#when he can eat food without consequences other than maybe a food coma if he eats too much sksksksk
theinfinitedivides · 11 months
'are you sure you want to become human to experience love and not to eat human food?' 'i'd be lying if i denied that'
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Debunking “Adrien is perfect”
  To voice a rather non-Marinette-like opinion of Adrien: He’s not perfect. He’s never been perfect. He has, in fact, been riddled with flaws from the very beginning. Part of the reason Chat Noir gets hate is because he serves to exaggerate Adrien’s flaws and make them more obvious, destroying the perfectionism façade. And the sooner Marinette tosses the “I love the perfect Adrien” filter in the trash where it belongs, and starts actively recognizing and acknowledging his faults, the better off the endgame relationship will be.
 Long post is long and I don’t like cuts, cuz i’ve lost a few posts in the past using them. Please filter the tag “long post” I use it for walls of texts like these. 
First of all, flaws are just one of the many things that happen when someone either learns something the wrong way, spends too much time in the wrong environment, lack any decent role models... really there are a plethora of causes. What i mean is character shortcomings aren’t necessarily reasons to hate the character themselves. They’re more or less internal obstacles put there to be overcome in order to portray character growth. Of course spending an exaggerated amount of time with these characters without seeing them overcome particular shortcomings is frustrating it does not necessarily mean they will never be redeemed or developed and are/were deserving of hate.
 Except for Gabriel. That creature belongs behind bars.
 Most of Adrien’s flaws come from his toxic home situation:
The Miraculous Wiki puts Adrien at fifteen. Meaning Adrien has only been actively leaving the house (for public school and the occasional social get-together) for about a year. His fourteenth birthday was one of the earliest episodes and im assuming his fifteenth birthday happened off screen between the s3 finale and the new york special.
Regardless the majority of his life was spent in isolation and his only company was his immediate family, Nathalie, Felix and Chloe. None of whom are particularly good role models except for Emilie. Maybe.
He’s rather overworked for a 14 y.o. boy. On top of school, he has fencing, piano and Chinese lessons. This leaves him with very little time for himself. 
He lost his mother. In Feast, Adrien expresses Emilie was a source of joy in his life--”Only Mom can make me laugh like that.” Felix marked the one year anniversary of her disappearance.  Worse still, we’re led to assume all Adrien knows is that Emilie disappeared. Did she abandon him? Was she kidnapped and killed? He doesn’t know. He has no closure regarding her absence. 
On top of losing his mother, his only remaining parent is an emotionally manipulative and abusive prick. Gabriel has denied Adrien a birthday party, threatened to take Adrien out of school just because he can, never lets him have friends over for any reason, hardly ever makes time for Adrien and only once in a blue moon will actually sit and eat a meal with the poor kid.
And on top of all of this he’s not out of the woods yet. He’s still living with his abusive father. He’s still not allowed to see his friends outside of school much. He’s still got a packed schedule. He still doesn’t have closure regarding his mother’s “disappearance.”
Looking at it like this paints Adrien in a rather sympathetic light.
 Marinette doesn’t know Gabriel is Hawk Moth either, but she does understand Adrien is lonely, isolated and in need of a source of love and comfort. She also understands to some degree that his heart is delicate, so she constantly handles him with kid gloves and looks on him with a perfection filter. 
We see how Mari reacts to upsetting Adrien in Malediktator when she softly whispers an apology after Adrien expresses his sorrow over everyone celebrating Chloe’s departure. She’s seems pained and distraught over causing him to be upset. Thus the reason Marinette calls Adrien perfect isn’t that she never sees any of his flaws--she just cannot acknowledge or process them under these conditions. Shes too busy trying not to hurt him. She also has shown some signs of having extreme anxiety, which messes with ones head and makes it difficult--nearly impossible--to think straight. She wants to be the source of love and comfort he desires (and already is in a way) so his faults go unprocessed.
But what are Adrien’s flaws?
1. He has trouble standing up for himself. 
He’ll take a stand for others.
 He stood up to Chloe on Mylene’s behalf in Horrificator and on Marinette/ Cheng Sifu’s behalf in Kung Food. He stood up to Lila in Oni-chan and Ladybug. He stood up to Gabriel in Simon Says--but as Chat Noir, not Adrien. 
There have only been two-ish instances of Adrien, not Chat Noir, standing up for himself. I say -ish only because he was kinda standing up for Lila in the first and Chloe in the second. 
First in Volpina he stood up to Ladybug for how she handled the situation with Lila. He personally believed she handled the situation poorly (which she did--there were/are serious consequences for that. still) and although he was kinda wishy-washy in conveying that it was only because he was scared of sounding too much like Chat Noir. Her partner. Her chief-of-staff. Who can and will call her out on such behavior. 
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Second in Malediktator, when he more or less told Marinette she was wrong to be happy about Chloe leaving. Granted this was partly him standing up for Chloe, but aside from her—he, Adrien, was deeply upset chloe was leaving on such bad terms and made sure Marinette understood that. 
Abused children tend to be somewhat submissive/agreeable/etc. They have trouble speaking out when they’re uncomfortable or don’t want something or think a particular action is wrong. Usually because they are anticipating some kind of punishment for speaking out or afraid of offending the other person to the point that said person wants nothing to do with them anymore, or both.
 For Adrien to fix this particular flaw, he needs to prioritize himself and his own wants more. However he also needs someone who doesn’t chastise him for doing things he likes, tending to his own needs and setting boundaries. Kagami is not that person--she’s actually quite demanding of him and cold. Her understanding of relationships isnt great either, which is why these two really aren’t that great for each other. 
2. He puts his faith in the wrong people
  Adrien’s fucking household is about as toxic as it can get (please don’t take this as a challenge, S4). On top of his immediate family consisting of his abusive, toxic, terrorist father, there’s his cousin Felix. Felix who squished cheese under Adrien’s pillow, stole his phone, pretended to be him and sent an outrageous and awful video to his friends. 
 There’s also his mother Emilie whom, despite his love and adoration of her, lied to him for who knows how long and messed around with a broken miraculous to the point it forced her into an indefinite coma and left Adrien at his father’s mercy. There are theories that she did this for her family but nothing concrete or canon has been proven--all we know is that Emilie had been having frequent dizzy spells while she was still awake and using the peacock miraculous, and that she anticipated her fate and Gabriel apparently promised to save her.
There’s Lila, as well. “She’s not dangerous. She just craves attention.” Wrong, Adrien, she’s very dangerous. She is conspiring with your father to spy on you, attempted to get Marinette expelled from school, tricked you into leaving Ladybug alone with a supervillain whom she personally requested to kill Ladybug, pinned Marinette against a bathroom wall and almost got her akumatized, actually got Marinette akumatized and nearly cost you both the Ladybug Miraculous and TIkki. She isn’t just dangerous she is an actual threat, whether or not she is the future Hawk Moth who sent Timetagger after you when you were children with time-sensitive powers. Adrien has a slightly better understanding of that after the events of Ladybug and Oni-chan, so hopefully he will be on his guard at least in regards to Lila.
 The reason for Adrien’s overly trusting nature may lie in the fact that literally everyone closest to him, everyone for the first thirteen years or so, was toxic and/or a liar. You know what happens when you can’t trust anyone around you? You live with it. You accept all these bad people as they are, without making any effort to establish healthy boundaries. Adrien certainly lived with it--how’s an abused, isolated boxed-and-sheltered son supposed to know what healthy boundaries are when he’s lacking any healthy connections? I bet he can just barely endure all the anguish but he can’t stand to be alone so he just tolerates it. Not to mention the most guilty is his father. Where else is he supposed to go?
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Like a frog sitting in a pot of water, you don’t realize you’re in trouble until the water is too hot. So you just accept it--all the bad feelings--you accept it, live with it and it still hurts but you rarely complain. Because anything is better than being alone. 
I think Adrien understands, deep down, that the love he is clinging to, the love provided by his relatives, isn’t really there. But if he looks at it too long and lets this knowledge sink in he’ll lose it. He really did lose it in Chat Blanc-- just that sky-crashing-down-on-him realization that he didn’t have his fathers love, hadn’t had it for a long time, just completely ruined our boy. 
 Of course the knowledge is there. It’s literally right there in front of his face and it’s only a matter of time before he is forced to turn and look and face the music. At which point I hope Marinette knows who he is and has a plan to save him otherwise Chat Blanc is just going to happen again. 
3. Yes, he takes the flirting too far sometimes
No--that doesn’t make him toxic.
Yes, Adrien overreacted to Ladybug never showing up in Glaciator. He shouldn’t have been upset with her in Frozen for not accepting the rose. He should have told her the damn truth about being forced to leave the city at the same time she was in the New York special. 
 However, he also apologized for overreacting in both Glaciator and Frozen. And again, abused kids live in anticipation of punishment for their mistakes. Adrien’s father has taught him that the slightest mistake can result in loss of freedom or trust, even if its circumstances beyond his control. And he now understands that Ladybug isn’t going to blindly punish him for being honest with her, which he now knows to do. 
 He makes mistakes, apologizes for them, and learns from them. That’s not fucking toxic--it’s natural, human and allowed. 
 He’s flirty and suggestive, yes, but the minute she signals she doesn’t want it or isn’t feeling it he stops. He has had immense trouble with not flirting with her, despite her telling him she isn’t interested multiple times. That much is true. But he truly and deeply cares for her and he would never force himself on her and it isn’t because he knows she’ll kick his ass if he does. It’s because unlike the vast majority of his family, he’s actually a decent human being. 
 He has even begun to “flirt platonically,” toasting their partnership and friendship rather than offering a romantic relationship she can never say yes to. If that isn’t the most soft and respectful fluff I don’t know what is.
 4. He is leading Kagami on
Did he cheat? I’m actually not sure. Thomas is being vague in his tweets and won’t give us a decent answer (because he likes “watching fandom burn”--i mean MOOD but clarify please). 
 Here’s what we know and have observed: 1. Chat Noir told Ladybug “I have a girlfriend” 2. He immediately followed that up with “It’s not good at all. I just said that to make you jealous”  3. He allowed Kagami to kiss him in the new york special 4. but he has trouble telling girls not to touch him--been a problem since episode one. Yes its generally cheek kisses chloe gives him but sometimes its not and he looked downright uncomfortable in a lot of cases of physical contact with her and with Lila 5. he seemed rather comfortable with kagami kissing him--except he did say no to her kissing him in the finale 6. but he’s also trying to move on from Ladybug and be with Kagami  7. If he were in a relationship with Kagami, he’d likely keep it a secret because both of their parents are controlling of them and may not allow it 8. His understanding of relationships and girls is kinda dreadful due to not having his mom around for advice and his father’s general lack of a concept of what healthy romantic relationships and boundaries are, and, as Nino put it, not being able to understand signals very well
Adrien’s current relationship status is up in the air. I’m about eighty percent certain he’s dating Kagami--but there’s still that twenty percent chance he’s not.
 Putting aside the question of whether or not he and Kagami are official, Adrien’s been attempting to move past his feelings for Ladybug. Which--won’t sugarcoat it--he kinda sucks at. At the same time, Kagami is aware he is in love with another but lacks the understanding that his moving on will take time. 
 The main issues here is that Adrien knows who he wants but can’t have her. Kagami is a wonderful person herself and he wants to get to know her better, but they aren’t really a good match and they are both going to get hurt in the end (Love Victor anyone???). Until that happens we are going to have some questionable moments in the show, and we just need to remember that Adrien is a child with a poor understanding of relationships, and not an evil person. Kagami doesn’t necessarily have a great understanding of them either--”Your indecision hurts me Adrien,” “Adrien you and I are perfect for each other!”--and she has flaws of her own she needs to unlearn. 
 For the time being, Adrien is leading Kagami on (it needs to be said--even if they aren’t dating he’s flirted with her, given her roses etc.) I say leading her on because, no matter how much Adrien believes Marinette is just a friend and they weren’t flirting in New York, loyal boyfriends who wish to be monogamous don’t dance with other women.
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 Or look this happy when that other woman touches them
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Does this make Adrien a deceitful and hateful character? No. Does this make him an unworthy character? No. It makes him an abused child with little to no concept of healthy relationships. 
Also Adrien’s friends, including Marinette, have no reason to believe he is dating Kagami. They know he is interested in her and she in him, but as Nino said, Adrien has a hard time picking up signals and understanding their meaning. Not to mention the boy is fifteen. Flirting skills, understanding boundaries, and other relationship concepts are a challenge even for ordinary fifteen year olds in healthy environments to grasp--case in point: Marinette.
Adrigami and Lukanette are simply not going to end well. The Love Square is the endgame and ultimately both Lukanette and Adrigami are going to fall apart to make that happen--I knew that going into the possible Adrigami and Lukanette  territory that the finale created.
 Kagami is a strong, intelligent person--she’s likely going to be the one to end it given what we’ve seen. I don’t like to think about what might happen then--she may be akumatized and Chat Noir would feel rather guilty and may not be able to fight her. But they will both come out of it with something they needed--Kagami will understand (as Marinette needs to) that Adrien isn’t her perfect soul mate incapable of making mistakes. Adrien will understand relationships better. 
 Its unfortunate that this has to happen in order for Adrien to learn due lessons, given that he actually does have someone who can talk to him about girls and relationships and loyalty: Nino.
 Given what Nino wasted no time in scolding Mari for spying on Adrien and Lila when she confessed doing so in Chameleon, as well as how he treats Alya, I undoubtedly believe Nino would be the one to come out and say “You can’t dance with Marinette when you’re with Kagami.” 
 Assuming he is with Kagami. 
In conclusion: Adrien is flawed but not deserving of hate. He is a traumatuzed child stuck in a toxic household who lacks proper mentors. Marinette, Alya and Nino are out of the loop about his potential relationship with Kagami. And Marinette and Kagami both need to acknowledge Adrien is imperfect. Nino and Adrien need to do guy talk like two seasons ago. 
Also Marinette probably has some intense anxiety issues. But more on that later.
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minnochu · 4 years
Wonderwall (pt. 7)
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Yoongi x f!Reader
Cursed | Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 
A/N: It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated Wonderwall. Mostly because I’ve hit a wall in the storyline and where I want to take this story. I know it was kind of a big WTF AUTHOR when I made Cursed a figment of Reader’s coma-induced dream, but yknow... I love angst like a mf ;’). 
The meeting with the solo artist goes without a hitch. You take the instructions from the general manager seriously, doing your best to learn and memorize as much as you can so you don’t hinder Yoongi. It keeps you busy at work, and that gives you a sense of purpose and confidence. A feeling you were missing before the incident, and now you feel invigorated and motivated to meet Yoongi’s expectations as his assistant. 
Everything seemed great, nothing could knock you down.
Beyond work hours however, this has to be the fourth time now that Namjoon can’t make dinner at home with you. The following morning of the first absence, he stumbles into the kitchen when he wakes up with your side of the bed empty. His hair is an absolute mess, eyes distraught and groggy as he looks around in a state of panic to find you at the stove. You had heard his loud shuffling from the bedroom, doors whining from being ripped open and closed. Arms had wrapped around you from behind, his nose buried into your hair with a relieved sigh.
It had momentarily relieved you to feel him close to you. Almost making you forget of his prior absence.
“I thought I lost you again,” his baritone voice, laced with the remnants of sleep, whispered into your neck that morning, his hands quivering at your waist. You almost hated yourself for even having any minuscule ounce of contempt for him leaving you to have dinner by yourself. The poor man was probably scarred by your attempt at your life, waking up with you gone must have been terrifying. 
It had only made you feel worse about your growing interest in Min Yoongi, like you were taking Namjoon’s love and throwing it on the floor, stamping all over it with your feet. All for what? A coma-induced dream? A man who you knew nothing about, only from the made up persona your mind had made up of him.
Nights like these, however? You didn’t feel remorse. Your phone feels like it’s burning into your thigh, weighing down and tucked into the pocket of your dress pants. Declining Hoseok’s offer to walk you home once again, you find yourself perusing the local market for a beer and maybe some quick meal you can fix up for yourself. After the first two times the dancer had walked you home, you felt like you were only becoming a bother to have him take you home constantly.
You assume Namjoon has dinner before he returns home in the ass crack of two in the morning, your dinner for two usually sitting nicely in the fridge - untouched - when you wake up the morning after. Perhaps, you can spare yourself the pity party in the morning with a fulfilling meal for just yourself, some alcohol, and a cringy romance movie on Netflix - one your teenage self would have cried and gushed over.
“What are you doing?” 
You blink, torn from your thoughts to find yourself staring rather harshly at a pack of raw chicken wings. Looking up, you darn yourself for looking like a fool when Yoongi is standing there - in all his stupidly handsome glory - with a sooty eyebrow cocked. Glancing between the meat in your hands and your boss, you blink multiple times before your face goes nearly beet red. It was starting to get weird when he was expecting a response, and you were most definitely gawking at him like an owl.
“Uh, just wondering what I should eat for dinner tonight.”
He eyes the four pack of beer in your shopping basket, then the chicken wings in your hand before snorting. “Someone kick your puppy? Looks like you’re about to cry yourself to sleep with a terrible romcom movie.”
Ouch. Right on the dot, you wince, and he notices this with a frown.
“Where’s Joon?”
“Meeting with a client probably, he’ll probably be coming home late again,” you say flippantly, tossing the wings into your basket and moving on to look for ingredients for the sauce, “What about Jinri?”
You don’t mean to put a distasteful emphasis on the word “again”, but it leaves your mouth and your boss catches it easily with a cocked brow. If he did or didn’t, you didn’t know as he doesn’t show any reaction.
“She’s got a job out of the city for overnight, thought I’d kick back with a drink tonight,” he muses, glancing down at the identical pack of beer in his hands, “She usually cooks, so I’m kind of useless in the kitchen.”
Say it. You bite your lip. Say it.
No. Don’t say it. That’s inappropriate.
“Did you want to join me? F-for dinner, I mean… Just beer and some hot wings… and a movie…”
Fuck, why did you say it?
“That’s a little inappropriate, (Y/n),” Yoongi cracks a sly smirk and you immediately start backtracking with your cheeks burning brightly in embarrassment. Shame and humility hitting you square in the face at the obvious reaction as your stomach flips with dread at the consequence of your stupid mouth.
I mean, what else were you expecting him to say? Oh yes (Y/n), I would love to, not that I, a taken man - who also happens to be your boss - finds anything wrong with having dinner with a taken woman such as yourself. It’s totally appropriate with the way you’ve been constantly thinking about him either. 
“N-no, well, you’re right, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound that way… I just meant it as a friendly offer and thanks for giving me this job and you know…” 
You’re stammering, tripping over words and barely breathing to the point that your face has gone pink in its entirety and Yoongi finds that cute.
Wait. What?
“I’ll accept your invite, free food amirite?” He shrugs, his lips twitching into a slight smile at your explosion. His eyes glance elsewhere, chewing the inside of his cheek at the thought. 
Damn him, you sigh in exasperation, although relieved. Relieved that he didn’t clown you for inviting him, or that he was willing to eat dinner and drink you with you, you weren’t sure.
As you prepare the chicken, leaving the wings to marinade in the spicy sauce you made, you faintly hear Yoongi in the living room put on a movie.
“I hope you don’t mind, I put on Inception,” He says, walking into the kitchen area to watch over your cooking prep. Although you shoo him back to the living room, more than slightly self conscious to have Yoongi watching you cook for the two of you.
That and you didn’t want the possible torture your heart might go through, thinking about just how slightly domestic it felt cooking for the two of you. Such thoughts were dangerous. And right now, growing fond of or anywhere near more than your obvious attraction was not good for your heart or your relationship with Namjoon. Even if he barely had time to spend with you. 
Inception. It was a good movie. You move in and out of the kitchen to catch glimpses of the beginning sequences to work on the chicken and some simple side dishes before you can finally bring out the finished products when the movie has reached a little passed the half way point. You almost feel bad for having to tear his eyes away from the screen when he looks so invested in the happenings of the film. 
“Smells good,” he comments as you set the dishes on the coffee table, he helps out in popping off the caps of two beers, offering one to you, “Have you watched before?”
And it goes on like this. Casually eating and small talk about the movie until the credits roll and you pick out the next movie since he had picked the first one. So, without further ado, you go with your original pick, with or without Yoongi being there.
A romcom.
His face goes from relaxed and content to sour with distaste real quick. It’s adorable, you quietly note despite yourself.
“Explain to me… why we’re watching this cringey piece of shit?” Yoongi groans ten minutes into the romance movie you put on.
“Listen, I was originally planning on drowning myself in terrible romance movies and beer before you joined in, deal with it.”
“You’re the one who invited me.”
“How do you even handle that amount of second hand embarrassment?!” He later whines, showing more emotion than you’ve ever seen from him in the last few weeks you’ve known the man. It must’ve been the alcohol loosening him up, which was weird when you thought he’d have more of a better tolerance than you did. 
His complaining stops eventually and he no longer makes a snort of indignation at extra cliche scenes and you wonder if he had fallen asleep... And fall asleep he had. 
You glance over and have to suck in a breath when you catch the way his head happens to fall off his palm and onto the back of the couch cushions. His dark lashes have fallen over his pale cheeks, his pink lips left ajar as his chest rises and falls steadily. 
This was most definitely a bad idea to invite him over. You have to will yourself to ignore the very sexy man sleeping on the other side of couch. Pressing your cheek to your fist, you can’t help but sigh as you look on at the male sleeping beside you. It just wasn’t even possible. How were you able to replicate his physical details in your dream, without even knowing the man? 
Don’t let him get to you, you think with a frown, there’s absolutely no reason you should be pining over him. 
You don’t know him. You certainly weren’t even single, nor was he.
Carefully, you pull a fleece blanket over his body, one that you keep folded neatly on one of the armrests for nights like these. Settling back into your space, you yawn, glancing at him before you drag your eyes back to the front to watch the movie. As it drags on, you find your eyelids growing heavier and heavier.
Yoongi wakes up suddenly when the credits start rolling, end song blaring in an upbeat tune. His eyes groggily roam the dimly lit living room, squinting at the bright light coming from the television screen. He makes out the shapes of the empty dishes stacked on the coffee table, along with the bottles of beer the both of you had finished. Shifting slightly, he notices the light blanket that’s been settled over his body. You must’ve draped it over him when he’d fallen asleep during the movie.
Speaking of you, he turns his head slightly to gaze over your slumbering form curled against the other side of the couch. You hug a pillow close to your middle, breathing steadily as he shifts to get a better look at you. 
Reaching out to wake you, he grimaces and stops himself. He only allows himself to watch as you shift in your sleep, body unconsciously moving into a more comfortable position. Staring down at his hand apprehensively. 
Clicking his tongue, he pulls the blanket over your form before making work at putting away the dishes as carefully and quietly as he could into the sink and arrange the bottles in the bin designated for recycling. 
He’s stayed far longer than he thought he would. Carefully closing the front door behind him, Yoongi turns to leave when he’s startled by Namjoon standing there with his keys in hand. The latter stares back in disbelief and confusion, blinking multiple times as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
Clearing his throat, Yoongi decided enough was enough with the awkward gawking, “What a surprise running into you Joon-ah.”
“It would seem so, since this is my apartment, if I’m not mistaken, hyung,” the younger answers back, restoring his composure, “Might I ask… why were you in my apartment?”
“No harm in asking why you’re out late, neglecting your girlfriend then?” Yoongi shrugs nonchalantly, catching the way his co-worker winces at that, “Don’t even bother giving me that client bullcrap either. She’s not dumb, it may fool her for now, but it doesn’t faze me.”
“I don’t see why you need to concern yourself with someone else’s girlfriend, speaking of which, where’s yours?”
“Out of town with an actual reason than your half-assed excuse,” the elder grunts, “(Y/n) was about to drown herself in beer and terrible romance movies, would you like to explain?”
Namjoon flinches at the word drown, and Yoongi notices, only ever knowing the gist of what had happened a few months ago. 
“It has nothing to do with you.”
It was better to leave it at that. The elder shrugs, shoving his hands in his pockets before stepping aside to leave.
“Make sure you move her from the couch, she might get a cold,” He calls back just as the click of the door signals that it’s been closed behind the other male. Suddenly, he feels empty. 
No no no. He shook his head. That had nothing to do with him. He faltered mid-step. The more he thought about it, he thought about how sad and lonely you had appeared at the store. The more he thought about it, he felt angry for you, and the way Namjoon was treating you. He hadn’t known you for long, but you were a nice girl, a handy assistant so far, a good cook from what he could tell, and damn well gorgeous. 
That last one was a bit… 
That was besides the point. You didn’t deserve to be stood up by Namjoon, but it wasn’t his place to meddle with your problems or with you in the first place. The two of you were strictly professional.
With a heavy sigh, he leaves reluctantly. 
Come morning, you have to hear all about the night before from a fuming Namjoon. You wake up before him like usual, dressed for work and doing away in the kitchen. You’d like to delude yourself into thinking that Yoongi was a real gentleman and carried you to your bedroom when you had most definitely fallen asleep watching teenage romance flicks with him. The way your boyfriend’s eyebrows knit together and the imminent scowl on his handsome face when he came out of the bedroom had begged to differ.
“What the fuck was that last night?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Good morning to you too.” 
He’s not entirely taking it, his expression not letting up. “Was what Joon?” You finally sigh as you finish setting the table, but he doesn’t look like he’s sitting down to eat any time soon.
“Don’t act dumb (Y/n), why was Yoongi leaving here last night?”
And there it was. What was the coincidence that Namjoon had caught Yoongi leaving your apartment last night? 
“Well maybe because we’re friends and coworkers who decided to have dinner and drinks?” You shrugged, opting to make yourself a cup of coffee because, surely, this conversation was going to suck the life out of you for the day. You were gonna need it. “Why does me getting along with Yoongi concern you? Doesn’t seem like you bother to come home and have dinner with me anyways.”
He scoffs. The sound igniting irritation that you hoped wouldn’t show itself. 
“I’m working (Y/n), I thought you knew that.”
“And I’m merely having dinner with a friend, would you have the same reaction if I was having Hobi over for dinner and drinks?” You bite back a little too harshly. 
“You know it’s different.”
“And you should know that I have you, and Yoongi has Jinri.” A frown settles on your face, suddenly having no appetite for the breakfast you slaved over and the coffee you were in the middle of brewing.
The exhale that comes out of Namjoon is rough and full of frustration. His fingers ruffle his tousled beige locks. 
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s whatever I guess.”
He shakes his head, inhaling deeply and exhaling with an exaggerated rise and fall of his shoulders as he turns to head back to your shared room. He doesn’t look back and frankly, you don’t really know what to say to mend the situation. 
Ah… He’s mad. You think as you glance at your phone for any new messages from Namjoon. 
You sit in the lounge, glaring down at your lunch. Or well, much of your untouched breakfast this morning after Namjoon’s confrontation. 
Was it really your fault for inviting Yoongi over? The more you thought about it, it did seem like a bad idea to invite your very attractive boss for dinner and drinks. Perhaps the absence of your boyfriend had really gotten to you and made you desperate. Maybe you should have asked Hoseok to join you after all. You and Namjoon would still have been on speaking terms and everything would be okay.
The chilled surface of a can shocks you out of your daze. Your body flinching away from the sudden coldness. Squinting up at the offending item, your eyes followed the can of iced coffee to it’s owner to see Yoongi staring down at you. The ghost of that damned smirk playing on his lips. 
“Are you sure you don’t have a dog? Someone must’ve kicked it real hard.”
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lovemychoices · 5 years
Before There Was You-5B
Song Inspiration : Ruelle - War of Hearts
Three years ago while travelling in Europe, Eve Sommers was involved in a car accident. She woke up from her coma two weeks later with no memory of what happened to her in the past seven months. Three years later and still no recollection about what happened to her before the accident. But all of that is about to change. Will she finally know the truth? Will there be consequences?
Characters except my OCs belong to Pixelberry, I am just borrowing them
Word count : 2300.
Chapter Summary: It’s the night of the masquerade ball will Eve impress the royal family?
A/N : This is my first fiction series so it will definitely not be 100% perfect. In other words be kind :). Feedback and comments are welcomed, also hit that reblog button if you like what you read. Sorry for any grammatical errors! I only proof read this like once or twice.
So this is my last posting of the series for this week. Chapter 6 will come up sometime next? I’ve honestly been having a bit of block lately 🤣 But no worries I won’t leave ya hanging for too long.
Catch up with the series HERE
Warning : I’m rating this PG18 cause there will probably be PG18 stuff that’s going to happen in future chapters. So if you read this series you acknowledge that you are 18 and above.
BTWY TAGLISt: @thecordoniandiaries @leelee10898 @ao719 @annekebbphotography @desiree-0816 @rainbowsinthestorm @emceesynonymroll @the-soot-sprite @carabeth @cora-nova @charliejane-blog @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @cmestrella @jlpplays1 @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @kingliam2019
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As the clock struck six, Liam took his place in the palace foyer next to his father the King and stepmother the Queen and started to greet their guests as they entered. Each time someone approached Liam would take a peak at the person standing behind hoping that it would be Eve. Outside he was stoic but inside he was as anxious and excited as a five year old at a theme park, after their short encounter this morning he couldn’t wait to see her again and introduces her to his family. He finally catches a glimpse of her standing in line behind Lady Kiara, she might have been wearing a mask but he’d remember those emerald eyes and smile anywhere.
Finally it was her turn to walk up and greet the royal family. “Good evening your Majesties.” She greets with a curtsy and a soft smile. “Thank you for inviting me to join the social season it’s such an honour.”
“Father, Regina. I’d like you to meet Eve Sommers, she is the one I have been telling you about.” Liam smiles as he introduces her. The King and Queen both scan her head to toe, she looks the part but can she pull the act. They thought to themselves. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Eve, Liam was so excited when you accepted his invitation. I Eve you’ll have a wonderful stay throughout this Event and look forward to seeing more of you.” Constantine says with a rueful smile on his face.
“Thank you your Sir, I’m sure I will.” She grins and turns to face Liam.
“Eve why don’t you go and join the rest inside the ballroom. I’ll see you in a bit. Save me a dance?” He smiled with a wink.
“I will be looking forward to it your highness.” She grins dipping a low curtsy before walking away.
Walking through the large white with gold trim doors a little gasp of awe escapes Eve as took in the sight of the magnificent ballroom. They didn’t call it the Grand ballroom for nothing. The room had a huge ceiling decorated with paintings, massive crystal chandeliers hung above illuminating the entire room. The walls were consumed by great arched windows finely decorated with gold paint which matched the velvet drapes. Eve continues to decends down the grand staircase scanning the room for someone she knows. Where is Maxwell? she thinks, it was so hard to tell which of these nobles was him with everyone wearing a mask. She notices Hana standing by one of the table tops, she could recognise her from her outfit which she wore when they ran into each other earlier on. She smiles and proceeds to walk towards Hana when she feels someone pull her to the side as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“So you must be the infamous Eve Sommers I’ve been hearing about this past month.” The Red head woman sneers. Eve yanks her arm off the Redheads grip scanning her head to toe trying to figure out who she is only to smile when she does. “You must be Olivia, Liam told me about you.”
“That’s Duchess Olivia Nevrakis to you.” She retorts with both hands placed on her waist. “And if Liam told you about me then you’ll also know that we’re very close and I love him like a brother, so if you EVER hurt him intentionally.” She roughly pulls Eve close to her and whispers in an intimidating voice. “I carry knives under my outfits wherever I go and wouldn’t hesitate to use one on you should I need to.”
“Olivia!” Drake hisses, his eyes narrowed at her. Olivia gave him a sharp sneer, she let’s go of Eve’s arm and straightens the wrinkles on her dress. “It was nice talking to you Eve, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other very soon.” She smirks then walks away.
Drakes steps closer to Eve rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry about that, Olivia can be a little bit protective when it comes to Liam.”
“She’s not the only one.” Eve shrugs. “And you didn’t have to step in, I could have handled it on my own.”
Drake heaves a sigh. “Look, I’m sorry if I was an ass back on the plane. I didn’t mean to make it sound like you were a crown chaser cause you’re not Eve, I know that. I was just trying to protect you to protect Liam, this place might look all glittery and glamorous on the outside but behind the curtains shit happens. Especially to commoners like us, just be carefull alright?”
Eve’s lips forms into a thin smile and gently nods. “I understand your concern but I can take care of myself, plus if you think nobles like Olivia scare me you should see the mean girls I had to deal with in prep school.”
Drake chuckles “No thanks, I’ll take my chances with the Olivia. So anyway are we still friends? He asks holding out his hand.
Eve smiles and shakes his hand in agreement.“Friends. Now I’m hungry, wanna get some food to eat by the horderves table?”
Drake snorts “I’m not sure those are classified as foods but sure why not.”
After all the guests have arrived it was finally time for the royal family to take their place by the entrance of the ballroom. Liam took a deep breath and exhaled as he waited to the herald to announce their entry, he could wait to see Eve again and have their first dance together.
Eve, Drake, Hana and Maxwell were standing near one of the high tables enjoying their drinks while chatting when the herald announces the Royal families arrival. First enters the King and Queen followed by Prince Liam from behind.
“Heads up little blossom.” Maxwell nudges with a wink as Liam approaches their direction.
“Eve...May I have this dance?” He asks with a soft smile. “It would be my pleasure your highness.” She grins.
Liam takes her hand and whisks her out onto the dance floor of the grand ballroom. All the nobles started to stare some began whispering to each other, all wondering who the mystery woman who got the prince attention was. Was she a princess or a duchess maybe from a foreign country? The look on their faces when they knew she was nothing more than a commoner and not just that an American as well.
As the orchestra plays the music, Liam leads Eve in a waltz around the room. They both glide effortlessly together and soon the other nobles began to join in.
“Your pretty good at this.” Liam grins. “Your not too bad yourself Mr.” She winks playfully. “Honestly I didn’t even know I could waltz until today it all just came naturally to me. I hope I’m doing it right.”
Liam chuckles. “You’re doing fine as long as you don’t step on any toes. So I see you’ve managed to make some new friends.”
Eve snorts. “Yeah Drake may not admit it but I know he’s starting to warm up to me and I met Hana in the boutique earlier on she seems nice.”
“That’s good to know.” He smiles and they continue to dance.
A few moments later the song starts to wind down, Liam’s hand still lingers on Eves waist, He’s eyes searching hers.
“Eve there’s something I need to tell you, I haven’t been really honest about why invited you here and—.”
“Ahem, sorry the two of you but if you don’t mind Eve, I’d like to cut in, me and the prince have a few matters to discuss.” Olivia interrupts with a smirk.
“Oh… of course.” Liam says with a rueful smile and turns to Eve. “Sorry, I’ll find you once I’m done and then we’ll talk?”
Eve gives a light nod and walks away from the dance floor. I could you a drink. She thought and walks towards the champagne table. She’s about to take a glass when she hears some of the ladies talking about her a few meters away.
“Can you believe she’s a commoner?” One of the ladies mocks as she scans Eve from Head to toe. “She does have great taste though, I love that dress.”
“I heard she and the prince met when he was on vacation in New York apparently they spent time together while he was there. They had a connection.”
“It doesn’t matter if she and the prince have a connection, she’ll never last a week in court.” A woman with blonde hair and green eyes shrugs.
Eves jaw began to clench her grip on champagne flute began to tighten. If they were in New York she’d probably give them a piece of her mind, but she knew she couldn’t not without embarrassing Liam. Breathe in breathe out, you’ve dealt with meaner girls in highschool. She thinks to herself. “I need to get some air.” She says and heads to the balcony with a drink in her hand.
Leo leans towards the balcony looking out at the palace gardens taking a sip of his scotch. He could hear the faint sounds of nobles chatting and gossiping from behind him. He always hated how two faced the nobles could be, always out and about in other people's business, most of them would stab the other in the back if they thought it benefited them. It was the reason why he chose to stay for the social season he needed to be there for his brother especially now that Liam needed to prove that Eve would be the perfect Queen for Cordonia and for him, it's the least he could do after he abdicated and left this hell of a mess behind.
Eve’s the girl his brother is head over heels for, the same girl he fell in love with three years ago and even still till this very day. He snorts as he thought about the irony of it all, but she deserves better and so does his brother.
He is slowly pulled from his thoughts when he hears the sound of soft clicks from someone's heels walking towards him a gust of wind blew by and he could smell her perfume from where he was standing, he’d recognise that scent anywhere.
“Hey you,” Eve greets him with a smile, “I didn’t see you with the rest of the royal family when I came in, where were you?
“Formality isn’t really my thing.” He grins. “I prefer sneaking into parties. It’s easier to avoid the spotlight that way.”
She chuckles at his answer and he smiled. He always loved it when she smiled or laughed. It was good to know after all these years how good she was doing for herself, then again she couldn’t remember all the heartbreak he had put her through, the secrets and lies he kept from her during their six months together.
“So Eve, why are you out here instead of in there by my brothers side?” He asks.
“Well Olivia interupted us, said she had some thing to discuss with Liam. I couldn’t find anyone nice to talk to so here I am.” She answers and take a sip of her drink.
Their conversation was cut short by Liam as he walks out onto the balcony looking for Eve. “There you are I’ve been looking all over for you” Liam smiles, walking right next to Eve wrapping one arm on her waist while leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Sorry that took a little longer than expected.”
“It’s okay, the duties of a prince.” She winks.
“Leo, what are you doing alone out here? Normally you’d be with Maxwell by now having one your shenanigans.” Liam jokes.
Leo chuckles. “The night is still young brother, but speaking of Maxwell I’d better go find him before he does anything stupid without me.” Leo looks between Liam and Eve. “Besides I’m sure the two of you must have a lot of catching up to do.” He winks playfully then leaves in a huff.
Liam turns to Eve and takes her hand in his smiling fondly at her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t spend much time with you earlier on.If there is anything I can do to make it up to you.”
“Well.” She paused for a moment biting her lower lip. “I did remember you promised me a personal tour around the palace.”
Liam chuckles. “That could be arranged in a few minutes, but there's something I need to tell you.” He took her hand in his. Eve purses her lips, she wonders where this is going. “Eve, I haven’t been completely honest with you. By the end of the social season my father will be stepping down and I will take his place as king.”
“Wow that’s amazing news Liam, congratulations.” She beamed then searches his eyes, she could tell from the look he gave that there was more to it than he’s letting on. She lifts her eyebrows as her smile slowly fades. “But there’s something else?”
Liam give a slight nod his lips forming into a thin line. “Cordonia traditions and law demand that a prince has to be married or at least engaged before the night of his coronation.”
“Oh but that means—.”
“I have to pick someone as my fiancée by the end of the social season. My father proposed that I take Countess Madeleine a my future wife but I rejected his idea because,” Liam paused biting his lower lip, he felt his heart racing afraid of how she would react from what he was going to say. “Eve, I like you a lot and getting to know you this past month was the most happiest I’ve ever been and I wonder if you feel the same way because I want us to be something more.”
Eve cups Liam’s cheek with both hands and looked into his eyes. “Liam, I like you too. But asking me to be your fiancée when we’ve only known each other for more than a month that just sounds reckless.”
“Eve, I’m not asking you to marry me right away but at least give us a chance until the end of a social season. We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other see if we’re compatible.”
Eve lets go of his face, her lips forming a thin line. “And if we’re not? If either of us realises this is not what we want? Liam we’re not just talking about potentially destroying our relationship but our friendship as well.”
“It won’t I promise you, no matter what happens, no matter what you chose.” Liam said, once again taking her hand in his giving it a soft squeeze. “So what do you say Evelyn Sommers? Five months is all I ask for you to give me a chance. To make you fall in love and sweep you off your feet. Are you willing to give this a try? Are you willing to give us a try?”
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rpgwrites · 5 years
Diabetes Day: My Story
For Diabetes Day I decided to say how my experiences have been over the years including how I was diagnosed. Please know I’ll only talk about Type 1.
I also have a diabetes blog @lifeofadiabeticlove
Warnings for needles and medical equipment. And please note that I was diagnosed at the age of six. 
So, I have been a diabetic for 16 years which is a very long time. I remember when it was 10 years I had to stop and think. Because, I couldn’t believe that I had this thing for so long. If I remember correctly it was in a doctor’s office. Another person asking how long I had this for, I started to count on my finger as I’ve done countless time and then I realized...it’s been 10 freaking years. 
But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let me first tell the story of how I was diagnosed. 
Although I was diagnosed at the age of 6 I showed clear symptoms at 5. My mom used to say I already had diabetes by then. I remembered the symptoms I’ve shown. I was so tired all the time. I slept a lot. Thirst was a big big problem with me. I would have this thirst that would never go away. I would drink and drink until I was so full of water, but yet my thirst wasn’t clenched. Later my paents, my mother mostly, had this rule of not drinking anything past 6pm. And this was really hard for me. I also went to the toilet A LOT. Like really a lot. And so so hungry. People used to say they couldn’t believe how I could eat so much yet be so thin. My family used to joke there was a hole in my stomach to where all the food disapeared too.
These are the most memorable symptoms I had. I also remember what I now know is to have a low. My hands were shaking my tongue felt numb and I felt weak. But after I ate something I felt so much better. 
My mom is a nurse and she used to talk to her co-worker and friend about these symptoms I had. She used to tell my mother to just test my sugar. Months went by where she didn’t until one day she took a testing meter from work. They said she could borrow it. The one morning I was getting ready for school, not wanting to go to school at all because I hated kindergarten. So she told me to sit on my bed I thought I did something wrong but did as she told. Then she began to test my sugar. It was strange, I didn’t understand why she pricked my finger or why my blood was needed. She was shocked by the results. Please forgive me it has been 16 years and I was really young at that time but the results were nearby 32 point something. And that’s really high.
But I didn’t need to go to school which I was very happy about. We went to the doctor’s office and the doctor called one of his co-workers. The other doctor thought I was in a coma and was shocked to hear I was playing with toys at the time. I went for blood tests and I remember this so well. My mother promised if I behave well she buy me a chocolate. Which of course I wasn’t even allowed to eat. I can’t remember if I ever got the chocolate or not. But the funny thing about me at that age was that I didn’t have much love for sugar, sweets, cookies, etc. I loved healthy food and fruit, that type of thing. 
Things were strange when I admitted at the hospital. I didn’t understand what was going on. And when the trolley with sweets came and nurses said I’m not allowed to get any I didn’t understand why. But lol the girl that was in the bed beside me gave me something(maybe she saw how shocked I was)  for which I was thankful for. At visiting time my mom came so I told her about this incident. She gave me a strange look and explained to me that I’m a diabetic and I’ll need to make some lifestyle choices. My kindergarten classmates made me this book of pictures they made to wish a speedy recovery. Then the nurse came with my insulin just before she wanted to inject me my mother stopped her. “She should do it,” my mother said. 
I looked at the injection and didn’t want to do it. “You need to learn how to inject yourself,” she explained. I thought it was cruel. I didn’t understand why I should do it. I didn’t want to put a needle into my skin, it seemed unpleasant. The nurse excused herself and my mom looked at me and said, “You’re a big girl now. Kids you’re age learned this a long time ago”. So for just the sake of proving myself I did it. And it wasn’t so bad. 
In the end I was thankful that I learned then  to do it. Adults would come to me with sorry looks, which I hated, and they couldn’t believe that a 6 year old could inject herself. And then the comments came.
Comments like, “Why are you a diabetic? Did you eat too much sugar?” It made me mad because what they said was that I did this to myself. And today I hate comments like this. But if you hear something a lot you’ll start to believe it. And I started to think, that maybe it was my fault and I had this struggle. Because I knew I didn’t eat too much sugar. I knew a lot of other kids ate a lot more than I did, so I wondered, why did I have to become a diabetic but they don’t. It didn’t seem fair. So one day I asked my mom if this was my fault, if I ate too much sugar. She assured me it wasn’t true, that, that wasn’t a cause of diabetes. 
And speak about all of this because I was a kid that was diagnosed if you feel sorry for them because they need to go for blood tests, prick fingers, and inject themselves do it so that they don’t see it. I get it. I really do. A kid doing these things isn’t the best mental image but they don’t see it like that. I can only say how it was for me. For me it was like a basic need. We do it because we have no other choice.
As a kid I’d get these awful lows. It was attacks. I’d wake up screaming like something horrible was happening. And yes, I made some people freak out. Not on purpose of course. This was terrible experiences for me. But thank goodness I don’t get them like this anymore.  
As a kid my mom used to say, “You can be a sick diabetic or a healthy diabetic.” I get what she was saying and that is all good and well. But if you try and not succeed it’s not the best thing. Which leads me to this. Do not talk about other people losing their leg because of diabetes. We know the risks. Believe me the diagrams at the doctor offices puts enough fear into us for that. We know what diabetes can do to us. That there can be awful consequences. This is really important. And my mom used to use this tactic a lot. We’d go to the mall and there would be a man in a wheel chair that had an amputated leg so she’ll say, “You see that man. He have diabetes. He didn’t look after himsef they had to amputate it.” It’s not an assuring thought. 
Well folks that’s from me. 16 years of sitting with this have taught me a thing of two. This post ended being really long so I’ll make another post. Explaing some things I’ve experienced what people said to me, etc. 
May everyone have a fantastic Diabetes Day 2019. And for those that did not know, Diabetes Day is on 14 November because it was Sir Frederick Banting ‘s birthday. Who is he? In 1922 he and Charles Best co-discovered insulin. And this diabetic right here is very thankful for it. I probably wouldn’t have been here without insulin. Which makes the fact that some can’t afford insulin heartbreaking. 
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timeisacephalopod · 5 years
Request ABO-au, Tony is the Omega mate to alpha Bucky Barnes and about to have there first child unfortunately due to all the trauma Tony's body has been under his whole life complications arise at the birth of their child, The avengers return to find a newborn child but the precious Omega that gave birth to this beautiful baby now lies in a coma due to the extreme blood loss or whatever else you can think of. Now The avengers are forced to raise this child and pray that Tony wakes up soon.
Ok, so mpreg squicks me out, not for me at all, so I’ve just made Tony a woman for the purposes of this fic. The rest stays relatively true to the prompt, though I didn’t necessarily focus on child rearing.
Christ, Tony didn’t think this would happen and even Rhodey looks put out. “What the hell is this?” he asks, gesturing to a hovering Bucky and Tony’s tempted to kick him out of the lab but the last time she tried that he broke back in and it wasn’t a pleasant mess to clean up.
She sighs, “pregnancy brain,” she tells him and Rhodey frowns.
“I thought pregnancy brain was a… pregnancy thing. Clearly he’s not knocked up,” he points out.
No, but her scent does seem to have created some type of weird reaction that has him in, as best as they can tell, a state somewhere between Bucky’s normal and Winter Soldier state. Except he shouldn’t have a Winter Soldier state. Either way she’s kind of pissed off that he keeps invading her space but if she gives him the boot he shows back up with a vengeance and Steve got tossed out a window last week so she figures she’ll deal with it. He’s mostly harmless anyway, at least to her.
“Yeah, uh. Apparently not. We aren’t sure why he’s like this but don’t get too close. If he’s willing to toss Steve out a window I don’t know what he’ll do to you,” she says. She feels bad, but she laughed when Clint got punched square in the face for getting too close. Serves him right for being a massive fucking prick who definitely doesn’t deserve his wife but still, she wouldn’t be impressed if Rhodey got punched.
Rhodey’s gives her a look, “take him to a damn therapist or something, Tony!”
“Tried that. Sam refuses to do that twice,” she says. “And he’s still a little upset about Steve being thrown out a window.” He’d been all offended and honestly Tony doesn’t get it. Of all the people that could have gotten tossed Steve’s the most durable so he should deal with it. So what if his boyfriend went sky diving with no parachute? Be bounced off the ground a little and was fine. At least it wasn’t Clint. Without his arrows he’s useless so that would have been an unpleasant mess to clean up.
“He’s a danger to people!” Rhodey says and he must get a little too close because Bucky steps forward and Tony grabs his arm, yanking him back.
“Hurt him and I’ll throw you out a window,” she tells him. He listens to her. Mostly.
“You’re just going to deal with that for ten months?” Rhodey asks and Tony shrugs.
“More than half that time has already passed so,” she shrugs. Besides, Bucky isn’t always Caveman Brain, sometimes he’s normal.
Rhodey sighs. “Why couldn’t you have picked someone normal. Steve would have been nice,” he says and Tony wrinkles her nose.
“Steve is corn field hot,” she says in way of an explanation. And also Sam called dibs, so.
Whoever the hell said pregnancy is beautiful needs their goddamn eyes checked or maybe Tony thinks that because of all the bullshit she’s dealt with over the last few months. Pregnancy seems difficult for anyone, but with the reactor, history of addiction, and all the being beat up on a regular basis it hasn’t done her body any favors. Her blood pressure is consistently too high despite eating the way she should be, her heart rate hasn’t been normal in years, and having something both below and on top of her lungs has made breathing more difficult.
But she deals with it and its not really that bad anyway. No fetal abnormalities either, so that’s good, even if she’d like her breathing space back. She could probably say something to someone but frankly she’s going to have to deal with all these problems anyway so she mostly keeps it between her and her doctors. So there are problems, every pregnancy has them.
They’re on their way back in when they find her. Rhodey thought it was kind of odd that she hadn’t said anything over the comms, usually she does even if she’s not in the field, but figured maybe she was tired. Tony’s always been able to put on a good front but he can see how exhausted she’s been lately and playing interference with Bucky’s fucking weird pregnancy habits isn’t helping. Today, thankfully, he’s normal and Tony had pretty much fucked off to the lab presumably for alone time as soon as she realized.
Then came the call, fucking Doombots again, and Rhodey flew out with the rest of the Avengers because Tony’s position is both tactically useful and also hard to replace. He knows how to operate the suit and unlike Pepper he doesn’t have a company to run. Its temporary so people on his end have picked up the slack of him being missing however temporary it is.
“I hate the wizard,” Natasha mumbles as she walks by bruised and annoyed.
Rhodey laughs, shaking his head. “Better than Bucky gone squirrelly,” he says.
“I can’t help it and I don’t even know why I do that,” Bucky says in his defense.
“You have issues,” Rhodey tells him, shaking his head. Guess at least he’s basically a giant guard dog but more violent and not towards Tony. Actually, he mostly seems to only listen to her when he’s gone caveman. Rhodey might be more concerned if that weren’t the case.
“For the record I am not a wizard, I am the Sorcerer Supreme,” Stephen says, nose in the air.
“Yeah, like the Taco Bell fries supreme but magical,” Rhodey says, earning a laugh and a high five out of Natasha.
Nat takes off to go do whatever and the rest of the Avengers pretty much converge on the fridge with enthusiasm. Bucky gives Tony’s room a look but Rhodey doubts she’s in there. She’s probably in the lab too wrapped up in whatever she’s doing to notice them gone. Wouldn’t be the first time. Doesn’t seem to stop Bucky from looking concerned though.
Rhodey turns back to the fridge and snatches the left over Chinese out of Steve’s hand. “Excuse you, that’s mine I called dibs,” he says, squeezing around the rest of the Avengers to get to the utensils.
“When?” Steve asks, frowning.
“Right now,” Rhodey tells him, finding an extra pair of chopsticks and waving them around.
Steve looks irritated but lets him have it. When he reaches for the other carton Bucky snatches it before he can manage and Steve gives him a look. “What? I’m an expectant father, gotta eat to stay healthy,” he says and Steve squints.
“If health is your concern why are you eating Chinese takeout?” he asks.
Bucky considers that for a moment, obviously failing to come up with an explanation. “Rhodes, help me out,” he says finally and Rhodey rolls his eyes.
“Only other thing in there is Cheeze Whiz, Chinese is healthier than that,” he points out.
Bucky nods, waving a hand in Rhodey’s direction. “What he said.”
“Strange,” Natasha says, breaking into the scene unexpectedly.
Stephen tries unsuccessfully to bat the cloak away from where its trying to poke at a head wound. “I thought you didn’t like me,” he says, amused. He smacks the cloak away from him again, this time more successful, and turns to face Nat. When he does the amusement drops from his features. “What’s wrong?” he asks immediately and Rhodey frowns because Natasha looks no different than usual. A little pale, maybe, but that’s not exactly odd considering she got tossed around pretty good.
“I don’t know,” she says, turning on her heel and walking away. Strange takes off after her fast and the rest of them drop their food and follow, confused.
Natasha isn’t really a kids kind of person. She likes other people’s kids and she’s not going to lie, she was kind of looking forward to Tony having her kid. She can spoil the little bastard rotten for a few hours and return the kid with no consequences to herself like she does with Clint’s kids all the time. Laura about skinned her for that time she gave Nathan caffeine.
Now that Tony’s in the fucking hospital though she’s worried. More so because, as it turns out, Tony had a whole list of problems not even Bucky knew about and he practically glued his ass to her side. The only one that doesn’t seem surprised by that information is Rhodey, who did little more than sigh and shake his head like this isn’t the first time that’s happened. Knowing Tony it probably isn’t.
“I’m impressed with how much she managed to do,” Strange says eventually, breaking the tense silence. Bucky glares at him something fierce but Pepper takes him up on his words.
“What do you mean?” she asks.
Strange, who’s probably the only one who understood half that doctor babble to its fullest extent anyway, rubs his temples for a moment. “Well, she managed to ensure an entire infant was medically fine after going through what looks to be a terribly traumatic birth. I don’t… its not really my area of expertise, but its safe to say people keeping that level of focus isn’t normal. And she clearly instructed her AI to monitor the baby’s vitals. That’s how I knew he was fine,” he says.
Of course Tony probably forgot to mention hers. Typical. Natasha doesn’t get Tony most of the time. Half the time she’s profoundly selfish, the other half she’s selfless to the point of absolute stupidity. Like now.
“What’s that matter at the moment?” Bucky snaps. Rhodey tries to put his hand on his shoulder but Bucky shakes him off, annoyed.
“It doesn’t, I suppose. But its still impressive,” Strange says.
Rhodey’s mostly asleep when he hears the shuffling of bed sheets. He’s tempted to ignore it because its probably Bucky moving around again but he cracks an eye open anyway just in case its something else. Turns out its a good thing he did because Tony’s awake and glaring at Bucky, who shuffles a little and wakes up himself. For a half a second he looks happy and then Tony speaks.
“Get the hell out of my bed,” she snaps at him. “Can I just have five minutes without you trying to crawl up my ass to make a nest in my colon?”
Rhodey covers his mouth with his hand to try and stifle the laugh but it doesn’t work. Bucky doesn’t look impressed but whatever. “Good news,” he says, “guess she’s fine.”
Bucky crawls out of her bed and slinks off but Tony lets him back in when he returns with coffee.
Natasha can’t help but laugh as Tony sits in a tub, steam rising off her skin as she glares at nothing in particular. “Why the fuck does no one talk about this?” she asks.
“What?” Natasha asks innocently, “no one told you about the heat?”
Tony looks so pissed. “No, no one told me about the fucking heat. I already knew about the month long period but it comes with a month long heat? How the fuck do omegas do anything after giving birth? And if Bucky shows up here tell him he’s fucking banned from my life for what he did with my uterus.”
Natasha starts laughing again, shaking her head. “Could have asked Laura,” she points out.
“And risk having her know I’d sooner sacrifice her husband to a Doombot than save him? No thanks. No offense,” she adds when she seems to remember that Natasha is also friends with Clint. But the fact that she and Clint don’t really like each other is well known by now. They all figured it was Steve she’d hate, that’s how it started, but now she mostly only dislikes the fact that he has authority on things rather than Steve himself.
“Fine then. No one mentioned this?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.
“No,” Tony snaps. “I think everyone assumed I already knew and, in their defense, this does seem like the kind of common knowledge thing everyone should know so why didn’t I?”
Well, people don’t much talk about omega’s bodies so they all know the answer to that already but Natasha shrugs. “Pregnancy’s gross?” she suggests and Tony snorts.
“God damn right it is. I looked like a planet, couldn’t breathe for shit, couldn’t even pick shit up, Bucky went zombie on my half the time, and I couldn’t even get the satisfaction of Clint being punched without being kicked in the fucking ribs. Don’t get pregnant,” she tells Natasha, pausing for a moment. “Wait, never mind. I shouldn’t get pregnant again. Its horrible. I’m getting a hysterectomy. Rip the whole thing out, fuck that,” she says, shaking her head.
“At least you got a kid out of it I guess,” Natasha says, not that Tony has spent much time with Peter between hospital visits and ice baths to maintain a normal temperature.
Tony lets out an annoyed sigh. “Yeah, he’s fucking adorable not that I can appreciate that because I’m in an ice bath all because apparently Bucky doesn’t know how to use a fucking condom,” she snaps.
Natasha snorts and starts laughing again. “I can’t believe you trusted a guy from the forties with that,” she says, shaking her head.
“Yeah, yeah. Poor judgment call I know. But Peter’s pretty great so,” she murmurs, shrugging.
Nat looks over to find Bucky all but pouting at the door so she sighs. “Am I allowed to let Bucky in or do I have to kick him out again?” she asks, amused.
Tony looks like a pissed off wet brown lab but she sighs. “Yeah, let him in,” she mumbles.
Bucky looks happy to have been let in, making his way to Tony fast and when he hands her coffee she takes it but she doesn’t look happy about it. “I don’t know what I did but I feel compelled to apologize,” Bucky says, standing there awkwardly.
“Don’t bother with an apology, just pet me and tell me I’m pretty,” Tony says, sounding as annoyed as she looks. “Natasha refused.”
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crescentlunaxo · 5 years
Another Lifetime
Meet us in another lifetime,  I guess I'll wait another lifetime  'Cause there I will stay, my darling I swear I won't run from you
Soulmate: “It's someone who makes you a better person, well, actually they don't make you a better person...you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever.”
She never believed in a soulmate. It was too cheesy to believe in the fairytales where there’s that one person that was meant for you. How could just one person be destined for another? It’s ridiculous to think that. What if that one person dies? Is that it? There’s no happiness and love that the person can expect because who they’re were supposed to be with is gone.
But what if you met someone that changed your opinion completely? That’s what you read about in books and see in movies, you meet someone and everything changes.
Well, what if you meet your soulmate but you’re already with someone else?
Read below the cut or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19020019
It had been a long month for Betty. She warned Veronica that she was too tired to meet her for lunch but V insisted.
“Someone keeping you up last night?”
Betty quickly snapped back.“No. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I meant Archie” Obviously she meant her boyfriend but V understood the Betty was under a lot of stress so there wasn't any need to scold her on her attitude.
“Oh yeah. Couldn’t sleep.” She wasn’t exactly lying. Her thoughts and worries about Archie were constantly keeping her up at night but it wasn’t the only thing keeping her up.
She reached out to hold her hand. “But he’s doing better right?” With everything in her life that was complicated, her friendship with Veronica was not. She doesn't know what she would do without her.
She smiled back and tightened her grip. “Yes. The doctor says everything looks good and he should be waking up soon.”
“That’s great, B!”
And it was. Betty was genuinely happy that Archie was getting better after being in a coma for nearly three months but the storm that would come after she wasn't sure she would survive.
She squeezed Betty's hand once more before letting go and taking a sip of her coffee. Holding that smirk that Betty could tell she was up to something “So anyways like I was saying I was thinking of setting up Jughead with my co-worker Sabrina.”
That made Betty perk up with interest. Not too much to give anything away but Veronica could tell she was listening. It made sense now why Betty dozed off at the beginning of this conversation. It was a habit of hers, well almost like a reflex that she was used to doing. Ignore everything that has to do with a certain writer she knew.
“You think he’s seeing anyone?”
Betty took a sip of water, not remembering when her throat had gone dry. “Wouldn’t know. I never see him so your guess is as good as mine”
“You live across the hall and you’re fiancé is his best friend slash roommate.”
Betty winced and took another drink. Fiance? Not really. Technically he didn't propose. They just found an engagement ring in his pocket the night of the accident, he was on his way to see her. Fate must have a sense of humor though. Betty was planning on ending their relationship that night, clearly, Archie had a different plan. But so did fate. She couldn't bear telling anyone what she was planning that night, not when everyone, including herself, was so worried and focused on Archies health as they should be. So now everyone just assumes they’re engaged although she won’t wear the ring. It hurts to see it on her finger she tells people and she wasn’t lying.
Fate was a bitch.
“Maybe you should try and talk to him, Betty. It would help both of you to have a friend that’s going through the same thing”
So that’s why Veronica wanted to meet up with her. She wanted Betty to form a friendship with Jughead. Betty simply nodded “uh huh”, glad that this conversation was over. She knew the V had the best intentions and she was right. Jughead and she should talk.
That’s exactly what she did after the accident. At first, it was just small talk in the hallway, bumping into each other at the hospital. There was always an awkwardness between, even before the accident. An unspoken feeling she couldn't explain. But having someone they equally loved in the hospital forced them to acknowledge each other's presence. Soon after they were hanging out, eating pizza, and just talk, most times it lasted for hours. Then before she knew it they were stealing glances and smiling like two teenagers when they were in the same room with anyone else. They hadn’t done anything until that night.
They don’t know who made the first move but it was clear neither was willing to make it stop. Before anything else happened Betty left his apartment. She ignored him for a few days till he turned up at her apartment, with Chinese food and an apology and they swore to just be friends.
But it was too late. They clearly couldn't stay away from each other. So they continued their friendship but it was anything but normal. It was like she was dancing with temptation, learning a new song every time.
They've been hanging out at Bettys more. Mostly because Jugheads apartment was a constant reminder of who they were betraying. Brushing her hand over his cheek, trying to memorize every birthmark he had. “Why couldn’t I have met you before him?” It was something she would ask him and herself frequently. Always the same answer: silence. They were sitting by her fireplace, soaking up every inch of this twisted happiness, knowing at any second it would be over.
“I know.” Was all he could respond with. He watched her carefully, wondering where did he go wrong that life put everything he’s ever wanted in the arms of his best friend. What makes it worse? That she wanted him in return.
He doesn't know how it has been able to control himself from taking her completely. Even watching her now caressing his face, her breath is steady, her lips full and her hair is down in waves. It’s taking everything in him to not take her here and now. Before he realizes, she leans and presses her lips on him.
He kisses her back eagerly. Hands are in her hair. Pouring everything he's been struggling with but he won't let himself be consumed in this lie. He stops them before getting up, not facing her.
Running a hand over his face, wondering how did they let it get this far. “I can’t do this to him”
She got up and took a few steps towards him. “Then let’s tell him. Let’s tell everyone! Who cares about the consequences, we’ll have each other”
“It’s not that simple.” He let out a laugh and combed his hair back.
She stared at his back. Trying not to have her vision become blurry but she could feel her emotions boiling up. “You expect me to look at you after this. To see you in the same room as me and pretend like you mean nothing to me.”
He turned to face her. She wasn’t grasping the reality of just how much damage they could create with the truth. “Do you have any idea what this would do to him?”
“What about me?” She could feel her face get warm. “Jug, I’m drowning here. I can’t lie anymore.”
“Betty...this would destroy him.”
“You think this is easy for me!”
He walked up to her and placed his hands on the sides of her face. “Fuck. I love you, Betty. More than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. There will be no one else for me. You’re all I think about.”  It was the first time she’s heard him say he loved her.
Of course, they loved each other and it was obvious. They swore they would never say those words. But they have broken so many promises, what’s one more.
He struggled to continue but he needed to be honest with her. “But Archie is my family and he loves you too. And I have to live with the fact that I had a chance with you and I fucked it up.” She watched as he took a few steps away from her, giving her his back again.
“What do you mean?”
He turned to her, eyes glossy. Opening his mouth a few times before finally speaking. “I saw you from the window, that day you were moving in. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. And when Archie told me I should go outside and help I told him no. That he should go for it. So you see, I could have met you first. I had my chance and I gave it up.” His voiced cracked at the last sentence.
Her vision became blurry and she couldn’t take any more of this.
“Do you see what this has done already Betty? Archie doesn’t deserve this pain does he?”
She covered her face. Trying to stop the stream of tears that were gathering but she couldn’t. Of course, Archie didn't deserve this. He was good to her. He wanted to marry her. And how does she repay him? By wanting to break with him and falling in love with his best friend. That’s not what Archie deserves either. No one should feel like their competing with a ghost.
“Betty. Baby, please. Please, look at me.” She felt him put his hands on her shoulder.
She brushed off his hands. Wiped the recent tears that were falling and looked up at him. “Fine. I won’t tell Archie about us.”
“But I’m not going to marry him either. He deserves to marry someone that loves him. He deserves his soulmate.” Her lips trembled as she forced down the lump at her throat.
She struggled to let the words out “Cause clearly I’m not his, I’m yours.”
A few minutes passed and they stayed there. Facing each other in silence. Collecting their thoughts and trying to digest what just happened.
The ring coming from Betty’s pocket broke the trance.
It was Veronica and if she knew anything is if she didn't pick up she would either blow up her phone or come over so she answered. “V...can I call—.” Betty immediately showed interest in the reason for the call  
“Oh my god.” She squeezed her eyes shut.
Her eyes never left his as she hung up the phone. His stomach turned, nervously waiting on her next words.
“It’s Archie...he’s awake.”
He composed himself and straightened his posture.“You should go. He’ll want to see you.”
She nodded and left her head drop. “What about you?” Hands fidgeting with the phone still in her hands.
“I’ll go at a different time.” He replied as he was grabbing his jacket and heading for the door.
Of course. It’s probably best they don’t see each other after this. She’ll break it off with Archie, not today of course but she will. He’ll hate her but he’ll understand, with time, that it was for the best. And she’ll move in with V, who no doubt will help her through this. Maybe she’ll tell her what happened with Jughead, maybe she won’t. And what will become of them?
Betty quickly glanced up as she heard him open the door. “And us?”
He paused at the doorframe “We’ll meet in another lifetime”. Staring at the emerald eyes he’s grown to love looking into. Torn at the thought he would never experience them. He placed two fingers on his lips before closing the door behind him.
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queensidillas · 6 years
39 (dont cry) and 77 (call me if you need anything) for joshua omg ily
39 + 77 // joshua
[ 100 ways to say I love you ]
word count : 861
notes: my first ever request (in general) asfafgajd i hope it met your expectations ahhhhhhhh
The red marks conquering the paper like the British Colonial during their prime times. Shaking as you held the paper, you weren’t even surprised. You were borderline failing History and was up for a resit in two weeks. No matter how hard you read through the notes, nothing seemed to retain in your mind. Your classmates’ interrogation on your results fell on deaf ears. God you couldn’t bear looking at it any longer.
When the bells rang, you ran out of the class without a single glance. You ran your frustrations out of your system and settled on the swings in a neighborhood park. You were going to suffer the consequences of your running when you wake up with terrible leg cramps but you couldn’t be bothered. Heck, the pain could even distract you from your results.
Swinging around, you stayed there till it was almost night. Watching the kids leave one by one. When they were gone, you felt yourself tear up. What were you gonna do when you get back? Your parents wouldn’t be very disappointed but you didn’t like failing. They knew you were the average student and didn’t expect you to get flying colours. But the thought of not being able to make them a little more proud for once was eating you up.
That’s when you felt something cool touch your cheek. “Don’t cry, please.” Looking up you see a blur figure in front of you. You wiped your tears off to get a clearer look. It was your classmate Joshua. “What are you doing here, Joshua?”, you sniffled. He took a sit on the empty swing next to you, “I’ve been looking for you,” he replied. You looked at him quizzically. “The History teacher told me you were having troubles with his class, I offered to help but before I could tell you, you ran out,” he chuckled softly. “Oh,” was the only thing you could say. You barely talked to him but he was one of the nicer people in class. “Do you still want my help? I won’t force you to take up my offer if you don’t want to,” Joshua brought up. “Yes, please,” you desperately agreed. Anything to bring up your grades.
And that’s how Joshua became your History crash course tutor for the next two weeks. He walked you back home since it was late and you both exchanged numbers. You both met up everyday after classes for him to teach you. It could either be your place or his place, depending on your schedules.
During the course of two weeks, Joshua would run through a new chapter with you each day and prepare flashcards for you. The next morning before classes started, he would run through the previous chapter just to jog your memory. He made remembering facts easy with all the anecdotes he used. A side of him you never knew existed.
The resit was a breeze, for the first time in your life, you actually felt confident with it. Stepping out of the examination hall, you see Joshua leaning against the wall preoccupied with his phone. Walking fast towards him, you intentionally stood right in front him.He sees your shoes and looks up with a smile. “How was it?”, he asked. “For once? A breeze!” you proudly said. Joshua was caught off guard when you gave him a tight hug. “OH- sorry,” you hastily apologised. He shook his head, he didn’t mind at all. He probably liked it more than he thought. “Come on, let’s go Joshua,” you started dragging his arm. “To where?” he questioned as you continue to bring him out of school. “To eat. I need to repay my tutor somehow right?” you brimmed.
“You take it.” “NO, you take it.” “You should take it, I insist.” You both kept pushing the last piece of fried chicken to each other like an air hockey game. Both of you on the verge of a food coma from devouring almost two plates of fried chicken but also hating to let it go to waste. “FINE, I’ll take it back home and have it for breakfast tomorrow,” you exclaimed with your hands up in surrender. Joshua internally cheering, gave you a thumbs up.
He walked you back home, for what you thought was the last time. So you purposely took the longest route back, making a detour to the park where you both engaged the first time, going to convenience stores and buying things you don’t need til you realise dusk has arrived. “I should get you back home,” that’s when he took your hand this time and brought you back.
At your doorstep, he lets your hand go. “You know you don’t have to make a detour to spend more time with me right?” you gawked at his words and immediately turned red. “You still have my number right? Joshua asked. You nodded. “Good, because you can call me if you need anything. Not just for tutoring only, maybe if you need a helping hand elsewhere or even dates with me,” he said cooly. You nodded in agreement again but this time you smiled too.
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