#when someone does the same thing 100 times better i fuckin weep
discojak · 2 years
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piratejct · 4 years
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* 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐜𝐢𝐬-𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 + 𝐡𝐞 / 𝐡𝐢𝐦 | you know 𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐲 “𝐬𝐢𝐝” 𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮, right? they’re 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 by 𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨 thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟏𝟔𝐭𝐡, so they’re a 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
NAME: kassidy averescu  NICKNAME(S): sid. strictly sid  D.O.B: january 16th, 1996 AGE: 25 BIRTH PLACE: irving, north carolina  CURRENTLY RESIDING: irving, north carolina SEXUALITY: bi-curious, but we don’t talk about it  OCCUPATION: entitled twat / pesky lil crook 
tw: mentions of gangs, crime, drugs, weapons, attempted murder but not really. 
born and raised in irving, has lived in the same freakin’ mansion in aquila drive pretty much his whole life. serving you the full rich boy fantasy, except it’s all rotten. illegal as shit. his mother, who’s been pretty much an outlaw since she was in her early twenties, literally runs like a tiny little crime organization where she recruits family members and people she finds trustworthy enough to pull off heists and just... earn all that $$$ in ways that could get you seriously fucked if anyone ever found out. she’s quite powerful and.. frankly quite scary for a woman in her late fifties. truly knows how to get shit done. i mean.. she trained her kids to be semi successful young criminals, so.. that’s pretty badass of her. 
to be fair, though, he still had a childhood. he wasn’t, like, laundering money at the age of six. growing up, he obviously wasn’t exposed to a lot of illegal stuff. would get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and didn’t even question it. thought for the longest time that his mother really was this successful business lady or whatever, and all the shady people in their living room past 10pm were just other company owners. 
never met his dad. guy’s been out of the picture since before his mother even knew she was pregnant. has few half-siblings, though none of them probably has the same father as their mom was never one for commitment. sid fully leaves the half part out when talking about them, because.. well, they all pretty much grew up together, so that makes them 100% siblings. 
he’s the only boyo in the family and uhh... sometimes it’s as if he believes he deserves special treatment because of it??? idk. 
did well enough in high school, got accepted to college in charlotte on a swimming scholarship even though the fam had more than enough money to pay for the studies. but, he was a good swimmer and.. it was recognized. he used to compete a little and even won a couple of times, but.. he still wanted more. started getting greedy. grew up getting everything handed to him, was the best on the high school swimming team so when he went off to college and met another guy who was maybe even slightly better?? oh, hello, he was not gonna take it. i think that was like the first time he felt properly jealous. threatened to shit. at that point in his life, he was aware of the stuff his mother had been pulling, having been involved a couple of times before. so, he thought he could just take the matter into his own hands and once before a competition, he crushed up a bunch of sleeping pills and had someone slip them into the dude’s gatorade. guy literally passed out in the water and almost drowned. to nobody’s surprise, the competition was put on hold and sid literally had the audacity to be like ??? what !! but he passed out, so .. how does that not mean i win??? 
anyways, the accomplice felt so horrible about this, they told on him and sid was obviously kicked out of uni. in fact, the whole situation was serious enough for people to want to take it even further (aka to court) but that’s where sid’s mom stepped in and did some of her ~ magic ~ to get her shit child, as well as the overall family name, out of trouble. she was so, so disappointed, though. like, wow, she went in on him, and he cried like a little bitch on the ride home. hasn’t spoken of this incident since, but if you bring it up, he’ll stick to the story the guy just passed out. not his fault. don’t hold it against him. <3 
has grown a lil since the incident. learned to be more careful when it comes to sabotage. now, he’ll smile to the opponents face, lose with grace, and afterwards get his revenge if he’s feeling petty enough. 80% of the time, he is. 
currently lives with the fam and is very involved in the whole.. heisting. gets a massive kick out of it, tbh. 
um, first of all, he’s absolutely unhinged. quite unpredictable. like, he’s not necessarily always ready to stab someone, but there are moments where he just does something and you’re like ??? oh my fucking god, please stop. literally, whenever he’d get angry abt something he’d go a little off the rails and maybe shoot the radio or the tv and his mom wld jst be like ... it’s okay, baby. go at it. i’ll let you shoot one object a week. whatever makes you feel better <3 so yea, in a way she... encouraged a lot of this behavior?? idk, i don’t wanna point fingers, but if she had let him.. not be a brat for a second, he wld maybe be a different person today. rip. 
restless. so fucking restless. and you know what does not help?! all the coke he does! and molly! and other shit that doesn’t do any good when your mind is already going hundred miles per minute. yum, yum. 
absolutely thrillseeker. he just wants to feel stuff. adrenaline rush 24/7. can somewhat contain himself enough not to mess up when on a job, but in his free time?? he’ll literally get someone to ram his head into a wall and freakin’ laugh abt it. it’s a mess. a riot. 
omg ... has the nasty tendency of handling weapons like they’re toys. will spontaneously do shit like a point a gun at you or put it in his mouth and be like ... yo yo yo. thinks it’s funny? i honestly don’t know what’s going thru his mind. 
because his thoughts move at the speed of light, he also tends to speak super fast when he’s all riled up abt something. also knows a bit of asl n ... its actually quite scary how fast he can sign along. 
doesn’t hold back. if he feels strongly abt something, he’ll prob voice his opinion. isn’t afraid to be like “i hate that guy and i don’t want him around” when the guy is literally stood there like ?? chill. i just came to get my copy of great gatsby ??
acts like he’s the shit. conceited prick. self-proclaimed big dick energy, but if u look closer, it reeks of insecurities. absolutely never point that out. 
genuinely offended when he can’t be the best/most skillful person in the room, esp if it it’s something he considers himself good at. has bit of a hard time admitting defeat. 
fr the most part, his bark seems bigger than his bite. has definitely tried resolving conflicts by going “mooooooom!!!!” at the age of twenty-fuckin’-five. manbaby realness. 
guess he can be bit of a fuckboi?? sleeps with a bunch of ladies while looking at boys from afar and going ..... *heavy sigh*. has had a crush on.. quite a few, but he’d rather eat his own hair than ever publicly admit to it. 
though, he’s by no means homophobic. jst ... a little unsure of his sexuality n it makes him a lil insecure. bt.. vulnerabilities and ... that sorta stuff?? pfft. not in his household. 
also . don’t call him kassidy. he won’t respond. unless you’re his mom. and you’re angry. then he might weep. 
um. i’ll make a list at some point maybe bt until then.... come punch him in the gut? <3 
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fidelishaereticus · 7 years
ok yeah so speaking of Narvi this morning here’s a sliver of my HOT TAKE  on  tyelpe/narvi and tyelpe/annatar for anyone who’s curious (i’ve been itching to share them but i’m uh....pls don’t read if you want to "debate” me on these. i don’t want to debate. this is my personal fun AU and/or headcanon dump for shits and giggles, not any statement i’m trying to make about interpreting actual canon or whatever.)
ok so obvs narvi/tyelpe is HUGE OTP for me bc I'm a sucker for dwarf/elf ships and for creative partnerships so i uh i shipped them from the moment THE DOORS before i even knew who they were. anyway, i imagine it as A BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP and collaborative partnership that slid into 'uh i guess we’re a thing ??’ romantically at some point. (i imagine them both as like...98% asexual so there’s not a lot of smut bc there’s just not a lot of libido in the ship but when it is on it is ON *celebrimbor voice* ~~~FUCK YEAAAH~~~) so yeah anyway they got to the point where they practically lived in each other’s brains. fun times, huge dorks making crafts and puns and all that jazz. and then Narvi had to go die because mortality is a bitch like that. (and Celebrimbor never considered the Luthien route like....there were commitments, so much work still to be done, and besides Narvi WANTED Tyelpe to carry on their work and and and anyway so yeah Narvi died of old age and Tyelpe TRIED to be VERY OK WITH THIS, very Faith! Remember how serene Finrod always was about such things? Finrod, friend and hero and role-model, was always so wise and serene and uplifting: be like Finrod don’t be sad, have hope!*. Sure the sundering of the races seems bad but it can’t really be forever right??? RIGHT??? ITS JUST TOO SAD, ERU WOULD NOT BE SO CRUEL 8(
*except Finrod
get sad about humans they were close with dying. very sad actually, and not  Always Serene by a long stretch. but Finrod hid it well and generally wanted to appear inspirational and merry and fun and hopeful to others so 8′(. tyelpe never knew. 
....aaaanyway then substantially later Annatar gets pretty close and starts putting the moves on Celebrimnor like he do and uh...that sad story happens like it does in a lot of really upsetting fics ;___;, with a lot of other stuff going on, only you additionally have Annatar hitting upon celebrimbor’s repressed frustration/despair (re “tfw ur an elf and u have loved a non-elf who fuckin died and you may never see them again and FUCK YOU ERU THIS PLAN SUCKS i mean *weeps* I'm so grateful”) and reading that as a “crack” in the moral fibre. It isn’t, really. This in all honesty it’s a reasonable complaint, the sundering of the races fucking sucks. Lots of things fucking suck. But to Annatar its just like “oooooh so you’re not 100% on board with Eru and Manwe and those squares? So maybe....if i play my cards right.....you could join us then??” And uses that perceived vulnerability to subtly imply and promise things like “heeeey im not saying the divine plan isn’t all its cracked up to be but maybe the divine plan isn’t all it’s cracked up to be amirite? like, maybe we could do it better?? (i mean what? did someone say something? wasn’t me).”  The problem is of course that being justifiably upset about injustices in the world and frustrated with the powers that be for setting shit up like this and/or not doing anything about it... is not actually a slippery slope that leads to getting a kick out of torturing people (shocker). Turns out being manwe-critical is not the same as being a murder-whore. Who knew?? So they’re on different pages for a few hundred years and when Annatar figures out that tyelpe isn’t going to go full evil its.... so very heartbreaking disappointing. (meanwhile tyelpe sobbing on the floor I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOOOL. then gets turned into a banner. the end.)
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fapangel · 7 years
In which a nice person makes a terrible mistake
So  @colonial-operations​ here asked me to weigh in on this ongoing discussion of the A-10, and since Tumblr is an atrocity in motion the only way to reply is to post on my own blog and just alert him (because tumblr won’t let me alert all the participants, because fuck you and everything you ever loved,) and I guess he can reblog it or whatever. Fuck this site. 
Anyway, I just want to say - I see where y’all are coming from, I get it, but if I have to listen to one more motherfucker spewing shit about how the F-35 is the biggest shitpile ever or how we should totes buy the Super Toucan I’m going to slap Pierre Sprey’s jizz out of your goddamn mouths. 
I get, guys. I really do. When they first announced the F-35 I took them at their word - it’s a ~joint strike fighter~ i.e. the next-gen web 2.0 to the cloooud 100$ airlandinnawoods battle acronym for “multi-role fighter.” In air-to-ground roles that makes it a strike fighter; (the F-15E Strike Eagle being an example of a purpose-built one,) a plane that gets in fast, blows up important shit, and gets out again. It’s the successor and replacement of dedicated slow bombers like the A-6 and A-7; completing a trend started with droop-snoot P-38s and dive-bombing modified F4U Corsairs in WWII; capable against strategic targets (bridges, power stations) and point/tactical targets (swatting individual tanks), and it’s fast and fighter-y so it can zoom around in contested airspace with enemy fighters and SAMs plugging away at it. Cool shit, very nice, etc. But I was upset when they said it’d replace the A-10, because the point of CAS aircraft’s existence is to keep the fancy, expensive planes like the F-35 out of the murderous shooting gallery of the low-altitude SHORAD envelope. 
Check it - the IL-2 was the most produced aircraft in history because so goddamn many of them got shot down. The A-10 itself was expected to be wiped out entirely within the first few weeks of WWIII in Western Europe - they called the pilots “speed bumps.” That’s because down low, every motherfucker with a rifle is shooting at you - even after building a flying tank, you’re guaranteed to take horrible losses. That’s why CAS aircraft - like the A-10 and attack helicopters - are cheap. They must be, to be cost-effective. And they’re kept around because you have to send something into that low-alt shooting gallery because a lot of things you just can’t spot from altitude. I thought the F-35 was the ChairFarce just abandoning the low-alt weedbeating job to the Army, because they had the Apaches and they were better suited for it anyway than a fixed-wing A-10 (which was designed specifically for Cold War Western Europe.) “We’ll still bomb shit with our strike fighters, but we ain’t doing that bird-dog shit no more.”
I was wrong. They meant it when they said they’d keep the mission role, and since flying expensive speedy planes down low is insane, that means they had to do the heretofore impossible, and find the targets from high altitude. So they designed and built a terrifying witch-eye that can see through fucking clouds and hunt down one poor motherfucker from 30,000 feet through overcast skies. Who did this? Lockheed fuckin Martin. Same people that built the F-35.
It’s hard to overstate that this shit works. It can, in fact, actually find shit from high altitude. And then, since it’s an electro-optical targeting system, it can pass that targeting data - electronically - directly to weapons to engage. This isn’t some A-10 shit where the pilot has to twiddle his wee thumbstick to put the crosshairs of the IR Maverick on the tank before he pushes butan - it’s just “camera finds tonk, plane kills tonk.” Technology has fucking evolved since the 90s. The ChairFarce spent about a hojillion fucking dollars to solve this problem, for a reason. And best of all, Lockmart’s next trick was to cram the terrifying, all-seeing witch-eye into the F-35 so it can provide air support anywhere it fucking wants to. The F-15E? it can load the witch-eye, but it can’t do that. Look at Operation Allied Force, and how the fucking road-mobile SA-6s evaded destruction constantly until they finally got lucky and shot down an F-16 - with a 30+ year old obsolete SAM system. You can either play that game, and watch your airstrikes vanish as your JTAC weeps because airspace too dangerous zomg or you can send in the F-15E with proper defenses, which include other Strike Eagles ripple-firing HARMs to suppress the SAMs (at a million bucks a pop), Compass Call jamming aircraft, fighters with missiles to protect all of them from possible enemy air intercept, an AWACS to spot said fighters, fighters to protect the AWACs, and a partridge in a pear tree, and after all that, you have to go home after one or two strikes because you can only suppress the SAM sites for so long. Unless you kill them, in which case do the above three fucking times first, and then do the CAS mission, if the grunts are still alive by then. 
So yes, bills-bastards, the anime icon’d fuck was right. The F-35 does do what its supposed to, and the A-10 can’t hack it anymore. Silverfaggot was right-on when he said the fucking things are worn the fuck out and the production line doesn’t exist anymore - hell, we can’t even upgrade them because the pilot-armor bathtub has a single hole in it for cabling, and we’re running so much new cabling through it that it’s causing EM interference. If we want to keep the A-10, we’ll need a next-gen replacement. 
And that’d work! The F-35 will be able to do CAS but that doesn’t mean low/slow weedbeaters are obsolete - you don’t see the Army ditching their Apaches, do you? Fixed-wing CAS can’t hide behind hills, but it can move faster, carry a lot more boom and survive more damage. Plus a new plane could carry the GAU-8, and the gun is awesome. Guns are still awesome. Even with all these ultra-badass smart bombs that can fly loop-de-loops before plowing up some goatherders ass, guns are still more flexible, weight/payload efficient (more strikes in the same weight/volume,) and reliable. Look at the new Harvest Hawk gunships - despite being PGM bombtrucks, they still slapped a 30mm cannon on there for a reason. Or watch some guncam footage of Apaches hunting down Hajis one at at time with their 30mms. Guns rule.
And the GAU-8 rules even more. It doesn’t need to fucking kill tanks - even when it was brand-new, it could only kill some tanks, and from some angles (mainly the rear.) It still kicks ass, because it still kills anything below a tank that’d shrug off most low-velocity 30mm rounds - APCs, IFVs, etc. And in CAS, the high-velocity AP rounds of a GAU-8 fuck their way right through hard cover on point targets, like light bunkers and shit. It also gives the gun impressive (1km+) standoff distance, and an A-10 successor would be built to survive high-threat environments so it could bring that gunfire in close where other gunships don’t dare (like the ACU-130, which is so vulnerable we only fly it at night even against fucking goatherders.)
And you know what? The Air Force sees the wisdom of this - they’re investigating an A-10 replacement after all, because the A-10 has worked so damn well in counter-insurgency roles that they’re like, god damn, if it’s THIS good at the job, imagine a plane like this that ISN’T FIFTY FUCKING YEARS OLD AND DESIGNED FOR A WAR THAT PREDATES THE LAST TWO GAME-CHANGING TECHNOLOGICAL PARADIGM SHIFTS. We have the technology. 
So good on y’alls, keep fighting the good fight and keep on pushing for the THUNDERBOLT III “RAZORBACK” - SON OF JUGG, because what a beautiful beast it’d be. But for the love of fuck, for the love of all that is sweet and holy, STOP spewin the fuckin “eff-thirtay-foive is shee-it it uses dem new-fangled computarz n’ sheeit dun trust’em” before getting indignant over someone calling you out out for being a fucking knuckle-dragging rocking-chair dwelling fudd telling the new platforms to get offer yer lawn. AND STOP DEMANDING WE BUY SOME GLORIFIED FUCKING CESSNA WITH SHITTY PAYLOAD THAT DOES *NOTHING* OUR *VAST FLEET OF ARMED FUCKING DRONES* DOESN’T DO BETTER, FASTER, FOR LONGER, MUCH MORE EFFICIENTLY, WITH NO RISK TO A HUMAN CREW. 
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smiles-and-stitches · 4 years
//This is something I wrote awhile ago, another prompt,another prologue. Let me know if you like it, and I'll add more.//(!!TW!! Mentions of abuse/some gore)
Subjects G-073
Prologue: 4/14/20
Activating File #G3
loading... loading… loading.. 100% complete
Would you like to run a progress check on subject G-073?
[Yes] No
Running diagnostic... 35%
loading... 77%
100% Complete
-Diagnostic results-
Name: Gwenevere Williams
Date of Birth: N/A
Age: N/A
Gender: F
Hair: Brown
Eyes: L Blue
What is Subject G-073?
“Was found in an abandoned mansion near Bethlehem Insane Asylum, London. She was afraid, stating someone was coming after her to take her away to a place called the Pychesphere, and we would all die if we took her away. She has been staying at the CLASSIFIED project lab for 2 months, not much activity other than mumbling and having extreme tourettes outbursts. She is reluctant to talk, has only stated things like “They are coming” and “Where is bubby?.” We do not know who she is talking about, we have diagnosed her with Schizophrenia. Dr. Schnitzenheim sees something in her, explaining that doing tests on her will do us no good. We got Subject G a therapist, which Subject G attacked in under 5 minutes. Taze guns do not affect the subject, we have recorded proof of her being able to manipulate the electricity, and even trying to bust our technology. She is class 4 out of 5, very dangerous and no personnel are allowed in her quarters. If anything happens under codes 840 and 310, call Dr. Schnitzenheim ASAP.”
Danger Level: 4[EXTREME]
Plan: “Find out where she is from, do tests on the subject to figure out her ways of bending/controlling electricity. Find out her connections with P-”
“S-sir..? There is a new subject you need to look at right away.” 
The small assistant panted out, catching his breath from the long run across the base. Sighing, the doctor looked over to the red headed boy. “You’ve been working here for four months Tate, you should know by now you can use the phones to get ahold of me.” “O-Oh yeah! Sorry I'm just very scatterbrain today haha..” the boy looked over to the two way mirror, looking at the subject curled up in the corner of her quarters. The doctor typed in a few things into the computer, as Riley furrowed his brows. “Has.. Has she moved at all since the last visit?” “No, No she hasn’t.” “O-Oh.. well don’t you think someone should check on h-her?” The doctor coughed, looking up from the computer to meet his assistants eyes. “You do remember what happened last time we did that, correct?” realization hit the young boy, as he looked down at the files. “Peter hasn’t come back from the hospital, and if it was only up to me I would have just got rid of him since he was dead as soon as she struck him” He clicked his pen, jotting down notes in a small journal. “W-What do you mean Sir?” Clearing his throat, the doctor looked at the subject and raised a brow. “When she has touched anyone, they have fallen fatally sick. Why is that? Or what about the fact that she has three different doctors, no not nurses, doctors. Whatever she is, she’s not human. Or at least isn’t anymore.”
    “W-Well why is she still here sir? Isn’t she like.. Really really dangerous?`` ''Yes Tate she is, but as the diagnostic says, Dr. Schnitzenheim is wanting to keep her here until we figure her out. Unless she starts being compliant, she’s gonna be here for a while.” “O-Oh ok.. W-wait you need to go see the new subject now! Quickly!” Tate started jogging away to section A, where we kept all of our new and potential subjects. Clicking the pen, the doctor took a deep breath. “I’ll be back, behave alright?” ”O#kaY..’” the girl whimpered, keeping her knees up against her chest. As the doctor left the room, she looked up with hypnotic blue eyes, tears running down her cheeks. With a deranged smile on her face, she moved her gaze to the camera aimed at her corner of the room. She giggled at the camera, and turned her gaze to the two way mirror. She struggled getting up from her position, her arms being bound to her body. She used the wall as support, and began walking over to the small desk in the corner of the room. There was a notebook in a plastic bag, along with a pen that was sealed in its case. 
    She stared at them for a moment and sat down at the small chair belonging to the desk. She had begged Cameron for something to do in this room, for the atmosphere was so sad and chaotic. Even if she couldn’t get to the items, it still made her happy there was something to look at other than white, white, and oh! More fuckin white. She grumbled to herself, her dark brown hair getting in her face. She giggled again, and got up kicking the table slightly, and began to circle around the room boredly, giggling to herself and her thoughts. Then, she finally settled back into her resting place, and stared at the camera that didn’t dare leave her figure, knowing what could happen if it did. In the other room, there was a young man being held in section A of the building.
“ Hey buddy, what’s your name?”
    All that greeted Cameron was silence, and he couldn’t see the boys face since all of his black hair was in the way. Cameron cleared his throat, and put his hands together on the table. “C’mon you’re not getting out of here until you speak up, I’m not your enemy here.” I heard a groan from the silent boy, then he looked up. Everyone gasped in the room, seeing the resemblance of this boy and.. Him. The man that escaped our ward, but the public didn’t know this was the place he escaped from. “My name.. ?” he looked around the room, his dull blue eyes scanning the people in the room. “It’s.. I think it’s Julles, that’s all I remember..” He put his head down, weeping quietly. “Where am I..? What happened to me why does my throat and head hurt so bad?..” “What is the last thing you remember?” Cameron said quietly. Waving his hand subtley to the Annie. Julles looked up at Cameron, “I.. I remember screaming to somebody, then some guy in a trench coat put his hand on my head and..” He looked to the side at the wall, a small “vrrmmm” could be heard in the room. The door opened loudly, making the boy jerk out of his seat slightly, seeing Dr.Hodge. She came over to the table, her heels clicking on the hard surface of the floor. “Julles huh? Is your last name Levin?” The boy looked up to her, and squinted his eyes in thought. “That.. that sounds familiar.. I think so?..” Nina chuckled, jotting down onto her notebook. “Of course you’re a Levin, you look exactly like your father, except your eyes have a bit more life in them. She took out a picture from a folder, it was a picture of an old abandoned mansion. “Do you know this place?” Cameron and Julles both looked at it, their eyes becoming wide.
 Cameron tried to hide his surprise, as Annie tapped his shoulder, making a motion to the door. Cameron got up from the seat, Dr. Hodge taking his place as she tried getting an answer from the confused and scared boy. He followed the small assistant outside of the room, turning slightly by the door. “What’s going on? Isn’t that the same place we found Subject G?” ”Yes that’s where we found Gwen, what part of the building was he in?” she paused, clutching her notes to her chest. “He.. He was in the next room, but when we searched the place the first time, finding her- he wasn’t there, there was nothing. We don’t know how he got there or.. If he really does have a connection with her. He has the same sort of zombie-like state she had when we first brought her in, too.” Cameron tapped his foot nervously, hearing muffled voices in the room. “This is really no job for these people, they have no clue what we could be messing with. Dr. Schnitzenheim will love to see this, I know for sure. But the thing is.. Do we really want to get caught up in all of this?” Annie lowered her head slightly, looking up at Cameron with her light green eyes. “The people running this place.. Are they hiding something from everybody else?” “Annie you know better then to ask me that kind of question.” He said, his voice deep and his eyes boring into hers. “O-Okay sir i’m sorry..” she backed up slightly, looking around the halls of the ward. “I’ll talk with you later.. It’s close to my lunch break i-is it okay if I go a tad early? I didn’t catch breakfast today..”
He put his hands behind his back, gripping his wrist tightly. “Go ahead, have a good lunch Ms. Hanson.” with his okay, Annie rushed off to the staff lounge. He stayed outside of the room for a little longer, thinking of her question and why he had to snap at her like that. He chuckled lowly, and went into the room where Julles was being questioned. The buzzing noise was getting louder, and the boy looked even more uncomfortable than before. Dr. Hodge had her head in her hands, and sighed frustratedly. “He doesn’t remember anything, what in the hell are we supposed to do with the information that he had a coffee cup in his bag?” “Nina, how about you let me talk to him.” She looked up at him, and got up from the seat and stood by the door. “Alone, Dr. Hodge.” she looked at him surprised, and waved at the assistants to go with her. Then, finally when Cameron and Julles were alone, the boy seemed a bit more comfortable. “I’m sorry everything is so formal, it’s just very important that we figure out why you were there. “ Julles shifted in his seat and gulped, “I really don’t know what the fuck is going on here sir..” He looked up at Cameron, with fear in his eyes. “But something is happening to me.. And.. and do you have any fuckin advil my head hurts so bad..” He clutched his head, as Cameron studied the boy. Black hair, dull blue eyes, eyebrow piercing on the left just like Cameron, and very fair. His eyes seemed to change from a light blue to dark grey every few moments. He could see Julles was getting impatient so he called the front office, asking for a bottle of advil. A nurse rushed in and put the bottle down, running away quickly out of the room. Julles grabbed the bottle violently, trying to open it with his shaky hands. Cameron got up, and went over to the water fountain that was in the corner of the room. He filled a paper cup up with water, and chuckled- walking over to Julles setting it down. “Want some help there son? Those caps are tricky” He took the bottle from him gently, and opened it taking out two pills, handing them to Julles. 
“Thanks..” he swallowed the pills and chugged the water quickly, and looked up to Cameron. “Are you up for a meal? It’s on me.” the doctor said, with a gentle smile on his face. Julles shifted in his seat before looking down again. “Y-Yeah actually.. I’m starving.” “Alrighty, follow me and I’ll get you something to eat.” Julles stood up hesitantly, and followed the doctor out of the room. They went down long hallways, hearing muffled noises from other rooms until they got to a navy blue door. In this room were tables and chairs, and there was a kitchen hidden behind a small window that Cameron walked over to. There was a man behind the window that popped his head up, the chef's hat getting in his face slightly. “Rhowch rif 5 a 7 i mi os gwelwch yn dda” “ie sir.” the man smiled, and disappeared into the kitchen. “Go ahead and sit down wherever you like, our food will be out in a moment.” Julles sat down at a table near the window with a confused expression on his face, as the doctor got two water bottles and sat them down in the middle of them. “How long have you been like this, do you know?” He took the water bottle, taking long gulps of his. He panted, and looked around. “It’s strange.. I feel like I've been like this for a long time, but I just woke up yesterday in that creepy mansion place..”
“So maybe you have a case of amnesia, do you remember anything at all? A name, face, place?” Julles fidgeted, “Just.. Just the scream, and the guy in the trench coat. He had a bandage around his eyes I think..” “You said he put his hand on your head, right? Did it do anything?” the room was still, but you could hear the small buzz as if the atmosphere made noise. “Yes.. Yes it hurt a lot. It burned, it felt like my head was gonna explode.. And- ngh!” He grabbed his head and groaned in pain. Without saying anything, Cameron took out the advil and gave the boy in pain two more pills- which Julles took without any hesitation. After several moments, a young boy came out of the kitchen and sat the plates of food down quietly, seeing that Julles was in a major state of pain- which wasn’t uncommon in this place. Julles unclutched his head, and looked around with a paranoid look on his face. He looked down, seeing the roasted turkey sandwich, with mashed potatoes and gravy in front of him. “T-Thanks.. For this” he mumbled and began eating the food, seeming to hold himself back from scarfing it down. Cameron brought his plate close to him- a chicken alfredo pasta - and chuckled at the boy. “You don’t have to thank me, it may be good manners but I’m just treating you like a human. That’s one thing people don’t remember nowadays, is that if you keep treating people like animals- you’re gonna get an animal alright” They giggled at the joke, trying to make this situation a little more light-hearted.
They ate their food in silence for a few moments, before Julles looked up and glanced out of the window. His eyes went wide, and he froze in fear. Cameron glanced out of the window calmly, and saw why Julles looked so frightened. About 200 yards away from the building at the tree line, was a man in a trench coat. His hands behind his back, and it looked like there were bandages on his face around his eyes. “Julles he can’t get you in he-” the loudest scream Cameron ever heard ripped out of Julles throat. Cameron crashed into the wall behind Jullian, in shock of what was happening. He heard screams in the kitchen, and heard more of them muffled across the ward. The chairs in front of Julles moved forward, and started to break as he kept screaming. The doctor tried getting Julles attention but couldn’t. He lunged at Julles and grabbed ahold of him, trying to get him to stop. “JULLIAN ENOUGH!!!” Cameron yelled- the scream stopped, many groans were heard around the ward. The boy was shaking in fear, and looked to Cameron with red puffy eyes. “Y-You.. How did you..?” Cameron huffed.. And backed away from Jullian. “Because son.. I know a lot of shit that I shouldn’t.” He brushed off his pants, and looked out the window- seeing the man was gone. 
“Julles is your nickname that your friends gave you.. You’ve been missing for three months.” “Wh-What?! H-How the fuck do you know all of this?” Jullians eyes teared up, he looked at Cameron with a confused and fearful expression. “Because Jullian..I keep in touch with many different things in life that most people don’t. Like for example, all the people you have met today don’t know you or why you are here, but I do.” there was that buzzing sound again, as Jullian stared at the doctor like he was insane. He chuckled “Plus I have contact with your father,” he said with a huge smile. Jullian gasped and rolled his eyes. “Jeez dude.. You scared me I thought you were some sort of weird psychic or something.” He sighed in relief and looked around the room, his eyes widening seeing what he had done. “Do you see all of this? This is what you caused by your fear. Good job, Jullian.” Cameron looked over to the kitchen door, seeing a red liquid coming from underneath the door. He sighed, hearing the crying of the old man. “Looks like we need to hire a new bus boy for the kitchen, I wonder who else has suffered a fatality.” Jullian looked horrified at the door. “I-I’m so sorry! Oh god I just killed someone.. Fuck fuck fu-!” “It’s quite alright son, I was going to fire him anyways.”
The boy looked at him with a bewildered expression, “Dude are you kidding me you aren’t freaking out?... How the fuck can you just say “OHAHA it’s totally fine!” How?!” without saying a word, Cameron went over to the kitchen door and opened it. The young boy from earlier that gave them their meals was on the ground in an uncomfortable position, his ears were painted red, leaving two puddles of blood on either sides of his head. He sighed, and looked at the crying old man next to the boy. “Reggie you may go home for the day, come in at 9 instead of 8 tomorrow alright?” “W-What abou-” Cameron raised his hand, and with that the old man stopped and got up from his crouching position, and moved into the other room to get his things. Cameron closed the door and came back to Jullian, who was still confused at the situation. “Julles, I think I know what happened to you but first.. You need to see someone that is at this ward. We can either do it tomorrow, or whenever Dr. Schnitzenheim is here.” “W-Who is Dr.Shitzneheim? I’ve heard a lot about them.. Are they gonna help me?” Cameron walked over to the entrance of the lounge, and sighed. “She will most likely aid me in helping you, but I will be the one to help you.” 
“O-Okay.. So who is this person that I need to see?..” Cameron looked over to him, “her name is Gwenevere. She was found in the same place as you, just in a different room.” Jullians eyes widened “Gwen.. GWEN!!” Jullian rushed at Cameron grabbing his shoulders “WHERE IS SHE?! S-She came looking f-``''Jullian quiet down if you don’t want the guards to come in here. Yes she's here, and yes i'll show you her. Tomorrow, alright Julles?” He was hyperventilating, and tried to calm himself down. Cameron sighed, “Looks like I’ll have to calm you, just breathe” as Jullian let out a breath of air Cameron put three of his fingers onto Julles head. With that action, Jullian collapsed unconscious onto the cold floor. Cameron looked down at Jullian, and smiled at him. He reached into his pocket and took out his radio, pushing the button down. “Hey Tate, get a room ready. Room type 0-M, asap.” interfierence came through the radio. “O-Oh! Okay Cam it’ll be ready in about 30 minutes.-``''Make that 20 minutes, Tate.” the doctor said in a low tone. The line was quiet for a moment before a small voice came through. “Y-Yes sir..”  With that, Cameron looked outside of the window and sighed. Rubbing his temples he called in two guards that took the young boy away to a confined area. He walked over slowly to the window and smiled. “Well…
 𝙻𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎.”
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