#shut up jak
discojak · 2 years
I said this on twitter in relation to a debate about collage mode so I'll say it again here.
In original interviews about the game, the team spoke out about why we couldn't romance Kim. They wanted it to feel unfulfilled and give a sense of yearning. Nobody has an issue with shipping, it's the issue that Zaum are resorting to it as the only selling point they have left.
They are trying so so hard to cater to the fandom and making the shipping and fanservice cheap and artificial. What's beautiful about the queer themes in the game is that they were genuine, the felt real and they felt meaningful. They weren't used for marketing.
Now it's all they have. The posts on valentine's day. The focus on shipping in collage mode. It's just empty and hollow. They're puppeting the remains of the game around and trying to be "cool and relatable" to the fandom and it's just sad. That's the issue.
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teplejtrouba · 9 months
pokud je anděl páně vskutku české good omens tak prosím třetí díl kde se tento archanděl Gabriel zamiluje do typicky česky čertovského páně pekel jejich veličenstva Belzebuba
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preciousbabyrat · 22 days
🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱 btw is anyone here actually going to the Warsaw show. I've not seen a single person on here say that and im desperate for country local gossip pls hmu xx
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radioactivepeasant · 11 months
Snippet Thursday part 2: Blackmail Au
In which Jak has to learn how to properly take care of curly hair
It turned out that the king of the Wastelanders was a little less intimidating when he was arguing with Sig. For all that he retained his commanding presence, with or without his armor, the low stakes of the disagreement seemed to soften him into something more human.
"I'm just going right back to the city again tomorrow!" Sig complained, "I'll do Wash Day when I get back."
"The rot you will," Damas retorted, pointing a comb menacingly at him, "We both know you'd rather shave your head than bother with Wash Day. Just get it over with and you won't have to deal with it for another two weeks."
"Come on, man!"
"You're setting a bad example for Jak," Damas said smugly.
Sig's nostrils flared. "Ohhh you rotsucker. That's not fair."
"I don't have to play fair on Wash Day."
Jak and Daxter watched the back and forth with growing amusement, especially when the indomitable Sig capitulated with some very creative expletives. Why was he making such a big deal out of washing his hair? Daxter washed twice a week if they could get the soap for it. Jak...didn't wash as much, but he tried to at least rinse off the sweat.
"It's just washing hair, how long could it take?" he snorted as Sig dragged out a low stool in front of the sink in the corner.
"An hour at least," Sig grumbled.
"An hour? For hair?" Jak sputtered, "Why would you spend that much time on it?!"
Sig looked at him. Damas looked at him. After a moment, Damas sighed.
"Well, that tracks."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
Damas reached up and fiddled with the crown piercings, sliding them out of tiny metal ports in his skull with a soft click one by one. He set them on the table and distractedly waved Jak over.
"Hair like ours requires more care than your friend there," he explained. "I somewhat doubt you like running around with your curls all knotted and broken together like that. Hasn't anyone ever showed you how to care for them?"
Daxter scoffed. "Self-care was never high on Samos's priority list of subjects to teach us."
Curious but cautious, Jak edged closer to the table to look at the jars Damas had set out. Oils, creams, some kind of soap. Were Damas and Sig really going to use all of these? He picked one up and examined it closely, smelling coconut.
"That's the last step," Sig said, plucking the jar from his hands unexpectedly.
Jak blinked. Without his hood and armor, Sig looked...weird. His hair was close-cropped, but not shaved; olive green coils somewhat smashed into the shape of his helmet. Daxter snickered from behind him.
"Hat hair!" he whispered.
Sig was not amused. He yanked open the first jar of oil and applied it liberally to his hair. "Just do as I do, cherry. No commentators from the peanut gallery."
Damas followed suit with an impish smile altogether out of place on his stoic face. "This is why I don't do helmets."
"Because your head is too fat for them?"
Damas paused in rubbing the oil into his locs to narrow his eyes at Sig. "I know how to override your door lock, you know."
"Oooh I'm so scared. Whatcha gonna do? Shampoo me to death?" Sig taunted.
"I could do that. Or I could add something to your ammunition pouch."
"Add what?"
"I'm not telling you."
"Add what, Daym?"
"You'll find out."
Jak raised an eyebrow at the two grown men behaving like, well, like him and Daxter. They seemed distracted, and he was curious, so after a moment he gave in and poured a handful of oil into his own hair. Presumably they'd wash it out next.
He was wrong.
Thirty minutes he had to sit with the oil soaking into his hair, bored out of his skull. No wonder Sig hated doing this! He couldn't even leave the room, because he didn't know where to find another sink! Equally bored, Daxter started rifling through Jak's jacket pockets until he came up with the bag of trail rations.
"Wanna play Kill-Grid?" he asked, holding up the bag, "Nuts versus beans?"
"We don't have a grid," Jak pointed out.
Sig leaned forward. "Kill-Grid? What's that?"
Jak shrugged. "It's a game we played a lot back in Sandover. You make a grid of sixteen squares. Twelve pieces on each side, the middle row stays empty."
Daxter opened the bag to see if there were enough nuts and beans to even play as he added, "It's...kinda like checkers. Except the board shrinks if a whole row gets cleared out."
"Yeah! If every piece in one row gets captured, you erase that row and make the grid even smaller. Whoever has the most pieces left when there aren't any more open spaces is the winner."
Just speaking about the game seemed to lift a weight from the boy. Damas saw life returning to his eyes, and he actually sounded like a fifteen year old ought to for a moment. Sorrow clawed at his guts like an animal trapped inside. This was his son, his firstborn, and a complete stranger. A young boy who seemed to only barely remember that he was meant to have a childhood. Who didn't even know basic self-care.
"Time's up," he said, gently interrupting the explanation, "Time to shampoo."
"Finally!" Sig huffed.
The chamber fell silent save for the sounds of water splashing and soap squishing into curls. Jak watched Sig with wide eyes, earnestly mimicking every step as best he could. Cross-legged on the rug, barefoot and barefaced, he looked...he looked like he belonged there. Like he always should have. Damas watched his lost-and-found child's face morph into surprise as he discovered how easily his fingers slipped through the tangles now. It wasn’t so very different from teaching Mar to wash his own hair. Just how neglected had Jak been? Damas couldn’t help wondering if Jak and Mar were on equal footing in their knowledge of how growing up was meant to be. It wasn't right for a boy to be so unused to kindness. It wasn't natural.
"Y'know," Daxter remarked, "I really didn't think your hair was that long?"
Jak shrugged helplessly and fumbled with slippery, wet hair, trying to put yet another round of oil into it. Before, it had brushed against his shoulder blades, bulked out with matts and snarls. Now it hung nearly to his waist, and he was getting tired of it sticking to his fingers.
"Ugh," he groaned after having to return to the oil jar yet again. "Sig, can I borrow your knife? I'm not doin' this."
Damas shot Sig a dirty look as the taller man snickered.
"What, ah, whatcha gonna do with it, cherry?"
Jak raised a brow. "Cut it??"
With some effort, he gathered up the thick hair into one fist and gestured to about three inches. "Look, that's gonna get tangled in my holster. I don't wanna deal with that."
"We have scissors, you know," Damas pointed out.
"Knife's faster."
Damas paused and blinked. Somehow, Jak had turned out more like Sig than Mar had, and Mar was the one who actually shared blood with him! As grateful as he was -- overwhelmingly, shatteringly relieved and grateful -- that of all the people to have taken Baby Heart under his wing, it was Sig, he could have done without Sig’s impatience for hair care being passed along.
Even so, there was no bite in his voice when he muttered to Sig, "He gets this from you, doesn't he?"
"I apologize for nothing," Sig joked.
He pulled his knife out and handed it over to Jak.
"Let Daxter do it, kiddo. He can see the parts you can't."
"Fair enough," Jak agreed easily.
"If I get buried in this stuff, I demand financial compensation," Daxter warned as he was passed the knife.
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"That's going to bounce up shorter than you think, you know," Damas commented. "Especially with the extra weight taken off."
"Hey, as long as it's not in my face or wrapped around my gun, I don't give a crap," Jak answered. He leaned back on his palms to give Daxter better access to the long curls.
"What was I supposed to do after the second oil soak? Is that it?"
"You can stop there," Sig begrudgingly admitted, "But in your case it...probably would be better to do one last thing of cream, since you don't wear a helmet like me. It'll protect your hair later."
Jak made a face, and Sig didn't blame him. As a boy, Sig had never been the most patient individual. He'd learned plenty of patience over the years, but when he was off-duty? He couldn't help some of the old instincts to just get it done and over with.
It was a good thing his mama couldn't see him right now. She'd box his ears and hold his head in the sink to finish the Wash Day herself. Selda had never let him get away with neglecting himself. Sig supposed he would have to start channeling his mother to ensure that Jak didn't continue to neglect himself.
Daxter set down the knife and examined his handiwork critically.
"Mm...well, it ain't stylish, but you don't look like you let a blindfolded batfinch style your hair, at least."
Damas made a little harrumph in the corner as he wrapped up his own application of a heated oil.
"Oh. Right. I need to change the batfinches' water tonight."
"Come again?" Daxter asked.
Sig picked up a wide-toothed comb and shrugged. "Damas keeps an aviary. He's got- what are you up to now, seven different species in there?"
"Ten, actually," Damas corrected. "The tavus eggs finally hatched. I had to get a pair of rock hens in order to hatch them, though."
"Rock hens? From the mountains?" Daxter asked, wrinkling his nose, "What's a rock hen got to do with peafowl?"
Damas’s eyes lit up with the prospect of actually talking about his birds.
"Rock hens will brood over anything even vaguely egg shaped," he said.
With a click he began setting his crown piercings back into their ports, gesturing now and then as he did.
"The incubators were hatching the peafowl eggs, but without other galliformes, the tavus chicks weren't surviving."
"You got them foster-moms," Daxter guessed, "Right?"
"I did!" Damas smiled. "They're doing quite well, so far."
Daxter stretched up over Jak's shoulder with a serious look. "We're gonna go see those birds, right?"
"After the flut-flut thing?" Jak teased him.
"They're already hatched! I don't gotta worry about gettin' mistaken for anybody's Ma this time!" Daxter argued. "Besides, I'm only goin' for you."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, mister "I'm just good with animals"!"
Jak wasn't sure yet. Going to this guy's aviary -- which he talked about with the same enthusiasm Jak used to feel about his bug collection -- felt like it would lead the man to start acting more buddy-buddy with him. Jak wasn't interested in that. He wanted his little brother back, and then maybe they could talk boundaries. But...there were baby animals. And...
He really liked baby animals.
They didn't shy away from him, even when he was in his dark form. If it weren't for animals like the city yakkows and the crocadog, Jak would probably have believed what everyone said about his dark side being some kind of mindless animal.
"Hhh. Okay. We can see the tavus chicks," he agreed, rolling his eyes.
Damas looked so pleased that whatever was left of his intimidating image dropped and shattered on the floor.
If he could find something in common with this boy -- something other than their mutual protectiveness over Mar; a boy his age had no business being made a parental figure to his sibling -- then perhaps they could start over on a better foundation than "I thought you were in danger so I had you kidnapped from Haven City". Even if that had definitely been the right call at the time.
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styx-the-stick · 5 months
the way that the little musical motif thats played over 'but you'll see that for yourself' is played over 'i know they just miss you' as well but slower because when you miss someone time goes by slower absolutely destroys me
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marc-here · 4 months
jak mi jutro szefowa na spotkaniu powie ze chce mi zrobic shadowing to sie zabijam na miejscu conie, bo jak zobaczy jak ja pracuje to juz w ogole mnie zwolni bruh
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smimon · 1 year
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Odwracam się na moment, a tu empik dodaje chyba całą twórczość Käärii w empetrójkach 🫣
*ekhm* kupujta, wspierajta, doceniajta~
EDIT: "Siitä viis" widoczny na liście zawiera 3 utwory: Siitä viis, Paidaton Riehuja i Menestynyt yksilö! Empik wam tego nie powie, ale to są praktycznie 3 w cenie 1
EDIT 2: mogę zrobić osobnego posta w którym opiszę co dokładnie jest w każdym z tych plików, bo niektóre piosenki się powtarzają! dajcie znać jeśli to się komuś przyda
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theshiaxartist · 2 years
Can we write fanfics based on your Jak art? Like the whump stuff?
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UM?? YES??? You have my full blessing! Just make sure you tag me so I can read it!
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spideyriki · 3 months
oh man if u could so sub hybrid!hee or jake i’d love u forever … ur kitty jungwon one was so good !!! looking forward to more stuff from ur blog :D
puppy boy!
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pairings: sub!jake x dom!reader
c. warnings: hybrid puppy!jake, mommy kink, pegging, drooling, collars, finger sucking + lmk if i missed anything!
w. count: 1.3k+
a. note: i'm so so sorry, anon, for how long overdue this was :(( i hope you like it tho, feedback n reblogs r always appreciated <3
it was late in the night and you were still busy doing your assignments, jake had supposedly gone off to bed hours ago.
"mommy", jake's small voice called out to you, snapping you out of work trance. you hum out confused as you turn around and see jake looking at you, an adorable pout adorning his face and his pretty pink collar still securely around his neck.
"what's wrong, jakey?",
jake's big puppy eyes looked nearly on the verge of tears, his puppy ears laying flat on his disheveled hair. unable to resist, you open your arms to invite jake to sit on your lap. in an istant, jake planted himself on your lap, the sound of his little bell from his collar jingling at how quickly he ran into your lap. despite his tired face, his tail wagged happily as your hand gently ran up and down the small of his back and his face burried in my neck.
"hurts, mommy...", jake whined out quietly.
"what hurts, pup?" you ask, concerned. jake's face flushed and he hid deeper in your neck, as his little puppy ears twitched. jake's hand gently holds your wrist, shyly guiding it down to his crotch and oh.
it was a miracle how you hadn't noticed how hard jake was earlier when he walked into your office, considering the large bulge his pajama shorts were barely covering. you coo at jake before your wrist palmed his covered erection, moving in small circular motions. at your teasing touch, jake lets out a pitiful whimper, subconsciously bucking his hips up into your touch.
"mommy, please fuck me...", jake's pout deepened as he continued grinding into your palm, his tongue mouthing your neck, letting his saliva coat your skin as a purple mark forms there for him to admire after.
you let him continue his ministrations for awhile longer until you notice his hips desperately bucking up into your palm and his hands travelled all over your body until he finally reaches up to squeeze your breast, a whine is ripped out of him as jake feels his orgasm approaching.
"i've barely done anything puppy and you're already such a mess", you taunt.
jake's cheeks flushed a red hue, his drool sliding down your neck, unshed tears brimming at his big puppy eyes and at some point, jake's hips had changed into a humping motion, trying to chase as much friction as possible.
at all the tell tale signs of his impending orgasm, you pull your hand away from his clothed dick, depriving him of his much needed release.
"mommy!", jake cries out. his eyes that were previously closed shut, jutting open to look at up at you as tears threaten to fall.
you quickly shush him and rub up and down his back in an attempt to soothe your puppy. your fingers reach to pull down his pajama pants, jake lifting his hips to help ease you. as the garment is removed, his throbbing cock jumps out, smacking his stomach. his tip an angry red as precum glistened on his slit, a drop of precum gathers and falls down the side of his long length, down a prominent vein. jake bites his lip as your thumb swipes at his slit, gathering his precum on it before bringing it up to your lips to wrap your tongue around the digit, humming out slightly at his taste, your beautiful eyes never once leaving his.
as you release your thumb, you usher jake off your lap. another sad whimper exits your puppy at the loss of your close proximity.
"take off your clothes, pup", you instruct jake as to which he quickly obeys. while jake, hurriedly strips himself, you clear your desk and reach in the drawer drawer to pull out jake's favourite strap.
by the time you turn back to face jake, he's completely nude. his pretty cock standing proud against his stomach, hard and aching. a small smile etches onto your face at jake's eagerness, his tail continuing to wag happily.
your fingers tap the desk once, immediately jake is bent over your desk, his back arched and resting on his forearms, just as you've trained him to.
reaching up, you ruffle his hair, "good boy, jakey", you praise, his ears perking up at the praise as he mumbles a shy thank you.
your hands roam all over his body, stroking from his shoulders to his slim waist before finally reaching his ass. gently you squeeze and massage his cheeks, rubbing the skin softly before your finger circles around his tight hole which flutters around nothing.
slowly, you push a finger in. his hole practically swallowing your digit. gently you gradually add more fingers into jake to stretch him out. as you begin to thrust your fingers into him slowly, jake whines out, rolling his hips back against your fingers.
"mommy, puppy's already streched for you."
a small chuckle leaves you at his desperation. pulling out your fingers, you spit into your hand to lube up your strap.
once you deem your strap ready, your hands circle around jake's slender waist before pushing your large cock into his hole. a moan is ripped out of jake's throat as he feels you deep in him, his body and chest flushing. your body stilled as you waited for jake to adjust to your girth, not even a minute later jake's hips begin to move against you.
your fingers stroke his waist soothingly, as you admire the way his delicate hips move languidly along your cock, struggling to take in your full length. his ass cheeks jump at each of his own thrusts, desperate to feel all of you in him.
"you can go faster than this, can't you puppy?", you coo encouragingly at jake.
multiple whimpers resonate throughout the room as you watch him do all the work himself, his movements fastening.
finally taking pity on jake, you finally begin to thrust into jake. the tip of your cock hitting directly into his prostate, jake lets out a loud cry at the overwhelming pleasure.
your poor baby is a mess by now, big pretty tears rolling down his pink cheeks, a mantra of moans and 'mommy' leaving him. tongue lolling out of his mouth drooling all over himself and your desk as he pants.
"look at the mess your making, baby", reaching forward you shove two fingers into jake's mouth to which he immediately sucks on, gagging slightly as they reach the back of his throat.
at the new angle, your cock reaches into his hole deeper, repeatedly abusing his prostate. despite your fingers in his mouth, it does little to stop your puppy from drooling, his saliva rolling down your arm. muffled moans and whines alongside your groans and the sound of your skin against jake's rings through the room.
jake's throbbing cock hangs heavily between his thighs, droplets of precum falling onto your wooden floors at your hard and deep thrusts. your other finger, reaches up to pinch at his pink nipples, jake mewls around your fingers at the pleasure. more tears are streaming down his pretty face, his mind is only filled with the thoughts of you as you fuck him dumb.
his hands gently pull at your wrist, "mommy please, need to cum!", he hurries out before sucking on your digits once again.
you release his now puffy nipple and reach for his cock, stroking it quickly, in pace with your thrust.
"cum for mommy, puppy. be mommy's good boy."
at your words, your fingers toying with his cock and your cock continuously kissing his prostate, jake moans around your fingers. his back arching beautifully as his cock releases a nearly concerningly large amount of cum, your hand strokes him through his orgasm.
his moans now quietened down to whimpers from the strength of his release, your hips slowing before finally going still. you gently pull out of jake, removing your fingers from his mouth, a string of saliva connecting you.
immediately, praises fall out of you. jake lets you manhandle him gently until he's resting on your lap on your chair once again. a comforting hand patting over jake's back while pressing soft kisses wherever you can reach as he rests his head on your shoulder, arms wrapping around you tightly, his tail wagging as he basks in your praise.
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©spideyriki 🍉
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loaksbitch · 2 years
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jake sully telling you to stop running away and take him when you’re overly stimulated while he’s not even near his orgasm?? yes pls i’ll def write it!! (⨳)
warnings - jake being jake obviously needs a warning itself, hellooo?? tummy pressing, pinning hands above head, forced orgasm, overstimulation, p in v, mean jake turns soft jake at the end but still we all love him, ehh idk what i missed so tell me ( grammar errors and typos ahead )
“‘s too much.” your words fell on deaf ears as your mate keeps rutting to you hard, knocking up your gut.
you’ve lost count of how many times you’d came through the time you both started to fuck. “j-jak-jake” you’d keep stuttering every time he thrusts up to you, “can’t get enough of this pussy, princess” he states.
“can’t get enough of you” he’d sneak his arms and wrap them around your waist before brining you up from the floor to his strong thighs. “no!” you whine when you feel him fully sink into your heat
jake would look down to where you both are connected and groan at the sight of your arousal all over his cock. “fuck, you’re taking me so well” he cusses holding you by your hips and pulling you up from his length to push you back in
at this point you’re nothing but his cocksleeve, jake ignores your pleas and keeps rutting to you like a monster. you gasp when you feel a bubble is about to burst in your tummy and shake your head knowing you’ll pass out if your mate won’t stop
not thinking of consequences, you slightly lift yourself up from his thighs but not fully for his cock to slip out and place your small hand on his pelvis, trying to push him off and that was a big mistake
“JAKE!?” you scream when he pulls you down forcefully. “where the fuck do you think you’re going?” he would hiss under his unstable breath and place you by your back, pressing your hips down to the floor.
you’ve now pissed jake on top of you, one hand claiming your tiny hands and pinning them above your head. “stop running away,” you feel his other hand push your left leg to the side for more access. “stop fucking running away and take it, take me”
you shake your head side to side as tears keep forming in your eyes. “it hurts,” you hear him scoff. “should’ve thought of that before being brat and pissing me off, lover girl”
you feel his hand that was holding your left leg slowly slide up to your tummy and once he was below your navel he only was needed to press lightly to feel how deep he was fucking your cervix. you did not even need to tell him you’re cumming as he felt you squeeze the day light out of his cock
“that’s it pretty girl, cum for me” he leans down to kiss your lids and wiping your tears with his hand that was pressing on your tummy, “fuck i’m so close” jake says making you gasp a sob out ‘finally’ you manage to think as your fogged mind processes what’s happening
you squeeze your eyes shut when you feel him bottom out to paint your walls nice and pretty. “so fucking gorgeous with my load in you” he would compliment you as you two try to ease your breath
finally being able to think straight, you feel jake pullout of you with a constant “shh, you did so well princess” and sweet nothings being whispered to your ears. after a while, you’re partially awake with hazy eyes as you watch jake press a warm and wet towel at your sex to clean you up
once everything was done, jake spoons you and keeps apologizing for making you cry, you hum knowing somehow it’s your fault for being a brat and trying to make him jealous with flirting with other men he doesn’t like. “i love you, pretty girl”
he’d only smile when you answer him with a soft purring as you’re technically sleeping.
boy OH BOY this is nothing but a cow shit 😭 sorry this ain’t what y’all expected :’)
like + reblog + comments are super appreciated and not pressured. i love each and everyone of you babies <3
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pha55ed · 1 month
Pasilyo | F2 (kimi bday celly)
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type :: fluff tw/cw :: none contains :: kimi!, paul, pepe, zak, jak request :: beach day kimi bday celly prompt for our one and only summah KING PAUL ARON OFC!! and pepe, zak, jm, jak 🫶 (i have no idea who jm is buttt i know a litttleee bit about jak so this is my first time writing for him!) link to kimi bday celly!
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Kimi Antonelli | 04
Going to the beach with Kimi during summer break had to be one of your favorite things ever. Not only was his family super sweet with you, but you got to meet your mini-best-friend, his sister! Kimi loved how well you got along with his sibling, it was always heart-warming to see you bond with her.
As you and his sister played together, Kimi came towards you both. Except, he was swimming underneath the water. This meant that he was playing his favorite game: "shark". Basically, he would go underwater and grab either you or his sister and drag you under.
Although you and his sister hated this game, he always forced you guys to play. As you screamed alongside his sister, trying to tell her to swim faster, you were too late. You watched as she instantly sunk to the bottom as Kimi grabbed her foot. If it wasn't broad daylight and if you didn't see Kimi's ugly teal and orange shorts, you would have been mortified.
You did your best to run away, leaving his sister behind. But you were too slow for Kimi, who was so fast for some reason. If Kimi wasn't a racer, you always thought he would be a swimmer of some kind, maybe a lifeguard. Distracted by your thoughts, you felt a hand grab your foot, you let out a scream. But your cries were muffled as you were quickly pulled under the water and met with Kimi's face.
The only thing you hated about beach days was the lack of PDA that you and Kimi could do. You didn't mind doing small PDA in front of his parents usually, but since you were both in such little clothing it felt 10x times more inappropriate for some reason. Kimi always insisted that his parents don't care and that they're super chill - but you refused to kiss whilst in bathing suits.
Knowing this, Kimi took his one opportunity to do what he's been wanting to do all day: kiss you. Whilst under the water, his hands cupped your face, pulling you closer as he gave you a quick peck on the lips.
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Paul Aron | 17
"Paul, I'm literally going to shit myself in the water!!!" You yelled at him, but your pleas were unheard as he laughed. His smile was so bright that you'd rather look at the sun instead of his pearly whites. Although you begged to not go for another round of surfing, Paul insisted that you try it once more.
You borrowed his surf board and was only going on baby waves to test out surfing. Despite the waves being the size of a "pea" in Paul's opinion, to you, they were massive. Although it was your first time, you were doing really good thanks to Paul's help.
So once again, you made your way towards another wave as Paul cheered. Although there were other families at the beach, Paul didn't care and continued to shout praises as you rode a small wave. If he could, he would have recorded you like a proud parent.
The entire day, he's been glued to your side as he helped you learn how to stand on a board, swim you back to shore, and give you handfuls of compliments on your surfing and looks. Even though you felt bald with your hair wet and slightly insecure in your bathing suit, he always made sure to tell you to shut up as he gives you a kiss.
You always thought you couldn't fall deeper for him, but you always did. And the same goes for him: watching you smile, hearing your proud giggles as you say "I did it!" to him, and seeing you without any makeup in a nice swimsuit - he'd marry you right then and there if he could.
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Pepe Marti | 21 there's no beach photos of him :(
Swimming was something Pepe only did if he had the proper gear. Not in the cool way, like swim caps or a nice pair of swim trunks. But instead in the loser way, in which he NEEDED his stupid little kid googles and his stupid baby paddle board.
So, as you hurriedly slap sunscreen on him before he ran off, he snapped his dumbass googles onto his face. Just like a dog, he dived into the water and as you looked at the beach, you realized he had matching googles with a different little kid who looked roughly 7 year olds.
And despite being roughly 7 year old, the little boy gave Pepe a weird look, silently saying "Aren't you too old for this?" You couldn't help but snicker under your breathe as you walked calmly towards Pepe, who was splashing around as if he was drowning.
"(Y/N)!" He said excitedly as he handed you his paddle board. "Let's play a game!!" A large smile was on his face, making it impossible for you to say no.
"Okay, what game?" You said with a sweet smile.
"Let's see who can hold their breathe the longest!!!" He said excitedly, before you could agree he started a countdown. "3, 2, 1 GO!"
You watched as his head dived into the water as he held his nose. Little did he know, you weren't under the water...
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Zak O'Sullivan | 02
Day time at the beach was something Zak liked, but didn't love. He liked the view, the sound of the waves, and seeing all the happy families. But he hated the sand betting stuck between his toes, the way his hair would get dried out from the sea salt, and the cold breeze that hit him while wet. It just wasn't his style, he'd much rather go to a pool than a beach.
But one thing that he did love, was late night bonfires with his friend group on the beach. Roasting s'mores as you talked with everyone, wrapped in a big jacket as you laughed at stupid stories. It was much more fun than splashing in the water in Zak's opinion.
As you chatted with his friend group, who gladly accepted you into their group, you felt his hand snake around your waist. His head rests on your shoulder, his warm breathe hitting your neck slightly. He felt comfortable around his friends, enough to be affectionate with you.
You smiled, having any of him touch you was an instant way to make you happy. And you smiled even wider as you realized his spare hand reached in front of you, holding a perfectly cooked s'more just for you.
If making a perfect s'more was a competition, Zak would win every time. You laughed at his surprise offer, taking it from his hands as you took a bite. Chocolate was perfectly melted, the graham cracker was lightly warm from the gooey marshmallow.
You felt his hand pull back from your waist, signaling he was going to go back to cooking. On instinct, you grab his hand, placing it back onto your waist. You gave his a small look, that was a silent way of asking him to stay instead of cooking like a manic.
He smiled at you, shaking his head gently as he then placed both hands on your waist as he nuzzled his head into your neck slightly. But it tickled slightly, you laughed as you tried to push him away. But his grip on your waist was stronger as he pulled you in closer to him as he continued to tickle you. His friend group didn't even cringe, only looking away and murmuring how they've never seen him be so soft and gentle.
But he would always be soft and gentle with you, how could he not?
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Jak Crawford | 07
Despite how cheesy it is, he loves walking on the beach. Of course he loves the water and jumping in, but he loves talking to you whilst looking at the beach. Watching the light hit you and making you look as if you were sent from heaven. What can he say, he's a big "girlfriend" guy.
Even cuter, is his ambition to find the prettiest shell for his pretty girlfriend. As you chat and walk alongside the shore, laughing at stupid jokes and stories, he'll randomly freeze. He grabs a shell, runs to the ocean to quickly rinse it off and see if it's worthy of giving to you: which is always.
As you walk further along the shore, you're struggling to hold all of the little shells he's gathered for you. But you don't have the heart to tell him to stop. His small gasp when he sees a shell, and then his goofy smile as he runs back to you - how could you ever tell him to stop?
So once again, he handed you yet another shell with a bright smile on his face. Once again, you smiled back and accepted his offer, barely able to hold onto it. As you struggle to walk and hold all the shells, Jak notices and frowns.
"Let me hold some," He says gently, hand reaching out as he grabs a few of the shells he just handed you. As he takes some of the weight, you both continue to walk, giggling and laughing at his stupid jokes and stories once more.
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discojak · 2 years
So I'm watching my partner play DE for the first time and it's now Day 5 and he realizes he hadn't played Suzerainty yet. Decides to play it but wants to do it somewhere cosy, so he goes to the Whirling and the 6 hour board game begins. This normally isn't something that stands out to me but it's the fact that he specifically did it in the Whirling, in full view of poor Jean who now has to watch his former partner having the best time with Kim, just dicking around and playing board games, getting police partner cucked as he cries in his wig.
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landitolover · 10 months
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𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 in which everyone thinks that she’s dating her skating partner, but her actual boyfriend starts to feel a bit insecure about how everyone ships her with her someone who isn’t him.. ౨ৎ ollie x fem!skater!reader
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Liked by hyun_sb182, lilymhe, and 879,812 others
yourusername in italy for the (very short) break 😚!
View all 1,922 comments
user here before hyun 🥰
user i need to run into her idk !!
user she’s so perf
user hyun i hope you know how to fight
→ user real ‼️
hyun_sb182 ❤️❤️
lilymhe so gorg babes
→ yourusername imy ☹️❤️
alex_albon COME TO MY RACE 🤔🤔
→ yourusername maybe.. if I’m not too busy going to other races 😉
→ user omg what does she mean by that
→ user ew why would you say that.. she’s clearly dating hyun ??? 😭
user she posted this just for me 😂😂🙏🏼🙏🏼 (I’m delusional)
user anyone else find it weird how ppl are saying they’re dating when yn is 18 and hyun is like 22 😭???
→ user RIGHT and they met when she was like 16 and he was 20 .. WEIRD!
→ user fr plus i see them more as siblings ..
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i hope you’re not bothered by all those stupid ppl who think I’m dating hyun 😞
it’s fine, i mean it kinda makes me sad but theres nothing we can really do about it
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i’m sorry ollie :(
i can tell my pr to handle this ???
no no it’s fine!
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
are u sure???
yes I’m sure :)
anyways, getting rid of that topic
are you coming to my race ???
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well yeah duh
why else would I be in Italy
to be in italy ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
why would I be in italy just to be in italy
when my bfs race is happening the week i have off
yeah you have a point
this is the first race of mine you’re going to 😁😁
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i knoww I’m so excited :)
i’ll win this race just for you 🍀
♡ yn loved “ i’ll win this race just for you 🍀 ”
yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman f2andf3ladies and 12,082 others
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Liked by olliebearman, jakcrawford_, and 54,678 others
yourusername thanks prema_team for letting me hang with you guys!!! and congratulations to ollie for winning 😄😄! super nice hanging out with jak too! (It was just an amazing experience in general, thank you ❤️)
tagged olliebearman jakcrawford_
View all 980 comments
user was hyun there too???
→ user girl stfu she can go places by herself 😐
user my two worlds colliding
user wait why is that jak guy kinda …. I’m gonna start watching f2 for him fr 🫣
user jak, yn, & ollie is a crazy trio i hope we see more of them 🙏🏼
→ user ollie in the third pic “ 🧍‍♂️”
user i smell a new ship
→ user stop shipping a girl with a whole ass bf. 😭
→ user she literally never confirmed if shes dating hyun lol
jakcrawford_ i kinda look dumb in the last pic
→ yourusername tbf it was very early in the morning
olliebearman fun hanging with you! 😀
→ yourusername i agree!
alex_albon so are u coming to my race or not .. cause you obviously have time now 🙄
→ yourusername 👍🏻
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yourusername just added two new stories
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viewed by olliebearman ynsupdates and 9,829 others
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just saw your story
you hang out with him alot don’t you ?
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
well i mean yeah? he’s my partner..
don’t be mad ollie ..
no I’m not mad at you
i could never be mad at you
i just feel like
kinda insecure
like everyone thinks you guys are so amazing together
and that you guys like belong.. I dunno it’s stupid, sorry
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
don’t apologize oliver
you’re feelings are 100% valid and I’M sorry
that you feel that way :(
and I hope you know I don’t see hyun in that way,
he’s more of an older brother to me! i promise u :)
i love you 💕
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
i love you more 💘
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YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
it was supposed to be a surprise
twitter ruined my surprise 😔
YN 🐻‍❄️🤍
dw ollie!! i’ll act super duper surprised when i see u
thank you 😊💕
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Liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, and 37,829 others
yourusername 🍀
View all 1,922 comments
user mother is ALWAYS mothering
user this performance was so good i shed so many tears 😢
lilymhe this performance was so AMAZING
→ yourusername THANK YOU BABES 😭😭❤️❤️
jakcrawford_ ABSOLUTE FIRE
→ yourusername THANKS BFF !
olliebearman such a lovely performance, it was so amazing seeing it live 💕
→ yourusername thank you ollie 🥹💕
→ user i just dropped to my knees.
→ user how do you feel now ynhyun nation 🤣🤣
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Liked by yourusername, jakcrawford_, and 23,389 others
olliebearman you’ll always be my person, i love you yn 🤍
original: yeah, how do you feel ynhyun nation? sorry i ruined your little ship but i’ve been dating her for a year now! I love you, yn 🤍
• edited
tagged yourusername
View all 897 comments
→ user he changed it 😕
user bud didn’t come to play
→ user bud did not let the rumors slide
user the rumors are terrible and cruel but honey most of them are true 🎶
→ olliebearman only the rumors abt me dating yn are true
user we lost ynhyun . CAUSE OF A WHITE BOY
→ user get out. hyun aint stand a CHANCE!
user WE WON HELLO?????
user long story short i survived the ynhyun allegations
user i knew them ynhyun mfos were delusional
user these pictures are so CUTE IM THROWING UP
lilymhe took you long enough
→ jakcrawford_ right like i couldn’t pretend like i just met yn anymore.. like dawg we’ve been friends for months now 🤨
→ yourusername LMFAOO IM SORRY JAK
yourusername the caption sir…… 🤨 you should PROBABLY CHANGE IT ! don’t want ur pr to hate me
→ olliebearman yes ma’am
→ olliebearman I LOVE YOU TOO 🤍🤍
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Liked by ynsupdates, olliebearman, lilymhe and 89,922 others
yourusername yeah as if I would ever date a scrawny white boy..
tagged olliebearman
View all 1,928 comments
→ olliebearman no cause fr why are my legs that long
→ yourusername idk what ur talking abt!
user sweetest + funniest couple ever
olliebearman so u can have an unhinged caption but i cant 🤨
→ yourusername that’s different oliver.
olliebearman we’re so couple goals 😋
→ yourusername so true babe
olliebearman ynollie forever
hyun_sb182 incredibly happy for you two ❤️
→ hyun_sb182 also i am not attracted to her, I have a girlfriend and I see yn as a younger sister …
→ yourusername thank you hyun!!!
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౨ৎ helloo! this is a re upload from my old blog <3 sorry for not posting anything, but i will b posting just old stuff from my old blog while i work on the new stuff 🤫🤫 BE READY FOR A CHARLES SMAU SOON 🤓🤓 also dulce hotline waaaah
@moneygramhaas hai bff ౨ৎ
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samandcolbyownme · 5 months
OOO can you write fem reader x jake fluff to smut? Like reader having been away to film a vid with sam n colby in another country and she finally gets back? love your writing its MWAH
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Warnings: strong language, sexual and suggestive language, hints at sexting, fluff mostly I’ll do a part 2 at some point
“I bet Jake is itching to see you.” Sam chuckles, “This is the first time you’ve been away from each other for more than a few days right?” You look at Sam and nod, “Two days is the most, anything more is..” you sigh and shake your head, laughing as the flight attendant announces take off.
You make sure neither boy on either side of you are looking at your phone before you open the thread because as you suspected, photos you sent Jake to hold him over for the duration of the plane ride are on full display.
You text him - quickly, On the plane getting ready for take off. I love you. I can’t wait fuck, I mean hug and kiss you. You hit send and put your phone on airplane mode. You get out your headphones, slipping them over your ears before you turn on your music.
You smile as one of Jake’s favorite songs plays. You try to follow along to the words, the beat of the music, but you just can’t.
You were needing Jake.
Craving, aching, yearning for him.
You knew you were flying home to some good welcome home sex, but you needed to calm down now. You glanced over to the window, smiling at Colby when he looks over at you. He gives you a thumbs up and you nod, giving him a thumbs up back before resting your head back.
You needed Jake’s hands on you. Recovering your body in his fingerprints, his touch that makes you weak no matter what way he touches you.
You tried pushing the thoughts away, mainly because they were just causing you to be uncomfortable because you were forcing yourself to sit still. You were scared to sleep. No matter how tired you were, you didn’t want to risk announcing in your sleep to the whole plane that you’re having a wet dream.
You took a deep, quiet, and calming breath before closing your eyes. All you could picture was seeing Jake in the airport. It’s going to be late when you get in, but you know neither you nor Jake will be tired once you get your hands on each other.
You eventually make it through the long flight, basically if you didn’t have Sam or colby to talk to, you would have died from boredom.
As you make your way off the plane and to the baggage claim, you feel your heart start racing faster and faster. You felt like you were meeting Jake for the very first time all over again.
You love and hated it.
“So you see them?” Sam asks and Colby looks around, “No, not yet.” Your eyes search the crowd around you and you suddenly spot Jake over everybody.
You gasp, tapping Colby’s side with your hand, “There.” You point and Jake and Johnnie wave. Sam looks at you, “Go.” He nods towards Jake, “I got your bags.”
You smile and let go of your suitcase, ripping off your backpack and taking off towards Jake. As soon as you’re close enough, you push yourself off the ground, leaping into his open arms.
He catches your and your arms and legs wrap around him. He hugs you right, “Mmm.” He squeezes your body, “I missed you.” He leans his head back and scans his eyes over your face, “Gimme a kiss, sugar lips.”
You laugh and lean in, pressing your lips to his. His arms tighten around your body and he hums lowly, “I hope you’re not tired.” He chuckles and leans back to look at you.
You bite your lip, “Don’t worry, I feel a second wind coming on.” You smirk and he nods, “Good, because I have a schedule, and it’s a lengthy schedule.” He winks and you laugh. You honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he did have a schedule.
You talk amongst each other, mainly about the investigation, as you make your way to his car. Colby leans forward once he shuts the door and you look over at him, “What’s up?”
“Is it cool if we find a close hotel to crash at?” Colby asks and your eyes move up to Jake. You look forward to hide your smirk and nod, “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”
Thank you so much for reading! As always, let me know what you thought. I love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Summer School: Daniel LaRusso x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @kiwiwatermelonsuger @sadgenderfluidmaniac @junghwansy2k 
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Daniel meets you because of a summer arts program. Him and Amanda have been divorced over a year and they’ve been trying to figure out a way to prise Anthony away from his screen. It’s gotten worse since the split, his son has retreated entirely into the world of video games.  
Daniel can’t help but feel responsible for that. He was the one that told Amanda he was unhappy, the one that made her realise that she was unhappy too. In the beginning he thought maybe if he’d kept his mouth shut they could have persevered but time has given him clarity, they were friends more than lovers and Daniel, he wants passion, he wants romance. He deserves that and so does Amanda.
It's Amanda that finds the program, it allows students to try out different art forms over a six week period. Painting, pottery, metal work. Anthony protests at first but they present a united front, if he doesn’t attend he spends the entire summer without any screen time at all.
The first week Anthony complains relentlessly. Painting is very much not his thing and Daniel happens to agree, he’s all for self-expression but Anthony’s work, it’s beyond terrible.
The same goes for pottery, he comes home with a bowl that’s slanted to one side with weird, wonky edges. Daniel takes it into work and uses it to hold his paperclips.
By the time week three rolls around Daniel expects more of the same, he’s used to Anthony’s sullen moods, he’s been sulking ever since summer school started. Today however when he gets into Daniel’s car, it’s the most animated he’s seen him in years. His eyes are bright, he’s excited. He shows Daniel the motorcycle he’s made out of nuts bolts and wrenches and he’s completely blown away.
“Jak’s been giving me tips on making my own designs.” He tells his father proudly. “We need to hit the art supply store so I can get a sketch book and some pencils.”
That night Daniel calls Amanda after dinner.
“It’s like he’s a completely different kid. I don’t know who this Jak guy is but he’s worked wonders on him. He hasn’t looked at a screen all night.” He tells her as he watches Anthony sketching out design ideas on the kitchen table. “I feel like we should be gifting him a car.”
“Maybe we go smaller.” She says thoughtfully. “Start with some beers from that microbrewery you like. We don’t wanna scare him off by coming on a little too strong.”
“Yea I think I have a six pack somewhere, I’ll drop it off tomorrow morning.” Daniel murmurs, his palm rubbing over the back of his neck. “I’ll ask if he does classes outside of the summer school. I’d like to keep the momentum going.”
He drops Anthony off a little early the next morning so he can pop in and meet the man who has managed to engage his son. He has the six pack of mixed microbrews tucked under his arm when he raps his knuckles on the door and pokes his head inside.
“Hey, I’m looking for Jak.” He says to the woman sorting through the cardboard box of random metal bits and pieces.
“You’ve found her.” You say looking up from your task.
“You’re Jak?” He asks, his dark eyebrows raising as he drinks you in.
You are the furthest thing from metalwork artist that he ever expected. You’re breathtaking for starters, he means that literally, the oxygen catches in his throat when he looks at you.
“You were expecting a man.” You say in an amused tone before gesturing towards the box of beers. “Starting a little early.”
“Ah no.” Daniel says his cheeks colouring just a little as he sets them on the desk beside him. “They’re for you, a thank you for the work you’re doing with Anthony. It’s the first time I’ve seen him engaged with anything other than a video game since the divorce.”
He watches as you approach, his mouth going dry. There’s a sensuality to your movements, a gracefulness and it sends heat flushing through Daniel as he watches your fingertips caress the glass of each of the bottles as you study the flavours.
“A nice variation.” You say before slotting them back in the cardboard. “You’ve picked some of my favourites Mr LaRusso.”
“Danny.” He asserts and the edges of your mouth tip up into a smile.
Something blossoms in his chest and it feels like he’s seeing the sun rise for the very first time. This is what he was missing with Amanda, this passion, this fire.
“Ok Danny.” You say and he loves the way his name rolls off his lips. “What can I help you with?”
“I wanted to know if you do sessions like this after the summer? Anthony, he’s really excited about working with you. My ex-wife and I would really like to keep the momentum going if we can, make sure he has a creative outlet.” Danny tells you as you lean back against the desk.
“I run sessions out of my studio in Santa Monica. Each student works on their own project, they start with their own concept and then develop it, I’m there to show them the techniques, help them make it a reality and they take those skills into the next project.” You inform Danny as he settles beside you. Your perfume floods his senses, something floral with citrus notes, it reminds him of the first days of spring. “The stuff we’re learning in class this week is very basic and Anthony has taken to it really well. I think his interest in mechanics and the way things work definitely helps.”
“Mechanics?” Daniel repeats, crossing his arms over his chest. This is the first time he’s hearing anything about Anthony taking after him in that respect.
“Not the traditional concept like cars and engines, I mean more like cause and effect." You explain as you tuck your hands into the pockets of the cobalt blue blazer you’re wearing. “It’s why he’s so interested in games like Minecraft, he likes to see the effect that one thing has on another, kinda like Mousetrap. He’s trying to figure out how to make things move in his sculpture work.”
“I honestly had no idea he was into any of this stuff.” Daniel says rubbing his palm over the back of his neck.
“Kids don’t really share a lot with their parents at this age.” You reassure him before picking up a post it note and scribbling on it. “Why don’t you come by my studio, get a feel for what I do?”
You hand him the post it note and he studies the address, this thumb tracing lightly over the writing.
“I’ll do that.” He tells you as the bell rings, signalling the start of class. "I’ll try to stop by tonight.”
Love Danny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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bad268 · 5 months
Hii can I request a Paul Aron x reader? Maybe like they went to school together and she was known to keep to herself but he finds out she drifts cars as a passion outside of school. Maybe a cute interaction after he watches her and he's with a couple friends too?
Drift to Survive (Paul Aron X Drifter! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/3
Requested: Clearly (haha I speedran this, but I learned a lot of shit about drifting <3) (Also, off-topic but LOOK AT HIS HAND)
Warnings: None
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1132
Summary: Drifter! reader decides it's time to share the infamous after-school activity.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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What had started as an after-school activity turned into a fully-fledged career after a while. You had started drifting back when you were younger. Your dad used to compete in Drift Masters (DM), and you had always been interested in it since he would take you to the rounds.
By the time you were 10, your dad was taking you out to open fields or empty tracks to drift, and when you reached 15, you started competing in lower levels. It was difficult managing a full-time career on top of finishing school, but it would be worth it in the end.
Somedays you wish you had told your school friends about your passion for drifting, but then you remember how critical people are of different interests. It was better to keep it on the down-low until you got better at least.
Well, to say you were getting better would be an understatement. You started competing in Formula Drift earlier this year, and you were dominating. You just found out that if you secured the championship, you would be offered a seat in DM. 
Since there was a race for you this weekend, you decided to bite the bullet and invite a couple of your closest friends. They were racing in Formula 2 or Formula 3, and you knew they did not have a race that weekend. Surely, they were free. 
You sent a quick text to the group chat that included Dino, Ollie, Jak, and your best friend, Paul. Maybe you wished Paul was more, but right now, your focus was on your career, especially since you just graduated and were moving up in the world. That was something you could pursue another day.  
They all accepted immediately, intrigued at the prospect. They did not really attend a race where placement did not matter, so they were interested to learn about it. Also, they did not think it was something you were interested in. You were just so quiet. They did not expect you to be interested in their type of racing, let alone a more dangerous branch of it. 
The day of the event came, and you were feeling more confident than ever. You had done a few practice runs with your dad again, and he was confident you would get that DM seat. Your friends arrived at your room early that morning since you all agreed to carpool together. 
You all loaded in the car. You drove. It was after much debate from the guys, saying they were the racing drivers, but you rebuttled with how Ollie could not pass his driver’s license test. Plus, it was your car that your dad drove over for you. You did not plan on letting any of them take your car.
Paul sat in the front, Jak and Ollie took the window seats, and Dino sat in the middle despite him saying he was too tall for it. Granted, he was the shortest of the three, so his argument was invalid. 
You let Dino have control over the music, so he would shut up. Thankfully, he did have good taste in music. You made it to the track in no time, and you drove around to the back where drivers and the teams would park. The boys looked at you funny as you showed the garage passes to security, but no one asked anything until you parked.
“You never told us,” Paul started as he climbed out of the car and followed you toward the boot. You were grabbing out a bag that had some of your essentials like team merch, hat, and snacks. All of your racing gear was already with the team. Paul closed the boot for you after you grabbed the bag out. “Where are we sitting?”
“You guys are sitting in the garage,” You answered as you locked the car after Ollie, Dino, and Jak clambered out of the car just in time to hear your answer. They all gaped at you before Dino made a connection.
“Wait, where will you be?’
“In the car,” You said simply as you handed them the badges and walked down toward the entrance. They all stood in shock for a minute before running to catch up. You led them around before parting off to your garage. Ollie, Dino, and Jak decided they wanted to explore a bit more, but Paul said he wanted to stick with you. Plus, he really wanted to look at your car.
Call him a nerd, but all cars are interesting to him. 
You did just that. It did not take him long to realize that you were the “amazing”, “talented”, and “once-in-a-generation” driver that everyone talked about. You used an alias while driving, so he never made the connection before. You showed him your car, let him sit in it, and showed him your special helmet. Since this event was so special, you did a specialty helmet based on your dad’s helmet. If you could secure your DM seat with your dad’s helmet, it would have come full circle since he was the one to help you get there.
“Wow, this is incredible! I never knew you did this,” Paul said in awe as you explained a few more things in your driver's room while getting ready to get in the car. “It suits you though.”
“Thanks, Paul,” You laughed at that. “No one ever asks what I do outside of school, so I never said anything.”
“Well, now I’m gonna make it my mission to learn everything about you,” Paul said in a soft tone as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you into his body. He used one of his hands to do up the zipper and velcro of your race suit before resting his hand against the side of your neck, “If you’ll let me, that is?”
“I’d always let you in, Paul,” You whispered back as you slowly leaned in to press your lips against his. It did not last long as one of your managers knocked on the door, telling you it was time to get in the car. Reluctantly, you pulled away from him as you pulled your balaclava on and grabbed your helmet. “That’s my cue. Time to drift to survive. You better be watching from the garage. I need all of the energy I can get.”
“I manifesting that win for you,” Paul laughed as he followed you out to the car. As soon as you were situated in your seat, he leaned in one last time to give you a last piece of motivation, “You’ve got all of us behind you, just breathe, and you’ll do great as always. I’ll be waiting for you at the finish line to take you out for victory drinks.”
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