#when the company has actively told me multiple times NOT to spend money and buy things because thats not my job like
bastardbvby · 5 months
i miss my old supervisor so god damn much :(
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ssvgawara · 4 years
Haikyuu boys and some oddly specific crime they’d commit
a/n: I come back and the first thing I write is a shitpost!! enjoy </3 tw for drugs, murder, alcohol and general crime committing xoxo
Daichi- he’s a cop sorry that’s all there is to it man
Suga- Suga has multiple charges of 1st-degree murder against him but they can’t seem to find his identity so he continues committing murder and will continue until he gets caught or ends up murdering enough people to be put in a position of power
Asahi- everyone is probably like “Oh Asahi is innocent” NO. He has learned that his slightly scary face will let him get away with a lot, he is buying alcohol illegally because he looks old enough to, and he’s buying so much other shit and just getting away with it
Nishinoya- This man gives fucking pimp vibes I can just see him in the big leopard print fur coat with a pretty girl in his lap and he calls himself big poppa but no one else will
Tanaka- Drug dealer vibes, probably runs an entire fucking drug ring with his sister and not just a Lil weed these mfkas have the hard shit too like you could probably buy meth from them, he’s not using it but it’s good business
Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita- They literally rob a bank they have an entire scheme and get away with multiple bank robberies and this goes on for MONTHS
Kageyama- We know he’s volleyball smart but otherwise he’s so mfing stupid and I love him for it but he is a chronic shoplifter. Just picks something up and takes it, has walked out of a store without paying for an entire bed set once and got away with it somehow so idk props to him
Hinata- He is the little guy in any heist situation, he fits anywhere so he can sneak in and out the best, he gave himself the stupid ass code name tiny giant but everyone goes with it because somehow he is the best
Tsukishima- armed robbery, but he doesn’t have a gun just a knife like he’s tall and as an attitude, a knife will get him whatever he needs he doesn’t need the gun
Yamaguchi- He runs a catfishing scheme where he pretends to be a naive girl, scams old men out of their money, and then ghosts them and I think it’s what he deserves let him carry on especially because no one would believe it’s him. Also not really like a crime crime but still a crime in a way
Kiyoko- She kills men and I know it, Queen Kiyoko ending the patriarchy one shitty man at a time like she only kills men who deserve it bc some have rights.
Yachi- She’s too anxious to commit an in-person crime so she does a lot of cybercrime, hacking government databases and releasing info to the people, truly the anonymous we deserve
Saeko- She’s running that drug ring with Tanaka, and she loves it because there’s a thrill to it even though yknow she’s dealing literal meth but like its fine plus she loves rocking people’s shit when they get too handsy, which bring me to my next point underground MMA Saeko, like the illegal one with no rules yeah <3
Ukai- this man probably sells all kinda shit to minors that he shouldn’t he is so unbothered a 7-year-old could probably walk in ask for a pack of camels and get them and leave before he noticed what was going on.
Takeda- Did y’all see how scared Hinata was when Takeda gave him that lecture? This dude could kidnap someone and scare them into giving all the information he needed, a legend truly
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa- took steroids one time. And of course in sports, that’s not allowed. But he only did it once and regretted it for months afterward. Never told anyone and was just relieved he didn’t have to piss in a cup and have someone find out.
Matsukawa- Without hesitation, I know this man takes dead people’s bones and sells them on the internet. Has dubbed himself the bone man and he feels so much power when someone buys a femur or sumn. It’s kinda funny honestly he has a hoard of bones to sell, his fave is the pelvis.
Hanamaki- He’s in between jobs because he stole money from his last job, like he said he was sorry he just needed a little extra for gas but was sad to find out that’s a literal crime and he was laundering money.
Iwaizumi- he’s a street racer, like the fast and furious style and it’s so sexy of him like late-night races ugh to be in an expensive fast car with him where he has one hand on my thigh okay that’s enough of that.
Kunimi- Look me in the eye and tell me he does not do drugs. He does and if you don’t believe me you are wrong and I will fight you on this one. 
Kyotani- If there is a crime he will commit it for fun. Like he will do it with no hesitation. He has a record longer than twilight and I’m not sure how he is not in prison actually nvm he escaped and is  a wanted criminal lol
Ushijima- Assault, he just reeks of getting into bar fights when he’s absolutely wasted. Like he most likely didn’t start it but he will be finishing it
Tendou- grave robbing, he just goes into the cemetery picked the oldest plots, and gets to digging. Has made thousands on dead people jewelry and probably won’t get caught, like besides the groundskeeper there’s no security he will never stop.
Semi- he breaks copyright laws on the daily. He’s sampling music in his all the time but he’s doing it so sneakily it’s fine its what deserves stream his band on Spotify right now,
Shirabu- His bangs are criminal enough. No, but he has stolen drugs from the hospital before he just wanted to try the Xanax, and yeah he could just write himself a prescription for it nut like it’s so easy to just go get some and no report it so that’s what he did.
Goshiki- y’all want me to say arson don’t you?? Fine. He commits arson multiple times and kills 7 people with fire before getting arrested and he doesn’t even feel bad so in prison he probably fucking runs a gang he is crazy.
Kuroo- he is a capitalist and class traitor and that’s crime enough I don’t care is he’s attractive or rich, He commits crimes daily by just existing but I still love him anyway.
Kai- Could not commit a crime he just wants to garden and live his life. Jk there’s at minimum one body in that garden let him kill a man he deserves it just let him have one dead body
Yaku- he keyed someone’s car once just because they pissed him off. Was it kuroo? Yes. But that’s fine because he also keyed Lev’s car but blamed lev for keying kuroo’s and Kuroo for keying Lev’s. He just wants to watch the world burn.
Kenma- cyberbullying but man he is mean. Like no bars held we will dig into every insecurity he can and that shit hurts and he doesn’t even feel bad about it he will just be as mean as he can if you’re not careful
Lev- his crime is being tall and dumb also doesn’t understand the economy and prints counterfeit money because why can’t we print more money? The government should get on that.
Inuoka- He released all the animals from a zoo, like snuck in one night and just let them all free, I’m surprised the tiger didn’t eat him but hey the animals are free, there’s still some missing uh oh he’s very proud of himself for it. After the rush, he starts sneaking into shelters and freeing all the dogs and cats
Yamamoto and Fukunaga- Have egged a house before, it was Kuroo’s he deserves all this bullying and you can’t stop me.
Date Tech
Aone- Criminal Conspiracy, sure he had an entire foolproof plan to get away with the perfect crime but someone found out, and now his plans are ruined, damn </3 and no one ever suspects the quiet guy either.
Futakuchi- Having a prostitute, he just wanted some company like mans is lonely so he paid a girl to just spend a Lil time with him it’s all good.
Bokuto- I know we all haha funny laugh at tax evader bokuto and sure maybe he evades his taxes but he’s also committed vehicular manslaughter, he cannot drive and has killed someone with his car maybe even multiple someones but he always drives off in a panic because he doesn’t know what else to do.
Akaashi- Hasn’t actively committed a crime but has been an accomplice in every vehicular manslaughter Bokuto has committed why the fuck does he keep letting bokuto drive? He really needs to stop that.
Konoha- A master scammer he is so convincing everyone gives him money even if they’re a little sus because he’s just that good each scheme is so convincing.
Kita- He grows weed, you can’t tell me those rice fields are just for rice he’s got all this space he is growing marijuana and selling it, let him do it I want him to be my plug.
Atsumu- "What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier."
Osamu- resisting arrest. He just said no and ran. Granted he shouldn’t have punched the cop in the first place to have to be arrested but like that’s not the point here.
Aran- accidental child abandonment, like he just forgot he was babysitting and left the kid alone for like a day. He felt terrible but he still forgot the kid and now is fearful of parenthood
Suna- owns an illegal weapon, like he just never registered it and keeps it around and would use it if needed Suna please just point the weapon at me maybe
Terushima- Graffiti, he loves painting on the walls of buildings and tagging them, has so much spraypaint and his day isn’t complete if he doesn’t tag at least one building or train car.
Daishou- Public intoxication- he got a little too fucked up and stripped on the street he will forever have to live with everyone knowing he has an ass tattoo like damn bruh
Sakusa- Perjury he simply wanted to get out of court so he said some shit so he could leave granted he lied under oath but whatever, did they ever find out? No, so he’s fine and he’d do it again if it meant he could leave faster. Like sure he was a witness to a murder but bruh he pretends he does not see.
Hoshihumi- driving without a license he simply thought you didn’t need one because why do you need a piece of plastic to say you can drive a car like??? Just know how to drive it.
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I Can’t Eat Love pt 16
Here’s the next part. This involves quite a bit of a time skip. 
Next part marks the halfway point of the story, bringing us back to the very first scene between Ronan and Lenora. Things are definitely going to change! 
Master Post Link here
The Duchy flourished. 
We trained our new officials and solidified checks and balances to keep things honest and efficient. The school expanded to multiple trades, and soon I was cooperating with other nobles to open up similar establishments across the kingdom. Through it all, Armeny led the way, becoming a center for trade, skilled workers and culture.
 Another year had passed, I was seventeen, and coming up on the last year before the big scandal that had ruined my life the first time around. I knew that I needed to move out of the spotlight, so that my fall from grace would have as little as an effect as possible of the work I had already accomplished. 
Fortunately, I didn’t have to worry about the business “Prosperity.” No one seemed to realize that I was in charge, and simply seemed to think I was one of their most loyal customers. I would be able to continue to run things from behind the scenes.
But the Duchy was a different story. Most of the nobility knew by this point that I was the one actually in charge. At first, some of the older men had protested to my father, decrying it as “unnatural” and “harmful.” Fortunately the Duke’s laziness was not to be underestimated.  After getting a chance to live a life free of the responsibilities he hated, my father was not going to be coerced into taking them on again. He simply told them he couldn’t be bothered, and that everything would work out in the end. In the face of his never faltering, if vaguely directed optimism, they were forced to give up.  
I had been left in relative peace since then, but that would change once my reputation and status were ruined. To prepare for that, I needed a figurehead. Someone who could help to run the Duchy instead of me, but wouldn’t try to change too many things whenever I wasn’t looking.
And so, I sent for Henry.
A distant cousin on my father’s side, Henry was officially the heir of the title. 
Traditionally he should have been at my father’s side, learning to take over from the time he was young, but that seemed that it had been too much effort for the Duke. I had met him only a few times over the years, he was always quiet, intelligent… if a little boring to talk to, and a hard worker. He spent most of his time studying the different uses of plants, and publishing his findings. 
He had never inherited the title in my previous life. After my family fell from grace, the Duchy had been absorbed by its neighbors, and as far as I knew he lived his life either unaware or not caring that his inheritance had disappeared. He seemed to find joy in scientific study rather than money and the company of others.
He was perfect.
“So I am to take over the Duchy?” Henry sat across from me, drinking tea, his gaze more on the floor than on me.
“In part. You’ll be taking on some of the workload, but I’ll still have a hand in making sure things stay on track.”
He thought that over for a few moments, sighing. “What’s in it for me?” 
THAT caught me off guard.
“You’ll have to be the Duke eventually, and this is part of the job. Also, you get to live in a nice house, you won’t have to worry about money…”
“But I really don’t want the title! I have everything I need at my home.” He shook his head. “I may not have money or a big house… but my plants… 
“I’ll build you a greenhouse, and move your plants here so you can continue your studies. I’ll even buy you more plants if you like…”
“I’ll move in next week.” I couldn’t help but laugh at his immediate agreement once plants were involved.
We built a greenhouse, and Henry moved in without causing much fuss. He took to the administrative work naturally. I found to my delight that not only was he easy to work with, but when we had time he would take me through the greenhouse, teaching me the various uses of different herbs and plants.
“And this is winterblue…” He pointed out a leafy green plant without flowers. On looking closer I noticed that the edges of the leaves were tinged with a light blue. 
“What does it do?” I felt the leaf between my fingers, noting how soft it was.
“Nothing too amazing. If you brew tea with it, it can boost the body’s health. So if someone is showing early signs of illness, this can be a good thing to give them.”
“Anything poisonous in here?” I was mostly joking, but Henry nodded seriously, pointing at the far corner of the greenhouse.
“The more you know about these kinds of things, the better.” He grimaced. “I study a few of these poisons in hopes of understanding how to negate or treat them.”
“Just keep a close eye on them, please.” It made me nervous to have poisonous plants on the grounds, but after a few months of working with Henry I knew better than to try to persuade him to get rid of a plant. “I’d hate to see them fall into the wrong hands.”
My etiquette lessons completed a year earlier than they had in my previous life, having covered a great amount more of material. 
Mrs. Rendler pronounced me a natural genius and claimed I was the best student she had ever trained. I was slightly uncomfortable with the title, given the extra three years advantage that I had, but it wasn’t as if I could set the record straight. I had hoped as the lessons were over I could be excused from visiting the palace, but found myself spending the designated days with the Queen, instead.
The reason given was that I would follow her around, “to get a feel for the work the Queen has to do.” And for perhaps a single week she stuck to this, but it almost immediately evolved into “all the mother-daughter activities Queen Amerande has wanted to do but couldn’t find an excuse to before.” 
We visited other families together, went shopping, walked through various gardens and public sites. I meant to beg off in the beginning, to make excuses and miss the less than useful meetings, but… She was so excited each time. She smiled when she saw me, asking about my week.  We would talk for hours, and although I tried to keep as much back as I could, she somehow would manage to get me to talk about whatever was going on.
It was painful, sometimes. She acted every bit the mother I had always wanted, but I remained aware that it had to be a simple charade. Something that would end once the engagement was broken. And she must have sensed my concern about this to some extent, because although she continued to treat me as she always had, if not closer, the necklace I had refused remained in her jewelry box, likely waiting to be given to Edith once the prince chose her.
It was what I had told her to do, but it still made me uncomfortable to think about.
 Through the next years Nate and I continued to write each other. He seemed to be doing well back in his home country, and was implementing many of the changes we had tried in my duchy back there. His letters were always long, filled with excited rambling that made me smile. It reminded me of how enthusiastic he always was during classes to come up with ideas for the Duchy. 
I missed the time we had all spent together. I still visited the royal treasury once a month but it was more to help Jim teach his newer students than anything else. If I ran into a complex problem I either wrote to Nate for advice or visited Jim on a free day to talk it out. I appreciated still having their support… but it was just not the same as it had been. 
The letters were often awkwardly worded, as Nate struggled desperately to not reveal his identity through them. He slipped frequently, but I refused to think about it, or consider any obvious clues. I didn’t want to care anything about him… the less I knew about him, the better.  
And if I was always happy to receive a letter from him… it was because I valued his expertise in economics… not because I cared at all.
I slowly paid off the family debt, and between the now three stores I owned with Maline, we were both wealthier than I had ever expected to be. We had even opened a branch store geared towards the average person, with well made clothes sold at affordable cost, and soon had to hire more and more people. I was funding my father and mother, as well as Henry’s expenses, but still had plenty more. I put more into the food charity and schools, not forgetting what it was like to not have a job or regular food. 
The Duchy was thriving. The family was wealthy. I had prepared everything I could.
The future would be different this time.
“Miss?” Hallers opened the door, finding me sitting in my office despite the fact that it was well before dawn. “Is everything all right? Why aren’t you in bed?”
I sighed, looking at him with a sad smile. “I’m sorry if I woke you, Hallers. I couldn’t sleep. Just trying to mentally prepare for the future.” 
Today was the day before Ronan’s eighteenth birthday. It was the day of my last “lesson” with the Queen, my last tea with the prince.
The day that had ruined my life was tomorrow.
“I beg your pardon, Miss, but if anyone had prepared for the future, it’s you.You can’t predict everything, but you’ve worked hard and helped those around you.” He smiled, startling me. “ You’ll be a wonderful queen one day, if you don’t mind me saying.”
I laughed at that, not able to explain the irony of his words. He would understand tomorrow. “Try not to put too much faith in me, Hallers, you’ll only be disappointed.” 
He leaned over and squeezed my hand, his eyes kind. “I normally would never disagree with you, it’s not a butler’s place, but I will now: You could never disappoint me. I have never been so proud of someone, as I have been with you.”
“…” I stared at him in shock, as he slowly stood back up, resuming his professional stance.
“Now, you can go back to your room and have a short nap. We’ll bring you some breakfast and send you off to the palace once you’re ready.” He raised an eyebrow. “Is that clear?” 
I stood up, chuckling. “What would I do without you, Hallers?” 
“Don’t worry, Miss. You won’t ever have to find out.”
My last tea with the Prince was as boring as ever. I hadn’t been able to bring Edith today, as I was able to most weeks, her mother had wanted her to stay home for a dress fitting. Edith had been annoyed, Ronan was irritated once he realized she wasn’t going to be there, and I wasn’t too happy either. Normally I let them chat together, reading a book as they ignored my existence, him bragging and her complimenting.
 But today... 
“How are your birthday preparations coming along?”
“…” He stared down at the table, refusing to talk. I sipped at my tea, silently glad as I always was that I never let Hallers come along for these outings. I wasn’t sure if the butler had ever killed anyone before, and I wasn’t about to let the Prince be his first victim.
I kept talking, pretending this was a cordial conversation. “I heard your mother hired some of the best musicians around, so the music should be lovely. Of course food will be wonderful…” 
This WAS the one thing I had been looking forward to. The royal chef was amazing, and I had missed out on the food at the party last time as I had left in tears after he broke the engagement. This time around I was determined to get to try some.  
“…” He nodded silently, pretending I didn’t exist. I reached the end of my patience.
“Well, this has been wonderful, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave early. I need to say goodbye to your mother before I leave, and then finish preparations for the party.” I stood up, relieved I wouldn’t have to pretend enjoy his presence after tomorrow, as I turned to walk away, however, he called out, stopping me.
“Yes?” I looked back at him. He seemed uncomfortable, but forced himself to speak.
“We’ll need to talk tomorrow, come find me as soon as you arrive at the party.”
Before I even get to eat?  “Sure.”
I walked away, wondering how I could hide from him long enough to eat the food before he broke off the engagement, in case I had to leave the party.
“We need to talk tomorrow.” The prince’s face was serious.
“Of course!” I smiled, hoping he thought I looked pretty. “However long you need!”
I walked away, feeling excited. Perhaps the time we were spending together was finally taking effect! Maybe he wants to tell me he loves me!  With this and other fanciful imaginings, I thought of little else for the rest of the day
“The tea ended so early, did it not go well?” Queen Amerande asked me with a frown as I approached to say goodbye.
“He really wasn’t in the mood to talk.” Especially not to me.
 She reached out, hugging me tightly. “Dear, I appreciate you giving as much time as you have to this, I’m sorry he… he’s like this.”
“It’s fine.” 
And it was. 
I cared little for his personality, habits, or lack of etiquette. It was amazing how freeing realizing that he and I were never going to be married was in how I viewed him. I had always worried I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t pretty or clever or graceful enough to catch his eye. But now, it didn’t matter. I didn’t want him to notice me.
“No, it’s not. He shouldn’t treat you so poorly.” She sighed. “He’s my son, I love him… but that doesn’t mean I wish I could shake some sense into him sometimes.”
“You can’t force these things.” I smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
As I spoke the words I realized: it was the last time we would get to see each other in such a casual setting. My stomach started hurting. I would need to ask Henry to see if he could brew me tea for stomachaches.
Which reminded me…
“I brought you something.” I reached into my pockets, pulling out a packet of dried winterblue leaves. “I was worried you were sounding ill, so if you brew this into your tea, it should help you feel better. 
In truth, she didn’t sound sick at all, but I knew she would be soon.
“Where’s the Queen?” It was my first question on arriving to the party. I was nervous, curious about what the prince wanted to talk to me about. I had wanted to see the Queen first, but looking around the ballroom, I didn’t see her anywhere.
“I heard she was too ill this morning to attend.” Edith smiled at me as she spoke. She was dressed much nicer than normal, and seemed… excited, almost. I wondered what was going on, but dismissed the question as soon as I thought of it. 
“I hope she feels better soon.” I murmured, making plans to visit the next day. 
Edith’s smile widened. “I’m sure she will.”
 I had never gotten a chance to visit her after the engagement had been broken, but I remembered hearing that it had taken her quite a few days to recover. 
Of course… it might have all been an excuse to avoid me after her son broke our engagement.
Even as that dark thought crossed my mind, I handed her the tea. If she truly did get sick in the past life, maybe the tea would help, and if not… well, the tea wouldn’t hurt.
Queen Amerande took the tea, looking slightly confused. “You know, I must look more sick than I realized. I feel fine, but this is the second time someone has given me tea today.” 
That caught my attention, “Someone else brought you tea?”
“Yes, your friend Edith brought me some tea leaves earlier today. She said it would help ‘calm my nerves.’” She shrugged. “I wasn’t feeling stressed, but since she was a close friend of yours I was planning on trying it tonight to be polite. But now I’m afraid I won’t.” She clutched the tea I had handed her, looking extremely happy. “My daughter gave me something better so of course I have to use that instead!” 
Dancing around, you would have thought I had given her jewels or gold rather than a simple bag of died leaves. “It will be the best tea I’ve ever had!”
I laughed at that. “You haven’t even tried it yet!”
“You gave it to me! So it’s the best!” She pretended to frown for a moment and then gave me a hug.
I hugged her back, and then made my goodbyes, preparing to leave. The Queen stopped me, handing me a different tea bag. “Here. This is the tea Edith gave me. It’s not the most polite thing I’ve ever done, but I don’t really drink medicinal tea all that often.” She grinned. “Unless of course it’s been given to me by family. You’ve had a lot going on lately, though, so maybe it can help with your stress.”
Shrugging, I took the bag. I would likely throw it away, I wasn’t very eager to try anything from Edith. I was curious that she had made the trip up earlier without me to see the queen, but on closer thought, it made sense. Edith was going to be engaged to the prince soon. She was probably trying to make a good impression on her future mother in law.
It was funny… I had no issues with the thought of her marrying Ronan, my fiancé… but the idea of her being Queen Amerande’s daughter in law made me want to scream in frustration.
I must just be tired.
I headed home, feeling determined. Tomorrow was the day I had been preparing for ever since I had been reborn. So much was different, but still this day always had loomed ahead, a reminder of the terrible ending I had once faced.
It would be different this time.
I was different this time.
I was ready.
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I am staying at home right now (right now meaning, this summer for a month) and it’s been good.  I am enjoying the time to relax and not be in charge of the house.  My roommates in the city I live in most of the year, are great, and I love them, but they are chronically lax on cleaning up.  It’s kind of annoying to be the one who does the dishes, wipes up the counters, and generally does any kind of sweeping/dog fur removal, especially when the dog fur is from their dogs.  But, that being said, they are amazing roommates and I love them.  They are moving soon and I will be getting new roommates and....I don’t know.  I am just kind of over it.  By “it” I mean my life in the city.  It’s just tough.
I make very little money (for my profession, which is already underpaid) because I work in the inner-city at a private school instead of the public district.  I worked in the public district during my first year of teaching and had to quit because it was horrible (getting concussions from splitting up fights, more students than I had desks, a kid tried to light the room on fire multiple times, horrible) and I was not equipped (professionally or emotionally) to handle it.
The city is nice in some ways.  There’s a lot of opportunity for fun.  I go to swing dance classes, and Spanish classes.  There are dances all over the city.  Art everywhere.  I go to a church whose theology I (mostly) agree with.  If my beliefs or theology ever change, there are other churches I could go to that would match whatever those are.  TONS of AA meetings.  I have friends, many friends, and close friends, and connections to lots of different schools, so that at this point I could get another job if anything happened to my current school (Private schools do go out of business sometimes) and that’s comforting.
I rent from my friends who own the home.  I pay a tiny amount of money for the place I live.  It’s still a lot, because it’s the city, but it’s very reasonable for this city.
All in all, I should be content,  but I’m not.  Being home reminds me of how much I love living in a place where you can have a garden.  Where you can go for a walk in your own neighborhood and not genuinely worry about being mugged or shot (it’s happened right in front of my apartment before.)  Where it’s small enough that I can know where I am all the time.  My parents live right next to the state park on the lake.  It’s insanely beautiful there.  Being there makes me feel at peace in a way that I almost never feel.  The snow is aggressive during the winter but even that has its beauty.  In the city, when it snows, it’s just gross.  There is no green space. There is one river trail that I go to at least three times a week but it’s REALLY limited. It’s one trail.  It’s boring.  I miss nature, I miss seeing the stars.  I miss being outside and not surrounded by concrete.  I miss not paying 30 bucks for parking every time I want to go to a cool event.  
I don’t know how to articulate what I miss about living here (my smaller hometown) but I DO miss it.  The only thing currently comforting me is the thought that I don’t have to live in the city forever.  I can leave some day.  I will have to leave someday, because I can’t afford to live there and save for retirement at the same time unless I get married.  
My current plan, which is a compromise with the crazy part of myself that says “just quit your job and move with no plan”, is to spend this upcoming year in my city job and city life:
1) SAVING MONEY.  Seriously.  I have been really bad at saving the past two years for a variety of reasons (alcoholllllllllll and more alcohol and the decisions you make while actively addicted to alcohol) and it’s time to change that.  
I’m getting my new car insurance quote this upcoming week and once I have it I’m going to update my budget, contact my 403B company, and update my investment into retirement to be more responsible.  I can probably save about 700 a month if I’m really careful and I cut down on any eating out/buying fancy groceries. 
2) Call the teacher licensing center and actually get my Act 89 credits sorted out.  I don’t have to have them sorted out to work in a private school but I DO to work in public and I will need to have that done if I ever want to move/work in a public school again.  I dread this and will probably need help from my counselor to make a plan and talk me through it because it gives me heaps upon heaps of anxiety to work on shit like this, but that’s okay. I don’t have to do this step til I see my counselor again in later August.
3) Start researching different teaching jobs in New Mexico and in my hometown and see if anything comes up.  Get lots of information.
4) Continue investing in the city I live in, while I live there.  Nothing is worse than living half in one place, half in your imagination in another.  Being present is the most important thing.
5) TALK TO PEOPLE.  See if anyone can give me some wisdom.
The sad thing is that even thinking about moving back to my hometown fills me with so much comfort it feels like the only option.  But that’s not true.  It just feels good because I’ve told myself that’s the answer to my unhappiness.  Moving is not the answer but making plans to at least consider moving next year or the year after, can help.
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crowned-ladybug · 7 years
@theglitterbombsystem @janisilverstorm <3
Okay now I realise that the catalyst for me giving this AU more thought was probably this fic, which I read a couple days ago when I was feeling too shit to even sit up (and if you like V:LD and feel up for a long fic, I highly recommend you read it. It's amazing). I've been wanting a more magical AU where magic is a more everyday concept for ages and I guess this fic gave me the final push for it (esp knowing I got hopelessly stuck with "Normality"/the Mundane Magic AU and I’ll forever mourn it).
Also, if you notice any egos missing from this (which you will), it's bc I have no idea yet how to put them into this. Suggestions on that and just in general are absolutely welcome
Tbh the basic idea was just that what if Marvin had a magic shop but not the kind where he sells like loaded dice and weird card decks and other fake magic props but one that's like. actual magic. like he sells spells and charms and actual magic ingredients and supplies and breaks minor curses and stuff.
The whole shop is just a lot of clutter but in a very endearing fashion. There's countless shelves full of containers labelled with indecipharable handwriting and all sorts of books, from recent paperbacks with white lines all over their covers and spines from being opened so much, to heavy leather-bound ones written in all sorts of languages. There are plant pots sitting on every horizontal surface and hanging from the ceiling, housing all sorts of herbs and some entirely decorative plants, the labels stuck to each pot already too faded to read, and Marvin doesn't bother to redo them because he knows what all of them are anyway. There's charms and strings of beads and ornaments made of glass and wood and clay hanging from the ceiling, from the corners of shelves and from the armada of lopsided hooks in what little free space remains on the walls. Most of the lighting is via floating balls of light, easily spells maintained constantly by Marvin's magic. A lot of them are placed on the shelves here and there in jars, because they have a habit of wandering off, getting stuck behind stuff or bothering the costumers by getting tangled in their hair or clothes or somehow making their way into their bags. There's a counter in the back where Marvin spends most of his time, made of now scratched and scorched mahogany wood with golden ornamentation, more fit to be a hotel's reception desk than the counter in a small, cluttered magic shop in a thin old town street. The windows have colourful patterns and pictures painted over them and when the sun shines in through them, the same colours are cast onto the floor. Inside the shop everything seems to have a golden tint to it despite the windows otherwise just being regular glass, and it smells of the potted herbs and a bit of cinnamon.
Varjú the hooded crow is Marvin's familiar and assistant. He knows the name of p much all ingredients and trinkets and can fetch them for Marvin, but then again, Marvin can just levitate them to himself too. Varjú's more important purpose is watching the shop if Marvin is not there, helping deal with costumers, keeping Marvin company and helping his magic remain stable and focused during harder tasks. He can also deliver things to frequent costumers if needed, or go shopping for tiny things at vendors that already know Marvin (Varjú has a lil pouch for carrying money and whatever goods he can't just pick up with his talons).
Magic in this world is an ordinary and accepted thing, tho not everyone has it. One's chances of being born with enough magic to actually do something with are probably about the same as being left-handed, maybe somewhat higher. So maybe half of Marvin's costumers are actual magic users, the other half are regural people looking for magical solutions to their problems, which is just as much of a normal thing to do as shopping online is.
I don't know Everyone's place in this, but there are the ones I do:
Signe is a witch, not incredibly powerful but with a lot of love and contentment towards her craft. She mainly deals with nature magic, and Marvin buys from her about as much as she buys from Marvin. A lot of times there isn't even an actual exchange of money between them, they just trade. They help keep each other's herb supply balanced and usable at all times, and sometimes she tempts Marvin into trading with her by offering art supplies and not magical items, which Marvin accepts very enthusiastically. A lot of the ornaments and charms hanging in the shop were made by Signe, and most of them are for sale. Signe doesn't have a shop of her own, so she brings her creations she doesn't plan on keeping to Marvin, who enchants them (bc magic items made my multiple ppl are stronger) and usually ends up selling them p quickly, and they split the profit fairly.
I have no clue whether Seán has magic or not but I do know that he keeps adopting the light ball things that end up the most hopelessly tangled into him, and Marvin lets him bc he can always just create new ones. Seán already has like three or four of them floating aimlessly around his office and he has names for each of them.
Jackie doesn't seem to have any magic in him at first glance and I honeslty don't know if he does have any magic at all. He just showed up at Marvin's shop one day seeming like an ordinary one-time client, looking like a giant nerd and acting kinda shy. He asked for a protection charm (like an actual physical charm not a magic spell), and Marvin assumed it was out of a history of bad luck or anxiety, which he could definitely understand. And because the unique items like charms don't have price tags, he gave it to Jackie cheaper than usual without mentioning it. (He tends to bring down his prices a lil if a first time costumer is exceptionally attractive or nice, or if they look like they could put the bit of spare money to good use.) But a week later Jackie came back to buy another one, and then later another. When finally Marvin asked him why he needed so many, he eventually gave in to his conscience and said that they keep running out (breaking, burning up, falling apart, etc, which protection charms only do when protecting their wearer from really great danger and thus their magic runs out) and thus he always comes back to get a new one. Marvin is baffled by how such a meek looking guy could get into mortal danger so frequently, but he doesn't pry.
Anti is, well, interesting. My original plans for him were just a kinda mysterious human with insanely strong magic and then I kicked that whole paragraph out the window. Anti was the reason Marvin met Seán and Signe. He rarely leaves shop to do his work, but he was asked so nicely (and promised a great bonus for his troubles) to come take a look at some guy's computer that they have the suspicions either got cursed or posessed by something, because it's acting seriously freaky. Usually exorcising minor demons ends with the demon either being weakened so much it has no other choice than to flee, or the demon being destroyed completely. But this demon was more than just a half-sentient inconvenience and...it didn't seem hostile either? It was defensive when Marvin tried to mess with it, sure, but otherwise it seemed more collected and maybe a bit scared, or curious even once Marvin ceased his own hostility. He decided to give talking to the demon a chance, and found that it possessed a human level of sentience and intelligence (and even a name, Anti), and that it - he just wanted an entertaining place to live (which a computer with lots of games and activity definitely classifies as) and has frankly grown kinda fond of the computer's owner too. Marvin managed to coax him out and into some other item on his person (since at the time Anti wasn't yet able to take up a corporeal form), but when it became obvious to Anti that Marvin wanted to take him away, even if he did promise not to kill him, Anti absolutely freaked out. This was his home, he wanted to stay here and befriend these people living here if they were okay with it, he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to be taken away. Marvin had to present Seán with the situation - "Look, it is a demon, but he's also pretty chill and likes your taste in video games. He doesn't mean any harm and would like to be your friend, if you'd be okay with that? I don't need to get rid of him if you don't want me to." Seán and Signe gave it some serious thought and then accepted and let Anti stay and gave him an old phone (like an iphone or something they didn't use anymore not a nokia brick) to talk and see through until Marvin taught him how to take up a corporeal form. He's now completely capable of disguising himself as human, he technically lives with Seán and Signe but he also spends a lot of time in Marvin's shop (and later with other ppl like Dark and Chase as they come into the story).
Schneep is a healer (of the magical kind), who mainly has his own herb supply to sustain his patients, but when that's not the case he comes to Marvin for a short chat and to buy some. Aside from that, he periodically buys stuff to help him sleep or concentrate (mostly lil packets of assorted herbs he himself doesn't have, and a dangly charm he hung above his desk that also just looks great). After a while he started taking two packets instead of one, saying it was for a friend who also has trouble sleeping.
Said friend is yet to show up, but instead of him (and instead of Schneep getting stuff for him) his boyfriend, a tiny man with a bowler hat and a snazzy mustache by the name of Jameson, has become another frequent visitor of the shop. When he first came in, he started talking to Marvin by writing stuff down on a notepad in his hand, and he was very relieved when Marvin told him that he knows sign language, so if Jameson does too, it should be easier. He never buys anything for himself (he has more than enough magic to sustain himself), instead he comes in for stuff to help his boyfriend Shawn with his sleep problems and hallucinations, mostly herb packets, potions and charms that get used up alarmingly fast. After a handful of times of coming to the shop, Jameson brought a crow figurine for Marvin, as a gift from Shawn. Now besides Signe, Shawn is Marvin's most important charm supplier, because while Signe's charms mostly appeal to teens and adults, Shawn's creations are toys. And I mean, what's better than a teddy bear that's a child's favourite toy being enchanted to keep the child safe or grant them good luck?
I don't know much about Angus aside from that he shows up every once in a blue moon and trades Marvin rare supplies and ingredients he found on his journeys in exchange for potions and spells.
The only Iplier I know stuff about for now is Dark, who doesn't have a fuckin ounce of magic in him, and it probably frustrates him a lot bc he slowly becomes quite the frequent visitor of Marvin's shop. He's always very polite and reserved and gets straight to the point, simply asking for this or that potion or spell, scratching Varjú's head while he waits, paying and leaving. Marvin finds him strange but doesn't mind him. The first time he comes in while Anti is hanging out in the shop, Marvin almost bursts out laughing at the blatant look of interest on Anti's face. Anti flirts up a storm, Dark is very perplexed, and once he's gone Marvin threatens to kill Anti if he just scared off one of his best costumers. But Dark isn't that easy to scare off, he comes back after the same amount of time he always does, and he even offhandedly asks why Marvin's outstandingly extroverted friend isn't present. (I have no idea how that line of the story continues tbh but it does. somehow.)
Robbie I'm still a little unsure about, but here's the idea for now. Anti spends plenty of time digitally snooping around in places he shouldn't, but he usually leaves his friends out of it. One time tho he shows up at Marvin's place in the evening, asking if he wants to do something very dangerous, probably very stupid, but probably also kinda heroic, and of course Marvin is in. Turns out, Anti had managed to track down some ppl dealing with zombies, which is a multiple times illegal thing bc 1. they rob graves, 2. they commit illegal magic and 3. they sell the thus created, mostly docile zombies as "low maintenance workforce" (in other words, slaves). When Marvin and Anti get there it turns out that these particular ppl aren't exactly experienced, only have one zombie on their hands currently, and thus they kick their asses very quickly. The singular zombie is heavily sedated, really loopy and the most interested in Marvin's shiny jewellery. They fuck off, rescue zombie included, before the police get there, bc they don't trust the police to handle a confescated zombie properly either. Back at Marvin's shop they try to get the zombie back to what seems to be his full capacity and find out that he has the intelligence of a twenty-something but the mentality of a child. When asked his name, he can only say "Rroooo....RoooOOOOOoooo...." and doesn't seem to remember the rest of it, until Anti guesses "Robbie" and the zombie devolves into happy squealing and flapping. They don't exactly know what to do with him, and after weeks of fruitless search for his family, they give up on handing him over to someone else. Robbie (who in the meantime became trained in some simpler forms of magic, tried to eat one of Marvin's magic light ball things and found himself a place in the hearts of everyone he's met) ends up living with Schneep, who has a house too big for only one person anyway and is v happy to take him in. He still spends a lot of time in Marvin's shop, tho usually in the back room/office practicing magic or crafting stuff bc he's scared of the costumers and the costumers are scared of him.
Pff, I think that's all I have for now.
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fortnegrita · 7 years
28 times black people were effortlessly environmentalists
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i got inspired by all the posts wishing me a happy black history month, that i had to jump in and big up the numerous ways that black folks stunt in the world of sustainability. and no, this isn’t a list filled with facts about 28 eco-leaders in the black community, that’s a whole other post that needs to be published.
this is 28 things commonly known in the black community that we take for granted, but are very much so actions of environmentalism. and it’s more than 28 ways, i could go on for millions of years, like my ancestors, but we’re sticking to 28 because, well, you know why. 
1. black people reuse old containers. whether is that tin can that had shortbread cookies in it one christmas, or butter tubs, or that crisco can full of grease. instead of purchasing tupperware made from virgin materials, we cut back on manufacturing and go the ‘feed two birds with one hand’ route. if i buy this butter tub, i will have butter now, and a food container later. genius!
2. emancipated ourselves through slave revolts and the underground railroad. yup, our most warrior moves in our modern history, was also an anti capitalist move. this is huge! capitalism, and the consumerism by product, is the biggest contributors to climate change; it exploits natural resources like metals found in your phone and coal used to light factories. our demand for things whether it’s cotton to make a pair of trousers in the 1700s or a new cellphone in 2018;  it’s all increasing unused carbon in the air.by resisting, we slowed down demand. also, since agriculture is a leading contributor to climate change because of pesticides by abandoning the agriculture fields, where sugar and cotton both strip the soil of it’s nutrients, we gave the land a major rest.
3. our mommas told us to ‘turn off the damn lights.’ yes, she was trying to save her coins, and why not?! the energy system is monopolized anyways, why spend money with a company you are forced to be in a relationship with. two, cutting down on electricity is cutting doing on fossil fuels (coal or gas) extracted from the earth. this is important because carbon is energy, and energy is never gained or loss, it simply goes some where else. so keeping your momma’s kitchen light on when you not in there, means more coal with be extracted from earth, burnt to put energy into a grid and then sent to your momma’s house via a power line. once the energy it burnt it is exhausted into the air. so instead of that energy being in in the ground it’s now in the atmosphere, making the air warmer, making places that aren’t typically hot like the Arctic, melting archaic ice, rising sea levels, and in the future possibly pushing you and your momma out of your house because of horrible flood damage, and now your property is considered a floodplain.
4. multiple families living in a single home. my family like many black families and even families of color have lived with multiple people outside of their nuclear family in the house. most of my childhood, some extended family lived in my parents’ house. my aunt and her kids, my uncle, godmother, granddad. how is a crowded house an environmental plus? homes take up lots of energy, imagine all those people forgetting to turn off your mommas lights. :-D trying to keep homes warm or cold require an insurmountable amount of energy, the more people in one house means less energy usage, also more body heat. and don’t front like your favorite memories weren’t created in a house full of people.
5. our elders tell us ‘no ins and outs.’ again, an issue of energy usage, when children run in and out of the house they ar eletting air (or heat) out of the house making our controlled climate sysmtem to work harder to keep our home at a certain temperature.
6. when yall packed snacks for outings. moms probably made an amazing tuna salad for the beach. you may have missed out on boardwalk fries and pizza slices, but look at the upside, oyu avoided so much packaging all those years.
7. when the matrons kept a few good plants. whether it’s hanging from a macrame-styled planter or in her garden, greenery is always good for the air. also photosynthesis is a sink in the carbon cycle, meaning is absorbs carbon helping to decrease carbon in the atmosphere.
8. when families sit on the porch. a seemingly idle activity, but it is a huge element of community activism. how else are neighbors suppose to talk about their kids asthma, the rotting smells of landfills, or getting more fresh foods into their neighborhood? on the porch is where conversations are sparked that could lead to policy change, closing landfills, or even, the drafting of something as powerful as the ‘principles of environmental justice”. also, healthy communities = healthy planet.
9. when that plastic grocery bag has 237 lives. conditioner cap, fried chicken batter bag, lunch box, bathroom trashcan liner. it’s in our DNA to be resourceful, why buy cheap single use showers caps when you can use a plastic bag before you turn it into a trash bag?
10. seeing the potential in a 98% empty toothpaste tube. there’s no such things as waste, and there’s still toothpaste in that tube. my trick? pinch the head of your tooth brush directly into the tube cap.
11. our enslaved ancestors made a meal out of pig intestines. being from a 5% household, i’ve never been into pork, but i find beauty in my ancestors’ ingenuity to turn literal shit into sugar. this is zero waste at best. globally family of the diaspora have used every part of their preferred animal. the ancient tribes of the americas who use every part of the buffalo, my carribean yardies who can cook a mean goat and save the leftover for mannish water. zero waste takes a lot of creativity, to avoid the trash can, the most convenient, yet unfortunate option.  
12. when you sick, take a nap. medical care, one of the largest expenditures for the american budget. lot’s of infrastructure, products and people banking on your sickness so they can ‘cure’ you. chances are high that you can sleep off whatever is wrong with you, before you need to go to see a physician.
13. the montgomery bus boycotts. for 381 days, black commuters in montgomery, opted-out of the bus system. Considering the amount of fuel it takes to get a city to work for 381 days, black commuters help to cut fossil fuel usage and decrease particulates and carbon released into the air from the bus’ tail pipes.
14. when we take public transit. yes, contrary to #13, but public transit i still an alternative transportation option to cars. the us has the third largest vehicle per capita at 795 people out of every 1,000 people. cars reliance contributes to climate change with exhaust of particulates making the atmosphere warmer, water runoff (subsequent flooding) from asphalt (impervious) roads, maintenance and upgrades, all demanding more manufacturing, more carbon usage.  
15.  since we still don’t have complete road infrastructure in our countries. this is tricky, because people praise roads for their ability to offer accessibility to jobs, but it also means an increase of development, gentrification, removal of indigenous folks from land they’ve stewarded for centuries, more trash flying in to sacred places, etc…. the best way i can say this is there’s no jobs on a dead planet.
16. crafted the principles of environmental justice. in 1991 we, with our brown and yellow brothers, crafted the principles of environmental justice, during the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, shout out to Ms. Dana Alston. the list of principles is the coldest thing i’ve ever seen written on behalf of the planet. my favorite principles?  
#4 Environmental Justice calls for universal protection from nuclear testing, extraction, production and disposal of toxic/hazardous wastes and poisons and nuclear testing that threaten the fundamental right to clean air, land, water, and food.
#9 Environmental Justice protects the right of victims of environmental injustice to receive full compensation and reparations for damages as well as quality health care.
#8 Environmental Justice affirms the right of all workers to a safe and healthy work environment without being forced to choose between an unsafe livelihood and unemployment. It also affirms the right of those who work at home to be free from environmental hazards.
17. black americans stayed in the south. post reconstruction era, for those of us that took the road less traveled. we stayed in the south and maintained a connection to the land. we stewarded the land, keeping rural farms in black ownership for over 100 years while also expanded their resourcefulness (see #21 remedies) as black southerners were intentionally isolated from resources (racism). shout out to fannie lou hamer.
18. moved up north. contrary to staying in the south, folks moved up north during the great migration for ‘opportunities.’ sure, there was a lot of industrial jobs, but what’s bigger than that is the minimized lifestyle. thanks to red lining, black people were racially discriminated against and only able to live in ghettos, confined to centralized areas in the uban core, making walking to work or public transit more accessible (see #14), living quarters were smaller so know need to heat an empty house ( see #4), condensed purchasing because a lack of homes square footage and funds (see #)
19. hand me downs. yall got a shirt that made it through a whole line of cousins? yea, me too. we are in a time where american hands me downs are stifling clothing markets in african countries, so getting your big cousins bedazzled jeans aint so bad. and my soap box, never buy brand new baby clothes, like fah what!?!!
20. you got mcdonald’s money. easily one of the corporations that hate black people and the planet the most. and even though that corporation hates both black people and the earth, it exploits both. micky d’s takes our money, bombards our neighborhoods, feeds us crap and makes us look like clowns in marketing campaigns. all while contributing to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes cases, so no, we ain’t got no mcdonald’s money.
21. home remedies and traditional african medicine. before capitalism saw an enterprise in the health of people, our ancestors were developing cures and ailments with plants found in nature;; tonics, elixirs, poultices, YOU NAME IT!  some modern day remedies include; red clay and vinegar for bee stings, chickweed tea if you’re sick, mint for digestion, rubbing your skin with eucalyptus to keep mosquitoes away. onions on the bottom of your feverous feet and #12 above. a few of my favorites.
22. marooning. from north african moors to the somalian gypsies on caravans through the dessert, to the isrealites in exile from egypt to nanny in the jamaican mountains to the escaped slaves on the coasts of ecuador and columbia to the geechee folks on the gullah islands to MOVE in Philly; we are the the original off-the-griders. going into maroon communities (like many communities built after revolts and ‘making it’ north) we relied heavily on the earth for livelyhood including food and shelter, it reconnected us with the land in a very intentional way. we ain’t new to this we true to this. we’ve always been nomads, when a place doesn’t provide us with our most basic needs, we dip. this is eco-friendly for several reasons. 1. we understand the importance of living of the land, and because of that we are better stewards of the earth. 2. in maroon cases we didn’t have the infrastructure like running water, so we may have depended on natural catchment systems, 3. we likely composted food and human waste to create our own safe and sanitary waste systems.
23. black farmers. as much as we predominately run from the idea of farming, there are many black families that continue our legacy of farming. our legacy of farming didn’t start in the slave trade. matter of fact, some of us were kidnapped to american because we could grow a particular crop, like rice (which the us affectionately calls ‘carolina gold’). farmers are the most concerned citizens about the state of the planet. climate change and the human impact on agriculture could mean a food scarcity and lost of jobs. there is a growing number of young farmers filling in the intergenerational gaps between them and the elder farmers, so that we don’t loose these skills. we are grateful.
24. being financially poor. there is a positive feedback between the increase in climate change and the increase in global affluence. and that is because as more people have more disposable income, they buy more dispensable things. for instance, shoes in every color instead of one pair of functional shoes for work. with countries like India and Chile’s growing middle class, we are over-consuming for what the planet can handle. not that it’s glamorous but being poor means that you are contributing less to climate change. in fact, the countries most vulnerable to climate change make up 70% of the world’s population, but only 3.2% of the global greenhouse gas emissions.
25. historically being sea explorers, alchemist, astrologists, engineers, masons. our skill sets run deep, and many ofthem are reliant on the earth. mansa musa, the world’s richest man, used a certain sea current to carry him and his 2,000 boats to the americas. also, you remember how we built those massive three triangular monuments, that were built without any construction equipment. that are aligned with the stars and the summer solstice, when the sun reaches it’s highest point in the sky.
26. literally the entire being. essence. and inspiration. that is george washington carver. carver the great, developed techniques to prevent soil depletion caused by cotton farming. one of his most notable techniques was crop rotation a practice used by many farmers (see #23) today. he also created 200 products from the peanut plant and another 100 from the sweet potato. he wrote literature on how to start self-sufficient gardens, uses for wild plants and how to compost. he is the GOAT!
27. reusing grease for frying. every black family got a old pot of grease. if not, check your pockets for your black card. the notorious pot of grease is symbolic to so many things; 1. your family understands that nothing should be single-use, you need a handful of uses out of everything, even cooking grease. 2. your mother knows how to save a good coin. 3. there’s been several crispy dinners cooked at your house. 4. the next fried meal gonna be fiy, because the flavors from the last four fryings have marinated at the bottom of the pan.
28. midwifery. a practice we never lost through time. even, when hospital services became available to black families, some women have always preferred a midwife to deliver their babies. in this way, black midwives are helping to usher more life onto the planet; creation being the number one late of nature. their practices tend to be holistic, and  that cutbacks on epidurals and disposable hospital garbs.
that’s all folks! black people are certified everywhere, you ain’t gotta check our resumes
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Stop overpaying for California insurance. California requires for new drivers and high risk drivers. If you can’t afford to pay the premiums, it’s probably because you’re considered a high-risk driver. High-risk drivers are those who have a history of license and registration suspensions, poor credit or traffic violations or accidents, involvement in an illegal activity or another type of violation. California high-risk insurance covers you against these risks by offering California high-risk insurance, including: We have a low rate on high-risk auto insurance in California because we have a low rate on low-cost low-cost car insurance. If you have a car that’s one of the few that’s legally exempt from auto insurance requirements, you may qualify for a credit union loan that will allow you to get your vehicle insured if you have a certain type of credit card through your employer. Many use credit union loan options to get low-cost auto insurance. They either pay their car insurance.
Auto Insurance Quotes by U.S State
Auto Insurance Quotes by U.S State by State Latest Claims 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Compare to make sure you re not just buying it like you should be for the best price Most Popular Other 2014 2014 2014 2014 California drivers who get car insurance through their parents company should compare quotes to see who has the cheapest rates. Many have car insurance through their mom or dad s company, so you shouldn t just go with their company s cheap rates. You d have to go to an insurer to get your car covered, but you can get quotes from multiple companies. It s really about comparing the options. Each insurer offers a different premium, so compare car insurance quotes in a couple of minutes from many insurance companies. If the insurer doesn t offer a particular discount, you may benefit from going with the insurance company s low rates.
Stop overpaying for Missouri insurance
Stop overpaying for Missouri insurance. Simply give us a call and we’ll tell your insurance provider about the mistake you made and how much money you could get back on your investment. You could potentially lose money and take down tens of thousands of interest-sensitive assets. If you’re looking for a good Missouri auto insurance company, we can help you find one. today to find out how much you could potentially save. today to become a safer driver, get a quote today and see how affordable Missouri car insurance can be. © 2020 Smartfinancial.com Ins LLC DBA SmartFinancial Insurance. All rights reserved. SmartFinancial Insurance is a digital insurance comparison engine, providing real-time rates and insurance services in all 50 states through its relationships with carrier and agency partners. There are countless factors for determining your auto insurance rate. It comes down to how risky your vehicle is, how much you drive a regular car, and whether you have a large or an infrequent accident. Compare quotes to get the.
Stop overpaying for Alabama insurance
Stop overpaying for Alabama insurance will cause your premiums to increase even more. After all, what’s most important — the protection you need when you’re at fault in an accident — is how safe you drive. Which insurers offer the cheapest rates in Alabama? We research industry rankings and country tell us that the top-rated insurers in Alabama are State Farm, American Family, and Amica. If they cost more to insure, you can always get quotes and insurance quotes online from different companies to get the best rate. It’s better to use an online insurance comparison tool to get the cheapest rate. Make the latest changes to your policy from a separate, self-contained insurance company so your coverage is finalized. It helps you when a potential insurance company calls you on behalf. If you have an existing policy, simply renew that policy to make sure it’s fully owned by the business. This is a cheaper option than buying a separate policy to cover a vehicle you won’t own. When.
Stop overpaying for Connecticut insurance
Stop overpaying for Connecticut insurance… you ll get very sick and hurt for sure… then die. Our insurance company,  , , doesn’t have a lot of money to spend on premium payments on the same or fewer services. We’ll tell you how we can , so you can compare prices, rates and policies. We’ve taken this insurance company to court as a result of a lawsuit for damages they couldn’t afford. That’s the only thing that can affect your premiums, including how much you’re paying and what the courts are ruling. It’s one thing for the average person to not have insurance. But if that’s the case, it’s a lot for you to pay. In a lawsuit against a third party for damage you weren’t insured for, an accident can result in the loss of your personal assets. Your personal assets are going to be compromised.
Stop overpaying for Kentucky insurance
Stop overpaying for Kentucky insurance? You can always change your car insurance. You can do it with any insurance company, although you may not be able to do it at the same time. For example, if you have a high credit score, you can buy a plan from any auto insurance provider. The key thing to remember is that you should not be using one company when you re shopping around for . Also, make sure to discuss your current insurance policy with a potential insurance provider before you decide to cancel your current policy. If you re caught driving without insurance twice, the penalty may be severe, and you could be forced to pay a penalty based primarily on your coverage level. If you re driving with under-30 limits on your policy, you may have to pay the first time because it will cost you more in the second. You don t really know what kind of insurance to buy until you ve looked at your inventory of things you own. If something really important has a value, even if you have to pay for it.
Stop overpaying for Tennessee insurance
Stop overpaying for Tennessee insurance. We can help. When you don’t have insurance, whether you are in an accident, hit by another driver, or hit by another driver who doesn’t have insurance, you can get sued for money that was spent on damages. In Tennessee, if you have auto insurance the entire time, you have to get the minimum insurance allowed by law, and that may be $100,000 for bodily injury per person, 50% for each accident, $50,000 for total bodily injury per accident and $15,000 for property damage (25/50/15). The state minimum insurance must be at least $10,000 per person. In addition to personal injury protection for you and your passengers, your insurance can insure your home and belongings from a variety of weather hazards including tornados, windstorms, wildfires and ice. For over 25 years, we have been covering the nuances of insuring Tennessee drivers. When you think.
Stop overpaying for Texas insurance
Stop overpaying for Texas insurance is a nightmare! At , here are a few suggestions to keep your Texas homeowners insurance policy affordable but still get you your insurance: Insurance is a complicated topic. You could probably go all the way and find a hotel quote in just 5 minutes on your own, but does that really matter? You could consider the . If you’re new to Texas homeowner’s insurance, then it’s always a good idea to know what types of policies and discounts you may be eligible for with your existing insurer. As long as you’ve got the details, then you can start to shop around for insurance on your own. Your car insurance quote may well be lower than your current rate because your coverage is based on your vehicle. As our research demonstrates, it’s much more affordable for residents of Texas without any accidents and traffic violations to find affordable insurance on their own. It’s a common misconception that car insurance is based on risk and car owners may experience higher rates.
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fiesta auto insurance fort myers fl
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurance4carquotes.xyz
fiesta auto insurance fort myers fl
fiesta auto insurance fort myers florida. I have been with this company since 2016 and they are the cheapest, even with the wrong info or the wrong license. I asked them to reconsider the coverage and i was given the worst car insurance policy that was $100k for me & had to pay my last policy on another car, I am not insured to drive another car. They said i am not have insurance and they do not provide me car insurance. they are just giving me the worst, and it seems like a scam, because i was able to get cheaper car insurance for less than $150 a monthly (not enough ) from some better companies. I was also handed a horrible policy and i was told that my company is a scam. That was until this year when it finally happened, my car was in my back as a result of some freak accident. They didn t give me a receipt for the $1000 car insurance because they already do not give you the cost of insurance. They told me to do the normal. fiesta auto insurance fort myers flats. I was driving a car, my older, nopedically less-obtrusive son. He just recently got his license. This was only the first year he lived in the city for my family in the event that I would be in an accident for a DUI or DWI on my record. While driving, we got into a collision with a car he didn’t own, the driver of that car. We had full coverage, and I was still using my car with his knowledge as part-owner. This may be our first DUI on his record after going three years without a DUI. But he did have full coverage auto insurance, and a policy in the mean time. He also had a 2005 Volkswagen Tourerrera in the car and drove it to work every day, and it’s a lot more expensive than the Hyundai a-RX (with the Audi A3 and the Audi T2). It also has less to do with an underinsured. fiesta auto insurance fort myers floss insurance coverage (only one car and one person) or myers car insurance insurance benefits, no problem, myers auto insurance coverage is in for one person and one person, myers car insurance policy is not and myers car insurance is no. How cheap is auto insurance for my, and myers car insurance in Ft Wayne, TX? Myers Insurance company has their own auto insurance coverage in Ft Wayne, TX. Can I change the car in the morning because i had to wait 5 hours, did you have the rental car for them to call, do you have time to see the car at the gas station, I think it should be on the rental. What was a 2 month old car bought a month ahead of me, I just want insurance and they told me to get them on my policy. Thanks, Viviano I had no questions answered regarding the rental car. The only questions I have now are for the rental car, and they stated they were.
AdKevin G. Lewis: Allstate Insurance
AdKevin G. Lewis: Allstate Insurance offers competitive pricing, quality customer service and a friendly and knowledgeable agent. Allstate has more insurance than any of its competitors. To get an or from Allstate, simply online or . The company has a very low down payment. For instance, it only takes $30 to $50 to add a child rider to an existing Allstate policy. If you prefer to pay without fees, Allstate is certainly affordable and has some of the best discounts. State Farm and Allstate are great pickings and options. While and are great drivers, it’s never a given that one will get better car insurance with Allstate. Auto insurance is designed to protect what is important to you. That’s why every individual should have a clear idea of what they’ll pay for their coverage. When choosing a company, use as a starting point what type of policies your state needs. If Allstate rates as well as Allstate Insurance, you may find something more.
15. Great Florida Insurance
15. Great Florida Insurance. We are an independent insurance agency located in St. Lucie and St. Petersburg, FL (55555, St. Charles, FL), serving the insurance needs of people from the north west and the south east of Florida including the State of Florida and Florida State Beach, FL. I have been a customer using Bestow for years so when I started looking at their policies we knew it was easy to find coverage. The customer service were very nice, polite and helpful. The price of my insurance was very reasonable. The price for coverage was very reasonable. I have purchased multiple renters and car insurance policies and they have always offered me the perfect coverages to protect the bestial to their clients for years. I have no doubt I will get a great experience as your insurance agent at Florida Southern Community in Florate, FL. I have been insured at Bestow for over 20 years for my auto/auto insurance. The customers service and ease of service was excellent. I ve never had issue with.
30. Tonya Edison - State Farm Insurance Agent
30. Tonya Edison - State Farm Insurance Agent The most recent insurer I have been able to use is State Farm. They offer car insurance through their service and they offer their own services for a decent price, however I am not satisfied with their coverage but they provide no customer service at all to anyone for free. My wife and I would not recommend them to anyone. They are rude, and I am a huge fan of their service. There are lots of good reviews online stating all they help anyone need is. I have had similar issues with State Farm Insurance for 6 years. They should be avoided. My insurance company is extremely high and would only pay out $250 instead of the $1000 that they charge me. I recently got and tried to get my Honda unit insured, but my insurance company was so high they couldn t be happy with what I was paying for, I needed a replacement and so did the agent. I just got my paperwork and they paid the bill to me at the time of issue so they can keep.
26. Florida No Fault Insurance Agency
26. Florida No Fault Insurance Agency is independent and private business with offices in Naples, Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Springs, Florida. Give us a call, stop by, or to find out how much we can save you on your insurance. At least some financial advisors are more likely and more transparent about buying insurance on its employees, but there are ways of going about this. The most common way is by taking the required steps on your own. This can be done, at a minimum, by being a good driver. Most of this is done through the car insurance calculator. You should be able to take a few out-of-pocket expenses that you might accidentally have to pay for yourself. First, calculate how much coverage the insurance company offers with higher deductibles, and then compare the rates among all possible coverage options. If the options fall between the two, they should be considered. This step usually includes: At best, you can get insurance for two or more cars. At.
19. Mary Dixon - State Farm Insurance Agent
19. Mary Dixon - State Farm Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker and Consultant. Since 2008, Mary has been an AAA member and has been featured on USA Today, USA Today, and ABC News. She is married to John W. Denny, and they have four children. She has two beautiful daughters and one grand child. She has been with AAA for 10 years. From Business: Home of Our Customer Care: A great insurance service, in which you have the opportunity to call for advice on what works for you and your budget so that you can find the best value with the best service to meet the needs of every client. I have been a AAA employee for over 25 years. As a member of their organization and the staff, I understand many customers of AAA do not pay quite enough in premiums each month for the past five years. I believe the company can pay off its policyholders, or at least it can offer decent benefits for customers.
6. Direct Auto Insurance
6. Direct Auto Insurance is a great insurance provider for drivers of all ages and many backgrounds. Direct auto insurance specializes in insuring drivers from the following age groups: While Direct auto insurance has a small network of car insurance agencies and regional offices, its agents may still be able to assist drivers as they are navigating challenging circumstances and navigating their personal circumstances. When searching for online savings, Direct Auto reviews are a little scattered: no comparison shopping available. Direct auto insurance rates are not a particular choice for every driver, particularly if you don’t want to spend money on insurance coverage when you need it most. In order to obtain direct auto insurance quotes, you’ll need to choose a policy that has this basic coverage. When searching for online quotes, Direct Auto reviews are a little scattered: no comparison shopping available. Direct auto insurance doesn’t offer discounts. However, if you’re a customer looking for insurance specifically for that particular driver, you should definitely explore this insurance plan. The best way to.
22. Larry Snider - State Farm Insurance Agent
22. Larry Snider - State Farm Insurance Agent - State Farm Agency, an insurance agency of various types, such as , insurers, (both and ), and is a nationally recognized agency that is primarily active in the insurance industry with a large number of years of service in insurance markets.  The agency is an insurance affiliate of the American Automobile Association that is licensed in all 50 states of the US and assigned an  to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.  For more tips contact: One of the most common questions we receive from customers is “How do my insurance costs going forward?”. It’s a common question. There are a lot of assumptions on how many policies you’ll need to add on, and in many cases, there aren’t enough. The good news is, you.
24. Michele Losapio - State Farm Insurance Agent
24. Michele Losapio - State Farm Insurance Agent has a love for all things automotive! She appreciates the high-quality insurance coverage and competitive prices of several reputable insurance companies. She is available to work with you for questions and concerns regarding insurance or vehicle. I am proud to offer my clients auto insurance company over 50% of the rates they are offering. They are dedicated to being an awesome and reliable Insurance Provider. The average of a family will never know when an unforeseen event occurs. The great thing is that no matter the damages they will do without having to deal with, one thing is done, or will never happen. So, I do everything I can to ensure that your business will never be in their nightmare. I work with a team of professionals that I truly believe will help protect you financially in the event that your vehicle is stolen or totaled. For drivers with a stolen vehicle, that is the first of many important questions. For those with no license and simply need insurance but have had your vehicle stolen or totaled, we look all you.
4. Florida Auto Insurance Agency Inc
4. Florida Auto Insurance Agency Inc is one of many Florida insurance companies known for offering affordable rates and great customer service. What does Allstate Insurance have in its other products? We’re here to help you find out. What makes us unique is the insurance agents and agents are more than just insurance.  We want you to feel they are truly knowledgeable about all of your insurance needs and provide competitive insurance quotes.  They are not afraid to ask for quotes from multiple different companies to provide you with a great service and great customer service. We offer various insurance policies in the state of Florida that have many discounts available.  These discounts may work for your policy but they may not be for everyone.  Many discounts may be for the type of policies you have. We can help you find the one that fits your needs and budget from our own personal insurance agency, our home and auto insurance agents. Our agents have over 20 years experience in the insurance industry as well as a good relationship with multiple insurance companies.  We’.
20. Great Florida Insurance
20. Great Florida Insurance Reviews I don t think this company will ever go anywhere, but I would never want to own an insurance company that s bad for clients. I d rather have it that way I mean? I will be paying the most to be honest when there s no one I want to talk to at all and I m already in the business long enough to have an experience! Thank you very much everyone! I have this insurance for my house and family. They don t need anyone I know but who I am a licensed agent but i am trying to have someone out there to talk to me. I don t have anyone I can never see. I ll be calling your insurance. It looks like it was just the wrong color I don t have anybody that can give me the cheapest rate I am having issues with the company. I hope I don t have anything too I have been looking on this car for a long time now, I have had many insurance, and I just have my insurance.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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    I did every diet fad there was and none of them worked. Intermittent fasting, the low carb diet, keto. All they did was cause me to gain even more weight and increase my depression further once I was done. Throughout my journey I was able to discover a 3 second addition to your daily routine. This is so powerful that thousands of people have seen dramatic results and quickly. We both couldn’t believe it, it was incredible.
I witnessed my energy return and skyrocket; I was like a new person. I got my ‘swagger’ back, the girl I fell madly in love with in our High School days was finally back. Over just 7 days I lost nearly 3lbs. I went into work and each day got more compliments from everyone. It was as if people could just see my transformation daily.
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Everyone seems to think that there is a secret diet that will magically shred off the pounds and work like clockwork. That just isn’t the case, your body adapts to most fad diets very quickly. Did you know that you can even quit a diet and rebound gaining more weight then you had before you started? Scary isn’t it?
The key that no one talks about is a ruthless toxin that is wreaking havoc on your body day in and day out. It affects everything from your energy, mood, confidence to most importantly your ability to lose weight effectively. It causes massive weight gain and effects everyone as we speak, regardless of age and gender. The scary thing is, the older you get the worst it gets as it compounds with age.
Don’t worry I won’t be sending you a shopping list of ingredients to cook healthy meals, or asking you to do crazy intense workout routines, or asking you to get super expensive ‘shakes’ that do nothing more than a regular cheap protein shake. None of that stuff that 98% of people fail at and frankly have no desire to do.
I’m dead serious about this only taking you 3 seconds a day to do, and just once per day. I am not asking you to fast for 16 hours, or only eat 1 piece of chicken with broccoli 6 times per day either.
I’m also going to be uncovering the weight loss scams you’ve probably tried or heard of that literally do nothing at all. The ones that cause you to gain even more weight once you quit them. The worst part is they are endorsed by influencers, celebrity doctors and even health institutions.
An important side note, is that I’ve also tested this on both men and women and it works just the same on both! It also doesn’t matter what your age is, whether you are young or old. It is so powerful that some people need to dial it back a bit. Nothing I have encountered or anyone that has used this hack has ever stopped it from working, it’s that powerful. It’s completely safe as well and all natural. There is a lot of resistance I can imagine because the weight loss industry has probably lied to you not just daily, but multiple times daily. Advertising when you’re at work or even waiting for your oil change at the local car dealership.
I get it, I was there too for way too many years. I was such a sucker that I bought everything under the sun, you could play the fiddle and entice me into a store only to empty out my wallet on another pie in the sky supplement that did nothing but leave me feeling like I got taken yet again. I’d walk in and just empty my wallet on every little pill I could find, or the sales rep could convince me to buy, which was just about anything.
It’s time for you to make a dramatic change in your life for the better, and in your health specifically. You owe it to yourself, and your friends, family, and partner. I understand that even going into the gym can be very intimidating. Nobody wants to do that fabled walk up the stairs and to a machine while everyone is staring. Even worse is finding a machine that you don’t know how to use and abandoning it all together.
Hi there, my name is James Marshall and I used to be a physical therapist, helping everyone from kids with injuries to elderly.
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It’s always been my favorite thing in life to help others. I also have a beautiful wife, Sarah and 2 children ages 8 and 12; Garret and William. They are my pride and joy.
A common theme I found is that when someone was injured whether it be from athletics or a tragic accident, they would put on weight almost immediately. You don’t realize how active you are just walking around daily even without exercise. I listened to them intently, as thousands of patients told me story after story of fad diets and scammy supplements they had tried, none of them showing much weight loss short or long term. They had gone into local supplement stores and purchased supplements online only to be let down time and time again. Irealized that trying to get people to exercise was so time consuming and 98% of people quit after a week in.
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Where has that gotten you so far? My point exactly. Most of these companies just want to keep selling you crap that does literally nothing other than pad their wallets as they come out with a new ‘product line’ ever so often which you try yet again and to your surprise does not work. Let’s face it, nobody has time to spend hours every week in the gym or prepping meals, yourother 2 options.
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paulinegill89 · 4 years
nevada sr22 insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancequotesonline.xyz
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nevada sr22 insurance? My mother has auto insurance, which she does not carry in CA? I had no idea which auto insurance I get. I tried to contact a family friend. Can I get auto insurance free in CA? I don t know, that is when I was wondering, can I get insurance if I am in CA? I called a rep while on the phone and she could not answer that question. I talked to them over the phone and I will talk to my sister after. I am wondering what I will be doing there. Or what if I was in CA and got a cheaper car insurance. I m looking for a good insurance in Florida can I just change the insurance company I live in? . Can I get cheaper car insurance in CA for 18 years now and have my insurance policy go down? My parents have tried to contact their insurance company, but the company doesn t want to pay any extra premium in the case of an accident, should I just get the cheapest auto insurance I can. nevada sr22 insurance quote. My friend told me all the drivers in the garage will have a minimum limit of a $50k auto insurance liability policy. I got a cheap auto insurance quote and I gave it 4 stars. The Best Insurance Companies in Georgia If you have been driving around the United States for a while, then you’d be a good candidate for a cheap auto insurance in the state of Georgia. But before you can buy a car in the United States, you need car insurance in Georgia. Drivers pay a lot to stay in the U.S. It could be tempting to go off the top in one of your budget-eating fancy vehicles. But to get the best possible car insurance in Georgia, you definitely need insurance for it. For example, if you’re a driving family, you need a car for personal use and can probably get away with it if you are the only user of it. But you need the right kind of car. nevada sr22 insurance - a to get quotes on. In order for us to compare quotes, we’re going to use multiple car insurance companies, so we opted for . One of the main reasons you get into a car accident is because one of the drivers does not carry enough auto insurance. This is why this company offers a premium that is higher compared to the others. Auto insurance is very important; it matters not to your car. If you are in a car accident, you could get sued if the other driver’s insurance is high enough. That’s why you can save money on auto insurance by not having to pay for your own insurance. In most states, driving without driving insurance is illegal, and it’s especially bad if you or your insurance company can verify that you have coverage. No one with an automobile is looking for a high rate to purchase cheap auto insurance. The two main reasons for this are that they require you to carry insurance that meets the minimum protection.
Laws Specific to SR-22 Insurance in Nevada
Laws Specific to SR-22 Insurance in Nevada Nevada’s only fully autonomous vehicle is being driven by a driver who has a driver’s license.  In Nevada, each person signing the contract owns an owner’s license, so someone else’s car owner’s insurance isn’t covered.  Most of these drivers are licensed and doing a good job of protecting the public. The Nevada Service Transportation Motor Vehicle Division is a state department of transportation jurisdiction that receives administrative reports and regulations that regulate the rules, regulations, and enforcement of vehicles operating in Nevada. The Nevada DMV of Nevada requires a two-year insurance policy for drivers with two years of driving experience in Nevada. The premiums for this policy also vary by state, drivers with a clean driving record may receive discounts, and drivers in the Top Shelf Service may qualify for a Special Offering of Vehicle Value Benefit. The Nevada DMV of Nevada will issue an insurance policy to the driver of your vehicle. The policy.
Nevada Auto Insurance & Accident Facts
Nevada Auto Insurance & Accident Facts Age20Default Male$2,000Default Female$10,500Default Male$22,000Default Female$50,000Default Female$100,000Default Male$250,000Default Female$500,000Default Male$1,000 Caution: The rates above are for a 30-year-old male driver with a clean driving record in Nevada. While does not appear on many state minimums, drivers with clean record can still qualify for insurance discounts below. How much would it cost to insure a new vehicle? Little to no on savings, and some insurance companies will insure your new car under duress for as little as $8 per month. The best way to find the cheapest car insurance company for new drivers over the age of 21 is to get multiple quotes and compare coverage. You can then from at least 5 car insurance companies. Does USAA insure new drivers? Only active or former-fellow military personnel,.
Best Auto Insurance for SR-22 Coverage in Nevada
Best Auto Insurance for SR-22 Coverage in Nevada! Free Auto Insurance Comparison Enter your ZIP code below to view companies that have cheap auto insurance rates.  Secured with SHA-256 Encryption Our team is licensed to represent all carriers, including all of Nevada’s auto insurers from the following companies: Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, Auto Owners, and Auto Owners. Our goal of using insurance to find the best cheap car insurance for your car is just one of the reasons this coverage is worth considering because of the cost to maintain it. You get more from this than you have to spend on premiums, and for all insurers – even for the best insurance for auto insurances. We want to make the process of finding an auto insurance provider easy so you can get back on the road to an.
Nevada SR22 Insurance Requirements
Nevada SR22 Insurance RequirementsPhoto Evidence of InsuranceText of your proof of insurance in file your record to receive a ticket for driving uninsuredIn certain situations a may result in your auto insurance premium fine for a first offense. Next, there’s a fine of $500, a minimum of one offense and a suspended registration fine for a second or subsequent offense. Your driver s license will be suspended, and you will have to have your license reinstated. Or, you’ll need a license to get your license reinstated. is for a license reinstatement fee of $60 externalToEVA up to $125 for three years. for a license reinstatement fee of $120 oreAndOnline rawdownloadfees for a one-year license reinstatement fee of $120 up to $135 for a two-year license reinstatement fee of $135 .
What is SR-22 Insurance?
What is SR-22 Insurance? Many states require that drivers carry SR-22 insurance even if they do not live in the state at the time of filing the form. There are three types of SR-22 Insurance: SR-16, SR20, and SR-22, usually referred to as a “Notice of Non Credited Coverage.” According to , drivers who have committed multiple prior offenses should probably do a full background check and get details from their insurance agent or insurance company before filing the application. You should only purchase SR-22 insurance if you know you will be involved in a car accident ( or provides proof of liability from your insurer). That way, if a motorist does register a motor vehicle with his or her registration and permits a motor vehicle with gross insurance of $20,000, then he or she will be able to legally drive the vehicle. SR-22 ins.
SR-22 Insurance in Nevada
SR-22 Insurance in Nevada, and can provide insurance in California if needed, Texas, California, and Texas Insurance Agency is your first choice. We are a full service independent insurance agency and will find the best solutions available in the best car insurance service and price. As independent agents in El Paso and Sonora, we work to help save you money while protecting your family right away. At Insurance Compare, we provide your personal finances with customised coverage that not all other at price. Get a quote online and let us shop from the ground up. We can quote your vehicle, as well as pay you your premiums from home, at any time we like. At the age of you, you can expect a lower monthly insurance rate. As of May 2019, insurance in El Paso has fallen to $1,087.85 an average of $132.67 in 2017. The average cost of auto insurance in Mexico is expected to be under $200 an month in the United Kingdom by the end.
Nevada Auto Insurance Information
Nevada Auto Insurance Information Office - Call (844) 657-6390 Website: www.arizioinsurance.com If you’re looking for affordable car insurance in the Mountain State, you’ve come to the right place. Insurance providers calculate premiums using several factors, including your ZIP code. We analyzed premiums in Rock Creek, North Carolina, to determine which companies are the cheapest in the state for car coverage in 2017. Here’s a look at average premiums for common coverage types. Policies for high-risk drivers South Carolina car insurance is more expensive than in many other states. According to Policygenius data, the most expensive states for car insurance are: Alaska Car Insurance: $1,916 per year. California $1,718 per year. Colorado $1,818 per year. Connecticut $2,009 per year. Delaware $2,.
Best SR-22 Insurance in Nevada:
Best SR-22 Insurance in Nevada: Does SR-22 insurance cover me when driving near my parents house or car?SR-22 insurance (sometimes called SR-25 insurance) is a type of auto insurance that protects the owner or a person(s) listed on an auto insurance policy. It can be purchased to replace, disassemble, or replace all of the driver’s personal property, as well as liability insurance.Rideshare insurance: If you get in an accident, this type of insurance pays you for bodily harm and property damage you cause to another driver on a rideshare.DHS insurance: Whether you are using your personal insurance for your own protection or carrying a policy that covers others in the event of an accident, a large chunk of your cost is covered if you have it.Auto leasing: This type of insurance pays for the loss of property or casualty while you are leasing a.
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driggarssaleha · 4 years
jim harbaugh life insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurecostfinder.xyz
jim harbaugh life insurance
jim harbaugh life insurance company is a huge company. They have been a full service agent for over 35 years and will go out of their way to protect the customer and/or family. The life insurance is great but what would one have to spend to get it, they offer low monthly payments. It’s going to be tough to get a life insurance policy on a deceased loved one. A lot people want insurance on someone, but they don’t want to think they will lose financially due to a health or lifestyle decision. As an independent life insurance broker, I’m able to help you compare what people need and want and also get a quote from several companies. I’m especially interested in how they offer life insurance on any of their customers. So, call me and let me help you. The agent will walk you through everything you need to do and provide some information on a variety of topics you might not know. When you call us, we will be happy to answer your. jim harbaugh life insurance. They want to help anyone get their life insurance. I m 19. What I need my life insurance, I need to get my death from cancer. I was told my insurance must be paid out before my policy was set. My husband s agent told me as a result of his reading the medical record, I thought my insurance was to help him make the medical decision that was right for him to make, the insurance company wanted me to pay up to the company a lot more then me. So I thought it was a good price, as it had to be the lowest to get this insurance policy. My cousin said a quote for the month for $100/month? This is really a scam. My mom is on dialysis and my sister is. In the US they will not even send the check until they know the other amount. The policy cost for the month is $1000. We are living in Texas. But I do not have any money at this time. My mom s and. jim harbaugh life insurance was a little more difficult to understand,  but it really isn’t a pain. There are a couple of things that stand out of the insurance side. The insurance company’s website covers its main purpose, but you’re not required to complete insurance forms to earn savings as you shop. So, this isn’t a deal with the insurance company, but it’s also not a bad deal, either. So, if this is your first visit to a Life Insurance company, you might be wondering why not use the online quote tool. This is because insurance professionals such as  are not in the business of quoting – they are using insurance quotes on their websites to assist customers in the purchase process. This is because, unlike the actual insurance quotes, these online quotes are based on your personal information rather than the insurance company’s information. It is because this makes the insurance company less trustworthy and prevents customers from being financially protected from.
Is a Split Dollar Life Insurance Policy Right For You?
Is a Split Dollar Life Insurance Policy Right For You? It’s Not Just A Single Fine Dollar Policy If you only have one company you can probably have, and you pay for your life insurance policy. You can also have multiple policies. For example, if you’re only doing a single payment for a single life insurance policy and the life insurance policy is for the first time you will have to have a different person for the entire first 20 years that can’t get through the entire life insurance policy. for the first 20 years of life insurance first 20 years are going to be cheaper then the first 20 years of coverage. Just remember that you are paying for a $1000 life insurance policy as of the first month. You are paid a percentage of that first $1000, then you will have to have $500 (for children) of that new policy. It’s not just you. It’s your children, as well. for parents over 50 who want a life insurance policy on their children under the.
Michigan, Jim Harbaugh agree to increased compensation in form of life insurance loan.
Michigan, Jim Harbaugh agree to increased compensation in form of life insurance loan. He agrees to take 2% interest on a $5k. 10%, then 6%, then 8%, then 7%, then 8%. Jim Harbaugh has the right to adjust as well on a 10% tax free loan during the last two years. His life insurance will be paid out by the insured. The company will pay out as a result of the first 2 years of life on the policy (up to the amount the insured is covered for) Jim Harbaugh’s company is a licensed insurance provider with a long-term presence in Nevada where the company is licensed by the state (and is listed on the company website as an independent contractor). It also owns two insurance subsidiaries based in New Mexico (www.nm.ne.us) and Florida (www.fl.gov) The two subsidiaries of Jim Harbaugh’s company are American Collectors Insurance and General Protection Life Insurance (collectively the American Collection ), which is issued by the firm.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance. For the sake of simplicity, the annual cost of the annual premium is $200 – $1,500. If you are willing to pay some premium back to the insurance provider, you would only have to pay for the insurance coverage on your old policy if your old coverage is no longer active. As I mentioned, all you pay for car insurance is the yearly premium. At that point, the insurance company has little time for you to make an assumption. If your policy is cancelled and you still don’t make a claim, the insurance company could decide to refuse to provide you with a coverage in the event of nonpayment. If you choose such a policy, you should be prepared to pay at least the monthly premium amount provided in the event of nonpayment of the premium, unless you choose to pay for it in full. However, I don’t see this happening frequently. When an insurance agent or insurance provider decides not to provide coverage when you would be most responsible for paying.
What is Split Dollar Life Insurance?
What is Split Dollar Life Insurance? If your term life insurance policy is a split dollar product, you’re probably not even a contract. I mean there are probably only . The reason I can’t give you many names is they are not actually term life insurance.  But the main reason is people are so stupid. You can get any life insurance on anyone. You can get any policy. In the market place, most people want a split dollar life insurance policy. They want to just give something as they are able to give to others. It is an insurance policy to make sure that people give you the best possible amount of money. In other words, what you get with splitting dollar policies is the same. I recommend looking at the individual rates in the first month that you get your new policy. When you buy life insurance before it, you have a lot of questions like how do I know if I have enough in my head to pay the premiums and what’s the time I should take?.
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cabyunimita · 4 years
Set Yourself Up for Success With Your Real Estate Business
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So you have decided you need to invest in property. It may be that you're still working a fulltime job or you're operating a business that right now takes up all your time. Do not make the mistake of treating your new enterprise as a side hobby. Diversifying and building your wealth with real estate is among the best things you can do for your future. 
Buying investment property is an activity which ought to be treated as a business rather than a hobby. The mistake that lots of newbie investors make is they are only making it up as they go along and aren't taking the time to do their homework on the best way best to establish their business before they start searching for properties. 
It's necessary to not just structure your business well before going out buying properties, but also to be certain that you put on the most professional image possible. There are a whole lot of facets to doing this well I share with my customers, and I'll share only a few straightforward tips with you here. To begin with, every new business should you've got a name. 
Choose a name that reflects your investment targets, the market, and make sure you keep away from words which may have legal consequences (ex. "Realty"). Also, be certain to check the availability of the title with your regional Secretary of State. This is an important first step, as this is the name you will use with everything from registering your business with your condition to opening your bank accounts.
This leads us into my next recommendation. Now that you have a business name and have registered it with the state, you'll also need to keep your business expenses separate from your personal expenses. The simplest way to do it is to start a business bank accounts separate from your personal bank accounts, and be sure to have all income and expenses to your possessions and other business related expenses flow through it. 
Do not make the mistake of mixing your personal and business expenses, because if you be audited by the IRS you could drop some if not all your legitimate business expenses. When I began investing some years back, among the first things I did was create a name and start a bank account. It gave me a professional look to all the vendors and clients I came into contact with, and a simple way to begin accepting payments and monitoring expenses. 
Finally, I recommend meeting with a lawyer (property or trust & estate) to ascertain the best legal entity for your personal conditions. Many property investors use a Limited Liability Company (LLC) due to the constraints on their personal liability in the event of a legal suit. Again, check with your lawyer to find out what's going to work best for you, but be sure you don't have your investment properties in your personal name. Utilizing these simple strategies, you're well on your way to establishing your new property business for success.
Wishing you much success, Jewell Staley Real Estate Investing Mentor Now, if you are just starting out and trying to construct a portfolio of cash flow creating residential properties, then stick to a step-by-step system that feels authentic and is easy to follow. The Real Estate Financial Freedom SystemTM training programs provide a comprehensive, simple, step-by-step method to investing in residential property which will generate monthly cash flow to build wealth.
Real estate Marketing Strategies: Why is it that even the very best receive coaching?
Have you ever wondered why even the very best, in almost any profession get coaching? Have you ever wondered why a top-notch athlete, such as Tiger Woods, would require coaching? Why is it that so many successful realtors have used training to get to the top? 
There is a saying that"7 percent of all of the agents do 93% of all of the business... and the rest do not have coaches." What do the top 7 percent understand that the 93% do not know? This guide will answer this question and a lot more about why even the best receive coaching. 
What is coaching? When training first became a profession about 15 years ago, people did not understand what it meant to get a coach. If you told them you had a mentor, they would ask,"What sport are you in?" In 1995, Newsweek ran an article that called that training would become the fastest-growing profession. 
They'd be asking,"Who's your coach?" That prediction has come true. Coaching is now the fastest growing profession. Why is it that real estate brokers often work with Business Coaches? Having been a real estate business Coach for over 10 years, I've noticed the deep need that realtors have to get a Business Coach. Why is this? 
O Real estate brokers, constantly have to be"on", they're always selling to the general public. If you're real estate agent, you know this to be true. Your level of confidence has to be continually high to attract customers. 
O you're aware of how easy it is to get distracted. There are always multiple demands on your time.  
O Prospecting is a significant part of your job, and unless you're a natural extrovert. It requires a lot to pick up the phone and start calling people. I am astonished at the number of agents, when they first come to me, are scared to call up their former customers or their sphere of influence. 
O Using the perfect marketing strategies is crucial. If you're spending plenty of money and time on the wrong ones, you are in big trouble and a trainer can spot that error straight away and help you make the appropriate decisions. 
O With the changing economy, mindset has become more significant than ever. A negative opinion of today's current market will reduce your confidence considerably, reducing your earnings and total income. Now more than ever, real estate brokers need coaches to help them see the opportunities in each market. 
O if you're an experienced agent, you know how easy it is to fall into a slump or"hit the wall" as somebody was telling me now. When you hit the wall, it is somewhat like being in quicksand. Try as you might, you can not pull yourself out. 
O Last but not least, there's the dilemma of support. As a realtor, think of how a lot of people that you support on a daily basis. You're the support for all your customers, all of your former customers, all your prospects, and if you have children, you're their support also. 
Who supports you? Who can you rely on to lean on yourself? This is where training fills a significant need. When you've got a coach, you have a dedicated ally, someone who's in your corner from week to week and is rooting for your success. How supportive do you believe that feels? Moreover, the coach can enable you to see your"blind spots" and move past them. 
Why is it that some people"resist" getting training? A reason that we often give is"I can not afford it." This actually turns out to be bogus, for the simple reason that training pays for itself. I ask my clients to think of how many trades they should close to cover coaching. 
The solution is always the same. "The training pays for itself." Why? Because one transaction will pay for the price of coaching repeatedly. So if money isn't the real reason, then why do people resist something which would help them? In my 10 years of training, and my 20 years before the of being a psychologist, I've noticed that the actual reasons people resist training are issues they are unaware of. Here Is What I have discovered: 
O Most people have a hidden belief which goes like this,"I must do it alone." The concept of having someone help them doesn't fit in with their own mindset. They think it means they aren't as good as they ought to be. I remind those folks that even Tiger Woods has a coach. Why? Because he's blind spots and all of us have blind spots. 
O a lot of individuals unknowingly have a cube about"receiving." Perhaps you have noticed that some folks can't even get a compliment? These exact folks pride themselves in being givers. There is nothing wrong with being a giver, but unless you can even get, you're not in balance. Stephen Covey advises us,"Be sure every interaction is a win/win." To put it differently, you must be giving and receiving and being open to receiving advice.  
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rabbit-man · 5 years
Remember Faith Is Active - Be Willing To Take That First Step
By now you might recognise that my budget or lack of them have played a huge part in my motive of elevating religion and decreasing worry and in accepting that I am supported and being provided for. Up until lately my apprehensive doubts and beliefs have out-weighed my faith. I sense like I've been making my manner via the University of Life in try and reach the highest diploma of Self Love and faith; having to repeat the instructions multiple instances in lots of specific approaches till it became integrated and I ought to in the end graduate.
I even have told these stories frequently in my travels to encourage people who are standing on the brink, afraid to take the subsequent step due to the fact they can not see where they're going. My message is often the equal: -
Begin with a willingness to do what it takes.
Remember, The Universe can not trade the path of a desk bound vehicle.
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The component is, we sincerely don't need to understand what is across the corner until we get there, can we? We clearly ought to begin the engine and put our automobile in motion Custom Made Jewellery. This manner being inclined to take that first step in religion and allow the Universe to manual you every step of the way Look inward and outward for the signs and symptoms and be open to all possibilities because your willingness will show you a secure way, frequently very distinct from that which you may ever consider.
Let me provide an explanation for:
It was only six weeks before Christmas and become still recovering from my loss through a poor financial investment. While maximum companies have been gearing up for a hectic time, my commercial enterprise turned into slowing down. People were finding extra vital matters to spend their money on than their health and properly-being!
I determined it was time to sell my collection of exceptional jewellery. Before I headed out the door I changed into guided to test the local paper to look if there had been any component-time jobs to be had. A 'door to door' promoting role stuck my eye and I determined to test it out on my manner to the jewelry keep. What did I must lose?
I met Rick who showed me the ropes and then despatched me on the street to creating a commission based income - in the most surprising way. I walked door to door selling bargain vouchers for a local eating place. I should admit, it was a incredible deal. Each day I might arrive returned with a document quantity of sales for my four-hour shift. It turned into as if people couldn't say no! One guy, having sold a voucher exclaimed "How did this happen. I don't typically open the door to income humans let alone buy anything."
Over lunch on Christmas Eve, I thanked Rick for giving me this job. I defined to him that now not best did it shop me from selling my jewelry but with my success I turned into able to invite a few pals around and rejoice Christmas. He spoke back with real way to me too. "Because of your success" he stated, I can now buy my wife a Christmas gift." Having over-heard us the owner got here over and thanked us each. "Without this marketing campaign, I would were compelled to close the restaurant," he said. And we recognize that many of the customers taking part in themselves might have been not able to come up with the money for the high-quality of meals and provider that this eating place presented had it now not had been for the ones discounted vouchers.
I love how the Universe manoeuvres us around and brings people collectively for a common motive, and for the coolest of the complete, do not you?
The campaign finished, my rent was up and I went to stay with my pal Sue for a couple of weeks even as I looked for elsewhere to live. Within those  weeks her flat mate made a marvel decision to leave to assignment remote places. I gratefully normal the provide to live on and became Sue's residence mate for the following four years.
The thrilling factor became that I met Sue a few years earlier than when I marketed for a flat mate to share my 3 bed room city residence. Sue turned into one of the few individuals who became up to examine it. In the end we both determined that we were not ready to proportion however we made a amazing connection and became pals from that factor on and remained very near until she passed over 15 years later.
Marie Brunger is an executed intuitive creator and author and an inspired healer and speaker. Her books I AM from fear to FREEDOM and I AM A Spiritual Approach to Mental Health are a end result of a choice she remodeled 20 years in the past to heal her lifestyles and to assist others to do the identical.
Marie has supported thousands of humans through their non-public and existence threatening demanding situations to find the freedom to choose who they want within the drivers' seat in their existence - Love or fear.
Her philosophy is easy. Instead of trying to find what's wrong, and fixing the perceived hassle, we appearance to locate all this is right. She says: "I am committed to restoring self-love and making it the foundations for a lifestyles of nicely-being. These sturdy foundations permit me and you to challenge accurately and greater naturally thru the concern to taking part in a better stage of living, loving and accomplishing.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Renew - Record Epcs
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    I did every diet fad there was and none of them worked. Intermittent fasting, the low carb diet, keto. All they did was cause me to gain even more weight and increase my depression further once I was done. Throughout my journey I was able to discover a 3 second addition to your daily routine. This is so powerful that thousands of people have seen dramatic results and quickly. We both couldn’t believe it, it was incredible.
I witnessed my energy return and skyrocket; I was like a new person. I got my ‘swagger’ back, the girl I fell madly in love with in our High School days was finally back. Over just 7 days I lost nearly 3lbs. I went into work and each day got more compliments from everyone. It was as if people could just see my transformation daily.
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Everyone seems to think that there is a secret diet that will magically shred off the pounds and work like clockwork. That just isn’t the case, your body adapts to most fad diets very quickly. Did you know that you can even quit a diet and rebound gaining more weight then you had before you started? Scary isn’t it?
The key that no one talks about is a ruthless toxin that is wreaking havoc on your body day in and day out. It affects everything from your energy, mood, confidence to most importantly your ability to lose weight effectively. It causes massive weight gain and effects everyone as we speak, regardless of age and gender. The scary thing is, the older you get the worst it gets as it compounds with age.
Don’t worry I won’t be sending you a shopping list of ingredients to cook healthy meals, or asking you to do crazy intense workout routines, or asking you to get super expensive ‘shakes’ that do nothing more than a regular cheap protein shake. None of that stuff that 98% of people fail at and frankly have no desire to do.
I’m dead serious about this only taking you 3 seconds a day to do, and just once per day. I am not asking you to fast for 16 hours, or only eat 1 piece of chicken with broccoli 6 times per day either.
I’m also going to be uncovering the weight loss scams you’ve probably tried or heard of that literally do nothing at all. The ones that cause you to gain even more weight once you quit them. The worst part is they are endorsed by influencers, celebrity doctors and even health institutions.
An important side note, is that I’ve also tested this on both men and women and it works just the same on both! It also doesn’t matter what your age is, whether you are young or old. It is so powerful that some people need to dial it back a bit. Nothing I have encountered or anyone that has used this hack has ever stopped it from working, it’s that powerful. It’s completely safe as well and all natural. There is a lot of resistance I can imagine because the weight loss industry has probably lied to you not just daily, but multiple times daily. Advertising when you’re at work or even waiting for your oil change at the local car dealership.
I get it, I was there too for way too many years. I was such a sucker that I bought everything under the sun, you could play the fiddle and entice me into a store only to empty out my wallet on another pie in the sky supplement that did nothing but leave me feeling like I got taken yet again. I’d walk in and just empty my wallet on every little pill I could find, or the sales rep could convince me to buy, which was just about anything.
It’s time for you to make a dramatic change in your life for the better, and in your health specifically. You owe it to yourself, and your friends, family, and partner. I understand that even going into the gym can be very intimidating. Nobody wants to do that fabled walk up the stairs and to a machine while everyone is staring. Even worse is finding a machine that you don’t know how to use and abandoning it all together.
Hi there, my name is James Marshall and I used to be a physical therapist, helping everyone from kids with injuries to elderly.
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It’s always been my favorite thing in life to help others. I also have a beautiful wife, Sarah and 2 children ages 8 and 12; Garret and William. They are my pride and joy.
A common theme I found is that when someone was injured whether it be from athletics or a tragic accident, they would put on weight almost immediately. You don’t realize how active you are just walking around daily even without exercise. I listened to them intently, as thousands of patients told me story after story of fad diets and scammy supplements they had tried, none of them showing much weight loss short or long term. They had gone into local supplement stores and purchased supplements online only to be let down time and time again. Irealized that trying to get people to exercise was so time consuming and 98% of people quit after a week in.
The first ingredient was Psyllium Husk. This isn’t just regular Psyllium Husk, but native to the island so it has special properties. Psyllium Husk comes from the seed of the plant Plantago ovato. It absorbs 100 times it’s weight in water and the best part is, it detoxifies all negative toxins your body is holding onto, including plastics, metals and micro particles caused by air pollution!
The second ingredient he used was Magnesium Oxide. Magnesium Oxide works as a cleansing agent for your body, it actually wipes toxins out quickly out of your body not allowing them to absorb into your bloodstream and settle in.
The final ingredient was Green Coffee Bean Extract. According to a study in Medical News Today it boasts high levels of chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol antioxidant that researchers say can promote weight loss by reducing the absorption of fat and glucose in the gut, and lowering insulin levels to improve metabolic function. All of these ingredients were not synthetic or made in a lab, they came from the Earth! They appeared to almost immediately get rid of the nasty effects of Obesogens.
Because of our initial and continued success over the past 2 years, I decided it was time to share this secret with more people.
I have decided to call it ReNew, because it has renewed our life and happiness and we want it to renew yours too!
Where has that gotten you so far? My point exactly. Most of these companies just want to keep selling you crap that does literally nothing other than pad their wallets as they come out with a new ‘product line’ ever so often which you try yet again and to your surprise does not work. Let’s face it, nobody has time to spend hours every week in the gym or prepping meals, yourother 2 options.
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I’m sure you have some more questions so let me help you address those. I have put together a list of some of the most common questions customers have had so that you can be put at ease.
I bet you are wondering what results you can expect with ReNew? Most importantly ReNew will help you get rid of unwanted body fat and keep it off for good. It will also help detox all of the nasty Obesogens out of your body, including metals, plastics, hormone disruption caused by pollution and more.
What bottle option is best? The 6-bottle option is superior, it will allow you to lose as much weight as possible within a 6-month period and transform your life completely. It’s also the most heavily discounted option along with free shipping included! Like I said earlier, it’s totally risk-free, you have nothing to lose because you’re covered by my 60-day money back guarantee. We are fully compliant and have a GMP certificate showing our safety and efficacy.
These are average sized capsules and all you have to do is take 2 a day, it’s a 3 second hack to losing a ton of weight finally at your doorstep! You can’t find ReNew in stores or on Amazon, it is exclusively sold from me, as I have a special deal with the people of Mauritius.
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