quickspinner · 1 month
Do you have any hidden gem fics or lesser known authors you would recommend for Lukanette?
I'm not going to lie, it's way easier to call to mind friends' fics so the same names tend to pop up when I'm trying to think of recommendations, so this is a great question. I don't really want to claim these are 'hidden gems' or 'lesser known authors' just because they're not in the circle of authors I hear from and talk to frequently, so let's put it this way: here's some works I love that haven't come up in the recs I've been asked for recently.
(full disclosure some of them are still written by friends 😂 but may be older or don't get as much love as I think they deserve)
I don't know tumblr names for most of these authors so I can't tag them but if you recognize your fic here and would like to be tagged, shoot me a message or leave a reply and I'll edit the post to add it.
A Discordant Song by Bounemr (this one is not heavy on the lukanette but I still love it)
Standing Here All Alone by Thistle_and_Thorns
Cherry Blossoms at Midnight by FrivolousFlare
The Feel of Music by Renigan
Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe by @goldenlaurelleaveswrites
Drunk Talks (and Sober Confessions) by @chrwrites
Saltinette by @freedom-shamrock
if you know, you know by RenderedReversed 
i'm in a world apart (a world where roses bloom) by nonbinarynino (STILL one of my absolute favorite ever stories)
In Vino Veritas by Marie_Chambers
The Hope of it All by Marie_Chambers
Crowned by @semi-slaughtomatic
Five-Minute Time Machine by L3245
Wingwoman by @mintaka14
So, You Met Tchaikovsky? by @mamanabeille
The Swan Song of One Marinette Dupain-Cheng by Wolfsbaene
the reason you stay by @eat0crow
Ewww... Not even dead by @bloody-writes
Acmé by @astronavigatrix
Or I could Just Kiss You... by @livrever
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang (Lukanette Week 2019) by @semi-slaughtomatic
Brave New World: Lukanette Week 2019 by seasonofthegeek
Chai Tea and Fresh Starts by @freedom-shamrock (I still looooove this one)
Awards and Appreciation by whatarubberchicken
music to knit a broken heart by Nanimok 
In Between the Metro by damagectrl
Okay, disclaimer on this one: It is adrienette endgame, but I enjoy the Lukanette part of it so much that I'm listing it anyway. When I reread, I just stop before they breakup. I don't know that this kind of recommendation would actually be appreciated, so apologies to the author. 😂 More of What Was Once Mine by RavenclawPianist 
Oooh and I haven't read this one myself yet but friends are gushing about it so I'm reccing it based on that: Hunted by the Night Light by hislittlelady (NSFW)
Have fun! and be sure to leave the authors a comment, I'm sure they'd love it.
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jennagrinsoverml · 1 year
HI i love your fic recs! This is gonna sound really specific but do you have any good fics about time? I'm thinking Bunnix-involved, time loops, alternate universes... it's been on my mind lately. thank you so much!
I had a lot of fun with this list! I feel like this one has been anxiously awaited since I posted about it a while back haha
Remember That Time When... by @mostlovedgirl
Twenty-two-year-old Marinette Agreste was looking forward to the anniversary trip she would be taking with her husband Adrien that weekend. Those plans are derailed when she wakes up in her old bedroom... and she’s seventeen again.
Multi-chapter. This fic is so fun, and I love the way it plays with both sides of the time travel trope. On the one hand you’ve got Adrien and Marinette suddenly transported to a future where they’re married, while in their time, they’re not together (though Marinette’s crazy in love with him of course). And on the other hand, you’ve got married Adrienette back in the past needing to pretend they’re not even together! It’s sweet and fun, and I loved seeing both how Adrienette got there, as well as what they’re like as an established couple at the same time.
A Hundred Thursdays by Midnight Musume (Peas)
Marinette is stuck repeating the same day over and over. Her friends (and especially Chat Noir) help her cope.
Two-shot. Groundhog day type fic where Marinette’s stuck in a time loop. (In the second chapter, Adrien’s the one who is stuck.) It’s extremely well executed, and I really enjoyed the Marichat dynamic, especially with how it was influenced by the interactions Marinette had (or did not have) with Adrien earlier in the day.
Clairvoyance by @whatarubberchicken
Being hit by an akuma is not usually this delightful. Or bright. Or completely eye-opening.
One-shot. This fic hits me right in the feels, with Chat Noir being transported to a perfect future where he’s married with children and so, so happy, and it’s just so beautiful. Before, of course, the akuma’s power is ended and it’s over.
Eight Years Overnight by @coffeebanana
All Adrien wanted was to finish grading papers and have a relaxing weekend with his family. He most definitely did NOT expect Bunnyx to show up and drag him eight years into the future. When Ladybug followed her husband into the future, she didn't expect to see him playing the part of the villain. She didn't expect fourteen-year-old Emma to follow her through, either. And Chat Noir from the future was wrong to think that saving his kidnapped wife would be a piece of cake the second time around.
OR: Ladynoir July with a time-travelling twist.
Multi-chapter. This fic is exactly the kind of fic I’m usually thinking of when I think of a time travel fic. It’s a little bit confusing in the way that such stories always are, but the confusion is really kept to a minimum. It’s so interesting because the love square get together is not a component of this fic, they’re married in both times! But it works so well, and the trust they have in each other in both times is a recurring theme and it’s beautiful. This is plotty and well constructed. 
Why Are You Like This? by @carpisuns
An older Chat Noir shows up in the middle of a class field trip with a special mission for his younger self.
Two-shot. This is sweet, hilarious, and utterly perfect. Chat Noir meddles in the love square and it cracks me up.
A Sound of Thunder by Tempomental
“Bye-bye, little… actually, that’s your line, isn’t it? Sorry.”
Ladybug stared at the man in front of her. Tall. Shaggy, but not unkempt blond hair. Oh yeah, and he was wearing a Ladybug costume.
“Who - who are you?”
“Oh, right, sorry.” He drew himself up to his full height and proudly announced, “My name is Adrien Agreste, and I’ve come from the future to rescue you!”
Multi-chapter. Adrien also comes back from the future to help out with the ladybug miraculous. It’s extremely intense and well written and every time I thought I had spotted a problem in the writing, it turned out to be a plot element but holy shit I thought I was going to die with how intense this is. If you like plot, you will absolutely LOVE this fic.
when you weren’t mine to lose by @bugsandchatons
Change is a scary thing, especially when it feels like nothing has stayed the same.
It’s been a year since Marinette became the Guardian of the Miracle Box - a year of struggling beneath a burden she never asked for, a weight that has her leaning on her partner more and more as the hours fly by, of letting him come to her, too, when he needs a soft place to land. A year of falling for the boy who takes on the world by her side with a smile made of sunlight, and fighting the growing urge to tell him what he means to her.
After all, they’ll have time enough for that when Paris is safe.
But when the unthinkable happens, Marinette learns the tragedy of loving someone quietly, and the lines she’ll cross to save him.
Multi-chapter. This is what happens when Ladybug loses Chat Noir: she uses Hawkmoth to go back in time to save him. It hurts in all the best ways and the writing is absolutely gorgeous and somehow we still get a happy ending!
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alwaysawkwardd · 8 months
Tag 9 people you would like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @blueberry-macaron even if it's like a month later, haha
Three ships: Lukanette (miraculous), AstarionXTav (BaldursGate3) and Dramione (Draco and Hermione if it wasn't obvious).
First ship ever: Robin and Starfire. I was OBSESSED
Last Song: Popular Monster by Falling in Reverse
Last Movie: Despicable Me. Husband and I were having a throwback to all the cute disney movies date.
Currently reading: fanfics, lol. I have so many I still need to read and comment on (looking at you Lukanette fandom!) and barely have time anymore.
Currently watching: Rewatching Vampire Diaries and the Originals.
Currently consuming: Can't live without my vanilla Pepsi.
Currently craving: sweet Hawaiian rolls with honey butter. I can and will eat an entire 24 pack in one sitting. I'm an adult, no judging allowed.
Tagging but no pressure to respond. I just think these are fun.
@verfound @trixxiephantomhive @annalulz @rierse @cocoabellefuntimes @sassyduckqueen @whatarubberchicken @fragileizy @freedom-shamrock
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[-1-] - [-All-] - Part 8
Rating Legend: 💚General - 💛Teen+ - 🧡Mature - 💖Explicit - 🤍No Rating
💛 holding hands (and stuff) by @carpisuns -  Words:3414 - Chapters:1/1
💚 A Love Like the Stars by @dragon-of-the-sea -  Words:39526 - Chapters:31/31
💚 OPERATION: Date Night by @whatarubberchicken -  Words:8981 - Chapters:1/1
💚 That Awkward Moment When... by @breeeliss -  Words:32748 - Chapters:7/7
💚 Catalyst by @thenovelartist -  Words:13258 - Chapters:5/5
💚 Two Gods, One Braincell by LoganLight -  Words:10937 - Chapters:7/7
💛 A Lie for a Lie by @botherkupo - Words:49423 - Chapters:36/36
💛 les illuminations en douche 'verse by noirshitsuji -  Works:1 - Complete: No - Words: 55,592 - Chapters: 17/17
💖 The way you make meow feel by JuliaFC & @malauu-ladynoir​ -  Works:16 - Complete: No (big bonus point for A wish by accident )
💛 Dance with Me, Chaton by @chocoluckchipz​ -  Words:86091 - Chapters:31/31
For any fic suggestion, or to shout out a writer (or yourself), please contact me - @clawsout83​
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
Time travel fic recs
A Timely Reveal by LiquifiedStars
Rated T. Language: English. Words: 3,687. Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Adrien realised that having kissed Marinette as Chat Noir was now causing him complications with his now Girlfriend. His attempt to reveal himself however is interrupted when a girl suddenly falls through a portal, and she looks curiously like him. Written for the Miraculous Fanworks Discord.
From School Bells to Wedding Bells by linnieluna
Rated G. Language: English. Words: 7,013. Chapters: 1/1
Summary: When the superhero duo takes on another exhausting fight against an akuma, Chat Noir does what he never hesitates to do and takes a hit for his partner. The problem being: neither of them knew what power the akuma possessed.
That is... until he is transported into the future. More specifically, to his friend Marinette's wedding.
Clairvoyance by @whatarubberchicken
Rated G. Language: English. Words: 6,950. Chapters: 1/1.
Summary: Being hit by an akuma is not usually this delightful. Or bright. Or completely eye-opening.
When Bunnyx Brings a Baby by Druwho
Rated T. Language: English. Words: 34,419. Chapters: 9/9
Summary: Marinette thought she was up to any challenge. She was Ladybug after all! But when Bunnyx arrives with a baby in her arms asking her to babysit, Marinette quickly learns that Akuma battles are easy compared to taking care of a baby. A baby that seems to know her and for some strange reason... Adrien?
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justhereforkeefe · 1 month
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binart · 3 years
Lance has an immediate need to put on the uniform so he can see how cool he looks, doesn't he.
he absolutely does and SO DO WE B^) DFJGLDKFGD
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braincoins · 3 years
Hi, I'm new here, but I saw your request for prompts and had to ask. What do you think of Shallura, with Shiro showing some flying tricks to the inexperienced Allura? I loved their chaotic energy at the end of season 1 and would like to see more, but with Allura in Blue.
Shiro stared at her for a moment, then cleared his throat. “Of course, Princess. I’d be glad to help.”
She glanced around. “Don’t say that so loudly, please.”
“We’re the only ones on the bridge.”
“Coran’s hearing is excellent.”
“Coran is at the other end of the Castle.”
“Please.” She folded her hands in front of her demurely. “Just don’t say it so loudly.”
“I’ll... be more careful, Princess.”
She huffed. “And how many times must I ask you to call me ‘Allura’?”
“At least once more, clearly. Come on, let’s use Blue to practice.”
“Not Black?”
“Not Black,” he agreed. 
“I can pilot any Lion,” she reminded him.
“Blue will be... friendlier.” 
So they went to the Blue Lion’s hangar. Initially the Lion seemed to ignore them. 
“I just want to practice,” Allura explained. “I would never take you away from Lance.”
And only then did the Lion lay down and open its mouth to let them in. 
“I still say we could have practiced in Black.”
“You don’t know Black,” Shiro replied. As the seat moved back, he gestured to it grandly. “Princess.”
She rolled her eyes at his continued insistence on using her title, but took the seat. It moved forward to piloting position, and Shiro came to stand - well, he was bent over a little - behind the seat. 
“What are you having trouble with?”
“I don’t know, just... well, not everything, but it’s so different to the Castle.”
“Let’s launch first and then we can start working on it.”
“Oh, right.” She took firm hold of the control sticks, and... nothing. More nothing for a few more ticks, and only then did Blue launch from its bay out into open space.
“Did you do that, or did Blue?” he asked.
“I... I think it was Blue,” she admitted.
“Okay, well, we’re out here now, so hopefully Blue will let you learn on your own. Now, tell me more about the problems you’re having.”
She went into detail about the differences between the Castle and the Lions, most of which Shiro could have guessed. There was obviously going to be a huge difference between a command ship and a fighter, even setting aside the bonding requirement.
“You are bonding with the Lion first, yes?”
She shifted in her seat. “I’m... not really sure how to. I mean, I managed it once, but that was the heat of battle, I was desperate, and it just felt like it happened, not like something I did. Besides, I don’t want to... I mean, it feels... wrong to try to do that.”
“You’re not overriding our bonds to our Lions,” he assured her. “This is a bond you have with them already, because of whatever it was King Alfor did. It’s different.” He laid his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry about that.”
She smiled at him, just a little. “You’re sure?”
“Very. Blue wasn’t even going to let us in until you let her know you weren’t trying to replace Lance. The Lions wouldn’t let you do something like that. So don’t be afraid to establish your own bond with them.”
She closed her eyes, apparently set on working on that immediately. He smiled a little wider, watching her, letting himself notice all over again how beautifully regal she looked whenever she did... anything.
“Oh!” Her eyes flew open. “I... I can feel Blue now!” She looked to Shiro. “You’re right; she’s very friendly.”
“Try some basic maneuvers first, and if it goes well, I’ll show you a trick or two I learned in flight school.”
Her eyes lit up and she refocused on piloting. Whether it was her now-established bond, the dangling of that particular carrot, or both, she did well, and the Blue Lion swooped and dove through the inky blackness of space.
“How’s that?” she asked.
“Very good. Now, I’ve already learned how to adapt this to Lion controls...” He laid his hands over hers on the sticks, squeezing lightly when he needed to, but mostly doing very gentle pushing - not really moving anything, just to give an idea of the movement that would be needed - to illustrate the move. “Blue will probably do this even more elegantly than Black would, and not just because it’s a smaller Lion.”
“Oh? What’s the other reason?”
“Because someone more elegant is piloting,” he said. 
She blushed. “Shiro, how can you give me such beautiful compliments and still not use my name?”
“This is flying practice time,” he said instead of answering. Because the answer to that was Using your title is all that keeps me from showering you with compliments every time I open my mouth. Because I need the reminder that you are above me, beyond me, or I’ll get my hopes too high. “And it’s not just a compliment: it’s the truth. You... you do everything elegantly, Princess. And the attitude of the pilot matters a lot more than you’d think. Think about how Keith flies versus how Hunk flies, for example. They’re both very physical pilots, but Keith favors get in and get out quick, where Hunk tends to just ram forward. They have different approaches, and part of that is down to the type of Lion they each have, but it’s also down to their personalities.
“You, Princess, will bring your elegance to every Lion you fly.”
Was it his imagination, or were her eye marks glowing a little? “And you, my paladin, are a warrior poet.”
“Try the maneuver,” he told her, feeling his own cheeks heat now. There was something about the way she said it - “my paladin” - that made him smile.
And, as he’d expected, she pulled it off...more or less. “I don’t think that was terribly elegant.”
“Well, you’ll get there in time,” he promised her. “With practice.”
She did it a few more times, and already he could see that promise coming true some day. They headed back to the hangar.
“Thank you for your help, Shiro,” she said once they were back aboard the Castle. “I... appreciate it more than I can say.”
“You know you can ask me for help anytime, Princess. With anything.”
“I know that you’re willing to help,” she agreed, “but it’s the actual asking that’s hard for me.” She released the control sticks and leaned back in the seat. “Just getting the words out is hard sometimes. I’m... not used to needing help, let alone asking for it.”
“You’ll get there in time. With practice.” He grinned at her.
She snorted and shook her head. “Says the man who won’t even call me by my name.” The seat pulled back in preparation for her to stand.
But Shiro took the opportunity to drop to one knee in front of her, a knight - a paladin - kneeling before his princess. He made sure he was looking her in the eye when he said, “You can ask me for anything, Allura.”
Her eye marks were definitely glowing now, and she smiled. “Thank you, Shiro. For everything.”
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artsy-alice · 4 years
Hey! I saw all your spots for the November kofi run are taken, and I'm super, super happy for you! Do you know when you might do another one, or when you'll have commissions open? I have a couple of OCs that are begging to be brought to life and I think your style would be perfect!
Thank you! <3
I’m not sure on the Ko-fi run, but as for commissions, I hope to open them up by February! ^^)/
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banana-boomboom · 4 years
Sweet Sixteen by whatarubberchicken
Rated T - Words 5,653
The night of your sixteenth birthday, it's said that you dream of your soulmate. For Ladybug and Chat Noir, it gets a bit more complicated than that. Love Square fluff. 
not my fic. just an amazing one everyone should read
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kittylovezine · 4 years
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Zine Contribution: Writer
Why do you love Marichat? I'm a sucker for friends-to-lovers.
If you could wield any miraculous, which one would you use and why? Black Cat. I'm a hoarder, so I need the power of destruction. Plus I want Plagg.
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Our Song
This is a story written for @whatarubberchicken for our little @lukanette-exchange . I hope you like it! A sincere thank you to @goblin-alchemist for betareading and smoothing it out at places!
AO3 / fanfiction.net
It was a warm evening in Paris, one of those that happens as the summer reaches its end. Old stones of town houses still radiated the heat they’d accumulated during July and August, but the wind carried a promise of autumn in the breeze. Street lights bloomed one by one with soft yellows and whites. The air carried tempting aromas from nearby bistros and cafes, while the Seine hummed her gentle song, unhurriedly lulling the city to sleep.
Her pink ballerinas barely made a sound, just a murmur over the susurrating water as the two of them strolled by the river. Luka tried to step as lightly although his sneakers didn’t make for a quiet walk despite the name. He really wished he could move soundlessly so that nothing disturbed the song of Marinette’s heart for him. 
The adorable laugh that spilled from her lips was like pearls clinking in the jeweler’s box. The flutter of her lashes sang of butterflies dancing over a meadow. Her silky hair moved gently in the breeze, as if it wanted to whisper a secret into her ear. The fabric of her dazzling dress flowed around her, glimmering in the scarce light provided by nearby lamps. 
She was stunningly beautiful and he still couldn’t believe that he’d been allowed to take her on a date, that he’d been blessed with her presence that evening. Just the two of them, no one else. No friends needing help, no boys diverting her attention and affection. No lies to uncover, no akumas wrecking havoc. For once, the night tucked Paris to sleep with a warm, dark blanket, allowing the two teens to enjoy each others presence.
They reached a part of the river bank hidden from the pathway and Luka halted, squeezing Marinette’s hand. He bowed in front of her.
‘May I have this dance?’ he offered with a small smile.
She snorted as if he said a joke, yet a delicious blush dusted her cheeks, proof that his advances were not in vain.
Luka waited patiently, his smile unwavering, his hand still holding her hand, thumb gently grazing over her knuckles, until her giggles died away.
‘Wait, you’re serious?’ She cast him a searching look.
‘I’m always serious when it comes to you, Marinette,’ he murmured. The one time he had quipped when she stuttered her name was enough for him to realize how fragile she could be. 
That was the thing that intrigued him, that drew him to her. There was a mystery surrounding the girl. She seemed so sweet, shy and frail, and in the next moment she became headstrong, confident, passionate. And so smart. Marinette was a mosaic of contradictions on two quite shapely legs. And while Luka felt the urge to protect her, he knew full well that she was capable of dealing with whatever threat was thrown at her. He’d seen her in action on his mother’s boat and he wholeheartedly agreed with Adrien that Marinette was the best candidate for an everyday Ladybug there could be. Hell, she was probably better than Ladybug herself, since she could handle most of the things the heroine could but without a spandex costume.
‘Will you dance with me?’ Luka reiterated, tone serious but kind.
Awkward silence and tentative shuffling of feet were his reply this time.
‘I’m not very good at dancing,’ Marinette mumbled looking at the tips of her ballerinas. ‘I trip over thin air.’
He put a thumb under her chin and coaxed her to look at him. The sight of her deep blue eyes, rimmed with the dark curtains of lashes, took his breath away. 
They stayed like this for a while, just gazing at each other. Luka broke the silence first.
‘That’s not what I’ve seen,’ he shook his head. ‘On the ice rink?’ he reminded. ‘You were plenty graceful.’
Marinette ducked her head and brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She knitted her brows. ‘But… there’s no music,’ she looked to the empty bank, tucked in semi-darkness. 
He smiled brightly and leaned to whisper into her ear. ‘There’s always music.’
She shivered in his arms, but scooted closer. He buried his nose in her hair, inhaling the rich aroma of vanilla and butter. True to her surname Marinette smelled like bread, like a real home should have. 
‘Do you hear the waves brushing over the shoreline?’ he murmured. Their distant song was like gasps of surprise when water met stone.
She nodded lightly.
‘That’s our percussion.’ Luka slowly lifted her hands to his shoulders, encouraging her to rest them on his jacket. Her fingers clutched tentatively at the material, sending goose bumps over his skin underneath.
‘Can you hear the cars’ wheels thumping over the cobblestones? That’s our backbeat.’ He put his hands on her lower back reveling in the closeness and easiness between them.
‘And the clatter of the cutlery and glasses from that bistro?’ Marinette muttered, a teasing lilt to her voice.
‘Those are triangles and xylophones,’ he shot back without missing a beat. He never missed a beat.
He swayed gently, turning them around. Marinette yielded to his lead.
‘Now, I think I know what tune you’ll like,’ he whispered into her ear.
He started humming, and the melody came to him, soft and sweet, like the girl in his arms. The rhythm of droplets dripping from gutters into the puddles guided his steps.
Luka chuckled under his breath and shifted their position, pulling Marinette closer. He risked a glance at her face when he rotated them to the newly established rhythm. He couldn’t help but return the smile he was met with. Elated, joyful, carefree. Her eyes shone with inner light, brighter than the stars one could no longer see over Paris.
He continued to hum as they moved their feet. She tightened her arms around him, resting her head against his chest. A small sight escaped her lips. His heart betrayed him in that moment, beating wildly out of rhythm, excited she lent her ear to hear its song. His voice caught in his throat, interrupting the melody.
Silence fell over them, four heartbeats that stretched to infinity.
And then Marinette picked up the song, as if she knew it by heart, the pause only put in there on purpose. She started humming where he stopped, soft vibrations of her voice sending shivers down his spine. Her fingers slipped into his hair at the base of his neck in a soft caress. 
Luka listened, enchanted, until he trusted his voice enough to join her. He could feel that she smiled against his chest. Emboldened, he took her hand and guided her into a pirouette, then a second one, before ultimately pulling her close again. She laughed out loud, a crescendo of a lead vocal against his hum. This, too, was a perfect part of the melody.
They continued to sway, cuddled close until the music died out. Marinette withdrew enough to look at him.
‘That was amazing,’ she praised. ‘Did you write it yourself? Is this your song?’
He thought how it came to him, born from their evening together, from the warmth and coziness between them, from the fuzzy feeling blooming in his chest and the blush that adorned her cheeks. From her laugh and his smiles. From the darkness of the riverbank and the susurration of the river. It wasn’t his, even if he was the one to seize and capture it first.
‘No, Marinette,’ he gazed at her softly. His heart stuttered when she returned his gaze with an adoring look of her own. 
‘It’s ours,’ he whispered. ‘It’s our song.’
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Pidge and Keith from Voltron: Legendary Defender are definitely aroace.
ABSOLUTELY AGREED!! i know that aroace pidge was a fairly common headcanon anyway, but once i started seeing keith as aroace too i haven't gone back since. he's just... so aroace. (not gonna lie, i'm really happy they didn't give him a love interest haha)
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buggaberry · 5 years
@whatarubberchicken replied to your photoset: “oop my hand did a little slippy”
Is there a story to go with this? 👀
to be honest, I made this out of pure impuLse, but yee sorta
It’s basically an au where normal humans and supernaturals coexist (fae, vampires, werewolves, dryads, etc.)
Adrien’s a werewolf! But he keeps quiet about it because they kinda have a bad rep, they’re viewed as brutal and hideous beasts (plus his parents made sure he kept quiet about it; Emilie had a sister who was one too and it didn’t end very well) so everyone assumes he’s normal. It’s not unusual for someone to hide what they are either, some people embrace it, others view supernaturals as problematic.
Luka’s a vampire, which everybody knows, he feels sort of insecure about it though (he’s a bit jealous of Adrien being “human”, it’s a little difficult when Adrien tries to comfort him because Luka assumes he doesn’t understand anything about it). Adrien also hates needles and just the idea of having his skin punctured in general, it scares him, he doesn’t tell Luka that though because he doesn’t want to make him feel bad.
Vampires and werewolves despise each other, two of them together is a big no-no. Although, Adrien was never one to stray away from vampires. He makes friends with them all the time, he treats them just like anyone else. But things get complicated once feelings begin to kindle for a certain someone, especially when said someone has no idea about him.
They both end up slowly but surely falling for each other, Adrien’s had subtle feelings for a while, but when Luka begins to reciprocate, he distances himself a little.
In the art, Luka catches Adrien at a bad time and discovers his counterpart and they’re both stuck in qUite the predicament.
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freedom-shamrock · 6 years
The Ladybug Special
Also over on AO3 Part 2   Part 3   Part 4
Inspired by @lnc2's Tumblr post
Thanks also go to @whatarubberchicken because I was stuck on a title!
Adrien walked swiftly toward Esplanade des Invalides.  It was warm and sunny, a beautiful day. And for the first time in what felt like months, possibly because it might have actually been months, he was finally able to meet up with his friends outside of school for something other than a project.  He'd missed so many of their planned get-togethers, including a few that he'd set up, thanks to his father's capriciousness and a million and one photoshoots.
But not today.
He took a deep breath, allowing the energy and scents of the city fill him. Nearly four blocks away from the river, he could still smell it. He'd found his senses heightened as Chat Noir, of course, but apparently long-term use of the miraculous had impacted him out of the suit as well.  He was glad it had been a gradual change, so he could adapt as it grew. Things that would have once been repulsive had gained layers of texture and interest. He still found stinky cheeses unpleasant, though.
He paused at a stoplight and pulled out his phone while he waited to cross.  Sending a quick text to Nino, he let his best friend know he was only a couple blocks away.  They were meeting up at André's cart, and because the glacier moved around so much, they'd planned to decide the rest of their afternoon from wherever that happened to be.  
Turning the corner, André's iconic cart came into view on the curved sidewalk bordering the bleuet de France roundabout. Nino and Alya were already there, holding hands, their heads tipped toward each other as they waited.  Marinette was nowhere to be seen, but that was hardly unusual. While she'd gotten better about getting to school on time in the last year, she still had a tendency to go missing during akuma attacks. If she wasn't actively helping evacuate their class, she was nowhere to be found. Alya mentioned that she suspected their friend had an anxiety disorder; until she wanted to share it, they would just support her as best they could.
Adrien broke into a jog, eager to get to his friends.  "Hey Nino, Alya. What a perfect day."
Alya laughed. "Look, the sunshine came out," she said, gesturing to his face. "I'd almost forgotten what it looked like."
"Pfft," Nino snorted. "It's nice to see you so happy, dude.  I think I finally understand what radiant truly means, looking at you in the sunshine, away from photographers and fans."
Adrien rolled his eyes.  "You two are ridiculous. Where's Marinette?  She never picks on me."
Alya coughed, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, "She wants to pick you up."  But that didn't seem right.
"Alas, my dude," Nino said with mock sadness and a slow shake of the head. "Your staunch protector is stuck at home, running the bakery counter while her parents prepare a huge order for some shindig at the Grand Palais.  I guess it came in late, but with a bonus Tom and Sabine couldn't turn down."
"Awww."  Adrien felt his joy droop a bit.  He'd really hoped to hang out with all three of them, not just because he'd heard Marinette's tales of woe at being a third wheel with the other two.  But he was determined to not let this setback bring him down. "Well, maybe we'll have to swing by the bakery later, see if she's up for a movie or something."
Alya grinned, looking positively predatory.  "Yes. Let's definitely do that." She looked over at André's  cart, where the line had dwindled to the last couple. "But until then, how about we get our ice cream."
"Yes!" Adrien agreed.  "I love this stuff. André's the best."
Adrien stood behind his friends as they ordered.  The André experience was half food service, half performance art, and he loved it.  There was something sweet and, dare he say, magical about it. As his friends stepped to the side, beaming at each other over their matched couple ice creams, he met the man's eyes.
"Ah!  Adrien, so good to see you."  André held his outstretched hands to his sides.  "Still coming to see me without your sweetheart, I see.  Perhaps this one will draw her out, yes?"
Trying not to blush, Adrien shrugged.  "I can hope."
Making a show out of waving his ice cream scoop about, before digging in and assembling Adrien's treat with a pronouncement that sounded suspiciously like a spell. "Strawberry with black chocolate chip! Blackberries for her hair, and blueberry ice-cream just like her sky blue stare!"
"Purrfect as always," Adrien said, thinking of his Lady as he reached for the treat.  "How do you always know?"
"Ah, ah, ah."  André grinned and wagged a finger at him.  "Trade secrets. Not to be shared."
Adrien understood all about keeping secrets, and honestly, given his work with the miraculous and Master Fu over the last two years, he was inclined to believe in magic.  "Have a great day, André." He walked over to where his friends waited.
"What did you get?" Alya asked, eyeing up Adrien's ice cream.
"My usual."  Adrien held it out for them to see before he scooped up a bit with the tiny spoon.  He closed his eyes and savored the first taste.
Nino took a step closer, going so far as to catch Adrien's wrist and hold it steady as he stared at it.   "Dude," he said gently.
"Yes?"  He felt unaccountably nervous all of a sudden.
"Dude."  The word was elongated and a sly grin spread over his face.  "Marinette, eh?"
Adrien glanced around, wondering if she'd been able to show after all. "Marinette?" he asked, uncertainly.  Alya's eyes had gone much wider than usual, and she'd slapped a hand over her mouth. He realized his friends were staring at his ice cream.  What did Marinette have to do with his ice cream. "Oh! You think my ice cream is Marinette themed," he said, understanding. "I guess I can see that, but no, it's…"  He froze. In the middle of preparing to reveal what they would see as an embarrassing fanboy crush, realization hit him like last week's akuma.
Blackberries for her midnight hair, worn in twin tails since they'd met.  Blueberries for her piercing blue eyes. Eyes he'd seen in the face of two amazing girls… one.  He corrected himself. Just one girl had those amazing eyes, even if she had two forms. The strawberry chocolate chip wasn't just her super suit.  It symbolized that she had the heart of a hero, that she was truly Ladybug, whether she was transformed or not.
He stared at his friends in shock.  "Oh my god," he whispered. "It is
@lnc2 - thanks for letting me play with this.  I hope it fills your need for an ice cream reveal.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
OMG I love the Dad!Jagged!! If I provide the caffeine, would you be willing to continue this?? Maybe have Luka mention Marinette and Jagged immediately trying to hook them up??? *.*
Hahaha, sure! I could definitely get down with that and thank you!!
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