#what will it be like to reunite with her wife and son? truly?
mahtariel-of-himring · 3 months
When Elrond stepped upon the ship that was to take him, Galadriel, Gandalf, Bilbo, Frodo and a few others to Valinor he was nervous. So long had imagined what it might be like, and for some time even questioned if he would ever sail.
But here he was, stood upon their ship with the undying lands finally in sight after months of sailing across the unending ocean. He might be a mariners son but he certainly had no great love for boats, he didn’t have a problem with them, but the knowledge of not having ground beneath his feet still made him uneasy.
At their arrival many awaited them, to welcome the newcomers into the blessed lands.
High King Arafinwë, in Middle Earth better known as Finarfin, and his other children had come to welcome Galadriel.
Gandalf reunited with some old Maia friends of his and then escorted the hobbits that had joined them to a nice little cottage for them to spend their days in.
He himself recognized many of the faces in the small crowd. First he spotted Gil-Galad, who welcomed him with open arms. Then his beloved Celebrian, who pulled him into a hug the moment he saw her, she was much better now.
A few soldiers of Rivendell were there as well, happy to see their Lord again.
Elrond ended up settling in Tirion with all the others and moved into Celebrian‘s home. It was a nice house with a good view and easy access to the marked and other nearby shops and market places.
Tirion was flawless. The white towers with their pointy roofs, the elegant guards with their silver spears, the marked place with its various stalls and merchants.
He met many of his ancestors, some he got along with and some he didn’t.
The first he met was Turgon, it took half an hour for them to end up in an argument about the moralities of handling delicate situations within one‘s own city and when to help those in need.
Luckily his second meeting went much better. His great grandfather, Fingolfin, was much more sensible and they got along quickly due to their shared knowledge on leadership and experience of hardships throughout their lives. Though the late High King did comment to his wife Anairë later about how he was sure he‘d bite his teeth out on Elrond eventually, comparing his stubbornness to someone else’s.
When he at last met Fingon it took the elf exactly five minutes to ask if he had been raised by Maedhros. To this day Elrond didn’t understand how he did it, for he himself wasn’t aware of the small details. Like how he did his hair exactly like the fëanorian had or that he held himself with something of Valinorian regalness he definitely didn’t pick up in Lindon.
But as time went on Elrond began to realize something.
Tirion was truly perfect.
Too perfect.
Everyone seemed to have collectively decided to ignore any pains and hardships experienced in Middle Earth or Beleriand and live their lives as if everything was perfectly fine.
When bringing this up to Gil-Galad he just said that they preferred it that way, even if it wasn’t perfect, not everyone had made the journey and seen war, and those who didn’t weren’t comfortable of discussing or displaying it.
The more time Elrond spend in the white city the lonelier he felt. It seemed as if he was the only one prepared to speak of or even mention anything of the things that happened to so many of them.
The more he realized that the more he felt out of place.
Because he wasn’t perfect, he was far from it actually.
He had gone through things most couldn’t imagine in their worst nightmares and had seen horrors he wished he could forget.
He had seen his city attacked, had been kidnapped, even though that did turn out positively in the end. Had witnessed war and bloodshed from young on, had served as Herald and later taken on the mantel of Lord. He had seen so much that he just couldn’t ignore.
So one day he mounted his horse and rode out of Tirion. He didn’t have a destination or any idea where he was going but he just kept riding until he was exhausted.
When he looked up he saw a large city with high towers, but no pointy roofs were atop them, instead there stood guards. The walls weren’t made of white stone and marble but steadfast and resistant cobblestone and tall pillars.
The front guards let him in after he explained his situation, and the moment he stepped through those gates it was as if he had entered another world. No excessive jewelry was worn, but rather detailed braids and head dresses or simple circlets.
Scars of all types were openly portrayed instead of covered up and hidden as if they were sometimes to be ashamed of.
Elrond saw elves with walking sticks and missing limbs and crippled bodies. They were warriors, they were survivors, they were the ugly but real truth, and it felt so relieving too see them.
He had no idea where he had ended up in, but he already knew it was much better than Tirion.
No one was putting on a fake mask of perfection and instead just acted as they truly were.
Elrond walked through the streets, talked with some of the locals and listened to their stories.
He heard everything from ex soldiers to healers like him to guards and even some escaped thralls of Angband.
It was so much better than the flawlessly perfect white city. It wasn’t fake.
Elrond ended up in what seemed to be a throne room. At the end of it stood a elf, dressed in a long robe, his hair littered with many braids and a elegant silver hammer in hand.
His eyes were of piercing grey and his hair as black as the night, but his gaze familiarly gentle.
Elrond knew before he spoke.
Elrond knew before he looked up.
Elrond knew before he stepped closer.
Elrond knew before he even acknowledged him.
He knew where he was, and he knew he would stay.
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platinumshawnn · 2 months
Bound by Blood and Fire -- benjicot blackwood x tully!oc (pt i)
A/N: Hi, if it's terrible and has some stupid stuff in it that doesn't make sense i beg of you to pity and be gentle with me as it was written over the course of a spontaneous overnight shift that turned into a sixteen hour work day <33 Also, character was given a name because I don’t like writing “y/n”
backward | forward
Synopsis: Lady Tully and Kermit travel to Raventree to reunite with a long-time family acquaintance amidst finalizing the details of the pending nuptials with Lord Blackwood.
"To my dear Lady Serra," he announced loudly enough for all to hear, "who, I am told, has a tongue as sharp as her needlework. Pray, let's hope she proves as skilled with her wifely duties as she is with her embroidery."
warning(s): Mentions of blood, era related content/sexism/violence, adult language (i.e., innuendos), mentions of arranged marriage, mentions of family physical violence (father-son, shoving).
word count: 6.6k
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 Lady Tully was not the type who particularly enjoyed wandering beyond the walls of Riverrun. She only ever left the safe confines of its boundaries under circumstances in which she had little to no other choice -- if only by force of her father’s hands by whatever command; often it was an event of necessity in which her father insisted her presence was vital, “To put on a strong, united front -- that the House of Tully and its members remain united as ever.” 
It was always a conversation that required a lot of begging on her father’s side, pleading with his daughter to see reason, and often ended in a bribe that would prompt her to reluctantly agree. She wasn’t one for negotiating and often did not want more than to be left alone with her books, to stay back at home in the comfort of her library, but she was stubborn and would only cave out of guilt and obligation for her dear father. She truly did love the man -- as did her love her; his little dove. 
She hadn’t been nearly as close to him as a child, but following her mother’s passing, she and her father had worked to build something of a relationship. Before that moment, she had always been closer to her mother -- a kind, soft-spoken woman who embodied what it was to be a proper household lady; one who upheld duty and honor. She was loving and gentle with her children, and if her daughter had been anything like her, she would have been the perfect woman to model her likeness after. Instead, she had been considered odd -- a little “out of sorts” according to other children of House Tully, who had relentlessly teased her as a child. She could recall the years of sneers and jabs, tugging on her dress and pushing her into mud puddles, leaving her sobbing in the fields behind her home. And despite her mother wishing she had just enjoyed playing “lady of the house” and making pretend with the other girls, or wishing that she enjoyed dresses and fantasizing about the day she was married to a doting husband like the other girls her age, the sight of her daughter running inside with tear streamed cheeks; covered in dirt and desperately reaching for her mother with her chubby hands as a young child, her mother’s facade would drop; all those selfish wishes out the window as she consoled the girl who clung to her skirt. If there was anything she remembered about her mother, it was how fiercely she loved her children and how willing she was to set fire to the realm to protect them despite her gentle nature. 
And often on days like this, she yearned to have just one more moment like that with her mother. 
The ride to Raventree Hall was long and silent as the two siblings sat across from each other, having not said a word to one another since their journey had begun two days prior. Kermit had tried to spark conversation by making small talk, making the odd comment about the weather, or the journey -- he had even tried to scold her on the first day, face pinched into a scowl of annoyance when his hours of rambling and several attempts at even joking with her were left unanswered. 
“You can’t ignore me forever -- please, you have to see reason, sister. I did not have any other choice.” He pleaded, reaching across to attempt to take her hand, her gaze only briefly turning to look at him, eyes scanning his face as she had noted the way his shoulders dropped; slumping forward and looking defeated as though he had just lost some bet. “If I had had any other choice, I assure you I would have taken it.” 
Since then, she hadn’t even bothered to look at him. More often than not, she felt his gaze on her, watching her carefully as though he was waiting for her to change her mind and say something. More often than not, he would be met with silence and not even as much as a look in return, only to then realize she was stubbornly still behind decision to ignore him and huffing in frustration before looking out the other window of the carriage that rocked and swayed over the bumpy trail. She knew they were nearing Raventree and despite that she was not happy with the circumstances of her presence there, she would be grateful to get out of the small space she’d shared with her brother for too long  -- although the memory was vague and distant, shrouded in fog, she could recall this journey from a time in her childhood; clinging to her mother’s hand while Kermit and Oscar excitedly babbled to their father about their time spent there, spewing stories of their training and the mischief they had gotten into with the Heir himself. She just needed space from him. 
“I do not understand….” Kermit suddenly said, her gaze still fixed out the window to look over the vast pastures that seemed to stretch on forever. The only thing that implied otherwise was that if she squinted close enough, really focused, she could make out the shape of the Brackens estate, Stone Hedge, fully aware that somewhere between here and there there was some invisible line that separated the two houses. “I do not understand why it is such a big deal to you. Of all the lords and their heirs…” he spat, that same temper she had become all too familiar with boiling over the edge once more, ”I combed through the realm as best I could, as painstaking as it was to ensure you were promised the best match, I did it. I searched high and low for someone with honor and loyalty, a husband who I could guarantee would treat you well. Of everything I have done for you…and you can’t even be grateful for all the effort I have made?” He rambled, scoffing. 
Her gaze darted up towards the sky as she wrung her hands, the orange hues of sunset blending into something beautiful as she processed his words; her chest rose with a sudden sharp inhale as her chest seemed to fill with emotion she couldn’t quite put her finger on -- frustration? Anger? Grief? 
“You know Benjicot-- we have known him since we were children. He is a dear friend of mine and I would trust him with my life, sister.” Kermit added, his gaze burning into the side of her face. 
Her left hand rose, fingers coming to her lips and absentmindedly rubbing across them as she fought the urge to anxiously chew at the skin there; to gnaw until they were bloody. She suddenly dropped the hand back into her lap, “But I did not choose him, Kermit.” She suddenly replied, her hands clenched into fists so hard her nails dug into her palms as her gaze finally turned to him. It was then, for the first time in two days, that his features softened as though he was relieved to just get as much of a word in response -- that finally he was not just speaking into the air, met with silence; even if she did not agree with him, he appeared grateful and even guilt-struck as she stared at him. “You could not have even given me that decency at least.” 
Kermit nodded, a meek gesture as his gaze dropped briefly to look down and away from her. He was silent for a moment, her attention being fixated back out the window to take in the last of their journey and the sights that came with it as a silence fell over them once more that she broke again after a pause. “He tore that blue dress I used to love…do you remember that?” She suddenly spoke. 
Kermit frowned, his head tilting to the side as he looked at her with his mouth opening, searching through any memories he had of them as children alongside a young Ben. She looked at him again, scanning his face as though she was hoping for a sign of recognition to her prompt. “With the red stitching, I wore it all the time when I was ten and two. Mother had gotten it for me on my name day just before she died.” She explained, her voice softening slightly as she recalled the memory — and suddenly, there, she saw the recognition cross her brother’s features as his eyes went wide and eyebrows rose with his mouth open in the shape of an ‘o’. 
“You wouldn’t leave your chamber without it— you caused quite the stir anytime anyone suggested you wear another one.” He suddenly said, sitting up straighter with a small smile on his face. 
“You don’t remember what he did, do you?” She asked again. She could see the confusion sink in, struggling to grasp the memory. “He tore it right down the back of the skirt— stomped his heel right into it and shoved me into a puddle twice the size of me. He said it looked stupid— that the sigil was crooked. He ripped it and Father forced me to burn it, saying it smelled so bad it was lingering all through the house. It was the last gift I had from her.” She quietly explained, her hands suddenly clasping to one another and wringing themselves as she looked down at them. 
Suddenly it dawned on him. Kermit had only caught bits of it and had not been present when it happened, but he remembered that day — behind Raventree just six moons since their mothers passing; Benjicot had just received his new dagger as a gift from his uncle as a gift on his name day and had been quite proud of it. Kermit had been so preoccupied with their sparring game he had hardly noticed. Even when he did, he did not think that things would escalate so quickly. He’d heard the sudden yelling after Ben had tripped over her, not seeing where she was crouched, distracted by a caterpillar that was crawling along her hands that she hadn’t noticed him when she stood up suddenly from the tall grass. Ben had been rushing backward and tumbled over her, sending the pair into the mud — and while Ben didn’t mind mud, he didn’t appreciate the gash in his arm from his dagger just nicking his bicep when he fell. 
Shame filled him as he recalled looking away and not intervening as Benjicot had gotten into her face, hurling insults at the poor girl who was more distracted by trying to find her bug companion to even issue an apology; wide-eyed and teary-eyed as she looked up at him in absolute terror. Even as children, Benjicot had had a temper, crushing the bug in her hand and shoving her — only then did Kermit rush to her aid and intervene. He knew Benjicot had felt bad for the whole situation, guilt and shame on his face as soon as he had done it — Kermit had seen the tears in his eyes even; only to then be hurried back to the house to be tended to for his wound. But he realized there had never been any apology afterward and in the years following, there hadn’t been many opportunities to speak about it or mend things as they hardly found themselves in each other’s company. 
“How can you promise that he will be good to me?” She asked, interrupting her brother’s thoughts. 
He suddenly looked at her again, his voice wavering in confidence, “He’s grown, sister. He is not the same boy he once was.” Kermit tried to reason, knowing the truth behind it — Benjicot had grown and matured since they had last seen each other; learned to cool his temper where necessary. But that didn’t seem to be enough for his sister, a grim look on her face as her mouth pressed into a fine line, eyes narrowing slightly, her skepticism written clearly on her face. 
“He will make a loyal and dutiful husband, I promise you. Is that not what matters?” He asked, pleading with her. 
“I did not choose him, Kermit.” She said once more. “I did not want this.” 
They had fallen into silence once more following their conversation and she had returned to not looking at him for the rest of their ride. Thank the Gods, it was only an hour more, but Kermit wasn’t sure if he felt more relieved or discomforted by the conversation; eyes on her and chewing his nails as the guilt he had suppressed these past two days returned, rearing its ugly head in his face. Maybe he had rushed her too soon and been rash in his decision — maybe he should have fought harder to postpone any betrothals or for anyone else. But it seemed to be a cause too far gone to be possible to turn back on now as they pulled into the gates of Raventree. 
Kermit had gotten out first, offering his hand to his sister who was slow to follow in stepping out of the carriage to where Lord Samwell and his counsel stood ready to greet them. He’d been relieved that she had accepted it, though her apprehension was visible as she eyed it before taking it and stepping down the stairs, hanging close to his side as they approached the house. Lord Samwell immediately stepped forward, excited at their arrival but containing it as he smiled at the pair, "Kermit, it is an honor to host you at Raventree Hall as usual. I’m glad to see you made it safely.” He said, his attention turning to his sister just as she offered a polite smile and a curtsy to the Lord, “Lady Tully, it is a pleasure to see you again, too. It has been many moons since we have last seen one another— though, I presume we will be seeing more of each other soon.” 
"Thank you, Lord Samwell. I bring warm regards from my father as well as his regrets as he could not join us tonight, he will be arriving later tomorrow instead -- he had some business to attend to.” Kermit replied, a hand reaching out to his sister and encouraging her hand to his elbow as he looked between the two, “He sees great promise in this match and believes it will bring strength and unity to the Riverlands. My sister, Lady Serra, is eager to meet Benjicot -- seems she hasn’t seen much of him since she was all but… ten?” 
Samwell chuckled, “Come now, Kermit, there is no need for such formalities so soon. You’ve only just arrived.” He said, encouraging the younger man to approach and come inside, “I imagine your sister and Benjicot will have much to catch up on, but first I imagine she would like to get settled. Melinda, see to it that Lady Tully’s belongings are brought to her chambers immediately.” 
Kermit’s face flushed in embarrassment, a subtle pink that spread up his neck and into his cheeks as the older Lord led them inside; the Tully’s sharing a glance as they timidly followed indoors, just as a slew of servants hurried to gather their belongings from the carriage, brushing past them. “I do apologize for my son’s absence— seems he decided now was conveniently the best time to go on a hunt with his cousins. Though I do imagine you are as best familiar with his antics as anyone.” Samwell rambled, glancing back to Kermit with a knowing look — even through the humor in his tone, she could sense his annoyance. 
As they entered the hall, her gaze wandered to scan their surroundings, reminded once again of the few visits she had taken there in her childhood. “You have a beautiful home, Lord Blackwood. I forgot…how beautiful it is out this way.” She softly said, just as the trio stopped near the door of the stairs, Samwell’s face pulling into a smile. 
“Soon enough this will be your home, too. I want you to feel as at home as you do in Riverrun— if there is anything we might be able to do to make your stay more comfortable, please,” he said, stepping forward to take her free hand in his. “Do not hesitate to ask. I will see to it myself that all your needs are met.” Lord Samwell stated, his tone laced with sincerity. 
She stared at his hand over hers for a moment, freezing at the gesture and sucking in a deep breath as her gaze was forced up to his face. A polite smile once again graced her features, “Thank you.” 
“I’ll have Alistair show you to your room— I imagine you would like to rest. Are you hungry at all, my lady?” He inquired, a look of concern etched into his features as he waited for her reply, releasing her hand as she then took the chance to pull away from her brother with a quick look in his direction. 
Maybe it was the uneasiness at the realization she was now in his territory, but the thought of food churned her stomach, “No, no. I am fine, thank you, Lord Blackwood. As you said, I thought I might get settled and rest ahead of tomorrow’s feast. It has been a long journey.” She explained, her voice sweet as she spoke, the same polite small never leaving her face — however, she was eager just to get away  from the stifling reality of just what was in store for her over the next couple of weeks. She watched as the Lord nodded, waving over a guard who hung close to his right, stepping forward with the gesture. 
“Alistair, see to it that Lady Tully finds her room okay.” Samwell instructed, his attention turning to her brother. “The young Lord Tully and I have matters to discuss then.” 
Kermit’s gaze once again bored into her as she began to follow the guard, her head turning to look over her shoulder at him; though they were silent, she gave him a look that assured she was okay — a small nod that was subtle, but enough assurance for her brother to nod back and follow Lord Samwell as he began to stride in the opposite direction towards a gathering room. 
She didn’t know how long had passed. It could have been minutes, hours, days even — she wasn’t even aware at this point. She had been too lost in the sight of the flames that licked at the singed walls of the fireplace to even pay much attention; having curled up with her knees to her chest as she sat on the floor in front of it, playing with the ends of her hair that had been braided and laid over her shoulder. Some young servant girls had been sent to help in unpacking and getting settled in, but just as quickly as they had arrived, they were gone and since then, she had taken to her spot on the floor and had yet to move. The castle was silent at this point, though, aside from the distant shouts of guards who were still hankering down for the night, sinking into the routine of night shift. 
It was only when her stomach grumbled that she thought to move, her joints aching with the movement as she pushed herself to her feet and brushed off her skirts, debating on dragging herself from her room to venture down the hallways in hope she could find something to eat. Though she doubted she would have any luck, she had timidly opened her door, coming face to face with the guard who had lead her to her room hours prior posted outside — his expression hinted confusion and curiosity as she emerged from her room, stepping into the hallway, “My lady?” 
“I was wondering if it was possible to get something to eat— I understand it’s late, I just…” she quietly said, her hands smoothing over the fabric of her gown. 
He seemed to consider her request, nodding after a short pause and turning, “Follow me, my lady.” 
She was quiet as she followed the guard — an older man, probably near that of her father’s age and without hair, stoic and still-faced. With her hands clasped in front of her as he lead her through the hallways, she was lead down the stairs back towards where they had entered earlier, her eyes taking this opportunity to better scan the contents of the walls — the artwork that displayed paintings of the Blackwood’s sigil and their history. In better lighting, she could presume it would be breathtaking, but in the dark there was almost eerie shadow cast upon them, making each line look more harsh than the next; like the paintings were staring down at her, watching her every move. 
Her gaze was torn away at the sound of voices carrying from the meeting room her brother had descended to when they had parted ways, laughter heard through the doors as she gathered her skirts in her hands, lifting them out of her way as she walked down the stairs; ensuring she did not trip over them, her eyes fixed on the large, ceiling tall doors. She had wondered what the source to her brother’s laughter was— surely, forcing her hand to a man she hardly knew was not a laughing matter? Her eyebrows furrowed as she stopped at the base of the stairs, her head turned to face the doors, despite Alistair calling her name in an effort to regain her focus on the task at hand, but his calls fell on deaf ears. She slowly approached the doors, the two guards standing outside them sharing a look before looking down at the woman, who reached out; fingers brushing the wood of the doors, curious...
The two guards moved, pushing the doors open for her, prompting them to swing open at the nod of Alistair, who had long given up on stopping her. The doors opened to reveal her brother and Lord Samwell sat at the table, caught mid-laughter as she entered; hands filled with goblets of what she could only assume was wine. Their laughs died down as their attention was suddenly turned to take in her startled appearance, her hand still raised to reach out in front of her as she looked between them. Lord Samwell cleared his throat, her brother and him both standing at her arrival, “My lady, what a surprise.” He greeted, his head bowing to her, a smile on his face. “Benjicot, here, was just telling us about his hunt.” He announced, his eyes landing on his son to his right, sitting directly across from her brother.
Her gaze followed his, landing on the man who resembled nothing of the boy she had once known -- a handsome man grown, tall and lean in build, with broad shoulders adorned by a blood stained tunic and cloak. His hands were still stained with dried blood as he lifted his own cup to his mouth, taking a large gulp of its contents as he let out a muffled chuckle with full cheeks. The sight of blood on such a handsome face, however could have made her sick to her stomach. 
“I thought you were asleep.” Kermit suddenly said, noticing her gaze frozen on the young man opposite of him, attempting to redirect the conversation as he stumbled over his chair in an effort to approach her. Her eyes only darted to him briefly as she watched him stagger towards her, obviously noticing his disheveled appearance and evident drunkenness. Benjicot’s gaze, too, followed his friend as he made his way across the room towards his younger sister, whose face screwed up in a look of disgust at her brother’s current state; the younger Blackwood Lord’s lips parted as the trace of a grin danced on the corners of his mouth, teeth bared as his tongue pressed against to the corner of his mouth. “We were just celebrating your marriage, here— sister, come toast with us.” Kermit slurred, stumbling into his sister, who reached out to catch him just as her brother slung an arm around her shoulders. 
Her gaze lingered on her brother who giggled stupidly, her eyes downcast as her cheeks heated from the embarrassment of his behavior -- if only their father had been there to witness it. 
Suddenly, Benjicot’s gruff voice spoke up, drawing attention from the three members of his audience as he stifled a laugh, “I have a toast. For my betrothed..” He announced, glancing around at the three as his eyes then stopped on her, catching her gaze and causing her cheeks to further burn. His words had even caused Samwell to stand at attention, eagerly awaiting his son’s next words as the young boy lord had to suppress a laugh, that same grin on his face as he then tilted his head. 
 "To my dear Lady Serra," he announced loudly enough for all to hear, "who, I am told, has a tongue as sharp as her needlework. Pray, let's hope she proves as skilled with her wifely duties as she is with her embroidery."
Kermit let out a drunken snort from beside her clearly not understanding the suggestion in his state, her body tensing and becoming rigid as she stared back at him, her eyes widening in horror at his words. Even his father, who she could make out in the corner of her eye, looked horrified, his cup faltering as it had risen to the toast; only to be slammed down onto the table as she stood frozen in shock that the words had even just come from his mouth, his mouth now preoccupied with gulping down the remainder of his drink before dropping the cup to his plate with a loud clatter that caused her to jump timidly. 
“Oh, father, please…” Benjicot began to say, amusement laced in his words as he began to walk away from his seat and in her direction, “I only jest. Surely, Lady Tully knows that.” He said, dismissing his father as he looked at the woman who began to grab her brother by his waist, teeth clenched and avoiding his gaze suddenly and beginning to back away in the direction of the door she had just come through. 
“Come, brother, I think it is time for bed.” She muttered, earning a laugh from Benjicot when Kermit stumbled over his own two feet in the attempt to turn around. Samwell quickly circled the table away from his seat, striding towards the pair with an outstretched hand. 
“Here, let me help you.” He stated, concern laced in his warm voice. 
“It is okay, we just…need to go to bed, right, Kermit?”
“Don’t be foolish, here.” Lord Samwell insisted, grabbing her brother’s opposite arm and hauling half his weight off her shoulders as he supported him in his walk towards the door and to the stairs to their rooms. “Alistair can help you both to your rooms-- I think we have all had enough for tonight.” Samwell stated, his head turning to look pointedly at his son.
Benjicot watched on as his father then exited the room, along with their sibling guests, pacing back towards the table where he leaned into it with his palms; preening to see watch as the doors were closed much to his disappointment -- though, he had caught a glimpse of Kermit standing up and waving off his sister as he clutched onto the staircase railing with a grumble. He let out a hum. 
He knew that the servants would have a hay day with the dining room when they arrived to tidy it, dried bloody hand prints smeared across the furniture and dishes, the floors soaked by the rain he’d dragged in with him as he seemed to leave a trail of water behind him. He hovered over the table that was nestled right perfectly in the center of the room, the torchlight above still faintly glowing but slowly dying out as he plucked through the contents of what was leftover from dinner, his gaze cast down on the table as his father hurried back into the dining room where they had been gathered; hearing his footsteps approach as the doors were closed behind him.
“Could you not have had the decency to be kinder to her?” Samwell asked, his voice low as he stood opposite the table to where his son stood. “You’re already covered in blood, the poor girl is probably already scared enough as is-- you are going to scare this one off and we cannot afford…”
“She was your choice, father, yours. Not mine.” Benjicot replied with a sigh, as he glanced into a jug he had found amidst the scraps to confirm that there was indeed wine left at least, his mouth turning upside down and eyebrows raising briefly with a subtle shrug — not much left but it would suffice for the heir, taking an empty goblet that clanked against dishes as he plucked it with his free hand. Benjicot turned the goblet upside down, dumping out any remaining traces of drink that had been leftover, “She’s…a half-witted moron. I do not see why I must be the one to marry her. Why not you?” He said, sighing as he reached for another couple of grapes from the table, tossing them into his mouth and washing them down with a gulp of wine. 
Samwell watched on as his son moved to sit, mouth partially agape in utter horror at his words. There was no doubt that Benjicot had not been keen to the idea of marriage these past couple of years -- not since his mother had passed, but there was no denying the shame his words brought their house. Samwell tensed, seething as he sucked in a sharp inhale as his gaze went to the doors that may have been the only source to conceal his insult from the prying ears of Kermit Tully and his sister; abruptly lunging forward and across the room towards his son, who had been mid-sit, however jumping straight back up on his feet just as his father reached him. The two men were suddenly face to face, Lord Samwell’s face screwed up in a scowl of disgust whilst grabbing the collar of his son’s cloak in a stumbled wrestle of Benjicot’s free hand coming up as if to shield himself with the still half full goblet in his other hand. 
“You— petulant, spoiled child.” Samwell hissed, shoving his son backwards on his feet, knocking him into the side of the chair he had once gone to sit in; an arm flying out to grasp for something to catch himself and instead losing the goblet that had been in his hand in a clatter of dishes and food being flung from the table to the floor. Benjicot’s eyes were wide as he stumbled back over the mess, his wine spilled somewhere between the table and floor, his sleeve stained and sticky against his wrist from the fall as he landed on his backside; left staring up at his father, who had let him go and caught himself against the table. 
His eyes wide, mouth open like a fish out of water, stuttering, “Wh- wha — ” he had begun to say, hurrying to stand back up on his feet, scuttling back a few steps as his father fought the urge to lunge for him again, Benjicot’s gaze going down to his legs; watching, waiting — like his training, awaiting his opponent's next move but yet cowering like a scared child as they stared back at one another, both breathing heavily in the aftermath. The servant girl who had entered to help with cleaning up had even been startled by the outburst and gone cowering out of the dining hall; seeking shelter in the kitchen with her cloth in her hands. Benjicot glanced towards the table and door quickly, his left hand wiping off the slick of wine on his tunic, squaring his shoulders as he attempted to stand upright, straight as a board and regain his usual composure that eluded some false facade that his father had not bested him and that he was brave even in the face of his rage. He swallowed, his mouth closing as he looked back at his father, who was still evidently stewing in his fury, his fist clenching finally as he let out a frustrated sigh that bounced off the walls. 
“Do you not understand how much I have done for you? To secure your future? As my heir?” Samwell growled, approaching his son again who took a quick two-step backward, nearly bumping into another chair, his feet banging into silverware that had fallen to the floor. Samwell Blackwood was typically a cool, level-headed man — never one to put a hand on his son, even when he acted up and defied his orders in his youth — but now, amidst the war looming near, something about his words had caused something inside him to snap. His shoulders slumped, relaxing, as his fist unclenched with another sigh as he took another couple of steps towards him, his hand reaching up to grab Benjicot’s face, “This war is bigger than just you and I, bigger than some childish feud over stones and boundary lines with the Brackens, Benjicot. The Brackens have declared for Aegon—”
Benjicot’s wide eyes stared at his father, swallowing thickly as he spoke, processing his words. Of course, the Brackens would declare for Aegon— 
“This will be a war of dragons. This war will bring all of the realm to its knees.” Samwell said, voice low enough that just the two of them could hear. His hand released his face, going to the back of his neck, “We must be prepared and find strength in our allies. Our house must live on. You must secure the longevity and future of this house— it is your birthright, Benjicot. Just as it was mine before, and my father’s before. If I die, this house is yours. Do you understand?” He muttered, his tone now pleading as he searched his son’s face, eyes wild and desperate as they awaited some response from him that suggested he understood. 
Benjicot felt as his father’s grip tightened around the nape of his neck, squeezing and giving him an abrupt shake that was more of a jerk, his eyes still wide in shock at his father’s outburst. His father’s eyebrows rose as he gave a weak, timid nod in reply, hesitant as he grits his teeth and clenched his jaw, “Yes?” 
Benjicot nodded again, more confidently this time, “I understand.” He said. 
Samwell hesitated, blinking a couple of times before he nodded too, releasing his son and frowning as he glanced down, mumbling something incoherent that resembled ‘good’ before he glanced at the mess he had made. Benjicot remained tense and frozen in place even after his hold was gone, hands falling to his sides as his father slowly receded towards the door that led back to where the Tullys were left, at the landing of the stairs. “Ser Eryn, see to it that this is…tidied up, fetch the servant girl. We are expecting guests tomorrow…for the heir’s betrothal feast.” He quietly said, approaching the guard who stood by the door, leaving his son in his spot as he withdrew to his chambers for the night. The guard nodded in response to his father’s order, not even glancing at Ben as he walked past the kitchen to fetch the girl as instructed. 
Ben waited for a few moments before he timidly followed his father’s path towards the door figuring he was best to get some rest ahead of the day’s festivities. He paused at the doors before opening them to smooth out his bloodied tunic, straightening his cloak and once again, squaring his shoulders as he stood upright and attempted to regain some sort of composure; knowing that Kermit and his Lady sister were presumably just behind those doors, waiting. He sucked in a deep breath with one last glance to the floor, his mouth pressed into a tight line; his bottom lip quivering for a moment as he stifled a cry, sniffling to himself once, twice… he lifted his head, using his sleeve to wipe his nose and blinking back any sign of weakness in the form of a tear before he shoved the door open and emerged from the dining room. There, as expected, Kermit and Serra stood, their eyes on him and failing to suppress their pitiful looks as Benjicot found his usual stoic gaze, and expression blank as he nodded his head in the direction of the siblings. 
Kermit’s expression hardened, nodding back in return, in part because he understood — a silent understanding between the two young men. Benjicot’s gaze then shifted to the girl who stood on the second to last stair, clutching onto the railing as the dying orange glow from the torches of the hall lit up her expression; her gaze softening as she looked on at him, her expression something of sadness, “Benjicot…” she quietly said, his name a breathy sound on her lips. 
“I apologize for my appearance, my lady. I did not anticipate you to already be here upon my return.” He gruffly said, voice quiet. “I would have cleaned up had I known.”
He held her eye, watching as the wheels turned in her brain, confused by his sudden change and reaction as she glanced around before blinking rapidly and nodding, “It’s alright, I…understand you were away on a hunt.” She mumbled, voice soft. 
“I assure you I will be cleaned up and much more presentable ahead of tomorrow’s celebrations.” He said, hesitating as he swallowed before taking the few steps to close the distance between them, his eyes darting briefly to Kermit who watched on; his eyes looking up at her from the end of the bottom step, their height difference only then balanced out by her leverage on the stairs as they were suddenly eye to eye for the first time. His right hand reached out for her left, inquiring as if to confirm it was okay before taking her hand in his, “You should get some rest. I will see you in the morrow.” He said, his gaze on hers as his head ducked, lifting her hand to his lips to press a gentle kiss to her knuckles before allowing her hand to drop from his. He watched as she gave him another timid nod just as he released her hand and began to walk up the stairs, brushing past her to withdraw to his bedchambers for the night, leaving the pair at the base of the stairs. 
Benjicot appreciated the awaiting bath drawn for him when he returned to his rooms more than he ever had and wanted nothing more than to wash the events of the day off of him as he undid the pin to his cloak; sliding the fabric from his shoulders and throwing it over a chair as he walked further into the room. His expression was blank as he stared into the flames of the fire that had been started to keep his room warm enough to his liking as he stripped down. Once he was fully naked, he approached the tub and stepped in, slowly sinking himself into the warmth of the water that came up to his chest once he was sat flush in the tub, his hands still gripping the ledges. Quickly, he could already see the blood that had stained itself into every little crevice of his skin wash off and rather, mingle into the water in diluted swirls as the dirt, grime and blood dyed the water. He sucked in a deep breath before sliding forward, submerging his head under the water.
TAGLIST: @deltamoon666 @drwho-ess @callsigncrushx @clarityisnofun @jhepolie @juhdoche , @username199945
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reyloaddict55 · 4 months
You have to choose ? It's true that the choice is really difficult.
On the one hand we have the king's eldest daughter with two parents of Targaryen blood. Her father appointed her his heir before the Seven Kingdoms and her mother was a true Queen who inspired respect and love. There was no doubt that she loved her daughter more than anything.
An heir who made a love marriage to a Prince Targaryen, who is the most feared man in Westeros and probably Essos. After so much suffering they are finally reunited and are in love with each other.Both are dragon riders.
They have children who are educated and respectful of others, whom they truly love. A true loving family.
An heir with a proven track record in managing and making Dragonstone prosper.
Every member of their family knows and respects the traditions of the Taragaryen line.
On the other hand, we have the king's second child, whose only claim to the throne is that he is a boy.
Who is a serial rapist, who abuses his power over the weak, who takes pleasure in watching starving children fight each other like animals.
Who cheats on his wife, who has several bastards he doesn't even care for, abandoning them in the Street of Silk.
Who has a mother who uses him as a pawn to steal a throne to which the Hightowers have no right.
A mother who manipulated a grieving man into crawling into bed with her on her father's orders. And we all know what that kind of woman is called. Who hides behind a virtue she doesn't possess and takes the liberty of judging others, she's the worst hypocrite there is.
Her children are only there to serve her thirst for power (three psychopathic sons and a daughter who has nothing exceptional and no, she never had the gift of being a dreamer - you've got to stop with all this nonsense!).
A woman who's bitter about her life and all the bad decisions she's made. A woman who is jealous of Rhaenyra's marital and maternal happiness.
Who, even though she's an adult, is still under the control of her pimp father.
So yes the choice is definitely a difficult one.
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kitnjon · 1 month
Any Jonsa fics in which characterization and physical appearance of Jon is closer to Canon?
I am assuming you mean closer to book canon? Honestly I haven't really read that many book jonsa fics. I am more of a show jonsa fan and mostly read modern AUs 😅
Few book fics I have read are post ADWD. Sharing them below -
1. The Wolves of Winter by JustAWhiteQuill
~When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.~ Beneath a wall of ice, a crow died and came back a wolf. Now, he is crowned King in the North and faced with the immense task of preparing his battered kingdom for the Long Night. Atop the lonely mountain, a little bird grew fangs and came back a wolf. Now, she is the Princess of Winterfell and taking care of the only family she thinks she has left. When news reaches them of the other still being alive, a chain of events is set in motion. Winter is coming, and with it, the darkest hour of the night. The time for wolves is here. All the while, the dragons and lions south are battling for a throne covered in fire and blood.
2. I Can't Steal You (Like You Stole Me) by @thewolvescalledmehome
Seeing the only family Sansa Stark had left to her was the only motivation keeping her astride the horse. Jon Snow is at Castle Black. He’ll protect you. It had been so long since she felt safe, felt protected. She yearned for the security of familiar arms and someone who cared for her because she was Sansa and not a Stark. The nerves she may have felt over arriving at Castle Black alone to see the half-brother she had not seen—had barely thought of—in years did not consume her, nor did she allow herself to feel disappointment that it was not Robb or a trueborn brother to save her. Only, upon her arrival, she is told of the mutiny. Then she is asked an impossible question: What would she give to have him back?
Lyric title prompt on Tumblr from the song "You" by The Pretty Reckless.
3. Beasts of Seasons by Simonetta
She had prepared her words and her actions meticulously. She hadn’t prepared to actually see him. Or, Jon and Sansa reunite and things don't go according to plan, forcing Sansa to reevaluate her identity and her loyalties and forcing Jon to come back to himself. Post-ADWD, bookverse fic. Jon and Sansa reunite on campaign to win back Winterfell.
4. The Thawing of Winter by @jade-masquerade
Sansa knew Jon married her—married Alayne—for the Vale, or maybe, because of his past, he saw her as a fellow bastard and meant to raise her up the same as his people did for him, how they chose Lord Eddard’s sole surviving son as King in the North. But when she looked at him, she saw nothing of the sort in his eyes, only a flash of desire, the way a man ought to look at his wife, before he steadied his gaze. If this was truly wrong, she wondered, then why did the gods let it feel so right?
Putting this in tag so others may add in as well.
Thanks for the ask!
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
Sandor Clegane x Reader Insert Fics
Tumblr Recommendations
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Stories and Gif are NOT mine.
Some contain mature content.
Readers are mostly female.
Note: if you read and enjoy any of these stories - please like, leave a comment and/or reblog original post!
In the North
Summary: they had a relationship before they had to part ways and so they get reunited when reader is sent with Jorah by Daenarys to get a white walker, Beric and Thoros is in disbelief that Sandor can be able of loving someone
Sandor Clegane x Stark!Reader
Opposites Attract
Sandor Clegane x fem!reader
Dogs are Best
Sandor x female!Reader
The Kennel Master’s Daughter
Sandor x female!Reader
Sandor Clegane x fem!nurse!reader
Warnings: none it's fluffy
Summary: Back at the time when Joffrey was king, the king's guard got into a fight with the people of flea bottom ending up with many of them injured including Sandor Clegane himself. What will happen when out of all the nurses only Y/N is brave enough to help him?
A Hound Will Die For You But Never Lie To You 
Trigger warnings: NSFW, swearing, all the usual Game Of Thrones warnings.
Rating: M (It jumps right in there so if that’s triggering for you I’d suggest skipping it)
Summary: Imagine being the one to gentle the rage inside Sandor Clegane.
Pairing: Sandor Clegane x Reader (gender neutral).
Summary: A little drabble about Sandor’s feelings for the reader.
Summary: Request from anon: I have a request! Sandor/Reader where the reader is being really lovey with Sandor and kissing him everywhere and she kisses his scarred side and he pushes her away but eventually gives in because she’s persistent that she will kiss him there and that he doesn’t have to worry because she loves his face.
An unexpected scene
Angered Beasts
Request: Hi can I request a drabble where the reader is one of joffreys playthings, like sansa is, and she runs into the hound after a beating? Something a little fluffy, please x
Warning: Mentions of violence and slight blood, female reader
Bathing in a tub with Sandor - drabble
Last Night
Request: Are requests still open? If so, please could I request a Hound x Stark reader where they confess their feelings for each other before they fight the Night King?
Good Dog
Warnings: Spoiler!,Fluff, swearing
Summary: Reader is found in the snow 
Hounds and Gingers
Summary: a short, fluffy imagine
An Urgent Confession
(female reader)
Summary: A little story about the reader reminiscing of a moment between her and Sandor 
A Hound’s Jealousy
Just a short little jealous!Hound request
Warnings: jealous Sandor, handsy guy
A Good Punishment
Summary: a handmaid is given to the King’s dog
Another Drink
Summary: rough smut with Sandor after he’s sees you with Bronn
Meeting at Winterfell
Summary: Imagine being a Stark and meeting Sandor Clegane at Winterfell
Imagine Sandor realizing that Tormund has a crush on you
Jealous Sandor…
Sharing a Bed with the Hound
Awkward Fluff!
To Break the Spell
Summary: Beauty & the Beast au
Imagine it’s you who Sandor takes away from Kings Landing during the Battle of Blackwater Bay
Series: More Than Our Servitude
Sandor Clegane x Fem!Reader
Summary: You lived your life as one of the washerwomen of the Red Keep, only seeing the Hound in passing. Still, when the madness of the Battle of Blackwater erupted, he came for you. The Hound is weary from battle, but you try and soothe what little you can.
Our Family
Sandor x wife!Reader
Summary: Sandor enjoys spending the day with his wife and son
His Queen
Sandor x female Reader
Sandor is soft with joffery’s wife
Sandor’s Secret
Sandor x fem!Reader
Summary: Sandor has a secret hidden away from everyone.
Series: Fox and the Hound
Sandor x Reader
Summary: Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Howling At The Moon!
Werewolf!Sandor Clegane x Female Reader
Summary: Sandor unexpectdly finds his mate, as expected she is human...  
Hound x Reader
Protecting You
Hound x fem!Reader
Imagine Sandor vowing to protect you after you help him with his recovery
Sandor x fem!Reader
Secret Wife (female reader)
Based on this request:  Can you do something with Sandor secretly having a wife. Maybe they met when he was serving king Robert and they met when she was hunting and eloped after a few years. She left before the battle of Blackwater because Sandor didn’t want her getting wrapped up in that so They meet again in Winterfell and no one can actually believe it.  
WITH THIS ADDED: Sandor and reader in a somewhat secret relationship. Tormund keeps hitting on reader in front of Sandor and finally his jealousy gets the better of him and he makes a loud declaration of their love. 
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camille-lachenille · 3 months
After the war of the last alliance and Gil-Galad’s death, Elrond is in a pretty bad mental state. The healer in him recognises deep depression and ptsd but he shoves everything in a box locked deep within his heart, the box where he keeps memories of his brother and parents, and plows on as he builds Rivendell.
He is happy when Celebrían returns his affection and accepts his courtship, he really is happy, or at least he convinces himself that he is, that everything is fine and will get better with time.
Some time right before their wedding, Celebrían starts to worry that Elrond doesn’t love her anymore, bc he avoids her and acts strangely. She manages to sit him down and really talk about how he is feeling. Elrond rushes to reassure her he is still madly in love and wants nothing more than wed her but then, at Celebrían’s insistence, he confesses how scared he is. He is scared to taint her with his darkness and that she desserves better than him and that he must be wrong in his head if he can’t be fully happy with her. He cries a lot, like he has’t in centuries, and Celebrían holds him through it. And then, when he is coherent again, she asks him if he loves her.
“More than anything, I would die for you!” comes the rushed but deeply sincere answer.
And Celebrían looks at Elrond in the eyes, more seriously than she ever has, her hands resting on his shoulders and she tells him “You say you’d die for me. But would you live for me, if I ask you so? ”
Elrond can only nod as he starts crying again, because he will do anything for Celebrían, even tasks that seem impossible. And so, he starts to live again. It is painful, gruesome work but he sees it to the end for the love of his life, if not himself at first.
And for a time Elrond is well and truly happy. He and Celebrían get married at long last, and have first two beautiful sons and then a wonderful daughter, and the sadness seems banished far away.
Until Celebrían nearly dies at the hands of orcs.
Elrond isn’t a husband then but a healer, locking his feelings behind the professional mask again until he is sure Celebrían will live. And then, behind the locked door of their -his- room, he lets the tears come. He cries until he has nothing left and then some more. He failed to save his wife, because even he cannot mend a broken soul.
Elrond and his children see Celebrían to the ship that will bring her to Valinor and, hopefully, healing. There are tears and embraces and, before parting, Elrond presses a kiss to Celebrían’s forehead and whispers to her “Promise me you will live, for me, just as I promised I would live for you all those years ago. And I promise I will live for you forever.”
And Celebrían smiles weakly and nods. She knows what it looks like, to cling stubbornly to life and happiness. “I will live, I promise,” she whispers back.
And live she does, until she can be reunited with Elrond.
The Celebrían who greet Elrond in Valinor is happy and full if life but, in her eyes, he can see his grief mirrored. She healed, ans he knows he too will heal in time, but he is also deeply grateful they can share this grief until the happy memories become stronger and they can remember Arwen, they sweet, wonderful, stubborn, brave daughter without the pain. The memories will always be a little bittersweet but the happy time they had together as a family is stronger than grief.
Until one of their sons sails. Alone.
Elladan sails, bringing news that Elrohir will not come. He stayed with Arwen until the end, spending more and more time in Gondor and with Men in general. He was so happy, Elladan explains between his tears. He was carefree and full of a delight for adventure and hunger for the unknown so proper to Mortals. Elrohir didn’t choose mortality because of love of a person but for love of life itself. He was bright and curious and wanted to know all the unknown answers. He died like he lived, with passion and happiness and mischief. And Elladan cannot begrudge his twin’s choice because he saw just how peaceful Elrohir was on his deathbed, grey haired and face lined by time and laughter, as he slipped out of the bounds of Arda and into his next adventure.
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Heart of glass
Warning: Smut, swearing
Pairing: Helaena Targaryen × Targaryen OC
You take in the sea air while watching as your dragon, the cannibal, devours a few sheep nearby. Your dragon only briefly stops eating to raise its head and hiss as someone walks up behind you. Cannibal observes for a few moments, making sure you are safe, before returning his attention back to his prayer.
“Your dragon must be the most terrifying in the world,” Jacaerys says, sitting down beside you on the damp grass outside.
“The she-dragon bonded with your uncle is still alive from Aegon’s conquest, and my father's is pretty war-hardened.”
“I’d much rather face Vhagar and Caraxes than the cannibal.”
“I hear dragons grow while staying in Dragonstone; perhaps he will become bigger,” you grin.
Jacaerys stares at you blankly for a moment before laughing. He makes polite small talk with you, but you knew he had an alternative motive for coming out and joining you in the murky weather. Eventually, you grow tired of waiting for him to say whatever is on his mind. You place your hand atop his and ask, “Jace, what is it you want to ask me?”
He looks down at the grass and says, “I’ve noticed you haven’t spent much time with the ladies, Baela and Rhaena.”
Snarkily, you ask, “Did my father or your mother send you out here?”
“Neither. I’m bringing it up because you don’t seem happy.”
You desperately wanted to get to know your sisters but always felt like an outsider from the moment your father remarried shortly after your mother's death, so you returned to Runestone. When Lady Laena died, you thought it would be the perfect opportunity to reunite with your family, but on the same day as his late wife’s funeral, you saw your father and Rhaenyra redressing on the beach. Even though you were a child, you knew what had just transpired between them. Solidify your opinion of them. Any visits since that day have been political and fleeting.
You were only two years older than Jace, but much more free-natured than him. He always found it shocking that you just did whatever you wanted without consulting Daemon, whereas he did nothing without his mother's approval, something that you actually respected him for. He took his duties as son of the heir very seriously.
You rest your head on his shoulder. “You’re more my brother than they are my sisters.”
Jace wraps his arm around your shoulder. He was the only one who truly knew how hurt you were on the inside. Jacaerys was the sibling and friend you needed; he understood you like nobody else. You had stayed in touch over the years, sending each other ravens and gifts; he was your only connection to your family on Dragonstone. He was the only one who informed you of important things, such as Rhaenyra being with a child again or that your sisters were to marry the eldest Velaryon boys.
“You should dine with us tonight,” Jace says softly. “I know Luke and Joff would enjoy your company.”
He had a point: in the two weeks you’d be on the island, you hadn’t once dined with them. You look up at the sky and smile, seeing that the sun is about to disappear. “Perhaps in the morning, I have somewhere to be right now.”
You slap Jace on the thigh playfully before getting to your feet and walking towards your dragon.
“Where do you go every night?” He calls out.
You doubted the young prince would approve of your secret friends with a benefit arrangement with his auntie. Laughing, you say, “I could tell you, but then I’d need to feed you to my dragon afterwards.”
“I look forward to seeing you while we break fast in the morning.” Jace shakes his head, but the corner of his lips still pulls into a smile despite him pretending to disapprove of your actions.
You grin hearing Helaena moan as you greedily suck her clit into your mouth; her back arches as you do. She looked so beautiful as she approached her second orgasm of the night, and your only goal was to make sure she reached her peak many more times before the sun rose again.
Helaena made the sweetest noises as she rutted against your face. She cums hard, her legs shivering around your head as she rides out her orgasm. Pulling back, you admire the slick glistening down her folds and swipe your finger along it, then teasing her clit with your thumb.
Helaena giggles, “Come here, sweetling.”
“That sounds like an order from my princess,” you say, kissing up her leg.
When you reach her collarbone, the pretty princess tilts your head up and captures your lips with her own soft ones. She smiles into the kiss. “I have an idea, something I’d like to try... if that’s okay?”
A smirk plays on your lip. “Anything you want, dārilaros, I shall do.”
Her pale cheeks redden. “I saw it in a brothel once—two women pleasuring each other at the same time.”
“Anything you want,” you say, kissing the tips of her fingers.
Helaena pecks you on the lips before gently pushing you until you are lying on your back. She moved up the bed until her knees rested on either side of your head. She lowered herself until her cunt was right above your mouth. You take the opportunity and dive your tongue into her. Helaena was the sweetest thing you’d ever tasted. She lets out a soft moan before leaning down, so press a soft kiss to your clit before swiping her tongue through your folds.
You groan loudly when she adds a finger, “fuck!”
You two stay in that position, licking, sucking, and fingering each other's tight holes until you both cum.
The rest of the night you and Helaena spent tangled in the sheets of the tavern together, like you had every night for the last two weeks. You didn’t always have sex; some nights you just talked or, in the dead of night, would go dragon riding together. Seeing daylight starting to creep through the window, you knew it was time to go.
“Sorry, princess, but I believe our time is up.” You give her one last passionate kiss before standing to get dressed.
While you dressed in the clothes you wore over, including a dark black cloak to hide your face, you noticed Helaena holding a book. She looked slightly nervous before handing it to you. “I was in the library searching for a book to read to Jaehaerys and Jaehaera and found this; I thought you might like it.”
You feel slightly stunned as she places it in your hand.
“It’s a book on wild dragons,” she says, standing to redress. “He was the largest and oldest of the three wild dragons dwelling on Dragonstone; the Cannibal was black as coal, with menacing green eyes.”
“Does it actually say that about my dragon?” You ask while flipping the book open to see for yourself.
“Yes, the book is mainly about the cannibal, Sheepstealer, and Grey Ghost.”
“This is... thank you, it's a wonderful gift.”
A warm sensation you weren’t familiar with filled your belly—a fuzzy, warm feeling. It meant a lot to you that the princess not only remembered the part about your own dragon but also the fact she saw it and thought of you—it suddenly occurred to you that you may be starting to develop feelings beyond just a friendship with Helaena.
All eyes are on you as you sit down beside Jacaerys to break fast. Chatter resumes once again until your father loudly and sarcastically says, “How kind of you to finally join us, daughter.”
Amused by his reaction, you reach for an apple that was on the table, smiling, before taking a bite out of it. Rhaenyra lets out a deep sigh and calmly says, “Everyone out.”
When you go to stand, your father says, “Not you, Vissera.”
Rolling your eyes, you sit back down and take another bite from the apple in your hand. Jace pats you on the shoulder on his way out, then gives you a look that silently says ‘drop the attitude’ which causes you to chuckle. You tried to list off what your father could possibly discuss with you in private: Why are you wearing the same clothes as last night? Why aren’t you spending more time with your sisters? Why are you avoiding me? Why do you hate my wife so much?
You notice Rhaenyra biting at her nails nervously. You wondered briefly if she found it as painful to be around you as you did. You break the silence and say, “I hear congratulations are in order.”
They share a look, and your father rubs at his forehead. “I would have told you sooner if you had actually spoken to me and to us.”
You shrug. “What difference does it make? You don’t seem to care when I’m not here.”
“That’s because you make it impossible. You refuse all invitations, ignore my ravens, and last time I tried to visit you, your dragon almost ate me.”
“He’s protective of me.”
“I’m your father,” your father snaps, slamming his hands against the table.
The atmosphere suddenly becomes a lot more tense; even Rhaenyra seems taken aback by her husband's outburst. She steps back as her hand rests on her invisible bump protectively. You hadn’t meant to rile your father up so much that he scared her.
Quietly, you say, “You’re a stranger to me.”
Rhaenyra gives you a sympathetic look as she hands you the scroll. “Yesterday, a raven arrived for Daemon from the keep. Queen Alicent would like to betroth a marriage between you and her son, Prince Aemond.”
Dārilaros - Princess
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wellwhatnowlove · 1 year
“He looks down at his feet, searching for words. When he finds them, he looks up at me with the raw emotion of his father, but without the anger or the pain. “Mother, your inheritance was guilt. Father’s was surrender. Because of you, because of Father, mine is struggle. That is better than guilt. It is better than surrender. I do not blame you. I thank you. You never pretended the world wasn’t broken, even when a broken world favored you.”
Light Bringer, pg.144
If Darrow’s inheritance has always been surrender and Virginia’s has always been guilt, then Light Bringer is a study in how they’ve swapped those burdens, and both grew immensely because of it. Virginia is forced to face the reality of surrender to keep Mars from falling. She must learn to sacrifice lives on an unimaginable scale. She literally has to surrender Phobos in order to hold Mars and save lives from a bloody battle over pride. She routinely seeks out the injured and dying to confront those she sacrifices. It’s heart breaking and hard to read at times, but not once did she not feel like the character we grew to love. She stays true to herself while mentioning multiple times that she now understands Darrow’s plight more than ever from the last decade.
Then on the flip side, Darrow is forced to reckon with his insurmountable guilt when he is put on trial before the daughters in the rim to answer for betraying them in order to secure a victory for the core rising/republic. He talks about how that guilt put a wedge between him and his family. That guilt made him feel unworthy of love, and, therefore, unable to properly express his love to those he would give everything for. This mirrors Virginia’s past struggle with one particularly potent example being her inability to believe that Darrow could love her after he reveals his true identity as a red in the tunnel under Lykos at the end of Golden Son. She says
“They are my family!” she shouts, face collapsing into grief. “My father hanged your wife. He hanged her. How can you even look at me?”
I think it’s this guilt (and probably some feelings of utter betrayal, panic, and overwhelm) that led her to leave Darrow in that tunnel and indirectly led him into the Jackal’s trap. Which I’m sure she also feels immense guilt for. But I think a large part of her journey off page and into morning star is her coming to terms with that guilt. In confronting it she learns to be vulnerable with Darrow again and comes to accept that he loves her despite the insane complexity of their history. This culminating with her leaning into her understanding of her part in the society and realizing that it puts her in a place to make a true change. All of this accomplished with an education in immense humility, flexibility, and compromise. Which is the lesson Darrow grapples with and I think truly leans into throughout this book. In a way, he is forced to reckon with how his guilt drove him away from Virginia and Pax and even veered him away from Eo’s dream.
I think on a character based level, this will exponentially strengthen their relationship when (please please Pierce) they finally reunite, and will make them a more formidable pair than even before. They now understand each others struggles in such intimate ways that idk if anyone can stop these two.
Then, on a plot based level it speaks to the larger themes of resilience, understanding and the fight for humanity. Virginia finds strength in surrender and Darrow finds redemption in humility and compromise. 
Then, add in some struggle, grit and pixie dust (and a cool head tattoo I guess. WE SEE YOU OVER THERE PAX AKA ADEPT AUGUSTUS. HELL YEAH KEEP IT UP BABY WOO) and the rising might just have a true shot. Not only at victory, but at redemption and continued effort in the name of what is just and good.
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bubblefina · 2 years
Dad Scaramouche? just some post reuniting stuff
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No Puppet Strings Attached Scaramouche specifically 
I’ve been thinking about this before I even finished writing the final part of the story-
Didn’t feel like I could include it at the very end cause it just didn’t fit, but how could I not include it at all! 
Here’s some of my brainrot about it-
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
- yknow after hundreds of years being a cold hearted harbinger, I think he’d walk the line of being somewhat of an ass to his kids, but eventually warming up to them
- The way I imagine it, you and scara have two twin daughters. They look so similar to him...actually they look more similar to the raiden shogun if I’m being honest
- through a really long discourse, the twins ended up being named Makoto and Ei  🤩
- he really REALLY hates the names
- but how can he say no to his cute little wife that he’s been in love with for so long?
- Both you and scara still live in Sumeru, occasionally venturing out to neighboring countries for the festivals and such
- favorite by far has to be lantern right. the twins love seeing the lanterns go in the sky :(( so cute
- when they turned 5, both of you made the decision to visit Inazuma. It’s been way too long since the both of you went back (well for you at least *cough delusion factory cough*)
- head to liyue to catch a ride on Beidou’s boat
- Uncle Kazuha is there too!! How much joy you felt to know that he was your descendent, and that the blood line continued with him
- Kazuha loves the twins too, keeping them entertained while parents get some much needed alone time
- playing tunes on a leaf, he’s never had an audience that asked for an encore like this
- the amount of people that had to do a double take when the four of you stepped off the boat
- “why do these little girls look so much like the shogun?” blah blah blah
- continued until you got to the tenshukaku, where even Kujou Sara was in shock to see it
- after centuries apart, mother and son finally reunite (he’s not the most happy about it)
- Raiden Ei is pretty awkward too, ngl both of them barely spoke, it was just you carrying on the conversation
- when it was finally time to introduce your kids, Raiden’s expression immedietly softened when she heard the names
- she didn’t speak much, but it was written all over her face that she was so happy
- even happier when both of them ran to her and hugged her legs, calling her different variations of grandmother
- she kneels down and pats their heads  😩 😩 offers them dangos!!
- scara was about to pull out a heavy NO, but you managed to keep him quiet 
- Raiden Ei and the girls bond really well, and as much as Scara hates it...he wants his girls to be happy. To have the life that he always dreamed of having, and he was willing to give up whatever to make it happen
- While the girls were occupied with activities at the Tenshukaku, both you and scara venture to tatarasuna
- walking around, remembering all of the happy times before everything fell apart. it felt bittersweet to be back here. it was around night time when the both of you were about to return, but Scaramouche had another thing in mind
- he guided you a little far away from what used to be the village, you recognized the path
- just in the middle of the wooded area, there stood a single bloom blossom amongst a patch of grass
- he confesses that he planted it years ago when he visited inazuma for the first time since he joined the fatui. it seems as though it culviated itself and kept itself alive all this time. Still glowing alone, through all of the darkness.
- everyone else may be gone, but the both of you started a new chapter with each other. Both Makoto and Ei would carry it on, tatarasuna will never truly die
- If only Niwa, Katsuragi, Miyo and the others could see the both of you now, how you started a family. They’re watching up from above somewhere, and that’s all that matters.
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What if Angeline was the main character?
For this, the most glorious of AU days, here is my contribution:
An alternate universe where both Artemis Fowl the first and second were on the Fowl Star, both going missing after the ships explosion, and both kidnapped by the Russians.
Needless to say, Angeline would have done more than break down. She would have snapped. She would have gone into a complete nervous break down, with Butler and Juliet unaware of how to help her. Butler was left behind on the orders of Fowl Sr to protect his wife, since they reasoned Artemis II would be safe with him.
In this nervous break down, Angeline begins to hear voices, whispers in the dark that threaten to drag her down with them. But over time, she begins to understand what they're saying. They whisper of ancient battles, of fairy kings, of being buried deep below the ground for the sake of protecting their people.
Angeline has the old martello tower at the edge of the estate dug up, revealing the Berserker gate.
Her madness validated, Angeline throws herself into research of these magical beings, determined to find a way to get her husband and son back. Such research would no doubt send red flags to the LEP, who order Holly to go investigate. Angeline and Butler have several run ins with this strange creature over a series of months, until they're captured and Angeline is mesmerised into revealing her motivations. This is around the time the goblin gangs start using batteries for their guns, the humans and fairies making a deal for each others help.
By this point, Angeline has learned enough about fairy magic to start wielding it herself, becoming the foremost expert on rune magic, a largely abandoned form of magical research by the people since they favour the ritual.
So, when Opal and Briar decide to start a revolution, stopping Angeline from getting to her loved ones, she does more than just stop them. She uses her new power to burn Koboi laboratories to the ground (so obviously, her mental health is doing so well you guys).
Once they get Artemis original and Artemis delux version back, Angeline (and frankly the other two as well) takes a lot of time in therapy. Her husband and son are different now, closer, more emotive. But they're still the dastardly people she remembers. Angeline, however, is not the woman these two left behind. She's more wild, dangerous, cruel, and they worry about her.
The fairies would have happily had nothing else to do with Angeline, if not for the slight issue of the Demons of Limbo. Angeline hasn't told her family much of what happened to her since they were away and worried that they would think her mental health was getting worse. So she simply goes to investigate these issues with Juliet, saying she's visiting friends.
Upon meeting with Minerva, Angeline sees her less as an rival, but a potential student, negotiating to teach her all she knows of runes if they worked together. Billy Kong didn't exactly like this idea, since he wanted to kill all the demons starting with No1. So, when Angeline manages to escape with the Demon, Minerva is kidnapped and taken to Tapei 101
Artemis's one and TwofastTooFowl however are tailing her through all of this. Butler has refused to speak on the situation, but they know somethings off with Angeline. They follow her to Tapei and, once again, Artemis II gets Holly to take him, No1, Qwan, and the bomb out where they are lost to time.
The next few years are truly distressing for Angeline and Artemis Sr, to lose their son so fast after being reunited. This is made all the harder by soon after learning that Angeline was pregnant with the twins.
Of course, Artemis returns, and things go back to some kind of normal. Angeline teaches both her son and Minerva how to use runes, and they find they have a decent relationship with the fairies, helping where they can.
But then something happens with the berserker gate. Someone tries to open it. Turns out Opal didn't die in the fire and has been simply biding her time. Unbeknownst to her, however, Angeline had already found a way to let the spirits free, reasoning that she owed them that much for helping her find her family. Opal tries to berate the woman for this, but its pretty hard to argue with such a powerful sorceress when your head is encased in a magical block of ice.
(I genuinely only thought of this idea today, so let me know what you think)
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elthadriel · 9 months
Clone Bang promo post!! 🎉
Team 12: Writer: @elthadriel (Ao3) Artist: @weatherbane Beta: @lyntergalactic
Posting on January 22 to the Clone Bang collection on Ao3!
Fortunate Son
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Rating: M
Relationships: Niner & Omega Squad, Niner & Kal, Niner & Etain, background relationships, background cloneships
Tags: Aroace!Niner; queer themes; coming out; Etain lives; Kal’s A+ parenting; unhealthy family dynamics; homophobia, acephobia, and sexism from Kal
Summary: The war is over and Niner and Darman have rejoined the rest of Omega at Kyrimorut. Niner struggles to make sense of why the idea of marriage is so unappealing to him, his place within his squad in peacetime, and his rapidly cooling opinion of Kal Skirata.
“It’s good to have you back,” Corr says and hugs Niner firmly enough that he can feel it hard even through his armour.
It’s good to be back, even if it doesn’t quite feel like back. The swaying grass and promised domesticity feels like stepping off a larty and realising his chute is jammed. He’s not sure he belongs here. He is sure he belongs with his squad, and they wanted to come here. 
Not that staying with the Empire was all that appealing either.
Fi tilts his head and looks over the reuniting couple. Dar’s put her down but they’re still not finished greeting each other. Is kissing supposed to be that loud?
“Years since we talked properly and he’s too busy licking her tonsils to even say hello,” Fi grumbles good-naturedly. “What’s a vod need to do to get a hug around here?”
“You aren’t as pretty as she is,” Corr says, and elbows Fi. Fi squawks in protest. Atin looks at Niner and then rolls his eyes in a way that suggests this is a dynamic that Niner better get used to. Niner’s just glad they’re getting along; it could have gone very differently. 
Skirata appears without the limp that Niner so associates with him. His arrival is enough to finally part Darman and Etain. Skirata clasps Darman’s shoulder, and Darman’s back straightens as little as he’s guided over to Niner and the others.
“It’s good to have you both back,” Skirata says, and then looks at Niner. “You had us worried, son.”
Niner nods, and feels his own posture correcting itself. It feels like a light scolding, like the ones he used to get back on Kamino. Not the sort when he’d truly screwed  up, but when Skirata was loudly disappointed at him. 
Etain hovers close by, Skirata between her and Darman. 
“It’s good to see you again, ma’am,” Niner says to her. Skirata's smile slips and Niner ignores it. 
Etain smiles, and it’s a far cry from the tentative sort of smiles she used to give when they’d met on Qiilura; she’s grown a lot. “Etain,” she corrects him. 
“Etain,” he repeats.
“We should get you boys settled in,” Skirata says. “I’m sure the Empire wasn’t feeding you.”
“I don’t mind rations,” Darman says. He manages to get around Skirata and takes Etain’s hand. “But I wouldn’t mind getting settled.” He hesitates, the loud kind of hesitation that has Fi pulling a face that no one but Niner can see. “How’s Kad?”
“He’s—” Etain starts.
“Looks just like you, son,” Skirata says. “He’s with Besany. I’m sure he’ll be delighted to see you.”
“You should come meet Parja,” Fi says, falling into step besides Niner, following after Darman and Skirata, with Etain awkwardly a step behind the pair. “She’s great. You’ll love her.”
“If she’s keeping you in line I’m sure we’ll get along fine,” Niner says, and it’s enough to have Fi launching into a rambling monologue about his wife. Niner’s happy for him. He is. Fi’s got everything he wanted, and he deserves that. That’s three of them married now, and with how much women seem to love Corr it’ll probably be four sooner rather than later.
Niner’s not sure where that leaves him.
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vyunok-obyknovenniy · 11 months
A little analysis of this part in the Odyssey:
Reading time: ~10 minutes
Book 23, The Great Rooted Bed, Fagles' tr-n There he sat, leaning against the great central column, eyes fixed on the ground, waiting, poised for whatever words his hardy wife might say when she caught sight of him. A long while she sat in silence … numbing wonder filled her heart as her eyes explored his face. One moment he seemed … Odysseus, to the life— the next, no, he was not the man she knew, a huddled mass of rags was all she saw.
“Oh mother,” Telemachus reproached her, “cruel mother, you with your hard heart! Why do you spurn my father so—why don’t you sit beside him, engage him, ask him questions? What other wife could have a spirit so unbending? Holding back from her husband, home at last for her after bearing twenty years of brutal struggle— your heart was always harder than a rock!” “My child,” Penelope, well-aware, explained, “I’m stunned with wonder, powerless. Cannot speak to him, ask him questions, look him in the eyes … But if he is truly Odysseus, home at last, make no mistake: we two will know each other, even better— we two have secret signs, known to us both but hidden from the world.”
Odysseus, long-enduring, broke into a smile and turned to his son with pointed, winging words: “Leave your mother here in the hall to test me as she will. She soon will know me better. Now because I am filthy, wear such grimy rags, she spurns me—your mother still can’t bring herself to believe I am her husband.<...>
Telemachus is a precious baby, we've established that.
But he does act a bit like a brat with Penelope a couple times. Of course I don't think that any of that is malicious or that he doesn't love her, but he's still being a bit of a brat.
They both suffered, their pain was similar, but also very different, their experiences and the way they processed it were different as well.
Moreover, at this moment Telemachus has already spent some time with Odysseus. They already had their meeting/reunion and they already cried it out (to an extent. I'm sure there's more crying they'll do afterwards). They even had a father-son bonding activity (a.k.a. the slaughter of the suitors). Telemachus got to know his father at least a little bit over the past couple of days and at this point he processed and accepted the idea of Odysseus being back.
Penelope, on the other hand, was told about it just a moment ago. She can't immediately go "oh, you're saying Odysseus is back? Wonderful, let me greet him", no. Odysseus wasn't away on a short hunting trip or something, he was away for two whole decades, half of that time he was pretty much thought to be dead by most people (the first half wasn't that much better, as he could've still died any time during the war, but at least he wasn't lost, Penelope knew where he was).
Now she needs time to wrap her head around what is happening. We even see her thoughts as she goes to meet Odysseus:
Penelope started down from her lofty room, her heart in turmoil, torn … should she keep her distance, probe her husband? Or rush up to the man at once and kiss his head and cling to both his hands?
She wants to reunite with him, she wants this to be true, but she can't be sure of anything now. They have been apar for longer than they knew each other. Does he still love her like he used to? Is he the man she loved? Is it even the real Odysseus in the first place? She needs to process everything, as well as confirm all the information herself, and Telemachus, at least at this moment, doesn't comprehend that. He's acting quite immature, scolding his mother for not immediately believing and accepting that Odysseus is back.
This is a very interesting detail. First it once again shows us that Telemachus still lacks a lot of maturity, despite having been on his coming of age trip. He's still very young.
Yes, he definitely grew a lot in that short time, but it would've been impossible for him to learn everything at once, he still has a lot of that immaturity left in him, there's still a lot of room to grow and that's completely understandable. We, as people, grow for our whole lives and Tele is doing remarkably well, especially considering his circumstances.
Another interesting thing about this part is that it shows Telemachus', perhaps a bit childish, impatience. He is a kid, who finally met his dad (and his biggest hero), he knows that his mother was suffering and grieving for pretty much his whole life (with things getting a lot worse over the past decade). From Telemachus' perspective Odysseus' return is supposed to solve all their problems, especially since their biggest problem, a.k.a. the suitors, was just taken care of and it wouldn't have happened without Odysseus.
Telemachus just wants a happy family. His dad is back and seems to love him, the suitors are gone, now his parents should reunite, his mother will stop grieving and everything will be perfect. This is something he dreamt of his whole life and it's finally so close, but his mother doesn't immediately believe him. She doesn't immediately accept Odysseus and Telemachus doesn't understand why. He is too preoccupied with wanting things finally to be okay, that he doesn't take time to think about what Penelope must be feeling. It doesn't even occur to him. Perhaps it's also partially the need to be believed and listened to, which is also something he lacked growing up around suitors and being treated as a child, but I'm not diving into that right now.
Odysseus, on the other hand, understands what's going on. He assures his son, that everything will be okay. He pretty much does a more adult version of "mom and dad will take care of this, you go play for a bit". Odysseus understands Penelope's reaction and goes from there. Of course he wants to be in her embrace as soon as possible, but considering everything she has been through, he definitely can't just suddenly grab her and do what he wants. This is his dearly beloved wife and he wants her to take on that role voluntarily, like she did before, he wants her to accept him as her dear husband, like she did before, and for that he has to let her do it at her own pace. He tries to meet her where she's at, to do this reunion on her terms, to assure her, that he is, who he says he is and who others tell her he is.
This is just so amazing and I love their relationship so much (T▿T)♡
I also love Penelope's reaction to Telemachus' words. She doesn't react negatively, she is remarkably calm and part of it is probably the shock from what's happening, but still, she is "well-aware". I think that she knows Telemachus really well, because even though he has surprised her with how much he matured, he's still the same boy, he's still her kid. She most likely understands where Telemachus' outburst is coming from and doesn't get angry, doesn't scold him for his impatience, she reassures him. She lets him know, that he doesn't need to be scared of things falling apart and that she isn't looking to reject Odysseus. She's looking for Odysseus and she hopes she can find him in that familiar and strange man before her. She just needs time, but she will be taking the effort to search for what she's looking for, now that she has a way (she wouldn't have been able to go searching for Odysseus at sea, but now he's, supposedly, right here and she will handle it like the queen that she is).
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 years
🀄️ My Top 10 Most Anticipated Moments in the Richonne spin-off:
It's been like one long celebration in my mind since it was confirmed Richonne is coming back to us. We're finally going to see Rick and Michonne's story continue and close out in what I believe will be a truly beautiful way. I'll forever be rejoicing over them and this spinoff. While I don't know what all is in store, I compiled the ten things I most can't wait for and hope to see when our lovely Richonne returns.
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#1: Michonne telling Rick they have a son 🥹
For some reason imagining this moment when Rick first learns he has a son is what chokes me up the most. This exchange makes me emotional for so many reasons but especially because Michonne didn’t know if she’d ever get to look at Rick and tell him that they really did build for the future like they wanted. But now she will, and Rick will get to know the child he wanted with her is really alive and well and out there somewhere. I’m so curious how she’ll reveal the news about their adorable little prince. And I’m especially curious how Rick will react. I know it’ll be so emotional and rewarding to see and I cannot wait.
#2: The moment Rick and Michonne reunite 🥳
This epic love story is bound to have an epic first reunion between them. There are so many amazing ways their initial reunion could go. I keep thinking about who will lay eyes on the other first. How shocked will they be that they’re really back together at that moment, etc. All I know is it’ll have me ascending the second we have R&M back on screen together. And whether the moment is a quiet or busy one, the emotion will be palpable, riveting, and beautiful.
#3: Rick and Michonne reuniting with their kids and Rick officially meeting RJ 🥰
When the Grimes family is back together, the joy (and waterworks) will be never-ending. I am so stoked about this moment. I can’t wait for Mama Michonne to be back with her kids. I can’t wait for Judith to finally get to embrace her dad as Rick gets to see how incredible she grew up to be (and how much she’s like Michonne.) I’m excited that Andy and Cailey will likely get to act together finally. Plus I'm excited for Rick to hear Judith call Michonne mom since we hadn’t had a scene of that when he was still on the show.
And among this Grimes family reunion is also an extremely significant Grimes family introduction so you already know I am beyond excited and anticipating Rick finally meeting his son RJ. That moment will end me and I ain’t mad at it. I so hope they keep the original RJ actor just so it doesn’t feel as much like a random kid. But no matter what, I will be absolutely elated to see this father and son, Rick and RJ Grimes, together at last.
#4: Hearing Rick call Michonne his wife & officially hearing “Michonne Grimes” at some point in the show 😍
Tbh this is not just a want for me, it’s a need lol. I so badly hope to hear Rick refer to Michonne as his wife. Don’t get me wrong, if we don’t get it that doesn’t make the relationship less valid. They’re a love supreme regardless. I just feel like with Michonne wearing his ring, it’s clear she views him as a husband and she’s so clearly his wife so I’d love to hear him say it. And I really want it to just be officially canon that she is Michonne Grimes. That way all the publications that report on them can call them what they are. They are as married as can be lol. And I’d love to hear that confirmed in the show.
#5: A Kiss Of Life 😇
No one does passion like Richonne. Period. I love every heavenly kiss of theirs and I hope we get several (well-lit) ones in the spin-off, but especially one that rivals my current fav - the KOL in 7x05.
#6: “I Love You’s” and every sweet vocalization of that sentiment ☺️
Rick and Michonne have both said so many seriously sweet and romantic stuff to each other on TWD. Like it could be a whole other list of its own. And I’m so looking forward to more of those lines that just stop you in your tracks at how beautiful, adoring, and loving they are. And I’d of course love to hear blatant I Love You’s again too.
#7: A Carl reference 😭
I feel there’s gotta be some reference to Carl in the spin-off, even if subtle. R&M love him too much for Carl to just not be mentioned. So I’m looking forward to how the memory of Carl will be honored through them. Plus, a heartfelt Carl reference along with the Grimes family reunion means every member of Grimes 2.0 will have been noted in the spin-off. I also personally would love to finally hear what Carl wrote in his letter to Michonne, even tho I know time is limited with just 6 eps. No matter what we get, I’m looking forward to any moving recognition of the kid who helped Rick and Michonne see they were meant to be family.
#8: Richonne’s versatility and layers on display 🤩
Rick and Michonne are all things and I adore every side of their versatile characters and relationship. So I cannot wait for those quieter private moments between them where they get to be human with each other and just give each other life in every way. I know with just 6 eps we won’t see Rick get briefed on all he missed while away, but I’m curious what he will learn about. Like I could see him reacting to her X scar at the least. And then of course, since Rick and Michonne are also the baddest to ever do it, I can’t wait to see them back to being a force to be reckoned with together and fighting the fight like the icons they are.
#9: Callbacks & Parallels 😉
I’m always here for a Richonne callback and good parallels. And they’ve had some great callbacks in the past, from protein bars to damn gorgeous cat statues, so I’m looking forward to more. One parallel I’d personally love is hearing Rick reflect on Michonne with someone, similar to how she reflected on him in season 10 with the “that walk” scene. Like I love that we got to hear Michonne remark on an outer attribute she loved of his and I’d love to hear Rick voice a physical quality he loves and misses too. And I also wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an indicator that during their time apart Rick hallucinated or talked to her like she talked to him. You know they both tend to see thangs lol. So it would be fitting. But all and all, these two both have been shown to be really sentimental when it comes to each other so I’m curious what all they’ll recall and what parallels will be made.
#10: Rick and Michonne getting a happy ending and growing old together 🤗
Ok this is just my personal biggest wish for the greatest couple of all time. They so deserve a happy ending. I hope we get to know and even see that they closed out their story growing old together and having got lots of time with their children and their eventual grandchildren. Like I just keep having this final vision of the two of them older and still as in love as ever while having a sweet dynamic with an adult RJ and Judith. And imagine seeing Rick holding RJ’s baby after not getting to hold him as a baby. 😭 And then of course in my ideal world we’d just end the series and their story with a final shot of Rick and Michonne holding hands. It’s their signature thing. ☺️
These moments and more are what I’m hoping for and looking forward to, but I’ll be happy and grateful for whatever is in store during the final chapter of our precious Richonne’s awe-inspiring story. We’ve been blessed ten times over by the fact that a literal Richonne miniseries exists (like seriously couldn’t even dream of a better conclusion for them than a show dedicated to them that is actively being marketed as an epic love story) and I can’t wait for the Richonne gold to just keep pouring in. Richonne has been gold since the beginning and will be til the very end. 👌🏽😌
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backjustforberena · 2 months
I don't understand why they decided to give Corlys the trope of "I only realized my wife's true worth once I lost her" when this concept had already been addressed at the end of the first season. Honestly, I expected something different from their relationship's development in the second season. It seems like the writers didn't know what to do, so they recycled the same scenes from the first season: the discussion about the heir; Corlys pulling his hand away from Rhaenys because he doesn't want to name her preferred heir; the huge fracture that irreparably splits them, which last season was due to the death of their children and this season due to the appearance of Corlys's two bastards. Corlys avoids the issue as much as he can, regrets his actions, realizes his wife's worth, and decides to do something for her (i.e., return to fight again, as he did in episode 10).
I believe this season added absolutely nothing to Rhaenys and Corlys as a couple. Rhaenys grew as a character only because of the scenes at the council, while Corlys was truly wasted screen time. It seems like the writers don't know what to do with him.
If you expected something different from the relationship, which is allowed and I admit I was hoping for something a bit different (mainly I wish Corlys and Rhaenys had more moments at the Painted Table, but I understood the road the writers took and why), then of course you are doing to be disappointed.
I'm sorry if you feel that way. However, I do refute the idea that they didn't know what to do. The writers had a very strict idea of what they had to do, in this series, within a very small amount of screen time because of the requirements given by the book and the episodes in the second half, where Rhaenys isn't present. And in no episodes was the priority or focus on their marriage because other things were more important. They had to:
Re-introduce both characters to the audience.
Mourn Luke.
Introduce Alyn and Addam and the fact that Corlys was unfaithful at some point during the marriage.
Establish the roles that Corlys and Rhaenys have within the war effort. Including the Blockade, patrols and where they stand in attending council meetings. And have them react to the escalation of war.
Bring up the Driftmark succession and seed that in as a plot point of future worth.
Rhaenys needs to die and her story has to be concluded. Corlys needs a storyline to continue.
When you look at all of that, it's a big list. And it's a list that naturally keeps Rhaenys and Corlys separated, what with Corlys's scenes with Alyn and his concerns about his ship, vs Rhaenys's requirements at the council and at Rhaenyra's side. So, when they reunite, they have to be used very carefully and stick to topics that only they can speak about with one another, whilst still being relevant to what's going on as a whole.
And they have to do that in a very, very small window of time together (only three dedicated scenes of just the two of them): so it's Rhaenys admitting to her worries over Daemon for Corlys to offer his opinion and soothe, it's bringing up the Driftmark succession and fears over the war, it's meeting Alyn etc etc. After Rhaenys is gone, again Corlys's screentime is devoted to his grief, but also his position in relation to the war, and his relationship with his sons.
I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the scenes differently or used them more effectively or that changes couldn't or shouldn't have been made to really maximise their worth. I'm not saying that at all. But I am acknowledging the limits already there and I adjust my expectations accordingly. It's like Daemon and Rhaenyra and people complaining about a lack of screentime - well, whilst there are valid criticisms to levy, at the end of the day, he was always going to have to go to Harrenhal. And they're basically the main couple! For Corlys and Rhaenys, at the end of the day, we were always going to have to deal with losing Luke, introducing Corlys's bastards and the circumstances that lead up to and surround Rook's Rest.
I pull away from reverting anything down to a trope unless it's being used in a humorous or positive sense, as tongue-in-cheek, almost fanfic-y terms to find enjoyment. So I reject this idea of giving Corlys the trope of "I only realized my wife's true worth once I lost her" - mainly because, also, I don't think it's true. And I reject the opinion that this was a repetition of Series 1.
Corlys and Rhaenys were in emotional places at the end of Series 1. The headspace that they are in then continues on into Series 2. Nothing comes from nowhere (except maybe the Hull boys but that's different). It's not a repetition. It's a continuation. However, some things, when you simplify them (which you shouldn't) are labelled as repeated because beats are repeated.
Things such as loss (losing Laena vs losing Luke), and the same topics require revisiting such as succession, feelings, duties etc. That's what the show is built on. Interacting with the world they live in and the events that happen to them. Season 2 also happens straight on from where we left off in Season 1. We can't have 180 turns in our characters so the flaws that were present then are still there now, and now exacerbated by the positions they are in, emotionally and physically.
There is a difference between the discussion about the heir. I think you've misinterpreted. Rhaenys doesn't have a preferred heir. She doesn't tell him what to do. She's not pushing him in one direction or another. She comes to the discussion (which isn't a heavy one, they're literally having lunch and it comes up) and affectionately reminds Corlys that Joffrey is Corlys's heir. When he shows distaste for that, she offers another. But then she says that both are worth considering but that he just needs to pick one because they are at war and something could happen to Corlys. She has no agenda other than wanting to settle what is currently unsure.
This is very different to the argument they had in S1E07 even if both talks are about his succession. The reasons he pulls away from that conversation are different. And the reasons she feels compelled to want this serious chat are also different. As is his response. He doesn't pull away out of anger or hurt or anything so volatile. He takes her hand, kisses it, and merely puts the conversation off.
The huge fracture that irreparably splits them? I'm sorry... where? Genuinely. Where? They have one scene that vaguely addresses the issue of Alyn and Addam and, yes, as you say, Corlys avoids it. But he doesn't avoid her. He comes to back her up at the Painted Table, they are with each other for (presumably) days. Is Rhaenys hurt by all of this? Yes. But she doesn't show any signs of pulling away, of not loving him, of having it change the relationship.
What irreparably splits them is... she dies. That's it. That's what does it. That's what they "can't come back from". And, actually, "irreparably" is the wrong word to use because if they were "irreparably" split by the loss of Laenor and Laena... well, they wouldn't be together to then "irreparably" split again, would they?
And the idea that Corlys only regrets his actions after his wife dies is, frankly, nonsense. The whole point of him having been a crap dad and being so curt and all of that with Alyn and Addam is precisely because he regretted his actions - his betrayal of her. She doesn't die and then he goes: "oh my gosh, maybe I shouldn't have had those two kids". He's had that in his head a lot longer. Just as Rhaenys doesn't come face to face with Alyn and go: "welp, time to die, nothing to live for now".
There's so much more complexity to why they find themselves where they are and feeling as they do. They've been without each other for six years, there's a war going on, their grandson's just died, the Sea Snake is out of commission, Rhaenys is on her dragon fr goodness knows how many hours of the day, both of them are having to swallow some really painful feelings in order to support a woman they don't really like... and whilst Addam and Alyn are a part of Corlys's journey, they really aren't a part of Rhaenys's. They truly aren't because how can they be? There is the start of something there and a reaction to be had but it's parked. It never comes. Because she dies. You can't have them being weaker or stronger as a couple because she dies. You can't have a massive fallout or massive words of love because she dies. It's always going to be unfulfilled. It's always going to be unfinished and it can never be neat because it's not addressed. She dies before anything can happen.
I also wanted to ask, because I really didn't know how to take it and the phrasing confuses me: what is it, to "add" something to them as a couple? In what way? What would "adding" something to Corlys and Rhaenys, as a couple, have looked like to you?
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avelera · 2 years
I saw very few fanarts about HOPE! Hob and I were disappointed that there aren't many fanfics about this. The idea is so good. Have you ever thought about writing about it? I imagine all Endless would be switched, of course. By whom, I don't know, but Hope is among them. And then we have Dream, an emo poet and artist in ancient Rome/Greece who is having a hard time following the death of his son and separation from his wife. And he still has his family situation. And finally, he finds Hope.
So @fishfingersandscarves is writing this AU right now! I think it's really intriguing, especially since Hob Gadling = Hope Godling has a certain pleasing linguistics to it, as if Hob is hiding in plain sight with his name.
I would probably not write a simple role reversal where Dream is a mortal made immortal and Hob is something akin to an Endless. Mostly because fishfingersandscarves has that on lock already and I don't think I'd have anything to add that matched the quality?
But, I think if I did write this scenario I'd consider a couple angles:
1 ) I'd consider one where Hob has always been Hope, he knows he's Hope, but unlike Dream he lives among people on purpose because he loves them and people having hope is sort of his thing. Why was he in a tavern in London in 1389? I mean, have you seen that century? It was horrific to live through. Hope was right where he needed to be. Dream does not know Hob = Hope but Death knew. She did not give him his wish, she just wanted her brother to meet this other mysterious entity and played along with Hob's "mortality" because she knew Dream would be resistant otherwise.
^^ this is the one I'm least likely to write but I think the idea of Hob knowing he's supernatural and just not bringing it up would be funny and certainly it would serve Dream right for how mysterious he is. XD
Now, for the fic I'd actually write:
2 ) Once upon a time, Hope and Dream were inseparable. It's right there in the name, hopes and dreams go hand in hand. Also, like Morpheus, Hope is a god or divine entity from Greek mythology. Hope, or Elpis in Hesiod's Works and Days is the last entity who remains within Pandora's Box when all the evils are set loose. (Granted, Elpis is female but we can fudge that for the purpose of fanfic. Also, I don't see a need to make Hope an Endless-style being with 6 H-named siblings. Hope/Elpis is one of the children of Nyx, just like Death and Sleep, by the way.)
Now, for the purpose of the fic, imagine one day Hope goes missing. Perhaps it's because of Pandora trapping Hope, perhaps it's like Destruction going missing. One day, Dream's other half, Hope, is just gone. Dream is shattered. Perhaps it marks the beginning of Dream as the dark, brooding figure we know because of course, what are Dreams without Hope? Nothing but anxiety and nightmares and despair. Dream has never forgotten Hope. Indeed, when battling Lucifer, he can still think of no stronger force, no stronger entity than his lost other half, Hope.
However, it turns out Hope isn't dead, or even if he is captured, he found a way out: manifesting from one lifetime to the next as a human, in order to walk among them. He doesn't even know he is Hope, after all, Hope requires that you don't know how things will end, you just believe they'll get better. It is his very nature to believed in without evidence.
But even if Hope doesn't know his own nature anymore, a sacrifice to carrying out his task, Death does know where he is. And finally, at a point where she truly believes Dream might "leave this plane forever" she decides enough is enough and to reunite them. Granted, this isn't the Hope Dream knew, it would be unfair to his current existence to load Dream up with those expectations. He has no memory of their time together. But the love is still there. Hope, or Hob as he knows himself in this life, is immediately attracted to Dream. Dream is attracted in return, but in his case, it just irritates him further, this nagging sense that he knows this person, this nagging sense that Death is trying to force him to make a friend he doesn't want, this nagging sense that he likes this "mortal" regardless, and how dare this man pull him out of his millennia of melancholy at the loss of his other half?
So Dream spurns Hob, he rebuffs his attempts to know him better, he flies into a rage at the very suggestion they could be friends. He hasn't had a friend in thousands of years and he isn't about to start again now with this upstart. But he keeps getting drawn back. He tells himself it's for the 100 years wager but then, that one ended in 1489 didn't it? Yet he keeps returning.
Because of course, Death couldn't give Dream back his Hope as he once was. That person is gone. Those memories are gone. She could only give them a fresh start, Hope as he is now, if only Dream would open his eyes and realize Hope has been right in front of him the whole time.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
What are your favorite saddest historical romances? The books that make you want to cry and not pretty cry like actually ugly sob
Oooh publishing because good question! I find it kinda hard to cry with books (and movies, TV) because of my weird compartmentalization thing, but! These made me cry, or at least made me *want* to. Not all of them are like, wholly sad, but they do have a good chunk of sadness at min.
The Scoundrel in Her Bed by Lorraine Heath. This has one of the only scenes that made me cry without having to sit and think about it; like, I didn't realize I was crying until I was crying, and it was a full, "breathe out and wipe at your eyes" situation. The situation in this book does hit home for me personally, but I also found it to be one of those horrible things where it's like... the only solution is to basically undo something that can't be undone. And it sucks because the thing wasn't done by the characters but to them--but it doesn't mean they can make it so that it didn't happen. OOF.
Waking Up with the Duke by Lorraine Heath. I always get really emotional when Ainsley and Jayne part as he brings her back to her husband, because it really has that like.... kind of cinematic, "the movie is ending and they're giving up" feeling. The way Lorraine wrote it feels so final, even though you know you have like 40% of the book left or something. It's rough.
A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart. This book is quite intense, and quite dark, and it really vividly describes the pain the heroine suffered in her past. I mean--just true horrors. It's that, and this really intimate catharsis she has with the hero, who she's hated for most of the book, at the end. This is a book about trauma and guilt and the parts of yourself you won't ever get back after something horrible happens, and what you do with what's left.
The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley. The scene where Hart and Eleanor go to the tombs of his wife and baby son, oof. Like, the emotion over the baby really gets me. I also love a scene where the heroine like fully embraces the hero's love for people who came before her--romance can be kinda meh on that front sometimes, but this book does it very effectively. There's also a scene later in the book where Ian and Hart reunite and it's like--Ian never though they wouldn't find each other, and he's so upfront about it, and it's because their bond is so strong??? Truly I'm a sucker for a sibling bond.
In general, I really like that those core four Mackenzie brother books deal with some pretty heavy shit? Like they're funny, they're adventurous, they're super sexy. But you have Ian in his book struggling to communicate in a world that won't listen to him, and these gestures of love between the brothers that don't do what they need to, and Cameron's intense trauma from his marriage and him doing his best to be a good father while being imperfect; and Mac and Isabella dealing with the reality of being truly in love but not truly right for each other at the time. It's GREAT.
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt. Dude, everything to do with Isabel's infertility in this novel. Like, her trying to shake Winter off by dropping that bomb on him, and Winter being like "no it is a loss, I would've loved to have had babies with you, but I want you more than imaginary babies"--like, the acknowledgment that he loves her more than hypothetical kids, but IT DOES SUCK THAT THEY CAN'T HAVE BIOLOGICAL KIDS. Like, it's so real for him to acknowledge that they will be okay but this situation sucks and it's not okay. Her breaking down over her inability to have a baby, her bond with her husband's illegitimate child that is just so tenuous, the big scene at the end, the fact that there is no magic baby. It's a lot.
OH DUDE. And there's a scene where Winter has to make a really tough call for this kid who he has like, pseudo-adopted... and he's making the right decision for the kid, but it's very painful for Winter personally, ESPECIALLY when set against the backdrop of a plot that basically is about how Winter and Isabel won't be able to have a baby together. Lol so much of this book is hammering home how Winter and Isabel are such good parents, essentially, but they can't have a biological child. It is ROUGH. When Winter says goodbye to that kid, I CRY.
When the Duke Was Wicked by Lorraine Heath. Dude, when Lovingdon uncovered Grace's secret... And the way it makes him confront his trauma over losing his wife and child and his fear of loving someone and losing them??? GOD.
Lorraine Heath is also really good at writing a book that's like "life isn't guaranteed, you've gotta just love and live boldly despite that" which is a complete callout.
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall. The moment when Gracewood recognizes Viola by her freckles. That is a fucking LOT, dude. Overall this is a lighter, romp of a book, which I think is important because it's basically meant to give us an old school adventurous historical with a trans heroine... But it luxuriates in a type of sorrow at points that isn't at all about Viola being trans, but about the time she lost with Gracewood, the survivor's guilt and physical and metaphorical pain he's suffered from since they last saw each other. It's a lot, dude.
The Dragon and The Pearl by Jeannie Lin. There's a despairing love confession following a very intimate scene, and everything feels like it's just not going to be resolved? (And they discussed this a lot in a recent episode of Fated Mates, but--to me, a lot of the best romance novels give you a "how is this going to end in an HEA???" moment.) And it's so quiet and intense and I love it.
Indigo by Beverly Jenkins. The grand gesture at the end of this book. It's so meaningful. It did have me crying a good bit. Don't wanna spoil, it's too good. I mean, this book is about a woman who was born into slavery working with the Underground Railroad.... it's sad. But it's also so optimistic and full of joy.
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