handhelld · 2 years
Could I get a Bain in number 18? 🙃
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One bloody lil guy for u Yado :]
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lambda-complex · 1 year
Henlo fren
A is for ALESSO
J is for JOKERS
And uhhh O is for OVERKILL
A is for ALESSO
Ooo I'd have to say I Will Give You My All. It's the one that gets stuck in my head the most at least. That and Troubles Always Inbound
J is for JOKERS
Uhhh during the live action drinking game we did the subtitles at one point said 'moisture witch' which knocked me on my ass. That, and Hoxton's incredibly obvious dubbing in the live action videos that I love immensely
I can't really think of much I've done that's cool because I'm kinda shit at the game pffff but I guess finally doing Overdrill was pretty cool. I will never forgive myself for hitting the wrong tile after the whole holdout section.
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hoxooster · 3 months
On the DesBea situation:
I would've added my thoughts to the original post, but as I am not a part of their Discord server, I didn't think that that was any bit appropriate. However, I wanted to share some of my own personal experiences with her, so that y'all can see that her behavior in their server is a continuing pattern--I don't have pictures of what she said as proof, sadly, but I will explain why.
I'm also gonna slap this under a Read More. I apologize for its length, but the original callout post should be enough of an explanation as to why this post needs to be as long as it is.
And, as a quick aside, if any of you wish to completely block DesBea, NOT HARASS HER OR FEED INTO HER BEHAVIOR IN ANY WAY, be aware that her usernames are:
If any of you know of any more, please tell me, and I will update this post. I don't want to be around her anymore than most people who've also interacted with her do.
About 2 years ago, I was invited to lilspacewolfie's server, Red's Ramblers, and I very quickly became a moderator there. Over time some people joined and a few left, but Ramblers remained stable through it all. DesBea joined later on into the server's lifespan, was around for awhile, said some nasty things, was given a warning (in the general), and just left without saying anything one day. After reading the screenshots in the callout post, I'm actually quite surprised by how much of a fit she threw in her efforts to make you guys apologize to her. Much like in the original post, with her gone from the server, things improved for everyone else, but the whole ordeal was rather confusing for all of us, in the aftermath.
See, DesBea was trying to be just as harmful in Ramblers, but it never really went anywhere.
Her hateful and self-pitying tendencies were the same around us as it was in their server. She really loved to talk shit about Yadoking and her writing--she would do this both in passing on random posts in the server, and while some of us were in-call when we'd play Payday 2 together as a group. It never smacked of genuine criticism for Yado's writing ability or style, as she only ever used childish language when doing it, and she would always do it right before she would try to push her own ideas and fics onto any of us who were online at the time. She was even trying to bully lilspacewolfie--which I will go more into later--over the tiniest of things. DesBea, in all of her posts, was either pushing someone else down, trying to make us all read about her rather disturbing fic ideas or headcanons, or trying to make herself look like the victim by claiming that she 'had bad experiences with abuse in the past' and that her 'PTSD was triggered over something someone in Ramblers had said' when we were trying to halt her bullshit.
It was all very aggravating to deal with, to say the least, but it also didn't have very much staying power, since most of us were just ignoring her in the server. And I do mean that, as most of the users in the Ramblers Discord server refused to interact with her posts over time, and people usually ignored her whenever she tried to insert herself into their conversations. It's probably why she left without much of a fight when lilspacewolfie posted "If you're being an asshole in this server, you better stop that shit right now" in the general chat. (That's not what she said, but y'all get the jist.)
Now, as for her bullying behavior in the server, I can't say for certain if she was targeting anyone besides lilspacewolfie (and badmouthing Yado from time to time, who wasn't even in the server), as I'm not a very outgoing or talkative individual. Despite the length of this post, I'm naturally quite taciturn, and even though I was a moderator in Ramblers, nobody in the server ever messaged me about any issues that they were having with anyone. But, I can say with accuracy that DesBea would go out of her way to harass lilspacewolfie--the creator and owner of the Red's Ramblers Discord server. Whenever she would join calls while we were playing together (but she was just watching from the server), she would only ever type in the voice chat channel, where she would wax poetic about her own fics and get rather offended that 'lilspacewolfie was intentionally ignoring her'. If we were playing a game of Payday 2 with her, DesBea would intentionally follow lilspacewolfie around as a character that she didn't particularly care for and spam callouts to scare and irritate her. And, when another user in the server was having an issue that caused them a lot of distress and made them go quiet for awhile (which had nothing to do with anyone or anything in Ramblers, when they were asked about it), DesBea tried to blame lilspacewolfie for it based on a lighthearted joke that she had made that dogged on Houston. So, not only was she trying to harass lilspacewolfie, but she was actively trying to turn others in the server against the owner of the Discord, as if she could muscle her out by making her out to be a villain.
Over a joke about a FICTIONAL character.
Because she started insinuating that lilspacewolfie had caused another user to 'go into a depressive spiral, and chased them away from the server with her insensitive comments about Houston', I got involved to shut that shit down. DesBea was always weirdly attached to me, because she had DM'd me a few times on Tumblr in the past. I can only guess that she thought that these few smatterings of messages made me her friend, and since, apparently, some people here think of me as being "Mr. John Payday", she figured that she could use me as an intimidating wall to hide behind whenever she was called out on her bullshit.
She was wrong.
After a while of still trying to get others in the server to hate lilspacewolfie for 'being mean to one of the other users in the server'--who ended up coming back once their mental health had improved, by the way--she finally left after the "Stop being a dick" post, and it took us a couple days to notice. So, all-in-all, it was a very weird and irritating experience, but, in this context, it shows a worrying trend of behavior that she ended up spreading to other servers.
Now, like I kind of glossed over earlier, I WAS a moderator in Red's Ramblers. (I ended up leaving the server last month due to personal reasons that're not germane to this situation, and I have no desire to talk about it on this forum.) As I was still a mod before I left, I took the time to delete every post and reaction made by people who were no longer in the server--this amounted to 7 people, DesBea included. So, all of her posts that I could've screencapped as evidence are gone, and even if they were still there, I wouldn't have access to them anymore, anyway. In fact, the only thing that I have left is this picture I took of my response to her whole "You're a bad person for hating Houston" spiel that she was going on and on about:
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(I censored this to give some privacy to the person who DesBea tried to use as a cudgel to smack lilspacewolfie with blame for their condition at the time. Even though most people here probably won't recognize them from their in-server nickname, I didn't want to take any chances.)
But, anyway, as you have read from the callout post and these personal anecdotes that I have provided, her behavior in their server was an unsurprising, but also a very worrying trend that has effected at least 2 Discord servers and a good chunk of some of the people who were or still are in the Payday fandom.
If anything that y'all have read over these posts has angered any of y'all to the point of harassing her, PLEASE DON'T. Don't send her hate--anonymously or not. Don't engage with her. Just block her and make sure that others in the fandom are aware of her behavior, so they can avoid her if they wish to as well.
And, again, please tell me if she's operating under any usernames other than the ones I've listed. I was tired of her bullshit a long time ago, and I have no desire to entertain her further under yet another pseudonym.
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biframes · 9 months
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Pokémon trainers
Credit to @what-yadoking-likes for the idea!
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what-yadoking-likes · 5 months
What's your opinion on the main 4's ass in payday 3?
/sighs/ That picture makes me upset [Link to post Anon is asking about here, click me!]
Now - when I was younger, I wasn't as wise as I am now. I suppose I was still but a Yadon and not yet a Yadoking. Anyway, I didn't truly develop an appreciation of ass until my early 20s.
I always imagined Wolf's ass would be... bigger. Better. Faster. Stronger.
I mean, I didn't think he had a bubble butt exactly, but I always imagined something not far off, y'know? I guess like how Chains' looks in the pic which, if I must say so, is a nice butt indeed.
Hox - again, I would have said something like this shape. Yes. Maybe he just accentuates it more by wearing skinny jeans. For some reason, Hox strikes me as the kind of Millennial fella who'd wear skinny jeans precisely to show off his shapely arse and calves.
Dallas! Dallas, Dallas, Dallas. We have seen Eric Etebari's ass, or at least the side of it in the famous Versace/Cindi Lauper photoshoot. Whilst I know Eric is no longer the face/body model for Dallas, he should be because him bum yummy <3 Did the devs even CONSIDER that in their decision-making? They should have.
In conclusion to this essay about the asses of the OG 4 in Payday 3, they should all have shapely butts with something sizable for me to grab.
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abyssal-endling · 1 year
from @what-yadoking-likes (also as a heads up, haven't seen the live action)
KILLKILLKILL - favorite way to kill cops: answered this in my last ask but it is ! Spoon time ! or snipers. I like the Rattlesnake
NO MERCY - hot/unpopular take about the games: i mean. not necessarily about the games but my fave is legit Houston so like... ya
UKRAINIAN - favorite Vlad moment: when he does anything literally ever <3 his friendship with chains? amazing. the fit he has in that one trailer? 10/10. its a fit. :) blowing kisses to the player? in love. the fucking devious giggle he has? incredible. when he breaks into locke's car just to be a fucking menace? the first golfgoat moment. the goat noises. the singing. the silly little words. him deciding to fuck with everyone always. <3 <3 <3 Vlad is me when I stop giving a shit about what people think about me.
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the-vibing-ghoul · 1 year
Tagged by @jedolsen and @butchdisco
Rules: tag 10 ppl you want to know better
Relationship status: got boyfren :3
Favorite color: hot pink, red, and black
Song stuck in your head: Life is a Highway by Waterfront Wranglers
Last song listened to: Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts
3 fav foods: anything that's made of chickn, cucumber salad, raspberry horse treats (the one's that are rectangle shaped are honestly so good when I dont feel like making breakfast )
Last thing you googled: ''nie po sionym 2''
Dream trip: Berlin cause cool historical cold war shit, or Florida cause warm and alligator
Anything you want: too hot to think of anythin
Tagging: @richardhlm @what-yadoking-likes @russiangencoke @postaldudeishellahot
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esaari · 3 years
So uuuuuhh slightly thirsty ASK sorry-aah but, erm. Who's that handsome devil in your icon 👀👀👀
that's a Gabe doodle from last year,, i was too lazy to draw in his lightning marks that time and there's a bit more below the cut,, but for tumblr reasons i can't post that ♥
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Payday prompts/ideas that i must write down or else i will turn feral within the next 2 days
I'm going to look at this and regret it huh
(Anyone can write these if they want, just give me the link so I can read it and cry tears of joy)
There's 2 sections to this
Long Ideas/very detailed prompts
Freeflow/short ideas
Long Ideas/very detailed prompts
Kento being found earlier
Ok ok ok
Let's say that Jiro found Kento much earlier then Henry's Rock
I don't exactly know how since they wouldn't be able to recognize each other
But here are some ideas:
Word that a person had been going around and looking for a person named Kento reaches Kento
Kento was much older when Jiro was arrested, maybe around 14 so that they could recognize each others faces
They randomly meet each other one day and become friends, slowly finding out that they are related
The plot line would change with each idea, mostly if the story were to follow the third option
But here are the basic beats
Jiro finds his son after so many years and takes a break from the Payday gang to just spend time with him
Kento is still having conflicting emotions since it's been so long since he's last seen his father
(Possibility of the Dentist kinda being a toxic father figure to him, and another possibility of Kento having validation issues)
Cue Jiro and Kento bonding and working/processing through trauma from both parties
Jiro starts thinking about leaving the Payday gang since he's found his son
(The gang would support him in his decision btw)
But then Locke "backstabs them"
See, during this whole bonding time between Jiro and Kento, Kento has obviously still been reporting and doing work for the Dentist
Kento has been doing a pretty good job in covering everything up but the Dentist catches on that Kento is (at the very least) sneaking off
The Dentist basically makes Kento check in more and do more work with less hours off
And this is happening around the time that shit starts hitting the fan for the Payday gang (Post Locke but Pre Bain Kidnapping)
Kento starts ghosting Jiro to protect him from the Dentist
But Jiro just sees this as him slowly losing his son again
After a confrontation, Kento also shouts that Jiro hasn't exactly been there for him these past weeks
Jiro kinda freezes at this and just. kinda walks away
Kento starts breaking down a little because ohmygodijustpushedawaythelastpersoninmylifethatcaredohno
Jiro calls Bain for advice (or maybe someone else) and after some long and hard thinking, decides to just come clean to Kento
He sets up a meeting between the two, and even with their rocky relationship right now, Kento has attachment issues and quickly accepts
They met up and Jiro just comes clean about everything. Even offering to take him to the safe house
And the whole time, Kento is just panicking
This man could be sent to the ER with how much stress his body is going through
Kento, still going through the first stage of denial asks if Jiro could show him the safe house because is this actually real
Jiro agrees and after seeing how tight knit everyone is, he starts thinking about revealing himself as a Murky
Then the Dentist pulls him aside one day and says that he's going to let the raid on Bain's house
(Maybe Kento meets/talks to Bain that day in the safe house, adding another layer of angst to this cake)
Now there's many ways for this to end, both in good and bad ways
But honestly, I have too many endings for this so I'm setting all of those on the backburner if anyone wants them
Bain's house is broken into by the Payday gang lol
(Basically @what-yadoking-likes second prompt in that Dallas/Bain prompt post which I fixated on for a week. Though I changed the fact that its Dallas/Bain cause I like aroace Bain too much to let him go, you could totally see it as that)
The base idea is that the original payday gang robs Bain's house on accident
There's two ways for this to happen
Bain has been pretty dry with contracts and the gang has been going crazy (Fluff)
Someone (probably the Dentist) contracts them without Bain as the middle man. It probably happens during a time where Bain's leadership is being questioned or something (Angst)
I'm going to write both ways separately cause they're so vastly different
It's been at least like a month of the contracting lands becoming dry
Normally the gang are able to just ride out these dry times but everyone has slowly been reaching the end of things that they can do the pass the time
So they just decide to do a simple stealth mission
Dallas tries to rationalize it as a way to practice stealth and do info recon without needing Bain to carry them
But even he knows this is a just a thinly veiled excuse to get out of the safehouse
Only really the main gang are facing this need to get out though, since the rest of the crew have been used to not getting contracts at all, so only Dallas, Chain, Hoxton, and Wolf go
They scout out this place thats a little far from the safehouse but its close enough
Its far away from any city so its a good place in case a shootout happens at they don't have Bain to do cleaning costs
And the house seems semi big enough so maybe the owner has some good cash?
After a week of planning, they drive off to the house they plan on robbing
They loot around the house, picking up loose pieces of cash and spending too much time eating the week old cake the owner baked
But there's no jewelry
No safes
Even less then your average middle class house
Like all the loot so far has been one PC and just random cash lying around
Not something you expect from a house that supposedly cost 4 million dollars
Hell half of the rooms don't even look touched
But then, Wolf notices a odd detail
There's a random bookshelf at the end of a hallway with nothing but that bookshelf
He would write it off as rich people are weird but he notices that not a single book is out of place and that the books feel... weirdly hollow?
After spending an embarrassing amount of time pulling books off, the bookshelf opens like a fucking spy movie
(Btw, I think Bain would totally have his little crime.net hidey hole modeled after a classic spy one from movies)
Revealing a door asking for a keycard, code, key, and password
But Hoxton doesn't fuck with that and before anyone protests, he brings out a full ass saw to slice open the door
This takes a while and Bain (being inside the crime.net cave) curses and grabs whatever gun he keeps on hand
Hoxton breaks down the door and is about to shout a victory cry when he see a random ass dude with long hair holding a (put some gun here, i have no idea what Bain would main in. Well I think sniper but I doubt he's bringing that to the door)
Before Bain can breathe a sigh of relief, Chain tells him to get the fuck on the ground
Bain looks at them straight in the eye and a moment of silence passes before he slices the tension with a simple "no"
I live and breathe for angst so yes i made really made a angst version of the fluff version
Bain has been pretty dry with contracts, and this happens during anytime where Bain's leadership is put in question
The Dentist approaches Dallas, since Dallas is the only one in the team that goes a dentist regularly
He offers him a under the table job, with no Bain as the middle man
The Dentist wants Dallas to find this random guy's secret attic, kill him, and download everything on the guys computer onto a usb
Dallas takes a moment to think about it before accepting. After all, the gang and him are still the ones going out there and doing these heists, not Bain
Now the story could have all of the gang out there doing the heist, or just Dallas (for the sake of sticking to the prompt better, I've only done Dallas)
Its the same thing as fluff, but with more of a edge to it
A sense of unease if you will
Dallas finds the door, and brings out the saw that the Dentist specifically told him to bring
The door flies open to a semi-lit room, a computer with 6 monitors and a guy sitting in the middle of it all, holding a (gun here)
like the kento one, i have like 10 endings on the backburner for this thing
so if anyone wants to hear them; just ask me
Short Ideas/normal prompts lmao
ok now its time for badly thought out prompts and not just badly thought out fanfics
wolf meets his family again during a heist (bonus: they thought he went missing)
Clover and Hoxton's last heist before they split
You know how some of Locke's lines in hells island are along the lines of "don't fucking die bain i swear to god." Guess what. Bain dies right as they reach him on the rooftop. And Kento's the one to kill him (bonus: j i r o)
So I was listening to House of Memories the other day and for some reason it gives off Dallas/Bain vibes and just listen. Immortal Bain/Reincarnating Dallas but with a twist. At the end of Payday 2, the secret ending makes it Immortal Dallas/Reincarnating Bain
The three kings used to be close.
What is the chaos that is April Fools
Chain and Hoxton have a very heated argument about who can drink more which is cut short when Duke walks into the room, opens a cabinet and drinks a whole bottle of vodka without blinking. They team up to defeat Duke in a drinking battle
Jacket finds a cat and it's now his best friend
This is one of the more complex ones but it's basically; the whole Payday gang used to be a gang a long time ago. Bain was a actual hesiter and they did some low hanging crimes. After a accident that nearly kills one of them, they split up and basically told each other to stop doing crime and meeting each other because it was too dangerous. Ironically, they all continued to be illegal, just without each other nothing. They all make new aliases, and after 10 years Bain (under a new alias of course) askes all of them to form a gang again. Since they're all wearing masks and have voice changers; they don't know this. After 5 years of them all being a gang, they decide that during the 5 year anniversary, they would reveal their faces to each other (including Bain).
Houston straight up dies from the murkies during Henry's Rock. Dallas thinks that isn't very pog
This isn't very original/creative but the gangs reactions to Bain's last message in the Reservoir dogs heist. Alternately, the reactions to the electric chair room in Hells Island
Sokol runs into his hockey team during a heist in Russia who all try to nudge him to come back
Wolf is in custody!
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handhelld · 2 years
Feel free to i g n o r e buuuuuut... what's your take on Hoxton's burn scars? Does he want them camouflaged, removed etc or is he okay with them? I... have many feelings about this but JABSISNiaoKksjsjwbsduwi whattaya think??
Personally me- I think that overkill are fucking cowards for hiding his scars the secret ending. They’re cool as shit and make his character design look dope.
Anyways I believe that Hoxton doesn’t quite give a shit about them. There’s much worse reasons people could be staring at him. What he does hate though is how recognizable they make him. Doing anything in public is a bitch even without a distinctive mark covering half his face.
He very much likes it though when his partners stare at his scars though- He’s not used to people focusing on him with such intense adoration. Very nice change of pace. Little scar cheek kisses :]
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s-citrus · 3 years
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Wolfhox req for @what-yadoking-likes !!!
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artcupcakes · 3 years
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They’re sharing a cig, umbrella, and personal space.
Inspired by The Cell by @what-yadoking-likes because sometimes you gotta get your feelings jerked around lmao
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what-yadoking-likes · 10 months
SO. I got tattooed earlier this week. It was a Pokémon Gen 2 'Get what you get' (GWYG) tattoo.
For those who don't know, a GWYG tattoo is where you get a random tattoo design from a gumball machine. Most artists will offer re-rolls for a fee.
I was originally scheduled to get this back in May, but the artist needed to reschedule - to AUGUST.
My mental health has been shite, and even on the day of the tattoo, I was not excited as I usually am before getting tattooed.
I have been following the artist carefully and checking off the mons that had already been rolled and tattooed. Some of the heavy hitters had already gone - Umbreon, Wooper, Quagsire, Celebi - but the 3 I knew I would 100% need to re-roll on had not yet been tattooed. They were Smoochum, Ariados and Spinarak.
Anyway. I got my ball, opened it and... Smoochum.
I re-rolled. Knowing I would need to get whatever it was and praying on account of my possibly overactive arachnophobia that it wasn't one of the spider mons.
We found the perfect place for it - below my spooky Gengar tattoo, done by the same artist last October - filling out the front of my right leg.
I returned to Brum and caught up with my partner, who had made a start on grocery shopping. He did a cursory sweep over the body parts he could see when I found him in the supermarket, but I knew he hadn't spotted it.
Later, he guessed what it was. He wanted the first letter - H. He must have guessed every other H Gen2 mon before I was like "It's a legendary" & he was like "HO-OH?!??!?".
Now, I have been with my partner for... 13 years? When we first got together, he was playing through Soulsilver. As a kid he had played Silver for a million hours and had several Level 100 mons. I had played Pokémon Yellow as a kid but due to being 💫 poor 💫 stopped there.
So. I ended up buying a 2nd-hand Nintendo DS & a copy of HeartGold to compliment his SS.
Guys, it was a STUPIDLY fortuitous run. I caught the Pokérus in-game, and caught a shiny Articuno after just 15 minutes of semi-serious soft resets. I had also used a Ho-Oh in the Elite 4.
My partner was rather sweet. Said he liked how it was almost like a throw-back to that time, to our first few months as a couple when we were at university. How it was meaningful without meaning to be.
I may not have gotten a Yadoking, or a Murkrow, or any of the others I secretly thought would be awesome to get - but I got a little nostalgic piece that both does & doesn't call back to us as much younger people, desperately eager to share the experience of HGSS with each other.
When I told the tattoo artist I was re-rolling, she said she was surprised with how many people had said they disliked Smoochum.
When she uploaded the reel onto IG, some people were upset I had re-rolled, whilst others understood. I commented & said this was a good thing because it means she will (hopefully) be tattooed on someone who really, really likes her.
I got lucky - very lucky.
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abyssal-endling · 2 years
Grumpy goober, as requested :)
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oddsacky · 2 years
Tag 9 people that you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @vieridebitchtits
Fave color: Purple
Currently reading: Make Out Then Make Love by @handhelld
Last song: Reckless Battery Burns by Ghost and Pals
Last movie: Hardcore Henry
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet
Working on a Payday horror series featuring a very cannibalistic Wolf and a project with a friend called Change My Mind
People I'm tagging: @handhelld @what-yadoking-likes @corkisms @lilspacewolfie @des-paa-cee-toeee @bainposting @the-dozer-from-payday @hoxooster @tf2freakfountain
Hope you all are doing swell
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manekinoodle · 2 years
@what-yadoking-likes re: the shipping opinions thing
masterguide: not my thing, but the appeal is completely understandable. bain sits outside of shippable territory for me. i like him as a mysterious figure; know too much and the magic is gone.
mastergrinder: yeah i think this is great since this ship got me into the payday fandom space. might be my own taste in men colouring this though. i feel like there's some ethical concerns but uh... i'm sure this can be happy and healthy. i'm interpreting it that way for my own sake. way too much horniness in this space tho, you filthy filthy animals.
wolfhox: grew on me as hoxton grew on me. it's sort of the ideal friends/colleagues to lovers progression i like. in my interpretation they really help each other improve and get better! everyone here has good taste.
ukranian chicken (vlad x jacket for the uninitiated): goddamn i hate how much i like this ship. firmly in crackship territory for me, but there's not that much of a stretch when looking at the two characters. i'd like to see more of this. consider this morbid curiosity.
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