#what the hell do i tag this
flareboi · 4 months
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they wasnt lyin. that music video sure can mesmerize
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dogmime · 3 months
i'm starting a collection
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 8 months
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@writer-room so, uh, made a thing based on one of your after-merge memes.
Also yeah they are in a bar. Because. Yes.
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pancakesbrodown · 2 years
So my girl/boyfriend asked me to post this here since they do not have a tumblr
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Plus also proof n extras they made 😈
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ddocson · 10 months
this is a shot in the dark but it is my last resort
in 2020 there was a fic on ao3 called "hermit challenges (gone sexual!?!?)" which has since been deleted. my friends and i haven't shut up about it since (it changed our lives forever) and if anybody has any chance of reuniting us with that fic i would love you forever.
thank you
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keyunto · 8 months
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idk kinda ate on my classwork
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ashes-onthewind · 21 days
hey there!
do you enjoy transplanar rpg's series "GODKILLER: Last Hope"? do you have any ideas for fanfiction in that universe? I want to write for that fandom, except every time i try to think my brain simply starts screaming (/pos)
if i had ideas, however.... yeah. hit me up, my ask box is open 🫡
even if you don't know godkiller pls reblog? im trying to reach my people <3
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shoutout to the motherfucker named "Montague Mpreg" in my goddamn fortnite game
you're making me question my life choices
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saturday-byte · 5 months
hello! do you have any designs/ideas/inspirations when it comes to Rosetta's creator or is he just a yet-not-specified figure looming over the lore?
Hai !! I didn't expect questions so quickly I'm still building the lore ahhh ,, but I do have Something
I don't have a lot of design elements or inspirations for him - hell he doesn't even have a name yet - he's just kind of a sad guy ig .. he's basically Peter one if he was less of a freak . And Latino ig
He was relatively young when his wife died (both around the mid thirties) and combining his grief with his isolation and building habits resulted in him not really accepting the loss and trying to replace her , but he isn't a bad guy or completely lost at heart so a bit of support got him out of there :]
Those were the same people that helped him finish Rosetta , she just kind of turned into everyone's child ? Not exactly a father daughter connection but she was more like a communal apprentice , her long lived presence made her involved in the next generation's raising so now he's like the mentor too ,, it all comes full circle ...
She has a lot of good memories of him , he was very soft and caring with her as it meant a lot to him but the relationship wasn't something with any human equivalents - certainly familial but not really something you can describe . Just soft
He was nice I think , they danced together a lot . Died young tho
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klownykyt · 5 months
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vaniven jumpscare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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keithbutgay · 3 months
forget horoscopes, are our blood types compatible?
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Every time someone enters my askbox i feel like they're entering a small cottage that's recently been dusted in anticipation for their visit, and when i enter someones askbox i feel like im enting a big courtroom where im talking to the person but they're sitting on the judge area and if the ask is responded with even a hint of percieved negativity they are rendering me guilty for a crime, if the interaction succeeds then im innocent and i get a prize
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lonely-north-star · 1 month
Thoughts on fem mammon?
i hope you know i am holdinf back so hard right now anon whoever you are because holy fufk
i am normal.
but god DAMN.
ugh i always imagine her with like slightly longer than shoulder length hair and bangs, and maybe she's short, and she probably has-
okay. i need to. calm down.
anyway i am in love with her, I'd be in love with mammon in any universe and any time timeline and any lifetime because. Mammon.
and i am also getting a comm with fem mammon which is crazy that this got asked but idk if it'll see the light of day because it's so self indulgent and i was so embarrassed making the pose ref doodle
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percentwheat · 2 months
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hatchet throw so ass she learns the english language just to berate you
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creepywing · 20 days
Guys okay sorry if this tmi But i was due on like. 2 weeks ago right. and i was upset about this because i had 2 concerts very close to eachother and im usually heavy So i was like auuughh please no . Before concert 1 i felt it. The emotions. The tired. Oh no i thought. However . I didnt come on So im thinking. Okay probably gonna be on for concert 2. Ugh. Day before concert 2. Minor amounts of blood. Like incredibly minor. Okay. Concert day. Incredibly minor. Okay. Get home. Incredibly minor. OKAY. TODAY: 3 DAYS LATER. I COME ON PROPER. WHAT. I HELD IT IN ...???????
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homo-ousios · 22 days
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the question was “what are your favorite musicals,” but this person knows that I have invariably correct opinions about literary homosexuals
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