#where are my crazy enablers. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
broke-on-books Ā· 9 months
Where are my friends that are highly, highly passionate about the same things I'm passionate about
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troonwolf Ā· 1 year
Anyway this post is about me:
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So I want to make some things very clear.Ā 
I am doing this because I am sick of the gossip and badmouthing. This person has a much larger audience than me, many that are in the same fandoms as me and who sometimes interact with my art. I plan to open commissions in the future because Iā€™m in desperate financial need, and someone smearing me like this (and name-dropping me, which I know he does in private) could seriously hurt my ability to earn in fandom spaces.
Additionally, I find it ridiculous that someone who claims to hateĀ ā€œtoxic callout fandom cultureā€ and etc, is doing to me exactly what he complains other people do: lying, exaggerating, and misrepresenting events to make someone lookĀ ā€œproblematicā€ and essentially unperson them in fandom.
With that said-
I have never harassed mywitchcultblr (the author of that post).
I have never sent them messages about Disney, Marvel, Ao3, whether on anon or personally.Ā 
I in fact have never sent anyone messages about Marvel, Disney, Ao3, or ANYTHING else related to fandom.
Nor do I considerĀ ā€œall Ao3 users paedophilesā€. I use Ao3. My boyfriend uses Ao3. My friends and mutuals use Ao3- this also goes for Disney and Marvel. Tons of people around me love those things.
No one around me cares that I sometimes criticise those things. When I do criticise those things, itā€™s always some dumb shitpost that I intentionally leave untagged so that itā€™s isolated in my own space.
The only time I ever approached mywitchcultblr aboutĀ ā€œdiscourseā€, was to do with natural systems and DID, because I myself have DID. Even then I was civil, the conversation was over in a few messages, and we never spoke about it again.
When I first met Ann, his blog was a lot different from what it is now. There was barely any NSFW or kink, barely any fandom discourse. He just posted about fandom and LGBT stuff.
When he became involved in fandom discourse, began constantly posting untagged NSFW, being defensive when people asked him to tag things, and overall saying and doing things that made me uncomfortable or that I did strongly disagree with, I just blocked him.
We didnā€™t argue.
I didnā€™t send him any messages.
I didnā€™t send him any anons.
I blocked him and moved on. I set a boundary and moved on. Thatā€™s what youā€™re meant to do, right? Then why am I still hearing about it a year later?
Despite the fact I am just some guy he knew for a few months, he has this obsession with me as some kind of fallen father figure in his personal narrative. Iā€™m always referred to asĀ ā€œsomeone I looked up to who disappointed me.ā€
This is inappropriate. I am no oneā€™s role model. I didnā€™t consent to be your father figure and told you on several occasions how severely mentally ill I am. This would be parasocial if I was a bigger blogger but since Iā€™m just some guy, itā€™s not quite that but still not healthy or reasonable.Ā 
We were in each otherā€™s lives for a few months and talked occasionally. Thatā€™s it.
We didnā€™t even argue or have a realĀ ā€œfalling outā€. I blocked him. There was no interaction. But ever since then he spreads more exaggerations and lies about me and Iā€™m tired of it.
Donā€™t take the word of someone who knew me less than a few months, that Iā€™m a toxic harasser, just because I stopped feeling comfortable on his blog and blocked him for my own comfort.
I wish him no ill will but I do wish heā€™d stop projecting his father issues onto me, and I donā€™t say that to be funny. itā€™s extremely weird and uncomfortable to be put in this situation ofĀ ā€œI idolised you because youā€™re an older queer man in fandom and Iā€™m going to make that your problem if you donā€™t live up to my ideals.ā€
Iā€™m just some guy. Iā€™m in my 30s, childless, homeless, gay, majorly spangled in the head. No one should be looking up to me. I shouldnā€™t be held accountable for other peopleā€™s made up versions of me. I think we can all agree that isnā€™t fair.
If he was just calling me a buzzkill or cynical or annoying, Iā€™d fully agree with those statements lmao! But to say Iā€™m toxic and that people around me will be harassed for disagreeing with me is an exaggeration of my character.
I also want to add that my boyfriend has attempted messaging him in order to have a civil discussion on why he keeps lying about me when it's been practically a year since I blocked him, but Ann doesn't respond.
Anyway, thatā€™s all folks.
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ssaseaprince Ā· 1 year
GOD Hannibal has truly fucked up my ability to ever consume media normally again. I was reading an interview RSL gave where he was describing Wilson as morally grey, and saying how he views him as actually a fairly dark person. And I was like, "Wth?? Wilson??? Obviously, he's not all baby TM, but dark??" Truly could not grasp how Wilson could be dark.
I was like, "So what, he cheats on multiple wives, and enables his law breaking best friend, who's drug addiction he also regularly funds and supports. Obviously, he's not a great person and does many unethical things, but that's bad enough to be considered dark?" Was literally scratching my head thinking it's not like he murders and guts and eats people. Now that's dark.
I really had to stop myself, like babe, that is not a good way to measure things. The entire show Hannibal is literally insane. Those men are batshit crazy. That's not a good gauge for anything šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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presidenthades Ā· 2 days
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Thoughts on HOtD s2 ep 1 šŸŽ¤?
Oh boy do I! Thanks for asking, I love having an opportunity to shout into the void on the internet.
I might do a rewatch later this week to try to pick up on additional details, but Iā€™ll start with my initial reactions from last night.
Spoilers for S2E1, obviously.
Love the new intro. The bloodline intro was important in S1 which was setting up the different claims/factions, but there wonā€™t be much more of that in S2. The tapestry is very medieval, and Iā€™m here for it. I suspect theyā€™ll change the intro every episode to reflect events as they occur. Makes me wonder if the E2 intro will have Blood and Cheese. šŸ˜¬
The scenes at Winterfell/the Wall not only introduce Cregan, but also offer some fan-service for OG Stark fans. It also reminds us of the prophecy aspect that the show is taking. Cregan and Jace had a great dynamic, but I wonder if theyā€™ll have any opportunity to get together again. In F&B, Jace never returns North again, and Cregan doesnā€™t come south until the fighting is over. But the show might have Cregan participate in battles earlier so they donā€™t waste his actor.
Speaking of Jace: Iā€™m really impressed with Harry so far! His scene with Rhaenyra made me want to cry, because you can sense how hard Jace was trying to hold it together. šŸ˜¢ On a more lighthearted note, I like that Harry listened to the feedback about his bad posture in S1. šŸ˜… He was holding himself really tall and regally this episode.
Omigod, Rhaenyra. Emma only had four words of dialogue this episode and they KILLED all their scenes. The scene where Rhaenyra finds the wing and cloak made me want to cry too. And that look she gave Jace when he returned to Dragonstone, like she wanted to comfort him while sheā€™s trying not to break downā€¦ šŸ˜­
The Daemon and Rhaenys argument foreshadows how Daemon chafes against 100% listening to Rhaenyra as his queen. Spoilers, leaks, and trailers indicate that he and Rhaenyra are going to have a lot of friction, and soon. As a fic writer, I appreciate this scene for validating my headcanon that Rhaenys is the older cousin who does not let Daemon brattily boss her around.
Corlys and Alyn. Iā€™m not entirely sure what the show is doing with the Hull boys. Their interaction was ambiguous: is Corlys their father or not? Or is Alyn just a random sailor who saved Corlys? Heā€™s definitely too old to pass for Laenorā€™s supposed son.
I was very touched by how deeply Corlys cared for Luke. It contrasts with Rhaenys, who didnā€™t treat the boys as her grandkids; Corlys seems to have actually adopted them in his heart. I wonder if Corlys will turn his attention toward Joffrey, or if his affection was for Luke specifically. In the book, Corlys passes over Joffrey as heir in favor of the Hull boys, but show!Corlys is very different from book!Corlys.
Speaking of Joffrey, I miss S1 Joffreyā€™s adorable curls. But S2 Joffrey is also very cute, and he might actually get speaking lines this season. But the moment when he threw the toy (which might have been Lukeā€™s) into the pyreā€¦ šŸ˜­
Alicole isā€¦interesting. There was setup in S1 implying they had underlying feelings, and I donā€™t think itā€™s crazy they eventually acted on those feelings. But I question the writing/directing decision to insert the Alicole scenes for what seems to be comedic effect. The second scene, during B&C, is the more egregious one. The first scene felt very sudden.
Iā€™m also side-eyeing the directorā€™s commentary in the ā€œHouse that Dragons Builtā€ documentary where he described Alicentā€™s marriage as ā€œloving but not romantic or physical for a long time.ā€
LOVING? šŸ¤Ø Really not the best word. Sure, there was some kind of affection between Alicent and Viserys, and she took her caretaking duties seriously. But ā€œlovingā€? Nah.
Aegon got a huge character/writing upgrade from S1. ā€œGood dad Aegonā€ girlies win (so far). I loved TGCā€™s BTS commentary about how Aegon enables his kids and competes with them to cause mischief. Again, the fic writer in me feels validated. I just wish we actually got to see Tyland give Jaehaerys a pony ride. šŸ¤­
The brief glimpse of Aegon and Helaenaā€™s marriage is interesting. He cares about her (tries to reassure her about the dragons) but thereā€™s no romantic spark at all. And like everyone else, Aegon doesnā€™t really know what to do about Helaenaā€™s prophecies, which sound like insane mutterings to people in-universe. We the audience are shouting for him to listen to her, but TBH most of us wouldnā€™t listen to an IRL Helaena either.
Aegon on the throne was a surprisingly comedic scene with more character development. Heā€™s not very good at politicking (I wouldā€™ve told him to give the blacksmiths partial payment upfront, not the whole thing), but heā€™s trying, and he is willing to stand up to Otto. Again, I feel validated with my depiction of Lavender!Aegon.
Alsoā€¦HUGH? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ Sympathetic Hugh Hammer will be interesting.
Oh boy, Larys is going to be fun this season. Heā€™s already starting to try digging his claws into Aegon, but based on cast interviews, he might not be as successful as he hopes. And even though people are joking about it, I donā€™t think heā€™s going the feet route with Aegon.
Mysaria is getting much less culpability in B&C than in the book, but Iā€™m fine with it. Itā€™s consistent with her S1 character. Sheā€™s fed up with the royals (mostly Daemon, now Otto too) and just wants to do her own thing with social justice while making some money.
Alright, now for the B&C analysis.
They donā€™t have Daemon explicitly say it, but itā€™s strongly implied he wants B&C to kill ā€œa sonā€ even if they canā€™t get Aemond. Itā€™s a departure from the book where B&C explicitly target Helaenaā€™s kids and have a more methodical plan where they watch her routine for several days so they can set a trap. In the show, I think B&C repeat the phrase ā€œa son for a son,ā€ so that was probably part of Daemonā€™s orders. But the only sons that are possible targets are Aemond, Aegon, and Jaehaerys. Aemond is explicitly the primary target. B&C walk past Aegon without even discussing or trying anything, though to be fair he has friends and guards. So by process of elimination, it seems B&Cā€™s backup plan/directive was always to kill Jaehaerys if they canā€™t kill Aemond.
(Speaking of Aemond, he didnā€™t leave a huge impression on me this episode. šŸ™ He just didnā€™t get that much screentime, I guess. But I did like that Aegon advocated for Aemond having a seat at Small Council. #Targbros)
B&C have a comedic bit going on while they sneak through the castle, which seems not entirely appropriate. I also think they couldā€™ve cut down a lot of their sneaking sequence in favor of more Helaena & kids screentime, which wouldā€™ve made the scene more impactful.
The bit with the dog was totally unnecessary. Someone who kicks a dog is automatically evil, but we wouldā€™ve gotten that message anyway when B&C kill Jaehaerys. Again, the dog seems to have been inserted for a sort of comedic effect, which doesnā€™t really belong here.
I read an article where Ryan Condal said they cut Maelor (for now?) because all the little kids have to be younger in this timeline. TBH they couldā€™ve made it work with an infant Maelor who was offscreen in S1 because, you know, heā€™s a baby busy napping and stuff. They couldā€™ve adapted B&C much closer to the book with a baby Maelor.
The choice Helaena makes in the show just doesnā€™t feel high stakes like in the book. I think Phia did a great job acting with what she was givenā€”my quibble is what she was given. I think she was given direction to make Helaena dissociate and suppress her reaction, which contributes to the scene not feeling as impactful as it could have been. Helaena has been characterized as ā€œspaceyā€ and ā€œnot thereā€ so far, so I think they were continuing that route. But having her suddenly erupt with emotion in B&C, to contrast with her previous seeming lack of emotion, would have elevated the scene to another level.
The ending Alicole scene really deflates a lot of the emotional heft that did build up during B&C. Again, it feels like it was inserted for comedy. It reminded me of when Jaimeā€™s hand was cut off in GOT, and it immediately cut to the end credits with a heavy metal song that felt inappropriate next to the scene that just happened.
Helaenaā€™s final line, ā€œThey killed the boy,ā€ was odd wording. It feels very distant and passive. Even if they insisted on having Helaena dissociate during B&C, this moment when she escaped with Jaehaera and was ā€œsafeā€ couldā€™ve been an opportunity for her to break down and show what sheā€™s really feeling inside.
Overall, 90% of the episode was great. B&C, gruesome as it was, was kind of disappointing. But the teasers and leaks tell us Aegon will at least have a very strong reaction next episode, which should be wondrous to watch.
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souryogurt64 Ā· 1 year
So I love your anons and they seem to have A KNOWLEDGE I NEED SO
I need to know everything there is on ryan ross like,,, pls help a guy out I felt like i knew much bc I joined the fandom in 2012 but as the "break of panic" happened i see people talking so much things about ryan that i didn't know and im just confused???? Stalker accident????? He cut pete off his life in 2009????? He was/is abusing drugs??? What was his actual relation with brendon??? Like I feel i need to know in order to understand him as an artist more and also stop being out of loop lmaoo
So yeah,,If there's any masterdoc on ryan ross,,,, anything pls sharešŸ˜­
Stalker: There was an incident where a girl allegedly impersonated Brendon to Ryan and was texting him for something like 6-9 months posing as his former bandmate and acting as a friend/supporter. She was doing this with the goal of "proving Ryden." It was a massive violation of Ryan's privacy and a genuinely horrific thing that happened. It kind of climaxed in "Brendon" inviting Ryan to Brendon's wedding and then obviously the real Brendon and Spencer didn't let Ryan in and the whole thing started to fall apart.
It is my understanding that she told some friends and the friends tried to contact Panic!'s management to deal with the situation but were not taken seriously/ignored and generally dismissed as crazy/lying. At that point, they went public with all of the receipts and there was a big fandom campaign to get Panic!'s team to deal with it which is why everyone knows what was said in the texts. She ended up supposedly getting banned permanently from concerts/M&Gs and had to write apology letters so the band didn't take legal action.
Right after everything came out Ryan posted some concerning photos on social media of blood smears in his bathroom.
Since then, there have been persistent rumors the ban was never actually enacted, that Brendon's wife was enabling her to some unknown extent, and the private photos she had supposedly got by "hacking" were actually sent to her by Brendon's wife. I have no idea if this is true, but it's just a persistent rumor that I think originates from the original people who blew the top off of it.
Anyway, as for everything else, this is from my Panic! dissertation.
That is probably more context, history, and backstory than anyone could have ever wanted regarding the events that led to the signing of Panic! at the Disco to Pete Wentzā€™s Decaydance record label. Butā€¦ Youā€™re probably still wondering what became of our sleepover princes.
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The bandā€”and Ryan Rossā€™ relationship with Pete Wentzā€”would not make it to the end of 2009. At first, all seemed well. In February of that year, RossĀ conducted a phone interviewĀ where he stated that Panic! was working on a new album; he and WentzĀ wouldĀ have a ā€œsleepoverā€ that same month. (Via cross-referencing questionable clothing decisions, paparazzi photos, and Wentzā€™s Twitter account, we can determine this sleepoverĀ would coincideĀ with theĀ aforementioned videoĀ of Ross, Wentz, and Simpson drunkenly stumbling to a vehicle). During this sleepover, Ross wasā€”according to Wentzā€”quoting Oscar Wilde.
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AĀ MTVĀ article also written by James Montgomery immediately post-split would proclaim, ā€œRossā€¦considers [Urie and Smith] to be his friends ā€¦The same cannot be said, however, about his former boss ā€” Decaydance Records honcho / Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz ā€” who seems to have clearly aligned himself with the Urie/Smith camp following the split.ā€ Despite the fact that Wentz supposedly did not respond to requests for comment, and Ross was quoted as saying he wasnā€™t sure if his new band would be on Decaydance, Montgomery would go on to assert that ā€œ[Rossā€™] relationship with Wentz might be finished.ā€ In case you arenā€™t getting what Iā€™m insinuating here, MontgomeryĀ wrote in 2008Ā that, ā€œā€œI have no problem saying that [Wentz is] my friend except thatā€¦ by saying that, Iā€™m basically breaking every guideline in the ā€œEthical Journalistā€ handbook.ā€
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Following Panic! at the Discoā€™s breakup, Ross would go on to start short-lived project The Young Veins; he wasĀ interviewed byĀ MTVĀ regarding the project approximately around 2010. In this interview, Ross appears more doe-eyed, spindly, and unsure than ever; the caustic facade he sported duringĀ Pretty. Odd.Ā era interviews is gone, replaced by accommodating, mild-mannered precariousness. In his curious affectation that is the ā€œphlegmatic drawlĀ he must have acquired reciting countless Our Fathers in Catholic parochial schoolā€ā€” its desperate smoothness, pretension, and faux-poise doing little to hide the anxiety revealed by his constant twistingā€” Ross would profess that, ā€œSome of the differences between major and indie labels is that when I call the indie label, they answer the phoneā€¦.When you canā€™t really trust people in this business, itā€™s nice to have that.ā€ Obviously, the major label Ryan Ross was on belonged to Pete Wentz.
The Young Veins did not do well commercially, eitherā€”theyĀ peaked at position 40Ā on the US Indie chart. In 2019,Ā Ryan Ross saidĀ that The Young Veins was ā€œThe first thing in [his] career that didnā€™t go rightā€ and having the band ā€œfall through so quicklyā€ caused him to struggle. Ross, who stayedĀ away from substances until he was nearly 21, hadĀ begun drinking, wasĀ rumored to be using drugs, and wasĀ frequently losing money playing blackjack.
Ross was not only struggling to succeed commercially; he was struggling to take care of himself, too. Prior to the dissolution of her relationship with Ross, Keltie Colleen wrote that she did everything for him, such as laundry, bills, and sending his family birthday cards. A 2008 Kerrang! interview would also highlight Rossā€™ inability to manage his own life to the point of hisĀ hot water and electricity being shut off for several weeksĀ (and his cell phone being regularly cut off) due to forgetting to pay his bills. Colleen also wrote that Ross struggled to properly care for his dog, Hobo. Ross seemed aware of, yet largely indifferent to this;Ā in one interview, he carelessly drawled from behind a giant pair of sunglasses, ā€œ[Hobo] sometimes doesnā€™t get fed. Or she smells bad.ā€ Ross and Colleenā€™s relationship, as depicted in her novel, ended due to Rossā€™ unfaithfulness. Colleen wrote, ā€œā€¦The history of rock music is littered with bodies of incredibly talented people who thought they could deal with the alcohol, drugs, and everything else the lifestyle offered without it changing themā€¦. [Ryan Ross], who despised everything about the music industry, let it eat him aliveā€¦ā€.
An incredibly brutal review of a Young Veins show written by James MontgomeryĀ would summarize the overall vibes of that period in Rossā€™ life. Montgomery wrote that he ā€œcouldnā€™t help but feel a bit sorry for [the band]ā€ and ā€œ[he] had such high hopes for [Ross]ā€¦ [but he] had squandered all that potentialā€ and that ā€œit was, for all intents and purposes, [over for Ryan Ross].ā€ Though the piece did speak quite favorably of The Young Veinsā€™ record, and did hold out a bit of hope for the band, it would end with, ā€œ[Ryan Ross is] fumbling and stumbling to the beat of his own drummer now. Who cares about the future when youā€™ve got the past?ā€. The Young Veins wouldĀ announce an indefinite hiatus in December 2010; theirĀ Wikipedia pageĀ states that, ā€œThe Young VeinsĀ wasĀ a rock bandā€¦ā€.
As Ryan Rossā€™ flame sputtered, Pete Wentz was suffering from his own issues. Wentz toldĀ Rolling StoneĀ that by the time of Fall Out Boyā€™s 2009 hiatus announcement (not-so-coincidentally the same year Ross departed Panic! alongside guitarist Jon Walker),Ā ā€œI was in such a haze of selfishness and pills it was hard to believe I could feel anything.ā€Ā Later, FOB would cite mental health strain asĀ one of the factors leading up to the decision.Ā WentzĀ would revealĀ toĀ Rolling StoneĀ that, following Fall Out Boyā€™s hiatus, he suffered from paranoia and anxiety so extreme he had his house searched for cameras, and fell back on his old habits of abusing Xanax and Klonopin.
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However, Fall Out BoyĀ rose from the ashes and back to the chartsĀ in 2013, with Pete WentzĀ tellingĀ Rolling StoneĀ he was in a much better place emotionally; he cited therapy and his desire to be present for his child as giving him the desire to manage his mental health.
Meanwhile, after the dissolution of The Young Veins and a few brief, half-hearted stabs at a solo career, Ross would,Ā ultimately,Ā feel that ā€œ[The attention and the fame] was overwhelmingā€ and ā€œ[have] a little bit of a mental breakdown.ā€ This was triggered by the commercial and interpersonal failure of The Young Veins and Ross realizing that, ā€œOh, not everything [I] do turns to gold.ā€ Eventually, this would send Ross on a spiral that wouldĀ temporarily land him in AA meetings.
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ad0rechuu Ā· 1 year
rank your mutuals from 'sweet, classy princess' to 'fucking unhinged (affectionate)' (U CAN IGNORE IF YOUD LIKE CAUSE I THINK YOU'VE ALREADY DONE THIS BEFORE (if you haven't i think im going crazy, i blame it at school)šŸ˜­)
i havenā€™t but i think whoever send this should be at fucking unhinged because this is crazy hard !! but here we go:
@end0rchans. ā”ā” ur really funny but ur asks abt melody and luna always warm my heart so!! i canā€™t thank u enough like ever iā€™m gonna kiss u on the forehead one of these days cuz u deserve it SO much šŸ˜™
@girls4cheol. ā”ā” the ask when moonbin passed away is always on my mind and i use it as a motivator a lot so the sweetest!! i associate svts super with u btw <3
@rieuvie. ā”ā” such a cutie and soo talented! every time we interact i just think ur so cool and also i really enjoy seeing ur work on my tl even if not in the fandom ur writing abt
@sunoo-bby. ā”ā” thatā€™s my lil sis right there!! i appreciate u so much and some of the asks that u send make me wanna scream in a pillow because they are so kind! i just wanna project and babie u ā€¼ļø
@coquetteky. ā”ā” THE barbatos simp, u always manage to brighten my day and in general you have this really bright and positive energy about u! u were my first friend on here and iā€™m so glad u reached out bubbašŸ¤ž
@tocupid. ā”ā” i have to be honest ur entire in this spot because of ur comments on milky way pookie <3 i have never someone have such passion for a fan fiction šŸ˜­ ur one of the reasons why mw is so fun for me and i always look forward to mondays and thursdays MWAH!! (fwak yn x taegyu! may yn x luan rise!!)
@ari-shipping-stuff. ā”ā” it started because i needed a beta reader and now there i canā€™t imagine not talking to u for more than a day šŸ«¶ ur so intelligent and iā€™m surprised ur not tired of me yet ily!! thanks for talking shit abt the obey me boys and always enabling me >_^ (i would call u to bail me out of jail)
@leo-seonghwa. ā”ā” leo ur so lovely, ur asks make my day time and time again but thatā€™s exactly why ur this low the fucking memes never fail to make me laugh dawg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (ur the best)
@sweatyjeans. ā”ā” (i think our pms speak for themselves but thatā€™s our business šŸ˜½) ur such a warm and approachable person i think anyone would benefit from having a jeani in their life (not mine tho šŸ‘)
@bluehwale-main. ā”ā” my wife!!! ur fics are so good that i am the personification of giggle swinging my legs whenever i read them :3 ur always there for me and i luv u sm but then again i canā€™t think of a conversation that would either get us banned from kpop in general or where we are not with our tongues down each other throat and i love that <3 (i wish we met irl)
i hope i didnā€™t offend anyone lol but wherever ur placed on the list know that i love you and that ur insane for even wanting to be moots with me <3 have a nice day!
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bluewinnerangel Ā· 2 years
DEMYYLWKDKDN how do you feel at the fact that louis added pretender by foo fighters to the tour playlist when u had it first in the songs he should rec playlist!???? i remember listening to it on your playlist and saving it a while ago and nowšŸ˜­
Okay you've just enabled me to go the fuck off about my own playlists.
I had to dig to find what you meant because my spotify library is getting a little insane but yesyesyse I thought you meant the songs louis hasn't recommended yet playlist (post), but The Pretender is in the teardrop and sabotage playlist (post), my lil larrie rage playlist I turn to when shits happening that makes my blood boil.
Ok but for the going the fuck off bit: HE'S RECCED SO MANY OF THIS STUFF SINCE. I love channeling Louis oh my god I'm so excited about this you have no idea (well you probably have a good idea because I keep yellin asdsf). So I was like ok I want a playlist in the likes of Louis' 28 songs and make something I think he'd make, right? So I made this just before his tour started:
And by now of those 28 songs he's recced:
Talking Heads - Road To Nowhere (Change Over playlist)
The Smiths - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (Change Over playlist)
Pixies - Where Is My Mind (AFH one of three preshow songs / new Tour Bus Playlist)
The Killers - When You Were Young (new Tour Bus Playlist)
Notable mentions:
I also had put in Pulp - Common People in there? HAHA
Sidetrack: Also the DJ at AFH played Common People after Louis' set, which I'm choosing to take as a teaser from Louis himself there. Just throw that out where everyone can hear but nobody knows they should be listening. Perfect. Anyway so post-show it was like: We Are The Champions, followed by the DJ playing I Kissed A Girl x What You Know mashup and then Common People. SIDETRACK: As for that [the DJ playing music], I made a playlist of all songs I picked up in between bands here, which looks like they did get a playlist from louis but also put their own stuff in there, like there's loads coming from his Tour Bus Playlist but also a lot of Spanish songs were played I did not add to the playlist because I didn't know them them. So yeah a mix.
A lot of songs I picked because I know it's artists he listens to, so it's kinda cheating (like it starts off with The Snuts - Glasgow; he basically did rec that one but I mean I just want that song specifically yk), but then The Hives - Tick Tick Boom I plucked out of my own ass and now he's got Hate To Say I Told You So on his tour bus playlist and is playing it pre-show the last 2 shows and I'm just asjkljkslakj yes yes.
Then I had put in Radiohead twice (Lotus Flower, Karma Police), not based on much other than I think it's good and I think he'd think it's good, but all the public rec he had out there so far was just Creep which like doesn't really mean he likes Radiohead... I mean anyone would put Creep in their playlist without specifically listening to Radiohead beyond that, but since he's added Exit Music (For A Film) which has been on my H+L playlist for even longer because of REASONS ok, and Just. So that's some thumbs up there. Similar things with RHCP, Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, and The Killers but then again. who doesn't. who wouldn't. us early 90s babies we do this shit to our playlists lol next.
Also the Van Morrison - Crazy Love is a funny one, because I put it on there as there's something about Golden that reminds me of Moondance (the album), so I got this other 28369th playlist somewhere I put "influences" besides songs and there's Golden paired with Crazy Love and Moondance, and that was kinda the thought process behind adding it to this rec list? Because I think this is something he tends to do: add songs that are influences behind 1d songs, his own, but also harry's. Because I mean the influences are songs they love and play it makes sense right right. We're just going in circles there. But point is not Crazy Love but Moondance appeared on the Change Over playlist, coolcoolcool.
And then for the Teardrop and sabotage playlist (again find it here and read the description of it before listening lol), which is a lil less BALRARHAHRGH response because it's got a bunch more like 64 songs on there and it wasn't meant like oh im only gonna pick songs he has never shown to like or anything, it's more like a sweet spot between a few songs they've shown to like in some way that fit the theme, some songs they haven't yet but totally would, and a few that I just like (like I'm not expecting a Slipknot rec out there anytime soon although it would be welcomed; I'm very hyped about the Rage Against The Machine and harder Nirvana ones), anyway here are the songs he's put on the Tour Bus Playlist the other day that were also on my larrie anger playlist:
Nirvana - In Bloom
The Vines - Get Free
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows
Inhaler - It Won't Always Be Like This
Green Day - American Idiot (Change Over)
(there's a bunch more songs that are in both playlists but I'm not gonna list them as they were already in his playlist when I created mine and so I'd again just be going in circles)
With most of these im going well yeah of course but then The Vines - Get Free I am once again aslkdjsaklj yes yes. yk?
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(forever using @swimmingleo's drawing of @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk as a meme; actually i should do it with part 3)
.....that's enough of the LOOK WHAT I GOT RIGHT kinda whatever behavior this is and now for some thoughts, I think it's very interesting the Change Over playlist is very different from the new Tour Bus Playlist and like I've said before it looks to me like the tour bus one is teasing the sound of FITF, while the Change Over is made out of possible feel good singalongs post-show. Although it's interesting he's said in interviews DMAs was a big influence and that one's not on the list. I'm gonna look back on this playlist once FITF is out and see if theres suddenly patterns falling into place like an anagram solving itself lol because it really looks like it's chunks of songs (like 2-7 songs at a time) that sound similar, possibly corresponding to each song on FITF. That also means songs I put on my larrie fuck the system stop it to the ground anger list and songs I think he'd love to recommend are indeed the sounds he's going for on his album which, I can't even tell you how excited that makes me.
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1d1195 Ā· 12 days
omg im so sooo sorry cause I just finished PMSing so i know exactly what youā€™re talking about i hope you feel better soon bestie !!! Noah Kahan can cure everything I believe <3
honestly i just love your writing so much i need to go back and reread all of protection and then traditional i love them with my whole heartšŸ˜­ā™„ļø
i LOVED the tiktok that went with committed as soon as i read that you kept listening to it while writing i knew i had to play it while i read lol but its crazy how you can draw so much insporation from something so simple, i think it just goes to show how talented you are
LMAO THE SNOWBLOWER MEMES IM CRYING HAHA i think thats like a super power honestly and i love that for you. youre so right it def hits different once the iced coffee comes out it makes EVERYTHING official
im SO sorry to hear you had a tough month bestie :( hopefully you have an AMAZING june and an even better summer, sending you the biggest warmest virtual hug ever cause u deserve itšŸ«‚ SO HAPPY YOU WENT BOOK SHOPPING, YOU MIGHT NOT NEED THEM BUT YOU DESERVED THEM !!! (im 100% the enabler in my friend groupšŸ˜­) may the pollen fade soonšŸ«”
vry random but omggg i was going thorugh my old photos from like 1-2 years ago and i MISS my long hairrrršŸ˜­ its the middle of the night this should be the least of my worries lmfao but i cut it back in the fall and dont get me wrong !! i loved my short hair but now its at that awkward phase where its not long and its not short and i am NOT here for it :/
Okay I'm so amped about your Protection ask so I will save my thoughts on that for the next ask šŸ˜Š
May was just long and awful. I'm very happy to be in June, I'm hoping things run smoothly. I feel way less stressed than I did last month. I'm sure I'll find new ways to be stressed but for now I'm going to revel in not being exhausted for the moment šŸ˜…
I didn't notice how stringy my hair looked until I saw it in a picture. I need to be better about going to get it cut more often but I've been going to the same hair dresser since I was 2 years old and it's an hour away from me now and a process lol But in the summer I always get a healthy amount chopped off because I run hot and my hair is like a scarf and insulating.
Thank you so much for the support of my book buying. Idk what I want to read next, there are a lot of options (especially now).
You're so sweet to compliment me. That man in the tiktok made it easy šŸ˜ hehehehe
hope you have a good weekend planned! šŸ’•
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goldenleafshipping Ā· 17 days
Ayoo, Leaf being Gio's kid in canon always held some merit because of that FRLG Scientist on the Sevii Islands that mistook the player character for his son. Since that's Leaf's first game and the Sevii Islands weren't in RGB might as well give it to her more ;) Lmao, that fully knowing everything but refusing to admit it is such a Leaf mood for me too. Also LMAO Lance sweeped at age 9 that's crazy, I think I made her a trainer that young too when I was a kid but then changed it XD its so funny tho like I need to see this Intrigued by this gameshow prospect.
Anon you're so real thank you for enabling me on Leaf as Gio's daughter šŸ˜­
And tbh her age durinf the Lance Sweep has gone back and forth a lot in my head but I somehow always land back at her being really young because it's just a funny image in my heart.....
in my head The Gameshow is the type of thing youd watch in like the waiting room at the dentist and get so into it, bur then you go home and it's boring asf!! in my head it's some kind of tournament where people who are crazy locked in to pokemon battling and have all kinds of crazy strategies go up against beginners (hence why leaf was hired to be the host. get it. ha ha.) and the episode would focus around them building their teams and explaininf what they're gonna do, and it ends in a battle with a cash prize for the winner.
itll inevitably get cancelled tho, bc leaf isn't the best host, and nobody eants to see the episodes where the beginner gets destroyed. that just makes u feel bad šŸ˜­
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tea-with-evan-and-me Ā· 2 months
youā€™ve got a better chance with evanā€¦" help why are these people encouraging her to be even more delusional stopšŸ˜­
Here we go with the enablers šŸ˜‚
do you remember my blog when the haley lu news broke? same flavor of crazies were fighting hard in my ask box about which one of them as normie fans were going to be his next girlfriend and trying to find out where evan hangs out šŸ˜­ it was a whole thing.
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fluffypotatey Ā· 8 months
Hello there! I hope your month is kind to you. Have you watched the Netflix Monkey King yet? If so, what are your feelings about the plot and the characters? Thoughts on the changes?
I've read a role swap fic idea LMK AU where instead of Tropitaka finding SWK in the mountain, LBD was the one who did it instead. Of course, she wasn't a crazy reformist extremist yet in when thwy met. Cue LBD seeing thia trapped monkey and thinking "i can fix him" while SWK goes "i can make her worse". It kinda ended up with both of them bwcoming worse for the turn because of each other enabling the worst and Macaque, who took SWK's plac with the pilgrims instead, sealed both of them together. Cut to the present where the duo came back and became big bad against Macaque, who's taken to protecting Megapolis as its shadow. The fic idea is under my #role swap au tags becuase the other details took too long to summarize the whole thing. Point is, in an AU where SWK is working with LBD instead of Macaque, but willingly, or maybe not, what would it take for SWK to turn on LBD, whether it involves Macaque or not? How do you think SWK would deal with MK, who is under Macaque's mentorship instead, while running the Lady's orders?
hey! iā€™m doing well šŸ„° but sorry no, i still havenā€™t watched Netflixā€™s Minkey King yet šŸ˜­ itā€™s on my list donā€™t worry!!! when i do watch it, youā€™ll know (because iā€™ll probably be spamming my blog with nothing but that lol)
as for that au šŸ‘€ it definitely looks interesting but I will say, I personally think LBD was in her villain arc already when she finds SWK but the sentiment would probably be the same lol
it does make me wonder why Macky would be chosen as Tripitakaā€™s companion instead of SWK in this round. did he run into the monk just before he was supposed to meet SWK? was SWK already freed by LBD and Guanyin chose Macky as the next viable option?
anyway, for your questions
1) I think this SWK probably would be willing to betray LBD very easily. remember that when Tripitaka freed SWK that first time, the monkey had sworn to be his companion but immediately when against that promise once freed because the idea of serving not just a mortal but a pacifist monk felt insulting to him. so if SWK was freed by someone else who promised him revenge on those who hurt him but then he later found out was using him to wipe out the universe? he would easily dip
manā€™s has his own agenda and it doesnā€™t involve wiping out the universe and destroying his island with his monkeys
and if it concerned Macky? he probably wouldnā€™t show it, but I think heā€™d be very against LBD harming Macky and would even side with MK for it (but whoā€™s to say that he isnā€™t against using MK either šŸ‘€)
2) yeah Sun Wukong and MKā€™s relationship would be so different in this au (but that even begs the question on whether MKā€™s origins are the same or he was created for the same reason šŸ‘€)
and if Mackyā€™s mentoring the guy, then itā€™s a whole mess of using MK to get to Macky. also i feel like his revenge would be slightly different because I doubt Macky would have been able to kill Wukong in the past (maybe seal him away again?), so instead his anger is more out of Macky loyalties switching and allowing him to be sealed away again. he could even believe that Macky was simply doing what he was told because he was bound to the monk for the journey, and now sees MK as fulfilling that same role. maybe idk
tbh i donā€™t think evil!SWK and MK would have the same kind of dynamic progression that MK and Macky have in lmk. if anything, MK would be terrified of swk and his power but also be worried about the emotional toll the monkey king places on Macky.
but yeah idk those are my thought on what I can glean on this type of au
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tasmiq Ā· 10 months
Jumu'ah Khuthbah: 1 September 2023
As we enter the month of September by remembering the Spring season in South Africa; remember, remember the 1st of September. August 2023 is also where we sadly remember how we were made to dramatically part with our beloved Shaykh Taner. These are the flowers dressing his qabr (grave) on the day that he was buried in the Tariqa's native forest property within its dargah (Sufi shrine to commemorate Shaykh Taner's revered personality). I will reflect on the lead up to our sorrowful yet peaceful surrender at this point, in Nassau of New York.
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#1. Within hours of when Allah took Shaykh Taner away, in his worldly presence ... I was making dua'a that Allah ought to take me instead of him because I had surrendered my life. You must understand that it's because Anne (our spiritual mother) and him have so much more potential for good than me, especially in my current form. Despite fielding the presence of concerned family and more immediate mureeds (followers), our equally beloved Anne made the time to respond to me šŸ˜Æ ...
I was left utterly humbled for this mere fact, Subhana'Allah! Her response was that we each have a purpose to fulfill, so we must go at our appointed times. Besides, they love me, and above all, Allah loves me šŸ˜­ I was left flabbergasted at her grace in the critical hours because only a few moments later, he was taken!
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That is why I was determined to get our Art Project complete before the funeral proceedings. In addition, I am sorry for losing my temper when glue was dangerously spilled after I warned you both about the potential for an accident! Above all deep gratitude, for loving and supporting my crazy, last-minute drive to enable Allah's miracle, when we didn't even have the correct material to materialise it! ...
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#2. Anne (our spiritual mother) reported on the devastating lead up to departing with Shaykh Taner:
... Please know that Allah took good care of your Shaykh all the way to the last beating of his heart. Allahā€™s love shone through every one of his caretakers. As sad as it was for us all, it was so beautiful, breathtaking, and heartbreaking all at the same time! There were so many feelings! Allahā€™s Nur (Light) was so evident on his face the whole time, and it was a very peaceful passing...
In our shock, Anne comforted us with more deep insights.
#3. What happened subsequently just blew my mind! We were taken into the intimate spaces of Muslim burial rites, often denied to us women folk, thus denying us a critical avenue for our spiritual growth regarding our inevitable outcome in facing death - irrespective of gender. By deliberate inclusion of us women, our Tariqa proved its emphasis on seeing us believers as respective persons over genders - personhood over genderhood!
We were not only blessed to see the mubarak (blessed) face of our spiritual illuminary, where he looked as if he was restfully asleep, thus emanating Nur (spiritual Light). In addition, we were enabled to partake in the burial proceedings in pouring earth into his qabr (grave)! I enjoyed the sense of emancipation and gratitude that I felt in being permitted into this space. It has even gotten your Abbu and I to wish that Insha'Allah, we are buried on our home property so that you kids can easily access our worldly resting places. Up until we are timelessly reunited in Jannat - Insha'Allah, Ya Rabbul Alameen (Oh Lord of the worlds)!
#4. Prior to the lead up and post his burial, we have all been solemnly made to convert our sorrow into praise of a source of the loving Source of us, Ya Shakur Ya Wadud (Divine gratitude for Your love that predominates all other qualities)! The customary rite in the Juz of the Qur'an that I offered first was Juz 21, as the verse of the Qur'an that reminded me of my original source of spiritual emancipation, "and Zikr of Allah is the greatest!"
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Beyond notions of a fixed number of worship, the limitless number of the remembrance of Allah in every moment has naturally trumped it! Subhana'Allah and Ya Shakur for Shaykh Taner's funeral rites connecting me to the personal purpose gained through Sufism ...
#5. A glorious outcome of his sudden and unexpected departure is the sense of unity and sense of commitment into the future that has been created in us as a worldwide Tariqa (spiritual school). Seen in the numerous intercontinental offerings of Zikr in praise of Allah and his Rasool (messenger) SAW, enabled with gratitude to our Silsila (spiritual chain).
We are earnestly living what we pray for in:
Ya Wadud Ya Salaam Ya Jami Ya Nafi
(Gratitude to our Source of love, peace and unity in goodness).
This concludes the dramatic happening in our Tariqa (spiritual school), which has distilled into a sense of sorrowful yet peaceful surrender, Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude)! Time for your Abbu's Arabic Khuthbah...
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ylove-bandaesthetics Ā· 1 year
the 2 step verification worries me bc when it was first enabled my friend used it and didn't get the SMS with the code so while it can protect you it can also lock you out of your own account for good rip šŸ˜­ damned if you do damned if you don't! if staff worked, that wouldn't be needed, so weird how here you can get hacked without clicking links, in any other site you need to click them to get hacked (unless your s/o is crazy, my ex bf hacked my mcr twitter fan account so I dumped his ass šŸ˜‚)
Aww damn, well Iā€™m fucking PRAYING that this blog never gets taken from me, period! lol! Like I said I worked too damn hard to get it where itā€™s at today so tumblr donā€™t screw me over you bitch! Lmaooo! šŸ’€ And ikr?!!! Staff really needs to get it together already! Esp with blogs that are just toxic asf and bullying everybody Iā€™m tired of seeing that around here! Itā€™s super unecessary and they should be banned for life! AND EXCUSE ME?! HE DELETED AN MCR PAGE?!ā€¦.Mā€¦Cā€¦R?!!! Yeah you better have dumped his ass UNACCEPTABLE! šŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­šŸ’€
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stargirlstudio Ā· 2 years
Hii iā€™m the anon who posted that loong message to you, iā€™ll go by this šŸ¦‡
I do honestly feel the same as you do, its really hard to look back at that time in my life because pre-teen me was severely fucked in the head. It makes me cringe and feel for her in a sense, like i want to go back and tell her sheā€™ll be okay one day and hug her.
Like even before my pre teen phase, i was watching a lot of grown up stuff as a kid as well as having a mother who parented differently and with having her own issues with men, so my perception of older men was so much different, border lining on dangerous.
But that Lolita phase is really damaging, and for a pre teen girl, it did one hell of a number on me. Also having social and cultural media enable you, especially 12-14 tumblr, really hurt me and so so many others, and even admitting it makes me feel sick, because i knew it was wrong and even then watching the movie, among others, at like 14? disgusted me, i just wanted an older man to come and get me and save me from what was a very low point in my life.
But like with LDR, she not only made me romanticise older men, but she became the artist i listened to when i was depressed, and in fact i had to stop listening to summertime sadness because it made me feel some pretty lowly, depressed thoughts. So being a hormonal pre teen with no common sense listening to LDR, it was crazy really, and if i could go back to teen me, iā€™d tell her donā€™t take it so seriously to the point you need to be this girl she talks about in her songs.
But yeah i still listen to some Lana stuff and its a much more healthier experience than it used to be, i can listen, enjoy, fantasise, but not make it something i obsess and chew at and something that becomes my personality, which is what she used to be, to me and others.
And You shouldnā€™t apologise though!
Like reading that post i knew it was a joke, hell it was great one and i loved it, i love that type of humour, but also me thinking the deep thoughts is so on me so iā€™m sorry šŸ˜­ iā€™m a huge thinker and i have anxiety so it really got me thinking and i donā€™t mind doing the deep thinks as theyā€™ve been more helpful lately to realise who i am as a person and again i loved your joke, especially as a Dmitri fan and LDR listener.
And all that YouTuber stuff really, and i mean, really changed me as a person so iā€™m always reflecting more and checking in on where i am in my grief of that person and also reflecting on myself realising iā€™m a person with faults and issues.
Like admitting everything here, and in the previous post, is something iā€™d never do to a majority of people in my life, mostly due to my own embarrassment and other factors, so its refreshing to be able to say all this and to be able to say it to someone who isnā€™t burning me at the stake for it and instead listening to what iā€™m saying and being understanding because they know what iā€™m talking about.
But like i said, my relationship now with older men is so much more healthier, i understand everything about it and its no longer goblin like, Gollum obsessed with it all and iā€™m not willing to throw my life away for any man no matter who it is, so iā€™m definitely glad iā€™ve grown and tried to come out stronger from all the damage done.
And Iā€™m glad that it is! Iā€™m very proud of you for being able to navigate through things like that because it really is such a damaging mindset to get out of.
Growing up exposed to so many things does a take a toll on someone but Iā€™m glad that youā€™ve managed to work through all of this and still be able to say that you have a healthy understanding now šŸ’›šŸ’›
And Iā€™m glad we can talk about this because I believe weā€™re basically the same age and this brunt of all this really did happen when we were much much younger and impressionable.
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msookyspooky Ā· 2 years
Part 14 of Sequels Suck had me SCREAMING šŸ„“ I knew it was too good to be true considering the first thing Billy said was "You DiDnt ThinK TheRe WouLD Be ConsEqUeNCes FOr WhAt YoU SaId ?" Litterly fuck off lmaoooooo YOU DESERVED EVERY WORD. I might've been flattered asf when Stu called us gorgeous and Billy agreed that we were beautiful, but that went out the window the moment we caught on and outside the screen I was PRAYING we would wake tf up šŸ˜¬ sooo glad we realized it before it was too late. We would have regretted that for the rest of our life. They would have killed us after or even just kept manipulating us AND then kill us.
The part where we called them monsters and absolute pieces of shit after getting to the door made tears come to my eyes bc it really got me in my feels surprisingly šŸ˜ž It's just so sad and imagining going through that bc of someone you actually STILL care about despite everything hurts. For a second, just a second, we convinced ourselves that maybe we can work things out with them. That maybe they still love us deep down. Only for them to basically say 'Fuck you, I don't love you anymore bc you refused to enable my toxicity.' It's so vile to try to manipulate us into hooking up for the sake of their stupid rules and I felt the pain when we cried in Derek's arms and in the dressing room after it was overšŸ˜„
I'm assuming were NOT a virgin lol but if we had been and we hooked up with them? We would have been even more devastated bc losing your virginity is a big deal for girls usually (or atleast for me it is). I feel like we're not tho bc lets be real here, James was an abusive piece of shit, and he seemed like the type to not wait lmao I also can't help but feel like James could have manipulated us into having sex with him šŸ¤ we all know he wasn't good, and we even compared Billy to James. If James was really similar to them, I don't think it's far-fetched to think sexual situations may not have been consensual šŸ¤¢ I can't help but wonder if that's something that will ever be brought up šŸ‘€ bc the whole virgin thing is making me think that we could have past trauma from James that we've never talked about...maybe šŸ¤”
I'm just glad that we've realized that these two will do anything to take us down šŸ˜­ so glad Randy is back even tho I KNOWWW were gonna be so embarrassed to face him šŸ¤” still can't help but want Randy to get a chance with us even tho I know we don't love him šŸ˜£ soo excited to hear what's got Randy so scared. I think we're all praying this man somehow saw Stu and Billy bc I'm TIRED OF LOOKING CRAZY āœ‹ another question I have tho - what exactly did we tell the detectives? We told them we were attacked, but didn't they ask what they looked like? Bc clearly, we couldn't have told them what they looked like bc the police were questioning Derek sooo what EXACTLY was the story? I'm assuming we said something like 'oh, I was attacked in the dark and couldn't see my attacker' bc the police litterly have no idea who they're looking for.
A couple more predictions have formed in my mind as well šŸ‘€
1. I'm still sticking with Derek being a 3rd Ghostface. The only thing that stood out was the fact that he said "I'll kill them!" after seeing what happened to us. This actually makes me think Derek DIDN'T know what they were gonna do and is GENUINLY PISSED OFF. He could just be ACTING pissed off, buttt I think him actually getting into an argument with Billy and Stu is possible.
2. I'm predicting Randy dies by SACRIFICING HIMSELF FOR US. There's definitely evidence for this lmao 1. In Set Up Randy was alllll too willing to sacrifice himself for Sidney cause he loved her right? This man litterly got stabbed in the thigh and he STILL went to go help Sid. We all know Randy likes us andddd Set Up kinda gave us a sneak peek at how far Randy's love for Sidney went. Hell, Randy admitted to us several chapters ago that if Sidney had been the killer, he might not have allowed her to get shot just like how we couldn't let Billy die. That kind of loyalty shows that Randy more than likely would have SACRIFICED himself to save Sidney even if she was the killer. 2. Randy admitted to Dewey that he wouldn't know what to do if he lost us. Shows the loyalty that has no bounds, and it can be inferred that he could care so much as to throw his life away or get injured for us. 3. Randy sacrificing himself would make us all basically depressed šŸ˜­ Spooky loves to make us suffer with angst and this would be so dramatically heart wrenching that I KNOW it's a possibility that she might not pass up.
3. This contradicts theory 2, but it's still one of my favs. WE SACRIFICE OURSELVES TO PROTECT RANDY AND FAKE OUR DEATH. Idk I just really love the angsty idea of us sacrificing ourselves to protect our last real connection to Woodsboro. It's got that spiciness of being tired of the survivors' guilt and saying fuck it and offing ourselves to protect another. I feel like we would do it to also fake our death to get Billy and Stu to finally move on. Even if we don't sacrifice ourselves at all, I'm still predicting us faking our death lmao I feel like that's the big ending we create. We have a talent for acting right? Who's to say we can't fake our death? Ending wise, I feel like it's the only real option to get them to finally stop. There's no way they can go after us if were dead. We have to take drastic measures to get them to stop and this has to be one of the options. I can't see us becoming a killer UNLESS it was accidental. We clearly have high morals, and we definitely aren't sociopathic.
ANYWAYS hope you enjoyed my essay šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
I loved your essay!! šŸ˜
Eh, I leave it up to the reader on sex life, looks etc. So you could be a virgin or not be; completely up to you! Immerse yourselves babes! And leaving James explicit too. In my headcanon he got offed before he could get anymore abusive than he already was but he definitely pushed for sure šŸ’Æ I actually had a rough draft of this (Which was a hot mess) that was a LOT darker than this one where James was so bad it made Billy and Stu look like angels. But I scrapped it because I like 3 dimensional characters that even the worst characters have some good qualities or we can at least understand why they were what they were. (James was abused himself badly as a child and felt like he was ostracized for not being from an upper class family...Still a shit excuse but it adds dimension)
I'm sorry but also elated that it stirred that much emotion in you reading it!!! That's the best compliment even if it's sad to hear I'm so sorry and it's sounds sadistic but as a writer it's like 'WOW...THEY LIKED IT THAT MUCH' šŸ„²šŸ’˜
Omfg your theories are so sad that would be horrible šŸ˜¢....*Writes them down*
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ganyuslily Ā· 3 years
ii..itā€™s..ITS ME HELLO ANON ENABLER HERE back To enable the fullness of your mailbox with my messages again/j
How have you been doing? Aw itā€™s been SOOOO LONG lately Iā€™ve been using Reddit more But boy it is toxic there. missed tumblr and came back (maybe replace the tumblr with knives and youā€™d be more accurate šŸ˜³šŸ˜³/hj)
pls i only go on reddit for the subreddit abt genshin lore and theories lmfao šŸ˜­ I DONT KNOW HOW IT EVEN WORKS AND IDK IF I WANT TO KNOW
omg im blushing stopā€¦.. me and anon enabler are canon guys fr fr
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