#when you're super young it's literally chill
vncannyvalleygrrl · 3 months
Charlie Dompler Headcanons
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includes general, dating, and nsfw headcanons in that order (mdni)
He had an interesting childhood. His mom and dad weren't in the picture a lot, so most of the time he stayed with his batshit Uncle or his grandparents. His grandpa died when he was young, but the memories he does have with him are very fond ones.
Him and his Uncle are super close to each other. When he was a kid, he would go dirt biking, hunting, fishing... all sorts of stuff with him. If they weren't family, they would 100% be friends. Only recently though has his Uncle found his love of cars (and hitting pedestrians).
Charlie used to be a massive smoker/stoner all throughout high school. He quit recently, but he occasionally lights up a cigarette or a blunt just to calm down after a stressful day of work.
One of the things his grandma taught him was how to crochet, and while he isn't very good at it he can crochet the hell out of granny squares.
Holds a grudge against every peanut company because peanuts killed his grandma. Straight up glares at any bag of peanuts he sees in a store or in public.
Whenever he sleeps his arms and legs kick around like a dog. Wakes up with random bruises and in the weirdest positions because of it.
Originally joined up with Smiling Friends while he was trying to stop smoking all the time. In high school, he wanted to be a semi-truck driver, but he changed his plans when he went through a massive depressive episode. He decided from then on that he wanted to help others as much as possible to improve their life, using the tips and tricks he gathered to improve his own situation.
He originally met Pim seven years ago when he first started working at Smiling Friends. This is the longest friendship he's ever held, and he secretly wishes they met sooner.
Thunder thighs *chews him up like gum*
Total sleeper build. When he's standing normally and just chilling he looks like a blob of yellow fat, but when he flexes his bicep or his thigh you can really see the muscles.
Charlie is the kind of person that hates being in drama of any kind, but will gladly watch someone else's drama unfold in front of him from a distance. This man cannot mind his own business for the life of him.
Snores like a chainsaw.
He was raised religious, but now he's only catholic when it's convenient. When he's in a life or death scenario, he'll pray and ask for forgiveness, but we all saw where he went in the season one finale.
Dating Him
sorry zoey
Dating him feels like that moment when you wake up with your partner's arms around you. The air around you is cold but you feel comfy under the covers and you juusstt want to sleep for five more minutes... He's just a super chill guy to be around, and that only multiplies when you date him.
Charlie is a portable heater. Puts an arm around you when he sees you're cold. Use his hands as a glove PLEASE he will fall in love with you again.
Loves it when you wear his clothes. Bonus points if it smells like him.
He wants to cook for you! He can only cook mac and cheese but he's really good at it.
Dates at fast food joints, chilling at each other's places, watching movies on the couch, etc. Gifts things like jewelry, video games (if you like playing them), and clothes. Prefers to give things that are practical to your life.
Like stated previously, Charlie tends to kick and shift around the bed when he's sleeping alone, but when he's taking a nap with you he holds onto you like a monkey.
If you sit down on the couch, he lays his head on your shoulder. If you're sitting down on a chair, he leans by your side. Super affectionate but denies it at every chance. The most PDA you'll get out of him is hand holding, maybe a few smooches if he's feeling frisky.
Gets confrontational when he feels jealous. He sees a guy staring at you in public? Either hold him back or hold the camera because it's not ending pretty.
His apartment is literally so pathetic. His mattress is on the floor in the corner, the only table he has is reserved for his gaming laptop and a place for food, his microwave barely works. For the love of God please help him improve his living space.
Has you two together as his phone background, can't help but smile when he gets a text from you.
🚨 NSFW 🚨
Poor guy gets horny so easily. Accidentally brush your ass against him trying to get something? Already semi-chubbed. Start kissing him when you're cuddling and you're a little too firm with your kisses? Hard as a rock. Wear one of his dirty shirts and nothing else? You might as well just bend over.
That being said, he's super into fucking you while wearing clothes. He likes seeing you naked, but something about having sex while wearing clothes makes him feel dirty and he loves it.
Absolutely fucks while wearing his cross necklace. Sorry but it's hot.
Lowkey into semi-public stuff. Obviously wouldn't want to get either of you into trouble, but he wouldn't mind a quick blowjob in a bathroom stall or a car.
One time he tried to shave his balls and it did not end well. Still cringes every time he looks at a razor because of it. Has an absolute bush but he'll trim it when it gets bad.
Prefers to have actual sex and receiving head. Doesn't mind giving you oral, but be patient if you have a dick. He has a bad gag reflex. Besides that he's up for almost anything.
Super sensitive nipples when aroused. It took you awhile to realize this (mostly because he's embarrassed about it), but now it's like your secret weapon. Gets him going when you kiss them.
Gets rougher when he's pissed, leaving bruises and hickeys on your body. Feels bad about it but internally loves it.
Less lenient on using protection, especially if you take birth control. He's had a vasectomy, so he doesn't really think about it much. He will use condoms if you get nervous about it though.
He is a proud ass and thigh man. Especially loves stretch marks, he thinks they make you look hotter.
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blueberrymocha · 3 months
killua alphabet
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A: how affectionate are they?
✰ he's not affectionate. he's not very used to it obviously, growing up how he did. it'd probably fluster him a lot too, so it'd take a lot of time before he showed you much affection.
B: would they break up with their partner?
✰ i don't think so. he's pretty commutative with you so if you were having troubles, he'd prefer to talk it out over ending things.
✰ if he were to though, he's the type not to tell you in person, leaving a note or message.
C: what is cuddling like with them?
✰ he's not picky, sometimes he could be sprawled across you while other times you'll be spooning him. if you asked him, he wouldn't turn it down but he himself rarely initiates, so you'd probably only cuddle at night or if you weren't feeling well.
D: what do your dates look like?
✰ mostly doing activities together. he'd prefer you're not just sitting around since you already have plenty time to do that. some of his favorites would be skateboarding, training/sparring, arcade, and surfing.
E: do they have a lot of energy?
✰ definitely not. he's super laidback and chill, but he'd love a partner who balanced him out by being wild and energized.
F: who made the first move?
✰ you did. it definitely seemed like a one sided crush for you, so you never intended to tell him. but once while you were having an fight, it slipped out and he was like :0 "you too?"
G: what kind of gifts do they give you?
✰ he'd be so greedy when it came to anyone else, but with you he always shares. so instead of buying you a ton of gifts, he gives you bites of his food or lets you borrow his clothing.
✰ when he does buy a gift though, it's not cheap at all. he has a good balance of thoughtful and expensive, so it'll probably be something you like to use often, such as perfume in your favorite scent.
H: would they have any habits?
✰ staying up late/pulling all-nighters. he just doesn't sleep for some reason. you can pull him into bed, but a good quarter of the time he'll just stay awake.
I: how often do they say "i love you"?
✰ he's a little too embarrassed to say it to your face, so he'll tell you when you're sleeping or on call. so while technically quite often, the only time you'd hear it is on special occasions like your birthday.
J: what's it like when they're jealous?
✰ he's super cold and rude to the person he's jealous of. he might also get snappy with you. if it goes on for too long he'll find some excuse and end the exchange himself.
✰ he'd definitely be in a bad mood the rest of the day unless you pulled him to the side and talked about it. once you reassure him that you don't care for the other person, his whole demeanor changes and he completely denies ever being jealous.
K: how do they feel about kids?
✰ he's too young to have given it much thought. not to mention while growing up, he'd never expected to love someone enough to start a family anyway.
✰ if you did decide to have children, he wants a daughter so bad. he literally radiates girl dad energy.
L: how loyal are they?
✰ fully committed to you. there's just no chance this boy would ever leave you, especially not for someone else.
M: what are mornings like with them?
✰ he's very soft in the morning, much lower energy than during the day. you'd probably wake up to him with an arm around you while he talks about any plans today. once you're fully awake, he'd be back to his usual self, asking what you want to do for breakfast.
N: what nicknames do they call you?
✰ nothing romantic. he'd use an inside joke and never let you live it down. he's too much of a tsundere to actually be nice 💀
O: how observant are they?
✰ he's pretty observant, but he also has a habit of reading into things too much or doubting himself. if he noticed something going on with you, like you're in a bad mood and keep complaining about cramps, he'd assume it's your period but would shy away from confirming it incase he jumped to conclusions.
P: how do they feel about pda?
✰ not for him. even if you like it, he still wouldn't want to. he just doesn't want to be that couple who's all over eachother in public.
Q: how quick do they fall in love?
✰ it takes a while. people don't grow on him fast to begin with, and you're his first love so it's also an unfamiliar feeling. once he does realize his love, he'd probably deny or ignore it.
R: how romantic would they be?
✰ not at all in your day to day life. on anniversaries and birthdays though, he'd plan things out and be much more confident.
✰ i see him as a rose petals leading you to the box of gourmet chocolates with a pretty card and teddy bear before taking you to your favorite restaurant on valentine's day type of guy.
✰ but again he's only like that when he has time to prepare. otherwise, he’s so unromantic it’s as if you’re just friends…
S: what would they smell like?
✰ he doesn't have a strong scent. you probably wouldn't smell anything unless he'd just put on cologne or whatever. speaking of, i see him enjoying sweet scents, he's big on vanilla.
T: how do they show they trust you?
✰ when he lets you show him physical affection. he wouldn't lay in the lap of anyone else, so if he's reciprocative to your touch, he trusts you a lot.
U: how understanding are they?
✰ he can be unintentionally apathetic and too honest sometimes, but if you need grace he'll always hear you out. and while he might not understand, he's there for you the best he can be.
V: how vulnerable are they with you?
✰ he's never vulnerable unless he has a nightmare. he mostly wants to move on from the past, so he wouldn't talk about what happened during his childhood a lot.
✰ when he does talk, he really doesn't know how to say things, so it's more of a rambling. he'd be so thankful if you'd just wrap your arms around him while he finds the right words.
W: whole, do they feel incomplete without you?
✰ for sure. the two of you are joined at the hip, he’ll want to do everything with you. if you ever have to be apart, he’ll still try and keep contact. in cases where it’s not possible, he’d be very irritable the whole time.
✰ he gets used to your presence surprisingly easily, so its like he’s missing something whenever you’re gone.
X: whats an xtra headcanon?
✰ his hair is super fluffy. i feel like mito might've said something like that in 1999, so if she did i totally agree.
Y: how many years would they wait to propose?
✰ he'd ideally wait until your mid twenties. he doesn't see a rush to get married and wants the two of you to enjoy the dating stage. if you happen to be adamant about marrying young, he’ll propose a lot quicker, after all, your happiness comes first.
Z:  zzz, who falls asleep first?
✰ you, no question.
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
You ever think about how Tim has NEVER had normal sex in his life?
Has only known superhumans and Peak Physical Condition trainwrecks?
Think about it. Who would he have lost his virginity too? Some grabby, gross, civilian he can't relate too? That reeks of B.O. and would ask QUESTIONS about his battle scars? Or his BROS? Who he trusts. Who love him and understand him. Who where THERE when he got those wounds.
Who would stop if he told them too.
He totally, after working up the courage, siddles up to Bart and asks if he... you know... could help him with something. Because Tim's NOT about to risk his first time to SuperStrength and complexe FEELINGS. And Bart is from the future. He's much more chill about this.
But he's? Also a fucking SPEEDSTER? They VIBRATE when they get excited. That same stamina that can let them run for what TO US, OUTSIDE the Speedforce, seems like hours? It's literally DAYS to THEM. Fuckers are stamina BEASTS.
But Tim is still learning, hasn't figured that out yet. Bart is his Fun Friend. Light hearted and chill. Good first time material.
So they fumble out of their clothes. Bart getting more and more hyped. Vibrating. Trying to stay in slow time with Tim. They fumble about, learning what touches feel good. Vibrating fingers on his clit? Feel REALLY good. The same for inside him. A little lubricant, because he read you're supposed too, aaand? Oh. Oh god.
And look, Bart DID try! It just felt... *incoherent noise*
Which leaves Tim getting fucked at superspeed. Nerves lighting up and muscles trying to react to something that's already moved on. Getting gushed into again and again like a stream that keeps coming, ruining his sheets. Feeling hands everywhere as the sensations catch up.
He can't possibly keep up. Gets offs so many times his brain decides its NAP TIME now. Wakes up to Bart panting into his neck, his puss full and gushing cum down into the PUDDLE under his hips, and another orgasm.
Tim learns that Speedsters tend to marathon their sex.
His everything feels bruised.
Bart has to fix his bed as Tim steals Bart's. But! No longer a virgin. And when he recovers? He TOTALLY gets the "deal" with sex now. (No he doesn't. Speedster sex is an outlier.)
Thing is? No one thinks to correct this misinformation. Why would they? OBVIOUSLY somebody ELSE gave Young Justice "The Talk", right? Nope. Individuals got it, but not as a team. Tim never got SHIT. He RESEARCHED.
Figured out "safe sex" is birth control and NOT letting the Half Kryptonian with super strength be "on top". You have to ride THEM or you risk bruises in delicate places and potentially broken bones. Luckily, Kon has TTK. So he can help.
When Tim doesn't want to do all the work or is tired, Kon can just... wrap him up in that full body hug of a telekinetic field. Lift him and slide him back down, as fast or as slow as feels good. Tease everywhere that feels good at once. Even if Tim drifts off, while Kon is teasing himself after making Tim orgasm, his whole body is supported so he can just sort of relax. Drift and feel good.
Let Kon use him for a bit.
It takes so LONG for Kon to cum, but Tim thinks they're getting better at it!
Of course, Batman would NEVER. Is distant. But Tim tries his best to be a good Robin. Bond in any way he can. It all falls short. Bruce brittle and hurting. Then? Some idiot tries to recreate Ivy's Pollen. She catches word. Does NOT appreciate that. It's a shit show.
Their masks hold. But in the fight, Batman is sent crashing into a crate of experimental samples. It wouldn't be a problem, if not for the metal joints of the crate stabbing JUST enough to break skin, though a weak point in his Armour.
They don't notice until the fights over. Long after an emergency counter-toxin would be effective.
Tim manages to get him to the Batmobile. Get them back. Agent A, has a fever and is upstairs. Fast asleep in bed. Can't help. The emergency Ivy counter agents will only go so far. Luckily, Tim knows where the napping couch is. It has a pull out bed.
Bruce doesn't put together his plan until he's already half removed the suit, his brain already sluggish and overheating. He tries to object, but it is strangled into a groan when Tim leans forward and tries his hand at using his mouth. Because to be honest, Tim isn't sure Bruce will FIT.
He barely fits a few inch in his mouth.
He's gonna have to try though. Pollen really only has one cure. And if Bruce had groaned at his mouth? He nearly sobs for air when Tim carefully rocks over him, lines up and breathes into the strain as he let's himself slide down. Bruce's hand shoot up to catch his hips, flexing like they want to slam him down and lift him off, like they a warring and can't decide.
But Bruce's hips know what they need. Are desperately rocking up. A little deeper. A little deeper. Impaling Tim on the biggest cock he's ever taken. Tim let's Bruce control things. Take what he needs. Rubs his clit to try and help with the strain. And then? He's so, SO full.
Bruce is rolling them. Hiking up his hips and leaning forward to rest his sweating forhead on Tim's shoulder. Holds him possesive and close as he fucks him. Slow at first them faster and faster. Harder. Until it feels like Tim's insides are being battered. Growling in his ear, his, his. His robin. Good boy, his.
Like something finally snapped and all the desperation finally fell out. The lust and greed.
It's like Bruce is trying to drain him of every orgasm he can possibly HAVE. Too much. He's so tired. It's good. Overwhelming. Goes on and on and ON. Surely he's cured now? Right? Tim drifts. Wakes up in Bruce's Bed. Weren't they in the cave? But Bruce is still inside him, rocking, gently and just to feel it. Shhh, shhh, go back to bed. Yeah. Okay.
Bruce is a lot nice after that though. They're closer. Tim has definitely found his bonding activity.
It works on Dick too. Who was between relationships. Depressed again. Lonely. And... well, Tim is so WARM. Feels so good to cuddle. Too bend in half in a good ol mating press and just? Get as close as he CAN. It's fun to eat him out until he sobs. Sit him in his lap like a cuddly little buddy and split him open, carry him around all day like that. Maybe Dick gets a little bit obsessed too. A little attached. Who's to say?
But! Each and every person? Who wants a piece? Not normal! Super human or frankly human outliers with intimacy issues that make them backed up! Tim who thinks Sex=Railed Into Oblivion! That you gotta SCHEDULE around it, because OBVIOUSLY you won't be able to walk or move after. This is normal and to be expected, right?
What do you MEAN "no"?
tim being completely out of touch about what normal sex is supposed to be like 😭😭😭😭! the only people he's ever fucked has been people who are so beyond what could constitute as normal and all have conditioned tim to believe that sex is just LIKE that 😭
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sliipppy · 2 months
Self Indulgent Young Justice/Teen Titans 2003 Relationship and Sexuality Headcanons
Cassie and Kon convince themselves they like each other in Young Justice because they're both gay and closeted. They do love each other, but not romantically. They confuse that for attraction. Plus, I think Cassie is a lesbian stereotype, and Kon is like a gay man stereotype, so it makes sense that the two would go for each other. When they finally get together, they don't kiss because they tell their friends its cause "they both wanna take things slow". Sometimes they'll hold hands (scandalous)
Meanwhile, Cassie is like madly in love with Cissie but doesn't realize it because that's just how best friends are. Plus, she has the whole 'crush on Kon' thing going. I know everyone and their mom loves TimKon, and don't get me wrong, so do I! But in Young Justice, Tim and Kon are constantly butting heads. I don't think Kon starts liking Tim like that until the end of young justice, and he starts to like REALLY like him during Teen Titans.
Cissie and Anita kissed once at a sleepover but never told anyone. Young Justice for Cissie is like a crush fest. She's a bisexual icon, and she's had a crush on every single member of the team at some point (but her most serious ones were Cassie and Anita). She kissed Tim on the cheek in that one panel. She had a crush on Kon in the beginning, and I like to think she had a small crush in Bart but got over it pretty fast, because I've always saw Bart and Cissie as like brother and sister kinda lol (I always think of the panel where she comforts him about Max during the intergalactic baseball arc.)
Cissie can't decide whether she likes Anita or Cassie more and she also can't really come to terms with the fact that she might like girls.
Anita was basically always solid in the fact that she's bisexual. While the kiss with Cissie definitely awakened something in Cissie, Anita was like, "That was nice, but I think we're better as friends." She dates Slobo but doesn't really like him like him, but she thinks he's endearing, so the two are just a generic silly freshman year couple. Yeah, they won't last, but it's cute while it lasts, and they'll be friends when it ends. Anita's dad is super chill and had some "if you're gay I'll till love you the same." talk with her after he saw her concerning obsession with Diana Ross.
Greta hated Stephanie at first because she had a one-sided crush on Tim and was jealous of Stephanie because of it, but she gets over it and develops a crush on Stephanie. (This is canon, trust me. This is my craziest pair, I think, but trust me on one-sided GretaSteph)
Teen Titans era – later teens, Cassie and Kon are on and off dating. Kon and Tim start to get closer. They like eachother. It's so obvious to everyone else. Kory and Donna think it's cute. Cassie meanwhile, still madly in love with Cissie, beings her toxic doomed yuri arc with Rose Wilson. Rose is her official gay awakening. Her and Rose have the most tragic situationship of all time for like a year.
Okay skip forward to the sadness. Kon dies, leaving Cassie and Tim more confused and sad then ever. Cassie loved Kon, really loved Kon, but not in that way, which makes her feel even more guilty about his death because she felt that she was lying to him while he was alive and she still didn't understand her feelings. Tim on the other hand is going FUCKING crazy. He just lost Steph, then his dad, and now Kon and he's not understand ANYTHINGGG!!! Bro tries to clone Kon and when Cassies like "bro what the hell are you doing?!" It causes like this falling out between the two despite the fact that Cassie and Tim were literally bestie because they both loved Kon so much in such different ways and had all this pent up confusion...and then we get to the infamous panel where they make out while crying. In their shared grief and confusion in their own emotions they kiss. It's weird and both of them literally hate it because they literally are like siblings to eachother also she's a lesbian and Tim just lost like 3 of his actual lovers in the span of a year (Steph, Darla, and Kon) so it was weird and fucked up but they were weird and fucked up.
Skip forward, and Kon comes back to life. Everything's happy! Yay! Kon and Cassie have a heart-to-heart and breakup because they're both gay. Cassie asks Cissie out. Tim comes out as bi and dates Bernard. Kon is like, "omg I have a chance," but it is also sad because like Tim has a boyfriend that isn't him. Stephanie is like "no bro he totally likes you" Eventually, they break up. Idk why bro. (I'm not really a Bernard fan, sorry, remember the self-indulgent in the title?) and Steph convinces Kon to ask him out (I love thar after Urban Legends Stephanie and Kon are like, best friends) and BOOM timkon. Everyone is happy. Happily ever after.
And rip Greta and Anita, we haven't seen you in forever miss you queens 🙏🙏🙏
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wisehearts · 11 days
i love the line of thinking with everyone thinking will just isn't into sex period because of his avoidance and perceived innocence cuz what if once they get together mike still hasn't put together the pieces that will was just staying quiet out of fear of his preferences (for mike and boys and sex with mike and boys) being revealed and still thinks that even though will is gay and in love with him hes not interested in him Sexually. and like even though mike would be into whatever will is into he's still kinda angsty about it and obviously super horny especially now that his fantasies have so much fuel now that their together. one time he mentions how will isn't into sex passively (and maybe wills been too cautious to actually initiate anything sexual himself yet) and will is like wtf no i've been fantasizing about your dick for years hellooo??
im just so obsessed with them finding out all the ways they love each other that they never thought were possible it makes me want to cry!!!
I'm obsessed with it toooo!!! These are great thoughts and I enjoy directions like these cos - even though of course we'd love them to dive right into bed instead of build up to it, and they might! - exploring a little layer of realism is fun and this sort of one is so likely. and tbh it doesn't mean it's happening over a long period of time, it can be like a speed bump they get over early on
I personally think it's likely will either doesn't initiate or freaks out if he does show his enthusiasm at the start, because of the guilt from all the fantasizing he's done about his best friend. Of course mike clearly likes him back, they're boyfriends and kissing and getting heated all the time, but there'd be a part of him that doesn't want to show he's into it, feels creepy for wanting mike so much and holds back since that's what's been drilled into his brain that people like him are. and we know he's the type to suffer in his head, old habits die hard!
But he'll also get to realize mike is technically going through the same social mental stigmas, and would relate to will more than will thinks! I'm picturing them having that conversation, how mike usually initiates but even he has been holding back a little for will's sake/less interest and they're both just like are you kidding me what are we doing!!!!!! and finally approach their arousal with less mental stress 😭
because it's true like you said, mike has will who wants his dick literally sososo bad and has for years, who feels like he's on fire whenever mike touches him, he just struggles to admit how easily he'd lose himself to mike doing anything with his body, by initiating first. And poor mike (a chill guy in a relationship, who happens to get chaotically horny) because all those new mannerisms and faces and noises he's learnt about will since they've been together... his brain is going a million miles a minute with what he wants to do but he turns to jerking off about it because he's patient with will. Lmfao I love them being young and still having things to learn about communicating, our silly boys.
once they get to "you're allowed. I'm serious about us. I want this." and will finally breaks that barrier down he is going to town finally enjoying the dick he's dreamed of, the body he's lusted over. The pure enthusiasm easily making up for the lost time
and then my faaaavorite aspect which is them seeing just how horny their best friend is and has always been, but especially mike learning this about will since will did have the innocence, and my god mike cannot believe this is his real life. can't believe he ever thought will wasn't into sex when he's a complete freak for it, a minx, and he wants to shout it to lucas and dustin just in that "you won't believe this" way but he can't ...well, in time he can 🤭 very hilarious conversations in their future. for now he just grabs will during and after anything sexual and gently shakes him going where was this hiding holy shit, to which will just giggles ❤️‍🔥
I love their private little world where they know each other best!!!
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goodluckclove · 1 month
So I think this is from when Sleep Deprived Hangover Man invited the internet to ask them about the crimes they committed as a youth. I will be honest, this is not a super great thing I did. But because the statue of limitation is up and honestly none of the crimes are really - significant? They're just weird. I was an angsty, turbulent, manic youth.
And it turns out, I'm an equally turbulent adult. I tried to list the weird semi-crimes I've done in my childhood, and it sort of turned into a guide on how other young people can kind of break the law and get away with it. Maybe not law. Policy? Yeah, so it's not great and I'm putting it under a read more.
Disclaimer, since this is still technically my author page: I do not think any minor should do most crimes without just cause. Like within the legal system the trouble it could get you in sounds like it could really set you back for a long time. I actually don't even think you should immediately implement my advice across the board without practice and introspection and observation. It's actually a way harder skill to cultivate than people might expect, but if you can it will help you for a long time for things other than crimes.
Ideally you don't do it. If you want to, learn how to tell when the right time to do it would be. Don't make a point to inconvenience people more than you have to, both because that's a nice thing to do, and because it improves the odds of you getting away with it. I need to stop telling young people how to do crimes. Or do I? I don't know. If anyone has questions about my philosophy and experience you can ask and I'll say more.
I am a professional weirdo. Let's do this.
Let's go in a vague order!
I was suspended for terrorist death threats in the third grade. I do not believe this is fully my fault but it is a thing that happened.
I shoplifted a pretty decent amount, but not in a way I think any other youth would find cool. I stole candy and pens. But like GOOD pens.
I used to carry glitter glue on me for the sake of writing poetic phrases on various surfaces
Once I walked into an empty business lobby and moved around some plants and furniture, and then I left. If there was a camera there I probably created a strange story.
I generally trespassed a bunch of places all the time. All the time, straight up. If there was an open door or unattended hall that I wasn't supposed to explore I'm absolutely exploring it and taking whoever I'm with with me. I learned pretty quickly that I was charming enough to pull off being caught and getting myself out of it without any consequence. Literally, if you aren't actively causing trouble and just wandering around someplace you know you're not supposed to be, just tell someone who finds you and asks questions that you're lost and you aren't sure where to go. Like maybe you thought this was a way to the parking garage or the bathroom. Assuming I wasn't stealing, causing damage, or shouting slurs, this has worked for me 100% of the time.
Literally, if you do crimes that aren't crimes, you should practice being genuinely nice
Not fake snarky nice, like actually polite and respectful
You didn't realize you weren't supposed to be hanging out in that lot or in that parking garage. You were just trying to find a place to sit and chill. But yeah, you'll leave.
Yes, in retrospect walking down the lightrail tracks wasn't a safe or practical idea. But you took the wrong train and you genuinely didn't know how to get back and this was the only idea you had. You're just trying to get home. Look, you're even buying a ticket (I like never did that as a youth holy shit)!
a teenager is not going to win a fight with an adult who perceives themselves an authority. I don't think you should do whatever adult authority figures say. I do think that you should learn how to navigate your way out of conflicts within spaces in a way that means you can still use that space
if you break a rule and, instead of fighting, take the honest stance that you didn't mean to do that and, in fact, you actually need help from an Adult Authority Figure for a slightly unrelated thing that doesn't actually matter to you (directions to a place, maybe).
I genuinely just wandered around wherever I wanted and this always, always worked for me. I'm really good at looking confused and like I need help, because most of the time I am actually confused and need help
You are not in a sitcom and being sarcastic and snarky to a person that catches you trespassing will not not to anything but make you think you're cool. They'll still make you leave, and now you can't go back to the place you explored because you're the person that started shit instead of the person who got confused and made a mistake and apologized and left.
Adults in authority positions automatically assume a young person in a place/doing a thing they aren't supposed to do will turn it into a conflict. If you genuinely, honestly respond with respect and curiosity, I almost guarantee you'll get away with it. Fucking say you've never tagged before and you weren't really sure if it was still a crime in a place like this, but you get why the person is upset.
Offer to clean your own tag. Like not ironically. Ask if they have some supplies or if you can come back. Be entirely serious, say you're realizing it wasn't a good idea and you kind of regret it. This doesn't have to be true, but it will rattle a security guard or manager far more than if you call them a fascist.
They might yell still, but if you give them nothing they can justify as a reason to keep yelling at you they're actually going to look like the weirdo to themselves and everyone around them
thesis: misdemeanors are a lot easier to get away with if you are unafraid to look like you're naive and willing to learn and adapt. You might feel like it's a blow to your pride, but in the long run you will be able to do way more questionable shit. i came to this conclusion when I was 14 years old and decided I'd rather do weird shit than have the adult minor authority figures think i'm a peer or a worthy adversary, because neither of those things would happen anyway.
Okay so this just turned into a guide on how to do a misdemeanor. I should say now that there are crimes that are bad. Even tagging, something I truly enjoy, does create more work for employees and sanitation workers. That's frankly why I like ways that are easier to remove than spray paint and postage stickers if it's something you want to do.
And I'm not necessarily pro-shoplifting as, like, a hobby? I don't think it's great, mainly because if you are caught it'll probably lead to you being banned from the store you stole from. Which, if you're young, can be pretty hard to hide from the adults in your life. And the shaming that results from doesn't seem worth whatever you took. I still have a mug I shoplifted from Target, and I am not thrilled that I stole it, because it reminds me of a time in my life when I felt so shitty I decided to steal something to feel in control of a situation. And that sucks.
Compare that to moving furniture in some random office and then walking way. That's so fucking funny and I do not regret doing that at all. Imagine you're looking at security footage and you see that. That's some cryptid shit.
Young people - if you are weirder and nicer about it, the amount of stuff you can do widens extensively and you can potentially confuse adults who work otherwise boring and stressful jobs for a long time to come. Case closed.
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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Just doodling something related to this post and ofc there's narilamb in the au who do you think I am
Narinder's kits all turn out to be daughters. Aym and Baal are his only sons and I love that for them, but anyway. Lemme ramble about them bc I /gen love them?
Ari is the eldest of Narinder's kits. She was ~9 (I think in the post I originally quoted 15 years but I'm changing it to ~10 bc it's a nice solid number) when their village was attacked and her second dad died, and she looks sweet but is a total troublemaker. She loves pranks, looks for loopholes to exploit so often weasels her way out of trouble, and is the de facto leader of the siblings. Total extrovert. She's the one who goes "oh father said we can't go to the Old Faith lands but he said nothing about inviting their people to dinner :)"
Elloi is the second eldest, and was ~6 when their village was attacked. She looks a bit like a rebel but is actually the most well behaved of the three eldest kits, not because she wants to be but just because she's super chill and laid back and honestly, acting out and causing trouble is more energy than it's worth. She isn't a natural born leader like her older sister, but she is a great listener and a great source of advice. Definitely an introvert. She does not trust the Bishops and Lamb when they come to the village; her trust is hard won.
Minuit is the third oldest/middle child, and was still just a baby when the village was attacked. So that thing about Nari protecting the kits (and a good portion of the village) during the attack? Yeah he did that while holding a literal baby. Papa bear mode ACTIVATED fr fr. She's still young and is in that stage of life where she's discovering she can actually just choose to disobey her dad, and the worst thing he will do is ground her. And, as a baby introvert/ambivert, this is just fine for her. She loves to read. Stories are her bread and butter, and she LOVES songs that tell a story. Absolutely adores it. Btw her name I said fuck it, I can name a kit Minuit if I want. She will one day be, magically, the strongest between her, Elloi and Ari. (Mercy and Hope will be stronger but ya know)
The three kits above, being the kits of an ex-god, are demi-gods but have no idea. All they know is their magic is just quite a bit stronger than the other villagers' and assume (correctly) that it's bc of Narinder. Now, what each of their magic is I am undecided. I am thinking about it......
Now for the twins- Mercy and Hope (named by Lamb). They're shittens :) But they look very much like sheep (with floofy cat-like tails and Mercy has cat ears) so ye. They... don't exist at the point in the AU discussed in that post, but they exist in the future (more likely than not after Minuit is an adult, possibly far enough in the future that she's already stopped aging). They both inherit Narinder's third eye, unlike the older three, bc they're baby gods rather than just demigods and Narinder's third eye was a result of his godhood. Mercy is a few minutes older than Hope, definitely no symbolism there ofc, and they're super sweet. Absolute angels. Please ignore the fact that they will 100% sacrifice you to the shadows if given a reason. The first three kits of Nari's have pretty much nothing to do with the Lamb's cult beyond visiting their father (and eventually younger siblings) and step-parent and aunt and uncles and... idk what the gender neutral term is but Shamura, and maybe cousins after Narinder returns to the cult, but Mercy and Hope are raised inside the cult with all the trimmings that come with it <3
Oh, and have this random doodle. What's he so sad about? Idk maybe the fact he lost his partner a good ~60 years earlier than he expected to but ya know-
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Anyway damn Nari you're all leg huh, lucky Lamb eventually /J /J but maybe....
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shippingmyworld · 1 month
Pigging backing on the Danny x Sam ask, but I wanna you're thoughts about Manny and Frida too and how their romantic relationship didn't work out
The Manny x Frida ship sinks a lot less dramatically than the Danny x Sam ship in my headcanon lmao
I chalk up their relationship 'failing' to Manny being autistic and Frida being adhd-coded. Also because they were 13-14 when they kissed and I believe that when you're that young you don't quite know what you want out of life or relationships yet, especially if it's your first one.
In full honestly, I don't believe that Manny held a single ounce of attraction to Frida in a romantic way. Frida was the one that initiated the kiss during the series finale, and Manny barely even reacted to that. I think his autistic mind just went 'Oh, I guess I'm dating Frida now.' and when people/his family asked him if Frida was his girlfriend, he confirmed it. In his mind, you only kissed someone if you were dating or married.
While I do think that Frida did develop a crush on Manny, I don't believe that she was serious about the kiss as a way for them to start dating. She's excitable, and gets swept up in the moment very easily, and is the jester type of character. She's the hypeman of every situation she's remotely near, even if not directly involved (my main example is the Cactus Kid episode, where she slides into the scene and makes the 'Oh, must be awkward to be you.' comment to Cactus Kid when Grandpapi reveals he's only using CK to make Manny jealous and doesn't think CK is cut out to be a real villain). I think that she kissed Manny because her thought process was something along the lines of: "Hey, this superhero just rounded up literally every villain in the area and is being celebrated by everyone. Someone should kiss him, that's what will make this moment super hype."
So yeah, they tell people that they're boyfriend a girlfriend when asked, but nothing about their relationship actually changed. They don't hold hands, they don't go on romantic dates, and they haven't kissed since that final fight. They still hang out all the time during their first year of high school, but slowly start drifting to different groups as they don't have many classes together.
The year passes normally and it's summer break. Rodolfo approaches Manny (who's just hanging out at home) all nervous like, asking a bunch of questions like he's beating around the bush. Manny thinks it's weird and asks his Dad what's up, and Rodolfo asks if everything is good with Manny and Frida since she hasn't been around recently. Manny says everything is fine, and Rodolfo keeps pushing the issue (he's projecting failed marriage with Maria onto his son). He eventually asks when the last time Manny kissed Frida was, and Manny realizes they haven't kissed since the first kiss right before high school.
So, being the direct person he is, Manny just calls Frida (in front of his father of all things) and tells her point blank.
Manny: "Hey, we haven't kissed since a year ago." Frida: "Huh, you're right." Manny: "So I guess we're not dating anymore?" Frida: "Yeah, I guess so. We're still friends though, right?" Manny: "Of course!"
And the call ends there with Manny going on with his day as usual while his Father stands there horror-struck and still processing the most chill breakup in history.
Meanwhile there's a whole soap opera level of drama going on in the background, as all the supervillains in school want to date Frida and have been waiting for her to break up with Manny, and Zoe has been trying to get Manny to fall in love with her. But that's a whole nother fic prompt lol.
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Also it's cool, my posts are literally filled with typos lmao
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mitskijamie · 9 months
So like, do you think Girl!Roy has always been super butch ? Did she ever get confused for a man?
YES I think she went from being a little tomboy who always played footie with the boys to being a hardcore butch and never had any desire to do anything differently. The last time she wore a dress was when her mom put her in one as a toddler. What does she usually do with her eyelashes? She leaves them the fuck alone!!!!
I don't know a whole whole lot about women's sports culture, so don't quote me, but from what I've seen and heard, gender nonconformity and non-heterosexual orientations are more common or at least more visible among female athletes than they are among male athletes (there were 98 out LGBT players/coaches at the last wwc, about 1 in 7, compared to literally none at the men's), probably for a number of reasons that I won't claim to understand, so I imagine that (very much unlike canon Roy) she's actually been fairly comfortable with her identity since she went to Sunderland. Like her coaches and teammates growing up were very chill about her not being a "girly girl," because most of them were the same way, and so that + being surrounded by women her whole life kind of lays a foundation for her to be more comfortable as a butch later on. Full lesbian immersion
I think most of the hostility she'd face would be from men and boys + conservative women from outside of the sporting world. Like the little boys she played with in London or went to school with would bully her for the way she dressed/cut her hair, and her mom would always talk to her about how pretty she could be if she "put effort into her appearance," so football almost becomes her safe space from all that shit yk
She'd definitely get mistaken for a man now and then, and it would mostly make her mad (because people are so stupid - short hair = man? You're a grown fucking adult) but maybe also produce a touch of gender euphoria depending on who the person was. If it was a gross old guy she would immediately become homicidal but if it was a hot young woman who called her "sir" and then got flustered correcting herself she'd be all over it
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11queensupreme11 · 10 months
about the feminism thing, i always saw girlboss MCs as more harmful cuz theyre almost always written to make feminine characters and male characters inferior to boost the "not like other girls" mc up 🤮 its basically like what you wrote in ur guidebook about "strong female characters" like THATS more likely to set back feminism than having a girlflop mc imo
ahhh yeah, i get what you mean!
i'd love a girlboss mc, but only when they're written well. unfortunately so many fic authors (and book authors) keep making the mistake that a "strong female character" means to make your fem mc more masculine and physically strong....
like that is NOT what having a "strong female character" means. the amount of times where i've seen fem mcs in fics and books try to act like "tough girlbosses" by being snarky, sassy, and rude ESPECIALLY towards more feminine female characters (who are usually demonized by the author because "girly girls bad!!!"), and even going so far as to beat up random male characters who have literally done nothing to them just because "haha girl beat up boy! that means she's strong! see?!" just makes me cringe 😬
it reminds me of this one harry potter fanfic i read when i was young and i LOVED the female mc because she always beat ppl up and i was like "wow, she's so cool and strong!" but then i grew up, reread it again in my hs years and i was like ".... this bitch is crazy 💀" cuz she spent the whole book screaming at ppl, hitting them, and just constantly using curse words to look tomboyish and tough and "not like other girls" 😭 i remember in one of the earlier chapters, a gryffindor(?) dude tried to ask her out and she responded by cursing(?) him repeatedly and just started yelling at him like a weirdo, this bitch needed to CALM DOWN there was no reason????? she just had to say "no, sorry" but she could never chill for a second and always overreacts to everything, and everyone praised her because omg she was sooo badass 🙄 girlboss 🤪
i kept thinking about how she needed to chill but she literally had NO character development, she was just a huge bitch throughout the whole fic for literally no reason omg (and she never faced any consequences for it because ofc)
but anyways yeah, this is just one of the MANY examples of a failed attempt of a "strong female character". i get that ppl want super cool girlboss mcs, but if you gotta demonize your feminine characters and make your male characters look weak just to make your mc look strong, you're not doing it right. you're not making a strong female character you're making an overly favored weirdo who needs to chill 💀
as i mentioned in the guidebook, a strong female character is someone who is strong AND female, not strong DESPITE being female. having a 2 dimensional mc who's only personality traits are anger, apathy, violence, and the occasional sassiness, who needs the author to downgrade other characters to boost her up, and has literally no other development, does NOT make her a "strong female character".
make her a girlboss if you want, but give her an actual role in your story aside from "i'm strong, boys suck, and girly girls are weak!".
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ultfreakme · 5 months
Itajun first times, from SFW to if possible NSFW?
YESSSS!!! ANOTHER ITAJUN ASK FUCK YEAH!! SFW stuff first, and NSFW stuff will go under the cut!
I didn't have to think too hard about a lot of the common firsts in a relationship because Itajun have literally done it all.
First Date: We kinda have a canon answer for this! A movie date to watch Human Earthworm 4. It's a school-outing but they dress up in merch. Nobara is appalled, "you're going on a date in old ass t-shirts!?". Junpei and Yuuji: "Yes <3". They chill in the mall, walk around the city, Yuuji's listening to Junpei talk about the behind-the-scenes stuff for the movie, Junpei's eager to hear Yuuji's thoughts on the story themes. It really helps that the movie's themes is love. It almost seems like their time hanging out as friends, but they sit closer, touch more, hug more etc.
First time holding hands: They did hold hands in canon (E12, when Yuuji is listening to what happened to Nagi). BUT. Romantically, it's during their movie date. They're walking back from the movies, Yuuji brushes his hand against Junpei's, looks up at him with a smile, and just grabs his hand in his. Junpei's kinda flustered but holds him right back and they walk like that for a long, long while.
First Kiss: Under that cherry blossom tree Yuuji's permanently dreaming about. I imagine it's an actual spot on Jujutsu Tech. They go out back after class just to hang out alone, away from their classmates and somewhere pretty. They start talking, inching closer, holding hands. And under the shade of the tree, watching Junpei laugh over something he said, Yuuji closes the gap between them. It's super sweet, and they both keep kissing again and again, giddy and lost in each other for the moment.
First sleepover: It was not planned, they just binged movies together after a mission and slept in one of their rooms. They literally never plan these, one of them just ends up in the other's room.
First fight: It's over Yuuji's execution. It's awful. Junpei's mad as fuck at Gojo and Yaga. He's mad that even Yuuji isn't fighting to keep his life. Yuuji has been trying so hard to come to terms with dying young. He had learned to accept it somewhat since no one else tried to give him false hope and were being realistic but Junpei begging for him to fight back and do something is disrupting every wall he's built around himself. It's heartbreaking, it's horrible, and they don't really find any easy resolution. Junpei says he'll keep fighting to keep him alive. Yuuji allows him to have that conviction but doesn't change his mind himself because it'd hurt too much to hope for more(he already got more than he ever dreamed of in these short few months).
First 'I love you': I'm thinking right after the Kyoto students exchange arc. Junpei's even more determined to keep Yuuji safe and he tells him 'I love you' after the baseball game ends. He says it with such conviction and confidence that Yuuji is overwhelmed as hell and hugs Junpei. Probably spins him around a little and says it back four times over. Bonus: If we consider Gojo saying "love is the greatest curse of all" and then go to Yuuji saying "I won't curse you anymore" to Junpei.....thoughts are being thunk. I think Yuuji wanted to protect Junpei so much that he'd set aside his 'curse'(love) to reach out to him. Idk there's so much you can do with that line because I feel like it was very intentional for Gege to make Yuuji say something like that to Junpei.
Okay I've really only got two for these
First time making out: It was probably a spur of the moment thing when they were cuddling on the couch or their bed and things started getting more heated, more touchy. Both of them getting kind of caught up in the moment. Yuuji's going with the flow, Junpei has to pull back and ask "hey, are we doing this?". Yuuji's like "yes, I want, do you?". Junpei says yes and then they just start, experimenting, trailing their hands further than before, pressing close, checking in with whispers against the shell of the ear. Careful and exploratory
First time having sex: This is an escalation of the previous thing. They used to stick to just, over-the-clothes stuff with occasionally skimming under the shirt but they want more. So both of them pull away and go "okay crap, we're doing. we want to have sex for real". They decide to like, discuss first and do it at a later date. Junpei is freaking out, blushing literally every time he sees Yuuji. Yuuji is TRYING to keep cool but he is also internally freaking out. Picture Uenoyama from Given. Linked the video for reference:
They start slow, hand jobs at first probably in Junpei's dorm room(Megumi's Yuuji's neighbour and he will actually kill them if he is forced to hear anything). It's probably hand and oral stuff first, then intercrural some time in the future, and penetrative sex is probably like months down the line when they're both more confident in wtf they are doing. They're both learning together so they start slow and easy.
This was so fun to think about!! Thank you anon!!!
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 21
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter’s Note: Everything goes down. But not the way you think it will... Beta by @zaria-04
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Chapter 21: The cards were right
You're nervous. You keep telling yourself that the Avengers are the most powerful people in this world and that whatever would happen, they could handle it. Thor and Loki were even literally gods.
Still, your premonition remains. The cards never lie.
You try to distract yourself, working in your cottage, visiting Yvette and taking a delivery to Eloise, who asks about Loki. You explain to her that he's gone away for some time for work.
"What a busy young man," she comments.
With all this going on, you find it hard to concentrate. You keep glancing at your phone to see if you've gotten a new text. But there are no alarming news. The cleanup is going well, the dam was repaired and stabilized in time before a bigger disaster than the hurricane hit.
Originally, a week had been scheduled for the mission. In the end, the Avengers stay for ten days. There are sixty-five injured, eight of them life-threatening, eleven dead, and four people remain missing.
As soon as access to the buried site was cleared, reporters had gone there and for a while photos and videos of the Avengers flooded the media day and night. It’s good press.
You breathe a sigh of relief when Jarvis reports that the Quinjet has landed on the roof. They had announced their return ahead of time and Pepper had ordered fast food for everyone. Burgers and fries pile up on the large table in the lounge and as promised you had baked a tray of brownies.
She waits with you for the men to return and gives you a sympathetic look as she watches you nervously pace back and forth between the table and the kitchen.
"No matter how many missions he's done or how harmless it is, I'm a little scared for Tony every time," she confesses to you.
You give her a grateful smile, even though it's not the reason for your unease. At least not completely. But you don't correct her, because at that moment the door from the elevator opens and the heroes emerge.
They all look worn out, tired and dirty. It had been exhausting for them, both physically and mentally. Still, they are happy to see the both of you and even happier to see the food on the table.
You spot Peter Parker walking alongside Loki. "That was very cool. Like, super chill of you," the boy beams at him.
"You would be surprised about how chill I am", deadpuns the Asgardian, not really listening to him. His gaze is on you and a smile spreads across his lips. A golden glow passes over his body and in the next moment his clothes are clean and he looks like he's fresh out of the egg.
You gape at the banter of the two of them. The others don't seem to find anything strange about it. You wonder what the hell happened in Appalachia.
"Peter taught me about the memes and the grapes", Loki explains to you.
"It's Vines", the boy corrects him.
"Yes, those too."
Amused, you give him a kiss on the cheek, but that's not enough of a greeting for him. He puts his hand on the back of your neck and steals a real kiss.
There are whistles from the Avengers, which you ignore. "Welcome back", you breathe, "There's food waiting for you."
"You're the best." Smiling, Loki puts his arm around you and steps alongside with you to the table where the others have already poured over the food. You sit down at two empty seats, and Loki pulls the tray of brownies toward him possessively. You smirk at that, treating yourself to a burger.
"You did good work", Pepper praises the group. "The press loved you. You guys were all over the morning news every single day."
Tony takes a bite of his burger and responds with his mouth full so you can barely hear him, "Of course. We didn't want you ladies to forget our pretty faces.
Pepper rolls her eyes, but smiles. She is used to Tony's antics and she seems to secretly like it. She must, or she wouldn't be able to stay by his side for so long.
You get up and go to the kitchen to get more drinks. There are still some sodas cold in the fridge, which Jarvis always orders in stock. And while you're here, you also look in the cabinets for napkins, because your fingers are all greasy from the burgers.
"Your sister is calling", Loki calls from the lounge. You left your phone on the table.
"I’m back in a second. You talk to her." You find the napkins in a drawer and immediately grab a whole stack for the others. "Jarvis, do we have any beer left?" you ask the A.I. meanwhile.
"Not on this floor. Should I have some brought up, Miss-"
"Witchling." Loki stands in the doorway, his look so serious it makes you queasy. In his hand, he holds your phone, which he hands to you.
"Bell?" you ask, your voice is all agitated.
"Thank the gods you’re there.” You have never heard your sister so wound up. “I think something happened to Gabe. He was supposed to come by today, but he didn't show up. At first I thought he just forgot, but he's not answering his phone." She takes a deep breath. "And the door to his place isn't working," she adds a little more quietly. "I have a bad feeling."
At her words, a dark foreboding comes over you, grabs you by the shoulders and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You have to think of your cards.
Quite dazed, you notice your sister calling your name. She sounds quite distant, and not just because she's on another continent.
"I'll meet you there," you promise, “five minutes."
You hang up and hurry out of the kitchen, Loki close on your heels. The drinks and napkins are forgotten. The Avengers look up as you shoot past them, ignoring them.
"Sabrina?" calls Tony after you, but you're already in the elevator, pushing the button down. Gabriel lives in Canada, it's too far away for any means of transportation. If your sister's portal doesn't work, it means that it must be destroyed on Gabriel's side. The only way to get to him that fast is through a ritual circle. And for that you need to go to your room. There you have the necessary components.
Your phone rings again and you automatically pick it up. "Bell?"
"What happened, Sabrina?" It's not your sister's concerned voice, but Tony's.
"Family emergency," you reply curtly as you wonder if the elevators in this tower have always been this slow. It feels like an eternity for the doors to open with a 'bing'.
"Do you need backup?"
"I don't know. I'll be in touch." You don't have time to dwell on Tony and hang up again, running down the hall. Loki appears at your side, but you can't tell if he was with you the whole way or just teleported to you.
"What did your sister say?" he asks you without slowing you down.
"Something happened to Gabriel." Your focus is not on speaking, but on opening your door. In your mind, you're already going over the next steps. "I need to get there."
You hurry to the table in your room and rummage in the drawers for a Sharpie. Chalk wouldn't hold up on the floor here. Luckily the floor is smooth and not covered by a carpet. That's one of the worst bases for circle magic.
You remove the cap of the permanent marker and start drawing. The symbols and signs are familiar to you and you work almost automatically with your muscle memory. The only variables that need to be changed are your destination, but you have already visited your brother a few times in Canada and the runes are also built into your door portal.
Loki stands a bit away from you, watching your actions.
"There's a bag in that closet over there that I need," you instruct him as you double check your work. The slightest mistake can get you stuck in a space between. Or your body being torn apart. "Bottom shelf on the right."
The Asgardian finds it easily and hands it to you. It's an emergency bag where you have everything important for first aid. You also have one in your cottage and only recently decided to store one here in the compound. Although the tower is equipped with everything important, you prefer to trust in your own abilities. And at this moment you are glad that you have been so prescient.
"Do you want me to stay here?" Loki asks you as you enter the circle.
"I don’t know… I can't make a decision right now… step in or stay outside." Your voice is harsh, but your eyes are apologetic. All you care about is your brother. The dull feeling in your chest becomes stronger and stronger, you can't shake off the thought of immense danger.
Loki steps into the circle and you take his hands. You take a deep breath before you begin to mutter the incantation, careful not to forget a syllable despite your panic. Under your words, the circle begins to glow. A breeze comes up, the smell of ashes in the air. Briefly, your vision is obscured by a fog, then it clears and you stand in a suburban street.
Seven minutes have passed since Elizabeth's call.
You know the area, having visited Gabriel here a few times. It's a quiet suburb, made up mostly of bungalow homes. But today there is chaos: loud sirens from an ambulance and the sirens of approaching fire fighters. Stunned, you stand in the middle of the street and stare at Gabriel's house, which is on fire. People are in the street, paramedics who have just arrived and concerned neighbors who have stepped out of their homes.
This can't be happening. You hope this is just a bad dream you're about to wake up from. Not your little brother.
Your feet start moving. Elizabeth is nowhere to be seen. She should have been faster than you, but maybe she tried again to get the portal door to use.
A paramedic steps into your path. "Miss, please stand back," he instructs you. "This is not saf-…" You silence him with the help of a spell and push past him. You don't have time for that.
During all this, you weren't paying attention to Loki. All you can think about is your little brother. So you don't notice the Asgardian canceling your spell. Then he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you along with him.
"Loki, what are you doing?" you complain, trying to tear yourself away from him, but he's stronger than you.
"This way." He makes a beeline for the vehicles and covered by them you slip unnoticed into the garden behind the house. There, too, you see the black smoke rising through the broken windows. But the flames are less intense here.
You know that the back patio door is always locked, but it wouldn't be hard for you to magically open it. You have to try. If Gabriel is in there, you have to get him out!
Loki's hand is still holding you as you try to move in the direction of the house.
"Let go of me!" you yell at him.
"You won't survive the fire."
"I have to try." You just about lash out, but Loki puts his arm around your waist and presses you close to his body. His grip is strong. "Gabe!" Your voice is high and tears well up in your eyes. But you can do nothing but watch the flames helplessly. "Gabriel!"
There's a loud crash in the house as something collapses and you wince in shock.
"Please," you breathe softly as your voice betrays you. "Not another one! Not Gabe."
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(Ironically, you weren't wrong about this meme....)
Did I mention that Gabriel is my favorite side character in this story?
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @sofi786 @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @eleniblue @eleniblue @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks @ohtellmelove @eleniblue @msrawog @hyojin-2579 @just-someone11 @marygoddessofmischief
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Okay but I need you to give me historical romance with the hero being Derek Craven's level of intensity!!
Then you're in luck because that's my favorite kind lmao
If you haven't read Seduce Me at Sunrise yet, obviously I've been talking about it a lot lately lol but Kev really does have traces of Derek. He's self-loathing, "coarse", he doesn't think he deserves the heroine, he is super threatening... His big spiel to Win about how much he loves her reminds me a little of Derek's "sometimes I want to punish you a little" line which... CHILLS.
Generally, Elizabeth Hoyt is a good way to go--I would recommend Thief of Shadows (Winter Makepeace, the ultimately Intense Devoted Lover Guy), Duke of Midnight (Maximus Batten, controversial king but INTENSE AS HELL), The Raven Prince (scarred self-loathing duke who wants his secretary so bad), and Sweetest Scoundrel (personally, I think Asa is in a very "Derek Craven: The Early Years" place in this book which is super interesting).
Sarah MacLean is on the record as a major Craven stan lol. I would say... Bourne from A Rogue by Any other Name gives me a similar degree of intensity, and he of course has the gambling club deal--which really means you may want to read the other Rules of Scoundrels books (One Good Earl Deserves a Lover is especially good).
Joanna Shupe has THIS. I would say The Prince of Broadway especially has this with Clay Madden, who also is self-made, tortured, and owns a gambling hell. If you haven't read The Duke Gets Even (best historical romance release of 2023 easily imo) Lockwood is not as like... self-loathing by any means, but the degree to which he LOVES Nellie is so intense.
Lol most Lorraine Heath heroes, but Ainsley from Waking Up with The Duke and Griffith from Scoundrel of My Heart come to mind in a big way, plus King from The Duchess Hunt. I don't see Scoundrel discussed enough--it's such an achingly angsty, superb book. The heroes of She Tempts the Duke and Lord of Wicked Intentions are RIDIC intense lol.
Jennifer Ashley heroes tend to be intense, but Ian Mackenzie from The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is literally like glued to Beth and Hart from The Duke's Perfect Wife is SO SO SO intense about Eleanor (and everything else tbh). Like, they get engaged when they're young and dumb, break up because he's super dumb, and like... YEARS later, around or over a decade later, he sees her again and has a tiny interaction with her and is like "... I'm marrying her". Because it was never over for him!!!
Alexander from What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long is real intense. Like, it's a funny book but he's a lot lol.
Umm Allegreto from Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale is one of the most intense heroes I've read ever in my life. Literally telling the heroine that she needs to go to confession because even though he's not going to Heaven she MUST!!!! (Customary Shadowheart CW for a noncon first encounter.)
Cull from Pippa and The Prince of Secrets by Grace Callaway is.... real intense.
Oh, Monica McCarty has a lot of real intense heroes--try The Chief, The Viper, The Recruit, and The Saint especially.
My Darling Duke by Stacy Reid has an incredibly intense, tortured hero. He uses a wheelchair following a bad accident and is convinced that he's impotent (he isn't).
Diana Biller's Hotel of Secrets has an amazing virgin spy hero who's super intense about the heroine while also being confounded by how she makes him have Feelings--he throws himself in front of her bodily to protect her like 3-5 times.
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thetisming · 1 year
reasons i would make an absolutely fantastic Romeo:
*sits on bench, takes jacket off, leaves* THIS AINT A SONG FOR THE BROKENHEARTED! i know... it's super dope! i'm alive! and i came back for my wife! it's my life!! LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO, LO-LO-LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO, TOUCH ME LIKE YOU DO, TO-TO-TOUCH ME LIKE YOU DO, LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO, OHHHHH ........................... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FORRRRRRR? 😃 i'm just gonna say, straight up, i forgive you! for not killing yourself when you thought i was dead? even though i killed myself when i thought YOU were dead? that's what i'm saying! it's all good, girl! you're not dead, i'm not dead (anymore), what matters is we can finally be together, as husband and wife! you need to chill, Benvolio Juliet? that's literally ALL i said! so, i'm banish-ed? DO NOT SAY BANISH-ED! YOU WANT TO CUT ME INTO LITTLE STARS?? LIKE WITH A KNIFE??? Juliet, you are the sun! arise, fair son, and kill the envious moon- it's true, i've been romantic with other people, but to be honest, i never had much else. i was never a prince, or a soldier, or an artist, or a fool... all i've ever been is... a sexy young man with a tight body and a lot of feelings! so... we're not in love... anymore? 🥺 sorry, i'm getting weirdly emotional! i just wish that i could start over, too, that i didn't have to live with my mistakes for the rest of my life! been young and stupid, i see it nowwwww Juliet, if you can look me in the eyes and tell me you dont love me, i will leave you to your new husband, and be happy for you. I CANT FEEL MY FACE WHEN IM WITH YOU, BUT I LOVE IT *crying (a lot)* love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you dooooooo i've always been more of a lover than a fighter... also i have no upper body strength... i honestly have no idea what i'm doing- *casually is the prettiest person in the history of ever* EVERYBODYYYYYYYY oh, this is very good! actually, she IS married! she's married to ME!!! she was supposed to be with me! i AM a douche! i'm a douche and a drama queen... i'm completely lame!!
Juliet! i have some words i would like to talk at you, Juliet! talking! i have some words i want to speak at you, Juliet, with my mouth! Juliet, you don't have to marry me, or stay married to me... well, it doesn't really matter what i want, does it? are you sure you want to be with me? sorry, why is it Juliet and Romeo and not Romeo and Juliet?
this is just off the top of my head idk if it's any good
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zydraholic · 2 months
How do you feel about kin stuff after all this time then?
i think it's fine, i feel like people have like. chilled out about it now. i myself am like. a casual kinner. i don't take it very seriously tho LOL i feel like i grew out of being super intense with it. it's just characters i heavily relate to but it's not one of those "they are literally me doubles dni" type things like it used to be. for me it was like, i had no real sense of identity so i just latched super hard onto certain characters as a replacement for that, but now that i'm older and have a more established sense of self i don't need to Be Like That anymore
but sometimes i catch glimpses into kinnie tiktok and stuff like that and i'm like.... oooh yeah there are people out there that are Still Like That huh.
but yeah honestly on one hand i made a lot of friends back in the day via the Kin Community (kinmmunity, if you will) but things can get actually toxic real fast if you're too invested in it. never seen more drama in my life than i did during that period. can definitely have a bad impact on ur mental health when ur a young person taking it all super seriously
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 8: Haunted House
~A/N  - I thought of this fic for day 8 pretty much immediately after creating the prompt list so I'm super hyped for you guys to read it! It's kind of an avengers fic but mostly centered around Peter being the lee.
- Enoy! ~
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Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
Rotten floorboards, creaky hinges, musty smells and the screams of patrons. All part of the joyful experience of a haunted house. There's something rather amusing about the fact that it's safe. There's literally nothing that can hurt anyone (unless there's a particularly jumpy customer who just so happens to take a swing when they get spooked).
And yet there's still something so ominous about them. Something that evokes such primal fear but we can't get enough of it. Peter, Steve, and Bucky were three such adrenaline junkies. Well...
At least Steve and Bucky were.
The youngest of the group was less than pleased with the activity they had chosen for the day. Peter scared easily and he scared BAD.
With the various 'KEEP OUT' or 'DANGER' posters plastered next to the queue, or the repeating signs warning pregnant people or those with heart conditions to avoid the experience, his nerves certainly weren't at ease.
They entered the doorway, instantly hit with a blast of cold air. Goosebumps rippling down their backs, and without even a moment to recover from the deep chill, a violent groan echoed from behind them and two hands reached to grab at the three.
Peter let out a squeal, collapsing in on himself in the clutches of a blood-soaked zombie. Bucky shrieked at the sight, with Steve locking his eyes on the young boy to make sure he was ok.
Instead of the expected wide-eyed traumatized look, Peter had a blush across his face and a smile teasing at the corners of his lips.
The zombie, slightly breaking character after being half-squished by a small superhero, let out another moan. Reaching his hands out to grab at Peter when-
"Nohoho wahahait!" Peter giggled.
The zombie cracked, breaking into a grin.
"Ticklish, huh?" He teased in a very human voice for the costuming (which, if Peter was completely honest, was more odd than the makeup itself).
"Oh he's super ticklish." Bucky teased, tweaking Peter's side sending the boy into adorable giggles. "Give it a try! It's great fun."
"Buhuhucky stahahap!" Peter pleaded, doing his best to hide his face. "This was supposed to be scahahary!"
"Oh there's nothing scarier in a haunted house than a tickle monster!" The zombie smirked, clawing at the kid's ribs and massaging under his armpits.
"But isn't this better than being scared Pete?" Steve chuckled. "At least you're having fun!"
"It's in my nature buddy!" Zombie man laughed, letting his fingers gentle spider around his ears. "I want braiiiiiiiiins!"
It was an odd sight, watching Spiderman get tickled to pieces by a zombie while captain America and the winter soldier watched. And Peter wasn't escaping any time soon.
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