#what r her connections with kanata..
asbestieos · 2 years
(shakes akira by the collar) hey. mayoi lore drop 2023. okay?
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rex-shadao · 5 years
The Failure of Rey Nobody
I haven’t done a Star Wars analysis or review in a long time.  But with the recent release of Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker and the subsequent details being revealed, I feel it’s a good time to go over what happened in TROS and how it affects the rest of the saga.  Oh, there’s a lot to go over, but I’ll stick with one particular topic that I have an ax to grind on ever since the post-TFA release...
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The topic of Rey’s parents and heritage.
As I’ve stated before, this is going to involve MAJOR spoilers from TROS, so please don’t continue reading if you don't want to be spoiled. Let’s begin, shall we?
So it turns out that Rey is actually related to someone important in the Saga.  While parents were nobodies just as Kylo Ren said, her grandfather is not.  And no, it’s not Obi-Wan Kenobi.  It’s Sheev Palpatine.
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That’s right. Emperor Sheev Palpatine of the FIRST Galactic Empire aka Darth Sidious aka the BIG BAD of Prequel and Original Trilogies... is the grandfather of Rey.  And here I thought Harry Potter and the Cursed Child revelation was dumb but at least there I can understand how Lord Voldemort could have a child since he at least has a fanatical lover known as Bellatrix Lestrange.  But Palpatine is never shown to have any mistress, not in the films or expanded media.  And his characterization indicates that old Sheev only cares about power and immortality.  Why does he need to produce heirs when he has a powerful Darth Vader and his more powerful offsprings, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, to groom for the throne?  That is if he ever wants to give that up.
Regardless of that fact (that’s for another topic), the fact that Rey is revealed to be a Palpatine completely undermines the argument that Rey Random/Nobody advocates preached for the last three years or so.  That making Rey a nobody with unremarkable parents would send a stronger message for the audience and kids.  That making her a Skywalker would somehow imply that you could only be a hero and a Jedi if you came from Force royalty bloodline.  And that revealing that Rey is unrelated to anybody is a “great” subversion of the Luke, I Am Your Father trope.
I don’t know about you, but having Rey be related to the Lucifer of the Force, the most evil man in the galaxy, and the mastermind behind the Empire and the First Order, that is anything but a nobody.  It’s pretty much making her a Skywalker except with none of the actual Skywalker relationship benefits like good family members (Luke, Leia, and Padme) and a dynamic with Kylo Ren that isn’t Reylo.  Oh, I can see all of those TLJ defenders being pissed off about TROS retconning the Rey Nobody reveal and blaming JJ Abrams for “caving” to the angry fans... but honestly, this was inevitable.
Rey Nobody was doomed from the beginning.
Why? Because it offers no real narrative after the revelation.  It’s a meta-subversion that went after a short-gain that wasn’t needed to begin with.  Here are several reasons:
1) The idea of a Nobody becoming a hero or a Jedi is not new in Star Wars.
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If you only see the films on a surface and don’t pay attention to the EU material, you’ll be left with the impression that the Skywalker family are the only people who have the Force due to their ancestor, Anakin, being literally born from the Force in a virgin birth.  But if you think about it for a moment, you would know that the Skywalkers were an exception to the rule.  Jedi were celibate and they were not supposed to have families.  How Force-sensitive people were found were dependent on luck, and Anakin himself came from a lowly position of a slave in a backwater planet of the Outer Rim.
So by default, potential Jedi always came from random people scattered across the galaxy.  Their parents were almost always muggles, and there’s no great mystery about them beyond what happened to them.  And for a Jedi, their story path lies ahead, not behind unless there is something about the past that they should know.
Story-wise, the default explanation for Rey’s origins is that of any Jedi.  She’s a nobody born to a bunch of nobodies and lives on a backwater planet with a greater future ahead of her.  The idea that is somehow a revolutionary concept in Star Wars is almost laughable.  It’s the same as making a big surprising revelation that Mulan is a woman in an army where every other soldier else are women as well.  People can accept Rey Nobody from the beginning like every other Star Wars character introduced in the Saga.  It’s only when you imply there’s more to the character than meets the eye...
2) The Mystery Box Hype
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The Mystery Box is designed for one thing only.  To make you generate hype and investment into something that has very little to show.  It’s a great ploy to draw in an audience and see where you can take the story that would please the most people.  But the Mystery Box has a critical weakness.  Sooner or later, people would want to know what’s in the box, and they have spent money and time for that box.  The last thing they want to hear is that they paid for an empty box.
This is the undiscussed part of the Mystery Box factor.  People would rave about how Steven Spielberg created suspense and true terror by not showing the shark when it attacked people in the film.  But what they don’t talk about is that Spielberg nearly destroyed himself and his production trying to get good footage of the shark in its full glory.  Spielberg knew that the audience wouldn’t forgive him if he never showed them the actual shark that he hyped up from the beginning.
This was a critical flaw in Rey’s Mystery Box heritage.  As stated before, Rey started off in the film as a nobody.  That was no mystery.  So to imply that there is something hidden from the audience, something that vague enough for Han and Maz to get lingering shots about her identity, creates higher expectations.  It’s not necessarily about her parents but rather her role in the story.  All of the Skywalker Saga visions, Anakin’s Lightsaber, Luke being her destination, etc.  They seem to hint that Rey is important to the Skywalker family, whatever that reason may be, and it’s something that no other Force-sensitive person could do except her.  Of course, the big reveal in TFA is that she is Force-sensitive (as if that is surprising) but TFA didn’t clear up on Rey’s parents.  No faces, no names, nothing.  They are still a mystery that needed to be resolved despite what Maz Kanata states otherwise to Rey.  So we have two mysteries regarding Rey: Her connection to the Skywalkers and the starship leaving Rey on Jakku.
These two mysteries could be connected but not necessarily so.  But they had to be addressed in some way or some form.
And did TLJ address these two mysteries?  No.  It didn’t.  The best answer for the Skywalker connection is Snoke’s “The darkness rises and the light to meet it,” implying that Rey was destined to rise and combat the evil that is Kylo Ren.  Which is a generic answer that doesn’t explain why it has to be her and not someone else (remember, she didn’t choose to be the hero when those TFA visions happen).  The other mystery, her parents, is a non-answer.  Instead of revealing why the starship left Rey, TLJ focuses on the identity of the parents and reveals them to be filthy, deceased junk traders who sold their daughter for money.  It is clearly a meta-message to say that Rey has no place in the story and that she must forge her own path as Rey Nobody... except it answers nothing.  
It’s the same status quo that Rey was in from the very beginning of TFA.  She’s a nobody who would become the next Jedi hero and her parents are unimportant for the story.  Most reveals like Darth Vader being Luke’s father or that Bucky killed Stark’s parents are effective because they move the plot further and gives us something to look forward to as we wait for the sequel to answer the questions from the reveal (like how would Luke face his father, how would Cap and Iron Man repair their relationship, etc.).  But with Rey’s mysteries being revealed as something we would already be accustomed to, there is nothing for the audience to wonder for the next film.  Why should we care about the ship in the flashback if it’s just Rey’s parents selling Rey off for drinking money?  Why should we care about Rey’s connection with the Skywalker Family if she is not part of their story?
3) Meta-Narrative over In-Universe Reason
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If you hadn’t noticed already, I’ve made a big emphasis on how Rey is assumed to be a Nobody at the beginning of TFA.  That is no mistake.  Because in-universe, Rey has no reason to believe that her parents or heritage were anything special.  She doesn’t believe that she is a Skywalker or a Palpatine.  She’s just an orphan lost in a world that has abandoned her.  She would be glad to find a new purpose in her life and resolve her parental abandonment issues.  This is Rey’s character at the end of TLJ.  It hasn’t changed since the end of TFA.  She learned nothing about herself except the confirmation that her parents were indeed nobodies.  Despite what Rian Johnson may say, that is not the worst thing Rey would hear as an answer.
Luke was content with his father being just a spice freighter navigator, and he was delighted to hear that his father was really a powerful Jedi Knight.  The answer that broke his spirit wasn’t Anakin was “a filthy junk trader” who gave him away to Uncle Owen; it was learning that Darth Vader, the evil man that he hated for killing his father and Obi-Wan, was his father Anakin.  To be related to an evil mass murderer who now wants you to join him and take over the galaxy together can traumatize any orphan who longed for a family, including Rey.
But Rey Nobody doesn’t offer that emotional narrative.  Rey Nobody was the starting status quo of TFA and TLJ offered nothing for Rey’s character beyond a “romance” with her archenemy.  The mysteries surrounding Rey have been answered with the starting status quo in an attempt to send in a meta-message that was unneeded from the beginning.  In short, Rey Nobody renders Rey to be a static character as everything about her was already answered in TFA.
Now compare that with Rey Palpatine.
Rey Palpatine, as dumb as it sounds, actually raises the stakes for her.  She is now related to the most evil man in the galaxy, and that evil man wants her to join him (or inherit the throne).  Rey must confront her grandfather and is now faced with the prospect that she would turn to the Dark Side because of her Palpatine blood as well as the moral dilemma of getting the family she wanted at the cost of knowing they are part of the most hated lineage in the galaxy.  There is tension, there is a personal conflict badly needed for her after TLJ...
And all of this could have been done with Rey Skywalker.  Rey Skywalker would have a lot more personal stakes, tensions, and weight considering how the films are billed as the Skywalker Saga.  It would have been perfect.  Instead, we get Rey Nobody... which didn’t offer JJ Abrams the conflict he needs for her in Episode IX thanks to the last two episodes playing around Mystery Boxes, so he retconned Rey as a Palpatine instead.  A Morton’s Fork at work, congratulations!
If you wanted Rey Nobody, you should have started her as Rey Nobody and then build up her character to make us care instead of surrounding her in mysteries that may not be satisfied.
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osmw1 · 6 years
Dimension Wave   Chapter 4—The Bright Fishing Idea
The first meal I had since coming to Dimension Wave was mackerel and herring. Alto got in contact with the girl who is leveling up her cooking skill and I had her grill some fish for me. It might seem like I’m bragging since I was the one who caught the fish, but they were big and delicious. I gave the girl 10 herrings as thanks. Alto was quite happy for the three herrings I gave him for introducing me to the girl. Perhaps herring is the key to friendship.
“You seem to be well-connected, Alto. Were you a beta tester?”
I recall that they were recruiting for the beta test.
“Nah, I haven’t played the beta at all. In fact, I think they intentionally accepting only a few people for it.”
According to Alto, it seems like they did indeed have a beta version of the game, but there were zero changes for the gold release. Not only that, but the company didn’t want beta characters to be mixed in new players, so everyone was reset to level 1.
“I see.” “I heard there was leaked content.” “Oh, I’ve heard about that too, though I don’t know the details.”
They say a beta tester leaked details about the game on an anonymous textboard, including content protected by the non-disclosure agreement. That’s what I read about at least, though I wasn’t there to witness it in real time.
“What kind of information was leaked?” “Pretty much everyone in the game knows about it, y’know? It’s basically about how Spirits are way underpowered. As far as I remember, though they can get unlimited skills, their stats are the lowest of all races.” “… you don’t know?” “Speaking of which, what race are you playing as? I haven’t seen any like your kind before.”
I take an awkward look at myself. From time to time, I’m half transparent. That’s one of the traits of Spirits.
“The exact Spirit we’re talking about. They seem pretty unusual, but I just learned that they’re not really strong.” “Oh, that’s it. So? What’s it like?” “Ehh. I’ve only been fishing up ‘til now, so I haven’t run into any difficulties so far.”
Since my status and Energy are one and the same, any slight mistake might put my life into jeopardy. If you think about it that way, you could say it’s pretty weak. It seems pretty well-suited for me if I’m just fishing or crafting in town, seeing how I don’t have to do anything to get more Energy or Mana. Well, I guess Dimension Wave focuses more on the combat aspects though.
“I see. Let me know if Spirits are easy to use. I don’t think many people are playing as one because of the leaks.” “Yeah, if I feel like it.” “Alrighty then, I’m gonna head off. Contact me if you have anything you want to trade with me, okay?” “Aye, aye.”
I respond to his wave with my own. After taking a bow, Alto sets off to find his next customer.
I heave a sigh before opening my inventory to look at the fishing rod that I had Alto’s acquaintance make for me. Wooden Rod +2. It’s made from a flexible stick, silk line, and a copper fishhook. All of these things are from different places, so Alto must have run around quite a bit.
Though Alto says the +2 was merely incidental, I don’t think that’s the case. It’s probably more to do with the crafter’s skill and the quality of materials. When he showed me the stick, line, and hook, it already seemed like they were of nice quality, so I think I’m right.
It also costed me 700 serin, but it seems like it’d perform a lot better than the 600 serin Shoddy Rod. And since it was specially made for me, I’ll be extra careful not to let it get stolen away this time. Oh, isn’t it about time my Energy ticked up?
Name/ Kizuna†Exceed Race/ Spirit Energy/ 1,320 Mana/ 60 Serin/ 2,000
Skills/ Energy Production II, Mana Production II
Energy Production II → Energy Production III Generates 200 Energy per hour → Generates 400 Energy per hour Costs 50 Mana to upgrade
I’ve got enough Mana now, so I’ll upgrade my Energy Production to rank III. Give it another two hours, and I’ll take Fishing Mastery too.
“I’ve got an upgraded skill and rod plus a full stomach. Time for round two, I think… oh!”
A light bulb came on above my head. I know it’s an old cliché, but in any case, it’s a bright idea.
—The fish at night will probably be different than the ones at noon, right?
If I get pangs of hunger, then surely, I’ll get sleepy too. I can’t risk falling asleep while fishing. At the very least, I’ll take a cat nap at an inn. After deciding on that, I decided to report to my sisters.
I select “Chat” from my menu. Now that I think about it, I haven’t added them as friends yet. I type in “ Tsugumi†Exceed” and send them a chat. The game plays a dial tone like a telephone would. I have a feeling this is why Tsugumi mistook the chat to be a phone call before.
“Big Bro Kizuna? What’s up?” “Oh, I was just about to hit the sack. Figured I’d give you a call first.” “What, already? Isn’t it a little early?” “Nah, I was hoping to see if there’s a different between the fish during day and at night.” “Is that right? Okie dokie. I’ll let Big Sis know for you too then.” “’preciate it. How are things over at your end?” “ Mm, just fighting like normal.” “Hey… you alright?” “Ahaha. I’m being surrounded by five of them.” “Concentrate!”
I figuratively slam the receiver down. She’d do that too when we game together. We’d play an FPS together and she’d be chatting with Kanata. I’m in the game too, you know? I kept it to myself, but it ticked me off. What’s worse is that she’d top the scoreboard with the highest kill/death ratio. Thinking about it again, it was Tsugumi who got our passes for Dimension Wave. Being surrounded by five of anything would likely be nothing to her.
… I’m still not happy about it, but whatever. Time to look for an inn. I open up the map from the menu. There’s a few places marked with “ZZZ” here in town. I take a look at which of the five seem good. Well, this is a game after all, so there’s probably not a huge difference, but the prices differ. In the end, I chose the one in the middle of the pack that’s neither cheap nor expensive.
“—That will be 150 serin for one night’s stay,” says the lady who is seemingly the innkeeper.
I feel like I’ve heard her voice actress before somewhere. Handing over 150 serin rewarded me with a key. I head towards my room. It seems like you get to use the room for a full 24 hours too. That means I can catch some sleep and go shopping afterwards. I feel like I’m here on vacation.
In any case, I look around the inn. Looks like I’m the only one here. Well, today being the first day, it’d be rare for anyone to head to bed to early. Out of the five, this one seemed the most average. The walls in the cheapest inn were chipped and cracked. Why would anyone choose that, I wonder.
“This is it.”
I arrive at room 101—the same number marked on the key—and unlock the door. It’s a normal room. It’s quite a bit smaller than hotels in real life. I take a seat on the bed. It’s as soft as the bed in my room. To put it mildly, it’s not nearly plush enough to be a hotel bed. Well, it was only 150 serin to stay here.
“… let’s get some shut eye for now.”
I don’t feel right sleeping in my clothes and shoes. I put my shoes aside and take my clothes off. What was left was a little girl in her underwear.
‘Well, nothing wrong with taking more off,’ the demon on my shoulder suggests.
Just to sate my curiosity, I tried to take my underwear off but to no avail. Well, the game’s not rated R after all, so there’s no way I can do anything lewd.
I half-jokingly click my tongue because it’s not like I actually wanted to do anything. It doesn’t really matter anyway and so I lie down as I had originally intended to. I pull up the blanket—again, just as warm as the one in my room—and closed my eyes.
I fall asleep right away as if I had taken sleeping pills. Perhaps they designed the game so that it’d be easy to fall asleep. I’d be quite happy if it were this easy in real life. My thoughts start drifting, and before I realized, my consciousness had drifted away too.
previously: /prologue/ /ch001/ /ch002/ /ch003/ /ch004/ /next/
(please support me on Patreon or Paypal)
(check out the other title I’m translating—written by the same author!)
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thefudge · 7 years
weird theory i might have about rey’s parentage that won’t leave me the hell alone
yeah so bear with me
i do think it’s a compelling narrative if rey comes from “nothing” and her parents were just randoms who disposed of her. yes, it would make a great parallel with kylo’s super privileged origins. 
but i also think there’s another side to it. 
basically, i don’t think he was lying to her at all. her parents did “sell” her, but i don’t think it was for drinking money
so here comes my super tin-foil idea
we HAVE met someone in this movie who seems to fit the description of negligent parent who gave up rey for unknown benefits
and that character is none other than DJ. that’s right, benicio del toro’s drunk-on-his-ass weirdly-accented code breaker. 
1. we know that he sells out rose and finn to the first order, hence we could say this isn’t the first time he’s done this. 
2. he has this oddly soft moment with rose where he returns the necklace she thought he had taken from her for good. but he was only using it to get them into the order. now, that moment played out to show a different side to him, but it also gave me “father figure” vibes. here u have an older dude being kind to a young girl whose name starts with “r”. and we also see that his initial actions may be misleading.
3. his moment with finn, when he “learns him a lesson” about the order and the resistance. he basically tells him “don’t join” because both sides are obsessed with their own path. so he’s the middle “grey” guy who doesn’t fit anywhere. rey, too, doesn’t seem to fit either with the resistance or with the first order. it’s also telling that he doesn’t wanna join an organization and wants to be free. 
4. scavenger connection. more than anything, DJ seems to share that aspect with his potential daughter. he seems to live his life from one day to the next, no plans for the future, just collecting parts wherever he goes. 
5. he definitely seems like he’s seen some dark shit. he seems jaded in a way that...would make sense if he had to abandon his daughter. NOW my theory is that, he had to PRETEND to abandon her for money. he had to pretend like rey meant little to him in order to save her. BECAUSE he probably found out his kid was strong with the force. and i have a feeling someone came close to taking rey from him. so he drops her off on this nowhere planet and sells her “for money”. that’s his cover-story. so that ppl don’t come snooping.
6. the ezra bridger theory. lots of ppl have speculated on this, but DJ sports this VERY INTERESTING scar on his left cheek that is a faithful copy of ezra bridger’s scar. ezra, of ‘star wars rebels’ fame, was a jedi and a rebel during the galactic empire. it would fit the character, age-wise. something has happened to ezra in the last 20 years to bring him this low. i don’t necessarily think this theory is true,but if he IS force-sensitive, it would make sense that his daughter, rey, would be too. also, ezra has faced sith lords and been tempted by the dark side so he’d have an understanding of what rey is going through. 
7. but honestly, i’d prefer it if he weren’t ezra bridger. even as a random shifty character, DJ makes for a compelling father-figure.  it would be a cool twist imo, because it wouldn’t deny kylo’s words. it’s just that DJ managed to find a way to trick both sides. and u know how rey was so attached to han solo and saw a potential father in him? well, her father is a han-solo type, she just doesn’t know it.
8. it would make for a pretty conflicted, emotional reunion. i don’t think rey would forgive him, and i think it would be interesting if she didn’t. DJ might sacrifice himself for her in episode 9 or he might not. i would just be stoked to see a super complicated father/daughter relationship here. 
9. the cave scene with the multiple reys would make sense too, within this theory. because the story of her abandonment isn’t straight-forward, it’s got layers. and if DJ is also force-sensitive, he might’ve put a mental block for her so she never finds out who he is. 
10. the names. DJ stands for “don’t join”. and people speculated that “Rey” also stands for something.  lol, i may be reaching here but i find it pretty interesting. and also, this could be a message for his daughter too. don’t join the dark or the light, choose balance. 
11. kylo mentions her parents’ unmarked graves. so DJ probably faked his death too. we know his real name is not DJ, so his old self died. again, it doesn’t deny kylo’s assessment.  
12. maz kanata’s words would also make sense. “her parents” are never coming back for her, because DJ doesn’t wanna blow his cover. her only way is forward - finding DJ on her own. 
13. DJ seems to have no moral compass because he had to sell his daughter. i mean, imagine if u had to do that. would it matter anymore what u did after that?
14. ANYWAY. it should happen because it would be dope, imo. but if it doesn’t, i’ll be cool with it. i just wanna reiterate that it would be so rad if kylo’s words turn out to be both true and false. 
(sidenote, rey’s talent for machinery // DJ’s talent for code breaking)
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recentanimenews · 4 years
WWE's Sasha Banks Talks God of High School And Connecting With Fighting Anime
  The God of High School tells a story that's centered around a massive fighting tournament and tells a story that's mostly driven by combat. And what other business does something similar? Pro wrestling, of course, which constructs its narratives based around body slams, headlocks, and dope finishing moves. So, seeing how well they tag team together, Crunchyroll reached out to some WWE Superstars to get their thoughts on GOHS and anime in general.
    The first was Sasha Banks, former NXT Women's Champion, four time WWE RAW Women's Champion, and two time (and current) WWE Women's Tag Team Champion. She's a long time anime fan and her pro wrestling personality, "The Boss," may as well come from anime considering how wonderful it is. I wrote up some questions for her and her answers, much like her matches, did not disappoint. 
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      So, what came first for you: An interest in anime or an interest in wrestling?
  Anime for sure!!! Sailor Moon came into my life around the time I was five. Back then I had no concept of what time was, I just knew that when Sailor Moon would come on, it was still dark, and when it was over, the sun would be up. So, I would literally stay awake from around midnight until after I watched Sailor Moon, and then I'd go to school lol. Thinking about it now, I guess it came on at 6 AM every morning.
  Were there any anime characters that you saw and thought "I want to be like THAT guy or girl?"
  Usagi (Serena for the English dubbed fans) from Sailor Moon always reminded me of myself as a kid. I was always late to school, kind of clumsy, just a meatball head in general. But I always wanted to be the best and do good things. She was my superhero.
  Sasha, your very fitting nickname in WWE is "The Boss," but if you had to pass that title onto an anime character, who would you give it to?
  Ryuk from Death Note ha-ha. He's a character that doesn't give a damn. He thinks it's funny when he has other people's lives in the palm of his hands and does whatever he wants. Plus, I also love apples lol.
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        If you had to replace your entrance music with an anime theme?
  I love Asian Kung-Fu Generation, so I'm biased towards "Hakura Kanata "from Naruto Shippuden. But I also love ShingO2's" Battle Cry "from Samurai Champloo. Also, from Death Note "what's sup people" by Maximum the Hormone. I really like that band as well.
  Okay, so the owner of WWE, Vince McMahon swaggers over to you and growls "Sasha, I've discovered this anime thing, and I want to know what show I should start with." What anime do you recommend as the starting point for Vince McMahon?
  I think I'd tell Vince to watch Death Note. Something about him tells me he'd love Light Yagami lol
  Y'all work for a HUGE majority of the year, and when you're not entertaining millions of fans in the ring, you're working out and traveling. How do you fit in some sweet, sweet anime time?
  Before I couldn't find time to watch anything on the road. It was always the same routine. Wake up, gym, eat, wrestle, repeat. But now, having more time at home, I'm able to discover new anime again thanks to Crunchyroll. I'm also itching to go back a rediscover some old favorites. I think I may rewatch Case Closed again.
  If every anime character got into a fight, who comes out on top?
  Probably All Might from My Hero Academia. He's got his One for All Quirk and that could take out anyone.
    What anime character do you think would flourish in the WWE?
  There are way too many. What makes anime so cool is the Uniqueness of the Characters, So I'll choose 3 different ones. As a villain, I'd say Vegeta, because he's such a jerk that you kind of want to see him get beat up, but then he's so cool that you could see yourself cheering for him. Then there's Kenzo Harima from School Rumble. He's just a misunderstood guy who has a lot of layers that I think people would get behind. And lastly, Killer B from Naruto Shippuden. To me, he's what R-Truth would be if he were an anime character lol.
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      What about God of High School is appealing to you?
  I love the tournament aspect of it because it allows for a lot of variety of characters, which gives me more opportunity to connect with a specific one. I'm curious to see what the 3 wishes are the characters use, if they win the tournament, and in what way they apply them to their life.
  Do y'all have any favorite characters so far?
  None yet, but I'm still early in the story. I need to get more familiar with them all before I stan anyone lol.
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      God of High School uses the backdrop of a huge fighting tournament to tell its main story. WWE uses constant matches to tell their stories. What makes this such an effective form of storytelling that people love to get behind?
  People love to root for an underdog. They love seeing their favorites overcome the odds and rise to the top. I think people connect with it because in a way, they can see themselves in a character's struggle. It's easy to tell someone that a character is hurting. But to see that pain on their face, one can't help but think back to a time when they were in pain, and that allows them to step into a character's shoes. Plus, I think everyone at one point or another has fantasized about hitting their boss.
  If you had to enter the God of High School tournament, what would your strategy be? Would you use a weapon?
  My strategy is to win no matter what. I always put in the work and make sure I'm prepared for any type of battle. I could definitely use my boss accessories to help me get an advantage. Maybe a Chidori with my legit boss rings.
  What would you say to anime fans that are thinking about watching God of High School?
  Go ... watch it ... NOW! Watch anime like a boss and argue with your friends about who you think is the best. That's what makes it fun.
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      What WWE Superstar would you watch an anime about? Are there any wrestlers that remind you of certain anime characters? Let me know in the comments!
    Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features! 
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