#when he’s all recovered I’m gonna be on his d*ck so badly
ihatebnha · 2 years
Scarred Katsuki with a prosthetic eye from the Support Department where he can acctually see with it
He'd definitely use the recording aspect (that was designed for battle usage) during your sexy times and record everything he sees and what you both do, and he'd later have it playing on loop in his head during boring meetings
Nebfkdjdjnsudmxjdjjmshrjdhekdnidj not your boyfriend watching porn on the clock… why is that making me die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s funny though how you can’t trust him for shit. He texts you in the middle of the day and you know it’s only cuz he pulled your image up and was staring at it… not because he just randomly thought of you and wanted to talk.
And when you’re arguing also, he gets this smug ass look on his face and you know it’s because he’s got your nudes up over his vision and is tuning you out LMFAOOO. Gotta yank him by the hair and give him a lil shaking for that tbh. Tell him if that’s how he wants to play it, he can have fun with his fist for the rest of the week since it seems like he doesn’t even need you to have fun.
Then what, Kat? Huh? HUH???
No I’m just kidding. This makes me want him so badly lmfaoooooooooo… he could do whatever he WANTED w/ an eye like that lmaooo. Thank u for this, anon!!!!
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