#diaper syllable
klownykyt · 5 months
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vaniven jumpscare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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paddedlittleparadise · 2 months
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"I like you better like this."
Mona's words, soft and breathy, shiver through you. You can't help it. You find yourself unable to look away from her warm brown eyes… her mesmerizing smile… the greedy hunger written across her face. Her hands, soft and cool, tighten on your bare shoulders. And wordlessly, your body quivers in abject, devoted response.
"Uhh… huuuh…?"
It's just a whimper. A sweet, pathetic, questioning little whimper. But as it leaves your parted lips, the light in Mona's eyes grows brighter. "Of course I love you no matter what, darling. But you're so… perfect like this. No silly grownup clothes. No makeup. No glasses, no perfume. Just you… and your diaper. A pretty, naked little babydoll…" Her breath hitches, and the next words betray the husky arousal blossoming within her. "For me."
For me. The simple words crash over you with all the thrilling force of an ocean wave. Between your own thighs, down beneath the rustling surface of the babyish padding she's just given you, you sense your own unbidden excitement building. For her, yes. I'll be anything, do anything for her-
"Maybe it's silly," she admits now. The shivers of pleasure continue to race through you, redoubling as her fingers slip gently down to caress your naked left breast. "And I know you're new to this stuff. But it just… it suits you, you know? You're so small and sweet and perfect. And… and when I see you like this, actually wearing a diaper for me…" She trails off, and your lips part in mingled pain and delight as she pinches longingly on your nipple. "God, it's such a turn-on-"
Her chest heaves, squarely at your eye level. You feel a sudden, overpowering urge: an urge to bury your face in her breasts, to let their pillowy warm softness blot out all other sights and sounds. You quiver, eyes dropping from her face and shamefully, hungrily, at the paradise before you. You need to feel her skin on yours. You long for her scent to fill your senses. You yearn for her hands to twine in your long blonde hair, pulling you deeper and ever deeper into her…
"My sweet little baby," she murmurs, and a muted little whimper escapes you once more. Her hand is on your cheek now, cradling your face and raising it once more to gaze into hers. "You're my sweet, incredible little baby girl. Giving me her control. Giving me everything… trusting me… letting me tease her and train her…"
She leans closer now, and in every husky syllable you sense her lust. "You know… maybe I'll keep you like this all the time. Naked… in just a diaper-" The last word jerks out of her, and you shiver as her hands tighten on your bare shoulders once more. "Oh, fuck. You'd be so perfect. My twenty-four year-old baby, waddling naked around our apartment… cute and helpless and adorable… unable to do anything but dribble and leak into your pampers. Just-" She's practically salivating now, and her chest heaves once more. "Just like the sweet little baby you deserve to be…"
The mental image flashes before you: naked and infantile and ever so blush-inducing. It's unlike anything people say you should want, and yet… Oh, how badly you want it right now! You need it. You need to please her, to obey her. Right now you want nothing more than to do exactly as she wants: waddle, crawl, piddle, coo, drool… whatever. Because she's Mona. She's your fiancée. And no matter how strange it might be, you sense that she's showing you the way to a happiness unlike anything you've ever had.
And so, you blink up into her face. You flash a shaky smile. And you confess the truth that erupts from your very core…
"I like me better like this, too."
Image Credit: ABDreams.com (feat. the fabulous Apple and Odette Delacroix!)
Be sure to check out my Ream Stories if you want to read more of my naughty fiction!
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desi2go · 6 months
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pairing: dad!Han x mother!reader
Warnings: fluff
Jisung was a man with a bubbly character who brings everyone to laugh within seconds. It was his superpower. Everywhere he goes, the people are happier because of his aura.
When you first met him, the kind and funny side attracted you and you got fond of it really fast. But after getting together, you didn't fear the other side of him. With his anxieties and insecurities. It belongs to him just like the sunny side.
Compared to him, you were rather cold or serious towards strangers. Maybe that's why you were so attracted to him. Differences attract each other, you had heard.
Your daughter Yuna was an exact copy of him. You couldn't deny that he was the father of your child. She was such an angel.
After giving birth, the hospital was filled with his and your family the day after to see the little one. Everyone wanted to hold your bundle of joy. Even all the other members of Stray Kids came to see the newest addition to the family. Chan and Felix were the first one to hold her.
Even though Jisung trusted them with his life, he always stood by her side to catch her if someone would drop her.
She was so tiny due to you going into labour just a week before the eight month of pregnancy. Seeing how fragile she was, the protectiveness was there the moment her cries filled the delivery room.
He promised to protect his precious girl with his live and wanted to be the best father for her.
After a week in the hospital to make sure that everything with you and Yuna was fine, he stepped through the door of your shared apartment for the first time as a dad. Your hospital bag over his back that he insisted to carry so that you didn't need to carry that heavy thing and in his arms his little angel.
Even though she was deep asleep, he did a room tour with her, rambling and explaining nearly everything to her.
He sat hours in her room, watching her sleep. He couldn't express how grateful he was to have the little girl and even now he can't believe that he was actually a father.
When she got older and the newborn stage was over, he still sat in her room, observing her after he had read her a book.
Often he would flip through the photos that mostly he took through her short life.
There were photos that Hyunjin made. They were beautiful and showed you three as a happy family. Some were just the little girl in her favourite baby blanket and her plushie, just some weeks after birth.
You had wrapped Yuna in a sweet quokka onesie that you had found online. Hyunjin laid her into a small basket with fluffy blankets and gave her a quokka plushie that she held in her tiny hands.
How the time flew by as a father of a baby.
Yuna was now a year old. Her birthday just passed and Jisung made sure that it was the best day for his baby. Even though she won't remember it when she got older.
You weren't home due to a late meeting at work so that Jisung had Yuna all for himself.
He played with her and when it was time for bed, he bathed together with her while playing with the bubbles. Her sweet and heart warming giggles filled the entire bathroom as Jisung formed with the bubbles funny beards.
He changed her diaper and dressed her in her cute tiny sleep clothes.
Currently, her teeth break through and that was painful for her which is why she has a hard time falling asleep. Jisung and you tried nearly everything to make it less painful.
Tonight, her otherwise so happy and angelic face was wearing a sad one. She whimpered and tears fell as he tried to rock her to sleep.
However it didn't work. He sat down in the rocking chair, Yuna was placed on his chest with one arm holding her securely in his embrace. She grabbed the fabric of his black shirt, whining, as he slowly rocked himself back and forth.
Then, he began humming. A song he heard during the day on social media that kept twirling in his mind.
His humming turned into singing. The syllables rolled of his tongue, filling the entire room.
His daughter stopped the whining and it seems to work. Her eyes never leave the lips of her daddy. Amazed she followed his lip movements as the melody filled the room.
A smile showed on her face.
The rocking and the vibration of Jisung's chest from his singing made her calm. The exhaustion of the day finally catching up. Tired she yawned and blinked her eyes a few times, fighting the sleep.
Her tiny hands held onto his shirt and he rubbed soothingly over her back.
It didn't took long till she was sleeping. Still, he kept rocking back and forth, singing and humming.
The door opened and you entered the room just ten minutes later still wearing your dark blue blouse and a pair of black jeans. You looked tired, dark circles under your eyes.
You gave him a exhausted smile and ruffled through his hair and gave him a peck.
"Hello there" you said and brushed over Yunas head. Her black hair smooth and fluffy.
"Hey honey. How was the meeting?"
"Boring. Just wanted to get home to you both" you chuckled. "Had she trouble getting asleep?"
He nodded and played with the fabric of Yunas sleep clothes. "Though the rocking and singing helped"
"Aww. She is already a fan of you"
"Of course she is! I'm her father. I don't except something else" A big smile plastered on his face.
He hoped that he will be the coolest father for her, someone she can look up to. Hopefully, she will be proud of him.
"Come Ji. Let's get her into bed. Mommy wants a private concert"
Gently, she took her daughter out of his grasp. Yuna fussed a little bit until she settled against her mother and was then laid into her warm bed.
You gave her a goodnight kiss and turned to your love. He gave him a kiss and led him to their bedroom. Quickly you got rid of your work clothes and dressed in one of Jisung's shirts.
He already waited for you to come into bed, opening his arms as you settled next to him. You laid your head on his chest as he brushed through your hair and started humming again, watching you fall asleep almost immediately and he followed soon.
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peaches2217 · 3 months
“You’ve gotta take a nap, bro.”
“Then I’d have to stop looking at her.”
“She’ll be here when you wake up.”
“But I gotta make sure, yeah?”
“That’s what I’m here for, you big doofus. You know I won’t let anything happen to her!”
Luigi knew better than to take it personally, his brother’s protests and the silences between them. Reasoning with Mario when he was short on sleep was always an ouroboric cycle; the key to victory was to wear him down, tail him relentlessly in endless verbal circles, until at last he was tired enough to believe that dropping everything for a quick break was his own idea, at which point he would happily concede.
He’d always been stubborn like that. And as Luigi was quickly learning, the only thing more stubborn than an exhausted Mario was an exhausted Mario with a sleeping newborn in his arms. But he’d procured a nap himself and was armed with an endless supply of coffee and a foot-tall stack of Better Toads and Gardens. He could play this game all night long.
When another silence fell over them, he peeked over from an article on propagating winter roses and watched for a moment. Nothing new to observe. Mario still cradled his daughter’s head to his heart, his thumb stroking her cheek; his eyes were heavy yet soft and full of wonder, an equally soft (if slightly dopey) smile on his lips.
Luigi felt a similar smile creep onto his own face. He’d be lying if he tried to deny how precious the sight was, or how it made him want to melt into the loveseat they shared like gooey candy left too long in the sun. Fatherhood looked good on his brother. He’d always suspected it would.
Of course, it would look a lot better once Mario wasn’t visibly on the verge of passing out. And maybe after he took a razor to the stubble prickling his chin and cheeks and neck. And a good shower wouldn’t hurt, either. But for now, one hurdle at a time.
“Remember that talk we had?” Luigi leaned to his opposite side to fetch his drink from the end table, overcrowded with magazines. “You’ve gotta take care of yourself if you’re gonna take care of anyone else.”
“I know,” Mario groaned, dragging the last syllable out like a petulant child who’d been asked to clean his room, “and I’m gonna! You know that! But I gotta make sure she gets rested up first, yeah? All these new sounds and sights; that’s hard work, taking it all in! She’s too little for all that excitement.”
That dopey smile widened, and as Luigi polished off his fifth cup of coffee, Mario began cooing beneath his breath: “Sì che lo sei! Mia bellissima principessina! Mia albicoccetta sonnolenta! Papà adora così tanto la sua bambina! Sì! Sì!”
That was a good sign. A babbling Mario was a Mario desperately trying to keep himself awake, and thus a Mario mere minutes from giving into sleep. Luigi set his cup back onto the table and draped his reading material over the loveseat’s arm so he could commandeer baby duty at a moment’s notice.
“You can barely even keep your eyes open. It’s not safe to fall asleep holding a baby,” Luigi reminded him. “I’ll hold her for you. She’ll probably still be snoozing away by the time you wake up!”
Mario’s smile gradually faded, and he squinted down at his little girl, as if contemplating every divot of her visage. Luigi swore he could hear the squeak-squeak-squeak of rusty, overworked cogwheels rotating deep within his brother’s brain.
“What if she isn’t?” Mario eventually asked.
“Isn’t what?”
“Snoozing. You know? What if… what if she wakes up before I do? What if she needs changed, or…”
“Then I’ll change her. No sweat.”
Mario shook his head. “I can’t do that.”
“Mario, I’m a plumber. You think dirty diapers scare me?”
“No, I mean—” he gulped, catching a quiet, heavy breath. “Won’t she be scared? If she wakes up and she needs something but her mama’s asleep and her papa’s asleep, she’s gonna think she’s all alone, and—” His voice cracked as he spoke, and as soon as he stopped talking, his bottom lip began to wobble, fat tears pooling in his eyes.
That was also good. A weepy and irrational Mario was a Mario on the precipice of surrender. This would be over soon.
“No!” Those tears leaked out as he buried his face into the crown of her head, planting little kisses to her hair between affirmations. “No no no, Papà non andrà da nessuna parte, albicoccetta! Non ti abbandonerò mai!” Mwah! “Mai!” Mwah! “Mai!”
“Stars’ sakes, Mario, you’re not abandoning her.” Luigi made a point to keep his voice even and sympathetic as he scooted closer, draping an arm around his emotional brother’s shoulders. “I can wake you up if she needs anything,” he promised. “But you know she’ll be okay! As long as she’s clean and cozy, she’ll sleep like a— well, you know.”
Mario sniffled. “You’ll keep her cozy?”
“The coziest. She’ll be so cozy she won’t even know you passed her off to me!”
“...But we don’t smell the same! She’ll smell you and know it’s not me!”
“Bro. She’s a baby, not a dog.”
“But she’s so talented! So smart!” Mario hiccupped and turned to wipe his face across his shirt sleeve, already stained and crusty from the fifteen times he’d used it as a snot rag prior. “She stopped crying as soon as she heard her mama! She opened her eyes when I talked to her for the first time! She knows these things!”
If she already knows your smell as well as she knows your voice, then you really need that shower. Luigi bit back a chuckle and cleared his throat. No, he’d be every bit as incoherent and emotionally raw in Mario’s shoes. Comfort now. Snark later.
“Look at me, bro.” He pulled back just enough so that Mario could look up at him, and that alone was a victory, because he hadn’t looked away from his daughter in hours. And looking into his eyes now, red from tears and foggy with fatigue, Luigi knew with even greater conviction that he was on the right track. “If she wakes up — the second she starts acting scared or sad or needy, I’ll wake you up.”
“You promise?”
“On Polterpup.”
“You won’t just grab a nurse, or make Peach—” Something like horror flickered across Mario’s face, and suddenly he leaned in, his brows scrunched and his tone sharp. “Swear you won’t wake Peach up. No matter what. Don’t even think about it! Swear that on Mama’s grave!”
Luigi blinked. Well, if he’d been entertaining thoughts of waking a new mother after she’d spent all day in labor (which he wasn’t, at least not too seriously), those thoughts went flying out the nearest window. Mama Mario would personally descend in a chariot of angels to smack him with a rolling pin for committing such an act in the first place; what wrath would he incur if he also spited her name in the process?
Yeesh. That was an intense request, even (or maybe especially) for Mario.
Still, he clapped a hand against his brother’s shoulder, nodding firmly. “Sulla tomba di Mamma. Lo giuro.”
Finally, Mario’s face softened, and he lowered his head with a sigh. Luigi met him halfway; he cupped the back of Mario’s head and touched their foreheads together, and there they savored a moment of quiet resignation, taking in each other’s calming presence.
Wow. It had only taken three hours to reach this point. Honestly, Luigi was quite impressed with himself.
“Alright.” With one last sigh, Mario broke free and turned his attention back to the bundle in his arms, kissing her forehead gently. “You be good for Zio, okay, sweetie? He’s gonna take good care of you.”
Even in the weariest depths of acute oxytocin intoxication, Mario knew (with minimal convincing) that his own child was just as safe with his twin as she was with him. Luigi cleared his throat again, some fluttery but not unpleasant feeling bubbling in his chest. He knew better than to take that for granted.
Zio. Oh, he loved that title.
He found himself uttering his own stream of soothing nothings as he plucked the baby from Mario’s arms, leaning back against the couch cushion so he could prop her against his chest. Stars Almighty, she was her papa’s spitting image. Her chubby cheeks, her strong jaw, her dark hair — she was Mario if he had Peach’s eyes and nose and shaved off his mustache and was also thirty years younger. A little Mini-Mario.
Luigi clicked his tongue softly at his precious little niece, resting peacefully in his arms, entirely unphased by the transfer. Another trait she’d picked up from her father, it seemed: she was one heck of a heavy sleeper.
He would tear down the sky and blow up the stars for her. Funny, how quickly one can devote their entire being to something so small.
“C’mon,” he said, facing his brother again, “let’s get you somewhere more—”
Mario was out cold. He hadn’t even laid back or made himself comfortable; he just slumped forward, his mouth open slightly, his eyes lightly shut.
Great. Speak of the devil…
“Hey.” He glanced back down to the infant in his arms, ensuring her neck remained stable as he nudged his brother with his shoulder. “Come on. Don’t do this! There’s a perfectly good sofa literally right across the room!”
His rationale went unheard. Mario swayed in place for a moment, eyes still closed, and then slouched into Luigi’s side, his head landing square on his shoulder. A quiet snore escaped him as he made contact, and then nothing.
Luigi stared down at his unconscious twin in stupefaction, eventually casting a longing gaze at his gardening magazine, still open and waiting for him on his opposite side. Mario wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. He could, in theory, free himself, but given how the hypervigilant dad-to-be had trained himself these past months to startle awake at the slightest sudden movement…
Well. Their shared moment of resignation hadn’t just been for Mario’s sake, then.
Ah well. Best not divide his attention while babysitting. With a lighthearted huff, Luigi carefully repositioned himself, pulling his legs beneath him and leaning against the loveseat’s arm (and creasing his poor abandoned magazine in the process) so he could more appropriately support Mario’s bulk. Both father and daughter remained undisturbed as he shifted into a more comfortable position.
“Starai una rompiscatole come Papà?” he whispered to the bundle in his arms. He tried to sound annoyed, if for no one’s sake but his own, but he couldn’t possibly drop the grin that tugged at his cheeks.
His niece smacked her tiny lips, nestling a bit deeper into her blanket with a quiet noise. At the same time, Mario snored again, settling against his brother in his sleep.
A Mini-Mario indeed.
“Oh, sì!” Luigi nuzzled his nose into the crown of her head, planting little kisses to her hair as she snoozed. “La rompiscatole preferita di Zio! Sì che lo sei! Sì!”
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peachesofteal · 2 years
Just a drabble. Belongs in the future of the Sassy series.
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Simon Riley/female reader - Soft dad Simon Riley 1k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: sickfic, comfort, medicine and illness, soft dad Simon, fluff, Simon is a good partner and dad I will be taking no questions. Simon's family is sick.
The raspy cry is what wakes him. You groan in your sleep, searching across the mattress blindly for the source of the sound, seeking Theo where he sleeps in the bassinet that you set up when he first got sick. You’re wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets and one of Simon’s old sweatshirts, fighting to get free and pull the babe into the bed with you, just as you have for most of the night. Very dim, light orange rays of dawn peek under the drawn shades, casting shadow across the wooden floor of the bedroom, and Simon rubs his eyes open, body fully in tune with the sound of Theo’s distress. He gets there first, scooping the crying boy into his arms and ushering him out the door and into the bathroom, silently hoping you didn’t wake fully.
He turns the shower onto scalding hot and draws the curtain closed, stripping Theo out of his night shirt, cradling him against his bare skin.
“We’ve got this, yeah?” Theo blinks up at him, tears dripping from his eyes, face scrunching into a scream. Poor lad, Simon thinks. “Shhh, shhh.” He tries to soothe him, pressing the baby to his chest, the steam from the shower filling both of their lungs, and Theo’s cries slowly shift into more of a wheeze. The high pitched, squeaking noise sets Simon on edge, and he hovers his mouth above Theo’s ear, trying to relax him into easier breathing. The syrupy rattle of his little lungs heightens Simon’s anxiety about the illness that’s swept the house, the thickened scrape of the coughing and gasping coming from both you and Theo filling him with unease. Sickness is not something he’s well equipped to deal with, he believes, and this silent foe that threatens his family caught him more off guard than he would care to admit.
“It can be common in babies of this age.” The pediatrician explains to both of you while he holds Theo, the big four month old squirming and crying in his grip. You cover your mouth as you cough.
“But he’ll be okay?” To a stranger, you sound calm, but to Simon, who’s seen you in too many life or death situations to count, he recognizes the waver in the higher pitched syllables, the tense string tying your shoulders taut. You’re worried, even with the doctor’s reassurance.
“This medicine twice a day for seven days should knock it out. You can try turning the shower on and closing the door in the bathroom for a makeshift steam room to help give him some relief in the meantime.” She smiles kindly and then scribbles onto an RX pad. “Call me if you don’t see improvement after the medication finishes.”
A very soft knock sounds at the door.
“You okay?” Your voice scratches when you pop your head in, nose stuffed, face tired. Theo twists his head in your direction immediately.
“Yeah, we’re alright.” Your eyes travel over the two of them briefly, taking in the baby, only in his diaper and Simon, only in his boxers, a sleepy, barely-there smile twisting your lips. You step into the foggy room, resting your chin against Simon’s arm, careful to keep your face pointed away from Theo.
“How’s his breathing?”
“Still got a bit of a wheeze.” Simon takes a closer look at you and nearly winces. You’re no longer contagious, but not particularly any better off than Theo, the exhaustion of having a sick kid compounding your own illness. “How’re you feeling?”
“Fine.” You lie, moving to wash your hands in the sink before stroking a finger along Theo’s cheek. “Poor baby boy.” You murmur, and then draw a scratchy breath and step backwards, coughing into the crook of your arm.
“Sweet girl,” he says, palm brushing along your sweat-dampened skin, “you should be in bed.”
“He’s due for his medicine. The alarm woke me.”
“I’ve got it.” He assures you, gesturing to the vial on the counter. “We’ve got it, huh Theo? Tell her, go back to sleep.” You raise an eyebrow.
“You sure?” you sigh heavily when he nods. “Okay.” He presses his lips against your forehead.
“I’ll check on you once I put him back down.” You glance at them again, eyes half asleep, and then click the door shut as quietly as possible.
Simon eyes the sticky pinky substance that drips from the brown bottle with disdain. Smells awful, like fake bubblegum. Theo sits with his back against his chest, legs dangling over his forearm, watching his dad in the mirror as he scoops a dose into the little baby spoon they’ve been using.
“Alright lad.” He holds the spoon in front of his mouth, trying to urge him to open up. “I know, I know.” He hums while Theo jerks his head backwards, lips opening with a wail. Simon seizes the opportunity and deposits the pink slime onto his tongue, gently tilting his head back just slightly to encourage him to swallow. “Shhh. All done, good job.” He turns him around, laying his cheek against his chest, rubbing his back until his cries quiet down.
When he cracks the door to the bedroom, you’re already knocked out, sprawled across the bed, mouth open and lightly snoring. It’s the deepest you’ve slept in a week, and he can’t bring himself to disturb your rest. He leans over you, Theo still in his arms, and kisses your cheek gently.
“Say goodnight, mum.” He whispers, one arm supporting the boy, while the other tucks the sheet closer under your chin.
He buttons Theo into new sleep clothes before placing him on his back in the crib, Simon’s giant palm just barely resting on his little chest until he settles, eyes slowly closing and breaths falling into an even rhythm. He folds up a spare baby blanket for a pillow, and lays down on the carpet, one hand grasping the bars of the crib. Just in case he wakes up. That way, he knows his dad’s here, Simon tells himself, his own eyes feeling heavy, the heat from the steam finally pulling both father and son into deep, dreamless sleep.
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jokeringcutio · 9 months
Reader x Stepdad William Afton (Drabble)
AN: You got me there, ANON. All right, here's a very QUICK drabble for you, because I COULDN'T RESIST. MATURE THEMES/NO EXPLICIT SMUT. Just a happy family dinner (well....)
Also, I am overwhelmed with prompt requests and I love them, so do keep 'em coming. But if you want to help me out for reaching my goal to save up to commission a celebratory piece of artwork for this tumblr (as we've almost reached 1000 mutuals following this account :3 ) please feel free to donate me a little something on Ko-fi ♡ ︎.
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based on this in my inbox: [ See Reaction to the post here x ]
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The clink of silverware against porcelain punctuated the silence, a staccato rhythm that seemed to echo in the cavern of your chest. Across from you, William’s hands were steady as he cut into his steak, but there was something about the tightness in his jaw, the way his blue eyes didn't quite meet yours, that whispered secrets.
"Sweetheart," your mother's voice sliced through the tension like the knife in William's hand through meat, "it's time we talked about a paternity test."
Your heart stuttered in your chest, a wild, frantic thing eager to escape. You swallowed hard, the mashed potatoes on your tongue now tasting like ash.
"Whoever the father is... he deserves to know," she continued, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling beneath her words.
"Of course," you agreed, the word brittle on your lips. Your gaze flickered unintentionally to William, then quickly away, fearing what might be revealed in a single glance.
He cleared his throat, a sound that rumbled deep and low, a prelude to the storm you knew brewed within him.
"It's only fair," he said, but his voice was a masterclass in control, every syllable measured, every intonation practiced.
"You can ring up the boys... see if they're willing." She was all practicality, all motherly concern, not an inkling of suspicion clouding her features. If only she knew…
"Right," you breathed out, the lie sour and heavy in your mouth.
In your bedroom, Evan's chest rose and fell with the innocent trust of sleep. Unaware. Untouched by the deceit that hung thick in the air. The door ajar, otherwise he wouldn’t sleep if he didn’t hear that you were near. As if somehow, your tiny son was aware that he had been born in a house full of dark secrets and possible danger.
Your fingers curled around your glass, the cool surface grounding you. Water, while your parents were drinking wine. Wasn’t your mom still trying for a baby? Had she finally given up now that she saw how it was to be between diapers and the soreness of giving milk?
William's gaze flitted toward the open door where your son lay oblivious to the grown-up games played at his expense.
"Will do it tomorrow," you promised, your voice a whisper of determination laced with dread.
"Good girl," your mother smiled, contentment lighting up her face. But in William's eyes, the reflection of a different kind of pride—a dark, devouring satisfaction—flickered and then died.
You pushed your plate away, appetite lost. While inside your thoughts careened like a runaway train, you tried to remain your compose. Look and act normal. But what would happen when the truth came out? What would happen when the masks fell away?
What would William do?
Because in all honesty, it wasn’t your mom and her feelings you were worried about the most any longer. She had proven time after time again to be there for you, no matter what lies had been told about you. Her two-goody-shoes daughter, suddenly a wild partying animal who had gone and get laid whilst drunk – even if she bought it she faithfully helped take care of you and your newborn son. She was so – so darn sweet! Like an angel sent from the blessed sky. If she’d forgiven you this, then you wouldn’t doubt she would forgive you the truth.
Could you bear her disappointment? Right now? Could you see her so crestfallen and betrayed? Did you want to break that dam and wait whilst pain raked through you both – a pain that only time could mend?
Beside you, William scraped his throat, his thick fingers scraping past your thigh underneath the table. The horny beast. Even now he couldn’t stop touching you.
Shouldn’t he be working on one of his new robot animals? Like that yellow bunny suit he was making to resemble your favorite plushie? With the only difference that it was ten times bigger and build for him to wear?
You tried not to glance at your stepfather, not even when his fingers reassuringly squeezed your already bruised thigh. You gritted your teeth at the soreness – thanks to his latest bout of fucking, of course. The man took his chances whenever he could.
No, the real problem here was your stepfather. William was a tall, strong and dangerous man. His mind worked in ways that only left you guessing. And you had no doubt that he had hurt others in the past before to get exactly what he wanted.
If you wanted to play this game, you had to play it right.
Silently, you vowed to protect Evan from the shadows that lurked behind William's aviator glasses, from the manipulations that twisted beneath his agreeable facade. You would stand between your son and the man who wore danger like a second skin.
"Let's finish up here," your mother suggested, unaware of the battle lines being drawn right before her eyes.
"Indeed," William agreed, and his smile was a predator's grin, hidden in plain sight.
The baby slept on, his dreams untainted by the turmoil that swirled just beyond his reach.
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sweet-evie · 11 months
Strolling in Starlight
A glimpse into the life of a single dad who's doing his best.
masterlist || pt 4
Content: Established Relationship, afab!oc, fem!oc, nameless!oc, she/her/hers pronouns for Satoru's S/O, singleparent!gojo, dad!gojo, Sentimental!Gojo, Mentions of Suguru and Satoru’s deceased lover, Pining (all Satoru), Satsuki doesn’t understand a thing her dad is saying.
A/N: Not Gojo showing off his powers to a baby as if they can understand.
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Never Grow Up Pt 3
December 2012
“‘Tsukiiii…” Satoru groaned, stretching out the last syllable in her name as he pushed her door open. “I thought we were past this.”
Grumbling, he effortlessly picked his way through the mess of building blocks and plushies on the floor that he neglected to put away before her bedtime. (Infinity on auto was a perk he never wanted to be without; saved him emergency trips to the hospital because he was sure he’d stepped on legos hundreds of times by now).
Satoru propped his elbows on the edge of Satsuki’s bassinet and peered down at her scrunched up, slightly red face from crying. This was the fourth time this week — consecutive days of the house being shaken up at ungodly hours of the morning because of a screaming baby and her consequently turbulent cursed energy.
Shoko warned him about this… She told him some babies get into a phase at 7 months where they don’t appreciate being apart from their caretakers and that it’s completely normal, but it sure is a bitch to deal with. Usually, it wasn’t a problem, because Satoru rarely slept anyways, and he was — more often than not — awake and doing things. His concern was Megumi and Tsumiki. Those kids needed their sleep… And Satsuki had a pair of lungs on her. Wonder where she got those from.
“Princess, I’m all for you crying and calling for me, but we can’t keep waking up Tsumiki and Megumi like this. They have school tomorrow… I think.”
Satsuki rolled over to lie on her stomach. She was still crying, a little quieter now that her favorite person had come into the room to appease her.
He reached in and lifted her out of her bassinet, and held her at arms’ length. She had that ridiculously adorable dumbfounded look on her face that most babies seemed to have after they stopped crying — looking around cluelessly as if they didn’t cause disturbances just moments before. If he had neighbors and they lived in a smaller apartment, he was sure he would have gotten noise complaints by now.
Satoru brought his daughter closer and did the routine check he’d always done every time she woke up in the middle of the night since he brought her home from the hospital 7 months ago. Her diapers didn’t require changing, and she wasn’t hungry, so…
“Did you really just want to be close to me?” He teased her, tickling her tummy a little.
She squealed her answer and as she gave him her gummy smile, he narrowed his eyes.
“Are your teeth coming in?” He had the inappropriate urge to poke his finger in and feel around her gums, because those little white buds were definitely not there before. “Shoko told me you might be a late teether. You were supposed to get these 3 months ago.”
In hindsight, that probably explained all the drooling, the general fussiness, her awful habit of attempting to eat her fingers until someone brought over a pacifier, and her demonic urge to gum all her plushies to death. His clothes didn’t escape her either.
“I’m getting you a teething ring. I really should’ve, don’t know how I missed that.”
Satoru outstretched his hand and used Blue to draw one of Satsuki’s toys over to him. The movement caught the baby’s attention, and she squealed in delight as she followed the object’s path. How did it look to her curious eyes, a plushie flying across the room to land in her father’s palm? But it seemed she couldn’t care less after Satoru handed it to her. She grabbed Wanyamon and pulled on its ears. Her babbling and her attempt at motor boating (something she picked up from Tsumiki and Satoru) showered her father in drool.
Satoru snickered and watched as Satsuki’s face lit up with excitement. It must be another sight to see — liquid suspended in midair, drool kept at bay by Infinity.
“Okay, Spitter, now what?” Shaking his head, he pushed the small plushy back into her arms when it almost fell to the floor from her lax grip. 
Satsuki crumpled the cloth in her little fists and put one of the ears into her mouth. Snickering, he kissed the top of her head and bounced her a little in his arms. “You don’t look sleepy, but I need you to go back to bed because it’s so late, and your mom will hate me if you don’t get the sleep that you’re supposed to.”
She stared up at him with big doe amber eyes that reminded him too much of her late mother, just as an idea popped into his head.
“Hey ‘Tsuki? Want to go see the stars up close?”
Beautiful star-studded Tokyo skies were rare to see, but it was a privilege enjoyed by the strongest sorcerer of the modern age. Suspended mid-air, 6,000 feet above the ground, Satoru strolled across empty air, stepping on manipulated space underneath his feet, walking through clouds with each step, carrying a deeply fascinated baby in his arms.
Not for the first time, he himself appreciated the blanket of stars above them. He was holding Satsuki up against his chest and shoulders and she leaned back as far as she could, turning her fair-haired head this way and that, little hands tugging mercilessly on his hair all the while.
Her excitement came in the form of babbles and squeals that sometimes sounded like they were supposed to be questions, and he nodded along.
“Bet you didn’t think your dad could fly huh?” Satoru smirked, gently prying her fingers away from the hair hanging in front of his face. She’d poked his eye one too many times for his liking by now. “Well, it’s not flying… More like… I’m manipulating the space around me so I can do things like this.”
A finely controlled red orb launched itself from the tips of his fingers. The ball of energy careened across the sky and dissipated after it disturbed a group of cumulus clouds.
Satsuki was murmuring things softly in a language that only babies could understand. She twisted restlessly in his arms and Satoru had to re-secure his hold on her lest she fall.
“What are you so interested in back there?” Satoru teased, turning around to stare at empty air behind him. “Red is not enough for you?”
“Da-da Da-da~ Dada.” She sang and giggled and swung her tiny onesie-clad legs.
As the wind continued tousling his hair, he readjusted the beanie on Satsuki’s head, so it covered her ears a little more. For some reason, she reminded him of one of those Kewpie baby commercials from his childhood — all wide-eyed curious stares and rosy cheeks. 
“As I was saying before you interrupted me—” He booped the tip of her nose and she scrunched her face at him. “If you happen to have Limitless too, you could do cool stuff like what daddy did and show off to all of your friends. It’s going to take a lot more effort to master Limitless, or at least, use it competently without Six Eyes, but I know you can do it. You have me, after all. I’m the best teacher you’ll ever have.”
Satsuki squealed and closed her fist around Satoru’s nose, giggling and smiling her gummy smile as her father made a face. He pried her hand off again, and mimed eating her fingers — making the silly cookie monster noises that he knew she recognized from Sesame Street. (He had his current students to thank for that). Her answering shriek could have woken Megumi and Tsumiki had they been in the house, and Satoru laughed along with her.
He held her at arm’s length as she continued to squeal and drool all over the front of her onesie. He spun around slowly twice, just to see how his baby would react, and she rewarded his efforts with a string of baby talk.
“Why are you so energetic at like two in the morning?” He wondered out loud, bringing her close again.
She wriggled in his hold and subconsciously wrapped her short and chubby arms around his neck.
“You don’t even know what stargazing is yet, do you?” He readjusted his hold on her again and patted her back slowly to the rhythm of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ playing in his head. “It’s when people go outside to stare up at the night sky and try to find constellations. To be honest, it’s pretty lame when you live in the city because hardly any stars would be visible through all the light pollution. This is way better, don’t you think so?”
Satoru doubted the baby was paying attention to him as she stared up at the endless expanse of tiny lights above them — babbling and doing her own commentary in a language only she understood.
“Mhm, those are stars, Princess. We still can’t touch them from here, but we can see a lot more of them.”
They whiled away in the sky for a short time like that; father and daughter strolling together under a dark canvas dotted with billions of balls of gas, burning hundreds of miles away. He pointed out made-up constellations to her, naming them after people in his life — talking about how those clusters of stars looked like Megumi when he was reading a book, or how that particular line of stars reminded him of Tsumiki when she played in the swings.
It was weird, but Satsuki didn’t think so…
The wind continued to whip at his hair and his clothes when he chose a spot in the sky to stop. Carefully, he sat on empty space — next to a pocket of fluffy white clouds, stretched his legs, and crossed them at the ankles so he could lay Satsuki lengthwise on his lap.
Satsuki kicked her legs out and giggled at him as he held her tiny fists in both of his hands; playing a makeshift game of close-open-close with her short arms, while humming another nursery rhyme he was sure he’d learned when he was a child himself.
“Hey, guess what?” Satoru leaned closer a little and whispered conspiratorially after the second nursery song ended. “Your great grandma told me once that people who are gone turn into stars.”
Satsuki replied with a bunch of incomprehensible baby talk. She twisted around again to lay on her stomach, and Satoru was quick to pick her up and guide her into a sitting position on his knee instead, with his arms supporting her and holding her close for safety.
“Pu-pee.” She squealed and giggled again, curious hands reaching up to grab and tug at her beanie. “Da-da, da-da~ Da-daaaaa~”
Smiling at her unquenchable eagerness and energy, he slowly rocked her back and forth and littered quick kisses along the side of her face while he stared up at the canopy of stars. 
“Do you think Mommy’s up there?” Satoru shook his head and chuckled. “I bet Mommy would kick my ass because this is actually pretty dangerous for you, you know. One slip-up and it’s ‘down will come baby, cradle and all.’ Should’ve brought the carrier. But eh… It’s fine.” He kissed the top of her beanie. “I won’t let anything hurt you. I’m the safest place you’ll ever be. Your dad’s the strongest after all.”
They listened to the wind as it sung a song of its own, and perhaps if he deluded himself enough, he would be convinced it was his Love coming to check on them momentarily. Yes, she would probably chide him for being careless and for bringing his daughter thousands of feet up into the air, but if she were here, he would have brought her with them too.
It had the makings of a perfect family date, didn’t it?
Just him, her, and their baby girl strolling under starlight — far away from the stresses of normal life and jujutsu sorcery.
“I miss your mom.” 
Had Satsuki been old enough to understand, perhaps she would have heard how sadness stained her father’s usually cheery disposition… Perhaps she would have seen the way the light in his eyes dulled ever so slightly at the memory of the Love he had lost.
And yet, a fond and bittersweet smile still made its way to his lips at every memory that drifted to the surface. “I did this with her once. Took her up to Tokyo Skytree. She kept smacking me the first time I did it because I startled her. My bad…” He snickered and perked up suddenly when he remembered, “Oh! My teleportation doesn’t disorient you, does it?”
“Da-da da-da… Ba-boo~ Ba-bee!”
“Taking that as a ‘no.’” He sighed. “I miss my best friend too. His name’s Suguru. You would have liked him if he were still around. Suguru can absorb and manipulate curses, and he really had this cool rainbow dragon curse that he would bring out sometimes. Auntie Shoko, me, and him used to fly above Tokyo riding on that thing.”
And what a headache they gave Yaga too… Wandering outside of campus after class hours was generally frowned upon and heavily discouraged, but that hadn’t stopped the three of them from leaving their dorms in the dead of night anyway. He treasured the memory of those balmy nights full of late convenience store snack runs. They would hang out in parks after that, or sneak into izakayas. (He and Suguru were certainly tall enough to pass, and no one said ‘no’ to Shoko). Sometimes, they deliberately returned to campus when the sun was high just to see what would happen if they broke school regulations.
“There was also the stingray, but that one’s smaller and only fits one person.” 
Satoru mumbled to himself, lost in the memory of that time when he dared to race Suguru. Which was faster? The stingray vs the rainbow dragon. Shoko thought they were ridiculous, but she played referee for them anyway — all while she rode atop another one of Suguru’s airborne curses, casually smoking her cigarette as she watched the boys cackle and try to playfully sabotage each other to get the upper hand.
A moment of silence followed, punctuated by the howl of the wind and Satsuki’s quieter babbling.
“Princess, do you even know that you’re born into a sorcerer family? Maybe you don’t understand yet, but I’ve seen you interacting with Megumi’s dogs.” 
Megumi introduced them to her at Satoru’s suggestion, just to see if Satsuki would react, and she did. She patted their fur and crawled towards them. Satoru would go so far as to say she would have chased them if she had been capable of walking… Perhaps soon the house would come alive with the sounds of little feet pattering on the floor, pursuing shadow pups. Megumi didn’t react to it much, but Satoru caught him summoning the dogs with Satsuki around. He would read to her while she poked and prodded at the Divine Dogs.
Too bad Tsumiki can’t see the canines though…
Cheeks puffed out in disappointment, Satoru muttered, “It sucks that Tsumiki can’t see them the way you and Megumi can. She would have loved those dogs.”
“Mi-mi boo… Da-da da-da!”
He smiled and poked his daughter’s cheek. “Tsumiki is just like your mommy, you see. She’s a non-sorcerer, and if things go well, she can live a normal and happy life. I want that for you too, ‘Tsuki. I’d give it to you. To be honest though, I wanted to wait to have you… Don’t take this the wrong way, Princess, but Mommy and I weren’t supposed to make you yet.”
His Love’s panicked face after she’d confirmed her suspicions still felt so fresh. He could still see her in his mind’s eye — could still see the droop in her shoulders when she approached him and confessed, the pregnancy test held between her trembling hands.
“We wanted to get married after I’ve reformed the jujutsu world, and then we’d have you. But you came early! And that’s completely fine too.” He smiled fondly at Satsuki’s innocent face, blinking up at him. “At least now, you get to see me do it, and by the time you’re all set to go to Jujutsu Tech, it will be different, and so much better.”
Her smile slowly began to turn upside down and her familiar cry for attention pierced the air not long after. If she wasn’t in need of a diaper change or hungry, that only meant one other thing. Someone was getting cranky and that same someone was demanding her beauty sleep. Finally.
Satoru tucked her into the crook of his neck again and patted her back gently, readjusting his hold at the same time so she could snuggle more comfortably if she needed it.
“What do you say we make this a tradition? Just you and me. Like that idea?”
But his voice had already lulled her to sleep, and Satoru smiled.
“Sleep tight, sweet girl. I have you.”
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Love? Love. (part one)
(Andy Barber x reader)
summary- recently split from his wife, Andrew Stephen Barber, aka, Mr hotshot ADA daddy dilf, lives with his 14 year old son Jacob. All he has known since the tender age of 17 is Laurie, and their baby boy. Will his life change when a bright eyed and bushy tailed y/n moves in the house right opposite to his? More importantly, will it change for the better or the worse?
*contains adult themes, smut and age gap (reader is a senior in college, Andy is in his early thirties)*
Andy's sleep is rudely cut short by the whirring engine of packers and movers mixed with the commotion of workers walking back and forth, setting up the furniture.
His face grimaces as soon as he opens his eyes,
at seven fucking am on a sunday! fuck off!
Apparently-as he later finds out-a new family had just moved in the house opposite to his. From what he had heard from his best friend(and neighbor), Sam, the family had a son of around Jacob's age which was about perfect since Jacob was a shy kid and wasn't exactly Mr. popular with kids his age. maybe he would find a friend in the new kid
By the next weekend, Jacob and the kid, Tyler, were already friends and today Jacob had invited his friend to play video games together.
"Daaaaddd", Jacob whines, "Please don't embarrass me!"
Andy gasps dramatically ,"Are you ashamed of your old man!", he even goes as far as to clutch his chest, right where his heart is, "i knew this day would come, i just thought it would be fifty years from now when i am bound to a hospital bed and shit my pants every time i try to say a word with more than three syllables"
As Jacob rolls his eyes, laughing, the doorbell rings, "whatever old man, just behave or i won't buy you diapers when you're all old and 'bound to a bed'".
Tyler shyly greets Andy and the boys disappear into their boy cave. Andy decides to settle down for a movie from the comfort of his couch. He can already imagine what Sam would say if he found out about Andy's weekend plans
are you seriously wasting all that good-good on a couch? Let's go out man , find you a pretty girl, you need to get out of this 'grandma' routine
Sam wouldn't get it ,he was married, happily so, and had a baby girl with the woman of his dreams. "Between the two of those pretty girls, i don't stand a chance"- he'd say
It wasn't that easy for Andy to navigate the modern dating world, there were too many 'what ifs' and not enough 'why nots' for him to fall in love again
what if he's a one night?
what if he catches feelings and she doesn't? what if he finds someone perfect only to find out he's incapable of feeling love again?
oh shit, worse yet- what if he was a reboun-
His thoughts are interrupted by the ringing doorbell, jesus can't a man watch the godfather for the millionth time in peace?
"Hi, Mr. Barber"
Andy's breath hitches, "Hi there"
"I would shake your hand but mine are full", she giggles.
Andy's heart does a backflip at her laugh as he shakily reaches out to take the four tupperware boxes from her.
"I'm y/n", she gives him a sweet smile, "I'm Tyler's sister and we just wanted to thank you for inviting him over, god knows we needed the break! Teenagers, amirite", she looks up at him with those big doe eyes.
Snapping out of the trance, Andy invites her in, "Come in............uh",
Andy's chest is filled with a warm, fuzzy feeling
Names are so intimate, Y/n, while he asks her to come in, Y/n, he asks her to sit, Y/n, as he brews her a cup of coffee.
Andy, as her eyes sparkle when she realizes the movie he has on, Andy, as she tells him she cooked all the treats she brought him tonight
"So", Andy strikes up the conversation as they settle on the couch, "i've heard that you tutor children?"
"Oh, yes, It's just to earn a little before i graduate, besides, my god complex is fulfilled while teaching people", she jokes.
Andy doesn't remember the last time he was so interested in a conversation that wasn't about work or crime, or both, really.
An hour later, they are way past formalities, talking about everything and nothing, as if they were old friends.
Her mouth agape, she looks at him in utter disbelief, "He got away with it?" ,Andy can't believe she's so engrossed in his work stories, Laurie had always told him to keep his work where it belonged-in his office.
"Tyler and i should leave now, it's getting late, mom will be mad if we're late for dinner"
Andy's heart sinks why did she have to leave
"Alright sweetheart", he says lowly, "it was a pleasure to have your company".
Y/n smiles bashfully 'sweetheart'
did he mean it? no way! he must have a thousand women worshipping at his feet, he's the fucking ADA, he's single, he's hot and don't even get me started on that smile-
Focus Y/n!!
Andy notices the hitch in her breath, the sudden tint on her cheeks and the way her shy eyes try to look anywhere but at him
a straight up filthy image crosses his mind-
you, laying naked on his bed, all spread out for him, whining as he sucked between your petals
you, closing your eyes bashfully as the head of his thick cock lines up with your wet, tight hole
he would have no qualms with slapping your face lightly, "look at daddy while he's fucking you open"
"look at me baby, look at who's making you feel so good"
he'd kiss your pouting lips, "my dumb little baby can't think with daddy's cock inside her, ca-
okay Andy, She's a smart and beautiful twenty-one year old girl, she must have boys falling at her feet, the last thing she'd want is you.
As she and Tyler leave, Andy can't help the stupid smile on his face
"dad?, you good there?"
Andy snaps out of the trance, "yeah kid"
"phew! With that shit eating grin, you almost had me convinced that you had shat you pants"
author's note: heyyyyyyy girlies, i purposefuly made the first chapter short and vague so i can take the story forward as you'd like me to! Please do leave suggestions!!! nothing is off limits to me
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spidermartini · 5 months
Whoever Keith Schiller (sp?) is....he deserves our pity. His nickname, apparently, was "wet wipes" and he used to have to wipe Trump down when he shit himself on Celebrity Apprentice.
The years of speed, Adderall, and cocaine abuse made Trump require diapers since the 90s. He would shit himself if he came across a tough word on the cue card....ya know....like a toddler thowing a tantrum.
I can't BELIEVE there are people who still see him as a strong leader. Maybe changing his diapers after he shits himself because he tried to read a word woth more than two syllables, would change their mind.
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peculiartastes · 1 month
tried writing a bit today. sorry it's a bit short. Let me know if you guys want to see a continuance.
Tonight was "thirsty Thursday," which meant mommy would be out with her friends, and I with the babysitter. Candace, or "Candy" as she asked to be called, was a young woman with platinum hair and overdone makeup that might indicate she's the type of dumb headed girl that parents wish their children never turn into. Unfortunately for me, this was not true. Candy held a rather short and aggressive personality that usually resulted in tears running down my cheeks and a red bottom.
"Katieee! How are youuu!" she beamed, stretching the ends of her words as if it was a malleable thing.
"I'm good Ms. Candace."
"So formal!" she said, each syllable almost bouncing. Her hand reached towards my bottom, her long fingers groping the rear of my diaper. "You're all dry! Good job Kaitlyn!"
"Thank you." I try to say without grumbling.
My cheeks crawl up to the ceiling as she squats down, her eyes fixated on my sesame street diaper. Her hand works it's way down, rustling the paper like material. I try to hide the growing redness against my face as her finger slips inside, brushing against my parts. I'm unable to stifle a soft "mmf," that shoots out of my chest when she pulls her finger out.
I hate how long she makes diaper checks, but finally, her investigation ends. "Kaitlyn, did you know when the little lines on your diaper turn blue, it means you've had an accident?"
"Yes ma'am.."
"and do you know what having an accident means?"
I stare at the veins in the drywall ahead for a second, not wanting to awnser her. "It means I couldn't hold it and went pee-pee."
"That's right, and girls your age usually don't have accidents do they."
"No ma'am."
"I think you're getting a little old for diaper checks honey. So we are going to do things a little differently tonight." Candy searches through her bad, before finally taking out a sharpie. Unfortunately, the bulk of my diaper gives her plenty of space to write out what she wants. Soon after, she takes my hand and leads me to the mirror of my nursery.
"Okay honey, I know it's backwards but try to tell me what your diapee says."
I choke back when I see it. "I... am not a potty pants."
"Good girl," she says in a plain tone. "Now I'm gonna take a picture and send it to your mommy before I put you to bed, and we are gonna see if your diaper stays the same, or if I have to put a big cross through 'not.'"
"y-yes maam.."
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paddedlittleparadise · 2 months
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"What are you doing in here, baby?"
It was Sylvie's emphasis on the last word that set Amber's stomach lurching. "Uh- uhm, nothing! I was just, um-" Her eyes dropped to the bathroom floor, as if they might find a plausible excuse written there among the tiles. "I was just, uh, washing my hands-"
"Washing your hands, hmm? Your dirty, dirty hands?" Sylvie stepped forward, her tone lowering in husky amusement. "Aww, it's so good to see my girlfriend taking hygiene so seriously! Though I can't help but wonder, you know…" A wry smile flitted across her face. "Why is it you decided to walk right past the kitchen sink and wash here instead? You know… in the room you're not supposed to be in without supervision?"
Her last words lowered dangerously, and Amber felt a shiver of adrenaline ripple through her. It was the thrill of being reprimanded, of being caught red-handed, of being hunted and cornered like helpless prey. And in her quavering reply could be heard the faltering whimper of said prey, already acknowledging her hunter as the victor.
"I- I'm sorry…" she whispered, but Sylvie was behind her now, pressing her warm body close and running her hands teasingly up and down her hips. A soft, almost imperceptible rustle sounded in the silence, and Amber bit her lip in silent chagrin. "I- I know I shouldn't have! It's just that- well, I- I had to go-"
"You had to go." Sylvie repeated drily. "You had to go. Go where, I wonder? Hmm? There's no car in here, sweetie. No bicycles or skates or anything. Where on earth could my darling little Amber be going, hmm?"
Her hands were kneading rhythmically now at Amber's hips, and Amber's breath caught at the sensation. Oh, fuck-! Sylvie knew damn well what she meant, of course. She just wanted her to say it, to confess, to mouth those mortifying words. She gripped the hand towel tighter, awash in the delicious sensation of being so effortlessly teased… dominated… humiliated…
"To the potty," she whispered, a little lisp slipping unheeded into her suddenly high voice. "I- I hafta go potty! An' an I don't wanna make an accident-"
"An accident?" Sylvie was laughing softly now, her lusty voice warm in Amber's ear as she drew her closer. "Aww, were you scared you were going to make a great big mess in your pants? But sweetie, I thought we talked about this, didn't we?" Her hands were slipping under Amber's perilously short skirt, and with one quick tug the material was up around her waist. "Let's see here. Hmm… what's this? What's this pretty little thing you're wearing, baby? Tell me."
Amber trembled in place, her eyes dropping down to the puffy bulk on display between her legs. "I- uh- a- a- dia- a dia-" She let out a pathetic little squeal as Sylvie's hand pressed the padding deep into her most sensitive regions. "A diaper," she faltered, and at that simple little word Sylvie let out a throaty laugh.
"A diaper, hmm? That's right. My sweet, grownup, adult girlfriend is wearing a diaper! Isn't she?" She murmured affectionately into Amber's ear, stroking all the while. "It's what she needs, after all. It's what she deserves. Because I know that deep down inside, she's not an adult at all. She's just… a sweet little baby. And you know, there's one thing about being a little baby…"
She paused, and Amber let out a meek, questioning whimper. "When you're wearing your diaper, sweetie," Sylvie whispered, and every syllable rang with sultry authority. "It's because it's where you're supposed do your business. So there's no such thing as accidents, sweetie. No accidents whatsoever. Because when little baby girls like you squat down and fill their pretty, soft diapers…"
She chuckled, and deep within her Amber felt her stupid, subby pussy clench in ardent desire. "It's not an accident at all. In fact… it's exactly what I want you to do."
Well, at that Amber could only whimper once more. Nod. And turn her groveling, longing eyes up at last to meet Sylvie's… just like the sweet, submissive girlfriend she'd always known herself to be.
Image Credit: UKDiaperGirls.com
Be sure to check out my Ream Stories if you want to read more of my naughty fiction!
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strangernstranger · 2 years
Father and Son
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Dad!Eddie request for @jessevans
Summary: A not so confident Eddie is in charge of taking care of the baby while you’re gone for a job interview. Short and sweet. Minimal angst with lots of fluff.
(Inbox is open for requests!)
You paced the house in search of your keys. A nervousness pinged at your insides while your heels clacked on the floor. This was the first job interview you’ve had in a long time. After having the baby, Eddie insisted that he be the provider for his family, taking up extra shifts at the garage where he could while you took care of things on the home front. In truth, Eddie doubted himself as a father. Not having a father of his own, no strong examples were set. With you, being a mother came naturally. There was never a doubt in Eddie’s mind that you would be an excellent mother. The kindness and patience you’ve shown him over the years were the ultimate testament. You were a natural care giver, full of warmth. Eddie’s knowledge of taking care of something seemed to end with feeding stray cats back at the trailer park.
But your son, Jack was getting older and you knew he needed his father around. There was no denying you had built a closeness with him in your time together that he just didn’t have with his dad. Eddie loved his kid with every fiber of his being, but how could he ever measure up to you? You were this child’s rock. There for every late night feeding, boo boo and sleepy cuddle. But even overworked and exhausted, Eddie still made the effort to be everything that boy needed. It just wasn’t the same and you could tell that hurt your husband. That’s when you decided maybe it was time you went back to work. Eddie wouldn’t have to work so much and the boys could spend more time together. Plus two incomes would be really helpful.
“Okay, how do I look?” You asked in a huff, pulling your “professional” clothes into place and smoothing out any wrinkles.
“Beautiful as always. You’ve got this in the bag, okay? Don’t stress.” Eddie smiled at you reassuringly from the couch. He was sat in a tshirt and boxers while your son sat glued to his side, watching cartoons in just a diaper. Your eyes soften looking at your boys. Jack was the spitting image of Eddie. They shared the same deep brown eyes and messy curls. Jack’s being especially messy.
“You two gonna be okay without me?” You pinned the backing to one of your earrings as you spoke.
“Yea….yep. We’ve got this…I think?” Eddie rubbed at the back of his neck while glancing at the tiny human next to him.
“Eds.” You cocked your head to the side. “You’ve taken care of Jack a million times.”
“I know! But you’re usually close by! What if I need backup? Reinforcements, yknow?”
“Eddie…you’re looking after a baby. Not going to war.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at your husband’s nervous tone. “It’ll be fine. I’ll only be gone a couple of hours.” You leaned over the couch, placing a kiss on your husband’s forehead. You smiled down at Jack, squishing his chubby cheeks before kissing him goodbye. “I’ll be back before you know it. Love you!” And with that, you were out the door.
“Well, Jacks…” Eddie pulled his son onto his lap. His big, brown eyes scanning his father’s face. “I guess it’s just you and me now.” The small child grabbed at his dad’s nose with a chuckle. Eddie crinkled his face is response, his lips curling into a tight grin. “Be merciful?”
“Come on! Say it with me, Muh-tal-ih-cah. Metallica!” Eddie sat on the floor with his son, waiting with bated breath to see if he would echo the word. Jack was already talking but Eddie thought he would use this time to enrich his son’s vocabulary. Jack stacked blocks while laughing at his father’s exaggerated actions. Eddie sat on his knees and patted the floor with each syllable. “You can do it, Jacks! Much-tal-ih-cah!”
“Muhtabacaba.” He babbled, earning a hardy laugh from his father. Eddie snatched the baby up in one quick motion. Jack squealed in delight as he was swooshed up into his father’s arms.
“We’ll get there, kid. How about this. Can you say ‘I love you, Dad?’ Can you do that for me?” It was a phrase he’s heard plenty of times before, but never got sick of. Jack looked up at his father, something devious in his eyes.
“I lub Mommy.”
“You little shi-“ Eddie stopped himself before the word left his lips. He wanted to build his son’s vocabulary but not with those words. “You did that on purpose!” Eddie wagged a finger in Jack’s face while Jack laughed maniacally at his own defiance. “Your mother and I really have our work cut out for us with you.” He poked at the baby’s pudgy belly. “Guess we should get you dressed, huh?”
For the most part, the day went better than expected. Eddie may have burned the chicken nuggets and had to start over and of course Jack saw diaper changes as a game but otherwise, things were perfect. Eddie couldn’t recall Jack ever laughing as hard as he did while they played ‘monsters.’ Eddie would roar, hot on Jack’s heels as he chased him through the living room. Jacks squalling as his chunky feet stomped over the floor.
“You can’t get me!” Jack repeated, clambering up on the couch and tossing a blanket over his head. The blanket apparently being monster proof.
“Oh no! What will I do with no little kids to eat?” Eddie grumbled in his monster voice. “Getting weak!” He shouted before dropping to his knees, flinging his upper body on the couch next to his boy. Jack screamed watching his daddy close his eyes tightly and stick out his tongue as if he were dead. A moment of silence fell between them.
“…Daddy, wake up.” Jacks weakly nudged at his father’s arm. Eddie continued to play dead although he couldn’t mask his growing smile, hearing his son’s tiny voice. “Daddy wake UP!” Jacks shook Eddie with all his might which really wasn’t a lot.
“Oh! What happened? Was there a monster here?” Eddie sprang up in mock surprise.
“Mhm. BIG monster.” Jack’s brown eyes were wide as he warned his dad of the threat.
“I don’t like monsters! Let me under the blanket with you!” Eddie climbed up on the couch, laid Jacks on his chest and draped the blanket over the both of them. Finally settling in stillness and comfort, Jack’s eyes grew heavy. Slow blinks as Eddie rubbed his son’s back. “I’ve had a lot of fun with you today.” Eddie spoke in a hushed voice. “I guess it’s been a while since we played together like that…Daddy’s sorry.” Guilt swelled in his chest thinking of all the small moments he missed while working. He did if for you and the baby but also out of fear he wouldn’t be a good dad. Jack was completely silent save for sleepy sighs as his eyes finally came to a close. “Y’know, my dad wasn’t around a lot when I was little. We never played monsters. He didn’t hold me like this.” Eddie hugged his son tighter. “Things are gonna be so much better for you. I’m gonna be around a lot more now. We can play monsters all the time. When you’re old enough, I’ll teach you to play ball…maybe how to play guitar. Whatever you want, I’ll do my best for you, kid…I love you, Jacks. So much.”
“I lub you, Daddy.” His tiny voice whispered. Eddie smiled warmly at the sound. He closed his eyes and rested his chin on the little boys head, the two drifting off to sleep together on the couch.
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sissy-maid-jasmine · 1 year
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I figured if i should work late, i need to wear an appropriate outfit doing it. Im pretending my boss is waiting for me to enter my office. She's sitting behind the desk. She will tell me she's done with my tardiness and lazy work ethic.
I need to strip and kneel, thank her for her patience and her appropriate punishment for my work behaviour. She will make me apologize until she feels my apologies are sincere. I then have to beg her profusely to keep me as her humble employee, promising her i'll do anything to keep my job. When she feels my humiliation is enough, she will demand i put on the nipple claps and put on the conplete outfit on the table. First my tiniest cage and shockplug, then the diapers, panties and heels. Then the pvc bodysuit, collar and legcuffs. After that she will ask me to put the dildo gag in until i almost gag and secure it tightly. Finally she will lock my dress, cuffs, gag and collar, make me put on the corset and tie a set of handcuffs to my waist with a chain.
She explains the new outfit is mandatory during all working hours and asks if i understand. I will nod submissively. Then she explains that while i'm dressed in my submissive punishment outfit, i have to adress her as Mistress. I humiliatingly nod again and try to sound out 'Yes Mistress' with the dildogag gagging me with each syllable. Finally she explains i have to obey her every word. I sheepishly look at her with unbelieve and nod quickly. She waves her finger around my office and i notice the newly installed high quality cameras that are everywhere! She explains that every time i'm not working on a level that meets her standard, she will start a video connection with a random contact from my phone. The video of the caller is projected on the wall and the shockplug will react to their voice, giving more intense pulses when they talk louder. If i dare to not obey her or forget to refer to her as Mistress, she explains that she will find the most embarrasing contact on my phone to start a videocall with.
She asks me if i she has been clear and if i am ready to be trained. I nod fearfully and try to say 'Yes Mistress' with the gag forcing the dildo deeper down my throat... She looks me deep in the eyes, smiles at me in a cute, girly way and tells me:
"Lock your hands in your handcuffs and show me your what a well trained worker you are!"
Originally written for @therealbootqueen
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
Mini Chef
happy belated birthday Abby @elentiyawhitethorn!!!!! whipped up a little something featuring Chef Rowan for you, hope you enjoy 😊😊
Word count: 871
Warnings: literally none
Chef Rowan masterlist
Aelin had to admit, she was utterly exhausted.
Her hair was a mess, her shirt was a mess, she'd been wearing the same shorts for five days in a row, she hadn't gotten more than three consecutive hours of sleep for weeks, and she desperately needed a shower.
But it all faded away when she looked into Lana's big green eyes.
Her daughter--her and Rowan's daughter--was only three months old, but she'd completely taken over her parents' lives. And neither Aelin nor her gorgeous chef fiancé would have it any other way.
Aelin took a long pull of her water and sighed, feeling like she hadn't had water in weeks, when really it had probably only been fifteen minutes. She glanced at her phone, the screen lighting up with a text from her mom, and was on the verge of responding when Lana's cries sounded through the baby monitor.
Text forgotten, she headed into Lana's bedroom, finding her daughter wide awake and fussy, moving her little limbs inside her sleep sack.
"Hi, Lana lovey," Aelin beamed, scooping the baby into her arms. "You slept so well, little love!" Her nose wrinkled. "Guess I know what woke you up, though."
Lana's cries softened into murmurs, and she blinked up at her mother, an adorably toothless baby grin spreading across her chubby little cheeks. As Aelin unzipped her sleep sack, she flailed one arm, managing to catch a handful of Aelin's shirt, which made her babble with joy.
"Clever girl," Aelin chuckled, kissing her daughter's forehead. "Okay Lana love, let's get you into a fresh diaper, hmm?"
With Lana freshly changed and fed--wearing a onesie Aelin just knew would make Rowan cry--Aelin carried her out into the living room, settling her comfortably in her rocker with a few toys. "Here, how about you keep mama company while she tries to get a handle on this mess, yeah?"
Lana babbled, apparently happy to have playtime while her mother was busy.
Aelin laughed and gave the rocker a little nudge, setting it in motion. She rolled her neck, considering the living room, then turned on a playlist and picked things up, restoring the room to some kind of normalcy. Satisfaction coursed through her when she surveyed the room about half an hour later, pleased to see it so much more organized and tidy.
Then, of course, she spread a blanket over the freshly vacuumed floor and brought Lana onto the blanket. Lana beamed and giggled, overjoyed to be able to lay down and squirm, already trying to figure out how to move her little baby body.
"Stop growing so fast," Aelin teased, smacking a raspberry against her daughter's stomach. Lana shrieked with laughter, tiny fingers clutching Aelin's hair. "Okay, okay lovey, let's let go of Mama's hair, yeah?" She passed Lana her favorite stuffed animal in return, a well-loved teddy bear that had once been Aelin's own.
That was how Rowan found them when he came home--Lana playing with the teddy bear, Aelin sitting next to her, both mother and daughter grinning and laughing.
"How are my girls?" he asked, an impossibly soft grin curling his lips.
"Look, lovey, it's Dada!" Aelin lifted Lana up so she could see Rowan. Her little face lit up with glee, and she dropped the teddy bear, babbling unintelligible syllables that sounded suspiciously like "Dada."
"Hi, little love," Rowan laughed, taking Lana from Aelin's arms and lifting her into the air. "Dada missed you!" Lana squealed and squirmed, calming when Rowan tucked her close to his chest, pressing a kiss to her soft blonde hair. He blinked, taking another look at her outfit, and then groaned, his head tipping back with laughter. "Again, Fireheart?"
"Love you too, Chef," Aelin laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
He snorted a laugh and kissed her. "Please tell me you didn't find this in a store."
"Of course not!" she exclaimed. "I had Ells make it, I just sent her the design."
"Wicked woman," he teased.
She snickered. "What, you don't like it?"
Lana was wearing a soft gray onesie with Daddy's Best Recipe lettered onto the front, the words adorned with a chef's hat on top and a spoon along the side.
"Gods, no...I love it," he admitted, a little sheepishly. "If you show my parents, though, I'll crawl into the floor and die, I swear."
Aelin giggled. "So dramatic, Chef." She rose onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "I did send a photo to Lys and Aeds, though."
Rowan's whole face went scarlet. "No," he gasped, dramatically. "Please, Fireheart, tell me you didn't!" Despite his theatrics, though, his eyes twinkled with suppressed laughter.
"Aeds still wants to kick your ass," Aelin snickered.
Rowan broke into laughter. "Blondie can try."
Lana wriggled, babbling again, and grabbed Rowan's shirt, tugging with a surprising amount of strength for an infant. He lifted her up, kissed her little nose, and raised her so she was face to face with him, both of them beaming at each other.
Aelin felt the tears before she could stop them, and she didn't even try to control the ridiculously huge smile that spread over her face. Gods above, how did she get so lucky?
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eggcompany · 5 months
Hannibal Is Such a Daddy Part 2
Will slept. Slept for longer than he had in so long when he woke up it felt like he had woken up from a coma. But when he woke up he felt… gross. Different. He felt like he was drowning somewhere between being big and being tiny which was a very bad feeling. Will opened up his eyes to see the wall of his bedroom but but he didn’t want to see the stark white wall. So he rolled and snuggled into the warm whatever he was laying, burying his face into the red fabric that covered it. It was breathing. A chest then.
Will spayed his hands across the dense muscled chest that he laid on. He rubbed back and forth on the fabric trying to soothe himself back to the good happy headspace he craved. 
“Are you having fun there sweetheart? You slept so well after I got you changed. How do you feel?” Hannibal said which caused Will to look up at him with a confused look. With his eyebrows drawn together in confusion Will cocked his head to the side and looked up at Hannibal. 
“What you mean?” Will asked before yawning and rubbing at his eyes. Hannibal scooted the little a bit farther away from his body. Will let out a whine at the loss of contact. 
“You don’t remember? Poor baby. You had an accident on me when we were on the couch. I changed you and you wanted to come up here.” Hannibal said and looked down at himself and then at Will’s lap. 
It took Will much longer than usual to realize. He was wearing a pair of sleep pants and… and something padded. A diaper encased his bottom and wrapped around his hips. He also noticed Hannibal had changed into his ‘emergency’ clothes. A red sweater and a pair of soft jeans. 
Then it hit him. He had an accident . While cuddling with Hannibal. Meaning he had an accident on Hannibal. Will started to panic and tear up. He started to breathe a bit faster. 
“I had an accident… on- on Hammimal..? I’m- I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! I got you all icky and you… I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Daddy please don't be mad I'm sorry!” Will said and started to shove off and away from the caregiver and Hannibal stayed calm and let him. Will drew his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. Will rocked back and forth muttering apologies and sobbed. Hannibal felt his heart jump. He said it. He cracked. 
“Will, I don’t mind. Babies wear diapers for a reason. I don’t mind at all to clean you up and get you padded. Will, sweetheart, you didn’t do anything wrong. You’re such a good boy. Why don’t you come over here so I can help you. I care very much for you Will.” Hannibal said in a concerned, soft voice. Will sniffled and looked up at the caregiver. He felt so small. So small, all padded and sleep warmed. 
“Are you still too small? You really do get so tiny… You must need so much more coddling, you precious little thing.” Hannibal said as he leaned forward and pulled the pliant man back into his lap. Will balled up and cried loudly into Hannibal’s chest. He felt so… detached. 
The psychiatrist decided that indeed that even though the little was shirtless he himself felt too far away from the distressed baby. So he eliminated a layer, his shirt. He leaned forward, careful to get just enough distance to pull the shirt up and off of his head. 
When Will’s head made contact with the warm bare chest he relaxed and quieted. Hannibal rubbed up and down Will’s back. Will made a content noise and rubbed his face against the haired chest. 
“You poor thing. You just need some skin love huh? So deprived of affections. Babies shouldn’t be neglected like this. I will never let you get this… hungry. This neglected. Poor baby, my poor baby…” Hannibal said in a gentling voice as he rubbed at Will’s back. 
While Will couldn’t comprehend a single syllable of what Hannibal was saying, he brought his hands to the exposed skin of Hannibal’s stomach. Will rubbed and scratched at the hair that covered most of his abdomen and chest. Will smiled and relaxed completely against Hannibal. Soon he felt the caregiver pull the back of his diaper back, then put it back and pat his butt. Will soon fell asleep with his fingers woven through Hannibal’s hair. 
Hannibal promised that if Big Will let him, the babe would come get pampered at his house.
<- Last Chapter Next Chapter ->
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
Having Patience Part 4 || Taylor Makar
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Authors Note: Finally got enough muse bottled up to sit and write something on my day off and Taylor and Pat won the battle of the wips. Getting closer to Pat in the Stanley Cup but this chapter got a little out of hand and a hell of a lot happens between the end of the Conference finals and the avs winning the cup so we're just gonna spread out the happiness and milestones.
Warnings: cursing // Word Count: 5,179
It wasn’t long before Taylor’s freshman season came to an end. He didn’t play at all down the home stretch or in the playoffs and as much as he tried not to let it get him down he couldn’t help but be frustrated. He’d come home after practice and just cuddle Pat, letting her solid little body soothe some of the aches he was feeling knowing he could do more but not able to take that next step without opportunity. 
The bright side of hockey being over for the season was that it gave Taylor more time to spend with his daughter watching her crawl all over the house, learn little syllables like ‘ba’ to ask for a bottle, ‘mam’ when she wanted her grandma, and sometimes the occasional ‘da’. The first time Taylor had heard it he nearly cried and it was one of those little moments where it washed over him that yeah he was this little girl’s dad.
Hockey ending also meant that finals weren’t far behind and Taylor was determined to do better this semester than he had the last, to make Pat proud of him for something at least. Thankfully finals had gone by easier than midterms. Though Pat had been teething a bit, it was fussing rather than screams and with some baby oragel she slept decently.
Before he knew it, his mom had headed home before him and Taylor was packing up their lives to follow, taking Pat home to Calgary for the summer. Before Pat, traveling had been easy, most of his things were in Calgary anyway so all he had to do was throw some clothes in a bag plus hygiene products and his favorite tech and he was good to go. Now though, now he had to ensure that all of her favorite toys made the journey, that the clothes he picked to take for her weren’t ones she had essentially already grown out of, that they had enough wipes and diapers to get them by until he could get to the store, and that in addition to her usual diaper bag features, there were extra bottles made for her to drink at the airport or on the plane when she got hungry along with her favorite puffs to snack on. 
By the time he had everything essentially ready the night before their flight, he was exhausted and he knew that if Pat let him he would sleep well tonight. 
Thankfully she slept most of the night and after an early breakfast and some play time with her crawling around like crazy, they loaded up the cab that Laura had helped prearrange to take them to the airport. 
“Ready to go see Uncle Cale and then go home?” Taylor asked Pat as she blinked at him from her seat while playing with her little mirror attachment. 
He was hoping he could keep her awake until they got on their flight but at this rate it wasn’t looking like she would even make it to the airport. Despite his best efforts she was in fact asleep by the time they reached the airport and after managing to drag her through security to their gate to Denver, Taylor lifted her out of her seat letting her stretch out against his chest in her sleep. 
By the time they boarded she was awake once again and Taylor got her to drink a bottle as they took off so that her ears would pop properly keeping her from being absolutely miserable. 
Landing in Denver, Taylor juggled Patience in one arm with his backpack on his back and Pat’s diaper bag perched precariously in the empty car seat. Already he was figuring out how he was going to juggle additional bags with Pat refusing to let him put her down when he spotted his brother off in a corner of baggage claim, hat pulled low over his face. 
He’d told Cale he didn’t need to come get them but Cale was between playoff series and insisted on meeting them at the airport. 
And now Taylor was extremely grateful. Traveling with an infant was seriously no joke. Moving toward his brother as bags weren’t out just yet, Taylor dropped everything in the arm not holding Pat and moved to hug his brother. 
“Gimme the cutie.” Cale demanded immediately, causing Taylor to chuckle. Cale hadn’t seen her since Christmas when she was six months old so Taylor wasn’t surprised he wanted to see his now ten and a half month old niece. 
“Uncle Cale is going to hold you now.” Taylor told Pat, bouncing her for a moment before letting his older brother take her. She made a face for a moment like uh what the hell dad before she noticed Cale’s rosy cheeks and immediately reached to smack them softly. 
With his infant occupied by her Uncle for the moment Taylor declared that he was going to the bathroom real quick because his bladder was about to explode. By the time he came out, bags from his flight were starting to filter down baggage claim and so Taylor grabbed a spot keeping his eyes peeled for the large equipment bag, bundle of sticks and two suitcases that he’d checked. It had certainly been a time getting into the airport but at least now he had a second pair of hands. 
Grabbing all their things he returned to Cale’s side organizing everything for easy wheeling before asking if Cale was ready to go. 
“Dude did you bring the whole house?” Cale questioned looking at the mountain of bags before him. 
“Trust me it was hard pairing it down to this. Traveling with an infant is no joke.” Taylor murmured. “But seriously can we get to the car, I’m sure Pat could use a diaper change and a snack and she’s going to get cranky if we don’t get her somewhere she can move soon.” 
Practically on cue, Pat squirmed in her uncle’s arms like put me down now. It was hard for the newly mobile infant to stay still as long as she had and Taylor was certain she was going to throw a fit when he tried to put her back in her car seat. With Cale’s agreement, he handed Pat back to her dad before reaching to take as many of the bags as he could off of Taylor’s hands. 
“Why didn’t you just overnight ship some of this stuff?” Cale asked. “Like at least your gear and sticks.” 
Taylor didn’t have an answer for that other than he just hadn’t thought of it and he shrugged. 
“Before I bring you back to the airport tomorrow we’re shipping your gear home so you don’t have to take it on the plane.” Cale declared adjusting the gear bag on his shoulder and shaking his head in a way that said Taylor was insane. 
While Cale loaded the car, Taylor laid a squirmy Pat on the backseat, holding her in place with one hand while digging out a fresh diaper and wipes from her diaper bag. 
“C’mon Pat lay still.” He murmured softly. “You know a fresh diaper is going to feel good.” 
Though it was a struggle, Taylor eventually got Pat changed and moved to sit her back into her car seat making her scream. 
“I know Pat.” He sighed. “As soon as we get to Uncle Cale’s you can crawl around like a maniac but for now you need to be safe. Daddy will get you puffs in a second.” Once she was secure in the seat and it was secured in the back of Cale’s vehicle, Taylor gave her a small handful of puffs watching as she ate them, drooling all over her bib. Once she was finished he moved to climb into the passenger seat hoping that she would behave until they got to Cale’s. 
“You look like you need a nap.” Cale murmured as he checked to make sure they were good before pulling out of the lot to get back on the highway. 
“Pretty sure that’s been my status quo since she was born Cale.” Taylor murmured, sighing when Pat started to fuss. Twisting in his seat a bit he reached an arm back to her, letting her latch onto his finger with her tiny hand. He should have just sat in the back with her but he really didn’t think about it and it was too late now. This would just have to suffice for the rest of the drive or until she dozed off. 
Thankfully, before Taylor’s arm went numb, Cale was pulling into his condo building and Taylor murmured to Pat that they were finally at Uncle Cale’s. Getting her car seat along with his backpack, her diaper bag, and her suitcase, Taylor declared the rest could stay in the car if that was cool with his brother. Cale certainly had no complaints and took the suitcase from Taylor before guiding them up to his place. 
Dropping them in the spare bedroom, Taylor set Pat’s seat down murmuring to her that she was finally free and could stretch all those little limbs of hers. He unbuckled her and picked her up kissing her head before taking her out to the living room where he set her down on the floor. Immediately Pat was off, exploring the new space happy to not have to remain still any longer. Within thirty seconds she was at Cale’s bedroom door, pushing it open and making Taylor laugh as his brother appeared from the onsuite bathroom looking shocked. 
“Got to make sure doors are latched bro.” Taylor murmured though he moved to dissuade Pat from entering the room. She whined for a moment but then quickly changed direction taking off once again. 
“She…you were just….” Cale started almost perplexed at how Pat had even gotten there in the first place. 
“She’s a baby on the move now bro, nothing is safe anymore.” Taylor declared with a shrug before quickly turning to follow after his eagerly exploring infant before she got herself into trouble. Though she didn’t like her daddy telling her no, she didn’t argue too much before finding something new to explore. As she crawled back into the spare room, Taylor took the chance to grab a couple of her toys from the suitcase hoping to corral her into the living room to sit and play for a bit. 
Hearing her favorite toy, Pat looked up and reached for it, making Taylor chuckle. 
“Come on then missy, let’s go play.” He murmured, nudging her toward the doorway again. 
Sitting on the living room floor, Pat was immersed in her toys for at least a few minutes before she started to take off again each time something caught her eye. 
“She really doesn’t stop.” Cale mumbled watching as Taylor again corralled her back to the living room. 
“Not usually quite this bad but she’s been stuck not moving all day so of course she’s restless.” Taylor shrugged. “I’m gonna go make her a bottle if you can keep an eye on her for a minute.” 
With his brother’s nod, Taylor disappeared into Cale’s kitchen grabbing a bottle from the cooler section of the diaper bag to warm just a bit under some hot water. 
At first Taylor didn’t hear it, too busy moving the remaining premade bottle to Cale’s fridge. 
“DA!” This time it was accompanied by the sound of tiny hands and knees scurrying across the floor and after a moment a tiny head popped around the edge of the cabinets. “DA!” 
“Right here Pat.” Taylor murmured, turning the water off and checking the bottle to find that yeah it felt a bit warmer. 
“DA. DA. DA.” Tiny fists yanked at the leg hair on his calves making Taylor wince. “Okay, I’m right here.” He mumbled, bending down to pick her up. 
As he did so Pat yawned and Taylor chuckled because yeah it was about time for her to wear herself out for a bottle and little nap. 
Moving back to the living room he settled onto the couch with her, asking softly if she wanted to hold her bottle herself or if she wanted him to hold it. 
“Da. Ba.” That was a good enough answer for him and Taylor shifted to snuggle, offering her the bottle to drink as she rested her little head against his shoulder. 
“She’s talking?” Cale asked softly after a minute like that entire series of events was just catching up with him. 
“Eh she knows how to copy sounds and has three or four half words she uses regularly beyond just babbles. Ba for bottle, mam for grandma, and da.” 
Cale nodded, still completely perplexed by his niece. Though Pat drank her bottle, she squirmed feeling a bit fussy and Taylor sighed. 
“Yeah I know. This isn’t your home and today has been a lot. I’m sorry sweetheart.” 
Playing with her hair, Taylor got her to finish her milk and then shifted her to snuggle on his chest. 
“I’m gonna go lay down with her for a bit.” He told his brother knowing that Pat needed a dark room and just quiet with dad to reset and get a short nap in. 
Pat’s nap of course turned into a nap for Taylor too and when he woke up it was with his almost toddler still snuggled into his chest. Looking up he spotted Cale in the doorway and he sent him a look like what are you doing weirdo. 
“Mom asked me to check on you guys since you’ve been out for a while.” Cale explained. 
“We’re fine, just needed a nap.” Taylor declared in a whisper, brushing Pat’s hair softly. He was honestly relieved she was sleeping so well in a different space. This nap was good for her. 
“Toewser texted asking if we wanted to come over for dinner tonight, so Pat can play with Bennett.” 
“Sure. I’m down for that.” Taylor yawned. It would be good for Pat to get some play time and Taylor was sure that Toewser’s house was at the very least properly baby proofed unlike his brother’s place. 
“Cool I’ll tell him we’ll be over once Pat wakes from her nap.” 
Within a half hour Pat woke up and Taylor changed her diaper and clothes before repacking the diaper bag with the remaining bottle and a couple pouches of baby food and then they were on their way across town. Getting Pat back into her carseat was a struggle and Taylor climbed into the back with her telling her that they were going somewhere close and that she would get to play and make a new friend when they got there. 
Though Pat did not enjoy the trip across town to Cale’s teammates house, she wasn’t too too cranky. In fact, when they arrived and were greeted by Toewser and his dog Riggins her eyes went wide at the sight of the large golden retriever and she reached out a hand from her dad’s arms like ‘what is that’. 
Chuckling, Taylor squatted down so that Pat was more at eye level with the animal and quietly explained to Pat that this was a doggy and that maybe in a few minutes she could pet him and play with him. 
Even as he stood back up, Pat’s eyes didn’t leave her new discovery, her little brain processing rapidfire. 
“Come on in Taylor,” Toewser greeted. “Nice to finally meet you in person given that your brother doesn’t shut up about you and this little cutie.” 
“You too. Still owe you and Gabe my life for the skating trick. Pat loves it and sleeps like a log after.” Taylor returned, adjusting the diaper bag and following after his brother’s teammate into the house. 
Kicking off his shoes, they made their way to the living room, Devon insisting that they make themselves comfortable. As Cale settled into the couch, Taylor dropped the diaper bag onto the floor beside it before sinking onto the ground with Pat. 
“Kerri went to check on Bennett, he should be up from his nap soon.” Devon explained. “In the meantime, Riggins, say hi to Taylor and Pat.” 
Immediately, the Golden who had been enjoying pets from Cale and biding his time to let the new humans get settled pranced over, standing eagerly in front of Taylor. 
“Can you say hi Pat?” Taylor questioned softly, watching as Pat once again reached out for the puppy. Guiding her hand gently, Taylor let the dog sniff her palm before pressing her hand against the soft fur of his snout. The look of amazement on her face as she cooed made him grin and helped her gently pet Riggins’ head, the dog ever patient with the little girl. “He’s soft huh?” Taylor whispered to his daughter, kissing her head. “You have to be gentle and pet him nice like this okay?” 
Her little legs kicked with excitement as she continued to stroke Riggins’ fur, the new sensory experience blowing her little mind. 
“We’ll have to get a dog of our own someday won’t we?” Taylor grinned, promising to himself that once he was finished with school and was either playing pro or working that they would get the dog he’d always wanted. 
With Pat entranced by Riggins, Taylor let his head fall back against the couch for a moment. Even with the nap he was still exhausted from traveling with an infant and this was the most content she’d been all day minus naps. Closing his eyes even for just a minute was a relief. 
After a few minutes, Pat let out a whine and Taylor lifted his head to see Riggins racing off leaving a very disappointed little girl. 
“He’s had enough pets Pat it’s okay.” Taylor tried to soothe her as she tried to scramble off after the dog. Before she could even leave his lap a new face appeared, well two faces really as Devon’s wife Kerry entered the room with their son Bennett on her hip and Riggins following behind. 
“Sorry I didn’t come say hi sooner but this one made a bit of a mess and needed to be cleaned up after his nap.” She stated as she set Bennett down on the floor to play. “Good to see you Cale.” She continued. “And you must be Taylor and Pat. I’ve heard a lot about you both.” 
Shooting her a friendly smile, Taylor thanked her for welcoming them into her home though his focus was on Pat who had noticed the other baby in the room and seemed to be watching with some confusion. 
“That’s Bennett, Pat.” He spoke softly to her. “You can go play with him.” Though she had noticed him, he had yet to notice her and Pat sat, clinging to Taylor’s leg, a little shy with all these new people. 
Just rubbing her back for a few minutes, Taylor eventually pulled one of her toys from the diaper bag and shifted, sitting her on the floor next to Bennett with her own toy before moving back toward the couch. Though she played for a couple of minutes, it wasn’t long before she was crawling back to him. Comforting her for a bit, Taylor then moved her back to play, once again shifting just a few feet away. 
After a few repetitions of this pattern over the next twenty minutes, Pat eventually started to play longer and when she cooed discovering one of Bennett’s toys Kerry had pulled out, Bennett cooed back to her and just like that the ice was broken with the two of them babbling a little back and forth as they played independently. 
“I’m gonna use the bathroom if that’s okay?” Taylor asked once he was certain that Pat would be okay for a few minutes if he stepped out of the room. 
“You don’t have to ask, she’s fine.” Both Kerry and Devon insisted. 
He wasn’t gone long but by the time he returned it was clear that Pat was already starting to look for him. Seeing him, she picked a toy back up and babbled a little ‘da’ acknowledging his presence in the room. 
“Taylor, are you glad to be done with year one at UMass?” Kerry asked as Devon moved to the kitchen offering drinks. 
“Honestly…yeah…” Taylor admitted, petting Riggins as the pup settled on the floor next to him watching the two infants play. “I can’t make any excuses but it was a hard year. Looking forward to the month off before returning for summer session hockey in July.” 
When Devon returned, he handed Taylor his requested water. 
“You sure you don’t want a beer or something?” Devon asked. 
“I’m good.” Taylor insisted. He’d only been legal in the States for two months anyway and admittedly he hadn’t drunk more than once or twice since Pat was born. 
“Pat is what…like two weeks older than B?” Devon questioned as he sank back into the couch next to his wife. “Late June?” 
“Yep.” Taylor nodded, taking a swig of the water before setting it beside him. 
“Obviously she’s crawling, any sign of walking yet?” 
“Not yet.” Taylor shrugged. “She’ll pull herself up now and then but it never lasts long. She seems content enough crawling all over.” 
As Kerry got up to make dinner, the conversation shifted from the kids to hockey momentarily before moving on to golf. 
Eventually Pat crawled over to Taylor whimpering and he picked her up. 
“What do you say we change your diaper and give you some food?” He suggested, reaching for the diaper bag after getting to his feet as Pat continued fussing. 
Accepting Devon’s suggestion he use B’s changing table, Taylor got Pat cleaned up and freshly diapered before moving back toward the kitchen to give Pat a pouch of cheesy pasta and vegetables. Perched on his thigh at the island she ate a little but didn’t finish, quickly going from showing interest in the food to not wanting it. 
Since it had been a long day with her schedule all thrown off, Taylor didn’t force it and instead let her return to playing with one of Bennett’s toys which she found absolutely fascinating. 
It wasn’t much longer before Kerry had dinner ready and they all made their way to a table outside to eat in the fresh air after gathering up the kids. 
“Oh god, we only have the one high chair.” Kerry declared, eyes going wide. 
“It’s fine.” Taylor assured her. “She’ll be good on my lap.” 
“Are you sure?” With Taylor nodding, they settled in, Taylor once again balancing his daughter on his thigh. Kerry had made grilled chicken, zucchini, and sweet potatoes along with a salad and it all looked absolutely delicious. 
It wasn’t long after settling in that Pat started reaching for Taylor’s plate. Though he dissuaded her at first out of instinct, after a minute it clicked with him that she was opening her mouth as she reached for the food signaling that she wanted to eat it, not just play with it. 
“You want to try?” He questioned softly, putting just a little bit of sweet potato onto his fork for her. Pat eagerly moved for the food, babbling excitedly after swallowing. 
Clearly she enjoyed it and it definitely left Taylor a little confused but open to her progressing in eating. Seeing Pat insist on eating off Taylor’s plate, Kerry got up and returned a minute later with a silicone baby spoon. 
“Before she stabs herself on your fork…” 
Nodding appreciatively, Taylor took it, alternating between feeding himself and the little bird on his lap who was determined to try everything on daddy’s plate. She loved the sweet potato the most but also didn’t turn down repeated bites of somewhat mushed zucchini and shredded fragments of chicken. 
By the time the plate was empty she was grinning that six toothed grin up at him pleased with her dinner. He was definitely going to have to talk to his mom about whether this was something he could continue doing with her because it had definitely been easier than trying to get her to eat pouches in the last couple of weeks. 
Though he wanted to help clean up, he was urged by everyone to take Pat in to play and that Cale and Devon had the dishes under control. Following instructions, Taylor moved back to the living room, kissing Pat and blowing raspberries onto her belly so she’d giggle before setting her down and letting her play with a few more toys. 
She was clearly having a blast, squealing when Riggins laid down beside her and reaching to touch his soft fur. Showing her how to give him a bit of a belly rub, Taylor watched as she enjoyed the new friend she was making, eventually draping her body over the lounging pup as she patted him lightly. 
Eventually Bennett joined her and they both enjoyed the pup who was clearly loving having two babies on him looking at his parents like this is the best. 
As Pat started to look a little tired, Taylor sent Cale the ‘it might be time to head out’ look. Nodding, Cale declared he was going to use the bathroom and start the car so that it wasn’t so hot when they got in it. 
While he did so, Taylor worked to pack up Pat’s toys, trying to pry one of Bennett’s out of her hand without disturbing her. 
“Just take it.” Kerry insisted, waving him off. “B doesn’t play with it anyway and she seems to love it.” 
Thanking her, Taylor checked to make sure that he wasn’t forgetting any of Pat’s favorites and that the diaper bag was organized and ready. 
As he carefully lifted her up off the pup and onto his shoulder he felt Devon standing behind him, Kerri coming over as well. 
“You know you’re a really good dad right?” Devon declared to which Taylor could only shrug. He did his best but…
“Taylor. You’re a really good dad.” Kerry stated firmly, backing her husband up. “She trusts you to keep her safe and knowing you’re there gives her the security to explore and grow. To gain independence. She adores you. We know it’s not easy being a parent…”
“And definitely can’t imagine how much harder it is being a single parent.” Devon interrupted. 
“But you are doing a good job. Even if Laura has helped you a lot, Pat knows you’re her dad and clearly depends on you just as much. So don’t doubt yourself.” 
Taylor had heard his mom tell him before that he was doing a good job but it was different when it was coming from people who were also parents, who saw things from a different perspective. 
“Thanks.” Taylor mumbled, at least letting the compliment sit on the surface even if he wasn’t sure it was something he could fully accept. “I better get her out to the car before Cale decides to leave us.” He joked, causing Toewser to crack a grin. “Thanks for having us for dinner and letting pat get some playtime in a place that’s baby proofed.” 
“Anytime.” Devon declared. “And we mean that. You and Pat are welcome anytime. We all enjoyed it.” 
Getting Pat back to his brother’s, Taylor got Pat bathed and ready for bed, cuddling her next to him in the guest bedroom. 
Summer was only starting but he had a feeling it was going to be a good one. 
It hadn’t even been a month and yet Taylor was already packing to fly back to Denver to watch his brother play in the fucking Stanley Cup Finals. After steamrolling the Predators prior to him stopping on his way back home, they had solidly put away the Blues in 6 and he’d watched with his cousins in Rogers Place as Cale and the Avs swept Connor McDavid and the Oilers in the Conference Finals while one of his Aunts watched Pat. 
They still didn’t know whether it was going to be the Rangers or the Lightning in the Finals but regardless they were headed to Denver to get Pat settled prior to Game 1. 
First though he needed to get things packed to last them for the next three weeks. He needed workout clothes to continue training, casual clothes for around the house, and clothes to wear for games. Not to mention all of the things Pat would need. Even with a washer and dryer, three weeks worth of clothes for a soon to be one year old is a lot. 
With Pat playing on the floor while he worked to get himself sorted so that he could focus on her things before their flight tomorrow, Taylor ran through his mental list of everything he needed and where he had put things while doing preliminary packing earlier. 
“Da.” Out of nowhere a tiny hand reached up with a little sock clutched in it offering it to him. Taking it, Taylor placed it next to his daughter’s presently empty suitcase to be packed. At least ten seconds passed before his brain signaled at him to look down and when he did he saw Pat taking shaky toddling steps towards his dresser before she wobbled and fell. 
“You just walked.” The words slipped out before Taylor was even fully cognizant of them. “Oh my god. You just walked!”  
Immediately his eyes filled with tears of joy and he watched as Pat pulled herself up using his open dresser drawer, grabbed another tiny sock from inside and turned toward him to bring it, carefully putting one foot in front of the other. 
“Mom! Dad! Come here!” Taylor yelled out as he watched Pat determinedly bring him another sock to pack for her. 
With his parents racing to the door thinking that something was wrong, it only took a moment for them to appear and watch as Pat took two more steps to hand Taylor the next sock. 
“She’s walking!” Taylor declared, voice cracking. “My baby is walking.” Falling onto her butt again, Pat crawled toward the dresser one more time, pulling herself up, this time gripping a pair of Taylor’s boxers and lifting them from the drawer to take them over to daddy. Seeing her struggle to balance with the larger item, Taylor scooped her up and kissed her cheeks, bouncing with excitement at Pat achieving her next big milestone.
Though Laura and Gary beamed from the doorway it was nothing compared to the grin on Taylor’s face as Pat squirmed in his arms not at all understanding the big fuss her dad was making. For Taylor, Pat walking meant that his baby was no longer a baby. She wasn’t quite a year old yet but that was only a few weeks away and god had this year gone by fast. 
If maybe if she was lucky, her Uncle Cale would gift her the Stanley Cup for her birthday. Four more wins would get them there after all.
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