#when supposedly the only thing that could ever hurt him is me leavin
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 6 months
I really wish someone would tell me what to do
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1969
Under the cut.
Tommy James And The Shondells – “Crimson And Clover” -- February 1, 1969
There are barely any lyrics to this thing, and they don't make any sense. Why crimson and clover over and over? And over and over and over and someone make it stop. Also it's musically attempting to be interesting and failing miserably for me. This song is apparently a critical darling these days. I don't get it. It bores and irritates me.
Sly & The Family Stone – “Everyday People” -- February 15, 1969
A funk song about how people are bad at accepting outward differences, and that we should stop with that nonsense. With a line about "For bein' such a rich one that will not help the poor one" as well. It's got a lot of oomph and musical interest, and it's a sentiment that people will probably always need to hear. Great song.
Tommy Roe – “Dizzy” -- March 15, 1969
The music of this song, with the constant key changes, does make me feel dizzy. They lyrics are the normal stuff about wanting a girl ever since the narrator saw her, except for this line: "I want you for my sweet pet." Um, what? That's off even for the day. Not something I like.
The 5th Dimension – “Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In” -- April 12, 1969
Was this song taken seriously at the time? The tune is a good Broadway show-stopper, but the lyrics are just... seriously? "Mystic crystal liberation." And the "let the sunshine in" part is unbearably repetitive.
The Beatles – “Get Back” (Feat. Billy Preston) -- May 24, 1969
Billy Preston injected some needed inspiration back into The Beatles. The lyrics are pretty much nonsense. It's an okay Beatles song but with a great bassline.
Henry Mancini – “Love Theme From Romeo And Juliet“ -- June 28, 1969
We watched Franco Zeffirelli’s version of Romeo And Juliet in high school, with one caveat: The geometry teacher/boys' swim team coach had recorded a sunset over the football field over the part of the balcony love scene where they get all hot and heavy, apparently thinking it was just too much for 13 and 14 year olds. They left the sound though. Which made it way dirtier than it would have been with the images still there. So anything associated with that movie is hilarious to me. This is a Henry Mancini instrumental, which means it's good and I really shouldn't be cackling.
Zager & Evans – “In The Year 2525″ -- July 12, 1969
On a musical level, I hate this. It's a tidge too slow, it's a lot too bland, and something about the far future should sound futuristic, and this doesn't at all. Also the lyrics are dumb. It's not all of us who have fucked up the environment; it's the powerful. And I refuse to be morally scolded by someone who says in total seriousness, "In the year 4545/ You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes/ You won't find a thing to chew." Dull and annoying.
The Rolling Stones – “Honky Tonk Women” -- August 23, 1969
The Rolling Stones are English. They don't know honky tonks. But then they sort of do. Music, alcohol, and sex, not exactly complicated and pretty universal. In the song, Mick's supposedly trying to fuck and drug his way out of heartbreak, and not just with women. There's a verse about "charming" sailors in Paris. It's actually still hard to find the whole thing online even today, but that's the version on the "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!" album. The single version that became the hit doesn't have that verse, of course. Anyway, it's a good party song.
The Archies – “Sugar, Sugar” -- September 20, 1969
It's a song for a cartoon. It's the most bubblegum of bubblegum pop. I hate it.
The Temptations – “I Can’t Get Next To You” -- October 18, 1969
The Temptations can do absolutely anything, such as make ships sail on dry land, but they can't get next to you. It's like a god singing to a goddess. Motown could do that. Great song.
Elvis Presley – “Suspicious Minds” -- November 1, 1969
Elvis has entered his Vegas era. The rhinestone suits, sunglasses, all of that. But of course he pulled it off. In the song, Elvis complains to you about how you're so suspicious, and it's hurting him, but he can't walk out because he loves you too much. The way he sings it, though: Bullshit. He knows it's bullshit, you know it's bullshit. Dude's cheating. I mean, he's Elvis, of course he's cheating. He's putting everything into a performance to keep you, though, even though he knows that you know he's lying. And by the end, I'm thinking it would be better to have a guy with that much charisma and talent who cheats on you than some nothing schlub who's faithful only because no other woman would have him.
The 5th Dimension – “Wedding Bell Blues” -- November 8, 1969
This kind of song is why I really need to keep an airplane barf bag by my desk. The narrator's whining about how she loves this dumbass "Bill" so much, and has done everything for him, but he still hasn't proposed, so "Marry me Bill." If the lyrics were acceptable, I'd say the song was a nice bit of pop fluff. The lyrics are not acceptable. Also I have an uncle named "Bill" AND my mother's husband is named "Bill" and I just cannot.
The Beatles – “Come Together” -- November 29, 1969
The bassline is this song, and damn it's a good one. Apparently this song's lyrics confused people so much at the time, people thought it meant Paul was dead. I have no idea how they got to that. I thought it was about Jesus, or a Jesus type. Or something. I dunno, it doesn't matter, the riffs are the point. The Beatles were breaking up, but this was one hell of a way to go out.
Steam – “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye” -- December 6, 1969
So this is apparently supposed to be about a man trying to get you to leave another man because he'll never love you the way the narrator will. But I can't hear it as anything other than a sports chant. I do not advise trying to listen to the full four minutes.
Peter, Paul & Mary – “Leaving On A Jet Plane” -- December 20, 1969
"I'm leavin' on a jet plane/ Don't know when I'll be back again/ Oh, babe, I hate to go." This song was originally intended to be about a traveling singer who'd been unfaithful a lot. But authorial intent doesn't matter. It became about the Vietnam War. And as such, it's heartrending.
Diana Ross & The Supremes – “Someday We’ll Be Together” -- December 27, 1969
According to the lyrics, this is about the narrator regretting having broken up with her boyfriend, and promising that someday they'll be together again. But authorial intent doesn't matter. And hearing this during a pandemic which is keeping everyone apart, well. Rather changes things.
BEST OF 1969: "Come Together"  WORST OF 1969: "Sugar, Sugar"
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orangeoctopi7 · 5 years
Spider Stan AU Chapter 5 Hey guys, sorry it’s been a while, I’ve been distracted by other fandoms. Also trying to apply to Grad School again. As such, don’t expect the next chapter until after November.
It had only been a couple of days, but already Fiddleford was about ready to smack these brothers. They barely spoke to each other, and when they did, it was clear they were walking on eggshells. Every so often, either Stan or Ford would take a bitter tone with the other, and McGucket hoped they were on the brink of actually talking about their issues, but each time, it just resulted in a heated argument. Twice now, Stan had driven off in his car, and Ford had stormed out into the woods. Ford came back first, worrying that Stan had left for good this time. Each time Stan had eventually returned, murmuring that he knew Ford wanted to run more tests.
That was another thing that had been bothering McGucket. The tests they’d run the first day had been interesting, to be sure. Stan’s nervous system, his immune system, all of his senses, were faster than any normal human’s. But there was nothing to indicate that his mutation was continuing or that it had any ill effects on Stan. If anything, Stan was healthier than he should have been, considering his living conditions. But Ford insisted on running more each day. Testing the extent of Stan’s strength, his flexibility and reflexes, whether he could see in the dark, how he stuck to walls, anything, it seemed, that Ford could think of. Fiddleford couldn’t help but think this went far beyond just checking to make sure Ford’s brother wasn’t negatively affected by his mutation. 
McGucket decided to air his grievances while he and Ford were alone, looking at some X-rays of Stan’s hands.
“Incredible! Look at this!” Ford pointed to some faint lines running between the phalanges and metacarpals, “Normally, in a human being, these muscles are vestigial, useless. But Stan’s mutation somehow enlarged and invigorated them. That must be how he can hold himself up just by sticking to a wall!”
“Well, that certainly is fascinatin’.” McGucket agreed. “D’you think it’ll lead to overcrowding with his other muscles? Arthritis? Carpal-tunnel?” 
“Mmm, no. Stan’s hands are rather large and meaty. There should be plenty of room. And it actually lessens the stress on his joints.”
“I see....” McGucket nodded, making a mental note to try and replicate the effect on a robotic joint later. “Ford, don’t ya think this is beginnin’ to go well beyond jus’ lookin’ after yer brother’s health? It’s pretty clear he’s fit as a fiddle, heck, even more fit than yer average athlete!”
“Well… yes, but… there’s still more to do… to, uh, study the long-term effects…”
“Stanford, please, you gotta start bein’ honest with yerself. And with him!”
Ford flinched. “Him who?” he asked nervously.
“Your brother! Who else?”
“Oh. Of course. I-I mean…” the researcher huffed a short sigh. “I know, sooner rather than later, he’ll decide he’s had enough and leave. I’m just trying to learn as much as I can from him until then.”
“Well, he’s already left twice, and ya spent a good hour or so worryin’ he was never gonna come back.”
“Be-because if he leaves, we’ll lose a great research opportunity!”
“But he’s come back each time. Supposedly because he knows ya wanna run more tests on him.”
“Fiddleford, if you’re trying to make a point, would you please just get to it?”
“Alright, fine! You two keep dancin’ around yer issues, pretendin’ like yer jus’ here fer the sake of science, but it’s pretty obvious yer both hopin’ that somehow bein’ in the same place long enough is gonna somehow make everythin’ right. But it ain’t! Nothin’ about whatever bad blood you two got betwixt y’all is gonna get solved unless ya both sit down an’ talk. An’ I mean really talk, not jus’ yellin’ or bein’ passive-aggressive all the time.”
Ford was taken aback by his friend’s bluntness. He spluttered for a solid thirty seconds before finally shouting, “It is incredibly presumptuous of you to make assumptions as to why I choose to keep my brother around, let alone deem yourself qualified to offer me advice on how to conduct my own family matters! And while we may be old friends, I shouldn’t have to remind you that while you are here you are technically my employee. As such, keep your overly-large nose out of my personal business!”
“Personal business!? I’m the one who has to live with both of ya!” Fiddleford retorted, then stormed out of the lab.
“I’m not forcing you to stay here!” Ford shouted after him. “You could get a room at the motel if it bothers you that much!”
McGucket’s raging mood quickly dissipated as he took the elevator back up to the main floor. He hadn’t had an angry outburst like that in a while. He wasn’t nearly as short tempered as those Pines twins, but even the mild-mannered inventor just lost his cool sometimes. 
“Good to see I’m not the only one he has shouting matches with.” Stan commented from the chair sitting in front of the TV when McGucket passed. Oh right. Enhanced senses, including hearing.
“How much did you hear?” Fiddleford asked. 
“Eh, more the volume than actual words.” Stan shrugged.
McGucket briefly considered telling Stan how much Ford had worried each time he left, telling him exactly what he’d told his brother. But Fiddleford had a feeling Stan would have a very similar reaction, except the con man’s temper was even worse than his brother’s.
Instead he settled for a beleaguered “You two’re gonna drive me off the deep end.”
* * *
It didn’t take long for Ford to regret his words. Sure, he was mad that McGucket would try and wheedle his way into the brothers’ issues when the inventor clearly didn’t understand the complexities of their relationship, or the extent of the betrayal Ford still felt. But the inventor’s heart was in the right place, and he was the one who had to live with the feuding twins. And while Ford had been truthful in telling Fiddleford he was free to leave, that certainly didn’t mean Ford wanted him to go. Just the opposite, in fact.
Stanford had never felt lonely after moving out to the woods of Gravity Falls, oh no. He’d kept far too busy exploring and studying for that. But after Fiddelford had moved in, the researcher found he preferred his friend’s company to solitude.
Of course, if McGucket were to move out now, Ford would not be returning to solitude. He’d be sharing his cabin with Stanley.
Stanford decided he really needed to apologize to Fiddleford.
The researcher hastily put away the x-rays and the other print-outs he’d be going over and rushed into the elevator. He hummed impatiently as it creeped back up to ground level. Once he reached the kitchen, he rummaged around the pantry until he found a can of those baked beans McGucket liked, heated it up over the stove, and began searching for his roommate so he could extend the peace offering.
He found McGucket just as the researcher was finishing a conversation over the phone.
“...Uh-huh. Yeah, I’ll leave as soon as I can. See ya soon. I gotta go sugar.” He said when he saw Ford enter the hall. “Love ya.” He hung up the phone.
“You’re leaving?” Ford asked, trying not to sound hurt. He’d known his harsh words would probably come back to bite him, but he hadn’t expected it to be so soon!
“Uh, that’s right…” Fiddelford began awkwardly. “I jus’ spoke with Emma-May an’--” 
“Fiddleford, I’m sorry, alright? I shouldn’t have yelled, and I certainly shouldn’t have insinuated you might be fired, or insulted you. But please, don’t leave!” Ford pleaded. “I’ll admit, the situation with Stanley is volatile, but that’s why I need you here now!”
“Calm down, calm down!” McGucket placated him. “I ain’t leavin’ fer more’n a few days. I was tryin’ to tell ya, Emma-May’s sick, an’, well, she needs me to come take care of Tate ‘til she gets better.”
“O-oh.” Ford squeaked out once his mind processed what his friend was saying. McGucket was leaving, but it wasn’t because he was mad, it was because of a family emergency. That was almost worse. Ford could try and apologize or talk his friend out of it if he was mad, but the researcher couldn’t, wouldn’t, try and stop his friend from taking care of his family.
“What’s goin’ on?” Stan peeked into the hall, checking to see what all the commotion was about.
“Oh, uh, I was just tellin’ Ford I gotta head back home to help take care’a things while my wife’s sick.”
Stan scrutinized McGucket carefully, taking in his expression and stance, before glancing at Ford briefly. “Uh-huh.” the con-man grunted.
“So, I’ll be leavin’ soon as I get packed. Are… are you gonna be fine here, just the two of ya?”
“Sure, mom.” Stan rolled his eyes.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Ford folded his arms defensively.
“That’s not really what I’m worried ‘bout.” McGucket muttered under his breath. “Oh! Are those baked beans?” He exclaimed, like he’d only just noticed the pan Ford was carrying, “I think I’ll go eat these before I pack.”
With that, the inventor made his way to the kitchen, leaving the two brothers alone, with the fact that they were about to spend a lot more time alone together hanging over them.
Stan shook his head. “He’s a bad liar.” he said as soon as McGucket was out of ear-shot.
“What!?” Ford spluttered. “He’s not--”
“Just callin’ it as I see it.”
“He’s coming back!” the researcher insisted, even as his own thoughts doubted “He wouldn’t just leave…” He wouldn’t just leave me like this.
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be back soon enough.” Stan agreed. “But his wife ain’t sick.”
“Oh, and is that another thing your ‘Spider Sense’ can detect?” Ford asked sarcastically. Ever since Stan had interrupted one of his visions with Bill, the researcher didn’t have a high opinion of that particular ability.
“Nah. You lie enough, and you get pretty good at tellin’ when other people are doin’ it. If his wife was really sick, you’d think he’d be a lot more concerned. I mean, you’ve mentioned he has issues with anxiety, but he doesn’t seem all that anxious about it. He did seem keen on gettin’ out of here before we could ask him more questions about what’s wrong with her.”
“I think that if you lie enough, you start to assume everyone else must be lying too.” Ford said icily. Although he couldn’t help but remember a time a few years back when Fiddleford had gotten news his mother was sick. His poor friend had been so worried, he’d barely eaten the day he got the news.
“Whatever.” Stan harrumphed and turned back down the hall. “Honestly, I can’t blame the guy for wantin’ a break from all of this.” He gestured back and forth to himself and his brother. “Anyway, I’m gonna go see if there’s any of those baked beans left.”
* * *
That night, Ford had a hard time falling asleep. Stan’s wrong. He kept telling himself. But a part of him couldn’t help wondering, But what if he’s right? What if all this tension with Stan is driving Fiddleford away? What if he doesn’t come back? 
When he finally did fall asleep, Ford was glad to find Bill waiting for him. He could really use a little help from a friend right now.
“Sorry, I’m just really stressed right now, what with everything that’s going on with Stan and McGucket.”
“It’s not.” Ford said defensively, “I mean, yes, I’m a little more stressed than usual, but I can handle it.”
“That’s unfortunate, yes, but it’s not McGucket’s fault. His… his wife’s sick.” Ford explained, although there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
“Hey, Stan’s not--”
“No, of course not!”
Bill’s yellow bricks flickered like a television screen, and suddenly Ford was watching McGucket’s conversation on the phone earlier, from the perspective of one of the many effigies of Bill he had hanging in the house.
“Hey sugar, it’s me!” Fiddleford began the conversation. “Yeah, things’re, uh, things’re goin’ great here. But, you’ll never believe what happened last week! We were in Portland, doin’ some, er, some research, an’ guess what? Stanford ran into his twin brother!” 
He paused and listened to her reply. “Yeah, he don’t talk ‘bout it much. They ain’t seen each other in over ten years. Anyway they, uh, need some time to re-connect, So I’m gonna head home, jus’ so’s I can give ‘em some space fer a bit.”
Another pause. “Aw, naw, Ford said it’s fine! I don’t think it’ll be a problem! And besides, this way I’ll be home fer Tate’s first spring break!”
“...Uh-huh. Yeah, I’ll leave as soon as I can. See ya soon. I gotta go sugar.” He said when he saw Ford enter the hall. “Love ya.”
Ford shook his head in disbelief. “I-I don’t know what to say…” 
On one hand, he was hurt that his friend would lie to him like that, but on the other, it was clear that poor Fiddleford just wanted to spend some time with his family, and Ford could hardly begrudge him that. All the same, there were those same thoughts that had been keeping him up earlier, only here in the Dreamscape, they echoed around him in surround-sound.
It’s my fault. I’m driving him away, all because I can’t get along with my own brother!
“I know you don’t like me spending so much time studying Stan’s mutation. But it’s so incredible! We’ve only just scratched the surface of what he’s capable of! I know with just a little time and training, he could even help us build the portal!”
Ford frowned. “I know, but… but ever since I learned that Stan’s the Spider Man, I’m beginning to think… maybe he’s changed.”
“I’m serious!”
“Thank you, Bill, I’ll do my best to make sure Stan doesn’t cause too much trouble.”
* * *
Once again, Stan woke in the middle of the night, his Spider Sense twinging. He was really getting tired of this. Not wanting another wild goose chase like his first night here, the conman tried just sitting quietly and concentrating on the unfamiliar sensation. It was so unlike his usual Spider Sense, and yet… somehow he knew it was the same sense. 
Maybe this was a newly developing power, like Ford had predicted. Unfortunately, waking Ford in the middle of the night seemed to have ticked him off so much that now Ford didn’t want to hear anything about the Spider Sense. And McGucket had left earlier that evening. So Stan was going to have to figure this out on his own. Ha. That wasn’t any different from his other powers.
As Stan sat focusing on the strange sensation for a few minutes, he finally though he could place a direction to it. It seemed to be coming from everywhere, but there was definitely one direction where it was the strongest. It was coming from downstairs.
Stan followed the sensation as quietly as he could, which was pretty darn quietly. It led him to Ford’s bedroom.
“Oh no, we’re not doin’ this again.” Stan muttered to himself. Ford had been mad enough the first time. Twice in one week, and he was sure to be kicked out. But still, he couldn’t help wondering what was going on. Was Ford in some kind of danger? Or maybe… Ford was the danger?
“Great, now my Spider Sense is trying to protect me from emotional harm.” Stan grumbled to himself as he climbed the wall back up to the attic.
* * *
Dbae’k rwou se apfleqnx dtirj. Swt tyw xwrv jpisff ew gvl cqd fx sqm. Sme pon lz oek Ktfei lz bhigh bhzk mqg Dsnseiww jatc tvtf lsm svs?
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igottoomuchwriting · 5 years
maybe uhhh sprace with race leaving manhattan for brooklyn?
When I first read this I thought “Why do you want something where Race just leaves for the day?” and then I realized. Sometimes I’m dumb 
“You’s doing what?” Jack gaped. Racetrack stared down at the ground where he was shuffling his feet around anxiously. 
“Ya heard me.”
“Why in the hell are you going to Brooklyn?” Jack snapped. Racetrack flinched at the tone. He knew Jack wouldn’t be happy.
“Because me an’ Spot are gonna get an apartment together.” 
“And that means you have ta leave us befor’ ya turn eighteen?”
“He just wants ta make sur’ that I learn the area befor’ I have to get a betta payin’ job.”
Jack let out a groan. “Race, you’s leavin’ your family.” Race opened his mouth to argue, but Jack beat him to it. “I mean, you’s leavin’ us fo’ Brooklyn, the borough that we has the most tension with!”
“ I don’ care ‘bout Brooklyn,” Race snapped back with anger in his eyes. He finally lifted his head to look Jack in the eye. “I only care ‘bout Spot.”
“Spot is the leade’!” Jack took a step forward to Racetrack with his arms crossed. “Who da hell do yous think is startin’ the tension!”
“He is jus’ worried ‘bout his boys!”
“So am I!” Jack yelled. “You’s family Racer! I don’ know if I want you ta go ove’ there!”
Racetrack held a glare at Jack. He only understood a little at why Jack was upset. He was his own person, he could go where ever he wanted, no matter the borough.
He understood not wanting to lose Racetrack, because he was right—Manhattan is his family. He has grown up with them since he left his house, has been through so many storms and rough patches together. They fought against the tyranny of Pulitzer and won a strike in two weeks, something they all know no one has ever done before.
It had taken Racetrack forever to decide to move with Spot. He and Spot had come up with a plan where they could room together and make it seem that they are both busy bachelors, where no one would question why they didn’t have families or wives. When Spot had said that he wanted Racetrack to sell with him for a few months before they moved out, it terrified Racetrack.
“You wan’ me ta sell in Brooklyn?” he gasped.
“Yeah,” Spot hummed. “It’ll be betta. You’s can learn the area before we’se move out, and get close’ to da boys so that they’s don’t try an’ hurt ya.”
“But...what about Manhattan?” Racetrack whispered. “They’s my family, Spot. I can’t just leave ‘em out.”
“You’s can still sell there sometimes.” Spot placed a kiss on his neck, holding Racetrack close to his body. He knew that was a quick way to calm the boy down. “Jack will love ta have you back time ta time.”
That conversation had comforted Racetrack enough to go to Brooklyn. He knew that Jack loved him, as well as the other newsies. They wouldn’t care if Racetrack left and came back every once and a while.
Now though, while he was watching Jack angirly pace around and through his arms around in an attempt to talk Racetrack out of his decision, he understood that he and Spot may have underestimatted moving boroughs would affect relationships.
“I’s can come back and sell here sometimes,” Racetrack tried convincing. “Honorary Manhattan, ya know?”
“No Racetrack, I don’ know.” Jack stopped pacing and planted his feet right in front of Racetrack. “I don’ know how they do it in Brooklyn, but there is no such thing as ‘honorary ‘hattan’. Not wit’ me.”
“So you’s just gonna let me leave?” Racetrack snapped. He was hurt. Jack and Racetrack have grown up and helped each other through everything, helping each other through everything. Racetrack helped Jack calm down and come to terms with loving boys when Jack found himself crushing on the old borough leader, as well as find ways to sneak around with Davey when the boy came around. Jack would help Racetrack find good places to gamble and would give him things to gamble with and he would come up with cover stories when people were starting to become suspicious at Racetrack always leaving to Brooklyn.
Now it seemed that it all meant nothing.
“If you’s leave,” Jack mumbled. “Then you’s can’t come back.”
“Just like that?” Racetrack was yelling now. He started walking towards Jack, hands swinging and flame blazing. “You’s just gonna kick me out of the place I grew up in?”
“You’s the one who wants to leave! I ain’t gon’ let you confuse new comin’ newsies with goin’ back an’ forth. I don’ need them gettin’ hurt.”
They held eye contact with each other, both of them seething with anger. Jack was holding his ground and Racetrack was keeping his pride—something that has always caused the two to clash.
“Fine,” Racetrack clipped. “If you’s don’ want me here, then I won’ be here.”
“Fine by me,” Jack growled. Racetrack shot one last glare at his best friend—old best friend—before turning and walking out of the lodge. 
He was holding back tears as he ran, avoiding the areas he knew other newsies would be. They would want to know what is going on, why he is leaving, but Jack and Davey are the only people that know about he and Spot. They would be mad that Racetrack is supposedly choosing Brooklyn over Manhattan, not wanting to see his side of the story. Instead they would follow Jack, understand his side, hurt and betrayed by Racetrack. They would back up the decision to not let Racetrack back into Manhattan, no matter what.
Racetrack knew where he was wanted. It was evident that it wasn’t here.
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inunanna · 7 years
The hanyou and The swordsmith
Thi is the prologue/first chapter of a story that I have been wanting to write for too long.
This is also a bday, house-warming  and Christmas gift for our precious @mustardyellowsunshine!!! I love you girl
Inuyasha is searching the land for someone that can fix his sword, Tessaiga, but there is no one that dares to work with such a powerful weapon. Then he hears about a hermit swordsmith that is rumored to have increadible powers. But things are not as easy as he thinks. 
 Also in ff.net  and AO3 
Pairing: Inukag.
Chapter. 1
The wind played with the grass around her feet. The plants swayed softly and the smell of her beloved forest was all around her.
A small, secret smile appeared on her face as she looked at her beloved trees. This was her home. It had been for little time now. A peaceful place where she could live surrounded by life and away from destruction. A place where no human would search for her. And place where no youkai could feel her presence.
As she saw a small fox youkai walked to her, she corrected, where no undesired youkai could feel her.
“Kagome! What are you doing around here?”
She only smiled under the preoccupied eyes of the boy. “Hello, Shippou.”
He stopped his walk towards her enough to give her a small bow. Something his late mother had been very strict about. 
“This is too close to the edge of your barrier! What if someone senses you?” he asked as he jumped on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’m still safe here.” she explained as she stroked his fluffy red hair.
Leaning on her touch, the boy nodded.
“I just feel a little restless… and needed a little walk.”
Something trickled her hand. Looking down she found a small deer rubbing its head against it.
“Something bad is going to happen?” asked the kid on her shoulder with a careful voice.
She let her fingers travel across the soft auburn fur as she tried to explain what she was feeling. Her few friends knew she had strange abilities, and one of them was to feel when something was about to happen. 
Usually, she was sure whether it was something good or something to be afraid of, sometimes she even knew if it meant she needed to run away. Unfortunately the last one, she had learned to identify too late.
Kagome shook her head trying to cast away the memories that always threatened to break her and focused on the matter at hand. Stroking the beautiful deer in front of her and calming the child on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry too much, Shippou. I feel something is coming but it’s not entirely bad…”
“Are you sure it’s not a bad monster coming?”
Shippou’s voice was calm but she could feel his tail flickering nervously.
“I’m sure. That is why I’m taking a stroll and not running away”  
Her joke was not well received and Shippou only grumbled something close to an agreement but not quite there.
The deer walked away after receiving the attention he wanted and Kagome started to walk again, moving the kid to her arms.
“We are going to be fine, Shippou…” she looked down to find Shippou’s big green eyes looking at her expectantly. “This feeling is a lot like the one I had before meeting you.”
The worry in his eyes disappeared, giving way to one of his time stopping glowing smiles, “you felt you were going to meet me?”
She nodded answering his smile. “I know there was a mischievous and adorable ball of fur coming my way”.
She did not mention how she had also felt she needed to protect the boy because he was about to be hurt. There was something the little boy didn’t need to know.
They kept walking together as she checked her barrier, the only thing that kept everyone with bad intentions and rotten hearts away from this safe place she tried to create.
The place where she could live as normally as she could, a place where nobody asked her to create powerful things to hurt others. A place where creatures like Shippou, that had lost their families could live without fearing for their lives. A place where everything in it was respected and loved, where every tree, every animal, every creature, even the very energy of the water that run through the river was respected and protected. It was the only place she felt safe. 
The only place she could call home.
In a place not so far away but very different, a silver haired man stomped his way out of the fourth sword smith’s home he had visited during the last moon.
It was also the fourth time that someone had told him that repairing his sword was impossible. That there were no smiths that dared to work with an object with that kind of power imbued in it. They also told them he needed a youkai to work with it. The problem was that youkai refused to work for him.
The only one that had ever repaired his sword had been Totosai, his father’s loyal friend. Unfortunately the old fart had died recently without leaving a disciple that could continue his job.
With his mixed heritage there was no way that a ‘respectable’ youkai would agree to help him. According to them, hanyous were only fit to starve and die, not to hold the kind of weapon he was trying to repair.
That meant that humans were all he had, but humans were dumb and weak, with no power of their own to shape and work with metal filled with youki.  
He knew they could die, the first smith he had gone to had laughed and declared he was the best smith in the land and no sword would ever rebel against him. It only took one hit of the hammer, for the remaining pieces of his Tessaiga to protect itself sending a wave of youki, and for the man to drop dead in an instant.
Since then, he had been looking for a smith that admitted to have powers of their own, so far none of the ones that had been regarded powerful or skillful smiths had actually showed reiki.
Even if they didn’t have any powers, they had all declined working on his sword before he could explain the situation. With a hint of amusement he admitted that humans had pretty good survival instincts and deep down he was glad, there was no need to bury a new body uselessly.
He was outside of the town and finally no one was watching him with eyes full of hate or fear when he felt a familiar bite on the tip of his nose. After slapping it off, Inuyasha waited for the usual explanation, that was almost Instantaneous.
“Master Inuyasha, I found you at last.” the small flea youkai said from the palm of its master’s hand.
Inuyasha scoffed, “Oh, I know Iwas difficult to find after you ran from me when Tessaiga broke”.
The tiny man fidgeted under Inuyasha’s eyes. “It wasn’t like that, I swear… I just—wasn’t like I was running away… I just went to find someone that could help your situation!” the proud smile on his face didn’t manage to change the narrowed eyes or the arched brows on Inuyasha’s face.
“It’s that so, Myouga?”
The flea nodded energetically. “I found the smith Totosai used to talk about!”
Another scoff came from the hanyou “he used to talk about lots of them, all dead now.”
“But, not this one, Lord Inuyasha. This one is very alive. They say this blacksmith lives in the forest, where no one can find him.”
“You sure he ain’t dead?” his head tilted and continued in a distracted voice, “most of Totosai’s friends are as dead as him.”
“I swear on my life, the smith is very alive.”
Inuyasha let out a satisfied laugh that somehow it felt dark to Myouga. “If he’s alive, I’m gonna find him and he WILL fix Tessaiga…”
Two of Myouga’s hands were shyly raised his two right hands, waiting for his master to pay attention to him. When Inuyasha finally finished his self satisfied laugh and looked down.
“What?” he huffed.
“There’s a little issue…”
“Ain’t there always?”
The old man cleared his throat nervously at the same time he scratched the side of his head “well, you see, Lord Inuyasha, the smith is..” as he continued, his voice started to get lower, smaller “umm, well, just kind of a little impossible to find…”
A growl started to sound inside Inuyasha’s chest. “You said you found him…”
“I know the forest where he is supposed to live. However, no one has seen the smith in a long time. They said youkai are protecting the smith.”
“I’ll kill whoever tries to keep him from me.”
His tone was softer than usual and by the look in his eyes Myouga knew his master’s mind was already battling against the monsters and killing them.
Reaching the forest the smith supposedly lived in, was fast and uncomplicated, even a little too easy. His steps started to become slower and more careful when he felt eyes on him…
His hands began to curl as his body fell into a defensive stance. Something was studying him.
His eyes ran searched for any indication of a presence around them and his ear flicked around trying to find any sound that could help him locate a presence.
Even if he felt watched there was no raise of youki that indicated ill intention. “I know you’re there! Show yourself!”
No sound was made… then he noticed what was making the small hairs in the back of his neck stand… there was no sound. No animal moving, no bird singing, no leaves moving. Everything around them was immobile. Suddenly he became aware of the fast pace of his own heart.
“You are not welcome here. Leave!” A strange, cavernous, voice reverberated around the clearing.
Inuyasha answered with a menacing growl “I ain’t leavin!”
With the same calm and emotionless voice, the voice spoke again “There is nothing for you here, hanyou… leave!”
Before Inuyasha could answer, Myoga jumped to his ear “Master, I think it would be wiser to explain the reason why we’re here… maybe they know where he is.”
After a pause the hanyou gave a short huffed and shouted, “I am not leaving! I’m looking for the swordsmith!”
Something in the air changed, the animosity was instantaneous. “You will never find the swordsmith” said a new voice, an angry one.
Inuyasha readied his claws, ready for an attack that never came.
“I will not let you hurt anyone!” the voice shouted.
Inuyasha’s body started to relax “Who said I wanted to hurt someone?”
Something that looked like a cat youkai, but with a suspiciously fluffy tail appeared in front of him.  
“There is no one that need the swordsmith that doesn’t want to create something to hurt others!”
“You are fucking wrong!”
Inuyasha took a step towards the youkai. Immediately a few snake youkai slitheed their way between him and the cat-youkai, ready to attack.
Inuyasha took another step, this time baring his fangs “I’ll find the swordsmith! Even if I have to end you!”
The snakes hissed, and this time Inuyasha felt the raise of youki.
“Why do you need the swordsmith help?” a feminine voice asked so softly that for a moment Inuyasha wondered if he was hearing right.
But when everything around him stopped moving at the sound of the soft voice, he needed, for some strange reason, to answer the question.
“I-I need the swordsmith to fix my father’s sword…”
“And what will you do with the sword if the smith helps you?” said the soft voice again.
Many answers came to Inuyasha’s head. Should he answer something that a youkai would like to hear about fight and destruction of humankind? Should he talk about revenge? Without reaching a conscious decision, his words started to spill out of him. “I’ll use it to defend myself…”
He felt the presence before he saw it. The feeling of delicate calm power filled the clearing. The youkai in front of him turned their heads to the side, his eyes followed the direction and he saw her.
A petite woman, in priestess clothing, walking towards him, her black long flowy hair making a trail behind her.
His eyes were fixed on her, on her serious eyes, not losing contact even when the youkai moved to her side and said something to her. She only shook her head for an answer and kept walking.
When she reached him, her hands came forward. “let me see your sword”. She asked with the same soulful and calm tone.
He found himself handing his sword to her even when a voice inside his head roared in protest.
She received the sword with utmost care and closed her eyes. Her shoulders slumped and a tired shivering sigh escaped her lips.
She opened her eyes and looked at him with so much sorrow that he almost took a step back, but when tears started to fall from those eyes and her stare became a glare, he did took a step back.
“I can’t help you. I won’t let you hurt this sword as you’ve been doing.” she took one step closer, gave him the sword back and turn away. “you should leave this forest… there’s nothing here for you.”
Inuyasha blinked a couple of times as he tried to process what had happened. SHe had been rejected by whoever this people was.
“I won’t leave until I see the swordsmith!” he growled.
The cat youkai that had been following the woman turned to him and with a ‘puff’ he became a small red haired boy with the same fluffy tail.  He had a mischievous smile on his face as he declared “She was the swordsmith, moron.”
To be continued…
So this is the first chapter. The idea for this story has been sitting in my “undeveloped ideas” folder for months, easily more than a year. But as soon as I told Robin about it she became its No. 1 fan and it only seemed fair for me to give her this little-little chappie.
I hope you like it, it was a pleasure to write it.
For you that are a little lost on what’s actually happening. This is my AU about Inuyasha finding Kagome, in the same way that he found Kikyou on canon. The universe has many things different, yes, but this is for me the answer of “what would had happened if Kikyou had thought of Inuyasha as equals? if he had been able to see him the way Kagome did… XD hope you like it. 
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ohkinney · 8 years
What's so special about Justin that made Brian fall in love with him ?
Justin Taylor, my sunshine, my very persistent, romantic son who wants only to be loved and accepted, is a very very special character and close to my little heart.
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And Brian Kinney, my precious munchkin with a troubled past and who is afraid of love and commitment, is hopelessly in love with him.
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And actually, it makes perfect sense!!
Okay so, Brian meets Justin when he’s only seventeen. So VERY young. Brian takes his virginity and well, Justin becomes heavily infatuated with him. He’s asking when he can see Brian again and poor Justin doesn’t understand that he was (supposedly) only a one-night stand. Brian blatantly rejects him and that’s that.
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BUT WAIT!!! Apparently, Brian being cold to him didn’t work because he’s back again. Brian again, rejects him. This time, he’s saying a bunch of other things like he doesn’t believe in love, he believes in fucking etc. then Justin cries and drives away. Then that’s that, right Brian??
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NAH. He comes back for a third time! Michael sees him and tells Brian, “It’s Justin again!” and this time Brian says, “Leave him alone. He’s alright. In fact, he’s kinda sweet.”
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Hmmmmm strange. You’re supposed annoying stalker brat who was just a fuck is now “sweet”? And I almost forgot to mention, he apparently almost wore Brian out in 1x01? Wow, that’s weird. No one wears out Brian Kinney and Brian Kinney neveeeeer fucks the same trick more than once, let alone hangs out with them?
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Next, him and Justin interact once again in Babylon now and Justin steals the sexy men Brian’s dancing with. Brian gets jealous! Except he’s not jealous that someone stole his tricks, he’s jealous that they’re all over Justin because it’s now clear that he only wants Justin to himself! Justin is, after all, his stalker ;) So he then makes sure that Justin is dancing with him and only him and now he’s looking at him and he can’t help but smile because he’s impressed with him. He’s impressed because 1) He can sure as hell dance and2) He’s obviously pretty confident in himself to have the courage to do what he did.
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It’s now clear at this point that Justin isn’t like any of his other tricks. The fact that Brian even got to the point of remembering his name was already a sign. He obviously has some sort of feelings there for him. Why? He doesn’t know. Yet. All he knows is that there’s something about him that’s different. Something that sets him apart from his other one-night stands. He just can’t quite put his finger on it. At this point, he clearly finds Justin attractive and he likes him enough to be jealous when he sees other men fawning over him.
It’s obvious now that no matter how many times Brian tells Justin to fuck off!! He! just! isn’t! going! to! He’s always going to be there. Isn’t that strange? An incredibly sensitive seventeen year old is constantly being rejected and hurt and yet, he chooses to come back every time? He’s clearly got a lot of guts, especially for a guy his age.
Justin’s courage, however, is tested in 1x08 when his asshole father comes into the picture. His own father, is physically hurting Brian, the man he says he loves, right in front of him. Then his dad tells him he can either come home with him in that moment or never come home again. And in barely a few seconds he decides he’s never coming home with him ever again. If you ask me, I would say that’s pretty damn brave of him.
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And what does Brian do after this happens? He lets Justin stay with him. He could easily tell him to go away and let him deal with it himself but nope. He can’t do that. And when he sees later in the episode that his father was asking Justin to deny who he is, Brian doesn’t let Justin stay at that house. He tells Justin to go back with him.
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I’m skipping a few things now (I’m not going to get into Brian going to New York to find Justin bc this is already 50000 words) but eventually, Brian and Justin were able to banter and just act like a bunch of children with each other. That was another sign that Brian was becoming more and more comfortable with having Justin around. I think they just had this connection that Brian didn’t have with anyone else, ya know? It was something new and nice and he clearly liked it.
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It’s evident that he enjoys Justin’s company. He can be a sarcastic asshole to him but Justin could talk back and be just as sarcastic and sassy. And in 1x12, when he was depressed over Michael and turning down everyone that tried to hit on him, who did he go to? Justin. He asked him to come over and suddenly he was smiling like an idiot, despite everything that was going on.
Soooooo, so far we know Brian likes Justin because he’s attractive, he’s A+ in bed, he’s strong and brave despite his young age, he’s nice/fun to be around bc he’s just as much of a child as he is (except slightly more mature in some ways hahaha) and he is again, always there. He ain’t leavin’ no matter how cruel Brian is and Brian was beginning to understand that.
And then comes 1x15! A significant turning point!!! When Brian tells Melanie that Justin isn’t just “anyone”.
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Justin definitely snuck up on Brian. He didn’t know it because he was too busy denying it to himself and everyone around him but Justin became an important part of his life. His persistence and his bravery and his unconditional love for Brian slowly pulled Brian in. It was such a subtle development in season 1 but it was really well-done.
So what’s so special about Justin?Well, you have this really young boy who has some serious issues. With himself, with his father and then his love life. He was exposed to a kind of life way earlier than anyone is even supposed to. And Brian pushing him away didn’t really make things better for him. But Justin Taylor is not the kind of person to give up. No way. When he knows what he wants, he fights for it. He will not take any of your bullshit. Someone hurts someone he loves and cares about? He won’t take it. Brian’s never had that. He’s an asshole to most even the people he loves like Michael and Lindsay but they’re his family. Justin is different. Justin was not someone he met in high school or college and have been friends with ever since. He was supposed to be a one-night stand and nothing more. Which is why it was even more of a shock not just to Brian but EVERYONE that he was letting Justin in. He told Justin from the very beginning that he was just a fuck and yet, he still kept trying. Just when Brian thought there was only that small group of people who could almost put up with all his shit, Justin came along, put up with it and more. He showed him kindness and love like no one else. Justin also challenged him. And like I said before, I think Brian felt a connection with Justin that he didn’t have with anyone else.
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