing his most recent batch of fear toxin.” BATMAN (Caption): “Any slip up on my part could cost thousands of lives.” BATMAN (Caption): “No time to be distracted by trivial aches and pains.” Panel 3. Extreme close-up  profile view of Batman's gritted teeth as he juts his jaw forward and applies lip balm to his lower lip. BATMAN (Caption): “Thankfully...” BATMAN (Caption): “I came prepared.” Panel 4. Low angle of Batman leaping from the gargoyle with his cape flared out dramatically behind him as lightning strikes in the distance. His lips have a distinctly glossy sheen. BATMAN (Caption): “I am the night.” BATMAN (Caption): “Woosh!” Panel 5. Back to Batgirl stroking her chin in thought. OPERATOR: Really? The Batman says, “Woosh?” BATGIRL: I think? But only in his head. PAGE THREE (Four Panels) Panel 1. Batgirl and Operator turn face to face with their backs to the camera. Between them, in the background, Killer Frost looks over her shoulders and is surprised to see two figures lurking in the shadows. Wow, ladies, it's time to step up your lurking game. BATGIRL: Point is: You're not questioning the lip balm anymore. OPERATOR: I assume his sparkles too. BATGIRL: We all have our vices. OPERATOR: Superman doesn't have vices. He's Superman. BATGIRL: Uh, duh-hoy. Yeah, he does. Panel 2. Imagined scenario. Exterior. Batman crouches atop a building, ever the picture of disgruntled vigilantism, as Superman hovers in the air beside him with his arms folded. They both look out over the city. SUPERMAN: Hi there, Bruce. BATMAN: Clark. SUPERMAN: Chilly tonight, isn't it? Panel 3. Batman hands Superman his lip balm from off panel. BATMAN (OP): Here. SUPERMAN: Thank you. Panel 4. Same angle as Panel 2, except Superman hovers with one arm akimbo, as the hip Metropolisian likes to call having one hand on his hip, which is hip, and the other applying lip balm to his perfectly honed alien lips, which might be less hip. SUPERMAN: You know, my Kryptonian blood and Earth's yellow sun grant me resistance to chapped lips. SUPERMAN: I do, however, appreciate the cherry flavor and glossy sheen. BATMAN: Totes. PAGE FOUR (Four Panels) Panel 1. Operator gives a skeptical look. OPERATOR: Hold up. Batman's name is “Bruce?” Panel 2. Batgirl nervously rubs the back of her head with one hand and waves dismissively with the other at the easily dismissed notion of The Batman having a perfectly normal civilian name. BATGIRL: No! What!? Ha ha! No! BATGIRL: I just thought it would be funny to give them funny normal funny civilian names. Panel 3. Killer Frost strikes a dramatic pointing pose as she orders her hench-peeps to advance on the intruders. BATGIRL (OP): His name would obviously be “Battholomew Manchild” anyway. I mean, get real. KILLER FROST: Intruders! Get them! Panel 4. Batgirl and Operator bound over the barrels to bop some bad-guy noggins. Operator's gauntlets slide over her hands and form something along the lines of metal boxing gloves. BATGIRL: Wow. Really? OPERATOR: “Get them?” Uhh, clichĂ© much?” PAGE FIVE (Five Panels) Panel 1. Batgirl and Operator bop and ka-pow the various hench-folk with ease and flair while Killer Frost gets angry and defensive. KILLER FROST: Hey! It's not my fault! It's a hench-people thing! KILLER FROST: They're trained to follow certain key phrases, like “Don't let them escape!” and “Take her to my chambers!” Panel 2. Wide angle of the skirmish as Batgirl and Operator dispatch the minions of darkness through the use of fisticuffs. One hench-individual comes up behind Operator, seemingly unnoticed. BATGIRL: I guess their handbook hasn't been updated in a while. BATGIRL: You can still order them to get you an “Iced Tea”, right? Huh? OPERATOR: Don't make puns. Don't be that girl. Panel 3. Batgirl notices Operator's encroaching assailant preparing to grab her from behind and gets ready to throw a batarang to intercept. BATGIRL: Who are you who are so adverse to base comedy? Panel 4. Operator raises her fist without looking and strikes the hench-being behind her in the nose with what has come to be known as the “Batman Punch,” seemingly validating her coming claim. OPERATOR: I'm Batman. Panel 5. Killer Frost prepares to engage in an assault of her own. KILLER FROST: You're not Batman... PAGE SIX (Five Panels) Panel 1. Killer Frost unleashes a freeze blast that Batgirl and Operator narrowly dodge. I say narrowly because that incites tension. Tension is important to action scenes. I can action scene. I can action scene real good. You don't know me. You don't know what I've been through. KILLER FROST (Burst): You're a dork! Panel 2. Operator takes a knee and fires off a small projectile. OPERATOR: Body Snatcher. SFX: Ptunk! Panel 3. Shot of the projectile streaking through the air. Panel 4. Same angle as the projectile expands into a net, or whatever sort of binding contraption you deem to be more “creative” as you kids like to say. You with your newfangled “Stylizes” and your “Welcome Tablettes.” In my day we had rock walls and our own blood. That was how we made comics. Panel 5. Killer Frost shoots the “body snatcher” out of the air. That's what she thinks of your imagination. What're you gonna do about it? KILLER FROST: Nope! Boring! PAGE SEVEN (Three Panels)
Panel 1. Operator's gauntlets take on a decidedly more “energy canon” appearance as matter-sucking vortexes begin to manifest. OPERATOR: H.G. Wells!* SFX: Voormvoormvoorm! CAPTION: *Hyper Gravity Wells. Not to be confused with iconic sci-fi writers. Panel 2. Killer Frost loses her balance as she struggles against the powerful current of pseudo-science pulling at her from off-panel. SFX:Voormvoormvoormvoorm! KILLER FROST: What the $#&%? Panel 3. Batgirl delivers a leaping kick to Killer Frost's noggin BATGIRL: Calling out my attack!* SFX: Boot! CAPTION: *Not to be confused with a good idea. PAGE EIGHT (Five Panels) Panel 1. Batgirl and Operator stand side-by side. Batgirl playfully jabs Operator in the shoulder as Operator adjusts her equipment. BATGIRL: Way to suck, Operator. OPERATOR: I'm serious about the puns. End them, or I will. Panel 2. Killer Frost nurses her aching head as she tries to prop herself up on the floor. KILLER FROST: You really think a kick to the head is gonna stop Killer Frost? Panel 3. Batgirl and Operator exchange knowing looks.
BATGIRL: Sedation? OPERATOR: Sedation. Panel 4. Close up from behind. Operator turns her head over her shoulder and talks to the device on her back, causing it to boot up. OPERATOR: Sic her, Rossum. ROSSUM: *Berp* *Wrrr* Panel 5. Operator’s backpack, now Rossum the Universal Robot, springs into the air above Operator. ROSSUM: *Keerp* *Zzzzt* PAGE NINE (Four Panels) Panel 1. Rossum drops like a sack of robot on top of Killer Frost and pins her to the ground. KILLER FROST: Ooph! Get off me! KILLER FROST: Don't you touch me! Panel 2. Close up on Rossum as a little nozzle comes into view. KILLER FROST (OP): What're you doing? Don't you do it! Panel 3. Rossum emits a colorful fog into Killer Frost's face, causing her to blink sleepily. KILLER FROST: Don't you--! ROSSUM: Blorp! Panel 4. Same angle as Killer Frost loses consciousness and drops her head to the ground. PAGE TEN (Six Panels) Panel 1.
BATGIRL: I had no idea you were such a sci-fi dork. OPERATOR: I, like many a prolific genius before me, have been burdened with an overabundance of time to sit on my butt. OPERATOR: Fiction helps. Panel 2. Operator starts to lose balance as her legs give out. BATGIRL: I'd call that a pretty satisfying field test though. Good work. OPERATOR: They're Qadir's designs. They just need my signature programming to work. Panel 3. Operator falls to her hands and knees in pain. OPERATOR: Aaaaaaand, maybe a better power supply. BATGIRL: Oh no! Are you okay!? Panel 4. Operator stares at the ground in front of her in frustration over her apparent weakness as Rossum scurries back up her back. OPERATOR: I can reroute Rossum's power to the braces. This is too much gear to carry on my own in my... OPERATOR: You know... condition. OPERATOR (Whisper): I swear I'm not a liability. Panel 5. Batgirl leans over and places her hand on her friend's shoulder to comfort her. BATGIRL: I never said you were. We'll get you home and figure out an energy solution. Panel 6. Batgirl stands up and looks over the mess of the warehouse. BATGIRL: Right after we figure out what Killer Frost was up to. CAPTION: To never be concluded!
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2022 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Results! (Part 2)
The results are in, and the greater Megaman fandom community has chosen me as it’s...
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...of the decade! That’s it, that’s the contest. Thanks so much for your votes and support! Good night, everyone!
*Ahem* Oh, that’s right. You have all been patiently waiting for the results of this year’s Valentine’s Day Fanart Contest. Carrying on, then.
Here are the results for Category 2 and the Wildcard, after the break.
I will be contacting all participants soon.
Reminder, for part 1 of these results, please head HERE.​
CATEGORY 2 (Humor):  I Feel All Mushy Und Tingly Inside
For the humor category, our participants were to draw something in which a character had created some sort of mind-controlling device or concept to make other characters fall in love in a humorous way. 
For the full gallery of entries, you can head to this link HERE. Beneath each entrant’s name will also be a link to their individual pieces at full-size. This category was mostly multi-page comics, so get ready for a lot of reading.
1.) @papillonthepirate: $150 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3]
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Gaga, oooh la la! Yes, you were right. You did have a perfect idea for this category! Fit into the cheesiness of Ruby-Spears with your dialogue on point and the perfect twist to Wily’s plan leading to his downfall. Easily made me laugh the most, as I could hear their voices as I read through this whole thing. 
2.) @aw-colorcat: $75 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5]
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Even though I never had one, I should have realized that was an Atari from the beginning. LOL Clever job with that twist at the end, as well as the cute part between Heat and Fire proving love can find a way without mind-controlling. Very cute comic!
3.) @hyperbole1729: $50 [IMAGE 1]
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Oh, Neo World Three, always screwing up a plan, and yet it still somehow working out in the end. Although with Charlie not getting hypnotized, will he still fall for Tesla? How will he compete for her love against four other eligible bachelors? Find out on the next exciting season of Rockman.EXE: The Tesla-rette.
And the rest of our entries, in alphabetical order by alias.
Still a winner.) AbilityField: $50 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3]
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So cool and suave Blues is. You can’t control his love, but he can now control yours! I think Kalinka wins either way, even if poor Over-1 feels like it might have not gone to plan. 
Still a winner but you already got your prize money for another category.) @subzeroiceskater: [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5] [IMAGE 6] [IMAGE 7] [IMAGE 8] 
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As always, you are so ambitious with your comics. And this one is such a wild ride. Even with a few heavier battle moments, the puns, the pairings, the frog and prince plot spin all made for really amusing content. Loved a lot of the crazy emotions and faces drawn, between Ninja Froggy Time, Spark Man both feeling it and getting ignored, and so many more. But again, you are being rewarded for something else.
For the wildcard category, all anyone had to do was draw me something Valentine-y featuring my favorite Megaman lady, Hoshikawa Akane. This act of mine hasn’t changed since Star Force came out, and yet you still all put up with me?! Well, now deal with me gushing over these pics, in a category just meant to tempt me.
For the full gallery of entries, you can head to this link HERE. Beneath each entrant’s name will also be a link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) @digitallyfanged: $150 [IMAGE]
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Love is what I feel for this image. Gosh, those eyes just draw me in, with those super-stylized extra long lashes. The flow and movement of the pic from her hair to the dress blowing around in all it’s pieces, to the unique leaning pose. It’s just so different and gorgeous and totally won me over, so thank you!
2.) @subzeroiceskater: $75 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5]
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Only you would both call me out as a simp and craft a piece around SIMPsons references, knowing how much I would enjoy it. I appreciate the volume and range of Akane’s in varying styles to tide me over. Super cute, super deformed, super hot and super humorous. Throwing in old pics you have drawn for the Kattelox gallery was perfect, and I don’t deserve you humoring me as often as you have over the years. Thank you!
3.) @maqqy96: $50 [IMAGE]
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Pants are optional. Gosh, she’s so cute and so adorable here! Even as simplistic as the background is with her name and the green heart, it just works so well with the colors to tie into her outfit and still make the main art pop out. I love it a ton, thank you!
And the rest of our entries, in alphabetical order by alias.
Still a winner but you got your prize money for your other entry.) AbilityField: [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5] [IMAGE 6] [IMAGE 7]
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So much variety! I really do love the final pic the most with the heart hand pose and appreciate the wishes. But there is so much cuteness throughout! From the young lovebirds, which hardly anyone draws them from that concept art style, to hitting the major holiday costumes which tie into other contests/events I’ve held or helped out with over the years. The page of chibis is just super adorbs. Thank you for drawing so much of her, I love ‘em all!
Still a winner.) @duskblogsthings: $50 [IMAGE]
(Side note - I have no clue why the imgbox link changed the orientation when it uploaded! Sorry!)
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I will gladly accept this Valentine heart box of chocolates from such a cute lady! Thank you so much for drawing this!
Still a winner but you got your prize money for your other submission.) foidot: [IMAGE]
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The artsy side of Akane is something that draws me to her (pun intended), and I appreciate you tying that in here with this piece. Thank you so much for drawing her ready to create another masterpiece!
Until next contest, thanks everyone! 
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