#eventually he built me up enough for me to stand on my own n i learned to trust him n then he threw it all away for nothing
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 6 months
I really wish someone would tell me what to do
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jogetsobsessed · 6 months
Mud Puddles - Seth Clearwater
This is based on this request !! I had a lot of fun writing it, thank you so much to the anon who requested this! Also, I hit 100 followers, so yay! Thank you so much to everyone for being patient with me and my unreliable posting. I hope you all enjoy!
“Come on Y/N”, a squeaky voice called from ahead. 
You bounded through the countless mud puddles littering the Clearwaters property, the heavy raindrops soaking through your clothes. But you didn't care. 
You didn't care that the cold was reaching your bones or that the mud most likely had wrecked your favorite t-shirt. 
No, you simply were having the time of your life, chasing after your best friend, who was equally as dirty (if not dirtier) than you. 
It was some make-believe game that his older sister had taught the pair of you that had the two of you sliding all around the yard. Today marked the season's first “good” rain, turning the sizable lawn into your own slip-and-slide. 
The game went on for hours, each of you taking countless turns at being game leader, trekking through the wilderness, finding different treasures to take back to your shared treehouse, one that his father had built the two of you as a shared birthday gift years ago. 
Eventually, the chill did catch up to both of you, as you reluctantly marched back home, taking the time to jump in just a few more puddles. Once Seth had burst through his back door beckoning you to follow you were immediately stopped by his mother, who almost had a heart attack at the sight of him and you. 
Head-to-toe mud was caked on your bodies.
“Seth Clearwater and Y/N Y/L/N what on earth were you two thinking”, Sue screeched as she rushed off to find towels to attempt to clean you off enough for her to get you home. 
She was still yelling about how she couldn't believe the two of you managed to get that dirty in one afternoon and how you shouldn't be left unsupervised any longer. Leaving you and Seth standing in front of the sliding glass door, clothes dripping on the linoleum. You were focusing on the sound of your teeth chattering when you felt someone staring at you. 
Your gaze tracked to your left and you saw your best friend, teeth chattering and looking like a drowned rat staring back at you. As soon as he saw you looking back at him a wicked grin broke out on his face and he threw his head back, howling with laughter. 
Soon you joined him, laughing so hard that your cheeks started to hurt almost instantly. And there stood the two of you, ten years old, laughing until Sue came back in the room, accepting the towels she brought, and you happily agreed to stay for dinner. 
Life couldn't get any better, not when you lived in Forks, down the street from your best friend on the entire planet. 
The cruelness of reality caught up to you only a mere month later. 
When your parents sat you down after you had got ready for bed one night and explained that in just a couple weeks you were going to be leaving your childhood home, and the town that you loved. They did their best to try and explain how it was a smart economical decision for your family, your dad got a new high-paying job. Bribery was their main tactic, explaining that you were going to get to decorate your new bedroom and pick out some new toys and clothes for your new school. 
But it didn't matter. 
Because all you heard was that you were moving twenty hours away. 
Twenty hours away from your best friend. 
It was like your entire world was crumbling apart. The light from within was blown out. 
They promised that you would make new friends. 
But you didn't want to make new friends, not when you had the best one in the entire world. 
Rolling into town you truly had no plan. 
Your mom had heard from an old coworker of hers that the Clearwaters still live in the same house from your childhood. Sue and Harry had always been the type of people with an open-door policy, and you were hoping that their generosity still stood to this day. “You're always welcome in our home Y/N’, Sue had told you all those years ago when you ran to their home, tears streaming down your face after your parents told you about the move. You didn't need a place to stay, just someone to talk to and catch you up on everything from the last ten years. 
The turns in the road came to you naturally, it was like riding a bike, something you never truly forget. Crossing through Forks, turning left onto the reservation. And just like the drive through town, nothing had changed. 
And when you came upon the familiar gravel driveway you felt like you were ten years old again. 
Your hand was hovering over the faded green door, the peeling paint revealing the old shade of brown it used to be. 
Your thoughts were racing, what if Sue didn't recognize you, or thought it was weird you had just shown up out of the blue after all these years? Part of you wanted to turn around and haul ass back to San Diego, and just pretend that the past few days and this road trip didn't happen. 
But you knew that if you showed up back home so soon you would look like a complete fool to your parents and your friends. You came all this way for this moment. 
The sound of your knuckles rapping against the wood caused the sounds of someone moving about the kitchen to halt. Footsteps padding through the house were the next sound and you took a step back, preparing for whoever you were about to come face to face with. 
“Y/N?” a voice said, completely startled. 
“Sue!”, you mirrored, relieved to see the woman you once considered a second mom. She stared at you in shock before opening the storm door fully, ushering you inside, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. Laughing you hugged her back, breathing in her familiar smell of pine and fresh bread. She pulled away but kept you in her outstretched grasp admiring you. 
“I can not believe how grown up you are”, she fawned tears in her eyes. 
“A decade away will do that to yah”, you said laughing slightly. 
She ushered you through the house and into the kitchen. You sat on the barstool where she directed you, accepting the glass of water and a small plate of cookies she pushed in your direction. Comfortable silence fell over the two of you as she stood on the opposite side of the counter just gazing at the sight of you. 
Conversation flowed freely after you broke the silence, complimenting her on the cookies. 
You were in the middle of laughing at a story about Leah learning how to drive for the first time when the sound of the front door crashing open sounded through the house. Sue immediately rolled her eyes at the sound, muttering something inaudible under her breath. 
Heavy stomps bounded into the kitchen but came to a sudden stop. 
“Hey honey, we have a surprise visitor” 
Slowly you pushed yourself around on the stool, taking in the sight in front of you. 
Saying he was handsome was an understatement. 
He stood tall, his tan complexion glistening with sweat and his jaw dropped to the floor. Your smile was weak as you watched his eyes look you over from head to toe, drinking in the sight of you. 
His gaze drifted past you, looking at his mom who seemed to understand what was going on, even if you didn't. 
Sue left the room, sliding past you and slipping out the back door. Leaving just you and Seth in the kitchen. 
Slowly you slid off the stool and took a few steps towards him. As you approached a loud snort escaped you and you snapped your palm across your mouth trying to stifle your laughter. 
“What is so funny?”, he questioned cocking an eyebrow. 
Your laughter only got louder as you had to crane your neck back to meet his gaze. Confused he started to laugh a little too, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced down at you. 
“You were two inches shorter than me when I last saw you, that's what's so funny”. 
His laugh was full this time, finally understanding where yours was coming from. Now he stood what seemed to be eight to ten inches taller than you, definitely surpassing six feet. 
“I can't believe you're here, standing in my kitchen”, his voice was soft as if he didn't want to startle you, as if this was a dream. His hand slowly reached out towards yours. And when your two hands met you could have sworn you felt electricity. He coughed back another laugh, a nervous energy suddenly taking him over. 
You rubbed your thumb over his unnaturally warm hand as you met his gaze again, giggling before you threw your hands around his neck. He faltered for a second before he wrapped his arms around your waist lifting you and tilting you around slightly. You squealed, caught off guard by the gesture, tightening your grip on him. 
Seth sat you down and continued to stare at you, watching every slight movement you took, almost like he was afraid you would disappear. Tugging him towards the living room, the two of you sat on opposite ends of the loveseat, tucking your legs into your chest so you could turn and fully face him. 
You wanted to know everything about him. Every detail about the past ten years of his life. Because even though it had been almost that long since the two of you had an actual conversation you still felt drawn to him. Like no time had passed at all. Looking at him behind the new adult body you still saw the ten-year-old that you had once loved. 
Seth knew. 
He knew from the moment that you turned around. 
You were his person. 
The imprint bond was just like everyone, all his brothers had explained it. 
Suddenly Y/N was his reason for existing. 
The same girl that he had been having dreams about since he was a child, the same girl who he had pined after, breaking down in secret whenever she got brought up in conversation. The same girl who had been missing for over half his life. 
He had been able to communicate it with Sue by just the look in his eyes, and he was grateful she had gotten the hint and left the room. This was something that he needed to process with as few eyes on him as possible. 
You were none the wiser, simply laughing about the reversed height difference the two of you now shared. Why would you know, you hadn't been around when Seth phased for the first time or experienced the hellish year that followed the Cullen's returning from their short time away from Forks. 
And he was glad. You had been kept safe, far away from the danger that the supernatural world possessed. 
Seth wanted to tell you, he wanted to tell everyone. Something deep inside of him was telling him to jump up and scream it from the rooftops, you were his imprint. 
But he knew he couldn't. At least not right now. 
You didn't have the slightest clue about anything supernatural, so he certainly couldn't start by telling you that the two of you were meant to be together. That the two of you were going to be tied together for the rest of your lives. 
So for now, he didn't. 
For now, he relished in your company, listening intently as you told him about your life. About everything he had missed during your absence from Forks. 
And he was content, someday you would know. But not today. 
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asnowfern · 11 months
Dancing with the world in my hands
Summary: Nesta introduces the Symphonia to her daughter and naturally, they have a dance party.
WC: 1k
Read on AO3
A/N: Just a little fluff to beat away the Monday blues💕
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The house is quiet.
Nesta snaps her head up from her page at the realisation, taking note of the page number. She has read nearly an entire chapter in the time Alea has been doodling abstract colours on a drawing pad.
To her chagrin, three year old Alea is not at the little drawing desk her father had painstakingly built for her. Her crayons and colour pencils lie haphazardly on the pad and surrounding floor but the girl in question is nowhere to be seen.
And the house is still too quiet.
“Alea?” Nesta calls out cautiously, pointed ears strain for a hint of sound the kid is bound to make.
Nesta stands, catching the knitted fabric just before the blanket fully slides to the ground. “Alea?” She summons a little louder this time.
Still nothing.
“A little help here?” She mutters to the ceiling - the ace in her sleeve.
Her reading light blinks rhythmically at the Valkyrie almost in faint amusement. Find her yourself.
Nesta clicks her tongue and grumbles, “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
The window opens a crack, just enough to let in a gust of wind. It whips at her face and teases the stray strands just enough so that it tickles her face. The equivalent of the House blowing a raspberry.
With a huff, Nesta marks her page and drops the book on the side table. She makes her way down the corridor leading to the bedrooms, snorting at how the faelights lining the walls twinkle in jest.
A tussle in her room captures her attention. An assortment of her items surround her daughter like a ritualistic circle. The fae in question has her face scrunched up in concentration, her lips pursed and her wings tucked in tightly. She looks down at the spherical object that Alea holds in her chubby hands and her stomach nearly drops.
Quick to rein in her temper before it slips out, Nesta chides, “Alea! What did I say about messing with our stuff?”
Alea looks up at her, completely unrepentant. Instead, her face splits into a white smile. “Mama!” Stubby legs thud excitedly across the wooden floorboards. She holds up the orb, “What’s this?”
Nesta feels the smile curving up her lips as she takes hold of her precious object, saying gently but firmly, “This is a Symphonia and you need to be very careful with it because this is a very important present papa gave me.” She taps the top, watching beautiful hazel eyes sparkle as music fills the room.
“Music!” She exclaims, clapping little hands in joy.
Nesta switches around in search for a more upbeat tune. She and Cassian had recorded many songs over the years as they travelled around Prythian and even the occasional continent. Eventually, she landed on a cheerful tune from the Summer Court.
“What about this?” She asks fondly.
Alea’s head bobs slowly, her hips starting to sway side to side to the beat of the music.
“Dance” Nesta explains, taking her daughter’s hands into her own. Her own hips too begin to sway along.
“Dance!” The little fae repeats cheerfully. She twirls and hops and eventually falls out of rhythm. Not that it matters, not when her wings flap excitedly and joyful laughter echoes throughout the room.
Her wings dip slightly when the song ends and another more serious tune begins. Her brows crease in response, “Another?”
Nesta taps the top a couple more times, cycling through the songs until a familiar baritone voice comes on.
“Papa!” Her daughter scrambles up from where she had been rolling around. She leans over the musical device, her eyes round and bright in wonder.
Cassian’s voice carries the Illyrian lyrics, every flex of intonation soothes the soul. He is joined by a single drum which steadily grows into a full ensemble of percussion and female chorusing. If Nesta closes her eyes, she could almost imagine the roaring fire and the communal energy swirling through the air.
A soft weight leans against her front. Alea’s face is filled with wondrous amazement as she switches her weight from one leg to the other, her head bobbing along.
Nesta feels as if her heart could combust in that very moment. Giving into the urge, she sweeps her daughter into her arms and squeezes her into a tight hug.
“Mama” Alea complains, wriggling her way out of the embrace to demand, “Dance!”
They repeat the song for at least another five more times before another gust of wind blows through the room. It lights up the golden thread winding through her chest with shimmering warmth. Cassian steps through the room to receive a face full of flapping mini wings. He spins his daughter around, inciting delightful giggles.
“What is this?” He asks as he lowers Alea to the ground, who promptly launches back into her own dance.
She quirks a brow, “You tell me”
Cassian clears his throat, looking slightly embarrassed as he registers the familiar tune. “Ah”
Nesta says nothing and chooses to wait instead. Her mate huffs slightly. His eyes shift downwards to the blaring Symphonia and his face softens, “My mum used to sing this to me. We never had drums or a chorus to sing with but…”
He trails off, “When I came across the females singing them in their community tent the other day and,” hazel eyes are bright when he meets her gaze, “I just had to record it.”
Nesta crosses to her mate in a heartbeat, enveloping him in a hug. She breathes in the comforting scent as strong arms circle snugly around her waist.
She leans to capture his lips into a chaste kiss. She says softly, “It’s beautiful”
The strong cut lines pull into a teary smile.
“Yeah, it is.” He breathes, leaning in to slot his lips against hers once again-
“Papa!” An insistent hand tugs on his pants. Their daughter’s face is set in a pout. “Stop!” She decrees.
The two of them laugh as Cassian lowers to a squat. “Okay. Papa stop.” He agrees.
“Dance!” Their daughter, the little princess of their life, grabs one parent on each hand and begins twirling around - just for the song to end.
“Again!” She demands, and they do. With her world in her arms, Nesta dances.
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Kinktober Day 15
TaeKook - Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation, dry humping, oral, fingering, Noona
"I've waited so long for this Noona." Jungkook moans into your ear as he bites at your earlobe.
"Can't wait to get you naked Noona." Taehyung adds, arms encircling your waist from behind.
"Going to fuck you so good." The maknae adds, making a big show of the night ahead of you.
The two men walk you back to the bed, Teahyung leans back and pulls you into his lap as Jungkook crawls over the two of you, unwilling to take his lips away from your skin for a second. Your head lulls over the older man's shoulder as Jungkook's tongue traces down your neck, small kisses and sharp bites left in his wake. You can feel the pair through their jeans, each one obviously straining to be freed from the fabric confines, but neither willing to let go of you long enough to relieve themselves.
"So pretty," Jungkook mumbles as he travels down your body.
"Can you take us both together Y/N?" Taehyung asks.
"I can take anything you're willing to give me." You confirm 
Taehyung's fingers play with the buttons of your shirt, obviously pleased each time one of the unseen obstacles pops open.  Jungkooks teeth drag down the zipper on your fly, as his fingers hook through the belt loops to pull them down over your hips. He kisses down your thigh as he removes your bottoms, kissing his way back up the other side. He stops at your pussy, taking a deep breath before diving in. He licks a long stripe along the middle as Tae finally frees you from your bra.  
You grind back into Taehyung as Jungkook flicks your clit with his tongue. Taehyung grinds back hard, playing with your nipples to the same rhythm of each thrust. You whine as he pinches hard, only to soothe the aching buds with soft strokes by his thumbs. 
Jungkook groans as he tastes you. One hand meets his mouth in the middle as he pushes two fingers inside of you. The other hand disappears inside his pants, pulling gently to receive some of the built-up pressure. 
Both men try to focus on you, but they can't stop themselves from finding friction of their own. 
Jungkook pulls your legs up over his shoulders to give himself better access while also moving closer to the edge of the bed so he can rub up against the corner. He moves against the bed in time to the flicks of his tongue and thrust of his fingers, The poor man reaches his climax before he even realises that he was working towards it.  His tongue falters, and his fingers go stiff just as you're about to cum for him. As you look down at him, he looks like a deer caught in headlights.
In the meantime, Taehyung seems to have forgotten where he is. He chases his own high rocking against your leg while biting into your shoulder. His hands playing with your breasts more idly now, massaging more than teasing as he joins his bandmate in cumming far sooner than you would've liked.
"I thought I was promised the night of my life here..." you pout.
"I've got more than one in the chamber Noona, it's not my fault your just too hot." Taehyung pants in your ear. 
Jungkook nods in agreement before going back to eating you out. The younger man goes back in like his life depends on it. He sucks hard on your clit as two fingers flick inside of you in a come hither motion that reaches all the right places. Taehyung's hands roam your upper body, playing with you as he nibbles and kisses your shoulders and neck leaving tiny bruises behind. 
It takes no time at all for your orgasm to rebuild. You cum hard into Jungkook's mouth but he doesn't stop, lapping until he is fully satisfied. Eventually, he stands back to admire the oversensitive grimace on your face.
"Sure you can handle more than one round?" He grins cockily.
"I will take as many rounds as you've got." You make grabby hands for him to come back to the two of you on the bed.
The Maknae makes quick work of his soiled jeans and rushes to pull you from Taehyung so he can be underneath for a while.
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lykaios2 · 1 year
Hiiii! I’m KINDA new to tumblr and I love mutant mayhem! So I was wondering ing you could do mutant mayhem boys with an a lil sister who has autism and gets bullied but reader thinks it their joking, like how they joke around with her?
Leo: Ur friends Are bullying you-
Raph: THE FYM “NUH UH”?!
thanks :)
autism is so silly
sometimes I think about the one time I told my dad that I might be autistic, to which he proceeded to say "eh, I don't know, I don't really see it in you" then I took two separate online tests and they both said I was highly likely
anyway enough about me because who wants to hear me rant about myself
whenever I do hcs I do this weird thing where I write the same situation 4 times in a row and then just tweak it a little bit so it doesn't look like the same thing and then just put the characters in the situation and make them do what I think they'd do but I'm gonna shut up now so
here you go! hope you enjoy ❤️
-Leo isn't the best at dealing with bullies
-He still hasn't quite built up that confidence yet
-But if he were to ever see you getting bullied, he would stand up for you
-One day Leo's walking through the halls
-He spots you hanging out with your friends
-He stays and watches for a minute because he's glad to see you getting along with people
-But he slowly starts to tune in to what they're actually saying to you
-And he realizes that they're not getting along with you, they're bullying you
-He really wants to help, but he's never dealt with a bully before
-But for his sister, he could get over it
-He walks over to where you and starts trying to defend you
-He's so nervous, his voice is shaking a little
-You don't understand what he's doing, but he explains to you that they're not being nice
-Eventually the bullies leave, and you thank him for being so brave and standing up to them
-Which makes him very happy
-Raph is absolutely one to start insulting them back
-If you're gonna talk smack about his sister, he's gonna talk smack about you
-One day, Raph drops you off with your friends, then meets up with his friends not too far away
-He occasionally looks your way to check on you
-But one time when he looks over at you, he notices all of your friends pointing and laughing
-It wouldn't set him off normally, but he saw they were pointing and laughing at you
-He paused him conversation and quickly made his way over to you
-You turned around as everyone's attention turned to the approaching figure
-Without hesitation he started going off on them
-Throwing out every insult he could come up with in his fit of rage
-One of them even started crying
-After he was done with them, he turned to you to make sure you were okay
-You were just confused
-You asked why he got so mad, and he starts yelling about how they were actually insulting you
-After he calms down, he brings you over to his friends and tells you to not hang out with those people again
-Mikey would try and resolve the situation peacefully
-He tries to tell people that it's not cool to bully others
-You take Mikey one day to meet your friends
-He knows you're not the best with people
-So he's excited to see that you've made friends on your own
-He introduces himself and starts getting along
-His sense of humor is good and he makes a lot of jokes
-But he starts to notice that a lot of the jokes get turned towards you
-He stops laughing when the jokes are made about you
-He tries telling your "friends" to knock it off
-They don't listen, so Mikey eventually starts lecturing them about their rude jokes
-They try to convince you that they weren't being genuine
-But Mikey pointed out to you that they were being a lot more mean than him or his brothers ever were
-They got fed up and walked away, claiming that Mikey was "being a buzzkill" and "should learn to lighten up"
-But you just thanked him for helping you
-Donnie has seen tons of TV and movies
-So he knows exactly what it's like when people get bullied
-And he likes to cut the problem off at the source
-One time he saw you hanging out with some people
-They were laughing and smiling, but then he started to listen in
-And he immediately recognized that they were laughing at you
-He walked over and grabbed your arm, trying to lead you away
-Confused, you asked what was happening
-He quickly made up some excuse to get you away before leaving
-After a minute, he turned around and apologized for taking you
-But he also told you that you were being bullied, and they weren't joking around like the turtles do
-He didn't want it to escalate and get your feelings hurt
-Because he's seen how bad bullying can get, and what it can do to people
-And he wouldn't ever want that for you
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spookypete-94 · 1 year
Beastie: chapter #6 GhostXFem!reader
Slow burn, following MW2 storyline, eventually branching into my own. Warning for canon COD violence and language
This chapter is much longer then the others! You were warned! But I will not be posting the next 2 days. Word count 4,735.
part 5.
part 4.
part 3.
part 2.
part 1.
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Alejandro had sent someone into town try to find anything they could on El Sin Nombre that would be useful. It was someone he had that was playing both sides. They had gained trust with the cartel and El Sin Nombre while giving that information to Alejandro.
Alejandro had called for a meeting on a rooftop of a building in front of the safe house that he already knew of.
"My source told me that they are all gathering here tonight."
Soap was looking through at the house with binoculars.
"La casa of El Sin Nombre?"
"No, one of his lieutenants. My sources tell me all the VIPs in Las Almas will be there tonight. Some are invited... some are..," Alejandro's words drifted off to help imply.
"Volun-told?" Asked Graves.
"What's the meet about?"
"Us." He said in Spanish. "Las Almas is burning, and they want to know who lit the fire. But like all of their gatherings, it'll have drugs, women, and guns I'm sure." This is where the conversation shifted. Alejandro turned to face Y/N now who had been standing behind them all while they scoped out the safe house that looked to be built like a fortress. The others saw the shift in the conversation, turning to follow him as well to see what his plan was.
"Sin Nombre will be there, yeah?" Ghost asked to confirm.
"No guarantees, but this is our best shot for now."
"Then we take it, I have enough Shadows here to take over the whole damn country." Graves cockily said, hands strapped through the shoulders of his vest.
"I'd prefer if you didn't" Alejandro said shortly, reminding Graves that he is to help in this situation, not take over.
"Just sayin', one house shouldn't be a problem."
"We need Sin Nombre alive," Ghost said, again shutting down Graves.
"Well... we need to meet him."
"How?" asked Soap.
"Give them what they want, Intel." Graves stated matter-of-factly. "They wanna know who's here? Let's tell 'em."
"My source tells me there is a group of escorts that will be brought in around 2200," Alejandro said looking at Y/N. Her eyes narrowed at the Colonel. She didn't like where this was going.
"Why does that matter?" She asked him arms crossing staring him down. Say it shit head, she thought in her head knowing exactly where this was going.
"We could get you in that group and into the gathering to be a set of eyes and ears that way. I will find a way in as well."
"I'll go too." Soap said, knowing the conversation was about to turn heated.
"You want me to pretend to be a fucking escort." She said to him, the ending of it was supposed to sound like a question, but it came out as a statement. Accusatory.
"Well... yeah. I think the more we can get inside this gathering for eyes and ears, the more helpful it would be to breach the inside when the time comes."
"I'll go." repeated Soap trying to defuse the situation further. His second attempt.
"You want to send me into the lions den, no weapons to defend myself... as a fucking escort," she repeated. "Alejandro I respect the hell out of you, but there is no way I'm doing that."
"I'll go," Soap said for the third time.
"They wanna know who's here, let's tell them in person." Graves said next splitting up the discussion that he clearly was finding interesting now.
"In person?" Alejandro asked not following what he was meaning wanting him to elaborate.
"We get one of us inside, find the boss, and roll him up."
"I'll do it," Soap for the fourth and final time.
"You go in there, and they'll kill you hermano."
Like they wouldn't to kill me? Or... she shuddered at the other thought of what could happen as an escort.
"Think you should go." Ghost said over to her from across his shoulder while Alejandro, Soap and Graves discussed their ideas together.
"You can't be serious," she said back to him.
"I'll make sure you're armed, I'll find a way for you to communicate and I'll take overwatch. I won't let them touch you. It'll be nice to have someone inside in case things go south and Johnny needs help."
Her face was one of mortification. "I'm not made to be a spy, I'm made to be a soldier."
"You can do it, " his tone getting annoyed, "you will do it."
"I don't take orders from you," she scoffed, surprised by his change of words.
"One simple phone call, and I'll tell Laswell to tell you to do it." he challenged. She rolled her eyes.
"Fine." she glowered to him.
Alejandro finished up his conversation with Soap telling him he had balls, confirming he would be sent in.
"It's settled then, I'll take overwatch, shadow circles the target in a helo."
"Roger that, they are going to want proof." Graves ripped off a patch. "Show them this." He handed it to Soap. Y/N still stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, annoyed with the whole situation.
"All right, lets get after it." Graves said dismissing the meeting.
Soap caught up with her, jogging as he did to try to match her fast and heated pace. "I'm sorry Lass, I tried."
"It's fine," she said shortly.
"I know you don't want to, but your brave for still going. I'm just telling myself that we came to stop a missile. I need to do what I can."
She glanced up at him. How did he seem to know how to calm her down? This is the second time he had managed to do so. His outlook on this helped her see through her red haze of being forced to do this. "I'm sorry, Soap. You're brave... or crazy for volunteering to go in there. I'm not sure which."
" 'Ey, I'll do what is needed." He said trying to down play it.
Graves got into a vehicle to head to the aircraft for his own preparations.
Alejandro got into the drivers side, Ghost the passenger seat, leaving Soap and Y/N in the back seat. She tried to make herself small, still pissed with how Ghost had spoke to her. She felt like a new recruit all over again taking orders. Alejandro was looking at her in the rear view mirror, trying to make eye contact for any sort of idea of how she was feeling or what she was thinking. She could tell he was, but paid no mind.
Once they arrived at base, Alejandro finally spoke. "Y/N, come with me." After a big huff to calm herself, she closed the door of the vehicle, following quickly to stay with Alejandro's stride. She knew Ghost was watching her, but she refused to look at him.
"Thank you," Alejandro said over his shoulder to her.
"Don't mention it," she said flatly, she was trying to not be disrespectful but was far from comfortable doing this.
"The one who is my source, she has a dress you can use. I believe it'll fit."
"Your source is a woman? Why can't she go?"
"She's already had contact with some of the ones who will be at this gathering, I can't risk her too with the chance of being recognized. I wouldn't ask this of you if I had a different option. I'm grateful you are doing it, thank you."
She nodded, done talking ready to just get this done with. Alejandro introduced her to his source, her name Isabella. The source advised her where to meet with the other girls, it was west of the other side of the building near a pool, opposite of where Soap would be entering.
"I don't think anyone will notice an extra, men don't pay attention to quantity as much as they do quality," the girl joked with her, earning a small dark smile from Y/N.
Isabella presented her with a black lace dress, that ironically fit her like a glove even though it wasn't originally bought for her.
"Beautiful," Isabella said as she zipped up the back of the dress. Y/N pulled on a pair of opened toe black heeled boots that Isabella had also given her. Her hair had been twisted up quickly, in a messy hair pin. If anything I can use the hairpin to stab someone in the eye if needed.... she thought to herself
Isabella placed a hand on her arm, tracing up the black and white tattoos on her left arm and then on down her colorful right arm. "These make you look like you could be a killer though."
"Little late, they are going to have to come with." Y/N said, tongue curt being a smart ass.
"You will blend in regardless." Isabella placed some make up on Y/N face.
Y/N exited the room she had been given with Isabella to get ready.
"Steamin' Jesus," Soap said upon seeing Y/N. It was admiration that's for sure. Y/N wasn't in the mood for it.
"Not a fucking word." She said to both him and Ghost as she walked by. Her only warning she was going to give. She refused to make eye contact still. Her mind kept thinking over and over in hear head that she looked like a hooker.
They climbed back into the truck. Soap was in more normal clothes to appear to look like a regular civilian, she was sure he also didn't have any weapons on him self as well. Ghost had a sniper rifle with him resting against his knee.
"You look nice," Soap said over to her trying to make her feel better. She nodded to him, not saying anything. She instead looked out the window.
They arrived close enough to all recon to their locations. Ghost going to head up a large hill to be able to watch, Alejandro heading towards the house to find a way in, and Soap would stay with the vehicle.
"You do look nice. Didn't realize you were tattooed," Ghost said to her as she shut the door on the vehicle. Once more, she chose silence.
"Here," Ghost said breaking the dead air he had given her so she could speak if she had chose to. It was a small knife, maybe 2 inches long at the most. "I would hide it here," he said tapping on his own sternum.
"Between my breasts?" she quickly quipped, irritation and sarcasm still dripping from her words. Oh how she enjoyed being a smart ass tonight. She knew what he meant, but clearly looked for a reason to be difficult with him.
"Yes." he said bluntly, nearly dead panning, "the sheath has a clip that should be able to hook to the inside. "Put this in you ear once you're on the inside,"
he said handing her a small earbud, "its not an actual radio, but you should be able to communicate with me at least."
"Phenomenal," she said dryly, taking the items and walking past him, side stepping aggressively as she did.
"Hey," he said louder to her, making her stop and look at him. "It's guna' be ok."
This did something to her... it was his way of showing concern to her and she was being an absolute bitch. She felt guilt now.
Her eyes locked with him briefly before she broke eye contact, giving him a nod of acknowledgment and the cold shoulder all at once. She turned on her heel and headed towards the meeting point of the other escorts. She slipped the knife between the valley of her breasts, hooking it into the lace of the dress.
Finally, she saw a gaggle of girls heading up to the building. As she got closer, the building looked like a damn modern day castle to her. Tall, large with many floors, most open with glass. Least that should benefit Ghost. She joined the group, choosing to blend in. There was about 15 total, making her feel more confident in Isabella thinking she could mingle in with them.
The group of girls stood outside the fence as they waited for either for them to open or someone come get them. Y/N finally saw two guards approaching.
"Ladies!" they yelled greeting them, making a few of the girls wave and yell back. Y/N's heart was pounding, trying her hardest to appear calm and that she fit in... in a place she most definitely did not.
The gates open, no pat down or bag checks happening on any of them... She could of came better armed.
All at once, she realized she was exposed on the left outer flank of the group. "Senorita," one of the guards said to her, finger trailing her arm. "Look at you," he whistled, "You like pain do ya'?" He asked referring to her tattoos. She gave a hesitant smile, trying to mask that she wanted to break his hand, giving any attempt to act docile and feminine. Her pace quickened as she tried to stay with the group of girls so she had some sort of sense of security.
Little did you know Ghost saw the whole thing, trying his best at not picking the guard off. Disliking that his hand lingered on you that long.
He radioed out to the others you were in since you were unable to communicate with them.
Y/N was finally inside a large room where mingling seem to begin. She attempted to break away, finding what looked like a bathroom. There she placed the earbud in her ear, hiding it with a large piece of her hair, and turned it on.
"Beastie to Ghost," she called out.
"Make it in ok?"
"So much for not letting them touch me," her voice covered with disgust, shivering as she thought about the guards touch.
"I saw, was hard for me to not take him out right there."
She took that as a compliment, stashing it in her ego.
"Soap get in alright?"
"He did, just shortly after you. Sounds like they are going to take him down below."
"They haven't yet? Do I try to meet up with him?"
"Think you can move through the house without getting caught?"
"Most definitely, all of them seem.... distracted none the less." This caused a break in Ghost's radio traffic telling her he had found it amusing.
"Don't let them get distracted by you either." His tone low.
"What do you mean by that?" Her tone playful, again playing dumb with him. Opposite of his.
"You're stunning."
She stopped, her eyes wide, breathing hitched. She was not expecting something so bold from him.
"Are you flirting with me?" She asked finally finding her voice.
"Take it however you need to."
That bastard.
Now he was back his distant self. Still, this caused her to chuckle and shake her head. She left the bathroom, seeing another door that lead into the hallway. No guards, she thought to herself seeing as they were all busy talking to or looking at the other company she arrived with.
Quickly, Y/N power walked to the door into the hallway. Heading to the right knowing it would take her further into the residence towards the front where Soap would of entered. Taking her time, she slipped in between doorways and furniture when she would hear people get close. There, shortly after she saw Soap being taken into an elevator.
"I see him," she said quietly to Ghost.
"Good. His status?"
"Alive and well," the light of the elevator showing they were indeed heading to the floor below.
"Good, Alejandro was with him, not sure where he went."
''Can you tell if there is stairs nearby?" She asked worried she was going to lose her proximity to Soap.
"Keep headin' right, look to be a set that go the entire way up and down of the house."
"Who need's a fucking house this big?"
"A Cartel Lieutenant, come on Beastie, don't be so daft."
"Oh you're funny now too huh?"
"I'm funny all the time."
She had found the stairs and flipped off the direction Ghost would of been.
"Well hello to you too." Signifying he had seen her and her message for him.
She stood in the stairwell for a bit, before taking the chance to try to be quiet and sneak to where Soap was. Voices could be heard... one that of woman. The hallways she moved in was long, built with stone. No one seemed to be around, making her feel a bit braver heading towards the voices. She stopped when she could see two men packing what looked to be cocaine.
A gunshot was shortly heard, making her blood run cold. Y/N stood still trying to decide what had just happened. Next she could hear the door at the end of the hall opening and footsteps approaching.
Fuck, she thought turning and hightailing it back to the stairwell. Carefully, she peeked an eye around the corner as she would if she was clearing a room, sure she had no gun, but she knew how to not be seen.
There she saw a woman leading a man that was pushing Soap. She wanted to sigh, grateful that gunshot wasn't meant for him. The elevator doors closed, and then it dinged telling her it was moving. She ducked out of the stairwell looking at the top of the elevator, seeing that all the floors were lit up... She didn't know where he was going.
"Ghost," she quietly called out.
"You alright? Heard that gunshot," the fact that they had been silent for so long nearly killing him after hearing it.
"I'm fine, so is Soap. Bag is off his head, he is with a woman and man with terrible fashion taste. All the lights on the floors of the elevator are on so I don't know where they are going," she said moving up the stairwell again.
Ghost was bouncing back and forth radio frequencies, and trying to locate the others through the glass. She started moving faster, at the top of the first floor.
"He's on first floor with Alejandro. The man with the terrible fashion taste," Ghost said to her as he was leading up to something else he was going to say.
"Go on," Y/N said waiting, following Soap and Alejandro as they all moved around on the first floor.
"His name is Diego. He has a key card for El Sin Nombre, think you can get it from him?"
"Where is he?"
"Second floor on the ofrenda."
"On it," she said heading back to the stairwell to get to the second floor.
A couple guards taking their post and moving down the hall altered her. She held her breath letting them move past her while she hid on other side of the wall. Then she opened the door and snuck into where Diego was standing.
"Well, what do we have here?" He asked him seeing her enter the room.
Fuck, she thought to herself for the second time tonight.
"Are you lost, chica?" he asked approaching her.
"Was sent up here to you," she lied trying to find a way through this.
"By who?"
"Not sure, was just told to come find you, the guards helped me." She said trying to sound sweet and innocent.
Diego stalked her, making her feel dirty under her black dress. He stood before her, his smile menacing.
"So little," he said in Spanish. "Whores aren't allowed up here, but I bet you're so tight I'll make the exception." Her heart hit the bottom of her stomach. His hand was reaching to play with her hair, making her heart beat faster. He was going to see her earpiece. By the twist in his face, she knew he did. He reached for his holstered gun. Her hands reached into the dip of her chest, pulling the knife out and ramming into his throat before he could get his gun out.
His face was shocked, hands running up to his throat, blood pouring out onto her hands. She pushed harder into his neck, grunting as she did, his body falling to the ground. Pulling the knife out, she stabbed him in the neck on the other side of where she just had to be sure he was dead.
"Beastie, you alright?"
"Thank you for that knife. Diego is down."
"Good girl," his voice rumbling with pride.
Oh, God. She thought intently. What was it going to take for him to say that to her again. Y/N search Diego's pockets, finally finding the key card everyone was looking for.
"You want to buy a house in Las Almas? Just so you know... the home owner did die in it so I'm sure you'll get it for a hell of a deal."
There was no break in the traffic this time, she heard the low chuckle he had. "You're dark sweetheart."
Jesus Christ. That's all it took? Some dark humor? She'd write that down so she would remember.
"Got your key card," she said wiping her hands and the card on the rug getting rid of Diego's blood.
"Soap is waiting at the bottom of the deck, get it to him," Ghost grumbled. Silently, she moved around the corner and outside, seeing Soap, she carefully dropped the key card off the veranda to him. She hung off the side, giving Ghost a good look at her.
"Good job, Beastie," Soap said smiling at her as he caught the card heading around.
"Get to the roof," Ghost told her. Soap already sprinting in the direction of the elevator.
Her blood ran cold from yelling. Diego's body had been found. She glanced up at the direction Ghost would be, quietly thinking about what she was going to do.
Her hands gripped the side of the deck she threw the keycard down. She could jump, or try to get to the elevator or stairs on the floor she was on. More then likely they were already crawling on the floor below her too. She looked up. That was the last level above her, above that was the roof. That's where she needed to be. She started to climb the oferanda that was above her, getting her closer to where she needed to be.
"Cheeky girl." He muttered to her.
She couldn't pay attention to it this time, too busy pulling herself up.
"Puttin' on quite the show."
Y/N snorted, she was sure she looked fucking ridiculous in the black boots and black dress, scaling the side of the building. With her strength she hoisted herself up and inside, this level sounding less chaotic already.
"Wish I'd of grabbed a gun."
"My knife not good any more for ye'?"
"Think I might need more then that."
"Got you covered for now. Go find Soap and Alejandro."
Carefully she rounded the corner, finding Soap and Alejandro in front of two double doors.
"Beastie." Soap said whispering to her, handing her a pistol he found.
"Did you tell him to give me a gun?"
"Told you I had you covered."
She smiled.
Soap and Alejandro had a camera under the door, Soap watching and listening. Y/N chose to provide security and coverage in case anyone came in.
"No fucking way," Soap whispered
"What is it?" She turned her head to the side to listen to their conversation.
"The sicaria I met is El Sin Nombre. Valeria."
"Valeria. You sure hermano?"
"Graves, were moving in." Alejandro said into his mask.
Y/N raised her gun prepared to clear the room as Soap opened the double doors.
Quickly she dropped two before taking cover and letting them fire in return. Soap leaned around the corner and took the other out allowing them to head out towards the roof.
Graves was already there, the helo approaching giving her commands. Finally she dropped to her knees, letting Soap cuff her. She stood back under the awning let it all pan out.
Once she saw them boarding the helo, Y/N turned and started to head down and out. The helo was way too crowded for her liking and someone needed to get the truck back anyway.
She tried to be mindful, but the house seemed vacant, everyone dispersing after the helo moved in along with the rest of the Shadows.
"What are you doing Beastie?" Ghost asked.
"You didn't go back with them?"
"No, saw you go inside, told them to get her out. What are you doing?"
"Heading for the truck."
"I'll meet you out front."
Her eyebrows raised, she really figured Ghost would make them come get him. But sure as shit, there he was not far off from the residence waiting for her.
He pulled forward, saving it so she didn't have to walk so far. Opening the door, she plopped into the passenger seat, and groaned. She was exhausted.
"You did good." His eyes were on the road, speeding through town back to the base where she was being held.
"Thanks." she muttered quietly. "Thanks for the help."
"I didn't have to help you. You did fine."
"You navigated me. Gave me the knife."
"You'd of managed."
So he was back to this... Chatty on comms and quiet out of work. She looked out the window, hand already on the door handle seeing the helo getting ready to land in front of the trailer Valeria would be kept in.
Y/N and Ghost both watched it land, El Sin Nombre getting out on her own accord, following Graves and Alejandro to the trailer. Y/N opened the door on the trailer so they could all enter.
"Have whores doing your work now too?" Valeria asked Alejandro as she glanced Y/N up and down.
"Watch your fucking mouth," Y/N warned.
Valeria was stunned needless to say Y/N spoke Spanish to her, and that she was brave enough to threaten her.
"Such a pretty girl with a courageous mouth. Covered in blood with all those tattoos." She cooed and made a tck noise like it was a disappointment to her. "Should come to my side, I won't make you work like these pigs do."
The men's attention bounced back and forth watching the two females verbally spar with each other like it was a tennis match.
"I don't think you are in much position to be offering anything right now. I'd shut the fuck up and listen if I were you."
Y/N could tell Ghost was impressed from the short snort of air he released out, satisfied with her answer to Valeria seeming as it did in fact shut her up for the time being.
Graves began asking questions making Y/N learn that Valeria and Alejandro knew each other from being in the Mexican Army together. Valeria continuously running her mouth to the poor Colonel. Valeria had betrayed Alejandro and his men...
It went back and forth for awhile. Ghost seemingly tired of the deflection Valeria was giving.
"You're a narco harboring a terrorist."
"Terrorism is good for business. It is insurance."
It was here where Y/N was starting to understand. If there is terrorism going on, no one pays attention to the drug running. Alejandro had not caught on, asking her what that even meant.
It was here Valeria started yelling at him, making Y/N patience snap. She went to step forward, Ghost's arm coming out to stop her. Graves reached around and pushed Valeria back into her chair, making her stop yelling. "As long as there is a war on terror, there will be no real war on drugs. To find your so called terrorist and your missiles, you need me." She said smugly. And then she mocked Alejandro, "To prevent bloodshed."
"Fucking cunt," Y/N said quietly, more for herself. Ghost looking at her out the corner of his eye, a warning.
"I'm not doing this," Alejandro said.
"Doesn't change anything." Soap countered.
"It changes everything! Fuck! Don't make a deal with her, it won't end well." He turned to leave, upset and angry.
Y/N used this to leave as well, tired of having to keep her temper in check. She would call Laswell and notify her what had happened.
"Good bye pretty girl!" Valeria called out to Y/N. Y/N shook her head, knowing Valeria was using this for bait. She headed to her room to grab fresh clothes to change into after a shower and grabbed her phone. She would call Laswell as soon as she was clean from Diego's dried blood on her skin.
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monsterspet · 10 months
Just a Little Lie: Prologue
Think about it: Imagine a reader that meets the boys of 141 as a “civilian”. They don’t want to run off yet another man that finds them intimidating because of their military background. So they act dumb, assuming they can keep their career secret at least long enough to make a go of this new situationship. Until it gets them into trouble once they’re assigned to a new taskforce.
A/N: I know Ghost and Soap only show up from MW2 onwards - just let me have this!
Keeping this deliberately vague until character specific chapters start. Think of it like a dating sim where you choose your route after the prologue I guess 😛
Also I can almost guarantee setting up the context for this here in the prologue is going to be so much longer than chapters going forward - I apologise in advance darlings!
*All* Y/Ns in my fics are GN! unless requested otherwise - pet names inbound but nothing specifically gendered. Slow burn - eventual smut. Canon Typical Violence starting from Chapter 1.
Word Count: 3925
MINORS: DNI (I swear to god)
It had been going on for maybe three or four months now. And almost a month at least of back and forth banter over text, of coffee dates and dinners when his schedule allowed. A month of thinly veiled flirting and touches that could almost be taken as friendly as you got to know each other. Or, as you got to know him anyway. He’d been upfront that his work was in some way attached to the military (most likely an active service member), and while you knew he couldn’t really discuss more - he didn’t know you knew that. So with a look of awe and confusion you’d been innocently fishing. Purely innocent of course.
When you initially met at the cafe round the corner from your flat you didn’t know he was a fellow soldier. Which is precisely how you had gotten to this point. Perhaps if you had known you could have avoided the pretence and half truths you’d fed him with a head tilt and a smile. You couldn’t find a man within your own unit, that was beyond unacceptable for multiple reasons. And far too often you found yourself opening up to someone new when on your brief stints of leave only for him to go quiet and disappear once he knew you could handle a knife. Or a gun, or even a grenade if need be. Completely understandable in hindsight - though no less disheartening in the moment once you realised messages were either being left unread or in some cases blocked from delivering. So you found yourself wanting to get to know this new guy first, at least a little while before dropping the proverbial bombshell on him.
He was well built, that’s for sure, and held himself in a rigid posture that you should have noticed right away from your own days standing to attention in front of your captain. But his eyes caught yours instantly when you met - a startling intensity that held you rooted to the spot as you both reached for the same cup sitting on the counter that afternoon. You hadn’t been paying much attention in fairness. Far too caught up in a conversation that was clearly going nowhere fast, and somehow too in your phone to even realise that you weren’t the only patron waiting for your drink in the quiet shop. Hands collided and you found your eyes darting from the cup up to his face, apologies rushing out of your lungs as you lost your breath suddenly, barely managing a pathetic “Oh”.
“Sorry Y/N, machine is acting up - still waiting on your shots.” you vaguely heard from the older woman behind the bar, sounds a little muffled against the sound of your own heartbeat.
“No, not at all! Was away with the fairies I think.” a quick glance back to the mystery man in front of you “Apologies sir”.
“No problem, Y/N was it?” The last part came with a chuckle that sent an embarrassing tingle down your spine, barely contained by the tension you were still holding in your shoulders.
You couldn’t remember quite how the conversation had gotten started from there. But you did learn that he was also a regular to this little spot as you took up a seat near the draughty doorway. It was frankly surprising how you’d both missed each other up till this point really. It was a totally friendly chat about the quality of the cafe for the low price, and some of the other places to eat and drink around the local arena, but it was nice. Comfortable even. If you hadn’t received a call from your captain to check in on you while you were on leave you’d have stayed longer. You honestly didn’t expect to see him again as you stepped out to take the call, and it seemed he had places to be given the way he looked down at his own phone. Yet there he was when you walked in only a few days later. You aren’t even sure now who joked that you should swap numbers if you were going to keep bumping into each other like this, but you’re glad it happened.
And that was how it started. A quick message from one of you to say you were out and about that day, and a reply from the other to suggest either your cafe or somewhere else to catch up. A text to say you’d gotten home safe after seeing him for an hour or so (at his insistence), followed by at least a dozen texts talking about the fun you had seeing each other and how you needed to do this again. Questions asking when you’d each be free next - and total understanding that work got in the way and you might be away for a few days from you both. You were purely on a first name basis, and you were comfortable with that. Work began picking up again and you hadn’t assumed he would be anything but a casual friend. No need to get too attached in your line of work. Especially if your prior romantic endeavours were any indication.
A data analyst, that’s what you’d decided to tell him when he asked about your work almost a fortnight after meeting him. You were called into different places as part of a rolling contract so you were never sure exactly where you were heading next. And it wasn’t too far off from the truth in all honesty. You’d always been skilled with computers and your ability to notice patterns in seemingly nonsensical data sets had been noticed not long after you enlisted. While you were trained for the front lines, you quickly found yourself pulled back by your superior officers at the academy. A sergeant for sure, but you often found yourself behind a screen coordinating units and monitoring traffic from the other side. Not too much of a stretch to some sort of number jockey in an office somewhere you felt. And you were certainly starting to enjoy this new man’s company. No need to scare him off. Though as time went by you were quickly coming to the realisation that very little seemed to faze him.
You thought about telling him, truthfully. You had been sitting on an admittedly damp bench outside a kebab shop late one evening, both of you back in late from work and neither of you in the mood for anything other than quick and greasy food. He beat you to the punch though. And oh how it sent you spinning as you realised what you were getting yourself into.
“So, Y/N, I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he paused as he shovelled in another mouthful of donner meat with one of those crappy little wooden sporks, “about what I do for work I mean”. You were caught a little off guard, having been waiting for a moment to come clean yourself, your own spork full of curry covered chips halted precariously half way between the styrofoam container and your mouth.
“Yeah? You’ve been a little vague on that one” you murmured after a short pause, quickly blowing on your food and taking a bite as it threatened to fall off the disposable utensil. You got a small “hmph” and a nudge from his thigh for that one, a cheeky smirk falling into place for both of you. He had mentioned travelling for work himself, and combined with some oddly familiar tendencies he was showing, you had a gnawing feeling that you knew where this was going.
“Well yeah, I can only apologise for that. Didn’t really know how to bring it up.”
“You make it sound like you do something scary when you say it like that. What are you, some sort of assassin for hire?” The joke earned you a half-hearted glare and a full but playful shove from his shoulder, sending you too far to the edge of the bench as you slid across the wet surface. The size difference was most notable in moments like these - this wasn’t the first time he almost sent you flying in playful moments when he pushed you around.
“Oh shit, sorry” he linked a quick finger into the belt loop of your jeans and hauled you back next to his side with ease before you even had the chance to begin to topple over in what would have been a hilarious fall into a cold puddle.
“Really though, I didn’t want to scare you off when we were getting on so well, but I’ll be off for work again and gone for a while soon enough. Didn’t want you to think I was ghosting you or something.” The quirk of his lips as he mentioned that last part gave you the feeling that there was meant to be an inside joke there, but nothing you could place. “I’m involved in some military shit, and I’m shipping out in a few days. Only getting a few days break then back at it again.”
“Military?” You asked, hoping beyond hope that the surprise in your voice could be played off as you recovering from your near tumble, “Should’ve guessed I suppose. Normal guys aren’t built like you unless they’re in the gym 24/7, and I take up far too much of your free time for that” poking your spork into his upper arm as if to indicate what a brick wall it was. The joke seemed to disarm him somewhat as he broke into a wide open-mouthed grin, his tongue pressing against his upper canine in the way you had come to realise meant he was trying not to laugh.
“That you do Y/N. Between that and all the food we eat it’s lucky I fit in my uniform.”
“You suggested the kebab shop, I could have been convinced to cook tonight.”
“Oh? I could have had you cooking dinner for me tonight? I’m devastated.”
You turned your face away quickly at that, the way you always did when the flirting became a little too obvious. Internally though, your mind was reeling. Fuck. While he may have been a little vague on his profession he hadn’t outright lied, you had. The idea of admitting that to him felt like a terrible idea right now. The moment was nice, and you were hardly about to ruin it by telling him you were a soldier.
But the pieces were clicking into place. The way he stood ramrod straight next to you as you placed your order, shoulders back and chest out with his hands clasped at the small of his back. The way he kept his eyes moving around as he surveyed the drunken uni students stumbling into the kebab shop behind you. They way he almost jumped out his own skin when a car had backfired in the next street over as you found a place to sit, moving in front of you as he searched for the source of the noise, head practically on a swivel. This man had seen combat.
Not a part of your squad though. There was no way you would have missed him if you had spotted him out in the field or in the barracks. No way in hell. This was fine, wasn’t it? If you weren’t on the same team then nothing had to change, not really. Your work was classified, sure, but if you explained that then really nothing had to stop here. Couldn’t be counted as fraternising if you didn’t actually work together.
You realised you were being too quiet though, too caught up in your thoughts, and you could feel his hot stare on you as if expecting you to find a reason to bolt. Quickly turning back to look up at him and tilting your head in just the right way that your hair fell in front of your face you said, “I’m not sure dragging back an attractive military man to my flat for dinner is the best idea,” the way he froze in that moment had you quickly continuing “especially only a few days from shipping out. I can’t imagine giving you something to be distracted about while you’re meant to be working is the best idea.” That one was certainly a home truth. Far too often he had been in your mind at the most inopportune moments behind your screen lately. The pause felt like it was stretching on into eternity, and you really worried you pushed too far over whatever invisible line you had both drawn between the two of you.
“You say that like you haven’t been enough of a distraction already Y/N.” the softness in his voice had you breathless. His food sat on his lap, held so loosely in his grip that you were sure it was going to spill onto the cobbles at your feet. Fuck indeed. You could feel the words rising up in your throat the way a sob would, desperate to get out that you understood far too well what he meant. That your captain had been ready to pull you aside after one too many daydream towards the end of a meeting. But the words caught and you couldn’t say a thing, not when he went back to stabbing mindlessly at his rapidly cooling food. Not when he was already being far more open and raw than anyone else had been in such a long time.
There wasn’t much more said between you as you ate, stolen glances between you conveying more than words could in that moment. Something was brewing between you both tonight that was clouding the air, thick tension that seemed all too easily snapped if you so much as breathed too loudly. Something had changed in just a few words that was sending you down a new path in whatever this was. Casual friends didn’t find themselves staring at each other from the corner of their eyes, that much you knew. All too quickly you found yourselves finished with your food and walking down the road to your flat, and you had barely spoken more than a few words to each other in that time. Any chance you had of telling him tonight flew out the proverbial window and was replaced with a sinking thought that you should have done so earlier.
“Well then,” you hated the way that your voice practically croaked its way out of your throat as you stood outside the door to your building, “I guess unless either of us get called in early we’ll need to meet up again before you ship out.”
“Of course. It’s uh, it’s getting late though I suppose. Going to leave you here and get back to mine.”
“Yeah, absolutely. I had fun again tonight, by the way.” Practically a whisper against the wind. His hands twitched at his sides, the way they would as if wanting to reach out and grab something, stopped only by great effort if the way his jaw clenched was any indication.
“You did?” A deep breath and a near shuddering exhale.
“I always do when I’m with you.” Your hand came up to rest on his arm, squeezing gently against his bicep as if daring the tension to break.
“Good.” Was all you got before he practically dove in, lips to yours with a searing heat that almost knocked you back against the door. His hands were on your jaw, pulling you into him, desperation practically rolling off him in that moment. Like you would slip through his fingers at any moment if he didn’t hold you right here. You broke contact for just a split second to take a must needed breath before kissing back with equal intensity, you weren’t entirely sure who made the “mmph” sound as your lips collided again. I have to tell him, you thought - pushing further into the kiss.
And as if the universe had planned to ruin the moment, you heard your phones ring. Both of them, with the insistent ringtones you both knew to be from your respective employers. The same employers apparently. He pulled back as if stunned, slapped back into reality by the shrill mash-up of your phones against the quiet of the late night street. Phones were pulled from pockets as you both stared down at incoming calls. A near hysterical laugh ripped itself from you as you slumped against the door behind you. Four months to get a kiss from the gorgeous man in front of you and you get a call right now?
“I have to take this-”
“Gotta take this call-”
A chuckle from him, and he steps back, the cold swirling up your front as his heat leaves you.
“Later?” He holds up the phone to you, you know he can’t just not take this. Neither can you to be fair.
“Definitely later.” He smiles then turns to head down the road to his own flat as you turn to quickly let yourself into your building, your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you fumble with the keys. You manage to get inside and answer your call before it goes to voicemail.
“Sergeant Smith? Is this a good time?” You get the main door closed behind you.
“Yes Captain Harrison, what’s happened?” Taking your stairs two at a time to put distance between yourself and the world outside.
“I know you were meant to be on leave for at least a week but something’s come up. We’ve had a request for a temporary transfer from the higher ups. They need a fresh pair of eyes on information coming out of the Middle East and your file was pulled. Just warning you now,” You were at your flat door now, key in the lock as you waited - your Captain took an uncharacteristic pause, “you’ll be receiving a call within the next 10 minutes from a Kate Laswell from the CIA to discuss briefing and your flight out.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been loaned out to another unit Sir, even if they were American. I’m not sure why you sound so apprehensive this time around.” You were inside your small flat at this point, jacket shrugged off and thrown over your duffel bags, still unpacked from your flight earlier today. Looks like they would be staying that way.
“I don’t know much about this unit, Sergeant, in all honesty. More of a task force from what I understand. By the sounds of it, it will all be heavily classified.” Well, if your interest wasn’t piqued before - it was now.
“What task force Sir?”
“141, under Captain John Price, SAS.”
The next few days were a whirlwind. Briefings were had and official transfers were sought and approved. You barely had time to hit the ground running as you found yourself on a rather nondescript hangar base. Which, to be fair, was entirely understandable given the classified nature of task force 141 as you came to realise. You barely had time in all the madness to text your apologies to your man (your man?) that “later” would have to be once you both got back from whatever work you both had. He had been slow to respond, but knowing now that he was likely getting ready to go back out into the field you could understand. You really hoped he was as equally patient with yourself. Your access to your phone was going to be severely restricted once on base. Highly classified information and all.
You found yourself walking alongside Laswell following a quick but firm handshake, duffel over one shoulder and military assigned tablet under the other as you marched away from the helicopter that still had its engines running as it powered down on the tarmac. Soldiers were running across the field and between outbuildings. Whatever was going on had everyone in a rush, and that was never a good sign.
“You’ll receive a full briefing from Captain Price inside Sergeant, but just to get you up to speed,” her blue eyes squinting against the sun as she turned her head to you, “we lost custody of chemical gases in Verdansk less than a week ago. We have reason to believe they will surface again in the Middle East but there’s too much chatter in our communication channels to be sure where. You’ll be both here and in the field getting those chemicals secure before they hit friendly soil.”
“Understood - just tell me where to go to get set up.” She pointed her arm to a tent to the right of you, pace never slowing as she led you through the flaps. Inside were a group of three standard issue white folding tables in a “U” formation in front of a large screen, and you set your bag and tablet down on the one closest. You straightened as Laswell made her way to the front where a group of four uniformed soldiers stood huddled around said screen, shoulders back, feet apart and chin high. You could barely make out the hushed voices of the men ahead of you but held position, ever the good soldier. Ahead of you, you could see a tall imposing man in some sort of mask, though with his back to you it wasn’t obvious if it covered his full face. Next to him stood a man with a mohawk, his short sleeve shirt a major contrast to the full tactical gear of the man next to him. Off to the right stood a black man with short cropped hair, his baseball cap pulled low. Finally there was the man you assumed to be Captain Price, if the way the men kept turning to him was any indication, boonie hat covering the top half of his face and an unlit cigar hanging from his mouth.
Out of the four men standing ahead of you, you recognised one of them far too well for comfort, having had a good look at his back as he walked away from the door to your building only a few days ago. After he kissed you like he was scared to lose you, after he told you he was a soldier outside a crappy little kebab shop and you just sat there and let him keep believing you were just a data analyst. Shit. The rising panic in your chest threatened to bubble over into fear, and you found your knees beginning to shake. Not that you were given much time to think about the impending consequences.
“Captain Price,” the man with a boonie hat tilted his head in acknowledgment of Laswell as she reached him, “Sergeant Smith has arrived and is waiting for briefing.”
Four sets of eyes turned to you, but you only focused on one. Pleasant professionalism turned to surprise, then shock, and finally grave understanding as you stood there, near shaking like a leaf in the wind in front of him. You felt far too small in your standard issue boots, and your hands that were clutched to the front of your tactical vest longed to wrap around you at that moment. If the ground could have opened up and swallowed you whole in that moment you would have been more than happy. You could tell the colour had drained from your face, that you looked like you had just been shot, again, a more pleasant idea than the current situation you found yourself in at the moment.
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petrichorium · 3 months
raspberry and zzz for shuvi, please!!
raspberry ౨ৎ how did the two of you meet?
Truthfully a bit of a little mermaid moment LMFAOOOOO it’s post-luffy by about a yr so he’s already lost his arm. I’m the lighthouse keeper on my home island (which is an autumn island in the new world very New England coded) n the red-haired pirates r actually intending to drop by when they get caught up in a storm—which I fear I Did warn them about via transponder snail but Men Never Fucking Listen smfh. Anyway in the mayhem baby Uta gets thrown overboard (bc “Uta is canon but film red is not” means I get full creative freedom and she is Vital to this) and shanks jumps to save her. Theyre separated from the crew & the ship which gets a real thrashing; the others wash up near town but I end up having to pull Shanks and Uta from the water by my lighthouse. He ends up passing out after getting a glimpse of me—and hearing me grumble about how goddamn heavy he is………. uta’s largely unscathed and I end up with a very chatty little girl and an unconscious man in my guest bed whose identity I am very resolutely ignoring bc famous pirates r not worth the hassle gdi
N e way. I call up the barkeep in town and Beckman n the other officers stop by to pick up their daughter + still unconscious captain and they r very thankful. Im like great u can thank me by leaving pls do not come back bye. Unfortunately for me the ship rlly does get trashed they end up needing to stay a couple weeks to patch up their own injuries and the ship itself, and shanks is Very determined to thank me Properly which means the first time we truly meet a week later when I go into town for supplies he’s throwing his arm around me and saying I should drink w them……… terrible reaction I fear. Like I cannot stress enough how much he and the others would terrify me LMFAOOOOOOO loud drunk men r not my speed. But it’s too late shanks has his sights set now,,,,,,,,,, my fate was sealed just like that. Also Uta is attached to me and tho I am unapologetically mean to shanks she has a standing invite to my home so
zzz ౨ৎ what are your sleeping positions like?
Shanks is Such a clinger ngl. When he’s sober he tries to keep his hands to himself (bc honestly I am Not built for the tropical climate and I overheat so easily) but like. He’s never sober LMFAOOOOOO def keeps me on his right side and will manhandle me in his sleep to keep his arm around me. Likes to drag me to lay on his chest too but is def not opposed to being held himself. For a while we sleep in a hammock together and I p much always lay on him in a hammock situation but eventually we get a real bed……. And promptly feel like it’s way too big JDNFKSNFKSN
Send me some selfship asks!
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xlovely-daydreamsx · 3 years
Black Lab (Yandere!Hawks x Reader x Yandere!Dabi) Ch. 2
Summary: Your soulmate comes knocking at your door every day- after a week, you decided you’ve had enough.
Warnings: yandere themes, stalking, manipulation, later-nsfw, slight non-con, age gap (kinda)
Note: thank you all so much for the love on this fic! it’s something i’ve wanted to write for a long time, but i wasn’t sure how well it would be recieved, so it’s really relieving to see all the nice comments and such <3 i’ll try to keep updates as frequent as possible, and i apologize for any errors that you find- i dont have a beta-er, so if you see anything, please let me know and ill fix it. thanks again everyone, and without further ado, here’s chapter two :)
You slammed the door shut before he could even open his mouth, ducking down to the floor in hopes that he forgets you’re there. Your neck pulses with that familiar heat, and you feel tears welling up. 
He knocks again, gentler this time; your dog continues to bark.
“Were soulmates, you know…” his words are muffled behind the door, but you hear them loud and clear, hear them for what they really are- ‘I own you.’ “So can you please just talk to me?”
No, you think, absolutely not. In mere seconds, he took everything from you- ruined everything that you had built in your life. After everything you’ve said and done, if you go anywhere with a claiming mark, can you imagine what people would say? ‘Typical Omega; no matter how hard you fight it, your true self catches up to you eventually.’ Bullshit, bullshit, it’s all bullshit.
“Go away!” You yell back at him, and the barking continues; it’s deafening.
You sit there for a few more minutes, knees to your chest, staring at the door before you muster the courage to stand up again. You peek through the blinds, and a sigh of relief escapes you when all you find is air. Your dog has barely settled down, but she trots over to you and rubs her face against your leg.
It’s comforting, if only slightly.
There’s a knock on your door the next day, too, but you have the smarts enough not even to go check. You just curl up in bed, waiting for the barking to stop.
It comes again the day after that, and the day after that, and the next day until you’re less scared and more annoyed than anything.
After a week of him knocking, you decide you’ve had enough. 
You stop your way down the stairs, a sweatshirt and pajama pants still on from you’re rudely interrupted nap; it was a cold, rainy day, and all you wanted to do was sleep, but no, he just had to interrupt you.
Your dog continues to bark and snap as you swiftly pull the door awry, revealing the man who has single handedly ruined your life.
“What do you want?” You say. He looks positively shocked at the sight of you, but his bewilderment quickly turns into a grin as he realizes what you’ve done.
“Finally! I’ve been knocking for days!” The rain pours down around him, and you can see that his hair has gotten wet.
“Yeah, I know; you’ve been annoying the shit outta me,” he gives you a little frown, “don’t you have a job or something you should be doing?”
“Why do you act like this?” He huffs. Eugh, you think to yourself in disgust, he’s pouting.
“Why do I act like this? Are you kidding me?” Your dog is still barking behind you, the rain pours down outside, and your own voice just serves to add to the racket. “This,” you point to your claim mark, “is why I act like this! I don’t want you!” 
“You don’t even know me!” He opens his arms wide with a flourish.
“And you don’t know me, either.” You go to shut the door, tired of his antics, but he holds a hand on the doorframe and pushes it back open. Maybe confrontation wasn’t the best idea…
“But I’d like to! Just give me a chance, (y/n)...” Looking at him now, blocking your doorway and leaning over you, a domineering figure that makes your stomach churn and your claim mark pulse with heat.
“Y-you’re such a creep!” you give him a little shove and he backs up, to your surprise, “How do you even know my name? And my address, honestly- are you a stalker or something?” His little frown returns, but he seems a bit less willing to push his way into your house, so you take that as a win.
“The police gave it to me,” he says, like that isn’t something that’s probably illegal, and he lets out a chuckle, “man, I thought I was really gonna go to the slammer, but once I explained that we’re soulmates,” God, you think, please stop saying that word, “they were more than willing to help us connect.”
He doesn’t seem to understand the mortification that you feel when tells you. Instead, he just smiles at you. The rain keeps pouring, and you keep hoping that you’ll wake up from this nightmare.
“I don’t want you hanging around my house anymore,” you say, your voice sounding smaller than you anticipated. You feel like you’re walking on eggshells at this point- if the police were more than willing to give out your personal information, you’re sure they’d be more than willing to enforce Apex custody laws as well. 
Another reason you never wanted to meet your soulmate, you remind yourself, is because of such custody laws. In the instance of Omega/Alpha Apex relationships, the Alpha is granted so-called custody of the Omega, giving them rights over their finances, medical choices, and other things you never cared enough to read up on. 
With how… excited he seemed about all of this, you could safely assume he knew about those laws as well, and you were just hoping that if you played semi-nice, he wouldn’t hold it over your head.
“Let’s make a deal, then,” he’s completely soaked by the rain now, you realize, and you swear you see him shiver, but his smile doesn’t waiver, “let me in for a while, just… talk to me, and if you still swear that you hate me, I’ll stop coming to your house. Does that sound fair?” 
It sounds like torture, you think, but looking at this sopping wet man, practically giving you puppy eyes from your doorway, you can’t help but feel a little obliged to let him in; you’re not a monster.
You open the door a stretch and he absolutely beams, bounding his way into your living room without a second thought for manners.
“Stop, don’t move! You’re dripping all over the floor,” you sigh, and he stops in his tracks, not a hint of guilt for the mess he’s made.
“Sorry,” he says, but he sure doesn’t sound like it, “I’m just excited.” He looks around unabashedly, taking in every bit of your home- his unwavering gaze makes you nervous. He leans a hand down to your dog, but she barks and runs away.
You head into the laundry room and grab a towel, returning and throwing it at him without warning, but he still manages to catch it.
“See? You care about me,” he smirks, and all you can do is scoff and roll your eyes.
“I care about my floorboards,” you retort, but it doesn't seem to jarr him.
He takes the towel you gave him and holds it up to his nose, taking a long, depraved sniff of it.
“Don’t do that, you pervert!” You yell at him, and he gives you a small chuckle.
“Sorry, it just smells like you,” You try to pretend like that didn’t make you blush, but the grin on the man’s face confirms that he definitely saw.
“You’re pretty comfortable for someone who hasn’t even told me their name…” you mutter. You make your way to the kitchen table, and he follows like a dog, standing even when you take a seat.
“It’s Keigo, Keigo Todoroki.” You hum in response, feeling a bit awkward. What are you supposed to say to this man, to Keigo? ‘Thanks, for nothing, I hate you and I never want to see your face again.’ That wouldn’t go well, you think… 
“Well, I’d tell you mine, but I suppose you already know it.” You huff.
“Yeah, having the police called on me really takes the cute out of meet-cute.”
“Is that supposed to be funny? Because to me, there was nothing funny about being forcibly claimed in a supermarket!” You thought you were done snapping at him, but he just keeps pushing your buttons. Your livelihood isn’t a joke, and the worst day of your life surely wasn’t anything cute.
“Apex people are supposed to be happy when they meet their soulmate, you know… You do realize your Apex, right?” His stupid little backhanded comments just serve to piss you off more.
“You do realize that that’s an outdated term, right? We have compatible hormone levels, and that’s all that it means. We’re not magically in love because you bit me.” You say that, and yet, this whole time, you’ve felt strangely calm in his presence. Despite him riling you up every chance he got, you didn’t exactly… hate having him around you. You figured you'd be disgusted, horrified by the sight of him, but after the initial shock, you’ve settled down, and the pain in your neck has subsided into a comfortable warmth.
“I love you,” he says it like it’s the easiest, most simple thing in the world, like he isn’t shattering your glass ceiling, “so I can’t understand how you don’t feel the same.” He rests his hand on the table and leans in close to you, but you can’t bring yourself to move away from him.
He takes your hand with his other and holds your wrist up to his nose, taking in your scent and sending shivers down your spine. He presses a small kiss to the scent gland there, and you finally have enough sense to pull your hand back, but you can’t ignore the heat that flows through you at his touch.
“Can’t you feel that?” This is the first time you’ve been able to see him up close, and you’re duly aware that he’s really, really pretty. Golden hair, a golden smile, and golden eyes that can see right through you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you avert your gaze, more nervous than ever in his presence. Why did you think it was a good idea to let him in your house? He’s physically fit, much larger than you, and not to mention an Alpha. If he wanted to do something to you, there’s no chance in hell that you could fight back.
“It hurts me that you’d say such a thing, when I’d happily dedicate myself to you. We can give you a good life, you know?” Wait, did he say… 
“We?” He grins at you, holding up his hand and exposing his wrist, and god, how did you not notice it until now? On his finger sits a delicate, golden band, and his wrist holds a claim mark, however faint.
“I’m married, and we have another soulmate.” He cups your cheek with the same hand, the scent from his wrist driving you crazy, and you’re not sure if you want to bury your face into his scent gland, or run as far away from him as humanly possible.
“Isn’t it great?”
No, as a matter of fact, it’s not great- it’s all bullshit.
Tagged peeps: @maggiecc @jamerlynn
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etherrreal · 2 years
“an ode to kenma’s cheeks”
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Pairing: kenma x reader Genre: fluff, borderline crack tbh Summary: kenma’s the captain of the itty bitty booty committee WC: 1,158 Warning: I do mention pegging once and make allusions to spanking, so, 🔴hey minors, skip over this one, please🔴 And if you're just gonna ignore that demand, just don't be dumb enough to interact with it :) A/N: This is deadass the best fic I've ever written. Pun intended. -Luna
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Kenma's ass has seen a lot of action.
He's fallen on it—hard—in volleyball practice and matches throughout high school, sat it on hard plastic chairs throughout university lectures and during meetings as he built up his business, and treated it very terribly with cheap fabrics and bouts of swamp ass from sweating so much.
And, despite him denying it, there have been periods of time where it remained unwashed as he got sucked into a new release of a long-awaited game.
Yet, somehow, despite its grueling history and present-day which consists of sitting on it for over 12 hours a day in a chair definitely not meant for comfort, his cheeks manage to stay nice and perky.
You've complimented Kenma's behind many times before, each resulting in him brushing off the sometimes sweet, and other times vulgar, comment with a face so red he tries to hide it with his long hair—and eventually, farther into your relationship, simply ignoring you. It's hard to count how many times you've approached him from behind with grabby hands as he frantically finds a place to sit down or lean against a wall so you don't squeeze his bum. Or how you'll wait until the last second before he sits down next to you before your hand jets out to rest under his butt, getting a nice handful of his ass—although, lately you've pulled back on that move ever since he caught onto your devious tricks.
And every year, around your birthday, when he asks you what you want him to get you, you simply tell him "the chance to peg you, please." And every year, you go to sleep without the feeling of what's between his cheeks, yearning for what could've been. Maybe next year, you tell yourself.
All things considered, he has a nice butt for his stature and his current lack of a real exercise regime, and as long as it stays firm, there won't be a day that goes by where you're not itching for a touch of that tuchus.
It's around midday when you decide to take a break from your own work to have a quick snack and refill your water bottle. Your slippers loudly scrape the floor as you lazily make your way towards the already lit-up kitchen. When you turn the corner, you find Kenma at the stove for once.
He's standing by his boiling ramen noodles, hair falling into his eyes while he scrolls on his phone. He resembles a shrimp with how hunched over he is, his back forming a lovely and not at all uncomfortable looking c-shape.
You've reprimanded him time and time again about his bad posture—sometimes with a gentle comment and shoulder squeeze and other times with a chop to the back of the neck—and him sitting in a gaming chair all day definitely doesn't help the bad habit. And watching him simply standing there but still maintaining the awkward stance is irritating, to say the least.
When he switches his weight to his other foot, cocking his hip towards you, you take the opportunity to aggressively poke one of his cheeks through his sweatpants. He yelps like a Chihuahua, dropping his phone on the counter so he can soothe the area you practically stabbed with your finger. The glare he sends your way may look threatening to most, but just like a Chihuahua, he's all bark and no bite.
"Fix your posture. If you end up like Quasimodo, I'll dump you for Hinata," you joke, pouring some water into your bottle.
He's still rubbing his bum when he whines, "Did you have to poke me so hard to get my attention?"
"What? You should be used to pain on your ass." Despite you actually alluding to him complaining about how his butt hurts after sitting all day, his face being bright enough to light up a room means that his mind must've wandered somewhere towards the bedroom. To spare his dignity, you decided to glaze over his reaction. "You should know by now that I'll take any excuse to get my hands on that booty of yours."
"I know. Trust me, you've asked me enough times about where I'm going 'double cheeked up,' or how it 'must be jelly because jam don't shake like that'—which I still don't know the meaning of—or how it looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket in my pants," he complains, rolling his eyes as if he's hearing your jokes real-time.
"Oh come oooon. Like you don't love the attention."
"Absolutely hate it." You can’t see his face since he’s decided now is the best time to pay attention to his boiling noodles again, but you can tell from the way he says it that he’s hiding a growing smile.
"Oh really?" You tease, arching an eyebrow. "So, when we were cuddling two nights ago and you were laying on top of me, you /didn't/ put one of my hands on your head and the other on your butt?"
"Nope. You're losing it. I don't remember that happening."
Your mouth opens in fake bewilderment, staring at his messy bun while he shakes the package of ramen seasoning to put in his noodles. How dare this girlboss try to gaslight you and gatekeep his ass? This will not stand.
A loud slap echoes in the kitchen as you slap his ass and Kenma nearly jumps out of his skin, dropping his whole flavor packet into the pot and whipping his head around quickly to glare at you. Before he can begin his scolding, he quickly turns back around to grab his chopsticks so he can fish out the packet from the boiling water, whining your name as he's pinching the soggy thing between his chopsticks.
"That's what you get for being a little liar," you joke. As he's grabbing a bowl from the cabinets up above, you hear him grumbling under his breath, no doubt cursing you with each word. You slide in next to him, wrapping an arm around his hips, hand dangerously hovering near his butt. "Honey, you have to give in to butt touches. It's inevitable. I will not stop until I am satiated."
"That's never going to happen."
"Exactly. Ya see, we're on the same page after all!" You look over your shoulder at the wall clock, finding that you've spent quite a bit of time shooting the shit with Kenma instead of grabbing a snack and drink like you were supposed to. You reach into the cupboard, nabbing a snack and grabbing your water bottle to make your retreat. "I'm going to get back to work. Good luck with your stream!"
As you're walking away, you feel the sting on your ass first before the same loud slap as earlier registers in your ears, followed by Kenma's snickers. You turn slowly and see his smug face, smirking at you with pride. 
"What can I say? It was inevitable."
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Written by: Luna
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Draw your swords
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Summary: In order to keep Ravka intact, general Kirgan, the Darkling, must marry. Needless to say, he’s not happy about it, but neither is his bride.
Warnings: indicating smut, slight angst
Standing at the altar, wearing his black kefta, the Darkling grinds his teeth at the closed door at the end of it.
Any moment now, the door will open and his bride will appear as an angel in white. Except, the Darkling preferred to think of her as devil incarnate.
Although her beauty is without faults, her mind is sharp and her tongue can be sweeter than honey, Y/N Y/L/N is everything the Darkling hates.
She's entitled, bratty, arguably manipulative and downright cruel. She's all that and more, at least to him. But the one thing he cannot forgive her for is her lineage. As a daughter of a man he sought to destroy, Y/N became general Zlatan’s bargaining chip.
“You must marry her and she must be included in all decisions concerning Ravka on my behalf, or we will declare independence.”
General Zlatan gave the emperor no room to argue on the matter, forcing the marriage onto them. As the emperor had no male descendants to marry off, the next in line was general Kirigan. And while the Darkling fought the emperor on this instance, he was given no choice – either marry Zlatan’s daughter or someone else will be ascending as a leader of the Second army.
"Is it too late to run?" Ivan turns to Kirigan and Fedyor with a breathless chuckle, earning a dirty look from the official Y/N insisted marries them. She caved on the Palace setting, but no one could bend her will on who it is that seals their marriage contract.
"You promised." Fedyor reminds him and Kirigan closes his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Maybe some promises are best broken. She'll be the death of Ravka." Licking his lips, the Darkling glances at the door as a faint noise is heard on the other side of the door.
‘Of me’, he thinks to himself, ‘She’ll be the death of me.’
“She is Zlatan’s daughter with no special powers”, Ivan scoffs, “What could she possibly do?”
"I'll make her just as unhappy as I am now. She's never going to love me and I most certainly will never love her," the Darkling huffs, straightening his back as his eyes narrow at the door. “Unhappy women are always dangerous.” He pauses, pursing his lips, “Even if they are just human.”
"You said this is a business deal, so think of it as such." Ivan raises an eyebrow, wondering why is love even on Kirigan’s mind. In all his time serving his general, Ivan never heard the word pass his lips before now.
"I will”, the Darkling rolls his tongue, focusing on Ivan and Fedyor again. "Tell me you’d fight with me to preserve Ravka if I walk away."
"Do whatever you want, but you better be fast because your bride is coming", Fedyor nods toward the grand opening of the grandiose door, revealing a vision in white and the veil covering her face.
"Fuck", the Darkling mutters under his breath, his heart jumping at the sight.
He watched her walk, his nerves gnawing away at him and all he could think about is why his heart is beating so fast. Why would he be nervous? She should be the one drowning in nerves instead of walking so confidently. Why is she not afraid of him?
Folding his shaky hands behind his back, the Darkling could have sworn every step she took closer made his heart drop further in his chest. It was only a matter of time before he had nothing left but to accept his destiny and take an ordinary woman such as Y/N as his bride. Oddly enough, he found comfort in her mortality. She would die eventually and he’ll be free of her. If she angers him or her father stirs up trouble, he’d make sure he’ll be free much sooner.
Finally in front of him, Y/N holds her breath as the Darkling reluctantly pulls the veil up, revealing her face.
When she first met him, it was on a field of scattered, mangled bodies. He looked at the sky like a man would look at a withered flower in which he no longer sees the beauty he plucked it for, thus destroying it.
And when he looked at her, Y/N forgot to breathe.
There are no traces of doubt, no evidence this isn't the happiest day of her life. If anything, the Darkling is in awe of her and her ability to maintain composure without showing the slightest inkling of her disdain for him. He’s looking for a weakness, studying her in order to find something, anything he could use to make her submit to him, but she’s not flinching. Her stare is unyielding, fierce, and she is unbowed, like a rose in the eye of a hurricane.
"You should have worn the white kefta. Black is for funerals", she notes, her voice low and cold and the Darkling can't help but scoff.
“Black is my color. Besides”, he leans in, pressing his lips against her cheek before whispering, "It is a funeral."
While the crowd whispered and awed over the little exchange, Y/N's lips twitched into a brief smile. Reaching out for his hand, she tilts her head to her left, hiding her face with the veil as she scowls at him.
The ceremony begins, but neither the Darkling nor Y/N can truly focus on a single word said. Y/N is busy wondering what she could do best to make his life hell. This isn’t exactly what she had in mind for her future either and being exchanged like a broodmare to delay a war is unforgivable. She couldn’t forgive her father for giving her over to a known monster, nor could she forgive her seconds-to-be husband.
He is cruel, manipulative, a beast hidden under a handsome built and he may be appealing to the eye, but she can feel he’s rotten inside.
The Darkling’s eyes are fixed on her, examining every single inch of her rather small sized body. Though her curves are undeniable, her height would leave him with a craned neck and back pain in the future. Inhaling sharply, he tried to understand why his thoughts of all the things he hates about her include ripping that wedding dress straight off her. She looks far too appealing in a dress for him to ignore and it sparks a fire to further fuel the flames of hate he’s tended to.
Either way, quicker than imagined, the Darkling found himself saying "I do", forcing a smile that matched the one she displayed. Unlike his cold smile that didn't reach his eyes, Y/N was capable of making her smile believable, enough for him to envy her acting skills.
"You may kiss the bride."
Licking his lips, Kirigan's eyes flicker to Y/N's lips. He never kissed her before, the human who perfectly portrayed an ice queen. It would be a lie if he said kissing her never crossed his mind, but it didn't feel like he'd willingly do so even if he had a chance. He didn’t desire her at all. He refused to allow himself as much.
Y/N glanced at the crowd, seeing their little whispers about how long Kirigan is taking and how they pity her for marrying someone like him – a dark shadow, an abomination even in their world.
She felt a shuddered breath pass her lips as Kirigan leaned into her, torturously slow and the worst part? He smells good, intoxicating kind of good. And whether she liked it or not, her heart fluttered as his lips grazed hers and his hand cupped her cheek.
The Darkling's heart quivered, his mind overflowing with frustration. He couldn't comply and kiss her wholeheartedly, but he found himself wanting to turn her over, to have his way with her.
She's infuriating, unlawfully cocky and unjustly stunning. No wonder hell is where most mankind would go considering the beauty of its tempting demons that poise as naïve angels.
Snapping out of the daze, she pulls back first, whispering against his lips. "Hope you enjoyed it, because it will be the last time you’ll ever taste my lips in your lifetime."
Blinking slow, the Darkling smirked, genuinely entertained. "We will see about that", and he took her words as a personal challenge. 
He would melt the ice queen and have her on her knees, begging for his love before the year is done. He will demean Zlatan by turning his own daughter against him and he will do so with pleasure.
Part two
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kouomi · 2 years
Since Christmas is right around the corner (and I know this probably won't get out until after Christmas), could you write something that isn't for any specific ship but instead just like a holiday party for any and all Haikyuu characters?
Haikyuu Boys at a House Party
Warnings: mentions of drinking
Word count: 685
A/N: this shows how embarrassingly long I let my requests go (sorry). Another one from straberrypocky who is a saint for putting up with me. y’all should go check out his blog :)
Blog Directory
Posted: May 27th 2022, 10:41 PM EST
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By themselves:
He is the energetic center of the party. The moment anyone else enters the room, their eyes are immediately drawn to him. Wether he be dancing on top of a table that is definitely not built to hold his weight, taking one too many shots at the kitchen counter, or having a too-loud conversation off to the side, he is the heart of the party from set-up to clean-up.
Bokuto, Atsumu, Hinata, Terushima, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Sugawara (after a shot or two)
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He is the one always hovering by the aforementioned life of the party. Though he isn’t as energetic as him and most likely shying away from the loud volume and attention, he is still there, possibly to chaperone or perhaps he is using him as a social battery.
Akaashi, Asahi, Daichi, Kageyama
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He may be off to the side of the main commotion, however, he is not distancing himself from the party. Instead of shouting over everyone, he is playing drinking games and making bets with the others around him. Their section of the party may be quieter, but it is certainly filled with tension and frequent shouting as someone loses a bet or a turn.
Osamu, Suna, Kuroo, Tsukishima (he would be pretending not to be interested but eventually get pulled in when he gets caught hovering), Tendou
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He is hard to spot. Away from the chaos of the main party and absent from the small groups littered throughout whoever’s apartment they were at, he is most likely sitting alone in a corner somewhere. He is acting as if he despises being there and distances himself, holding the same drink the whole time, though if you look close enough you can see him watching the others with a faint smile.
Sakusa, Kenma, Tsukishima, Kageyama, Kunimi
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He is there and hovering just on the outskirts of the center, standing slightly off to the side while shifting his weight from foot to foot or sitting in one of the strewn stairs slightly off to the side. He is enjoying the party, though there is a slight uneasy twist on his shaky smile as he laughs at something someone else had said. He is nervous, shy from the crowd and unsure if he could survive in such a large group, but he is managing.
Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, Ushijima, Asahi, Fukunagawa, Aone, Kita
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With each other:
This couple is the one you will find making out in the corner by the end of the party. They will be totally engrossed with each other, attached at the hip the entire time and hands never once leaving each other’s bodies. Smirks and mixed breaths laced with alcohol.
Atsumu and Sakusa (after Sakusa started drinking), Bokuto and Akaashi, Sugawara and Daichi
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As far as they know, they are the only ones at the party. They stay to themselves, having their own conversations with their heads close together and voices low. There is faint smiles on both of their faces that grow wider the more they drink, enveloped in their own bubble together.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, Osamu and Suna, Kenma and Kuroo (once Kuroo finds Kenma sitting by himself)
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They are shouting at each other the entire time. It’s not that they’re fighting, it’s more so that one is constantly scolding or ridiculing the other. Annoyance conceals the concern for the other as they stumble and nearly hit their head on a table as well as the glimmer of love in their eyes when they watch the other.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi, Kuroo and Kenma, Daichi and Sugawara
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They are two opposites attracting: a calm pacifist paired with boundless energy. The other’s eyes widen as they’re shook by their lover who speaks to them with such slurred speed it seems like a different language only the two could understand. Despite their differences in party personalities, they somehow compliment each other. Loud laughter heard over the rest of the commotion of the party meets a light chuckle; an energetic and booming voice conversing with a softer one filled with adoration.
Bokuto and Akaashi, Tendou and Ushijima, Hinata and Kageyama, Asahi and Nishinoya
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ex-boyfriends are a pain
Warnings: ex boyfriend being a dick, referred to as Asshole, some swearing
Pairings: Sugawara Kōshi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, & Bokuto Kōtarō all with a Fem!Reader
A/N: this was originally written for @thisnoodlewritesao3 because ex-boyfriends can suck shit but how much do you wanna bet that the Haikyuu boys would have your back no matter what? Kinda threw this together so I hope you guys enjoy!
haikyuu masterlist
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Sugawara knew you could fight like the rest of them. Hell, it was the first time you fought with Tanaka that made him go wow okay I need to hang out with Y/N more.
You could be so feisty when you wanted, so sweet other times. It all depended on your mood. So when he saw your ex-boyfriend walking your way, Sugawara watched your body language first. Did you seem like you wanted to deal with this on your own? Or did you want some help? He never wanted you to feel like he wouldn’t let you fight your own battles, though this was a little harder knowing that this Asshole had hurt you for so long.
Sugawara wanted nothing more than to make the guy hurt like he had hurt you... but no, he restrained himself for a moment, Daichi also watching as if ready to back up his best friend if he got himself into a scuffle.
Maybe if Asshole hadn’t caught you off guard and in the middle of your thoughts, you would’ve been fine, but instead he had grabbed you and dragged you off to some secluded hallway.
“The hell are you doing?” You glared at him, trying to wiggle your arm from him. Your eyes frantically searching for anyone or anything to help get you out of this situation as he pulled you away.
“We need to talk,” Asshole huffed, standing a little too close for comfort. “You’ve been ignoring my calls and my texts and now what? You’ve blocked me?”
Your insides turned uncomfortably, shifting your weight as you tried to find a way to at least step away from him a bit, “We’re not together anymore, there’s nothing that needs to be said-”
“Y/N! Daichi’s looking for you!” Sugawara’s voice was a welcome surprise. Your eyes shot over to where he was standing, his hands on his hips and a smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He knew. You could tell he knew how uneasy you were just because his eyes met yours and his head tilted slightly as if to ask want me to kill him?
“She’s busy,” Asshole grumbled, not even bothering to look up from your eyes at him.
Sugawara didn’t move. For a moment he just stood there with his fake smile on before walking closer and pushing the guy away from you gently, “Hey! You look real familiar,” Sugawara beamed up at him, holding his chin as if in thought. “Have we met before?”
“No?” Asshole just glared at him and then his glare turned to you, “Who the fuck is this? Your new boyfriend?”
“Aha! Boyfriend! You kinda look like that crazy EX-boyfriend that Y/N used to have. Now that was one weird dude. Imagine leaving your girlfriend at some restaurant cause you got caught up with your friends and forgot about your anniversary,” Sugawara’s forced a laugh, flopping his arm around your shoulders playfully. “Thank god you got rid of that guy right?”
Even you had to question whether or not Sugawara was being funny or serious. He definitely knew this guy was that ex-boyfriend... didn’t he?
Asshole just huffed, standing up straighter and puffing out his chest slightly just to exaggerate that he was, in fact, taller than Suga.
“It’s funny. It was after that breakup that the Karasuno High School Volleyball team vowed to never let Y/N get hurt ever again.” Suga’s eyes drifted over to where Asahi was just slightly in view, standing tall as ever.
It would only work since Asshole had no clue who Asahi was, and couldn’t see that the muscle-y third year was almost in a panic attack over the upcoming game. All Asshole saw when he followed Sugawara’s gaze was the scary tall third year that everyone seemed to gossip about at every game. Your ex turned back to Suga, as if thinking that would be any better.
From the half of Suga’s face that you could see, it was really not something you’d want to be in front of. Suga could get really scary if he wanted and you imagined that right now, Asshole was experiencing just that.
Your ex grumbled something about “not being worth it” and turned on his heel, rushing away from you two.
You felt a breath leave your chest almost immediately, your heart pounding against your ribcage, “God Suga, thank you so much,” you smiled weakly up at him, quickly wrapping your arms around him and giving him a tight squeeze.
“Anytime love,” he smiled, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head. “You know, I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I’d say you upgraded big time,” he smirked, tapping your nose lovingly.
You laughed and smiled up at him, touching his cheek gently and stroking your thumb along his skin as you admired his expression, “Absolutely. 100% upgrade. Would never even dream of going back.”
“Good,” Suga grinned, holding your hand against his face for just a moment longer, “cause I’m not letting you leave me that easily.”
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Ushijima remembered your ex boyfriend, but not in any physical way. He couldn’t remember what the guy looked like - how tall he was, or what colour his hair was. But what he did remember is how you looked after every argument you had with the guy. 
More often than not, you’d come over to Ushijima’s place or Tendō’s after yet another argument, tears streaking down your face and your whole body just crumbling into one of their hugs.
Ushijima had hated seeing you like that and he would hold you for as long as you wanted.
It was after one really bad fight with that guy that Ushijima told himself that he would confess to you eventually. He knew you deserved all the love in the world, and the only way to guarantee you’d be getting it is if he took it into his own hands.
You were far too good for him, but he knew he loved you enough to try.
Maybe he should’ve gone back and looked into what this guy looked like. That probably would’ve helped him in this situation.
“-you think I don’t know that you were trying to steal my girl this whole time?” a guy was yelling, up in Ushijima’s face (as much as you can be in a guy’s face who’s a few inches taller than you). “I should’ve known you two would get together after the way she was constantly talking about you.”
Maybe it should’ve clicked in Ushijima’s head that the guy who was angrily attacking him in the almost empty gym was your ex-boyfriend, but instead, Ushijima kept glancing around him to see if there was someone else that the guy was yelling at.
“What the hell are you looking for? She’s not gonna come save you or anything. I thought you were supposed to be some big man - ace of the volleyball team. What are you scared or something?” your ex cackled, hands on his hips all proud-like.
Ushijima finally caught on that this guy was talking to him, a frown on his face, “I’m sorry but do I know you?”
It hadn’t meant to be a question with any sort of malice to it, but the guy seemed so dejected hearing it. Here he had come all this way, built up all this courage to confront Ushijima Wakatoshi for stealing his girlfriend... and the guy didn’t even know who he was.
“I’m Y/N’s ex boyfriend,” the guy glared up at him, getting angrier.
“Oh.” Ushijima nodded to himself slightly, now remembering the guy’s face and starting to walk past him.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!”
“What’s there to talk about?” Ushijima asked, still walking ahead. “Maybe if you hadn’t been such a self-absorbed egotistical idiot you would still have her. But you don’t. Someone was bound to come and show her what she actually deserves.”
You hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but had just been about to come into the gym to make sure Ushijima was ready to walk home. Your fingers trembled a little hearing your ex’s voice and just how angry he sounded. You were annoyed, you were angry. you wanted to go in there and punch the guy in the face. How dare he act like you were some item to be stolen - you chose Ushijima. You loved Ushijima. There wasn’t anything to steal - you were his and he was yours and there was nothing about your ex in it at all.
But you couldn’t deny that you loved hearing Ushijima’s flat and blunt tone cut through all of your ex’s defenses. He stood there a stuttering mess, coming up with excuses after excuses as to why he hadn’t been a better boyfriend (news flash man, you were just an ass), even while Ushijima started to exit the gym.
“Oh. Y/N. You’re here,” Ushijima’s stoic face broke into a smile as he found you, immediately leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead and taking your hand.
“Have an unexpected visitor?” You point out, glancing into the gym to see your ex getting all riled up some more.
“Nothing worth our time. Come on, let me walk you home,” he said, taking your bag from you like he always did and leading you home.
You knew Ushijijma could’ve cut your ex down to pieces if he needed to, the ace of Shiratorizawa could be very scary when he was angry. But evidently, your ex didn’t seem to be worth the time and the thought of that made you very happy. Ushijima was right after all, that Asshole was not worth either of your free times and he certainly wasn’t worth getting into a fight with.
Still, Ushijima seemed to watch you carefully to make sure you weren’t upset that your ex had come by. He bought you extra snacks at the shop the two of you stopped at on your way home and listened intently to all the things you wanted to talk about while the two of you ventured onwards.
“Thank you, Ushijima,” you smiled at him as you got to your door.
He nodded, “I like walking you home, no thanks needed.”
“No, thank you for... saying what you did to that Asshole back at the gym,” you weren’t really sure what you were thanking him for, but just felt like it needed thanking.
The boy just smiled at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek as he handed you your bag, “You are worth 10 of him, Y/N. I won’t waste my chance with you like he did.”
You beamed hearing this, wrapping him into a hug before disappearing into your house and waving to him from the window. 
Later Tendō would point out that he would’ve kicked held the guy up while Ushijima beat the shit out of him, if Ushijima ever wanted that but the ace just shrugged, “The greatest defeat I can do to him is make Y/N happier than he ever could. And I plan on doing that every day for the rest of my life.”
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Bokuto loathed your ex boyfriend. He always proclaimed that if he so ever laid eyes on him, he would spike a volleyball into the guy’s face.
Now was his opportunity.
You had been working with the managers of the volleyball team to help set everything up before one of the tournament games, just filling up water bottles and bringing them to the court. You weren’t sure how or why your ex had followed you onto the court but he did.
“Y/N,” he called you from behind you, grabbing onto your wrist to keep you from rushing off.
Your eyes widened as you realized who it was, frowning and pulling your arm away from him almost immediately, “What the hell are you doing here?” You asked with a glare.
“We need to talk - I don’t like this new guy you’re dating. He’s an idiot.” Asshole huffed, shooting a thumb in the direction of Bokuto who was currently getting ready to practice spiking.
“Who I date is none of your business. You should get out of here before he realizes you’re here-” you tried to warn him. Really you did.
There was always a deafening sound whenever one of Bokuto’s blocks hit the floor - the kind that sent shivers down your spine. But hearing it land so close to you, right behind where your ex was standing, made you actually jump, your eyes watching as the ball bounced off and rolled further away down the gym. You and your ex both froze, staring as you watched the ball disappear, a ringing left in the air from the powerful spike.
Both of you turned to see who had almost attacked Asshole, finding Bokuto standing there with his arms crossed against his chest. Even Akaashi was glaring at your ex, chin tilted up in a defiant sort of way.
“Next one,” Bokuto pointed straight at your ex, a firm look in his eyes, “I aim for that ugly mug of yours.”
You could feel your ex tense up, fists balling up angrily at his sides. He opened his mouth to say something, but Akaashi quickly cut him off, “You should leave. Our ace doesn’t get angry often, but when he does, he doesn’t hold back on spiking power. Besides, if you want to talk to our Y/N when she doesn’t want to talk to you, you’ll have to go through all of us.” He motioned to the rest of the team, all of whom were glaring in Asshole’s direction.
You couldn’t help but smile. How lucky were you to have found a family like this - one who were so willing to stop their practice before a game just to make sure you were comfortable. 
Asshole soon stormed off and you sent a smirk over to Bokuto who just sent you a grin, “Did you see that crazy spike?” He asked excitedly as you came over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I did. If that had hit me, I would’ve died,” you teased, poking his chest.
“I would never hit you! I am an expert with aiming!”
“Didn’t you hit her like last week with a stray receive, Bokuto?” 
You laughed, watching as Bokuto frantically waved his arms to his best friend, insisting that that was an accident and he really was very good at aiming. 
“Thanks for getting him out of here,” you smiled up at your boyfriend, giving him a tight squeeze before glancing at the ref who was setting up for the game. “I should head up to the stands. You better get all fired up for me okay?”
“Anything for you, babe. I figured actually hitting him would’ve just made him angrier.” He laughed, pecking your lips. “Cheer extra loud for me!” He called after you, jumping up and down to warm up his calves.
“You ready, Bokuto?” Akaashi asked, raising an eyebrow.
Bokuto nodded, grinning to himself as he thought about how perfect that spike was, “I’m all fired up thanks to the prettiest girl in the world. Let’s do this!”
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana​ 
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hanaonesflower · 2 years
warnings: descriptive smut/sexual content. Alcohol is mentioned. minors please don’t interact, keep away, 18+ only mature/explicit content. I do bite. 
Pairing: Nanami Kento x fem!reader. (female bodied reader).
~3.2k words. (proofread but not really)
The contemplation of how you were going to spend the last two months of freedom led you to a beach house that your father owned. You and him had been estranged but he offered that you stayed with him for the remainder of your summer. He insisted that you were going to have the house to yourself most of the time, his work was rather demanding, he would be gone most days and only come home at night. Reluctant, but eventually you agreed, you thought maybe it would be a good opportunity to bond and mend the relationship, whatever was left of it, anyway.
The beach house was not at all far from your home, it was unnecessary to shove the last 22 years of your life in a carry on suitcase to the house. Regardless of it being right on the sand, the beach house was rather secluded, a good distance away from the crowd of the downtown circle and the nearby neighbors. 
Your father greeted you at the door and gave you a hug and you wondered when was the last time you were embraced by your male parental figure. He had left when you were only 5 years old and his lack luster attendance in your life were also a blur. Seeing your mom fumble with the emotional baggage that he had left behind became the dagger that you intended to use against him someday. But someday definitely wasn’t today. 
He looked tired, maybe karma already did the job before you could. 
He handed you a set of color coded keys. Neon pink is the front door, chartreuse is the trash door and the sky blue was for the pool entrance. He also mentioned the button for the garage is in the kitchen island if you ever wanted to park your car indoor. The house smelled fresh but seemed empty, barely furnished with the furniture scattering mindlessly throughout the space. Looked unlived, messy but not ransacked.
“I haven’t had time to decorate and it had been at least a year since I’ve moved in. My job had been so demanding of me that I was never able to catch a break, maybe you can help me?”
He then handed you a platinum credit card, the ones that were cool to the touch and heavy enough to crack a skull if thrown at a certain velocity. 
“There’s no limit on it, I trust you to make this place HGTV-material.” He giggled and said he would take you to choose your bedroom. 
His was down stairs but you were free to pick any from the second or third floor of the house. The one you picked looked directly out into the ocean, the one where the sunset turned it into a bright tangerine color and the sunrise brought a slight tint of cotton candy pink. It also had a master bathroom attached to it with an industrial tub and standing shower. There was a nook built into the window where you would sit and sip your morning coffee and watch as the beach slowly breathed its first breath of each day. The bed was large and tall with a fluffy mustard yellow comforter and blue pillow cases. Your father clearly had no taste in decorating his home. 
“I knew you would like this one, Y/n. Here, let me help you set it up.” He grabbed your suitcase and started to hang your clothes up neatly in your walk in closet. You helped by slipping the hangar into your pieces and handing it over to the man. You two talked about what sounded good for dinner, and decided on seafood at the local restaurant that your father said he was a regular at. In this very moment, you saw your father for who he really was. Just a man who made a mistake with you and your mom and was now paying the price and making it up for lost times. He had already carried so much guilt.
After dinner your father said he had to be at the construction site for a night assessment and will be back late. He took you home, you hugged him and he kissed you on the forehead before pulling out of the driveway in his dirty pick up truck and disappearing down the road. 
You retreated into the house and locked up for the night. You carefully assessed all the entrances and made sure that the garage gate was completely shut before heading off to your room. There you found that your friends had spammed your phone about a spontaneous bonfire that was taking place not so far from the beach house. Walking distance. You contemplated on going. It was getting late, and settling in today took more of a toll on you than you thought. Regardless, you confirmed your arrival. 
There on the bed you placed a cropped moss green top, out-and-about lounge shorts, a pair of fluffy socks and a Columbia sweatshirt. You headed out the door into the crisp summer night air with a decorative blanket clutched in your arms. Night life at this beach was something else, there were people everywhere, the bars started to open up and the little family-owned donut shop employed a line out the door. As you close the distance between yourself and the bonfire, you saw a blonde man, appeared to be in his mid or late twenties, wearing a pair of khakis shorts that sat beautifully above his knees, shirtless with a Hawaiian button up, he was waiting in line at a taco stand. Behind, you heard a series of footsteps and heavy breathing. 
“Nanami! You didn’t forget my order, did you?” Zooming past you was another gentleman, looking around the same age as this so-called Nanami. His hair was platinum gray, spikey and he strangely wore sunglasses even though it was pitch black outdoor. You watched as the two joined each other in line before continued walking towards your destination. The bonfire was bright, visibly illuminating the crowd surrounding it. 
“Y/n! You made it! Here have a drink.”
“Nah, I’m alright, I’ll just take a CapriSun.”
“Are you serious, Y/n, it’s a party! C’mon, just a shot!”
Your friend insisted by shoving a small red shot cup in your face that reeked of cheap vodka. You took it between your slender fingers and stared at the clear liquid. Fuck it.
You took the cup between you lips, flipped your head back and you could feel the alcohol trickle down your insides. You shivered and made a face.
“Okay, that’s it. I’m done for the night, get me a CapriSun.”
“Alright, fair enough.”
It didn’t occur to you that you didn’t recognize a single soul standing amongst the crowd when you friends went to retrieve the CapriSun. Your eyes scanned but no one seemed to stand out. Picking a seat on the wooden log next to the fire and heating up your hands near the flames was when you spotted two familiar shadows at the corner of your eyes. It was Nanami and the gray hair boy, walking towards the bonfire with paper plates stacked on their arms. You assumed that they got tacos for the entire party. In that moment you finally understood the term eye candy. You observed closer. Nanami had messy salt hair that was slicked back. Something about the way he stood and the way his mouth moved when he laughed made it seemed like he had impenetrable confidence with a side of vulnerable caress. Tearing your eyes away from him was damn near impossible.
Your friends returned with three different packs of CapriSuns.
“Okay, so they got fruit punch, strawberry kiwi and pacific cooler. I remember you telling me you liked each one of them on three different occasions so I don’t know what you’re in the mood for now, so I got you all of them.” You laughed at your friend’s considerate thought and expressed your gratitude by holding their hand as they sat next to you on that very uncomfortable log.
Crisp melodic tunes of an acoustic guitar commenced and a sweet voice paired with it. A couple started singing a familiar song, so you hummed along. Then your friend ran away, mumbling something about making out with a guy they just met under the pier bridge, so you resumed to sitting on your own, enjoying all three flavors of CapriSun and live music. The log rocked back and forth before the weight shifted so much that you fell backwards, feeling the wind knocked out of you.
“I’m so sorry, here let me help you up.” You realized it was Nanami who held out his hand and the one to knock you off your feet, literally. You reached to grab his hand, they were rough to the touch and calloused, but they were also warm and gentle. He halted you up and situated you on the sand, ditching the log behind. You saw that he, too, was drinking a CapriSun instead of alcohol, although the scent of it still radiated off of him. 
“I really like the pacific cooler.” You spoke.
“Really, cheers.” 
Then you found yourself getting lost in his essence until the fire burned out and the wood completely charred. He was soft spoken, which came as a jarring contrary to his bold figure. His blonde hair appeared to be glowing in the fire light, his eyes glistened like the stars in the night sky above. You both talked about work, life, politics, the weather. The topics blended into each other, you had actually forgotten which one ended for the other to start. When the fire went out you could catch on what the others were saying, it was hard to remember that you two were not alone. Nanami grunted that Gojo was too drunk to drive him home, then you realized that it was the platinum gray haired male that whisked your friend away to do God-knows-what under the pier bridge.
“If you can’t make it home tonight, my house is only a few feet down that way, you’re more than welcome to crash for the night.” You said.
The offer was tempting and he quickly gave into temptation. He nodded yes and allowed you to lead the way. The party became further and further as the two of you walked towards your house. Your father texted that he had to stay the night at the construction site.
You pulled out the color coded set of keys and fumbled in the dark with them. All the colors looked the same when it was pitch black with no street light.
“Do you bring strangers home often? Or am I special?” Nanami’s face drew close to his figure, and you could smell a hint of alcohol from his breath even though he said to have only drank CapriSun.
“Isn’t this a special circumstance?”
“I guess so.”
The lock clicked and you pushed the door, the house was still dark with a glimpse of light from the wallflower glimmering off the walls. You show Nanami to the guest room, which happened to be just down the hall from yours. You showed him how to use the shower and headed off to bed yourself.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Nanami.”
You padded off to bed.
Sleep was slowly taking over, your eyelids carried so much weight. You heard the door click, assuming it was your father who may be questioning who this stranger was sleeping in the guest room. But no. It was the guest himself, inviting himself to your room and laid down on the bed. You jumped, yelped a what’s going on?
To which he didn’t hesitate to curl his large arms around his hips and tug you close, his actions were rough, poorly thought out. His hand roamed eagerly across the expanse of your skin.
“Are you okay with this?” He whispered.
You mostly thought about how nice it was to be touched again, in this way. You were in heat, craving for more of what he was going to offer, whatever it may have been. You let yourself fall into his chest and a soft yes exited and he took it from there.
His lips collided with yours and it didn’t take long before he was begging for entrance. You granted him access and he went to explore your warmth. Your tongues met, caressing one another in delight before starting a brawl of dominance. You felt both muscles push and pull and tug in the most deliciously lewd manner, your limbs became weak but Nanami was there to gather you. His hands traveled from the nape of your neck to the bottom of your cropped shirt, only dive beneath and skillfully unhook your bra.
You felt a snap and groaned into his mouth. Nanami found this to be very enticing. His right arm stayed groping your sides and his left toyed with your erect nipple. The stimulation from that alone was too much, much more than you were used to. You went 2+ years without this sort of physical contact. You were oh so sensitive, his slightest touch could tip you over the edge but you gladly accepted the fall.
Nanami’s hands wandered recklessly atop your skin, finding themselves at the forbidden places. A little nod of that head of yours gave him all the freedom in the world to ravage you, until you were begging for mercy underneath him. Before you knew it, Nanami stationed above you, his beefy arms caged you in while you unknowingly spread your legs to wrap around his torso. It was a sight to relish in.
He ducked his head and dove into your lips and stayed there for God-knew how long. He lapped at your swollen flesh before leaving a trail hickeys from the base of your jaw to the tip of your collarbone. 
“No, don’t, my dad, he’s going to see it.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, I couldn’t help myself.”
He then kissed your cheek apologetically and somewhere in the darkest pit of your stomach, you wished that this wouldn’t be an isolated incident. Something about his kiss on your cheek felt so tender and soft, compared to what he was about to do next. His tongue made contact with your nipple and he sucked and teased and went to town. Nanami brought his knee up to push at your core, your throbbing core that was hungry for his touch. 
“Nanami, wait.” You yelped.
“Hmm?” His tipped his head over in curiosity while you held on to every single fiber of you not to get lost in his eyes. 
“I know I will be embarrassing myself, but I, uh, I haven’t done this with anyone in a really long time.” 
“How is that embarrassing?” He cooed. 
“I am inexperienced. I only have had one partner, I only had known the realm of sex within those boundaries. I’ve never explored, even when we were broken up.”
“Don’t worry, angel. If you let me, I’ll take care of you tonight. How does that sound?” He went in for your earlobe and you can clearly make out the cologne he was wearing. Sweet but not nauseating, with an earthy scent. 
“That sounds nice.”
“It should.”
Nanami was done putting up the facade, he ripped off your shirt and then his and pulled down your pants. Your laced thong only served the purpose of turning him on more than ever. The room sure was dark but the moonlight outside contoured your curves to perfection and he drooled. You drooled when the moonlight hit his hair and the blonde seemed like it sparkled. Nanami kissed and nipped at your pelvis, it was slow, so painfully slow but you didn’t want to seem desperate by bucking your hips up at him. He said he would take care of you, let’s not skimp him out of this opportunity.
“You’re so pretty.” 
He hummed before flattening his tongue against your folds. Your labia stretched out so damn good. His tongue curled at the base of your clit and Nanami lapped up the juices of your arousal like a starved man. He groaned against your folds, sending shock waves up your spine and back down to your heat. Nanami knew what he was doing, he knew how much of an effect he had on you, but acting clueless was his tactic and he was going to run that strategy to the ground. 
You felt pressure in your cunt when his middle and ring digits buried themselves deep inside your ribbed walls. You writhed a breath pain and pleasure at the same time and Nanami could tell you were worked up. He could tell by the way your skin heated up under his touch and how you reluctantly pushed his head deeper in your heat. He could tell by the way your moaned his name with your thighs flushed against the sides of his ears. Nanami could tell it all, but he didn’t say much. He would rather show you. 
His tongue drew one orgasm out of you before detaching his lips from your sex, you came on his face and apologized profusely when he just wiped his face with a smug. The immense pleasure overwhelmed you to the point of tears and he saw those said tears glistening on your skin. Nanami wiped it with his thumb and kissed some of them away, too. 
“Did you feel good?”
“Yes, so good.”
“I’m glad.”
He dropped his boxers and pumped his seemingly large cock in his right hand and drawing circles on your clit with his tip. Nanami was losing his control, he wanted nothing more than you to have you immobilized by his length and all you could do was say his name. In he went, you both gasped at the simultaneous pleasure. 
“Wait, I- I didn’t get the chance to return the favor.” Your hands on his chest.
“That’s sweet of you, beautiful Y/n, but tonight, the spotlight is on you.”
He said before making out with you again with his cock pumping rhythmically in and out of you. Each drag of his became faster, haste, less calculating than any of his previous moves. You could tell he wanted this just as much as you did, so you allowed him to ruin you until he was satisfied. 
Nanami put you in a mating press, your thighs flushed against your chest as he screwed your cunt. You began to feel your second climax rearing its head but you held it until Nanami declared his own moment. It took a while for him to arrive, but when he announced it, you both groaned in euphoria. Sweaty foreheads found their ways to each other before he whispered something inaudible. At this point, you couldn’t pay attention to anything except for warm seed spewed inside your cunt. 
“I’m glad I was your second person, Y/n, because you are also mine.” Nanami wrapped you in his large arms before you felt slumber taking you over in its warm, sweet presence. You looked up at him, he had already dozed off and you were thinking of ways to explain this to your father. But that was an issue for tomorrow. 
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Left Behind - All Might's Daughter Pt. 1
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{Note/Question/Request- Right now this isn't a paired imagine. I was wondering, after you've read it, where you think I should go with this. If I pair her with anybody, who should is be? How or should she forgive the two OFA users? Etc. Let me know!!}
+2460 Words Slight, slight spoilers from the Sports Festival!
+Y/N L/N is the only daughter of All Might. She has her mother's last name and what can be qualified as a super soldier quirk. She is fast, strong, powerful, and built like a tank and it's all in a small 15 year old girls body. After Midoriya comes into the picture, Y/N starts to feel left behind after a while. So she starts to pull away from them and gets close with Bakugo. Eventually, it all snaps at once and it was at the worst of times.
I huffed and puffed as I slowed to a stop I looked behind as the rest of the class caught up with Iida and I. We were the fastest in class without quirks and with most of the time. With the sports festival coming up, everyone was trying improve on things they lacked.
“Great job everyone.” Iida congratulated as everyone made it in. I walked over to Midoriya who was nearly doubled over.
“Are you okay there, Midoriya?” I asked patting him lightly on the back. He looked up at me, nodding. “You seem really winded. Maybe you should sit down for a minute.”
“Probably.” He said before he fell back, flat on his back. I laughed at him as he clocked out. I leant over him, hands on my knees, making sure he was okay. A yell of frustration caught my attention. I looked over at the source and saw Bakugo yelling at Sato who was just standing their indifferent.
“Okay, okay.” I went over and grabbed Bakugo’s arm, forcefully dragging him off. He growled at me and ripped his arm from my grip as we got a ways off.
“What do you want?”
“Not a blood bath.” I said with sass. He stared at me before smirking. He crossed his arms and leaned in close.
“I can take someone out without any blood being split.” He said.
“That may be true but who said I was talking about the other person’s blood.” I joked with an amused look on his face. His smirk turned glare and he went off on me. I just laughed and let him. I saw a flash of yellow and blue. I looked over and saw my dad whisking Midoriya away. My face dropped.
“What’s wrong with you now?” Bakugo exclaimed. I looked at him surprised before I saw him look where I was originally. Midoriya and my dad were out of sight now.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” I said, covering up my dejected annoyance with a smirk. “Now, sorry. I wasn’t listening to you before. What were you saying?”
“You damn…” He growled.
*Time Skip*
The roar of the crowd was empowering but there was a lot on my mind. The sports festival is a big deal. The first two events were alright and I got through fine but the last one was trickier. There are a lot of students with great quirks that could kick my ass. I walked through the halls before I heard two familiar voices. (Reader is in the final round instead of Shiozaki.)
“What are they talking about now?” I whispered to myself. I leant against the wall a ways down the hall. I listened to them and heard Dad encourage Midoriya. After that, Midoriya walked out to the field. Dad began to walk down my way. “Hey dad.”
“Y/N, you spooked me.” He jumped, holding a hand to his chest.
“Sorry.” I said, chuckling.
“Well, it’s alright. You are doing well out there, my little Powerhouse.” I tensed at the nickname.
“Dad.” I whined. He chuckled before moving to walk on. “I’m nervous for the next round.”
“Everything will be fine, Y/N. You’ll see.” He said in a caring voice. He walked away and my shoulders dropped. I needed more than that. Much more. I turned and leant against the wall with my shoulder. I set my head against the wall and took a few un-steady breaths.
“What are you doing dumbass?” I jumped and looked at Bakugo disoriented. I shook my head. I had no idea how long I was standing there. “Are you crying?”
“What?” I reached up and wiped them away. “No just caught some dust in my eyes.” I said before I went to walk away but he caught my arm.
“That’s not it. What’s wrong?” He said softer. I noticed his grip on my arm was soft and…comforting? I looked up at him.
“I just needed some encouragement from someone who didn’t give it. That’s all no big deal.” I pulled away from his grip gently. I had only walked a few feet away when he spoke up.
“Whoever they are, they’re not worth your tears. You shouldn’t need anyone’s encouragement. You strong enough on your own.” I turned to him surprised. He had his back to me, hands in his pockets. I smiled sadly.
“If only you knew who I was talking about.” I whispered.
3rd POV
Bakugo looked over his shoulder as the girl walked away. He fully turned and watched her walk away. Crossing his arms across his chest as he thought about what she said. He knew she meant for him not to hear it but he did.
“Who are you talking about?” He asked out loud. He looked off in the distance in thought. It wasn’t until footsteps caught his attention. He looked behind him to see Deku coming up behind him.
“H-hey Kacchan.” He stuttered while looking a bit tired. Bakugo remembered that Deku had known L/N since before the first day of school.
“Deku! You know L/N, right?” Bakugo asked. He looked at Bakugo strangely.
“Yes. I do. Pretty well, I guess.”
“Who is important to her? Is there anyone here that would or should be in her corner?” Deku looked at him surprised.
“Um, yeah. There is.” He said tentatively.
“Who is it?” Bakugo growled. Deku looked at him before squaring his shoulders.
“I am afraid I cannot tell you, Kacchan. And before you ask me why, it’s not my place or right to tell you. There is a reason they haven’t told anyone and I will not break their trust by outing something that isn’t mine to tell.” Bakugo just stared at him in surprise before Deku walked off.
I breathed out in pain as I walked back into the stadium halls. I had won my first battle against Kaminari but not the second against Iida. My confidence was already down and affected my performance. I rolled my shoulder as I sat down at a table. I pulled my leg up and relaxed back for a moment.
“You did great out there L/N!” Uraraka called out. I smiled at her.
“Thanks.” I called back. I got up a little bit later and walked out. I went to walk up to the student stands. In the corner of my eye is saw green and yellow. I didn’t want to look but did. I saw dad comforting Midoriya and I gave a shaky sigh. I shook my head, biting my lip before continuing on.
*Time Skip*
I was breathing hard but I still ran. I pushed myself harder to try and get away from the robots. This training session was intense and very hard. Half the class was already out and the last few were running dry. I could hear Bakugo and Midoriya just past some rubble. A hit landed right next to me, knocking me off balance.
“Umph.” I rolled off the side and back onto my feet. I dodged an attack before vaulting over a rubble wall. I paused, hearing the robot fussing on the other side. I looked around and saw Midoriya down the street. I rolled my eyes as he waved.
“You doing okay?” He asked.
“Just fine.” I snapped at him. He reeled back at the aggression.
“Are you sure? You’ve been rather testy lately. Did something happen?” He asked concerned. I sighed heavily.
“Of course something did. You’re both just to enamored to see!” I yelled before running on. He ran after me, trying to talk to me but I ignored him. We made way into the cityscape center. I saw Bakugo across the way.
“It’s too quiet here.” Midoriya commented. As soon as he said that, he was tackled off to the side.
“Shit.” I ducked as a bit of the robot flew over my head. I stumbled back, hitting a wall. I watched as he fought the robot with ease. My chest began to fell heavy.
“Come on, Miss L/N. Push on.” I heard my dad’s voice. I scoffed.
“That’s the most encouragement you’ve given me in a month.” I said under my breath. I pushed off the wall and started to fight another robot that showed up. I heard Bakugo on the other side doing the same. In the moment I heard Midoriya scream one of my dad’s catch phrases, I stopped. I just stood there, staring off.
“I give up.” I said softly.
“L/N! Are you alright?” I heard Midoriya yell.
“Oi, dumbass. Get moving!” Bakugo called across the field.
“Miss L/N, I would advise you moving on. Stalling is not advisable in the field.” I heard my father say through the field. I let out a sob. I fell to my knees, burying my face in my hands.
“I give up!” I screamed. “I can’t do this anymore. I. Give. Up!” I screamed, crying out. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I heard yelling around me but I didn’t care not anymore. I am tired, I am hurt, and I just want this to end.
“Y/N! Look out!” I heard Bakugo’s voice close to me. I looked up right as he grabbed me and pulled me off to the side. We rolled and landed a few feet away. I looked over and saw a robot where I once was. It started to move towards us but shut down. “What’s wrong with you dumbass?” Bakugo yelled at me. I looked at him and saw a glare but concern behind it.
“Are you alright, L/N? What happened to…”
“Stay away from me!” I screamed, shuffling back away from Midoriya as he run up. I hid my face in the back of Bakugo’s shoulder as Midoriya skidded to a stop. I peeked over Bakugo’s shoulder at him and he was in shock.
“Young L/N, are you alright?” We all looked over to see All Might and Aizawa running up.
“You stay away from me too!” I pointed at my dad. I hid my face again and gripped onto Bakugo’s arm. I felt him place a hand on mine but I could tell all of them were confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn’t immediately recognize the touch so I figured it was Aizawa. I peeked out at him with teary eyes.
“Are you alright?” I nodded before retracting back.
“L/N, what wrong?” Bakugo asked. I just shook my head.
“Not here, not now.” I mumbled.
“Alright.” Aizawa said and stood. “We’re done for the day. All of you go get changed and go home. You three, meet in the classroom.”
“Why me?” Bakugo yelled.
“Because you’re the only one that L/N seems to be comfortable around right now.” Aizawa said firmly. It was silent for a moment.
“Alright.” He agreed without another argument.
I was sitting on the cabinets in the back of the classroom with Bakugo leaning next to me. Midoriya and my dad were at the front of the classroom. I had calmed down some but was still upset. I wouldn’t even look at the two. Aizawa finally came in closing the door behind him.
“Okay. What is going on?” He asked out loud. I glanced at him before looking back out the window. “Not talking. Alright. Do you two know what it is that made her act this way? That made her break down in the middle of a dangerous training session?” From the accusation in his voice I could tell he already knew.
“I am not sure. I have never seen her act like this before.” My dad said. I chuckled darkly.
“Then open your eyes or take off the blinders.” I growled. He looked at me surprised. I saw Bakugo glance between the two of us. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I am sure I don’t know what you mean. I…” I cut him off.
“Of course you don’t!” I shot up and yelled. “You haven’t noticed one thing about me in month’s dad! Ever since…” I looked at Midoriya. “Ever since then. I have been left behind. Every time I needed encouragement from you I got nothing. Every time I needed advice from you I got nothing.”
“That can’t be, I…”
“The sports festival! I was nervous about the last round and I told you! But the only thing you said was everything will be fine, you’ll see.” I laughed with no amusement. I could hear Bakugo muttering confused behind me. I looked back at him and he had surprise and confusion written all over his face. “Yes, All Might the symbol of Peace is my dad. Unfortunately at the moment.”
“No. I’m not done. You made me despise a person that has never done anything bad to me. I haven’t got anything from you since day one. Nothing substantial at least. I don’t have a mother and no one else in this world then my dad but it seems like he’s in someone else corner only. Everyone else corner than mine. Well at least you’ve never treated me bad right? I guess it’s not all bad.” I said in a dark tone.
“Y/N…” He stood stunned.
“Speechless, huh?” I chuckled, feeling tears coming on again. “Look, I don’t want stop with your prodigy but a little acknowledgement or help from time to time. Okay? Okay.” I said before grabbing my bag and walking out. I heard someone running behind me. I looked back to see Bakugo.
“So…your All Might’s daughter, huh?”
“Yeah, the one and only.” I said. I crossed my arms over my stomach as we walked. He hummed and we walked in silence. I could feel the silent tears falling down my face.
“As awesome as that is…right now All Might is my least favorite person right now. Even less than Deku. Why was he even involved in this? Whatever. They are both little shitty…”
“Bakugo!” I yelled frustrated. He fell silent. We stopped and I took a big breath. “I know this is your own way of trying to comfort me but it’s not working, alright? I just…” I covered my face with my hands for a second before letting them drop. I looked at him. “I just want to be alone alright? I can’t, I don’t…I just can’t right now.” I paused to look at him in the face. “I don’t want to blow up on you like I did him. So please, I just want to be alone.” I could see apprehension in his eyes but I didn’t care. I turned and walked away.
“You shouldn’t be alone right now.” He called after me. I could hear him take a few steps before stopping again.
“I know.” I said before turning a corner and walked away from him.
Tags: @spicy-therapist-mom
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teddy06writes · 3 years
What Could Have Been Was Good, But What We Have Now Is Better
Part Two to You Didn't Need Us Then, We Don't Need you Now
Requested by:
plus some anons.
Quackity x reader; past sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, yelling, mentions of drinking/being hungover
premise: The confrontation, and what follows
{Okay, so at first, I was gonna have this as like a collection of various moments that would have happened in the two year span, plus the confrontation, but then I was like but that might be clunky. So, if you guys want, I'll do a part three with the little scenes I had been thinking about}
Slowly, the sun began to climb into the sky, beginning to peak out from between the tall buildings of Las Nevadas.
Slowly, you stirred, glaring out the open window at the sun.
For a moment, everything was normal. Your fiancé's soft snores and Charlie's soft humming from the other room almost convinced you that it was just a normal day.
But then you fully sat up, untangling yourself from Quackity's arms and glancing around to where your other 'children' were still asleep in various places in the living room.
The previous day and the reason for your camping out in the living room came flooding back to you as you stood, stretching.
Shaking your head, you went to go get dressed, beginning to recall the so called script you had made yourself the night before.
Halfway through fixing your hair, Quackity ducked into the half open bathroom door, pressing a kiss to your cheek, "Good morning baby."
"Morning." You sighed, "Are you hungover or did Purp get you to stop soon enough?"
"ehhh, it's not that bad..." He said.
You nodded, turning to lean against the counter and look at him fully, "I assume that your in the same boat as me, with this whole Situation...?"
"Depends on which boat that is."
You shook your head, "What could have been was good, but..." You glanced back out the door to where you could hear Fundy and Charlie talking, "I think what we have now Is better."
Quackity seemed to breath a sigh of relief, quickly pulling you into his arms, "I agree. I know that I loved them once... but... even then it felt like being the odd one out... I don't think I'd be able to handle it again. Not after knowing what they'd done. It- it hurts to even see them..."
You melted into the embrace, glad to know he was on your side, "I'll take care of everything. I promise."
~~ After sending Charlie out to go find Sapnap and Karl, and send them to your office, you headed down to your office for yourself.
There you mindlessly organized your desk, with only semi shaky hands.
Your head snapped up, upon hearing Karls voice, "Come in."
They entered, Karl beginning too look around at the pictures on one of the shelves as Sapnap asked, "So, where Quackity? Doesn't seem like a fair discussion if not all of us are here."
"Yeah," Karl agreed, "He should have a say too."
You rubbed at your eyes, "Unfortunately, we thought it best, for me to handle this. Q, wasn't sure he'd- deal with it in the right way."
"Well that's Quackity for you." Karl mumbled, moving to sit in one of the chairs facing your desk.
"Never could fight his own battles- not that this is one." Sapnap interrupted himself.
You frowned, "Well... I'd hardly say that. He's the one who built this place- well, I designed some buildings, he did the rest. Getting the Badlands off our backs peacefully last year was all him. Not so much peacefully as with many threats..."
Karl nodded, almost expecting you to tell the story, but you shook your head, "Anyway, that's not what I asked you here to talk about."
"Of course," Sapnap agreed, "Obviously, our relationship is slightly more important."
You sighed, "There's one thing, actually that I think I should preface with, before I state our position. Where the fuck did you go? Why the fuck did you leave us? And Why do you think you just get to show up now?"
They sat shocked for a moment, and you couldn't help but smirk, gesturing for them to speak, "No, please enlighten me. I'd like to know."
Karl and Sapnap looked to each other, Karl shaking his head, before Sapnap whispered, "We have to, if we want them back."
"I..." He faltered, turning to you, before squeaking, "I- couldn't- remember you- until a week ago."
You froze for a moment, but before you could make any comment, he rambled on, "Because of all this crazy stuff- I travel- like- through time- it was messing with my head- but it's better now, and we're here! To marry you guys!"
You looked at him confused, "Time travel?"
He nodded sagely, "I've... seen more than you can imagine, i've seen nations rise and fall, universes collapse. Hero's that even Tommy couldn't compare too, evils that..."
Karl's voice faltered, and Sapnap reached over to take his hand comfortingly.
"Let me guess. You found out that everything turns to dust eventually..." You sighed, rubbing at your temples.
"It never works out." Tiny tears leaked from his eyes, and Sapnap was quick to get up, pulling Karl into his arms.
~~ "Why did you do that?" Sapnap asked, his voice soft, but still with an air of hostility.
Karl had gone back to the hotel, quickly and quietly, tears still falling.
"I didn't do anything-"
"Clearly you did!" He cut you off.
You shook your head, pushing back your chair and standing, If he forgot us... why didn't you remind him? Tell us about him about us? Or actually come up here like you said you would?!"
"Because maybe I wanted things to be the way that they were! Maybe I liked not sharing! But maybe it was because I had to deal with that!"
You continued to pace as he sat down heavily, "He was going insane (y/n), he saw the end of everything! He had to watch the rise and fall o L'manburg over and over! He's seen the egg come and go! I had to take care of him!"
"And you don't think I've had to take care of things? You two left and I had to put Q back together! I still have to put him together sometimes! I had to keep planning this the whole time! And then I get all these fucking child soldiers all these people that your fucking friend ruined, and I had to take care of them!
I held it all together until it itself stuck- and now I have a family! And that seems like it's more than what you two could've given us! You think you're the one that had to deal with someone who'd seen too much- Charlie's been here since the beginning of the server! He may seem fine but he is haunted!
Don't act like you're the only one whos had to 'go through it' because I made a home and a family and I take care of them- even though you leaving broke me! So don't lecture me! You didn't need us then, and we sure as hell don't need you now!"
You sat down, running your hands through your hair, tugging at the ends and not daring to look at Sapnap.
"Are you serious? Wouldn't us coming back help put you back together?"
"We learned to live without you, and I don't think I want to unlearn, and it seems like my family is with me."
Still you could not make yourself look up at him.
"I guess I understand."
There was a quiet shuffling of the chair, then footsteps, before you could finally breath again and your soft sobs began to fill the office.
~~ It had hardly been two minutes before Quackity was entering your office, kneeling in front of you and pulling you into his arms, whispering about how brave you are.
You cried into his chest, "I didn't think I could do it- what if it was a mistake-"
"no babey, you did perfect. You know it yourself we are better without them. We've got our family we don't need them. You are so, so brave and I am so proud of you. So proud of you (y/n)."
He pressed kisses to your hair, trying to pull you impossibly closer to him, "Thank you... for doing something I couldn't."
You only sobbed harder, clinging to him.
That was how the others found you later, in a heap on the floor.
Wordlessly, Purpled sat next to the two of you, resting a gentle hand on your shoulder.
Fundy found himself sitting as well, leaning against you. Charlie hummed softly as he went about fixing the chairs that Karl and Sapnap had left in disarray.
"Let us take care of you now." Quackity said softly.
The others made noises of agreement, and you let out your final sob.
Because your family was there where Sapnap and Karl weren't. And they would take care of you, the way you took care of them.
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