#what would be Bastila's sith name?
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Darth Malak
Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
Affiliations: The Sith, The Sith Empire
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Darth Malak was not always a model Dark Lord. He was once a compassionate Jedi Knight. In fact, Republic citizens' sufferings so moved the young Jedi Alek Squinquargesimus during The Mandalorian Wars that he rebels- along with his good friend Revan- against the Jedi Council's decree of inaction. The young Jedi helps recruit thousands of Jedi to spearhead the war against The Mandalorians, and they drive back the invaders. Yet sweeping victories correspond all too frequently with proportionately devastating moral compromises. Day by day, Alek perceives himself sliding toward The Dark Side, but sees no alternative. The horrors of war are not a mystery, and he knew he would face this dilemma.
Just as he intends, Alek saves the galaxy. Victorious against The Mandalorians, he realizes that all his efforts may be for naught if a strong hand does not steer the galaxy. In actuality, besides himself, he knows he can trust only the soldiers he had fought alongside, because they are capable defenders. Sharing these thoughts with Revan, Alek finds his comrade-in-arms agrees.
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Now Alek understands The Dark Side. It is named from ignorance: the ignorance of never having killed, of never having ordered friends to their deaths, of always thinking today is your day to die- all for cowards unwilling to fight for their own safety- and ignorance of what it means to wield so much power. Revan, of course, understands completely.
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After The Mandalorian Wars, Alek and Revan subsume themselves in the Sith occultism on Korriban and Malachor V and use The Star Forge superweapon to churn out war material almost limitlessly. Alek then becomes Darth Malak of the remade Sith Empire, apprentice to Darth Revan. The Republic conquest initially goes well, but in time, Malak sees Lord Revan as soft, resulting in a tension that accumulates in a Lightsaber duel; Malak loses his lower jaw to Revan's blade, necessitating a metallic jaw guard. Returning the favor, Malak assumes the crown of ruling Dark Lord, inheriting the Empire. With Admiral Saul Karath, Malak's fleet spreads terror, and he cultivates Darth Bandon and Bastila Shan as his pupils. However, Malak faces Revan again, this time as a reconditioned Jedi. In the rematch, Malak's twisted dream of protecting the galaxy dies with him.
Darth Malak Statistics (CL 20)
Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/Sith Apprentice 4/Sith Lord 4
Destiny Points: 2; Force Points: 8; Dark Side Score: 15
Initiative: +17, Force Warning; Senses: Perception +17
Languages: Basic, Mando'a, Sith
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Reflex Defense: 35 (Flat-Footed: 33), Fortitude Defense: 38, Will Defense: 35; Block, Deflect
Hit Points: 185, Damage Threshold: 38
Immune: Fear effects
Speed: 6 Squares
Melee: Lightsaber +27 (2d8+17)
Melee: Lightsaber +24 (2d8+17) and Lightsaber +24 (2d8+17) with Double Attack
Melee: Sith War Sword +26 (1d8+15)
Ranged: Blaster Pistol +22 (3d6+10)
Base Attack Bonus: +20, Grapple: +25
Attack Options: Double Attack (Lightsabers), Whirlwind Attack, Wicked Strike
Special Actions: Dark Healing, Melee Defense, Republic Military Training, Temptation
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Force Power Suite (Use the Force +20): Battle Strike, Dark Rage, Force Grip, Force Lightning, Force Scream, Force Stun, Force Whirlwind, Rebuke (Force Suppression), Surge
Force Secrets: Devastating Power, Distant Power, Shaped Power
Force Techniques: Dominate Mind, Force Power Mastery (Force Whirlwind), Improved Force Stun, Improved Move Light Object
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Base Stats
Abilities: Strength 20, Dexterity 14, Constitution 16, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 15, Charisma 20
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Talents: Armored Defense, Block, Dark Healing, Dark Side Adept, Dark Side Master, Deflect, Force Suppression, Force Warning, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers), Wicked Strike
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Double Attack (Lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Melee Defense, Republic Military Training, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Focus (Simple Weapons), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
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Skills: Endurance +18, Initiative +17, Knowledge (Tactics) +17, Perception +17, Use the Force +20 (may reroll when using Force Power with the [Dark Side] descriptor (May spend Force Point to keep better result))
Possessions: Darth Malak's Battle Armor (+6 Reflex, +2 Fortitude), Lightsaber (Self-Built), Sith War Sword (As War Sword with Sith Alchemical Weapon Template)
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thatwitchrevan · 2 years
Revanna rambling
She didn't need a fresh start to survive or to break out of the pattern of violence and betrayal she was in, and in fact the mind wipe definitely hurt in many more ways than it helped bc it took away her agency in the whole thing and was just a further abuse to prove to them that the world was cruel and they would have to burn down anything that could hurt them to be safe, because even their mind can be taken from them and even the people who raised them were willing to tear them apart.
What Revan NEEDED was a single person to actually care about her and be willing to help her without her having authority over them or them having some agenda. Malak was going to kill her and what loyal followers she had left weren't really friends - she killed all her friends except him - and they couldn't do anything other than follow orders.
What they needed was Bastila, who knows enough of what the Jedi put Revan through, knows from experience what the Jedi put everyone especially kids like them through, and who has compassion for them instead of just pity and disappointment, who cares and wants to help aside from what Revan deserves or what is right because they are hurting and she wants to make it stop.
And then even Bastila can't help her for a long time because she goes along with the Jedi's plan and she has to earn Revan's trust first, and by then they've both already lost so much.
And like the game suggests like 'maybe this was a good thing, a second chance' and I don't think it's a coincidence that it mainly comes from Carth who sees all this in black and white, but he's wrong. It's not a second chance if you don't choose it. It's not a second chance if you have to kill your best friend first. It's not a second chance if you can't keep your name, if you're given a conditional fucking pardon and stuck where everyone can see you and told to behave and be grateful.
Merith doesn't even want a fucking second chance. Aside from the fact that she wants Malak back, she wants her life back - failing that, she's got to carry her life on her back. She can't set it down. She owes it to herself and everyone she hurt and lost to remember and be that person again.
There is no clean slate, no redemption, and the more they chase some kind of absolution the more they get hurt and the more they hurt other people. And after everything they can't pretend it's okay as long as they're doing it for the Republic, for the greater good, for the cause. Killing a Sith army so that they don't have the opportunity to potentially cause another war is still killing a bunch of people. Nothing changes, her life just goes in circles.
All she ever needed was to be allowed to grow up and mature so she could understand what kind of person she wanted to be, to have people that would help her and stop her from going too far, to be listened to. Which is not to say all those atrocities happened because baby didn't get enough love. They chose to go out and play bingo with war crimes. Bastila would've been just as right to kill them right there and take their empire apart. Might've been better for some people. But then, who knows, maybe Mission would've died on Taris and Dustil on Korriban and maybe the Sith would've invaded and it would be just as bad as she always feared. No one can know.
But what Bastila ultimately chose to do was to treat her like a person. And you can't fix a person. But you also don't need to.
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naarisz · 3 years
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A padawan, a youngling and a jedi librarian.
They won't mess up the galaxy later, for sure... :)
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starpeace · 2 years
i would honestly, without a shade of irony love to see what you, as a person active in 2022 star wars fandom, would put together as the plot of kotor, a game that came out literally in the year you were born. like. what parts of this have gotten so firmly embedded in the fandom consciousness that they remain active 19 years later. what takes have been reborn in a new era. fandom is a magical place.
ok so i have a decent amount of kotor knowledge absorbed from the mutuals so sure, i can do this, i have trained for this
you’re just some guy except WAIT you had amnesia the whole time and you’re actually revan, you’re sexy and gnc af, looking into your eyes is like looking into the heart of the force, whatever. you have a cool mask and red and purple lightsabers. bastila shan is your Proper Jedi™️ gf. mission vao is your twi’lek daughter child, she’s blue and she has a wookiee pal maybe. canderous, uh, forgot his surname, canderous is your mando bff two bros sitting in a hot tub five feet apart. juhani (?) is a catgirl lesbian thats all i know abt her. carth (his name isnt carth. is his name really carth?) is your token cishet friend i guess and i think he has a dead wife. did you kill his wife? uhhh... oh! darth malak was your buddy back when you were a sith he’s the bald guy with the tattoos on his head. but he betrayed you and that’s when the jedi took all your memories away, which, insane move but it made for incredibly sexy storytelling and we all know the jedi are Like That so we’ll allow it. before being a sith you were a jedi who wanted to go to war and the other jedi were like fuck you but you were too cool for them
i’m really not sure what you actually DO in the game. who are you fighting? malak? are there other sith? you just fly around and uhh hang out with these guys. you go to. planets. is your ship called the ebon hawk or is that the second game? anyway malak tells you who you are and it’s a bit of an ‘i am your father’ ‘NOOOO’ moment but you get over it probably or maybe not because you can be evil in this game, i’m pretty sure. you can go light side or dark side at the end and i'm pretty sure bastila goes with u either way. anyway. there’s also a second game where you’re somebody called the exile and maybe your name is also meetra? there’s a guy (ur bf? optional bf?) called atton rand with tragic death (???) scene lines (this is literally all i picked up sorry mr rand. the ones that go like, fuck how do they go. something about laughing and wasn’t funny?) and also KREIA is here <3 she’s an evil grandmother with great takes on the jedi order. that’s it that’s kotor
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Revan Adarii
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(art by stellorc)
Revan Adarii is, by and large, the most powerful Jedi of her generation. she has an effortless command of the Force that's half-instinctive, half trained skill, and she remains the youngest ever officially-acknowledged weaponsmaster of the Order, being named a master of the jar'kai variant as an eighteen-year-old padawan. trained by the Jedi seer, Master Arren Kae, Revan spent her teenage years struggling to reconcile Arren's certainty that she was meant to save the galaxy with the older masters' distrust of her, mostly due to her anger, her arrogance, and her unthinking charisma, all traits reminiscent of fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, who had nearly torn the galaxy apart just a few decades previous. Revan's determination to be a good Jedi was offset by her unhealthily-dependent friendship with her best friend, Alek, but even with her struggles, had she been born in a peaceful era, she would've mellowed over time and become a very good Jedi master.
instead, when she was twenty-two years old, the Mandalorians launched an all-out invasion on the Republic, and the Jedi Council, sensing an influence at work that could spell their downfall if they didn't investigate it before acting, refused to go to war. unable to sit back and just watch, and unwilling to listen to the Council's advice, Revan gathered up every Jedi she could find who would listen to her and went to war, rising through the military ranks to become the Republic's Supreme Commander only a year after enlisting. between her arrogance, a growing dependence on the beskar mask she'd found on Cathar, the savior complex Arren had drilled into her head as a child, her anger, and her utter refusal to lose, Revan fell a long ways by the time she ended the Mandalorian Wars at Malachor V.
the story goes as it does; in investigating the force behind the Mandalorians' attack on the Republic, Revan found the hidden Sith Empire, and after escaping from captivity and hunting down the Star Forge, which Vitiate had planned to seize for himself and use against the Republic, she waged her own war against the Republic she'd so recently saved in the name of unity against threats in the unknown. she permanently scarred her best friend and partner's face early on in the Jedi Civil War, and the resentment that built between them eventually boiled over when Malak turned on her and fired on her flagship, destroying it utterly. Malak fished her mask out of the wreckage and assumed control over her empire.
unbeknownst to him, Revan had survived; taken prisoner by Bastila Shan and with her mind wiped by the Jedi on Dantooine, she believed herself to be a Republic soldier by the name of Shala Dral. retrained by the Jedi and sent after the Star Forge once again, Shala struggled to balance her interest in Bastila with dreams and memories that didn't match up and a concerning feeling that the Jedi was hiding something from her. everything came to a head when she was captured by Malak and the truth of her identity was revealed to her, and she spiraled downwards into the dark side in a desperation to reclaim her identity before being confronted with a fallen Bastila and the realization that the Sith weren't what she wanted on Lehon.
Revan saved Malak on the Star Forge and, with him, Bastila, Canderous Ordo, and Mission, she disappeared into the wider galaxy before the Jedi could talk to her (or the High Council could try to make amends for what happened). she spent the next four years raising a family on Dxun and helping Canderous rebuild the Mandalorians as a form of penance for her actions on Malachor V before Qatya arrived on the planet, looking for Jedi, and brought along with her Kreia - a very fallen Arren Kae. Kreia brought Revan's savior complex back to the forefront and Revan left her family, disappearing into the Unknown Regions to once again search for Vitiate and attempt to kill him. she left behind a pregnant Bastila and a child with Alek as well as Alek himself, but after a couple of years Alek followed her and the two of them engaged in an ultimately futile attempt to kill Vitiate that ended up with Alek dead and Revan in stasis.
three hundred years later, Revan was broken out of stasis by a revanite Jedi master and the Jedi he recruited (Arielle, mostly, unaware of his affiliations), and she ended up with a small fleet and a Rakata station. the person the Empire sent to stop her was Baras' prized apprentice, Kydra Adarii - Revan's descendent, who was very quickly and easily swayed to her side. Revan traveled with them as they worked for Baras, giving them her own mission objectives and training them herself in an attempt to get Kydra onto the Dark Council. Kydra being named the Wrath instead was just as useful to Revan's agenda if not more so, and the two of them worked together to plan Revan's attempt at murdering Vitiate once again, which was foiled by the combined efforts of the Republic and Empire both.
after Zakuul invaded, Revan managed to jailbreak a few of the GEMINI droids and add their Fleet ships to her own small fleet, and she offered her services to the fledgling Alliance as a military commander and coordinator. she met Senya on Odessen and the two of them bonded over shared Vitiate/Valkorion trauma and grief. Valkorion used Senya against Revan in their final confrontation with him, after Arielle had cast him out of her mind again and he'd found refuge in a former Horizon Guard, and in their final fight against him, which took place in Revan's mindscape, Revan was the one to kill him with electric judgement - using the light again for the first time since she'd woken up out of stasis.
as of the current era, she and Senya are together romantically and have a daughter, and Revan lives on Odessen, remaining the Eternal Alliance's military commander and working with a few Jedi to slowly heal and find her way back to the Jedi way. she also remains in close contact with Alek's Force ghost and Bastila's holocron.
(reference sheet of her various outfits and looks throughout both kotor and swtor coming soon! will be linked here when i get it)
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girlboss-revan · 4 years
just a very fun idea that i may or may not pursue along with my very many other Fun Ideas
Anakin, somehow, someway, finds himself in the possession of an unusual holocron. 
It’s unusual in the fact that there is no way to tell if it was Jedi or Sith. It may have been made my someone else altogether. 
He does not tell anyone about this discovery, because it feels wrong. The Force tells him he has to keep this to himself. If anyone found out about it, they would surely take it away and he can’t let that happen. 
Why can’t he let that happen? He has no idea. 
He finally figures out how to open it and it’s just... some person? A person in dark, ancient Jedi robes with a Force presence that can only be described as weird as fuck. 
Gray but constantly shifting. On the precipice of Light and Dark, stable in its instability. Chaotic, powerful, and unlike anything Anakin has ever witnessed. (Distantly he realizes this is how the other Jedi feel about him.)
The woman does not give her name, only cryptically implying that she’s old enough to witness history fade into legend. Eventually Anakin is able to glean that she was from the time of Jedi Civil Wars, some 3000 years ago. 
The holocron was not made to store specific wisdom or knowledge. It was a diary, an attempt at leaving a legacy behind. A statement that whoever created it was once a person, not just a name in a textbook. 
They talk. Of course Anakin has so many questions and the woman tries her best to answer, to give advice based on what she has to give. 
Her ideas are, to be frank, extremely radical. Anakin knows exactly why the Council will confiscate this holocron if they were to discover it. It was absolutely seeping with heresy. 
She has knowledge of both the Jedi and the Sith. Enough knowledge to have solid opinions on the philosophies of both, with her own borrowing liberally from the two. Disagreeing with both as often as she believed they both had merit. She talks from personal experience, but doesn’t give more than what’s necessary. Anakin would suspect it was a Sith holocron if it didn’t have so much... Light. 
“Who are you?” Anakin asked, awed in the traditional sense of the word. 
The woman in the holocron only smiled. “I’ve had many titles. I disliked all of them.” 
She eventually gives herself a name - Mala Khan. 
Anakin calls her Master Khan, because surely she must be an ancient master with her command of the Force? 
Mala teases him mercilessly for it. 
“The masters of my time would rather choke than acknowledge me as a peer,” she said with no small hint of bitterness. A rueful smile tugs at her lips. “I can hardly even call myself a Jedi, at this point. I left the order when it no longer needed me.” 
Over time Anakin gleans more information. 
She was an adult when she was admitted into the Order under a time of duress. She has intimate experience of both the Light and Dark, having struggled endlessly with the push and pull of both. She resents the Force for choosing her, as if it were an entity all its own. She was married. She had a wife. She believed that love was the most important thing in the galaxy. 
“If it wasn’t for her,” Mala said, more serious than Anakin has ever seen her. “I would have been lost. Love is not a weakness. Love is the greatest source of strength there is.” 
Anakin kinda really wants to cry when he hears that. 
They both see their similarities. Both were chosen by the Force, given a power that isolated them from others. Both were unorthodox in their times. Both loved desperately and unconditionally. Both were thrust into power at a turning point in history. Both were mechanics at heart, both had a taste for risk and rebellion, both had reservations with the Order and struggles with Jedi doctrine. 
For once in his life, Anakin has someone he can truly confine in, besides Palpatine. Even then, Mala offers much more directed comfort than the Supreme Chancellor ever could, because the Supreme Chancellor wasn’t a Jedi and didn’t understand. 
He was so, incredibly betrayed when he eventually found out that Mala Khan, confidant, support, friend - was Revan, ancient Dark Lord of the Sith. 
“It was a shock for me, too,” she joked, attempting to lighten the mood. She tilted her head and studied Anakin’s expression. “What have the Jedi told you? About Revan?” 
“That you are an example of what not to be. The ideal Jedi brought down by their vanity and arrogance.” 
“They don’t mention the war? The intent that led to the fall? The false reasoning? The ultimate redemption?” Mala - Revan - tilts her head. “Though, I deny the idea that anything could truly redeem what I have done. It is easy to make an example of history. It is hard to acknowledge that those people were sentient - capable of good and evil in equal measure and gifted with the ability to justify their actions.” 
“I did what I felt I had to and it led to more strife. Perhaps you can take that as an example, young Jedi. For as much wisdom as I thought I had, it was not nearly enough. What saved me, in the end, were the people I cared about. The idea that what I personally wanted would destroy them in the process. Think about this and everything I have said. My past does not discredit what was my present.” 
Yes, in the end this is a fix-it-fic idea. 
Anakin finds the confidant he needed who encouraged challenging the repressing ideas of the Jedi order while admonishing the selfishness of the Sith. 
Anakin basically becomes friends with someone who has been dead for 3000+ years and is also an incredibly controversial character in history and it changes him for the better. He resists the pull of the Dark because of his love for Padme and Obi-Wan. He thinks of the moment Revan had the opportunity to trade the galaxy and her friends for love, but refused on account of it going against who Bastila once was. 
Chaotic lesbian Jedi Turned Sith Lord Turned Jedi Turned Outlier inspires the Chosen One to just... Refuse the lure of the Dark, by introducing him to the idea that he can Just Be A Normal Dude Who Cares About Others. 
Mala intimately knows the allure of the Ends Justify the Means mentality and discourages Anakin from falling into that trap. 
That’s it. 
That’s the Very Fun idea I have that ultimately is just forcing Anakin to interact with what is essentially my OC.
Star Wars brainrot is very real and very powerful. 
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torilaa · 3 years
Not Revan
In my attempt to escape writer’s block, I wrote this crack drabble of a player character named “Not Revan.” All of my writing is on hold at the moment both due to this block and real life…enjoy the insanity in the meantime!
Trask Ulgo was a dutiful man. Perhaps a bit too dutiful at times. The Republic ensign watched on as Bastila Shan’s entourage boarded the Endar Spire. He would be getting a bunk mate now. Their name?
Not Revan.
He gaped at the datapad—shocked, bewildered, horrified. Not Revan. Who in their right mind had an adverb as their first name? And Revan…where had he heard that name before? Hmm…
Commander Carth Onasi raised a brow after he stared at the datapad for too long.
“Are you alright, soldier?”
“No—yes…” Trask rubbed the back of his head. “Fine. I’m fine.”
Carth gave him that paranoid look. You know the one.
“You have your orders.”
And Trask was a dutiful man. He reported to his bunk—Not Revan was not there—and slept until his next shift…
A week passed and he never met Not Revan. Normally, Trask wouldn’t care but he had to know why his bunk mate had such an unusual first name. And—unfortunately—his wish to see Not was granted.
An explosion burst past the fragile metal walls of the Endar Spire. Trask tripped then righted himself as he rushed towards his dorm room to warn his bunk mate that they’d been ambushed by a Sith battle fleet, that the Endar Spire was under attack, and that they needed to hurry up—they didn’t have much time!
He didn’t waste time shouting at the dazed soldier in the room as he rushed in.
“We've been ambushed by a Sith battle fleet! The Endar Spire is under attack! Hurry up—we don't have much time!”
“W-What?” They stuttered. “Wait…who are you? What’s happening? Endar Spire?”
Trask huffed. Just his luck—Not Revan was an idiot.
“I’m Trask Ulgo. Did you fall out of your bunk and hit your head? The Endar Spire is the ship we're stationed on—this ship!”
“Yes. A ship. A space ship. You know—one that flies?”
Not Revan gaped. “Oh no—I hate flying!”
Trask suppressed the desire to slap his face into orbit.
“Alright—well too bad. We need to fly out of here.” Trask pulled Not Revan along. “Uh…do you at least know your name?”
“Hmm…” They crossed their arms. “I’m Not Revan.”
“Well, yes…” Another explosion caused the shields outside to rupture. Trask rubbed the side of his head. “By the way, what kind of name is ‘Not Revan?’”
“Hmm, don’t know. What kind of name is Trask Ulgo?”
“A normal one.”
Not rolled their eyes. “Normal is relative, Trask. I mean—what even is normal?”
The ground shook.
“I can tell you what isn’t normal,” Trask said.
A fighter exploded.
“Standing around acting like we aren’t in the middle of a kriffing warzone!”
Not rolled their eyes again.
“You’re kinda over dramatic, aren’t you?”
“No—! You—!”
Trask was interrupted by Not stumbling to the door.
“Ugh—the door is locked. Mind if you open it?”
Trask let out a long sigh. This was going to be a long day…
It was, in fact, Trask’s last day. Huh. Terrible that.
Carth dragged the body of a wounded soldier into one of the Taris apartment complexes. The soldier was unfamiliar to him yet he knew they were a part of Bastila’s entourage. Suspicious. Very suspicious. Sus. Carth dragged the sus soldier’s body onto the only bed in the one room apartment. He sighed and wiped sweat from his brow.
For the next hour…he watched. Waited. The soldier’s face…slack. Too slack. Too relaxed. Huh. How could anyone be relaxed at a time like this?
Carth knew instantly. This soldier was a Sith. For sure. One hundred percent. He read a lot of holo-novels. He knew a plot twist when he saw one. Oh, and his old mentor—Saul. Carth was betrayed before by him. That had to mean no one was to be trusted. Including mildly attractive sus soldiers.
He coughed into his fist. He waited. He watched. He prepared.
“Uh, hello?”
Carth shot awake.
“I’m awake!” He waved his hands in front of his face when he saw the soldier. “Force! Don’t scare me like that!”
The sus soldier chuckled.
“Too late.” They collapsed onto the sofa in front of him with a groan. “So…hate to ask this again, but what happened? Who are you?”
Carth narrowed his eyes.
“Who are you?”
“Oh, I’m Not Revan.”
“N-Not Revan?”
“Uh…” Carth laughed once. “I didn’t accuse you of anything.”
“What do you mean?” “Not Revan” asked.
“First of all, Revan is dead so of course you’re not Revan. Second of all, who introduces themself as someone they aren’t?”
“Not Revan” blinked a few times before a wide smile grew on their face.
“Yeah, but I’m really Not Revan though.”
“Okay, I believe you.” Did the fall cause brain damage? And was it his brain damage or theirs? “If you’re not Revan, then who are you?”
“Um.” The soldier scratched their head. “Not Revan?”
“I know!” Carth’s voice raised. “I’m asking who you really are though! What is your name?!”
“Hey, you’re not accusing me of something, are you?”
Carth gaped at this insane soldier. For once—for once—he wasn’t actually trying to accuse someone. In fact, if this soldier was actually a Sith spy they would have to be the stupidest one out there. Unbelievable.
“I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m asking for your name, soldier.”
“Not Revan is my name!”
Ah. Right. Carth must have been the one with brain damage. It was the only thing that made sense.
“Who the hell would name you that?”
“Why is it a problem?” “Not Revan” asked, crossing their arms.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because Revan is a dead Sith Lord and the cause of this war that we are currently waging. I don’t know. Seems weird that you would be called that.”
“Ah, I see.” Not nodded their head. “I see now.”
Carth frowned. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead.
“See what?”
“You think I’m a Sith. Why—because of my name? So, just because one Sith Lord is named Revan that means anyone with Revan in their name is now a suspect? Wow. That’s a bit prejudiced of you.”
“I don’t think you’re a Sith! You—”
“Wonderful!” Not Revan jumped up and slapped Carth in the shoulder. “Now that we have all of the paranoid suspicions out of the way…who are you?”
Carth grit his teeth. Hard. Very hard.
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shadowstalker732 · 3 years
MY REVAN TIME (one of them at least)
Also spoiler warning a guess for a game over a decade old? (Am I meant to say spoiler warning? Who knows not me)
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(Please don’t yell at me about stats I do what I want)
Anyway first playthrough where I don’t stop and hard restart Tarris or Dantooine 13 times because choice reasons and me forgetting that stealth is useless and just letting the game auto level for me (learnt that the hard way), I’ve basically done Tatooine but I haven’t beaten the dragon yet cos I wanted to bugger off to another planet first and chose Kashyyyk. And I’m down in the shadow lands now (do not worry Zaalbar I WILL GET YOU BACK) and yeah that’s where I’m at.
ANYWAY, Shay or Shar Stalker (because the game won’t let me do non-binary) is a light side Revan. Good of heart dumb of ass and yet will still rob you dry if you place bets on a strategy game against them. Height wise around the 1.6m mark (5′3″ for the Americans). Prefers the double lightsaber look (currently got a short green one and a normal blue one for amnesia version). Not a flirt but definitely had something going on with my Exile in the past but that ended in the Mando war at some point… teenagers in war don’t usually do well mentally wise.. back story and post events of Kotor under the cut (also warning it’s long, like super long, and goes into their future story? As well)
Shar got some Mando blood floating in their veins from some ancestor and that causes them to go full buir sometimes hence why Mission, Zaalbar, HK-47, T3-M4 and Juhani get bed time stores aboard the Ebon Hawk and chocolate space milk whenever they stop (Rev gets some too because who doesn’t love some good old Choccy milk), droid duo get cleaned basically daily while Bastila gets the bird for even thinking that this is a waste of time and resources.
Wait I said backstory… TEMPLE LIFE!
Rascal trio with Exile and Alek at their heels. All three, good of heart dumb of ass. Shar was a prodigy and excelled in basically all Jedi subjects at the time, was pretty popular with most people and just a nice person who didn’t stand for bullshit. Got into a few “heated” (honestly that’s an understatement) arguments with council members about how some things in the galaxy were handled but mostly had a positive response from people. At this time their main saber was purple and their off hand a short cyan. Joined the Republic in the Mandalorian wars a few months before their 17′th birthday. Didn’t not return to the Temple once after leaving for war.
The War 
(I should mention I get most of my knowledge from wiki skims (not deep reads) and other Tumblr posts so if it’s off canon… it’s my story and Star Wars is my sand box so I MAKE THE RULES HERE BABY!)
After many battles and the relationship between the battle trio growing stronger with time it was also weakening. At one point Shar and Exile had a romantic relationship going but only kept that going for a few months, they both decided that this was not the time to be doing this and if they both survived would actually give the lovers thing a shot (doesn’t happen). Throughout the war all three realise that they must make sacrifices to stop the war, the old saying “sacrifice one to save the many” is said often between the three at first before it becomes second nature. During one of the battles Shar’s cyan lightsaber is completely destroyed including the crystal being completely shattered. After taking the mantle of the Revanchist only uses the name Revan and never removes the helmet unless it’s only the trio and only then will respond to their old names. All three are slipping mentally in this war but have all managed to hold onto the Light side by trusting each other. After the mass shadow generator event Revan looses all contact with Exile (force and otherwise) and assumes death, despite it being Revan’s own order it’s a major pushing point towards the dark.
The End of the War
Revan faces off against Mandalore the Ultimate and slays him, in his dying breathe speaks of the Sith Empire growing in the Unknown Regions and how this war wasn’t only about giving the Mandalorian’s a good fight but also to weaken the republic for Ultimates Empire allies. Not many Mandalorians knew of the Sith truth behind the war and just followed their Mandalor’s word that this war would bring them the honour of a good fight, and it did in a way. After Revan learns of the empire growing hidden amongst uncharted routes, knew that the council would never believe them and so took matters into their own hands. Taking a fleet and insisting it was to chase down the last of the Mandalorian high command, Revan left for the unknown regions.
The Unknown 
Yeah everything went to shit. Rev and Alek get captured and Sith tortured and kind probed by old man Sith Emperor but in that time Revan gains acute knowledge via reverse mind prob, of how the Sith empire is running, where resources are coming from and key weak points. During this time Alek falls completely and Revan fains it for now. Torture continues for a good while until Revan makes the choice that they have been making all through out the war “sacrifice one to save the many”… Revan embraces the dark side and makes a plan, a plan to empower the known galaxy enough to destroy the “true” Sith empire by uniting it as their own Sith empire. Revan knows light will always rise to face the dark and that the light side is strong, someone will rise to take them down after the “true” Sith empire is defeated and only in death will Revan have fulfilled their promise to the unknown Mandalorian and finally be able to be one with the force. Revan embraces the dark fast and is soon sent off by the Sith emperor who thinks Revan is under his control to take control of the star forge and start building the Sith army in the known galaxy, Revan assumes command with now Malek as their right hand.
Beginning of Darth Revan
Basically what is described in the first Kotor game, Darth Duo go find star maps, get to forge, start fucking up the galaxy yadeyadeya. Malek pulls a sick move and fucks up Revan’s plan to stop the Sith Emperor and boom Amnesia time baby. Oh also during Sith times used a red and their old purple lightsaber but when they got captured by Bastila both lightsaber’s goy yoinked and locked up on Coruscant for simple reasons. 
No Memory Time Baby
Council is smart as fuck and call them Shay Stalker AKA their old name to see if that will reawaken light memories or thoughts in Revan and basically try and nudge amnesia Rev to stay lightside cos they don’t want to see their lost padawan fall back to the dark, (Jedi are a complicated subject), also ONLY SHAY no mention of their other name Shar at all! So that will cause problems later for poor Rev when they start remembering things :), basically the game from here on. Memories of a calm life on a farming planet before joining the military, lost both their siblings (AKA Alek and Exile) while away on service. Joined to stop the Sith from taking any more innocent lives. Throughout the game Shay try’s to help as many people as they can and choose the option that will benefit good and innocent people, constantly says fuck to corporations and nasty people, is not afraid to kill a bitch. As I haven’t completed the game fully (but I am planing a lightside finish and I’m not exactly sure when the “I am Revan” bit comes in I’m gonna leave this as it is. Oh and blue main saber and a short green saber with a crystal they managed to purify (AKA was red but returned to its natural colour through meditation and force cleansing, also helped by Bastila)
Like I said I haven’t finished the game yet BUT after the whole “oh fuck oh stars IM REVAN?????” Lots of shit starts to make sense and the force “spell” (I’m gonna call it spell) that repressed Revan’s memories had already begun to weaken somewhat before this point but this kinda opens the flood gates but not too far just enough for it to not make any sense at all. Team is there for Rev and the game finishes lightside. (Also I know I said this rev not gonna romance but this is post game stuff now and I just don’t wanna romance Bastila in game so yeah) ANYWAY, Revan and Bastila build a healthy relationship together and Revan starts to regain a lot of memories that their friends help them through. Revan remembers why they took the name Revan and actually goes to Coruscant to the high council to explain why they put on the helmet in the first place and the Council adheres to Revan’s request and returns the original helmet. The Star forged one stays in storage for now. Revan also requests their old armour and lightsabers to help regain memories as to why they fell, the council is hesitant at this request and only allows Revan to meditate with their old things at the main temple with a council member present. Over one or two years a lot comes back but there is still a few key dates, names, moments and details missing. Oh and Revan uses force powers to make Bastila preggers. IF BOBA FETT CAN SURVIVE A SARLAC AND PALPATINE CAN EXIST IN THE SEQUELS. REVAN CAN PULL FORCE BULLSHIT TOO!
The Unknown part 2: Electric boogaloo 
Revan finally remembers what made them go dark and realises they fucked up their own plans pretty bad and the Republic IS WORSE OFF THAN HOW IT STARTED COS OPPS REVAN ACCIDENTALLY KILLED A SHIT TON OF FORCE USERS LIGHT AND DARK SO yeah. Bastila was holding the brain cell of the force bond in this moment and Revan decides the best course of action is to go face the Emperor alone… fucking brilliant Revan how the fuck did you win the Mandalorian wars again my good sir? Revan tells Bastila that they (Rev) has been assigned a mission to infiltrate the remanence of Revan’s old Sith Empire and basically destroy it from within and that this mission is basically so hush hush that Bastila isn’t meant to know but Revan thought it only fair to say that they would be gone for potentially a long time for this mission and Bastila, unaware that this would be the last time she saw them, accepted this goodbye and hoped they would return before their baby was born. But Revan has always been a good lier… even to themselves. Without anymore fuss they left the Known Galaxy leaving all their friends and family behind never to be seen again to face off against the bitch that started it all. (I haven’t read the novels or played the SWTOR game and never plan to do either so again I say this is wiki knowledge that I’m doing what ever I please with that knowledge because Star Wars is a sand pit and I’m the kindy kid that’s decided to sit and play with it today)
Mmmmm Watcha SaaaaaaaAy
Revan gets their ass handed to them and imprisoned for three hundred years and tortured and mind probed AGAIN. Also cut off their connections to any other force user to ensure old dude couldn’t get to them as well. Absolutely not having a good time here. After the 300 years of PAIN the force within Revan gets so fucked up that their physicality splits into two entirely separate beings, Dark Revan and Light Revan. When this happens the prison breaks and Light Revan makes their escape and gets out barely alive while Dark Revan hangs back and swears allegiance to Sith Empire and starts plotting to overthrow old dude cos Sith. Light Revan makes it back to the council and they heal them and have a very hard time believing they are Revan until Revan perfectly describes a gift they gave Bastila before they left that now a descendent of Revan now owns. The council doesn’t understand how Revan split into two entire different beings but accept “the force acts in mysterious ways at times”. Revan is FINALLY given knighthood and helps prepare the republic for the Sith Empire that hasn’t attacked yet but definitely will soon. And this is where Tarre comes in.
Mando Time Yeah!
My Tarre will get his own beefy post (def not as big as this one) maybe tomorrow or the next day so for now it’s just what Tarre does and means to Revan. ANYWHO, Tarre becomes Light Revan’s padawan. (I should mention that Light Revan despite being called Light Revan is leaning towards a grey area within the force but isn’t down right evil like dark Revan is. Dark Revan is killing puppies of an endangered species cos their bored evil). Tarre is Revan’s padawan and becomes a knight. Revan enjoys teaching Tarre about the force and understanding how Tarre was brought up a Mandalorian and with the peace between Jedi and Mandalorian’s at this point was welcomed into the Jedi temple later than most. Revan raises Tarre like he is their own son/little brother and they form an extremely powerful force bond because of it. I’ll go in depth on Tarre’s post but Tarre still gets Mando training for 4 months of the year but the jedi training is the rest of the year. Revan joins Tarre when he return to Mandalore to continue his Mando training and learns more about Mandalorian history and culture while there. While on Mandanlore Light Revan truely feels relaxed for once despite random Mando’s sometimes jumping out and challenging them to fights because apparently Revan is now a ghost story and a feared mighty warrior legend and when anyone finds out that Revan is “alive” immediately tries to prove that they are stronger than Revan (which they are not). A few years after Tarre is knighted the war with the True Sith Empire begins.
I don’t know what to call this bit sooooo UWU
Battles, fights, old shit, it’s a war. Revan proves to be supper fucking useful in leadership but doesn’t do as much “sacrifice one to save the many” moves anymore. Revan keeps predicting what the Sith are gonna do an THATS cos Dark Revan is leading the, and Revan knows Revan best but not the reverse. Light Revan knows how Dark Revan will act but Dark Revan doesn’t know how Light Revan will act since Light Revan technically includes Shay/Shar, Mandalorian War Revan, Amnesiac Shay, and post Amnesia. While Dark Revan is only really Darth Revan and post Amnesia so Light Revan technically outweighs Dark Revan. I’ve probably butchered that explanation or done it too late but that’s how it’s gonna be cos it’s midnight and I wanna finish this and post it today. ANYWAY, final battle between the Revan’s. They have a massive duel on the battle field and eventually Light Revan strikes Dark Revan down but also receives some pretty nasty injuries. Light Revan understands the need to be whole again and as Dark Revan “dies” reunites with that half of the force and Revan returns but Revan is so done, so fucking done with living and trying and they had a good run and now they have what was Dark Revan’s and Light Revan’s injuries all on one body and sure if Rev really tried they could probably suck the life force out of some Sith warriors to keep themselves alive but… they just don’t want to. Eventually Tarre finds the fallen Revan reunited at last and stays by their side as Revan finally lets go and becomes one with the force. After the battle Tarre brings Revan’s body back to the Temple to be burnt as Revan had requested but their armour, lightsabers, and other possessions would be taken to a place only Tarre knew of to be sealed away until a far descendent of Revan’s comes along to claim them as their own. The war isn’t over and Revan’s passing only fuels Tarre further into defeating the Sith empire that the republic eventually does after 20 years of war. 
And that’s the overall story of this Revan, I know very long, very deep, wtf this is your second post after a what? 1 year break? Actually let me check… yeah nope about a year has passed since my Crash post. If you have made it this far thanks for reading my first ever “decent” post about something I’ve been developing for a while now in bits and pieces. Sorry it was so long but then again I did miss a lot of shit. If you want to interact and ask more questions about this Revan go ahead my ask box is open (don’t be weird tho and just cos I post long doesn’t mean you have to ask long unless it’s legit). I’ll try and get the Tarre post out tomorrow around this time too or earlier depends. Thanks again for taking the time to read my word vomit. Also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I have missed.
Have a good one!
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lonewolfel · 2 years
Never meant to be
Read on AO3
Revan has joined Bastila and now she needs to make a sacrifice.
May the 4th be with you.
Warning major character death.
Revan walked out of the room only to see Carth standing outside the door.
"So you killed Darth Malek. Somehow I...I always knew you would." Carth said
"What are you doing here, Carth?" Revan asked
"I had to come. I said I'd find a way to save you from yourself, and I will." Carth said. Revan almost found it funny, almost. She didn't need saving it was the rest of the galaxy that needs saving. Perhaps if she told him...no, he would never understand. He was always far too stubborn for his own good. That was part of the reason she loves him.
"You shouldn't have come here," Revan said. She knew what she had to do but it didn't make this any easier.
"And abandon you? No, I couldn't have done that." Carth said. Revan wished he could have. Though she knew this confrontation was inevitable. It would have been so much easier if it wasn't. The door opened behind her. Revan could sense Bastila's presence in the Force coming towards her.
"Carth, I knew I sensed your presence. I should have known you would find a way to meddle in this one last time." Bastila said.
"Don't interfere, Bastila!" Carth exclaimed. "This is between me and Jaina." Revan frowned at the name. It wasn't her's it was the name that the Jedi Council had "so graciously given" her.
"You are a fool. Revan has already made her choice, and there is no turning back." Bastila hissed. Bastila then turned to Revan. "Don't listen to him, master. Let me stike him down. Seize your victory!" A hollow victory. Perhaps at another time or in a different galaxy, they could have had a happy life. They could have gotten married and had a wonderful life with children. But there was no point in dwelling on the what-ifs. After all, all they bring are pain. Revan shed a tear before hardening her resolve.
"I'm sorry, but I have to do this," Revan said. She did. Her relationship was on her and now she had to deal with its fallout. Carth's face fell in the realization and the horror.
"I wish...I wish there could have been another way." Carth said. Revan wished the same. Though this is how it would always go, her and him.
"Kill him, Master!" Bastila exclaimed. Revan pulled out one of her lightsabers and ignited the blade. It was a bright purple as it hissed to life.
Revan swung downwards with the lightsaber before Carth could even grab one of his blasters. He managed to dodge the strike but not the next one. The strike impaled his chest. Revan watched as his face contorted in pain, anguish, betrayal, and acceptance. Tears all the while streamed down her cheeks as she felt him die through the Force. She loved him and wished so very much that this didn't have to happen. He didn't deserve death. Revan dis-activated the lightsaber allowing his corpse to fall to the ground. She could see the burnt hole in his chest and smell the scent of burnt flesh. She has seen this before as she was forged on the battlefield but this made her nauseous in a way that no other kill had.
"The fool is dead. Now there is nothing in your way of victory." Bastila said. Revan felt anger rise through her. How dare Bastila talk about Carth like that. Though Revan knew that neither her anger nor pain mattered.
"Go gather the troops," Revan demanded keeping her voice steady. She didn't turn to face the younger woman. Bastila rushed off to do what her master had commanded of her. Once Revan was alone and only sensing her apprentice too far away to see, she collapsed onto her knees. She began to sob.
It was Revan who deserved the death, not Carth. She had no right to grieve him when it was by her own hands. Though it was a sacrifice she had to make. She has to stop him and this is the only way. In the greater scheme of the galaxy, this didn't matter.
Revan composed herself knowing that this was unbecoming of a Sith Lord. She took the lightsaber that she had used to kill him and threw it off the platform. She then turned around and walked away.
This was for the galaxy...the Republic.
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
WIP Whenever
Tumblr media
i was (shockingly) tagged by @revanchxst for this, thank you Lee! i'm not entirely sure what i have that i can share, but i have plenty of stuff floating around in docs, so have some of the latest chapter of my Sith Revan!
They’re scared, her navigators and gunners and command officers, as she strides the length of the bridge and back again. Behind her stretch the same transparisteel windows that once saw the shattering of Malachor V, now bannered by the blackness of deep space. A year ago, she would have been flanked by her right and left hand, the Supreme Commander of the Republic Army. Now she stands alone as Revan the conqueror, exactly what the Jedi always warned her of. And never has she felt more alive. The Jedi in all their hypocrisy would stand and claim that only the Sith are isolated—and yet Revan stood among them and against them and never once counted herself among their number.
Let the Council burn. Revan will build her throne on the Jedi Temple’s ashes when she finally takes Coruscant and ends this pointless war.
“You have a duty, do you not?” she asks her crew as she clasps her hands behind her back. “Did you not swear an oath to the Sith Empire and to me, its Dark Lord?”
“Yes, my lord,” murmurs some voice she doesn’t bother ferreting out.
“At least one of you remembers such,” she says with all the derision she can muster. “Must this be the bridge that I command when General Jesra is off-duty? Answer me!”
“No, my lord,” and this time, it is Captain Arel Sekaj who speaks, Jesra’s favorite underling and her would-be successor. The mask’s HUD paints his pale, freckled face red, as though he stands beneath a saber’s blade. A fitting picture.
“Stand, Captain Sekaj.”
He stands. He tries so hard to appear confident, as though his fear isn’t bright as kyber, as though Revan can’t taste the way he trembles when she takes a step closer, then another. They’re of a height, she notes as she halts perhaps six feet from him. The mask's visor meets his eyes, display carefully noting everything in his personnel file, everything her spidery intelligence network has dug up (protocol for everyone who serves aboard the Basilisk; Revan will suffer neither spies nor traitors to live). She weighs the sum of his existence before her eyes, and she finds him wanting.
She could, if she wanted to, make a show of this. She could strip him of his ranks, his name, his identity before she finally gave him the mercy of death. For mangling her orders as badly as he has, she could kill him in the most public way she could think of, and it would be no less than deserved. But Revan has a war to win, and Sekaj isn't worth her time or her effort. He is simply… nothing, now.
It takes all of one sharp gesture to snap his neck and drop him to the ground before her feet. She nudges him with one polished boot, then turns back to the viewport.
"Remove this mess and dispose of the body properly," she says, conversational. Her officers know that it is her most dangerous tone. "Lieutenant Nedo, I promote you to the rank of captain. Do not be so stupid as to make your predecessor's mistakes."
Nedo is a smart woman. She agrees on the spot.
i am tagging @sith-shenanigans, @basilissa-bastila, and whoever else wants to do this!
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duelofthefatesmp3 · 4 years
i DO actually wanna know how youd make kotor 3 !!!!!
this ask has been sitting on my inbox for so long on PURPOSE! i wanted some time to re read the revan book + watch some swtor gameplays so i could give a concrete answer about why the book and swtor arent satisfactory and what i would do instead (im not like. a storytelling god so i this is just my PERSONAL idea). under the cut!
to begin with, what's wrong with revan the book and swtor, mai?
i am very fond of swtor i think it was such a nice idea to have an "open" world game set in star wars old republic time. but ultimately, it was not a good conclusion to revan and meetra's storyline! now, i don't really know what happened in the development of the third kotor game (if there ever was a plan for one) but it's clear they dropped the ball on that and decided to start a whole different project. i don't think we can blame disney for that one, because it was announced on 2008, launched in 2011, and disney had just bought star wars that year. so who knows.
the thing is that it's painfully evident that a bunch of the story that was gonna be in the third game, ended up in the book + misc parts of swtor. much of the book feels like a gameplay.
now, it was clear when the book was planned that they wanted to keep revan's story open so when the game came out, they could have a cool Revan storyline so he could make a cool villain appearence and draw in some of that kotor nostalgia. which ehhhhhh. uh. i don't really think did any favors for revan's character. he didn't have a satisfactory arc (I'm not saying "a happy ending" because good arcs aren't always happy) but at least some closure?
revan went through many big events in his life. we didnt need to keep his ass in stasis for his fun villain moments 300 years later. we already had what we wanted from him: jedi turned sith turned jedi again to defeat a terrible threat. that was it we could have let it there and it would have been cool! but then they decided to drag and drag his story just to leave him right where he was before. he just suffered a little more in the in-between.
you could say he finally redeemed himself of all of his crimes this way, but wasn't that the whole purpose of the first kotor game (and would have been the purpose of the 3rd?)
swtor does not centre revan in his own narrative. he's a side character for the player to experience. and look, i get it, we've had a different protag on each game, why not have another one in this one. well, because the protagonist has no personal relationship with revan. meetra was one of his closest friends, and fought with him. there is a connection that can be exploited. but the swtor protagonist is just some guy 300 years in the future who happens to stumble into revan and his life. not even his descendants get to fully interact with revan.
also, there is the fact that revan is not the centre of the game itself, only of a particular storyline. and it's weird, because swtor could have happened without revan's involvement.
ms. meetra surik, ms. bastila shan, women of the world I'm sorry
so it's no news that star wars is misogynistic as fuck right. cause it is.
so you decide to make your gender neutral protagonist a guy. then you decide to make your other gender neutral protagonist a woman. cool. now let's guess who gets underdeveloped, turned into a plot device without reason, and promptly fridged in the most unceremoniously fashion just to fullfil some manpain moments. which one do you think got that treatment.
i know the revan book is supposed to be about revan, but why make meetra go through a whole arc just to undermine her character and turn her into the faithful servant of the guy? she leaves everything behind for him, sacrifices herself for him, hell not even dead is she not serving the guy. and she was the second game’s protagonist! she beat up a bunch of powerful people and now she’s just meh, there? she had so many interesting ways to interact with revan (meeting kreia, revan’s first master, encountering another force consuming entity, etc.)
meetra went through a whole arc about dealing with the guilt of doing something horrible and having the consequences of it cut her from the force. we see her broken, then slowly come back to the world and reconnect herself with the force, then stop running and face the consequences of her role in the war. thats such a cool character with tons of potential! and nothing happened!
then we got bastila who is. a whole deal. so you make her go through a “promising jedi who defeated revan, to questioning reluctant companion, to fell into the dark side, to was redeemed thanks to her bond to revan, who helped her come back because he’d been through the same experience” arc, and then you decide to push her to the side to have a baby?? which is... its clear that the writer didnt know what to do with her (or with the other characters outside of canderous) so hey, lets get her to marry revan and have a baby.
my ideal kotor 3
to preface, im not a game developer, so some of my choices could be stunted by what a kotor rpg can do lol. of course, it would follow the same mechanics and have the same format as the first two, because consistency!
the fun way to start the game, would be from scourge’s perspective. we get to play as a sith! i’d even say you get to change scourge’s name and gender and looks (i know sith have different looks)
in scourge’s storyline, we get from his arrival to normound kaas, to his talks with nissyris, to his missions working for her. in some of these, we can make scourge lean into the dark or the light side! fun! plus we get some exposition with dialogue options. it all continues untill we get to nissirys story about the emperor. we get a fucked up cutscene of his childhood and then BOOM when its over, we see revan waking up from a nightmare and their pov starts.
ok, as for revan’s story, since we’d have to pick it up from where kotor ended, i’d have a little cutscene of revan back into the ebon hawk, with bastila, and them telling the crew to take them to courascant. then cut to a council meeting where revan and bastila get scolded in private, then rewarded by the republic. i would also like to see some revan mournink malak’s death mayhaps. since he was their childhood friend and all.
i would 100% scrape the marriage and two years passed part. as the book said, the council had no use for revan aside from the legend(tm), so why would they stay in courascant. revan was very alienated from the jedi at that point, despite being back in the “light side”
then like, to revan asking around for meetra and other jedi from the mandalorian wars, we can cash in that atris cameo, then revan starts to have these visions about the sith emperor, and maybe we could get a playable dream sequence about revan’s fight with mandalore the ultimate (I KNOW I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT.) and we get the whole exposition to mandalore telling revan that the sith are behind it all. i believe we should get a bunch of these flashback/dream sequences of revan’s past doing shit. cut to revan burying the mask in a planet, then back to the present. we see a bunch of mission and juhani scenes trying to reach him, but he keeps pushing them away. revan and bastila meet canderous, travel to the ice planet, meet clan ordo (god i love clan ordo) you get the whole quest, you decide weather to spare veela or not, maybe you get a cheeky mandalorian companion (force sensitive mando oh?) and leave canderous behind.
we can visit like, a couple more planets searching for clues maybe, etc. then when reaching nathema, you are forced to go alone as revan, get to explore nathema a bit (raiding ancient location yay) nathema as a location can be so fun because you can have it weaken you hp bar and also you cant use the force (which, in game is pretty cool)
then we get to scourge and nyssiris arriving to the planet, they fight but since theres two of them and revan doesn’t have the force, they beat the shit out of them, and while running away, they get in a fight with bastila and the companions in the ebon hawk (ebon hawk shooting game my hated). bastila manages to get a glimpse of revan’s thoughts before they take them away. but the ebon is so ruined it takes bastila, t3 and the mandalorian a while to fix it, and they get stuck into the unknown regions for a while. the ebon hawk is left in an outer rim planet with t3 fixing it, bastila and the mandalorian run back to the jedi council, only to get caught in the middle of the jedi civil war. we can have bastila choosing to hide in courascant and trying to make sense of what she saw, reading texts about the sith empire, trying to plot a course to where they took revan (more atris! but shes pissed at her now)
cutscene to meetra’s pov, leaving malachor v behind, getting calls from everyone at the hawk (atton my beloved) but just as she’s leaving she gets a force message from revan, calling for her to find him and sending visions of normound kaas. then, through her force bond with visas, she tells her not to go because they’re gay and in love and whatnot.
then boom, she gets intercepted by bastila’s ship, with the mandalore and the other mandalorian (yes i do love having a bunch of mandos on board) and they go on their way to find revan.
now i want there to be an underlying message of “we can’t take our friends with us because we have to do this ALONE we’re powerful JEDI we don’t need our FRIENDS.” meetra gets asked if she wants to bring any friends and she’s like “no. we have to do this alone.” along the game you get constantly contacted by other game characters, you get the chance to talk to them or ignore them.
so, we get back to nathema, and meetra has a whole “holy shit this is just like darth nihilus but ten times worse. but i beat darth nihilus. i can do this!” then she finds peace in this place without the force, we get a whole speech about how the odds arent against them, they find a way to normound kaas, and get going.
in normound kaas i thought about them getting a whole mission about how to infiltrate the citadel, only to get helped by scourge. he joins the party, we get a little flashback of all the years he spent trying to make revan remember and they storm the citadel. we get to fight the dark council members, fun! then we get to free revan and the game switches povs. bastila hands the mask to revan and he has a cool “yes im revan im pretty cool” then a nice heartfelt yet rushed reunion with everyone.
then have a small CONVERSATION WITH MEETRA where she talks about the sith triumvirate she defeated and revan is impressed with her and is like “we are the last hope of the jedi, we’ve learned to walk between light and dark, we’ve done horrors but we can still make things right, our experience has made us more powerful etc.
then they fight the imperial guard, ALL OF THEM, meetra revan and scourge make it into the throne room, they all fight the emperor. meetra shows the emperor that she has seen the void, she has cut herself from the force, and she’s not afraid of him, revan supports her, talks about redemption and hope  and NOW.
NOW. how the alternate endings could go:
if you decide to take scourge through the light side, he manages to form a forcebond with meetra and revan since they’ve both teached something about the duality of the force, they get 100% stronger, but its still not enough. UNTIL. a bunch of ships (jedi and mandalorian, even non republic ships) arrive to dormound kaas, the gangs from each game storm the room and together they make the emperor and his guard a bunch of punching bags. they beat him! (unknow to them, this was a backup body because the emperor can do weird shit like that, and has only debilitated his plan, but he’ll come back dont worry). then they fly back to the republic, to tell the chancellor about the sith threat, and preparations for the war begin. meetra and revan get to live happily ever after for a while, then they die away from the jedi or the sith (waaah im thinking about them helping canderous rebuild the mandalorians, and them doing it since they killed so many mandos in the war)
if you decide to dark side scourge further, he betrays revan and meetra, they all die, and the emperor unleashes his angry lightning or whatever on everyone + a bunch of visions of all the enemies of past mocking them, and their loved ones suffering. and since you’ve had that “im not calling my friends bullshit” no one comes, you die there, and the emperor is only stalled for a few years. swtor ensues. scourge becomes the emperor’s hand.
now you could of course bring revan and meetra up in swtor, but maybe only as force ghost guides, or have some of the other characters of the game have relevance (visas tries to heal the miraluka planet 2021)
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kirnet · 4 years
this is just too many words of me talking about how i would write a kotor tv series carry on
Kotor 1: Most of kotor 1 is as in the game. Rev is gonna be canonically non-binary here, and ultimately will have a romance with bastila. However, instead of just force visions about the Star forge and malak, revan is also getting visions about what the audience later learns to be the mandalorian wars, from their own perspective. They start out being about rev and malak and their friendship, but slowly a woman appears more and more in them. A woman that both rev and malak are obviously close friends with, who they refer to casually as “Meetra.” Revan cannot remember who this is, but they know they know her. (I just wanna tie the exiles story into it from the beginning so that it’s not sudden. I also hate the meetra surik name but i’m gonna just use it here anyways). Continue on to beating Malak’s ass as normal. Light side ending but Rev is still more of a gray figure rather than light.
End credits epilogue. We’re on an outer rim planet, some sort of mining operation. In the mess hall, the miners are gathered around a holovid, whispering to each other. In walks a woman, her back muscular from labor, but we do not see her face. The camera stays trained on her back as she moves somewhat labored through the mess, stopping to grab a tray and some unappealing slop. She moves past the group gathered around the holovid, pauses, and then drops her tray to the ground. A few miners glance at her but quickly turn back to the vid. It’s revan and bastila on the scream, at the Jedi temple on Coruscant, waving at a crowd. Both of them are smiling. The camera turns back to the woman, and we are able to see the shock on her face. It’s the woman from the visions. This is the exile.
Season 2: the mandalorian wars. Opens with the planet of cathar being invaded many years prior (3973 BBY, I believe, 10 or 11 years before the actual start of the wars) I’d keep this pretty much the same as the comics but on a larger scale, and the Mandalorians boil the ocean. One of them try to stop it, she’s killed along with the Cathar, and her mask remains on the planet. Timeskip about 10 years to Revan and Malak, where they’ve learned about the mandalorian blockade on Taris, but no invasion has outright started (comic divergent). It’s a big deal bc so far, the Mandalorians have only been taking non-Republic planets and outposts. Taris is the first major Republic planet they’ve set their eyes on. They decide to do something abt it, start the revanchists, yada yada. Eventually, they recruit the exile (first time she explicitly shows up as herself) after she defends Rev from Atris during some council meeting or whatever. Force vision shenanigans or something, Revan learns about Cathar and goes to investigate with the council, finding and donning the mask and officially naming themselves Revan. They realize that the Jedi council was aware of what was going on outside of the Republic and they chose inaction, finalizing the revanchist split. Soon after, they receive word that the Mandalorians have officially sieged Taris I don’t have the rest entirely defined by the Revanchists lift the siege on Taris after a few years (with a baby Juhani cameo), Dxun (oof), Rev and Malak’s discovery of the star maps, battle of Serrecco, discovery of Trayus academy, and the culmination at Malachor and the exile (not necessarily in that order bur broad strokes). Really  a chance to prove Rev’s intelligence and leadership to the audience and to plant the seeds of Revan realizing a sith threat.
I also really just wanna see Rev, Malak, and the exile be friends and their relationships form. Obviously it would be jarring have just watched Rev kill Mal and then them being besties next season but I’m a fan of seeing the past vs how it ended. We also get some good Arren Kae/Kreia and revan interactions to show their relationship. I also want exile to originally struggle with believing in Revan’s cause and the expectations they face from Atris, and then break away from that and fully commit to Rev. Over time, the exile breaks further and further from Atris and Kavar, and Revan and Malak start going darker and darker.
season 3: kotor 2! already perfect so I wouldn’t change much. No one is allowed to write kreia dialogue for the show just use the stuff in the game bc I don’t trust anyone with it. I’m biased and obviously inclined towards a slowburn atton/exile romance lmao. Maybe atton only barely survives the confrontation with sion and after he’s healing at the jedi temple there’s a confession, but the exile has to leave to find Rev. At the end show a bit of the lost jedi starting to put down roots and bastila talking to exile and giving her Rev’s mask.
season 4: whatever kotor 3 is. no i will not accept the revan novel, none of that “revan was actually brainwashed all along!” bullshit. Exile and T3 go to find Revan and learn more about the sith threat. They find them and they join forces, happy to be in each other’s company again but also able to feel Malak’s absence. Things start off slow and awkward but eventually their old friendship resurfaces (revan is, after all, now a different person then the exile remembers). Maybe scourge is there, idk. The sith emperor is like actually defeated (sorry swotor), maybe revan has to sacrifice themselves in the process. Unsure. All I do know is that I want the exile to eventually return to the jedi temple, where we see the new generation of jedi.
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catgirlmafia · 3 years
Snapshots of a Life: Odadia Khaal
Padawan: A young girl stands in a forest clearing, wiping tears from her eyes. Around her, her village's embers smolder and pop in the rain. Before her stands a kind woman, her face framed by a pair of long braids with golden bands. The rain collides with an invisible force above the pair. The Jedi offers the young girl her hand and asks her name. "Odadia Khaal" is the slowly given answer.
General: The Revanchist Jedi lead the charge into the Mandalorian horde, and the Jedi Knight once known as Knight Khaal leads their charge. She is Revan now. The rest of her people were among the first casualties of the Mandalorians' brutal campaign, and she would not use her name again until they were avenged. An old Mandalorian helmet covers her rage-filled face, and a heavy brown robe covers that. Her hands hold two lightsabers, ignited and trailing behind her, streaks of violet and crimson as her force enhanced speed blurs her form. She does not yet regret what she has done, and she may never get the chance
Dark Lord: Darth Revan stands on the bridge of The Khaal, her fearsome flagship in the Sith Armada created by her greatest discovery. At the Star Forge, she saw…. something. Something terrifying, something that shook her to her very soul. Something that was coming for her galaxy. Something that the Republic, in all it's slow and laborious bureaucracy, would never be able to stop. So the duty fell to her. Revan would unite the galaxy under her rule, and they would survive. Behind her, lightsabers ignite and she turns to face the Jedi strike team. Outside the window she just turned away from, her apprentice's ship The Leviathan turns to start a broadside assault on her own vessel.
Scout: Odadia Khaal wakes from a nightmare with a start. She's had nightmares every night since joining the crew of the Endar Spire, nightmares about a battle between a Jedi she somehow knows is Bastila Shan and a Sith Lord in a Mandalorian helmet who she cannot remember. But this was different. Last night she dreamed of a burning village on a rainforest planet, everyone in it either dead or taken by the Exchange's slavers. Everyone but her. And then she sees a woman step out of a shuttle and everything turns into white hot pain. She woke up crying but she doesn't know why. This never happened to her, did it? She was always an orphan. She never lived in a forest village. So why does it hurt so much?
Guardian: Odadia Khaal, Revan, the Hero of the Republic. Whoever she is, she sits on the swoop bike in the Ebon Hawk's cargo hold with her head in her hands. She still only remembers fragments of her real life, seeping in through the cracks in the false life the Jedi forced into her mind. She may be a champion of the Light but she is no Jedi. And she's certainly no Sith. The Jedi played with her mind, erased her life. And the Sith? Her only true friend during the war, her dear Alek? He had tried to kill her once, and then she'd had to kill him herself. So now here she was, alone in a ship full of her friends. An ex-Jedi, an ex-Sith, a woman without a path to follow.
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spectraspecs-writes · 3 years
Tatooine - Chapter 108
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 107. Chapter 109.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma @strangepostmiracle thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
I find myself waking up early, far earlier than I meant. But then I’m amazed I got to sleep at all, or even stayed asleep. The nightmares were awful, but I couldn’t wake up. I felt like I was being suffocated by that mask but I couldn’t pull it off. Revan’s mask. My mask. No. No. Revan’s mask. Because I’m not Revan, I don’t know what she knows, she doesn’t know what I know. Or knew - what she knew. I’m a scout. Revan was a killer. A murder. A Sith Lord. I’m not Revan. I’m not.
T3 stayed with me the whole night after Carth changed our course. And the engine isn’t making any noise, so I guess we’re here. Tatooine.
And it’s morning. I suppose I should go check, shouldn’t I?
The cockpit is empty. Carth’s not there. He’s not in the main hold, either. And I don’t sense him in the port side quarters. I guess he left. Not that I blame him.
I’ve got to get out of here. But not like this. Not these robes. This isn’t me. I’m not a Jedi, I’m a scout. And out there is a world I haven't explored. All I looked for was the Star Map. All I cared about was the Star Map. But this is not a dead world. Not even a desert is dead. Where there is life, there is water, and where there is water, there is life. That’s one of the first things you learn as a scout.
But did I even learn it? If I’m Revan, then…
No. No.
A Jedi robe does not a good scouting outfit make. The copious lack of pockets alone makes it a poor choice. I tie up my hair so it’s off my neck, and pull out a soft white tunic. And my vest. I’m torn between shorts for the heat and pants to fight the sand, but I eventually settle on a loose pair of pants and sturdy boots. I keep only a single lightsaber in my pack, opting for my swords instead. I’m not a Jedi. I'm a scout. A lightsaber is a weapon. A sword is a tool, far more versatile in use. I have my sunglasses. Now all I need is my droid. T3 doesn’t need much prompting. Like he doesn’t want to leave my side.
Much as I hate it, Czerka is the only game in town. They’re the only ones sending people into the desert. I could go alone, but that’s not a good idea. The clients always have insurance if something happens - it’s in your contract. They pay for whatever you find, even if all you find is pain. You never go out alone. I need to be myself, even if that means taking one job with Czerka.
This is good. I missed this. Missed my vest. Missed myself. But it isn’t myself, is it? Who the hell even am I? I remember being a Republic scout, I remember turning over rocks, discovering insects I’d never seen before. Watching eggs hatch and documenting what I saw. Seeing lemurs hang from trees by prehensile tails. Leaves no one had ever seen, trees no one had ever seen! I remember finding a hot springs on Utapau! Spending the nights on the rocks while we analyzed water quality, microbial landscapes, geological makeup, or just plain swimming! Are those memories even real? Do those insects even exist? Those eggs, those lemurs, those leaves, those trees? Is there a hot springs on Utapau? Where did the data come from? What was real?
But I know. Whether any of that was real or not, anything I see today, anything I find today will be real. Anyone I meet today will be real. My memories here will be real. Maybe I wasn’t a scout before. But I will be today.
I step into the Czerka office - the same representative is there from the last time. “Greetings from the offices of Czerka Corporation.” The disgust I feel is thankfully different than the disgust I’ve been feeling for myself. “How can I help you?”
I pull up my Republic file, my fake scouting record. Doesn’t feel fake. “I’m a scout,” I say, “with a specialty in ecology and droid repair. Do you have any expeditions going out?”
She hums a bit, reading over my record. “According to this, the Republic holds your contract. Czerka corporation has no interest in any legal disputes with the Republic.”
“You won’t have to worry about that,” I assure her, “The Republic violated my contract, and the mission I was on came to an abrupt end when the Sith destroyed the ship I was on.
She hums again. “I suppose that is a risk when your employer is at war.” Tell me about it. “For long-term employment, however, you would have to fill out an application with Czerka headquarters. Business hours only, please.”
“I’m not looking for long-term contract negotiation,” I say, “This is just for a one-off freelance gig.”
“I don’t think our teams would have much use for an ecologist,” she says, looking back at my file, “but I am interested in your technical skills.” Better than nothing, I guess. “Our mining teams have had difficulty keeping the machinery functioning. As I’m sure you know, sand has a tendency to interfere with machinery. How soon would you be able to start?”
“I’m willing to head out now,” I say, “What’s the pay rate?”
“When you return at the end of the day, you will receive 150 credits.” She transfers a file to my datapad. “This is a standard contract. It stipulates that Czerka corporation is not liable for any harm sustained on the Dunes. Any disputes you may have with Czerka Corporation will be settled through binding arbitration. When you return to this office you will receive 150 credits in exchange for your work.” I don’t expect any problems, nothing I can’t deal with. And despite what she says, you can’t absolve yourself of all liability when you send out scouting teams. It’s been galactic law for the past two hundred years or so and there are scouting organizations who take it very seriously. Czerka tries to skirt the law but it never lasts. Scouts who know what they’re doing hold them to it, or threaten to call in the authorities. And Czerka tries to keep all that on the down-low, paying off officials, making donations, counting on the ignorance of the people signing the contracts. If I was doing anything other than a one-off gig… well, actually, you should just shoot me if this was anything other than a one-off gig. But anyway, if it were anything but that, I’d get into it myself. No one is expendable and they can’t pretend to be ignorant of the hell they’d catch if they tried to say otherwise. Even so, I sign the contract but I’m not even sure it’s legally binding. Rena Visz doesn’t exist. I’d have to sign Revan’s name but I don’t know what it is.
Nope. Nope. Nope, I don’t want to think about that.
“Excellent,” she says as I transfer the signed contract back, “There's a speeder outside - input your datapad and it’ll direct you to a set of coordinates. You’ll meet one of our mining teams there.”
And that’s that. I load T3 into the pilot’s side of the speeder and input my datapad, like she said, and off we go, onto the Dune Sea. The speeder takes us past the Czerka marker points, past even the Star Map. I can feel it calling out to me as we pass it. And it feels different, so different, from how it felt… oh God, it was barely last week. It felt like such a long time, so much has happened. I met Jolee, Bastila and Canderous got together, Kashyyyk was liberated, Carth’s son, Carth… Carth! That happened! That happened two days ago! And now… he probably hates me now. And I can’t say I blame him. If T3 wasn’t driving, I would have stopped. Because its call is so loud, so strong. And I can’t tell if it’s calling for Rena or Revan. But T3 drives on, and with distance the call fades. It doesn’t go away but it fades.
The speeder pulls up to a cave and slows to a stop. The sand is different out here. Still sand, of course, and a very fine sand, at that, but it’s dirty,. Soot and smoke from the machines. Polluted. To think what this sand could have given with care. Something like this doesn’t happen naturally. There’s nothing I could do about the state of this world now. As if anyone would listen to me if I could. Not even the Sand People, I think - they would surely feel the same way, but I can never know the same as they do. They should be the ones to rehabilitate the planet. I am only another outsider with an opinion. And besides, this is a stable state now, any massive changes, if not done slowly and carefully, could just as easily land the world in a worse state as it could a better one. And it’s not my place.
I have to assume it’s the site foreman who comes up to me. I get T3 out of the speeder. “You the Czerka droid tech?” he asks.
“Droid tech, yes, Czerka, no, but suffice it to say I’m here to help,” I say.
He chuckles. “You hate the bastards, too, huh?” he asks rhetorically, and I shrug and nod. “I don’t know why we're still out here, the ore’s no good, and the machines hardly work with all the sand. You’ve got your work cut out for you with fixing.”
“I’m hoping for it,” I say, “in fact, I’ve got something that should make everything easier.”
“What? You’ve got a way to teleport us off this rock?”
“I wish,” I say. I set my pack down on the speeder and open it. I’ve got an old shirt in here. “The machines stop working because sand gets into the vents and clogs with the gears and the works. Close off the vents and the machine overheats, but leave them open and the sand gets in and they’re useless.” There’s the shirt. “So what you need is a way to keep the sand out and prevent overheating. And we’re gonna do it the same way the animals do.”
“But that fabric will hold the heat in,” he objects.
I scoff. “Yeah,” I say sarcastically, “because I’m stupid.” I indicate T3. “Check out his vents - does he look like he’s overheating?”
He stoops to look. Sees the fabric under the vents, and around the joints. “I don’t believe this.”
“Then watch me. Got a machine down?”
He indicated a machine near the mouth of the cave. “Just pulled it out a little while ago. Started sputtering and smoking. We’re down to just one - if that one craps out, we’re stuck mining by hand.”
Easy enough. “T3, help me get this open.” T3 has a laser cutter, and he carefully lasers off the seal on the large access panel. I can pop it open with my panel tool once the seal’s off. Tool, panel, open - yep, the wires are loaded with sand. I shut the vents off, because the first step is to get the sand out, and I don’t want it getting to other parts of the machinery. Too big to tip over and dump out, so I get in and sweep.
This is a good feeling. I can do something with this, and the machine won’t care who I am or what I’ve done. Won’t care that I had no idea who I was when I woke up this morning and I still don’t. Won’t care that I can’t help but hate myself for atrocities I don’t even remember committing. Won’t care that I have two people in my head, two sets of memories even if I can’t access one set, and no way to reconcile them. Because I can fix this. And even better? Revan can’t take this away from me. Because I invented sand shields, not Revan.
Okay. Sand’s all out. I tear the fabric to a more reasonable size, popping the panel closed with my foot and T3 welds it shut again. The vent should be… there we go. Doing this outside could prove a little tricky, more sand could get in while I’m putting the cover on. Quick work is needed. I pull my vest off and use it to cover the majority of the vent, except for the bolts, which I set to work getting off. Once the bolts are off, I quickly whisk the vent cover off and put the fabric in its place. Then I put the cover back on, and replace the bolts. “That should be good for most of the time. It might need replacing after a sandstorm, but as you could see it wasn’t that difficult to do,” I say to the foreman, “And this is more basic that what T3 has, but like I said. It gets the job done.”
Still skeptical, the foreman turns the machine on. With a healthy whir it comes to life. He comes around to the vent and holds his hand in front of it. Waiting. A few seconds later, he looks at me, then back, then me, then back again. “I can feel air coming out,” he says simply, surprised, “This… but it’s so simple! But it works!” He turns the machine back off. “This could solve half our problems. This is great. Did you come up with this?”
Yes, as a matter of fact, I… wait.
I… I remember.
“The sandstorms aren’t the worst of it, Master Jedi.” Someone said that. A long time ago. “It’s the sand. It chokes out the machinery. Our engineers tell us there’s nothing they can do to stop it, but it’s leaving us like sitting ducks out there.”
“And the Mandalorians don’t have the same problems?” That’s me. That’s my voice. But… not me. No.
“Not that we’ve seen, though damned if we know why.”
“Maybe they’re using a different power source,” Hanna said. Who’s Hanna? She was my best friend, but who was she? I don’t know. I don’t know.
But a thought struck me. I don't know why or how. But it came to me. Revan. Me. Revan. She pulled her robe off and tore it. “The insides of the machines are sealed up tight, with no way in or out. Except the vents.” She pulled out her lightsaber. Green one. Held it on the metal, where it met the fabric. The metal melted and fused with the fabric, and when she removed her lightsaber it cooled and the fabric stayed. Sand shields. The very first sand shields. And she must have refined the process… because that looks exactly the same as the sand shields on Hk-47. Revan built HK. I built HK.
“No,” I finally say, “I didn’t.” Because she took it from me. Revan took this from me. That was my accomplishment, something that I did, something I achieved and she took it from me. My stomach turns. This is going to be the rest of my life - every single thing I’ve ever done, every good thing that’s ever happened to me, poisoned by Revan. I’ve done nothing. Revan has. Nothing good ever happened to me. It happened to Revan. Carth was the only good thing and Revan spoiled that too. I can’t have anything. Revan will only take it away.
I don't feel so good.
I fall to my knees and retch into the sand. I can’t stop it. Everything hurts. Everything burns. “Get some water!” the foreman shouts, “She’s got sun sickness!”
“It’s not sun sickness,” I manage to say, forcing the words out.
“I’m not willing to take that chance,” he says, “I’ve lost more than a few miners to sun sickness, I’m not about to risk another.”
“I’ll be fine,” I repeat, “It’s not sun sickness, I’m positive.”
“Oh, yeah, doctor?” he says sarcastically, “Then what else could it be?”
Well… there really is no way to tell a perfect stranger you used to be a Sith Lord and it’s destroying your life. So I shake my head a bit. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
He doesn’t believe me. He hands me some water. “Drink this slowly. And let’s get you back to Anchorhead.”
“You send all your miners back to Anchorhead when this happens?”
“You’re not one of my miners. You’re from the company, and in their eyes you matter more than these miners.” T3 gets loaded into the speeder first, then the foreman helps me in. Makes me feel even more like shit now - not only did Revan take sand shields away from me, she’s taking away what could have been a good day’s work. I wasn't even out here for an hour!
I try my hardest not to cry. No one would get it anyway, and I’d just come off as a pitiful little girl. Because it turns out none of my memories of dealing with that are real and I have no idea how Revan would have dealt with that. Because it turns out that at heart I’m a terrible person even though I don’t want to be.
“I know it doesn't seem like it,” the foreman says, “but you did a lot of good today. Those machines are a lifesaver for my miners. If even just one of them keeps working because of this, you’ve saved us a lot of pain.”
Maybe so. But none of that makes up for all the pain Revan caused. There is a massive debt of blood owed that Revan accrued, that I could hardly begin to pay back. I've already, personally, accrued a debt, but it was easy to justify - I was trying to stop Malak, stop the war, and in doing so would save countless lives. But Revan started the war. Revan is responsible for the deaths of billions, Republic and Sith. Not even counting the Mandalorians from the last war! Saving the lives and limbs of a handful of miners doesn’t begin to make up for that.
When we get back to Anchorhead, the foreman tells me to wait in the speeder, so I do. He’s gone for maybe five minutes before he comes back. “You’ll find 250 credits transferred to you,” he says, “She wasn’t happy about it, but you saved the company way more than that, so I persuaded her to increase your cut.” He gets T3 out of the speeder while I pull myself out. “I’ll make sure the rest of our machines get shielding under the vents. And thanks again, really.” And he speeds away, back to the mine.
I don’t want to go back to the Hawk. I don’t want to go to Manaan. I don’t want to do this anymore. I can’t. Maybe I can get passage on a freighter out of here. Actually join the Republic scouting corps. Or, hell, maybe the Sith. Mandalorian. Aratech. Free-lance - just to actually do something. To feel something other than hatred and anger. Because there’s no way I could hope to make up for all the shit I’ve done that I don’t even remember. Not by finding the Star Map, not by ending the war, nothing. And staying and doing all that only increases the chance that I’ll hurt the people I care about. The only way to avoid that is to just… go. Run away. Take T3 and just go.
I find myself at the cantina. That feels about right. So I go in. “Hey!” the bartender shouts to me, "You can’t bring that droid in here. It’ll have to wait outside.”
Oh, hell, no. I’m not leaving him. And I think I could get away with a little intimidation. I look at a bottle resting on the bar. Reach out with the Force and lift it high above his head. “How about now?”
He looks from the bottle, to me, to T3, and back to the bottle. Decides it’s not worth it to argue. “Just don’t cause any trouble.” I gently set the bottle back down and take a seat.
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franzkafkagf · 5 years
Darth Malak's story is one of tragedy
So think about the "Big Bads" of the Sith - Sidious, Exar Kun, Vitiate, you know, the works. They usually have a few shared traits; deceitful, prideful, ambitious, ruthless, maybe a hint of bloodlust and, most importantly - power. Nearly always, the Sith antagonist is exponentially stronger than everyone else for most of the story, usually only meeting their match right before they die. It makes sense, given the setting. It wouldn't be very intimidating if the Dark Lord of the Sith could be beaten by just a normal Jedi, after all. But Malak is different.
Malak isn't powerful.
Not compared to Revan, anyway.
(More under the cut, warning: sad)
He wasn't meant to be the Dark Lord. He says as much right before he dies. He was never as strong as Revan and he never would be. He just doesn't have it. And that made me realize that it wasn't just that Malak was Revan's number two. He was Revan's Vader.
Before the Mandalorian Wars, he was just another Jedi. Pretty skilled, but lacking in wisdom or knowledge of the Force. If he was born in a time of peace, his name would have been forgotten. At most, a footnote in someone else's story. But instead, he was born into a time of war, and more importantly than that, he was born at the same time as Revan.
It was Revan that led the Republic and the rogue Jedi against the Mandalorians. He only followed because it was the right thing to do and Revan was his friend. And over the course of the war, he'd be the first to see Revan change. To go from someone enraged by the slaughter of innocents to a general that would abandon whole worlds without a second thought. And of course, it was all necessary to defeat the Mandalorians, but still. What do you think he must have been thinking while he watched Revan's soul die in front of him like that?
And then, at some point, Revan falls. It doesn't really matter the continuity or the reason, not really. Maybe she chose to fall like Kreia said, maybe it was the fear of the true sith that corrupted her , or hell, maybe it was just the war itself. But at some point, Revan falls. She declares herself a Sith Lord. She plans to invade the Republic they fought a war to save.
The reason doesn't matter to Alek. Revan is his friend and Revan has always known best before, right?
So he follows her like he's always done. And at some point, he got sick of it and Revan cut off his jaw. We don't know why he challenged Revan. Maybe he was making a genuine bid for power. Maybe he got tired of the bloodshed. But whatever the reason, Malak's best friend, the friend he's known his entire life, the friend he's followed into two wars without question, mutilated him.
For the rest of his life, he'd have to wear that ugly, frightening prosthetic like a collar, a constant reminder of the wars he's fought for Revan, of the planets he's burnt for his friend master. Is it any wonder that he turned on her? Malak has spent his entire life following Revan, hoping that his friend knew what was right, hoping that it was all for good. For once, he can be the one leading. Revan is weak.Always scheming, always ungrateful for what Malak has sacrificed for her. Malak doesn't just think he'll be a better ruler, he knows it. An Empire where the strong are rewarded and the weak and ungrateful must give their due.
So he fires on Revan's ship. Finally, he can get what he deserves. What he's earned. He is the Dark Lord of the Sith and his will is law. None can challenge him. He is the most powerful person alive.
Except, he isn't.
It doesn't take long for problems to arise. Bastila escapes with Revan's body and continues to be a thorn in his side with her battle meditation. Malak crushes all resistance, but he leaves behind dead and ruined worlds. His subjects are graves. His Sith Empire is already half ash. And just when it seems like he's caught the Republic's one ace in the hole, she slips through his grasp, alongside some Republic pilot and a few vagrants and-
She survived.
Of course she did.
And then their reunion. Malak boards the Leviathan and meets his old master, but something's different. Her signature in the Force is...duller. She lacks the spark in her eyes that drove armies to the edge of the Galaxy and back without question. And then it clicks.
He can't help but laugh. There's no joy in it. They duel, but not before that fly of a padawan interrupts them. They don't see each other again until the Star Forge and Malak is ready. The Star Forge is operating at maximum efficiency. The Republic is outnumbered and outmatched. Malak is stronger than he's ever been. The ancient space station fuels his power, dark tendrils in the Force curling around the Jedi he's captured and squeezing their souls dry. Revan makes her appearance, wearing a cheap imitation of her old armor. A few words are exchanged before they duel. Malak is at the very peak of his power. He's stronger than he's ever been. The Force bends and shifts around him as the last flashes of light inside are eclipsed by the might of the Star Forge. Malak fights with the full power of the Dark Side behind him and-
He just doesn't-
Have it.
Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith, Master of the Star Forge, rightful Ruler of the Galaxy, just can't beat Revan.
He isn't made of the right stuff.
He lost this fight before he was born.
And he knows he's lost. He's always known. Below the anger and rage and resentment that's been bubbling for years for his friendgeneralsister old master, there's fear. And for just a fraction of a second, it overtakes him.
That's all Revan needs.
Revan's lightsaber carves a charred canyon across Malak's chest. There's shock for a moment, but it only lasts a moment. He knows that there's no other way this could have ended.
"This is the way of the Dark Side, Malak; all things end in death."
Malak craned his head up, flickering yellow eyes meeting Revan's. His jaw aches. "Still spouting the wisdom of the Jedi, I see. Maybe there is more truth in their code than I ever believed." The pain is coming in stinging bursts. Malak feels his eyes start to burn. "I...I cannot help but wonder, Revan. What would have happened had our positions been reversed?" There's a hopeful edge to his voice. "What if fate decreed that I would be captured by the Jedi? Could I have returned to the light, as you did?" His voice modulator strains as it tries to translate a pained cough. "If you had not led me down the dark path in the first place, what destiny would I have found?"
Revan's jaw clenches. "I am sorry that I led you down this path," Malak can make out that her cheeks are wet. "But you chose to continue down it." She says weakly.
Malak's chest rises and falls with desperate breaths. "I suppose you speak the truth. I am alone responsible for my fate. I wanted to be Master of the Sith and ruler of the galaxy. That destiny was not mine." Another cough. "It might have been yours, but never mine."
In the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing.
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azems-familiar · 3 years
hello! are there any songs you associate with any of the kotor characters? (totally not asking bc my brain is hungry for animatic ideas haha,,)
first things first, i will direct you to my twelve hour Revan playlist that i use for writing vibes, it's a mixture of vocal and instrumental and it has both a bunch of Revan songs for different eras of Revan, plus revalek songs, plus some revastila songs, plus some songs that just vibe.... it's good and most of the songs i'm about to highlight, if not all of them, are on there already.
first things first, i need to introduce you to the title song for my mandalorian wars fic, oblivion by the aviators! god, this song doesn't fit all Revans perfectly, but it fits mine so well it was like it'd been written for her specifically, i swear. listening to the song was what inspired me to write the fic to begin with (and now i have a whole series oops). i mean, come on, look at the chorus:
Let the broken heroes rise Let the victors take their prize No one wins when justice dies War has let this age begin It's where we've gone and where they've been What a state that we're in Here in oblivion
can't look at that and tell me that isn't Jedi Knight Revan and the war that broke them.
next up!! liar by the arcadian wild, my beloved. this song is currently my top all time on spotify, closely followed by the song i'm going to rec after it and then achilles come down - and the fact that anything unseated achilles for the top spot should tell you something. (and if you don't know what achilles come down is look it up that one's on my playlist too.) this is a really good one for Revan's slow fall down, the corruption arc - again, all of the songs i'm mentioning really fit my own versions of the characters best, but they're just good in general. some of the lyrics i enjoy from this one:
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hnext up, we have it all by pim stones. this particular one feels very revalek to me, early in the Sith years when they still maybe had good intentions, maybe after the war but before becoming Darth. there's this softer, almost desperate tone to the way the singer sings it that just hits me hard - this is the song i'm using as the title for my Sith years interlude fic! a lyric snippet:
All my life I've been heading for hell But never had I thought I'd drag you down as well I just couldn't resist what he was trying to sell
There's glory ahead but our love will be forgotten If my heart was still mine I would go to the bottom And apologise to you until the day it went rotten
next up we have the balancer's eye by lord huron, which is the song i named my series after (have you noticed a trend yet?). it's a very Revan vibe in general, and while i'm not as much of a fan of the style, the lyrics are really excellent!
Nothing's waiting for us in the great sky Life is equal to dust in the balancer's eye Now I know that I can't lift an old curse Tell me, how does a man change the universe?
Will I ever be forgiven for the crime of my life? Will it haunt me 'til I die?
mmm let's see what next. OH! go to war by nothing more. this is just straight up a Sith years song for revalek, whether you ship them or not - they were important to each other either way! ..... i am not going to tangent into yelling about revalek. that is not what this is for. anyway, the song itself is a) a banger and b) talking about love corrupting and falling apart and it just. it hits, man
Do we censor? Do we flow? Are we drunk on the chemicals? Every feeling in my bones Tells me to lash out and tell you to fuck off You've got my heart and I've got your soul But are we better off alone? With every battle we lose a little more Remember everything that we'd die for You are everything that I'd die for
oooh NEXT we have the song i was going to use for my Jaw Scene before i decided to write a full sith years fic. saints by echos is the song, and again, we've got Sith years Revan and Malak here (yes yes i have a type), the vibes of losing faith and anger and it blends really well with how Revan basically played off being a legendary figure to the Republic to fuel their war against it!
You were standing there like an angry god Counting out my sins just to cross them off Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust And that my blood couldn't keep you
My dear, you're not so innocent You're fooling Heaven's gates So you won't have to change You're no saint, you're no savior
mmmm okay the discord has informed me that ten (10) songs is the maximum i should do in one post so. i will only do four more. chrysalis - the last breath by delain is yet another Sith Revan and Malak song and honestly you can read it as a response to the song above, if you think of saints from Malak's pov and chrysalis from Revan's, they mesh really well together.
Hey, are you still mad? About the time We almost went too far I know your regrets In my defense; By now, it's just a scar That distracts you from Your broken heart Like you wanted it to do How do you feel? I don't... How do you know? You won't... To let go of you I will try Until my last breath How do you feel? I don't... How do you know? You won't... To let go I promise I will fight
next! for a complete change of pace, i have a revastila song for you - warrior by beth crowley. it somehow manages to capture exactly the dynamic i think of in my head when i think about Bastila, the uncertainty, the forbiddeness of it, but the way Revan ultimately strengthens her and she strengthens Revan
You fascinated me Cloaked in shadows and secrecy The beauty of a broken angel
I ventured carefully Afraid of what you thought I'd be But pretty soon, I was entangled
You take me by the hand I question who I am
uhhhhhh i am desperately trying to think of songs that aren't just about Revan but instead here i am with another Mandalorian Wars Revan song, what did we know by rachel rose mitchell! this song was introduced to me by the same friend who sent me oblivion, and it really captures the fall of the Mandalorian wars incredibly well imo - the way it started with righteousness but ended in pain (compassion leading to destruction and that's a ramble i'm not going on here either), and there's this line in there that i'm not including in my snippet that's what scares me more than anything / if we could choose the past / we'd probably choose the same and it's like. yes! that's it! i'm going to once again go insane over the scene in the Korriban tomb in kotor 2!!! knowing the price.... would you choose to do it all again........ aaaaaaaa
It's been so long since we began. It seems so long ago That in the name of loyalty We started on our own. Answering the call of a house we once called home, We knew that we were right. What did we know?
We swore that we understood this wasn't a game, But somehow we found ourselves fanning the flames. Those who cautioned and abandoned us, they were the same. I saw them turn away.
the final song i'm doing is the song i used when i wrote the Betrayal scene from Malak's pov, the little things give you away by linkin park. this one just. it vibes, it vibes hard, goes really into the actual grief of betrayal, and also has a super epic instrumental solo so there's that. as usual, lyric snippet:
Don't want to reach for me, do you? I mean nothing to you The little things give you away But now there will be no mistaking The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted Was someone to truly look up to you And six feet under water, I do
All you've ever wanted Was someone to truly look up to you And six feet underground now I Now I do
god okay now that you're completely overwhelmed and never want to talk to me again....... i should've probably put this under a readmore but eh. thanks for the ask!
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