#him being a little sh*t texting u
dicmondskies · 2 years
☆ & * .   ♡   i n t r o d u c t i o n  . . .
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[          ◟  KAY. ◝           ]     ⸻     have  you  ever  heard  the way i see things by  lil peep ,  well  it  is  ROSALINA GARCIA  to  a  tee  .  the  twenty five year  old  astrologer and influencer has  been  spotted  wandering  down  portobello  road  markets  just  last  sunday  ,  do  you  know  them  ?  would  you  say they are  more enigmatic  or  more  innovative  ?  anyway  ,  they  remind  me  of  a fresh coat of black nail polish, crisp winter air , halloween decorations year round, rebellious youth maybe  you'll  catch  them  around  yeah ?     ⸻     [          ◟  LIZETH SELENE. ◝           ]    
trigger warning: death, losing a parent, child abuse, abuse
from a young age, anyone who knew rosalina garcia, knew she was destined to be a star. their personality shone bright from as early as five. the little tike running around in her ballet costumes, putting on concerts for her brothers and sisters and tias. her mexican roots were strong and she loved to sing her abuela’s favorite mariachi songs, putting her own twist on them and making her cry from living room performances time after time. life was good at first, her mother was young, vibrant, and beautiful. she taught rosa all she knew about being herself, about being kind, and most importantly how to love others through their ugliness. her father was good, or so she thought. sure, he worked a lot, but, she loved him, she was a daddy’s girl through and through. her father wasn’t the father of her eldest sister, and growing up, she witnessed him mistreat her a lot. this confused young rosalina. she couldn’t understand how the father she loved could be so cruel to her older sister. rosalina’s mom was often caught in the middle. she did her best to hide his abusive nature, but as rosalina got older, she witnessed more and more of who her father truly was.
it wasn’t always bad, sometimes he was normal, but most of the time, the house was chaotic, her mother was miserable and her light started to dim slowly over time. rosalina’s older sister was going through her own struggles and rosalina would often end the day in bed, crying and writing music as a way to release. she kept a journal to document her feelings, it was the only safe place she had. when rosalina was only eleven, the worst occurred. her mother had continued to decline, and soon she was so stressed that she started experiencing seizures, though the doctors could never pinpoint exactly what was causing them. rosalina quickly grew worried about her mother and sometimes her older sister would have to come and meet them in the middle of parking lots because suddenly her mother started feeling sick and couldn’t drive them home. it was all so traumatic for rosalina and on halloween night that year, her mother passed away, alone at home while her father was out having an affair with another woman he’d met through work friends. rosalina had seen her father texting this woman one time when he picked her up from dance class, she questioned him on who it was and he lied right to her face, she kept it to herself and never said anything about it again.
the night rosalina’s mother died was the night a piece of rosalina’s childhood died. she was eleven, but her life was about to get even more tragic. her older sister wasn’t allowed to stay with them anymore, her father was taking his grieving out on everyone and eventually he started to control and montor rosalina’s ever move. the freedom she once had when her mother was alive, was no longer allowed. she had to quit dance, she got her phone taken one time for two years, he moved them to the other side of the city so it would be hard for other family members of her mothers to visit and see the kind of mental abuse he was putting her through. then the verbal abuse started, the belittling, the whore comments if she wore anything that was remotely showing skin, and then the physical abuse when she he went through her phone and found out she had a girlfriend. she wasn’t allowed to date boys either. she wasn’t allowed to be a kid, she had to stay home and do chores or risk being punished for not doing them. for a while she kept it all inside, she didn’t want to get her dad in trouble but when she was sixteen, the abuse became way too much. she finally told her older sister who lived on her own now, and she immediately went through the courts and got custody of rosalina. this was a rebirth for rosa. they could finally breathe again. they could enjoy life, they could have the space to figure out who the hell they were.
rosalina’s girlfriend has stuck with her through all of this and is her rock and number one supporter. rosalina still lives with her older sister and the two have never been closer. rosa is exploring her twenties and discovering self love again. she still struggles with ptsd and sometimes has nightmares. through her trauma she discovered astrology and started studying it intensely day and night. now, she’s been studying astrology for five years and it’s taught her so much about herself and people. she’s a famous astrology tik toker and has a patreon where people can pay monthly to access her monthly collective readings. she also does personal astrology readings at pluto’s shop aries apothecary. she makes cute little astrology videos on youtube and offers classes as well. ask her about the planets and she’ll love you forever.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Scarred Katsuki with a prosthetic eye from the Support Department where he can acctually see with it
He'd definitely use the recording aspect (that was designed for battle usage) during your sexy times and record everything he sees and what you both do, and he'd later have it playing on loop in his head during boring meetings
Nebfkdjdjnsudmxjdjjmshrjdhekdnidj not your boyfriend watching porn on the clock… why is that making me die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s funny though how you can’t trust him for shit. He texts you in the middle of the day and you know it’s only cuz he pulled your image up and was staring at it… not because he just randomly thought of you and wanted to talk.
And when you’re arguing also, he gets this smug ass look on his face and you know it’s because he’s got your nudes up over his vision and is tuning you out LMFAOOO. Gotta yank him by the hair and give him a lil shaking for that tbh. Tell him if that’s how he wants to play it, he can have fun with his fist for the rest of the week since it seems like he doesn’t even need you to have fun.
Then what, Kat? Huh? HUH???
No I’m just kidding. This makes me want him so badly lmfaoooooooooo… he could do whatever he WANTED w/ an eye like that lmaooo. Thank u for this, anon!!!!
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slitherbop · 4 years
.......Any papastuck hcs?
THANK YOU for giving me an excuse to publicly ramble about PAPA G AND CHUCK beware of Spoilers within ALSO HERE’S A PIC happy valentines day
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When they met and Chuck was still Stuck in the floor, like Post-Chicken-Feed-Missing-Scene, Chuck would be RUDE as HELL to Papa G. But Papa G took it as realizing he’s just A Guy and was like AH MAYBE I SHOULDA BEEN GIVIN HIM REAL FOOD and then he does that, but Chuck is still a bastard to him. Not to The Kid’s knowledge tho, he only found out that Papa G knew about Chuck’s existence in the second episode like we saw.
Papa G literally just looked at Chuck and how Evil he was being at the beginning and was like OH YES WE CAN BE FRIENDS I LIKE THIS GUY cuz he DID save him and want him to be redeemed and have the last ring to be on the team... Papa G’s Immediate Trust.. like if u agree
I like to imagine that Papa G actually did have da iced tea with Chuck to get to know him :] this was Post-Chuck-getting-Cut-in-Half. Papa G is Very Curious about Chuck but Chuck’s still a rude little man at this point and Papa G laughs off his behaviour. Papa G might be f*cked up enough that he does enjoy his company, bad vibes and all
Chuck has NO idea what to make of Papa G here because no one else has ever shown him kindness or wasn’t annoyed at him. It doesn’t stop him from being a force of negativity though cuz at this point he still Believes he’s going to conquer the earth.
This ended up being like a timeline of their relationship and not relationship headcanon UUHH OOPS!!!!!
OK, Chuck actually likes that he calls him Charles it’s the special name :]
I’m prepared to be proven wrong but it would be epic if Chuck started calling Papa G “George” because he was there to hear that that is his first name and Papa G like with Tuna Sandwich doesn’t mind being called it, it’s just his name. Also George is my real name and I’d love to hear Chuck say. Also Also George and Charles are gay old man names
Uh oh I’m talking more about timeline stuff but some time after the events of the big showdown and they’re dealing with the fact that Chuck is deciding to stay here on earth, Papa G and The Kid make him his own living space there in the junkyard with them. Not sure where or what it’d look like but it means a lot to Chuck (makes this face -> 🥺) I’d imagine since his species aren’t given their own names / have individuality he wasn’t given a space of his own to do whatever he wanted with
Since they no longer have the rings, Chuck helps Papa G as an extra hand doing work in the yard (Papa G had to get used to doing stuff without being his own company :[ ) and Chuck ACTUALLY LOVES HELPING imagine that one scene where Papa G and Chuck are working together to build the ice cream megaphone truck, they’re both really skilled at building stuff and enjoy it so it’s like that pretty often!
I swear to god Papa G needs to get Chuck a wheelchair / make him one, I want to believe that he does have one and we just didn’t see it at the end of the time skip -_- :prayer: but they totally deck it the hell out (you KNOW Papa G is capable of making deadly death machines and you KNOW Chuck would absolutely love that sh*t!!!!)
Anyway back to the time skip relationship development thing: PAPA G SHOWS CHUCK AROUND HIS HOUSE I wish we knew what inside the house looked like besides the kitchen sink lol but Papa G figured if he’s gonna be around here more often he might as well show him where HE lives! Papa G is SUPER excitedly showing him all the weird stuff he’s accumulated over his lifetime. Chuck doesn’t Get the specialness of physical possessions and calls it Junk but Papa G doesn’t mind! He shows things and Chuck is confused about certain things (being an Alien) and Papa G is happy to explain everything to him.
Papa G shares Chuck his art and is showing him painting ;_; once again Chuck is a bastard and doesn’t totally get it. Papa G would definitely call HIM an artist, pointing out that all the building that Chuck does is artwork, those comics that he spent all that time reading was him appreciating the art, and that changes the way he views it. Chuck makes his own dam comics, I’d imagine the way he’d draw is very unique and the text is written in his language, and then it’s Papa G who doesn’t totally get it but is ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT IT!!!
Also Papa G totally takes Chuck out to the middle of nowhere to go look for junk, this is probably Chuck’s Least Favourite Activity LOL but they do spend a lot of time talking about anything, I’m really curious about what the kind of things they’d even say when they’re not faced with any threat and are only with each other *looks up at the sky in thought..*
Chuck please go off about your previous life away from earth I feel like as soon as he came here he kinda just accepted himself being Stuck Chuck and therefore had no attachment to being a nameless body in an alien army. Also Papa G please open up about your messed up secret history that warranted the government keeping tabs on you and made you live almost completely isolated.
See^ I think whatever they got going on on a DEEP LEVEL could be wild and would have so much to unravel, Chuck’s life before this was probably just 90% seeing various people DIE and was simply made to Kill people for his leader. And. you KNOW Papa G has something Messed Up about him + Is Traumatized / got “bad flashbacks” + the whole seeing himself die and being numb to it. And now that they are people who are trying to save lives on their team they could Relate to each other as the two older guys with UNKNOWN HISTORY!!!!
UUUUH OK SO SHIP HEADCANONS RIGHT. RIGHT. They hold hands :] they rarely kiss it’s mostly Papa G who kisses Chuck on the face but Chuck is forbidden from kissing unless Papa G wants to go to sleep. Also Chuck likes to be held by Papa G, they hug a lot :D Papa G takes Chuck out to the diner and gets him everything he wants <3 they go to the house and watch movies and Kid joins them too as a family ;_; Papa G goes to sleep in his god forsaken hammock with Chuck, and Chuck is like So This Is Your Weird-Ass Cocoon Huh and Papa G is like HAHA YUP and its sweet.
I’m gonna end this here thank you for reading, this is the kinda stuff I ramble on and on like this in private but I hope u enjoy some of my thoughts about this I think it’s a genius ship with so much potential and is my favourite thing right now THANKS
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 1 “FartsApp” [Episode List] Since he’s a gassy nerd, Dave teases his friend Tim via WhatsApp by sending him a series of short videos of him farting.
Being gay with a fart fetish is really hard sometimes.
For me at least.
While the world is definitely getting more open-minded about homosexuality, I can’t really force it to accept this weird fetish (to be honest, all fetishes are kinda treated like taboos, regardless of the sexuality involved). I had to settle for YouTube videos or websites devoted to this whole fart-sniffing thing; not that I’m complaining: it was good to discover that so many people actually had this fetish.
Cue Dave. Well, sort of, actually. He doesn’t have a fart fetish and he’s not even gay. Dave has been my best friend since forever. Unlike me, however, he’s straight and is currently dating some (lucky) girl.
Around my age, he’s like a brother to me, and we’re actually well-known because of how much time we always spend with each other.
Dave is a great guy, a great friend, very open-minded and, dare to say it, actually quite hot.
Not surprisingly, being the brother I never had, he’s the first friend I came out to, the only one who knows about my homosexuality. Actually, it’s not like I told him… he found out on his own, in the worst possible way (for me).
During one of our nerdy game-nights, being “that one gassy friend”, Dave started to rip -as usual- tons of farts, fueled by some junk food, until he ripped one directly in my face (and boy it was amazing…). Everything went downhill from there… kinda. For some reason or another… he just accepted all at once not only my homosexuality, but also the fact that I found face-farting… hot. He just laughed about it and honestly gave me some encouraging words about my peculiar situation, proving that he’s indeed the best friend ever. Oh… and he also literally farted for me after that, in my face, letting me sniff and enjoy his amazing rips; he can also fart on command apparently: got a taste of his talent that same night.
That one, surreal night.
I still can’t believe it happened.
Felt like a confused dream. Like one of those nights where you drink too much so you don’t clearly remember what happened. But it was all true.
Dave, my best friend, was perfectly fine with me, my fetish, and all this weird stuff.
Yes: I know how lucky I am.
It’s been 4 months since he found out.
And, believe it or not, I’m getting face-farted so often that I’m almost forgetting how beautiful it feels.
Seriously: Dave simply accepted it like I’m living in someone’s crazy fetish dream and, when we’re alone, he just casually farts in my face (without me asking for it). Not always, but very often.
Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that my nose spends a lot of time brushing against his denim-covered butt, our friendship didn’t change at all though: we still hang out with the rest of our friends and generally spend a lot of time together.
Sometimes I’m so in disbelief about how easy-going he’s been with me, that I randomly ask him “You sure you’re OK with… this?” (I say, gesturing all of me), but he just smiles or rolls his eyes annoyed, tired of hearing the same question over and over again. What can I say? He’s perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality I guess, so he doesn’t have any problem with my fetish.
Sometimes though -sorry I say this- I kinda wish he did…
No, I’m definitely not complaining. That’s the best possible scenario for me, but sometimes he can get a bit too… inopportune. Dave is not really a prankster, but he loves teasing his friends, just for fun, including me.
I was in the middle of an important exam once, one of these pop-quiz thingies that make zero sense, and I felt my phone vibrate. I checked my FB private messages and all I saw was this YouTube link sent by Dave. Since I’m a fool apparently, I clicked on it, and one of those popular YouTube fart videos popped up and played, one with really loud farts. The first fart actually echoed in the room and other students glared at me: never felt so embarrassed (not including the night Dave found out about my fetish).
“Dude! Stop sending me this stuff!” I texted him. “I’m in the middle of an exam here!”
I scolded him for this, but the truth is that I couldn’t ask for a friend more open-minded than him.
The fact that he teases him with fart videos like he teases our heterosexual friends with those “shock” porn pics made me feel more… accepted.
But still… I was in the middle of an important exam so he had to stop.
And he obviously didn’t.
He sent me like 10 other links, just to annoy the sh%t out of me.
I mocked him by texting something like “Those videos are quite hard to find. Guess you’re gay too then!” but he would reply with “I had a great teacher!” and send me one of my awkward photos from Facebook.
Other times, since our friendship didn’t change a bit, he even made random references to my homosexuality or even my fart fetish when messaging me to make plans for the night (especially during the weekend). This mostly happens on WhatsApp:
Dave: “Dude, you have to come with us. Stop being a whiny little bi*ch and get up from that couch!”
Tim: “Sorry, man. I don’t think I’ll be joining you tonight…”
Dave: “You know what? If you don’t come with us… you’re gay!”
Dave: “Sorry, I mean… if you don’t come with us, you’re a fuc*ing heterosexual!
Dave: "U ride pussy, don’t you? Fuc*ing straight people!”
He was obviously being sarcastic, but I just loved how he adapted his… uhm… “humor” to my situation.
One time, however, things got a bit… hotter for me…
Dave: “Dude, come over. We have a lot to study…”
Tim: “Sorry, really can’t today. Aren’t you with Dana right now anyway?”
Dave: “I need somebody to focus with, not focus on. You know me and Dana always end up in bed after like 20 minutes.”
Dave: “It’s awesome but this stuff ain’t gonna study itself…”
Yep. Dave and his girlfriend Dana apparently had a very active sex life.
Glad he was getting laid. And Dana was pretty cool to be honest.
Tim: “Dave, sorry. Maybe tomorrow, k?”
Dave: “Dude! Come on! I’m farting like crazy today!”
Did… did he just try to “bribe” me using his farting abilities?
Dave: “Seriously. I just ripped one that was like 10 seconds long. What a waste of farts!”
Tim: “Dave… are you crazy?”
Took a couple of minutes to reply to that one, and then I got two messages at once.
Dave: “Oh yessss, Tim, crazy for youuuuuu!” he wrote, with a heart emoticon at the end (again, he’s a sassy bi*ch as usual).
I then saw that WhatsApp was loading a video sent by him, an actual video, not a link.
It was Dave, a smirk drawn on his face while staring at the camera. He was wearing a simple black shirt. The view soon moved and I saw his slightly sagging-butt in jeans sitting on a wooden chair, and then heard this big fart echoing in his living room (he was alone), rumbling loudly and hard on the wooden surface. He even turned the camera to his face while he was forcing the “classic”-sounding fart out, making funny facial expressions; indeed, the fart lasted almost 10 seconds, and I obviously loved that: biggest farts I’ve ever heard from him in awhile! It was like watching those funny fartvines on… well… Vine, but having my best friend as the funny/hot farter this time.
Dave: “Hope that convinced you…” he then texted.
I was kinda… “offended” by that last message.
I mean, yeah, I seriously wanted to be there, but I always love spending time with Dave, farts or not (that’s why we’ve been friends since… forever).
Tim: “Are you seriously using farts to buy my friendship? It’s not like I don’t want to study with you. I just can’t today!”
Was that too harsh? Should I have added a smiley face at the end?
Only thing I was sure of, is that I never thought that a sentence like that would even make sense someday.
And I was still bewildered by how Dave was so comfortable with the fact that I loved farts.
Tim: “You don’t need farts to convince me, Dave. More like… you’re making me suffer!” I joked, finally breaking the ice myself with a reference to my embarrassing fetish, proving that I indeed wanted to be there with him, enjoying those farts.
Another couple of minutes passed.
Was he making another…?
Dave: “I know you’re suffering, Tim. Don’t worry. That’s why I’m sending you this.”
Oh boy, another video. Should I play it? Was he aware that I was getting a boner from all of this?
I literally pitched a tent in my pants.
There… it’s Dave again, this time sitting on the couch. The video started with his face winking at the camera with a sly smile; the camera then moved between his legs and slowly panned towards his butt in loose jeans (he probably put his legs on the small table in front of his couch, to make his butt more visible). Now I had a rather unique (and hot -for me) view of both his butt (and part of his crotch) in jeans and his face. He grinned wildly and the fart began, ripped right in front of the phone. The sound and the views were perfect; Dave moved the camera towards his butt as the fart kept going strong, sounding like a deep trumpet; I could see the detailed blue fabric of his jeans as the funny sounds continued. What a lucky phone!
It lasted around 8 seconds and it was simply the hotness.
The video ended with Dave laughing at the camera and all went pitch black.
Tim: “You’re insane, Dave!” I joked again, enjoying how crazy he was about this. And for me I guess.
But I had to tell him.
Tim: “Dave, you do know that all of this gave me a… well…”
But as I was halfheartedly writing the second part of the message, Dave wrote more stuff.
Dave: “Then go beat your meat! I can’t do everything for you, Tim.”
Dave: “And please don’t act like this is some kind of big deal…
Dave: "Wow, Tim got a boner! How impressive!”
Dave: “Let’s all bow to Tim, the mighty guy whose penis can turn bigger!”
Dave: “Behold, the Great Tim! The guy who once had a boner and had to tell everyone!”
Further proof that Dave was being the best friend ever.
He was clearly being sarcastic; he was joking. That was his way of telling me “Nah bro, it’s all good”. And I was kinda surprised that he was so… chill about this stuff. I literally had a boner because of him and he just… didn’t care. As I said, he’s very open minded and perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality, so he didn’t have the irrational fear of “turning gay” when doing this stuff with and for me. I also appreciated that he trusted me with those funny, but otherwise embarrassing videos.
After one or two minutes, I’ve received one big audio file and I just knew what I was going to get when I clicked the triangular-shaped button to play them.
I heard Dave singing my name like he was some kind of serial killer trying to find me.
Dave: “Tim… come here…”
I then heard a series of muffled noises, as if the camera was being put under something, and it was clear what: I in fact then heard the loud, audio-glitching sound of one big fart that lasted around four seconds.
Dave: “He’s waiting for you…” he sung again in that creepy tone of voice.
Another fart, just as big as the first one.
He was on fire that day!
Now I was both laughing like an idiot and having the biggest boner.
Tim: “Dude, you’re on fire! But… to be honest, that was kinda gay…” I chuckled.
Dave: “Says the guy who gets a boner when he hears a fart. You fuc*ing hypocrite.”
He then sent yet another audio file, with him singing that meme-song “I’m gay, gay, gay, I love long big c*cks”, but slightly changing the lyrics. He even put a karaoke version of it on his computer while recording the audio file.
Dave: “You are gay, gay gay, you love long big farts. ‘cuz you’re supah-super gay, and you love big…”
Fittingly enough, a huge fart from my best friend took over the last part of the song. Loud as usual, sounding like a deep chainsaw. I could just imagine how beautiful that was. But the best part was probably the fact that he was definitely farting for me. I know, not your usual “hot sexy” scenario… more like a “sweet” one, in a very twisted way of course.
I wasn’t obviously offended by that “gay song”, since I knew that Dave was just being silly as usual and his mocking words were definitely not mean-spirited.
Tim: “Aren’t you supposed to be studying right now?” I asked.
Dave: “I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be here right now?”
Tim: “Dude, seriously. Thank you! But I’m serious… I really can’t today.”
Dave: “Alright… alright… cya tonight faggot…” he wrote, with a heart-shaped emoticon at the end.
I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, then drove my attention to my own books.
This was going to be a long afternoon. But after only one minute of silence, my phone vibrated wildly: it was Dave and he was calling me. Very unusual in that moment.
“Uhm… Dave? Hello?” I picked up.
I was greeted by a series of “Dude, sorry!” and I was really confused.
“Dave… what?”
It was just Dave being adorkable I guess.
“Dude, sorry about that 'faggot'… that was bit too much, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
I laughed in disbelief. “Bro, it’s OK. I’m not offended. I know you didn’t want to insult me or anything…”
“No, Tim. That one word is not a joke and I shouldn’t have used it, sorry.”
I was just… wow. Dave went from “dominant friendly farter” to “adorable/awkward confused puppy” in mere seconds. Further proof that I was the luckiest guy alive (fetish or not): Dave cared so much for me that he even apologized for the “f-word”, which admittedly is a very bad word for a guy like me. But this time it was coming from Dave, my best friend, a guy who cares so much about me that he would even “censor” his language just to avoid unfortunate implications.
Ironically enough, the roles were switched, and he was the one saying a rapid-fire series of “sorry!” this time.
“Dave, quit with the apologizing. You’re the best.” I chuckled. “We’re bros, that’s what we do: we insult each other!”
“Alright… you sure? Not going to use that word ever again though.”
“Dave… it’s OK. You’re the best.”
“OK… OK. See you tonight. Take care.”
And he hang up.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t accidentally offend me by calling me a “fag”.
I would have been, if it wasn’t coming from Dave.
But then again, he also said that he was going to kick in the face whoever dared to insult me.
And he said that before he found out the truth about me: he’s always been quite protective.
“Oh come on!” I shouted, almost annoyed, merely five minutes later, when I heard the phone vibrate one more time.
It was Dave. Again.
He sent another video.
I tried to scoff at it but I was obviously loving all of this instead.
He was lying on the couch, the camera focusing on his butt in jeans. I could see both his face and butt, at the same time. It was like he filmed the video imagining my POV when he farted in my face, and I absolutely enjoyed that.
“Alright, Tim… Sorry for calling you a faggot.” he spoke in a “comically” serious voice. He truly was “sorry”, but it was clear that he was trying not to laugh. “I’m really, really sorry, believe me.”
Keeping a straight face, he ripped an incredibly loud, deep fart at the camera. He didn’t bat an eye, blink or smile. He eventually lost it towards the end of that 6-seconds long blast. He chuckled a bit and then turned “serious” again.
“That was a sad fart… we’re both sorry.”
He then closed his eyes and made a funny face, signing in relief as he ripped another long fart, the lucky camera slowly panning towards the seams and textures of the blue denim covering his powerful sagging butt. It lasted almost 10 seconds: truly a fart master. And those weren’t even on command!
“Oh my…” I whispered, staring in awe at the amazing video.
“This one was on the house…” he chuckled, right before turning the phone to his butt one last time and ripping a short series of toots, grinning wildly, clearly forcing those smaller farts out just for me. And that was it.
My boner was definitely wet now as bits of that well-known white substance poured from the tip of of my “standing” dick, slightly dampening my boxers and pants. It was like a volcano going to explode. A volcano that, just like me, couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom and furiously beat my meat, almost strangling my rock-hard penis with a firm grip. I didn’t last much: I literally peed sperm, thinking of Dave’s farts. The best part is that I didn’t need to imagine anything: it was all real. I laughed in relief just as I felt my penis deflating like a balloon, after it vomited its white substance. It felt good, not “masturbation good”, like “life is good”. And it was.
My best friend, Dave, was this fantastic guy who, in his own, twisted way, was taking care of me, accepting me, making me comfortable with my fart fetish. A gassy, open-minded, mildly disgusting “bro” who only wanted to preserve our friendship.
And I couldn’t be happier.
End of Episode 1
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semischarmed · 3 years
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“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes...” mused a deceased Harland as he eyed a future acquisition.
The specter licked it’s lips in greedy anticipation, taking note of the sun-glazed man in front of him building a substantial fort in the sand.
Beautiful curves baked in golden sunset outlined the man’s every muscle. Harland gawked as he followed every bend and bump of the man, committing his form to memory. He continued to hover his intangible mass near his future skin. The man’s hair was jet-black, and gently spiked from ocean water. The man’s muscles moved expertly beneath his skin, revealing their strength. This was a body sculpted through years of work, hard-earned and built for power. Unable to control himself further, Harland began to caress the man’s body from behind, causing him to jolt in a shiver.
“You alright there, Marco?” A small petite woman waved from afar.
“Y-yeah, just a breeze.. Sorry for the scare Val!” He shouted back, reassuringly as he shook off the odd sensations.
This only prompted Harland to continue further, deeper. Harland was as ruthless of a businessman as he was effective. In his day he was never one to compromise. He loved a good, dirty fight. He relished in the struggle. A vessel of this much resistance was made for him. This time around, he dug his spectral fingers into Marco’s golden arms, causing a slight ripple in its muscled flesh. He watched in glee as he traced the outline of those forearms, causing the fine hairs he dragged his intangible hand through to glow briefly and settle white. Property of Harland.
Marco meanwhile went from small jolts to a slight convulsion, as he felt something inherently wrong penetrate him. There was something otherworldly to the sensation he had just felt. Moments later a stream of vile, negative emotions flooded him, causing him to laugh uncontrollably. 
Marco knew something was wrong. These were not the bright, sunny laughter he normally gave off. They were cruel, callous laughs which sent chills down his spine. He had no idea his body could even make these sounds. He glanced at his biceps and recoiled in shock as he viewed stray muscles writhing and moving on their own. Marco felt an enhanced sensation in his arms, like an increased awareness in his control of them yet by that very same sensation was an unnatural numbness to them. By all accounts, they were his arms but something was off. These appendages attached to him could hardly qualify as his arms. There was something not-Marco to them that his brain couldn’t quite resolve. Every movement he felt was unnatural, like he had to actively focus on moving every single muscle just to get his arms to move the way he desired.
Marco began to worry in his head, as more and more of his body began to follow in the same feeling. He ran through the day’s events, trying in vain to discern what could have caused these sensations. Then, his legs buckled and he collapsed into the very fort he had built earlier. 
In sweat and sand, in struggle and sun, Marco began to convulse on the ground. His desperation unseen by others, shielded by the pile he excavated to make the fort.
He thrashed and shook vigorously, as more unfamiliar sensations flooded him.
The feeling was moving throughout him. It was unmistakably living. And it was drawing closer to his head. 
A stream of drool left Marco’s mouth, as his shaking quickened. Veins bulged in his face and throughout his body as seconds later, his eyes began to roll back.
“F-Fuck!!” He shouted. 
“Mmmm yes, ‘Fuck’ indeed” an elderly voice inside him spoke.
“What the-“
“Pleasure to finally meet you... I’m Harland”
Marco grasped his head in pain. “W-what the fuck do you want?! 
“The answer to that question should be quite obvious.” Marco’s own lips spoke this time. His pained expression loosened and all visible struggle drained from it, as Harland commandeered Marco’s pretty face as his own. A hand still half-controlled by Marco shook in place until it eventually relented and caressed his face in rough unnatural motions. “I want this”. 
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“GET OUT” Marco shouted in protest. His body shook violently in one swift motion before settling.
In a brief instance, Marco again found full control of his body. He let out one sigh of relief before passing out. 
Stirred awake by the sound of gently rolling waves and the vibration in his pocket, Marco awoke from a nap that had gone for far too long.
He viewed his phone, taking note of the hours lost in slumber. A new text from Val. 
“Today was fun, had a client booked. Was gonna wake you up but you looked way too cute like that. Let’s do this again sometime. Maybe no giant sandcastles next time ;)”
He laughed gently as he spoke to himself “Damn, quarantine has really done a number on your stamina, eh Marco?”. He continued to slowly get up from the hole he had created himself- stopping every few moments as if to anticipate another fight for his body, despite writing off the entire event as a dream. “Must have dozed off or something.” He kept repeating rationalizations to himself, chalking the whole thing up to an illusion born of fatigue. Yet somehow deep down, he knew it was all too real. Something foreign, something unnatural was still there with him. Still Inside. 
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All reservations aside, nothing out of the ordinary seemed to have occurred since waking up and Marco began to even slightly believe his own little lie.
“Of course it was just a dream”.
As soon as Marco began to truly relax himself, his body shook into rigid, unnatural poses, defiantly showing its owner his error.
He attempted to get his bearings, grasping at whatever he could, only to catch loose sand with his arms. In the midst of Marco’s writhing, a toothy sneer pulled itself from his lips.
Harland spoke using Marco as his mouthpiece. “You didn’t seriously think I would just leave all of this?”
Marco’s own struggling hands began to grope and fondle his body.
“Don’t worry, having me inside will a whale of a time- you’ll see” he spoke, trailing of in a moan as his fingers circled sensually around his nipples. “Being my new body will make you successful beyond your wildest dreams”
Marco felt an odd warmth build inside him. 
“Get the hell out of me!” He shouted in desperation. 
In that moment, he was hit with a tremor of earthshattering pleasure- burst from deep within his abs, pulsing and delivering into the rest him. His arms splayed out, his hips swung into unnatural angles, as he was forced to ride the wave. In the aftershocks from the initial burst, his limbs couldn’t help but twitch slightly in unprompted delight. Marco had never felt anything like that before. His body couldn’t help but leak a little precum in anticipation. 
“Some propriety is called for, young man. At least try to hide it.”
Embarrassed by the small stain that now appeared on his underwear, Marco began to shout back. 
“Shut u-sh-shit… oh shit… holy shit holy shit” attention was immediately drawn to the second tremor inside himself. Once the second wave hit, he could only manage to barely contain an unprompted moan in his throat. 
Marco tried to readjust himself, to acquaint himself with the pleasurable feelings and fight Harland’s onslaught on his senses. Instead, the pulses were getting quicker, stronger.
His abs were in pain, body sore, veins engorged. Muscles strained from their fleshy confine as they involuntarily contracted and relaxed in rapid succession from the increasing frequency of the pulses.
Marco laid in the ground shaking, riled up in pent up fury and ecstasy, expecting sweet, sweet release- only to be met with disappointment as his body, the very body he worked so hard to sculpt, betrayed its master. There would be no respite from the onslaught of pressure inside him. In fevered, labored breaths he cried out to his tormentor. “J-Just do it…. ah ah a-Holy shit. Take me. FUCK. We’re so close… please”.
Marco’s head hung back while his mouth contorted into a pained expression. The corners of his mouth twitched in place as the Harland new face took on a dark, lecherous expression.
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“No, you were made to please me! You’re not getting a drop of this!” In that instance, something inside Marco’s body clicked into place.
This was it, Harland could see himself begin to manifest through his newly-acquired Marco-template. Marco’s eyes took on an evil, soulless demeanor. His hair began to flush white before settling into a dark gray color between Marco’s and Harland’s. All along his body, similar changes had occurred, cementing this new flesh as not-quite Marco and not-quite Harland. 
Of course, the mind was a vastly different matter. Marco was no more- his body only the template from which Harland had fashioned his new corporeal form. Harland devoured his mind, connecting the new body to its sole owner.
Marco was no more- for he was now fully Harland incarnate. Lewd fingers began to explore the body they were attached to, tracing over Marco’s biceps, his shoulders, and his thick neck. His fingers continued to drag themselves among raw other crevices in his body, before gliding down his abs, down the treasure trail and landing gently around his cock. Harland scooped the bit of precum still on Marco’s dick from earlier.
The newly-minted man let out a smug, venomous smile, as he sucked his new fingers clean. 
“Quite a delicious partnership”.
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Though his mind no longer existed, Marco’s body was still pent up in lust and pressure, still attempting to shake and still yearning for that sweet release. With Harland in command, it was subjugated to stillness. Marco’s body continued with build in near-orgasmic heat and pleasure, further amplified by Harland’s mental fortitude. 
But even Harland himself could not deprive this new virile body for too long. His hand went back in and quickly grabbed his engorged cock.
With closed eyes, he gave it a light, sensual tug, nodding in approval as he let out a short moan.
“We’re at the home stretch, bud”.
Another tug. This time, with a slight roughness. There was no hesitation to it- this was now his body after all, he knew how to please it best. 
“You-this flesh was built for me, you just didn’t know it….and as for myself, I was built to control this to rule you… sorry I took so long to get home. You must have been so lonely building up all that muscle, sculpting all this without me inside to wear it” Harland stated as his free hand began to caress random parts of his body. The tugs began to quicken and his eyes fluttered in sheer delight.
“One final piece…” he moaned
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In a quick jolt, Harland stopped dead in his tracks. Cum rapidly pooled over his hand, but he paid no mind to it.
He muttered but one word to cut the silence.
In a flurry of feathers and a burst of red light, the two men finally realized their true form:
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April Fools!
Note: Not actually a huge fan of the fried chicken company in question.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Day 28: Evil Demons
Remus is being a demon…like always.
Roman: “Uuuuuh...Someone stole my sword.”
Remus: *Licky lick*
[End conversation]
[Day 1, 8:39pm]
Patton: “Good morning kiddos!”
Patton: “...”
Patton: “........Remus, give him back the sword.”
Remus: “But I wanna fuck it!”
Roman: “NO!”
Patton: “Remus, watch your language.”
Logan: “Dear Remus;
I would strongly recommend that you don’t put a sword in your anus. The sword is very sharp and it will most likely penetrate your intestines and rip several holes in such intestines, rendering your ability to eat deodorant impossible.
Sincerely, Logan”
Remus: “But the mace is too biiiiig!”
Roman: -_-
Remus: “Also, Logan said Anus.”
Logan: “Dear Remus:
I would strongly recommend you don’t shove a mace up your anus. Again, the mace would be cutting through your intestines like it’s the consistency of butter. And not to mention the amount of pain that you would be in. You remember what pain feels like, right?”
Sincerely, Logan.”
Roman: “The only thing I understood from that whole paragraph...was PAIN!”
Logan: “:,(”
Patton: “Awww, you made Logan sad. :(”
Remus: “Boo fucking hoo.”
Logan: “How do you feel, Remus?”
Remus: “Oh, just fine. Just...Trying to g3t the roght angly…”
Roman: “Janus help!”
Snek boi: “Nah”
Patton: “ROMAN!”
Roman: “I SAID D U C K”
Patton: *ducks*
Roman: “Bahaha”
Logan: “Dear Patton;
I understand your joke.
Sincerely, Logan”
Virgil: “ You know you don’t have to sign off on every text, right?”
Logan: “Dear Virgil:
Sincerely, Logan”
Virgil: “-_-”
Patton: “Wow...Now that’s definitely disappointment.”
Virgil: “Got that right.”
Logan: “My nonexistent feelings have been hurt.”
Patton: “Awww...I’m sorry.”
Virgil: “Your non-existent feelings are non-existent. You should be fine.”
Logan: “I am fine. I am just stating that if I did have feelings, they would be hurt in this scenario.”
Patton: “Logan, please stop lying.”
Logan: “I’m not lying.”
Patton: “Yes you are. You have feelings too.”
Logan: “Logical sides lack feelings, Patton.”
Patton: “...E=MC Scared...”
Logan: “...I was under the influence of Virgil’s room at the time…”
Virgil: “Yeah, my safe space does that to people.”
Logan: “I have many regrets.”
[Logan left the chat]
Patton: “No wait! I love youuuuu!”
[Patton left the chat]
Remus: “...I’m bleeding out my ass!”
Roman: “I am trying not to barf right now.”
Janus: *sips tea while watching this all unfold*
Patton: “TICKLE TIME!”
Roman: “EEP!”
Logan: “Y’all better run...am I saying that right?”
Janus: *sips tea*
Roman: “HOFhRID EJ W Hjc rhF hfjj tFJJKHE”
Logan: “I hear hysterical laughter.
Virgil: “That’s Roman’s laughter.”
Logan: “How do you know that?”
Virgil: “his voice is even higher than ours…”
Logan: “Oh yeah…”
Roman: “HELP! Ajf sh HFHW JVNVj th h jbjbrbh keajgj tbyn sdkFKENHX HWBR rjdhnfjsl lejtrJNRNWJAiv krj tj yj HELO! sxlwje KMEKC KSejdj krjtiesk mcnsV KMRm gnnckvkenf krkk skek reksdvf kdcvf\”
Patton: “Sorry about the spam. Roman’s trying to text on his phone.”
Logan: “Why aren’t you trying to yell?”
Logan: “Again: Why aren’t you trying to yell?”
Patton: “He’s really ticklish to vibrations! Keep texting me! It’s working!”
Virgil: “O”
Virgil: “k”
Virgil: “.”
Virgil: “H”
Virgil: “i”
Virgil: “t”
Virgil: “h”
Virgil: “e”
Virgil: “r”
Virgil: “e”
Virgil: “!”
Patton: “Yes! It’s working!”
Logan: “Type normally…”
Virgil: “Hehehe...Worth it.”
Logan: “Why”
Virgil: “Because”
Remus: “Hey look! He typed a word! GAG!”
Logan: “Is he actually gagging?”
Patton: “Nope! He’s just laughing.”
Logan: “Okay good. Have fun Roman.”
Roman: FAEJFHDBD RBbebfo mvnbrwhi”
Patton: “Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!”
Logan: “You don’t have to write it to us. We’re not being tickled.”
Virgil: “dasfjkrmttdsfp[ofv- HOW CAN YOU TYPE THAT?!”
Patton: “Oooooh! Does the tickle word give you the tickly butterflies?”
Virgil: “......No.”
Janus: “Welcome to chaos, everyone.”
Remus: Someone call an ambulance.”
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divineruler · 3 years
[WRITTEN FOR @cooperdaysgf]
Ross gets drunk. You take care of him. Need I say more?
WARNINGS- light swearing, fluff, cuddling, undressing, substance use
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You stared mindlessly at your tv screen, taking out a row of zombies with a few taps of your game controller. You sigh as the round ends, taking a moment to shove your hand in the bag of Cheetos, whipping the dust on the side of your pants. You are knocked out of your video game trance as your phone rings. You slide off your headset, picking up your phone from off the end table.
Why the hell would Trevor be calling you at 2 AM on a Friday? You sigh again, remembering that Ross said he would be going out with some friends. Might as well answer; trouble seems to follow that boy everywhere. 
"Trevor, what's happening. Why are you calling me." You ask, throwing another handful of Cheetos in your mouth. 
"Yooo! You p-picked up." Trevor answered, trying to sound as sober as possible. "T-Thatsss good news." 
"What the fuck are you talking about?" You ask, getting increasingly frustrated with Trevor's ineptitude. 
"Okay, Okay, sooo," Trevor starts. "Ssome of the broskisss went for d-drinkies. It was awessome. But u-um Ross is like hella drunk and, um, ssomeone had to take h-him back to h-his, um, house thingy."
"Right, so I'm guessing I'm the one who has to take Ross back to his house thingy." You clarify, rolling your eyes. 
"Yeash, he's wassted." 
"And why can't you guys take him?" You ask, slipping your shoes on.  "How are the rest of the broskis getting home?" 
"Ohhh yeah, we are t-taking a cab. There'sss not e-e-enough room for the Rosssss Man, so we called y-you" 
"Reading your loud and clear, Trevor." You huff, "so you're just going to leave him there and expect me to clean up after you?" 
"W-What? I-I"
"I'm just being an ass. Text me the address; I'm on my way." You roll your eyes, grabbing your keys before heading out the front door. 
You pull up to the bar, parking your car on the curb. You look around; the lights inside are shut off, the bar clearly closed quite some time ago. The parking lot is empty, the only light coming from the flickering streetlamps lining the street. Where the hell is he? Your question is quickly answered as you hear the sound of loud snoring coming from the front steps of the bar. You follow the sound, burying your head in your hands as you find him sleeping against the side of the bar. You can't help but chuckle. Of course you would find Ross sleeping outside of a closed bar in the middle of the night. Typical Ross. 
You kneel down next to him, shaking his shoulder, trying to wake him up. 
"Ross," You whisper. "Time to get up" He just groans, shifting slightly. "Come on, get up," You say, grabbing the collar of his jacket to pull him to his feet. He fusses, still half asleep. Obviously unhappy, someone woke him up from his nap. You tilt his head up, shaking him just enough to get him to open his eyes. 
"Wwwhat?" He mumbles, trying to piece together what the hell was happening. "Mom?"
"Nope, not your mom." You chuckle as he starts to wake up a bit. "Come on, hun. We gotta get you home." You say, hooking your arm under his and supporting his weight as your stand him up. "Come on, big guy." He groans, trying to stay steady on his feet. 
"Am I in t-trouble?" He asks as you two stumble through the parking lot, heading back to your car. 
"No, you're not in trouble." You say, opening the passenger side door and helping him into the seat, pulling the seatbelt across his chest. "You just have shitty friends." You close the door, walking around to the other side of the car, and getting in the driver's seat. You start up the car and begin the drive home. 
"Woah. Pretty l-lights." Ross mumbles, absolutely entranced by the dashboard. "What does thisss do?" He asks, turning the dial for the air conditioning. Ross flinches as the AC blasts him in the face. He puts his hands up to block the stream of cold air.
"No! Don't touch that." You say, taking your eyes off the road to turn the AC off and to move his hands to his lap. "Just chill out. Please. We're almost at your apartment. 
You grab Ross' hand, easing him out of the passenger seat. He wobbles on his feet, and you wrap your arm back around his shoulder to keep him standing. He stumbles on his feet as you walk him up the stairs, reaching into his pant pocket to grab his key. You shove the key in the door, swinging it open. 
"There we go. Home sweet home." You lead him through the door before letting him go, ready to head back to your car and head home. You get halfway down the stairs before you hear a loud crash and Ross moaning your name. "Fuck." You mutter, making your way back to his apartment to find him on the ground along with the coat rack. You roll your eyes, shaking your head as you kneel down next to him. "I should have known better. Do you really need me to help you to bed?" He rolls over onto his back, a bruise already forming on the side of his face where he landed. 
"D-Do you think that girls would be grossed out if I s-showed them my third nipple?" 
"Okay, first off, you're never drinking again. Secondly, you don't have a third nipple, so I don't think you need to worry about it." 
"Okay, t-thank god." He slurs, trying to sit himself up. You shake your head but can't help but giggle a little. 
"Let's get you to bed." You say, pulling him up by his arms. He wobbles before falling forward into your arms. You catch him, wrapping your arms around his chest. You stagger for a moment, taking a second to bask in the feeling of his body so close to yours. 
You had always cared about Ross, and you could see yourself being invested in a relationship with him. But you were both in very different places in your life. You had your college classes, and he was trying to find a steady job and pay his rent. So you both remained friends, neither of you having the balls to admit you had feelings for each other. 
But the feeling of him so close to you was the only thing you could think about as you walked him to his bedroom. Your stomach fluttered at the smell of his deodorant and the feeling of his stubble when he stumbled into you. You were falling for him, hard. 
"Okay. Time for bed." You say as you sit him down on the side of his bed. He giggles to himself, that stupid smile of his plastered on his face. You blush, quickly kneeling down to untie his shoes and hide your bashful expression. Not that he would notice anyway. 
"Y-You know wwhat?" He starts as you pull his shoes off, taking his socks with them. "I-I think I'm falling for sssomeone." You whip your head up to look at him; his eyes are unfocused, staring at the wall. He probably didn't even know he was talking. 
"Is that so?" You asked, standing back up. "Well, we can talk about that another time. I don't think you know what you're talking about right now, Ross. Arms up." You smile as he lazily lifts his arms up. You grab his shirt by the collar, lifting it over his head. Revealing his pale chest, and luckily, no third nipple. 
"But I thinkkk sh-she's too good for me," Ross mumbles, laying down on the bed, his legs still hanging off the side. Your expression softens as you see the sadness in his eyes. 
"Don't say that. You're a great guy Ross." You blush as you begin to unbutton and unzip his jeans. There was nothing sexual about it; you just wanted him to be comfortable. But it still felt intimate. "Any girl would be happy to date you. As long as you keep the falling asleep outside the bar to a minimum." You pull his jeans down his hips, and he kicks them down his legs. Leaving him in just his boxers. His ducky boxers. "Nice choice; the ducky boxers really suit you." You laugh, pulling his legs up onto the bed so he could fully lay down. Your face was bright red at this point, but he was too busy staring at the ceiling to notice. You pulled back the covers, tucking him in before giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. To your surprise, he closed his eyes and quietly groaned at your kiss. You stared down at him as his eyes slowly closed. He looked so peaceful. You tucked him in one more time before heading to his door and turning the light off. Just as you were about to close his door and head back home, he sat up. 
"Yes, hun?" You ask, the light from the hallway illuminating his face. 
"C-Can you sstay with me?" He asked, patting the bed next to him. You freeze for a moment. Wondering if it's just the alcohol talking. 
"You mean you want me to spend the night?" You ask, walking back into his room and closing the door behind you. He nods, looking at you with the sweetest puppy dog eyes. You take a second to grasp the situation; he was asking you to stay. To spend the night with him. You. Him. The same bed. Bodies touching. All night. A small smile creps on your face; at this point, you didn't care if it was the alcohol talking. You wanted nothing more than to get in bed with him and hold him in your arms. 
"Of course, I'll stay with you, honey." You shyly pull your shirt off, feeling comfortable staying in your baggy sweatpants. You climb into bed next to him. At first, the sheets feel cold and foreign, and you are too scared to make the first move. But soon enough, Ross turns to face you, slowly inching closer till his head is resting on your shoulder. You feel your confidence grow as you wrap your arms around him, holding him close to you. He rests his head on your chest, cuddling into you. You slowly rub soothing circles on his back and run your fingers through his hair. He hums happily as you lull him to sleep. His eyes slowly close, and his breathing levels. You look at his peaceful face and feel his chest rising and falling with each breath as you hold him close to you. You bite your lip between your teeth before shyly leaning down, placing a gentle kiss on his lips, hoping not to wake him up. Butterflies explode in your stomach as you feel your lips touch his. The kiss is lovely despite the taste of alcohol on his lips. You pull away, holding him closer. You see a smile tug at his lips, and his eyes slowly crack open. 
"H-Hey, I um, think yyou were righttt..." He whispers. "I t-think she would be happyyy to d-date me. 
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villainsblog97 · 4 years
NCT as Your Boyfriend
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This is gonna be the LONGEST BF scenario I’ve ever done!!! O.O
Warnings: Maybe some language? some PG-13 Content 
Scenario: BF, Romance, Angst if you squint -.-....fluffy (TO THE MAX) 
HERE     WE    GO! 
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Our Brave leader!
Taeyong might look, tough, scary, and totally sexy and charismatic
He’s nothing but a big floof
Especially for you...his girl 
Taeyong would be nothing but a sweetheart to you!
He would be the kind of boyfriend to make cookies with you at 2 in the morning because you were hungry and had a sweet tooth. 
I also see him just melting over everything you do! 
He loves making you laugh, and you love making him laugh
He is always making sure you’re happy and healthy
Like one day he’ll make you some Ramyun, then the next day he’s making you some detoxing tea and a nice fresh salad
You are his world.
Fights happen, but oh so rarely
But when they do
Our lil Bubu is a mess
He can’t focus, he can’t think straight
All he can think of is how your face looked
He has to make things right with you
And of course he does.
Overall he would be the best Boyfriend ever! 
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Kun is definitely more of your best friend 
But he gets to cuddle and kiss you too 
Kun loves you to no end
And he will let the entire damn dorm know about it
He’s the leader of WayV 
God help him
You’re the only thing that keeps him sane
But you can bet that this boy will hype you up on everything
He’ll stare at his phone, smiling like an idiot 
Lucas: what’s he all smiley for?
WinWin: What else??
He also loves his magic tricks on you
Pulls flowers out of a hat for you
Like Taeyong, fights rarely happen
But if they do
Kun is gonna do something totally hilarious to make up with you
Something you can’t help but laugh at.
I see Lucas and YangYang involved in it too
Once you two have made up, he’s glued to you
He just wants to love you and you alone
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Taeil is kind of hard to read, because we don’t see a lot of content with him
But I see him being a pretty chill boyfriend 
He supports you in everything 
and he loves to spoil you
Always buying something that reminds him of you 
He also loves taking you out to restaurants 
Like the ones you get all dressed up for
Taeil also loves you in dresses
He just looks like he would like dresses 
He also can do fun dates too
Like the amusement park
He just wants to see you happy
If you have fights 
It’s hella serious 
You guys need some time away from each other
Until about 3 in the morning when he’s calling you and pouring his heart out
You have no choice but to forgive him
Mostly because he hates sleeping without you
Like I said he only wants to see you happy 
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Our Chicago boy is DEFINITELY a romantic!
You are his girl
And he’ll make sure everyone knows that 
I get the feeling he would love holding your hand
Like everywhere
You are his queen 
He’s always gotta show you off
“Wow... who is that beautiful woman??? Oh right, that’s my girlfriend!”
He loves making you blush too 
Always giving compliments to you
He tells you he loves you 24/7 
Cuddling is his favorite 
and because he’s so tall 
(Yep you guessed it)
Lots of forehead kisses
It’s healing for both of you
I can’t see you guys fighting a lot
It’s more like little bickers and arguments 
He will do whatever it takes to keep that smile 
Your smile is his favorite feature on you
Johnny Suh is a 1,000/10 Boyfriend 
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Much like Taeil 
He loves spoiling you 
Dates are mandatory for our Japan boy
He’ll do just about anything with you 
I feel like he would love buying little plushies for you
Don’t ask why
He’ll call and text you every chance he gets 
If he’s on tour
Video calls
Counts down the days til he get’s back to you 
Loves hugging and holding you
You absolutely love his smile
Who doesn’t???
Yuta doesn’t look like he would be too much into PDA 
but when you guys are alone
He’s stuck to you like glue
He can’t fight with you 
It’s just not in his nature
If you guys do
There’s gonna be tears 
From both of you 
He’ll just hold you and tell you how sorry he is 
He love you so much and never wants to lose you
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I’m not gonna get into how he looked in this MV
Doyoung is precious
Doyoung is sassy
and he also has a really strong RBF (resting b*tch face)
So Dating Doyoung would be...... a challenge 
He would be the best boyfriend 
but at the same time you’re questioning it 
not in a bad way of course 
I feel like he would be very blunt with you 
You come out in a long yellow dress
“Doyoung how does this look??”
“You look like a banana” o.O
But then! 
He would suggest his favorite dress that looks absolutely stunning on you
He would even pull it out of your closet 
“This one... you look so beautiful in this one”
He won’t apologize for the insult
but his eyes will make up for the comment
When he’s having a bad day he’ll just want to hold you
Doesn’t matter where 
He loves it when you hold him too
Running your fingers in his hair
Because he’s so savage, fights could be often
But he does make up for them and this time he will apologize 
He also loves slow and long kisses 
He loves to feel you 
He loves you.
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Ten literally bias wrecked himself into my bias list 
Now this boy is more than just a beautiful dancer 
He’s shown that in past couple years now
Ten is a total weirdo too
You love that 
He’ll make you smile and laugh on your worst days 
He loves making you laugh
but he can also be super romantic 
I see him being a flower petal guy 
Getting a hot bath prepared for you 
He’s just a gentleman 
He also loves cracking up jokes with you
Always calls you baby
and always telling you he loves you
if a fight happens 
I can see it going two ways
the first being very emotional 
lots of tears 
The other way
An aggressive make-out session 
Like you two are so mad at each other that it becomes sexual tension
and you two have to get rid of it
after your night (hint hint wink wink)
You both lay in each other’s arms, promising to not fight again.
Or maybe fight, if it ends like that
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My bias wrecker! 
Okay Jaehyun is already like the ultimate boyfriend material 
So you know he’s gonna meet all the qualifications 
Why do I see him loving to go shopping with you?
Any kind of shopping
Clothes shopping, grocery shopping, even shoe shopping 
like his hyungs
he too loves to spoil you
with everything
anything he buys you, you treasure it.
He loves taking you out and showing you off to the world 
He makes sure no guy even looks at you wrong.
He gets jealous really easy 
“I don’t like that guy...” *pouty face*
“Well that’s my cousin so you have to like him a little”
If you two fight it’s for something serious
maybe he’s working too much
or you feel like you never get to see him.
He can usually stay really calm during the fight 
He tries to listen to you as much as he can.
When you’re standing there yelling at him out of frustration
He’ll just walk up to you and hug you.
“Let’s not fight anymore, let’s just stay like this for a minute” 
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Like Taeil we don’t get to see much of our boy
but he is still there!
And to you
He’s the only one
I get the feeling that WinWin would be a very shy and cute boyfriend
Like he asks you for everything he wants to do
Asks to hold your hand
He never wants to make you feel uncomfortable 
Always asks you where you want to eat
He takes his time learning all about you
He probably blushes more than you do
And he loooooves hugs
You in his arms is the best feeling ever! ^_^
I feel like it would take A LOT to make him mad 
so your fights would be almost non existent 
When he’s away from you
He’ll send you a ton of snaps!
Miss you so much beautiful
He’ll wait for hours until you reply 
“She’s not answering” *sad eyes* 
“Dude it’s like 3 in morning in Seoul! she’s probably asleep”
Lots of good morning / night texts
He would be an adorable boyfriend!
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Lord help me...
My bean!
Okay so Jungwoo is a literal squish
So being your boyfriend
Is like the biggest UWU fest ever!
He is so whipped for you 
All the members will give him hell for it
You aren’t just the love of his life
You are his EVERYTHING
My heart is gonna hurt
His favorite word to call you is Jagiya 
There it goes >.<
Can you actually pick a fight with this boy??
He probably would get seriously emotional
He is also one who gives you a lot of plushies and flowers 
Bubble Tea dates
Arcade dates
He loves spending time with you 
He pouts when you can’t go to shows with them
Because he wants you to how cool he is on stage.
Jungwoo would be the ultimate squishy boyfriend
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This little Sh*t... -_-
Okay so this boy takes pride in making you flustered AF
It’s his job
He’s a flirt
He’a tease
You’re constantly yelling at him.
He just laughs it off
Okay now hear me out
This boy will kiss your neck and growl in your ear
Just to get a squeal out of you
You neck all cringed up 
But he can also treat you like a princess
He loves holding your hand in public areas 
He wants people to know who you belong to
He’s not afraid of PDA 
When you two fight, if can actually get a little scary
Lucas has a deep voice and it gets husky when he’s mad 
You’re not turned on by it at all 
That’s probably where it will end
“You really piss me off sometimes” 
“Yeah and you do too!” 
Boom... making out 
At the end of the night you two still love each other and would do anything for each other. 
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My boy! Loved him since Cherry Bomb! (first MV I saw)
Okay so like Jaehyun
Mark is already boyfriend material
He loves you beyond words 
So Mark is definitely a cuddle bug
He will fall asleep holding onto you
and if you are having a bad day 
He’ll lay you down on his bed, sit beside you and play his guitar
He loves playing with your hair
He’s tried failed to put it in a ponytail 
Mark is always trying to make you laugh 
He loves hearing it
He definitely calls you babe a lot
He likes to show you his parts in his songs (127, dream, U and Super M)
Fights with him would be small
and short 
He would try to end them as fast as they started 
If he can’t he’ll wait til you’ve calmed down a little before coming into your room, playing your favorite song on his guitar
He never sleeps without you
That’s why he always gets a little sad when he has to go on tour 
So you two video call until one of you falls asleep
I need a Make Lee >.<
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I’m becoming utterly whipped for this boy
Xioajun is also a romantic 
He also looks a really good kisser
So with that said
He will kiss you every chance he gets
This boy will treat you like absolute royalty
He will also call you princess 
I mean Xioajun himself looks like a prince
He also loves back hugs 
Like while you’re in the kitchen and he just comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist
Lots of cheek kisses that would trail down to your neck 
(Deep inhale and exhale)
A fight would only happen if you initiate it
If you told him he did something he would run over a hug you before you could walk away
It would be like a scene from a kdrama 
He would hold you for a second before you turned around to return the hug that lead to a kiss and an apology.
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One of the biggest crackheads in NCT and WAYV 
So obviously 
You’re gonna have a crack head boyfriend
Hendery is more than likely from another planet
Or at least that’s what you feel like
You are his baby
He makes sure you know too
“My baby!!!” (He is so loud XD)
You’re always questioning what he’s doing
He loves making you laugh too
So he’ll be doing something totally weird just to get a giggle out of you
“Aha! you smiled!” 
I think it’s impossible to fight with him 
I think if it were to happen 
It would be weird
Like you two aren’t actually fighting 
and eventually you two would just bust up laughing 
he looks like the kind to always hold your face when he kisses you
like his hand on your face, or lifting your chin to kiss you
he also looks like a good kisser too
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I feel like Renjun would ultimately be an amazing boyfriend
So you are his first priority 
He is so caring of you
and he loves being around you 
He could be practicing and he sees you coming into the room
Everything stops
“Hold up! my girl is here!”
He also loves taking you on dates 
Fancy dates
Movie dates are his favorite though
I can’t see you two fighting a lot but if it does
He is gonna cry
(Please no one hurt him)
He’ll go to his hyungs for advice 
Then he’ll show up in front of you
Face all puffy
Eyes all red 
(My heart is breaking)
He’ll apologize so many times 
You have no choice to hug him and forgive him
He’ll feel relieved when he feels your arms around him
Then he spendss the rest of the day with you
Ultimate boyfriend!
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Jeno is total baby
so granted
He’s your baby
I feel like is adorably clingy
Like always needs to be touching you
Holding you
Whines when you have to leave your cuddle fest 
Pouts when you won’t kiss him
but then 
He can take charge on you
He was the one that asked you out
He initiated the first kiss
But he just likes being all soft and squishy around you
If the day ever comes that you two argue or yell at each other
Its definitely short
He will return to his baby act and bat those little eyes at you until you give in to him
Much like Hendery, you two kind of just laugh it off
Then you two are back 
Who can resist those eyes
Lets be real
No one can
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He’s obviously spent too much time with Doyoung
He’s savage 2.0
But he loves you to no end
You two definitely have video game dates
He gets mad when you win
“Psht! I let you win...”
*Dramatic eye roll* 
He doesn’t let you live any of your embarrassments down
He’ll tease the shit out of you
He is the most extra boyfriend ever
You literally cannot take him anywhere
But no one else gets to mess with you
That’s his job
If someone tries to prank you
It’s on!
“This is my woman, no one else messes with her but me!”
Now don’t get me wrong
He still takes care of you
If you’ve had a bad day, or a fight with him
He’ll hold you in his arms
Gently rock you back and forth 
Sing sweet ballads in your ear
(Writing this is making my heart ache!!!)
Maybe he’ll mess up the notes just to make you laugh
Start singing off key
“Haha! My baby laughed!” 
You love this dork to the moon and back.
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(Lord give me strength)
Okay Jaemin is also the ultimate boyfriend
This boy would treat you like absolute royalty
He is so in love with you
It’s almost sickening 
He can’t go a day without you
If he does
It drives him crazy 
He’ll sends you so many pics and videos 
Telling you how much he misses you or loves you
This boy is a big lover
He will show you it 24/7
Kisses all the time
He can’t help it
He craves your taste, your touch
He craves you 
(This is making crazy O.O )
He loves it when you wear his hoodies
He melts with everything you do
He can’t help it
Jaemin can’t fight with you either 
He’ll just ask you to please stop fighting 
Also hold you in his arms until you’ve calmed down 
He also loves playing with your hair 
Loves the feeling of your soft locks
He will cuddle the hell out of you
I’m not saying I want a Na Jaemin
But that’s exactly what I’m saying.
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Our boy YangYang would also be a total goofball
He’s such a cutie
And he takes pride in that
Like Jeno
He is your baby
and you love it so much
But he’s more like a baby that flirts with you 
He’ll say little sentences in German too
and won’t tell you what he said
“Please tell me what you said!!”
“That ruins the fun” 
He will love to tease you 
All the time
He laughs at you for everything too
You just make him giggle
Especially when you want to know what he said in German and he won’t tell you
Like a lot of the members 
I can’t see you two getting into a lot of fights
I just can’t 
If there ever comes a day where he does tell you what he said in German
Let’s be real
It’s probably dirty...
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We don’t know much about Shotaro
Except that he’s FREAKING ADORABLE
But I feel like he would be very similar to Renjun
He just spoils you rotten
You are his princess 
He loves to hug you too
Lots of hugs
and cuddles
(Give me strength!!! >.<)
He is also loves shopping with you too
He looks like snackin boy! 
So lots of snacks 
and movie dates
Okay another ultimate boyfriend 
No one better ever hurt this boy
Or I’ll fight you! (ง'̀-'́)ง
So on that note
no fights
Because I can’t imagine his sad face
Please protect him
We must protect him!!!
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I get the feeling that Sungchan would also be like a combination of Mark and Jaemin
He loves you like a best friend
but also like a queen 
And again
Because he’s so tall
More fore head kisses
And lots of hugs too
He loves putting his arms around you
He’ll put your arms around his waist and then wrap his arms around you 
Tall people just make you feel secure
He too is very difficult to fight with 
Its also more like bickers or arguements
(Ah Young love)
He loves movie dates too
Just curled up on the couch
Buried in blankets
Snacks all around you
He is just the best.
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First thing’s first
This boy is so loud
But he’s a giggle box
And he loves it when you make him laugh
He also loves to make you laugh too
He seems like a chill one too
and he’s always singing to you
Chenle looks like a cuddler too
and a tickler
He’ll do whatever it takes to hear your laugh
He is also a sweet heart too
Always buying you food, and snacks
He wants to keep you happy
I can see him loving picnics
But he’s very underrated 
So he needs reassurance a lot from you
You always tell him he’s doing well
No fights from you guys
But you guys can be away from each other 
Only for a little bit though
Then he has to see you
He’s been without you too long
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Our little baby
Ain’t so much a baby anymore ㅠ.ㅠ
So this boy 
You’re his first love
So he doesn’t want to mess anything up
He wants to only make you happy
But he’s never dated before
So he isn’t sure all the time on what you guys should do.
He’s got 22 hyungs
They’ll help him out
Okay maybe not Haechan...or Hendery...
He really like to hold your hand 
I feel like he wouldn’t be too much into PDA
He likes to be alone with you
If any of the members tease him
He’s gonna get flustered AF
Lots of facepalms when the guys are around giving him a hard time
He’s their baby, they aren’t use to seeing him with his arm around a girl
or giving her kisses
or cuddling her on the couch
If you guys get into a fight 
He’s gotta ask everyone how to make up for it
So there he is
At your door
Flowers and giant teddy bear 
He’s really shy and tripping on his words
So of course you forgive him shortly after he stars stuttering words out to you
He’s growing up too fast!!! >.<  
(WHEW! Made it!! hope you guys enjoyed it! let me know what group I should do next! Please support NCT in their new album and Stream their MVs!)
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Heya everyone!
Sorry for the absence of chapters, there are things good and bad in my life but that is not important right now.
The OC belongs to @mortal-kombattore-115
I like to thank @this-person-is-slowly-dying and her friend, AlphaKing and @sampoststuff for providing me artwork for this so give them credit guys. ^^
That being said, enjoy reading the chapter you are waiting for while I work on the 20th chapter.
-Chapter 19-
-Back to the All-Stars Group…-
“So there will be a great conflict in the future, eh?” Bruno had asked this while he fed the fire with the wood leftover after others had barricaded the house. “To hell and back it will be to your dimension eventually.” Dempsey said as he helped a captive Helghast making a grate to hang the skinned bear over the fire.
“Still, too much hell for what the Germans had done to us.”
“Can you explain what had happened in that war?” as the large Frenchman helps out Heavy with the creature over to the fire to tie it on a grate.
“To make a long ass story short,” Dempsey apperaded, as he and the Helghast managed to get the grate made from scrapped metal and pipes from the shed with the help of Ratchet who set it in the ground with rocks. “Blame the Germans.” with Ultimis Richtofen giving him a glare from the background with Primis Jin shaking her head.
Demoman walked over with a knife from a kitchen as the smell of sizzling meat and hearing bubbles erupting from the flames crisping on the skinned bear creature. Soldier had to pull the Scottish man back and whispered “You think you can prepare dinner for us?” with a little concern for him. “I mean, Engie and Pyro can cook good meals…”
“I can cook, Jane, I have cooked a lot of food for me ma, remember?” Tavlish smiled with his one good brown eye, looked at it, and the Soldier patted his back and said “Just remember to put spice on each piece if someone wants one.” and Demo nodded.
The meat was grilled by the fire on a grate, was curved and cut onto a plate and served to the people around the bonfire. Spice and salt was provided to several others who wanted it and they ate it with ease.
Some laughed and made jokes, others were keeping watch for any familiar or the unfamiliar threats as Demoman looked a little proud of himself, an friendly atmosphere with little laughter and he thought “All of this needs to have a piano music.” rather joking in his head with a chuckle.
Door opened slightly from beyond the group and they jumped a little as Bruno looked at the door better than anyone and said “Erron is awake.”
Frisk had led the patched up Erron to the bonfire and had him rested at a spot with Mugman looking at them, “Thanks, kiddo.” Erron muttered under his breath as Cuphead looked at Erron and said “Amazing that you had survived that-”
“A Panzer Soldat,” Erron interrupted, “That’s what I learned from an ugly ass octo-” he noticed Jin finally who was looking at him with an eyebrow, “...pus, hello.” he greeted, he seemingly… looked similar to a marine in the group but Jin simply shrugged it off as she then introduced herself “My name is Jin Huang, you’re Erron, if I am correct.”
“Erron Black, Jin.” Erron confirmed, holding his newly bandaged side, “I see you’re here in a tournament too?”
This confused everyone around him as Primis Dempsey asked “What tournament? What’s it about?”
“To think you would know about it by now,” Erron begins to explain, “from where I am from, there was a battle-to-the-death tournament event known as Mortal Kombat. The winner will be the last one standing to decide the fate of the earth realm. But in order to win, is to off the other.``
Others were confused but Frisk looked fairly worried and Primis Dempsey figured it out what it meant as he said “Do we have to…” to Erron who is dead serious about this.
“Yep.” he responded, as Jin was perplexed with a thought of the tournament, “Mortal Kombat…” as Erron looked at her with little interest. “I had heard from Frisk that you are a damned good fighter, right? In the earth- In my universe, we had those there in the other realm. But they are not the only ones, there are tough-ass fighters out there as well and I won’t be surprised that we are meeting one of them from the realms I belong to.”
“I am not but I have been taught to defend myself.” Jin said as she looked at him, “Yet, I can’t die without a fight if it does happen.”
“Oi reckon that and the reason our own had been kidnapped.” Sniper added with a nod, “Yet, so far, it worked for a while so far?”
“Fighting a giant flower, then extraterrisory soldiers, our teammates taken to another world and now this.” P!Dempsey recounted the events from before, “So that could be the theory for this shitshow happening.”
“Could be…” Radec had remained silent until this point, “A strange entity had somewhat cause us to be here, our leader had sent us here to investigate the power and to harness it-”
“Before the shitshow hits the fan with war following suit!” Soldier jabbed, pointing a finger at him as if he was the only one who has authority over their captives. “You pushed first and we pushed back!”
“Stand down, son.” Dempsey said loudly as the Soldier looked at him, grumbling something under his breath as he sat down. “Yet,” Erron broke the ice as he looked at him, “You guys are going to leave me to die here once you guys leave.” in an accusatory tone. Radec nodded and said “But it all went wrong and no hope of leaving this planet as the carrier was destroyed, we are all trapped here together all thanks to you.” as Everyone looked at him until Mugman piped up.
“Not entirely.” he said, Cuphead and Frisk looked at him and said “What do you mean, Mugs?” with an eyebrow.
“Rachet, Clank.” he called to them, “You had said you two came here by a ship of your own, right?”
“Of course, we did but why did you ask?” Clank asked as Ratchet simply tilted his head to this. “You must have a radio on it, you can contact anyone far away from here, does it still work?”
“It does,” Ratchet answered as he simply shrugged but had a disappointed look on his face, “But the galaxy we are from is too far away from here, this is a Milky Way Galaxy afterall, there's a bunch of other galaxies in the universe.” as he stretched his arms.
“Or the next,” Clank added as he stood up and then chuckled when Ratchet turned to glare at him, “Mr. Masaki and Erron had said that this realm is what we are currently living in right now.” he further explained. “As for our ship, we can overlook the city, be your eyes and ears for any zombie coming your way.” Ratchet offered as Clank sat back on three bricks stacked on top of another.
“I agree with the strange talking cat lion alien,” Ultimis Nikolai interjected with a little sober voice even as it was slurred, “On the bright side, they can find Nikolai more vodka in this sh!t hole!” He raised the bottle and then drank it as the scarf Mugman was holding to patch the crack glowed cyan softly as he looked at him before looking away.
*You had no idea why this scarf was connected to Ultimis Nikolai…
A text hangs below his head as he looked at it before he looked at Frisk, who patted his shoulder in comfort. The look they had as if they knew whatever the newer text will explain, they would tell them about it.
Demoman yawned as he looked up the nighttime skies, the stars could hardly be seen because of the city’s lights but in this one, electricity that powered the city was all but gone after something had happened to it and the beauty of the stars and dust sparkled and smudged to regin the skies once more.
The moon is glowing softly with a few stars around it, a night silver ring of rainbow around it as the nearly glassy clouds covering it. “Demo?” Scout asked as he looked at him who got up and said “We should all get sleep, we can talk more in the morning, Lads.”
“I will take the first shift, then Bendy soon Richtofen.” Bruno had stated as he raised the hammer and placed onto his shoulder, resting it in place. “That’s a good idea,” Bendy walked with him to the captive Helghasts, “in case they had any funny ideas.”
“Oh ja,” Ultimis Richtofen said this with rather a sinister venom as he looked at the Helshasts with a wicked smile, “I vill gut zhem if zhey tried to escape.”
As the moon slowly sails in the clouded skies, everyone has made the parts of the backyard and the house itself as their spots for them to live temporarily. Half of them had set up tents in the backyard while U!Richtofen already had the shed to call his ‘cottage’ of his own.
Rest are resting in each rooms of the house 1145, Ratchet and Clank has the couch, Erron and Scout has the room with a bunk bed at the end of the hall in the upstairs, corporal had the master bedroom, Frisk had the side room with two bunk beds as it seemingly possible and sharing it with Cuphead and Mugman and lastly, the rest of the RED Team had the downstairs family room with one room but not the rest of them at the least, Sniper is at on the roof with a lantern on watch duty.
“Do you think that we have to fight each other?” It was Mugman who asked Jin that with a worried look on his face while Jin helped him onto the top bunk, with a blanket he had caught and wrapped himself with.
“Erron had said that as a theory, we don’t know about it yet.” Jin said as she adjusted the blanket he had and tried to be careful not to press the cracks and make them worse. “We need to know the reasons why we are here for a tournament.”
“And if it was the way to-”
“Mugman,” Jin had insisted, looking at him as she had a bit of a parental tone in her voice. “I will not let it happen if it is the only way, I promise you that I will protect you.”
“Do I ever lie to you? I am a fighter afterall.” she softly smiled as she lifted his chin up to face her, “Please get some sleep, Mugman, tomorrow will be better.”
Mugman slightly nodded and then laid down to get comfortable as Jin exited the room to find something to lay down to rest when she noticed something from the master bedroom that caught her eye before she could.
It was Primis Dempsey, he wasn’t wearing his coat and the boiler as they rested on a folding table close to him, sitting on a chair and holding a colt revolver in his hand as he stared at it. He looked at the window and then he rested his forehead on the cylinder and the rear sight with his eyes closed.
Something about this scene had her worried for the marine. She watched him raise his head back up to the window and he appeared to notice something on the window. Then he looked at the doorway, raised an eyebrow at the fortune sight before him.
“Jin? What are you doing over there?”
“I…” She said shyly as she walked in, “I wanted to make sure that you are alright, Dempsey.” she excused as she made her way to the dirty yet faintly clean mattress with a few blankets on it. He sighed as he walked over to the bed to sit down beside him.
“Thanks for doing that,” he said as he looked at the colt in his hand, “But ya really don’t have too, Jin, I am fine.” it was a lie and he and Jin knew that just the way he was holding the weapon. She reached out and then held the hand holding the gun, making him look at her.
“Mind if I ask why are you holding a revolver?” she asked as she and him looked at each other.
Dempsey knew that he wanted to do it with a weapon such as a colt revolver, that one thought, an idea, just swimming in the back of his mind for quite a little while but he couldn't let that side of himself show, not by a long shot and too stubborn to admit it. He simply shrugged and said “Just wanted to make sure those Lickers don't eat us in our sleep,” he excused, “You could never be safer than being ripped to shreds.”
Jin looked at him a bit more now and then she said softly, “I’ll stay.”
“Run that by me again, Jin?”
“I’ll stay with you.” in repeated herself, letting go him hand, she intended to stay with him to make sure that he doesn’t do anything too stupid, possibly to his own life, “I will let you be on watch if you want, do wake me up if you do see something.”
Tank looked down to face the revolver from Jin, looking a bit confused yet vacated from the conversion they had before he looked at her and nodded “Yeah, sure.”
Jin nodded as Dempsey got up to let Jin get into bed, she stretched her arms to prepare for the night as she pulled the sheets over her with P!Dempsey sat down on the bed again as he looked at her. She does have a nice…
“Not now, Tank.” his subconscious told him as he shook his head, “No time for feelings, lover boy.”
Jin fell asleep quickly after finding comfort in the blankets as Dempsey watched, letting out a soft sigh as he looked at the revolver again. He wasn’t the one to admit it but she had stopped him, he’ll give her that but he is a little worried about the Lickers he encountered however so it is a reason for him to keep watch.
He looked at the window again as the fire in the backyard had dimmed and smoke rising from where the bear was cooked. He has watched the window like a hawk for anything with a long tongue and teeth for an hour or two when Jin woke up with a sketch and got out of bed.
“Sleep well?” he asked as she sat down beside him, “Yes I have.” she answered as she immediately prepared to take the night watch, “It’s now your turn to get some rest and me taking watch.”
Dempsey looked at her and then looked at the revolver in his hands, he then looked at her again and said “Do you know how to use it?”
Jin simply nodded as she took it from his hand gently before he had got up to lay down the bed with the blanket over her, she looked over to the corporal and responded nicely “Sleep well, Dempsey.”
Dempsey softly smiled with tired eyes and then started to fight his way to get some sleep. A few minutes of this, his eyelids closed tightly, soon softened and he fell asleep soon...
The sound of gunfire and chains flying through the air, his boots were dusted in dirt as his two feet crashed onto the ground as he ran away from whoever it was he was running from.
“Sh!t sh!t Sh!t SH!T….!” he cursed loudly under his breath as he was losing air from his lungs, the sounds of the gun firing and chains flying in the air are consent; whenever he had to stop to catch his breath, the sounds returned and making him turn tail and running through an old western town that seemed abandoned since the 1800’s or after that century.
He skidded on the ground to turn the corner and then made it inside an nearby building that seemed like a shack. He hid inside the shack, on the wall and remained silent and watched a figure walking by: the one with a cowboy hat, a trench coat and weiding what appears to be a gun of a strange kind.
The pursuer walked by the marine without even noticing him being inside, Tank had sighed in relief softly and he got off the wall. “Thank god…”
He then walked towards the way he came in but chains suddenly appeared and stretched across the doorless frame, wrapping and blocking off his exit as he yelled out a curse word.
He feared that the man chasing had heard it happened too so he had to find another way out of the building as he turned to notice something that he didn’t see in this shack before he entered. A staircase that leads down, he softly breathed in and out before looking at the blocked off exit, then he shook his head at this.
With no other choice on the matter, he descends downstairs with slow steps on the steps as the setting sunlight creeps through the walls made from wood boards. He then turned to see what was in the basement itself of the shack. He muttered “Oh no…” as he got a look of what was in the room.
It was a stake in the center of the basement and on it were four rusted hooks, but they looked like they were sharpened to a fine point and crusted with blood, like it was used countless times with an animal of kind that had been hoisted onto it.
He had stood there to take in what he was seeing until the chains upstairs had been taken down and someone walked in. He cursed under his breath and looked for a way to hide which he eventually did through a hole wide enough for him to fit inside.
Footsteps were descending down the stairs and came upon the landing as he could see through the cracks to see who it was: The man with the gun came inside the basement and began to look around, finding someone inside.
“Where are you…?” an old voice called out from the man, banging on the creaking walls and pounding, “I know you’re in here!” He said as he used the bunt of the rifle to bash through the wall on the right of the basement, the sound had revirabated to Tank as he flinched but didn’t make noise, he was not going to give away his location.
After a long time, the man seemed to give up as he said “Well said… Have it your way then.” as Dempsey sees him going back upstairs with the shadow stretching out on the wall where the sun was shining before it had settled over the entrance.
Dempsey carefully slid out of the hole and looked around as he saw the hole the man in the trench coat had made with his coat. The chips and splinters were on the inside of the wall and some of it was hanging off the craves.
He slowly had put his hand into the hole his purser had made, feeling another wall from within, feeling cobwebs and wood from inside. The bunt of the rifle had made a bend on the wooden plank wall when he had his fingers to feel the bump the man had made out of anger and frustration.
“Jesus…” he muttered as he placed his hand through it, “at least have an therapist…” he sarcastically jabbed as he pulled his hand out of the hole but then jumped when an one claw wrenched out of the hole the man had made, it was pitch black and it had a tinge of orange on the tip as it had a bit of fur of the same color when it came out and made him yell in shock.
The claw happened to try to slash at him but he missed it just in time just narrowingly avoiding its attack, then he witnessed its shell cracked and then crumbed away, transforming it into… Chains.
It was a flash as the chains behaved like snakes controlled by their master and it shot forward towards as he turned to try to run but these metal linked strings had latched onto his right arm and coiled around it in a tight grip. “What the hell…?!” He pulled at the chains as he tried to break it but then he spotted another same claw came out of the first hole he was hiding in and it, like the claw, changed into chains and lashed out.
His left arm was grabbed and coiled by the chains behaving like a predatory snake and the next thing he knew, they pulled and his arms were stretched about as he screamed. The footsteps returned and there was the cowboy on the landing. Dempsey pulled desperately to get them to let go his arms but their grip was death-like as they were rattled and clacked.
“So that’s where you were boy,” the man then lifted his head up to reveal the rest of his face, Caleb the Deathslinger, his white and black eyes locked onto his target as he had lifted his jawbone upward, reconnected it to his skull with a crack that made Tank cringed at the sound of it. “Nowhere to run this time.” he muttered as he stood where he was as he lifted his rifle upwards him as he gotten a good look at it:
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[Digitally drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
The rifle had a reel with chains attached to it, with a lever to pull it and lastly, it had a very defining feature to it as the chains are connected to it: Some type of harpoon or a spear and it was aimed at him.
The hammer was heard smashing onto the barrel and the next thing he felt was a spear piercing through his abdomen and out his back as the pain was unbearable-
He jumped out of his sleep with a yell, eyes wide open and panting as if he was seeing hell far beyond him. He quickly checked his abdomen with his eyes locked onto it as he placed his hand on where the spear surpassingly made its mark.
No blood, no sign of t-shirt torn or penetrated the skin, flesh and bone. “Dempsey?” a soft voice had questioned worryingly, he turned to face Jin, she was looking at him with an unsettled yet concerned look in her eyes.
He looked at her for a good minute before closing his eyes and placing his hand on his forehead as sweat trailed down. “Are you okay, Dempsey?”
“I’m alright, it’s just a nightmare… that’s gotten worse.” he muttered as he looked in the other direction, Jin was a bit puzzled of what she could understand him saying under his breath. “Nightmare?” she said as she lowered her hand as he looked at something else in the room, an old pile of junk that is drawers filled with beads, strings, scissors and paint brushes with painting of any kind and other things. Like he had never said that but he did say “What time is it?”
“It was only 3 o’clock in the morning, Dempsey.” Jin responded as she looked at him a bit more, studying his movements, “Damn…” he sighed, “Just when I was getting some good night sleep too.” as he rubbed his eyes with his shaking hand with a soft groan.
Jin was worried for his mental health as she continued to look at him for a bit longer and said “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m feeling fine, Jin.” he lied as he looked at her now with tired eyes as he let out a dry chuckle. But she refused to believe him as she saw through that sentence; a lie. A lie to keep his pride up.
“Are you sure about that?” she responded as she crawled onto Dempsey’s side, sitting next to him as he had his hands on the bed, planted onto the sheets as he was baffled by this. “I can see it in your eyes that you are… Distressed.”
Tank looked at the window to avoid but then in defeat, he let go of the breath from his mouth. “Like I had said, it’s a nightmare.” he confessed finally, Jin listened closely to what he had to say more. “It was me being chased and eventually being killed by a creepy-ass cowboy that looked like a zombie but smarter than that.” he then looked down from the window. “And he had a gun with a spear that killed me with…”
“If it’s connected to the war,” Jin rationalized as she had placed her hand on his cheek and had him turn to look at her, “If so, it could be understandable.”
His eyebrows furrowed upward and as he had his arm rested on one of his knees, “But something about it felt so real.” he mumbled softly to himself. Jin then said “There is no need to worry.” before wrapping her arms around the American. He was a little flustered when she did this but he found comfort in this and held her arm with one hand as he closed his eyes.
“Thanks.” he said, showing gratitude.
“No worries.” Jin replied with a gentle smile.
He was smiling softly himself but then they both flinched when they heard the door open, they were both ready to face whatever it was until they saw who it was: It was Erron who yawned as he rubbed his eyes.
“Hey Erron,” Dempsey sneered tiredly, “You almost scared us.”
“Evenin’, Tank,” Erron stopped to see Jin with him, he had dark circles around his eyes like he hadn't slept for a while but he had brushed it off and asked “Mind if I ask you two what you are talking about?”
“Nothing important, Erron.” Dempsey responded as he looked at him carefully, “Speaking of which, ya’ll looked like crap, Erron.”
“It was Scout’s fault for talking.” Erron complained as he had his thumb pointed at the closed door on his left as it left him and the Shaolin woman confused by what Erron meant by that. “But wasn’t Scout asleep on the top bunk above you?” Jin responded with a raised brow as Erron looked like he had run out of many cares to give anyway.
“Oh, don’t worry, he is asleep,” he answered as he grabbed the doorknob, opened it just a crack and what they were hearing was kinda humorous. “Heeeey, Pauling…. Do ya want to go on a date?” Scout murmured from the darkened bedroom with Erron holding the door open just a small wedge as he concluded “But he’s like a radio that can’t shut up.”
Jin giggled and face palmed as Dempsey smirked “Poor you” he joked as the Outworlder glared at them as he pulled the door close just as Scout mumbled out “Oh no, the dog has wings….!”
“Anyway, I was going to take a leak in the middle of the night anyway.” Erron explained as he let go of the knob and waved this off with his hand before he wrapped his arms together, trying to warm up as he walked into the darkened hallways.
“You should’ve got a blanket with you, dumba$$.” Dempsey sassily remarks as the man was fading into darkness as he replied “Yeah, whatever.” his response echoing in the halls.
The corporal smiled as he shook his head while Jin looked sighed and held her forehead, but then he looked solemn again as he looked down again as she noticed.
He looked aloof with himself, “Dempsey,” she responded as she placed her hand on her shoulder. He looked at her again then responded “It’s only a nightmare, I know-” but he was cut off.
“If you want more sleep then you would,” she offered, Dempsey’s mouth was aigbe a little bit upon hearing that, “if you had another nightmare, I’m here, understand?'' She sounded like a mother figure for someone that’s broken, broken nearly beyond repair but he had said nothing but nodded. “We have to do work at sunrise, try to get some sleep.” she said as Dempsey laid back down and fell asleep with Jin beside him, sitting upright on the bed.
Yet, Erron had lied about going to the restroom but instead had his hand over his mouth as his eyes locked onto the ground with furrowed brows. What he had overheard, he hardly ignored what Tank experienced in that nightmare.
He muttered “That can’t be Caleb…”
-In the morning light.-
Sun rose over the mountains that seemed to be close to the neighborhood in ruins and dominated by the forest trees as dawn bleeds anew with colors of purple, orange and sky blue dancing in the sky.
Primis Takeo placed the pieces of firewood into the dying campfire to warm up Heavy, and Sniper.
Bendy had to share a blanket with seemingly tired Bruno who was barely awake as they had been watching their prisoners, the Ink Demon looked concerned for the giant Frenchman as he had him wrapped in the blanket to get him warmth.
Scout was on look out of Ultimis Richtofen’s “Cottage” with Ultimis Nikolai was slubbed down, back on it and drunk as ever, vodka in hand as he hiccup. Ratchet and Clank are with Frank West, Raiden and Erron with the digitized map of Salt Lake City in ruins but it is now named Fallen City due to it’s population of the undead roaming in its streets.
“Hard to believe that they could do this much damage.” Erron muttered under his breath as he looked at the map, Raiden interjected “In most cases, an outbreak like this is common since the COVID-19 pandemic.” as he looked at him while pointing at where they were right now on the map.
“Actually, Raiden,” Clank intervened, “It’s only Utah that’s populated with the infected.” as the cyborg and kombatiant were confused by what the small robot had said. “How is that?” Raiden responds in confusion, “It should be an epidemic by now.”
“It could be but the place where I am from, something similar happened to Willamette is that the national guard had roped and blocked off every road leading into the town where the outbreak started.” Frank rationized, motioning Rachet to zoom out the city and they watched as the city was zoomed out to view the state.
It was Utah in nearly red color but it remained in its shape of that state, not once are any signs of the infection leaving it. “But this was unheard off, they said that it could stay in one city but not the whole state itself.”
“No sh!t, Frank.” Erron said as he looked closer at the map, small red dots were going close to the border of Utah but they disappeared upon reaching the line, “Whatever’s keeping the dead inside the state is not going to let them out.”
“Almost like a force field.” Raiden added. Clank nodded as Ratchet added “Still, it’s something to think about but keep in mind though…” as he pointed at a few blue dots leaving the state and a couple more dots entering it. “I am guessing those who are not infected are allowed to leave and go inside Utah as much as they want.”
“Almost like it was a strange type of spell quarantining the state.” Erron said as he watched the two different colored circles moving around in a few cities of the Beehive state. “With us survivors, it’s good that we don't have to worry about the dead coming out but if you’re a zombie, being trapped here will suck so much.”
“Frank,” Raiden said as he looked at him, “Do you remember how you got here?”
“Not too sure but I was outside the city before I met you guys, plus the way out of it was blocked off but there are other roads out of it if you’re asking.” he replied as he looked at the map once again. Having Ratchet zoom in again on the city.
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[Map of Utah, from Google Search]
Raiden looked at the one lone black dot on Orem and pointed at it with a sharp metalized index finger, “That’s where we are right now but if we go along the line,” he said as he had his finger follow the line towards Cedar city. “It could have a road leading out of the state, then we could get out of this hellhole.”
Erron looked at Raiden and insisted “But to travel that far, we need supplies to last us about three days to get there. We need to find as much as we can carry on us.”
Frank West internally groans, again with the three day mark like the same scenes before. He face-plamed at this and said “Is there a train that can get us there?”
Erron looked at Frank West and said “There is one, but it’s in Provo and there’s all of them all over the place.” he then looked at Raiden, “Do you think you can clean that town up?”
Raiden remained silent for a moment but then he responded “You’ll leave them to me.” as he turned away and said “Find anyone that will scout the area, we’ll be leaving at sunset.”
“With pleasure, Raiden.” Erron nodded as he turned to walk away from the map as well with Raiden, leaving Frank West with the lombax and a small robot companion.
“Mr. West.”
“Hm?” he turned to face Clank as he was looking back at him. “You wanted to scout the area as well?” Clank offered as well, “You are a reporter-”
“As well as a freelance photojournalist and a teacher in a local college, Clank.” Frank added as he pointed at the camera, hanging around by an landrid around his neck and hasn’t been used in a while since he met the group of people from different worlds.
“Yeah, that, something like that is useful.” Ratchet said this as he crossed his arms, “Dempsey did say that there are mutations of those zombies like Lickers. If there are more, we need pictures of them.”
“Sounds like a scoop you wanted me to look into.” Frank smiled, liking this idea already but then he said “What if I accidentally ran into one of them if they heard me?”
“Hey Frank, that’s what our arteries are for.” Ratchet responded, “Most of us are armed to the teeth and neck deep in these infected people.”
“As for Lickers,” Clank added as he justered his finger upward, “Mr. Dempsey had said on the note he found that they will attack anything that makes noise so best to remain quiet when they are in an area with you.”
“Gotcha, Clank.” Frank said as he nodded, he then looked at the barbed-wire bat he had rested on an overgrown oak tree with vines draggling off the branches. He walked over to it and then picked it up and threw it over his shoulder and landed. “Right, I’m heading out first before anyone could scout out. Make sure they will bring back any stuff and food we could need.” Frank responded as he headed to the east gate that leads out of the backyard, opened it and then went out of it as it closed behind him.
Erron then turned to Ratchet and Clank then said “As for you guys, best to find the best scouts that can do this.”
They nodded as the map was turned off and then he helped Clank onto his back with a click before walking off as he placed his hands on his hips.
-Later on that morning-
There are a few willing volunteers willing to savage the area; Scout of course, Erron, Gordon Freeman, Soldier, Demoman, and Jin Huang. They are given a brief rundown on how they will be leaving soon but warn them about the mutations.
“So, we will have to find other resources for the journey ahead,” Erron explained to the group, Scout had swung his bat onto his shoulder and asked “And where are we going?”
“Cedar City is far from this city,” Erron answered, “Hopefully less zombies, the better.”
“Aren’t we going to wait for the others?” Soldier asked as he adjusted his helmet a little as Demoman looked at the Outworlder. “The Knight said that they are in another world,” as he places his hat back on and it is shadowed over his eyes, “Besides, he has an artifact that allows him to go from one realm to the next so they will be able to catch up to us.”
“Seems possible?” Jin commented as she raised a brow, “And I had to ask, what artifact is it?”
“I don’t know to be truthful,” Erron responded, “Most of us don't tell me about it but best have good faith that he still has it.”
“Plus, we are armed to the teeth,” Scout strugged, “we can take on those lickers.”
“I didn’t say there will just be Lickers, they could have other mutations.” Erron interjected that poke a hole in the young man’s bubble. “The science experts had said that zombies with parasites or viruses can mutate overtime, judging on how long this city had gone through over the years or so.”
Scout gulped with the thought, Erron then shook his hand to dismiss the conversion as he said “Very well, then, we haven’t got time to waste away. We gotta find something to survive on for the next few days or die stravin’.”
“Understood, Erron.” Jin nodded as Demoman looked at her but then nodded. Soldier then salutes this, “Remember before you're a$$es left; be careful out there.”
They nod to acknowledge before heading toward two different gates and going out back into the woodland neighbor and into the infested busy streets.
Jin, however, still struggled to comprehend how different characters could coexist with each other but she had to push aside her new questions and continued on forward. As they go on, she learns more about Gordon, Demoman and Soldier.
Gorden Freeman is truly a man with a few words, he had helped people in an accident as he had referred to as The Black Mesa Incident and led a rebellion against an enemy known as the Combine.
Demoman and Soldier are quite good friends and teammates actually, despite the American being obsessed with wars and bloodshed while the latter is working two jobs, one being a house cleaner and a flipping demolitions expert as a mercenary for hire.
They are quite smart to stay in groups as new breeds of infection are now more presentable, not just 115 zombies.
One infection had visible black veins, rarely ones without injuries but others are most bitemarks and scratches where the virus had spread. Another was riddled with worms, strange worms of alien origin and mutated into special types as their green vomiting counterparts had different yet same parts when it came to mutating.
The zombies, the non-eyes-glowing ones had eyes almost white yet they stumbled slowly, they will be resistant towards being shot in the head surprisingly but it will take 4 or more bullets or even stabs to bring it down.
They had gotten into stores and located non perishable items that strangely haven’t yet been perished yet despite how much time had passed by since what happened to this state in the U.S.
To cover more ground and to get more, they split up and told to keep an eye out for threats around the corners. Jin entered a community hospital and she had found modern medical equipment with an umbrella logo on each of them. The scene seemed to have a group of people researching brain samples before they were interrupted by something that she already knew what it was.
“We better need medicine for our journey ahead of us.” she whispered as she had a sack to stuff them in but when she’s all done doing so, Jin had found notes on a pharmacy desk, curious on what they would say, she picked them up and read them.
Umbrella Corps. Research Notes
The T-Virus had appeared when we had gotten here, it was thought to be destroyed yet we are trying to come up with the theory for its continued existence.
The virus that mutated white and red blood cells causing them to go black colored, the origin is unknown but it is referred to as The Black Plague Virus.
The parasitic worms, a neurological alien of unknown origin, can take over the host and control it. These “Devil Worms” as we call it and it is rather shocking they can merge together as they mutate.
The victims had similar symptoms to the rabies yet it appears that it had been weaponized, the virus of this type had been nicknamed the Green Flu due to it showing signs of a flu but soon they will become rapid overtime.
The unknown element had reanimated dead cells in the human body, making them, like the four other deadly pathogens, into literal zombies, finding documents of the same thing happening in the late 40’s as this element is referred to as 115 discovered by an organization called Group 935.
They were theories on how they are contained inside the state of Utah due to them unable to go outside as something is keeping them inside. It is unknown what is happening could be good or bad yet we could not know for now.
Further research is needed.
Jin was confused by the notes provided such similar information yet it is useful that it showed strange yet same symptoms of the zombification process. Violet behavior, headaches, sensitive to light and such more.
“This is strange…” she muttered as she folds the notes and placed them in her pocket for later, to show the others of her discovery. She was about to leave when she noticed something that caught her eye.
A mysterious hooded figure walked away from the mirror hanging above and walked out of the door calmly like it was a normal day. She turned to see the backdoor closing in time. “Wait…!” she said as she walked fastly towards it and then pushed it open and she found herself in an alley away that’s rotten away and nature crawling upward on the walls.
She looked on the left side, the end of the alley way leading towards the more heavily woods and on the right she saw the Ridden and Black Plague zombies, they were not looking in her direction but hissing and screeched at one another over a kill the other claimed. Similar to a pack of wolves when the alpha is defending its meal.
Jin covered her mouth to prevent the sound from coming out, deciding that she needs to leave and leave now. Moving slowly, she walked back to the door and tried pulling it open but it wouldn't bulge. She tried again but harder yet it still couldn't open from the second attempt. She was locked outside.
She turned to pay attention in the right direction, one of the Plagues seemed to sniff the air and then turned to the alley, its face was half-way ripped off, flesh and teeth showing as black veins sprawled across its features. It snurled upon seeing her as her thoughts were racing but she remained calm, not showing fear from what her masters taught her. “Looks like I am taking an alternate route…” she thought as she turned on her heels and then ran as she heard the screeches from the damned reined in the air. She ran into the forested area to lose them as both Ridden and Black Plague are flooding in the alley and making their way to the heavily wooded area but not without killing each other to get to it first.
They bite and scratch each other as some of them are overwhelming them and then devouring their flesh and organs that have been tainted with the virus or a parasite as the rest had managed to make it through the alley way and proceeded to chase her.
She was like a monkey on the loose upon release, she ran and avoided logs and used branches to swing over the terrain to outrun the dead. The sound of something else is hopping with her at the same pace as her but she was confused when she heard at least six pairs of feet on the ground or the branches.
Before she could turn her head to face whatever it was, that couplet had hopped into her vision, right in front of her. It was human but it lacked of hair on it’s head, it had four arms, two small as the other limbs are longer and it had a red pulsating organ on the bottom of its throat and collarbone as it has been missing a jaw to begin with and replaced with a lower part of the mouth with small sharp teeth.
Red eyes glowed as it snarled and crawled like an animal one side to the left then to the right a little. A worm with mandible spurts out of it’s one eye socket and into another as they bleed crimson tears down from its eyes as Jin cringed at that sight when she looked at the creature in the eye.
“Did the worms do that?” she thought as she pulled her hair ornament out, prepared to fight what this monstrosity is but it seems to know what it is doing. Getting on two feet and then doing something peculiar with it’s four hands as if it was a normal day of folding clothes but something was slimy and drooling in them then suddenly, it tossed the “ball” at her and it exploded.
She exclaimed as she tried to get away but her legs were caught in the mucky projectile and it climbed up to her stomach, pinning her in place while she stood. “What the hell…?!” she tried to pull at the clammy slime but it was like rubber and it stood on her while the screeching had reached her ears.
She looked up just in time to find the worm-ridden creature leaping at her, the two hands wrapped around her throat and neck as the other two are holding on her shoulders as she is doing the same with her own arms to push or try to push it away from her as she was choking, fighting for air.
It roared at her as worms fell out of it’s eye sockets and onto the ground, missing her face as she was losing consciousness but then, its side of its head had exploded with blood and brain matter spewed out. It stopped then fell with Jin in its arms as by now the slime had expired.
She gasped in for air as she heard a familiar voice calling out to her, “Jin!” and feet running over to her and then her arm was grabbed and being pulled up onto her feet. It was P!Dempsey.
“Are ya alright!?”
“Yeah, I am fine…” she rubbed her bruised neck as she looked at the creature, “It’s true what Erron has said about the mutations.”
The marine was looking at the corpse then shrugged a little, “A stinger like this one must be Licker’s second cousin, an ugly b@#$ too.” he sass-talked before the ‘Stinger” was slowly getting back up but was quickly shot down with another bullet with a gun.
Head was clearly devastated from the second bullet discharge, several worms crawled out and went into the ground as they groaned in disgust. “F*#$ing gross…”
Jin thought back about the notes she found and then worried that the others might catch up from the alley after their fight with each other. “Corporal,” she spoke up as he was going to leave, P!Dempsey looked at Jin with a raised eyebrow as she held up the papers and landed them on him. “I had found this from the hospital before I fled, I think there are not just two viruses here in this state.” she explained.
“Could be worth the trouble you’ve gotten yourself into.” he said softly but then he heard faint growls from the tree lines. He gestures with his hand to get her moving as he muttered “We have to get the f#$% out of here…”
They turned and fled the area where the Stinger had appeared as the Ridden and the Plague were coming in.
From a frying pan and into an oven, that is what Jin could hear him mutter under his breath as he read one page after another. Apparently the deadly pathogens that can create the dead walked this earth and had each section separately after research on them.
“What is the matter, Tank?” she asked softly as the corporal placed the notes in his pouch and said “First 115 and now four more?” sounded angry, “Talk about dinner for the worms after they can…” he then shook his head. He wasn’t sure if this was even more worse than the previous universe they belonged in.
“Yeah, Jin?” he asked, annoyed as he looked at her now.
“That Stinger, it had..” she was interrupted with the marine’s hand placed onto her shoulder and said “I know…” softly, “It’s one hell of a way to die.” and Jin looked down with her brows furrowed. She then looked at him and nodded wordlessly. He smiled softly and then looked around.
Yet, she can’t let go of the feeling peculiarly on how he was at the wrong place yet the right time, so she needs to ask while they are now continuing to walk down the street that is now halfway covered by dirt forming a path.
“What’s up?”
“I like to know, how did you find me in trouble?”
He was usually loud enough to verbally question Richtofen or someone else loudly but he was oddly quiet but then he answered “Don’t like to copy Tak but I had a stinking feeling when you left. " as he scratched the back of his head."
Jin cocked her head to the side with little confusion yet interested, “You had sensed that I’d be in danger.” she said as she and him continued walking down the path. “You could say that.” he nodded as he looked at the tall trees, pine trees and oak trees that grew to climb the skies upon the ground and dirt.
“I like to call it a “gut feeling” in situations like that one back at the house.”
“Well, I am glad you listened to that “gut” feeling.”
Dempsey chuckled softly as he closed his eyes and turned his head away from the trees, “Yeah, this tank sure did.”
Jin softly smiled at this man as she had a tint of pink on her cheeks as birds above them chirped above them. This is a peaceful walk in the woods that is once a town before the walking dead of all five kinds showed up.
Yet, the feeling hasn’t shown up until when they are deeper into the forest and the air has gotten… colder?
Jin had felt the familiar temperature and held her arms together as Dempsey looked around as soon as he felt the wind had gotten colder than usual, “What the hell?” he muttered as they walked along but more aware of their surroundings.
Their feet crunched onto something soft, they looked down and saw they had walked into a bed of snow. “Why is there snow in the middle of summer?”
“The hell I know,” Dempsey had spoken the thought out loud, those the only thoughts he could think to say as he was caught off guard with what appears to be the change of the session. “Whatever’s happening is not a part of mother nature’s to-do list.”
He continued onward into the slowly falling snowflakes before a blizzard hit them both, “Holy sh!t!”
The snowstorm had come along and the environment had transformed into a winter hell, Dempsey calls out to Jin ``Jin! Are you there?!”
He felt a hand grabbing hold of his own, he flinched and was going to get a knife out, believing it was another zombie but then heard her voice “Wait, I have you!”
He felt himself relaxed a little when he heard Jin, they sheided their eyes from the shooting snowflakes as they continued forward, “It is almost like that winter from the 1900’s!” he bellowed out as he was trying to find a sight or a road for them to go on. “It was colder than Northern France!”
“And it still is!” Jin stated as she too was trying as the corporal marine, “Do you think what might cause this, Tank?!”
“How the hell should I know-” they then bumped into something that caused them to fell backwards from, they looked up and saw a buff towering figure over them, it was frozen but it’s features are still visible; it was missing a jawbone and a tongue dangling out, its fists are too big for the normal human fingers to curl into one.
They both yelled and Dempsey got out his revolver to fire but then noticed the big hulk-like zombie was indeed turned into an icy statue as it appeared it was about to smash onto something or someone it was targeted.
“Hold on…” he got up on his feet as Jin stumbled onto hers as well, and as they looked around the area, they were barely able to see what else was around them; a horde of zombies, frozen into light blue statues as they appeared to have green vomit leaking from their lips. They way they are posed as if they were after something or someone they were chasing.
More of them are several common yet some are special, one of them had a long tongue as it looked like a frog trying to catch a fly almost similar trait to the Lickers, the other had claws and bleeding from the eyes as the hood had covered its head but its face where it was features shown and it was even being hold up by the ice sickle attached to a nearby building as if it was jumping towards something.
The other looked like it had been crying for a long time judging by the trail of tears on a creature’s features with long nails, long blooded sharp claw-like nails up into the air, ready to strike and like others around her, it was also frozen solid.
“They are…” Jin is finding the courage to speak up in silence besides the noise of the snowstorm, “They are all frozen.”
“You said it, Jin.” Dempsey nodded, zombies frozen in places that reminded him of the time that Nikolai had tried out the Staff of Ice for the first time back in France and it had frozen one of the 115 zombies. “It’s like back in Northern France, Jin.”
“Shh… Something is coming.” footsteps crunching in the snow from the south direction, they turned and ready to confront whatever’s the one responsible. The crunching snow made by two pairs of feet came closer as the figure had formed a shadow from the blizzard. It was the shape of a man and this human had glowing icy blue eyes peering from the hail of snow before stopping in front of them.
Dempsey said “Whoever you are, f*#$er, show yourself.'' With a threatening tone in his voice, the figure responded by raising his hand and then in one smooth motion, his hand traveled to the right shoulder and then washed it back down.
As if on command, the storm driddled and hastily stopped as light from the sun shined through once more, revealing the figure that dwindled in the blizzard. As the snow settles around them, the sun reveals this stranger quickly, he is wearing a blue zukin mask, a hooded cowl with a hat and blue ribbon flowing in the wind yet soon slowly handing it as it dies down. The jacket he was wearing had no sleeves and both of his arms are ice colored unnaturally but they moved just fine with no issue as blue and silver arm guards are strapped to them as well with fingerless gloves, blue wrap around his torso and black boots buried in the snow.
Jin looked at this man as he was staring at them with one scar over one of the eyes, his breath breathed through the mask as it provided four retringle holes as it was seen in the frost.
She walked beside the tensed man before her and then gently rested her hand over the barrel of the revolver then lowered it slowly down as he looked at her in confusion. Jin was certain that the situation would continue negatively.
“We mean no harm, sir, we are not one of them.” She spoke in a calm yet professional manner as she looked him in the eye as they changed colors; from icy blue to normal brown as their glow was lost.
“State your business then.” a deep male voice responded from the man as he stood down as a sign of being less of a threat. “We are only salvagers, looking for supplies to get the hell out of this sh!t.” Dempsey responded with his eyebrow raised.
The man responded “Then we are in the same scerno.” as he had his hand reached his zukin mask and then with little work, he removed it, revealing a beard that is black as a raven’s feathers. “I am Sub-Zero.”
“Sub-Zero, huh?” Dempsey is a little intrigued by the name this man had, “Mind saying why they call ya that?” Yet before anyone could say anything, a loud screech was heard and the couple spotted one of the zombies frozen running towards Sub-Zero. It was one of those hooded special zombies as its teeth are sharped and bared like a rabid dog.
“Watch out!”
Sub-Zero said nothing as the screeching zombie acting like a wild animal was running towards him and ready to strike but they seemed aware of what was happening as he turned and then grabbed this “Hunter” by the head.
It attempted to scratch his arm to break free but very quickly, the frost and ice spread all over it as it stopped moving due to cryo-hibernation the Shinobi had performed upon it as P!Dempsey and P!Jin watched on with astonishment.
And then in one go, Sub-Zero threw it onto the snow-covered road, upon impact, its body, head, arms, legs, hands, and feet had exploded into pieces all over. The head rolled over to Dempsey’s feet as he said “Holy sh!t…!”
Jin was a little shocked to see this happen but they now know why he is called “Sub-Zero.”
“Is this why, Sub-Zero?”
The man only nodded before putting his mask back on, and saying “There are much more things than this.”
“Still freezing the crap out of that freakbag!” Dempsey finally laughed a little, “How did you do that?”
Sub-Zero looked at him and answered “I and my brother were born with these,” as he shook his head at the marine, but then took a moment to examine the duo. They are from a different realm, in a past somewhere from what he could think of.
“Do you two know where you are from?”
“From ours?”
Sub-Zero nodded as he crossed his arms as he looked at them both while the two were standing there, recovering from what had transpired.
“We are from…” P!Dempsey wanted to say what dimension they are from, “1918. We’re from the first world war.”
He looked a little surprised, “We are from different realms, whoever did this must have a purpose for us being here..” he stated, Jin looked at Sub-Zero as her eyes narrowed, “Do you believe this might be a Mortal Kombat tournament?”
“Yes, I do.” Sub-Zero nodded as he turned around then walked away, Dempsey then followed behind him with Jin doing the same. “Hey, we have theories about this bullsh!t too.” he said as their feet were crunching upon the snow passing by the horde of frozen statues with the Green Flu.
“And they might be?”
“It could be the octopus-things called Apothicons that Doc called them, or that some kind of an experiment gone wrong the worst way possible.”
“Or could be Shao Khan or Shang Tsung.” Sub-Zero poked the holes, as he looked down at the ground slowly changing from snow to the dirt ground. “The latter could have done this.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Time to count the suffering.”
“I am sorry, Sub-Zero.” Jin apologized as Dempsey looked ahead as he asked “So, you stated you are born like this, is there any training for that?”
Sub-Zero slowed down a minute and turned his head facing the corporal, “If you are ever born a cryomancer, the clan, Lin Kuei, will train you yet I train you how to use winter’s power, and to control and tame it.”
Jin nodded understandingly, as a shaolin monk, she understood the warrior.
Sub-Zero then stopped himself, which made others stop in their tracks, “Stay quiet.” Sub-Zero’s instincts were quite right, Jin took note and got her hairpin out as Dempsey looked at them in confusion but soon heard voices faintly as he muttered “What the hell is that?” as he held up the revolver once more.
Sub-Zero shushed him and they slowly stepped over to the source of the voices and then kneeled down into the tall grass with P!Dempsey and Jin behind him. The tall grass are yellowish green and the height of grass itself goes up to an average human’s wrist but it was tall enough for an animal to hide, the grass was parted halfway for them to see who was talking, much to Tank’s confusion, and Sub-Zero’s surprise, there were Hyenas standing on their hind legs, holding sharpen boomerangs, bows and arrows, and other weapons that the humans would use. They are dressed in tribal african clothing that seemed to be a mix of 1920’s and medieval age.
They are speaking in an unknown language, a mix of Zulu and strange gibberish pouring from their mouths as they surround carcasses with arrows in them, bleeding from the open wounds. Upon closer look, Dempsey and Jin had realized that those were the strange bears Takeo had slain, faces that looked like tigers but had bodies of normal bears with long tails. patterns of tiger stripes placed upon their dark brown and white fur they bore. Then the other spoke in english “Do you think she will approve of the fest of living Tears?”
“The queen will,” the other Hyena responded as he gently kicked the tiger-bear’s head that had been called Tear. “She had said this once and not twice, the Untotens’ flesh is far too rotten and unsafe to eat.”
“Due to the five plagues they had within.” the other one said with a female voice as she had taken a rag that was used too many times to the point it was just a dark crimson fabric. “Humans weren’t prepared for the All-Five Outbreak 500 years ago.”
“Neither the same with Monsters.” their leader added as gotten a knife out, the one that appears to be made from bone and wood, walking over to one of the Tears’ corpses, “Yet, all five Untoten Hordes were stopped by the Tree of Life.” He spoke as he kneeled down and then stabbed the carcass.
Tree of Life?
Primis Dempsey had heard them wrong or… he had recalled a myth that his mother had recalled when he was a boy, he showed a little interest in his Irish heritage and Celtic religion his mother had tried to force upon.
Crann Bethadn is referred to as the Tree of Life by the Celtics in Ancient Times as they believed that the trees on Earth had several powers and were sources of all life we breathed into our lungs.
The symbol is preserved well for so many centuries by our people of Ireland.
We carry our deep roots of our heritage.
Primis Dempsey had averted his eyes away from the Hyenas to focus fighting that memory in his mind, bad timing to recall the past, bad timing he thought.
“Still, do you remember what our elders had told us over and over?” as several other Hyenas looked at the female hunter in their group, “About the forbidden water that was left behind after Humans and Monsters ascended.”
“Ah yes, Femina, we remembered.” the pack leader answered as he pulled out meat and muscle from a Tear and put it into a sack as blood dripped from the bottom. “Gods of the Old World had accidentally let the forbidden water fall down from the skies, our past elders drank from it and soon, knowledge had changed them the way we are now.”
The trio listened to them as the story behind the ordeal was unfolding, yet it was sickening: an zombie outbreak had happened with all five dangerous biohazards and it had been 500 years later afterwards but what caused it to happen? Then a thought came in Dempsey’s head: Broken, the one that Knight had talked about, might have something to do with it.
Something had done something unforgiving and appealing towards humanity and monsters had made his blood boil but he can’t let it burst out of him, not here, not now.
“The day that world has fallen, the Incident, Humans, Monsters, fled into the stars to flee the terrors.” the other Hyena nodded to the conversion, “Yet, from the previous animal kingdom, Gods of The Old World had given birth to us, Furthers, to watch over the world to wait for their return.”
“Yet, the queen is here so we will have no fear if they will attack or not.”
“I agree now, help me skin them.”
They watched in silence as Hyena Furthers had gotten out similar knives and started skinning the Tears, taking organs and flesh covered in blood as they were placed in sacks as blood dripped and poured from the bottom of the sacks and onto the ground.
All that is left of the Tears now were skinless, fleshly yet bones exposing carcasses. They then got up on their hind legs again like they were human beings and then walked away from the bloody scene.
They waited until the voices and footsteps had vanished in the distance, “We are safe now.” Sub-Zero was the first one to speak up as he and others got up from the grass as Dempsey looked to where the hunter Furthers had gone.
“What the f#$% is a Further?” P!Dempsey asked as he is now the one questioning this reality as Jin seems hinged by this discovery. “Do you remember that I said I had woken up in a house with talking animals, Dempsey?” she asked as he placed her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her with doubt for his sanity and Jin knew it.
“Those talking animals were Furthers as well,” she responded, “They had the bare intelligence of a regular human being yet they had developed their own language and cultures. They had worshipped the ‘’Gods of the Old World'' as their religion.” she explained as P!Dempsey stared at her.
“Holy sh!t..” he said with disdain, “Richtofen wasn’t kidding about different realities, wasn’t he?”
“Who?” Sub-Zero was confused about who Dempsey was talking about.
Jin looked at Dempsey and then rubbed his shoulder a little, he loosened up a little when he felt it with comfort. “Thanks, Jin.” he sputtered nervously aas he looked at her with comfort in his eyes.
Jin smiled softly but then heard Sub-Zero calling out softly to them, “You two, come over here.” as they turned to notice that he was kneeling on the ground, picking something from it, something glowing faintly of soft blue.
The duo walked over to the Cryomancer as he stood back on his feet while looking at the object in his hand. Without a word, he showed them both of what he had found on the ground. They looked to see that it’s a gem, an ocean blue crystal that is about the size of a quarter.
“I had found this crystal on the ground.” Sub-Zero said as he was looking at the crystal with wariness in his voice. “It was glowing faintly, I am sensing strange energy coming out of it.”
“Do you think this is nuts, Sub-Zero?” Dempsey asked out of disbelief and ignorance at first but the look in Sub-Zero’s eyes had told the different answer. “Oh, right.” he responded under his breath as he looked back down at the crystal once again.
Jin was looking at the inscallfincent crystal, resting in Sub-Zero’s palm as she felt like she needed to take a closer look, as if it was holding a secret that none of them don’t know yet. “Sub-Zero,” she spoke softly as her hand had started to lift upwards and going towards a crystal slowly, “Can I see it please?”
Sub-Zero was weary of what she was doing and was trying to get his hand from hers but she had managed to get the crystal away from the palm of his hand and it was a bit fuzzy soon afterwards.
One moment, she was with the two men in a forest with a small crystal in her hands but the other minute later, she was somewhere else entirely and laying on the ground. The day was nighttime as a hand came into her line of sight yet this hand is not her own.
This hand was wearing a violet purple glove with metallic claw armor on it as it was placed onto her forehead, it took a moment to realize that what is happening is that she is in a memory of someone and she is watching this from their point of view.
Flashback of Blood
The person she was witnessing had then got onto their feet as she had gotten a look of their attire. The ninja yoroi was pink colored with slight cleavage showing as this person is a female.
“Hmmm…” a woman’s voice groaned as it sounded like it was an echo, and looked around “The earthrealm is different now, must to find a few souls…~” she purred that made Jin feel on edge just by hearing this from her as she walked ahead from where she has woken up.
As the moon floated over the bloodbath and nearing those hours of sunlight rising, this woman had performed onto the undead yet she often let out a groan or a moan of disdain when she sniffed or looked at them as if they were not the one that she was hoping to find. What was she trying to find?
“Most of these mortals are undead… I wonder if this realm has warriors left?” she purred in strange interest as she dropped the Black Plague zombie onto the ground as a dark red pool formed from its devastated head.
She then heard twig snapped and she turned to see a Hyena Further with an arrow pointed at her, the moment she saw him and the next thing she heard was a dark giggle coming from the woman, the type was feral but with ill-intent and sounded like her prayer had been answered.
“You dare to raise your weapon to your ruler of Outworld?”
The Hyena Further looked a bit shock at first but didn’t have time to react when the woman lunged out at the helpless hunter with her claws out and Jin haven’t seen what had happened next but she did heard the hunter screaming that soon heard a gurgle as well as with crunching of teeth and flesh tearing apart that made her recoiled.
Soon afterwards, she saw two more Hyena hunters with bows and arrows on their person. One of them is a man and a woman hyenas as the female hunter looked concerned.
“Juju?” she asked, “What is wrong, we heard screaming.”
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[Two comic strips are drawn by SamPostStuff on Tumblr]
A crunch only answered them, Jin turned to see what it was as they stopped and the other readied the arrow, willing to fight but they both froze in horror. Jin cringed at the sight before her.
The same hand was holding the corpse of their comrade before dropping it onto the ground with blood on its palm as Jin had gotten a good look at the woman’s face; it looked like something that any child would scream in terror in their dreams.
Her face was drizzled in blood as sharp needle teeth were on the outside of her lips and cheeks, forming a mouth, her eyes a golden yellow with short black hair flowing freely.
“She really is real…” she heard a male hyena mumble to his friend in pure shock, “Our queen.” is the only thing that he finished the sentence with.
The woman- no, this creature smiled grisly, “Ah yes, I am your ruler.” she spoke with such atrocious tempting bliss, “Your Queen Mileena.” as Hyenas are trembling in fear.
“W-We…” the lady hyena began to explain themselves with a catch of breath, “We are so sorry, we… We have no idea it’s you.”
“Or even say that it’s-” the lady hyena immediately covered her friend’s mouth before he could finish.
“It is only a shock,” She said as she understood yet the look of her eyes can seem like they would hold potential, “I will let this mistake go for now.” Mileena responded as she lifted up what looked like a windpipe and with one chomb, she ate it, blood flowed through her mouth and dropped onto the ground.
“But for now, I have something for you to do.”
That was the last thing she heard before everything around her had gone into white.
“Jin? Jin!”
A familiar voice had ringed in her eyes, Jin was on the ground and being held by a man wearing a familiar jacket, it’s Dempsey.
She was being held in his arms as she, Primis Tank and Sub-Zero as the sun was over them and in noon time. “T-Tank?” she spoke up in pure confusion as she placed a hand on her forehead, “What happened?”
“After ya took that crystal,” Dempsey started to explain the situation, “you just collapsed when it glowed for a little bit.” as Sub-Zero had removed his mask once again and held the crystal yet he’s making sure that it's as far from her as possible this time.
Jin seemed lost for a moment when she looked at them both, but then remembered back the dream she had for a short time with the woman, Mileena, and Hyena Furthers worshipped her as their ruler- a goddess even. As if she was the one they were waiting for god only knows how long.
But she has to know how long she was out like a light, how long was she dreaming exactly before that first, she turned over to Sub-Zero and questioned him, “how long was I out?”
“Only nearly an hour, Jin,” he answered.
“Yeah, while you were asleep. We had to pray it out of your hand since you were holding onto it tight.” P!Dempsey added further.
“I see…” she muttered softly as she looked at the ground again, the two men looked concerned now for Jin as the birds were chirping sweetly in the green and yellow trees around them as the wind danced smooth as butter.
“Let me guess for you,” Dempsey responded a bit more gently than usual, “You had a hell of a dream when you passed out.”
Jin looked at him with a slight jump from her stupor yet nodded, “How did you see?” Sub-Zero questioned her, “From the start of it, how much did this crystal have foretold to you?”
Jin with what little strength she had in her gut, she told them about it in little detail of the dream regarding the comprehensiveness of itself to them but she had noticed that Sub-Zero looked troubled when she had mentioned Mileena’s name, in fact, he looked like he never wanted to hear this name from someone else, ever.
Dempsey took notice of them as well as Sub-Zero had stood up and then walked from them a bit, giving them some space between himself and the two. “Hey, ya alright there?”
“I am fine, marine.” was Sub-Zero’s response.
“Ya sure, you seemed like you know this Mileena chick.”
Sub-Zero turned to look at them with his eyes glowing again but calmed down right away when he drew in a breath and exhaled it. “She was the creation of Shang Tsung, who was an ally to the former Emperor of Outworld itself.”
“Outworld? The one where Erron was from?”
“Erron Black?” Sub-Zero was surprised to hear that, “He was here as well?”
“Of course.”
Sub-Zero looks down for a moment, thinking of what is happening and how much of this revelation has unraveled itself. “There is going to be another tournament,” he thought without doubt but he is quite skeptical of what Mileena’s intentions are. He doubts she could be capable of doing this; kidnapping people from their own realms and into this one, unknown as uncharted.
“...Does anyone but us here?”
“I dunno.” Dempsey said uncertianingly, “All we know, that there most of us are from our universes alone or in a group that’s brought in this hellhole, Sub-Zero.”
Sub-Zero then turned his body to them both and responded “Mileena will be my responsibility to take care of, you two need to get back to your camp right away.” he then started to travel to the direction where he believed the Hyenas had gone too.
“Hey, where the f$%^ are you going?” he yelled after the shinobi who doesn't stopped walking, “I’m going to find their queen.’” as his arms are covered in frost.
Primis Dempsey was watching him go when he noticed that Jin was trying to stand up, “Ya think you can still walk?” he asked while he stood up, helping her onto her feet. “I think so, Tank.” she simply answered from her dizziness from the crystal's influence, legs wobbling like jelly.
She stumbled but she was grabbed by Dempsey when she nearly fell over, “Hey,” he said, “Don’t push yourself too much.”
“I wasn’t trying too.” she replied, holding on her arm while she’s trying to adjust her balance. When she got hold of her footing, she let go of the marine and then tried walking again but this time, one step at a time.
Still, Dempsey is walking beside her in case of her falling again while she was walking as they went through the way they came in, they walked past the tree line and back to the frozen graveyard of the green flu zombies.
They kept an eye out for anything that moved as they carefully walked past them as Dempsey noticed something that made him realize; the sun was hot enough to melt the ice on a hot summer day and the ones that had been turned into frozen statues were dripping water.
“They’re melting…” he muttered, catching Jin’s attention. “What?”
“These freakbags.”
Jin looked around and saw the ice that jailed them was melting into slush, even the big one, a hulking muscle with normal human legs and big arms that nearly overgrown its fingers. They noticed it was moving a bit by the minute soon afterwards a second.
They walked fastly past the major zombie as the ice was cracking as its arms were vibrating, it was going to break away from the ice in a moment and they both knew it just by looking at it. The popping and snapping of the cryogenic ice getting louder, before they knew it, Tank had said “MOVE!”
He pushed Jin forward as the ice finally gave way, soon afterwards a roar from the creature as its hands, now freed, smashes onto the ground, making the ground rumble under them and they stumble from the impact.
P!Dempsey got out his assault rifle and then immediately opened fire on the giant thing but as blood sprayed off of it’s pale too-much built body, it had no effect and that seemed to enraged the creature.
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[Drawn by This-Person-is-slowly-dying and AlphaKing]
“Dempsey, get away from that thing!” Jin yelled as the big fella began to charge at the two on it’s knuckles and feet, similar to an angry gorilla ready to destroy whatever had tried to kill its mate and his kid.
He let out a curse and then turned to run from the beast, while they heard it growling. Soon, they heard the ground rumble behind them, Tank turned to see what was going on but soon regretted doing so because this thing had pulled a rock from the ground, hanging it over its head.
“Jin, incoming!” He ran faster and tackled Jin to the ground just as the big boulder was thrown and went over them, smashing onto a nearby car, even though it had aged over 500 years but it is shocking part of this is that its siren had sounded as they looked up. As if it does it despite the age of time.
Soon afterwards, the screeching of the damned was heard from a distance faintly but grew louder as they got back up and soon after he aimed at the incoming horde infected by the Green Flu Virus as he asked Jin “Run or fight?”
She looked at him confused but soon she was brought back by the big creature’s roaring as it was powering through the horde to get to them first before they did.
Dempsey repeated himself loudly.
“Run or fight?”
Jin has already decided on the answer already; she responded “Both.”
He had no time to argue with her so he and she turned to run towards a road, heading towards a hospital while an army of Green Flu zombies closed in the gap as they ran while Tank turned to open fire on them, splitting their heads open, painting the ground in red before turning to keep running.
“F#%^ off, you maggot-asses! Along with that Tank too!” He taunted them, but he is mostly taunting towards the now nicknamed big beast that’s catching up to them more than the horde.
Jin shook her head with raised brow as they reached the hospital, the glass of the doors was long since broken down long ago so they are able to get through them with no trouble but with each answers, it has pros and cons to solve any problems; the con was that there is no barricade to keep the riff-raff out.
Jin had got out her hair ornament from her hair but then she felt a nudge on her arm, she turned to see Dempsey holding a revolver, “Take this!” he ordered her as Jin used her other hand to take it.
“Ever use that gun?”
“I had never used it on a person!”
He fired on a couple of zombies coming closer, he turned his head to her and responded “Well, the best thing to do is to aim for the head.” he then looked at them, he had often felt safe with barricades but he knew that this time it's the opposite, the doors without wood boards and he does not like it.
“Sh!t… What should we do now?”
“I am working on it…”
Just when the horde and the Tank are coming closer, the intercom had rung to life and a new voice came through, it was a different male Australian accent like Sniper’s.
“Oi!” the voice called out, making them look at the intercom with shock and confusion, “Ya two are not one of the Green Flu bastards, are ya?” Then they heard a ding, they turned to look at an elevator opening up with the dimmed light glowing from its ceiling. “Come in the elevator if ya want to live!”
They looked at each other, then they turned to look at the incoming horde and the Tank that is posing through it like a runaway bull attacking anything that has red all over a group of people.
The choices were: Either be killed by the rabid horde and eaten or get in the elevator to where this voice is in one of the five floors.
They looked at each other again and then at the horde before they decided the latter: they ran in the elevator and Dempsey slammed the filth floor button and they readied themselves as the common infected ran inside as the doors hastily closed in.
They are watching them heading towards them as the moving doors closed up and hearing them banging on the doors as they go upward. They ascended upwards as the arrow slowly moved towards and crossed each number as the little moment of relief washed over them, “Holy sh!t….” he muttered, “Never seen anything like that…”
“The horde of the undead or that big creature that could rival a Panzer Soldat?”
“The big guy.” he answered, placing the revolver back in his Back-Pit device and holding his head a little.
“Still, do ya see what it has been doing?”
Jin nodded as she looked down at the ground. “It had thrown the zombies out of the way to get to us,” she softly said, “I can not imagine what it will do if it got to us.”
“Properly literally crush us with those arms,” he halfry joked, crossing his arms as he looks at the arrow going over to the number five, indeciting they are getting closer to the floor he selected. “Besides, we’re gonna be alright now.” he said it too soon the moment the elevator dings upon their arrival on the filth floor.
The elevator doors opened up to reveal their “savor”; a cyborg Carcassian man with device over his right eye or at least acted as his eye, a beard, wore no shirt but a strap that form an X across his chest with the device with glowing red glass, army green cargo pants and boots as he appears to be holding something behind his back.
With a smug smirk, he said in the same accent “Ya made the right choice.” before they heard what sounded like a pin being pulled and then he threw a container at them in the elevator before he had put on a gas mask.
The container they were looking at had exploded and a pretuid smell came from before them as they were trying to get away. “Dempsey watch...ou…” Jin had started to say but the smell had gotten to her that caused her to slur her speech and she fell onto the floor.
“Jin!” He ran over to her but his body started to get heavy but his mind was ordering it to keep going as he stumbled towards her as he was trying not to inhale the stench before he too fell down just inches to her.
The world around him had begun to spin as hearing had started to rung in his ears as the man walked over to them then knelt down while Dempsey watched. He chuckled while he looked at the marine as his eyelids were getting more and more heavy and soon, the world had been drowned in darkness.
A soft moan left his lips as he suffered a suffocating headache, he felt like he had drunk too many beers while he had his hand stretched the back of his head as he muttered “Argh…. My head…”
He groggily turned his head over to look around as his mind wondered where he was right now and he saw Jin sleeping by his side, sleeping softly with her head on his shoulder. “J-Jin…?” he mumbled as his mind was swimming from whatever happened to him.
Inspecting her closer, her coat was missing as well with her hair pin and her hair was let down and flowed down her back.
As he tried to remember what had been transferred, he looked down to see that his coat and boiler were missing, as he was in his gray t-shirt.
The feeling had come back to him and came with it was metal and rust, at the base of his neck as he raised an eyebrow at this and had his hand reached to what it was and whatever it was it was around his neck.
He then had another hand on it as it dawned on him with distress; he had a collar around his neck. He turned his head at the wall and saw that he was chained to a wall before he looked at Jin and saw that she was collared as well.
He was on his knees and then grabbed her shoulders. “Jin! Jin! Wake up!” he said as he shook her by the shoulders as her sleep was disturbed, her head swayed as she groaned in strained breath as she opened her eyes and looked at Dempsey in confusion.
“Dempsey?” she groaned as her head was throbbing in pain as she held her head, “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” he said as he noticed that her coat was gone as well. “But it has something to do with that guy, I think we have been ambushed.”
“We have been ambushed.” he repeated himself, “Have we been captured?” she asked to which he nodded.
They looked around the room they are in, it was dark but the light is peering through the bars above them and only them, but it did luminated what room it is; the ceiling, the walls and floor are made from stone, with reddish brown and moss on the wall but they hardly could see through the darkness.
“I believe we were in a cell.” Jin stated as she looked at Dempsey. He said nothing but then he sat down beside her again and looked down, “In all honesty,” he started to say, “I had gotten myself into worse sh!t like this.”
“You’d been captured?”
“That and many things that I wished could be a nightmare.”
Jin sighed lightly as she lowered her head, “So do I.” as she held her forehead. “I wished the same as you.” while Dempsey looked at her again. He said nothing but looked at her. He looked at the chains and by the look of them, they haven’t been properly clean for a good long while.
There is something moving from in front of them, the peek through hole opened up and the eyes are peering inside looking at them with a contented look in their eyes.
“They’re awake.” The voice echoed softly in the chamber, those familiar, different eyes of a hyena is no mistake for the two to recognize, they heard the clanking of boots is heard from outside the cell and a voice, a distorted woman’s voice speaking to the Further as he looked at whoever she was. “Open the door please.”
“Yes, your highness.” the hyena complied as he hopped down from the hole, letting a bit of light flowing in for a moment as they heard something unlatching on the other side of the door.
The metal door scraped across the stone floor as the rusted yellow light poured in the room as a figure entered and the cell door closed behind her. The clicking of heels returned once more but this time towards them.
Soon, Mileena came into the light of the barred off hole in the ceiling yet she was noticeably different with a zukin mask as Jin had noticed. The corporal sighed and said “Let me guess, you must be Mileena, right?”
“Of course, you had it right.” she confirmed as he and Jin had backed up to the wall a little bit, leaving space between them and her. “Do you know where you are now, kombatants?”
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
“Your boyfriend, Mileena?” he answered sarcastically, as the chains rattled a little bit behind him with his hand fumbling on the floor for a stone piece that he could use as a weapon in case things could get messy once she got closer.
“Not quite.”
“Hyenas are your army now?”
A giggle as two out of five of her fingers rested on her mask, it was not a good sign as she continued.
“Much so, fair lady.” Mileena responded, “In fact, I am really joyful that they made me their ruler yet honored to have you both here. Even though what I am going to do next may seem… horrible.” she sounded a bit sad when she said this, the marine could mentally roll his eyes at this.
“Must’ve been one hell of an honor to be here, mind telling us what are you about to do to us?”
“Kano had brought this up, I figured that I could at least try-” Mileena had stopped herself when she looked over to him, hesitancy in her eyes when she noticed quite prequitrity.
“Hold a minute,” she started to say, “You looked familiar to me.” She leaned closer to him as he tried to back up but he went into a wall so he was trapped between it and her. “Did I see you before?”
Jin looked over in confusion towards Dempsey as he muttered “I am just one of those faces that just don't like being in a sh!t hole situation like this…!”
Mileena didn't seem to believe but she pulled herself away from him as she shook that thought away, “It doesn’t matter,” she simply replied to his statement, even if it’s barely audible from a man.
“In the next few hours, one will be taken and the other to the tournament.” Mileena explained, “One out of two of you here.”
Dempsey spat out “Like hell that we are going to,” as he gritted his teeth, keeping his eyes trained on Mileena, “You’re stuck here the same as us in this world.”
Another giggle from the deranged woman before this, he had enough of this and he said loudly “What’s so god damned funny?”
“Not too familiar with Mortal Kombat, have you yet?” she asked as her hands reached the back of her head and then began to untie the straps that are holding the zukin mask itself.
“Yeah, someone had told us about it.”
“Oh.” she said as she managed to untie the straps and then took it off. Tank’s eyes grew in shock and disgust but his voice didn’t go out of his mouth as usual, only silence rained down on him as he looked at Mileena before himself and Jin.
“Then you knew how it would end, didn't you?~” she spoke coldly as a tongue slithered out similar to a snake’s as the door opened once again behind her.
-Back at the camp-
Erron glanced over his shoulder for the group of savagers as they are arriving back but yet, he was a little concerned that Jin isn’t with them.
“It was a nightmare!” Soldier cuts Erron off, “Gordon had scared off all of the strange-looking deer!” as Gordon had an annoyed expression on his face along with Demoman as the Outworlder can clearly see.
Erron lets out a sigh, “What exactly happened?” to the only two men of the hunting group that are sanerer than this man with low intelligence.
“Gordon was being a quiet boy the whole time when he was hunting the deer. That's clearly different from normal but Soldier is the one who scared them off.” Demoman explained briefly while Gordon Freeman nodded at the end of it.
Another sigh, “I thought so.”
“But cowboy, have you seen Jin anywhere?” Soldier asked as he looked around the front yard, Erron was going to ask them that question in all honesty before he was interrupted.
“I thought that she was with you boys.”
“The lass was with us but we couldn’t find her.”
“Do you know where you last saw her?” Erron asked more.
“We had split up to salvage more items,” Gordon once again said, “I think she went inside a local pharmacy.”
Erron crosses his arms as Ultimis Richtofen came out of the background with Frisk in tow and loudly asked “Have you all seen zhe marine anyvhere?!”
“Wasn’t he here?” he asked with his hand on his forehead once again.
“I had sent Frisk to go find him but zhey couldn’t find him.” he informed them.
“Two people had gone missing.” Erron groaned in frustration, “Last thing anyone wants.”
“Zhen ve have to find zhem!” Ultimis Richtofen announced with pride, sounded less concerned, “Ve can’t leave zhis city of zhe undead vithout zhem, I cannot imagine zhe fates zhey are going through.”
“And we are coming too!” Cuphead said this as he ran out but was stopped at the last minute by Demoman as he picked him up by the handle of his head and turned him around towards the house as he said “No more getting into troubles, and more staying put where it is safe.” as he points at the opened door as Cuphead moaned in disappointment and walked back while Demoman and others watched.
Soldier looked over to his friend and said “You are much more different than you usually are.”
Demoman only chuckled as he shook his head.
No one had failed to notice but the air had gotten cold all of suddenly as they felt it. “Hm?” U!Richtofen muttered as he looked around, “Zhe air is getting colder all of sudden?”
“Doc, it’s impossible,” Demoman stated, “This city was once a desert, ya know.”
“Oh blah blah blah, zhis place can have winters as vell.”
Erron somewhat remained quiet as he was staring something before them, “Frisk, get behind me and into the house.” he commanded, as he shushered them to go inside as others had begun to notice.
“Kuai Liang.” Erron said as he watched Sub-Zero walk over to the group as his eyes were trained on Erron Black. “Erron Black.”
They both stare at each other, Erron had his hand on the handle of his revolver, ready to pull it out of the hoister as frost is visible on the shinobi's hands. “You do understand that I didn’t come here to fight, Erron.”
“I do know that fact,” Erron said as he had his hand up to stop the others from advancing further, “And let me guess this, you don’t remember how you got here too?
“Yes.” Kuai bows as Frisk, Cuphead, Mugman and Bendy are watching the encounter from inside the house, looking worried and concerned of what’s to come.
“Hallo uh, Kuai Liang, is it?” Ultimis Richtofen had spoke up as he walked to stand by Erron for a moment as he looked at Sub-Zero, “You must’ve seen a man und woman by zhis point before you came here, am I right?” he questioned, “One vith brown hair und jacket, zhe other with black hair, fairly pretty skin?”
“You must be speaking of Dempsey and Jin.” Kuai Liang answered as he looked at the German, “I assume they are with you?”
“Oh ja!~” he happily said, “Zhose two teammates of ours, do you seen them?”
“I had left them behind in Suncrest when I had to follow a group of Further Hyenas to see if Mileena was truly here.”
“Mileena is here too?” Erron looked at Sub-Zero who had dropped that bombshell on him, hoping this was just a joke but it’s true as he nodded. “And she leads the what?”
“Further Hyenas.” Kuai answered, “And appearty, it's not just hyenas that are affected by this “Forbidden Water.” they spoke off. They became somewhat an intelligent animal humanoid species after something horrible befell onto the earthrealm or this earthrealm is what they had made their home now.”
“Do they know what caused this?”
“The Incident, involving all five different plagues that includes the one you are currently facing and an entity they called “The Broken.””
“Oh!” U!Richtofen chimed in, “A woman had told about zhis lady but not in full detail about her.” as Sub-Zero looked at him once again. “Has she said anything about the Broken.”
“If she had- Haha!” the Doctor triumphed with delight, “She had taken at least 12 of us avay into another plane of existence or in your vords, another “Earthrealm '' you called it. Und zhis Broken vould drive zhem into insanity or death if I had to put in more details.”
“I will share what I have learned later,” Sub-Zero looked at Erron once again “Are there other warriors here?”
“A bunch,” Erron shrugged, “All of them are different worlds and timelines but it could be enough to bring this bloodthirsty daughter of Shao Kahn down.”
“Und most of us were from our own universes ve called home,” Ultimis Richtofen as Erron raised the revolver a little threateningly but it does seem to silence the Doctor by this much.
“I see.” Kuai nodded, “we must need a plan before we could jump into battle.”
“Ya know, for once, you could be right.”
As being said, Kuai was led into the backyard as others were getting ready to leave the city as the kids were peeking outside to watch others meeting the newcomer. “So, you had met them after encountering a different infection type?”
“But of course,” Kuai answered Bruno’s question, “But I wanted them to be out of harm's way when I did find her.”
“Can you take us to the last spot you left them at, at least?” Scout said with chagrin, “We just lost enough already.”
Sub-Zero made an ickle in response and spoke in a threatening tone “We are getting to that point, young man. Show patience.”
“Are you saying that one of your- their own were captured?” Radec asked as he and his remaining men were being watched over by Takeo while he was keeping a close eye on them while he was cleaning his sword.
“I fear so.” Kuai responded as he crushed the ickle into small pieces, “And you must be Mael Radec from what I am told of.”
“Colonel Mael Radec,” Radec corrected, as he stood up and he was a little bit intrigued that this ninja could barely reached his height, “Our homeworld is Helghan and as off right now-”
“They are trapped here with us,” Takeo interrupted as he had a rag that seemed to be used multiple times to count as he cleaned off the blood crusted onto the blade. Sub-Zero looked at the samurai and he somewhat resembled Hanzo in a way but in World War I form.
Takeo continued “And yet, we had a solution to escape this hell together, uninfected and unharmed.”
“Tak’s right about that.” Frank added “Since for some reason, these zombies can’t literally get out of the state of Utah, as if something is keeping them inside.”
“A tree’s spell…” Sub-Zero muttered as he looked down at the ground and yet, it was audible barely for Frank West to hear.
“What’s that?”
“It is nothing.” he shook his head, as Ultimis Richtofen walked over to him, “I am zhe most curious of you, Mr. Liang,” he said as he looked at the man of ice as he looked at him with an raised brow.
“From vhat I see from you, zhe frost on your arms und hands vithout any trouble at all!” he exclaimed as he took a hold of his arm to get a better look as if he was inspecting a snore or something else that could be intriguing.
“How do your arms vere at normal temperatures instead of breaking apart?” Ultimis Richtofen squeezed his bicep a little to feel the difference, the muscle felt soft yet it is the normal type of soft when you could feel when you squeeze the skin and muscle on your forearm.
“It is only magic, Doctor Richtofen.” Sub-Zero only answered as he pulled his arm away, “I am a cryomancer as I had trained to control the ice magic.”
“I see.” Ultimis Richtofen placed a finger under his chin, he now looked more fascinated by this fact. “Und how do you train?”
“I was the student before I became the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.” he replied as he turned away and then walked away from the German as he felt like he needed to get a healthy distance away from that man as far as possible.
Something about him was.. Unhinged, he thought.
Others had gathered, talking about something to do after they rescued their allies and escaping Fallen City as they are getting their weapons while Erron is discussing the plan as Kuai will lead them to where he had met Dempsey and Jin.
Sniper and Demoman are talking about what they should do with their prisoners if they make it out of the city infested with the walking dead, then something else that caught his attention however.
“Did ya notice that one of them was missing, laddie?”
“One was missing?” Sniper looked up to have his eyes facing Demo’s only one with stupefaction.
“There were seven of them last night when Bruno took over Bendy’s nightwatch.”
Sniper raised a brow and looked over the Demolimation’s Expert to look at the giant Frenchman and then looked back to Demoman.
“Did one of them escape while on his watch, Talvish?”
“I doubt that, Snipe.” Demoman answered, “Jin had said that she found him slowly regaining consciousness when she found this.”
“Regaining his nongs?” Sniper quizzed, as he tilted his hat a little to rub his fingers on his forehead, “Was his noggin hit by one of them?”
“Ah no,” Talvish shook his head no, “No bruise or a cut on his head whatsoever when she checked on him. Whatever happened to him must’ve been slippery like Spy was.”
“Mate, that is impossible,” the Australian refused to believe his teammate. “If he was knocked out, there could be a-”
“No no no, Sniper,” Demo shook his hand to halt him from speaking his thoughts out, “He had recalled he felt something plunging into his back before he blacked out.”
Kuai Liang didn’t hear the rest as he was already going to find Bruno as he is peculiar about it. He didn’t have to waste time to find him to see if it is true, he may not be with them on the night it happened but he needs to check on what he believed to be an injury. It didn't take him too long to find him when he checked at the withering apple tree and found him sharpening the knife.
“Bruno.” he got his attention as the large man looked at him, the carasian raised a brow and said “Oui, Kuai Liang?”
“Please understand that I am only curious but I heard you’re knocked out while on watch but you were not hit in the head.”
Bruno said nothing but he did nod that confirmed Sub-Zero’s suspicion, the cryomancer walked over to the giant with the understanding look on his face and went behind him as the Frenchman looked at him with further confusion.
“What are you doing-?”
“Do you remember what you felt before you passed out?”
Bruno only responded by looking down, “It felt like something had stabbed me in the back. Like a bee sting.”
“A bee sting, you say?” he said as he pulled the collar of his shirt down a bit as the Frenchman tried to look over his shoulder.
“I do not give you permission to search me.” Bruno interjects but Sub-Zero relents as he pulls it down a bit more and he sees something on the bottom of his neck, near the right shoulder on the tanned skin: It’s a small red dot. It was small enough as if a syringe had poked through and into the flesh.
“What are you looking at?”
“A sting dot,” Kauai answered as he looked at him, “A stab wound small enough to be an injection.”
“I was injected?” Bruno turned to look at him, “With what, exactly, Kauai Liang?”
“Possibly a drug enough to knock a person out yet only someone could be quiet and quick enough to plunge a syringe into you without ease.”
Kuai then had his fingers on his chin, the stable hair brushing against them gingerly, “It could be one of these ‘’Helghast” prisoners you captured.”
“It’s impossible, Kauai Liang.” Bruno denied, “All of them were asleep when I took a watch after the dinner last night.”
Kuai raised an eyebrow at this, looking at the giant before him and asked “If it is not one of them, then who?”
A raven cawed from behind them as they turned to see it flew over to a shed with the old wooden double doors as they were opened just a crack yet the raven was able to wedge between and go inside with no trouble.
Kuai signed Bruno into staying quiet as they unhurriedly walked over the shed on alert as each step drew them closer before they could know it but they stopped when a smell of death hit them both.
Bruno reinched from it, he knew what he was smelling, he was too familiar with the death before and after his time with a gang of thugs and this was a smell of the recently deceased, not the rotting decayed corpse of a zombie.
Kuai knew what Bruno believed to be too as he saw his hand stretched out and then grabbed one of the doors and then pulled it towards them, letting light flood inside the interior of the shed and the sight that greeted them was desolate and horrid.
It was one of the prisoners but what happened is just a grim death. Nothing to say but they noticed the man was stripped of the chest plate and cut open in the chest. Bruno gagged from the sight and turned from it as Kuai did the same with his eyes closed in uncanny disgust.
Bruno looked at him with hairs on the back of his neck raised and said “I think we now know what happened to him.”
Kuai nodded as he said nothing, something like this had the part of him believing it could be one of a Tarkatan or Mileena would do but the other part of himself had believed it could be someone else. Before the latter would say anything, U!Richtofen yelled for anyone to hear.
“Come on now! Ve are now going to get zhem!”
The two men looked at each other, not saying anything but exchanged looks before they walked away from the shed, silent after what they found. It’s going to take a good courage to tell others what they have discovered yet they are worried whoever disembowled him will be still with them as they know.
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emmerec · 3 years
#001 music: 王嘉尔
a song by Jackson Wang
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I’m a little late, but I couldn’t start posting my reviews if my first post wasn’t related to our dear Jackson Wang from China, aka the guy who GOT me into GOT7. 谢谢, baby. 
as a half Chinese girl, after I started knowing and following this Chinese guy (who totally dominates not only the K-World but also the Earth itself), I felt that my whole world got brighter and colorful. 
the first song I ever listened from Jackson was TITANIC and... man... if that masterpiece didn’t take a part of your soul away at 
They ain't even like me last year  Now they know my face China on the pace We be in the place
re-listen to it cause that sh*t is amazingly powerful.
after I started following all of his projects (both solo works or in group activities), I realized how important is to always remember our life origin - he’s so proud for being Chinese that it should be enough to hush all of the haters and xenophobes that unfortunately still exists in this planet.
in his last song - named after his own name in Chinese -, Jackson shares a little bit of his history with us. we saw a preview in   一個人, but while this first song is full of symbols and hidden meanings, in 王嘉尔, the lyrics go straight to the point, that is, it allows us to clearly see what he has been through.
both songs hold deep and personal feelings and memories - which I think is very brave and brilliant from his part, once his audience is HUGE and also because it’s extremely difficult to translate some things into a song.  
I don’t know if that was the intention, but I felt that these two songs complement each other, not only, but mainly because the rhythms are very similar: both of them make me feel like I was walking along with Jackson on an endless path that I could call as “mysteries of life from past to future”.
other thing that called my attention was the background: in  一個人 we have a broken city with some details that represent some of the important episodes of his life (like the Olympics symbol), as well as in the 王嘉尔, in which the illustration captures all the places he went (like JYP entertainment) and his dearest people (his family and the PANTHEPACK members) that hold important roles in his life.
the main feelings that these songs hold are loneliness alongside with strength, instead of what some may think, the first one is not viewed as a burden, but as something that intensifies the second one. 
thus being a Chinese in the middle of South Korea for 10 years must be a tough thing to deal (especially if you are a teenager), when he sings about the familiar language spoken by a lady who owned a Chinese restaurant, he once again emphasizes the importance of our genesis (this is the time that Jackson knocked me out).
Asian people demonstrate their love/support/empathy through food. the fact that he dedicates a part of his song to this Chinese woman who fed him with a free meal composed by fried rice and an extra portion of fried eggs is the reason why I love and admire this guy so much. like he always does, he impact us not only through this voice but also through a sensible content, full of rich images and life philosophies.
I hope this text reaches you to the point that:
- if you haven’t listened to Jackson’s song, please, take a time to appreciate his incredible works!
- if you have already listened to Jackson’s song, please, listen to it again because this baby deserves all the love.
take care and see u!
- m
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rabbithub · 3 years
Haunted Painting!AU: Day 4
(Oh? I make Diavolo have empathy? I make Diavolo have empathy like the doggo? Oh! Oh! Jail for author! Jail for author for one thousand years!
Also, (artist almost dies rip))
"First, you have to find five treasures." Diavolo explained. "You know what these treasures are."
"...Vanitas, right?" You ask. "I read up on those-"
Your phone buzzes. You know your devilish muse doesn't mind you looking at your phone at this point.
[Owner][Day 4]
'Vanita paintings are a style of still life paintings that represent the emptiness of life. These motifs may seem mundane, but can mean something profound. Many of these motifs have many interpretations, but I have a few examples.'
'A musical instrument (i.e. trumpet) means transience of life.'
'A candle or lamp represents life's fleeting length.'
'A book or scroll means the futility of earthly knowledge.'
'A crown or jewel means vanity of wealth.'
'Lastly, a skull may mean mortality or death.'
'Ah... I'm a fra id I am to o la te, m y sp iri t is at ex ha u st ed. He ru le s ov er de a th as the re ap er hi ms e lf, an d no ne ca n be st hi m at hi s ga me.'
'I wi ll at th e le as t gi ve hi m a pl ac e in my ga ll er y af t er a ll th is. An ar t is t sh ou ld fi nd h im th er e.'
'Ye s, my bo y. I ha ve a ni ce, da rk ro om f or yo u.'
[Landlord][Day 1]
'I don't know what possessed me. I took it.'
'I ended up here, in this familiar studio. Where I found this painting. I'm in a nightmare.'
'So why did I take it? Will I see my family again? He whispers to me, perhaps confusing me for the woman who's studio I plundered the painting from. Please, lord. Forgive me. I wish I had paid mind to my art lessons.'
You put your phone away and set to work. You go back to your room to sketch the lamp, but decided to take it with you as well when you finished. "It might come in handy." You muse, exiting the room.
You sketched a crown hidden in the vines, the trumpet held by a cherub, and a skull on a shelf in the studio. You notice a person shaped stain below the easel, but broke focus away to go through a door.
The room is dark, and you can't see. "Wait, my soul lights up when I paint, right?" You ask yourself. "Then I can use that to light the lamp." Gathering your soul onto the brush, you light the lamp. You feel a little weak and your chest hurts a little, but you can see better. There's a diary in the fireplace, and you sketch it before picking it up.
...There's a missing spot there? You set your dimming lamp to see frames of almost similar paintings, with a empty space between them.
You phone buzzes...
No matter how many I paint, nothing compares to him, nothing is his equal.
My time is running thin, please paint him before my time runs out.
You rush out before the light fades, the door slamming shut behind you. "I...I found all five." You say, turning to face Diavolo.
"...your face looks pale." He states. "What happened in that-"
"It's-" You sigh as you cut him off, looking down. "It's not really important right now." When you look up again, the canvas showed his feet.
"Put everything you gathered on the bed." He says, that worried tone still in his voice. "I'll let you choose the colors this time."
You raise the paintbrush, your soul alighting it...
Somehow, you felt an ache in your heart. Something didn't feel right...
You have been calling all morning, but your sister is not answering. You thought she overslept, and started to do your laundry.
Quickly, you reached your car and drove to the hospital.
You finish painting the motifs, trembling; you picked gold for the trumpet and crown, purple for the book, and red for the lamp and skull.
"Bene." Diavolo answers. "Take a short break while I prepare."
"O-okay." You respond, stepping away from the canvas and sitting down. You realized that you were feeling drained- perhaps painting was draining you life away? 'I'm not going down without a fight.' You tell yourself, looking up as you see Diavolo with the motifs surrounding him.
"I will hide one of the treasures, and you will paint it here." He explains as you stand up. "Shall we begin?"
You step up to the canvas, nodding. "Yes." You answer. "Let's."
You hold back from speeding as you drive to the hospital, the feeling growing worse and worse. You have to get there as quickly as possible. "Hang on, sis." You say under your breath. "I'm coming."
You pant growing more exhausted. The first round was over. You watch as Diavolo looks you over. "We've only just started." He says, his voice soft with concern.
"I'm getting tired." You say, looking at your phone.
[Researcher][Day 4]
'I've heard of spirits going into the possessions they loved in life- I've collected a good number of these items, as a matter of fact. Perhaps these motifs appear due to being a manifestation of his memories, and I'm starting to realize-'
'Of course! This may have to do with the painting's painting as well! But where is her presence in all this? My body is getting weak from all this?'
'Somehow, my soul is stronger than my body is... I have a feeling the black splotch might have to do with the artist. I will rest for now, but whoever is next might be able to lift this curse. Maybe I'll wake up again, one way or another.'
The dying text looked different this time, not glitchy but... Different. "You know, the others haven't been able you live through this." You answer. "You'll live forever, but I can't." Your voice sounded resigned, making Diavolo stare at you with indifference-
No. This wasn't indifference, it is concern. He seems to shake it off. "... let's begin the next round." He said, sounding... remorseful?
You nod, lifting your alighted brush.
You burst through the hospital doors to the receptionist's desk, rattling off you were a relative and your sister's room number. The receptionist calms you down and says she'll talk to the doctor.
You sit in the waiting room, nervous. You felt like throwing up, but you hadn't eaten anything. It felt like forever until you saw a chaplain approached you. You heart drops.
You barely process the events; you were explained what had happened, you were taken to your sister's bedside where she was covered with a white sheet, and found yourself outside the room, blindsided. You notice-
It's him. You have a suspicion about it as he seems to weep openly to the doctors, but as he looked over to you, he smirked.
When there was a quiet moment with just the two of you, you whisper; "Why?"
He- the bastard that your sister was like once in love with until she realized what a monster he was, is still smirking as he gives his answer:
"If I can't have her, no one can."
You almost collapse, almost exhausted. Your brush is dimly lit, earning you a concerned look from Diavolo. "Well, it's over for me." You say, your tone somewhat defiant. "You won- I'm sorry you're nowhere close to finished."
He looks at you, his arrogant look seemingly to have faded. "You... You're not giving up this easily, are you?" He asks.
"I wouldn't if it wasn't for my body." You answer, focusing on the inky, body shaped stain on the floor. "My only other regret is that sister is going to be sad seeing me so soon- oh well, I guess it's a win either way."
"..." Diavolo doesn't say anything, for a moment. "You and a couple others listened to me- and you never gave up. You remind me of another artist, she seemed to be as morose as you. I wonder where she went..."
Your phone buzzes. "I think I know." You answer, knowing that soon after, you'd join your sister...
'My fellow artist? Will you listen? Will you let me regale you a tale of this portrait of mine, of the vivid, horrible week we spent together, and our'
No? You look up, seeing Diavolo holding a skull with a dim flame in it; the flame growing brighter. "I'm not letting you die like this, with neither of our ends of this unfulfilled." He says, his eyes full of angry tears. "We're going back to the beginning."
You were confused; he was trying to torment you the past few days, and now he was trying to save you?! "Just rest now." He said, eyes defiant to your possible death. "I will fix this."
You pass out as you hear a woman's voice speak;
"...and of her final days...?"
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sweetiejunie · 5 years
So i was sitting in a lecture and i just thought of how the boys would react when they want you to leave early. Never written a ‘reaction’ type thing before so here’s my shot at it.
Genre: fluff
Hyung line!! (Welcome to hyung line beomgyu)
Leave!! :<
It’s 5pm and it was your last lecture of the day. Earlier you had received a text from your boyfriend, saying that he wanted to pick you up after school and of course you agreed, you could never say no to him.
Replying him with the time you could leave, you threw your phone in your bag and entered the lecture hall with your friends.
There was only 30mins left but you had to admit, it was quite boring, but you had to do it for your grades and so you stayed. You had started staring into space and that’s when you saw a familiar face poking through the glass window of the door...
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He would immediately start smiling and bouncing on his feet like a little puppy when he spotted you sitting near the back.
Waving his hands like a mad man to get your attention and mouthing words as if you could hear them through the piece of wood, not caring whoever was judging him when they walked pass.
The second you saw his actions, you giggled and returned a small wave back. Your giggle turned into a pout as you made a sleeping motion, resting your head on your hands, portraying that you were bored.
He made a ‘come here’ motion, wanting you to leave and go join him instead. Sadly you shook your head and frowned at the fact you had to deny his offer.
He pouted, giving you puppy dog eyes, hoping his cuteness would change your mind like it always did. But not this time, you shook your head again, making i little ‘x’ with your fingers.
Pouting again, he decided to take a different approach and started throwing finger hearts and air kisses to you.
You laughed and decided entertained him. At first you acted disgusted, pretending to throw away some of the hearts he was giving you.
This only resulted in him throwing more and winking at you, making you laugh at how desperate he was acting.
You finally admitted defeated and threw an air kiss back to him. Being the dramatic boy he is, he clutched his chest, pretending to be knocked out by your kiss.
This continued on back and forth for a while, competing to see who could throw the most hearts to the other.
By this point your friends were so used to your sh*t that honestly, they didn’t think to much about it and just sighed. Disappointed but not surprised.
The last 30 mins flew by quite quickly. Obviously you had no idea what your lecturer had said but alas it didnt matter. You were just happy you could walk home hand-in-hand with the crazy boy you loved.
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He quietly stood outside the door, scanning the room until his eyes landed on you.
He wouldnt do anything as dramatic as yeonjun to catch your attention. Instead he would just wait till you noticed him and if you didn’t, he would send u a text.
Binni💕: Babe look out the door
You felt your phone vibrate, checking it only to see that text from your boyfriend. You looked up, and saw a smiling soobin waving at you, his phone in his other hand.
You waved back and returned a text
You: B!!! I end at 6 why r u here so early??
Binni💕: well im sorry for being excited to see u ;-;
You: Dont be i miss you too!! But i still have 30mins left and all i really want to do rn is leave and hug you ㅠㅠ
Binni💕: then leave no one said you cant and now that you mention it i really want to hug you too 😭
You: :< u know i cant
Binni💕: not even for me?🥺
He texted that followed with a picture of him pouting outside your lecture hall and no doubt he looked just absolutely adorable.
You: Binni dont do this!!!😭😭
Binni💕: why is it working? Do you want to leave yet? :3
You: Binni i cant!! 휴ㅅ휴
Binni💕: well fine then be that way. But let it be known u had a choice and you chose the wrong one :(
With that, you turned to the door and noticed he was gone
You: wait binni!! Where did u go??? Im sorry 😭😭 dont leave im packing up!!
You messily threw all your thing into your bag and rushed to the door you last saw your beloved.
Little did you know that soobin knew that would be your reaction and he was waiting around the corner for you to come running out.
The moment he saw you he grabbed your waist and spun you around causing you to laugh.
“Ah! Soobin!!”
When he let you down, you turned to face him and gave him a hug. You had left your lecture a bit early but the reward waiting for you was definitely worth it.
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He was all smiley when he spotted you. Waving to you as soon as you saw him.
The second you pouted, he knew you were bored and pouted as well.
My gyu🐻: what’s wrong are you bored? U could always leave and come spend time with me instead
You: Gyu i cant do that my exams are next week :(
My gyu🐻: :( fine, ill go find somewhere to sit
And with that you saw beomgyu walk away. You just figured he was going to find somewhere to wait.
All of a sudden, you heard the back door of the lecture hall open quietly, a familiar face walking in. You were in utter shock as he walked to where you were, taking a seat next to you.
He looked forward for half a second, pretending to listen to the lecturer before turning to you when he sensed you staring and greeting you with a simple “hello, beautiful.”
“Beomgyu what are you doing? Why did you come in? I thought you wanted to go somewhere to sit down?” You asked in a sort of hushed exclamation, folding your arms, glaring at him.
“Well, you said you can’t leave but there’s no reason why I can’t join and i did find somewhere to sit,” he answered, gesturing to the lecture seat he was on.
“It just so happened that the seat i found was next to you,” he added with a smile.
You let out a small laugh and smiled back, “aish, what am i going to do with you?”
Through the lecture Beomgyu continuously asked you what something meant and tried start random conversation topics with you.
Every now and then when you tried to listen to your lecturer, he would poke your arm, boop your nose or lie on your shoulder when you stopped paying attention to him for more than 5 seconds.
It was pretty safe to say you didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the lecture. But spending time with beomgyu was never wasted time in your book.
Hope this was good 🤍
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day6smutlog · 3 years
God how I’ve missed you
Female Reader x Sungjin Genres: Fluff, Smut Word Count: 1.2k  TW: Unprotected sex (NOT IRL FOLKS), oral sex (reader receiving), slight cursing
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It was just another day during quarantine. You know, the usual, work, eat, sleep, repeat. You were fine with being locked up in your home. I mean what’s not to love! You were in the comfort of your own home. Although there was a downside, you felt lonely. It didn’t feel right sleeping by yourself and waking up to nothing but a cold pillow instead of your warm bear of a boyfriend. Cuddling up on the couch watching Marvel movies and listening to Sungjin geek out explaining about the Marvel universe. Or eating late night snacks together. It was killing you, and it certainly was the same for Sungjin and maybe even more. Needless to say, your days were filled with facetimes and text messages with goofy selfies. Typing away on an email to your boss, your phone lits up.
*Message Sent From: Bob Park ❤️️*
You: Wait r u serious? Come on Sungjin this isn’t time for ur silly jokes
Bob Park ❤️️ : Y/n go turn on ur tv
You walk over to your small but cozy living room and grab the remote off the coffee table switching to the news channel. In big bold words across the screen, “Seoul will no longer be under lockdown starting tomorrow. The Covid-19 rates have been diligently decreasing. You may go out but please try not to meet in large groups and continue to go out with a mask.”
Bob Park ❤️️ : Im coming over tomorrow
Bob Park ❤️️: And u bet Im going to cuddle the heck outta u
Bob Park ❤️️ My god u have no idea how much ive missed u
A heatwave washed across your face; leaving a ruby red tint to your cheeks. God how excited you were, you couldn’t wait to see him again. To feel his touch, to be in his embrace, to have your lips on his. Throughout the whole day, all you could think about was how much time was left until you could see your boyfriend again.
*9:36 am*
*Knock Knock* “Y/n! I’m here!” You got up from your bed and ran to the door as quickly as possible. Swinging the door open and almost pulling the handle off entirely. “SU-” Your words were muffled within a split second by your boyfriend’s chest. “I missed you so much.” you say with a big smile on your face. “I missed you more,” he says, squeezing you tightly. No additional words were said during those few minutes. Just silently being in each other’s embrace was what you missed the most. He pulls you back to get a good look at you, “You’ve gotten even more beautiful last time I saw you.” placing his hand on the side of your face taking in your features. You chuckled, “Babe didn’t we facetime last night?” “It’s utterly impossible for my phone to capture all of your beauty.” God how you missed his cheesy remarks. Your eyes wandered around his face, his dark black fluffy hair, his eyes sparkly as ever. Gosh you could look into his galaxy eyes for all of eternity.
His gentle touches across your face became more hungry and lustful. I guess you underestimated how much he missed you because soon your lips would be soon taken over by his. His hands slowly made its way down to your hips. Pushing your back to the wall, keeping his lips intact on yours. He began sucking your delicate skin, creating a dark hue. You run your fingers through his hair and let out a breathy moan in response. “Sungjin..” You say as he continues to mark numerous hickeys all over your neck. His eyes turned dark, deep with desire. There was no way of you getting out his touch. 
He then took a step back to look at his creation. “Beautiful. You’re all mine today and I’m not gonna waste another minute of it.” Sungjin picks you up causing you to giggle and carries you to your bedroom. You start to feel a pit in your stomach it’s just been so long, way too long. Luckily you were only wearing a t-shirt (his of course) and panties so it didn’t take too long for you to take your clothes off. As he gently sets you down on your back, “Do you want to do this?” he asked. Even though you knew how much he wanted you so badly right now he still always asks you first before anything happens. You nod, “I don’t think my body is ready enough though. Maybe you should take care of that first.” you say as you see a smirk forming across your boyfriend’s face. “Good, because I forgot to eat breakfast before I came actually.”
Slowly Sungjin nestles his face between you, giving light kisses to your thigh getting closer and closer inch by inch to your core. You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second. He first starts off with little kitten licks but they soon became ferocious as his tongue arrives at your entrance touching your walls from various angles. Curses began spewing from your lips, “Fuck Sungjin..”.As he eats you out an old pleasure resurfaces, heat slowly building within your core. “Y/n you taste so sweet.” Embarrassed, you try to cover your blushing face with your hands, but Sungjin pulls them away. “Uh uh sweetie, I want to see how good I’m making you feel.” Sucking on your clit you moan response. Just when you about to release, Sungjin stops and comes back up, towering over you face to face. “Babeeee” you whined. He loved seeing you beg and whine for his touch. “Don’t worry baby we’ve got all the time in the world.”
He positioned himself in front of your entrance. Teasing you, he rubs his tip around your folds. “God Sungjin please.” There he goes again, driving you crazy in your most vulnerable state, and he loved watching every second of it. “Please what? Use your words.” You bit your lip, “Please.. please fuck me.” “That’s my girl.” Wasting no more time, he quickly slid his cock into you. As u grip his arm, groans slip out of his mouth. “Oh Y/n..” Oh how beautiful his sounds are turned you on even more. In and out his thrusts kept slowly increasing making you wince from immense pleasure. Sungjin leans into your ear, not slowing down his movements in the process, “I love you so much.” he whispers. Your walls start to clench, your pussy pulsating rapidly, you were almost at your limit. His hands then wandered down to your slit, rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb sent you into overdrive. You couldn’t take it anymore. Holding you tightly as your shaking body continues to become undone releasing your fluids all over his throbbing cock. Chasing both of your highs he continues to move his hips ever so quickly filling you with his white cum causing you to scream from the overstimulation.
After pulling himself out of you he flops on the bed beside you, pulling you close to his chest, letting you catch your breath. Sungjin gives you a loving kiss on the forehead, “I don’t think I’ll be able to survive another pandemic if that meant another lockdown and not being able to see you for weeks.” “Me either Sungjin. you chuckled. You both share a sweet longing kiss, Sungjin laughed seeing you yawn right after. “Shall we take a nap?” wrapping his leg over you.
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ase-trollplays · 4 years
Trigger warnings: suicide, attempted suicide, suicide ideation
What if Karima died suddenly?
==> Florah: Make a decision
>> This wasn’t supposed to happen for hundreds of sweeps. There were so many things you wanted to do with her, and so many things you wanted her to see you accomplish. None of that matters anymore, though. She’s gone now, and with her death, so dies your reason to keep living. You’ve already buried her body and even planted a sapling on her grave.
>> Now the only thing left to take care of is you.
>> You stand atop your dresser, which you’ve moved to the middle of your respiteblock, and tug the rope to make sure it’s firmly attached to the ceiling. It doesn’t budge no matter how hard you pull. Good.
>> You place the noose around your neck, then look around your respiteblock for the final time. With closed eyes and a deep sigh, you take a step forward and allow your body to fall.
*** *** ***
Cacoph stood outside of Florah’s hive and knocked on the door. He’d received a text from him about an hour ago asking him to take care of Snelly since he and Karima were going traveling. It seemed like a simple enough favor. How high maintenance could a snail be? Plus, he was fairly sure tri-batdad wouldn’t try to eat it. He just wished Florah didn’t live so far away.
When there was no response, he knocked a few more times and waited. Nothing. With a bit of hesitation, he grabbed the doorknob and turned it. To his surprise, it wasn’t locked. He pushed the door open a little and peeked inside the hive. It didn’t look or sound like anyone was there. He wondered if perhaps they already left. It seemed odd to ask him over, then leave before he arrived.
He meekly stepped inside and closed the door behind him, then took out his huskphone to check his text messages to see if there’s something he missed.
ND: Hey Cac✿ph, can y✿u d✿ me a huge fav✿r?
ND: Karima and I are g✿ing away f✿r a while, and I need s✿me✿ne t✿ take care ✿f Snelly f✿r me while we’re g✿ne.
TF: Heck yeah, dude! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It would be my pleasure!
TF: When do you need me to swing by and get her? (◠‿◠✿)
ND: As s✿✿n as p✿ssible? We’re actually leaving t✿night. I’m s✿rry it’s such sh✿rt n✿tice.
TF: Oh! (⊙△⊙✿)
TF: Sure thing! (´。• ᵕ •。`) I’ll be there before you know it! 
ND: Thanks, man. You’re a really great friend.
Cacoph sighed and walked further into the hive. Had he known they would already be gone by the time he got there, he would have asked where Snelly is. It felt weird enough just being in his friend’s hive by himself, but having to look into every room until he found her just didn’t sit right with him. He stepped back outside and sent Florah a text asking where to find the snail, but after fifteen minutes without a response, he went back inside. It looked like he was on his own.
After failing to find Snelly anywhere on the first floor, he made his way up the stairs to check the rooms on the second floor. The first door he tried led to the ablution chamber. Definitely not where Florah would keep a pet snail. Behind the second door was the linen closet. The third door was locked, so he assumed it was either Florah or Karima’s respiteblock.
He opened to fourth door, and he immediately wished he hadn’t. He stared in shock, then horror, as he processed what he was looking it. His legs gave out from under him and he fell to his knees, diluted yellow tears freely flowing from his eyes. His reason for coming over was violently catapulted to the back of his mind and all but forgotten for the time being.
Florah’s lifeless body hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room.
Cacoph stared at the troll that he called his friend, his emotions a furious cyclone of sadness, shock, and confusion. What drove him to this? Where was Karima? Why-- !? Why did this happen!?
He shakily pulled himself onto his feet and closed the door.  ... What should he do now? Was there anyone he could call? Florah never talked about having other friends. He could probably look through the contacts in Florah’s huskphone, but that would mean going into his room, and he... He couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to go in there. He didn’t even want to look at the door now that he knew what was on the other side.
Fifteen minutes passed before Cacoph could force himself to move from his spot in front of Florah’s room. Florah’s last request was the he take care of his pet snail. He didn’t know what he could do about the situation he found himself in, but he could at least do that. He found Snelly in her enclosure inside a dark room with a bunch of unfamiliar plants. He picked up her tank, then promptly made his exit from the hive.
He had many awful, terrible nights in his life, but this night was the worst.
But what if it happened differently?
==> Florah: Make a decision
>> This wasn’t supposed to happen for hundreds of sweeps. There were so many things you wanted to do with her, and so many things you wanted her to see you accomplish. None of that matters anymore, though. She’s gone now, and with her death, so dies your reason to keep living. You’ve already buried her body and even planted a sapling on her grave.
>> Now the only thing left to take care of is you.
>> You stand atop your dresser, which you’ve moved to the middle of your respiteblock, and tug the rope to make sure it’s firmly attached to the ceiling. It doesn’t budge no matter how hard you pull. Good.
>> You place the noose around your neck, then look around your respite block for the final time. With closed eyes and a deep sigh, you take a step forward and allow your body to fa--
knock knock knock
>> ... The sound of knocking at the front door snaps you out of your thoughts. You glance at your huskphone, which you tossed onto the floor after you finished texting Cacoph. That was only a couple of minutes ago. There’s no way he’s already here. So who could be--
knock knock knock knock
>> With a sigh, you remove the noose from your neck and climb down from the dresser.
>> You should probably get that.
*** *** ***
Cacoph excitedly bounced on his heels as he waited for Florah or Karima to answer the door. As luck would have it, he was already on his way toward Florah’s hive when he got his texts. He wanted to surprise him with an album from a jazz band he’d gotten into recently. He remembered that Florah was looking for new tunes, and he was positive this would be a hit.
When the door finally opened after what felt like forever, he enthusiastically began signing a greeting to him. However, his enthusiasm immediately dropped when he saw Florah’s appearance: deep umber eyes, streaks of dried tears on his face, and a completely miserable expression.
‘Oh my god! You look terrible! Are you okay?? Did something happen?! What’s wrong!?’ Cacoph frantically signed. Florah winced at his friend’s outburst.
“I... I’m fine. Just having a bad mental health night. You know how I am,” Florah answered. Cacoph didn’t look any less concerned.
‘Have you already talked to Karima?’ he asked. As soon as he signed her name. Florah could feel himself getting choked up as tears stung the corners of his eyes. He turned around to furiously wipe them away before his friend saw, but it was a wasted effort. Cacoph placed a hand on his shoulder, and that was all it took for him to completely break down. He collapsed to his knees as loud, agonized sobs tore their way out of him. Cacoph kneeled down to him and, unsure of what else to do, opened his arms to offer a hug. Florah was quick to accept the offer and all but threw himself into his arms and desperately clung to him as he bawled.
It took twenty minutes for Florah to cry himself out, and it was another ten minutes before he was ready to let go. Cacoph pulled a handkerchief from one of his sleeves and offered it to him to dry his eyes and wipe his face.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ he asked.
“Karima’s dead, Cacoph.”
‘Holy shit. I’m so sorry.’
“... I don’t want to be alive anymore.”
Cacoph’s eyes widened at his statement, and he struggled for something to say. After a minute of uncomfortable silence, Florah spoke again.
“She was everything to me. She saved my life. Without her, I never would have got my life back together. I don’t... I don’t think I have it in me to keep going without her.”
‘Is that why you asked me to take Snelly? Because you were going to kill yourself?’
Cacoph could only look at him with sadness and worry as Florah nodded in response. He wanted so desperately to comfort him, but he was at a complete loss. What do you say when your friend tells you he wants to die? The thought sent a chill down his spine. If he hadn’t happened to be in the area at the time Florah texted him... If he’d arrived a single minute, or even a few seconds later... He might have been too late to stop him.
He was lucky tonight, but what about tomorrow? It was only by coincidence that he reached him in time to stop him from doing something terrible, but if Florah truly didn’t want to be alive anymore, then what would stop him from trying again later? This whole situation was bad. What could be possibly say that would be enough to change his mind?
‘She wouldn’t want you to kill yourself. She would want you to stay alive,’ Cacoph reasoned. He hoped that would be enough to get through to him, but Florah’s empty expression didn’t budge. If anything, he now looked slightly more miserable.
‘Plus, if you die, then so will everything she loved. All her flowers and her houseplants and stuff will die if there’s no one to love them and take care of them like she did.’
That seemed to have made a dent, much to Cacoph’s relief. Maybe there was hope to convince him to keep going.
‘And someone needs to run her flower shop. You told me how proud of it she was, and how happy it made her. Isn’t that worth staying alive? To keep her dream going?’
“... I guess.” That was all Florah had to say in response. It wasn’t as much as Cacoph hoped for, but it was something to show he was getting through to him.
‘She may not be around anymore, but she’s still with you in the things you guys loved. As long as those things are here, then so is she.’
Florah remained silent, but his expression was a little softer now, so Cacoph considered that a win. For now, at least. He wasn’t sure what else to say on the subject, so he decided maybe changing it was a good idea. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out the jazz album.
‘I wanted to give this to you since you’re looking for new music to listen to. Want to go to my place and listen to it?’
Cacoph thought he saw the tiniest smile on Florah’s lips, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.
“Y-... Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let’s get outta here,” he said with a sigh and started to stand up. Cacoph stood up as well and gave Florah a tight hug before the two set off away from Karima’s hive.
But what if this happened instead?
==> Florah: Make a decision
>> This wasn’t supposed to happen for hundreds of sweeps. There were so many things you wanted to do with her, and so many things you wanted her to see you accomplish. None of that matters anymore, though. She’s gone now, and with her death, so dies your reason to keep living. You’ve already buried her body and even planted a sapling on her grave.
>> Now the only thing left to take care of is you.
>> You stand atop your dresser, which you’ve moved to the middle of your respiteblock, and tug the rope to make sure it’s firmly attached to the ceiling. It doesn’t budge no matter how hard you pull. Good.
>> You place the noose around your neck, then look around your respite block for the final time. With closed eyes and a deep sigh, you take a step forwa--
“Hellooooo~! Karima, I’m here to claim you for the night!”
>> No, NO! What’s Maeron doing here?? She’s going to ruin everything! You didn’t even lock the front door because Cacoph is coming to get Snelly! Dammit! You have to get this over with fast before she lets herself in to look for Karima. You hastily step off the dresser.
*** *** ***
Maeron waited all of ten seconds before knocking again. “Karima, you know it’s rude to keep a goddess waiting~!”
She decided to pay her bestie a surprise visit and treat her to a night at her kismesis’s jazz club. When thirty more seconds passed without a response, she turned the doorknob to see if she was locked out. Upon finding it unlocked, she let herself in and looked around. It didn’t look or sound like anyone was hive, though she wasn’t going to leave without looking for her first.
“Damn, I knew I should have checked her flower shop first. She and Florah are probably there working,” Maeron muttered to herself as she searched. Having no luck on the first floor, she made her way up the stairs and went straight to Karima’s room.
“Karima, are you asleep in there?” Maeron asked as she knocked on the door. When she received no response, she groaned and looked over at the door to Florah’s room. She hated having to talk to him; he was such a passive-aggressive, smart-mouthed little shithead. She’d punch his head right off his shoulders if she could get away with it. With a sigh, she walked over to his door. If Karima wasn’t here, then he probably wasn’t either, but it was still worth it to check and make sure. She didn’t consider him worthy of enough courtesy to knock, so she grabbed the handle and opened the door.
“Flora-- Shit!!” she exclaimed as she saw him hanging from the ceiling, kicking and struggling as the noose around his neck strangled him. Immediately she ran into the room and, with one swift yank, ripped the rope from the ceiling and allowed his body to fall to the ground. As he coughed and wheezed for air, she grabbed him and frantically removed the noose.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!!?” Maeron shouted at him forcefully pulled him onto his feet. Florah glared at her before turning away, refusing to look her in the face. With a snarl, Maeron grabbed him by the jaw with one hand and wrenched his head around to force him to look at her. “Well!?”
“The fuck do you think I was doing!?” he snapped back and tried to slap her hand away. However, her grip on his face was strong and she refused to release him.
“How goddamn stupid are you?? I thought you were past this shit! What if Karima found you pulling that stunt, huh!! Do you have any idea how much that would destroy he--”
“Karima’s fucking dead!” Florah yelled. Maeron’s anger seemed to vanish almost immediately, and her grip on him relaxed enough that he was able to push her hand away. He glared daggers at her as tears formed in his eyes and his body stiffened. Maeron struggled to process what she’d just been told. How could Karima be dead? They just talked two nights ago. She was tempted to accuse him of lying, but considering what she walked in on and how serious he looked, it had to be true.
After about a minute and a half of incredibly tense silence, Florah was the first one to speak.
“Yeah, that fucking sucks, right? I know,” he said with venom dripping from every word. “But hey, at least now you don’t have to have anything to do with me anymore, right? I mean, you only put up with me because of her. Now that she’s gone, you never have to see or talk to me again. So, yeah, you can go now. She’s not here anymore.”
Maeron could feel herself start to get choked up and her eyes start to water. She felt her chest literally ache with sadness and mourning, but she wiped her eyes and took a deep breath to force her feelings down before speaking.
Florah stared at her in annoyance and disbelief. He was barely fighting back sobs, but just as Maeron forced herself to push her emotions aside, so did he.
“What do you-- !? Didn’t you hear me?? We’re done! You don’t have to be here anymore, so leave,” he ordered with his fists balled at his sides. Maeron stood her ground and glared down at him, her arms crossed in defiance.
“I’m not going anywhere. The second I step out that door, you’re going to try again, and I refuse to have that on my conscience,” she answered. Florah stared at her in deep frustration, the tears running down his cheeks now tears of anger.
“So what!? Why do you care what I do? You hate me! You should be happy! I won’t be your problem or anyone else’s anymore!” he fired back. Maeron’s expression remained unchanged.
“If you kill yourself, then all the time, love, and care that Karima gave you will be for nothing,” she said calmly in contrast to Florah’s outbursts, which seemed to only make him more upset.
A pistol appeared in his hand and he aimed it directly at her chest, his finger resting on the trigger and ready to pull. Maeron’s eyes widened before her expression turned dark and she growled at him. He growled back.
“I’m not fucking asking. Get out, or I’ll kill us both,” he threatened through gritted teeth and flowing tears. Rather than do as he ordered, Maeron took a step closer. He took a step back, his hand starting to tremble. “What are you doing!? I said leave or I’ll kill you!”
“No, you won’t.” She took a step closer, and he a step back. “You know how I know?”
She stepped closer.
“Because you’re not a killer.”
Another step closer.
“You may hate me, but you could never kill me. You couldn’t kill anyone.”
Another step closer.
“As much as you don’t want to, you care about other people, even the ones you don’t like. You saw and even caused so much death when Allmah controlled you, and you’re nothing like her. You’re better than that. You could never be a killer like she wa--”
“Just shut up!!” Florah screamed at her. She stopped advancing on him as his whole body now trembled. “Fine. Don’t leave. I don’t need your permission to end things.”
Without another word, Florah turned the gun on himself and pressed it to his temple. Before he could pull the trigger, a loud shout filled his ears, and he could feel his mind being overridden. It only lasted for a second, but that was enough time for Maeron to get close enough to grab the gun from his hand and throw it across the room. She didn’t want to resort to using her chucklevoodoo on him, but her hand was forced.
“I told you before. I refuse to have your death on my conscience,” she said as he slumped to the ground in defeat and sobbed. Maeron sighed in relief and displeasure as she waited for him to cry himself out. It was fifteen minutes before he was composed enough to speak again. He looked at her with desperation.
“Why are you trying so hard to stop me? Please, I’m begging you. Just leave me alone and let me do this,” he pleaded. Maeron’s expression softened and she knelt down in front of him.
“I’ll admit, part of it is just to spite you, but the main reason I stopped you is because it’s what Karima would want me to do. I won’t be able to stop you every time; I have my own life to live, and I won’t spend it holding your hand and wrigglersitting you every night. But this time I could, so I did. If you want to shit all over her and ignore what she would want, fine. But for the time being, I’m not going to disappoint her.”
Maeron stood up and pulled him onto his feet.
“Come on, we’re going to Dr. Noru’s office for an emergency session. I’m sure when he hears you tried to kill yourself twice, he’ll make room in his schedule for you,” she said as she grabbed his hand and started walking toward the door. He didn’t put up much of a fight until they got downstairs.
“I can’t. I told a friend to come over to take Snelly,” he said.
“So call them and say you changed your mind. I assume they have no idea what you were planning.”
“No. I still want to see him before I go, though. Please?”
“... Fine, but once he leaves you’re going to see your therapist.”
“Okay. ... I’m not going to thank you, you know.”
“I know you won’t. Just because you’re sad doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole.”
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callboxkat · 5 years
A Little Nightmare (part 2)
Author’s note: Here it is! The next installment of this new story in the world of Infinitesimal. I hope you guys like it!
Again, you do not need to have read Infinitesimal to read this story!
Warnings: fear, miscommunication, illness, injury, nonsexual nudity, death mention, censored swearing
Word count: 3372
Infinitesimal Masterpost!
Joan was on their phone, looking through emails and texts for anything important. Despite trying to get some work done, most of their attention was still focused on something else entirely. They certainly felt that that distraction was understandable, though, given the circumstances. Occasionally, they couldn’t help but look up towards the coffee table and the blanket folded on top of it. The tiny person within hadn’t woken since they’d brought her home, and Joan couldn’t help but worry. They knew that the long-term success rate of CPR wasn’t exactly as high as a lot of TV shows would have its viewers believe, and Joan had no idea how long she’d been in that bucket before they arrived. They were hopeful, though. She seemed to be in good shape, other than the whole almost drowning thing. They believed she would pull through.
Joan glanced up again as a soft sound came from the table. As Joan had found out shortly after getting the tiny person settled in, she snored. It was very quiet, which didn’t surprise Joan given the woman’s size; but in the absence of their car’s engine and the roaring in their ears, they could hear it. They’d been a bit worried at first, slightly adjusting how her head rested to see if that helped, but it seemed that she just snored. They decided to view it positively. As long as she was snoring, they knew she was breathing. That was good.
If only she would wake up, so they could know she was okay.
“You’re probably pretty tired, huh?” Joan murmured into the quiet. They imagined that nearly drowning would take a lot out of a person. “That’s alright. Take as long as you need.”
A new message popped up on Joan’s phone, drawing their attention away from the borrower, or whatever she was, for the time being. They would have ignored it, but….
Talyn: What time are you picking up Marco?
Joan swore under their breath. In all the excitement, they’d nearly forgotten about him. Marco, their own dog. That just went to show how distracted they were, that they could forget that lovable furball for even a moment. They tapped on the message and typed a response.
Joan: Not sure. Later?
The reply popped up within moments.
Talyn: Are you still pulling weeds? Isn’t it dark out?
Joan glanced out the window. The sun had in fact gone down, but the sky was still fairly light.
Joan: Not much longer
Talyn: Damn, must be a lot of weeds.
Talyn: Don’t trip over a rock and die, dumb*ss.
Joan: There go my weekend plans 😥
Talyn: What a shame
Talyn: Seriously tho, I’ve got work at 7
Joan: Gross, late shift?
Talyn: Yeah. :P Come get yo dog.
A photo popped up. Marco was curled up on the floor at Talyn’s feet, looking up at the camera with his big brown eyes. His ears were pricked in a way that made Joan think that Talyn had absolutely just called the dogs name to get his attention for the photo.
Talyn: Look at him, he misses you :(
Joan sighed, glancing at the time. They couldn’t make Talyn late for work, but there were other factors to consider. One in particular, they thought as they looked to the tiny woman asleep on the table in front of them and grimaced. What if Marco tried to bother her once they brought him back here? Would she be safe? Aside from that, they really hated to leave. It would take only a short amount of time to get their dog, but enough to worry Joan. What would happen if the tiny woman woke up while they were gone?
But if Talyn decided to come here to drop off Marco… that could be bad. If Joan knew one thing about borrowers, it was that they wanted as few people to know about them as possible. Granted, that number was generally 0, but the cat was already out of the bag for Joan. Joan assumed that whatever this girl was, borrower or not, probably wanted the same secrecy, given that they had thought that tiny people were nothing but a fairy tale only a few hours ago.
They thought for a moment, fingers tapping uncertainly on their phone case.
Joan: Ok, five min
And so, reluctantly, Joan got ready to leave.
They made sure that the curtains and blinds on the windows were firmly shut, preventing anyone from peeking in and spotting the tiny person—one of the drawbacks of living in a first floor apartment was that this was a distinct possibility. Thankfully, people were generally not that creepy, but it would be just Joan’s luck for today to be the one time some weirdo decided to snoop around. And, as they had established, they were not taking chances.
“Sorry,” Joan said, looking towards the coffee table as they put on their jacket and grabbed their keys. “I’ll be back soon.”
The tiny woman, of course, didn’t answer. The only response they received was another soft snore.
“Okay,” Joan sighed, turning away.
They triple checked the lock as they left the apartment, glad that there was virtually no chance that anyone else would go barging in while they weren’t home. They lived alone; and they were, in fact, the landlord of this building. So, no one had a key to this apartment but them, which was honestly very reassuring.
Satisfied, or as close to satisfied as they would get, Joan hurried out of the building, planning to return as soon as possible.
Remy drifted into consciousness slowly.
She knew that she was warm, that it was dark, and that she was lying down on her side with something soft wrapped around her. It might have been nice, had it not been for the fact that her chest felt like someone had yeeted a brick at it, or the fact that she felt so weak that she was pretty sure she couldn’t get up even if she wanted to.
Her eyesight came gradually into focus, and her gaze fell on her own hands, curled in front of her on the fuzzy, dark blue surface of the… what? A blanket? She didn’t know what else it would have been. But why was she wrapped in a blanket? Remy loved herself a good blanket burrito, but she had no idea where she was or how she’d gotten there.
She turned her head, feeling dizzy at the motion, and tried to look around. It looked like there was some sort of ceiling far above her, but it was hard to tell in the darkness. Was she in a house? What the heck?
Remy thought back, trying to piece things together. She’d been looking for a new home, she knew, because those pricks in her old house had called an exterminator. She remembered being outside, the storm, and the tomatoes…. She swallowed against her rough throat. She’d been trying to get down from the work bench, she remembered. And… her dumb foot had slipped. And then… she’d fallen.
Remy narrowed her eyes. Why wasn’t she dead? She should have drowned in that bucket. She had drowned in that bucket, hadn’t she? She remembered the time passing, passing, passing, her attempts to stay afloat growing weaker and weaker until it simply became too difficult. She remembered feeling terrified as her head started to dip below the water, the exhaustion overpowering her, her heavy, waterlogged clothes only helping to pull her down faster.
So… why had she just woken up here? And why did her chest hurt so bad? None of this made any sense.
“Am I dead?” she wondered aloud. Her voice was so rough and quiet that if she hadn’t known it was her own, she wouldn’t have recognized it.
Unsurprisingly, no one answered her.
Remy coughed, then hissed at the fresh stab of pain this caused.
No… she didn’t think she was dead. Maybe heaven, or whatever, if there even was such a thing, really was like being wrapped up in a warm blanket in the dark, but Remy felt too much like crap for that to make sense. Any reasonable afterlife would have given her a cup of coffee by now, too. Decent coffee. And if hell was real and she was there, Remy was pretty sure it would be much worse than this. No, she was definitely still alive.
Remy thought harder, trying to focus her sluggish brain.
Oh. Oh. Sh*t.
That human. She remembered now. A human had been there… saying something… And Remy had said something back? She remembered being scared. She’d wanted to know what the human was doing there. She remembered feeling weirdly detached, like the didn’t care what happened, which was so not like her. But she couldn’t recall any more detail than that.
The human must have taken her, she realized, working her fingers into the fibers of the warm blanket. That wasn’t good. She should probably do something about that.
Remy breathed, in and out, then started to move.  “Come on, girl, get off your butt,” she urged herself in that painfully hoarse voice. She struggled to push herself up on shaking limbs, but they wouldn’t hold her, and she collapsed back down almost immediately. Her breath left her in a rush.
“…After a nap,” she conceded.
“Good boy,” Joan said, closing the bedroom door with a click. “Sorry, bud. It’s just for a little while.”
The corgi on the other side of the door barked once unhappily. His clawed paws tapped anxiously on the wooden floor as he paced back and forth.
“I know, I know,” Joan sighed. “I want to let you run around, too, but I can’t right now. Good boy. We’ll play later. Go lay down.”
Marco whined in response, but Joan could already hear him laying down beside the door. They could clearly picture the pout that the dog was undoubtedly directing at Joan through the wood.
Marco was a good dog. He was three years old, and Joan had owned him for only two of those, but he was already pretty well-trained. He also had a very low prey drive, and was so short that he had trouble even reaching the edges of the coffee table. So, really, the totally-not-a-borrower was probably completely safe even if they did let the dog roam freely. But Joan wasn’t taking any chances.
Besides, she’d probably freak out if she woke up to a comparatively gigantic, unknown dog in her face. Joan knew they would, in her place. She had no way of knowing that Marco wouldn’t hurt her, and Joan couldn’t 100% guarantee that she would have no reason to be afraid.
Even without the dog around, she’d probably be freaked out enough already when she saw Joan there, alone. They winced at the thought.
There was always the chance that things would go smoothly… right?
Whatever would happen, Joan decided to just settle themself back into their chair and wait. There wasn’t much else left to do. The tiny person wrapped in the blanket was still asleep, snoring softly, and Joan wasn’t sure how much longer it would be before she woke. It looked like she might have moved while Joan was gone, but they couldn’t be sure. She really was very small, and it wasn’t as if they’d taken note of her exact position before they left. Plus, she was almost completely covered by the blanket.
Joan reached forward and poked at the clothes that they had laid out off to the side. They had dried by now, thankfully.
They retracted their hand, intending to go back to checking emails on their phone and to trying not to think too much about their unexpected companion; but a soft groan came from the table. Joan paused, their eyebrows lifting.
The tiny woman shifted in the blanket, her eyelids fluttering.
Joan opened their mouth as if to speak, then closed it again. They figured they should probably stay quiet.
Her eyes opened. Joan leaned back, hoping to let the tiny woman gain her bearings without their interference.
She blinked, her eyes travelling slowly around the room. Then, she sighed, almost in a resigned sort of way. Like she was thinking, “Oh, great. I really am here.” Perhaps she had woken up while Joan was gone after all.
She pushed herself up on an elbow, wincing, and looked down at herself.
“What the hell,” she muttered, probably noticing she wasn’t wearing any clothes. Joan winced again.
The faint movement drew her attention, and she seemed to see Joan for the first time. Her eyes went wide; and she froze, her hand gripping the blanket tightly.
“Um…. Hi,” Joan said awkwardly.
It was like the noise unfroze her. She shrieked, scrambling backwards on all fours with the blanket still clutched around herself. Her movements were stiff and sluggish, like she still hadn’t fully recovered from her ordeal. But the alarm on her face was clear to see.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright,” Joan said. “I’m not gonna hurt ya, promise.”
The woman stopped, breathing hard, then slowly turned to stare up at them, her skeptical expression hard enough to scratch diamond. A long moment of silence passed. It was only seconds, but to Joan, it felt like hours. Finally, she cleared her throat. “Maybe I’m wrong,” she said, her voice hoarse, “but to me, it kiiinda seems like you already hurt me, b*tchboy.”
Joan blinked, taken a little off-guard by her words, then found their voice again. “I’m sorry,” they said, willing her to hear the honesty in their words. “I had to do that. You were drowning; it was that or let you die.” They rubbed a hand through their hair. “And, uh… I’m actually not a boy. I’m Joan. They/them pronouns.”
The tiny woman blinked, looking them up and down. “Still a b*tch, though,” she muttered.
Joan laughed, more out of surprise than amusement, not noticing how she tensed. “Maybe,” they agreed, before leaning forward marginally. “Really, though,” they continued more seriously. “Those bruises on your chest? They’re from CPR. You weren’t breathing when I found you.”
The tiny woman stared for a second, unconsciously putting a hand to her chest.
“You’re okay now, though,” Joan said. They hoped. “And—look, I’ve got your clothes right here.” They reached forward to grab them, and the woman flinched back. Joan froze. “Oh… sorry.”
A beat passed, and then Joan slowly reached for the clothes again. They brought them nearer to the tiny woman and set them beside her. She didn’t flinch away this time, which they counted as a win.
“How are you feeling?” Joan asked.
The tiny woman just stared at them warily.
“Come on, please? If something’s wrong, maybe I can help.” Was she really okay after nearly drowning like that? After all, they had no idea how long she had been in that bucket before they found her. And had they hurt her when they did CPR? They’d bruised her, yes, but they hoped they had done nothing more serious. What if they’d broken one of her ribs or something? Could Joan even do anything about it if they had?
The woman scoffed.
Joan frowned, drawn from their worried thoughts. “What?”
She glanced at her clothes, her fingers tight around the blanket, then looked back up at them. Joan could clearly picture how, if she had had sunglasses, she would have lowered them to stare at them over their frames. “L-look, babes,  I don’t know what your deal is, but this ain’t cute. I know you’re not some sweet, kind guardian angel sent to like, save me or—or whatever. So you can just cut the sh*t.”
Joan opened their mouth and shut it again. The tiny woman glared at them as they tried to come up with a response.  
“There, uh… there is no deal,” they said. “I just found you, and I couldn’t leave you there to die. I don’t have a plan or anything. Honestly, I don’t know what the f*ck I’m doing.”
“Right,” she drawled, clearly trying to seem aloof and unfazed; but Joan could hear the fear in her voice. Great. “And was undressing me part of this totally non-existent plan of yours?”
Joan groaned internally and rubbed at their eyes. “You were soaked to the bone and freezing,” they said. “You already drowned, I didn’t want you dying from hypothermia.”
The tiny woman coughed, wincing, then continued to glare at them. “So, what, girl, I’m just supposed to believe you did all this to help me?”
“Why else would I do it?”
“Gurl, how should I know? For all I know you’re planning to like, kill me or whatever.”
Joan looked down with a slightly frustrated sigh. “Okay, well… uh…. Believe it or not, I guess, but I want you to get better. I’m sure as hell not going to hurt you. It’s… I don’t mean to be, like, harsh, but if I wanted to kill you, all I had to do was nothing. And… well, obviously I didn’t do that.”
She swallowed.
Joan glanced at the time on their phone. They should probably give Marco his dinner, or he’d start whining. “Look, um… I’ll be back in a second. Just, I don’t know, get dressed, try to relax. I’ll be back with some water for you.” They got to their feet, noticing how the girl’s eyes widened as she craned her neck back to see them.
Joan scrunched their eyes shut for a fraction of a second, then sighed, opened them again, and left the room.
This was going about as smoothly as they’d expected.
As soon as the human disappeared into the other room, Remy grabbed for her clothes and got dressed as fast as her tired and sore limbs would allow. She didn’t bother with the shirt, just pulling her jacket around herself. Her clumsy fingers fumbled to tie the belt at her waist. When she was done, she probably looked like a disaster. She was pretty sure she even had the wrong boots on each foot; but whatever, right? Why not let her outside reflect how she felt on the inside?
She didn’t see her backpack or her hook and rope anywhere, which in retrospect was probably too much to hope for. It was a waste of precious time to even consider trying to find them. Why would the human have brought home her stuff? It wasn’t like they could use them.
She staggered to her feet, nearly sending herself crashing back down as she tripped over the folds of the blanket. Away from its warmth, the cold air washed over her and made her shiver. She took a deep breath, swaying, and hurried to the edge of the table she was on. That’s right. Of course, she was on a table. She didn’t have a hook or rope, and she was a full foot and a half off the ground. It sure would have been nice of her “rescuer” to leave her on the floor where she had a better chance of getting away. But it couldn’t be that easy, could it?
She looked around, her head spinning at how fast she moved, and her eyes fell on the heating pad underneath the blanket she’d woken up in. It was electric, she realized. She could see the cord attached to it. Finally, something she could use.
Remy hurried over to where that cord reached over the edge of the table and down towards the floor, and she made quick work of shimmying down its length. Which had nothing to do with the fact that it was mostly a barely-controlled fall. Shut up. She was trying, here.
Regardless of her now splitting headache, the crushing pain in her chest, and the throbbing in her ankle and hip that she may or may not have hurt in that fall climb down from the table, she was on the floor. But Remy didn’t have time to feel triumphant. She had to find a way out. She was not waiting around to see what this human wanted with her. No, ma’am.
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featherypromises · 5 years
Rp transcription part 5: Fever dreams
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Jungkook seemed to be in a dark place. In a haze he saw Taehyung in front of him. He was wrapped in the arms of another person who's face he couldn't see. He kissed the figure passionately and turned to smirk at Jungkook with a mockingly raised eyebrow. 'Why would I ever want to be with someone like you? Please grow up!' Taehyung turned and walked away fading into blackness. 
'NO!' He cried, beating his hands against an invisible barrier that separated him from Tae. If he could just explain... but he couldn't even hear him now, 
"Tae..." he moaned, twisting the sheets and kicking free of the blankets, "Tae... come back! I love you!"
Taehyung went inside the room and was instantly surprised to find the younger thrashing and screaming. He swore under his breath and ran to Jungkook. 
The younger's words confused Taehyung. W-What did he mean? Why was he saying that he loved him? What was going on?! 
Regardless, Taehyung pulled Jungkook into his arms and gently rocked him back and forth. "Shhh, bunny, shhh... It's just a nightmare, baby, wake up."
Jungkook opened teary eyes and saw Taehyung above him. He gasped breathlessly and began to sob "I'm sorry" again and again into his hyung's chest. He clutched at the older man as though he might turn to vapor before his eyes and slip away.
Taehyung rubbed Jungkook's back soothingly and cooed slightly. "Aww, bunny, no~ It's okay, it was just a nightmare~ Don't cry~"
Jungkook hiccupped trying to stop the panicky sobs. The parting words of the nightmare Taehyung were ringing in his ears. 'Please grow up!' He crammed a clenched fist against his mouth keeping it shut and tried to breathe through his nose. It was too stuffy so he shook as he tried to breathe slowly. "I-I'm s-sorry. I sh-shouldn't get so upset over a st-stupid nightmare."
"No, no, honey, it's fine. Everyone is allowed to get upset over nightmares, besides, you've got a bad fever. Those always make nightmares worse." He said softly. He just wanted Jungkook to smile and feel better again.
Jungkook swiped roughly at his eyes with the backs of his hands, and took a few more deep breaths to compose himself. He nodded quickly, only halfway taking the words to heart.
Taehyung sighed. "Hold on, let me take your temperature..." He mumbled. He'd brought the thermometer with him, so he took it from the bedside table and placed it under Jungkook's tongue.
The awkward device beeped and Jungkook pulled it out, blinking at the numbers, 38.7. At least he knew why his head hurt now. He sniffled congestedly, feeling stiff and achy. He rubbed at his nose and cringed when it made a squishing sound under his fist.
Taehyung gulped and pulled out his phone to text Namjoon.
[Tae: kook's temp is 38.7°... hyung this is bad... and he had a nightmare a few mins ago... idk what to do]
Rapmon's phone buzzed again. He pulled it out holding up his pointer finger at Yoongi before stepping out of the studio. As he read the text, he cringed. "Poor Kid,..." he typed out a question that a doctor had asked him over the phone when Hobi was sick with pneumonia. [RM: Poor guy... is he sweating or is his skin dry and hot?]
Taehyung glanced over to Jungkook and pressed the back of his hand against Jungkook's cheek to check.
Jungkook leaned into the hand, it felt soft and smooth. Immediately he grew self conscious. He felt gross and was sweating. He was sure Taehyung would be grossed out by him like this.
Taehyung sighed and pouted in sympathy. The younger looked so tired and sick. 
He kept his hand where it was and texted Namjoon again.
[Tae: hes sweating]
[RM: Ok, that's the silver lining here, Tae-Tae. The sweat needs to come off, either a lukewarm shower or bath or a wet cloth if he can't be safe in the bathroom alone. This means his temperature will come down pretty soon, at least a little. Try to get some fever reducers in him. He will probably need a change of clothes too. Do you want me to come back to the house?]
Taehyung took a deep breath as he took all the information in. 
[Tae: alright, I'll start the water in the bathroom. u can stay there, i'll be fine :)]
[RM: ok, I trust u, Tae. If something changes, & u need me, just let me know.] 
Jungkook looked at Taehyung studying his phone's screen and had seen him typing away at warp speed.  He cocked his head to one side, a little curious. 
"Who are you talking with, Hyung?" The maknae rubbed at his nose again. The congestion was uncomfortable.
"Just Namjoon-hyung." He answered with a small smile. "Stay here, I'm gonna go start the water in the bathroom so you can take a bath, okay?" He said, getting up.
Jungkook gave him a small shy smile and nodded. 
"Thank you, hyung, for everything. I can do it though, you still aren't feeling well either. " he sniffled, trying to breathe. He leaned over and got a few tissues, blowing his nose, emptying first one nostril (with a pop in his ear that made him wince under the tissue) then the other. His nose was pink and irritated looking, but he could breathe a bit better.
Taehyung sighed. "Kook, don't worry about me, okay? Sure, I'm not feeling well, but you're feeling worse than me. So let me help you, okay?" He said, rubbing Jungkook's shoulder soothingly.
Jungkook bit his lip. He was worried, he couldn't help himself. Even if Taehyung never... loved Jungkook the same way that the younger man loved his hyung. 
He paused. He loved Taehyung. He suddenly realized that what he felt was love.
He went beet red and looked carefully at the designs on the comforter with significantly more focus than he had ever done before.
Oh geez, what the heck should he do now?
Taehyung noticed his flushed cheeks but mistook it for something related to how sick he was. He sighed and, without thinking, pressed a small kiss to Jungkook's head. He pulled back, blushing profusely and smiling. "Wait here, I'll come get you when the bath is done."
Jungkook was absolutely stunned. Oh, and how unbelievably handsome his hyung looked at that moment with the slight pinkish hue on his cheeks and a shy smile. 
It almost undid Jungkook completely. His cheeks felt like they would catch on fire. Only sheer willpower kept him upright.
Taehyung went to the bathroom, a bright smile on his face. He started the water and hummed happily to himself.
When Taehyung left, Jungkook let himself fall back onto the bed, bouncing slightly as the mattress adjusted. 
What was that...?!? He had finally lost it... or the fever was making him hallucinate! But he had felt it. The softest exhale and the most tender kiss. 
He cupped his scarlet face with his hands. Oh good grief... now he was really torn. This kiss was sweet, maybe it was just a affectionate, caring hyung doting on the youngest member...
But then... why the blush?... 
Until now, he would never have even dared to hope that Taehyung felt anything close to romantic love for him. Could it be possible? Had he save Korea in another lifetime to get that lucky? 
He decided to wait and see. He was still too uncertain to say anything one way or another. He had no clue that he had already said the words to Taehyung that he wanted to tell him more than anything else in this world. I love you.
As the bath filled up, Taehyung pondered about, well, Jungkook. It hurt him to know that he'd caused the younger to get sick.
Jungkook shook himself out of his runaway thoughts. He pulled himself into a sitting position slowly and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He was still in the same clothes from the previous day, and they clung to him uncomfortably. He would get a fresh set for after the bath from his room. 
He stood with an effort, his achy joints protesting. He kept one hand on the wall and walked slowly down the hall to his room. He went over to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and a soft pair of plaid pjs pants. He set the new clothes on the bed and went to his closet to get the sweatshirt.  On the closet door were selca pictures of him with the other members. His eyes landed on one of him and Tae when they were younger. He pulled it down and looked at it feeling nostalgic and happy.
Taehyung came back into the living room. "Kookie, the bath is-" He trailed off when he saw that Jungkook was there and panicked. "Jungkook!?" He called frantically.
Jungkook heard his name being called. He try to respond by shouting, but his throat failed him at the worst possible time, and he began to cough instead. 
Trying to catch his breath between coughs, he sat on the edge of his bed, coughing into a closed fist.
Taehyung swore under his breath and started to look around the house, calling Jungkook's name as he went.
Jungkook heard Taehyung's voice again, this time he heard the emotion behind his name, was that anger... or fear? Oh, he hadn't told Tae where he was. His eyes watered as he struggled to take a full breath. At last he managed a fairly loud, "M'Here!" before he was coughing and sputtering again.
Taehyung let out a small sigh of relief and a, "Oh thank god," before rushing to Jungkook's room and wrapping him in a hug. "Aww, honey, just breathe, okay?"
Jungkook's eyes were teary as he struggled to control his body. At last, he whispered a hoarse,
"M'okay..." he coughed twice more, "sorry..." he gave Taehyung the smallest smile, feeling terrible for scaring his hyung. He reached up with the hand he hadn't coughed on and raised it to Taehyung's cheek cupping it in his hand; stroking it gently with his thumb.
Taehyung sighed and pouted slightly. "You really aren't feeling good, are you, bunny?" He sympathized.
As if drawn in by a tractor beam, the younger man's hand moved to Taehyung's chin and his thumb moved over the older man's lips, smoothing the pout away. 
His voice was hoarse and deepened by the coughing fit, but he was smiling as he looked into the smaller man's eyes.
"None of that..." he said gently, "this was my choice, and I would make the same choices again in a heartbeat. I knew I'd get sick, but being sick with you is a thousand times better than letting you deal with this alone."
Taehyung smiled softly his cheeks and ears burning red from Jungkook's actions. "I don't know about that, Kookie. Would you seriously rather go through his nasty virus that laze away and be able to properly breath without having to worry about sneezing or coughing or.. anything?" He questioned.
"Only if you got the same chance. Like I said, I hate to see you hurting, Taehyung. Sick or healthy as long as it is with you, it's all I could want."
Jungkook smiled and looked down, before adding "No guilt-tripping yourself about this..." The maknae's face was inches away from Taehyung's and looked up into Taehyung's blushing face, his large eyes held wells of emotion and an unspoken question.
Taehyung swallowed, his cheeks flushing bright red and his eyes wide. The temptation to kiss him was strong. So strong. But... Jungkook had a fever. He didn't want to take advantage of that.
With a shaky sigh, he said, "I won't. Now come on, the bath is ready."
Jungkook sighed. He had hoped and those hopes were still there, a bit dented, but there. He was not as cautious as he should have been but the older man hadn't pushed him away or told him to stop. That small victory was enough for now. He got up slowly and collected the clothes and the photo and followed Taehyung down the hall.
Taehyung looped his arm around Jungkook gently and squeezed, hoping against hope that the small action would convey the millions of words he couldn't bring himself to say.
When they reached the bathroom, he turned around and gestured for Jungkook to take off his clothes and get in the tub.
The gentle sign of affection from Taehyung encouraged him... but even Jungkook's courage had limits. Especially when they entered the bathroom and Tae turned away and motioned for him to get undressed. 
Now he felt his face getting redder and redder, the more he thought of it, the worse it got. He stammered, his voice cracked, and he wanted to sink into the cracks in the linoleum.
"H-Here?!? But... oh, geez..."
He looked down at the floor.
"I-I can leave if you want... I just wanted to s-stay in case something h-happened and... yeah..." He muttered awkwardly, blushing bright red.
"N-n-no... I understand. Thank you, h-hyung. I'm sorry to put you through this." He swallowed with difficulty and pulled his flannel shirt off revealing the t-shirt. Next he pulled the t-shirt over his head causing his hair to flop into his eyes. He shook his head to move it, as he normally would and regretted it instantly. His vision blurred as his body objected to the fast movement. His knees buckled and he fell none too gently on his bottom with thump. This was why Tae had asked to stay. Because he was too shaky to be on his own. Jungkook blushed with shame.
Taehyung gasped and, despite the fact that Jungkook was shirtless in front of him, ran to the younger's side and helped him back up. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did something bad happen?" He asked, concern evident in his voice and features.
"No, I just was dumb and got a little dizzy. Only my pride is hurt.." He said, "Sorry for scaring you.
Taehyung breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled. "It's fine, I'm just glad you're okay." He sat Jungkook down on the lid of the toilet seat. "Change here, it might help with the dizziness."
He tugged the sweat pants down and off leaving him in just his boxers, shivering.  
What would happen if he removed those and fell again?!? He didn't think he could cope. Instead, he said, 
"I'm going to leave my boxers on, just in case,... I mean... if I fall or slip and you have to,... it's just like a swim suit right?"
"Alright... Can I turn around?" He asked quietly.
Jungkook swallowed, turning pink. 
Taehyung took a deep breath and turned around. He willed himself not to pay much attention to how toned Jungkook was and helped him into the bath.
Jungkook was shivering from nerves and the cool air on his skin. The water would probably have felt warm to a person without a fever, but Jungkook bit his lip as his skin blossomed with goosebumps. He slowly lowered into the water with help from Taehyung and tried not to whine.
Taehyung sighed when noticing this and bit his lip. "Your fever must be really high..." He mumbled to himself. 
"Okay! So, um, here's how this is going to work.." He started awkwardly. "I guess I'll take the shower head and.. uh.. wash you down so that all the sweat comes off you, and then if you want to lather yourself? U-Um... Unless you need me to help, of course..." He rambled, speaking fast the whole time.
Jungkook felt his teeth chatter a bit. He needed help. He hated that he did, but he couldn't risk injury at this point
Taehyung frowned and put his hand into the water. It wasn't cold at all. This really worried him.
"I-I'll be alright... I can get my arms and front but I can't really get the back of me without feeling dizzy." Jungkook smiled at Taehyung in spite of himself. The quicker they finished the sooner he could dry off and get into clean warm pjs.
Taehyung took a deep breath and nodded, smiling back. "Alright, I'll wait." He sat down on the lid of the toilet seat and pulled out his phone.
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