#what was that?
hellodolleyes · 2 months
I subscribe to Sebastian having naturally ginger hair that he dyes black-
Ofc you don't get easy hair dye when your smol.
Also it doesn't matter how broody you are, you'd panic too if some giant just came around and scooped you up unprompted.
He's just thanking Yoba that he didn't piss his pants and lose any more of his dignity.
Yeets drawing at you and runs away
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awkwardpossum0 · 11 months
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dreamingmantis · 5 months
I just want to talk about how much we needed human star. They cut out the exact character the story needed. Why on earth would they do that? Have you seen the concept art? I can reimagine so many scenes with them in it and it would have been so beautiful and touching and made for a dynamic story that actually feels like a fairytale. There could have been a love story. I can't begin to express the disappointment I feel knowing what could have been.
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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groenendaelfic · 2 months
you know I wasn't going to comment on anything s3 in detail or write a super long divisive post because that's draining and tiring and I just want everyone to have fun and find joy in fandom in whatever way is best for them. And yet here we are. Who'd have thought?
All I wanted from season 3 was for Wilmon to talk to and with each other, to get to know each other (better) and to try to understand and support each other and grow together. To be a couple in love and working on their relationship, learning from each other. Them against the world, facing problems together as a team. I wanted romance and hugs and honesty, and all I got was them being horny. I mean don't get me wrong I love them being horny, but I don't want that to be their entire (positive) relationship and the only thing they have going for them as a couple. Please just have an actual, proper conversation with each other?
This post however is not about that. This post is about Kristina.
I hate what they did with her. I hate her entire character arc (if you can call it that) in s3. I hate what triggered her breakdown. I hate that instead of breaking the circle of abuse and emotional and physical neglect she no doubt suffered, she perpetuated it.
She left her son alone when he needed her most. When all he needed was a hug and a good long cry and the assurance that he's not alone, that she's there for him. That she understands. For someone (his family) to be there and listen and assure him that for them, Wille comes first. (I mean not all, he also needed proper therapy for one, but that'd have been a great and important start)
Wille is a child. Her child. Wille needed her and she failed him. She pushed him away and she sent him away and she left him alone.
(the same is true for Ludvig of course, it'd be extremely sexist etc to not put the exact same expectations and blame on him as well, but alas this post is only indirectly about him as everything always is at best)
Her son is dead.
She's been groomed to believe her entire purpose in life is to be a mascot (which comes with very specific expectations and restrictions she herself said she struggled to adapt to) and to give birth to the next mascot.
I don't pity her for that, but that's still her entire identity and purpose in life. It's always been, and now the next mascot is dead and she has to burden the son she thought would be spared with it all, pun very much intended.
But let's return to my first point first. Her son is dead. Not just the next mascot. Her son.
Yes, Wille's brother died as well and I'll never make light of that. It's horrible and a grief and pain impossible to put into words. Especially as a kid or young teen. Wille needs all the support. Still.
It's not the same.
I know it's not the same because I know exactly what it's like. Both of it.
Granted I'm not a queen, but I did have a cousin who died aged sixteen. We lived in the same house their entire life and shared a bedroom for years. We were like siblings. It was my first time experiencing the death of a close loved one and it was horrible. We all struggled for a long time. Their siblings and I and the entire family, and they will never be forgotten, but it broke my aunt and uncle. Fifteen years later and they're still broken.
I also have two sons and a spouse who are dead (no I didn't lose them, I know exactly where they are) and I promise you it's not the same. A dead sibling is nothing like a dead child. (not that it's a competition)
I'm not going to talk about what it does to you internally, but I will tell you what you'll experience from the outside world when your family dies excitingly enough to make it to the local newspaper. Then feel free to multiply it by a large number of your own choosing when you're royalty and the entire country is looking at you and you've been groomed to never lose composure.
Everyone will call and show up and want to show their support and their condolences (that lasts until about a week or so after the funeral). And they will get two words in and break down and cry, each and every one of them, and then it's your job to console them and be strong and deal with all the arrangements and lawyers and bureaucracy. And it'll have to be you for most things no matter how supportive your family might be, because it's you who needs to sign shit and show the school a death certificate. Everyone will mean well, but it'll be everyone else who'll require reassurance and you who'll have no choice but to function because at first there's so much to do. So much. You won't have time to breathe until after the funeral, and after that there're still so much more to do and take care of you'd never have considered before. For weeks. You can ask someone else to drive you but it'll still be you who's required to show up and do the thing. Some things will drag out for months and more. You don't have time to break down and be weak. You can't afford to, because you also have a job and other responsibilities and a duty to your dead loved ones.
But then the day comes when it's 'over' and there's nothing more to do. Sure people still look at you with pity and whisper behind your back wherever you go and fall quiet, unsure how to react or what to say, because you're now the lady who lost her family in a freak accident, but everything and everyone else moves on. That's normal. It can't not. But it's that quiet after which is the most dangerous.
I hate that they made Kristina's breaking point her son publicly coming out as queer, renouncing following traditions without thought and admitting to having been in the video. I hate it so much, because that was a choice made with an entirely different motive behind the one I'll expound on now and I hate that. Don't instrumentalize grief and the loss of a child and sibling to further prove and underline your political agenda (which I agree with). It cheapens it and was very much unnecessary. We all would've gotten the point without it as well.
But you know what? I can't fault Kristina for that.
You don't know your breaking point until you reach it. It can be anything. There's a reason the saying goes 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. Everyone has a different one and they often feel very ridiculous to oneself (which is a very helpful feeling in that situation, believe me /s). I've talked to numerous people who've gone through something similar. In my support group and in grief counseling and group therapy. No one I've met had a 'logical' breaking point.
Mine came late last fall when I saw a robin outside my window. Yes a bird. We'd have one come every winter to eat the oats and raisins etc we put out for it, and my youngest would spend endless hours every day before dusk looking out that window waiting for the robin to come and eat for a few moments at a time, less if he started clapping out of excitement.
That was it. Boom. I was useless for the next seven weeks.
You don't let your grief overcome you. That isn't a choice. You don't choose not to function when a loved one dies. You don't choose to be depressed or to have the most ridiculous thing be your breaking point. You don't choose to be too strong to not let the grooming break you or to be too weak to be unable to break out of it. And you don't choose to be unable to sit at a birthday party and enjoy cake with a son you know you'll have to force into a role he never wanted, the one your dead son was supposed to fill.
Does that make Kristina any less of a shitty mom? No, of course not. Nor does it change anything for Wille. Kristina's grief shouldn't be Wille's concern. But you don't choose any of that, and the stronger you have to appear the farther you'll fall once you just can't hold it together anymore.
I grew up with a very large, multicultural extended family. There wasn't an hour I was awake at home as a kid when I wasn't hugged or kissed by a younger cousin or aunt or my mom (it was super annoying). We talked and still talk about everything. I married into a family which was a bit less physical and more Swedish in showing their affection, but they are still very open and loving and genuine. I had all the support I could ask for. They're the best and I couldn't have asked for more.
It's not enough. Your child is dead. And Kristina had none of that.
Is Kristina (and Ludvig) super annoying for going on and on and on about Erik and how perfect he was? About always bringing him up when they have a son right there who needs them desperately?
Yes. It annoyed me too. I kept catching myself being furious on Wille's behalf and Simon's with how Wille reacted to the not-comparison between Erik and Sara. But I understand Wille's reaction to Simon and I understand Kristina and Ludvig.
Because once your child / sibling / spouse / dog dies?
They become perfect. My oldest once poured syrup where he shouldn't (it was a Nordic winter night and the car was thirsty) resulting in us being out of our only car, our insurance laughing at us, and us unable to afford a new one. It cost a lot of money, my spouse almost their job and made our life a lot harder for well over a year. He was old enough to know better (and leave the house by himself to go outside and play). He never did anything wrong in his life. He was perfect. They were all perfect.
Erik? What we learn about him is horrifying, and it being normalized and dare I say institutionalized, with him probably not having second guessed his actions, makes it worse instead of better. I do believe Erik was the kind of guy who just didn't (care to) think and merely did what was expected without further thought. That doesn't make it better either, because those kinds of people are the ones who keep corrupt systems running. I might be wrong about his character entirely, but it doesn't matter, because as soon as he died he became perfect.
It's weird what death does to our perception of a loved one. Or maybe not. It's also weird what death does to our perception of everything, because suddenly everything will remind us of that person.
A cloud? A scent? A sound? Toilet paper? Kristina is at the stage where everything she sees and feels and smells and hears will remind her of Erik and his death. Of how he's dead and now Wille has to become him and that is the worst.
Also her son is dead.
No she can't just pull herself together and eat the damn cake. Everything she talks about is Erik because everything she currently is is Erik. Her son who is dead.
There is a reason this is such an often used trope in fiction.
Kristina spent all her life being told that her duty to the throne is her only purpose in life. Be queen. Represent Sweden. Produce an heir. Part of why she's as old as she is is no doubt because Pernilla August is awesome and you can't not hire her when that's an option, but nothing else in this show is a coincidence and done without thought, so I refuse to believe that Kristina hasn't always been meant to be an older mom.
Maybe she had fertility issues. Maybe she for whatever reason didn't want kids and put it off for as long as she could. She's certainly not maternal. Unlike every other woman her generation, no one ever expected her to be maternal. That's not her job.
Quite the opposite. Kristina is old enough to have been raised at a time when royal mothers weren't expected to have any hand in raising their children except for approving (or rather disapproving chosen) nannies and playmates and tutors and the like. She was very likely the first female heir apparent, or maybe she was simply the heir because she had no (male) siblings. Either way her job was always to be a monarch, not a woman or a mother. That's what staff is for. That's not an excuse, but it does explain her as a character.
She was groomed and forced herself to adjust (I do believe forced is the right word, because unlike Erik she seems to (have) be(en) a lot more like Wille than she'd like to admit). She had to be strong and queen and represent Sweden. And then her son and heir died and she failed at both.
I do believe Erik was always the 'easier' child, doing what he was told and taking only the freedoms he knew he'd be granted, while Wille is willful, argues, has a temper and his own head. (that doesn't mean Erik was happier or better adjusted)
And now Erik is dead and Wille has to fit the mold. Wille who got to go to a normal school and clubbing and was let to run wild with little preparation for the role he'd someday have to support his brother with. Arguments can be made that Kristina and everyone else never cared about Wille until they needed him, but I'd like to think she meant well and gave him the freedom she could, and because she is a bad parent she thought she was being kind, and because she is queen no one told her otherwise until it became a problem.
Kristina has never been a good parent, and I honestly believe saying someone meant well is an insult and not an excuse, but I do believe she tried the best with what she knew, the best she could.
It wasn't enough, it was the opposite of enough, but she tried and her breakdown is not a weakness but something which was a long time in coming.
She's not maternal. Her job wasn't to be maternal. Her job is to be a mascot and have other people make sure the next mascot is fed and watered and able to perform. Her being too brainwashed to see how horrifying that is does not make her innocent or any less of a bad mother, but why would she think of acting any other way?
She's ashamed of her breakdown. She can't be weak. Not in front of the nation and not in front of her son and heir. Wille can learn and grow and change. Everyone can and it's never too late, but Kristina here is meant to be what Wille risks becoming if he doesn't, if he gives up and becomes a thoughtless mascot.
Kristina is not a victim and I can't forgive her for being a shit mom, but she's also not the devil. She's a mother who lost her child, and she's spent her whole life being told that the worst thing she can do is to appear weak.
Well guess what? At one point that simply doesn't work anymore.
This post by the lovely @voldiebeth is what motivated me to write a similar one. I originally planned on reblogging and merely adding my own thoughts, and I did talk to her before posting, but then it became something even more personal than originally planned, and considering the difficulty of the subject I found myself more comfortable making this a standalone post. I know that's not proper tumblr etiquette, but please bear with me. Many thanks to @voldiebeth for motivating me to put my convoluted thoughts and feelings in writing and order them a bit. It was very cathartic.
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I can't believe that whole story with the giant beeping ants and the interpretative dancing human bees was real. Six whole episodes that was. It felt like a fever dream
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n-znm · 1 year
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There is no platonic explanation for this
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dapper-lil-arts · 1 year
in bonnies blindspot shmucking on her shmeatus
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sneak attack but you're stealthly sucking Bonnie's peanus
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hoxtimusprime · 10 months
Anyone from the payday the heist days, I'm very curious how it was like with hoxton being revealed to come back. And how was it like with the reveal being a fricking Christmas album?
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ratguy-nico · 3 months
Character Asks: Louise!
SAILOR! thanks girl, you never let me down T^T so Louise:
First impression: no one kill me... I used to hate Louise XD you see how many people hate Gene's character for no good reason except they find them annoying?...well that's what happened to me with Louise, the irony
Impression now: I should say I love Louise, she has some of the most amazing episodes of all the show and her bunny ears are an amazing element of character design that should be study but... is complicated? I watch Louise and see so many things, some rough, complicated aspects that I truly love, I love how the serie portray her, I think is the fetish character of the serie, which for me is not 100% something good.
Favorite moment: damn The Plight Before Christmas for sure, her whole speech, but I think this is like a good writing scene and it's not so much cause it's Louise, so I would say when she's trying to teach Tina how to kiss. las cachetadas XD oh oh and her phone call with Mickey, oh that one is priceless XD
Idea for a story: Non, okey fine, like I said before, no for an episode or inside the serie's canon. But in the comic that I would never mention again after this I explore a lot of Louise being non binary tirando a transmasc but being lesbian, complicated? complicadisimo. So thats all I will say.
Unpopular opinion:... all the shit I just said? I love Louise's episodes, she's being the protagonist of many of the best episodes on the show "The Plight Before Christmas" and "Amelia" without counting the movie. But... it may be...too much? DONT KILL ME I would love if they take the same dedication, the same deep approach, to Tina or Gene, or any other character actually, like they did with Rudy's episode where she is relevant but in a supporting role. Im gonna shut up now.
Favorite relationship: NOT ROMANTICALLY Louise and Rudy, damn I live for that friendship, those two are the most precious thing in the world they would kill for each other, die for each other but most important live for each other, saw my previous complains? throw them away when is the Louise and Rudy duo Im talking "Bridge Over Troubled Rudy" "House of 1000 Bounces" and "The Amazing Rudy", of course. Bob and Louise father/child dynamic is pure gold and in ship department (and this could also count as unpopular) Louise/Jessica Wharfy ship. Uh and just think about it but I love Louise dynamic with Nat and Mickey, I think they are totally Louise's heroes.
Favorite headcanon: ...non? Louise being lesbian but also a lil bit of a boy is very... in me. Oh i have a very silly one, remeber the episode when Louise adopted a spider and call her Phoebe? for me Louise give her that name for Phoebe from the show Friends, who is a very important icon in the bisexual and lesbian community, so yeah. Louise loving her lesbians icons.
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wanderrealms · 6 months
I don't know if watching horror Let's Plays to feel less alone is the best idea.
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ghosts-gal · 1 year
Hey remember in mcd rebirth when Aphmau says Garroth seemed familiar, haha yeah! Why aren't we talking about that?
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stromcuzewon · 2 months
the academy: let's let al pacino present best picture! he's a legend, it'll be great!
al pacino: immediately biffs it
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ggebba · 5 months
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I have no clue what was that 😐
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loghainderolo · 4 months
That was a very fun episode until the last five minutes.
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