#whats the age difference cause from memory I think she was taking care of a 5 year old at the age of 8 or something
alottiegoingon · 3 months
fluff alphabet
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natalie scatorccio x reader
warnings: can be suggestive, characters are aged up, bad relationship with parents, no pronouns for r used, fluff, just my personal headcanons, not proofread.
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—affection (how affectionate is she?)
i really think that nat would be embarrassed to show affection in public or around her friends when you first start dating. with time she’d get used to it. maybe not extremely affectionate but holding hands or doing something simple but intimate like touching shoulders or legs when sitting side by side.
—best friend (what would nat be like as a best friend?)
would 100% invite you to get high with her and her emo friends 💀 nat would be that kind of friend that teases you all the time but is also always there for you. maybe you’d even help her to dye her hair!!!
—cuddle (how does nat like to cuddle?)
again, i don’t think she’s extremely touchy but she loves to have you around. when cuddling, she wouldn’t mind being the big or small spoon but i feel like she loves to be held sometimes.
—domestic (how is she at cooking/cleaning...?)
since nat’s parents are shit, she’d do most of the chores and cooking. nat probably learned how to cook when she was young cause her parents didn’t do that for her and she had to eat! even if her mom did the cooking before or after her dad died, she’d rather do herself and eat earlier so she could hide in her bedroom. :(
—emotions (how does she express her emotions around you?)
not good at expressing emotions. wouldn’t bottle everything up and lash out like shauna (shoutout to my girl) but would have a hard time. probably gets defensive or cries when talking about her parents and hates feeling vulnerable but eventually she’d feel more comfortable.
—family (does she want one?)
now this is a difficult one. i think before meeting you, nat would NOT want to have kids. she’d be too scared to be a bad mom and make her child traumatized like she had been. and it’s a fucked up world. but she met you and eventually may change her mind about it. if she was a mom, she’d do her best to be different from her parents.
—gifts (does nat like spoiling you?)
nat clearly struggles with money but would always find ways (legal or not) to give you something big in special occasions or simple but really sweet gifts casually.
—honesty (does she have any secrets?)
nat’s secrets are probably her relationship with her parents (and her dad’s death) and her living in a trailer. i don’t think she’d keep it as a secret but she doesn’t like telling you about her past boyfriends cause she’s scared you’ll judge her. (that’s for u travis, get ur shit together).
—injury (how would she react if you got hurt?)
nat would be scared to lose you. she'd take care of you and be so careful and gentle but would also lecture you. "i told you it was a stupid idea!"
—jealousy (is she jealous?)
not insanely jealous but definitely jealous. she's the type of person that doesn't mention it but it's clear that she's jealous when she keeps staring at you talking to someone else with sad puppy eyes. if you were dating already, she'd be always close to you and would be the first one to scare the other person away by saying you had a girlfriend.
—kiss (how does she kiss you? how does she like to be kissed?)
something in between being a lil rough or a softie. holds your chin when kissing you 😵‍💫
—love (who said ‘I love you’ first?)
nat was the first one to say it when you were hanging out in her room. maybe she was a bit high when saying that but not enough to not actually mean it. she'd definitely blush at every time you told her you loved her and say something like "love you too, asshole" when you mention her red cheeks.
—memory (what’s her favorite memory of you together?)
all of them. hanging out together, showing you her favorite songs, you letting her do your eyeliner to match hers. even if she had to do something like watching cliche romcoms or movies that were too happy and sweet, she'd secretly enjoy it.
—night (how are nights spent with her?)
before living together, you'd talk in the phone for hours before bed. talking about your day, talking shit about someone you disliked, phone sex, or being quiet and hearing each other's breath.
if you lived together, you'd probably snuggle on the couch with something random on tv just to use as an excuse to get a little too touchy.
—open (when would she start revealing things about herself?)
somethings like the place where she lives and how bad her parents treat her you'd realize by yourself. it probably takes months for her to mention it and you don't force her to do it before.
—pet names (what pet names does she use?)
nat appears to be so tough and scary but she's just a softie. she enjoys when you call her pet names but would be shy to use them with you during the first weeks. she'd stick to usual ones like baby or love.
with fem!reader she'd use princess to tease you at first but it became your favorite.
—quality time (how does she like to spend time with you?)
smoking and drinking or listening to her fav songs together, talking about life or doing mundane things together like studying for a test in the same room with simple touches like feet touching.
—remember (does she remember things about you?)
nat remembers pretty much everything you say to her, especially things that make you sad or happy so she knows what to do/say to comfort you.
—security (how protective is she? how would she like to be protected?)
you're basically the best thing that had ever happened to her, of course she'd be protective. during wilderness time, you were forbidden to follow her to hunt or if you really insisted, she wouldn't lay her eyes off you.
—try (how much effort would she puts into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
buying you things or not, she puts lots of effort into making these dates special. nat shows a lot of love for you by sending you notes during class, waiting for you before and after school/college, walking you home and following you to places you wanna go like movies or shopping.
—understanding (how well does she know you? is she empathetic?)
like i said, nat seems fearless but she's just scared. she has a heart of gold. she knows you very well and comforting and reassuring you comes easily for her. she can be an ass to her friends like a silly cute pookie italian menace but she can be serious when needed. a pretty soul.
—value (how important is the relationship to her?)
so so so so important. it becomes her world and she's very good at showing it.
—wedding (how does she propose?)
tricky question for me. i just know nat would be SO NERVOUS. like shaking, at the verge of tears, sweating, barely even breathing. she tries to make it a surprise but she's so tense and anxious that you have to calm her down and she eventually tells you her plan.
i like to think that you'd both propose to each other. some cute romantic shit like chandler and monica from friends.
—x-ray (is she able to read you?)
she's good at telling how people feel. if you're sad, she knows. if you're anxious, she knows. even if her friends are feeling bad, she knows and helps you and them.
—yearning (how well does she copes when separated from you)
nat goes from 😁😍😊 to 😒😠🤨😑 so quickly. she just can’t wait to be around you asap.
—zen (what makes her feel calm)
spending time with you, and hear me out!!!! playing with your hands or hair, or tracing some lazy patterns on your skin to calm herself. if alone, nat regulates by listening her songs, getting high af, hiding in her bedroom and thinking about happy memories with you.
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queenshelby · 2 months
Our Little Secret (Part 56)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers, Smut
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Days later...
On the day of Siobhan's wedding, the article came out and whilst you seemingly didn't care about the allegations anymore, Cillian did. 
He was rather upset about the content of the article that the Irish Times had released and his friends picked up on his mood right away.
"Cill, it's just some bullshit story, alright?  It won't matter much to anyone really," Dermont said, patting Cillian on the back as they were waiting for the groom to take his place at the alter.
"Yeah, man, it's just gossip and hearsay. And, the stuff with Y/N had been dragged through the press so many times already. It's really nothing new," another one of his friends added, seeing how the article also mentioned the affair you had with Cillian while he was married to Danielle again in great detail. 
Cillian nodded silently and tried to put on a brave face, but it was clear to everyone around, especially to his best friend Dermont, that he was angry about what was being written about him.
" I don't know why these people keep digging up shit like this," Cillian muttered, running a hand through his hair. "And the worst of it is that the majority of these allegations and rumors aren't even true. There is no substance to it. It's all made up," he added just before Dermont placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder again and squeezed it gently.
"Cills, just let it go, alright? It's your sister's big day today, and she deserves to have her brother by her side, happy and smiling," Dermont told his friend and Cillian took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"You're right," he said just before the groom finally made an appearance, causing everyone to shift their attention away from Cillian.
Together with the groom, the men made their way to where they should be standing, near the alter and took their places, before finally the bridesmaids and Siobhan's friends walked in, taking their seats in the front row. 
It was then that Cillian first noticed you and the dress you were wearing, which brought back memories, most of which were somewhat unpleasant for him, dampening his mood even further. 
You wore that very same dress that you wore to the Oscars a few months ago when you found out that Cillian had cheated on you. It was the dress you wore when you broke up with him, the dress that symbolized the end of your relationship, and it was the dress that you now wore again for a different event - for the upcoming nuptials of his sister, Siobhan. 
Seeing you like this, seemingly unbothered and happy, caused Cillian to sigh deeply. He did not know what to make of this choice of attire, but quickly brushed it off as the ceremony began.
As he watched his sister walk down the aisle, Cillian couldn't help but think about the past few months. It had been a whirlwind of emotions - from the excitement of winning an Oscar to the crushing heartbreak of losing you.
He had tried to move on, he really had, but every time he saw you, it was like a punch to the gut. And now, with this article and your appearance, in that very dress, it was like a never-ending cycle of pain.
Cillian clenched his fists, trying to push away the anger and hurt that threatened to consume him all so suddenly after he had suppressed these feelings for too long. He had to, for Mara's sake, but today, somehow, it all became too much. 
The ceremony went on, and soon enough, it was time for the vows. Siobhan spoke beautifully, and the groom was clearly touched. They exchanged rings, and when they were pronounced husband and wife, everyone clapped and cheered.
Then, the newlyweds made their way back down the aisle, happy and in love, marking the end of the ceremony and the beginning of a big party at a venue nearby. 
Seeing the joy written across Siobhan's face and the love reflected in her groom's, Cillian felt a twinge of envy and a deeper emotion, one that he hadn't felt in a long time—loneliness. And somehow he knew that you were still the key to it all. A life with you and his daughter was what he wanted, but he also knew that you did no longer want the same. 
Just after you got up from your seat, Cillian approached you, stopping you in your tracks. 
"Hey," he said, his voice low, greeting you for the first time that day. 
"Hello, Cillian," you replied, your voice equally low.
He looked at you for a moment, studying you. You looked as beautiful as ever, if not more so and, yet, he disliked the fact that you wore that dress. 
"How is Mara? You said she started teething again," he asked, trying to keep the conversation light as his gaze lingered on your face.
"She's doing fine. Actually, she's with my mum right now," you replied, a small smile playing on your lips. "I gave her some paracetamol earlier and said to my mum that she could call me anytime if Mara becomes too unsettled," you told him and Cillian nodded, his hands stuffed into his pockets. He looked uncomfortable, almost as if he wanted to say something more but didn't know how.
"I read the article that was published in the Irish Times," you said, breaking the silence between you both. "And to be honest, I didn't think it should ever have been published like this Cillian. I am so sorry. Maybe I should have given a statement," you said, and Cillian grunted in response, his eyes still scanning the room full of guests. You couldn't blame him, though; he had been caught off guard by the article's contents.
"You know most of this stuff is a lie, right?" he whispered and, immediately, you nodded.
"I know, but it still sucks for you, so I am sorry," you muttered back, feeling an unexpected sense of commiseration with him.
You couldn't deny that you still had feelings for Cillian, despite everything that had happened. It wasn't easy to just turn off your emotions, especially for someone who had meant so much to you at one point in time.
"Thanks Y/N. I was honestly taken aback when I read it, even though I knew it was coming," Cillian replied, his gaze still lingering on your face. "Now, about the week after next, are you still planning on coming to Liverpool with Mara for the week?" Cillian asked, changing the subject swiftly, but keeping the conversation light.
"Yes, I am. We are both looking forward to it," you confirmed with a smile, causing Cillian to relax a little upon hearing this.
"Good, because I am looking forward to it too. I can't wait to spend a week with Mara and you, as a family," Cillian said and, of course, his reference to "family" caught you off guard. 
"Well, I was actually more thinking about having you spend some time with Mara on your own after filming while I do my own thing," you replied truthfully and a cloud seemed to pass over Cillian's features and, in that moment, you wished you had just played along. "It just seems more appropriate that way, you know? Considering the circumstances," you explained, but Cillian sighed.
"More appropriate?" Cillian chuckled, shaking his head. "Do you mean more appropriate for you or for your toyboy, Sean?" he asked, the disdain clear in his voice. "Because it seems to me that, lately, he has been taking an issue with me," Cillian told you and you bristled at Cillian's use of the term 'toyboy' and opened your mouth to reply, but then closed it again. 
You took a deep breath and said, "It's not about Sean or anyone else, Cillian. It's about what's best for Mara and me."
"Fine, sure. I get it," Cillian replied, his tone clipped, which is when you were interrupted by Cillian's mother, ushering him away for some family photos. 
Later that day, during the reception, Cillian had clearly calmed down , but there was still lingering tension between the two of you. You kept your distance for the rest of the night, unwilling to engage with him outside of brief pleasantries as, clearly, the article had left him with a sour taste. 
He was more irritable than usual and all the work that you had put into your relationship as co-parents to Mara through counselling sessions seemed to be in vain once again when, at around 8 o'clock in the evening, he snapped. 
For hours, Cillian watched you as you were being courted by a young single man who was no other than the groom's nephew, Carl.
Carl was merely 23 and had been throwing glances your way all night until, eventually, he took up the courage to ask you to dance.
You hesitated at first, looking nervously towards the other women seated at tour table, but then nodded and moved towards Carl.
The dance floor was packed, so Carl and you had to squeeze your way through the throng of people until you found a small, secluded corner to dance in.
Cillian  watched this display from afar, his gaze flicking from you to Carl and back again. He couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy rising within him, even though he knew that he had no right to feel that way. He had no claim on you anymore, and you were free to dance with whomever you wanted.
But still, the sight of you in Carl's arms, your body moving in time with the music, was almost too much for him to bear and, only half way through the song, he approached  the two of you, his steps stiff and his gaze a little stormy.
"Can we talk?"  Cillian asked, not leaving much room for argument. It wasn't a question, more like a statement.
You glanced at Carl, who immediately released you and stepped back, sensing the tension between you and Cillian.
"Of course," you replied politely, taking a small step back as well.
Cillian nodded and began to steer you away from the crowd, navigating his way through the throng of people towards the lobby of the hotel in which you were both staying, which was located right next to the function room where the party was still in full swing.
"What's going on?" you asked him, keeping your cool as he led you a short distance away from the festivities.
"Why are you doing this?"  Cillian asked, his voice low and tight.
You frowned at him, confused. "Doing what?"
"Dancing with him. Flirting like this. I don't fucking know," Cillian said, his gaze intense. "First Sean, then this boy who is like what? Twenty or twenty-one at the most?" he asked, the disdain once again clear in his voice.
"Are you serious Cillian? You dragged me out here for that?" you asked, exasperation lacing your voice as you pulled your hand out of his grasp.
Cillian sighed and closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again. "Yes. I did. Because I can't fucking take it anymore Y/N,"  Cillian replied, his voice tight and filled with frustration.
"Can't take what?"  you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. "Can't take what, Cillian?" you repeated, your voice growing stronger with each word.
Cillian took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before speaking. "This. All of this," he said, gesturing to the party behind you. "You being with Sean. You wearing this fucking dress. You dancing with another man," he continued, his voice edging closer to a shout, and not entirely sure how to respond to him, you simply remained quiet, watching Cillian run a hand through his hair as he took a deep breath. "What the fuck has gotten into you?" he then asked. "Throwing yourself  at every man that crosses your path?" Cillian added, his voice dropping a little, and you could tell that he was trying hard to keep his emotions in check.
You sighed, looking away from Cillian for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts. When you finally met his gaze again, you said, "Cillian, you need to move on,"  you said firmly. "If you can't do that, then you're creating a toxic environment for everyone involved, especially Mara," you warned him, your voice full of conviction.
Cillian looked at you, stunned, for a moment, his jaw hanging open slightly. Then, he closed his mouth, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly as he seemed to come to a realization.
"Don't make this about Mara now Y/N. This has nothing to do with her and me moving on. This is about you and the way you have been acting lately," Cillian said, taking a step closer to you, his gaze intense.
"Me? I'm not the one acting out of control here. I'm not the one who is making a fuss, and I am not the one who can't seem to move on and accept that our relationship is over," you replied, standing your ground.
Cillian took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. "I know it's over Y/N. I know you've moved on and that you're with Sean now. But you don't have to flaunt it in my face every chance you get," Cillian said in a quiet voice, another wave of frustration building up inside of him.
"Well, I am not Cillian. This is all in your fucking mind,"  you shot back, losing your patience, your voice rising slightly.
"Is it?" Cillian asked, his tone harsh. "Because the way I see it, you were parading around in that fucking dress, looking like bait for every single man in the room," Cillian  replied, accentuating his words with impassioned hand gestures.
"I wore this dress to the Academy Awards and, not once, did you complain about it," you shot back, your voice strong despite the lump in your throat.
Cillian sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking away from you for a moment. "That was different," he then said quietly, unsure what else to say, causing your eyes to narrow.
"It was different because you knew that I was yours, right?" you chuckled. "While now, you are just so fucking insecure because I am not," you added, the words leaving your mouth in a rush.
Cillian looked taken aback at your sudden outburst and, for a moment, he just stood there, silent and shocked.
"Insecure?" he repeated, his tone calm and even, despite the storm brewing in his eyes. "Trust me, I have no reason or need to be insecure Y/N. I can have my pick of women, as you well know," Cillian replied and you immediately interrupted him.
"Yes, I know Cillian. Trust me, I know better than anyone how many women you can have with just a snap of your fingers because, at some stage, I was one of them," you retorted, recalling how it had all begun, leaving you both in an uncomfortable silence once again.
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igotanidea · 8 months
Specter: Jason Todd x ghost!reader (pt 1)
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Warnings: death of reader (duh!), death and resurrection of the other main character, angst
She was his best friend.
His only friend.
More than his friend.
Knowing each other since they were kids running loose on the streets of Gotham forced to tend to themselves.
He chuckled at the memory of their first meeting.
Fighting over few apples and a half loaf of bread she managed to rim from some man while batting her elalashes and making innocent face of a street-starving girl.
Well, she was a street starving girl, but as far away from innocent as they come, of which fact Jason was almost brutally made aware upon trying to steal some of it from her. Gaining a bruised eye and a scratch that left a tiny scar on his arm instead.
A well-deserved scar, cause even after all those years he was mentally cringing at the memory he was actually trying to rob a girl his age of food. Terrible thought. In his defence, he was starving himself.
Fortunately, they somehow came to an agreement and since then, there was always someone to care for and who could take care of them by their side.
Y/N and Jason.
Together even when not.
Inseparable even after that batmobil-tires accident, cause there was no way in hell Jason would start living with the Bruce Wayne and left his best only friend behind.
So would anyone be surprised that after a while they actually started falling in love? Or maybe they were in love from the beggining since the apples but never noticed?
The point however stood, obvious to everyone but those two donkey level stubborn young adults.
So apart from a few stolen kisses, helluva blushing, talking through the nights, secret awkward hugs and one attempt at intimacy, nothing—
Ok, you know what scratch that last sentence. A LOT has happened in the span of a few weeks. And it brought them significantly closer. Hoping for more and actually trying to work towards more.
So when Jason, at the mature age of 16 went for another Batman-related mission, he pecked her lips and promised to have the real talk about their future when he gets back.
Spoiler alert: He never did.
And when Batman walked to the Batcave with no Robin to follow him and broke the news it was like Y/N’s heart was gone with Jason’s life.
Torn from her chest since at that moment it stopped beating and everything lost its meaning.
She refused to eat, drink, talk and get up in the morning. Spending her days in isolation or sitting by his symbolical grave since the body was never found.
Withering her young life away at the graveyard.
No one ever told her the truth.
Miraculously Jason came back five years later. Completely different than a scrawny kid everyone used to know him. Raging terror upon Gotham for a while before actualy forming some kind of allegiance with the Bats. And at some point, the question had to be asked. And the hard truth had to be revealed.
„Where is Y/N?” he whispered, getting shy, gulit, regret and remorse filling him to the brim as he was searching through the entire manor in search for her.
A few saddened looks were exchanged between his siblings as those words rung in the air.
Oh, no.
„Where the hell is she?!” Jason yelled, ready to punch a wall, hit Dick in the face and beat the shit out of Bruce for keeping something from him.
„Do not fucking call me that Grayson! Where is my Y/N?!”
„No one told you—„
„She;s dead.” Damian muttered, unaware of the consequences of dropping such a bomb on his brother. „We burried her a year—„
Jason roared like a wounded animal, nearly making the glass in the window shutter.
„I think you should-„
The rage creeping inside Jason’s head and heart was suffocating. Beating the post-Pit madness multiple times and seeming neverending. He panted and wailed, wanting to destroy something. Kill someone. Anyone, but preferably the one responsible for Y/N;s premature departure from the world. Set a fire to the manor. Break into the League of Assasin’s headquarters and let them kill him. For good this time. Crawl into the deepest darkest pit and die.
„It was—„
„We don’t-„
No matter how hard Dick, Tim, Cass, Steph and Barbara tried to get to him (cause obviously Damian was just watching with curiosity), nothign worked.
„It was an accident.” Bruce muttered, finally joining the family allured by the screams.
„A car crash. She was just a pedestian, did nothing wrong. The driver was DUI.”
„She died instantly.”
„SHE—„ Jason’s voice broke, all the anger finally subsiding replaced by the pain. „She what- ?”
„I am sorry jason…”
„No, she was your resposibilty Jason. You were the one who befrended her, fell for her, brought her into this life. Should have known better.”
„She stayed here after you died instead of moving forward, unable to forget you.”
„SHUT THE FUCK UP!” it was impossible to listen to Bruce only fueling up the guilt and pain iside Jason’s heart.
„Master Bruce.” Now Alfred came into the scene, preventing another blood bath that were bound to happen between a father and a son. ‘Perhaps we should give master Jason some space now. Miss Y/N’s death took a heavy toll on all of us, didn;t it?”
„Come Jay. Upstairs.” Cass smiled at him to the best of her abilities „You need rest.”
Hazily he took a few steps forward but didn;t miss Bruce’s pained whisper and haunted expression.
„You’re not the only one who lost her…”
It’s been five years since then.
But now, as Jason was standing by her grave it all felt surreal.
Y/N Y/L/N, daughter, friend, prankster.
That last word was something she would laugh at.
But he was not.
Five years. The same amount he was gone, same amount for which she believed him to be dead, visiting his grave.
Did she feel all those feels he was dealing with right now?
And that pressuring what if-.
They could have been happy together. Working though their difficulties and becoming real. Maybe starting a family. Escaping all this shitty vigilantism life pushed them both into.
Destroying both of their lifes.
One cold six feet under, the other cold six feet inside.
„I miss you.” He whispered in the space, putting a buquet of flowers on the ground next to the ledger „You will forever be the one to haunt me.”
With that he turned around, walking away with head hung low and hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Getting back to his apartment.
In which she could have been with him if things were to work out differently.
part 2 : phantom
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lionlena · 1 year
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 10
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart…  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse, unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking, sexual harassment, women abuse, violence, injury, sickness.
I'm sorry you had to wait for this new chapter for so long. I hope I will write 11 much faster ;)
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Part 10
You spent a few more days with Anna and Toby, helping them and making sure they would be ready for winter.
You were surprised at how well you all were doing. You fell into a nice rhythm. You got up first and made breakfast for everyone with Anna's help. Ellie also helped you sometimes. Teddy would get up and go straight to Joel. He often spent a few more minutes napping with his dad. Then Joel came to the kitchen with his son. Meanwhile, Toby also showed up. You ate breakfast and together planned the work that needed to be done. Once you were ready to go to work, Teddy was left in the care of Ellie and Toby.
You were positively surprised by how you all worked together. No arguments or misunderstandings. You worked together like a family.
In the evening you came back for dinner and you all spent time together playing games and having fun. If you weren't very tired, you went for a short walk with Joel.
You noticed that he was trying to give you space, but he still couldn't stop himself from hugging you and kissing your cheek, but you didn't mind.
The day always ended the same. You fell asleep in Joel's arms wearing his T-shirt and woke up in the morning.
But last night you couldn't sleep. You lay next to Joel, who was snoring lightly, and you thought about how surreal this moment was.
It's as if everything Joel did in Boston happened to someone else.
Sometimes you imagined things would have turned out differently. Joel approached you at the bar and asked if he could walk you home. Of course, you agreed. On the stairs, Joel tripped and you held him. He kissed you… Passionately and gently. Then he took you to his apartment and made love to you… No, he didn't fuck you… He was gentle and caring, and after it was all over, you fell asleep together in each other's arms. But in the morning Joel sobered up and realized that he had made a mistake. He apologized to you and told you that he wouldn't leave Tess, that you were just a child to him and he shouldn't take advantage of your naivety. Of course, that would break your heart too, you would scream and cry, but then you would calm down. The next day you would set out with Claudia into the unknown and... What would happen then? Did you fall in love with someone else?
You sighed heavily and rolled over. After a while, you felt a gentle kiss on the back of your neck and heard his hoarse, sleepy voice.
"Is something wrong, darling? Can't you sleep?"
You were silent for a moment, not sure if you should share your thoughts with him. You knew that was what a good relationship was all about, but… You also knew that Joel felt really bad about himself. He wanted to forget about how he treated you. But the problem was that it was impossible to forget. This had to be worked through.
“I think,” you finally said. "Would... Would we be here now, together, if our first time had been different? Or maybe I would have already had someone... A boyfriend, a husband... I don't know, these are stupid thoughts..."
You could feel how Joel was tense. Like you caused him physical pain, but he still wanted to be supportive of you.
"Hey, hey baby, it's not stupid… I…" His voice became almost a whisper. "Sometimes I think what would have happened if you had stayed in Boston... I don't know if it would have been better... I'm actually happy that Teddy was born here. He wouldn't have had such a happy childhood in Boston."
You nodded because you knew he was right. You wouldn't want to raise Teddy in this dirty and violent place.
You felt Joel hug you tighter and press his face into your back. You didn't want him to be so sad. You gently stroked his hand that rested on your stomach.
"What happened... It had to happen... for us to be where we are now and... We just have to live with it and move on."
Joel placed a gentle kiss on the back of your neck again.
"I don't deserve you. You're too good, too sweet, too caring... You're perfect."
You smiled softly.
"You may not deserve it, but it's what you get. Deal with it."
After a while, you added:
"There's something else."
What you were going to say was a distortion of reality, but you felt the need to say it.
"If Teddy ever asks about our beginnings, we will lie to him. Do you understand? I'm not doing it just for you, but mainly for him. I want him to know that he was created because his mom and dad loved each other... Then we argued over something stupid and we broke up before we discovered I was pregnant. But we wanted to have children, we loved each other..."
Joel murmurs softly into your neck:
"Thank you."
You couldn't see his face, but if you turned around you would see tears in his eyes.
The next day you said goodbye to Anna and Toby and promised them you would come back soon. Even Ellie seemed sad to leave them.
When you entered the gates of Jackson, it was already evening and you were all tired. You hoped that you would put your baby son to bed quickly and rest, but... Tired Teddy was sometimes cranky. You helped him get to the ground and he immediately was clinging to Joel, whining and looking at daddy with pleading eyes. Joel picked him up and rubbed his back soothingly.
"What's the matter 'bear cub'?"
"I want you to sing me at bedtime." The baby boy whined.
Joel laughed lightly and ruffled Teddy's hair.
"Of course."
You just rolled your eyes, already knowing what was coming. And you were right. It didn't end with one song. Teddy also wanted you to tell him a story and hug him. Then he wanted his dad to bring him something to drink and hug him. Then he wanted both of you... Then again only dad. And he said all this while looking at you with those sweet but tired brown eyes of his, so neither of you could even get angry at him.
Joel sat down next to you on the couch with a huff after singing a song to his son for the fourth time.
"He fell asleep..."
You giggled slightly.
"Well, apparently he inherited my fondness for your voice."
Joel smiled to himself. He couldn't deny that your words brought a pleasant warm feeling to his chest.
"I think that's not the only thing he inherited from you. He's sweet, but sometimes he's…"
Joel looked at you and you frowned. Feigning indignation you said:
"You mean he's stubborn like me."
Joel looked at you, flustered, and scratched the back of his neck.
"No... that's not what I meant...what I meant was that he's relentless."
You laughed and gave him an amused look.
"Relax. I'm just joking."
Joel sighed and leaned further into the couch. He closed his eyes.
"I'm tired."
You nodded.
"Me too. I'll fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow."
With a groan, Joel stood up and leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"Good night. See you tomorrow."
You closed your eyes and whispered.
"Good night."
However, some time later you discovered how wrong you were. You were tired, and yet you were rolling over on the mattress for an hour. You couldn't find a comfortable position on the bed and it was ridiculous. The bed at Anna and Toby's house was uncomfortable, and yet you slept perfectly well... Did you really get used to Joel's presence that quickly?
You groaned in frustration and got out of bed. You remembered Joel's warmth and scent, his solid chest...
“Ugh…Y/N, pull yourself together.”
You decided to go to the kitchen and get something to drink. You poured yourself some water and leaned against the kitchen counter. You felt that your drowsiness had completely left you. You were still extremely tired and wondering what you could do when you heard a soft knock. At first, you froze. A shiver of fear ran through your body. Who could be knocking on your door so late? You carefully looked out the window and immediately took a breath. Even in the dim light, you would recognize who this silhouette belongs to. You opened the door with a slight smile.
"Joel, what happened?"
You were sure he had gone to bed long ago. You stepped aside to let him in and you noticed that he looked tired.
"I wanted to ask the same thing, I noticed you had the light on in the bedroom and the kitchen and... I wanted to check if everything was okay with you, and Teddy."
You nodded and looked at him gratefully. It was nice to feel that someone cared about you and your son. You led him to the kitchen, where you sat down across from each other.
"Teddy's sleeping... I can't sleep..."
And then suddenly something hit you. Joel wouldn't be able to see your bedroom window and kitchen from his house, which meant...
"Joel? What were you doing exactly? Wandering around? I thought you were already asleep."
Joel shrugged and rubbed his face.
"I can't sleep," he muttered quietly.
You raised your eyebrows and huffed in amusement.
"You? You never have trouble falling asleep."
He looked at you as if you had offended him. "I don't fall asleep on watch." Then, a little shyly, he replied: "The bed seems too big to me."
You felt your heart beat faster, understanding what he meant, but you decided to tease him some more.
"Have you tried falling asleep on the couch?"
Joel gasped in surprise. "I... Umm... Maybe I really should."
You started laughing and stood up from your seat. You walked up to him and stood in between his legs, resting your hands on his shoulders and looking down at him.
"I think I slept better with you next to me."
Joel sighed in relief and gently placed his hands on your hips. "Me too, honey... Do you think... Do you think we can sleep in the same bed tonight?"
You bit your lip and smiled. You had another idea.
"It does not make sense."
Joel looked at you with sadness, even fear. He started to wonder what he had done wrong and was about to remove his hands from your body when you said:
"Living next to each other, instead of together." Joel's eyes lit up. "I think I'm ready... The last week we spent together showed me that this would be the best and easiest thing. Let's be honest, Joel... We won't be able to sleep tomorrow either... And the day after tomorrow."
Joel very carefully began to stroke your sides. "Do I understand this correctly? Will you and Teddy live with me and Ellie?"
You smiled and replied, "Yes."
Joel pulled you closer to him and hugged you tightly. You started stroking his hair and slowly felt sleepiness coming back to you. You were about to ask him to go to the bedroom with you when you heard his hesitant question.
"Y/N, what are we exactly? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to force you to define our relationship... I just don't know. Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?"
You giggled at his expression. Joel wasn't the best at these kinds of conversations, but he sure was sweet.
"I don't know." You answered honestly. "We are the parents of a wonderful baby boy, that's for sure. We've become friends, despite our complicated past... And I guess we're partners... You know, I mean... Friends don't do that..."
You leaned up and lightly kissed him on the lips and he grunted in pleasure. His hand ran through your hair. When you pulled away from him, you both sighed in contentment. You rested your forehead against his and sighed. His large hands caressed your sides and back. You felt the heat coming from his body and for you, it was like sleeping pills. You moved away from him a bit and muttered:
"I don't know how to define exactly what's going on between us. But does it matter? We'll figure it out later but for now... Let's go to sleep."
Joel eagerly followed you to the bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt. As you lay down next to him, a wave of peace immediately washed over you. All he had to do was wrap his arms around you and you immediately began to drift off to sleep. Before you fell asleep completely, you felt Joel kiss your head tenderly.
A few days later, you officially moved in with Joel and Ellie. You were sure of your decision. You really felt like it was the right thing to do. Not only did it make taking care of Teddy easier, but it also made your relationship with Joel stronger and took it to a new level. Not to mention that your son went crazy with joy. You've never seen him pack his things so quickly. And he didn't even complain. With a broad smile on his face, he moved his things to the new house and new room. Seeing his happy face filled you with joy and peace.
You thought that nothing could disturb your peace. But you were wrong.
You were feeding the horses when Ellie ran into the stable.
You looked carefully at the teenage girl. She looked nervous and you immediately stopped what you were doing.
"Something happened?"
Ellie took a deep breath as if trying to steady her nerves.
"Well... Did you hear that new people have arrived?"
You nodded and wondered why that would be a reason to be nervous. You thought it was good that the community was growing. You calmly replied:
"Yes, Sofia has already told me everything. Two older women, one younger with a little daughter, and two teenage boys. Is that right?"
Ellie still didn't look calm.
"Yes and umm... This young woman..."
"What about her?"
Ellie opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, and took a deep breath.
"She's fine, she's just..."
You both looked at Maria as she entered the stable. You smiled slightly when you saw her pregnant belly. You still had a tense relationship from the moment you stood up for Joel, but you still wished her the best.
Maria gave you and Ellie a weak smile and immediately decided to get to the point.
"Is your old house available now?"
Her question surprised you. The truth was that you left a few things behind because... Despite the feelings you felt for Joel and the certainty that you had made the right decision, you wanted an emergency exit. You felt you had the right to do so after everything you had been through.
"Uh... Actually... I left some summer clothes there and... A few other things."
Maria raised her eyebrows. "I thought your move to Joel's was permanent."
You felt an unpleasant pang in your chest. "Because it is." You said quickly and maybe a little too loudly. "I just didn't have time to move everything, so I decided some things could stay there for now."
"I understand, but I would like you to take everything away. Your old house will become a new home for our new resident, her daughter, and her elderly mother."
You felt like you were out of breath. You were sure that you would have a happy future with Joel, but... The uncertainty was still inside you and it was hard for you to come to terms with losing your safe oasis that was your home so quickly. But you knew there was no point in arguing about it. You tried to look casual as you said,
"Oh... Yeah, sure. I'll do it soon."
Ellie looked at you sympathetically and quickly added, "I'll help you."
Maria nodded. "Okay. I'll come with them soon."
Before you left the stables, Ellie grabbed your arm.
"Maybe let's talk to Joel so he can talk to Tommy. It's not fair that Maria is taking your house. There are several other empty houses in the city. She's doing it maliciously."
You sighed heavily and shook your head. "No, Ellie... I don't want Joel to know that I wanted an escape route. He's trying so hard to make things better between us. I don't want him to think that I doubt him... That I assume that it won't work out. Maybe it's for the best."
Ellie nodded and you both started walking towards your old house. You saw that the teenage girl was thinking about something. She obviously wanted to tell you something, but she didn't know how. But you didn't have time to ask her about it. You focused on getting all your things as quickly as possible.
With Ellie's help, it went really smoothly. You were just taking the last box outside when you noticed Maria with three new Jackson residents in front of the house. You almost dropped the box and looked at Ellie. You realized that was what she was trying to tell you.
The young woman who stood next to Maria looked like a younger version of Tess. You felt a knot in your stomach and swallowed hard. You wanted to scream at the universe and ask why it hated you. Then you woke up. Just because she looked like Tess, didn't mean Joel would abandon you. But still, you couldn't help but feel uneasy that a woman who looked like your partner's former lover would be living next door. You heard Ellie lightly clear her throat as she tried to bring you back to reality.
"Oh, hello... The house is empty now."
Maria nodded. "That's great. I present to you Emily, her mother Lucia, and her daughter Rose."
The little girl waved at you shyly and you tried to smile. She was a similar age to Teddy, so Joel... You mentally cursed yourself for your ridiculous thoughts. Joel was in love with you and Teddy was his world. He wouldn't abandon you just because some woman looked like Tess and had a daughter.
“I'm Y/N, this is Ellie…” You felt your voice shake slightly. "We live next door with my son Teddy and... My... My partner Joel."
You tried to make the word "partner" sound as loud as possible. Ellie looked at you with her eyebrows slightly raised. Well, you will be going to explain to her what "marking territory" means when she is older.
"How old is your son?" Emily asked.
"He'll be seven soon."
"Oh, that's wonderful. Rose turned six a month ago... I hope that once we get settled and rest, we'll get to know each other better."
You stuck a fake smile on your face.
"That would be great, now... Let's go now. We still have a few things to do, right Ellie?"
The girl nodded nervously. "Yeah, sure... We have to make dinner for Joel..."
"That's right. See you later."
As soon as you entered the house, you threw the box in the corner and immediately stood by the window in the living room, where you could see your 'old' house.
"Is this what you wanted to tell me?" you asked, quickly glancing at Ellie.
The girl nodded and carefully approached you.
"She is not that similar... On closer view, she is actually completely different."
You smiled slightly at her attempts at comfort and looked out the window again.
"She's very similar" you muttered sadly.
Ellie immediately tried to distract you from your bad thoughts.
"Hey, let's go to the kitchen... I'm hungry and... Standing by the window won't change anything."
You nodded and moved towards her. Ellie was right. Standing by the window and staring at Tess's doppelgänger didn't change anything. But there was something else you needed to know.
"Ellie, has Joel seen her yet?"
The teenage girl shrugged.
"I do not know, probably no."
"Okay. Let's go get something to eat."
For the rest of the day, you tried to keep your mind occupied. But no matter what you did, you always glanced towards your former home.
When Joel returned, you began to watch him carefully and waited for the right moment to talk. He acted very normal. He gave you a kiss on the cheek to greet you, he played with Teddy and, unlike you, he didn't constantly glance towards the window. You started to wonder if he had seen Emily. If not, maybe you can somehow maintain this state longer. Then you rolled your eyes... That was a ridiculous idea. How would you implement this plan? You would lock Joel in the house, or maybe you would cover his eyes? Tess's doppelgänger literally lived on your doorstep.
His deep voice brought you out of your thoughts. You were sitting on the couch and looking out the window.
Joel sat down next to you and gently placed his hand on your knee. He looked at you worriedly.
"This is about your house? Right."
You blinked your eyes in shock. Well, Joel may not have gotten to the heart of the problem, but he was close.
"I... It's not..."
Joel gave you a reassuring smile.
“It's okay that you wanted to still have a safe place. I don't blame you for that and…” He gently lifted your chin so you were looking straight into his eyes. "I want you to be aware that if things don't work out between us, I will move out. You don't have to worry about not having a home."
You felt a surge of gratitude. It was surprising how well Joel already knew you. But not being able to return to your previous home wasn't the only problem. You had to bring this up. There was no point in running away from it anyway.
"Have you seen our new neighbor?" you asked quietly and he nodded. “She reminds me of Tess,” you said even more quietly and swallowed.
You watched Joel's face carefully for any signs of nervousness, but he still looked at you calmly. Not a muscle in his face even twitched at the mention of Tess.
"I don't know... Maybe a little. Does it matter?"
You gave him a look like, "Seriously?"
"You were in a relationship with Tess."
Joel looked at you surprised. He was still trying to figure out what this had to do with your new neighbor.
"Yes, I was in a relationship with Tess and it was... A specific relationship. We were comfortable together. You know? Tess was a convenient option for me in Boston. We worked and slept together." Joel grabbed your hands. "But I don't know if that relationship would last here. I think I would probably be too interested in you and would like to spend time with Teddy."
You could hear the genuine sincerity in his voice and it calmed your nerves a bit.
"Okay. I guess I got a little carried away with anxiety and the ridiculous idea that you and Emily... It's stupid."
Joel pulled you to him and kissed your forehead.
"Wait... What were you afraid of? That I would abandon you as soon as I saw someone like Tess." Joel couldn't hide the slight amusement in his voice. "Honey, she's just a woman of similar looks like Tess... I don't know her. And her looks don't matter because I only have my eyes on one woman."
He gently brushed his lips against yours.
"Only you."
You sighed and relaxed in his arms. For a moment you forgot about your anxiety. Joel wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tighter. You rested your head on his chest and tried to focus on his heartbeat, but deep inside you still felt this unexplainable fear. You felt the shadows of your past return and you were afraid they would consume you.
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Part 9
Part 11
Taglist: @casa-boiardi @noisynightmarepoetry @ihavetwoholesforareason @sloanexx @creedslove @orcasoul @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @i-workwithpens @milla-frenchy @liatome @jojo-munson @pascalislove @goldenhxurs @elliaze @aestheticangel612 @cheyxfu @prestinalove @stevengmybeloved @faith-alons26​ @harriedandharassed @this--is--music ​@joeldjarin @elliaze @ajeff855 @anislabonis-love @quality-lust @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @misshoneypaper
*I don't know if tags work ;( If anyone knows how to make them work, let me know
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squint is atla shame the zuko self hating gay one or is that the soulbond au . either way explain atla shame pleeease
shame is the right one >:3 <- me knowing you have obviously been paying enough attention to know about my zuko struggle fic (cause he is struggling so much. guy who is in a consistant struggle).
it's basically a same age zuko/aang au set in ba sing se with the premise that aang kissed zuko at pohaui stronghold and he's really fucked up about it cause the fire nation is homophobic, but the avatar has now forced him to confront that a) he is very very gay and b) he is gay for the avatar.
some snippets cause this fic is my baby:
The Avatar laughs awkwardly under his gaze. “So, uh, there’s this thing, um—and I think you should see it. I mean, I want to show you it, so…uh, are you free? Right now?” “No,” Zuko rasps. His eyes burn and dirty water flakes his hands. He is tired. As if he’s heard something completely different, the Avatar grabs Zuko by the hand. “Great! Me too! Let’s go!” He doesn’t care for Zuko’s angry outbursts. He ignores his attempts to pull back. Once they’re halfway down the alleyway, the Avatar turns and grabs Zuko around the waist, hoisting him up and over his shoulders as if he weighs nothing. He acts as if Zuko isn’t scrabbling at his back like he might pry it open with his dry, cracked fingernails. “You can’t capture me!” Zuko shouts, knocking a fist over the Avatar’s tensed shoulder blade. “I’m the one who’s meant to be capturing you!”
“The people here have never had to want for anything,” Zuko says bitterly over the rising sound of a gong from the street. “They’ve never had to fight. No one’s ever taken anything from them.” The Avatar sits down beside him. “What was taken from you?” “My honour,” Zuko says. Longing fills his tone. His head aches like the recollection of his father’s voice is anything but lost. He turns, angry, to the Avatar. “You took it from me.” “I didn’t take anything,” the Avatar says. It’s true. Zuko’s honour was already long gone—but before, there was a chance. There was an ultimatum. Before, there was an offered redemption and metal walls to hold him; his Uncle’s hand soothing over a feverish forehead and falsely telling him, “You are not at fault.” Now, he knows better.
Years ago, Zuko’s mother had taken him and Azula to the theatre. The play could hardly be called a play by Earth Kingdom standards. No words were spoken by the actors (who’s faces were all covered by masks.), and there were no props on stage except for the swords and ribbons the actors took with themselves. They danced and sung without words, and fire moved with them as if it was a part of them. Azula had tried to replicate it later on, pulling clumsy moves she’d obviously seen from Ty Lee and blushing bright red when they didn’t work for her the same way traditional firebending form did. Seeing his talented sister fail like that had made Zuko laugh. He hadn’t been laughing when she’d set fire to his bed. Or when he could slink into the moves, but couldn’t wrap his flame around himself the way she could without getting burned. The memory lulls him. He finds his eyes slipping half closed; feels the warmth of his sister’s fire back when she liked him and he liked her. “I think people can be like that too,” the Avatar says. He sounds like he’s testing the waters for something. “Fluid. Together. I think, there are people who work well together.”
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an-ambivalent · 1 year
I thought of this scenario... 😳🙃 So um anyway... Back on my uchiha bullshit.
Warning: yandere content and themes of abuse. Read at your own discretion. I do not condone this behaviour in real life.
Imagine one of those medieval european settings from any villianess/isekai manhwa you've read. The royal family (the Uchihas) are tyrannical rulers, particularly the current monarch Fugaku Uchiha. There's no room for error, people are easily beheaded left and right for the tiniest mistake or "disrespect" against the Uchiha family.
Itachi understood his family dynamics. So, he adapted quickly and knew how to behave and navigate his family complex situations to not get on his father's bad side. Despite whatever he believed, he did whatever Fugaku expected him to do to not face his father's wrath. But, Sasuke on the other hand... He's always been a bit more oblivious from a young age.
He lived a sheltered life. His mother already lost her first son to Fugaku, she didn't want to repeat the same mistakes so she kept him more isolated and protected. It didn't matter because Fugaku ignored his youngest son anyway. He only cared for his heir, Itachi.
Raised in his own little bubble, there were only few people Sasuke interacted with: his mum, his nanny, and his nanny's daughter and his only playmate: you. There wasn't much else for a long time, just sweet innocent childhood memories. That's until he reaches a certain age and starts noticing the difference between his brother's status and his own, and his own father never even speaks to him. He wants to start seeking out his father and yearns for his approval.
There have been something different about Itachi lately. Fugaku knows he's losing his control on his son. There's not much he can do until he notices his second son lingering around. Its perfect because Sasuke is seeking his approval and Fugaku needs to restart his training for a new puppet.
The tyrannical monarch, when seeking out his second son for the first time, witnesses the most appaling his scene. His son, a royal prince is confessing to you, a mere servant's child, a commoner. That's not the worst part: how dare you, a filthy peasant, dare to reject his son?! Who did you think you were?!
That scene is enough to show how lacking Sasuke's education has been under his incompetent mother. The most pretegious family, Uchiha, they don't ask. They take what they want, when they want it.
And then before anything could happen, both you and Sasuke are captured by the imperial guards. You're terrified. You've heard countless of stories about how ruthless the Emperor is. You knew that with your status, death awaited you. For Sasuke, despite whatever his harsh punishment, his royal status would protect his life.
You cried out in pain as the knights pinned you to the ground. The concrete dug into your skin, causing painful abrasions, and you felt blood gushing out of your forehead.
Sasuke cried out in panic at seeing your situation. "Father please! Stop-"
"Insolent child! No child of mine will be ever at a peasant's mercy! Clearly, your education has been lacking. I've been too lenient with my dear wife. It's about time I take you under my wing.
"You're not going to be like Itachi, I'll make sure of it. I'm going to teach you how to take things for yourself and keep them for yourself."
Fugaku loomed over Sasuke; the young boy wept in fear, with tears at the corner of his eyes, and legs shaking.
"Do you want her?"
Fugaku clicked his tongue and his glared hardened. "Don't make me repeat myself boy, I will make you regret it. You confessed to her. Do you want her?"
"Then you will have her. No child of mine will be denied anything, especially not from a peasant. You're going to keep her and learn how to take what you want and keep everything under your control." He said, grinning widely.
You could do nothing but tremble in fear knowing that you were going to be nothing but become a possession for another future tyrannical monarch.
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f0rlorn · 9 months
Hey! I just suddenly had an idea for a fic so can I req something for coral x district 7 -> capitol reader? Where R is like Sejanus and moved from the districts to the capitol, before she moved though she was dating coral (ignore all the weird timeline stuff sdfjvjd). Years later she's given coral for her to mentor and basically their kinda reunion at the zoo where they sort out their misunderstandings and etc... (why do I actually love this concept) Thank you and feel free to change things around! Take care <33 - N
long lost lovers → coral
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coral!tbosas x reader
notes → in which you and coral are reunited under troublesome circumstances. i made the reader from district four just to try and make it make a little more sense in my head :) this is such a good idea, i hope you like it!! feminine intended reader
warnings → the whole reunion part is a little rushed imo.. not edited & uploaded via iphone.
     none of your classmates were rather fond of you. they thought it quite entitled that you had bought your way into the capitol, as if you wanted to be there in the first place. to them, you might as well have been "animal," along with all of the other district kids. you tried to keep quiet, in an attempt to avoid the torment they inflicted on you, and it worked for the most part. your counterpart, sejanus, was subject to similar circumstances as you, having moved to the capitol after the war had ended. he, on the other hand, had a much different plan of action than you. sejanus was very outspoken, a trait you admired, though it was not very appreciated by your classmates and teachers. having seen how they treated him when you first moved there, you decided it would be best if you just kept your mouth shut.
     among some of the top students of the academy, focused mostly on your studies instead of your nonexistent social life, you were picked to be a mentor for the tenth annual hunger games. but it was also plausible that your parents had bought you a spot as a mentor to “push you out of your comfort zone.” it was more like punishment than privilege to you, being forced to mentor someone you may have known. faces flashed across the screen during the reapings, those of children of various ages, some more malnourished than others. dean highbottom called out names as the tributes were being announced. your breath hitched when he reached your assigned tribute. the district four girl, a rather familiar face. you hadn’t seen the girl in years, two, to be exact. all the memories you had with her, the feelings you forgot you could feel, which you thought you had left back in district four, came flooding back. you were itching to see her again, and you couldn’t help but wonder when that day would come, but you knew it couldn’t come fast enough.
     it was agonizing, waiting for the time to come where you could visit coral. you had been thinking of what you would say since the day she was assigned to you. first and foremost, she was definitely due an apology. you had moved to the capitol without warning, awoken one day with directions to pack your most precious belongings. you left with no chance to say goodbye to coral. of course, you tried writing her tear stained letter after letter, but with no response for months on end, it was either she officially despised you, or your mother was intercepting your mail. you prayed it was the latter, but the day had finally come where you would find out. you hurriedly made your way to the zoo after collecting some of the finest capitol foods to offer her, in hopes that food would make the meeting a little more bearable for the both of you.
     immediately, you caught sight of the girl. and oh, was she a sight for sore eyes. coral, your girl, the only person you could ever open up to, was so close to you after having been separated for so long. you lacked self-restraint, scrambling up to the bars like a lunatic. “coral!” you cried, causing heads to turn your way. her eyes met yours, a striking blue, just as beautiful as the last time you had seen them, but with a new tinge of anger that hadn’t been there before. she didn’t run up to you like you thought she would’ve. no, she stayed sat on her rock, staring at you, dumbfounded. had it been a mistake to come? maybe after all this time with no contact, she had really started to hate you. or worse, she had forgotten about you. it took her district partner, mizzen, nudging her to wake her from her daze. coral slowly got up, stick still in her hand, and hesitantly walked towards you. “coral, i’m so, so sorry,” you started, reaching for her hand before she aggressively pulled it back.
     “save it. it’s not your fault i’m here,” she claimed, tone bitter, but underneath that, you could sense it was coming from a place of pain. 
     “about leaving, coral. i swear to you, i didn’t have a choice. my parents never told me anything, they made me pack the day we left. i tried writing, but they wouldn’t send my letters out,” you were about to cry, at this point. a part of coral wanted nothing more than to wipe your rising tears away and hold you close, forgetting about all the pain you caused by abandoning her. she could see where you were coming from, but her world had shattered when you left. the hole you left in her heart had been left to rot, filling with resentment. but as she witnessed you now, as heartbroken as she had been, the blame seemed to lift off of your shoulders.
     “so you didn’t leave me.. just like that?” coral asked. it was like a stab to the chest that she ever thought you would do that to her. coral had once expressed her fear of abandonment to you, and to her it appeared that you had gone and done just that. the girl, who just a moment ago stood defensive and closed off, now looked especially vulnerable.
     “i could never, coral. i loved you more than anything, still do. i never wanted to leave!” you expressed. coral dropped her stick, taking a small step closer to you. 
     “if… you mean that.. i missed you. it’s not the same back home without you,” she claimed, nodding her head slightly. you smiled sorrowfully. you had missed a lot in coral’s life, it felt like there was no possible way you could make up for lost time.
     “i’ve missed you too. here, eat, i brought you some food,” you invited, sitting down to get comfortable. you wanted to spend as much time with her as you could. coral was close behind, accepting the arrangement of food you slid her through the bars. she examined it, deciding which to try first “remember when we used to have picnics? on the weekends. we’d sit on the dock and just talk,” you reminisced as coral smiled at the memory, already stuffing her face with food. you were glad she was finally getting some sustenance for the first time since she had arrived.
     “the good ol’ days,” she joked, then proceeded to go silent for a few moments. “…what’s gonna happen when i have to go in there?” you didn’t think that through very well, too preoccupied with your reunion to remember who you had to thank for it- the capitol. maybe the source of all of your problems. you started to resent everything about the place you were forced called home. running away may have been the only option to get away from it all.
     “i’ll get you out of here. then we’ll leave, together. i promise.” you finally had her back, and there was no way you would be letting her go now.
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cablyunkataplum · 1 year
Never meant to be
Sully family x Sully! Fem/Pronouns Reader
Words: 6,358
Summary: It does not matter who's fault it is right now. You're gone, it won't be the same any more. In the way to your eternal rest, memories come out and fill the sad enviroment.
A.N: Use of (__)-Third person- I'm not an english native speaker so I support on translators!--Sorry for any mistake-- I tried to relate the stories with something of the funeral and scenes before, I hope it makes sense. I hope this is sad/angst but fluff too. -(__) has different ages in each memory. 6 months for this is pretty wild.
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It was weak but it was still there, the lullaby made by the waves, accompanying those who were grieving. The water a little warmer but cold for the Sullys, burning their skin as memories flowed over the surface of the reflecting form.
Her body floating softer now it was lifeless, being encapsulated between large leaves and flowers, taken away from the village to a place unknown to all of them even after living there for weeks; there was not their home, not with pain clouding their senses. She's not coming back and it will be a long road before they can be together again.
Kiri did her best to find a flower that only grew in remote places and very well hidden ones. She spent her days trying, but it seemed she would not succeed and that frustrated her. Everyone noticed this and asked her if there was anything they could do, she simply said it was nothing and continued with her tasks.
One night, after noticed how distracted she was, again, (__) talked with Mo'at about the matter.
Reaching the tent after dinner, (__) announced herself before entering given the permission to, she greeted with her hand raising and descending --I see you, grandmother-- Mo'at reciprocated --I see you granddaughter,What brings you on these sides? You haven’t come here for a long time-- She grabbed a few herbs putting them in a bag to direct her attention to collect others, without taking off the eyes of them she heard --I know Grandma, I’m sorry-- (__) squatted and then took a more comfortable position. --But Kiri has been different these days-- Now the tsahik turned to look in her direction with the same calm as she crouched down --different?-- she placed the herbs in a bowl and began to grind them for a few seconds neither of them spoke, concentrating on how the bundle turned into a pasty mixture, the sound of fire breaking the wood causing their ears to move, --And haven’t you thought about asking her?-- This question sounded very innocent but it was obvious how sarcastic too, --Of course Grandma!, but she didn’t say anything-- Mo’at stopped grinding and her eyes met those of (__) raising her eyebrows and tilting her head a bit --And I should know--.
With her ears pressed to her head she answered almost whispering --maybe-- but quickly continued --She spends a lot of time training and healing with you-- at the end the eldest shook her head laughing a little --You care too much granddaughter of mine-- And she went on to mix it again --If it helps you and Kiri, I think I know what’s going on. I told her about a very rare ingredient that I use in several of my mixes, but I no longer have it and I have not been able to find any, not even the pickers-- when she finished and saw that the texture was the best she stopped and picked up a few rags, At the same time (__) came closer to her --How is it?-- Mo'at could see the determination in her eyes, after thinking a little about whether to tell her or not, she gave in and then gave her the details of said flower.
The days passed, (__) spent less time in the clan returning untidy and sometimes with cuts. Something that worried the Sully’s, another girl who behaved differently than usual, but this would not last long.
Kiri tended to several with their wounds, focused on making the right moves and putting in the right amounts that ignored a figure who walked beside her and sat a few feet away from her.  Mo’at, who was attending to another na’vi, spoke --When you finish with him, take care of your sister, I have already done it too much--- So Kiri looked up, first to her grandmother who with some seriousness saw (__) then to the same one who offered a small embarrassed smile lowering her gaze. Without saying anything and keeping her eyes for a few more seconds she continued to heal the wound. At the end she grabbed her things and went with her older sister observing those that required more attention first --what happened this time?-- (__) frowned trying to disguise the satisfaction of the task that left her in such a state --MH?-- Kiri exhaled somewhat tired --You know what I mean and don’t try to deny it (__)--She ran her fingers through the mix and spread it on the first wound getting a few moans of pain --Didn’t you think about what might happen to you?-- Turning her eyes for the scolding she opened his mouth for the first time to speak not before making other sounds for the burning --Mom and Dad already scolded me enough … I’m fine, Thank you--. Kiri quickly took her arm and extended it so that she and her sister could see it and bending over to see her face. --Is this being fine?-- --Kiri-- now (__) had a tired tone, Kiri’s uneasy face relaxed and looking for her sister’s look tried to be more delicate --What do you think you were doing?-- Studying her face a little and looking for the words to explain herself and make the surprise a good surprise --Little sister it won't happen again-- --I hope so-- she returned to focus her attention on the wounds --If you continue this strange, I will be the one who will have to take care of you--.
--Now I am the one who acts weird?-- Again they connected glances but Kiri shook her head and attended another cut --I don’t know what you’re talking about-- (__) brought her face closer to hers --Really?-- --Ugh-- she took some bands and wrapped them around her sister's arm --You are the one who is acting weird I’m fine-- (__) nodded slowly with lips a little pressed but her tail somewhat restless, her head looking at some shops began her “little plan” --TUK!-- Without turning but her eyes focused on Kiri continued with a smile forming --Then I think I’ll have to see what I do with all this-- The steps became more audible as they got closer, soon after Tuktirey appeared holding a basket --Hi Kiri!-- When she was close she extended the basket, when she took it, the little Tuk just as she came she went --Goodbye Kiri!-- with some caution she opened the lid to meet several flowers, the same that she spent many days searching without success Her mouth opened a little, her eyes opened a little more, after a few seconds she looked at (__) with the same expression and then at Mo’at --she is quite persuasive, as stubborn-- with bowl in hand went to her tent. --And?-- Her face full of happiness and fun for Kiri's attitude, but only received a slap on the face --Auch!, what was that for?-- --For being a skxawng-- With hands running her arm and without erasing that smile from her face --I can show you where there are more-- taking the basket and putting it in another place she observed them for another time --they are beautiful … I like them-- (__) confessed --Thank you-- softening her expression --It is nothing Kiri, anything for my siblings-- now it was Kiri's mouth that curved to share the smile.
Kiri sat next to (__) and laid her body and head on hers. --I think you better collect more, grandmother will reproach you every time you approach to her the times she has had to attend you--. She exhaled amused since it was most likely --as you say-- her posture became rigid and made a military signal that her father had taught them. Giving another pat but on the back of the neck she rolled her eyes without losing her smile --I'll reserve some for you, you'll need them-- --You talk like I'm always in trouble-- her tail moved as she remembered the many times her brother had gotten in trouble and where she had to heal him. --You behaved like lo’ak--. Kiri felt (__)’s head lying on hers, she closed her eyes and (__) answered --That’s why you scolded me? I am older, I am the one who should scold you--.
--I was worried-- settling more into the gap that she had in the neck of (__) and her chest, focused on listening to her heart. --You don’t need to worry about me-- and neither said anything, enjoying each other’s company. Kiri then thanked the great mother for giving her the family she has, for the support and love they gave her and give her, for being in the here and now. Her arms encircled her sister's figure and hers her shoulders.
The cold wind caressed the face of Lo’ak who was still sleeping, the external activity diluted in his listening announced the morning, feeling the lack of body heat at his side, it took him a while to open his eyes that to his surprise the light was already abundant, he stretched as much as he could, he left his resting place and went to breakfast. When he arrived he was greeted by his family, first by his mother who stretched his arm to his head and kissed it, then by his father --Did you sleep well son?-- Jake asked by taking a piece of food and Lo’ak settling down next to his mother and Neteyam answered --Yes Father-- by bowing he grabbed a few pieces of food, leaving no room for further conversation (__) continued to swaying and asking --Daaaaaaddd pleaasseeee--.
Neytiri, who helped Tuk to eat, replied --(__), your father already told you no-- with this the girl made a few grimaces, without stopping her action her dad interfered --What will you do there?-- Before answering Neteyam spoke --She's going with a boooyyy-- he didn't dissimulate the smile and immediately made sounds to imitate kisses --Puagh! I'm not!-- with disgust she pulled out her tongue while the other children laughed but her mother looked at them to stop and so they did but in a while the ones emerged a little, --Very good, but you take your brother, today Kiri and Neteyam have their trainings-- As if she had never been sitting, she started jumping around and then hugging her dad for a long time, --Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you-- and hastily sat down to eat, with a small look at Lo’ak. Neytiri who at that time had finished eating and was now focused on Tuk saw Jake with a smile that he tried to hide when he saw her along with Mo'at.
When they finished eating Lo’ak and (__) went to the spring, the wet grass as well as the weather made the road lighter, concentrated in the view that although it was not possible to see beyond 4 meters was abundant, the sounds of his own steps, insects or even the wind was enough to relax the little one and make his body feel sleepy but the grip of (__) hand with his hand was enough to keep walking. After several moments of the walk the water hitting and joining with another was already heard as well as several laughs and other movements.
Lo’ak watched his sister dive more and more into the spring, from time to time pouring water or dipping her head. --Lo’ak! Come!-- (__) called her brother with a sign, the one who was sitting playing with some toys just shook his head and continued with his game, the water was too cold for his taste but, (__) wouldn't take a no for an answer, she had come to have fun and wanted her brother to do it too. But as soon as she thought of something to convince the child she would enjoy the spring.
Dipping and dipping she noticed a close flash, curiously she approached, came out of the water to take a breath of air and dive again, extending her left hand and grabbing the object. This moved a little, when she opened her mouth by the surprise she had to leave to not take or breathe the water. --Lo’ak! Lo’ak!-- He raised his head and saw his sister walking quickly towards him. --Come, look what I found!-- Her face no longer reflected surprise but joy like her body language, again shook his head --I don't want-- (__) clasped her hands together and asked again --Come on Lo'ak! If you do then I'll play with you whatever you want, but come-- thinking about it for a few seconds, he accepted and took the hand of (__). When he touched the water he moved back a little by the temperature but his sister gave him a squeeze with her hand and a look to encourage him, as he walked more and the water reached his torso he had already become accustomed to the cold. When they got to a certain point they stopped, the elder pointed her head and spoke --There it is, ready?-- She noisily breathed in and waited a little for Lo’ak to do the same, in doing so they both put their heads in and with their eyes wide open they searched for what had excited his sister so much. When he saw a little figurine of pastel colors and that with the passing light shone, as (__) he tried to touch it, but when his hands did he felt a peculiar texture, without having the same reaction, he only pulled his hand and watched the little figure come out antennae and move slowly on the rock on which it rested.
It was a snail he had never seen before, a very nice one, smiling he came out to breathe and began to laugh, next door his sister saw him and just imitated him. Already in a less deep place both walked looking at the rocks and stones below and the leaves that had fallen and floated aimlessly, some of the na’vi were no longer there, they had returned to the clan so it was calmer. As the child that is Lo’ak it occurred to him that it would be fun to surprise his sister. As slow as he could was approaching (__), he bent down and her hands formed small spaces, when she turned to hear her brother approach she was greeted by nonstop water splashes with laughter, she tried to shelter her face with her arms but it was quite difficult so she decided to fight back, thus initiating a battle that neither of them would be willing to lose.
Hours later the only thing they did was rest, when one said they had given up and the other believed they took advantage to throw water again, the other did it too. Her hair moved according to the waves, as did her garments that barely floated. The light was dim by the leaves that covered the spring. Looking at her face, Lo’ak appreciated every detail of her sister, even how serene she was even seemed to have fallen asleep. Almost as a sigh Lo’ak said her name, she opened her eyes and waited --I thought you were sleeping-- she shook her head. --It is better that we go to the clan, surely we have passed the food-- Turning a little leaning on her knee and squeezing her hair to remove the excess water, his brother did the same and taking by the hand they collected the toys to leave.
Back his head followed a thought that had formed at breakfast time, at his father’s condition and decided to clarify it even if it hurt his feelings, --(__), did you want to come with me?-- For the sudden question she stopped the steps, the sister who saw the face of her brother understood what he meant --Hey… why wouldn’t I want? with brothers as “cool” as you-- she broke her grip and swirled his hair with a smile before it got serious --I'm here Lo'ak, ok?-- without much thought he nodded.
They grabbed hands again and continued their way home without looking back.
Neytiri had already finished several of her tasks for the day, one of her last was to go hunting, walking among the hammocks and some roots she carried her bow and arrows with constant step, the eclipse was approaching remarkably so it was necessary to get something before the night covered every corner of the forest. Before she could completely leave the clan and call her ikran’s attention, she was attracted by a creak that frightened her, turning around quickly she found nothing less than her eldest daughter holding her own bow, her own eyes open --sorry ma, I didn't mean to scare you-- calming down immediately she signalized to her to approach her --what happened darling?-- slowly shook her head as she shortened the distance, arriving Neytiri surrounded with her arm the head of (__) charging it at the end of her collarbone --no, I just wondered if... could I go with you?-- --Nothing would make me more happy-- before continuing she separated a little to take her face in her hands and observe it a while --My great hunter is not yet big enough to think that hunting with her mother is thing of the past-- the cheeks of (__) warmed up to remember how those last weeks she was alone or with other young na’vi --mom!!-- a smile crossed by both in a moment, --It is better that we go at once-- without another word they walked until they reached the place that seemed right to them and called their ikran.
Already in the place that Neytiri had planned both began with the task, as cautious as possible they roamed the forest, tracking and following the chosen prey.
The rope was stretched until the arm reached its ideal point, the tip centered in the sight and with one last breath her hand released the rope, the arrow accompanied by another giving in different objectives, without wasting time they approached and performed the prayer.
--You have improved a lot in your aim-- --Thank you-- when she met her eyes her mother nodded --when the time comes you will take my father’s bow-- (__) who was preparing the animals to be loaded stopped the action taking again her eyes to those of Neytiri with disbelief --But Mom-- Neytiri interrupted --A bow must be strong, endure all the times it is used and those that do not, the person who wears it must be as strong as one, is one more part of who wears it; just as important as the heart, it is decided-- she finished preparing the animals herself, turning just to make her posture clearer, (__) nodded and then helped with what remained to be done.
On the flight back, the girl's mind wondered why that decision, despite being honored and happy she was also confused and even a little worried because that bow was one of the few things that her mother kept from her own father and therefore from her old home but she would not question it otherwise as it was what her mother wanted.
After dinner averyone went to their hammocks to sleep and be ready for the next day, including the Sully’s, each to their respective but before Neytiri could go with Jake, her daughter asked to talk to her. Already set aside for others to rest, (__) sat on a rock and waited for the moment she thought was most appropriate to ask by tilting her head a little towards Neytiri --how was my grandfather?-- She stood behind (__), she took a great inhalation as soon as she sat next to her, looked at the stars standing still in the sky, --He was one of the strongest people I have ever met, wise and determined, even though Oloeyktan, he was someone who inspired confidence, love.-- The memories crossed her mind good and not so good but made tears find place in her eyes --Sometimes you look a lot like him, I'm sure he would be very proud of all of you.--
(__) In her periphery saw how her mother's face changed according to her emotions, her hand rested on top of hers --so would he be with you-- Neytiri turned her head to see (__) that she did not look at her directly swallowed saliva and tried to say something, she took off her tears with her hand --I wish it was, it is time for us to return-- and so they did.
Before (__) lay in her hammock she pulled Neytiri into a big hug putting her ear on her chest --rest ma, see you tomorrow-- with a kiss on the crown of her head for the last time she spoke -- you too, ‘ite’-- that’s how the night ended, the clan resting quietly.
The bows rested one above the other in their designated place waiting for another use, while dreams visited everyone, Neytiri dreamed of her father, she was again a girl and he was as always a great man.
The little Tuk ran from one side to another screaming, the na’vi and people around her gave small glimpses toward her direction somewhat confused by her actions, as she stopped she turned around with her eyes going through every possible corner, attentive to any suspicious movement. But for a while there was no action to alert Tuk, for a moment her face was covered in confusion.
But as she let her guard down, two arms surrounded her figure –-I got you!-- Tuk shouted again but it was mixed with laughter --not true!-- And tried to break free repeatedly until she gave up, when (__) let her go, she resumed her escape --Hey, that's not fair-- she shouted but the girl ignored and kept running toward the tent of the whole family, with the things that were there she tried to hide and keeping silent, she waited.
After several minutes she heard as someone approached and entered the tent, holding her breath she watched as the na’vi moved to the other side, that’s when Tuk noticed that it was not (__). But lo’ak who squatted and pulled something out of a basket, but when he stood and turned around he realized that the little girl was in the same space, carrying a scared look for a moment he asked --what are you doing?-- --Shh-- without being quiet, Lo'ak asked again, raising his voice --Shhhh!,What do you not see that I am hiding?-- he immediately answered --No-- and without further, he left the tent.
Other minutes passed and Tuk was already more than bored, she thought that, since (__) had not entered there perhaps she had forgotten their game and that she could already leave and not worry too much so she did but as she walked toward the entrance she didn't notice the shadow that was expected on the cloth of the store, When she left, she was back between two arms, the same ones that had imprisoned her moments before – I knew you were here-- --(__)!-- She laughed a little, --I win-- at that moment she let go of her, but the girl didn’t move from her side-- it’s not true, you cheated, that doesn’t count-- Tuk pressed her lips and changed her posture so that her sister knew how she was feeling.
--Cheated? How I cheated?-- Her tone of voice reflected the confusion she presented at what her younger sister said --surely you pretended that you forgot that we were playing to distract me and sure Lo’ak told you where I was-- Now she was the biggest grimace – I didn’t forget anything and Lo’ak hasn’t even spoken to me since breakfast -- Tuk’s tail stopped moving abruptly, his ears just as still – really?-- -- promise TukTuk-- she took a hand to her heart to make it better understood what she was telling the truth, Tuk seemed quite satisfied with that and she accepted it --that’s good because others usually do it when we play--. So (__) knelt down to level with her sister and seeing her in the eyes --then I promise I will never forget when we play together-- Tuk smiled and with his hand imitated her sister’s previous action --And I… promise… never forget anything-- ----what?-- The expression was funny because of her sister’s somewhat vague promise --Yes, I will never forget anything, nor of this-- raising an eyebrow the kneeling Sully asked --Really? Then I hope you never forget that I am your sister-- she composed her posture rolling her eyes--it seems that Lo’ak and Kiri already did-- the latter was more for herself but Tuk managed to hear and laughed, without saying anything else they heard how her mother called them to eat, --Yeah, i promise--
Neteyam had finished his practices for the day so he decided to go and walk to relax, he knew that his father expected that when he finished he would immediately return to the clan, half a year ago that the people of heaven had returned and Jake was more strict and hard on them, plus he was busier. So he tried his best not to stress his father and make him proud, just like anyone, he needed time to rest.
So thinking of returning to the clan before worrying anyone, he went on his way, observing the flora and fauna, eating from the fruit he found, memorizing the parts of the forest where he was. After a long time he remembered what he had planned watching as he was close the eclipse ran as fast as he could as his ikran was not close. When he arrived and was under the camp he called his ikran in a hurry, without having stepped on, first he heard the cry of his father and then his figure approaching with tense posture –-did you already realize the time you arrive!?-- --I’m sorry, sir.-- But this response only seemed to infuriate Jake who immediately thought of some punishment for his eldest son –-A sorry doesn’t help me when you don’t even seem to care!-- Neteyam lowered his head, biting his tongue to the point of drawing some blood. What else could he say? He knew that if he told the truth he would only make things worse and if he didn't say anything else he would take his father out of his boxes, at that time to remain silent and Jake's to wait, (__) approached knowing what was going on from her father’s screams, and to try to help, she spoke –-Neteyam, did you get the stones?-- both turned to see her confused --What do you mean sweetheart?-- asked Jake, for a second the ears of (__) went down but quickly replied --an apology father, I asked Neteyam some things for a project I have-. --And the stones?-- Jake turned to Neteyam who stuttered a bit trying to give an answer that was credible –- I didn’t find any special for (__), sorry --Do not worry brother, another day will be–- with some doubt and without discomfort already some Jake accepted the fact and left everything with a warning that they should always warn with issues like this to avoid worries --it will not happen again father--, -It better not-.
When Jake disappeared from their field of vision, Neteyam spoke -– why do you lie to him? You shouldn’t have done that-– something tired (__) put her hands on her brother’s shoulders --did you see how he was? He almost takes your teeth out one by one-- he sighed – anyway, that was wrong – with one hand he pushed the hands away from (__) -- when he finds out that I never looked for anything, what will we do?-- She raised an eyebrow – what else could we do? Tomorrow you bring me any stone and I will pretend that I loved it–For a moment, Neteyam watched his sister in disbelief. Had she lied before? --We won’t do that-- she escoffed, --As you wish, so what do you suggest?-- --We won’t do anything, this was my fault.-- (__) turned her eyes and before turning around she said, --very well-- and finally marched to leave Neteyam with his thoughts.
The next morning, as if he was not between his father’s expectations, he woke up late, possibly it was already noon. He rushed out to apologize and start his arc practices immediately. But Jake did not recriminate anything, to the surprise of the boy and his mother - thank (__) who warned me of your great ability, this day you can rest as much as you want but I will not allow it to always be that way, did you hear boy?-- --Yes, father, thank you very much-- without further ado, he did. In the night when he saw the eldest, he thanked her but she shook her head and with a confessed smile – you earned it – she shook her brother’s head and finished –now rest Tey– –you too (__)--. And with that they went to sleep without seeing eachother in the eyes.
It had been a busy day but full of fun and new discoveries with his friends, his family. Removing the mask that helped him move in Pandora, Spider opened the second control door, when Norm entered he received it as usual.
--Hello Spider! How did everythin went?-- --It was great Norm, Kiri showed me plants I had never seen before and then with Lo'ak, Neteyam and (__) we went to explore a place she found, There were a lot of bugs and they ate some-– Spider only laughed at what happened as they had also joked with each other but Norm made an expression of disgust thinking about their texture and taste --Very well I do not want to know more details, Go take a shower so we can eat-– Spider breathed out his shoulders and walked down heavily to where the showers were --ok-- without having moved too far he stopped and without losing another second he passed his hands on Norm’s clothes and ran to his room --Spider!-- he shouted with his hands outstretched seeing the dirt and what looked like drool on his shirt and some of his pants, with a sigh of defeat he went to change and make Spider bath.
Well into the night and after having dined Spider lay on his bed, just below Norm's and before he went up the boy asked why he never learned the ways of the Omaticaya to be one of them, he settled on the edge of the bed --well-- he squeezed his lips --Jake was the first, he was taught as he was not a scientist and I was a little jealous- Spider curved an eyebrow --Something?-- Norm frowned --Don't you believe me?-- The boy shook his head and denied, Norm forrowed his eyebrows and nodded slowly --I guess I was very jealous, I had spent many years learning so that someone who barely knew what photosynthesis was or knew what skxanwngg meant would have been accepted into the clan… but then Grace and I had the opportunity to live with the Omaticaya, everything seemed to improve, After the war I still had the opportunity to ask and more with Jake being Oloeytktan but at that time I realized that it was really not something that was for me... plus-- he shook the hair of Spider --Someone has to take care of you-- --The other guys take care of me too-- he moved his hand away from himself --Yes, but I'm the one who does it most of the time-- Spider was silent thoughtfully and yawned, --I guess-- Norm shook his head with a smile, --Good night kiddo-- --Good night Norm--.
The next day Spider went out again to meet the Sully's near a river, even if (__) did not arrived yet he and the others started playing, Neytiri and Jake watching them, for a while they chased, they swooped down and the boy pulled their tail until being a little calmer the mud hit them right on their faces, with their mouths wide open they saw that the cause was her older sister --(__)!-- the children shouted while she laughed, they took off the mud and began to grab more.
When she saw this her tail tightened and ran away as quickly as possible --don't run coward!-- Lo’ak shouted --try to catch me fools!-- and as the challenge that was all came out shot in her direction – children!-- They barely heard how Jake called them, but they continued as they knew she would not return until it was safe and accelerated the pace further, just as if they were for the prey that runs away from the hunter. They all took different routes, Spider running on the ground just like Kiri, while Lo’ak and Neteyam took their route on the tree branches.
The further they advanced Spider recognized the way as he and Lo’ak sometimes passed by and had even made a shorter path, so he took it for the sake of everyone’s revenge.
After running a little more he managed to see the figure of (__) that now ran less, so as not to frighten her or to make her notice his presence he slowed down until he only gave step by step with caution when she had stopped completely, examining her surroundings for any alert that her siblings were nearby, she took a long time to notice Spider as lightning came out at her, when she did it was already falling and being muddy --Spider!-- (__) she shouted before removing the child next to her and the mud, when she stood up she asked --Do you think it's funny?-- --It is--Spider smiled and she gave him a bitter one, before he could walk a few beads and ties fell to the ground, as if she had never been blue (__) she felt the blood leaving her body --what is that?-- --Nothing-- she wanted to pick them up but Spider had already done it with some --this is for a songcord-- without being able to lie (__) exhaled and sat on the wet ground nearby,he did the same, she extended her hands to him and spoke --it's yours-- Spider remained silent for a while --mine?-- She nodded --I thought maybe you could make your own cord, I wanted it to be a surprise-- -- but I am not a na'vi -- she immediately answer -- you are, You are na'vi as much as me or my mother and every na'vi has their songcord-- she tilt her head to him grab the beads and the ties in her big hands and so he did --If you want I can help you--without giving answer Spider stood and hugged with all his streght to (__) who received it --Thank you.--
The sound of creaking branches and moving plants reached the ears of both who with just a glance and a smile grabbed mud and ran out to the cause of the noise.
Days later Norm analyzed samples when Spider passed at great speed but he noticed something hanging from the boy's waist, a musical string.
The flora illuminated the night landscape in different colors, occasionally reacting to the outside activity of the still awake animals. In a hammock several meters from the ground one family rested peacefully, huddled on top of the other.
However one of the dreams was interrupted, Jake felt how some hands grabbed his arm and in periods squeezed or shook it but the state in which he was not paying much attention to this until he heard whispers calling him. He slowly opened his eyes until he got used to the darkness, highlighting the figure of his older daughter who was closer than he expected. Clearing his throat he spoke in a low voice so as not to disturb anyone else -- What happened my child?-- regulating her tone to her father's and without letting go -- I had a nightmare--
--Oh really?-- (__) nodded – And what was it about?-- -– We were in the mountains and mom and you were flying but I didn’t, so I wanted to fly and I tried to get on an ikran but none wanted and then – her tail swung in times – you left and I wanted to fly alone so you wouldn’t left me-- Still sleepy he listened to the story of his daughter that seemed to have really affected him since also the grip of his hands on his arm increased and decreased as it did.
-But I didn't fly-Focusing as much as possible on her even that it would not make much difference, he placed one of his hands on the girl's head to move her until he caressed her cheek. --And why did we leave without you?-- (__) moved her eyes until they reached their limit when thinking about it for a while --I don't know, but I didn't like it, you wouldn't leave me, right?-- Without taking away any of his hands that touched them both, surely Jake spoke --of course not, we would never leave without you--.
--Pinkie promise?-- Jake laughed a little but hooked his little finger to hers who was already waiting for him --I promise, now go back to sleep-- she pulled her hands off his arm, lay down and closed her eyes, Jake following took a deep breath settling down to sleep, He concentrated on reconciling this --Dad-- without moving and to let (__) know that he was listening to her although she looked at him he made a kind of murmur --MH?-- --I would not leave without you either-- Sometimes the words, the innocence and spontaneity with which she said them made Jake form a big smile and in other desire to laugh, In this case even something tender --seriously?-- --Yes-- he gently scratched his temple --that's good, your mother and I will not let you go anywhere until you are your grandmother's age-- (__) covered her mouth to suppress the sound of her laughter that tried to come out even more when Jake leaned one of his arms against his figure --But now back to sleep--.
The sounds of the atmosphere returned to their place in the hammock for a few seconds --Dad?-- (__) put one of her hands back on his arm with a small squeeze waiting for some answer, this being another murmur --I love you-- --I love you more (__)-- He closed his eyes and losing the grip of his hand sleep and stillness came.
With the security that his father gave him little by little, she embraced the rest that her body asked him without thinking about anything else.
Her body was now embraced with houndred of tendrils, dissapearing in front of the eyes of her loved ones, everything felt unreal for them. Because it was unreal. For years they fought to be happy but ir seems they were never meant to be.
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redmyeyes · 1 year
for @wincestwednesdays
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On bad nights, Dean takes the car out.  There's no memorial, no resting place, so.
He tried a picture once. After the crossroads but before the third breakdown. A therapist of a friend of Lisa's boss suggested it. Which means his level of fucked-up was enough to warrant four degrees of casual-aquaintance separation. My friend's co-worker's bf is a real mess. Lost his brother, poor guy. Any suggestions? 
Pretty impressive, if he does say so himself. 
So, the picture. You speak to a picture of, of the loved one, she phrased it. Tell them all the things you meant to tell them. You know.
Dean couldn't do it. Can't do it. The one picture he has of Sam is tucked safely away in a cigar box in the trunk, but he can't, still, bring himself to look at it, no matter how old and faded or unfamiliar or different from the way he looked when he—
People think the legend of the crossroads is superstition. What they don't know is, they're right. And wrong at the same time. Started as superstition. Demons just got wind of it, and started taking advantage.
Sometimes you can make a superstition real, if enough people believe. 
That's what he tells Sam in the dark, when he's driven so far out into nowhere on a moonless night that he can almost pretend the shadows to his right engulf a missing person.  Like they're working a case. Like Sam will turn to him in the dark and say, Maybe it's just about finding the right demon to apply pressure, and he'll feel the heat of Sam's breath as the words come or he'll see Sam gesture with his ginormohands out of the corner of his eye. 
Well. Those days when Dean could still pretend are long past, so he mostly just sits silent now.  He's not delusional.  But this is sacred. This ritual. This… communion. Sitting in the dark on the hood with a whiskey.  Talking or not talking. 
Most days, Dean thinks this is the only thing keeping him sane. 
He takes two deep pulls of whiskey, and starts choking when one hits the wrong way. "I am not, shut up," he mutters around a cough. 
So much effort to keep putting one foot in front of the other; he doesn't know how people do it. He needs a project, something all-consuming enough to take his mind off— take his mind out. 
He's trying.  He's trying to put in the same effort to taking care of Ben, to the work, to Lisa, to friendship. All of these half-measures to replace one person and it doesn't come close.  Like filling in blanks with stick figure drawings of a copy of a copy of a picture. 
"Not replacing, you know what I mean," he says to the air.  
"I am trying though, I—"  Another swig of whiskey, it always takes him a minute to warm up to it.  "Today was a bad day, Sammy.  Guess they're all bad days but—"  Dean shakes his head.  He's careful to stay on his side of the hood, to keep staring straight ahead, or up at the stars.  They used to get like this sometimes, whiskey-loosened lips and the dark and the one person in the world who'll actually get what you're saying right there next to you…
"You remember that time in, uh— I dunno, Ohio I think. You woulda been about ten, eleven.  Same age as Ben.  Actually, you probably don't remember.  Woulda been one of a thousand to you, but— I remember it. So clearly, man.  First time I—"  A gulp of whiskey.  "You were out.  Me and Dad were off on a quick recon and got back—quicker than you expected I guess—and you were gone.  This was before Flagstaff, before things got real bad between you and him.  You snuck into the movies or some shit, or maybe you were at the arcade, I don't know. 
"I remember your face when you came in.  You were—happy.  Like, light.  Like a kid. Like, you didn't even get what was about to go down.  Didn't bother sneaking in 'cause you thought you'd done nothing wrong, and Dad was— " He huffs. "You don't need me to tell you how he was, 'cause he always was.  But you started arguing like the stubborn ass you always were.  Are.  And— Sammy, I remember the way you looked at me. Like— pleading for help or backup or— no, not pleading. Like— betrayal. Like I betrayed you. I— I don't know why that stuck with me. That stupid moment from when you were ten, when we've had shit a million times more serious gone down since then."
Dean's silent for a moment, and when he starts speaking again he's forced to clear his throat.
"I kept thinking... if he would just obey.  If he would just listen, just— shut up, sometimes. Just let Dad talk. As if that— was something of value. But you never could.  Always had to have your say, always stood up to him, and I didn't back you up and I kept not backing you up with Dad, and maybe if I'd done better you wouldn'ta left for Stanford in the first place, even though, I dunno man, maybe we were always destined to end up here anyway, but—"  
He cuts himself off and gets his breathing back under control.  Another swallow of whiskey, craving the burn in his throat.
"I saw that same look on Ben's face today.  From me.  He was scared of me, looking at me like— just like you used to look at Dad. Except without your piss-ass stubbornness. " A moment passes before he continues, his voice strained. "It's not just me here, Sammy.  I mean, you begged me to do this. To live this life, and I'm trying, I am, but— it's not just me, okay?  Lisa and Ben, they— you know. I was so messed up when I knocked on their door I'm shocked she didn't call the cops. I came to them. Because you wanted me to and they took me in and now they're just there, suffering, because I can't get my shit together and—"
His gut wrenches. It's a long time before he can speak again, and he has to uncurl himself to do it.
He takes a breath in.
And out.
Sam used to do this when—
Sam used to do this.
"Okay, yeah. Maybe that's a cop-out.  Maybe I just don't—"
He cuts himself off again and sighs, banging his head lightly against the windshield.  He survived forty years in Hell, you'd think he could do Suburbia.
"It's different.  Hell was survivable because I was there to keep you alive."  Not strictly true.  He tries again.  "Hell was… I thought you were okay.  I thought you were okay, and that made it worth something. And even when it wasn't, it was so intense that I— couldn't think.  Couldn't.   And that was a blessing."
I'm not strong enough for this, Sammy.  Not without you.
He can't say those words aloud yet.  To do that would be to admit— too much.
"I don't know how long I can keep doing this," he whispers instead.
Even that admission… it's enough.  For now.  It's enough to get him through the next however many days until things get so bad that he needs to come out here again.  Sam's silence feels like acceptance, and Dean breathes it in.
He's not resigned. Not yet, anyway.  He still hasn't given up hope that there's some way to get Sam out.  But, he knows, the moment that last shred dies is the moment he goes with it.
Until then, he'll keep talking to the dark.
"Call it superstition," he says.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Mending a Family 3/?
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Feeling sad and wanted some fluff, so I wrote it. Enjoy
Danny woke up with tears in his eyes. He missed his sisters and his friends. He even missed how his parents, the Fentons, used to love him before they found out he was half-ghost. Danny tried to control his sadness, not wanting to wake up his dad, but he couldn’t help himself.
(It was weird, having the memories of a teenager but the emotional capacity of a child. He knew he should be able to control his emotions better, but he couldn’t.)
Danny sat with his knees drawn up to his chest. Was Jazz okay? Why hadn’t she and Danni been behind him when he came through the portal into Gotham? Was she still alive, or was she injured in the Infinite Realms? Why had Danny been de-aged?
So many questions he couldn’t get answers to. He had no way to access the Infinite Realms.
Danny looked up as the door to his room opened. It was his daddy.
(The teenager in him cringed at the terms ‘daddy’ and ‘papa,’ but the five-year-old in him loved them.)
“Danny-lad, what’s wrong,” his daddy asked. “you’re sad.”
How daddy could still say he wasn’t like Danny, he would never understand. He could feel Danny’s emotions. That’s something only a parent ghost could do with their child!
“I’m sorry, papa, I miss Jazz and Ellie, that’s all.”
Papa frowned, “Don’t worry, chum, I’ll find a way to open the Infinite Realms with the schematics you gave me. Then we’ll look for your sisters.”
Danny let go of his knees and launched himself at his papa. He had no reason to take Danny in, but he did. Papa gave up everything he had ever known and left his haunt so he could take care of Danny.
Danny thought of the figures he had seen in the dark jumping from building to building. White, hot anger suddenly overtook him. How dare they abandon daddy? They don’t deserve him!
“Danny, baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he mumbled. Daddy didn’t like it when Danny talked bad about his old family. Danny understood; he didn’t like anyone to talk shit about the Fentons, either. That doesn’t mean he didn’t hate them.
“Chum, it’s not their fault,” Of course, daddy knew precisely what Danny was thinking about.
Danny rubbed his eyes, “If—if they came here and wanted to take me away would you let them?”
“What? Of course not, baby. Why would you think that?”
“You miss them; if they told you to give me up to return to the family, would you?”
Danny’s heartbeat was almost at a normal person’s rate as he waited for his dad’s response. Daddy got him and held him close to his chest.
“I miss them sometimes so much it hurts. I’d rather they hate me for the rest of eternity than give you up, habibi.”
Daddy only called him ‘habibi’ when he wanted to reassure Danny.
“And if they asked for forgiveness, would you forgive them?”
“There’s nothing to forgive, baby. I hurt—”
“Yeah, yeah, you hurt them first,” he repeated his dad’s words flippantly, “but don’t you see? I feel the hurt they caused you. I can taste it. You hurt them, yes, but they started it. They did something big that caused you to lash out, daddy.”
Danny tasted the sudden fear that overtook his daddy. It was an instinctual, overwhelming fear. Primal. (He could remember big words but couldn’t remember to control his emotions. That’s bullshi—poopy.”
Danny put his hand on his papa’s cheek and hummed a toneless tune. He projected feelings of safety and love.
“I’m sorry, lad,” papa said a few minutes later, “I was supposed to comfort you, and you comforted me instead. I’m not a good father, am I?”
“You’re the best daddy I’ve ever had,” Danny argued vehemently, “don’t think differently.”
Daddy snorted, “Considering what your last dad did, I don’t think the bar is too high.”
Danny smiled and then yawned.
“It’s time for your bedtime, little boy.”
“I’m sixteen. I can choose my own bedtime.”
Daddy rolled his eyes, “Well until you look and act sixteen, you have a bedtime.”
Danny pouted and then smiled, “Stay with me, daddy.”
Daddy smiled and got as comfortable as he could in the little bed. Father and son slept peacefully that night.
Miles away, a worried sister hiked through the woods with a baby wrapped around her chest. She followed Danny’s ectosignature north.
“Don’t worry, baby brother, I’ll find you.”
She got out to a rest area, and Jasmine Fenton stole a car for the first time in her life.
@idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @vythika96 @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @kilasmess @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange
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zoros-fourth-sword · 7 months
Scarlett- Chapter Three
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Summary: Portgas D. Scarlett  Ace's older sister, decides to join Trafalgar Law's crew as their navigator after her brother's death. At first, she is distant and consumed with grief over her loss, but as she spends more time with Law and his crew, she begins to find comfort in their shared experiences.
As they journey together through the Grand Line, Law, and Scarlett must face off against dangerous foes and navigate the treacherous waters of the New World. Along the way, they grow closer, and Scarlett begins to see Law in a new light.
But their love is not without its challenges, as Law is still haunted by his past and the events that led him to become a pirate. Scarlett must confront her feelings of guilt and loss over her brother's death if she wants to move forward with Law.
WC: 1.6k
Taglist: @3v37773 @sukunas-play-thing
WARNINGS: depression, grief, mention of death
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Chapter Three: Traffy Laffy
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Today was already a shit fucking day I had zero energy to get up let alone use the bathroom I have been so stuck in my mind thinking about the one hundred different things that I could have done to prevent my little brother's death and it sucked how I desperately wanna live with Dadan aging the troll looking woman actually stole a piece of my heart she did help me keep the boys calm ( more like I helped her). Someone had to be the adult out of the four siblings and of course, it had to be me. The boys weren’t even smart enough to cook in the house; they would probably burn it down in less than 5 seconds.
Imagining the memories I shared with the ASL brothers broke my heart and knowing I couldn't change the past or the future hurt me even more. I'm going to have to accept that Ace is dead, and I'm not quite ready for that. I want to stay in my own little world, where I can see my brothers happy again. I don't want to accept that Luffy and I are missing two people that we may never see again it was a hard pill for me to swallow
“Knock knock can I come in” someone said from behind my door the voice sounding like a females
“Y -yea,” I say clearing my throat as I lean up
“Hi I just wanted to check on you,” the girl said as she entered my room taking a seat at the foot of my bed
“Thank you,” I say giving the girl a weak smile
“I heard what happened and I’m really sorry,” the girl said as she grabbed my hand giving it a light squeeze
“It’s okay I’ll be fine” I softly chuckled not wanting to worry the poor girl she seemed genuinely concerned
“That was a pathetic attempt at masking your emotions” the girl laughed catching me off guard
“I’m sorry I just don’t want anyone to worry about me I’m not the type that likes the attention,” I say as I lean against my headboard
“I understand and that’s completely okay but that won’t stop me from caring you are part of our crew after all so I’m going to treat you like everyone else,” the girl said as she gave me a gentle smile causing it to warm my heart
“Thank you,” I say my voice slightly cracking as I try to fight back tears
“Have you eaten anything?” the girl asked
“No I just haven’t had the stomach for it” I mumble
“Well then I’m going to make you something to eat” the girl happily said as she got up off my bed leaving the room in a flash
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
“Miss Scarlett your food is ready,” Bepo said loudly causing me to wake up from my nap
“I don’t want to leave the room can’t she bring it here” I mumble as I hide myself under my blankets
“Nope we can’t have you being in a slump for the rest of your life,” the Minc said as he pulled the blankets off me causing me to bend my body into a fetal position
“But it’s so cold,” I say trying to make up more excuses to not leave my room
“No need to worry about that I’ll keep you warm,” Bepo said as he carefully picked me up to cradle me against his fury chest
“Hey this actually isn’t so bad” I weakly mumbled against the polar bear trying to fight my sleepiness
“See everything is under control,” Bepo said as he left my room leading us to the dining room/kitchen
“From now on I’m your new best friend,” the polar bear said as he squeezed me tighter
“Fine by me as long as I get to cuddle you when I’m cold” I softly chuckled
“Fine by me Captain does it all the time,” Bepo said
“Wait really grumpy pants is a cuddly person” I asked shocked not being able to see the grumpy man all cuddled up with a giant polar bear
“Yep he might seem like a jerk but behind all that he’s just a normal person that does normal people things (sometimes)” the bear said
“Oh” I mumbled kinda feeling bad about judging the man that kindly took me in
“No hard feelings Scarlett I completely understand believe it or not that was everyone’s first impression we thought he was some grouch but turns out he’s the opposite” Bepo laughed as we entered the kitchen to be greeted by everyone but the captain
“About time you leave your room you vampire,” the guy with the penguin hat said as he sat next to Shachi
“Shut it Penguin before you regret it,” the girl said as she harshly glared at the man
“Yes ma’am I’m sorry ikkaku” Penguin flinched from her harsh tone
“Good,” the woman said that goes by the name Ikkaku
“Anyway I’m glad you agreed to leave your room” Ikkaku smiled at me
“I didn’t agree I was kinda forced to” I weakly chuckle as Bepo placed me on the ground
“Fine by me as long as you get some food in your stomach,” Ikkaku said as she slid a plate of food across the counter for me to grab
“Thank you” I smile as I take the plate of food
“Do you wanna eat with me?” Bepo asked from behind me
“Of course Bepo how could I say no” I slightly smile seeing that it made the polar bear happy
“I wonder how the captains going to feel about Scar taking his first mate” Shachi chuckles
“I think it’s nice to see Bepo hanging out with someone other than the captain,” Ikkaku said as she slid the boys their plates
“Can you all stop talking about us like we’re not here?” Bepo said as we awkwardly stood next to them
“Right my bad guys” Shachi laughed
“Come guys let’s eat up ikkaku didn’t make this delicious food for no reason,” Penguin said as he rubbed his hands together slightly licking his lips
“Eat up Scarlett I won’t eat until you eat,” Ikkaku said as she crossed her arms stubbornly
“I will don’t worry” I laugh taking a bite out of the food
“Oh wow ikkaku this is great” I hum as I take another bite of her food
“Why to thank you Scar I’m glad you like it,” the girl said as she gave me a smile
“I’m glad to see you happy Scarlett” Bepo said as placed one of his paws on top of my head
“Thanks for everything guys I needed this,” I say as my voice begins to crack as I fight back tears
“Of course Scar that’s what crewmates are for,” Ikkaku said
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
I’m currently standing outside on the deck of the Polar Tang after being locked up in a small space for hours I decided to give my lungs some fresh air
“Aren’t you supposed to be in your room moping” I hear a voice approach me seeing that it was my captain
“Trust me I would rather be doing that but Ikakku said she would kill me if I went back to bed” I laugh as I rest my chin in the palm of my hand leaning up against the railing
“Mhm” Law hummed as he stood next to me with his arms crossed over his chest
“I just want to make one thing clear Scarlett if you hurt any of my crew members mentally or physically I’ll make sure you regret it” Law grumbled as he leaned his back against the ship’s railing
“What's your deal with the threats you act like it’s supposed to scare me” I mumble into my palm slightly getting irritated with the man
“It’s not a threat if you mean it,” Law said as he looked me up and down
“Yea yea you don’t have to worry Traffy Laffy I wouldn’t dream of hurting them” I huff as I turn my full attention towards him
“Whether you like it or not we are eventually going to have to trust each other,” I say as I cross my arms over my chest
“You don’t think I know that” Law huffed as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration
“Look I’m sorry that I kinda showed up unexpectedly and that old man Ray kind guilt triped you into letting me join your crew,” I say
“I really appreciate this Law I’m not really good at showing my appreciation but I’ll try my hardest to prove it,” I say looking the man in the eyes letting him know I was completely serious
“It’s fine no need for formality” Law huffed
“Get some shut-eye we have a big day tomorrow,” Law said as he began to walk away
“Oh and don’t ever call me Traffy Laffy again,” Law said as he came to a complete stop
“Yes sir Traffy Laffy” I mumbled under my breath
“I heard that” Law yelled back towards me as he walked away causing me to let out a giggle
Maybe Trafalgar Law isn’t that bad of a guy.
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I hope everyone enjoyed I’m sorry if my writing is horrible I’m trying to make this readable as possible 😭
{A/N look at this man y’all these fan-arts are to die for I swear ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) }
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queenshelby · 1 year
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Lots of Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student, Pregnancy Loss, Infertility
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Waking up in your old apartment, you stretch your arms above your head, feeling the crispness of the air as it slips through the slightly opened window. As you step closer, you gaze out at the familiar skyline – the roofs of neighbouring buildings peeking from between the branches of aged trees. Today is the day when you are going to see Cillian again, and by now, you have made up your mind. You wanted him back, regardless of what happened between you in the past.
There was no denying it. He had hurt you deeply, but you still could not forget how he made you feel when you were with him. His smile, his touch, his words – all these things were like a drug to you, making you crave more of him. It was not just about the passion between you two; there was something deeper, stronger even than the love you had for anyone else before. Maybe it was because you felt so understood by him. Or maybe it was because he saw parts of yourself that nobody else could.
You texted each other every day and had two dates since he contacted you one night after your performance at the Abbey. He was trying very hard to make amends, and deep down, you knew that giving him another chance might lead to heartbreak once again, but what scared you more was the thought of never experiencing that connection ever again.
So, today, you decided that you would give in. You would give it another shot. Today, you would meet Cillian for another date, hoping you could rediscover the spark that had once ignited between you.
"Are you sure about this?" Emma asked as she sat beside you, trying to understand your decision better. You had been thinking about it for days and finally told her what you came up with.
"You know what he did to you. Why take such a risk?" she wanted to know, cautioning you about what may happen.
"I do know," you replied, your voice softening as memories of past betrayals resurfaced. "But I also know that sometimes people make mistakes. I, myself, made plenty. He has been trying very hard lately, and, God, I miss him, Emma." you explained, your heart heavy.
Emma sighed, shaking her head gently. "Y/N, if he truly cared for you, why did he break up with you over something as trivial as age?" she warned you. "Despite, do you think that he will ever get over the age difference between you? What if you decide that you want children one day, and he does not? What is if you want something else that he cannot give you?" Emma then pointed out, and your heart ached to hear those words, but you remained steadfast.
"Cillian isn't perfect, and neither am I. We both fucked up. He may not get over the age difference between us and maybe it will cause issues later down the track, but I am still young, and I will regret not giving it a try," you admitted.
Emma hesitated, her brow furrowing. She knew you well enough to recognise your resolve.  "Alright," she finally said, sighing heavily. "If you really think this is the right choice, then I won't stop you. Just promise me that you will be careful, okay?"
You nodded solemnly, reaching out to grasp her hand. "I will," you swore. "And thank you for understanding, Emma. I would not have gotten this far without your support," you smiled, a little relieved that you could move forward. "Of course, sweetie, any time.
We have been through some shit together, and this is nothing compared to what we had to endure back in the US," Emma told you before giving you a firm hug.
"So then, provided that all goes well at the fair this evening, should I assume that you are not coming back home tonight?" Emma smirked, knowing very well that if you had your way, you would probably stay at Cillian's apartment and engage in passionate make-up sessions.
"We shall see," you teased playfully, your cheeks reddening slightly. "I should probably get ready," you told Emma before asking to borrow one of her jumpers. Emma chuckled in response, shaking her head fondly. 
"Sure, you can borrow it; just make sure you take it off before you engage in something inappropriate," Emma laughed lightheartedly.
Her comment made you roll your eyes, a small grin spreading across your face.
"Don't worry, Em, I am certain that if something was to happen, the clothes would come off first," you joked, and she laughed along.
"Good!" she responded before you both began to prepare for the day ahead, seeing that, before meeting Cillian, you had rehearsals at the studio starting at ten o'clock. 
Later that evening…
The evening of your third date with Cillian had finally arrived and you were eagerly looking forward to spending the evening at the Dublin Fair. Your friend Emma had told you about this festivity many times before and how magical and colourful it was and she sure was not wrong. 
As soon as you reached the entrance of the fairgrounds, you could not help but feel amazed by the sight that greeted you. The air was filled with excitement, the scent of popcorn, and the sounds of children playing in the nearby attraction.
Cillian was already waiting for you by the entrance gate. His charming smile made it impossible for you not to notice him, even amidst the crowd.
He wore his usual casual attire, a dark grey t-shirt and black jeans, worn-out leather boots and purple socks sticking out above them, complementing his striking looks perfectly.
He approached you with a warm embrace, followed by an affectionate kiss on your cheek.
"Hey," he said, his deep voice resonating with warmth. "Ready to have some fun?" he asked like an excited little boy, and you nodded, a wide grin spreading across your face as you linked arms with him.
"Absolutely, but first tell me, how is your new feline companion?" you asked as, together, you walked along the winding pathway that led towards the centre of the fairgrounds. 
"He is doing well, and Nina loves him," Cillian told you before pulling out his phone and showing you some photos of Nuggets.
"Look at this one!" he exclaimed, pointing at a picture where Nuggets was lying down, wearing a pair of sunglasses, looking quite adorable. Your face broke into a grin, and you both shared a light-hearted laugh.
"Oh my god, you did not..." you laughed, and Cillian confirmed that Nina took the photo, not him. 
As you continued strolling down the narrow pathways, the lively melodies from live bands began to fill the air, drawing you closer to the stage.
Each step you took brought forth more laughter, music, and cheer. Soon enough, you found yourself standing under the colourful tents, surrounded by the aroma of hotdogs and popcorn, with the sweet laughter of children echoing all around. It was hard to resist not stopping at every stand to taste the delightful culinary delights.
Your steps led you further into the heart of the fair, where the most vibrant and animated games stood.
The crowd seemed rowdier here, and the atmosphere was electrifying. As if sensing your excitement, Cillian pulled you closer to him, his hand firmly grasping yours.
"Come on, show me what you got," he suggested with a gleam before pointing to the balloon dart game in the corner, which you knew was a waste of money but fun nonetheless.
You agreed wholeheartedly, feeling a surge of adrenaline at the thought of attempting these games with Cillian. 
"Should we have a competition against each other? Whoever wins the most out of three games gets to pick the first ride?" you asked, playfully challenging him.
"Deal." Cillian agreed without hesitation, flashing you a mischievous grin. "Let's see who is better at throwing darts, me or you. I mean, clearly, I have at least twenty years more experience," Cillian told you with a smug smile on his face.
With a competitive spirit sparkling in your eyes, you both stepped up to the game, getting ready to aim at the colourful balloons hung above. The crowd gathered around, watching intently, adding to the electrifying atmosphere.
The game master gave you both three darts each, explaining the rules clearly to avoid any confusion.
Once he had stepped aside, Cillian positioned himself strategically, taking his time to aim and throw. His intense focus on the target was evident, and he seemed determined to win.
As you watched him, you couldn't help but admire his concentration and skill. His face contorted, and you adored how his freckled nose moved when he tried to put his mind to something like this.
You felt the heat rise within you, not just because of the competitiveness of the situation but also due to the chemistry simmering between you two.
As you threw your first dart, your heart raced with anticipation. With a mixture of precision and luck, you managed to hit a small balloon near the top, causing it to wobble precariously. 
This only fuelled your determination even more. In response, Cillian's face grew serious, focusing entirely on the task at hand. Taking deep breaths, he aimed at another balloon and released his dart swiftly. This time, he struck a bigger target, and the crowd applauded his success. You weren't fazed though, feeling confident in your abilities.
Carefully selecting your second dart, you concentrated all your energy on hitting the largest remaining balloon. As you took aim, your heart beat faster in anticipation.
With careful focus, you released your second dart, aiming straight for the biggest balloon left hanging. To your immense satisfaction, the sharp tip pierced the balloon, popping it instantly. A loud cheer erupted from the crowd surrounding you as you turned triumphantly towards Cillian, grinning proudly.
However, instead of displaying disappointment or frustration, Cillian merely clapped his hands together, acknowledging your victory. A subtle gleam of amusement danced in his eyes, and a faint flush appeared on his cheeks.
"So, about those twenty years of experience, huh?" you teased him as you both headed towards the next round of games. Cillian chuckled in response, his deep laugh filling your ears with pure pleasure. "Don't get too cocky now, young lady. I will still outplay you at many other things," he quipped, playfully bumping shoulders with you.
"We'll see about that," you retorted, nudging him back, your eyes twinkling with mischief before dragging Cillian to two more games, spending at least twenty minutes in this area before, finally, walking away with a plushie.
"So, what ride will you choose?" Cillian then asked since you had won all three games against him, and you suggested the rollercoaster as your first ride.
Cillian nodded in agreement, his eyes meeting yours intensely, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
Your walk to the rollercoaster line was filled with undeniable electricity as if the atmosphere around you mirrored the fire burning within you. 
Unsurprisingly though, as you waited in line, some women recognized him, whispering among themselves and giggling. Although he received a few glances from them, Cillian remained focused on you, completely ignoring their attention.
"I think you sparked their interests," you whispered to him softly, a slight hint of amusement lacing your words.
Cillian chuckled slightly. "I've noticed, but it doesn't bother me. Does it bother you?" Cillian asked, seeing that you were eager to keep your dates casual and out of the tabloids. 
You smiled and shook your head in understanding, appreciating his care for your privacy. "No, it's fine," you reassured him just as you reached the front of the line.
"Ready?" you asked as the anticipation of riding the rollercoaster together heightened your excitement.
"As ready as I can be," Cillian confirmed with a wink, sending a shiver down your spine before; finally, the attendant guided you towards the cosy car that would take you on a thrilling adventure. The sky was clear, casting a soft blue hue over the entire fairgrounds, making it seem even more magical than before. 
As you climbed into the seat, your fingers brushed against Cillian's, and you both shared a secret smile. An indescribable electricity coursed through your veins, heightening your awareness of each other's presence. 
The anticipation was palpable, building with each passing moment. And then, with a sudden jolt, the rollercoaster began its journey, soaring high above the fairgrounds, revealing breathtaking views of Dublin in all its glory.
"Look at this," Cillian exclaimed, gesturing towards the sprawling city below. "Isn't it incredible?" you asked, your eyes gleaming excitedly. 
As you looked out onto the vast landscape, the adrenaline in your system combined with the closeness of Cillian, creating an intoxicating mix. It was not long before you found yourself lost in his deep gaze, unable to look away. Your heart raced, and you could feel the heat between you escalating until, suddenly, the car rode down the deep descent.
This unexpected turn caused you both to clutch onto each other instinctively, your fingers intertwining tightly. Cillian's touch sent a wave of desire coursing through your body, causing your breath to catch in your throat.
"Fuck," you screamed and laughed all at the same time, enjoying the thrill of the rollercoaster ride mixing with the excitement of Cillian's touch.
"That was amazing!" Cillian agreed, his face flushed with excitement. He gripped your hand tightly as if he never wanted to let go.
"Absolutely insane!" you declared as you both leaned forward to inspect the view of the city unfolding beneath you on the second round before making a surprising admission. 
"You know, I have never been on a rollercoaster before," you told Cillian before the car dropped down the metal pathway for a second time. You closed your eyes, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins, and then, it was over, and Cillian queried about your statement.
"You have never been on a rollercoaster before? Why?" he asked, letting go of your hand, his fingers lingering on yours for a moment longer than necessary.
"Well, in the US, my foster parents did not take me to places like this. In fact, they did not take me anywhere. They used all the money the system gave them to buy alcohol and cigarettes," you explained heavyheartedly. "Besides, they usually cost a fortune anyway," you told him, causing Cillian to turn towards you in pause. His expression grew solemn as he took in your words.
A frown formed on his brow. "I'm sorry. That must have been hard," he expressed genuine sympathy, and you could sense, once again, that he understood the pain you must have gone through.
Feeling your own emotion stirring within you, you reached for his hand and squeezed it lightly, trying to convey gratitude for his kindness. "It's okay, Cillian. Life has its ups and downs, right?" you tried to lighten the mood with a playful smile. "Anyway, we are here to have fun! Let's enjoy the rest of our night."
"Yes, absolutely," Cillian agreed wholeheartedly, returning your smile with one of his own. "Come on, let's find something else," he suggested before asking you whether there was something else you had not done before. 
"I haven't been on a Ferris wheel before," you admitted, smiling at the idea of conquering yet another new experience.
"Perfect, then let's do it," Cillian replied, already moving towards the Ferris wheel entrance with you.
The Ferris wheel operator ushered you both onto a gondola, which slowly ascended, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the Dublin skyline and, in this moment, a wave of uncomfortableness began to overcome you. You did not like the Ferris wheel stalling. It was much larger than the rollercoaster and, surprisingly, made you anxious.
Cillian noticed this and offered you his supportive arm, wrapping it around your waist in a supportive manner. 
"It's going to be fine; there is nothing to worry about," he told you reassuringly. 
You placed your hand on his, giving him a grateful smile. Feeling calmer, you allowed yourself to enjoy the view while the Ferris wheel turned leisurely, allowing couples on adjacent gondolas to engage in conversation or intimate moments.
As the wheel stopped again briefly to let passengers on and off, your senses heightened, and you could not help but notice how close you two were. The sweet smell of Cillian's cologne mixed with the fresh Irish air swirled around you, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.
"Are you okay now?" he asked as his warm hands cupped your own, reassuring you.
You nodded gratefully again, feeling the anxiety dissipate. "Yes, thank you," you murmured, giving him a gentle smile.
"You're welcome," he replied with an equally gentle smile and as the Ferris wheel continued to rotate, you both took turns admiring the captivating view of Dublin's nightlife, illuminated by a myriad of twinkling lights.
Cillian's hand, which still held yours, felt comfortingly strong and protective, and you could not help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this enchanting world of twinkling lights and vibrant colours.
Soon enough, the Ferris wheel stopped, depositing you both onto solid ground. Your feet met the warm pavement, and a wave of euphoria washed over you, heightened by the surge of adrenaline from the Ferris wheel ride.
You both walked aimlessly, embracing the festive atmosphere around you, finding joy in simple pleasures such as the sound of laughter, the taste of sugar-covered treats, and the bright colours filling the fairgrounds.
"So, what is your favourite kind of fast food?" Cillian asked as you stopped at a booth filled with traditional Irish dishes.
"Oh, well, I love fish and chips," you replied smiling, remembering the delicious meal you shared with him earlier.
"Fish and chips, huh? What's your favourite part of it?" Cillian inquired, curious about your preferences. "It would definitely be the flaky, crisp batter on the fish dipped in vinegar," you confessed with a laugh, imagining the tangy taste dancing on your tongue.
"I guess that means that, for our next date, I should take you to the best place in town for fish and chips," Cillian said confidently, already planning another romantic evening together. His easy charm made you feel at ease as if he was always looking out for your happiness.
"Another date, huh?" you giggled in response, blushing slightly at the thought of another romantic evening together.
"Only if you want to," Cillian responded, his eyes sparkling affectionately. He knew just how to make you feel special, and the warmth radiating from his gaze left no doubt in your mind that he genuinely desired your happiness.
"That depends," you smiled, feeling a flutter in your heart at the prospect of sharing more precious moments with him.
"On what?" Cillian asked nervously, glancing at you for reassurance. He seemed apprehensive, worried that your past experiences might affect your willingness to give your relationship another chance. 
"On whether we would be going on this date as boyfriend and girlfriend," you told him confidently, giving him a soft smile. "Because if we aren't, then this would be just another night out among friends," you pointed out, requiring some clarity. 
"But I don't want that," Cillian whispered, his eyes shining with determination. "We have already spent hours talking about why we broke up, and I have realized that it was foolish of me to end things over something as trivial as age. I can't imagine life without you anymore, Y/N" Cillian told you and your heart skipped a beat at his earnest declaration.
"Tell me that you love me," you requested, needing to hear those three little words from him after months apart.
"I love you," Cillian confirmed, his voice filled with sincerity. He paused for a moment, looking deeply into your eyes, as if searching for confirmation of his feelings.
You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your body against his, revelling in the warmth of his embrace. The sweet scent of his cologne combined with the subtle fragrance of the nighttime fair created an almost intoxicating atmosphere.
"How much?" you teased playfully, pulling away from Cillian's embrace to examine the delectable options lined up before you. Cillian watched you closely, amused by your curiosity.
"An awful lot, Y/N,” Cillian confirmed. “Do you know how much you mean to me?" he then asked, taking your hand gently and leading you to a corner where no one could see you. His eyes burned with desire, reflecting his deep yearning for you.
"I want you to tell me, Cillian. Tell me exactly how much I mean to you," you demanded with an urgency that surprised even yourself. 
Cillian drew you closer, cradling your face tenderly between his palms. With a fierce intensity, he proclaimed, "I love you with all my heart, and you mean the world to me. I was an idiot, alright? I was afraid of my own feelings, but I am not anymore. I want you back and I want to make things right. Fuck the tabloids or what people might think about it. I no longer care. I just want you, alright?" Cillian declared, his eyes brimming with passion before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours, a slow, tender kiss that sent waves of longing coursing through your veins. The connection between you both was undeniably powerful, drawing out a moan from deep within your core.
"Take me to your apartment," you eventually whispered as, even in the corner you had chosen, people saw you kissing and making out. "I want to be alone with you," you said breathlessly, running your fingers through his hair, loving the feel of his skin beneath your touch.
Cillian grinned, kissing you once more before turning to head toward the fair's exit point. 
"Are you sure you don't want to go on some more rights first?" Cillian asked, seeing that there was so much more to explore.
"I am sure Cillian. I much rather ride you," you joked playfully, causing Cillian to laugh. 
"I should have seen that line coming," he chuckled before replying, "Alright, let's head to my apartment,” he told you and, with the promise of hot, steamy nights ahead, you both exited the Dublin Fair, holding hands tightly amidst the crowd. 
The cool night air tickled your skin, sending shivers down your spine as you both ventured toward his residence. As the streets became quieter, your anticipation grew.
“I missed you, you know?” you said, as hand in hand, you wandered the streets, causing Cillian to stop and pull you aside.
“I missed you too,” Cillian told you, holding your hands tightly before planting another kiss on your lips.
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Erin Cuthburt x Reader
Road Back Home
Part of the Beth McCarthy mini song series
What Do You Call It?
Can't help overthinking
Every, "What if, is it a phase? Will I get over it?"
Like, "What if things change, what if I'm fake?
What if it's all just for the hell of it?"
But I'm in it, I admit it, I wanted this, ayy
I'm in it, I admit it, I'm different
Driving back up to Scotland all the memories came flooding back. Your childhood best friend Erin was in the passenger seat singing along very badly to the radio. Scotland had qualified for the World Cup and you were making the long drive up north from London together. Erin was the type of person to be able to make everyone in the room laugh and cared deeply about people she loved. You’d grown up together since primary school and was the reason you got into football. She was always playing at lunch time with the boys and needed a goalie, she convinced you that you wouldn’t have to do much - just stand there. That’s when your love of diving in the mud and throwing yourself on the ground was born, much to your mam’s disapproval. You’ve been through every stage of your careers together - from academy to climbing the national team ranks to pro. But that’s when you grew apart, you were signed to Arsenal while Erin got signed to Chelsea. Although you both live in London, you rarely get time to meet up and your friendship now consists of extremely quick catch ups after derby days.
Erin knew her sexuality from a very young age but you, yours was a bit more blurry. In the past you’d always dated men but ever since you could remember your feelings about Erin were always a little bit more honest than any previous relationship you’d had. You both had grown apart but now she’s sat in your car about to fly to Australia for two months all those feelings had come flooding back. She was still making you laugh and still showing signs that she cared about you deeply. While you were in the toilet at the service station she’d bought all your favourite snacks in your favourite flavours. Specifically the Wispa Gold or the purple Nik Naks or the vanilla Coke you barely even see anymore. Starting the car back up ready for the last stretch she handed you a cup of tea, taking a sip to taste the exact number of sugars you like for long drives caused a sound of pleasure to exit your mouth. “6 sugars because those sachets aren’t full spoons, I remember!” she chimed pleased with herself as she kicked off her shoes and placed her feet on the dashboard. “If I crash you’ll lose your legs” you scolded, hitting her legs so she took them down. “Where’d you learn that, Grey Sloan?” she was joking but she was right. You were always butting in on medical situations with your knowledge earned from binging hundreds of hours of Grey’s Anatomy. Proceeding to recite the episode of a pregnant woman breaking her legs because her feet were on the dashboard, she laughed at you. “I think you should be our medic rather than our goalie!” she remarked as you joined back onto the M6 heading for Glasgow.
Dropping her off at her mum’s house you headed back to yours for a few days before you met up with the rest of the team. Your bedroom hadn’t changed since you left home at 17 for Arsenal and still had football posters on the wall. Your bed still hoarded the shoe box of all your childhood memories, including the friendship bracelet Erin gave you in Year 6. Flicking through the photos of you both as children you laughed at some of the outfits you were made to wear. Old boyfriends were amongst them which you quickly passed by before finding the day you both got signed professionally. Proudly wearing your clubs shirts and holding hands, vowing to stay friends forever.
Except, was just friends enough for me? Would telling her the truth ruin everything? What if we could be something amazing and I never tried? I’d famously dated male players my whole career, would I be seen as fake? As an attention seeker? Does this mean I’m gay? Is there a word for only fancying your best friend? The second I say anything everything changes. If I admit that I like her, I admit that I’m different. All the questions running through your head went on for days, you were distracted the entire time by thoughts of how you’re going to have to pretend for two months.
“What ya thinking about?” Erin asked, you’d been staring out of the plane window since you boarded, unable to look her in the eyes since you picked her up this morning. “The fact there’s probably still a desk with your name etched into it back at school” you mumbled. “What, why?” You turned to look at her but you could tell she knew what you meant the second your eyes locked together. Feeling the whirl of the engine power the plane as you rumbled along the runway distracted you from the awkward silence. Grabbing your arm rests tightly to prepare for take off, you hated flying, it always made you feel sick. The nauseating feeling was lessened by Erin clawing your hand away from the plastic and into her lap. “I got you” she said resting her head on your shoulder, “I got you”.
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peachycrisis · 5 months
Human Again
Chapter 7
Alastor and Angel continue to talk about their lives, Alastor makes a discovery and Angel thinks he could get used to this new version of the former demon
AN: I’m sorry this is so late I’ve been busy but here is an update!
There was no way... Right?
“Well, Angel Dust-” the man started speaking again- quiet and more composed than before, as if the idea of changing the subject was appealing to him. This broke Angel out of his train of thought, which he was thankful for.
“Since we are on the topic of sharing life stories, why don't you tell me about yourself?”
“Me...? I-” The spider stuttered through his words, unsure of what to say. “Well, there's not really much that is interesting about me if i am be-”
“Nonsense!” the curly haired man replied, his smile bright as he sat up from his seat, resting his arms on his knees- leaning towards the demon who was standing in front of him. “I bet there is a lot worth mentioning my dear, tell me about your life!” Alastor explained enthusiastically, patting the cushion next to him, inviting Angel to sit next to him on the couch.
“Well, I was born in Brooklyn, that part of New York City that everyone is afraid of- and my family was poor… like- poor poor, so we had resulted in gang activity by joining the Italian mob to try to make a living because for people like us at that time, it wasn't easy for us to find jobs…”
“Really?” Alastor questioned, shocked.
“Yeah… there's a lot more behind the porn star persona toots,” Angel chuckled, resting his forearms on his knees, and looking down at the floor.
“And as we both know, being gay during the 20s and 30s was… not particularly ideal, so I needed to keep it on the downlow- not only to protect myself, but to protect my family as well. The only one that really knew and understood was my sister Molly… Oh, that girl was the embodiment of heaven if it was smushed together and placed into the body of a young girl…”
He remembered himself, Anthony, aged 20- playing with his younger sister, aged 16 on the streets of Manhattan... he smiled at the memory with teary eyes.
Alastor took note of Angels face, reminiscent and grieving. Al smiled, and grabbed the spider's face, turning his head so he would have to look him in the eye. “She seems like she would have been lovely, deary.”
“She was…” Angel sighed, putting his own hand on Alastor's, keeping it on his cheek. “I have no doubt she had made it into heaven. How could a soul like hers not?”
“I bet that my mother is taking good care of her up there.” Al smiled, rubbing his thumb against the spider cheek.
“I have no doubt about it… I just wish I would have seen her grow up…” Angel's breath hitched as his heartbeat started to race. He felt tears well up in his eyes, threatening to fall.
“Stupid drugs.”
The spider felt himself become encapsulated by warmth as he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him. He dug his face into the other man's chest… causing a yelp of pain to come from the former demon. Angel noticed the other man wincing and backed away quickly.
“Shit, sorry Smiles.” The demon said frantically.
“It's perfectly okay my dear, it's just all these newfound emotions made me forget about this big… issue… I have going on.” Alastor reassuringly, chuckling while he looked down at himself, inspecting his chest, blushing in embarrassment.
Embarrassment… that's a new thing for the Radio Demon.
“Everything's so new to me… I feel so- different…” Alastor said, looking down at his hands. “So human, even more human than I did when I was alive.” He sighed and ran his hands through his curly brown hair.
“It's overwhelming isn't it-”
“Very much so, sweetheart.”
“You don't need to be strong all the time, Alastor.”
Once again, the former deer felt his smile tremble and threated to fall.
Suddenly, Angel placed his hand on Alastor's knee. Alastor's back straightened from a hunch as he looked Angel in the eyes. Angel remained silent, just smiling at the man, rubbing the man's knee with his thumb in circular motions.
What is this feeling? Alastor's cheeks flushed as he looked away, getting lost in his thoughts. He wasn't a fan of physical touch usually- if not ever, but this was different. This, even though he didn't want to admit it, this he liked.
Oh god, why was the physical touch so appetizing? Was he really that touch starved?
Angel noticed this, his cheeks instantly blushing as he realized that Alastor might be enjoying the physical contact, he inched closer to the man next to him.
“When was the last time you allowed someone to do this to you, Al?” Angel asked, softly but curiously. He watched Alastor stiffen at the question… Okay, maybe a little too soon for that question.
“Um... I…” Alastor became flustered, bringing his hands up to his face in embarrassment.
“Shit… I'm sorry, I know you don-” Angel began to remove his hand from Alastor's knee, but the human hand grabbed it before he was able to remove it.
“Don't stop.” The brown eyed man said, looking at the spider with watery eyes.
“I- Okay…”
“It's been… years…” Alastor looked down, his cheeks as red as a tomato. He began to feel his body and mind stirring with unfamiliar feelings.
Angel looked at the man in shock… He knows he had been absent for 7 years for only god knows what, but he had not welcomed physical touch from anyone in years? Angel shook his head, taking a moment to process- as his hand subconsciously continued to move up his leg to his thigh. He felt Alastor squirm at the touch, raising his hand to his mouth. He began to wonder if Alastor's demon form had prevented him from feeling any human needs or desires…
But God, did the curly haired human look adorable squirming from the littlest touches to his body. Alastor, the radio demon, would have never allowed this- let alone let Angel Dust survive after attempting this, but Alastor the human?
Angel thinks he could get used to this.
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nogu-d-reamers · 2 months
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Name: Hoppy Rabbilda Hopscotch.
Age: 21
Height: 270 mts/8'8 fts.
Species: Smiling critter creature. Rabbit (eastern cottontail).
Occupation: enginer/researcher.
Genre: female (She/her).
Sexuality: Bi.
Magical usser type: Alchemist.
Birth place: bayquarter (Main city).
Birth day: march 13th.
Hoppy is a very lively rabbit focused on what she does and only that; and along with his somewhat rude and misaligned appearance, he seems to be a person who is a little rough to start getting to know, but is actually a very energetic and impulsive person; especially with things that are of interest to her or something that those close to her need (even if it costs her a little at first, if it is important to a person she cares about, she will do it too).
She is extremely competitive, she likes to do things the right way, insistent to the point of being stubborn and she doesn't see the limits of certain things; especially with experiments that don't go quite right.
She is also not very good at being patient or regulating her reactions, which gives rise to the recurring gag in which she usually gives a little scream that scares those around her when she is very excited, euphoric or angry.
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about her work and daily life.
Hoppy has his daily routine very clear =
He gets up at 4 am and eats a light breakfast (eggs and bread in general).
At 4:30 he exercises.
At 5:30 he starts getting ready for work.
She works from 6:30 to 20:30, with 3 daily breaks of 1 and a half each to eat. She has a pretty heavy job as a mechanic of small airplanes, seaplanes and other flying vehicles. And that time can be extended and she studies from 21 to 23 with Bubba to become an official consultant on antiques and how to fix them.
In her free time it is common to see her spending time with Bobby, getting into a dispute with kickin or begging Bubba to approve a project of dubious morality or safety.
Lately she seems interested in spending time with crafty or Dogday, more than anything because of his particular interest in witchcraft as a study.
Magic data (and other skills):
Hoppy is a certified alchemist,title that is not only achieved by studies but by affinity to technology. Hoppy specializes in technology and his related element is electricity and mechanic.
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If she gets into a fight, she simply conjures her alchemical circle or uses her pocket watch to use it without having to draw it to use it to attack or defend herself.
Due to the element it handles, it causes it to run out and have a "short circuit" when used, something that can be handled by carrying metallic elements that make it more likely to receive electricity.
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As in a certain series of two alchemist brothers; You can fix and modify objects as long as you don't use a different or extra item to restore it.
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other random data:
favorite food: spatakópitas «I went to a witch bazaar when I was a kid, and those little puff pastry and spinach things stayed in my memory.».
Favorite dessert: carrot cake «I like the carrot cake despite being a rabbit, I don't like it because I'm a rabbit»
hated food: carrots «Because of a certain actor, now everyone thinks that rabbits love carrots, I hate them!! They are hard, sour and need to be cooked or spiced to make them taste good..».
smell: mint.
strength: concentration, brute force, analytical skills.
weakness: communication problems, lack of interest.
favorite physical appearance: muscles «pure physical effort worth showing off.».
hated physical appearance: hair «I hate how flammable it is to my experiments and tests…and I'm too lazy to wash it.».
person you respect most: dad «What? I adore my dad»
person you don't want as an enemy: Bubba «He's the one who cancels my experiments! It's not fair! someone once makes a clock with the ability to travel through dimensions and then threatens me for taking away my alchemist's license!!.».
hobby:sports, fly seaplanes, study about astronomy or witchcraft.
Some crush?: ... «Bobby, I love Bobby; I have tried to propose to her about 15 times but I am never able to because I think it won't be romantic enough; the good thing is that she doesn't realize... I hope it».
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hollowwrites · 1 year
HC part 2! HC part 2!
(Only if you want to!)
HC part 2! HC part 2!
Loving super tall Ominis. I'll always love a good height difference 🥵
Ominis Headcanons Pt. 2
So when I said I thought about a little more, I lied I went a tad mad
I’ll refer to MC as Evelyn throughout this cause she’s my ship with Omi. This is basically my notes page. Things may conflict. Who cares? If anything grabs you please ask about it. You guys inspire me for way too much of my stuff 💚
Family (Angsty…)
Some waffle about Ominis can’t be alive past 50 because of Tom Riddles family tree? No. He separates from his family after he’s 18. He uses his Aunts notes to prove that she has passed away and because of this he learns she left everything she owned to Ominis. He uses her money (I like to think it’s the majority of the Gaunt fortune because she’s not a blood purist therefore is sensible with her money not spending it on trinkets and Slytherin heirlooms) to legally separate from his family so they scorch him from the records.
I think the developers gave Ominis blonde hair to win Malfoy points but I also think it symbolises his separation from his family. Tom Riddle and Art of the Gaunt Family all have dark hair so our boi Omi is physically different compared to them not just mentally. It also might help him later to disassociate from his family because he doesn’t look like them.
I genuinely can’t remember if this was mentioned in game or not (I stop playing after Beasts Class and pretend that nothing bad happens to any of our bois) but I imagine he’s suffered Crucio quite a few times. If his family are cruel enough to do it once, they’d do it multiple times.
I mention this in my Blindsided fic but I feel like Crucio would leave a scar behind. Avada Kedavra does so why not Crucio huh? Is it because I wanted Eve to tend to his wounds and try to remove the scarring?…maybe. Do I care if it makes any sense at all? No!
Obviously because of this I feel like Ominis is covered in scars. Always hidden so no one can see how horrible a family they are…even though everyone already knows.
His Patronus is a difficult one. I was Googling animals that have some of Ominis traits so I’ve narrowed it down to three:
Spider - I read an article ages ago debating whether or not spiders or insects in general feel pain or not. They either don’t or have a high tolerance for pain. So I feel like with how often Ominis gets tortured he’d have grown a tolerance for it like a Spider.
Vampire Bat - …I like Vampire Ominis what can I say? No obviously they use echolocation like his wand and they sleep in the day…need I say more?
A Blind Basilisk - THE UNINTENDED FORESHADOWING. Plus a basilisk is a dangerous snake, blind or not blind, like Ominis. People would maybe underestimate a blind basilisk thinking it would be easier to take down with its main weapon taken from it but I would still not want mess with one. JUST LIKE OMI
Either way I think once he falls in love with Eve his Patronus would change to Dove (I headcanon that Eves Mom used to call her a dove and her wand is a bird skull)
Speaking of Patronus’ he wouldn’t be able to cast one until he met Sebastian.
His first memory he could use to conjure a Patronus would be when Sebastian asks him to stay with him over the holidays. The mixture of guilt, relief, happiness and sadness he feels is powerful enough to cast one.
Second would be looking after Eve after she got Crucio’d in the Scriptorium. Despite the horrible origin of the day he looks back at it fondly. It’s where him and Eve truly started to bond and probably where his feelings for her originated.
General HCs
He snaps his wand a lot. It’s constantly in his hand and Sebastian is a trying person to be around so I imagine he just grips it too hard and snap. Learns to fix it himself after one too many visits to Ollivanders.
Maybe he completely snaps it one day after he separates from his family and has to get a completely new wand. Evelyn points out that it’s a lighter wood than before. I know the wood has nothing to do with anything like that but I like the though that he’s free of his dark past and his wand becomes lighter because of it
His boggart is just an amalgamation or screams and torture he’s pretty used to it. I go in detail here
He definitely grows up to be the next Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher just to rub it in his families face. Plus I think he’s close with Hecat she would put him forward for the position. Maybe he quits before Dumbledores era to travel with Eve finding ancient magic spots.
Thinking about the mirror of Erised is tricky with the boi cause blind BUT I think his deepest desire is just peace so maybe when he ‘looks’ into the mirror he can hear the wind blowing through grass and can smell roses, the distant sound of Eve and Sebastian laughing. I think he gets to live that anyway…he deserves it.
Relationshipy stuff (NSFW 🔞)
I don’t think he wants kids… I just can’t see him with them. I know people like Dadimis but…no. Maybe I’m projecting but kids take so much patience which he clearly does not have.
Contrary to everyone else’s opinion but I think he like public signs of affection he’s just a touchy person. He’s always had something in his hands whether it was a stick when he was younger or his wand he’s ALWAYS touching SOMETHING. It grounds him. So he’s touchy when he knows the person doesn’t mind.
I think he’d shamelessly hold Sebastian’s hand everywhere. I don’t think Seb would care either. If it’s comforting then whatever
(NSFW 🔞) So I’m expanding on the choking thing from last time 👀 I don’t think he’d do it in a dominating way, I think it’s more of a feeling thing? I imagine the first time it happened was an accident. He just slid his hand up her chest and went a bit too far up. He felt the vibrations of her moaning against his hand, yeah he can hear it but feeling it is better. After that it’s almost a certainty that his hand will find its way around her neck. Maybe it becomes a dom thing but not originally.
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