#what the fuck were they thinkinggggg
kisaxiii · 5 months
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bread-of-death · 11 months
How did I manage to let this happen
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aishnico · 1 year
I'm thinkinggggg....maybe something angsty to fluffy with Slash?
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#𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃: 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳
» summary: you were tired of your boyfriend’s drug habit, so one night you asked him to choose between you and his habit. when he left you without an answer, you went to let all these things out of your head.
» word count: 2.1k
» warnings: angst to fluff, alcohol, described drug use, grammar issues
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another glass has broken with your heart. you couldn't fix the glass once it's broken but the heart could. countless apologies, excuses, and promises would fix your heart, but not properly.
but you were sure this time, it surely broke and couldn't be fixed.
you looked at the floor. vodka was spreading through it, so your tears across your cheeks.
he turned his back against you. leaned his arms over the table. "don't... don't ever tell me what to do. you are supposed to be my girlfriend, not my mom, damn it!" he then rushed over to you. you weren't scared of him. you knew he would never hit you. but you were scared what was he going to say next.
"it's not my fault that you can't make me feel better than this shit!" he showed you a little pack of white dust. you felt helpless. you would hide his drugs away from him. and he was that addicted to find them no matter where they were. you would do this because you cared about him, and didn't want to see him killing himself over and over.
you wiped your tears and stood up. "i don't want to see you killing yourself anymore. you're not only killing yourself, you're also killing me! don't you care about me?!"
"bullshit, you're not dying. you're well enough to argue with me!"
"don't dodge the question, do you care about me?! do you want me to be happy?!" you were yelling at him and your voice got weaker. he was silent, looking at the floor. you gulped and approached him.
"i'm going to ask this you once again. you would always change the topic but this time you don't have a choice but to make a decision. drugs, or me?" you asked. looking at his big, brown eyes sincerely.
he looked at you. he wanted to say something, you felt it. or maybe you were wrong. he didn't say anything and went to the bedroom. you were standing not knowing how to react or what to do.
you wanted to swear to him, telling the most painful words to him. but at the same time, you wanted to talk with him again. trying to convince him to get clean for the nth time. you didn't care how much this was going to take. you just wanted to be happy with him.
but guess he chose to be happy just alone.
you left the home and went to the busy streets of los angeles, trying to find an empty cab. after minutes, you found and entered inside. you told the driver the name of the bar where you would often hang out with guys. you wish one of them was there.
and of course there was the indispencable axl! he greeted you nicely but his smile dropped when he saw your heartbroken face. "sugar, what happened?!"
you didn't answer him, just sat next to him and buried your head in your hands. he patted your back. "is it slash again?" you raised your head and looked at him.
"i asked him to choose between me or drugs, he didn't even answer me! i don't know how many times i tried to get him to the rehab, how many times i hid them from him. he just... *sob* can't give up on his first love. i'm nothing to him."
"that's not true, you mean a lot to him. i can't even imagine how he would be like without you."
you sobbed and buried your face again. "do you want a drink? i want a drink. i'm going to buy us drinks!" he went to the bartender. after a couple of seconds, he was walking through your direction but stopped once he saw a beautiful chick. he then gave her your drink. fucking carrot... you thought and stood up from your seat.
you were walking across the people, trying to forget things at least for tonight. and you stopped once you saw a couple of guys snorting cocaine. they smiled at you. "wanna join?" you didn't answer but sat next to them. maybe you could befriend them and let all these things out of your head. but you weren't talking with them unless one of them approached you.
"what's bothering you? we don't want to see people in deep thoughts around us. just forget them. let them go even for just one night." he probably understood that you've never done this before.
he rolled up a small piece of paper into a straw. there was already a big amount of cocaine on the table. he grabbed his razor blade, chopped it, and made a short line of it. he looked at you.
"wanna try? if you don't, then i will." you sighed and wondered how is the feeling this thing gives to your boyfriend or your friends. you then took the roll of paper from him and quickly snorted the line.
you gasped loudly and pulled your head backwards. after a couple of minutes, you felt yourself hot, your palms were sweating and your heart was beating like crazy. the guy beside you laughed at you.
"how does it feel?"
"i... i d-don't know, i feel anxious, i g-guess?" you stuttered. he rubbed your back. "then you should snort again, you will start to feel happy. trust me."
you felt unsure but remembered the times when slash would come home to you happily. he would cling to you and refuse to let you go for a while. he would be so lovey-dovey with you. his current mood would also make you cheerful. but then you realized it's not because he saw you again after an exhausting day, he was because of this shit. you wondered if you could be cheerful like him at the moment.
so you nodded and he chopped again and made you a roll. you took a deep breath and snorted all of it. your head became more fuzzy but a couple of minutes later you felt cheerful and excited. you chuckled at yourself and stood up while staggering.
"now i get it," you grinned and winked at him. then you started to go to the dance floor. you were staggering but you didn't care. you were walking between people and saying them good morning! while smiling. they looked at you strangely.
when you approached the dance floor you started to move slowly, and accommodating to the song. after a couple of seconds, you were dancing like crazy, not minding to look cringe. everybody here was like you, after all.
the guy who helped you to snort stopped behind you. when you turned your head to him you smiled.
"i was looking for you, wanna dance together?" you closed your eyes and shook your head to him. then turn your back against him again. you suddenly felt a pair of hands around your waist.
"now, now. don't be like that. you look so precious and funny right now. let me enjoy your company for a while." his face now was behind your ear. he whispered "maybe we can bring this to another place..." you then turned to him and knitted your eyebrows. "i thought i said no?" you left him there and started to look for axl.
your body temperature was increasing, and so was your heartbeat. you started to struggle more, you knew you looked pathetically and never wanted to do it again. even if your little happiness lasted a couple of minutes.
"axl... axl wh-where are yhou? call shlash..." you couldn't even speak properly. your legs started to shake. you found the door and exited the bar. you were walking to the road. eyes searching for your boyfriend. maybe he was worried about you so he came here to look for you?
“shl-soul, are yhou h-here?" you were squinting, trying to figure out which car was your boyfriend's. and before you realize it, you were hit by something massive.
you woke up with loud noises. you grimaced because fluorescent light was dazzling your eyes. you slowly blinked and turned your gaze to where the sounds were coming from. you saw axl and slash, arguing about something.
"how could you let her snort?! why didn't you stay by her side?!"
"she's not a child, especially not mine! she can make her decisions now, you know!"
you saw slash sit on the couch in front of you. he buried his face in his hands. axl sighed and left the room. when he did, you heard sounds of crying and sobs.
"how could i let this happen..?" he sounded helpless. it made your heart clench. when either of you would cry, the other one would join after. it was mutual. so tears were leaking from your eyes now. he raised his messed up face and looked at you, eyes widened at realization.
"sweetheart, you're awake!" he cheered but his voice was broken. you didn't say anything. he grabbed your hand and placed it on his, caressing gently. "how do you feel?" he asked.
you just shrugged. "i don't know, my legs hurt." he shut his eyes and gulped. "i... i am sorry, for not being there with you." his voice sounded shaking. you wanted to ask him if that was all he wanted to apologize for, but before you opened your mouth, he continued.
"not only for this. i am sorry for not listening to you, even though you only cared about my well-being. sorry for making you cry and feel heartbroken. you never deserved this, never. and i don't deserve your concern.
when you asked me to choose between you and drugs, i went to the bedroom only to think about that. i didn't choose them over you. i could never choose something over you. you're my priority, my everything. i never want something bad to happen to you. i could never get over this." he finished and kissed your hand carefully.
you sighed. "oh slash, i don't even know how many times we talked about this. same thing happens every time..." he looked at you with his big pretty brown eyes. "i swear this is the last time, we'll never talk about this. i swear. i don't want to make you miserable anymore. you deserve nothing but happiness. and i'm more willing to give you that."
you raised your head and looked at the ceiling, sighed again. "did that accident have to happen for you to say these?"
he straightened up. "don't tell me you did this on purpose..." his voice sounded nervous. you shook your head. "of course i didn't, i just always wondered how this shit makes you happy but i'm not, so i wanted to try it once."
"pretty, you know this shit is nothing compared to you. i was mad at you for you hiding it, but that's not an excuse for to me say those untrue things to you."
you smiled at yourself, wondering if axl or duff talked to him about this. finally, you gave up on yourself.
"i love you so much, slash. and i guess we both understood how is to lose almost someone."
"i love you too, sweetheart. more than everything. and yeah, you're right. i don't want one of us to experience this feeling again. " he smiled sincerely at you.
you tried to move your body aside and patted to empty space. he looked at you worringly. "are you sure, doll? i don't want to hurt or crush you." you just chuckled and opened your arms to him. he hesitated but climbed to the bed. you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him for a kiss. the kiss was sensual and full of love. you missed his plump and soft lips on yours, on every part of your body.
you then run your fingers through his dark curly hair. you loved playing with them carefully. he doesn't like it when it hurts.
you wanted to deepen the kiss because you missed him so much. you don't remember when you two kissed like this last time. but he pulled out looking at you breathlessly, then lay beside you.
"after we go home, i'm gonna search and then register myself on a program. this time i'm gonna complete it, i swear." he grabbed your hand and pressed a wet kiss on it. then did the same thing to your cheek. "slash!" you whined but he knew you actually liked it.
you were lying on his chest while he was caressing your waist. you've felt peaceful. and felt like your eyes would shut soon. he noticed it and planted a wet kiss on your forehead. you giggled.
"i love you." he said while sincerely looking at you. you smiled and snuggled to him. "i love you too, my big crybaby."
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bizlybebo · 4 months
can you say random words to me. dump hcs or smthn idk i like yr posts /nf
YEAAAH HIII OFC !!! THIS IS A HUGE COMPLIMENT ^__^ i’m so predictable it’s mostly dakota thoughts right now </3 but i am THINKING about thsi stuoid fucking podcast prime defenders hyperfixation has me in its evil grasp
currently on the second half of my s2 ep 36 rewatch and. gah.
thinking about how grizzly said (paraphrased) “dakota’s not scared of anything anymore. not bears, not— the only thing that he fears now is the horrors from the trickster’s mouth”.
thinking about how he couldn’t even bring himself to hurt the trickster because behind all that distortion and fear it still looked like ashe. like i’ve been saying it so much today but the trickster is sooo fucking terrifying it’s not even funny.
also brainrotting post-canon demonkicks soo bad lately. thinking about dakota “accidentally” leaving his flannels in ashe’s dorm so he has excuses to come visit again. literally ashe gives him back one of his flannels and another two appear.
ALSO still thinking about my “william and dakota are dogs, vyncent and ashe are cats” post and the addition to it and i’m. still ouuuguguhh over it. haven’t yet been able to rewatch the greyscale arc but i’m seriously trying to hype myself up to do it because man i keep thinking about william’s family/childhood. i keep thinking about “i guess deadwood feels like going crazy”, or david keeping apple juice in his office for william, or william seeing his hometown haunted to a further extent. i keep thinking about him being paranoid after greyscale arc and constantly convinced somebody Knows what he’s done.
and while we’re at it i’m thinking a lot about suntrip lately. doomed yuri </3
thinking about summer, who’s body is constantly changing and warping and it’s unfamiliar and scary to her. and i’m thinking about jade, who despite all her teasing of everybody else, loves summer for her determination and her attitude and her personality and how smart she is.
i’m also thinking about doug if i’m being so real. doug jrwi did shitty things but i love him so much and i seriously think he deserves/deserved sooo much better. like c’mon. he was only 17-18. the overlord’s entire syndicate was breathing down his neck. he was an asshole but i love him he means the world to me. thinking about him saying “sup losers” when he sees pd in deadwood again. thinking about him laughing when william(?) slides a can of monster energy over to him in s2 ep19. like it’s small details like that but come ONN. it’s not quite forgiveness but it’s allyship and it’s understanding. thinking about his redemption and character growth. thinkingggg about his friendship with summer and how she didn’t give up on him when he had probably given up on himself. thinking about the shared guilt they have. thinkinggggg. doug jrwi they could never make me hate you <3
also transfem professor cross ^__^ also vyncent collects shiny things (mostly gold) and he’s so proud of his collection. he stole lightspeeds watch one time before he understood how important those things were. also i tjink ashe winters deserves a gun
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ssreeder · 2 years
can someone (god if you’re out there) please tell me why I saw you responding to ao3 comments which is USUALLY my tip off that you’re about to drop another chapter, and instead of heeding that warning I just… Forgot about it. ANYWAYS onto the live reaction of my reading there is very little actual in depth analysis or contribution of value here to enjoy the screaming into the abyss <3
I just- I just love bato so much dude. like… yeah. he’s so conscious of zuko relying on his right side and accomodating for that and I just love him okay???
ah bato, sneaky sneaky sneaky but also SMART man, what would the water tribe do without you to get zuko responding with more than 4 syllables
lmao blushy zuko hours <3
“forbidden one-bed conversation” oh sreedie, the comedian that you are
okay but it’s so sad that hakoda doesn’t understand teenagers despite having 2 of them and it just goes to show that war takes things from you in every aspect of life not just physically because people have to leave to fight or they die and really, isn’t that the lasting trauma?? you can heal from things that have hurt you but how do you mourn for things that were taken from you before you ever had them
yay sokka pushing him and zuko out of their comfort zone!! I’m so glad he’s making an effort to heal right before you rip their lives to shreds again sreedie, I’m absolutely thrilled truly
drunk sokka you’re really in for it now goddamnit
oh noooo not zuko alone in the dark thinkinggggg that never ends well
zuko the bad liar is once again foiled in his plans to lie
YAY ZUKKA KISSES I’m so happy you’re allowing them some nice moments before you destroy their lives for the nth time!!!
wait shit zuko is 100% overcompensating bc he’s jealous about suki isn’t he and this is going to end in flames (haha literally maybe I’m so funny) and-
y e a h I fucking called it sreedie do I get an award for being so incredibly perceptive bc I think I should honestly
I cannot believe you’re doing this to me sreedie, the first time zuko says more than two sentences AND ITS TO HAVE THE ANGSTIEST FIGHT WITH SOKKA IMAGINABLE YOURE SO CRUEL (but also fucking finally the only way for things to get better is for them to get worse so hit me bitch)
zuko: *is making a stupid fucking decision bc he’s terrified and super duper traumatised*
sokka: I’ll beat you the fuck up punk
oh shit sokka abandonment issues
is hakoda finally realising that gay people exist
lol not hakoda finding out zuko threatened to kill his mum in order to capture and lose a 13yo
rEally hakoda??? you finally get it through your sense fuxking skull that sokka might be a lil fruity and you IMMEDIATELY decide to be homophobic?? fuck that (ikik it’s not that simple but jesus crispy yk)
w o w. hakoda you’re really nailing this conversation aren’t you. bato baby, you deserve better
fuck YEAJ bato is the real mvp of this fic let’s goooo
so in conclusion, we got some Quality zukka spice, some Intense zukka angst, and a very ominous sense of foreboding permeating throughout the entire chapter! all in all, some excellent work done by the one and only sreedie my ex-wusband (I am aware that the gender neutral word ‘spouse’ exists but it reminds me of the afrikaans word ‘gespuis’ which means like.. kinda the equivalent to the aussie bogan idk how else to describe it, but it’s NOT something I wish to associate with you my lovely divorced sreedie)
love you to bits and pieces :))
This is me just responded super late because we are divorced and I don’t owe you shit.
Jk I’m still in love with you and I’m playing hard to get.
Bato is the MVP of RIA fuck off Morrak.
There were two beds, just to be clear, it’s not my fault Sokka combined them.
Hakoda: I’m not homophobic my best friend is gay.
Zuko over compensating? In this economy? Nope, you get no extra points.
Everyone: waiting for Zuko to get hurt
Zuko: *runs away*
Everyone: damn it
Love ya to death leekie.
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mimikittysblog · 8 months
The disappointment and anger i feel right now bro.
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ask-dadleth · 4 years
//me the mun, watching all the other chaos go down with other ask blogs, specifically @/ask-lambert-egitte-blaiddyd, @/ask-rodrigue-achille-fraldarius, and @/ask-dimitri-alexandre-blaiddyd
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
hi Becs! I just read what you wrote about romantic ex husband Bucky and how that's not you cup if tea so I was thinkinggggg...
what abour ex husband Bucky but smutty? Maybe reader and Buck got a divorce but they still have a good relationship because they have children and maybe they see each other again at a school event (like a sports day, graduation or something like that) and reader just looks STUNNING and Buck looses it.
He gests back home and he can't stop thinking about reader and how she looks, and how great the sex was and god he gets so hard he has to touch himself. I'm a sucker for men masturbating and what they think about. So he comes so hard he takes his phone and calls the reader to confess. You can finish it there or maybe reader answers and teases him a lot but they end up having sex or whatever you think appropiate
Thank u in advance, I love reading you ❤
THIS IS MORE MY STYLE!! THANK YOU FOR GETTING ME BACK ON TRACK, I don't really enjoy spiralling into angst!
I'm thinking maybe like, your kids parent teacher meetings? So you'd went to the school to meet Bucky straight after work and he can't get over the fact you look so effortlessly beautiful. You're just in a nice blouse and some dress trousers but God, his eyes just don't leave your ass.
And then maybe the teacher calls you "Mrs Barnes" and you smile softly and correct her, giving her your maiden name but it's been so long since Bucky heard anyone refer to you as his wife that his dick twitches in his pants. His head is just flooded by the memory of all the times he called you that in bed, breathlessly rutting into you, fucking you so mindless and pliant.
So of course by the time he's kissed your cheek goodbye (and realised you're wearing the perfume he bought you for the last Christmas you spent together), he has one thing on his mind.
It doesn't take him long to wind up naked on his bed, fisting his cock in his flesh hand, groaning at how his hand rubs over his own sensitive tip. No amount of spit or lube can compare to how you used to feel. You were so tight and wet it drove him feral, his hand just doesn't feel the same. But then he's remembering the sweet curve of your ass in those trousers and the way it used to bounce when he slammed into you doggy-style, both of you watching yourselves make love in the bedroom mirror.
His hand speeds up just a little, a hiss gets dragged from his pretty lips before he tugs the bottom one between his teeth, willing himself to slow down and just enjoy the feeling but he can't even find it in himself to savour it. He just needs to get it over with and clear his head of thoughts of you.
He can't let himself think about the fact he can only get off to you. He can't finish if he thinks of anyone else, porn isn't even appealing unless the actress looks like you. But that's a worry for another day
Because right now there's a knot in his tummy, it's tightening with every tug of his hand and thoughts of your hot little mouth fill his head. He knows he's done for when he remembers that time you gave him head in the kitchen, right after you'd first bought the house.
"You look so sweet like that Mrs Barnes." He'd groaned, watching you bob your head on his length before sinking down to take as much of him down your throat as you could handle. "Fuck, can't believe you're my wife. All fuckin' mine." He couldn't forget the way that you groaned every single time he called you 'Mrs Barnes'. No sound ever sounded as sweet as that moan of yours.
And that's how he finishes. Fucking into his own lubed up fist, his abs tight and his body taught, spilling all over himself and the clean white sheets beneath him. Old habits die hard because he can't stop whimpering your old title, begging his 'Mrs Barnes' to keep sucking him, getting too wrapped up in the fantasy for his own good.
But the post nut clarity doesn't hit him how he expects it to. Rather than driving thoughts of you from his head, it only gets worse. A shower doesn't help, dinner doesn't help. The only thing that helps is when he picks up the phone late at night and calls you, against his better judgement.
And as soon as you hear "Are the kids in bed, angel?" in a needy growl, you know what's coming. And it's nice to know that's he's spent his evening thinking the exact same kinds of thoughts as you have
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dollscircus · 2 years
but like what i was thinkinggggg
DUMP arresting darlin for all the lives they had to kill as a shadeeee
- :)
On the pack would be so fucking mad, they had no control of themself when they were a shade
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wahbegan · 8 years
Okay so also Old Man Logan i’m a bit embarrassed about liking because even at it’s best it’s still very Mark Millar you know what i mean anyway i like the actual story a lot less than i like just the general outline (all the heroes are dead, Logan refuses to act in violence, pop his claws, or acknowledge that he was Wolverine at all because he inadvertently did a Very Bad Thing(TM)) i find that fascinating i find because generally Wolverine is y’know i’m sorry to say i apologize he’s like entry level edgy anti-hero he’s all just “God damn it bub *snikt* bub fuck off bub *snikt* get me a beer *snikt* bub” also idk who decided that saying bub was gonna be his character tic but whoever it was has clearly never heard the word bub uttered in real life because have you ever tried making bub sound badass? Fucking impossible! But i digress.
The point is, Logan says it’s taking a lot of inspiration from Old Man Logan, particularly the first chapter. Now, i was all on board and super stoked about this until i saw the first trailer where it seems like he just immediately pops his claws out at the first sign of trouble when Luke Skywalker and his cronies arrive this has to be like what 20 minutes into the movie? 30? I was disappointed. BUT THEN the second trailer came out and it showed him feigning ignorance of X-23 and then getting the fuckitty shit kicked out of him, seemingly without putting up a fight. This, i thought, seemed weird and it seemed to directly contradict the shots from the first trailer
SO HERE’S MY ACTUAL THEORY those two paragraphs were basically superfluous bullshit you....you shouldn’t read them anyway so in Old Man Logan when the hillbilly Hulk Gang (yeah i know don’t ask questions just roll with it) come to extort money from him, he has this brief fantasy/dream sequence of effortlessly SNIKTing the shit out of all of them which you don’t realize is a dream sequence at first but then it goes back to real life and he’s just like “yeah all right” and gets the fuckitty shit kicked out of him without putting up a fight. SO I WAS THINKINGGGGG that might be what they’re doing in this movie that’d be really cool
Particularly since the SNIKT and the mook murdering at the hotel seems to be done very dramatically that seems like to me like the first time he’s gonna for real pop his claws out
P.S. Please for the love of god have some kind of version of the Very Bad Thing(TM) in this movie that was by far the best part of Old Man Logan it actually gave him depth and internal conflict and made him interesting and showed the downside to the whole “edgy badass can SNIKT through 50 faceless goons in 3 seconds” thing
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