#when I get home I'm taking a nap
strawberry-cowmilk · 8 months
not even two hours into my shift and I'm already losing concentration over here
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esleep · 4 months
the whole "cats choose their owners" thing is really funny to me because ivy very much did NOT choose me. she was a slightly dim-witted and very rambunctious feral kitten, and that combination led to her getting herself stuck inside an old chipmunk nest halfway down the steep bank of the creek by my parents' house. from there she proceeded to scream her head off until both my mom and i came out to see what on earth was making all that racket, then we excavated her out of that hole like a sad little potato. she was grateful for the rescue, but definitely NOT grateful for the ensuing flea baths and conversion to indoor cat life at my apartment, which she reminds me of regularly. ivy i'm sorry for saving you from an early death due to predation/disease/cars, but can you stop biting me every day of my life please
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had a nap under my cotton lab coat 4/10 better coverage than a jacket but quite cold
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mashmouths · 1 year
how have we as a species survived menstrual depression i feel fucking insane right now
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toasteaa · 2 months
Mmmm. My energy just took a massive nosedive and I'm feeling exhausted and anxious all at once. Feels like it's been too long since I've done something but I suddenly don't have the energy to do anything. But there's that itch and incessant need to do something. But then I get upset that it isn't turning out right.
I need a nap.
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ttngummybear · 8 months
Alright! My stream plan has shifted a bit.
My family will be home and trying to sleep tonight, so instead of streaming a horror game (because I don't want to scream and wake everyone up), I'll be hosting a kosmi room where I'll play both scary godmother movies off of youtube!
Then, tomorrow night, I'll stream myself playing the Screecher (and likely other games) on twitch!
My stream tonight will start at 11:30 pm EDT, and the stream tomorrow will start earlier, likely around 9 or 10. I'll make announcements not long before I start!
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albatris · 1 year
here we go lads
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cowardlycowboys · 6 months
acting in ways that show deep-rooted childhood issues
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liebelesbe · 9 months
I think the biggest reason for crying hasn't even been anxiety (bc like I said. I had fun while I was there.), it's my long covid? like, my exhaustion I mean. I can hold it together until I get home and as soon as I can relax my body is like "NEVER MOVE AGAIN YOU'RE DYING" so I start crying. But I'm bad at feelings (physically and otherwise) so it took me a bit to figure that out
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3-aem · 2 years
I love falling asleep with my window open and listening to the one random owl we have in the neighborhood 😭😭
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not every day you gift your dentist practice a cute little guy, but they really liked him! all of the receptionists came over and were like "whaaaaaat is that, is he for us?!? can I pet it???" lol
my family has a bad history with dentists but I never feel scared there even when I have to have a filling done like today with needles and everything (I'm needle phobic and medical-procedure phobic so this is big!!), so I thought it could be nice to have this guy there so they can let kids hold it if they're scared too or something, it's REALLY soft and a good size for squishing! when I got the email about april fool's preorders for it I was like "mmmmm now I legitimately need this as a non-joke gift" and bought one straight away lmao, but it's got such nice colours and design that I'm almost tempted to buy another for my collection :'D
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Hmmm maybe I have issues in my life
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unopenablebox · 2 years
ok, i have some regrets about having agreed w/ 🌸 that we would both come home early from work to hang out, since i came home myself and then was advised that their work was taking longer than planned. because i hadn’t put my usual aggressive anti-self measures in place that allow me to remember to have the mental action of checking where i am, what time it is, and if i should be doing what i am doing, i just like accidentally lost two and a half hours of time since that is how long it took for them to get home after all. so i could have stayed at work and gotten some desperately necessary tasks done, or at least come home and gotten desk work done before they arrived, except that of course they also have work to do tonight still so we are absolutely not going to spend any time together regardless and this was all an absolute waste of my time. and now i have to be at work for 5-6 hours tomorrow to make up for it. it is just not a good bet to make a plan where 🌸 finishes work or does not work or stops working, i have to stop doing this, i am so stupid
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paradoxesofgalaxies · 2 years
Guess it's just one of those nights where I have to use my arms to lift my leg 🙃
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leejeann · 11 months
When I wake up tired because I went to sleep too late, I'm like "It's fine, I'll take a nap after work." Then I proceed to not take a nap for *whatever reason* and think eh I'll just go to bed early tonight to catch up on sleep. Then I proceed to go to bed at my normal, late time instead of early. Then when I wake up tired because I went to sleep too late, I'm like "it's fi-
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musicalchaos07 · 1 year
It is so fucking cold and windy and I am waiting for the bus for another ten minutes and the guy next to me is smoking and
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