psycherprince · 2 years
So I was scrolling and I uh. Got this ad.
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Which like... ugh, you know? Like I really thought we were moving past this as a society but whatever we've just rebranded the same old diet culture to... whatever this is. And I was ready to move on with my life, but then I thought: I thought there weren't any drugs specifically fda approved for weight loss? And then I recognized "bupropion" (aka wellbutrin) and sure enough, upon a closer look,
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Huh??? The topiramate one is especially egregious because what they're advertising it for (lowering appetite) isn't even related to what it's approved for (seizures and migraines).
This like... can't be legal, right? Like, something about this is definitely illegal? I mean it's for sure unethical but aren't there laws about this shit?
And the annoying thing is, when this DOES get shut down, it's going to make it harder for people who DO need these medications to get them and add more hoops to jump through, the same way that when Cerebral got cracked down on, it became like ten times harder for me to get my adderall prescription. Son of a bitch. Every doctor involved in this sham should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
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roach-works · 2 years
ayo just fyi a callout post is circling about you and your art. (relatedly, your art is good and you should feel good about it.)
it's trying to stir up outrage against you and I just wanted to be sure you knew and could prepare. hope you're good, don't let them stop you from doing your thing because they are all morons who can't tell fiction from reality.
here's the link in case you wanted to block people: https://at.tumblr.com/whatbigotspost/706090488058511360/7g8y42179hf6
i probably shouldn't have gone and looked at this before bedtime because i am now extremely irritated and exasperated. it's amazing how many of those links are a) aliens, b) not even my art, c) broken, d) that stupid extremely cropped out-of-context bullshit line where i said something stupid and thoughtless about teenage boobs on my way to trying to say that regardless of what anyone looks like, no one's body is an invitation to sexual assault, which i have apologized for and tried to clarify repeatedly for years, and e) dubcon fanfiction with somewhat more complex and mature themes than Hooray For Rape!
im so tired of this shitshow. but i guess this stupid warning still going around keeps away all the people i don't want near me, anyway.
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meadow-dusk · 11 months
any blogs to recommend?
oh absolutely! Here are some I'm consistently glad I chose to follow:
"good news" blogs to stay optimistic:
"real news" blogs to stay realistic:
nature blogs:
If anyone I tagged would prefer not to be tagged, feel free to let me know!
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just-antithings · 1 year
A political blog I enjoy reblogged this today
I'm so tired (also any homestucks in the audience, there are fun links on that post)
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anerdyfeminist · 1 year
Ok now that I’ve slept and my brain is in her better thinking mode…I gotta say I feel kinda annoyed Re that last whole @whatbigotspost thing.
If I, as a woman, talk about my experience with a trend in interacting with straight men in my life, that is very different from interacting w/ other women (or queer men or NB folks) and those women understand and validate that experience, and I post about the experience, WHY would a person who is neither a straight man nor someone who knows me and has been a part of my interactions think it’s about them?
If I make precise statements that are about interactions between men and women I know, I am not saying those are 100% of the interactions of all people. I am not saying I believe in a gender binary. I am not saying all women will agree with my assessment. I am definitely not saying trans women are not women as my definition of women inherently always includes all women, too, btw. And yes, I am also not saying ALL straight men even do the damn thing. It’s like y’all really bringing us back to “not all men?” land in 2023?!
Why can’t I just talk about an experience of misogyny I have lived? Why can’t I call out the men who DO the damn thing?
This is what people are talking about in the many new (and deeply fascinating to me) posts that are popping up about reclaiming feminism here again and allowing space to speak about misogyny and men’s, as an oppressor class, behaviors within it. I’ve noticed an uptick in feminist discourse like this and after thinking about that last post, I feel like this is related. As many of those posts have pointed out, in our efforts to excise the festering bullshit that is terf ideology, in our effort to show how sex/gender/gender identity/presentation/etc. are not binary, we lost the thread of the value and truths in actual feminism. We lost basic concepts of understanding misogyny and patriarchy. We threw the baby out with the bath water and trans femmes are among the best to speak on it.
Are we really going to act like there aren’t specific harms that happen to women and girls all the time, at the hands of men, because so many people don’t cleanly fall into the traditional fake binary of men/women?
Like really?
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artsylilgremlin · 2 years
Hey @macybay947 looped me into this, so these are my 10 songs 10 tags on shuffle from my combined Playlist:
1) Trying by Cavetown
2) Who Knew by P¡nk
3) Lone Star by The Front Bottoms
4) Watch What Happens Next by Waterparks
5) Timber (feat. Ke$ha) by Pitbull
6) Hoodie by Hey Violet
7) Wanna be Missed by Hayley Kiyoko
8) Wild Things by Alessia Cara
9) Calpol by Cavetown
10) Do you Wanna Hang from the Be More Chill musical
10 Tags: @whatbigotspost @paladudette @rosyronkey @bitethebullets @folieadeuxsday @heyitsphoenixx @hogwild-ramgirl @keinga-kobold @batgrrrlcock @mothsprout
#mine #10songs10tags
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terf-unsafe · 1 year
i know this is a heavy request, but could you submit an ask to whatbigotspost about this post: https://www.tumblr.com/female-eren/729722772884013056/and-i-think-it-does-a-disservice-to-female-rape?source=share for me? i feel like even anti terf people are not fully aware of how disgusting terfs can be
My friend. I've been TRAUMATISED by them as well. And that is now why I fight, I fight so no one else feels unsafe. My friend, you are why I fight and you're going to be okay
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I posted 694 times in 2022
5 posts created (1%)
689 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 121 of my posts in 2022
#trails of cold steel - 9 posts
#fire emblem: three houses - 7 posts
#life is strange 2 - 5 posts
#our flag means death - 5 posts
#shin megami tensei - 4 posts
#star trek - 4 posts
#a league of their own - 3 posts
#shadow hearts - 3 posts
#lol - 3 posts
#lol! - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#will smith shouldn’t have to return an oscar over a slap like that when there’s been far uglier and worse things that has happened there
My Top Posts in 2022:
This dumb as fuck meme going around has forced me to create a positive out of everything I dislike ever: that at least the things I dislike actually exists in some capacity.
0 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Fire Emblem: Three Houses and why I'm never touching the Blue Lions ever the fuck again!
Because the Blue Lions run was the most recent run I finished, it's the freshest in my head, and thought I should give my thoughts on it, so here we go. Dimitri simps are not welcome here for this and there will be spoilers.
The Blue Lions
The Blue Lions route is by far the route that dragged the most for me of them all. My first initial impression of everyone outside of Felix, Sylvain, Dedue, or Dimitri is boring and basic as fuck. But that impression changed throughout the playthrough, with most of them rising in my impression, except for Dimitri, but we'll get to him in a second. Overall, I wouldn't play this route again unless I genuinely want to angle for that Dedue romance and I'm not sure playing this route again is worth it for this. But, let's start off with my impressions of the characters.
Sylvain: If it isn't my favorite hoe of Fodlan. He's not just your typical casanova, but someone who has a lot, and I do mean, a lot of issues with the ladies because of him being used by everyone to raise their status and become nobles by birthing Crest babies. I'm not surprised that he doesn't have A-supports with most of the ladies because of his issues and the ones he does have A-supports are Dorothea (who sees right through him), Mercedes (who has also gone through a lot due to her having a Crest), Byleth (for also seeing through him, but also helping him work through his stuff), and Ingrid (who happens to be a childhood friend of his). He's a nuanced hoe and also fun to have in the party. All of my routes have him because he's free real estate as Female Byleth. In my Black Eagles run, he was with Felix, but Blue Lions saw him get married to Ingrid.
Ashe: Unlike Sylvain, I really only got to see how good Ashe was in the Blue Lions route as I didn't recruit him in my Black Eagles run and he was the only one I wasn't able to recruit in my Golden Deer run. Ashe is such a sweetheart and a damn good Archer. I liked him a lot and strived to pair him up with Annette as I thought they'd be cute together. Ashe is a good boy and definitely worth having again.
Annette: Sadly, Annette did not get much use on her own, but she was paired with someone as their adjutant (mostly with Ashe, to grow that bond between them). But she's adorable, hard-working, and just really sweet. Didn't get much use, but that's OK. She's nice.
Ingrid: Now her? I dig her. I understand she had a lot of prejudice towards the folks from Duscar due to Glenn's death, but the fact that she does grow out of it shows the kind of growth that Ingrid does have. Unlike Dimitri, she manages to move on and develops a good bond with Dedue. Plus, as a Falcon Knight (by the end of the game), she was insanely useful and could bounce around as needed. Definitely worthy of the party.
Mercedes: My first impression of her was this: "Man, does she sound funny as fuck". But after getting to know her and learning about her past, I realized that she talks like that for a reason, but also, she's just really sweet. I honestly regret not recruiting her in my Black Eagles route as I could've learned a lot about her and Jeritza if I did that. Instead, I had to look up the context as to what I missed and it made me regret forgetting to recruit her even further. Also, she is by far the best healer out of all the healers available. The fact that her Crest allows her to heal herself when she heals others makes her a tougher, less squishy healer than anyone else. 10/10, would use her for sure.
Dedue: My main reason for playing through the Blue Lions was to romance Dedue as his romance and usage of him is route-locked to the Blue Lions. It didn't work out like that, but he's still a very useful character and I 100% do like him a lot. Enough that I worked my ass off to pair him with Flayn as I thought their support conversations were adorable. A shame that he really couldn't be recruited outside of the Blue Lions because I would do so at every turn. If I ever feel up for suffering through the Blue Lions again, I'll try to romance him.
Gilbert: What a C tier dad he is. How dare he abandon Annette and leave her all alone like that?! All because of the stuff that happened in Duscur?! Nooooo... The only reason he's not F or lower is that there are genuinely far worse dads out there in the world of Fodlan. Also, the dude lacks the courage and sense to tell Dimitri to knock his shit off and King the Fuck Up! Didn't use him, so can't talk about gameplay. Was pointless as fuck for me to do so.
Dimitri: The sole fucking reason why I hate this route. Most of the pre-time skip, he's meh at best. It's during the Holy Tomb mission that it all goes fucking downhill from there. I hate this fucking asshole so, so much. This is one angry murder hobo and unlike with Hubert or Jeritza, his murder hobo ways are a fucking detriment and ruin the entire route for me. His need for bloodlust and revenge fucked so many people over. I hate the fact that Felix lost both his father and brother because of Dimitri. Dimitri makes this route fucking unplayable and is just as bad as Noctis from FFXV when it comes to royals fucking things up by not being told to King Up and do the right thing. His fucking impatience and need to kill Edelgard dragged the war out and he outright treats Byleth like shit post-time skip by telling them to Silence and Shut up. Nah, man. Byleth wouldn't put up with that level of disrespect. Neither Claude nor Edelgard would treat her so badly after the time skip. I would've loved a route split where we take down Dimitri and have someone else step into the Lord role for the Blue Lions. And don't get me started on how his solo ending calls him the Savior King. I know that history is written by the winners, but fuck that shit. He is no savior of anything. He maintains the status quo. 0/10 - Trash character leads to trash route. Folks that love Dimitri, love yourself more than this trashcan on fire. Whatever Dimitri has, other characters do it better.
Felix: The best fucking character in the Blue Lions by far. I recruited him in both my Black Eagles and Golden Deer runs because holy fuck, he is OP as shit gameplay-wise. Story-wise, I 100% am Sympatico with him over everything that happens in the Blue Lions route. He is one of the only reasons that Blue Lions should be played as in the other routes, he gives up his position as a noble to travel, whereas, in the Blue Lions, he stays as a Noble. Felix wound up being who I romanced in my Blue Lions run, unintentionally, actually, as I forgot to talk to the Gatekeeper to have Dedue meet me, so Felix showed up at the Goddess Tower instead. Fine by me, for Felix was worth it. He's the sane man in the group and I genuinely got where he was coming from when he got pissed at what his father said after his brother, Glenn, died. If you have to play the Blue Lions again, Felix is why you should, if only for his better endings there than anything else.
The Blue Lions run would've been so, so much better if I didn't have to put up with siding with someone like Dimitri. The rest of the Blue Lions are fine and Felix is without a doubt one of the best characters in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Blue Lions route is a -2/10. Dimitri drags that score down a lot and the best Blue Lions are recruitable outside of its main route. Unless you're thirsting for Dedue or want Felix to have a nice ending, Blue Lions is a one-and-done thing for me.
0 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
By far, the best joke in this hilarious train wreck, for as we all know this one immutable truth: money can’t buy knives.
0 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Life is Strange 2 (SPOILERS)
I finished playing it recently and I really only have one, really true way to describe the experience:
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Like, holy shit is this game so much of that. So, so, so much emotional damage.
My quick thoughts:
How dare you introduce the good girl Mushroom, then allow her to get killed off without giving us the opportunity of saving her, Dontnod? That is some evil shit there. RIP Mushroom.
Sean Diaz is one of the best damn characters ever put in a video game, to the point that I 100% am never going to go for an ending where he is fucked over, either in death or in prison. He's just such a good character, trying his damn hardest to protect and take care of his little brother after the loss of their father.
Out of all the chapters, in general, that hurt, Chapter 4 is the biggest one. So much pain and emotional hurt there that it was killer.
OK, game, I know that I like going as queer as possible, but did I really have to side with Finn on doing something so incredibly stupid so that I can choose to romance him? Also, no option to bang Finn too on top of the kiss? Lame!
Dontnod threw in so much good stuff in here, both in the environment, setting, and story, that I can't help but call it a masterpiece. It blows the first Life is Strange out of the water so hard that I'm surprised that folks ignored this game over the others.
I'm sad that any new Life is Strange games will be done by Deck Nine instead of Dontnod, but this just made me want to see what other games that Dontnod has out there.
If you can get this game, get it. It is so good and will cause so much emotional wreckage, it can kill. But it is an amazing game and worth the price, even without a sale.
1 note - Posted May 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fire Emblem: Three Houses and my Thoughts on the Black Eagles run
At the time of this writing, I've finished, in this order: Black Eagles, Ashen Wolves, Golden Deer, and Blue Lions. So, general thoughts first and then I'll break down each House and what I thought of their routes. All routes were done with Female Byleth. Spoilers ahead, so be forewarned. This part will be about the Black Eagles and my general thoughts.
I love this game. It is such a blast to play through and it's nice actually playing a teacher that has to help their student to get better while also having that slice of life stuff I just love a lot. Please give me more slice-of-life stuff like this in video games. Gameplay is fun, the story is great, and I do not regret buying a Switch for this and Shin Megami Tensei V. I always say that it's ethical to pirate from Nintendo, but given that I was really curious about it, I'll make an exception for my usual "Do Not Buy" policy when it comes to Nintendo.
Now, onto the Houses.
Black Eagles
The Black Eagles are, without a doubt, some of my favorite party members from start to finish and, due to me not hearing much of anything from the fandom about this route beyond "I am Ferdinand von Aegir", I thought it appropriate to pick this route first.
Man, that was one adventure I was not expecting at all!
So, the main goal of the Black Eagles can be summarized like this: A bunch of folks that believe in a meritocracy decide to team up with some evil edgelords to take out the Catholic Church and personally murder their immortal pope, who just happens to be the one the Catholic Church is named after, and can also turn into a giant dragon to wreck shit up. After taking out the Catholic Church, they then backstab the evil edgelords over time. That's pretty much what's happening in the Black Eagles route. I, for one, love this.
Edelgard is one of my favorites and I adore her goals and motivations as to why she is doing this. Taking down the Church is always a worthwhile goal and, while I do like Seteth and Flayn, I'm not fond of Catherine (who is OK with doing really fucked up shit) and Rhea (who just happens to be OK with murder without trials). Is it any wonder that at the route split, I sided with Edelgard and not the Church? Also, a minor tidbit, but the reason why she donned the moniker the Flame Emperor is one that actually flew over my head hard. I thought she named herself that because she wanted to burn the Church down. Turns out, she has the Crest of Flames along with the Crest of Seiros and that's why she's the Flame Emperor. Yeah, that flew over my head. Talk about an obvious miss there. Was clearly having 20/20 Bimbo Perception that day.
Hubert is a goth murder hobo done right. Unlike Dimitri (and we will get to him when I get to writing about the Blue Lions), his murderous tendencies are controlled. There's a purpose for why he does the heavy killing load for Edelgard. He is so loyal to her that he killed his own father for betraying her. That is how loyal he is to her. I loved his character and, unlike another Robbie Daymond-voiced murder hobo, I get where he's coming from. He's also relatively useful in combat and I do dig him as my black magic user for sure.
Linhardt is the healer of the group and I loved him the second with his quick intro: "Lindhardt. Goodbye". Quick, efficient, and shows exactly the kind of character he is. He's the one I relate to the most in the Black Eagles route: I too want nothing more to do than to sleep, shirk off hard work, and study all the time. He was an instant recruit from me when I played the other runs, if only because I didn't want to kill him.
Petra is my main swordswoman and I generally love her story arc, with her being technically a prisoner from her homeland of Brigid. She's sweet but tough and I do like how she tries to learn the culture in Fodlan. She also was a recruit in my Golden Deer and Blue Lions runs, but sadly, she was just mainly recruited, not exactly used often due to the presence of Felix and Yuri.
Bernadetta, my adorable sweetheart! A lot of folks would find her fear of everything annoying, but the second I found out why, I was like, "OK, you are officially under my protection. Where is your fuckhead father so that I can bury his ass six feet under?" I am so disappointed that we do not even get even an iota of a chance to beat his ass in (or at least have Hubert mention killing him). In short, one of the best archers you can have, and while she was recruited in Golden Deer, I actually didn't recruit her in Blue Lions. Well. Fuck.
Caspar is fun. I like him. He's impulsive, brash, and just the fun of the Black Eagles. And a decent brawler too. A shame that he's actually sidelined in both my Golden Deer and Blue Lions runs due to Balthus (in the other three runs) and Raphael (in the Golden Deer run).
Dorothea was my Gremory (when I reached that class) by the end of the game and while she's a decent mage, she does get outclassed by both Hubert and Linhardt in my Black Eagles run. I do love her interactions with everybody, so that was fun. Definitely worth having, if only so that you don't separate her from Manuela.
I figured to add Jeritza here as he's exclusive to the Black Eagles, Crimson Flower route: He's OP as fuck. That man can take a hit and keep going. Also, another murder hobo, and given the reason why he went murder hobo, I can only say this: He was doing the Goddess Sothis' work on taking out his father and the rest of the Bartels out. I do not feel sorry for Baron Bartels for thinking he can even try... *that*. Ew. Gross as fuck.
And I saved the man, the meme himself, for last: Ferdinand von Aegir. He is not just a meme, he's an awesome character and by far, my favorite himbo in all of Fodlan. He was my Dancer in this run and may I say that he looked amazing in his Dancer outfit. Not to mention that I just loved how he interacted with everyone. Billy Kametz's performance as him is nothing short of excellent. Fun fact, I actually listened to his duet with Robbie Daymond in a "This is totally not Hubert and Ferdinand we're singing as *wink*" song and I did not get the context of it at first until I played the game. Now afterward, I get the context. And I aimed for that Hubert x Ferdinand ending because I like how they contrast each other. He also was an instant recruit and while he didn't get used as much in Golden Deer or Blue Lions, he's still a favorite and I did not want to fight against him.
In short, Black Eagles are 10/10, would play this route again, and will always side with Edelgard. Down with Megalomaniacal Dragon Gods. Will get to writing about the other routes soon.
2 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ghostlynb · 2 years
The Texas GOP is trying to dissolve the city of Austin and make it a district under the direct jurisdiction of the Lt. Gov.
I am struggling to express how much this cannot be allowed to happen. The next legislative session is on 1/10. Please, if you live in TX, call your reps and start raising hell now.
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And do you have any actual counterargument? 
Anything to suggest their concerns are wrong, or dishonest? Especially considering the increased crime rates when cops pull back?
Or do you just want your tumblr friends to validate your contempt for the Other Team?
Also, I still love the irony of whatBigotsPost blocking anyone who disagrees, which is textbook bigotry.
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jenjensd · 5 years
Medical Misogyny
I have various medical issues including a chronic pain disorder and a lot of unpleasant symptoms I’ve been trying to get a diagnosis for.
On Tuesday I had an appointment to see my GP (General Practioner) and so I went to the automated check-in point, but it had an error. I checked in at reception but there was some scheduling issue so I ended up being seen by this male doctor I’d never seen around my surgery before.
When I went in to His office, I tried to talk to him about several issues that needed attention soon but since he was not familiar with my case, he just kept rewording and repeating that he could not help me.
I had mentioned a referral for Rheumatology that I had been told the hospital had not received, so after repeating, unhelpfully, that a referral was written down in the system and acting like I was too stupid to understand, he finally told me to ask reception about it. He hadn’t even looked at my medical record until I had repeated that I wanted to know the results of a recent Gynaecologist appointment, so I knew he was uninterested in providing much help.
After I tried to discuss these quick-ish issues I tried to talk about a possible allergic reaction I had several days ago which left my hands and lips swollen for at least 36 hours. He stopped me and told me I was out of time and he wouldn’t help me. He lectured me that if I wanted to discuss more than one issue, I should have booked a longer appointment, (despite him likely knowing appointments with specific doctors are almost impossible to find, let alone two in a row). At this point he shut me down, repeating “Goodbye” and “I cannot help you” until I left his office, nearly in tears.
I asked at reception, got my referral letter, and booked a Rheumatologist appointment, as well as managing an “apology” GP appointment on Friday with my actual Doctor. When I saw her she confirmed what I needed to do and helped me with all my questions, agreeing with and that I still needed these appointments. Then today when I went to look at my appointment, I find this on the screen:
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Now I know my doctor didn’t cancel the appointment, and I doubt the receptionists could have or would have. So I’m led to believe that this male doctor who doesn’t know about my case, my pain, my severely lacking Quality of Life, and my disabilities, decided that he knew better than my regular doctor and decided my referral needed reviewing.
So I’m kind of on the edge of a mental breakdown trying to process why my appointment, which wouldn’t have even been until mid July, is yet again being messed with.
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monsterenergypunk · 7 years
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So 2 things I have learned:
1) Redkatherine remade as redkatherinee
2) She’s still disgustingly transmisogynistic
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anerdyfeminist · 2 years
Getting a big dose of that tumblr mentality of “you said one thing on this topic in your post but not ALL THE THINGS on this topic in your post” in my @whatbigotspost notifications this morning. God how I hate that mentality.
It’s not like they read any of the 3000 word post type stuff I’ve written anyway 🙄 They just wanna look smart. Sigh. I’m all for posts sparking ideas and additions, but have some grace w/ it. This is literally why I so often say stuff like “this AND” when l add on a reblog so that OP at least doesn’t think I’m expecting them to have said/known it all.
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anerdbird · 6 years
Apparently criticism isn’t allowed
I typically don’t make or comment much on posts (just reblog stuff), but I recently had an interaction with @whatbigotspost (which I might not be able to tag since I’m blocked now) that really disappointed me. I’ve been a fan of that blog for years (I followed back when it was called facebooksexism), and I still like most of their content, but recently there was a post about Jordan Peterson that struck me as odd. Included in the post (screenshots below and the post is still up on the blog) was an out-of-context and patched-together quote from him and an accusation that he was a rape advocate. I’m fairly familiar with Jordan Peterson and I like a lot of his stuff, so naturally I was confused by this. I then posted a response, and when the blog responded, they also blocked me (which according to their FAQ what they typically do after 1 negative interaction). They then proceeded to call me a douche in another post and left me with no way to defend myself to their (kind of large number of) followers. Honestly I would have been fine with being blocked had they not then continued to insult me now that I can’t respond directly. 
I was able to leave them an ask, but in case it doesn’t get a response, here’s what I have to say to @whatbigotspost :
Thanks for insulting me and not addressing my points, I guess? Actually, a lot of people would care if it’s socially or legally enforced. No one is going to fine or jail people for not being in a monogamous relationship. Also, I’m not sure you understand that the term enforced monogamy originates in sociology and evolutionary biology with regards to the well-documented behavior of humans and primates rather than a term made up to promote rape culture. Again, Peterson is not saying that women should just fuck any men who want to have sex with them, but rather arguing for the psychologically and historically based facts that both men AND women are statistically happier, safer, and more successful (socially and fiscally, mind you) when in monogamous relationships. I think we might actually get somewhere in conversation if you wouldn’t make assumptions about people and their ideas based on patched-together & out of context quotes and suggestions that don’t strictly align with your particular worldview and politics. Example: I’m literally in therapy and dealing with depression & anxiety because of a former (male) partner who emotionally abused, threatened, and sexually assaulted me frequently, so I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t assume I’m advocating rape.
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lorddarios · 7 years
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This is the whitest thing he could have responded with Jesus christ
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slowpoke-queen · 8 years
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@whatbigotspost A Texas Democrat purpose a "satire" bill to make it so men would have to pay a fine for masturbation, as well as going through a bunch of shit to get Viagra and vasectomy. And the commenters are a bunch of whiny males who don't know basic sex ed or think masturbation is the same as a period. Like yeah we totally can choose when to bleed out for a week. 😂😂😂😂😂
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