#i have to find another dentist 😭
johndonneswife · 5 months
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still thinking abt this pani puri we had three days ago
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thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
Whump idea, Vincent gets cavities from eating so much sugar all the time and has to go to the dentist. He’s scared of it hurting so Chidi holds his hand the whole time. Maybe he squeezes so hard he actually breaks a bone in Chidi’s hand, but of course Chidi is too tough to let on…then later Vincent sees a splint on it and says he’ll kill whoever hurt him. And Chidi is just like, well…
I took so long to answer this because I went on hiatus right afterwards, I'm sorry 😭
But I love this ask, it's so adorable and so funny!! I was thinking about it all week. Please do send more if the inspiration strikes you, anon. I can't get enough of HoplesslyDevoted!
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-⚜- Sweet Tooth -⚜-
TW: Nothing except dentists for once! This is just fluffy hurt/comfort.
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The most painful things seemed to happen when it came to Vincent - or rather, Vincent seemed to do these things to himself, and perhaps to bystanders. The toothache was one of many such cases.
He wouldn’t admit it at first, but he was irritable for two days in a row, awoke looking like he hadn’t slept, and when he didn’t even want to eat sweets, Chidi knew something had to be wrong.
“Vous n'avez pas faim, monsieur? [Aren’t you hungry, sir?]” he asked, over a banquet table filled with a positively wasteful spread of breakfast foods, from syrup-drenched crepes to fresh croissants to heaps of jam and berries.
“Non.” But his stomach let out a noise that betrayed him, and Chidi raised an eyebrow. He watched Vincent look away and breathe a little too deeply for a moment, as he did when he was about to admit something. At last, barely above a whisper, he muttered, “J'ai mal aux dents. [I have a toothache.]”
Oh. Honestly, he was relieved it was nothing more serious. “Je parlerai à votre assistant d’un rendez-vous dentaire d’urgence. [I’ll speak to your assistant about an emergency dental appointment.]”
“Non, s'il vous plaît, ne le faites pas. Euh, c'est… [No, please don’t. Er, that is…]”
“…Monsieur, sans traitement, la situation ne fera qu'empirer. […Sir, without treatment, it will only get worse.]”
“Je SAIS que [I KNOW that],” he snapped. But he still did not give permission.
Vincent was toying with his fork, pushing a blueberry around an untouched plate. Chidi watched him fidget for a moment in silence, considering how to approach this. Finally, “Puis-je demander pourquoi pas, alors? [May I ask why not, then?]”
“Juste – tu viens avec moi ? [Just – will you come with me?]”
He was scared, then. Another person might have smiled at such endearing childishness, but that would have been a wrong move. Chidi just nodded, face flat. “Bien sûr. [Of course.]”
He soon realized how much pain the Marquis had been hiding. Once he could complain openly, he admitted that not one, but two molars were aching constantly, sending pain right through the back of his head. Chidi spoke to the assistant, cancelled all the day’s meetings, and spent the morning with Vincent’s head in his lap, massaging his scalp and his jaw while they waited for the appointment.
That afternoon, they found themselves in an office in Paris, with an elderly woman whose kindly demeanor and open face should have put anyone at ease. But she did not look happy to see Vincent. Apparently, she had served the Marquis since he was a child, and Chidi would guess she had quite a few stories she was sworn not to tell.
Vincent didn’t look happy to see her either. He was really pale and stood too close to Chidi in the lobby, keeping their shoulders in contact (though of course he was not made to wait more than a minute).
Chidi didn’t have to be told to take the seat next to the dental chair, though he was a little surprised to find Vincent’s hand catching his in a death grip almost immediately.  He described his symptoms in terse, one or two word responses, clearly fighting back panic. That was probably the only reason he allowed the dentist to lecture him about the amount of sugar he’d obviously been eating. All she got out of him was a glare. Chidi answered on his behalf about his diet, and promised to “work with the Marquis to establish a more rigorous tooth care schedule,” which was the most dignified way he could think to describe forcing Vincent to brush his teeth the next time he ate three chocolate éclairs at 9 AM.
He had multiple cavities, apparently. And despite very liberal use of anesthetic, when the dentist pulled out a drill, Vincent’s already crushing grip became really unbearable. Nonetheless, Chidi bore it. He just squeezed back and ran his thumb over Vincent’s fingers again and again to sooth him. He never spoke a word of protest. Nor did he say anything about it on the car ride back to the palace, nor when seeing Vincent off to a nap to make up for that night of tossing and turning in pain. Nothing except, “Vous avez été très courageux, monsieur. [You were very brave, sir.]”
The next time they saw each other, Vincent had emerged from his room for dinner, which would have to be mostly liquid. Despite grimacing at the creative smoothie blends the chef had concocted, he seemed in better spirits. His eyes fixed on Chidi affectionately across the table. “Tu sais, je pensais à quel point tu étais gentil avec moi aujourd'hui. Quand j’allais chez le dentiste quand j’étais enfant, la gouvernante s’impatientait au bout d’une minute et ne me tenait plus la main. Mais tu l’as fait, même si je ne devrais vraiment pas en avoir besoin. [You know, I was thinking about how kind you were to me today. When I went to the dentist as a child, the governess would get impatient after a minute and wouldn’t hold my hand anymore. But you did, even though I really shouldn’t need it.]”
Chidi smiled back, preening. “C'est ma joie d'être là pour toi. Ce dont vous avez besoin est exactement ce dont vous avez besoin, et je vous l’accorderai. [It’s my joy to be there for you. What you need is just exactly what you need, and I will give you that.]”
His eyes finally lighted on Chidi’s left hand, where a splint wrapped around his pointer finger. “Attends… qui t'a fait ça ? Y a-t-il eu une bagarre pendant que je dormais !? Celui qui a fait ça, je lui arracherai… [Wait…who did that to you? Was there a fight while I was sleeping!? Whoever did that, I’ll tear out their – ]”
“Ah non, je ne pense pas que ce soit necessaire, [Ah, no, I don’t think that’s necessary,]” Chidi said sheepishly.
“Que veux-tu dire... [What do you mean…]” Realization dawned over his face. “Non, je ne l’ai pas fait. Ai-je? [No. I didn’t. Did I?]”
“Bien… [Well…]”
“Oh, Chidi…” He stared at his hand, rueful. “Venez ici. [Come here.]”
Chidi came to stand beside his chair and the Marquis took up his hand, very delicately this time, to plant a small kiss on the splint. “Je suis désolé. [I’m sorry.]”
“C'est bon, monsieur. Tu es juste très fort. Je ai été impressionné. [It’s okay, sir. You’re just very strong. I was impressed.]” Chidi’s eyes flickered meaningfully to the butler on the other side of the dining room. The man took the hint and slipped out. Free to be a little more tender, he leaned down to return Vincent’s kiss - on the lips this time, but equally gentle.
Vincent lingered with their faces together, cupping his cheek. “Je ferais mieux de me brosser les dents après. Tu es la chose la plus douce que j'ai jamais goûtée. [I’d better brush my teeth afterwards. You are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.]”
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multismileee · 5 months
Osan's Love -- 7/10, I know this is a remake, but truthfully I haven't watched the original. Therefore, this is solely based off of the trailer. I love EarthMix, but ngl I was hoping for a more advanced and mature theme for them, they absolutely DEVOURED in Moonlight Chicken. I'm also not a fan of love triangles so yeah, that also played a factor in my rating. The overall plot seems okay, it seems like a silly light show.
Leap Day -- 9/10, OKAY POND AND WIN, I am so excited to see Pond's acting in this, and I already know Win is going to kill it. The overall plot seems so interesting, I am intrigued. There's mystery, thriller, action vibes and I'm here for it. ALSO GUN??? His character seems so interesting, and I just know his acting is going to be A1!! It's reminding me of when he acted in The Gifted, which I absolutely loved. I don't know the girl actress, but her acting all seems excellent! Anyways, super excited to see how this one goes.
Heart Killers -- 9.2/10, FIRSTKHAO + MAFIA???? We all cheered, Jojo the director you are, always hearing what the fans want. They're giving me Yok and Ayan vibes, and I absolutely here for it. Joong and Dunk's series were usually not my favorite, but I'm so glad they FINALLY moved on from the college campus stories. 😭 The trailer is enticing, I feel like all four of them are going to eat up this concept, it is just so good.
Perfect 10 Liners -- 7.5/10, The cast is super good, I love all of the couples. The trailer kind of makes the plot look basic and boring ngl. Out of the three couples, surprisingly I find PerthChimon's characters to be the most interesting. I'm hoping that the show is more interesting than the trailer is making it. Just like EarthMix, I was hoping ForceBook showed a mature character, especially since we just got that in OF. Then again, this is giving me ABAB which is not awful. I was also looking forward to JuniorMark after Cherry Magic, so I hope they do amazing.
Hide & Sis -- 7.5/10, I can't really explain this one. I think the plot is interesting, it's giving me murder mystery which is drawing me in. However, I hope the show gives us more than the trailer because the trailer was kind of mediocre. I am super excited for my girly Lookjun to be in this, hopefully she kills it (ha ha, pun intended).
Thame Po -- 7/10, I don't know how I feel about this one. I think it's cool that they're using the members of LYKN, and I recognize one of the members for being another drama but the overall plot seems kind of basic? I don't know, I'm not sure if I will watch this one.
Break Up Service -- 5.5/10, this one just doesn't seem interesting to me, I'M SORRY. I wish Off was in another series that really showed off his talent (Preferably something like the masterpiece that Not Me is). This is giving me the same vibes as "Catch me Baby" with NetJames, and it just doesn't reel me in like the rest of the series.
Revamp -- 7.8/10, BOUNPREM AND SANTA JOINING GMMTV AND GETTING A SERIES RIGHT AWAY??? I am a sucker for vampires so this was already pulling me in, but I do hope that they don't go with a basic vampire story and add some extra elements. I feel like because vampire stories have been done before, it will take a lot to impress me, but I have high hopes. I also hope that BounPrem get to show their talent, because ngl Between Us was not doing it for me. Excited to see Mark in something a little more mature than Cherry Magic and Perfect 10 Liners.
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist -- 7.5/10, Everyone expected MarkOhm to get a series, and I'm glad they both seem so happy. (I haven't watched Last Twilight so idk how their chemistry is, so I'm excited to see it). The plot of the show seems lighthearted and cute, but it also seemed a little basic? There was nothing that was making me want this series to come out quicker. Excited to see how the show goes though!
The Dark Dice -- 8/10, I'm so excited to see Gemini and Prim's acting!! The plot being centered around being trapped in a board game is so interesting!!! Pr*m (idk how to feel about him) looks like he is going to be a good villain, and the other girl seems like a good actress too. I'm excited to see how they pull off this genre!!
The EX-morning -- 6/10, everyone is freaking out about KristSingho (I don't really know about them, all I know is that they are returning after a long time) but the overall plot seemed boring imo. Idk maybe it will be more interesting after the first episode, I don't mind giving it a try. I do like second chance romances, so that element of the plot is interesting.
Scarlet Heart -- 10/10, I know that we got absolutely NOTHING in the trailer but the genre and cast? This cast with this genre is *chef's kiss*! TU THE WOMEN YOU ARE, She is finally back. Win, Nanon, Phuwin, Fourth, Force!!! I'm super excited to not only see a mini F4 reunion, but also to see how Fourth acts in this. I know this show a remake, but I haven't read the book, watched the chinese drama, or the Korean one; I'm going in completely blind (other than the fact that it's heartbreaking? I'm not going to focus on that, for my mental health LOL). I can't wait to see how this goes. I also think that the trailer showing us absolutely nothing, is a hightale sign that we're about to get a masterpiece.
And before you guys say "What about _______" blah blah, I was not interested in the others. I don't usually watch GLs and the other drama just didn't speak to me, and I don't think i'll watch it.
Also about the people who are sad that Gemini and Fourth have separate series, I think this is good for them! They can grow as actors and then come back together. I feel like romance/ couple dramas limit how much they can expand their experience tbh. Same goes with Pond and Phuwin, I'm glad they have their own dramas.
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Hi there, how are you?
I had a request for the nanny series!
Only if your comfortable with writing something like this or if not please feel free to ignore me :)
It was an idea where just after Annie and Andy are married. Annie has to get her wisdom teeth removed! And Annie is not a fan of the dentist or needles (getting the IV) and is scared for the recovery. But Andy is there for her every step of the way! From getting the call of the appointment. To comforting her at the office and afterwards the car ride home. Annie being in a goofy mood as Andy helps her to the bedroom maybe helping her change into comfy clothes and Andy helps/comforts her to sleep… And at home helping her recover when her mouth is sore and teeth hurts 🥺🥺 and Jacob is also super cute and worried! Just something comforting and fluffy 🥺
I’m getting mine out and I’m nervous, and Andy is a comfort and I love this story! Just a thought I’m having as I can’t sleep from the pain in my gums 😭
Hi! I'm so sorry you are in pain! I hope what I wrote will make you feel better. Send you lots of hugs!
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: This is set way before Annie got pregnant. Lily doesn’t not exist here yet. This is based in the request above. Hope you feel better!
Warnings: mentions of blood, pain, tears, Andy being a loving caring husband.
A/N: English is not my first language, any mistakes are my own. Enjoy!
Word count: 1899
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIF not mine. You can find the credits under it :)  
Another day at the Barber’s household. It was a Saturday morning, the house was quiet except for the sound of the cutlery against the plates. Annie was eating extra careful today, she took some scrambled eggs with her fork and made sure she chew only on her left side.
“What’s the matter?” Andy asked and sipped his coffee.
“Why are you eating like this?”
“I’m eating normal.” But right at that moment she bit a piece of toast that went straight to the back of her mouth on the right side and she flinched.
“There! Does your tooth hurt?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Maybe you should go to the dentist, see what’s wrong.”
“No, no. I’m good! I’ll take a pill, I’m sure it’s nothing!” she nervously laughed.
Annie did take the pill, however the pain didn’t go away. In fact it was worse than before, and now she could see her face was a bit swollen.
“Alright!” Andy walked into the bathroom, “Get dress, you’re going to the dentist.”
“You need to go! Look at your cheek!”
“Andy I’m fine! It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Really?” His hand reach her face and his fingers barely grace her cheek.
“OW! Stop that!”
“We are going now, I don’t care if you are scare of the dentist.”
“I’m not scare of the dentist.” Andy lifted his brow and tilted his head, “Alright! I am scare of the dentist! I wore braces and they were awful! And I hate the noise the machine does when they’re cleaning your teeth!”
“Honey, they need to check your tooth, your face is swollen, it’s not normal and it’s not nothing.”
“Argh! Fine! But if it hurts while they’re checking I’m gonna kick you.”
“Deal! You have 10 minutes.”
----------(     )----------
“Ok,” The dentist walked into the office, “We have to remove both your wisdom teeth from the bottom.”
“hehehehehe no, no, no, no.”
“You have an abscess on the right side, which is why your face is a bit swollen. So I will work on the abscess today, give you some pain medication and I will remove your teeth next Friday, that way you will rest during the following weekend.”
 “What? Why?”
“Well,” The doctor took out an x-ray, “You have impacted teeth, in your case you teeth grew out in an angular form,” he pointed the x-ray show how her teeth was leaned towards the other. “And with time this will cause you problems in the rest of your teeth.”
“What kind for problem?”
“They can move the rest of your teeth and you will have to use braces.”
“Not again!” The doctor giggled once she looked the face of Annie.
“I had my wisdom teeth removed while I was studying. It’s not a big deal.” Andy said.
“Shut up! What do you know?”
“Don’t worry, it’s a standard procedure, I promise you will be fine and we will take care of you.” The dentist smiled fondly to her, “Ready for that abscess?”
“No.” she sighed.
“People always say that.”
30 minutes later, Annie walked out of the office to the reception are where Andy was waiting for her. Her face was red as tears were streaming down her cheeks.
“Oh my poor baby.” Andy tried to reach for her hand but Annie slapped him.
“I hate you!” Andy just giggled.
“See you next Friday, Annie.” The doctor said and Annie just whimpered against Andy’s arm.
----------(     )----------
Friday came faster than Annie would’ve liked. She woke up early and put the comfiest sweatpants and hoodie she own. Both she and Andy asked for permission in their respective jobs, and when it was 9:30 Andy drove them to the dentist office.
“I will be here when you’re done.”
“Can you like go in with me?”
“He can’t ma’am.” A young girl at the front desk said, “I’m sorry.”
“You’ll be fine.” Andy gave her a kiss on the lips, “I’ll sit there.” Annie nodded and she walked towards the door the girl previously indicated.
“I was actually thinking you were not going to show up.” The doctor said once Annie was already in the chair.
“Andy make me.”
“He is a smart man.” The doctor grabbed a weird looking mask, “Ready for the good stuff?” He wiggled his brows. Annie just nodded. “Ok.” He put the mask on her nose, “You are going to breathe, you will start to feel sleepy, and when you wake up your teeth will be gone.” It wasn’t long after that last sentences when her eyes closed.
“Hey.” It was a soft deep voice, “There you are.” Annie blinked a couple of times trying to focus on the voice. The man smiling to her was so handsome.
“Cute.” She mumbled.
“She will be off for a couple of hours. Between the anesthesia and the pain meds.” Another man spoke. “Just wait 10 more minutes and you can take her home.”
“Thank you, doctor.” Andy turned to look at her wife who was looking at her fingers as she moved them, “how you doing, honey?”
“You’re so handsome.” She slurred.
“No, you are, gorgeous. And you were so brave” He kissed her forehead, “Ready to go home?” Annie nodded sleepily.
A couple of girls helped Andy to wheel Annie to their car.
“Alright, baby. Slow and steady.”
“Yes, baby?”
“You are so cute.” She said the best she could with her still numbed mouth.
“Thank you, we will be home soon and then you can rest.”
Andy helped her climb on the car, closed the passenger door, and ran to the driver’s side. But when he climbed in, he found her already sniffling.
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t think I’m cute.”
“Of course I think you are cute!”
“You didn’t say it back! You don’t love me?”
“Of course I love you. With all my heart, honey, I swear.” Big fat tears fell down her eyes, “Don’t cry, baby.” He took her hand and kiss it, “Let’s get you home.”
15 minutes later, they were walking in the house. Andy’s hand was placed on small of her back.
“Wanna be on the couch or the bed?”
But she didn’t answer and walked straight to the living room. Annie sat on the couch and look around.
“What are you looking for?
“Oh,” Andy reached for her phone in the pocket of his pants, “Here. Why don’t you lay down; while I’ll get you a glass of water.”
Andy wasn’t in the kitchen yet when he heard her scream, so he came back running.
“There’s blood in my mouth.” She tried to take out the cotton and gauze, but Andy stopped her.
“No, you have to leave them on.”
“There’s blood.”
“Of course, they took out your wisdom teeth.”
“What? Where are they?”
“Ammm I assumed in the doctor’s office.”
“But they’re mine!” Andy was trying hard not to laugh, but she looked so adorably confused right now.
“I’ll call them and ask them to send the teeth over.”
“Yes, cuz I don’t want witchcraft with my teeth.”
“Witchcraft?” Andy said with humor.
“The doc said he was from Salem. They have witches.”
“I’m pretty sure the doctor is not a witch.”
“How you know?”
“Well, there was no Hogwarts diploma anywhere.” Annie looked surprised and nodded, “On the meantime, how about if you rest? Let me get your pillow.”
“I want my shorts, I don’t like the pants.” She began kicking her legs.
“Alright, be right back.”
When Andy came back she was still right where he left her.
“Ok, honey.” He put his hands on her waist to help her laid down.
“Don’t touch me.”
“Ok, I’m sorry.”
“You’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad, baby. It’s ok, you are just on some medicine right now.”
Annie laid down and Andy helped her arrange her pillow and cushions behind her back for her to be comfortable.
“Please don’t be upset with me.” She was starting to get emotional again.
“I’m not upset.”
“I’m not being so nice, huh?” she said sobbing a little. “I don’t’ wanna be this way. I wanna be nice! Cuz I’m a nice person.”
“I know, babygirl.”
“But you hate me right now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I look like a chipmunk.” Andy laughed this time. “Don’t laugh.”
“You are the cutest chipmunk.” He kissed her cheek carefully, “Let’s get you out of these pants, lift your hips.” She did as she was told and Andy was met by Annie’s bare pussy. “Honey, where’s your underwear?” Annie looked down and make a small shriek which make Andy laughed, “you naughty girl,” he slid her legs in the shorts, “hips up again.” The elastic hit the skin on her hips, “There, better?” she nodded sleepily. “I’ll go get your water. Wanna watch TV?”
“Yes, please.”
“What you wanna watch?”
Half an hour later, the doorbell rang. Sophie was at the front door holding Jake’s hand when Andy opened the door.
“Hi! Thank you so much for bringing him.”
“It’s ok, how is Annie?”
“Still off. She just told me what she would ask if she had a genie to grant her 3 wishes. I didn’t expect for her to say she wanted to be a pony.” Sophie laughed.
“If you guys need anything, don’t hesitate to call.” Andy smile to her, “Bye, Jake.”
Andy closed the door and found Jake sitting on the floor, reaching for something inside his backpack.
“Is mommy ok?”
“Yes, she is a bit tired and sleepy. And she sound funny when she talks, but she is fine.”
“I make these for her.” Jake showed Andy a card and a flower made of paper, “My teacher help with the flower.”
“I’m sure she’s gonna love them. Go with her, she is on the couch.
Jake ran the short distance to the living room and found Annie drifting off.
“Huh?” Annie opened her eyes and looked at Jake. “Baby!” she said overly excited.
“Hi, mommy.” He jumped on the couch and kissed her, “I make you these.” He passed the flower and the card to her. Annie opened the card and read: “To the best mommy in the world. Get well soon. Love you, Jake.” Under these lines there was a drawing of the three holding hands.
“Aw! Oh, god!” her eyes began to water. “Am I the best mom?” Jake nodded with a big smile on his face. When Andy walked in, Annie was crying again.
“Buddy, what did you say to her?”
“I’m the best mom!” She said through sobs.
“I like your chubby cheeks.” Jake said giggling and climbed on top of her to hug her, “I love you, mommy.” As Jake hugged her she began to relax again and soon after she fell asleep.
“You’re so good with her Jake.” Andy said waiting for the boy to move away from her, but to his surprise, Jake was also sleeping.
Andy just shook his head, took the throw blanket from the back of the couch and cover them both with it.
“You’re such a momma’s boy.” Andy said softly and smiled. Walking out of the living room he was determine to surprise them with lunch when they woke up. “Who am I kidding, I’ll just door dash.” He said to himself as he took the phone and headed to the kitchen to let them rest.
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deadoveater · 19 days
finally found a female dentist and went to her clinic today and omg what a completely diff experience it was to the male dentists Ive had so far. I was dreading another social interaction (cause how tired Im already) where I might get shamed, belittled, babied or just be told inflated fucking prices for everything Ill need to do. but she and her almost all female staff were angels. they explained the issues to me and explained possible ways to fix it. and the prices were nowhere as inflated as the previous dumbass dentist ugh.
they even had a column on the form they had me fill out asking of theres anything theyd want me to know before starting with any treatments 😭😭😭 Istg only women can have this much emotional intelligence and care. I was just so pleased with everything felt like I was gonna start crying. why didnt I find her sooner.
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lalalaugenbrot · 2 months
so. wanted to go to bed at like 1 am. saw on insta that the copa america final was going to be tonight (yesterdays night tonight), not todays tonight as i thought. checked the time and it was already to begin 2 am (CET) so i thought my god what is another hour, it's the final! what if colombia wins?! so i managed to find a vpn and tuned into caracol (colombian tv channel) to check if it was working. it was! and they were already pre game reporting - nice! i listened to them a little... halftime is going to be 25 mins so shakira can perform??? first of all what gringo fuckery is this why are they forcefully trying to convert actual football into their football?? and secondly - is that allowed?!?? how did argentina not protest against this lmao 😭😭. SHAKIRA is performing at the COLOMBIA - argentina final??? what?? they should've at least allowed argentina to bring some national hero to perform as well but ok. ok. also: there seems to be a problem at the entrance?! people aren't being let in? the game is being delayed half an hour?? i was so tired at that point i just calculated at which time the first half would be almost over so i could tune in again then, set a timer, turned off my tablet and went to sleep. HARD CUT timer goes off, i'm confused for a second. ah right, football! i turn the tablet on again. restart the live stream. they're still not playing?!?? what. okay so the game has been delayed over an hour? at least they're about to sing the hymns now. i listen to that, watch the first 20 mins of the game but by god i couldn't do it, i was SO tired. so i calculated again. rest of this half. 25 mins "halftime show" (...), 30 more mins. okay. back to sleep. argentina leads by 1 goal, then colombia scores one, the stadium explodes, the match ends 1-1, they go into penalties, it goes well at first for both teams, but then colombia loses by one missed penalty. argentinian fans storm the field, colombians are devestated, i'm in some kind of common room?? of the building where i live, watching the match there with other colombian families, they're all sad too... HARD CUT the timer goes off, i'm confused for a second. oh, so the game is still on?! that was a dream? colombia can still win? i turn the stream back on. it's 0-0 actually, not many more minutes to play. game over. okay then, penalties, let's do this. wait what, NOW we're having extra time?! omg please no i am so tired, it's already getting light outside again. but okay. extra time, no goals, looks like penalties again (what if my dream was semi prophetic?!), but then, of course, argentina scores shortly before the game is over, i see colombia lose FOR THE SECOND TIME tonight, turn the tablet back off. my alarm is set to 7:52 because i have to urgently reschedule a dentist appointment ✌🏻
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ticklystuff · 2 years
hallooo i hope your doing well! (and i hope your tumblr and drafts are safe from your coworker 😭😭)
i would like to submit my genshin team for the ask game:
xiao, wanderer, kazuha, albedo
no longer accepting teams, thanks!
hewwo anon thank you and same to you <3 i left her unattended with my laptop for four hours that day lmao i would keep going back to my cube with the excuse that i needed some water but really it was just to check to make sure she wasn't snooping asdkjf anyway hope you enjoy!
also your team was similar to someone else's (there are a lot of anemo bois this time) so i'm sorry if some of these end up samey as my last ones
who’s the most ticklish character
It's Kazuha! He has one of the prettiest laughs and Scara and Albedo can't help but sneak in a few pokes whenever they see him walk by. He's pretty chill about it too and isn't phased when people ask him, so someone can just walk up to him and give his sides a few scribbles and it's cool with him
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
I'm gonna go with Xiao because of how serious he always looks, but Albedo and Scara being artificial humans would raise some questions regarding this!
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
This question is always dedicated to poor Xiao lmao it doesn't help that the other three are all really good lers and Xiao absolutely cannot handle teasing, something that both Albedo and Kazuha excel in
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
Albedo is really good at guessing tickle spots, but I don't think he'd hand them out so easily Kazuha, on the other hand, has a really good memory and will observe every tickle fight to record tickle spots in his memory. He doesn't tell people, unless he's really hammered. Also, sometimes he'll spill his own tickle spots when under the influence lmao oops
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
Imagine Albedo asking Scara if he could potentially study him, from one artificial human to the other. It's nothing painful and Scara isn't bothered by it, except for when Albedo happens to brush past certain spots that Scara has to constantly remind him to be careful of and he's 90% sure Albedo is doing this stuff on purpose just going off of the subtle smirk on his face. Anyway, Albedo is bound to find undiscovered tickle spots, like Scara's ticklish hands. Also, Scara asks if Albedo is the same way and Albedo doesn't mind telling him of his own usual tickle spots too
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
Scara because sir is unhinged when it comes to winning these things because he refuses to lose to something as silly as tickling, but he's also really ticklish himself, so it's he's not too far ahead of someone like Albedo when it comes to tickle fights
which character has a kink for tickling
Albedo! Also, what if I said Kazuha..? I know I said in the last few that he doesn't, but this very thought is appealing to me right now, hmmmm so what if....?
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
I don't think this would apply to any of them! Scara got tickled by Childe plenty of times, Xiao was bullied by his Yaksha friends, Kazuha gets tickled by Beidou all the time, and Albedo has been tickled by Klee and Kaeya as well
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
Okay, so even though Kazuha is this really cute lee to me, I also think he'd be a really teasy ler in his own way. Not in the typical teasy way that lers tend to be, but y'know how the dentist will have a conversation with you while half their arm is in your mouth? As a ler, Kazuha is kinda like that, except replace dental work with tickling. He'll ask his lee about their day while tickling them and enjoys watching them struggle to formulate proper sentences and he makes sure to emphasize certain words with more assertive tickles. Whenever he's more in a ler mood, he'll do this with all the guys, but this especially works really well on Albedo because Albedo is super susceptible to teasing and gets flustered easily and Kazuha will try to ask questions about Albedo's latest experiment and Albedo can hardly answer and it's so embarrassing because it's like he doesn't know his own experiment anymore and he just says "I don't know!" a lot. Also, Albedo is a good ler, but Kazuha is his greatest enemy because Albedo isn't an aggressive ler and heavily relies on teasing, but Kazuha isn't really affected by teases as much, so it's really easy for him to flip the tables on him
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ofallthingsnasty · 10 months
Hey Nasty hope you're recovering from your dentist scare lol ( Same honestly, my dentist is always telling me to relax and calm down before they do the x rays because I freeze up😭)
But your red dead reblog(Arthur is so fine in that gif🥵) has me thinking about the"through the briar" aftermath again😫 Specifically after Micah kicks the bucket(Rest in Pieces Jerk lmao) With John bumping into the reader a few weeks after he killed Micah and seeing what a bad situation she's in. I can just imagine it goes something like:
Reader your still here? What happened to y- *sees the gaggle of blonde haired, blue eyed children running around behind her and the oldest son looks a lot like a certain someone he blasted a while ago* Ahhhhh shiiiiit💀💀
Honestly I think even John would feel pretty sorry for her and want to help at least a little, cause lets be real, reader and her kids are probably all half-starved and wearing nothing but rags. And also maybe for the fact that John probably noticed how much Arthur cared about the reader before the relationship fell apart, and feel some type of obligation to help her out of respect for Arthur's memory idk
But either way I am still choosing to believe John finds reader and gives her 3 gold bars to start over🥲
Hi!! That's so sweet of you, thanks! It's such a paradox when I go in for my own appointments because on one hand, that typical dentist office smell is so comforting to me because I like what I do, on the other I always have the cost of everything in the back of my head 😂 I guess I'm just scared of getting a big, fat bill fhdjshefdj Right?? His bad fucking stomp in that gif has me squirming in my chair lol 😳 I could stare at gifs of him all day
I think even John would feel pretty sorry for her
Oh my god, absolutely. If he sees you with three little mouths to feed, a shadow of the woman you once were - that is definitely going to sting, especially when he does the math and realizes that at least the oldest kid is Micah's brat. I mean, John grew up with that gang, with Arthur, Hosea and Dutch - and the way you've gone from full-cheeked and fat, with a timid demeanor and a sweet laugh, to haggard, dirty and utterly exhausted is just another reminder of how things have turned to shit. You're the living, breathing proof of how his life came crashing right down. He probably doesn't recognize you at first but when he does, he'll make sure that you at least have enough for dinner that night, flustered at the way you smile at him despite everything that has happened. (Because you're still so sweet to him just like years ago - and it's a great injustice that you aren't married to an honest, just as kind, man.)
Honestly I think even John would (...) want to help at least a little, cause lets be real, reader and her kids are probably all half-starved and wearing nothing but rags. And also maybe for the fact that John probably noticed how much Arthur cared about the reader before the relationship fell apart, and feel some type of obligation to help her out of respect for Arthur's memory idk But either way I am still choosing to believe John finds reader and gives her 3 gold bars to start over🥲
I think so, too. John is a little hard-hearded, not the smartest and plenty selfish, sure - but he also has a good heart. He won't save you and the kids by moving you into Beecher's Hope on his dime (he has his own shit going on, haha) but you can't tell me he wouldn't find a way to help you start a new life somewhere else. You've never been the closest friends but even he can see what Micah did to you and how rancid it all is. He'd find a way. Hell, maybe Charles is kind enough to take you up to Canada to find a place for you and your kids (maybe a new husband, too, after passing you off as an American widow - no one knows you up there and with marriage being less about love and more about convenience maybe there is an older bachelor who can support you and the kids and doesn't mind them all that much. Not a pretty fate, still, but everything is better than Micah.)
Reader your still here? What happened to y- Ahhhhh shiiiiit
fhjhsd I had to laugh so hard at that because I can HEAR him saying that, exactly like this, too. The way he'd need a solid minute to realize what's going on only to swear immediately afterwards bahaha
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raamitsu · 1 year
As always thank you for the jjk manga leaks/posts! 💛 and thank you for asking us folks about our feelings.
"how is everyone today?" - feel like sht in general
"is something good/bad happened?" Good - i met one of my former teachers accidentally and i was happy to see her. Bad - i was at the dentist and i have cavity in several teeth, one of them is serious (somehow i always manage to harm my teeth) so it felt pretty bad
"did you manage to handle your day?" - barely.
"do you have faith in Gojo Satoru's resurrection?" - knowing that he died with a smile on his face and he was satisfied, i try to find peace in this. Though it's pretty hard to let him go and i'm grieving, my heart hurts so much for him. I don't have faith in his resurrection. Or dunno. Maybe another day i will feel different in this matter.
I return these questions to you if you feel like answering i would be happy to hear from you. Blessings! 💛
It's my pleasure to share bits of my illegal contribution and it's no big deal at all! I felt worried with the fandom's condition especially the most affected stans due to the recent JJK chapter.
I understood the pain you're going through in your second answers so much 😭 I used to have this problem since high school and it got me wondering what did I do that they started to get so damaging... There's so much "whys" in my head I feel like crying lmao. Here's a hug for you, my friend 🫂 I wish your days is full of happiness and peace! Hopefully everything goes well for you! Take care of yourself and stay safe too!
About Gojo... yeah I kinda feel like that but there were times whenever people continued with references and made it as a form of theory or analysis, not gonna lie it restored a bit of hope in me. What bugs me is that - if I don't have faith in his return, I'll be deemed as "loser" but if I keep hoping for it, I'll look like a whole circus 🫠 Gege's name sounds punchable at this point.
Thank you and I appreciate your efforts for answering my questions 🙏🏼✨ Bless you 🤍
As for me:
I successfully went through the day, although it was a bit tiring.
So far, so good. I dunno why but yesterday the atmosphere felt a little bit lighter. The weather nowadays can be unpredictable but I'd still the love cold waterfall days.
It's impossible to handle my life now lmao but I'll attempt to find a way.
I wanted to believe that his ressurection felt out of place cuz how will Gege come up with something even better than his death? But I wanted to believe in it as well... it's complicated 😀🔫
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twisted-tales-told · 2 years
Okay so for the sleepover time I’m just gonna talk about my day because I literally have no friends and I love oversharing.(I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong or anything😭) So I tried bookbinding one of my fav fics and it went wrong in every imaginable way (its so ugly. Looking at it makes me wanna rip my hair out.) buttt I didn’t really care because my mum made my fav dessert so yumyum. It’s almost 3am for me and I have school in a few hours but I’m..idk how to explain this. Sleepy and tired but not tired? I hope this makes sense. OHOHOH also we’re reading such a cool book in my English class it’s called “my brothers name is Jessica” and I’m loving it so far (the parents are transphobic and it’s making my blood boil but I’m pretty sure it has a happy ending) . Also tomorrow I get my French test back so wish me luck. I probably did good on it because I love French (fun fact I actually used to hate french but now I love it sm. languages are just so easy and so beautiful.) Today was super boring and while eating spaghetti one of my brackets moved so tomorrow I have to go to my dentist but at least I’ll be able to skip class so yay!! Lastly I just wanna say that I’m very very hungry but am too lazy to make myself food🙁
Okay I think that’s pretty much it!!! How was your day?? Did you do anything special? How are you feeling?? Tell me/us all about it☺️
Hi hi!!
Just so you know my first bookbinding project was actually Trash! Literal garbage could not even open it! Typesetting alone takes so much time I 10/10 recommend go slow with it, be as careful with each step along as you can and try new things. There’s no time limit!
Desert is the best meal and I’m so happy ur mum made your favourite! I need to get back into baking I miss it.
My English teachers didn’t even bother to find us books to read they mostly gave us articles it was very sad my critical reading skills suffered for it so I’m happy some English teachers still care.
I am also hungry and am too lazy to make myself food right now, sadly that does not go away ever in life. My cat is not having that problem and is crying at me for a snack but her feeding time is in 25 minutes so she has to wait.
My day has been so fun actually I did all my fav things. I edited someone’s fic @sequinhaze wywm, I typesetted another one @euphorial-docx OPEV, AND I started reading/watching Twelfth Night (Shakespeare) + I watched The Last Of Us.
Also! I finished Chapter One of the if we were villans au!! I need to have more plot set up before I can start posting cuz I have so many Secret Things in chapter 1 but not even I know what the Secret Things mean yet. Writing is weird like that.
Regulus has a secret, but what secret? Who knows, cuz it isn’t me.
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tears-that-heal · 2 months
Dear Lord Help Me! 🦷🍭😖
Well….I got to finally see a dentist for the first time in almost 2 yrs. Many of you probably know what’s coming next. Yes, my teeth need some serious TLC.
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What’s most frustrating is that I wish I could’ve prevented this from happening, but in the same time, since I moved to another state, finding the appropriate insurance has been a major challenge. Along with finances and etc. *sigh* Anyways, progress has been made and now I can receive decent dental help. Now for the real health report, I need to have 3 procedures to remove 2 wisdom teeth, repair broken filling and a possible root canal. 😫 Along with taking prescribed antibiotics for my gum infection, too.
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Yes, my teeth are a mess! 😭
Since seeing the dentist, I’ve been staying in bed for the most part. The meds are really helping with the pain, but I’ve been also having to manage my stress and anxiety too. *sigh* Been fighting against a lot of past reacquiring insecurities like “feeling like a burden” to my family. Feeling somewhat helpless to my situation. Feeling like a baby that I can’t just push through the pain. 🥺 I can easily be too hard on myself, but I also know the great value of caring for myself; physically and mentally.
It’s more than okay to make the time to rest. It’s actually a very good lifestyle practice. Our bodies aren’t made to function 24/7, then more highly possible malfunctions will occur. I’ll, of course, make it top priority to make routine dentist visits after all this is set and done. I refuse to go through something like this with my teeth again…..but I have to get through it first. The Lord is still with me as He always is. I just need to once again trust in Him through this trial. ❤️
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(images & gifs from pinterest)
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1d1195 · 3 months
Hi Sam! So sorryI went a little MIA! It was a bit of a crazy week with school and the holiday. Idk if I ever mentioned this but I have dogs so any major holiday is so stressful for me since they get so scared and anxious due to the fireworks. And this year it seemed like everyone in the entire neighborhood was throwing them and they started days before?! Anyways then I went through a little episode so I was a very sad girl lol I'm fine now!
But yeah I did mention it awhile back but seriously don't worry about remembering it lol The fact that you even remotely remember anything from our chats already means so much😭 But Im taking two summer sessions that are both 5 weeks long so there's so much content being thrown at me lol Im taking an ethnic studies course but it’s lowkey a literature class tbh so there also so much reading😭 and another psyc course which is once again filled with reading! Literally torturing myself lol But omg it’s such a win for you that you enjoyed your summer courses! Love that for you!
I love thrifting clothes! And I always try to find unique looking pieces even if I have to do some alterations. I got a mixture of both! I got a skirt that has this cute lemon and lime print but the print mimics paint! It reaches the top of my knees so I will be making it shorter lol. Then I got a pretty teal one with white a white floral one and it has shorts built in! Which I love sense I will be making it shorter so I won't have to worry about wearing them!  Anyways it was a win since sometimes i despise looking for clothes so I'm glad i was in the mood for it lol But OMG A MEET CUTE AT A CAR SHOW IS SUCH A DREAM!! ANd you're so writing about a story like I can see it going so many ways! Mechanic Harry or a ‘bad’ boy moment like greaser vibes?! 
Now bestie at this time I finished the season and i have THOUGHTS! I do agree that this season has been odd and a very different vibe from the first two. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest because since it did feel different I'm so torn how to feel! I think that Sydeny not immediately signing the papers is due to so many factors. I personally think that Carmy and what he is becoming is what is stopping her. Like those non negotiables were crazy and he took no one into consideration! Like from the beginning she wanted to work WITH Carmy and I think this is showing how she's not his equal in that sense. Like his plates aren’t a collaboration instead on what he thinks will impress her(subconsciously? idk im reaching lol) and sell. There’s for sure a lack of creativity.And I think Carmy is becoming what he despised the most, which is like a typical strict chef. But I think that he associates that with being successful since that one chef he worked for really fucked him up. So maybe trauma response? And I think overall it highlights how he is losing himself and maybe i'm reaching but it might be necessary for it to feel so off with him. Also the way your bf is naming these chefs is kinda crazy but in a good way! Maybe that chef did inspire Carmy’s character! I'm also loving Richie’s and Tina’s storylines! Idk if you’ve finished the season yet so i'm gonna be as vague as possible lol But I think passing episode 5 is where I think the season was a bit more interesting! Oh even if you did spoil it ( you didn’t)  I would not be upset! ANYWAYS that was long lol 
How was your first week?! I'm sure you were great!  Hope that the rest of your summer teaching goes well! Periods are the worst! I also sometimes feel like I want to get hit by a car too so you're not alone lol At one point I thought I had PMDD which is a long story lol. I'm glad that you've been feeling better because that is what matters the most!💗 Btw I LIVED for that toothpaste update! It was such a cute little read and ugh who knew you could make a dentist so hot😩 You did great as always! Hope you have a lovely start to your week, sending so much positive vibes! love ya!-💜
I don't think I knew you had dogs! What kind? That's so sweet; sorry they had a bad week. I see a lot of those issues with others and their dogs around this time of year. I'm sorry you went through a sad moment as well. I feel that heavily. I'm glad you're on the mend 💕
Reading for classes especially in a short amount of time is SO difficult. I'm sorry :( That's so frustrating! Hopefully it will go smoothly. Are you taking both at the same time or is like ten weeks total? It's probs a lot to take both at the same time but at least that way they would both be done in a few short weeks? Anyway, I'm rooting for you as always!
Do you tailor you're own clothes?! I feel like we would never be friends in real life because you sound like you're SO much cooler than me and so much trendier and I'm just a human wearing a potato sack 😭 I've never been a thrifting person, but I really should give it a try instead of going to TJMaxx 2 times a week 💀 but anyway. Mechanic Harry is on my list too! It would be fitting at a car show. I like that idea 🤭 I know nothing about cars though, so it will take some research!
I'm still a few episodes out from the finale, but still. I think you're so right, he did everything this season without consideration of others (thus far). I'm rewatching season 2 a bit with my sister on her first runthrough of the show and I'm seeing more Carmy and Sydney vibes this time around than I did last time. I think something snapped in him though when he was locked in the freezer (like obviously). I think it's def trauma and he probably feels like he can't fix it now. I'll let you know what I think once i finish it.
Week one was busy and I'm hoping it will get slower as we go along. I really do think it's going to fly by so I'm a LITTLE hopeful about that at least.
It's so funny you mention PMDD, someone else mentioned it to me as well. I'll have to do a deeper dive. Sometimes I just get so upset and un-dramatically feel a bit hopeless. Then it passes 🤷‍♀️ Life is crazy.
Hope you have a good week as well! Always glad to hear you liked the update! 💕🤭 I think I would kill for a dentist like Harry 😉
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
Omg yes sparina knocks you tf out and it makes you feel so sluggish 😭 I'm not built for summer I fear.
Another good news, I'm slowly getting over my crippling fear of dentists and I found one that's really nice so I'm hoping that will go well because I really need to have some work done. But it's so so terrifying 😭
I'm slowly getting myself to sleep more and although the technique might seem counterproductive I promise it works. I play ASMR on my old phone or laptop while playing a simple, silly little game like tetris or simple puzzles and it just relaxes my brain enough so I can at least fall asleep. But also I think I should probably maybe check it out because when I was complaining about it to my mom, she said how everyone from my dad's side of family had really bad insomnia so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And mood on reaction to Heisenberg 👀 although Leon is my husband and pookie bear, I love mu angsty metal man too.
On a serious side note, I see that you've been going through it a bit lately and I'm here if you need to talk or something, my dms are always open <3 sending you big hug and army of kitties to make you feel better
Istg this is true because I’ve been so freaking sleepy all day today!!! I took two naps two!! And I’m planning to go to bed in like an hour or so😭
HELLO THATS AMAZING SUGAR BEE!! Were you the anonie who got their tooth chipped? Either way I’m happy you get to resolve whatever issue you got bc oral pain is hell on earth 😭
But that’s such a good trick sugar bee!! I’m happy you found something that works for you you deserve a good nights sleep like everyone else 🫶🏻
I love him too!!! I have yet to read a fic of him but now that we’re discussing him might as well try and find one 👀
You are the sweetest sugar bee i really appreciate it thank you!!! I’m thankful feeling more stable idk what happened but my anxiety worsened even though I’d be on 60mg for Prozac for a while so they lowered the dose to 40mg and I had to deal with that transition but now I’m good!! Genuinely I feel so thankful when I feel mentally at peace and can be horny about men as much as I want 😌
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freezerbride · 5 months
I am so stressed out 😭 I emailed my boss my two weeks notice and she didn’t respond so I know Monday is gonna be awkward as hell. And I have to do a drug test for my new job before the 25th but I can’t go during work so idk when I’ll find the time no place is open after work hours. I’m gonna have to go on my lunch break but I already selected a location that is kinda far from my workplace so I have to wait and see if I can choose another location but I can’t get into contact with anyone that can help me until Monday. Also I need to make a dentist appointment but they have no openings on Saturdays and idk if my new job will let me come in late if I go on a weekday morning. UGHHHHHHHH why can’t things be easy.
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daydreamrry · 1 year
Hellooo it's me again!
So before I applied for the Nursery Apprenticeship, I registered with a recruitment agency to find a job in a school as a TA. But of course they weren't really finding me any jobs and only kept finding trial days for me but not anything full term and permanent. So I thought maybe I should do an apprenticeship because then at least I will gain more experience and it will probably make it easier for me to find jobs in schools.
But basically what happened was, I mentioned in my previous ask my two references responded back but the manager wanted a third reference from my uni, but the thing is getting a reference from my uni is so hard because I've tried getting a reference from them multiple times before and they never responded. So I informed the employer about it and they tried to get a reference from them and so I thought they might not accept me because of not getting a reference from the uni. And the lady was taking a while to get back to me and I got worried they changed their minds and wouldn't accept me so what my dumbass did was I called the dental course training provider and I told him that I would like to enrol onto the training course. I paid the advance fee and everything. The next day the lady gets back to me and she was like they didn't hear back from my uni but would still love to offer me a place probably because I've done a trial day at a nursery recently. And I started panicking thinking what should I do now? So I explained the situation to her and she was like it's fine and I can start the apprenticeship once the dental training course is over which was really nice of her. But I told her I wouldn't start the dental training until they find me a job in a dentist which is around August / September and she said I could start working in the nursery as a bank staff (so I only go in to cover absent staffs or if they need me) and then after the dental training I can start properly as an apprentice. So I agreed and I'm basically going to be working there until the dental course training provider finds me a job in a dentist for paid training.
Today I get a call from the recruitment agency and the guy was like "would you like me to find you a full time job for September" and I was thinking "bestie that's the reason why I registered with you and only now you remember that you should find me a full time job 😭" and I was like yes that's fine you know just in case they don't find me any jobs in dentists and with the Nursery apprenticeship I applied to it as a last resort. Not that I didn't want to work in a Nursery of course I do, but for me I would rather work in a school rather than a nursery because schools get holidays whereas nurseries don't. And for someone like me with health issues especially insomnia I need holidays. But I said to myself if I'm not able to find jobs in a school then I'll work elsewhere even if there aren't many holidays like in schools. So for example in other jobs you only get maximum 28 days off for holiday or a little more (depending on the job) and for me it can be quite hard to work non stop during the entire year with only like a month off. So with schools I would work during term times and get christmas, easter and summer off amd get basically breaks in between. But I said to myself if I can't find work in schools then I'll just have to find jobs elsewhere even if there's not much holidays as there are in schools because I can't just sit and do nothing and be jobless forever can I? So yeah that's why applied for the apprenticeship. But my main career goal has alway been to work in a school that's why I told the guy he can find me full time jobs for September.
But again I'm in another dilemma because I already paid the advance fee for the dental course training and they have a no refund policy so I have to do it because I don't want to waste the money. At least with the apprenticeship I didn't pay anything and I can leave if I want but enrolling onto the dental course is what put me in this position. If only I was patient to hear back from the nursery employer and didn't pay the advance fees then I wouldn't be in this situation 😫 but then again the guy from recruitment agency was taking a while to get back to me and only now remembered if he should find me a job that's permanent rather than just trial days. 
Again sorry for this looooong rant 😭😭😭😭
no need to apologize babe you’re all good! this sounds stressful 😭 honestly one of the difficulties of applying for, and finding jobs in general, is the lack of quick communication on the employer’s part. i think you’re doing the right thing and if you are getting the chance to do both at different times then it’ll all work out!
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luminous-letters · 2 years
Hiii, so I just my braces on and I'm really not enjoying it cuz ya know...it hurts. So I was wondering if you could do Riddle, Kalim, Azul, and Floyd with a (preferably gender-neutral) s/o who just got their braces on? Thanks!
man, i'm so sorry this got so so so delayed. i was grinding some events and had to lay off a bit (for personal reasons) 😭
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"I've prepared some antibiotics and painkillers, try to take them in moderation. Once it clears up we can enjoy a cake or two together."
As someone who aspires to become a doctor, Riddle knew the basics— the medicine you needed to take, what you were and weren't allowed to eat, and the physical tasks you had to lay off for the time being.
He's sure that the dentist had already told you what to do. But it wouldn't hurt anyone if he were to remind you again.
Floss and brush well, he would tell you. It became routine for you both.
Riddle wrote your appointments in his timetable, just so he can clear up his tasks should you return to have your regular checkup.
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"Oh, I get it now! A good meal might stave off the pain. Have some of this, it isn't too hard to swallow and it's pretty good too!"
Kalim experienced the pain of having braces too. As the eldest of his family, he ought to look presentable in front of various guests and business associates of his parents.
He didn't have a great amount of knowledge for your situation. But that didn't mean he didn't know how to ease the pain.
His mind drifted back to memories of him getting taken care of by the palace servants, and the delicious foods that they offered him at the time.
And, much to Jamil's chagrin and worry, he took it upon himself to fetch you the medications your dentist prescribed you with.
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"They're there to straighten your teeth? Hm, I guess there are medical reasons for such a practice. Truly, there is always something you land-folk do that baffle me."
When he learned that you were to buy ibuprofen, he was curious if he could whisk up a potion that's similar to it. Perhaps some herbs and exotic roots would do the trick, or maybe a few powders and extracts...
Then he remembered he didn't have a degree in pharmaceuticals. He wouldn't risk a lawsuit of all things. Oh, woe is he.
Truth be told, he was surprised to find yet another strange practice of you land-folk. Another culture shock.
After all, mermen rarely tend to their teeth, so the practice of dentistry— specifically orthodontics — were new to him.
But he didn't let his fascination distract him from the poor, unfortunate and suffering darling beside him!
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"Why even get those things on your teeth anyways? Man, you're pretty frail. Want some apples? Or candy? Corn, maybe?"
He saw it as a sign of weakness. And Floyd being Floyd, he became fixated on teasing you from the depths and back.
Under the sea, broken or damaged teeth usually recover within a day or two. It was an evolutionary trait that was passed down from generation to generation of hunters.
Ever so often you'd find him 'discreetly' munching on some hard foods beside you, looking like he was expecting some reaction from you.
When you did, he'd answer with either "You gonna do something?"
And when you won't, he'd whine, "Shut like a clam...so lame..."
That leaves you juggling between an incessant Floyd and aching teeth. You could never catch a break here...
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