#where has fletcher gone no one cares
if we lived on the moon.
Not for the first time, Steve Harrington wishes he lived anywhere but Hawkins, Indiana.
He spots Eddie walking toward him down the grocery store aisle where he’s been waiting for him, shifting a can of baked beans from one hand to the other, dimples on full display. 
“Got ‘em! Found the last can, they were shoved all the way to the back of the shelf, can you believe it? Had to reach all the way back.” Eddie stops short where Steve stands with his hands on the shopping cart handle. His eyes raise from the can in his hands to Steve’s face, smile widening. “I can’t wait to make you Wayne’s famous wieners and beans. It was all I would eat when I first moved in with him.” Eddie’s eyes sparkle while he talks, remembering, gaze still on Steve as he leans down to place the can in the bottom of the cart. His smile softens and Steve is transfixed, frozen in place, nearly breathless. “Guess it reminded me of my mom,” he finishes in a near-whisper. It makes Steve wish he’d known him when they were kids, that they’d grown up together and seen each other in every moment of their lives.
As Eddie leans back up out of the cart, a lock of hair falls across his face. Steve’s hand itches to reach out and tuck it behind his ear for him. He glances around, covertly and quickly. Finding their aisle empty, he gives in to his impulse and allows his fingers to brush Eddie’s hair away from his eyes for him before dropping it back onto the cart handle. Eddie blushes, just a little, and brings his own hand up to pull that same hair in front of his face, suddenly bashful. 
Maybe it isn’t any where he wants to be. Maybe it’s an any when. Maybe in a year—or two or three or ten—he can touch his boyfriend’s hair without looking over his shoulder to be sure there’s no one watching. Maybe in a year—or two or three or ten—he can grocery shop holding Eddie’s hand and no one will say anything at all. Maybe in ten years, he’ll be allowed to kiss Eddie right in the center of Hawkins where anyone could see them and no one would even care. Maybe then they’ll be allowed to have their date nights at the diner like everyone else, instead of tucked away in the trailer with mismatched candlesticks for a centerpiece and the radio playing their well-worn mixtapes, the ones Steve knows by heart. Maybe it’s just a matter of waiting it out. Maybe then—if he believes in this bright, beautiful future when—he won’t be forced to leave everything behind just to be allowed to love Eddie out in the open, where everyone could see. 
They turn to leave the aisle, finished with their shopping, but before they exit the deserted space completely, Steve feels the brush of Eddie’s knuckles against his own as he pushes the cart in front of him, like a butterfly: there suddenly, gentle and then gone.
He has to believe in anywhere and any when.
"i'd hold your hand if we lived on the moon, walking down the avenue. we'd never think twice about who we'd offend and we'd never say we're just friends. no, we'd never say we're just friends. all that i know is i want you forever and nothing like this could be wrong. if people on earth think that they know us better than we do, then i'll live on the moon with you."
is this anything? i obviously didn't know how to end it lol. i'm having big gay sad feelings tonight about homophobia. i rarely write in a universe where homophobia exists, because these are my barbies and i'm the god of this gay little world, but i'm extra sad today. hope you enjoyed this or something. idk. who are ur fave openly gay musicians? i like boygenius, muna, fletcher, etc. trying to get away from u know who, give me recs!!!! ok bye.
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1.2k
Summary: Fletcher reminds you that she’s a cat 
A/N: This just popped into my head. I'm posting this to delay the baby fic. I suddenly hate it. Enjoy.
Warnings: cursing, dead animals 
You laugh as you and Wanda stumble out of the car and head to the house. You’re not drunk but you feel like it as you giggle and drag your wife toward you for another kiss. Wanda just laughs as she pulls you in and wraps her arms around your neck.
“You’re my favorite, you know that?”
You hum in response as you hug your wife and kiss her nose before leading her inside. You squeeze her hand and quickly open the door so you both can get out of the cold. You and your wife had gone out tonight for one of your rare date nights that were both extravagant and private. Wanda had taken you to dinner where you were the only two dining, and then she’d taken you to an aquarium after hours and let you run wild. She was only mildly interested in the many species that were there; however, watching you run around excitedly between the exhibits was what the only thing she really cared about. She loved seeing you unwind and enjoy yourself in a way that you didn’t get to often. It also gave her time to spend alone with you which is also something Wanda feels like she can never get enough of.
“Thank you for tonight, love. I had a great time.”
Wanda smiles widely as she shuts the door behind her and follows you into the kitchen. She ate plenty at dinner, but given that was nearly 3 hours ago, she was getting hungry again. She either needed to go to sleep soon or eat, and given that she didn’t want today to end she was already trying to figure out what to eat. She’s distracted from her thoughts of food by your gasp and she turns to see you staring at something in shock.
“What is it?”
Wanda rounds the counter and she spots the animals all sitting on the living room rug. Boone and Rogue are on either side of Fletcher who’s hissing at them as she stands over a long, scaly--
“What the fuck!? Fletcher no!”
Wanda runs forward to stop her cat from playing any further with the snake that she’d brought in from outside. She didn’t have time to wonder how she’d gotten outside, let alone dragged something so large into the house when you rush forward too. Once Fletcher is removed you have a feeling that the dogs will try to investigate and you don’t want to have to deal with that. You stop short though and Wanda screams as she reaches for her cat only to have the snake at her feet start to move.
You curse as Wanda runs away with her cat dangling in her arms. Fletcher tries to climb her mom but Wanda’s too distracted by their slithering house guest. 
“Eww, Y/n get it! Get rid of it!”
You shoot the slithering snake an incredulously look before you try to figure out how to do as your wife asks. You’re still thinking when Rogue decides to investigate closer and you nearly shout at him in panic. He flinches but Wanda is quick to reach out for him as you and Boone take off.
“Rogue no! Stop it!”
You snap your fingers at Boone and he comes to sit next to you as you look around frantically for a solution. You smile slightly as you look to your wife who’s just staring at the snake in horror as she clutches both her cat and dog close to her chest.
“I’ll be right back, Wands!”
You run back out into the garage and try to find what you desperately hope you still have from last winter. You miss Wanda shouting after you as you frantically search the garage for a bucket and a…
“Found it!”
Boone follows you back inside and you tell him to sit behind you as you look back to the snake that has continued to move, but its doing so in a way that makes you think it’s not really intentional. You don’t know nearly enough about snakes, but you don’t worry about that right now as you set the bucket down and reach out for the snake with the grabber.
“Okay, okay.”
“Be careful, Y/n. Oh, gross…”
Wanda watches as you attempt to pick up the snake with the grabber unsuccessfully. It’s a little difficult because the snake is unexpectedly heavy and it keeps slipping from your grasp and falling to the carpet again with a thunk. Wanda feels a little sick as she watches the snake stain the carpet with something viscous and you even look mildly disturbed as you grab the bucket and try a different tactic.
“Sorry, snake, sorry. Sorry.”
You cringe as you slide the definitely dead snake into the bucket before breathing a sigh of relief. You look to your wife who’s still holding her cat, but she’s let Rogue go at this point. She tries to peek into the bucket, but she shakes her head and changes her mind. She meets your gaze with a questioning look and asks you something that you hadn’t really considered yet.
“What are you going to do with it now?"
Wanda’s just finished purchasing a new carpet for the living room when you return bucketless and with a tired look on your face. You sigh heavily as you head to the kitchen to wash your hands and then turn to your wife with a smile.
“That was fun, huh?”
Wanda just rolls her eyes before shaking her head as she points to the den. She had ordered a new carpet and then dared to explore the house to try and figure out where Fletcher had escaped. She does this sometimes and despite it scaring her and now grossing her out, she’d never caused too much trouble. The most annoying thing was figuring out what window or door she’d snuck out of.
Luckily the security system helped with that, and Wanda had figured out quickly that the cat door in the den that she’d made sure was locked when they weren’t home had been tripped. She isn’t quite sure how Fletcher did this, but that’s a problem for tomorrow because she’s exhausted.
“Fletcher brought it in through the den, so we’ll probably have to make sure there’s no blood in there tomorrow.”
You sigh at the thought of this, but decide it's a concern for later as you finish drying your hands before walking over to Wanda. You pull her close to you and kiss her hair before leading her towards the stairs.
“I think I’ve had enough excitement for the day. How about we head upstairs?”
Wanda simply smiles at you as she nods in agreement. You’re halfway up the stairs before you see something in the hallway. It’s Fletcher, and she’s licking her paws without a care in the world. It’s not until she looks up and you and Wanda that you realize how wrong you are, and you can’t help but gag at the sight of an eviscerated mouse in your cat’s paws.
“What the fuck, Fletcher!”
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scryptids · 4 days
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malia pyles / she/her  ———  no way is that TEA FLETCHER.. they’re a 24-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being A KNOW-IT-ALL  & SMUG  but there are some people who have seen them being RESOURCEFUL  &  COURAGEOUS.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of an old chemistry set that desperately needs to be dusted off, silly-patterned sweaters that she wears just for fun, a science experiment gone wrong, and blue slushies, but that could just be because they’re considered the GENIUS around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
full name: tea (tay-AH) carmella fletcher birthdate: july 13th age: 24 height: 5’3” occupation: tbd ship status: closed bio:
as far as they know, tea’s intended purpose has always to be a knowledge machine
they were commissioned by two scientists that always holed themselves up in the lab, their research extensive and grueling and often too much for just two people
they weren’t married, weren’t dating, and didn’t even intend to be together at any point, but the prospect of raising a child to help with their work was too enticing, and so they decided they wanted one
tea’s childhood was fairly bleak and robotic; the scientists each taking on the care of the little being that they decided to bring into the world, but they never knew how to properly show them love or affection
and so tea just existed the only way they knew how: by learning through science and jumping in whenever they could
tea’s “parents” never bothered to send her to school, instead hiring a tutor to come to their home in the middle district so they could have extra time in the lab
their tutor was the only one who ever bothered to show tea affection, taking it upon herself to show them that there was more to life than just science
tea took to the attention quickly, attaching themselves to her like a mother and child, and her tutor never seemed to mind, always making sure that tea’s parents had their attention when needed
as tea got older and her work in the lab became more involved, there came a time when her parents decided she no longer needed her tutor, and that day devastated her
she was only eighteen years old at the time, and she had no friends beyond the one person who had been with her for years, and so tea shut down for a while
they became cold and robotic, only answering questions if they pertained to the research she was doing, and not allowing anyone to become super familiar with her
and so tea made the decision to move out on their own; they had no outside world experience, and their only source of income came from whatever their parents were working on, but they figured anything would be better than where they were
it took a while before they got to a stable place in life; they had to watch and learn other people to even understand them in the first place
but it was also around this time that tea took up a job with frankie spiegel, almost working as their assistant in some ways
the environment was friendly and relaxing, and in more ways than one, tea finally felt like they were at home
they’ve been working with frankie for a few years now, often conducting their own research into whatever piques their interest the most (currently it’s storm pattern)
tea’s overall personality can be very flat, but it’s mostly because she’s still trying to learn how to socialize properly
she can be very smug about things when she knows she’s right, but she’s also incredibly resourceful and will help anyone who asks for her assistance
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morrisxn02 · 11 months
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ogden college (un)official class playlist ! available NOW at a therapist near you !
PART ONE: the student body
lacy by olivia rodrigo・henrietta astor
"oh, i care, i care, i care. like ribbons that you wear. my stomach's all in knots. you've got the one thing that i want..."
hurricane by halsey・reina azarolla
“i’m a wanderer, i’m a one-night-stand. don’t belong to no city, don’t belong to no man. i’m the violence in the pouring rain. i’m a hurricane.”
american teenager by ethel cain・ida clarke
“grew up under yellow lights on the street, putting too much faith in the make believe.”
this link is dead by deftones・lincoln crawford 
"pay attention! watch me close! as i decide which way i move"
february 15h by hobo johnson・nova dodson
"she went to columbia and i went to jail. i just wanted another apple when she really wanted yale. and that is the problem where all of this lies. i'm emotionally unstable. i'm a crazy fucking guy!"
crocodile tears by suzanna son・sassa fiske
"crocodile sitting all alone, painting nails the shade of pink to match princess peach's cheek. maybe they'll think i'm beautiful. maybe i can trick them."
perfect day by hoku・charlie fletcher 
“people say, they say that it’s just a phase. they tell me to act my age. well, i am.” 
the boy who blocked his own shot by brand new・jesse hart 
“a crown of gold, a heart harder than stone and it hurts to hold on, but it’s missed when it’s gone”
happy by marina・carmen hearst
"couldn't relax, couldn't sit back and let the sunlight in my lap. i sang a hymn to bring me peace and then came a melody."
too much by carlie rae jepsen・ollie inoue
"i live for the fire, and the rain, and the drama too, boy. and it feels like you never say what you want, and it feels like i can't get through, babe."
nina cried power by hozier and mavis staples・ mika ishii
“power has been cried by those stronger than me straight into the face that tells you to rattle your chains if you love being free. ah lord, and i could cry power!”
people watching by conan gray・logan iyande
“i’m only looking just to live through you vicariously. i’ve never really been in love, not seriously.”
summer child by conan gray・samantha jimenez 
"and you laugh and you dance in the wind, and you sway, and you hug and you kiss, but there's darkness behind those eyes."
savage daughter by sarah hester ross・ nixie linghui
“i am my mother’s savage daughter. the one who runs barefoot, cursing sharp stones. i am my mother’s savage daughter. i will not cut my hair. i will not lower my voice.”
mirrorball by taylor swift・roxie marsh
“hush. when no one is around, my dear, you’ find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love. shinning just for you.”
don’t tell my mom by renée rapp・courtney mills
“so don’t tell my mom i’m falling apart. she hurts when i hurt. my scars are her scars. she’ll talk to her friends, impress all of them. at least in her mind, her daughter is fine.”
donttrustme by 3oh!3・cara morrison
“she's an actress, but she ain't got no need. she's got money from her parents and a trust fund back east."
halloween by novo amor・edward morrison 
“more and more with every accolade, i get carried with away with being carried away.”
i did something bad by taylor swift・greer morrison
"they're burning all the witches even if you aren't one. so light me up. go ahead and light me up."
autoestima by cupido, lola indigo and alizzz・ milo navarro
“my mother and my father gave me an extremely nice face. people don’t usually like pretty people like me.”
forsaken by paris paloma・alethea pierce
"i think i've done something to upset the stars again. the moon won't return my calls, but i deserve it. i deserve it all.”
strange overtones by david byrne, performed by whitney・lennon reed
"how long have i been missing? it's getting colder tonight. snowfall's reminiscing... i watched it melt before my eyes."
frankenstein by rina saywama・magnolia rhodes
"put me together, thread a needle so i'm like other people without all of the evil. i'm trying to be normal, but the trauma is immortal and none of this is your fault."
baseball by hippo campus・monty richler
“there goes that moonboy looking jungly with all his leaves a-growing.”
king by florence and the machine・anya saetang
"my empty halls echo with grand self-mythology. i am no mother, i am no bride. i am king."
stick season by noah kahan・nathaniel shaw 
“now i'm stuck between my anger and the blame that i can't face and the memories are something even smoking weed does not replace." 
liability by lorde・natalia vega
"she's so hard to please, but she's a forest fire. i do my best to meet her demands, play at romance, we slow dance in the living room, but all a stranger would see is one girl, swaying alone, stroking her cheek."
satanist by boygenius・jacqui velazquez 
“will you be a nihilist with me? if nothing matters, man, that’s a relief…”
you're on your own, kid by taylor swift・parker walsh
"there were pages turned with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take. so make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. you've got no reason to be afraid. you're on your own kid. yeah, you can face this..."
river by leon bridges・malik wright 
"as my sins flow down the jordan, oh, i wanna come near ya and give ya every part of me. but there's blood in my hands, and my lips aren't clean..."
tolerate it by taylor swift・mari zuko
“i made you my temple, my mural, my sky. now i’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life.”
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xaviernottheprofessor · 6 months
Spring Breakers Who: Xavier and Fletcher ( @fletchervanhall ) with mentions of others. What: Xavier spends the week with the Van Halls while Winter and Henry attend Spring Camp. Where: Van Hall Residence When: Week of 4/8 A/N: A glimpse of Flavier being domestic and Xavier makes a big confession.
Because of it being Spring Break for Xavier's kids, Fletcher decided to extend his usual days off into Tuesday and Wednesday. Not only was he able to spend more time with his daughter, uncle and boyfriend but it gave Emiliana more time to herself or to focus on her food truck. Fletcher had even taken Xavier on a date--which included Phoebe but he'd taken them out for lunch and a walk through one of the local parks.
Today though, Fletcher had appointments and had gone into the shop. He'd continued the second session of a client's back tattoo and had given someone a septum piercing before going into his office to get some logistical work done. During this, a walk-in customer booked an appointment with him for new ink and Fletcher drafted the shop schedule for 2 weeks out. Having been there since an hour before opening, he headed home late afternoon, parking in the driveway next to Xavier's McLaren. He smiled to himself on his way to the front door, and then unlocked it and let himself in with his mind already on his boyfriend and daughter. Unsure if Phoebe or Drew were napping, he didn't loudly announce himself but instead looked around, toeing his boots off and hanging his keys on the hook beside the front door. "X?" He spoke at his normal voice, heading for the living room.
Being asked to stay at Fletcher’s home while his kids were away at camp shouldn’t have been surprising especially with Xavier wanting to find more time to spend with his boyfriend and daughter. However, he was pleasantly surprised and had quickly accepted the invitation.  He didn’t think he’d be so emotional dropping Henry and Winter off at the bus stop with the rest of their camp mates but the kids were more than excited to head off for the week.  He had changed his schedule so that he could work from home, sending in pages from California and letting Lorne know he wasn’t going to be in a sketch this week anyway. He had already explained he wanted to be in the same state in case his kids needed him. Xavier had fallen into routine already while staying with the Van Halls. He had to admit it felt really good having someone to sleep next to and getting ti know Drew and Phoebe was a giant plus.  Going on a date with his boyfriend and his daughter was also a kind reminder of how easy things were between them especially when they weren’t even trying.
Xavier has promised Fletcher that he would be okay with Phoebe and would do fine with Drew. Drew seemed to enjoy Xavier’s company and Xavier really loved to make him laugh.  He had prepared a nice early lunch for the two of them and Drew had let Xavier know he was going to rest in his bedroom. With Phoebe on his shoulder, the comic made sure Drew made it with some of his aid and reassured the patriarch of the house that he would take good care of Phoebe until Fletcher came home from work.  Once Drew had drifted off to sleep, he smiled at little Phoebe and whispered, “looks like it’s just us two little sprout.” Xavier had already given her a bottle before Drew fell asleep so he figured he’d get Phoebe’s carrier on so he could wear the baby while he washed some dishes and started on dinner for later. He had started on some Briyani rice and a mild coconut chicken curry while having full conversations with the newborn.
“Daddy will be here soon and then he’s going to cuddle you like crazzzyyy and you’re gonna love it. “ he grinned, putting the rice on and curry on low heat. He knew Fletcher would be arriving soon and having dinner somewhat ready would give him time to unwind with his daughter and Drew time to do what he needed to do before dinner needed to be served.
“Wanna do some tummy time, my darling ?” Xavier glanced down at the baby who had been awake and cooing against his chest. “Is that a yes?” He chuckled and washed his hands, wiping them on a kitchen towel before deciding to go upstairs with Phoebe to her nursery. He checked on Drew once more who was still fast asleep and then pulled the baby’s yummy time blanket onto the floor. “Okay, beautiful. Let’s get those baby muscles to work.” He chuckled gently knowing the curry and rice had about 45 minutes.
He picked Phoebe up and out of the carrier before delicately placing her on the floor and then removed the carrier so he could join her also on his stomach. Xavier reached from a sensory baby toy that was in the shape of a sphere. It had rattles and little flags so she could tug. Visually, it was perfect for tummy time. “Heeeyyy!” He chuckled, face to face with Phoebe, his cheek basically against the floor so they were at eye level. “Hey, little sprout! Do you like that? Yeahhhh that’s really good!” He placed the rattling toy between and them and grinned widely, happy to be playing with the little one. “So, I was thinking that we should do this often. Tummy time with little sprout and Xavier. I think you enjoy it a lot. What do you think, huh? Yeah, I knew it.”
Although Fletcher found the living room empty, his nose led him to the kitchen next. The food cooking on a low simmer smelled heavenly; he'd only lifted the lid for a few seconds before letting out a dreamy sigh and setting everything back as it was. As he went to the stairs, he heard the muffled sounds of an all too familiar British accent coupled with the sounds of a rattle. Both made him tug his lips up and smile again, taking to the stairs. He'd poked his head in on Drew, finding his uncle snoring in his bed. And then he went to Phoebe's room. Pushing the slightly ajar door open. The sight of her and Xavier having tummy time together touched Fletcher's heart. Another crooked smile tugging at his lips, he lightly tapped Xavier's foot with his own. "Hey," he said, making his way into the room and finding some space on the floor so that Phoebe was between the 2 men. Once he was settled on the floor in something of a push-up position, he leaned in and kissed Phoebe on the cheek, "Hey there, Tree Frog. Were you good for Xavier?" to which Phoebe gurgled and cooed. "You gonna tell me all the silly things he did to try and get smiles from you?" He pretended to turn his ear to his daughter and then grinned to his boyfriend. "How'd it go? I missed you guys today."
Xavier had been invested in the conversation he was having with the newborn when he felt Fletcher’s foot tap his. He looked up at his boyfriend and smiled, letting the feeling he had whenever he saw him take its course. “Hey, you. Welcome home.” Xavier continued rattling the toy and watched Fletcher join them on the floor. He chuckled at Fletcher’s question to his daughter. “She knows I’m her entertainment.” He smiled back, shifting slightly so that he could keep his head up with his elbow on the floor. “It was great! We had lunch. A couple hours ago. Made a salad and a chicken soup. Super hearty which Drew really liked. The baby is probably due for a bottle in a few minutes. Drew and I watched some television while she napped before he decided it was his turn and then Phoebe and I started hanging out, did the dishes and started on dinner.” He smiled at the little one. “And now we’re here… we really missed you too. Right , little sprout? Missed your daddy so so much?” He smiled so happily seeing her coo. “How was work? Did you make some big bucks so you can take us to Disney?” He teased his boyfriend. “Tired?”
"Thanks," Fletcher replied to the welcome as he joined Xavier on the floor. He chuckled a little at Xavier and then listened to the day that he, Drew and Phoebe had together. And he enjoyed the little noises that Phoebe was making more and more often these days. It wasn't constant but it was a clear showing of her growing up, since she didn't make too many noises outside of crying. "Dinner smells good by the way. And I'll make sure to prepare some lunch for tomorrow before I go in." He didn't want Xavier to have to fix lunch and dinner each day he stayed over. While listening to his boyfriend, he watched Phoebe do a semi-pushup, lie flat and turn her head in Xavier's direction. Fletcher stretched a finger out to Phoebe last tiny palm where she automatically gripped him with ferocity.
"Damn, way to spoil the surprise, babe," he teased back with a lazy smile. "Yeah it was a good day. And haven't I told you already? I'm always tired but I feel fine." He pulled himself across the floor until he was close enough to tenderly kiss Xavier on his lips. "Do you wanna finish tummy time while I go get her bottle ready?"
"Yeah? I hope you like it. It's coconut chicken curry and Briyani rice." Xavier had made sure he had gotten some groceries before heading to the Van Halls for the week and had been excited about surprising them with a meal here and there. "Okay but it doesn't bother me. I'd be cooking for myself if I were home alone anyway."" Xavier watched Phoebe and couldn't help but smile at her movements. He waved at the newborn and shook the toy gently. "Hey, you. Look how good you're getting." Xavier loved children. He did well with his friend's kids and his brother's kids but he always thought his future would be with older fostered kids he'd assist in aging out and while doing so for Winter was fulfilling, he couldn't help but think on how drastically different things were now that they were unfolding. He should have known he'd fall in love with his kids and want to adopt them but another big surprise for Xavier was how much he wanted a life with a little  itty bitty angel like Phoebe in it. He had quickly grown to adore her as much as he had grown to adore her father. Those were his thoughts as he shook the sphere and watched Fletcher play with his daughter. His smile widened some more, meeting his eyes as Phoebe's grip took hold of Fletcher's finger. "Aw."
"And I'm sorry! But we're on to to you."  Xavier nodded, "Yeah, yeah but I'm hoping one day you're like today, I feel super rested and less tired than yesterday..." Xavier smiled at their kiss and chased another quick peck. "Yeah, we'll be here." He laid back down on his stomach and then looked up at Fletcher adoringly and with a gentle smile before placing all his energy and attention on the baby. There was more of that lately, smitten glances full of adoration for his boyfriend that it made Xavier think probably more than he should. "Okay, angel. Daddy's getting some milk ready and you and I are going to finish here, change your nappy."
"It sounds as good as it smells and I already know that you know how to throw down in the kitchen so I'm sure I'll enjoy the hell out of it. And I know you're not bothered. You're so damn giving, but that doesn't mean you should." He wasn't the least bit surprised that Xavier had no problem with preparing meals while at his home. And while Fletcher was glad he'd been comfortable there already, he wanted Xavier's kindness reciprocated whenever possible. "Besides, I'm used to preparing meals sometimes so that Emiliana wasn't always having to handle them."
He adored Xavier's ease with Phoebe and loved listening to him interact with his daughter. He already knew Xavier was a great father so it didn't surprise him in the least. "Well we're that much closer to Disney. And then I can save up for Dole Whip and a few good souvenirs." He smiled and said, "I'll get there again, probably when this little girl starts sleeping through the night. We're getting close but not consistently." He pecked the top of Phoebe's feather-soft hair and then got to his feet with a mild groan. "Thanks, sweetheart. I'll be back soon." He left the room and back downstairs, turning on the electric kettle and preparing a bottle with easy familiarity. He stirred the curry on the stove for a few seconds out of habit before leaving it alone again. And after shaking the formula and water, and checking the temp on the inside of his wrist, he went back upstairs to Phoebe and Xavier. "Alright, dinners up for you, Princess." He looked to Xavier and said, "Drew'll probably wake up right before dinner's ready."
Xavier was happy to help around the house. He understood he was a guest and all of that but it made him happy to be available for Drew and Phoebe and Fletcher. It also helped knowing it that Emiliana would benefit from the extra help too. Everybody wins. He smiled softly, listening to Fletcher. "Well, I love your cooking so any chance I can get to try it, I'm happy." He was also happy that in three months, the two of them had grown this comfortable around one another.
"Oh no why would you mention a Dole Whip. I need one now." He chuckled. Xavier had only been to Disney once but he hoped to go back someday and with the kids.  "You will get there. Give her a couple of months." He stood up and then bent to pick up the baby, chuckling at how cute she looked. "Okay, let's get you out of this nappy so you can have your dinner. He carried her to her changing table, carefully unbuttoning her sleeper so that he could chance her diaper. "Ah yes, there we go...look at your little legs!" He smiled and changed her, cleaning Phoebe with a few wipes. Xavier dressed her again and was placing her foot inside the sleeper when Fletcher came in again. "Yay! looks who's back!" He finished up and discarded the soiled diaper and wipes into the basket beside the table. He picked Phoebe up and handed her to Fletcher so that he could spend time with her. "Okay, perfect." He looked down at his watch. "I have a couple of minutes before dinner is done." He leaned against the table and folded his arms at her chest, admiring the sight before him. "You know, I think she got your appetite."
"Good, and thanks to Rodrigo and Jade's jazzy New Orleans-themed wedding, I've been wanting some more shrimp and grits. So don't be surprised if that ends up being a thing soon." When the weather was nicer on a more consistent basis, he would start grilling and barbecuing more often. He mostly did in the summertime and was ready to cook some more on the grill as it was his favorite when it came to him cooking.
"Maybe it's a trip we can plan on taking over the summer," Fletcher suggested. It wasn't like him to suggest trips, let alone far away trips, but it honestly *had* sounded like something that Henry and Winter might enjoy. He and Xavier would probably have a good time too, and he could plan for  a wheelchair for Drew and a stroller for Phoebe. He knew Xavier had been joking around but Fletcher found himself seriously thinking about it.
When he came back up and rejoined his daughter and boyfriend, Fletcher grinned at the little cherub face staring at him and accepted her from Xavier. Cradling her in one arm, he held her bottle to her lips and watched her take to it immediately. "I stirred the curry a little while I was downstairs. And yeah, if Drew's not up soon, I'll wake him so he's not eating too late at night." His gaze went to Phoebe who kept drinking her milk and made tiny little noises, a little of the milk dribbling from the corner of her mouth. He bent his head to steady the bottle with his chin so he could wipe the milk and then held the bottle properly with a smirk, "If she's lucky, she'll have my metabolism to go with it." He hadn’t fixed her a full bottle, knowing she would end up wanting another in a couple of hours. "But once she's done, I can take her with me to wake Drew and meet you downstairs?"
“Ohhhh a man after my heart. That sounds delicious. I know I will enjoy anything you make.”  Xavier smiled, excited to try whatever Fletcher plans to make next.
Xavier was pleasantly surprised after the suggestion of a trip over the summer. He looked up from what he was doing and nodded. “Yeah. Absolutely.  We could do that. In fact, I would love that and I know the kids will too. We’ll take Drew and Phoebe who will low key be around 6 months or so by then. It’ll be a nice family trip.” The fact that Fletcher has brought it up at all was really nice and now that it was a possibility, Xavier was thrilled.
Xavier watched as Fletcher fed his daughter, smiling at the little noises she was making. “She probably will.” He pushed off from leaning on the changing table and moved to kiss Phoebe on the top of her head before kissing Fletcher on the lips. “Okay. I’ll get the table ready and all of that.” Xavier made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. He pulled the lid off the rice and then mixed it a bit, leaving it uncovered. Xavier pulled three plates from the cabinet and all the necessary utensils before placing it all on the table. Suddenly, a brief period of sadness fell over him thinking how at some point he’d have to go back home and he would miss everyone.  It was bittersweet as he was looking forward to seeing his kids and spending time with them too. Once the table was set, Xavier turned the heat down completely on the curry and pulled the lid off half way, letting it settle there until everyone was back downstairs to eat. Xavier pulled his phone out of his pocket to check on Winter and she had responded with ‘having a blast, dad. Hope you are too! Can’t wait to see Phoebe again!’   Xavier smiled at her words and then pocketed his phone. He got three cups from the cabinet and placed those on the table as well, figuring he’d let everyone choose their beverage. He was excited to have Drew and Fletcher taste their meals.
Fletcher hummed in agreement and said, "Yeah, exactly. I know Phoebe won't remember it but it's not all about her." He looked down at his daughter and then said, "And if it all goes well, we can always plan to go back when you're older." It was good that Xavier was on board wit the idea of the trip. Sometimes it still caught Fletcher off guard how quickly he'd come to consider Xavier, Winter and Henry as a part of his family. Blunt and straightforward as he was, wasn't easily trusting or accepting of others being so close to him or Drew, and now, Phoebe. But Xavier and his children had been unexpected exceptions.
After returning Xavier's kiss and watching him leave the room for the stairs, he turned his attention to Phoebe, watching her finish her bottle. He tugged it from her lips before she could start sucking on a lot of air and then shifted her position for burping. As he shoved the bottle halfway in his pocket, he began patting her back on his way to Drew's bedroom. Once at his uncle's bedside, he lightly nudged the slumbering man and said, "Drew, hey. Dinner's ready. Hungry?"
Drew stirred awake, blinking sleepily. "Hey," he yawned, which was punctuated by a burp from Phoebe. Both men smirked and Drew went on, asking what was for dinner. Fletcher told him Xavier cooked curry and rice and Drew sat up a little more. "Alright. I'm not all that hungry but I'm not gonna be an asshole when Xavier cooked for us." Fletcher offered to bring his uncle a plate up to him and Drew protested, moving his legs to the side of the bed. "Just help me downstairs."
After his uncle had his house slippers on, Fletcher walked with him and held Phoebe to his chest with one hand and supported Drew down the steps with his other hand. He let Drew walk ahead of him to the kitchen and pulled a seat out for his uncle. "Still smells like heaven in here," Fletcher told Xavier, rubbing Phoebe's back. "Thanks for setting the table too."
Xavier thought that with Phoebe being about 6 months or so, it would be easier and while she won't remember it, it would be visually a great experience overall. "We'll take so many photopgrahs so that she can look back at them when they're older. And when she is older and we go back, she'll remember those pictures." He didn't even hesitate or think on the fact that future plans were being made already. Instead, Xavier felt the excitement of being able to take his kids and Fletcher's daughter to Disney. They had made their own little family in a way.
Xavier was pulled from his thoughts when he hard Drew, Fletcher and the baby appear. A smile tugged at his lips at Fletcher's comment. "Thank you. I love when a ktichen smells like homemade food too. It's the best feeling." Xavier then nodded, "You're welcome. Also, I didn't know what everyone wanted to drink. Did Phoebe have her dinner?" He rubbed her cheek with his finger and smiled.
"And! my man, Drew! Did you have a good nap? I paused our show so we can catch the rest later." Xavier chuckled and brought the pots to the table on top of the heat resistant mats. Xavier would have the curry sauce with the rice since he didn't eat the chicken.  "Bon appetit!"
Fletcher knew he and Xavier would be able to talk about the Disneyland trip some more soon, working out dates and all the arrangements. And he'd thought about this a bit while Phoebe finished her bottle and he carried her to Drew's bedroom.
Once all of them were in the kitchen, Fletcher agreed, "Yeah. As much as I like some places around the city, nothing beats a good homemade meal." He went to the fridge as Drew just asked for water; Fletcher took out a Brita pitcher and poured the water in his uncle's cup. He'd poured some for himself but also took out a beer to set beside his cup. "Yeah, she polished off the bottle," he replied to Xavier, remembering to pull the empty bottle from his pocket and setting it in the sink. "If she doesn't fall asleep on her own soon, she'll likely fall asleep later when I make her the other half a bottle later. What did you want to drink?"
He got Xavier's drink and then joined them at the table as Drew chuckled, "We'll see. I'm pretty tired still. Don't wanna doze off and miss something."
"You two have a show now?" Fletcher asked, reaching for Drew's plate to fix first. "Thanks, babe," he said to Xavier, putting a small portion of rice down and pouring the chicken curry directly on top of it. He placed it back in front of his uncle and then tended to Phoebe who started fussing a bit. He stood from the table and lightly bounced her in his arms to calm her. Over the top of Phoebe's little head, he said, "I'll eat in a sec. I think she might've eaten too fast or something." He adjusted his hold on her so that she was lying across his forearm on her tummy and gently, he bounced her there.
With the amount of traveling he did for work, Xavier spent a decent amount of time eating out but spending time at home more and being able to cook for people he cared about took him back at how food was it's own love language. He smiled at Fletcher's words, humming in agreement to the comments on homecooked meals versus eating at a restraurant. He looked over to Phoebe and Fletcher, glad to hear she had finished her bottle. "Good. And I'll also just have water. Thanks, love." He joined Drew at the table and smirked at the older man's words. "We can always catch up tomorrow." he winked at Drew knowing full well that his rest was important.
"These true crime series divided into chapters. Captivating stuff." He chuckled and served himself some rice before pouring the sauce over it. When Phoebe began fussing, he looked up at Fletcher as he stood up and hope the little one was okay. Seemed like maybe it was just gas or like Fletcher said, she had just eaten too fast. "Okay." Xavier nodded once and then looked over to Drew. "I know I said this when I got here and all but thank you so much for opening your doors to me and letting me stay here this week. I've really enjoyed getting to spend time with you all."
Xavier wanted to be sure it was known how much it meant to him that he wasn't alone at home and with people he truly cared about. He gathered some rice and sauce onto his fork before bringing it to his mouth and then looked back up at Fletcher and Phoebe. "How's she doing?"
When Xavier joined them in drinking water, Fletcher poured the Brita pitcher and softly smiled. "No problem." He listened to Drew and thought about helping his uncle back upstairs after dinner, knowing that some days were tougher for him than others. He listened to what his uncle and boyfriend had been watching and chuckled. "Are they the kinds that have the dramatic reenactments? Like *I Almost Got Away With It*?" 
Fletcher lightly patted Phoebe's back while the little girl whined and drooled on his forearm. He'd been unbothered by the drooling but hoped whatever was upsetting her would pass soon. "We're glad to have you here," Fletcher told him. And thank you for making us all dinner."
"Yeah, as long as you're in Fletcher's life, you're always welcome here, Xavier," Drew added, gathering some food on his spoon.  Fletcher smirked softly to his uncle and with impeccable timing, when Xavier asked how Phoebe was doing, the little girl scrunched her body up and passed a loud fart. Fletcher laughed, "I guess that's her answer. Excuse you, little miss." He lifted her while bending his head and kissed her head, still chuckling, and then shifted her to rest against his chest and shoulder again. Her light cries lessened to coos and gurgles again as she kept herself curled up against him. Taking his seat again, Fletcher fixed his own plate but occasionally stopped to pat Phoebe's back. "Who taught you how to cook?" he asked Xavier, wondering where his culinary skills had come from.
"Exactly like that. I can't believe how addictive they are. Drew got me into them and now here we are." He chuckled, reaching for his glass to take a sip of his water. He was glad that for the most part, Drew got to relax today. He should have known that he was feeling a little extra tired. "I usually have things on in the background while I'm working on sketches but I never actually pay attention to anything so it's always nice to get pulled into a show."
Xavier smiled and continued eating his food. His smile met his eyes when Fletcher thanked him for dinner and told him they were glad to have him. "Well, that's good to hear and anytime! Really.  I like taking care of the people I care about."
He then glanced over to Drew and smiled at the older man as well. He hoped that he'd be in Fletcher's life for a long time but he kept that part to himself.  Phoebe's passing gas had him cracking another smile and then burst into soft laughter. "Way to go, little sprout! She's good." He let his laughter melt into a smile and then sighed thinking how even that was adorable. He was glad to see  them both sitting at the table now. Xavier would have fixed Fletcher a plate but figured it'd remain warm in the pot. At Fletcher's question, he leaned back and wiped his mouth. "Even though we're twins, I really took the older sibling label seriously. When Clayton and I were being bounced from one foster home to another, I had to learn a couple of survival skills along the way. I started by watching my foster parents at the time, making notes of their recipes and trying them on my own, correcting them as I tried them out. Then I became obsessed with cooking shows especially Ramsay and I would watch them when I had the chance. Finally, when we ended up with our parents, my mum and dad taught me more. The Briyani though, that's my sister-in-law's mum's recipe. She's a phenomenal cook, has an amazing Indian restaurant in East London. So,I sorta picked it up wherever I ended up."
"Till I got to a stable place in my life where I can cook for others." Xavier reached for his glass of water and took another sip. "It's like uh, a love language of sorts. Spoil the people that mean a lot to me."
"I'm surprised it wasn't Winter who got you into them," he chuckled, knowing of Winter's affinity for the macabre. "Did you end up working on any sketches today?" he asked and then began eating once he was settled in his seat. He smiled from Xavier's smile, which really was about as contagious as his laugh.
And with Phoebe unintentionally causing the trio of men to laugh, Fletcher caught her entirely innocent and unaware expression and laughed some more. "I love you, little girl," peppered her cheek with a few kisses and then settled her against him so that he could eat his food. He listened to Xavier's response to his question about learning to cook and nodded here and there to let him know he was listening as he ate. "Your family playing a big role in what you've learned makes sense on both ends of it." He could understand the survival side of it and he knew Xavier's family meant a lot to him, so learning from his mom and in-laws hadn't surprised him.
With a soft smirk, he said, "Acts of service and gift giving are all you when it comes to expressing a love language or two." He'd picked up on this pretty quickly in the few months they'd been growing close to each other. "And you're not allowed to do the clean up after dinner tonight. I'm putting that out there right now."
He chuckled at the comment about Winter. "She's gotten me more into horror films which tracks." Xavier smirked, taking another bite of his food. He nodded at Fletcher's question. "I did. I got to get a few drafts done and sent some off earlier this afternoon. So all in all, it was a productive day. I think if I send over some more pages tomorrow morning, I'm done for ther week. And then next week it's back tot he east coast for yours truly." Hopefully, it'd be for just a few days to film. Xavier would fly in for half the week and come back home for the other half.
Xavier felt the tug at his heart strings when Fletcher gave Phoebe some kisses and the fluttering in his chest settled nicely as she continued eating. He nodded, taking another bite and leaning back a bit. "Yeah, I also love to learn about different cultures so I try out new recipes often. Xavier was enjoying this, sitting at a table with Fletcher, Drew and Phoebe. Only thing missing was Winter and Henry. When his kids joined his side, he had realized how lonely he had been and for so long. Being away from everyone in London had been rough at first. This feeling of togetherness was important to him.
"That's right." He loved that Fletcher paid attention. It didn't surprise him considering Xavier had really taken the time to get to know Fletcher. He was glad he did as Xavier would have never known what kind of man he was or what his passions were. One thing was to be physically drawn to him but the other was to form an emotional connection. "I'm not allowed?" He smirked at the words and then laughed softly. "I guesssss." He checked on Phoebe, smiling at her as she looked out over Fletcher's shoulder.  "I'll be good. Right, Phoebe?" He chuckled and then dropped a kiss on Fletcher's shoulder. Xavier glanced over to Drew and asked, "More water, Drew?"
"Yeah, having spent time around her, that doesn't surprise me," Fletcher agreed with a smile. As he listened to Xavier, he ate some food and took a few pulls from his beer. "Do you like the writing part more or acting more?" he asked, following his beer with water and then tended to Phoebe with some kisses.
As Phoebe took to periodically lifting her head and then harmlessly letting it drop onto Fletcher's shoulder, Fletcher listened to Xavier and kept eating. It was almost like Phoebe was unknowingly playing her own version of peekaboo. "Have you had a favorite cuisine that you've learned so far?" he asked and then took another bite, already more than halfway done with his plate.
He'd been enjoying having Xavier there with him, Phoebe and Drew during the week and was sure he would've enjoyed it just as much if Winter and Henry had been there too. But he was also glad for the two teens getting to have fun at camp for the week. He'd be sure to ask them about it when he got a chance, after they got back. But for now, he'd soak up all the time he could get with their dad. Even times of sassing him about the dishes. "You heard what I said. You're not allowed," he repeated, leaning in close to his boyfriend as he said the words. While finishing off his plate, he eyed his uncle who had eaten most of what was on his own plate.
"No thanks, I'm alright with what I've got for now. Thanks, Xavier," Drew replied, stifling a yawn.
"Ready to go back upstairs?" Fletcher asked his uncle, steadying Phoebe with his hand on her back.
"In a minute. And thanks again for making us dinner, Xavier. I'm sure I'll attack the leftovers tomorrow if this guy doesn't first."
Fletcher playfully rolled his eyes but didn't deny it. "Anyway," he looked to Xavier, "You wanna watch a movie tonight or channel surf?"
He chuckled thinking about Winter.  He liked that his kids really liked Fletcher and his family too. "Ooo another good question." Xavier grinned and took a sip of his water before he could answer. "I feel like writing will always be my first love but I do like the acting and now that I'm being considered for some serious roles, it's pretty great. It's been nice and a little surprising considering how I started at SNL."
Xavier couldn't help but chuckle softly at Phoebe just being an adorable infant. It really made his heart sing. He took another forkful of his dinner and took a bite. He enjoyed seeing Drew and Fletcher enjoy his food. Xavier thought about the foods he had learned to cook over time. "Oh, yes. Definititely Nigerian food and Carribean food. Probably my favorite. "
He grinned as Fletcher leaned in and sassed him about doing the dishes. Xavier held his hands up in surrender and chuckled before finishing off his plate. "Fine, fine.  I won't touch them. Maybe help you dry them? No?" He smirked, and lightly leaned into Fletcher, placing a hand on his thigh and rubbing his leg a bit. "And you're welcome, Drew." He could tell the patriarch was tired. "I've made enough so that there's a decent amount of leftovers for both of you."
Xavier nodded."Yeah, I'd love a movie, actually. What time is work tomorrow?" He wondered if they'd be able to stay up a little to enjoy a movie but Xavier also knew that Fletcher needed his sleep. He had to admit that his top favorite thing about staying over was waking up next to Fletcher whether it was in his arms or just beside him, it had quickly become Xavier's best memory.
"I come up with those once in a while," Fletcher dryly joked and then listened to Xavier's answer to his question. It was nice to hear Xavier talk about his career and Fletcher was happy he was so passionate about what he did. Having watched Xavier on SNL now, he didn't have a problem admitting to being wrong about the current show as a whole.
"You should teach Fletcher how to cook those," Drew suggested, pushing some rice around on his plate.
Fletcher gave Xavier a sidelong glance after sitting more upright in his chair. "*No*." He was now shifting Phoebe into a sitting position on the edge of the table, sliding his empty plate back and then holding her at her sides with both hands but he smiled when he felt Xavier's hand on his thigh, and grinned when Phoebe stared wide-eyed as though full of wonder. He leaned in and blew raspberries on her tummy.
"Careful," warned Drew, "Or she might let another real one go on the table."
Fletcher snorted, "You hear that, Phoebe? Pop Pop has no faith in your table manners." He lifted her to him to blow one more raspberry, pulling a gummy smile onto her face.
He stood and held Phoebe with one hand while clearing his plate with the other. "I was planning to go in at eleven. My first appointment is at noon though and I'll be off at four again." After setting his plate and fork in the sink, he repositioning his hold on Phoebe so she was laying horizontally and, with her butt intentionally in Drew's direction, Fletcher playfully tugged her ankle a little and made noises like he was releasing cannonballs with each tug.
Drew narrowed his eyes, "If you weren't holding my baby girl, I'd slug you in your crotch right now."
“"Surprise me everyday," Xavier quipped and then chuckled. He liked how much Fletcher wanted to learn about him and the things he loved. It was nice that there was always a story to tell or something to talk about. Things were never awkward even when there was silence between them.
"That's a good idea. how about tomorrow, then? When you get home, we'll cook together. A delicious Nigerian dish." Xavier smiled at Drew, excited about it.
Fletcher's response to Xavier offering to dry the dishes made him laugh and he gently cupped the man's chin with his free hand. "Fiinneee." he then let go with a smirk and pushed his now empty plate back. Xavier leaned in to watch Phoebe , smiling at how adorable she was. He couldn't help the hearty laugh that escaped his mouth at Drew's words and continued to laugh at the uncle and nephew banter.  "Even if she did, it'd be cute as hell anyway." He smiled and finished off his water.
"That's not bad! Get to sleep in a little and then get back at a decent hour."  Xavier stood up and gathered his plate and utensils along with Drew's once he had finished. He settled them in the sink and leaned against the counter, watching Fletcher tease his uncle. He folded his arms across his chest, laughing and shaking his head at the scene before him. He loved their interactions and dynamic. He had said it before but the two of them were lucky to have one another. "I'm sure this guy over here has driven you to madness many times before, hm?" He gestured to Fletcher with his thumb and then walked up to him to kiss his shoulder once more. He held his finger out for Phoebe who wrapped her little hand around it. "I ask with love of course."
"Gotta keep things interesting," Fletcher said, giving Xavier a wink. And at the suggestion of he and Xavier cooking together, he nodded, "Yeah, sure. Let me know if there's something you want me to pick up on my way home tomorrow."
He playfully made like he was going to bite Xavier when the younger man cupped his chin, only for him to smile at him and then proceed to entertain Phoebe for a bit. "Cute yes, but the smell would be heinous, I know it. This girl has two gas types, I swear."
After he made his way around the kitchen and talked about his hours, Fletcher said, "Yeah, it's not bad with these half day shifts." He'd been fooling around with Drew and smiling at the sound of Xavier's laugh just behind him.
"You have no idea, Xavier," Drew replied, shaking his head at his nephew. "I'm crediting halfway decent genes and not this twerp for the reason most of my hair hasn't gone gray yet." He smiled and then made to stand as Fletcher turned a little for Drew slowly lean in to give Phoebe a kiss on her cherub cheek. "You be good, little lady. Maybe tomorrow while your daddy's at work, we'll revisit some of that Baby Mozart stuff, huh?"
Knowing Drew would be ready to go back upstairs now that he was on his feet, Fletcher turned to Xavier, "Would you mind holding her while I help him get back to bed? And I'm gonna run her a bath while I'm up there."  He'd rinse the dishes off and get them loaded in the dishwasher once he came back downstairs.
A smirk formed on his lips in response to Fletcher's wink and he nodded as he thought about which dish they could try tomorrow. "Great, I'll send you a little shopping list. Shouldn't be too many things."
He laughed at Fletcher's plafulness and then looked up at Phoebe. "Is that right, Phoebe or is daddy exaggerating?" He knew the answer, just wanted to tease Fletcher some more. "...it sounds like Phoebe has a bit of a weapon." Xavier then shifted his attention to Drew.
Laughing some more at Drew's words, he rubbed Fletcher's back. "Oh, you little troublemaker." Xavier smiled as Drew got up on his feet. He loved how amazing he was with Phoebe and when Fletcher asked him to take the baby from him after Drew said his good night to her.  Xavier nodded and took hold of the infant. "I never mind. Go ahead. Good night, Drew. We'll talk more about Fletcher driving you crazy in the morning." He offered the older man a smile.  When Fletcher mentioned the bath for Phoebe, Xavier bounced the infant gently in his arms. "You hear that? A nice bath sounds so good." Xavier let the two men go upstairs and after some baby talk and tiny tickles, he began to bring Phoebe upstairs for her bath.
Xavier stopped at Phoebe's room and gently laid her down on her changing table to remove her sleeper, leaving her in her diaper. He played with her little toes before picking her up again and bringing her to Fletcher. Xavier knocked on the bathroom door and smiled.  "I've come to deliver a package..."
Fletcher nodded while already thinking about the next day and if he would be stopping at the grocery store or the international market. Either would be fine by him. And when Xavier spoke to Phoebe he spoke in obvious mock offense, "How dare you."
He listened to his uncle and Xavier, smirked, "Oh I know I was a little shit but Drew gave as good as he got. So, sometimes it  led to me getting more creative. Most of the time though, he put me in my place." As he handed his daughter to Xavier, he concluded, "And now I'm a delight."
Drew snorted and teasingly retorted, "Says you."
Fletcher responded with a, "Damn right, now come on, old man."
Drew threw Xavier a quick wave and a 'goodnight' and walked out of the kitchen ahead of his nephew. Fletcher helped him upstairs and offered to help him into his pajamas. Drew declined while getting himself undressed. Fletcher pulled some clean pajama pants and an old Giants t-shirt from his uncle's pajama drawer, setting on the bed for him. "I'll come through after Phoebe's bath," he promised and then left the room with the door shut.
On his way to the bathroom, he stopped inside Phoebe's room to get pajamas out, and a hooded towel and wash cloth to bring to with him. Inside the bathroom, he arranged her tub and tested the water temp with his hand. He pulled the Baby Magic hair and body wash from the built-in shelf and stood just in time.
"A package for me?" He smiled at the sight of his daughter and boyfriend again while pushing his sleeves to his elbows. And after checking that her diaper was still dry and still okay to reuse, removed it and got her settled in the tub. While running the wet towel along her body and watching her smile and kick and splash, he told Xavier, "She *loves* the water for bathtime. It's the whole getting out to get dressed part that brings on the tears."
"I dare." He answered his boyfriend and chuckled. Phoebe's little innocent face made it even funnier to him because she was so darn squishable and her dad was being funny with him.
"I believe he dished it right back. Which is what you needed." Xavier grinned and continued rubbing Fletcher's shoulder. He chuckled as he took Phoebe into his arms. "A delight he says." And then winked at Fletcher as he teased him.
Once again, Xavier laughed at Drew's words and waved as he went up the stairs with Fletcher. After everyone was settled doing their own thing, Xavier had finished up in getting Phoebe ready for her bath. When he walked into the bathroom, it already smelled so nice. He loved the smell of baby products. "Fed Ex, same day shipping." He smiled back at Fletcher. He leaned against the bathroom wall, watching Fletcher bathe his daughter. "Oh my goodness. She's a little guppy then. She'll love swim lessons." Xavier chuckled as she splashed away. "Look at you go! Like a Litle Mermaid!" He cheered her on and then crouched down beside Fletcher. "She's such a great kid, babe..." Xavier admired his boyfriend as he tended to his daughter and then quickly kissed his cheek before standing up again.
"I put out some jammies for her and lotion, her little hair brush..." He tried to think back and make sure he got everything. He didn't know when he had gotten so invested in Fletcher and his family but there was no doubt he'd do anything for them.
With Phoebe in the water, Fletcher watched her while getting her body wet first and then squeezing some of the hair and body wash into the small, soft towel. "Yeah, swim class would be kinda cool for her when she gets a little older. I'll have to see  how early she'd be able to start that kinda thing." He gently washed Phoebe's body while the little girl splashed her hands a bit and happily gurgled and cooed. He smiled at Xavier's comment and said, "She really is. Not sure how I got so lucky." He lightly massaged the towel over her head to wash her hair and then dunked the towel in the water to rinse it and the soap from her body. With a glance to Xavier he chuckled, "I got her pajamas out too. We can let Phoebe decide which one she wants to wear tonight." Leaning over, he pecked Xavier's lips, "Thanks," and continued rinsing all the soap and suds off of Phoebe. Once she was all clean, he draped her hooded towel across his chest and lifted her out of the water and held her to himself, wrapping her up in the towel. And after she was bundled up, he turned the tub upside down to drain and got to his feet, picking up the dry diaper from the counter.
Sure enough, before reaching the nursery and the changing table, Phoebe started winding up on her cries. Fletcher shook his head and smirked a little, "Sorry, Tree Frog. As much as you'd like to live naked in the water, it's not happening." And she cried all through being dried off, having lotion rubbed into her skin, her diaper put back on and being zipped into her pajama onesie (Fletcher dressed her in the pajamas Xavier picked out). It wasn't until she was completely dressed and held against her daddy that Phoebe began to settle down. Fletcher ran her brush along her brown, feathery soft hair and kissed her head, "I know, Daddy's just a sadist putting you through bathtime, huh?" He set the brush down and rubbed her back as she whined and continued to settle down, having only squeezed out a couple of tiny tears.
Picking up a blanket from her crib and a burp cloth, and draping both over his opposite shoulder, he looked to Xavier, inviting him to lead the way out of the room. "What movie do you feel like watching? We can go back downstairs and watch something. I'll get the dishes in the dishwasher and prep Phoebe's second bottle while you relax on the couch. She'll probably fall asleep a little after that bottle, and then it's just you, me and whatever movie you choose."
Xavier smiled, watching his boyfriend and agreeing that he was lucky but there was no doubt in his mind that Phoebe happened for Fletcher at the right time and because it was supposed to happen. He deserved that streak of luck. He chuckled at all the cooing and gurgling suddenly understanding what people meant by 'baby fever'. Xavier was just as smitten with the infant as he was with Fletcher. He smiled at their kiss and watched intently at how he got Phoebe dry and out of the tub. He has never had to watch an infant for so long and do so many of the things he's now learned. Even when he was in London, his brother was too neurotic to let Xavier do anything outside the usual playing and babysitting. This was nice, learning new things and feeling like he was a part of Fletcher and Phoebe's life.
Seeing how much Fletcher has already done before even getting any time to wind down from work, he could see and truly appreciate just how tired his boyfriend was. He sympathized and it was one of the main reasons why Xavier made himself available to help in any way he could while staying with the Van Halls. It touched his heart taking in all the work Fletcher puts in not only in his professional life but at home too. Watching him look after Drew and Phoebe had truly given him the experience he didn't have before. He has known details of what his life was like but now he was there with Fletcher, watching and helping. It made his admiration for him grow even more. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice the baby crying. He was too invested in thinking about the life his boyfriend had and how he could continue being a support. Xavier smiled when Fletcher looked at him, coming out of his deep thoughts to lead the way back to the nursery. Maybe it was best Fletcher was doing the talking because Xavier, at this point, felt even more drawn to the older man and he'd probably make no sense if he tried to put words together.
"I'm down for anything. Are you thinking of classic or new?" He cleared his throat a bit as his mind tried to settle on the current question and not what he had been thinking of prior. "Let me know if there is anything I can do though. Seriously. I like helping." He smiled at Fletcher and then rubbed his back before leaving a tender kiss on his shoulder. "I'll go get the television set up and the Roku. We'll find something." He ran a hand through his tiny curls and then gestured toward the hallway. "I'll meet you downstairs, okay? You too, sweetie." He chuckled at the infant and then went downstairs to set up the television as promised. He stood in front of it, remote in hand as he browsed through the streaming apps. Xavier walked to the bottom of the stairs and went up a few steps to gently yell out, "Want to do a Marvel rewatch? How about Deadpool? We'd have to wait for the baby to be completely out though" He laughed softly, waiting for an answer.
Fletcher snagged a diaper and the pack of wipes just in case, and followed Xavier out of the nursery. He took to the stairs with care, carrying Phoebe down in his arm. After a brief stop in the living room to set Phoebe's things beside her living room bassinet, he shook his head on his way to the kitchen, "You choose, babe. I'll be back in about ten minutes." He gave Xavier's butt an affectionate grab in passing and then headed back to the kitchen. After rinsing then plates and utensils with one hand and loading it all in the dishwasher, he began prepping Phoebe's bottle. He put the leftovers in containers to go in the fridge and rinsed the pot and pan to go in the dishwasher too, and then finished Phoebe's bottle. While shaking it up, he returned to the living room. "Deadpool works for me. Phoebe's not gonna take anything from it. She won't be watching and I'm sure she's heard Drew and me say the same shit." He'd already decided he would wait until she was a little older before being careful about what he said and watched around Phoebe. For now though, he sat on the couch beside Phoebe's bassinet and positioned her in his arm for her to drink her bottle. "Now come sit down and press 'play'," he said with smirk to Xavier.
Xavier smirked when Fletcher grabbed his ass. "Hey, now. I'm a good English boy, remember?" Xavier laughed and winked at Fletcher, watching him walk past.  He went into the Disney+ application, search and then chose the first Deadpool movie. "Gotcha."He chuckled hearing Fletcher say that Phoebe must have heard the same from him and Drew. "Well, that's true. There's not much they can capture now anyway," Xavier agreeed and then smirked at the command. "Yes, sir" ! Once everyone was settled, he sat beside his boyfriend and got comfortable, folding one leg under the other and waving at Phoebe with a giant grin on his face before pretending to bite her little feet. Xavier pressed play and started the movie, happy to have this time to spend with Fletcher. He raised his arm to wrap it around the other's shoulder and he leaned in to kiss his cheek. He had been wanting to do a Marvel rewatch of certain movies for a while now so he was pretty excited. He smirked at the "Angel in the morning" intro, humming along to it and laughing at the "A hot chick" and "a moody teen" credit opening. "Produced by Asshats..." He laughed again. "Genius."
"Yes, you are and I remember. But I'm *not* a good English boy," he replied and grinned in response to Xavier's laugh and wink. He sat down on the couch with Phoebe's head resting near the bend of his elbow while he gave her the bottle. "Exactly. We're good." He smirked when Xavier took a seat next to him, "'Sir', huh? In the right setting, could be turned on by that coming from you." He chuckled a little st himself and then glanced down at Phoebe, watching her stare up at the ceiling as she drank. He smiled again from Xavier's affectionate displays to her and to him, and then leaned in to his boyfriend a bit as the movie began. "This opening really was the best for a couple reasons. It's hilarious, and it got people paying attention to opening credits for once." When he looked down to Phoebe again, despite her consistent consumption of the bottle, her blinking was slowing significantly.
"Oh, I know. That's why I like you so much." Now settled beside Fletcher and the baby, Xavier shifted his gaze from the movie to his boyfriend and his daughter a few times here and there. At Fletcher's words, Xavier grinned. "Time and place, love. I'll make that happen." He moved his hand to mess with Fletcher's hair knowing that his boyfriend knew that Xavier's word was always good. "Yes! I agree. I think I've watched this movie like 10 times now and it's never not funny or it never feels like I've watched it too many times. And the best is finding something funny at a rewatch that I didn't catch the first time around." He bit his bottom lip, letting his excitement show a bit. Xavier was more than comfortable showing how dorky he could be and how little things excited him. Some might have called it foolish or child-like but he felt like he could be himself around his boyfriend. After three months, there really wasn't much Fletcher didn't know about him. He could see the milk forming around Phoebe's little mouth and he practically melted before reaching for a baby cloth to wipe the corners. "Looks like your tree frog is partied out..."
"I knew. The bad boy label's finally paid off." He continued to wear a crooked smirk at Xavier's response to calling him 'Sir' and then said, "I hope so." He listened to Xavier while glancing at Phoebe and then watching the movie. With a nod, he told him, "It’s a good one to rewatch and I can't wait for the third one to come out. Still wanna plan on seeing it together?" He watched Xavier reach for the burp cloth and removed the nearly finished bottle, chuckling at her lips and tongue still working as though the bottle was still there. "It always gets me when she does that," he commented in a low voice. And after the corners of her mouth were cleaned, Fletcher set the bottle aside and shifted her position for some burps. When he tilted his head to look in her face to find she was early into her sleep. "Yeah, she's down for the count. At least for now." He rubbed her back while watching the movie progress with Wade appearing in a mark's apartment and eating their pizza. "If you could have a super power, or become someone from DC or Marvel, who would you be or what would you have?"
“Sure did.” Xavier smirked at Fletcher all the while playfully brushing his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. “I promise.” He smiled, watching the movie. Xavier nodded at Fletcher’s question about seeing the third installment of the movie when it came out. It felt easier now to make plans farther out in the future. Felt like it was definitely possible. “Hell yeah we’re watching the third one together. I’m already hearing so many great things.” Xavier let his attention fall on Phoebe for a little, completely smitten with how she continues to try to eat even when she’s pretty much asleep. “That’s so adorable. I melt every time.” Xavier was going to have a hard time not seeing that face everyday. He watched as Fletcher positioned the infant so that he could burp her and then mused over Fletcher’s question. “Oh that’s a great question. Probably the power of flight or being able to heal myself and others. Imagine just being able to see the world from up there and all the good I can do if I could help people heal. What about you?” Xavier glanced over to Fletcher after he posed the question on him.
He nodded a bit, feeling happy that Xavier was still on board with the 2 of them seeing the movie together. "Good, yeah I think it's gonna be a good one. The trailer that dropped Super Bowl Sunday was the best thing on TV that day. Damn Chiefs." He'd grumbled that last part but moved on, setting his attention back to his daughter. "Yeah, that's one of those things I'll miss when she gets older and stops doing it." He alternated patting and rubbing her back while listening to Xavier answer his question. "Y'know, neither of those answers from you surprise me at all. Neither of them are selfish when you think about it. Especially the healing one." When asked the question back, Fletcher said, "Deadpool's always been my favorite comic book character. I wouldn't want to be him even though he's a badass merc with a mouth who virtually can't die. But I'd go with telekinesis if I could have a superpower. Maybe the regenerative healing too if I could pick a second one." Phoebe burped and gently squirmed a little in Fletcher's arms before settling back down. He would wait for her to get into a deep sleep before setting her in the bassinet. "Telekinesis would be a gamechanger though."
"Agreed! I feel like Ryan Reynolds never misses and getting Hugh on as Wolverine will be such a delight. Ugh, damn those Chiefs." Xavier shook his head, his attention still on the movie. He laughed here and there, also focusing on Fletcher's words. "I don't blame you. She looks so cute when she does it. He sat up a little and pulled his phone out of his back pocket to take a candid picture of Fletcher holding his daughter. "I have so many of these. I'm going to send them to you. I know you probably don't get too many with her since you're holding her." Xavier wanted to make sure Fletcher had the memories of when Phoebe was this small. Especially since time was such a thief. "Deadpool is great so I don't blame you. Telekinesis though? That's a solid power right there. And regenerative healing would be dope. Good choice!" He was enjoying the conversation and the movie playing in the background as he cropped the picture. He smiled gently as he admired how calm and peaceful they both looked. Xavier already knew their relationship would be a special one. "Look how cute you both look." The comedian then added, "Aww I just love you guys.." And then he paused for about ten seconds before he quickly sent the photo to Fletcher's phone number and left the phone sitting at his side. It wasn't like he was going to take it back. It was true. He loved them both. "I wonder what Phoebe's power would be?" His pulse picked up slightly and he hoped he hadn't made things too awkward. For Xavier, it was important to say things as they came to him. He didn't need to hear it back. He just really wanted to say it.
"Yeah, he's one of those actors who was born for the role. And he's great at making fun of himself when breaking the fourth wall." He gave Xavier an agreeing smirk about Phoebe and simply held her as she fell deeper into her sleep. He'd managed to get one burp out of her which he hoped would be enough to keep her from having an upset stomach while she slept. For a moment, he shut his eyes and was unaware of Xavier taking their photo but when he opened his eyes again and glanced from the TV to his boyfriend, he arched his brows a little. He heard him and asked, "You took a picture, huh?" It was something he would value; Fletcher was indifferent to having his own photo taken but he would treasure the photographic memories of Phoebe, especially as she continued to grow and change. "Thanks," he replied with a small chuckle, responding to the superpower question. "I'm pretty sure I've thought about it while high before. Among other things that'll never actually happen." Rather than picking up his own phone, he leaned over to look at the photo Xavier took. "Thank you for that," he said. "I'm glad you took that." After a little while, he kissed the little girl's head and moved her to the bassinet. Fletcher pulled the blanket he brought from the nursery off the back of the couch and draped it across his daughter's body from the chest down. With her lying on her back, he watched her for a moment and then moved to lay on his side, knees bent with his head resting in Xavier's lap. "I honestly don't even know. At this point, she's a super charmer so she'd have the power of persuasion." After a moment of seeming to watch the movie, Fletcher casually broke the quiet between them to ask, "So. You love us, huh?"
"Yes, agreed. And I hear he is such a nice person, great to work with. His wife too." Xavier smiled softly at his boyfriend as he watched him with Phoebe. It looked like she wasn't the only one who needed the rest. "Do you want to lie down?" He continued brushing the back of his hair with his fingers. At the question, Xavier nodded, an innocent little smirk pulling at his lips. "Like I said, I have a couple now. I want you to have some memories when she was this tiny and sleep wasn't a thing." He chuckled softly and then showed Fletcher the phone so he could get a good view. "Anytime." He pulled away a bit so that Fletcher could get Phoebe into her bassinet. She looked so content. When Fletcher shifted to his side and rested his head on Xavier's lap, the comedian continued playing with his boyfriend's hair as he watched the movie and listened to the other. "Power of persuasion tracks for that little one." He smirked, glad in a way, there was no awkward silence just the movie playing in the background. Even if Xavier was thinking about his confession more, the movie did have a way of keeping him entertained and helping the flow of conversation. And then Fletcher spoke again and Xavier looked down at his boyfriend's face with the messy hair and he grinned. "I do. Love you. Both. I love Phoebe. And I love you. I'm more like *in* love with you but you feel me, right?" Playing it casually cool was making him a little anxious and so Xavier looked up at the movie once more so he could take some slow, deep breaths as subtly as possible.
"I believe that about both of them. And it doesn't hurt that they're both hot on top of that." Fletcher responded, knowing full well it had nothing to do with either of their personalities. When asked if he wanted to lie down, Fletcher answered, "In a bit," making sure Phoebe was taken care of first. There had been times on his days off where he would nap with her on the couch or in his bed but at night, he tried to make a point of laying her down in her own space. And after he had her down for the night or the time being, he made himself comfortable on the couch and on his boyfriend's lap.
Fletcher listened carefully to Xavier answer about loving him and Phoebe. He gave himself a moment to let it sink in that Xavier was in love with him and then he sat up so he could look at him properly, keeping himself close to the younger man while running a hand through his hair. Ignoring the movie for the time being, he said, "Yeah, I feel you," with a small twitch of his lips. He cupped a hand to Xavier's face and said, "It feels nice, really nice to hear that from you. Thank you for telling me." His sweetly stroked his thumb along Xavier's cheek, and then leaned in to kiss his forehead. "As soon as I feel ready to, you know I'll tell you back." He didn't have to declare a promise with it, knowing Xavier knew he would. He gave him a light kiss on his lips and then added, "You'll have to wait longer to hear the words back from Phoebe though." With a gentle grin, he drew back to look in his eyes and said, "But it won't be that long from me." Fletcher knew he wasn't there yet but his feelings for Xavier already ran deep in a short amount of time.
“Being hot and unproblematic is great when in Hollywood.” He smiled a bit and allowed himself to become comfortable with Fletcher on the couch.
When Fletcher spoke, Xavier was all ears and he positioned himself so that he could hear what his boyfriend had to say. By now, Xavier knew Fletcher well enough to know he wouldn’t be cruel or dismissive or anything of the sort.  He fully expected the reaction and words that were currently coming from the other. He kissed the side of his boyfriend’s hand when he cupped Xavier’s cheek and nodded at the words. “I know.” He then laughed at the mention of waiting for Phoebe saying it following by another gentle nod at Fletcher’s reassurance.  Even if it never happened, Xavier wasn’t a man that lived with regret. “I’m a patient man.” He smiled and pressed a soft kiss against Fletcher’s lips. Perhaps, it could have been more romantic and less out of the blue. Xavier quietly wondered if maybe he should have waited just a bit longer. No regrets about what he said just wishing he’d have made it better. “I’ll be here.” And for some reason, those words carried more weight. Xavier would be there. One way or another he’d always be there and in that moment, he’d made a full realization of that. He pressed his forehead against Fletcher’s forehead and chuckled, reaching to massage the back of his neck before pulling back once more. He positioned himself so that he could tap his lap, inviting his boyfriend to lay on it again. “As we were?”
Fletcher snorted and sarcastically quipped, "Yeah, the best." He still wasn't avid in following celebrity news and gossip--Tanya kept him up to date the most--but he also didn't live under a rock.
While he and Xavier had their moment together, Fletcher largely kept his eyes on his boyfriend's dark brown pair. It was only when they kissed or rested their foreheads to each other that he'd broken contact. "Good, on both accounts. I need you to be patient with me. And selfishly, I want you here. I might be rusty on the meaningful relationship front but I know I adore the hell out of you and your kids, and you make my life better." He saw Xavier invite him back to his lap and after glancing at his thighs, Fletcher shifted on the couch, swinging a leg over to sit on his lap, facing his boyfriend with his knees pressed in the cushions. "Not quite as we were but still nice." And he kissed him deeply, wrapping his arms around the back of Xavier's neck and across his shoulders.
“That’s a very good start.” He hummed, pressing his lips into a gentle smile. “I literally have no where else to go. Where am I going to find another you?” Xavier watched as Fletcher straddled him and he opened his arms as he laughed softly so not to wake the baby. Before he could say anything back, he had wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, letting his fingers trace Fletcher’s spine down to his waist before he could tighten his embrace as they kissed. There was some humor in the fact they never quite finished a movie but it didn’t matter when Xavier preferred this more.  He’d take anytime he could get with Fletcher.
"Glad I'm on the right track with you then." His lips formed a broad smirk. "You got me there. But you know damn well there are better people out there than me." His arms stayed where they were for the initial kiss but he slid them apart to rest his hands gingerly along the column of his neck. "I just want you happy for as long as youll have me. And I'll do my best to add to your happiness and contentment,  and to bring you and your kids whatever love I can give."And he *did* love Xavier as well as his kids. He just didn't know how to get himself in a place where he was ready to say it yet. "We'll get back to Deadpool in a minute," Fletcher muttered against Xavier's lips. "Maybe two," he added after making out for a few seconds more. He would never get tired of his boyfriend's kiss or his touch and decided to enjoy the moment of spontaneity for a little while.
And after that little while passed, he drew back to let them both catch their breath. "You're one of the most incredible people I know, X." He pecked his lips a couple of times and reached around to take hold of Xavier's hands, bringing them to his lips to kiss one at a time. And after another tender kiss to the younger man's addicting lips, he shifted off of his lap and moved to lay with his head there. This time, however, he was laying on his back so that he could easily look ho at Xavier, or turn his head to watch the movie. But currently, Deadpool wasn't holding his attention nearly as much as the man he was resting on.
Xavier looked into Fletcher’s eyes as he spoke, the tug at his heart making it just a little harder to breathe. “Mmm. Perhaps. And there are better people than me too but I don’t want or love them. It’s what makes you you that I need and want. All the big things like your dedication to your family and your profession. How you handle it all well even though I know you’re tired and sometimes you need a hand.  It’s how you would drop anything for Rodrigo and the people you love like that time at the bridal shop. The way you’re so gentle with Phoebe and how you tend to her even though you try to convince me and yourself that you’re just trying. Nah. You were meant to be her daddy and you do it so fucking well. It’s how you push Drew even on his low days but you’re patient and loving about it. It’s how you’re so worried about inconveniencing other people so you prepare lunch ahead of time or try not to be in their way. It’s not that people who love you do things for you because they feel in debt to you. It’s because they want to. Because they know that the moment they need you, you’re going to get in your car, drive to where they are and put their crazy monster in law in a hold until the police arrive. I’ve never quite met anyone like you so better or not, you’re who I choose to want and love. Those folks ain’t got nothing on you, love. Don’t sell yourself short. I don’t think I’m willing to allow that.” He smiled and took a deep breath. Maybe that was better than a sudden I love you. “And you obviously make me happy. So much that I can’t even think about leaving Sunday. I like being a part of your life.  I’m proud to be your boyfriend and show you off and get to do this, all of this with you. I’ve never had that kind of tranquility with someone before. So I guess that’s probably why I’m so smitten. It’s new and fun and also painful because sometimes my heart just leaps and I’m like hey I’m I having a heart attack. No it’s just Fletcher.”
He smiled at his boyfriend not really knowing how to recover from the word vomit.  How did he even get here ? Who knows. His therapist always told him he was good with his emotions but Jesus. He did invite the kissing and the making out, enjoying every taste of his boyfriend. Sometimes he did it like it was his last.  He didn’t know why or maybe he did maybe that’s just how he wanted it to always be, leave behind some sort of everlasting memory. And when they broke their kiss, Xavier framed Fletcher’s face with his hands. “And I love that you love my kids. I don’t think I could have done this relationship at all otherwise. It’s been important to me. I need to have someone in my corner and theirs that I can trust and know that they’re loved.” He cleared his throat gently and listened to Fletcher calling him  incredible. “I’m glad I could be that for you. “ he knew that probably wasn’t the same for everyone but oh did he want it to be that way for his boyfriend. “It means I’m doing something right.”
Xavier chased every kiss over and over and over until Fletcher lied back on his lap. He delicately went back to running his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair and let his gaze momentarily on the television. “You know when you look at me like that I just fall deeper and then I get this stupid little smile. Oh no oh no there it is…” he pointed to his mouth. “Dammit, Van Hall.”
Fletcher was overcome by Xavier's response--not because what he said was a lot. Xavier had truly seen him for who he was. Sure, Fletcher had his flaws. His mouth could turn people off or rile them up. Sometimes he engaged in casual self-depricating comments. Although he hadnt partaken sincs Phoebe was born, he got high from time to time which he knew was a turn-off for some people. As much as he exuded an intimidating calm now, he still had hairpin triggers and his temper had the ability to get the better of him in violent or hostile manners when he was truly angry. And as giving and caring as he'd been characterized, Fletcher knew that he was very selective in who he gave his time, energy, love and attention to. Because most people didn't get let in to the depths of who he was, they didn't really know him, and that suited Fletcher well enough. But Xavier was different. He seeped in past the surface and Fletcher let him in. As a result, he was seen by the wonderful man before him. And he was loved by him, in every sense of the word.
Fletcher wished he had something equally profound to respond with but in that moment, he didn't.  He sat there speeches and blushing, enamored and awestruck all at once. When he managed to respond, all that came out at first was. "Well shit." He smiled a little and then said, "You do a lot of things right, Xavier. More than you give yourself credit for. And you've got me. You, Winter and Henry have in your corner for however long you have me in your lives." That was a promise he could make right then and there. He'd already felt that way but he would say it aloud if it held more meaning. And after settling back on the couch as he was before, he listened to.Xavier while gazing up at him and chuckled, sarcasm heavy as he said, "Oh, no. I made you smile. Shame on me. Damn me to the seventh circle of hell." He grinned and reached for Xavier's hand to weave there fingers together. "Never apologizing for doing that by the way."
Xavier noticed the tint in Fletcher’s cheeks and he ran his thumbs over them, whispering “as if you couldn’t get any cuter.” And then he smiled back. “Thank you.” He wondered if Fletcher knew just how much those words meant to him. In truth, he had come to terms that maybe finding someone romantically wouldn’t be in the cards for him especially with having two kids and an adoption process and how intense his work schedule was. Somehow he had found someone that understood him and his situation and still wanted to stick around.  He smirked at Fletcher’s sarcasm and then laughed. “Oh no.” Xavier tore his gaze away from the television and look e down at his boyfriend, taking his hand in his and bringing them up to his lips so that Xavier can kiss his knuckles. “Good. You shouldn’t.” He pressed their joined hands to his cheek. He was glad to have made Fletcher this happy in telling him how he felt. Waiting for Fletcher to say it back didn’t have to be now. “I love when you make me smile and laugh.  You’re pretty good at it you know?”
With a slight narrowing of his eyes, he said, "I'm not the cute one in this relationship." He pecked Xavier's lips, adding, "That's all you, thanks."  And then he got himself settled back on the couch. And then he met Xavier's eyes as their hands were lifted for a kiss. And then he said, "And so, I won't." He smiled a bit and turned his head to watch the movie. He listened to Xavier with a soft smile. "I love it too because your laugh is one of my favorite things to hear. So the fact that I'm good at it? Big-ass bonus for both of us." He squeezed their intertwined fingers and watched as Wade fought Ajax in a paper thin hospital gown.
Agree to disagree," Xavier mumbled against his boyfriend's kiss then scrunched up his nose before pulling away. He listened to Fletcher as he spoke, looking down at him to capture his words and take in his features. He knew the movie by heart so he wouldn't be missing a lot by pulling his attention. Xavier reached for a throw sitting on top of the couch and he pulled it over Fletcher with a gentle smile.  "Is it really?" He asked in a tone mixed with curiosity and delight. "Mm good to know." He was watching the movie, playing with Fletcher's hand, letting his digits brush against his boyfriend's and then intertwining their fingers once more. Everytime their fingers touched, Xavier smiled to himself, his gaze still on the screen.  He was glad that he got to tell Fletcher how he felt and had been feeling.  Spending the last couple of days with him and his family had been nice. He had gotten the chance to get to know everyone better and to fall in love with Phoebe and Drew. Even though they weren't far from one another, Xavier was already dreading leaving. He still enjoyed the movie and enjoyed the company more. Xavier laughed at all the parts that were funny as hell. He kissed Fletcher's knuckles once more before letting their joined hands settle.  Xavier stole a few glances, smiling down at Fletcher every opportunity he got. And as the movie reached it's end, he checked on his boyfriend again. "Want to go to bed?" Which meant they'd get ready for bed or the next day or catch a few winks before Phoebe woke up for a few before it was time for her long stretch. "Or would you like a massage and theeennn get ready for bed? orrr a late night snack? What are you in the mood for?"
"What if I wanted to argue it with you, huh?" Fletcher asked, a challenging smirk gracing his lips. And although he'd set his sights back on the movie after lying down again, he glanced up feeling the blanket being draped over him. "Thanks, sweetheart." And he affirmed his own comment about Xavier's smile and laugh with an, "Mmhm," knowing how contagious he'd found both from Xavier. Other than little things from Phoebe, Fletcher couldn't remember smiling so often in his life before.
Finishing the rest of the movie with Xavier, Fletcher sat up, glanced over to slumbering Phoebe and then leaned against his boyfriend a bit. He thought about the options and then said, "I think a massage would be a first for me." He thought back, squinting a little as he did so and then mused, "Yeah. I've had shoulder rubs but that's about it." His eyes fell on Xavier again. "Let's get something to drink and head upstairs." He'd move Phoebe to her cosleeper once they were all up in his bedroom so that he wouldn't have far to go or disturb Xavier much if Phoebe woke up during the night. He folded the throw blanket and set it on the back of the couch again before standing and offering Xavier a hand to his feet. Then he bent over Phoebe's bassinet and carefully lifted the little babe up, startling her a little but not enough to wake her. He cradled her to him with one arm and padded to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, offering one to Xavier and then taking one for himself to bring upstairs.
"That's fine. I'm sure the makeup sex would be fire." He chuckled. "I enjoy a good fight, don't you?" Xavier couldn't help but laugh softly as his gaze went back to the movie. Xavier was happy to be with someone as amazing as Fletcher. These last couple of days have confirmed that he found someone who matched him so well and challenged him enough to keep him on his feet.
"What?" Xavier asked incredulously. "No, no. We're fixing that tonight. I'm going to give you a nice, full body massage, get you all relaxed and happy." Xavier nodded and stood up with his boyfriend's aid, following Fletcher into the kitchen. He took the bottle of water from him and thanked Fletcher. Xavier helped by turning off the lights and making sure everything was off. He then made his way upstairs with Fletcher and the baby, opening up the bottle for a little sip.  Xavier pulled Fletcher's nightstand drawer where he was pretty sure he saw him put away the massage oil from Valentine's Day and when he found it, he tossed it on Fletcher's bed. "I'll be right back. Just undress for me." He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and face and remove his contacts. After a few blinks, he felt so much better and Xavier placed his glasses on his face before he headed back to Fletcher's bedroom. "Hello, I'm Xavier Mitchell and I'll be your massage therapist tonight. We have a variety of services we offer. Deep tissue, Sweedish massage, Aromatherapy...I should warn you I am not licensed for this however I do watch a lot of Youtube.."
Fletcher arched his brows as Xavier's quick response and then after a beat said, "In that case, I will always argue me not being cute whenever you bring it up." He grinned and then answered, "See that right there's the problem because most fights I've gotten into aren't 'good'. They're just stupid and give me a headache. Especially back in my bouncer days."
With the movie over and them deciding what to do next, Fletcher half expected Xavier's response to him never having had a massage. He chuckled a little and couldn't resist asking, "Happy as in happy ending? I've heard those are a thing." He shut off the TV after helping Xavier to his feet and picked up Phoebe, and on as they were in the kitchen, he decided to lie Phoebe down in her crib instead. He kissed her forehead and settled her down in the crib's middle once they were upstairs. After turning on her monitor and lullaby sound machine, he quietly left the room with the door just a few inches ajar. But as he entered his bedroom, he watched Xavier go, brows sloped. "Where are you... okay." He pulled his shirt over his head and undid his belt to take off his jeans and underwear. Out of habit, he took a pair of pajama pants out but left them on the foot of the bed where he was seated when Xavier returned. He was taking his socks off but smiled seeing Xavier's glasses on his face. His greeting made Fletcher grin and he laughed at the ending disclaimer. "Good to know. Where do you want me, Mr. Mitchell?"
"The consent is both sexy and appreciated." Xavier grinned and then laughed softly at Fletcher's playful words. "Nah, are you kidding? Valentine's Day was my Spring Awakening. A little late in life but that's okay." He chuckled, feeling his cheeks burning. "Uh, this is about you tonight. You had a long day, you come home to me and a nice meal and an excellent movie and now I'm going to give you a massage and whatever comes with that."
"You love it." He grinned confidently as he positioned himself. "I'll give you that. You're pretty hard to resist. Damn my difficult career." He smiled at the fact that Fletcher kept on with their ruse. "Already? It's my glasses isn't it? My boss tells me it makes me look smarter but it packs on the sexiness a little too much. Then there's the accent and now my hottest client is possibly falling for me." Xavier chuckled into Fletcher's neck and nipped it a bit before pulling back only slightly. "I think you can just, gotta let him down easily." Xavier smiled at the kisses on his palm. "Now I'm the one who's falling..." He smirked. "Close your eyes, baby." With his thumbs, Xavier began to massage his boyfriend's brows, gently pressing the skin. "This stimulates the muscles and tissues beneath. Or that's what Youtube tells me." He continued on, massaging the sides of his neck after doing his cheek bones and jaw. Xavier leaned in to kiss his boyfriend's lips and smiled as he lingered closely. "Why don't you lie down on your tummy and relax your shoulders?" He shifted so that he could climb off of Fletcher and let him get comfortable.
Always, sweetheart. I promise," Flstcher replied knowing full well he would never pursue any unwanted advances and simultaneously, he welcomed Xavier's pursuits. He chuckled and coolly assured, "Late is better than never at all when you're wanting one. But he listened to Xavier and said, "I appreciate that, but I mean it. However you want tonight to go is just fine by me. I'll be happy and a willing participant either way." Xavier had been good to him, Drew and Phoebe the whole week he'd been with them. The meals made, the attention paid to Phoebe and Drew, on top of him staying over night after night--going to bed with him and waking up beside him--all was making it out to be one of if not the best week for Fletcher.
With a dramatic sigh, he admitted, "I do. Goddammit," and then he grinned a bit, continuing to glide his fingertips up and down Xavier's sides. "The glasses, the accent, those lips that I could just kiss all night if you let me..." He trailed off, tilting his head to offer more of his neck to Xavier. His eyes shut as he added low, "He'll be alright. You and me? We're a thing now." His eyes opened again as he "signed" for Xavier and after looking into his eyes, he listened to the instructions given and closed his eyes again. He leaned back to rest his weight against his hands again and tried to keep his expression neutral the moment he felt Xavier's fingers at his brows. His lips twitched into a smile at the YouTube lessons reminder but he stayed quiet and focused on each area of his face as Xavier touched caressed it. The kiss caught him off guard but he relished it and kissed him back in no time. Again his smile returned as he opened his eyes following Xavier's next instructions. "See? This is why you get the cute label and not me. You're calling a grown man's stomach--your boyfriend's stomach his tummy.
As he made to turn over, he reached to bracket Xavier's chin with two fingers and pulled him in for another tender kiss. "Absolutely the cute one here," he grinned and then laid on his stomach--his tattooed back, bare ass and two calf tattoos on full display for his boyfriend. He was about to rest his arms on either side of his torso but with his head turned in the direction of his nightstand, he eyed the baby monitor and reached out to turn it on, and then resumed the position Xavier wanted him in. His head remained turned to one side as he randomly said, "You know, there was a time where I thought that, on a dare, I was going to end up with 'Kiss It' across my ass cheeks." He chuckled, thinking back to the memory. "Not the worst almost-tattoo but I sure as shit prefer Scrooge McDuck."
"Jesus, every time you call me that, I'm putty. Is that one of your techniques? It just really rolls off your tongue." Xavier, while slightly embarrassed at the current admission, was beginning to realize that he'd never tell any other partner something that personal. He figured, it just made the words confessed in the living room even more realistic. He didn't have to worry about any of that with Fletcher. He smiled at his boyfriend's words. He did *want* one but he also hadn't realized that he didn't have one. Xavier had been clueless in a way at what an awakening like that would have felt like. It wasn't until he experienced that Xavier felt things he had never felt. "Well, now you have me thinking of that night and while we've had many like that before...you've tainted my mind for the night." He grinned, rubbing his nose against Fletcher's.
A soft chuckle fell from his lips. "I'm glad. I love making you smile." He felt the goosebumps forming against his skin at Fletcher's touches. "I'll let you..." He kissed more of his boyfriend's neck. "Oh? I love your confidence." Xavier continued his facial massage, smiling when Fletcher kissed him back. "Mm mm. I'm allowed to think my man is cute. And yes, it's a tummy--my tummy. My man." He grinned, about to move off Fletcher only to stop when he kissed him again. "You're so romantic tonight." He smiled widely, so wide it met his eyes. He liked seeing Fletcher so happy, so relaxed. It was even nicer knowing that Xavier had something to do with it all. After he chased another kiss, Xavier waited for Fletcher to get in position and then moved to straddle him again, stopping to give his butt a little smack. When the baby monitor turned on, Xavier smiled at the peaceful, sleeping baby on the screen. He gathered a generous amount of lavender oil onto his palms, rubbing them together before delicately applying it against Fletcher's shoulders and shoulder blades, rubbing the sensitive areas with his thumbs and then palms.
"You're so tense here, baby..." He whispered but continued listening to his boyfriend while he was being massaged. He laughed at the ass tattoo comment. "Well, it could still happen. I wouldn't be surprised if that's in Rodrigo's arsenal so you better be ready. " He smirked and nodded in agreement, keeping his posture propped so that he could be generous in his kneading. "I like Scrooge McDuck. For yoru ass maybe we could do like.. hmm... Property of X or X gonna give it to ya. Working in progress." He laughed, shaking his head some.  Xavier proceeded to massage down Fletcher's sides, stopping at his ribs to rub another usual sensitive spot. "How's that, darling?"
The smack to his ass made him perk up a little and glance over his shoulder as he said, "Hey, watch it. That thing's already the size of Pluto--you'll end up smacking it right off me. Then I'll be all back and legs." He let out a tiny, sorrowful sigh, completely joking as he turned on the monitor and settled in for the next part of Xavier's massage. Feeling Xavier's hands and the oil on his skin had been nice but the attention paid to his muscles? It was heaven. He rolled his eyes shut with a satisfied groan and admitted, "I hadn't noticed," in regard to how tense his muscles were. Without opening his eyes again, he smirked a bit, listening to Xavier. "Mmm, no, he spent that dare already. There's not a ton of dares I won't do from him but he can't keep on daring me to get random tattoos or else I'd be covered by now." A mischievous grin graced his lips after a beat, "But I can dare him." He chuckled at the ass tattoo ideas Xavier pitched, "If i was gonna get a tattoo for you, I could think of better places and ideas than on my pancake ass. Also, speaking of dares, before or around the time we became official, he dared me to ask you if I give you the warm and fuzzies or some shit like that." Even behind closed eyelids, he'd rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure I told him I hated him for that dare."  Drawing in a deep breath and slowly letting it out, Fletcher responded, "Amazing. You're very good at this. I'm gonna have to try and not fall asleep yet."
Xavier couldn't help the growing smile forming against his lips as his boyfriend spoke. It was nice, feeling like they were miles away from that first awkward kiss,  and while their attraction to one another was so instantaneous, building their emotional connection was the journey Xavier appreciated.  he wondered if it all had a lot to do with his absence due to work or their inability to seeing each other because of their demanding schedules. All those questions were gone now that he's spent time in Fletcher's home for a couple of nights. Xavier already knew he was smitten but a lot was cemented with him staying the week. With every kiss, and every gesture, Xavier felt the gravitational current course through him. "Your fault. For being so irresistible."
He laughed softly, some bashfulness peeking through as Fletcher went on. Knowing that his boyfriend had learned early on how much Xavier enjoys praise and the occasional compliment made him beam even more. They both had their ways of tending to each other's love languages, which was extremely important for Xavier.  To know that things he did and said to and for Fletcher made the other happy, made Xavier even happier. "I'm not telling you to butter you up but you should know that you make it easier for me to do so. Firstly, your smile alone is worth a million bucks but also, the way you've let me in and opened up..." He shrugged and framed his boyfriend's face with his hands. "Makes me want to do all the good and bad things to you. Also your brand of confidence is hot as fuck." Once Fletcher had rolled over and Xavier was on top of him massaging his shoulders, he laughed at the mirrors comment. "Stop..." He chuckled and shook his head.
Again, Fletcher had him laughing at the small ass jokes and Xavier shook his head before leaning into his boyfriend while on his back and whispering in his ear. "I think it's a great ass. But you can have some of mine. I've got enough junk in this trunk for the two of us."
It filled Xavier with so much pride and happiness hearing Fletcher's reactions to the massage. Considering his boyfriend never had one and how much Xavier wanted him to relax tonight, he was glad that it was working. He smirked listening to Fletcher talk about Rodrigo and then laughed at the mention of him being able to dare the Middle school teacher. "Make it a good one. Maybe like a Pokemon or something."  He loved their relationship and Xavier had grown to love both Rodrigo and Jade even more now. He'd take the shirt off his back for them because not only were they good people but they were good to Fletcher and his family. "Pancake ass." He hollered and let his laughter naturally fade. "You're killing me tonight..." Xavier then added, "Maybe you should be a comedian too." He listened to Rodrigo's dare and chuckled, his belly full of amusement tonight. "Oh well, since you're asking. You can tell him that yes, you give me all the warmth and fuzzies and I kinda knew you would early on but I was yours probably somewhere between Valentine's Day and the Sip N' See. Now you just give them to me everytime you look at me in certain type of way or kiss me or touch me. It's unavoidable, sometimes unexpected but overall the best feeling." As extroverted and open as he was, this was probably the first time in their relationship he's been so vocal about how he feels about well, everything. "Hey...if you're tired...fall asleep. I can give you your happy ending in the morning?" It was nice knowing he could be there when they both woke up. He leaned in again and kissed Fletcher's cheek. "Want me to do you butt and legs?"
"Fair enough. But that side of me only comes out when it's warranted," Fletcher replied with a pointed gaze to Xavier. And he was happy to hear Xavier's different laughs. It had him smiling as the two of them fed off of each other. "You're an easygoing person. To me, anyway. You're a whole lot of things that I've enjoyed learning about and experiencing when being around you. So I'm happy to have you do all the things." He grinned a little and even chuckled a bit with Xavier. Hearing his whispered words made him smile again. "Listen, I'm not messing with perfection. Your ass is glorious as-is."
While fully engrossed in thr massage--in Xavier's welcomed touch and kneading into his body, he smirked. "A Pokémon's not a bad idea. I'll have to look up a ridiculous one though. I dont know a lot of them but he can't be getting something cool or popular like Pikachu." Making Xavier laugh harder cause Fletcher to chuckle beneath him. "Hell no, I have stage fright," he joked. "I'll leave that profession to you." His eyes were still shut as he listened to Xavier respond about the warm and fuzzies. "You sure as hell are being more romantic than me tonight. I like hearing these things from you though." He moved his arms to rest his hands under his head and stayed that way, while thinking over Xavier's offer. But he opened his eyes at his last question. "Do my butt and legs? Well that woke me up," he chuckled. "I like what you're doing to my back and shoulders. But I was today years old when I learned butt massages are a thing so thanks for that info."
He caught Fletcher's look and smirked. "Consider me lucky, then," Xavier added some more lavender oil to the palms of his hands before  he applied his hands to Fletcher's lower back, gently massaging that area, and moving his hands around his hips.  He loved all sides of Fletcher but this playful side was his favorite. The air felt light and they were able to be themselves. "Why, thank you. I'm glad you enjoy it." He couldn't help but laugh softly. "I'll make sure to give it an extra shake when I'm around you or when I walk away."
"Oh my God." He thought it was funny that he had given his boyfriend this idea. "We'll take a look at a couple. Oh! Henry's biggest obsession is Pokemon. He has an album full of cards. He can be your consultant." Xavier laughed, leaning in to press a few kisses against Fletcher's back. "Stage fright. Really?" He smiled and then sat back up again to continue. "I don't know...I think it's a tie tonight." Xavier stopped mid-massage when Fletchr spoke again. "Uh, yes of course. Your butt muscles hurt too! And I will take a bet that yours are sore from work since you're sitting for hours at a time during a session." Xavier finished off Fletcher's hips and then climbed off of him, positioning himself between his boyfriend's legs and spreading Fletcher's legs apart so he could sit there on his knees. Xavier then rubbed some oil on his hands again and gently pushed Fletcher's glutes upwards before rubbing the area with his thumbs. His hands splayed against his boyfriend's buttocks and he added pressure as he massaged. "Tell me that doesn't feel amazing?"
"I already do. Micro-horseshoes running through your veins and everything," Fletcher replied. He relished the massage and thought aloud, "I don't know how I managed to miss out on this for forty years but goddamn it's good." He grinned hearing Xavier talk about his own ass and said, "Picturing you just randomly shaking your ass without anyone understanding why is hilarious to think about. And just to take the mystery out of it, I *do* stare at your ass whenever you walk away, even if it's just for a couple seconds."
Fletcher chuckled, "Is he? Yeah, I'll enlist his help then and gear up for this dare. Catch Rodrigo off guard sometime and tell him I've already got him booked for the session." He then rolled his eyes, "It's not a tie. You won by a landslide. One of these days you're gonna have to accept that you just win some things between us. Cute is yours and tonight, romantic is *yours*. If I can accept it, I know you sure as hell can." He smirked a bit and then felt Xavier's hands leave his body, only to return directly on his ass. "Well damn, babe. And here I thought you were just gonna stick to my back. But I'd be lying if I said that didn't feel nice coming from you and those skilled hands of yours. Tell me YouTube didn't teach you that."
Xavier chuckled at the thought of littlle horseshoes running through his veins and then shook his head. "You have away with words." HE agreed that Fletcher was missing out and sighed. "I don't know how either but you never had me as a boyfriend and I think that's got a lot to do with it." He smirked. "But I'm glad I can do this for you. Especially after a day of work." Xavier laughed as the ass shaking topic lingered. "They don't have to know. Only you. But no free shows for them so I'l sshake my ass in the corner or something." He loved hearing that Fletcher did check him out and it made his smile widen. "Oh yeah? Checking me out...I like that."
"Henry will literally talk your ear off and will be happy you listen. He'll find a ghastly  Pokemon for you. Wait, I think there's one named Ghastly actually." He laughed imagining it all. " He feigned defeat and sighed. "I suppose tonight I will take these roles of cute romantic. I t's a special night after all." He pushed Fletcher's glutes upwards and continued massaging his ass with pride. "Naw. I just know the human body but also, I've gotten to know yours." Xavier finished up the massage and sat up completely. "How'd that feel, sir? Was it to your liking? Do I get a good Yelp review?"
"That's me, poetic to a tee," he joked dryly, knowing full wll that sometimes he was great with descriptions while other times, he was downright crass and basic. "I think you're right about that. Made all the difference having you. Thank you for all this. I feel like I haven't thanked you yet and I'm a dick for not doing that sooner." He lifted an index finger in warning, "Don't argue with me on that by the way." He then lowered his hand to rest and smiled a bit. "Just free shows for me? I'm honored. And yeah, I've liked the view. Not as much as that gorgeous face of yours but still. It's nice eye candy."
Fletcher chuckled some more, "Is there? That's great. And if I had him get that one on or near his ass, it'd be gold." He heard Xavier's playful sigh and then quipped, "Damn right you will." With his head turned and rested to one side, Fletcher continued talking to his boyfriend while having his butt massaged. "This ass massage is one of the strangest things I've enjoyed. If I ever end up going somewhere to get a massage though, I'm having them stick to just my back and shoulders." When Xavier finished and sat up, Fletcher shifted a little to lay on his side and turned his head to look at Xavier fully. "First of all, fuck Yelp. I hate that site." He chuckled a bit, "And second, you, sir, were incredible." Turning and sitting up, he reached forward for his pajama pants but kept his eyes on Xavier. "How can I leave a tip?"
He was about to protest. Something about not needing a thank you and how he probably has been thanked already when Fletcher told him not to argue with him on that. His mouth closed, thinking it was comical how his boyfriend knew him enough to say such a thing. Xavier donned a tiny smile as he continued his massage.  Fletcher’s compliment had him beaming again. “My face is going to be permanently fixed this way if you keep that up.”
“Yeah and I’m pretty sure he isn’t cute at all. The things I’ve learned with the kids in the house…” from Olivia Rodrigo to Pokémon facts, Xavier had a lot of facts in his arsenal that weren’t there before. He chuckled at Fletcher’s words. “If you get a deep tissue massage just tell them no butt. They’ll definitely ask like I did.” He then gently began to rub Fletcher’s buttocks before he finished. He met his boyfriend’s gaze and laughed. “Google reviews?” He smiled at the compliment. “Good.  There’s more where that came from whenever you feel like you need one.” Xavier shifted so he could then plop beside Fletcher and also laid on his side, propping himself up with his elbow. “I accept all tips. I’m all about equal opportunity.” He grinned and leaned in for a kiss before his boyfriend could get a hold of his pants. “Sleepy?”
"Then I'll stop. Thinking about a permanent smile gives me Joker thoughts," Fletcher replied, pretending to shudder followed by a smirk. "But I do like your smile a lot. About as much as your laugh." And with the talk about Pokémon, Fletcher snorted, "Even better. If nothing else, I'll end up Googling weird or ugly Pokémon and set up the dare from there." He loved Rodrigo and knew the two of them lovingly fucked with each other here and there. But for the time being he was deeply focused on the massage Xavier was giving him and how great it felt. "Good to know. You've spoiled me tonight, sweetheart." With them finishing up there and facing each other, Fletcher returned Xavier's kiss. Gripping the shoulder of his boyfriend's shirt, he let his lips linger for a bit and gave a satisfied hum before the two parted. As he grabbed his pajama pants to put on, he answered, "You're giving me a night of firsts because I don't think I've been sleepy, relaxed and turned on all at once." And as much as he wanted Xavier then and there, Fletcher had a thought while adjusting himself in his pajama pants and said, "You know, I've noticed I'm always falling asleep before you. Maybe I should see about getting you on my level of sleepy and relaxed and all that tonight."
“No,  stop why’d you say that now I’m going to have nightmares. Thanks.” Xavier chuckles softly, his cheeks all warm from his boyfriend’s words. “These are things that make you irresistible. And I guess you did fall for me so now this contract is null and void.” Xavier grinned and as the conversation continued and they discussed the potential Pokémon tattoo, Xavier couldn’t help but laugh. “I am so glad I have low key become a part of this hot mess.” Instigating this future tattoo was already making his night. Once he was face to face with Fletcher, Xavier flashed him a smile before they were both lip locked. “Mm you deserved to be spoiled.” Xavier loved to do it so for him, it was a win-win. He tilted his head slightly as he listened to Fletcher, a soft laugh falling from his lips.  Already wearing lounge clothing, he laid back completely, sliding beside Fletcher and looked up at him. “That sounds nice.” He reached up to cup Fletcher’s face. “Do what you like, love.”
"I said it because--" He cut himself off and then asked, "Tell me you've seen the Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson? Or the. Batman animated series from the nineties?" He laughed a bit when Xavier brought up the contract. "Good thing we didn't get anything in writing or you might be able to sue me." He was just as amused at Xavier engaging in his and Rodrigo's antics. "Now we'll have to see if he actually good through with the dare or not, once I pick a Pokémon for his ass." He playfully rolled his eyes at Xavier telling him he deserved to be spoiled but didn't voice an argument. "What I want, huh? I'm pretty sure you were the one who was gonna dole out a happy ending at some point and I told younthe same thing." After flipping back the comforter and blanket underneath it, he wrapped an arm around Xavier and pulled him to his chest. "But I also got your permission to kiss you all night, so... I'd like to make good on that until I can't anymore."
“Excuse me who do you think you’re talking to?” Xavier laughed. “Yes of course and that’s why I said I was having nightmares. Especially the end scene in the first Batman. Oh my God that should be our next movie rewatch.” Xavier grinned at Fletcher’s response to the contract being null and void. “I would never.” Xavier was now invested in Pokémon ass tattoo gate. “I want all the updates.” He nodded at Fletcher’s question. “That’s right.   And look at us being equal opportunity boyfriends.”Xavier grinned. “The offer is still on the table but I know you’re also tired, baby…” he chuckled when he felt Fletcher pull him to his chest. He happily rested his head there as he splayed his fingers against his skin. “I like the sound of that.” He looked up at his boyfriend’s face and smiled.  “And tomorrow before you go to work I’ll make good on that happy ending…”
"What, you want me to just assume I know every movie you've seen?" He asked with raised brows and a smirk. "You're worried about having nightmares but wanna make that our next movie we watch together? Make it make sense." He chuckled and shook his head. "You'll get updates, that's a given. Although I dunno how I feel about possibly sending a pic of Rodrigo's asscheek to you. I know he calls you 'our' boyfriend but I'm possessive and only want you looking at my non-ass." He'd been largely joking of course when he said this. And then as he listened to Xavier, he stifled a yawn, punctuating his own fatigue. With the two of them cuddled close, Fletcher bent his head and began on those kisses. "Thanks, sweetheart." His fingers stroked Xavier as he asked, "Did you want to get pajamas on or are you sleeping in what you've got on?" He gave another tender kiss, "And, tell me... do you have trouble sleeping?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right but that's a classic movie and the Animated Series was everything, let's be real." Xavier chuckled. "The joked always scared me a bit but I still watched the movie. I'm a masochist, what can I say?" He grinned, knowing that his backwards logic would amuse Fletcher and that in itself made him happy. "Good and oh no ass cheek photos. I'm okay. You can just let me know the dare has been done and then I can cackle with my champagne flute and fur coat like some villain." He laughed. "Your ass is the only ass I want to see. You can let Rodrigo down gently for me and not in front of Jade." He laughed again. "do you have a little possessive streak? Kinda hot." He scrunch up his nose as is smiled mischievously.  "I can sleep in this..." He muttered against Fletcher's lips. He was wearing light lounge pants and Gargoyles T-shirt. "Yeah..I do. That's been going on since end of secondary school though..." He kissed Fletcher's chin. "But this cuddling? It does the trick," Xavier offered his boyfriend a lazy smile. This was his favorite part.
"True for both. I'm glad to know you're into them both," Fletcher replied. He chuckled a bit and teased, "Yeah I guess so. But you're a self-aware masochist so that's gotta count for something." At the talk of the prospective tattoo dare for Rodrigo, Fletcher lightly snorted at the image Xavier painted of himself as a villain. "I'm having a hard time picturing you as a villain. Sounds more like you'd be a pimp to me. But hell yeah I'm possessive. It's a very broad streak." When he was single, he was passive about the flirtatious customers he encountered but since his and Xavier's relationship blossomed, he was very swift in shutting down anyone else's advances and would have no problem letting anyone else know that he and Xavier were exclusively one another's. He'd given lazy kisses around Xavier's face and listened to him share that he'd had sleep troubles for more than a decade of his life. Kissing him full on the lips, he stroked a thumb near Xavier's hairline and then told him, "I'm glad this helps." He'd made sure the covers were pulled up on the both of them but underneath it, he was drawing slow circles along Xavier's side and occasionally leaning in to kiss Xavier on his forehead, his hair, his temple, anywhere his lips touched, right up until he'd succumbed to sleep.
"It's gotta." Xavier chuckled softly as he stifled a yawn. He wrapped his arm around Fletcher's middle and nudged his boyfriend's feet with his own. "A pimp?!" Xavier laughed quietly before pressing a kiss against Fletcher's cheek. "I don't know why I'd even be considered for Kang but I suppose I can *act* like a villain." He listened to Fletcher talk about being possessive and smiled a bit. "I don't think I've ever been jealous before you so there's that. I guess it's because I like ya so much." He then yawned once more and closed his tired eyes a bit. "But not toxic...never me." He relished in all the kisses  and hummed at Fletcher's words. The more his boyfriend continued, the more he cuddled up, squeezing him before relaxing his body against the other's. He reopened his eyes to catch his boyfriend's beautiful dark ones right before he dozed off. Xavier kissed his lips and then shifted enough to rest his head under Fletcher's chin. "good night. love you, " He murmured into his boyfriend's shoulder, and after a few silent minutes, Xavier fell asleep too.
3 notes · View notes
You can never predict what you may find when wandering Neverland at night. Things always seem so peaceful... But there was something in the air tonight. A disgustingly familiar feeling, a faint warmth...
If anything could take Fletcher's eyes off the ground, snap them out of their whimsy, it was the smell of smoke. It only had to be a faint whiff for them to feel the horrible acrid feeling in their throat. Suddenly, they were far too aware of their surroundings. Eyes held wide open by fear rapidly move, searching... This has happened before, when Fletcher had gone out on nights during the bonfires the Lost Boys would light. They avoid those at all costs... But some part of Fletcher attempted to calm themself - "It's probably just a little campfire."
That was swiftly disproven, much to their dismay. A long line of smoke reaches up for the stars, embers flickering almost akin to fireflies against the night. The source... Was that right? Could it be?
Perhaps Fletcher should have just flown away, minded their business. That ship burning, well... It's only fitting, isn't it? Yet no matter how much it might be deserved... There are people on that ship, people who don't deserve to be engulfed death's hellish claw. What were they going to do? They had no idea, but their wings were already carrying them toward the Jolly Roger.
Stopping just short of the beach where the Jolly Roger sits, hiding in this kind tree's leaves...
Just in time.
Shouting and crying vaguely registered in their ears. Several silhouettes in action... But Fletcher was quick to narrow their sights on just one, the smallest that hovers in the air, surrounded by fury. Fletcher felt their horror suffocating them as they watched, paralysed.
It only took one clean cut. That's all. One dexterous movement from the wrist.
That small silhouette... Became two, separating from each other as they plummeted out of the air.
Fletcher didn't realise they had begun to scream until they felt their throat strain.
Everything was blurred as Fletcher lurched forward onto the deck of the Jolly Roger. They didn't care - he could do the same to them, could end them with far less trouble. Small puddles of blood were pooling in two separate places, and Fletcher didn't know what to do, looking between the two halves of Thorn.
Beloved Thorn...
Fletcher's knees would bruise quickly from how brutally they dropped onto the wood. Thorn, his eyes still carried that rage, that fire... Fletcher witnessed it as it ever so slightly left with each passing moment. Both their hands cupped Thorn's face tightly as they pleaded, begged. It all just turned to choked sobs before any of it could reach their lips.
For a moment, Fletcher could have sworn Thorn's eyes turned to meet theirs. Could have sworn... That they softened.
" Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Please! "
He's gone.
Oh, Thorn.
Gone. All gone. Lost. The world robbed.
Fletcher's sobs become muffled as they hold Thorn's torso so, so close, tears staining his clothes, burning through the fabric. Blood has utterly soaked their lap. They aren't paying any attention to that, not one bit, the pounding in their head and their heart drowned out anything else but the utter despair of holding half of a friend.
No part of Fletcher wants to move, it's a gamble on whether they even can move, but... They need to take him away from this wretched ship. But how? Tears continue to splash against Thorn as Fletcher looks between... Him, and him. How? Would they have to just take half... No, no, the pirates won't have any of him. They can't. They don't deserve him, any part of him.
The inferno alight in Fletcher's chest. Thorn's last fire.
Hands slick with red, Fletcher struggles in anguish as they find a way to make it work. It's ugly, it was always going to be, but they feel as if they could crumble away as they hold both halves of Thorn desperately in their arms. Their poor wings struggle, flight erratic and slow, leaving a thin trail of Thorn's blood - off the ship, across the sand, in the dirt...
By the time they reach their tree, there isn't much blood left for Thorn to bleed. His face has gone completely white, expression has settled into a chilling, thousand mile stare.
Is he seeing anything? Stars, the moon, the world...
Fletcher's hands shake violently as they place his legs on the lower half of their bed, then his upper half. They so gently rest his head onto their pillow before a futile attempt try nudge the two halves together. Just... Close enough. When they bring the blanket up to his shoulders, you can't tell... Then, finally, Fletcher brings two slender fingers over Thorn's eyelids, carefully bringing them down over his glazed eyes.
And now he... He's at rest. Right? He looks like he's sleeping. Very still, very peaceful... Fletcher harshly collapses back onto their legs, positioned beside the bed.
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" Thorn... You can rest now, finally, you can... Say hello to her for me... "
Fletcher leans forward, burying their face into Thorn's arm. No amount of grip on Thorn's hand will ever bring anything in return.
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the-void-writes · 1 year
For Romero AND any other OC you'd like to develop more:🌹🌾 🌿💫 🌺 (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Thank you thank you my dear friend!!! I’d love to answer these for you. In addition to Romero, I did another one for Sophie, though I’m not sure how much of this will all be canon.
These answers also got really long so I’m putting them under a cut lol.
🌹Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home wherever they may be? What does home mean to them?
For Romero, home was wherever his family was: his parents and grandparents, his siblings, and his partner Fletcher. They were going to rebuild their lives in Paradise with a new little farm.
Now that they’re gone, his home is with the other people that feel out of place among the Paradisians— people who were newly appointed by Gazali to protect the kingdom in times of dire need. These fellow knights, along with his new friends Will and Dante, are Romero’s new home, and he’d be broken if he lost them.
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them.
This is from the POV of a fellow knight, Alessio.
Everyone else could call Alessio crazy, for all he cared, but he firmly believed that Romero was beautiful. He carried himself like a true warrior, never showing fear to anyone who opposed him.
When Alessio was a boy, he used to love stories about knights and heroes— things that he wished he could be, despite the mutations that made him stand out in any crowd. Romero was everything he wanted in a hero: strong and brave and determined to protect the world, no matter how badly it had treated him.
As Romero took a break from his training, Alessio approached him gently and brushed his clawed fingers along his mask. Romero would flinch whenever anyone else touched it, but not for Alessio. They had seen each other’s scars, and heard each other’s stories. Romero didn’t have to worry about scaring him off with his injury.
Alessio lowered the mask, exposing Romero’s jaw. A large gash ran from his left cheek down to his mouth. The skin was tender and misshapen, cutting his beard off at an awkward angle. Alessio delicately traced his scarred lips and leaned up to kiss him, wrapping his tail around his waist, as though to protect him from the world.
He didn’t care if people called him crazy. Romero was beautiful, inside and out.
🌿What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Romero rarely uses words anyway, so most of his affection is shown through acts of service— he likes doing things for people to make them comfortable.
Will, Dante, Alessio and the rest of the knights know that he enjoys physical affection as well as acts of service. They take care of him and then dote on him when he’s feeling down.
💫What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
Romero has several potential love interests lol. It’s very cute to play with each dynamic and see which ones work best. Honestly my favorites are Will and Dante with Romero, and Romero with Alessio.
🌺What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
There’s another knight in the group, Pietro. He’s the only one Romero is vulnerable with, for a while. Pietro is just unnaturally optimistic and loving and supportive, and it makes Romero feel like he’s back home. So whenever he has nightmares about losing his family, he heads to Pietro and just listens to him talk for hours.
🌹Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home wherever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Sophie has always felt at home in Paradise, because of the people who cared for her and showed her true love. As curious as she is about her first home and her original parents, she wouldn’t trade her new guardians for anything.
Pedra and Josephine are amazing mothers, and Sophie loves hanging out with them, but if she had to choose one person to be her home, it would be Gazali. They share similar struggles and traumas, and their friendship/mentorship is very sweet because they get to be goofy together all the time.
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them.
(There’s a boy from a neighboring town named Bastian. He and his sister kind of keep to themselves because their town is obsessively devoted to the Celestials. At first, Bastian doesn’t think much of Sophie since she was just some girl chosen by the king to be the kingdom’s successor, but then he meets her and sees how strong and caring she is, and this boy just adores her. Their feelings aren’t very deep until they’re older, though.)
Bastian knew he liked Sophie the moment she accidentally broke his nose. She had apologized profusely for it, even though he had been the one to provoke the fight. He had called her an unworthy bearer of Paradise’s gift, like an absolute idiot.
When she landed that punch, he knew she wasn’t just some stranger-turned-princess. She was a fighter, someone who wouldn’t step down and cower. He had asked her from that moment to spar with him on occasion, and that was how their friendship grew.
It wasn’t until Sophie started caring for his twin sister, Maya, that his feelings started to change. She showed so much compassion to the two of them, who had been abandoned for so long that they forgot what kindness looked like. Bastian had gone from respecting the young princess to admiring her greatly.
Then, when they started learning magic together, when he could see her in her element, the way the kingdom’s magic flowed around her so naturally, the way she used it to fight and defend all at once— that was when Bastian knew these feelings would only grow stronger.
🌿What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Sophie leaves little gifts for all of her guardians and her friends. Bracelets, coats, bags, and any trinkets she finds in the market, they all end up on someone’s desk after a long or stressful day.
Her guardians smother her with affection, lots of hugs and kisses and silly little games of tag, just to give her the childhood that she deserved.
💫What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
Sophie is pretty much the only person who can get Dante and Gazali to stop fighting instantly. They could be ready to duel on the palace grounds, and Sophie would walk by with a cup of soup and they’d stop immediately to ask about her day.
Rio likes to joke that she and Will are so alike, since Will could unintentionally do the same thing with Jason and Henry, distracting them from yelling at fellow employees.
🌺What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Sophie likes to run to Gazali after a nightmare because he’ll make her warm food, take her up to the stars above the palace, and tell her stories about Paradise or his old home. If he isn’t around, Sophie has a little red ring that he gave her as a keepsake. When she lived in Bluebrook temporarily, separated from her Paradise family, she would hold the ring close while she slept. Sometimes, she could swear that she heard Gazali or her mothers comforting her.
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justforbooks · 2 years
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The actor Louise Fletcher, who has died aged 88, won the best actress Oscar in 1976 for her chilling and controlled performance in the film version of Ken Kesey’s countercultural novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
As Nurse Ratched, who instils fear into the patients in a mental institution without ever raising her voice, she was calmly terrifying. The part had shades of the panto villain about it, but Fletcher permitted vital glimpses into the human control-freak beneath this worthy exterior, notably in her standoffs with Jack Nicholson as the rebellious anti-hero McMurphy.
She was 40 at the time and had only recently returned to acting after a long break. She auditioned repeatedly for the role, unaware that the producers were courting and being rebuffed by actors including Jane Fonda, Angela Lansbury and Ellen Burstyn. The director Miloš Forman envisaged the part as “the personification of evil”, but revised his opinion after casting Fletcher: “I slowly started to realise that it would be much more powerful if she doesn’t know that she’s evil. She, as a matter of fact, believes that she’s helping people.”
Sure enough, the most surprising quality to Fletcher’s performance is the subdued but palpable offence she takes when her orders are challenged. Even her outdated hairstyle was expressive—“a symbol that life had stopped for her a long time ago,” noted Fletcher. “She was so out of touch with her feelings that she had no joy in her life and no concept of the fact that she could be wrong. She delivered her care of her insane patients in a killing manner, but she was convinced she was right.”
Fletcher saw Nurse Ratched as a symbol of where the US had gone astray during the Richard Nixon years. “She was convinced that she had her world in order, and that for it to work properly it had to be in that order. The minute McMurphy arrived, things began to fall apart for her. And she couldn’t have that. She had enough power that her conviction could have consequences – and that’s where I felt we were in the world at the time, too. The film was all about who has the power and how they use it, and how absolute power absolutely corrupts.”
Accepting her Oscar, Fletcher ended her speech by using sign language to thank her parents, both of whom were deaf – her mother following a childhood illness at six months old and her father after being struck by lightning aged four.
Fletcher was born in Birmingham, Alabama, one of four hearing siblings, to the Rev Robert Capers, who organised more than 40 congregations for deaf people, and Estelle (nee Caldwell), who raised the family and also worked with hearing-impaired people. “I grew up as a parent to my parents,” Fletcher said. Her first memory was of “crawling into my parents’ bed in the middle of the night to spell out on my father’s hand that I was ill.”
Each of the couple’s children spent a year with an aunt in Texas to enable them to learn to speak. Even so, Fletcher did not use her voice fully until the age of eight and was once sent home by schoolteachers who were convinced she was deaf.
She studied drama at the University of North Carolina, after which she moved to Los Angeles and began winning parts in the late 1950s on television series including Maverick, Lawman and The Untouchables. In 1960 she married the producer and book collector Jerry Bick and quit acting in order to raise their two sons.
The family moved to London in 1967. In the early 70s, Fletcher tried to return to acting but was told by Hollywood agents that she had no chance of finding work. Robert Altman persuaded Fletcher to star in his gentle Prohibition-era crime drama Thieves Like Us (1974), produced by Bick; she was reluctant at first, fearing it would look like nepotism.
Her relationship with her parents provided the inspiration for the choir singer shown raising two deaf children in Altman’s next film, Nashville (1975). Fletcher was the director’s natural choice to play the role. But Altman balked at Bick’s insistence that his wife could only participate if he could also be on board as a producer, and gave the part instead to Lily Tomlin.
Around the same time, Thieves Like Us brought Fletcher to the attention of Forman. “You can call it luck or fate that I met Miloš,” she said, “but it would have been useless if I hadn’t been ready.” In the aftermath of her Oscar win, she turned down the role of the evangelical mother in Carrie (1976) but accepted parts in the ill-fated horror sequel Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) and the comedy The Cheap Detective (1978).
She also appeared in the thriller Brainstorm and the science-fiction homage Strange Invaders (both 1983), the Stephen King adaptation Firestarter (1984), the romantic comedy Nobody’s Fool (1986) and an adaptation of Virginia Andrews’s bestselling novel Flowers in the Attic (1987), in which she played another tyrannical matriarch figure.
Though Fletcher never again received a part as memorable as Nurse Ratched, she continued to act throughout her life. Among her notable recent work was the role of Frank Gallagher’s tough-cookie mother serving a manslaughter sentence in the US version of the hit Channel 4 comedy-drama Shameless (2011-12).
Fletcher and Bick divorced in 1977. She is survived by their two sons, John and Andrew.
🔔 Estelle Louise Fletcher, actor, born 22 July 1934; died 23 September 2022
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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Libby Spotlight: Horror eAudiobooks
The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager
Casey Fletcher, a recently widowed actress trying to escape a streak of bad press, has retreated to the peace and quiet of her family’s lake house in Vermont. Armed with a pair of binoculars and several bottles of bourbon, she passes the time watching Tom and Katherine Royce, the glamorous couple living in the house across the lake. They make for good viewing—a tech innovator, Tom is powerful; and a former model, Katherine is gorgeous.
One day on the lake, Casey saves Katherine from drowning, and the two strike up a budding friendship. But the more they get to know each other—and the longer Casey watches—it becomes clear that Katherine and Tom’s marriage isn’t as perfect as it appears. When Katherine suddenly vanishes, Casey immediately suspects Tom of foul play. What she doesn’t realize is that there’s more to the story than meets the eye—and that shocking secrets can lurk beneath the most placid of surfaces.
Bird Box by Josh Malerman
Something is out there . . .
Something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.
Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remain, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now, that the boy and girl are four, it is time to go. But the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat—blindfolded—with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children's trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. And something is following them. But is it man, animal, or monster?
Engulfed in darkness, surrounded by sounds both familiar and frightening, Malorie embarks on a harrowing odyssey—a trip that takes her into an unseen world and back into the past, to the companions who once saved her. Under the guidance of the stalwart Tom, a motely group of strangers banded together against the unseen terror, creating order from the chaos. But when supplies ran low, they were forced to venture outside—and confront the ultimate question: in a world gone mad, who can really be trusted?
This is the first volume in the “Bird Box” series.
The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
Patricia Campbell's life has never felt smaller. Her ambitious husband is too busy to give her a goodbye kiss in the morning, her kids have their own lives, her senile mother-in-law needs constant care, and she's always a step behind on thank-you notes and her endless list of chores. The one thing she has to look forward to is her book club, a close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true crime and paperback fiction. At these meetings they're as likely to talk about the Manson family as they are marriage, motherhood, and neighborhood gossip.
This predictable pattern is upended when Patricia meets James Harris, a handsome stranger who moves into the neighborhood to take care of his elderly aunt and ends up joining the book club. James is sensitive and well-read, and he makes Patricia feel things she hasn't felt in twenty years. But there's something off about him. He doesn't have a bank account, he doesn't like going out during the day, and Patricia's mother-in-law insists that she knew him when she was a girl—an impossibility.
When local children go missing, Patricia and the book club members start to suspect James is more of a Bundy than a Beatnik—but no one outside of the book club believes them. Have they read too many true crime books, or have they invited a real monster into their homes?
The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward
In a boarded-up house on a dead-end street at the edge of the wild Washington woods lives a family of three.
A teenage girl who isn't allowed outside, not after last time.
A man who drinks alone in front of his TV, trying to ignore the gaps in his memory.
And a house cat who loves napping and reading the Bible.
An unspeakable secret binds them together, but when a new neighbor moves in next door, what is buried out among the birch trees may come back to haunt them all.
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oflowtides · 1 year
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⸻  JACK QUAID. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of SATURDAY by fall out boy, well, it describes FINCH FLETCHER to a tee! the twenty eight year old, and CASHIEER AT RIGHT ROUND RECORDS was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more self deprecating or more APPROACHABLE instead? anyway, they remind me of soft conversations at loud parties, an extremely specific way to organize records, a yearning for 70s music culture and doing what you know is right, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
time in notting hill: one year
Dealt a bad hand from the start, Finch opted not to think too hard about his childhood. His mother insisted some famous band member was his father, and he spent a lot of time traveling around with her as she followed bands around, often being left in situations where he could have been kidnapped or worse. He remembered vague snippets of a tumultuous life before he was suddenly alone, unsure of where his mother had gone, or if she was even alive.
Entering the foster care system was not easy; Finch had a lot of attachment issues, and was fussy for much longer than one would expect someone his age to be. Most foster families weren’t exactly willing to take in such a difficult kid, and that’s how he wound up in a group home and met Copeland.
The two were kindred spirits, in a way; while all Copeland wanted to do was read and focus on school, Finch just wanted to listen to music. The two often spent time in the same room, her reading and him with large headphones on, just enjoying each others quiet company. School was annoying, but he pushed through it despite it all.
Tannen was a huge wrench in Finch’s world, disrupting the one attachment he felt he could rely on, and while he wanted Copeland to be happy, he struggled immensely with the fact that she was changing and snuck out all the time. Needing something to pour his time and energy into, he picked up guitar lessons, deciding that his calling in life was to be in a band.
When Copeland left, Finch felt his entire world tilted aggressively to the left, upending any stability he had. He soon aged out of the group home and bounced from minimum wage job to minimum wage job, making just enough to afford a place and his guitar lessons, focusing solely on getting good enough to try to audition for a band.
The time without Copeland was hard, and while he didn’t hear from her often - she did try to reach out to him when she could. Clearly Tannen was bad for her, but there wasn’t much he could have said to change her mind. He just had to let things run its course, and while he was devastated to hear that he never had her best interest at heart to begin with, he was glad she was free to be her own person again.
He couldn’t even really tell you how he stumbled across his half brother; it was definitely by chance, but there were odd resemblances; he could see pieces of his mother in him (or maybe it was a reflection of his own features, he couldn’t really tell), and that tipped him down a hole of trying to figure out how he could meet up with this guy and talk to him.
Hearing that Copeland had moved to Notting Hill - the place his potential half brother also lived - Finch spent very little time packing up the few things he owed and relocating, hoping to find the answers he was looking for and relive the better parts of their childhoods by living nearby again.
Finch is a very sweet, albeit awkward guy who tends to form attachments a little too quickly but also get distressed when things change or the feelings aren’t returned. He’s a pretty talented guitarist, though he has very little faith in his own abilities, and still finds extreme solace in music, having extensive knowledge on just about any genre you could ask him about, which is why he got a job at the record store. He’s still on the hunt for Halford Stone, and while he’s not sure if finding him will bring him any real sense of blood family, having Copeland and Addison is as much family as he needs.
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fatefought · 6 months
@seasaltsurvivor sent: .BED :  for both muses to wake in the same bed, naked or fully clothed. (Finn + Annie)
annie cresta is squirming, trying in earnest to inch her way out of hands that might as well be talons digging into her skin. there's no use ! as they drag her along with them, she's unsure of where the faceless are taking her. yelps and pleas are disregarded with ease. water floods her eyes as tears beg to flow. they do not care ; why are they doing this ?
she's discarded carelessly on a cold concrete floor. moments pass by as she tries to collect herself. is it seconds ? minutes ? hours ? before she finally lifts a heavy head from the ground. she's been here before. the white walls glare at her. once overbearing and overstimulating on the eyes, they are now stained in the ichor of loved ones' past. dear god - they haven't cleaned it. her movement is stiff as she hesitantly looks to the right. and there's reason.
bodies are stacked, directly disrespecting the recently deceased. only two, but rose and fletcher being slain leaves a deep hole in her chest. one where air painfully seeps through, yet none goes to her lungs. she's a doe who is frozen, other than the way her limbs wrap around each other. maybe they'll show her mercy and end her misery ; but that is still no reprieve as her son's fate would be unknown - what will they do ? they've repeatedly threatened cecelia with her boy after all.
metal clangs and she knows the heavy door is being unlocked. in a hurry, she gets up on bambi legs. once fast, she's now disheveled. it's the result of psychological torment combined with the physical as well as weaponizing hunger. more faceless show, except for one being that isn't. finnick - as handsome as she remembers him. it doesn't make sense. she's heard the screams from thirteen ; thea has unfortunately confirmed it.
at first glance, he looks okay ! but it's thought too soon as the apparency of cuffs creep up. annie tries to reach for him. either he's real and the two of them might be at the end of the rope together, or he'll evaporate away. she's unsure which is the better option. if it is the latter, does that mean finnick is truly gone ? regardless, skin does not graze skin as she is thrust against the wall. red hot pain does not stop her from yelling. and she herself isn't sure if it's a scream of her lover's name or a wail in general. but their weapons are raised - and they're pointed at the man she loves. and !
annie's upper portion raises in haste. sweat coats her, making the coldness of thirteen even more unbearable. chest rises and falls as adrenaline rattles her veins. eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness of the sleeping quarters. caspian's quiet, sleepy coos pitter patter in the atmosphere. he's fast asleep in his crib. and thankfully, her fiance is beside her.
was she restless in her slumber ? had she woke up screaming ? cresta cannot honestly say. when the panic subdues - as much as it feasibly can - cheeks become warm. embarrassment overtakes her. the thought of disrupting her little family's sleep disheartens her. her beloved already has such a difficulty with his to begin with. she doesn't have it in her to search out his beautiful face, but they are no longer embraced like how they were before unconsciousness took them.
arms gently wrap around a frame they've become so familiar with. there's no worry about the realness of this finnick odair ; he will not drift away. there's no fretting of that. though he's lost the scent of sea salt in the breeze for the standard wash of thirteen and worry has eaten away at him in many ways, this is her finnick. she could never not recognize him, nor would he ever her.
the intended carefulness comes at the hope that maybe he's still at rest. annie blinks away the starry tears. she focuses on his breathing ; she tries desperately to match like they're one. " i'm sorry, " comes in a meek, pitiful whisper. it's an apology for two. one, if he's been startled awake ; two, that her mind could so vividly picture such violence against the man she loves. nevertheless, here's to hoping he remains sound and fast asleep.
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rickygoldman34 · 1 year
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its Aew All out live at the untied center in Chicago,Illinois. A battle royal where the winner will give $50K to a charity of thier choosing.1st match on the zero hour. Tony Nese out 1st,then Angelico followed by Shawn Spears,next gone is Kommander. Dalton Castle and then Chuck Taylor,Jake Hager and Bishop Khan,next to go Scorpio Sky followed by Mark Davis and Action Andretti,Kyle Fletcher Daniel Garcia,Matt Mernard and Danny Magic eliminated then Chuck Taylor shortly followed then Toa Liotta. Its now down to 2 men,Brian Cage and Hangman Adam Page remain but Brian flies out and Adam is the final man left.
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2nd match is Hikaru Shida,Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale vs Anthena,Diamante and Mercedes Martinez. My 1st look At Skye,Willow and Diamante here. Skye begins but the heels single her out. Anthea in but Willow momentarily,Hikaru in and this match has turned into mayhem,chaos and a botch fest but the faces are winners.
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3rd and final match right here on the zero hour The Acclaimed vs Jeff Jarrett m,Satnam Singh and Jay Lethal for the trios tag titles. The heels started out in control but the champions quickly turned it around well that was until a chokeslam from Satman . Karen Jarrett tried to got involved the ref got her out,Dennis Rodman with a guitar shot to Jay,fame-ass-er from Billy,mic drop and retain.
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1st on the main card iz The Dark Order vs MJF and Adam Cole for the ROH tag team titles. MJF wants sportsmanship but a thumb to the eyes of Alex Reynolds. MJF is worried about his neck and a chair shot to the back it from Alex. MJF gor carried out as this turned into a handicap match,Adam stayed in this despite plenty of double teaming him even hitting a double clothesline of thier own. Alex grabbed one of the titles,Cole with a superkick,MJF is back out and he on his takes care of Dark Order hitting a kangaroo kick then the double clothesline to retain the gold belts.
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Up on next it shall be Samoa Joe vs Shane Taylor for the ROH tv title. This was my 1st look at Shane here. This went outside and back also back and forth,both many showing offense here Shane impressed me but its now a slug fest,Joe fighting on and tapping out Shane to go home as champion.
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marjaystuff · 1 year
Mary Alford Interview
Amish Wilderness Survival
Shelter Brothers Series Book 5
Mary Alford
Harlequin Love Inspired
March 28th, 2023
Amish Wilderness Survival by Mary Alford blends an Amish story within an intense thriller. The plot is action-packed as the hero and heroine are immediately thrust into a dangerous situation where they must run for their lives.
Leora Mast is trying to find her twin brother, Tanner, who has gone missing.  After losing her parents to a fire and surviving cancer she only has him left, with an unmistakable link.  She travels to Montana to speak with Tanner’s Marine buddy, Ethan Connors.  Leora had tasked Ethan with finding her brother since he runs a SARS (Search and Rescue) program. 
Ethan went into partnership with Fletcher Shelter and his brother, using dogs to find people in the mountains of Montana. Fletcher and Ethan are more like family than friends, and when Ethan stopped returning his phone calls, Fletcher goes to his home to investigate. There he finds Leora, a ransacked house, and no signs of Tanner or Ethan. 
Shortly after arriving Leora and Fletcher are confronted by unknown assailants who kidnap them and want answers to what Tanner has stolen and where he is hiding it. Able to escape, both journey into the woods where they find Ethan’s search and rescue dog, Molly. With the help of Molly, they try to stay one step ahead of the bad guys as they try to find Ethan and Tanner. With their lives on the line Fletcher and Leora open up about their past and realize they have feelings for each other.
The story is riveting as readers will not want to put the book down.  They will feel as if they are right there with the characters, going on the journey with them.
Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?
Mary Alford: I always enjoy writing Ethan into my stories.  Regarding the heroine, she has had a troubled past, but is very strong.  I also wanted Fletcher to have his own story, since he has been a hero in other books. It was kind of a wrong place at the wrong time story since Fletcher was just checking on Ethan. The heroine was also going to Ethan’s house to follow up on any news about her brother.  Unfortunately, they both saw the house in chaos and were greeted by evil people who kidnapped them.
EC:  You refer to SARS?
MA:  SARS stands for Search and Rescue.I did a lot of the research on-line and found out how interesting are the animals. In the story, Molly is a former military dog, a German Shepherd, adopted by Ethan. Fletcher was trained in the SARS program by Ethan. They now do rescue missions in the mountains.  There will be future books with these dogs. 
EC:  What was the role of Molly?
MA:  She is a Search and Rescue dog.  Because Ethan disappeared, Molly went out on her own looking for him. After escaping from their kidnappers, Fletcher and Leora run into the woods and find Molly.  She has been trailing Ethan so the three team up.
EC:  How would you describe Ethan?
MA: Former military. He is strong, helpful, and courageous. Leora’s brother, Tanner, relates to Ethan when they served together in the military. 
EC:  How would you describe Fletcher?
MA:  He is one of five brothers. He is the one who tries to keep the family together.  His life is embedded in the Amish community. Once engaged to marry a woman who ran out on him, he has decided that he might never get married. He is very protective, kind, tender, and never gives up.
EC:  How would you describe Leora?
MA: Leora is guilt ridden, caring, and a worrier. She has been through a lot.  Tanner is her twin.  They lost their parents in a fire when they were teenagers. The fire was ruled to be arson. After they moved to Colorado, Tanner leaves the Amish community.  The story begins after she has finished her chemo because of breast cancer.  Leora is strong emotionally, but weak physically. 
EC:  What about the relationship between Fletcher and Leora?
MA: Because of her cancer she is afraid to get involved with anyone, not wanting to put anyone through heartache. Fletcher gains Leora’s trust. They realize they care about each other but struggle with their past. He even told her how he feels with this quote, “This is the life. We love them for a while, and then mourn them for a lifetime.” He wants her to know he would cherish every moment he has with her, no matter how long. 
EC:  Does Tanner play a role?
MA:  He is torn between being Amish and English. He has struggled with his life.  To Leora, Tanner is everything, which is why she looks for him. 
EC:  Next books?
MA:  The next book will feature Ethan, titled Amish Country Ransom, coming out in August. The heroine in the story is Jade, who was also in this book.
Deadly Mountain Escape comes out in 2024 with different characters and a new setting, Ruby Valley Montana.
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justgowithit505 · 2 years
“Revenge party” from Mean Girls Jatp styled
I accept requests!!
This song is the beginning of Julie , Flynn , and Alex’s evil plan to take down Carrie Wilson —they’re seeking revenge for Carrie stabbing Julie in the back by winning Nick back over, instead of “talking to him” for Julie , as she’d promised she would.
The song journeys through various points of the plan which are covered in the movie, such as causing Carrie to gain weight and creating a rift between her and Kayla. The song also details a growing closeness between Julie and her new best friends.
[ Flynn, spoken]
Now you know, Jules. Carrie Wilson is not your friend, We're your friends! And we're gonna make her pay!
[Flynn] You know what friends do? They got your back And they are fun to be around
[Alex] Whuh-oh Whuh-oh Woah
[Flynn] When someone hurts you Then they attack And grind your foe into the ground
[Alex] Whuh-oh Whuh-oh Woah
[Flynn] Imagine the party with dresses and cake And singing and dancing and cake And there’s a magic act That saws Carrie in half And this time it will take
[Alex] Now that’s a party
[Flynn] A revenge party A party that ends With somebody’s head on a spike
[Alex] Whuh-oh Woah
[Alex & Flynn] It’s a revenge party with your two best friends It’s like a party and revenge is what it’s like
[Flynn] For this to work… You're gonna have to pretend like you still like them, can you do it?
[Julie] Yes. Hey, girl!
[Kayla] Hey, Carrie wanted me to tell you that she tried to talk to Nick, But he just wanted her back, and that’s not Carrie’s fault.
[Julie] I get it, I just hope I can still have lunch with you guys…
[Kayla] Aw, of course!
[Alex & Flynn] It’s a revenge party A party that ends with entrails all over the lawn It’s a revenge party with your two best friends
[Julie] And I end up with Nicky when she’s gone
[Alex & Flynn] Yes, Julie!
[Julie] I end up with Nicky when she’s gone!
[Students] What is Carrie doing? Oh god she is so sick Is she dating Nick? It’s Carrie,it’s Carrie! She has everything She gets everything
[Julie, Flynn, Alex & Ensemble] It’s Carrie, it’s Carrie, it’s Carrie!
[Flynn] Next, we take away Carrie’s only achievement, Being a good singer.
[Carrie] What is that?
[Julie] Ugh, my voice it so bad… I use these Kälteen diet bars when I need to sharpen it a little.
[Carrie] I have a performance with my group tomorrow… Bring me a whole box!
[Alex & Flynn] A revenge party A party that ends With somebody crushed and alone
[Flynn] And ugly crying
[Alex & Flynn] A revenge party with your two best friends It’s like a party with revenge is what we're throwing
[Students] What is Carrie eating? God, look at her figure Did her boobs get bigger? It’s Carrie, it’s Carrie! She has everything She gets everything it’s Carrie,it’s Carrie,it’s Carrie!
[Flynn] We’ve gotta go harder. If we make Kayla Fletcher think Carrie is mad at her-
[Julie] I won't do that, Kayla is fragile!
[Flynn] Exactly, and if we crack her open she'll spill something we can use…
[Julie] Shh, here she comes
[Carrie] Stop pulling it down Your hair looks sexy pushed back Julie, will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back?
[Julie] Your hair looks sexy pushed back
[Nick] Uh, thanks See you in Calc
[Flynn] At every party, there might be a low Where the energy dips
[Alex] Whuh-oh, whuh-oh, woah You might be thinking it’s late we should go And they ran out of chips
[Julie] No, no, no! I can’t even watch when she touches his hands And I’ve watched my mom lose her hair Carrie needs to be toppled Sorry, Kayla, I can’t Say I don’t even care One candy cane, please!
[Julie, Alex & Flynn] A revenge party A party that ends With lions in a Roman arena
[Students] She has everything She gets everything It’s Carrie, it’s Carrie,it’s Carrie!
[Alex] Ho, ho, ho Candy cane-gram for Reggie Peters.
[Students] She has everything
[Alex] One for Julie Molina.
[Students] She gets everything
[Alex] Four for Mare Byers, you go Mare Byers!
Mare Byers, Mare Byers, Mare Byers
[Alex] And, none for Kayla Fletcher, bye!
[Kayla] Who sent that?
[Julie] Aw, it’s from…
[Students] From Carrie, from Carrie, from Carrie!
(reads the note) Thanks for being such a great best friend.
[Kayla] Caw caw-caw-caw-caw-caw-caw-caw CAW! I mean, cute! I mean, gimme it! I mean okay… Well, if you and Carrie are best friends now, You can be in charge of keeping all her secrets. For example, she bought you those high heel shoes Just to make fun of you, 'cause she knew you wouldn't be able to walk in them. And she's not really blonde, her natural color is dark blonde. Also, she totally cheats on Nick. Every Thursday she says she has SAT prep, but really She’s hooking up with Reggie Peters in the Los feliz bobcat's costume!
[Julie] She makes him wear the costume?
[Kayla] NO, THEY'RE BOTH IN THE COSTUME! And I never told anyone because I am such a good friend…
[Julie, Alex, Flynn & (Students)] It's a revenge party A party that ends with somebody's head on the spike A revenge party (She gets everything) With your two best friends (She gets everything) It's like a party (She gets everything) With revenge is what it's like
[All & (Students)] A party with revenge is what it’s like (It’s Carrie, it’s Carrie!) A party with revenge is what it’s like (It’s Carrie, it’s Carrie!) A party with revenge… Is what it's like!
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eviedrawssumstuff · 2 years
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This is a reference sheet for my mini-series I'm making called Stick Fighters, where all the fighters, or "bearers", as they're called, are branded with sigils on their bodies that give them special powers to fight against monsters and corrupt bearers. this reference sheet is of one of the two types of sigils found in this world, Elemental sigils. in this world, a person needs to have both types of sigils to become a bearer, one by nature and one by nurture.
there are many elemental sigils found throughout the lands in Stick Fighters, despite their rarity, as many as there are people, and these are the most documented of them all. each sigil represents a significant change and growth in a person's life. a pursuit, an oath, a bond, a path. whatever cause of this change is what sparks these sigils to life within it's bearer.
Natora (nay-toor-ah), the nature sigil: Natora represents more than plants, it represents a person's sworn protection to another weither it be a person, place, or thing. For Fletcher, it was his devotion to the forest, until the forest had shown that it was capable of defending itself, and allowed him to leave for a new persuit. these sigils also affect a bit of their personalities, depending on which one. For Natora, these bearers like to keep their friends and allies close, and will defend what they love and care for to their last stand, which could make for their own downfall if they aren't careful. these traits are not always the same, however, as with fletcher, he's more of a lone wolf, but still welcomes other friendly fighters and still protects the things he cares about over himself.
Natora bearers, as you can guess, harness and control plants. one thing about Natora bearers is that they can grow and command the plants that they recognize. some bearers like to use flowers for assistance, while others go for more dangerous types, like ivy, thistles, and thorny vines. Natora bearers can also grow and bolster plants beyond their natural state, even capable of giving short-term sentience.
another thing about sigils is that they are permanent. even if another life altering event happens, there is no change or loss to these sigils, and new ones cannot be made afterwards. Fletcher may no longer serve to protect the forest, but he still vows to protect those that can not protect themselves.
Scorun (score-roon), the fire sigil: Scorun represents an inner anger, a repressed rage that has been let out. those with these sigils are usually short tempered and easily aggressive. this sigil is only formed when someone has gone down a path of utter rage, an obsession to always hate another, even after their passing. a Scorun bearer's fire is dependent on their anger when their change happens. in one case, a man was so angered, so vindictive, the fires that engulfed him were a bright blue. Scorun bearers are able to project fire from their body and even surround themselves without damage. while they are immune to any damage from their own flames and naturally made fires, they are still capable of being hurt by the flames of other bearers, and like them, no two flames are the same. some bearers have even mastered how to propel themselves in the air with their own flames, allowing them to fly in the air, a few even reach intense speeds.
Aquin (ack-cuin), the water sigil: a special thing about Aquin bearers is that it is not just water they control, but ice and steam, as well. it is still water, just in another form. Aquin bearers can also change those forms by their will, but it is rather straineous to most users. Aquin is sparked when a person has found a sense of complete calm in their life, a kind of tranquility that stays with them through their worst of times. Aquin bearers are always seen as very relaxed and carefree, that flow through the motions. in some cases, some bearers have never even summoned their weapons, wishing to live a more peaceful life, while others use theirs as tools of serenity and play.
Terotero (tear-oh tear-oh), the earth sigil: Terotero bearers are almost always big, bulky and sometimes very stoic. these bearers spark their sigils by choosing a path of independence, being more accustomed to a life of relying on one's self rather than others. These bearers are considered the strongest of all the sigils. However, most are not as fast, intelligent or perceptive as others, and very few have even challenged that notion. with enough strength, Terotero are capable of lifting mountains without using their powers, and while it is an impressive feat, it does tend to pose a problem to them with more delicate situations. nobody's perfect, you know.
 if a Terotero bearer joins a party of others, they are more than capable of lifting their own weight, they just don't like when others try to for them. you would think more caring bearers like Sympany bearers would be the most polarizing to them. However, some Terotero bearers would grow fondly over these companions, as a part of Sympany bearers' nature is understanding and adjusting to their surroundings and companions.
OcsiBon (ock-si-bon), the air sigil: those of the Ocsibon sigil are considered very wise, and are sparked when a person chooses a path of nomadic peace. unlike the Aquin bearers, Ocsibon bearers are more calculated and think logically, but still carry a boundless freedom, like a breeze through a forest, they bend and wind their way through their problems and soar freely when they are in a clearing. Ocsibon bearers are light-footed, usually smaller than most bearers and have a clear and precise attitude to their attitudes. though, like a strong breeze turning to a bitter storm, they will be forced their hand when they are pushed to their limits. though, just as the storm comes, it leaves just as fast, as all Ocsibon bearers know how to calm their anger when it is not needed.
Ocsibon bearers mainly choose to keep long range melee weapons as their weapons, like bow staffs, javelins and occasionally whips. though, there are a few that take up firearms as their choice, being considered "modern day monks." their powers allow them to channel bursts of air and wind from small currents they create with their hands, weapons or even their own breath, form wide burst of air, to sharp, blade-like blasts, the air is as bountiful and necessary as it is devastating in their hands.
Metamak (met-ah-mack), the metal sigil: Metamak bearers are somewhat like like Terotero bearers, strong and tough. however, what is different is that Metamak bearers live on a path of Co-dependence, as they feel that their strength relies more on their bonds to each other than just themselves. Metamak bearers believe that they should defend their group, like a knight's shield protects it's owner, they are the bindings that hold together their team, and the iron sheets tat keep them safe. most sigil bearers have the ability to transform into the element they bear, and none use such abilities more than Metamak bearers, being the team's defense and offense. most Metamak bearers also take in an occupation of metalwork, and while most take up weapon smiting and upgrading, some have been known to to take up other forms, like jewelry making. from what I've heard, there's a couple, a Metamak and a chriztoc, that have made their own jewelry business, and you'd be stunned at how elegant they are. Metamak's are true artists in their own ways.
Neota (nee-oh-tah), the neon sigil: Neota is an interesting case. bearers of this sigil crave artistic passion, but prefer function over fashion. like a neon sign displaying displaying brightly over others, Neota bearers wish to find an individuality to their creativity, and are guided by a pursuit of untouched creative passion. Neota bearers try their best to shine brighter over others, however, there are times where two would butt heads over which is superior. and while they know that passion is a free flowing concept, one that no one person has control over, it doesn't stop them to get defensive when they sense others try to ride their tail-feathers, so to speak. they are also a bit more defensing towards critiques, and cannot help themselves when others step in, even with positive intentions.
though, you can't say they aren't passionate, and their own work can be truly radiant.
Neota prefer the use of ranged weaponry, and many are considered expert sharpshooters, thanks to their great vision for expertise. some Neota like to be precise, and nothing seems to have more precision than a neon blast to the head.
Psion (sy-on), the psychic sigil: this sigil is sparked when it's bearer finds a strong pursuit to knowledge. they wish to understand the untold questions in life, the drive to know the unknown. when with others, they wish to know more about everything of everyone, thought, due to their more logical and straight thinking personality, they can be rather blunt and too honest for their own good. while some do try to make an attempt, more Psion bearers have trouble with "out of the box" thinking, and more so question a creative outlook than try to understand it.
though, if you can go past it, their straightforward attitudes and blunt honesty can be rather refreshing, at times.
as you'd expect, Psions can use their powers to levitate objects and use them as weapons, some even capable of altering their shape to something new, though this is a bit more taxing on them than you'd think. some Psions are also capable or reading other's minds, which can be helpful on the battlefield, but not so much when you try to keep secrets from them.
Shacahn(shah-con), the shadow sigil: the Shacahn sigil is not exactly seen in a good light, no pun intended. this sigil is only formed when the bearer experiences something that turns them to a very dark place within. Shacahn bearers have bad history behind them. abuse, neglect, pain, suffering, things of such are what sparks this sigil to existence.
the reason this sigil is considered taboo is that most that bear this sigil believe that they should share this suffering to others, make them feel as they felt. the largest group that serves under this sigil is known as the Dead Void. they wish to bring anguish and pain to all they meet, and do not care for other. some do not even care for their own members.
however, not all bearers are like this, some wish to never let others experience what they have, and are considered "shadow angels", when a "shadow angel" joins a group, it does start off a bit awkward, but over time, they loosen up to their new allies and can show who they truly are to them. you'd be surprised what hides behind their dark veil.
Poilix (poee-licks), the poison sigil: these bearers are are just noxious, and can be irritating at that. these sigils are formed when a bearer takes a willing path of toxic ideology. they are aware that their habits and decisions are more harm to others, and some even revel in it. Poilix bearers are notorious for causing trouble and mischief wherever they go.
even in groups of others, they can't help themselves but cause trouble for others. but there are other sides to this coin. as much as there are that willingly do so, there are others that are unwillingly, as well. there's a story of a young girl that would steal from others in order to help pay off their family's debt to a dangerous man. one day, the girl had taken a rather large about from a group, a team rallying for donations to aid in getting an operation to help their sick comrade. she knew what the money was for, and still took it. it was because of this, the group did not get it and their friend later perished. hearing the news from eavesdropping her next target, it was then that it dawned on her why it happened, and the impact of her actions got to her, not just from that occasion, but all the times she had stolen from others. The knowledge and guilt of her past deeds surrounded her and formed her sigil and turned her to a Poilix rouge, forever branding her of her past. her family, even after paying their debt, was still cut down by the greedy man, all except for the girl, who used her newfound abilities to protect herself and killed all that caused her family's death. the greedy man was found in the morning, still in bed, his mouth frothing with green ooze and a large slit straight into his neck.
not all Poilix's are troublemakers, but all are equally dangerous.
Rubberrus (rubb-err-us), the rubber sigil: this sigil sparks when it's bearer experiences a true passion to concur an exceedingly challenging goal. Rubberrus bearers are always bounding with energy and hardly ever let things get to them. Rubberrus bearers always seem so upbeat and determined, and never let things get in their way. they see a goal and they see it to the end. these kind of bearers have a unique attribute to them, as most, if not all do not gain a weapon. as far as they are concerned, they are their weapon. Rubberrus bearers can form their bodies to any shape or form they wish, and are more than capable of taking some serious blows. some even know how to reflect a ranged user's projectiles. however, they are still susceptible to elemental damage, and they can be a bit cocky and careless, and sometimes underestimate the trouble their in.
Even then, Rubberrus don't know when to quit, and always bounce back when they go down.
Teknico (tech-nee-co), the tech sigil: this sigil is a bit newer than others, booming when the creation of electronics were mainstreamed. Teknico bearers usually like to stay to the sidelines and help from a distance. their technical prowess can help them get a read on their enemies and assist their allies whenever need be. In a sense, it is like they are capable of "hacking" into their allies and enemies, and can give supportive boosts to their allies and, in some cases, can even disable an enemies abilities for a period of time. however, they are rather weak in a fight on their own, and aren't too good at taking a hit, so they rely on their friends, helping from afar with whatever they can do.
most bearers are usually shy and reclusive, and only trusted companions could get past their firewalls. when they open up more to others, they show aside reserved only to those they deem worthy of seeing.
some bearers are a bit different, though. in one case, one Teknico bearer likes to live stream her team's fights, and has a more open personality than others, but only to her friends and live stream followers, she's still a bit shy and closed up when met in person.
Spectio (spek-tee-oh), the spirit sigil: Spectio bearers are a sad case, as they are people who have suffered a terrible loss that they cannot simply forget. most have suffered the loss of someone they had close, though, on rare occasions, there are some that suffer the loss of something else. one Spectio bearer, a middle aged male, suffered from the loss of his employment, his home and his family, all thanks to poor decisions he had made in his past. he can never live it down, and while he has found a new home with a welcoming guild, he still sends most of his payments to his family, hoping one day he might find forgiveness in himself.
Spectio bearers can summon spirits to aid in their fights, and their weapons usually carry the souls of those they truly loved. it is said that one Spectio bearer's love for their other was so powerful, they used their power to bring back their loved one from the realm of the afterlife, but at a terrible cost. though her body moved, her heart did not beat, her skin degraded and she became deformed. the bearer knew that she was suffering and so relinquished the spell on her, setting her soul free yet again.
Sympany (sim-pahn-ee), the supportive sigil: this sigil is a bit more broad than others, and some would even consider weither this should be called an Elemental sigil in the first place. nonetheless, this sigil forms when when a person chooses a path of supporting others over themselves. Sympany bearers are ever kind and caring, and as previously stated, can adapt themselves to their surroundings and their companions quite quickly. one can be as boundful as a Rubberrus one minute, then tranquil and serene as an Ocsibon. outside of guilds and groups, some Sympany bearers take up other supportive positions as well, like medical professions, while some younger bearers take up assistant jobs. but don't think they can be pushovers, to help others is to also help one's self.
while some are like Teknico bearers, preferring to stay on the sidelines, others have found different ways of assisting in a fight. one bearer crafted a rifle capable of healing their allies at a great distance, while also dealing damage to their enemies.
they can sense people's true intentions and can use that to their advantage. the can also sense problems with with their companions and try to help in ways that they are allowed by the other. Shacahn and Spectio bearers are a problem for them, as they know that it's part of their nature, but still can't help but try to help them, even to their strict request not to.
Chriztoc (kris-tok), the crystal sigil: Chriztoc is a sort of sibling to Terotero and Metamek, bearers are also tough in spirit, but have a more fragile mindset about themselves. bearers are rather smaller that their larger counterparts, but shine in their impressive agility and form. Chriztoc bearers take pride in their looks and love to stand out more in a crowd. they prefer to be the center of attention, and are like an opposite to Terotero, preferring to have others do the harder parts of a job than themselves. as annoying as that is, it's still interesting to be with Chriztoc bearers, as they carry a certain charm with them that some can't help but love. if you befriend one, it might be tricky to see if they are there for a friendship of just a simple goal, but if the former, then you might just find yourself doing things you never thought you'd ever do. while Chriztoc bearers are capable of making gemstones on their own, it has been proven that these stones are not like their true counterparts and have noticeable flaws that people can catch, making them monetarily worthless. however, some have made work out of these before, like the bearer couple that made a life making beautiful jewelry, as it's not the jewels themselves that people love, but the care and craftsmanship that they put into it.
Acrylina (ah-krill-ee-nah), the colorful sigil: this sigil sparks when it's bearer finds a true drive, an uncontrolled passion of creativity, where imagination roams free and inspiration is everywhere. unlike Neota bearers, these bearers do not see limits to their creativity and love to create whatever they please. they are not bound to one form or thought and love to try new forms of media they haven't before. Acrylina bearers see beauty in all and find their inspiration in everything. they love to try new things and are never afraid of the risks, though this can put them in a bit of trouble. these bearers use their creative minds to solve their problems, quite literally at times. many bearers are capable of bringing their creations to life to aid them in any situation. just try not to ask them for a sandwich, their things may become real, but they are still formed from the same material that created them. A friend found out the hard way with an sculptor bearer. still, Acrylina bearers are impressively adaptive, and are great "out of the box" thinkers.
however, they do have problems with Pcion bearers, as they are a bit too logical to understand an Acrylina bearer.
also unlike Neota bearers, Acrylina bearers do not care for critiques and what others say, they love to make for the fun of it and don't have reasons as to why. you can take a guess as to which one I am.
Neborac (neh-bore-ack), the celestial sigil: these bearers are an interesting sight to behold, their sigils are formed from a passion to seek the unknown. like the stars up high, they glimmer a radiant glow and are a mystery themselves. it's not that these bearers hide their real selves, but more that they themselves have not discovered their true selves yet. one of Neborac bearer's abilities is to mimic the abilities of those they meet, taking their personality as their own, though for a short period. Neborac bearers are very rare sights, and is even more rare to befriend one, as they often question who to truly trust. somewhat like Pcion bearers, Neborac bearers question lots of things, but not out of knowledge, but out of meaning. they often question the meanings behind everything, the motives of another and the reasons why things even exist. they are an interesting sort, but can make lovely companions, once you get past the constant philosophical talk.
Thumbom (thumb-boom), the electric sigil: this sigil is sparked by the thought of great inspiration, one that drives it's bearer to great lengths to accomplish it. bearers of this sigil are very agile and are always willing to try to take the next step in the progress of history. many great explorers, inventors and visionaries were Thumbom bearers. however, these bearers are also very humble and will always share their aspirations, progress and their victories with others. they know that most things are not accomplished on their own and like to stay in groups that aid them on their journey.
they are also good leaders and try their best to lead and inspire their teams. and one day, they may just find their moment to catch lightning in a bottle.
Tempoden (temp-oh-den), the temporal sigil: one of the rarest and most powerful sigils, very few are forged, and even fewer know as to how. it is said that one of the land's greatest hero's was a Tempoden bearer, and while it is unknown as to what he could do, many speculated on the true nature of this sigil. some believe that it is given to the pure hearted to act as a guardian of time, others say that it is the creator of the world itself, acting in disguise to walk among the land. while there are those that claim to have such a power, it is widely known to be false, as only one person was ever seen bearing that sigil, and he has yet to reveal himself to the world yet again.
that is all the elemental sigils that I may show you, thank you for your time and have a good day.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
This was supposed to be a date but apparently it’s just lead up oh well.
Agatha Harkness/Eve Fletcher
One early morning, when the sky softens into a grey-blue, just before the sun begins to crest the horizon and cast its bright light over the trees whose leaves have already begun to shift from their green of summer to the reds, oranges, golds of autumn, when Agatha has turned away from her and Eve idly traces the thin white lines etched into her already pale back, when Agatha no longer trembles as she touches them, Eve asks, voice soft, Why don’t you ever take me out?
I took you to the bar, hon.  Agatha stares out the window but otherwise doesn’t move.  Why don’t you take me out?
The bar was a long time ago, Eve muses, and I didn’t know that was a date.  She can almost hear Agatha saying that it wasn’t, so before the other woman can say anything, she leans forward, rests her head on Agatha’s shoulder, and peers down at her.  Where do you want to go?
Agatha still stares out the window, at the leaves as they flicker in the still morning breeze.  Why do we have to go anywhere?  She fiddles with the edge of Eve’s silk sheet, running it through her fingertips.  Is this not enough for you, babe?
There’s that word again: Enough.
Eve swallows past the bitterness on her tongue, past the lump unexpectedly thick in her throat, but she doesn’t answer.
In the silence, Agatha finally curves to face her, but Eve lowers her eyes, avoiding her gaze.  When Agatha grips her chin between her thumb and forefinger, when she tries to tilt Eve’s head back so that she can search her eyes, Eve pulls back.  Don’t.
It’s not that big a deal, hon.
Eve just turns her back to her, curling up as small as she can make herself. The silence lingers.  The mattress shifts as Agatha moves closer to her, and when her lips press against Eve’s back, she moves to the edge of the bed and sits up, the sheets falling from around her.  She takes a deep breath.  I need a shower.  Don’t—  She presses her lips together and glances over her shoulder at Agatha.  Don’t follow me.
It’s never bothered Eve before, how little she actually knows about Agatha. She knows what she needs to – that Agatha had taken care of Evanora until the woman died, that she hadn’t shoved her into an assisted living facility when Eve said she couldn’t be there anymore, (that she’d stood so, so still when Evanora bit her, that she hadn’t even flinched), that Agatha’s spouse died shortly before her mom did, that Agatha is all alone.
Except for Eve.
She reminds herself of that now, as she scrubs furiously at dishes that were clean thirty minutes ago.
Eve had only met Agatha’s spouse – Cian – once.  They’d been with Evanora, hands clasped behind their back as they listened to what she had to say.  Evanora had been in her wheelchair then – not quite to the bad times, but close to it – and there was something Cian said that made Evanora’s eyes grow hard.  Eve hadn’t wanted to interrupt, but Evanora had been a friend.  She’d gone to check in, and Cian had been pleasant, despite the level glare Evanora set on them the entire time.  When they’d left, it was with the air of a school master, certain and sure of themselves.
They’d only spoken the once, but Eve felt seen.  It wasn’t an entirely comfortable feeling.  She’d spent the rest of the day holed up in her office – after helping Evanora to one of her classes, of course.
She had seen Cian and Agatha together a few times.  Haddington wasn’t – still isn’t – a very big town, so it was really easy to run into some of the same people multiple times throughout the day.  Eve hadn’t been in their circle, but she’d seen them leaving the Natural Grocers store once; Cian was almost a full head taller than Agatha, and Agatha clung to them, laughing.  Cian kissed her forehead then smiled when Agatha looked up at them so….
In love.
Eve scrubs even more furiously at the dish in her hands before glancing at her own reflection in the suds beneath her.
There are words to describe her, Eve knows.  MILF.  Homely.  Normal. She’s never thought she looked bad; in fact, most of her friends actually compliment how she’s aged (and MILF certainly does, no matter how much she hates the term, hates the way it objectifies her more than compliments her).
But she’s not Cian.
Cian held a sort of otherworldly ethereal beauty about them.  High cheekbones.  Inquisitive eyes the color of the softest moss.  Always dressed in golds and linens.  And bald. They could pull off bald.  Eve had never really been attracted to them, but it was like….
Hobbits are great and all, but she remembers how everyone had been into Legolas when the movies came out.  No one wanted Sam.  They wanted the elf.
And Eve?
She’s not an elf.
Eve scrubs too hard, and the plate shatters.  She blinks.  Stares at the shards still in her hands, the blood that drips into the translucent soap bubbles filling the sink, popping here and there.
Her phone vibrates, and she ignores it.
After three days of no response, Agatha quits texting her.
Eve tells herself that’s for the best.
She goes about life like she did before.  That should be easy.  She’s got porn, after all.  She doesn’t need Agatha.
(There is a difference between what Eve can do for herself and what Agatha can do for her.  Sometimes, she needs a partner.  But she can do without.  She has before.  Why should this be any different?)
Once – just once – Eve leans against her hallway wall and crumples. She draws her knees to her, leans her head on arms resting easy atop them, and sobs.  Just sobs.  When she’s done, she pulls herself up, wipes her nose, fixes her shirt, and continues on like everything is normal, even if it isn’t.
It’s fine.  She’ll be fine.
On the tenth day, Agatha storms into her office at the senior center.
You’ve been ignoring me.
There are senior citizens staring at them.  Eve really can’t do this.  Not here. Not right now.  (Maybe not at all.)  She stands.  Agatha, can we—
No.  Agatha crosses her arms, refusing to move.
Eve could call security.  She won’t, but she considers saying that she could.  Something tells her that will only make things worse.  Beyond repair.  She presses her lips together and then gestures to one of the chairs opposite her desk.  Sit, please.  Her gaze flicks to the people outside of her office, staring in at them, and she carefully moves past Agatha to shut the door.  That isn’t much, but it will at least give them some sense of privacy.
Not that Agatha appears to care about that.
Eve smooths the wrinkles from her pants and then moves just in front of Agatha, leans back against the edge of her desk, and stares down at her.  What do you want?
Agatha gives her a onceover, swallows hard, and then smirks.  You look really hot like that, babe.  She leans back and crosses one leg over the other.  Taking control suits you.
Agatha.  Eve gives her a stern look.
What?  It does!  Agatha raises her brows as if in shock.  How am I supposed to focus when you stand in front of me like that?  She gestures. I just came to talk, hon, but you’re turning this into a—
Agatha.  Eve presses a hand to her forehead.
Someone doesn’t know how to take a compliment.  Agatha sighs.  Then she reaches into one of her pockets and pulls out a thin white card.  She holds it out to Eve.  Here.
Eve stares at the card, but she doesn’t take it.  What is that?
Our date.  Agatha continues to hold out the card.  Take it.
Eve hesitantly reaches out for the card.  She scans the words inked with Agatha’s untidy scrawl.  I didn’t—  She stops herself.  This is in a few hours.
Agatha crosses her arms and nods.  Yes, hon, it is.  Which you would have known if you had answered any of my texts.
I—  Eve glances up only to find Agatha’s eyes searching her face.  She bites her lower lip.  I thought you didn’t want—
I don’t.  Agatha slowly stands, not dropping Eve’s gaze.  But you do, right, hon?  And I wouldn’t be a good….  She gestures with one hand.  Whatever we are, if I didn’t actually listen once and a while.  Her lips curve in a sort of half-smile, and she moves closer.  Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to remind you what happens when you’ve been bad.
Eve startles.  Agatha, I’m at work; you can’t—
But then Agatha kisses her and—
Look.  This is one of those porn scenarios.  Eve knows it is because she’s seen it probably more times than she would like to admit.  To anyone.  Even Agatha, who is very aware of Eve’s porn problem habit if only because every time she tries to open Eve’s laptop for anything she’s found it open to that MILF porn site (and been consistently amused up until she’s had to ask if she isn’t doing enough for her, if she’s not good enough, which was a whole other can of worms that Eve didn’t – and still doesn’t – want to get into).
Eve would be lying if she said she hadn’t fantasized about this sort of scenario before. Particularly with Agatha.  (Not always, but most of the time.  More since they’d, you know.)
So it is easy to fall into the fantasy, to let Agatha press her back against the desk – she’d wanted that, hadn’t she? Hadn’t that been why she’d picked that exact position – to snake her hands around Agatha’s neck and into her hair, to spread her legs the slightest bit so that Agatha can fit just between them and against her.
In porn, one or both of them would throw everything off of the desk.
Eve can’t do that.  She has a computer screen.  She needs that for work.  Those are expensive.
She can, however, hop up onto the edge of the desk, run a hand through Agatha’s hair, and murmur, I haven’t been the bad girl here.  You are the one who waited until the last minute to find me.  Eve runs the back of her hand along Agatha’s cheek, considers, hesitates, and then, on pure instinct, pulls her hand back and slaps her.
The silence that follows scares her.
Sorry, sorry, I’m so—
Agatha runs a hand along her jaw.  Then she grins.  You’re right, babe.  She situates herself between Eve’s legs, runs her hands up her thighs, and purrs, Let me make it up to you.  Her gaze flicks up to meet Eve’s.  Or have I been too naughty for that?
This.  Is not. What Eve expected.
But she likes it.
Her gaze flicks from Agatha’s to the windows behind them.  They’re a little too…exposed.  She sighs with disappointment.  This sort of thing would be better not so early in the day.  Maybe after hours, when she unlocks the center and they can have the whole place to themselves—
But that isn’t right now.
Eve runs her hand through Agatha’s hair, clenches, and tugs upward.  Much too naughty.  Her gaze moves to Agatha’s lips.  I believe you owe me a date first. Then she tries to smirk like Agatha does and fails, and it breaks the whole moment.  She laughs, releasing her grip on Agatha’s hair, and covers her face with her hands, blushing furiously.
Carefully, Agatha moves Eve’s hands away.  She brushes their noses together.  One more for the road, then. She leans forward and kisses her again. I think I deserve that, she murmurs, for the slap.
I’m sorry.
Don’t be, hon.  I liked it.  Agatha works her jaw a little.  Go for a bit harder next time, though, she says as she moves back.
Eve blinks.  Harder?
Agatha nods, and her eyes glint with mischief when she meets Eve’s again. You’re learning, super star.  We just need to….  Her gaze moves along Eve again, and she sighs with unsuppressed longing.  …refine you.
Eve hates this.  She hates nodding wordlessly.  She hates that, sometimes, Agatha leaves her without words.  She hates, most of all, that she hasn’t been able to do the same to her yet.
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