#wheeler yuta x daniel garcia
paradoxunknown · 2 years
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Stop I’m crying 😭
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racerchix21 · 2 years
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Word Count: 1,116
Warnings: lots of fluff
A/N: I missed Yuta’s birthday by a day (I was super stressed out and busy yesterday, but Happy Belated Birthday Wheeler!!
Tagging: @sunnyfleur23 @paradoxunknown @alanangels (let me know if y’all wanna be taken off of the tag list or if anyone wants to be added!)
Summary: Danny wants to do something nice for Wheeler so he breaks some rules and if Wheeler’s too angry well Danny has a way of fixing that too!
Work Text:
Waiting for Wheeler in his apartment Danny starts getting his surprise ready. He knows that he technically has 2 hours before Yuta is even remotely close to coming back from the gym and his one on one training session with Regal, but Danny’s anxious as hell. “If everything goes well this will be a birthday that his boyfriend will never forget, but with my luck he’ll hate it and he’ll break up with me,” he shakes his head to clear away all the negative thoughts that his brain has conjured up.
Danny knows that he’s a terrible cook and he’s not much better at baking, but for his man’s birthday he’s willing to break Yuta’s one rule about being in the kitchen by himself. The last time he tried this he nearly burnt down Wheeler’s parents kitchen and once Wheeler and his dad got the smoke detectors off, some ground rules were set in place.
Flashback one year and some change:
They were having dinner with Wheeler’s parents and all Danny had wanted to do was help Mrs. Yuta when he agreed to go heat up the apple pie she’d made for dessert. Figuring out how to turn on the beach house's oven was an adventure in its self and after he’d smacked every button on the stove he finally managed to hear the beep indicating the oven was preheating. Pulling the foil off the pie, he plops it down on a baking sheet sitting on the counter and puts it in.
His first mistake was believing he would actually be able to pay attention to the clock. What he definitely wasn’t counting on was getting distracted by the sound of Wheeler’s laughter as he talked to his parents. Danny hadn’t heard his best friend sound this relaxed in forever and he sure hadn’t ever heard him laugh that loudly or easily before and he was gonna enjoy it while he could.
Getting pulled from his thoughts by the smell of smoke and burnt apples and the shrill sound of smoke detectors going off, Danny panics because he’s screwed up Wheeler’s special dinner with his parents. Mrs. Yuta gently guides him aside to turn off the oven as her husband and son begin the long process of getting the smoke detectors off and airing the place out. Danny feels tears welling up his eyes as he begins to mumble apologies to everyone. He’s not expecting for his best friend to wipe the tears away or for him to wrap his arms around Danny and whisper reassurances into his hair.
Ushering Danny out onto the beach, Wheeler grabs his hand and pulls him back into his arms as his shushing begins anew. “Hey, Danny look at me bud. Where’s your head at, hmm? I’m not mad and neither are my parents before you say anything, but I think we need to talk about you being in the kitchen by yourself and set some ground rules so you don’t get hurt,” Wheeler whispers just so it’s the two of them that can hear their conversation.
“Okay, Yoots. I’m focused on you I promise but what kind of rules,” Danny asks in the same low whisper that Yuta was speaking in.
“Rules like you aren’t allowed in the kitchen by yourself especially if you’re using the stove or oven for any reason. I worry about you as your friend and who in the world am I supposed to wrestle if you get hurt?”
Nodding his head Danny agrees and they get back to what they’d come to the beach for in the first place a nice relaxing vacation without the stress of the wrestling world bearing down on them.
End of flashback
Pulling out all the ingredients the back of the box says he needs plus a glass brownie pan, Danny starts mixing up the salted caramel brownies his boyfriend has hinted around about. The relaxing nature of mixing up something for someone you care about gives him a warm fuzzy feeling that he’s only ever experienced when Wheeler has held him after a scene or an intense match at work. Danny’s so lost in his own head he almost misses the sound of the oven beeping to tell him the oven’s preheated and the sound of footsteps as his boyfriend sneaks into the apartment.
Pouring the brownie batter into the pan and pushing it into the oven, Danny startles when he turns around to look at the clock and realizes that Wheeler is standing behind him in the doorway watching his every move.
“Daniel, what do you think you’re doing? Huh I thought I was clear on the rules about you being in the kitchen by yourself using the oven,” Wheeler growls stalking towards Danny and for once he’s smart enough to not attempt to get away from his Dom, but maybe he should have as Wheeler grabs him and gets in his face.
“Yoots, I was baking you brownies since it’s your birthday. I know I’m not supposed to be in here using the oven but I wanted to do something nice for you. I’m sorry,” Garcia says, trying to simultaneously back away from the angry Dom and pull Wheeler into a kiss, because regardless of his fear he knows that his boyfriend would never intentionally hurt him.
“Baby boy I appreciate that you wanted to do something nice for me today but you know the rules.”
“I know, Sir. But before you get too mad and decide to punish me, open this,” Danny exclaims, shoving an envelope at Wheeler.
Taking it and carefully opening it, he finds their passports and tickets to go to Japan to see his family along with a little note from his boy;
Happy birthday babe!! The fact you’re 26 is wild to me because you and I should still be those idiot kids just starting out in the industry and not having literally anything to our names.
I love you Wheels and I can’t wait to see what this next year will bring you and me ♥️
Love always,
Your bratty baby, Danny
P.S. You’ve got a good butt, like the BEST butt in wrestling. Just don’t tell Mox it might hurt his feelings and Jon Moxley with hurt feelings ain’t fun
Glancing up at Danny standing at the stove taking out his birthday brownies, Wheeler feels a little warm and fuzzy and really blessed that he’s gotten so stupidly lucky to be in love with this beautiful sassy man. “Thank you baby boy and now that the brownies are out of the oven how about you come over here and let the birthday boy have his special kiss.”
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yellow----daisy · 2 years
"And what I gave him tonight....is nothing like what is in me."
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Caption taken from @tinycaprisun <3
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allelitewrestlings · 2 years
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plentyoffandoms · 5 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Daniel Garcia Masterlist ♡ Wheeler Yuta Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist
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Warnings: Mentions people getting injured. Concussion. Falling. Broken bones. Car accident.
Photos do not belong to me.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it
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Danny raced to the hospital once he found out what had happened to her. She jumped too far and ended up head first into the barrier.
She had to be taken out by ambulance as she had a grade 3 concussion. The moment he found out she had to spend a couple of days in the hospital, he was right there by her side. Refusing to leave her.
When it was time for her to come home, Danny knew he had to be there for her, so he took time off and helped her recover.
He went to every follow-up appointment with her and made sure she took the medication that the doctors prescribed.
Danny followed all the advice given and even contacted the AEW head medical to make sure he was following all the steps correctly.
He let her rest, no loud music or TV shows.
Hardest part was keeping her off her phone and tablet, so much so that he had to hide them.
She slowly got better with his help. Gradually working her way up to using her electronics, no more doctor's appointments and doing some light cardio.
It was a good few weeks until she got back in the ring again, with Danny on the side completely freaking out, but they got the all clear, so she should be good to go.
But that didn't stop the poor guy from worrying. He wanted to scream out about her head, but she told him she was fine and that she wouldn't be doing this if she wasn't.
She returned back to ROH, and he was right by her side. Refusing to ever leave her corner again.
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Paul found her on the floor of their bathroom. Wrapped up in the shower curtain. She couldn't get up. He called for an ambulance and rode in the back with her to the local hospital.
Fractured shoulder from slipping in the shower and landing on the hard tile floor.
Paul was a mess when she went in for surgery, but he held it together for her. During that time, he called his bosses and told them what was going on, and took some time off of work.
When she was out of surgery, she was able to go home once she woke up. Paul talked to the nurses about how to take care of her and made a follow-up appointment with the receptionist, and got her medication.
For the following weeks, Paul would help dress her, cut up her food, and help her bathe. He knew she was getting frustrated with not being able to properly take care of herself, but he always told her he didn't mind. She has done this for him in the past.
Paul went to every appointment. He was there when the cast and sling came off.
He was there for every physio appointment, learning to do the proper techniques so they could continue them at home.
The moment she got most of her strength back, she insisted on Paul going back to work. He didn't want to, but he didn't want to smother her. So he did.
He would check up on her and come back home all the time, but she was fine. But he did do one thing differently at home.
During all of this, he redid the bathroom. He put in a step-in-shower with a door. He will always be worried about her falling again.
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Colten was driving when the other driver ran the red light, hitting the passenger side. Colten survived with just a few scrapes, but she was much worse.
Her leg was crushed, and she had to have surgery. Her body was also covered in cuts, but they would heal much quicker than her leg.
Colten, due to being in the car crash, took time off of work. While she was in the hospital recovering, his Dad and brother were at his place, moving their bedroom from the second floor of their home to the first floor.
Colten would be there helping when he could, but he spent most of the time at the hospital.
When she finally came home, she cried when she saw what he did with the bedroom, which became her safe place.
Like any good partner, he went to her follow-up appointments, and when they said it wasn't healing like they hoped, and needed more surgery, he held back the tears he had for her, knowing she will go though even more pain.
But he was there once again during her surgery and was home. When he wasn't home, his mom or step-mom was there with her. Hell, he would come home, and Austin would be there, making sure she had everything she needed.
Then they got the good news. The cast could come off.
Now, it was time for physiotherapy, which would go on for months, but the one she enjoyed the most was swimming.
They did leg strengthen exercises at home, but swimming thought her peace. So Colten put in a pool and made her promise to only swim when someone was with her.
He would come home to see her in the pool, happy and at peace.
She started to walk without the help of a cane, but she was slow and would be upset how slow she was, but Colten just held her and let her get out her frustrations. Letting her know that she will get faster and stronger.
And she did, just like how he said she would. She still does follow-ups with the physiotherapist when her leg acts up, but she now joins Colten at the gym whenever she could.
But he would still find her in the pool, rain or shine.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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dunkzillla · 2 years
𓅣 Paper Cranes and Plastic Planes 𓅣
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art by @dogcollarpunk
Title: Paper Cranes and Plastic Planes
Pairings: Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta, Eddie Kingston/Daniel Garcia, Lee Moriarty/Wheeler Yuta, past! Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns, mentioned Chuck Taylor/Wheeler Yuta, Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns, Isiah Kassidy/Daniel Garcia.
Warnings: full tags on AO3.
Word Count: 50,003
Summary: Orizuru (折鶴 ori- "folded," tsuru "crane"), or paper cranes, are a symbol of honour, good fortune, loyalty, and longevity. In Japanese folklore it is believed that anyone with the patience to fold one thousand paper cranes would be blessed with good fortune and granted one wish.
Wheeler Yuta spends his free time listening to podcasts and building his model planes and putting them on show on the shelf in his room. When Jon Moxley comes into his life, paper cranes begin to fill the gaps the same way the man who makes them for him does.
AO3 Link
Here it is! Finally, my @wrestlebang 2022 entry! It’s been five months in the making and I’m super excited to share it with you! Big shoutout and thank you to @dogcollarpunk for being my artist and collaborator in this challenge and creating the most beautiful piece of art. Please give all the love!!! Just look at it! Also big thank you to @whorehausen for being my soulmate and guiding me through every process of this. you’re my right hand man and I love you to the moon and back. without you, this wouldn’t be posted, thank you! I hope you all enjoy!
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
An alignment chart about the murder family and their neighbors helping you with homework because i sure need help rn
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**the original chart was not made by me; I just added the pictures
*results may not be accurate, but in my mind they are*
AND here is the picture of Claudio in cheetah print
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he looks good
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That Should Be Me
Pairing: Daniel Garcia x female!reader, Wheeler Yuta x female!reader
Category: Angst
Word count: 2,655
Summary: When tension reach an all time high with Daniel Garcia and your boyfriend, Wheeler Yuta, you realize you have to settle this once and for all. You have to make a choice. With the title on the line at Death Before Dishonor, two questions are asked — Who would leave as the Ring of Honor Pure Champion and more importantly, who would you leave with?
Warnings: Swearing, female reader but no description of reader, she/her pronouns
A/N: I couldn’t help myself for naming this after a Justin Bieber song (and including it below). I felt like it fit perfectly for this angsty mess that Daniel finds himself in.
Requested by: @mycheersricochet Hope it was everything you wanted! ❤️
Gif is not mine. Credit to owner.
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The build up to Death Before Dishonor was getting more and more intense. The Jericho Appreciation Society have been nothing much thorns in the sides of the Blackpool Combat Club along with Santana, Ortiz, and especially Eddie Kingston. Regardless of you not being a member of BCC, you were pulled into the drama, but you didn’t mind and truthfully, you would have inserted yourself into it had Daniel Garcia not mentioned you one night. You knew he did it to get a rise out of Wheeler Yuta, your boyfriend of a year and half.
What you didn’t know was how Daniel truly felt about you. He wouldn’t admit to anyone, not even 2point0 much less the other members of JAS, but he had feelings for you — strong feelings for you. He spent a lot of his nights wishing you were with him and not Yuta. He despised Yuta for stealing you from him.
Daniel was going to make his move, but Wheeler beat him to it a few days before and Danny saw your face light up at whatever Yuta said. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you he liked you after that, but as time went on Daniel saw that whatever was going on between you and Wheeler wasn’t stopping anytime soon. He knew he had to do something to get your attention — to steal you away from Yuta. Daniel couldn’t figure out why you liked Yuta so much. The guy was a loser and a joke in Danny’s eyes, but most importantly, Wheeler Yuta was not Daniel Garcia.
Over the next several months Chris Jericho continued to target Eddie and vice versa. Naturally, JAS had Jericho’s back and BCC was backing up Eddie. Things were getting heated and more personal between the two men, but no one really knew just how personal things were getting between Daniel and Yuta.
Despite you being ringside and being around the two men durning the various showdowns between the two groups, you didn’t realize how personal it was getting between them, how intense and heated it was getting, or the words exchanged between the two. You had no idea the full extent of what your presence was doing to Daniel or how it was making him react.
Much like Garcia, Yuta wasn’t one to back down, and when Daniel would attack Wheeler at every opportunity, sometimes Danny walked away with a shit eating grin on his face while other times Yuta managed to get the upper hand despite being jumped.
This back and forth continued with growing intensity between the two. Daniel always made sure to take note of when you were and were not around. He would also take note of how sickeningly sweet you and Yuta would look whenever he came across the two of you backstage. It had him thinking about how it should him doing all that stuff with you — holding your hand, having your support, cheering for one another during matches, kissing you — that should be him and not Wheeler Yuta. It ate Daniel up seeing you happy with someone who wasn’t good enough for you, with someone who was part of a pathetic excuse of a club in his eyes. Daniel firmly believed he could make you even happier, that he could give you so much more than Yuta — more time, more love, more support, more…. everything.
Having to see you and his sworn enemy all cute and lovey dovey all the time, gave him an idea, a plan on how to finally get your attention, how to finally win your heart, how to finally get you to be with him instead. He was going to make sure he got a shot at Yuta’s Ring of Honor Pure Championship. He was going to win. He knew he would win because he was more brutal, more nasty, more violent in the ring than pathetic excuse of a wrestler, Wheeler Yuta. That’s what he told himself. That’s what JAS told him when the match was finally made for Ring of Honor’s Death Before Dishonor pay per view.
If you thought things were intense and heated before? You had no idea what was coming next.
The few weeks prior to the pay per view Daniel was cutting promos left and right on Yuta, attacking Yuta, and making sure you knew just who you were dating and just who you could and should be with.
Daniel jumped at every chance he got when he saw you alone. He would be bold and flirt with you, ask you to go out with him after the show — just the two of you, ask you why you chose that loser as he put it, and once you defended your boyfriend, Daniel would just laugh and reply with something along the lines of “Come on, sweetheart. You and I both know who can truly handle you.”
You remember that moment clearly. No sooner than the words left Garcia’s mouth, you hauled off and slapped the shit out of him. How dare he say that?! How dare he put down the man that treated you so well, that treated like you were made of gold and Yuta knows how to treat gold, he is the champ after all. You remember storming off, fuming at what you heard come out of Danny’s mouth.
That’s the same day Daniel learned he was using the wrong approach. It was also the day he knew you belonged with him, and the day he learned just how hard you could hit because that slap strung for twenty minutes and his cheek was a bright red for majority of the day. That was the same day he realized just how head over heals he genuinely was for you.
Daniel thought about you a lot the next several days and how to get you to realize his feelings for you because everyone knows Daniel wasn’t a mushy guy that talked about his feelings. He was the strong, silent type. The tough guy that no one could shake. At least he used to think so. He didn’t want to admit that slowly he was becoming soft, but it was only for you. Everyone else could kiss his ass for all he cared.
Wheeler could tell that Garcia liked you, he just didn’t know exactly how much. He could tell by the words Daniel spoke, the way Daniel mentioned you, and by just how hard Daniel would hit him in their brawls ringside and backstage. Yuta knew there was something there, he just needed to find out what exactly it was.
Blood and Guts came and went. Tensions were climbing higher. Fyter Fest night one came and went. Tensions continued to rise. Fyter Fest night two came and went. The two men couldn’t be in the same room.
Daniel had a promo scheduled for the ROH pay per view the Friday before, and he knew this was his chance to get not just Yuta, the AEW fans, but your attention and to let everyone, yourself mostly, to know what he felt about you. Yes, he had mentioned you a few times before for the world to hear but never indirectly said he had feelings for you.
When his time came Garcia cut the promo and ended it with a smirk while confidently saying, “I’m taking your title, and I’m taking your girl too, Yuta”. You stood there with you haw on the floor. You were frozen. What did he just say? There’s no way you heard that right. Looking over at your boyfriend, you knew you heard what Daniel said correctly because Wheeler’s expression was a mixture of amusement and anger. This match was going to get uglier than you had thought.
The two men had a sit down interview of sorts to promote the upcoming pay per view. You had this feeling that a war of words would occur even more so that you played a bigger part in this than anyone realized. Of course you were going to be supporting Yuta, he’s your boyfriend after all, but as much as you didn’t want to, you had to admit that you had been thinking about Garcia, thinking about the things he said to you when your boyfriend wasn’t around, thinking about if Daniel really would be a better fit for you like he would always claim. You hated yourself for thinking about that, for thinking about Daniel Garcia when you were already with Wheeler Yuta.
You sat off to the side and watched the interview. Yuta on one side of the interviewer and Garcia on the other. The interview started off fine, but once Yuta mentioned Daniel’s car accident, it pissed Danny off. Clearly it was still a touchy subject, and you knew that. You had seen Danny snap at people for bringing up such a hard and dark time in his life. You remember hearing someone say something about it once, hearing Daniel coming around the corner you were quick to tell the person to drop it with a stern look. Thankfully, they did before Daniel could tell them where they could go. What you didn’t know was that Daniel had seen and heard the whole thing, falling for you even more because you knew how he felt about the topic.
Once Yuta brought up the accident, the proverbial gloves were off and Daniel wasn’t holding back. Daniel went off about how he was a much wrestler, how he would make a better champion, and how you deserved better, how you deserved to be with him and not Yuta.
The interview ended shortly after that. You couldn’t believe that Daniel felt that passionate about you, the title sure because he was determined to make Wheeler look like a fool in front of everyone. It was his favorite pastime lately. You took in Daniel’s words and couldn’t stop thinking about all he said.
“Babe?” You were brought out of your thoughts when Yuta waved his hand in front of your face. You hadn’t realized he had been talking to you.
“Sorry.” You apologized before continuing, “I didn’t mean to ignore you. Got lost in thought for a moment.” It was the truth, well mostly the truth. The thought of being with Daniel kept sneaking into your thoughts, and you didn’t try to shake it away anymore, leaving you feeling guilty. Was this cheating? You never thought you would do something like that, but if these thoughts counted then you didn’t feel like you should be either man.
The pay per view finally arrived and you were beyond nervous, not for Yuta, not for Daniel, but for the decision you would have to make by the end of the night.
As you watched the pre-show, your nerves and anxiety started creeping up. Once the main card started, you were becoming increasingly more anxious and nervous. Yuta and Garcia were off prepping for their match while you watched Claudio win the Ring of Honor World Championship.
It was finally time for the Pure Championship match. The match that was most likely going to break you. You jumped up from your seat backstage, pacing, body filled with nerves and anxiety to the point you felt like you could throw up. Wheeler stopped by on his way out to the ring to give you a kiss and tell you it was going to all be okay and that it would be over soon.
You wanted to believe him. You desperately wanted to believe him, but your gut told you it wasn’t going to be over until you made your decision. You wanted to scream and cry at the thought of choosing between these two: your loving boyfriend and the man who’s been plaguing your thoughts for weeks on end.
The bell rang and the match began. You caught yourself holding your breath frequently throughout the match. You ended up pacing, wringing your hands, and running your hands through your hair. Everyone around you wasn’t sure what to say or do, seeing you in such a state.
The match was brutal from the beginning, harsh strikes, chops, kicks, wanting to one up the other. Submission hold after submission hold but still neither man showed any quit. These two weren’t just fighting for the title — they were fighting for you so of course they were going to give it their all. Yuta wanted to keep you while Daniel wanted to win you.
You hated that they were treating you like a prize, but saw where they were coming from. You knew they didn’t really think of you as prize to be had; they just both loved you and wanted you for themselves.
You must have been too in your thoughts to notice the match coming to a close until you heard the bell ring once more. Whipping around to the monitor, you see your boyfriend’s hand raised in victory. You let out yet another breath you were holding. It’s almost decision time, and you were a wreck. You didn’t want to hurt either of them, but unfortunately, you were going to have to.
You watch Danny exit the ring and up the ramp towards the back with both middle fingers extended. He was pissed he lost, but more importantly, he was pissed he lost to Yuta. You wanted to meet him when came through the back but refrained from doing so. You watched as he stormed off still giving people the bird, too pissed to look for you. You knew he needed time to cool down so that’s what you’d give him for now.
You gasped as arms wrapped around you from behind, calming when you heard Wheeler’s voice. “I did it. I beat him and now we know who the best is.” He kissed your cheek before heading off to shower and change. You didn’t even congratulate him, too busy thinking about what’s going to happen next.
A few hours later you were met with Danny and Yuta in a deserted hallway. Both men had their eyes on you, silently telling you it was time for your decision. You swallowed thickly, throat dry and hands shaking. Yuta motioned to an empty room to the right, and the three of you piled in.
Once the door was shut, you were met with both of them completely focused on you. You sat down in a chair across from them and let out a deep breath. You knew your decision already, but just knowing you’ll be met with hurt and pain no matter who you choose, truly breaks your heart.
“I—I made my decision. It was difficult, but just know I thought long and hard about it.” You pause, examining their reactions so far. They were both on the edge of their seats, hanging on your every word, Daniel hoping you’d pick him while Wheeler was hoping he wouldn’t lose you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before continuing, “I’m sorry. I—I can’t pick either of you.” You let tears run down your cheeks as you see both men’s faces fall in realization of what you were getting at. “Wheeler, if I stay with you, I’m scared I won’t be able to get Daniel out of my head, and Danny, if I pick you, I’ll feel guilty about all this pain and hurt it caused Wheeler. I’m sorry. I just can’t.” You choke out the last few sentences as you sniffed in attempt to keep from full on crying, but you couldn’t keep it in. You jumped up and practically ran out the door, regardless of your blurry vision.
As you left you could hear Daniel and Yuta yelling at one another, blaming one another for the outcome.
Daniel couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe after all that he still lost you. He was angry, embarrassed, and upset. Daniel Garcia doesn’t cry, but he did that day.
General Taglist: @cuzimacomedian @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx
Wheeler Yuta Taglist: @sheinthatfandom
A/N: If you want to be added to the tag list, feel free to ask, message, or let me know in a comment!
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sheinthatfandom · 1 year
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Prompt: "I need advice" (time passes) "never mind I already did the stupid thing"
Rating: teen
Word count: 569
Pairing: Daniel Garcia/Nigel mcguinness, unrequited Daniel Garcia/Bryan Danielson and complicates feelings with Yuta could be seen as ship.
Authors note: written for @wrestleprompts there’s a Easter egg for the quality of a memory by hereforwords and as always ty to my wifey @icecream-and-gadreel for giving it a read and letting me pull her into this fandom. No beta we die like the part of Danny’s heart that belonged to Bryan
“I love Jon moxley, and him ripping at peoples mouths. I love Claudio Castagnoli and him destroying people. Know who else I love?”
With a damp sweaty hand Danny pulled out his phone typing quickly to the one friend he could trust with this.
I need advice
I’m about to do something that might be really dumb
“Wheeler Yuta.”
While waiting nervously for an answer he bit his lip and tapped his foot repeatedly against the floor. His mind replaying the same scene on repeat.
“I love, Wheeler Yuta!”
The voice of his hero, the man who was everything to him, the one he idolized and craved so much from but refused to give anything back. The man who had a stone wall around his heart never allowing anyone in or allowing love to come out. The man who made him crave his attention and the brief moments of kindness and closeness until he was nearly ready to throw away the man who single handedly paid his medical bills, keeping his family from losing everything under his debt. And, the closest friends he had in the company, the ones who took him under their wings, his two dads.
He tapped the screen to turn it on again, still not seeing any new notifications.
“I love Wheeler Yuta!”
Yuta…. Always Yuta. On the indies it was Yuta, Daniel debuted on AEW first but was never signed until after Yuta a year later. In ROH the pure belt always found a way back to Yuta, and now Bryan… Bryan who named Danny as the first potential student of the BCC, Bryan who chased after him for weeks to convince Danny to leave Jericho, Bryan who held back love and affection until you were ready to crawl over broken glass on your belly just for a taste.
“I love Wheeler Yuta!”
“Fuck this!”
“nm I’m doing the stupid thing”
He shoved his feet into a pair of slip ons before leaving his hotel room. The playing card, with the room number written on it, is still in his pocket though he memorized the number already. He made his way up the stairs not bothering to wait for the elevator knowing he’d risk changing his mind if he did. In what felt like one breath to another he was in front of the door and raising his fist before he could overthink it. Nigel opened the door and a small smile played on his lips as he realized it was Daniel at his door.
Danny didn’t wait for Nigel to speak, and he didn’t want to hear Bryan’s voice again so he reached out and pulled the older man into a searing kiss right at the doorstep. Nigel didn’t pull away; didn't move back and tell Daniel no, tell Daniel this wasn’t actually what he wanted like somehow he knew better than Danny what his own needs and wants were. No, Nigel was licking back into his mouth being an active participant and not making Daniel feel like some creep going after his coworker.
When the air began to cut off and make his chest burn with the need to breath he finally pulled away. Nigel, who had one hand on the small on Dannys back, placed the other on the side of Daniel's face, his thumb rubbing against sore lips.
“Brave boy.”
The exhale that came out of Daniel was bone deep.
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banannabethchase · 2 years
Wheeler and Danny have always battled in the ring. But there's so much more to it.
*sighs* look I don't have any control of this anymore. It just keeps writing itself and then I blink and boom it's 5k of wrestlers talking about their #emotions. Plus, this title has been waiting for a fic since I literally first heard Church by Fall Out Boy back in like 2017, so it's about damned time.
Mini Playlist: Time Bomb - All Time Low Church - Fall Out Boy Say It (feat. Tove Lo) - Flume Young God - Halsey
Claudio grabs his hand and spins him into a hug when Wheeler gets into the locker room, and Claudio’s laugh might feel just as good as winning.
“You did it!” Claudio says. “Yut-da-man, you did it!”
Wheeler beams at him trying to keep his excitement under control. But it beams out of him; there’s a reason Regal always called him Sunshine.
“Oh, no, what did you just let into that mind of yours?” Claudio says, eying Wheeler. “Don’t let anything steal this moment from you.”
Wheeler kicks at a bench a little bit. “I thought about Regal.”
Claudio lets out a surprising about of cuss words, some Wheeler is pretty sure in German or French, and sits down. “Don’t let him spoil this,” Claudio insists. “This is about you and you only.”
And Danny, Wheeler automatically adds, but he shakes that off, too. He can’t focus on the people who have disappointed him on the day he’s proudest of himself. “It’s about me,” Wheeler says, letting it sink in.
Claudio claps him on the back, “First two time Pure Rules Champion. That’s a pretty big deal.”
Wheeler manages a smile, then glances down at Claudio. “Not the biggest deal of the night. You better destroy Jericho so hard he can’t walk the next day.”
Claudio considers it. “You know, having him tap out feels a bit boring.” His grin widens. “I was kind of hoping to get him to submit.”
“You should do the Big Swing, for, like, an hour,” Wheeler says. “Just keep going until he pukes, passes out, or taps like a little bitch.”
Claudio glows at that. “I do like that idea.”
Wheeler is practically vibrating as he watches Claudio do it, later that night: he pulls Jericho into a Big Swing, and it works. Jericho hits his limit, and he taps out, and it works.
Wheeler runs around the locker room and out the door, but crashes into someone who was clearly attempting to get in. They tumble to the floor in a tangle of limbs, and Wheeler only realizes it is by the familiar, soapy smell of the deodorant.
He’s been up close and personal with that more than once.
“Knocking me out once wasn’t enough for you, Yuta?” Danny grumbles, shoving Wheeler off of him with more force than Wheeler had guessed he’d be capable of after the match.
“Sorry,” Wheeler says, scrambling to his feet. He holds out a hand to Danny,
He doesn’t realize how much he wants Danny to touch him gently again until Danny slaps his hand away.
Wheeler falls backwards a little bit, landing hard on his heels. “Jeez, fine. I get it.”
“You don’t get it,” Danny snaps, fury in his eyes. “Do you understand how fucked I am? I lose, then Jericho?” He leaps to his feet and practically spins around Wheeler to avoid touching him again. “You’ve taken everything from me, and you don’t even care.”
The locker room door slams in his face, and Wheeler’s head is spinning until he gets out there, and he remembers what’s important. At least, right now.
He works a Dark Elevation match with Claudio, which is more fun than he ever knew it could be, and rides the high of victory for as long as he can, before the next battle. He’s hearing rumors that Jericho is coming after Moxley next. It’s not exactly surprising, knowing their history, but it’s something to be aware of.
He didn’t even realize Danny was here for this taping. He doesn’t have a match or anything. Wheeler checked. But there he is.
Danny raises his head to meet Wheeler’s eyes, and they immediately harden to ice.
“Yuta,” he says, tone so neutral it has to be artificial, “congratulations. You won again.” He slow claps as he stands, rolling his eyes. “AEW’s newest golden boy.”
“What is wrong with you?” Wheeler asks, and he can’t help himself from stepping forward, crowding into Danny’s space. Danny, though, anticipates it, standing so they bump foreheads, locking horns like they always do. Wheeler feels a little breathless with it, a little strange. The high of the victory is wearing off, replaced by confusion. He licks his lips a little, before he can think of anything better to do.
“You’re what’s wrong with me,” Danny growls. Wheeler feels a wave of something wash over him.
“Look, just because I won this one –”
“You win almost all of them,” Danny says, pushing away, stepping backwards, a little wobbly. “You’re the dream boy, right? The perfect one.” He laughs, something stinging and harsh. “You don’t even know what you have, do you?”
“This?” Wheeler asks, pointing to the belt. He knows it’s bitchy. He knows it’s mean. But he also knows Danny well enough that goading him, pissing him off just a little past his control, is where he’s going to get the answer of what the hell is going on.
It works, a little too well. Danny shoves at Wheeler’s shoulders hard enough that he stumbles, falling back into the wall. “Everything,” Danny sneers.
Wheeler stares his dead in the eye. “What’s this really about, Danny?” He won’t break first.
“You!” Danny yells. “It’s always you. You’re constantly here and around me. Hell, I try to get out of the indies to get away from you, and you show up here, too. I can’t escape you.”
“When the fuck did you start to hate me this much?” Wheeler asks. He refuses to study the desperation, the ache, in his voice.
Danny splutters out some sort of laugh. “Hate you?!” he exclaims. “I wish I hated you.” His expression goes mean, callous, full of rage. “I’ve loved you since the day we first met.” Wheeler takes too long to process the words. He should have responded, by the look on Danny’s face, and he misses his moment. “And you had the audacity to be my favorite person and never love me back.” He steps to close, a finger pointing into Wheeler’s chest, burning him all over at the touch. “You stole everything from me and I didn’t even get a say in it.”
Wheeler realizes, belatedly, that he’s breathing like he just finished sparring with Mox, the way he always used to when he and Danny would race on the treadmill. Before they went 60 minutes. Before Jericho and Regal and groups with big names.
He has to say something. He has to do something. “What?”
“Fuck you,” Danny says, and he shoves at Wheeler’s shoulder, breaking the moment and a little bit of Wheeler with it. “Don’t talk to me.”
He stalks out the locker room, and Wheeler is left with everything crumbling on top of him. He lets it collapse a little bit, lets the world he once knew dissolve into whatever this is, until he makes a decision. He knows where to go. But he doesn’t want to.
“Moxley!” he yells into the phone as he tries to pull on sweatpants over his leggings. “Mox, where are you, right now?”
“Um,” Moxley says. “I, obviously, am in my hotel room. Where people don’t yell at me.”
“Yeah, cool, I’ll be by, like, five or ten minutes?” He pulls up the map on his phone and swears when he sees the red lines of traffic. “More like twenty, actually.”
“I did not say you -”
Wheeler hangs up the phone and scrambles his stuff together, throwing it into his gym bag with a frantic fury. Ride share is out – the traffic would double the time – so he straight up runs the two miles from the arena to the hotel they all are staying at, slowing only when he reaches the lobby.
“Hello, sir,” says the bellhop, looking skeptical. “Can I help you?”
Wheeler decides it’s a fair judgement, the way the guy stands in front of the door. A man just sprinted across the parking lot to a hotel lobby looking, he can only assumed, half crazed. He fumbles in his pocket, finally noticing how heavily he’s breathing, and pulls out his key card. “I’m in 1244. I’m staying here.” He wiggles the card. “Can I – can I come in, please?”
“Of course,” says the bellhop demeanor completely shifted. “If you need anything please, don’t hesitate to let the front desk know.”
Wheeler nods, and takes the stairs up to Mox’s eighth floor room, the burn in his thighs and lungs helping him focus.
He pounds on Mox’s door, and doesn’t stop until it swings open. “Who the fuck pissed in your Gatorade?” Mox asks, stepping aside only when Wheeler shoves past him. “Jesus, kid,” Mox says, pretending to gag, “wash your gym bag at some point.”
“You shove my face in your armpit all the time when we’re sparring,” Wheeler retorts, chucking his bag on the floor, “you’re not allowed to talk.”
That’s when Wheeler hears a familiar laugh. “Mox, I told you! You need to up your deodorant usage.”
Wheeler whirls around to see Eddie Kingston, stretched out on the other bed, phone in hand. “Oh. Hi, Eddie.”
“Hey, Wheels.” He nods. “What’s the emergency? You sounded like somebody was dyin’ on the phone. Figured I’d stay for the free entertainment.”
Wheeler debates, briefly, if this is the time when he tries to remove Eddie Kingston from Mox’s presence for his own privacy. The debate is short, as he does not want to lose teeth tonight. “Danny said he’s in love with me.”
“Garcia?!” Mox’s jaw drops, gum teetering on the edge of his lip. “No shit?”
Wheeler stares at him. “Of course Garcia! That’s all you’ve got for me?”
Mox shrugs. “I have no idea why you think I’d be the ideas guy here, Yoots.” He nods over at Eddie. “Took me years to figure shit out with him. Still not a hundred percent on whatever we’re doing.”
“And you never will be until I tell you,” Eddie says, looking a bit too pleased about it. “What’s the problem, Yuta? You straight or something.”
Wheeler laughs, a little frantic. “I…thought so?”
Mox tilts his head. “Oh, now we’re getting somewhere.”
“No! Shut up!” Wheeler begins pacing the tiny room, ignoring the way Eddie tries to drag a chair into his path. “I just – he loves me? This whole time? And doesn’t tell me until – until now?” He looks up, desperate to see some sort of answer in Moxley’s face. “What the fuck?!”
Mox shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you. What do you feel, when you think about him, what happens?”
Wheeler bites the inside of his cheek. “I don’t know.”
“What exactly did he say?” Eddie asks, and Wheeler turns to see him getting comfortable on the big, king sized bed. “Like, what happened?”
Wheeler recounts it as best as he can, trying not to feel the hurt again. It’s just words, he tells himself. Just words and facts. Words don’t hurt. The look on Danny’s face, though. That does.
“Sounds like you broke the poor guy’s heart and were too stupid to realize it,” Eddie says, shoving a stick of chewing gum in his mouth. “Classic.”
“Don’t be shitty, Eddie, he’s having a sexuality crisis.” Mox turns to Wheeler, and he’s about to thank him when he continues talking. “You gonna be a bitch about this or you gonna figure out your feelings like an adult?”
Wheeler frowns. “You could at least be, like, kind.”
“Kind’s for people who have time,” Moxley replies. “Garcia’s probably out of here soon. You need to decide if you’re willing to let him go or if you’re going to chase him.”
“Like I said,” Eddie says, “classic.”
“I don’t even know – he loves me – I don’t even know if I like guys!” Wheeler says. He throws his hands in the air. “Like – how do you even know?!”
Mox and Eddie share a look, then Mox looks back at him. “Kid,” he says, and it’s too soft. This is gonna be rough. “You got a boner that time Bryan had you in a headlock in the ring. That should help you work it out.”
“It – what?!” Wheeler’d thought he’d hidden that, both from others and from his own memory. It springs back in vivid detail. “How did you…?”
“You wear incredibly tight pants,” Mox adds. “It’s almost impossible not to notice it.”
Burning red, Wheeler sits on the bed and throws his head in his hands. “I hate everything.”
“Even Garcia?” Eddie asks, and it’s almost too gentle.
Wheeler swallows. He runs through every moment he’s ever had with Danny, every match, every training session. Every moment Danny’s looked at him with light in his eyes. All the work he’s put in to try and pull Danny away from Jericho and his cronies.
All the times in the locker room he’d catch himself staring.
The time Danny caught him staring.
The time they almost…
“Oh, fuck,” Wheeler says, sounding dazed even to his own ears. “I’m in love with Daniel Garcia.”
“He did it!” Eddie says, whooping. “Man, that’s a faster journey than you had, Moxie, at least he didn’t have to beat Danny bloody to figure it out.”
“Well, he knocked the kid out on a pay per view a couple nights ago, so we’ll call it even.” Mox’s tone is calm, relaxed. “Well, Wheels? You gonna go get your boy?”
It’s a lot to process. Almost too much. It took him twenty minutes to get to this room from the arena, if he has to run back. He doesn’t even know where Danny is right now – is he at this hotel? A different one? Hell, is he already gone?
“I don’t even know where to look,” Wheeler says weakly. “Also, like, is it normal to be freaking out? And sort of dizzy?”
“I mean you’re having a sexuality crisis while realizing you’re in love with your best friend,” Eddie says. “So, yeah. Been there, done that, my man.”
Mox chucks a shoe at him. “Just call him.”
“I think he blocked my number.”
“Call him!”
So Wheeler does. It immediately goes to voicemail. “Yeah, like I said.”
“He’s got twitter, right?” Eddie says, adjusting so he’s on his side. “Direct message him. See if he reads it.”
Wheeler does so, and it’s marked as read in seconds. “Oh, shit.”
His heart is racing as he waits.
“What just happened?” Eddie asks. “Keep your audience entertained.”
Wheeler shows the phone. “He, um, he’s read it.” The phone dings. “Oh, my god, I wanna die.”
I’m in the Marriot. Room 835. You fuckwad.
Wheeler’s chest tightens. “Guys, he’s on this floor.”
“Go,” Mox says, and he looks soft, and kind, and so much nicer than he’s ever been to Wheeler. “Don’t let yourself regret anything.”
“And don’t forget a condom!” Eddie yells before Wheeler can shut the door.
Wheeler does his best not to run, not to seem too eager, as he makes his way down the hallway. 829, 830, 831, 832…He can see the door. And he runs.
He hesitates before knocking, because his heart is racing and he’s a little dizzy, but he knocks anyway, gentle, calm. Everything he’s not feeling right now.
The door opens. Danny opens it, and Wheeler is startled to see his eyes are red.
“Hi,” Wheeler says, suddenly shy.
Danny rolls his shoulders. “Hi.”
Wheeler clears his throat. “Can I, um. Can I come in?”
Wordlessly, Danny steps to the side, and Wheeler steps in. He’s suddenly too hot, too itchy, too everything. The room smells like Danny, and Wheeler doesn’t know why it’s just now that he realizes he knows so much about Danny. It’s not normal to memorize the way someone smells.
Maybe he’s been in love with Danny longer than he’d known.
He turns around, eyes on Danny. He’s shirtless, wearing gym shorts.
Wheeler’s seen this a million times, but he’s never let himself look.
“So you’re in love with me?”
Danny’s jaw drops. “The fuck, man, that’s your opening?”
“I’m panicking a little bit, okay?” Wheeler says. His voice is higher than normal. “Look, having a sexuality crisis isn’t something I had on my to-do list today. Give me a break.”
Danny’s lips twitch, just a bit. “Sexuality crisis.”
Wheeler nods. “Yeah. Turns out I’m, uh,” he stumbles over his words, finding them suddenly caught on his tongue, “not as straight as I thought I was.”
Danny watches him, carefully, like he’s waiting for a trap. “Okay.”
“I, uh, think I’ve, I think I’ve been missing some, I guess, mental notes?” Wheeler winces. This is not what he’d wanted to say, not how he’d wanted to say it.
Danny crosses his arms over his chest. “And those are…?”
“I’m stupid.”
Danny finally laughs, and it’s the best thing Wheeler’s heard in ages. “Yeah, dumbass, could have told you that myself.” He adjusts, leaning against the wall, arms still over his chest. The laughter leaves his eyes, settling again. “Why are you here?”
Wheeler takes a deep breath, and steps closer to Danny. “I’m so stupid,” he says, and it aches as it comes out of him, but the way he feels when somebody puts him in a good submission hold. The way he feels when Danny does. “I’ve been so, so stupid.”
Danny’s breathing gets a little ragged as Wheeler steps closer to him. “Tell me,” he insists, demands, almost. “Tell me.”
“I want you,” Wheeler says, “I think – I think I’ve loved you and didn’t – ” He doesn’t get a chance to finish the sentence, with the way Danny strikes like a cobra. When Danny’s mouth meets his, Wheeler almost melts against it, some brand new synapse created and firing Yes this always him at the highest volume possible in his head. He presses himself against Danny, catching his face in his hands, crowding Danny against the wall. Danny lets out the littlest gasp against Wheeler’s lips, and it’s medicine, it’s a high, it’s everything he wants.
“Finally,” Danny breathes against Wheeler, and he’s right, isn’t he, that it’s Wheeler’s fault it took so long.
“I’m sorry,” Wheeler says, pulling away just enough to pepper kisses along Danny’s jaw. “I’m sorry it took me so long.” He presses a kiss to Danny’s neck, right where he’d pummeled it days before. “I should – I should have realized…”
“You figured it out after long enough,” Danny murmurs. Wheeler pulls back and gets a good look at Danny, head tilted back and eyes closed, mouth slightly open. He’s never seen anything more beautiful. He reaches out and brushes a thumb against Danny’s lip, slides his hand down Danny’s neck, his arm, down to catch his hand.
“Yeah,” and Wheeler’s voice is almost as wispy as Danny’s. “Yeah, I did.” He leans back in, kissing Danny the way he’s never allowed himself to dream, hands cupping his cheeks, bodies lined up against each other. His heart is pounding in his chest, a roaring in his ears only broken by the little whimpers Danny’s making against his mouth. “You good?”
Danny nods, eyes half lidded. “Just feeling it.”
Wheeler nods, because he gets it, taking Danny’s hands and stepping backward. He tugs Danny with him so he falls against Wheeler’s chest, so they’re in each other’s spaces again, like they always are.
“Last time we were this close you hit me so hard I passed out,” Danny says, but there’s a bit of a laugh in his voice.
“Not gonna hit you this time,” Wheeler murmurs, tucking his face against Danny’s neck and pressing a kiss where it meets his shoulder. “Promise.” He trails kisses up Danny’s neck to his jaw back to his lips, where Danny gives as good as Wheeler, mouths moving against each other like they’ve been doing this for years. He muses, a little faintly, that maybe this is what they’ve been meant to do all this time, that this is just another extension of their battles in the ring.
Or if the ring is the extension of this.
Danny’s fingers go for the zipper on Wheeler’s Blackpool hoodie. “We gotta get this off,” Danny murmurs, “otherwise I’m gonna get pissed that you beat me again.”
Wheeler laughs, fighting with Danny’s fingers to get the zipper down. They tangle together, and Wheeler can’t help it: he catches Danny’s hands, holding them.
The silence falls over them, the mood shifting, the moment heavy. “Hi,” Wheeler whispers.
Danny smiles at him, soft. “Hi, again. You gonna take that off?”
Wheeler shoves it off his shoulders, and Danny’s eyes widen.
“Oh, see, that’s not fair,” Danny huffs. “I expected a shirt underneath.” He runs his hands against Wheeler’s body, and it’s almost familiar. Almost. Those hands have grazed his skin so many times, have pulled and punched, have grabbed and twisted, but they’ve never done this. They’ve never danced along his stomach up his chest, brushed against his collarbone, settled on his shoulders. “You alive there, Wheeler?”
He shakes his head, pulling himself back to the present. “What? Yeah. Sorry.”
Danny’s eyebrows furrow. “Are you – you’re freaking out, aren’t you.” He steps back, and Wheeler wants to die about it.
He shakes his head, desperate for Danny’s touch again. “Wait, no, come back.”
“I’m not going to blame you if –”
“Stop expecting me to run away!” Wheeler says, and he pulls Danny back to him, flush against him. “I’m not going to run!”
“How can I possibly know that?”
With a level of frustration and infuriation that’s only ever brought on by Daniel Garcia, Wheeler groans and grabs Danny’s hand, placing it on his crotch. “That giving you enough proof?!”
Danny gives a little squeeze, and Wheeler just about dies. “Huh.”
Wheeler throws his head back, blood rushing to his cheeks with a bizarre combination of frustration and arousal. “Huh?” he practically whimpers. “Huh?!”
With a hand flat to Wheeler’s chest, Danny presses him to the bed. Wheeler falls willingly, anything to get Danny touching him again, and then he is. Danny has fallen on top of Wheeler, hands pressed to either side of his head. “Well,” Wheeler says. “You believe me now?”
Danny rolls his eyes, but he’s kissing Wheeler again, so he decides not to fight it.
They spend so long like that, Danny’s weight pressing down on him as they kiss, hands roaming. It’s almost standard, this feeling, the way they’re wound around each other so tightly. Wheeler goes for Danny’s shorts, grateful to be able to shove them down his hips without a buckle or a button in the way.
“Eager,” Danny murmurs against his neck. He’s at a spot where, a couple years ago, Danny had actually bit him. He’s gentler now, but the teeth are still out. Wheeler wants more of it.
“Well, you’ve already doubted me once,” he says. “Not gonna let it happen again.” He sits up, Danny following, and grabs Danny by the thighs, twisting so he pushes him to the bed.
Danny makes an amused sort of noise, a little desperate, and Wheeler takes the moment to figure out the logistics of this. He knows what to do, in theory.
He slides to the floor and grabs Danny by the thighs, pulling him closer. He’s never been this close to him before. Not like this. “You good?”
“Uh – yeah, good, so good,” Danny says. “Um. Really?”
Wheeler stands. “Really what?”
“I mean,” and there’s a smirk that worries Wheeler, “how’s Daddy Bryan going to react knowing you got on your knees for a sports entertainer?”
Wheeler growls a little at that. “Bring one of them up again in the middle of this. See what happens.”
“I kind of want – oh, fuck.”
Wheeler has found his new favorite way to shut up Daniel Garcia.
There’s – there’s a learning curve, and Wheeler knows he could be so much better at this with a little practice, but he’s doing okay, based on the noises coming out of Danny’s mouth. Danny reaches down to his hair, not pulling, not yet, but twisting, in a way Wheeler can’t make himself dislike. He works his mouth like he knows he likes it, keeps the suction like Danny wants it. The little noises falling from Danny’s mouth are like cheers from an audience, and it doesn’t matter how much this hurts his jaw as long as he can keep it going.
He’ll do anything to keep this moment, and he braces his hands on Danny’s thighs to get the best grip.
“Wheeler,” Danny groans, and it’s been hours or minutes or seconds, “fuck, I’m gonna – I’m almost.”
He makes a decision and doesn’t stop.
Danny sounds a little desperate, a little torn apart, a little wrecked when he comes, and Wheeler wants to peacock around about it until he realizes there’s come in his mouth. He has a moment of panic, not knowing what to do with it, when he mentally slaps himself and just swallows. It’s not that bad. Just different. Definitely not what he expected to be doing tonight, though.
He stands, and takes a look at the masterpiece on the hotel bed.
“I win,” Danny says, looking giddy and spaced out.
“No – that’s not how it works,” Wheeler laughs, a little dazed as he wipes at his mouth. “Nobody wins this.”
“Oh, I won this,” Danny says. “Get up here. Your turn, loser.”
“I just gave you a blow job,” Wheeler grumbles, crawling up onto the bed, trying to ignore how hard he is, “and your response is to give me shit about who got to come first. Maybe I won because I got you off first.”
“You didn’t complain,” Danny says, rolling over so he’s straddling Wheeler’s hips.
Wheeler closes his eyes as Danny kisses down his body. “I really didn’t,” he mumbles.
Danny kisses him, deep and hard, then slides down his body until his feet hit the floor. He grabs him by the ankles and drags him so his legs hang off the side of the bed. Wheeler sits up, looking down at Danny. It gets him a little light headed, to see Danny on his knees like that, grinning up at him. “Oh? What would Daddy Jericho say if he heard you got on your knees for a professional wrestler?”
“Easier this way,” Danny says with a wink, and he doesn’t let Wheeler respond before he takes his cock in his mouth, and Wheeler just about dies.
It’s been a while, is the thing. He’s had girlfriends on and off, and he’s dated, but not in a while, and he wonders if it’s because he knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that this was an inevitability. Danny’s clearly no amateur, doing tricks Wheeler will have to adopt in his own practice, if they’re going to be doing this more often, and he hopes they are. He can’t help but drop his hand down, rest his fingers against Danny’s jaw, keep him close. It’s all he can do to keep his hips still when he wants to roll them up, get even closer to Danny. He falters, more than once.
“Quit that,” Danny says, pulling off. He nuzzles at Wheeler’s thigh, then bites, just a little. Wheeler yelps. “Whiner.”
“You bit me!” Wheeler says, with a little laugh.
“And? It’s not the first time.”
Wheeler gives up with this infuriation of a human and flops back on the bed, babbling a little as Danny’s mouth moves around him, tongue doing clever little tricks and touches that have him twisting the hotel sheets and groaning.
Danny laughs around him, and that just about does him in. “Danny,” he whines, “please, I’m close. I’m s-so close.”
But Danny just goes back at it with a single minded determination, and Wheeler is hitting that limit, riding that wave, his hips rolling just a little with it as he cries Danny’s name and loses focus on the moment. Something in the back of his mind mentions that he just got blown by the motherfucking Red Death, which is weird, but he decidedly shuts that up.
He feels Danny pull away from him, and press kisses to his thighs, and Wheeler is so overwhelmed with how bizarrely sweet this is that he starts to laugh.
“Are you seriously laughing at me, you douche?” Danny asks, popping up from the end of the bed.
“Get over here,” Wheeler says, and he’s desperate to kiss Danny, the taste of himself still there, and he whines at it. He’s grabbing a little too hard at Danny’s shoulders, his hips, and Danny grabs his hands and pins them to the side of the bed.
“Calm down, Jesus,” Danny says. “What, a blow job’s not enough for you?”
“Give me a break. I just realized I was in love with you today. I don’t want to miss anything.”
Danny’s grin goes soft and sweet, in a way Wheeler’s not used to seeing. He wants to tuck it in a pocket near his heart. “You’re in love with me.”
“I – yeah,” Wheeler decides. “Didn’t realize it until, like, half an hour ago or something.”
Danny laughs. “You’re the fucking worst.”
“You hang out with Chris Jericho,” Wheeler says, twisting and getting him in a loose headlock. “You’re a heel. You’re so much worse.”
“Let go of me!” Danny asks, but Wheeler knows he could get out of this in a moment if he wanted to.
They wrestle on the bed a little bit, because you can’t kill a habit, and end up a little breathless next to each other, collapsed on the pillows and giggling like school girls.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Wheeler asks, before he talks himself out of it.
Danny turns to him. “Hmm?”
“Why didn’t you say you loved me?”
Danny fidgets a little, breaks eye contact. “I wanted the championship. And then I had it. And – and I didn’t know if I was willing to hurt you to keep it.”
Wheeler can’t help it – he laughs. “You hurt me all the time, like, professionally.”
“Not like that,” Danny says, and he turns those eyes back up to Wheeler’s. And he gets it.
He finds himself resting his hand on his stomach, right where the top of the belt falls when he wears it. “If we’re doing this,” Wheeler says, “does this mean no more matches?”
Danny considers it for a minute, pressing his lips together. “Maybe – maybe it’s different,” he trails off. “Maybe we try not to knock each other out with our elbows?”
Wheeler grimaces. “Yeah, okay, but you were putting up a hell of a fight and I really, really, wanted that championship back.”
There’s a brief silence, while they both catch their breath.
“I might be over the Ring of Honor scene,” Danny says. He rolls to his back, puts his hands under his head.
“Over it?” Wheeler asks.
“Yeah,” and he looks at Wheeler with the kind of smile that spells trouble. “You think I’d look good with the TNT championship?”
You’d look good with anything, Wheeler thinks, but you look best with me. He settles, instead, for hitting Danny with a pillow.
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paradoxunknown · 2 years
I know @whorehausen is about to put in work for Crybaby CH 7 cause 😮‍💨
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racerchix21 · 1 year
Well I got 2 of 4 stories posted today and yesterday so I’m done for the night!
Tomorrow it’ll hopefully be Love and Other Emotions the next part of The Pure Brat Chronicles and then Monday should be some Ambrolleigns Christmas fluff 🖤❤️
Nick Jackson/Reader: I Got You Babe
Seth Rollins/Reader: Definite Second Chances
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
United We Stand, Divided We Fall- Blackpool Combat Club
Oh look, a headcanon Game of Thrones AU that I swore I would never do… but here we are
I blame @josiewrites for this lol
And Jamie and Danny are here because I said so
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House Rhaegalis was one of the great houses of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros
Lord William was the leader of his noble house, he was beloved by the people of the East but he also ruled with a firm grip that made them know to fear him
Everyone knew his weakness was his children
His five sons and his only daughter
The Winter Fever took his wife, the late Lady Madisyn when their youngest son Daniel was barely seven
A lot of people questioned young Wheeler's legitimacy when it was noticed that he had an olive complexion compared to the pale skin of his parents
The truth was that he was a legitimized bastard
His mother died in childbirth, and Lady Madisyn being gracious of the heart (and having just had a child pass shortly after giving birth) took him into their home and allowed him to carry his father's name, fully legitimized
Anyone who dared question young Wheeler's parentage was met with death, plain and simple
Lord William wanted his children to be happy, something rarely seen in fathers of Westeros
Usually, his sons would have been married off to highborn ladies and create heirs, furthering the Rhaegalis dynasty
And his daughter would've most likely been awarded to a high-ranking man and create heirs for him (after all his daughter had one of the largest dowries in the seven kingdoms next to Cersei Lannister and Catelyn Tully)
When Robert's Rebellion ended, Robert asked to be married to Lady Jamie instead of her cousin Cersei
Lord William said no
For one, he knew how Robert treated women
And two, because he knew his daughter would not be happy
Many suitors tried to win Lady Jamie's hand but most were scared off
if not by her, definitely by her brothers
She had once had a mutual attraction with a Dornish prince but her brothers quickly put an end to that
The one who faced the most pressure was definitely the eldest, Claudio
He was expected to marry and carry on the family line, especially as their father's heir
Bryan had always hoped to join the Kingsguard and serve the Mad King
He refused to serve the drunken fool known as Robert Baratheon
House Rhaegalis are Targaryen loyalists but out of fear of having their house destroyed by the Lannister forces, they joined the opposition
Jonathan wanted to drink Dornish wine and whore as much as he pleased, he wasn’t the heir or the spare he could do as he pleased
Wheeler and Daniel were usually following their brothers around or learning from their father
Jamie eventually snuck off the Essos to help guide the young Targaryen Khaleesi
The sudden disappearance of Jamie led many rumors to be spread that eloped with the Dornish Prince she fell in love with
If only they knew
Jamie became one of the young Khaleesi’s closest advisors and friends
Her father and brothers were always sending Ravens about the latest things happening in Westeros
Daniel and Wheeler no sooner were they of age did they begin to fight in battle
Lord William was very hesitant when any of his children wanted to fight in a battle, he knew there was a chance they wouldn’t come back
Bryan and Jonathan soon joined their younger brothers in the War and the siblings became feared for their mighty conquests
Claudio as much as he wanted to join them as his father's heir couldn't
but that didn't mean that he didn't help in every other way he could
Before Daenerys was fully prepared to sail back over the Narrow Sea, Lady Jamie caught Winter Fever, a condition that was supposedly long gone
It took her so long to pass until finally, her body was at peace
Daenerys personally wrote the Raven to Lord William about his only daughter
Jamie's death began what would become Daenerys' slip into the Targaryen Madness
When Daenerys arrived in Westeros she found refuge at her family's ancestral seat of Dragonstone, where she was met by Lord William and his sons (including Claudio) four of whom had returned from battle
Jonathan had lost an eye, and Daniel, a leg
After many battles, Daenerys finally claimed the iron throne but her mind was too far gone
She began to believe everyone around her was her enemy and in her paranoia had Lord William and his sons killed; wiping out House Rhaegalis
Many songs were made about House Rhaegalis and they were a part of Westerosi history but that was it
There were no heirs and no living members left
So House Rhaegalis became part of the Reyne Legacy
Gone but not forgotten
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allelitewrestlings · 2 years
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When Bryan came to AEW, what was he saying in every interview? Who did he want by his side? It wasn’t Wheeler Yuta, it was Daniel Garcia.
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plentyoffandoms · 7 months
daniel garcia x wheeler yuta x female reader??? threescome imagine???
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Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Daniel Garcia Masterlist ♡ Wheeler Yuta Masterlist
Daniel Garcia x f/Reader x Wheeler Yuta
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing. Threesome. Double Penetration. Oral sex (m & f receiving) cum om face. Smut below the cut
Gifs and photos do not belong to me.
WC: 688
Paul - Wheeler Yuta
Summary: f/Reader is stressed about her singles match against Shida. Daniel and Yuta decide to help her relax in a different way.
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"Fuckin' hell Danny. You gotta taste her." I told him from my spot between her shaking thighs. I looked up to see that his head was thrown back, his hands woven in her hair as he thrust his cock in and out of her mouth.
"Gotta feel her mouth, Paul. Shit, she has no gag reflex. Do you, sweet heart?" He proved this point by holding her head in one spot and shoving his cock all the way down her throat.
"Maybe another day. I like where I am, thank you." I said before I continued to eat her out. I can feel her soaking my face with her juices.
This went on for a bit until Danny pulled his cock out of her mouth, a string of saliva connecting to her mouth. "Fuck, almost made me cum."
"Want your cum Danny." She whimpered as she tried to pull him closer.
I pulled my mouth away from her pussy, making her yell at me.
"None of that." I slapped her thigh, making her quiet down. "We need to fuck her first, don't we Danny?"
"Yeah, we said we would help you relax before your match tomorrow." He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her with ease. I helped keep her steady as he gripped his cock with one hand and placed it at her entrance, before having her sink her pussy down, taking him fully inside od her.
"Oh my God." She moaned, her eyes fluttering as he bottomed out. I stood behind her, spreading her ass cheeks as wide as I could.
"Mmm, should I try to fit in beside him, or fuck this perfect ass?" I played with her ass cheeks as I waited for her to decide, but I became antsy.
I gripped the back of her neck and forced her to look at me as I leaned across her back. "Tell me which hole before I decide."
"Ass." She whimpered.
I lined myself up against her hole and slowly pushed in, my own eyes fluttering at how tight she was wrapped around me.
I bottomed out, not being able to get the last inch or so in her ass, but it didn't matter.
Danny started to move, being the inpatient man that he is, making her cry out his name. I wanted her to say my name, so I started to move.
Our two paces were very different, but we got her screaming our names. Her one arm flung over head, wrapped around my neck holding me in place as I fucked her ass. Her other arm is around Danny's neck.
We have lost count at how many times she has cum for us, but we are holding ourselves back, not wanting this to end.
"Paul." Danny groaned, letting me know he was close.
I quickly moved back, bringing her along with me, my cock still lodged in her ass, as her and I watched as Danny jerked himself off.
At the last minute, I pulled out of her and placed her on the ground in front of him, now jerking my own cock off, ready to cum all over her face.
She just sat there, a tired smile on her face as Danny came first. She closed her eyes and barely flinched when her face got covered by his cum.
I followed not long after, making sure to aim my cock at her mouth, so u could watch her mouth fill with my cum.
I closed my eyes and opened them just in time to watch her swallow the load that was in her mouth.
"Still feel stressed?" Danny asked as we watched in awe as she cleaned her face with her fingers, and sucking the cum off of them.
"Very much so. I think I need some more help with de-stressing." She sweetly said.
"I am sure we can help with that." I said to her, already picturing her in different positions.
"Maybe we can get Darius or one of the Tyler's to help?" Danny suggested.
"The more, the merrier." Was all I said, watching as he grabbed his phone.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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dunkzillla · 2 years
(I don’t want to be) second best; jon moxley x wheeler yuta
title: (i don’t want to be) second best
pairing: jon moxley/wheeler yuta, mentioned and implied: bryan danielson/wheeler yuta, bryan danielson/daniel garcia, blackpool combat club polycule
rating and warnings: explicit, sexual content (thigh fucking, handjobs) descriptions of violence, language.
word count: 3904
summary: Yuta feels sick, and his hands are trying to scramble for purchase on a belt that’s no longer there.
authors note: I started writing this the day after dynamite on 3 hours sleep and ended up sharing a snippet for a fic meme. @slapofhonor wanted more so, here’s the rest of it!
ao3 link
Yuta feels sick, and his hands are trying to scramble for purchase on a belt that’s no longer there. They’re empty, empty and cold and his waist feels, well, naked.
Someone’s shouting at him from down the hall, but his mind is all fuzzy, his body sore and running on autopilot. He doesn’t turn around to see who it is. It’s probably not Bryan, he’s too focused on parading Daniel around the ring like his shiny new toy to worry about where Yuta’s going, and the way that Regal had looked at him when he walked away, well, Yuta doesn’t think the older man is going to talk to him for a while. He’d done everything that Regal had told him not to do. Don’t use any of your rope breaks, don’t lose your head, and don’t lose. Yuta did all of that in the match, starting with the rope break and then slowly descending into madness, he closed fist punched Garcia because it was all he could think to do upon seeing red, when he just wouldn’t quit, and then he lost, he tapped out. He knows Regal is disappointed in him, and Yuta doesn’t quite know how to deal with that yet.
It hasn’t been that long since Trent cornered him in the corridors after the tag match with Chuck and Mox, and screamed in his face about upsetting Chuck and Orange, about using Chuck’s pin, and about how the blackpool combat club are going to throw him away when he loses his title.
The thought has been stuck in Yuta’s mind since, like a nasty, poisoned dart stuck in his side, slowly releasing its toxins into him every time he thinks about it. And now, well now the losing the title part of it has come true, and with the way Regal looked at him, maybe the throwing him away will be true too.
It’s all Yuta can think about as he makes his way through the winding halls and back to the locker room. It’s empty, and he can’t decide whether that’s good or bad. Did he want someone to be in here, Mox, Claudio, or maybe even Eddie, someone to just put their arms around him and tell him it’s going to be okay? Or is it better that there’s no one here, no one to tell him hey, you gotta pack your stuff up, gotta give your place to Daniel Garcia. It’s probably the latter but Yuta doesn’t know how he’d react if that happened, though.
There’s a heaviness in his muscles that isn’t just from the beating he just took in the ring, and the thumping of his head isn’t just because Garcia stamped on it against the exposed turnbuckle.
His chest hurts from the slaps and the way his heart is thumping under his skin, his eyes are stinging from the sweat that got into them and the tears that are threatening to fall. Yuta strips off his things and throws them into a pile by his bag. He doesn’t quite feel like folding them neatly like Regal likes. He steps into the shower, turns it hot, and stands there. He stands there and lets his mind shut off while his skin burns. Tears run down his cheeks, getting lost in the water cascading down his face. Yuta knew his time would come, he knew he’d lose the belt eventually, he just didn’t think it would be now, this soon, or to Daniel Garcia. He thought maybe some ROH legend would show up some day, or maybe Joe or Bryan would take it from him, Yuta had planned for it in his head, knew it could happen, would have accepted that, but Daniel? The guy he’s essentially been on an equal path with from the start? The guy Bryan’s fucking obsessed with? That wasn’t part of the plan, that wasn’t okay. Because now Bryan, his mentor, a hero of his, a lover, who gave him the pure title upon his initiation into the Blackpool Combat Club and said this was mine once, but now it’s yours, like it was the highest honor he could be bestowed with, was giving it to someone else. Bryan Danielson giving you the pure title? It’s all people like he and Daniel dream of, their hero, proud of them, wrapping a title they held so honourably around your waist and saying hey, you’re good, this is yours. Yuta had felt proud, honoured, smug knowing that he was the only one Bryan had done that for. That he would be the only one Bryan did it for, because no one was going to take it from him, not anyone that Bryan would want to do it for, anyway.
But then he has, now, he lost his title to the one person that Yuta feels threatened by. He feels the sticky white hot fury inside of him. Bryan had come down to the ring, looked at him as if to say well, he beat you, shake his hand, like Yuta needed telling what to do, like Yuta was the disrespectful one, despite Daniel being the one who disrespected him the last time they had a match, Daniel being the one who let his team cheat for him to win his match against Bryan. Daniel Garcia is disrespectful, even to his hero, and yet, Bryan looked at Yuta like it was him. Like he wasn’t allowed a second to collect himself before he swallowed his pride and shook the winners hand. Then he’d watched Bryan parade him around the ring, like a father with his new born son, proud and beaming even as Jericho came out.
Yuta smacks his fist against the tiles, feels the crack of his knuckles and the splitting of skin but it barely registers. He’s not even in his own body anymore. He doesn’t want to be.
Mox finds Yuta standing under the running water of the shower when he gets into the locker room. It was stupid of him to think that the boy was going to be anywhere else, but at least the time spent looking for him had given Yuta a little time to cool off.
He’s in his own world, not hearing Mox come in, not hearing Mox stripping down so he can join him. Yuta’s whole body jolts when Mox presses up behind him, skin to skin and wrapping his arms around that soft middle of his.
“Easy tiger, just me.”
Yuta’s body is still a little taut, but he relaxes into Mox’s hold, and he tips his head back as Mox ghosts kisses across his wet skin, stroking the smoothness that is his hips and belly, tasting water and soap on his tongue.
“Yeah, Moxie. I’m so fucking proud of you.” He says, and he feels Yuta shake at the words the moment they’re out of his mouth. A bloodied hand comes to rest on Mox’s own, and Mox links their fingers. Yuta’s hands are shaking, wet and sticky and warm, they’re soft against Mox’s calloused own.
“I lost.” Yuta's voice cracks, wet and high.
“Doesn’t mean I’m not proud, Wheeler. You did so good, got so mean, just like me.”
A sob escapes Yuta, and Mox holds him tighter, pressing his chest against his back, squeezing his hands and his arms around his belly. The water rains down around them, a steady pounding on the floor tiles.
“Regal, he said—“
“I know. You did what you had to do. You were surviving, doing what you had to. Don’t ever feel bad for that.”
“No buts, baby. How many times do I gotta knock it into your pretty head? He ain’t always right, and wrestling ain’t always about doing it the hard way. You’re not weak, or wrong for using a rope break on a submission that knocked Bryan out cold. You’re not. If it was easy to fight out of Garcia wouldn’t use it. Wrestlings not about how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get back up. And my boy, my boy always gets back up, don’t he?” Mox turns his mouth, presses the words and kisses into his ear. Yuta shivers against him, pushes back against him. It’s a bi-product of having Yuta’s slick, warm body tucked against his own that his dick is hard against Yuta’s ass.
“An asshole. An asshole with an obsession. He’ll get over it, either he’ll get what he wants or he’ll get his heart broken and he’ll move on. No matter what, Garcia will never be you. Never. He took the easy route and shacked up with Jericho. Not you, tiger. No, you stepped right into the lion's den, didn’t you? Stepped into the cage wearing raw meat. You got eaten alive time and time again but each time you took it, you stood up,” Mox runs a hand up Yuta’s slick chest, his shaven chest is smooth, and his nipples are peaked and hard. Yuta’s got a sensitive chest, pushes into the hand on his skin, back arching and ass pushing right against Mox. He’s sinful, he’s a sick, dirty temptation that Mox can never resist. He slides his hand up to his throat, long, taut, the perfect fit in Mox’s hand. He doesn’t squeeze, just rests it there, his thumb on the curve of his jaw, fingers underneath his ear. He feels Yuta swallow.
“Garcia might have won, might have beaten Bryan once, but he never did it like you did it. He cheated against Bryan. He nearly cried when he bled in the cage at blood and guts. Not you. Not my Yuta. You give until you can’t anymore, even if that means losing. You are stronger than he will ever be, more of a man, more of a fighter. Bryan picked the wrong guy, I didn’t, I picked you. Cos’ I know you’re the best.” Mox strokes Yuta’s throat, skims his blunt nails against the soft pouch of Yuta’s tummy, kisses the base of Yuta’s neck, the expanse of his shoulders. Touching Yuta is like touching a cloud, or at least what Mox thinks it would be like touching a cloud. He’s soft, yielding, moulds against you no matter which way you turn. He tastes like fresh summer fruit, bright, sweet, fragrant. It’s addicting, maddening, and Mox has been hooked from the very first touch. The first touch in the ring, the first touch in the locker room, in a hotel, in a bed. Every single first time that he had with the boy Mox became more and more obsessed each time. Each touch, taste, each little smile, smirk, gasp.
The first time they sparred, their first training session, Mox pushed him hard. He didn’t hold back, he was angry at himself for being so infatuated, for being so obsessed. It felt like Seth all over again, and he couldn’t do it, so he tried to beat it out of Yuta. He pulled at his arms until he screamed, he choked him until he was red, punched his stomach until he was doubled over and wheezing. But then, at the end of it all, Yuta, covered in sweat, a bit of blood from an old scab that had been ripped open, Yuta pulled himself to his knees, and like a starved man asking for food, said, “Again.”
Mox had slapped him, a hard cracking sound had filled the room, a slight gasp from Yuta. But once Yuta had recovered, he looked back up at Mox, and motioned with his hand. Again. Mox slapped him a total of six times, his hand stinging, a red mark on Yuta’s cheek, eyes glossy and rolling into the back of his head. He still never gave up, but Mox couldn’t take it anymore. The boy was a sight, and Mox was hard. It was then that Mox fell head first into his obsession, his infatuation, with Wheeler Yuta. He let it consume him, history repeating itself be damned. Yuta wasn’t Seth. Seth couldn’t take a slap the way Yuta can. He liked pain for sure, but he had his limits, limits that didn’t take much for Mox to reach. Yuta, he’s sure Yuta has limits. Mox just hasn’t found them yet.
Daniel Garcia won’t ever be Yuta either. No matter how hard he tries, no matter how much he wraps Bryan around his finger, he won’t ever be the kid who knelt in front of him, half dead and bleeding asking for more. He won’t ever be the kid who got in Regal’s face and took the slap like a champ. Maybe he will be to Bryan, but that’s okay, because Yuta is his anyway. Yuta can sleep with who he wants, kiss who he wants, but he’ll never belong to them the way he belongs to Mox. He’ll never give himself to anyone the way he does to him. And that’s just the way Mox likes it, needs it.
“Tell me what you need, sweetheart.”
Yuta gasps gently, tries to push and pull his body in different directions, back into Mox’s chest and up into the hand on his stomach. He’s hard like Mox, had been slowly stiffening as Mox petted at his belly above his cock and pressed his own against Yuta’s ass.
“Anything, just, something, anything — get me out of my head, Jon, please.” Yuta begs. His voice still cracks, is still wet with tears, but Mox can hear the desperation, the need simmering under the surface.
“Shh, I’ve got you. Don’t I always? I’m here.” Mox slides his hand down and wraps it around Yuta’s cock, warm and slick from the shower.
“Up,” He murmurs against Yuta’s ear. Yuta obeys, planting both hands against the shower wall and going up on his tiptoes. Mox squeezes Yuta’s throat and cock at the same time as he slides his own between his thighs, the water making it slick and easy. He doesn’t have lube, and he’s not leaving Yuta to go get it, and he’s not opening the boy with just water and spit, he likes pain but not like that.
Yuta pushes his thighs together, not tight, but enough that there’s a delicious friction against Mox’s cock as he thrusts between them slowly. “There you go, so good for me, such a good boy.”
Yuta makes a strangled noise, tips his head back onto Mox’s shoulder and turns his face to the side so he’s looking at him. His expression is open, unguarded, and pained. He’s looking to Mox for help, for anything, to make him feel better. Mox kisses him.
“Mox,” Yuta kisses him desperately, like he’s trying to get swallowed whole, like he wants to disappear into Mox completely. Mox would let him, if it was possible, he’d hide Yuta inside of him, protecting him from the world. The only person allowed to hurt him, make him bleed, is himself. “Please.”
“I know. I’m here, I’ve got you, just let it go. Let it all go. They don’t matter.” Mox bites at Yuta’s lip, tugs on it, gives Yuta the pain he needs to remind him who he is, what he can take. Yuta gasps, rocking back on his toes, fucking his thighs down onto Mox’s cock like he’s riding him for real.
“Moxie, please, I’m—“
“Come on baby, give it to me. Show me how good I know you are.” Mox tightens his hand around Yuta’s cock, fucks his cock between his thighs quicker. It’s not quite the tight heat of Yuta’s ass, but it’s velvety smooth, wet, and Mox can feel his own orgasm building.
Yuta shakes, his orgasm taking over him as he clutches at Mox, “I’m gonna, oh fuck I’m gonna— fuck!” He paints Mox’s fist, though it’s quickly washed down the drain by the running water.
Mox is right there with him, and the tight clamp of Yuta’s thighs as his orgasm rips through him pushes Mox over the edge, comes with a growl and a bite to Yuta’s shoulder. He makes a mess of his boys thighs, his release dripping down his legs. It’s filthy, but Mox watches in fascination as they come down together, breathing heavily. Eventually Yuta shifts, and the angle of the water changes, washing away the mess on his skin.
He turns in his arms, pressing his back against the wall and leaning in to kiss Mox. Fresh summer fruits burst in Mox’s mouth and clouds slip through his fingers as he lets his hands grope Yuta’s body. His muscles are still tense, most likely still sore from his match, but he’s better, not as taut or ramrod stiff like he was when Mox found him. He likes that. He likes that he’s able to uncoil him like a spring, put him right and back together, so that he can coil him right back up again ready to be let off on someone.
“Thank you.”
Mox smiles. Yuta’s voice is thick, arousal still coating his tongue, but his voice doesn’t crack, and it’s no longer wet with tears. His eyes are focusing, still a little red, but he’s there, his boy is in there, back from the brink, out of his head. “Don’t have to thank me. You know I’ve always got you.”
Yuta dips his head until he’s tucking his face into Mox’s neck, letting himself be cradled in Mox’s arms.
Mox holds him there for a little bit, running his fingers up and down his spine, whispering sweet little words to him that he can only just hear over the shower water. The water stays warm, but eventually Yuta starts to shiver and shake in his arms, so Mox turns the water off and gets him back into the main part of the locker room. He dries him off, kissing across his body as he does. It gets Yuta to smile; that beautiful, sunshine bright smile that he loves so much. Yuta’s eyes crinkle when he smiles like that, showing his teeth and all the lines in his face. Mox loves that smile, and he loves it more when he’s the reason for it being there.
He dresses him in a clean pair of sweats and one of his own hoodies, Yuta likes to wear them because they smell like Mox, likes the smell of his aftershave and cigarette smoke.
“You wanna stay and wait for the others or catch a cab back to the hotel?”
“We should stay… I don’t want them to think — you know, like I’m running away.”
“No one would think that, baby, but we’ll stay. I don’t got anything to do.” Mox says, and he sits down on the bench, pulls Yuta with him and helps him lay out, lets the boy put his head in his lap and slips his fingers through his wet hair, petting him gently.
The shows over, but the Rampage taping has probably already started, and Claudio’s got a match so they’re not going to be leaving any time soon. Yuta falls asleep with his head in Mox’s lap, curled up in a little ball and breathing deeply. Mox settles in, his own legs perched on a chair as he scrolls through his phone. They’re like that for around half an hour when he hears voices approaching, looks up curiously to see Bryan, still wearing his ring gear, pushing the door open. Daniel Garcia is following behind him, the pure title still wrapped around his waist.
“Get out.” Mox growls lowly.
“It’s not just your locker room, Jon.”
Mox growls again. Sometimes Bryan can be a right prick. He knows that Yuta is upset about the title, he knows that the last person he wants to see right now is Garcia, yet, here he is, bringing him into the locker room like he belongs here, like he deserves to be here. He doesn’t. He never, ever will.
“And I respect that, but considering he is the last person Wheeler wants to see right now, I’d say it’s a pretty dick move bringing him in here.”
Bryan’s face moves barely an inch, but his eyebrows furrow slightly, lips pursing momentarily, “He shook his hand—“
“Out of respect, don’t mean he wants to play god damn happy families five minutes after he just lost his title to him. You’re fucking lucky he’s asleep, go, before he wakes up.”
Bryan thinks about it for a moment, and then he’s turning, putting a hand on Garcia’s back and leading him out of the locker room. The kid had the sense not to say anything, because one wrong word out of his mouth would have sent Mox charging.
Mox makes the mistake of looking down at Yuta. His eyes are open, wet and red again, looking up at him through damp lashes. He wasn’t asleep.
“Don’t — I just, keep, keep doing that.” Yuta’s voice is thick and wet again, sad, as he lifts Mox’s hand and puts it back on his head, nuzzles into his stomach.
“I got you.” Mox whispers softly, carting his fingers through the drying strands as he feels some of Yuta’s tears dampen his shirt. God he fucking hates Bryan sometimes. He can’t even see what he’s doing to the kid. There’s no harm in wanting another protege to train, they all want to be the best group they can be, safety in numbers and all that, but that doesn’t mean that their first protege has to be pushed out of the way to make room for a new one. That’s the problem with Bryan, he loves so fiercely, but it’s so laser focused, it’s almost like he can’t love more than one person at a time, like he doesn’t know how. There’s no doubt that he loves Yuta, Bryan made him soup when he was sick and stayed up all night finding the best way to unblock a nose without using chemical infused decongestant sprays. But right now, right now Bryan loves Garcia, or thinks he does, and he’s so focused on him that he doesn’t see that he’s forgetting Yuta, that he’s pushing him aside and hurting him. Yuta just wants to be loved, loved by everyone he loves. He hates being a disappointment, in anything, and he feels like he’s disappointed Bryan, and Bryan won’t give him the reassurance he needs because he’s too busy with someone else.
“Sorry.” Yuta whispers after a moment, and he sniffles, trying to dry his eyes with his fist.
“Don’t. Don’t be sorry. Just let it all out. I’m here, alright? I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I’m yours, you’re mine, fuck the rest.” He says, scratching his fingers at the base of Yuta’s scalp.
Yuta sighs softly, cuddling closer. Mox knows he can’t take away what Yuta feels with just words, probably not even his actions, either, only Bryan can do that, but he can help, he can make him feel better, happy, even, and if he can do that, well, it’s a start.
“Love you.” Yuta whispers.
Mox smiles, bringing a hand up to stroke his cheek and run his thumb over his lip. They’re wet with tears, and Mox knows that if he kissed him right now, he’d taste fresh summer fruit, but fresh summer fruit eaten by the sea, skin getting kissed by warm sun and clouds.
He wipes away a tear. “Love you too, tiger.”
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