#what the fuck mo guan shan
aotomegane · 1 year
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If you don’t want kisses, why is your face kissable? Why Momo, why?
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tianshanism · 2 years
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randomprose · 1 year
393: the bicycle scene
He Tian watches as Mo Guan Shan plays around with the bicycle. 
He’s circling around the quad, pedalling without holding on the handle bars. Mo Guan Shan looks relaxed and the expression on his face looks so boyish and young. As if the events in the previous days were all just a bad dream. 
He Tian wants him to always be like this. He wants Mo Guan Shan to just be a regular kid and never get hurt ever again.
“Little Mo~” Mo Guan Shan turns to him at the mention of the nickname (Cute, he thinks, Like an angry kitten) and He Tian couldn’t help but smile. “Come here!”
There’s a frown and an angry pout on Mo Guan Shan’s face, but he pedals to the shade where He Tian is anyway and that too makes him smile. 
“What’s up?”
He Tian just makes a come hither gesture and Mo Guan Shan pedals closer. The protests come as soon as he figures out what He Tian wants, sitting sideways at the bike’s back seat. 
“This is buzzcut’s new ride. What are you gonna do if you accidentally break the rear wheel?”
That’s what he says, but He Tian hears what he’s not saying.
I don’t know how to do this. You'll get hurt, you know? And then what?
He Tian just waves him off. “It's not that fragile.”
I'm not that fragile. He’s not and he knows Mo Guan Shan will never hurt him willingly. I'm not gonna get hurt. Even if he does, He Tian will take it.
“Fuck, we're gonna fall,” Guan Shan says but he doesn’t brush off He Tian’s hand on his waist. 
This is not a good idea. We're not a good idea.
“Enough nonsense.”  Give him an inch and He Tian will take a mile. With Guan Shan not shaking off the arm on his waist, He Tian holds on tight and leans his weight against his back. “Start moving. I'm not afraid of falling.”
I'm really not. Shut up and move already. I’m ready.
“Move your hands away. Grab onto the seat instead.”
Let me go. You could do so much better. Just let me go.
He’s giving He Tian a last out, a last chance to leave and let go, but why would He Tian do that? He’s already locked in on Mo Guan Shan since the day after the fight with Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi when he saw him eating a sandwich outside some convenience store. He Tian has decided to keep him when he called, stuck in the rain, and Mo Guan Shan, pissed and unsure wholly wary of him, came with an umbrella anyway and cooked him beef stew at his apartment (albeit under threat). He Tian already vowed to take care and protect him, shield him from whatever shitty thing the world is gonna throw at him, when he Guan Shan looked more pained than He Tian was when he saw his hurt hand. 
He Tian knew he liked him when he had that nightmare and his first instinct was to call him. By the time Mo Guan Shan told him he doesn’t actually hate him that much, He Tian already likes him too much he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s the only one he feels safe enough to come to, with all of his guards down, that he can allow himself to rest and sleep defenseless.
He Tian realized he loves him when they went to that aquarium and Mo Guan Shan said he’s too bothered by He Tian to ever forget him. When Guan Shan asked for new earrings, He Tian thought his heart would burst from how happy that simple request made him. He’s so in love with him he feels crazy with it. He hangs at every word Mo Guan Shan says, at everything he does, that if he tells He Tian to jump off a cliff he’ll be at the bottom of it before he could finish saying the words. If Mo Guan Shan asks for his heart, He Tian will carve it out of his chest himself and serve it to him on a silver platter.
He Tian is sixteen and already six feet too deep in love with Mo Guan Shan he doesn’t have any idea how to let him go even if he tried.
“No, I'm not letting go.”
And He Tian really means it.
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3lji · 1 year
i want assurances that he tian is gna be as Daddy as he cheng is now or i will take a civilian hostage
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ohrightgaypeople · 2 years
I know, I know~ there's a lot to say about the new 19 Days chapter, mostly about the character developments of our protags
but I wanted to point out something that stuck to me and I haven't seen someone talk about it? (do show me if somebody did!)
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it's already a given
we know Shi Li is obsessed with Mo; we know that he has a fascination for a sensitive boy who feels things he himself doesn't
but the way this was put makes it sound even deeper than that; almost like it's Mo being himself is "causing" Shi Li to be this way
it's just... terrifying, this notion, that Shi Li can become "even more of a sicko than before"
he can go beyond horrific... all for one boy
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pixiesnooze · 2 years
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the devastation on his face rn yall it’s not looking good for me
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cookie-kat777 · 1 year
Can we talk about how inherently intimate and sexual this scene was?
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How careful and gentle He Tian is "preparing" Mo Guan Shan?
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The checking in for consent? The being barely dressed of it all? The penetration?
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The aftercare???
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Then after the "deed" is done we get dapples of light that look like semen, covering the green (read: "virginal") plants outside? Mo Guan Shan's hickey and his embarrassment??
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And of course He Tian's shit eating grin, surrounded by the light/"evidence" of what they just did.
You can read this how you want, but I think this is as explicit as Old Xian is ever going to be able to get when it comes to the censorship laws in China. Our boys fucked and I couldn't be happier for them. 💖
Translation posted by @19daysmanhua
Translator: https://twitter.com/maomaozaii
Editor: https://twitter.com/Lum_Cheng
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gurakos · 11 days
working on something
He Cheng looked at his brother casually lounging on his couch looking back at the Mo Guan Shan who left just left the loft
He Cheng took the gun that was strapped at his waist looking at his brother before putting the gun at his brother’s temple.
“Mo Guan Shan is off limits” Qiu would never forgive him, if his little brother got his dirty little hands on him especially after what he has been through
He Tian wasn’t fazed one bit at the gun pointed between his eyes.
“I fucking knew it, he’s your third right …. “
As He Tian was babbling away saying more outrageous things by the minute
He Cheng could only thing how he could let his brother get this screwed up
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sabalr · 7 months
Mo Guan Shan once said...
"How in the chicken balls" "What's it your chicken dick business what I'm doing" "What in the dick hair is this" "Chicken dick He Tian" "Did you fucking eat dogshit?" "GO LOOK AT YOUR REFLECTION IN YOUR PEE" "Do you have shit in your brain?" "You look pretty smart, why do you cook like an idiot?" "Are the chicken legs you eat gold plated or carved??" "Stinkin dog dick" "Dog chicken He"
Bonus curses from He Tian: "Why is your head dumb as cock" "You idiot! Are you looking that far to find a river to die in?!"
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19dayz · 11 months
He Tian: Oh my god, I have such a headache
Mo Guan Shan: Did you drink any water today?
He Tian: Mimicking* Did you drink any water today?
Mo Guan Shan: What are you doing asshole? Oh my god, did you?
He Tian: Cause you always say that, no.
Mo Guan Shan: That’s why you got a fucking headache, asshole.
He Tian: No it’s not.
Mo Guan Shan: Did you at least eat?
He Tian: No
Mo Guan Shan: Okay, you’re just gonna be skin and bones and headaches all day, that’s it.
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sad-lutin · 1 year
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I just had a revelation.
I was just analyzing how future Mo dresses up so prettily.
We always knew he was handsome, since he was asked to model, but never realized how much. And of course He Tian is such a rich bastard who loves pretty things. And I think that Mo has always been aware and quite scared of being the "trophy wife" for rich He Tian.
But in the future he seems to kinda accept his beauty and grew accustomized to it, almost playing with it. He KNOWS he is handsome and he takes advantage of it.
At first to me it seemed like he kinda accepted his fate to be the trophy wife, but knowing him he would have looked defeated by this, but he seems so natural and smug with this shit that this cannot be a coincidence, he totally is a famme fatale who enjoys giving jealous He Tian an hard time.
But his future famme fatale behaviour made me realize one thing... Mo is beautiful, tall, with pale skin, red hair, scarlet lips, sharp features and melancholic expressions. And you know who this adjectives describes? Those willowy pre-raphaelite women. And you know what pre-raphaelite women do? They LURE men by making them falling in love and then they DESTROY them. I'm not saying that Mo will murder He Tian, maybe he will figuratively kill some aspect of him.
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But he just exude this fucking powerful aura and we can totally see how much he is in charge in the TianShan dynamic. He EMPOWERS He Tian, and He Tian cannot do more than to fall limp in his charms like putty in Mo's hands.
Mo canonically is like those "fallen woman" (who, for the majority of time, were witches, mistresses or low-ranking swindlers) those female models were uneducated and from the working-class but bolder and more self-assured than their high-class equivalent.
But the most interesting thing to me is that we can see He Tian not as the victim of the famme fatale who is being toyed with, but as the artist himself. He is just like those young bold artist that protest against respectable and well-established rules of propriety and elegance with angry irriverence. Just to annoy others he loves to shock the respectable and bigott high-ranking society with someone they have absolutely no power amd control on (just as much as He Tian has none either) And not only he makes a use of Mo's rebellious presence, but he let Mo thrive in it, he helps him cultivate it. He basks in his nutricious vitality because it's his form of escapism from his boring life, where he is forced to work for his brother and oblige to the strict ambient.
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I think that I will make a more specific analysis about Mo as some specific pre-raphaelite women like Ophelia or La Belle Dame sans Merci.
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faynthearted · 10 months
I’ve been lately thinking that if Mo actually witnessed He tian being take away by his brother that it will remind him too much of the time they took away his father from him and reopen the old wounds
anon where did this come from?? 😭😭
what’s even worse is that you’re absolutely right!! fuck!!!! I can’t believe I never thought of this!! and I’m kind of glad I never have because this is heartbreaking!!
worst case scenario is 1) guan shan actually does witness he tian being taken and 2) he tian goes out swinging. all the yelling, commotion, crashing, crowds… yeah. that would not fare well for guan shan
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goliig68 · 1 year
19 days fic rec pt.2
Making pt.2 cuz I couldn't add all of my favourite fics here( again, with no particular order )
Mark My Love by ria_green
( E | 12,525 | 9/? )
He Tian gently holds Mo Guanshan by the neck, thumb pressing into where a bond bite might one day appear.
Shivering, Mo Guanshan shoves him away. "Go do that with an omega, idiot."
Note: a funny omegaverse story. Don't let the omegaverse title put you off it's seriously very funny and cute. I love the interactions between guan shan and jian yi😂 he tian and zhen xi too! I swear they all have weirdest dynamics!
It will come back by mgsdays (regencyaus)
( E | 44,417 | 12/12 )
He Tian leaving on self-protection, after Jian Yi's disappearance, makes Mo scared enough to make a move. They stumble into something together just as He Tian leaves the country, and they have to figure things out long-distance while waiting for He Tian to come back.
Mo's known the gist of it since the dawn of his puberty. Water's wet, sky is blue, Mo's sexual desires are intertwined with his complicated feelings for He Tian. Big deal.
But the reality of it is- something else. This is something else entirely.
Did you miss me? – H
Barely noticed. - MGS
...did you? - MGS
Every minute of every day. - H
How the fuck does He Tian just say those things? Doesn't he feel embarrassed? Mo thinks he's feeling embarrassed for him, and he didn't even write it. He stares at the words until his phone light goes out, and then he turns it on again and stares some more.
Note: an amazing reunion au. I think author did a great job at handling tianshan's long-distance relationship and all of that mafia stuff. I think this fic has to be In everyone's "to read" list👌
nothing fucks with my baby by figglypudding
( E | 23,897 | 3/3 )
unexpectedly, and in the most unlikely of places, mo stumbles upon a reunion he'd long given up on.
but how can he heal when he's only just begun to acknowledge the hurt?
Note: another reunion au. But angstier and so much sadder😭 but it's happy ending, so all of that sadness was worth going through.
swimming in the blood by powerandpathos
( M | 29,455 | 1/1 )
Guan Shan’s nose wrinkles. ‘I sing like I mean it. I don’t sing it ‘cause I want everyone else to hear. That’s Jian Yi’s thing.’
’And what’s your thing?’
He Tian holds his gaze. Street lamps and car headlights are mirrored in the amber surface of Guan Shan’s eyes, and He Tian can see his own shadowed silhouette in his irises, a blocky shape of darkness with no detail. For some reason, that bothers him.
‘Still figurin’ that out,’ Guan Shan says.
Note: rock band au. Sex, drama and rock 'n roll. No drugs lol. This fic in in my top 10 favourite 19 days fics, And it is so underrated!! Go read it, it's truly wonderful!
nail House by powerandpathos
( M | 13,309 | 1/1 )
‘God,’ Guan Shan mutters. He pushes himself up onto his elbows. His thighs are still trembling, and he rolls his ankles. ‘You fuckin’ love control, don’t you?’
He Tian sits back on his haunches. ‘Have you seen my family?’
‘I don’t wanna talk about your family right now.’ Guan Shan huffs. ‘Bet you can’t fuckin’ stand that I have to drive you about, right?’
‘I got used to it. It’s a shame the car isn’t a manual. I’ve enjoyed seeing your hand around the gear stick.’
Note: Triad au/driver!Guan shan. One of my favourite aus! I really enjoyed reading it, so I read it 3 more time.
hook, line, and sinker by fayre
( Gen | 3,673 | 1/1 )
“So everything that happened,” Guan Shan says, trying and failing to keep a steady tone, “The shopping, the barbeque — everything was just because you didn’t want to go home alone? That's pretty damn convoluted if you ask me.”
He Tian huffs, amused. “Not exactly. I had nothing planned; no expectations. I just wanted to be with you.”
a post-chapter 292 drabble (the day after the BBQ/sleepover at the He family estate.)
Note: i loved all of the calm feelings I got from this fic. The descriptions of atmosphere and everything around them was so detailed that I literally could feel them too. It was very gentle and pure you know?
allergy season by fayre
( T | 6,506 | 1/1 )
“You know, they say that sneezing a lot means you’re on someone’s mind.”
“Yeah?” Guan Shan says a bit drily, sniffing hard. “Then what a fuckin’ shame.”
He Tian watches him. “For you?”
“For the bastard unfortunate enough to have gotten me on their mind,” Guan Shan answers, walking again. He hates how nasally and gross his voice sounds, and the back of his throat feels sore. “If someone’s thinkin’ of me this fuckin’ much, it can’t be good news for either of us. Trust me.”
“Ah,” He Tian says, and then nothing more.
a post-chapter 348 oneshot (the He Tian & dog chapter).
Note: man...i remember reading this fic hoping that one day, we get a love confession and kiss scene between he tian and guan shan (and now we fucking have it)
Knee high, stage fright (even if you're alright) by fayre
( Gen | 5,383 | 1/1 )
It’s no longer about what He Tian thinks; it’s about what he knows. And he knows Guan Shan — at least on a foundational level — and he knows how Guan Shan doesn’t just ask when he needs. He knows how Guan Shan doesn’t talk but doesn’t listen, either. He knows that Guan Shan doesn’t always think rationally but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think, and he knows how his body goes on autopilot before his thoughts cause him to malfunction and crash and burn.
He knows.
After all, it's the little things that add up. He Tian can only pray that they won't come crashing back down.
(or: no matter how hard he may try, guan shan can't hide all his problems. fluff ensues.)
Note: a soft and cute tianshan oneshot, with a little bit of angst but it's mostly fluff. I loved the ending, it melted my heart and brought smile to my lips🫠❤
singing in red by starlightstarshine
( T | 27,204 | 6/6 )
In which He Tian is the bassist for the most popular band in the world and Guan Shan is only doing modelling so that he could get enough money to pay for his next meal (based on that art by Old Xian).
Note: I love the fics where guan is head over heels for He tian haha😆
Tell Me On A Sunday by Llybian
( T | 1,501 | 1/1 )
He’d begun, with great difficulty, to accept all of this in his heart. But he still could do nothing. What was he supposed to do? Confess his feelings like a pathetic little schoolgirl? Not a chance.
But then again, what did he really suppose would happen if he told He Tian he “liked” him? Well, the world would end, for one. That was just a given. But beyond that, they’d probably just make out. There was really no chance of He Tian shooting him down or saying this was all just some long con.
Despite that. He just couldn’t.
Note: I think by summary everyone can get a brief foresight that what this fic is about. In my opinion, this fic is very real and in character.
Bites by Asfodel
( M | 24,263 | 7/? )
Turning to look at the black sky, he let his mind wander to a place he tried not to visit too often. To the last words Guan Shan heard He Tian say in that dim corridor.
« I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I love you, I’ll fix it, I’m sorry. »
Like a mantra.
or a rewrite of their reunion a few years after high school, basically disregarding the Christmas chapters. Side of ZhengYi, angsty but with a healthy dose of fluff, tags will be updated as the story goes.
Note: reunion au. It's such a beautiful but heartbreaking story. I love author's writing style, it captures feelings perfectly👌
A dog by Alien_Kitsune
( E | 50,000 | 10/10 )
Mo Guanshan and He Tian didn't meet in the school and each went his own way. Several years passed and Mo became a criminal. But on the verge of death destiny surprises him.
Two broken men who are still trying to find themselves in this world were always fated to find each other.
Note: mafia au. Thanks to @maruuzen for recommending me this fic!❤ I really loved the process of tianshan's relationship development. I'm sure that's how their relationship would go if they didn't meet at middle school, and/or he tian joined his family business, just like how it's stated in fic, fate brought them together. also it's angsty (of course) so be warned.
Dawn Rising by powerandpathos
( E | 78,968 | 13/? )
An Historical Fantasy AU—A poisoning; a death; a thief. A prince struggling to be a prince. A guard trying to stop one from getting killed. And everyone else on the sidelines. It has never been so hard to navigate the court of an empire when not everyone can survive.
Note: my favourite historical fantasy au, the plot, the drama, the characters it's just_ugh👌💞 unfortunately, this fic is probably abandoned, but don't let that stop you from reading it, even though it's unfinished, I think this fic is still amazing.
Cold On The Inside by incorrect19days
( E | 4,879 | 6/6 )
‘Look at me.’
He Tian instructed softly.
He took a deep shuddering breath and opened his eyes.
Note: a short and oh-so-beautiful story. It's a little bit sad but it's happy end, or hopeful ending better to say.
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randomprose · 1 year
“Tian, come on. You’ve been in your office the whole day.” Guan Shan appears by the doorway with a frown on his face. “I’m leaving for work and you’re still cooped up in here.”
“Cheng wants these documents tonight. I need to finish this.” He Tian runs his fingers through his temple, massaging the pain that’s been pulsating in his head for the past couple of hours. “Don’t worry about me, alright? Take care and drive safe. I’ll probably still be here when you get back,” he mumbles the last part.
“At least turn on the lights here. You’re gonna wreck your eyes working in the dark.”
“Don’t. It’s fine. I work better in the dark.”
“You’re having a headache because you’ve been staring in the screen the whole day in the dark. Why are you—”
“I said I’m fine!” He Tian shouts, head whirling to glare at Guan Shan poised to switch on the lights. The pain has now traveled to the back of his eyes. “Jesus, Guan Shan. I’ll finish sooner if you stop bugging me. Go to work already and leave me to finish mine peace.”
Guan Shan doesn’t say anything but He Tian does catch him working his jaw and the tick of his eyebrow. Telltale signs that he’s pissed. He hears more than sees him leave and on any other time, He Tian would follow him with apologies already falling out of his lips. But this is an important assignment and the sooner he finish it, the sooner he can make up to Guan Shan for being an asshole. He knows he’s only looking out for him and He Tian already feels like a massive cunt for throwing that on his face considering how rare he shows worry.
He Tian waits for the sound of the front door slamming but it never comes. Instead, Guan Shan comes back to He Tian’s office and enters it instead of just lingering in the doorway like earlier. 
“Get up,” Guan Shan says, tone harsh. “Get the fuck up.”
He Tian turns to look at him, half sorry but still pissed at being interrupted. He glares, dark eyes hard like granite as he growls, “Mo Guan Shan, I swear to god— 
“I said get the fuck up.” 
Tonight, Guan Shan has decided he will be the one doing the coaxing. 
Guan Shan hauls He Tian up by the arms and he only has time to suck in a sudden breath before next thing he knows he’s being dragged across the hallway and into the living room.
“Momo, I—”
“Shut up,” he snaps and something in his eyes flashes that makes He Tian do just that. He Tian watches as he sits on the corner of the couch, legs crossed, and fluffs one of the throw cushions. Guan Shan places it on his lap and pats it. “Sit.”
He Tian sighs. “Momo, I really don’t think—”
“Will you just do as I say?”
He Tian does and obediently obeys when Guan Shan motions for him to lie his head on his lap. 
Guan Shan successfully drags He Tian on their couch, comfortable now after years of use, easily giving and molding into their weight, no longer stiff and hard as when they first bought it.
The moment his head hits the pillow, He Tian lets out a long exhausted groan. A hand automatically comes up to clutch at his head but Guan Shan gently pushes it away and replaces it with his hands instead.
“Headache turning you into a bitch and killing you?”
“Slaughtering me more like,” He Tian sighs as he feels Mo Guan Shang’s fingers carding gently through his hair, massaging his scalp. “I think it’s fully morphed into a migraine now.”
“You want some meds?”
“No, no. I—Tch. The pain is still manageable. I don’t wanna be immune to them when it gets really bad.”
Guan Shan hums and in the next second, He Tian’s nose is assaulted by the smell of mint and camphor as Vicks is rubbed on his aching head. The smell of it relaxes him enough that he doesn’t mind the sticky substance getting in his hair. Not to mention the magic Guan Shan’s fingers are currently performing that’s chasing away his migraine.
“How come you always know what to do?” He Tian rasps, eyes closing amidst Guan Shan’s ministrations.
“I don’t,” Guan Shan scoffs. “This is just simple home remedy shit.”
“You know the important things,” He Tian’s voice has quiet to a mumble, the smell of camphor and the feel of Guan Shan’s fingers slowly but surely lulling him to sleep. “You know how to handle me. You know when not to back down.”
“I’ve had years of practice with your shittiness.”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you by the way. I didn’t mean to. It’s just…this assignment Cheng sent me it’s…it’s driving me insane.”
“It’s fine. I know. The migraine is already punishment enough for you.”
“You—” He Tian groans and it peters out to a moan when Guan Shan’s hand travels down, thumbs digging at the base of his skull, down his neck, and spreading out to the top of his shoulders. “You could say that again.”
“You want me to do your back too?”
“No, no. This is fine. I really don’t wanna get up right now. I’m really comfortable.” Another sigh as Guan Shan continues to work out the knots on his shoulders before going back to his temples. “But rain check on that back massage.”
They fall into silence as Guan Shan continues his ministrations, sticking to He Tian’s temples, his neck, and whatever of his shoulders he can reach with him lying down. He Tian slips in and out of consciousness and Guan Shan just lets him. He’s effectively turned He Tian into goo at this point.
“Thanks.” He Tian groggily reaches up and holds one of Guan Shan’s wrists. “You always know how to make me feel better.”
“Like I said,“ Mo Guan Shan leans down to plant a kiss on the top of He Tian’s nose, mindful of the Vicks on his forehead. “I’ve had a lot of practice.”
He Tian wakes up to the low hum of the TV and Guan Shan’s fingers still gently carding through his hair. The apartment is dark save for the TV and the city lights reflecting from outside. The annoying pulsing pain between his eyes have dispersed. His headache is completely gone.
He smiles to himself as he indulges in Guan Shan’s nimble fingers still scratching at his scalp. Fucking miracle worker.
“I see you’re awake,” Guan Shan says, voice low matching the quietness of the living room. “How’s your head?”
“Fine now.”
Guan Shan is eating chocolate chip cookies straight out of the jar. He Tian opens his mouth for one.
“What time is it?”
“A little past 11 PM.”
“Shit!” He Tian hisses as he sits up. “Cheng’s documents. I—”
“It’s fine, doofus,” Guan Shan says shoving another cookie at He Tian’s mouth “I answered Cheng-ge’s call earlier. Told him you were knocked out. He wants the papers tomorrow by noon.”
“Fuck. How did you manage that?” The initial deadline was tonight.
Guan Shan just shrugs. “Sent him a picture of your sleeping face.”
Guan Shan pulls his phone and shows He Tian the picture he took of him sleeping on his lap. His mouth is hanging open and it looks like he’s even—
“Fucking hell.” Cheng is gonna use that as ammo against him for at least months. “I’m gonna get you for that.”
“Bring it on, drooly,” Guan Shan smirks muching on another cookie.
“Wait. Aren’t you supposed to go to work? What about that VIP that’s coming tonight? Shit. I’m so sorry, babe. I completely forgot. I was too—”
“Ah, come off it. It’s fine. The restaurant is used to receiving VIPs. They can handle tonight without me.” He rubs his hands and wipes the cookie crumbs off on his sweatpants. “Besides, I don’t even like that guest.”
Guan Shan fixes the pillow on his lap and He Tian takes that as an invitation to unceremoniously slump back into it.
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nightfayre · 2 years
(for @teanshan, who requested a drabble about what happened in the time between tianshan's kiss and them sharing Guan Shan's bed <3 enjoy!)
He Tian was the first to pull away from the kiss.
In any other circumstance, Guan Shan would’ve suffered a considerable blow to his self-esteem. He's prone to self-destruction at the best of times, after all. The questions would've been endless: Did he do it wrong? Did He Tian change his mind? Was it all just a joke to him?
But for once, Guan Shan reined in his anxieties. It was made easy by the way He Tian’s fingers lingered on his cheek for a moment longer after they separated. It’d be foolish, Guan Shan knew, to mistake this for anything except what it was. He’d spent too long dancing around everything that He Tian was willing to give him, convincing himself that it was something else, something encrypted. Now he looked He Tian in the eyes and saw everything like an open book: want, embarrassment, nervousness, exhaustion. He’d cracked the code, and the reward of knowing He Tian was plentiful. To be honest, Guan Shan wasn’t quite sure what to do with his newfound riches.
But he didn’t get to linger on it for long. He Tian blinked, smiled, and it became clear in the heavy weight of his gaze that the exhaustion was winning him over. Still, he took Guan Shan’s hand in his bandaged one again, pulling him off the desk, toward the bed. Guan Shan flushed, pulling back.
“What are you doing?”
“Lying down, and taking my little Mo with me,” He Tian answered, tugging on his arm.
Guan Shan swallowed, flushing a shade deeper. “We’re fucking filthy. We should— shower.”
It was a trivial excuse, but a valid one nonetheless. After all that had happened, the last thing he wanted to do tomorrow was laundry when he desperately needed rest. Still, as if on cue, He Tian released a wide yawn, blinking hard afterward.
“’M too tired,” he mumbled in a way that was both childish and endearing, and Guan Shan’s heart soared at the thought of kissing those lazy lips again. But instead of indulging him, He Tian sat on the edge of the bed, keeping hold of Guan Shan’s hand. He gave another gentle tug. “Come lie down.”
Despite the burning heat of his face, Guan Shan felt equally adamant about maintaining cleanliness as he did giving into He Tian’s whims. He shook his head. “I’m gonna shower.”
The pouted look He Tian gave him would have been more compelling if he’d been able to maintain it for any longer. Instead, he eventually nodded, releasing Guan Shan’s hand to flop backward on the mattress with a deep sigh. It only took a matter of moments for Guan Shan to recognize the futility of the situation; He Tian’s ability to sleep at the drop of a dime was no stranger to him. He’d leave him there for now. Quietly gathering a fresh change of clothes, Guan Shan slipped out of the bedroom.
— — —
“You’re awake now, so move and lie down properly,” Guan Shan scolded later, face flushed once again from He Tian’s teasing. He’d quickly given up on wiping down the other boy’s body, instead threatening to pour the bowl of water on him if he didn’t at least wipe his own arms and face. The threat, albeit empty, worked, but then He Tian had simply resumed his position halfway slumped on the bed, dead weight.
“’M comfortable here,” He Tian muttered, eyes closed.
“You’ll be more comfortable if you move,” Guan Shan maintained. He kicked at his leg. “Plus, you’re taking up the entire fucking bed. I’m tired too, asshole. Move already.”
Despite his fatigue, a small smile built on He Tian’s lips. “Wow. I can’t believe I kissed a mouth that dirty.”
“He Tian.”
“Okay, okay.” Sluggish, He Tian pulled himself up on his elbows. His gaze was soft and sleepy as he looked at Guan Shan. “Inside or outside?”
“Outside,” Guan Shan answered immediately, heat crawling up his neck. He knew better than to let He Tian trap him. He’d already given him an inch; it was only a matter of time before He Tian took the whole mile. He Tian seemed to recognize this, too, as he gave Guan Shan a knowing look before finally inching up the bed, assuming his position on the innermost pillow. His hair splayed out on the pillowcase like spilled ink, although he pointedly contained his long limbs to his half of the bed.
Exhaling with relief, Guan Shan reached down to pick up the spare blanket he’d grabbed from the hallway closet. He draped it over He Tian — who watched him cheekily the entire time — before reaching over to turn off the desk lamp and escape his gaze in the darkness. And it felt strange to climb into bed afterward, knowing someone else was in it. Eyes unadjusted to the dark, Guan Shan could only feel the many forms of He Tian’s presence: the dip in the mattress, the warmth of his body, the press of his legs. It felt familiar yet novel, as if the concept of sharing space with He Tian wasn’t new, but doing so like this was. And as he settled beneath the blanket, skin warm and muscles sore, Guan Shan wondered what other things would feel familiar but new between them from here on out. He wondered if the tightness in his chest was excitement or anxiety or maybe a combination of both — another slew of emotions that He Tian always managed to pull out of him, messy but honest.
Shifting under the covers, He Tian pressed close.
“Little Mo,” he whispered.
Guan Shan swallowed, ears warm. “What?” he whispered back.
“Look at me.”
Guan Shan turned his head. He could only see the faint outline of He Tian next to him, but he shivered as he felt a hand come up, long fingers cupping the back of his head, running through his damp hair. He felt He Tian shift — and then there was a soft, warm pressure on his forehead. Guan Shan closed his eyes, pulse racing.
“Good night,” He Tian whispered against him, breath warm.
“Good night,” Guan Shan whispered back.
They fell asleep.
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pixiesnooze · 2 years
oh mY God what if he tian takes little mo to his moms grave
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