#where they'd go on and on about how popular and beloved their fic was
the-casbah-way · 2 months
the ego trip some fic writers are on makes me want to die like girl some real world perspective would be a game changer here
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raeflora · 6 months
Your recent answered ask got me thinking... what are your thoughts on the family dynamic after Chair baby #2 arrives? (I have a soft spot for the HC that their second child is baby girl Grace 🥹) How do Blair and Chuck take having another baby, and do you think they'd have differences in their parenting if it's a girl? How is Henry as a big brother (omg), especially as they get older and into their rebellious teens?
hi!! omg I love this question tysm 🫶🏻🫶🏻 SO in my fic 525,000 (moments so dear) (which I am finishing sksfjksk ch 2 is coming soon) I'm gonna try to cover them discussing the changes of having a second child so some of this might be repeated there but I think they always wanted 2 children if they could bc they're both only children and they wouldn't want henry to feel alone. they'd be a lot more confident than they were with finding out about having henry bc they already know they can raise a wonderful child and they'd be less nervous about it.
in terms of their parenting dynamic I think they'd be fairly similar in how they treated henry as they wouldn't want him to feel jealous or anything as they grew up. I do think blair would be even more into matching outfits and co-ordination bc she can have matching hairbands and dresses with grace (grace eleanor bass my beloved 🤍). I also think she'd be v conscious of treating grace the way she wasn't treated as a little girl so no commenting on her appearance negatively or making her feel bad about herself, and she'd emphasise how much she loves her and how beautiful she is. chuck would probably be slightly more nervous having a girl bc like he doesn't wanna be an overprotective girl dad but also u mess with his little girl and ur out of ny!! but he tries not to go too stereotypical about it. I do think he'd be kinda different as a girl dad than a boy one bc he wants grace to feel like she can go to him too with stuff while also understanding how important it is for blair to have a strong relationship with her too (obviously this is the same for henry but blair understands how important it is for chuck to have a strong bond with him so they respect that about each others' parenting needs bc of their childhoods)
henry as a big brother is something I'm so excited to explore and write about 🥹 I think he'd be a good one first and foremost. my headcanon is that blair was pregnant at derena's wedding (I think it was also suggested by eric daman in his fashion book where he wrote about blair's dress possibly hiding a bump or that it was something they considered) so as henry's 3/almost 4 when grace would be born there's a good age gap for him not to be too jealous of a new baby and be more involved. when grace is still a baby he takes being a big brother v seriously to the point where he basically follows blair and chuck around to check that grace isn't too hot or cold and she's clean and comfortable. he definitely tries to play with her when she's still too small so it's like him driving his little cars around her play mat while she babbles and blair watches like a hawk so neither of them get hurt. as they get bigger I think henry would definitely be the kind of brother who includes grace in things, like playing basketball with chuck, and in turn he joins in with her tea parties. I also think they'd have their own l'il jokes and sibling things, and chuck and blair are so happy bc they never got anything like that.
when they're teenagers I imagine henry being a lot happier and less... chaotic than either of his parents were sksfjksk but he definitely has a l'il wild side and loves a party (but he's not into drugs or anything). grace is less obsessed with ruling constance than blair was, but she kinda ends up being v popular regardless. henry's definitely quite protective of her (and any other siblings he may have 👀) and helps with her homework if he can or helps her scheme against her classmates. I think they'd always be close though, and grace looks up to him and is proud to be his younger sister. of course they do argue like siblings do but it's kinda over silly stuff like they don't have huge fall outs or anything.
overall I think they'd be a happy family and having a second child would be so special for them (if ur interested my full hc is that they have 3 children eventually but baby 3 is a little less planned skafjhksk) like they'd feel more complete
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proton-selfships · 3 months
✍️📝🤪, if you're still doing the ask game?
‘Imagine Your S/I Was Canon…’ Self-Ship Asks
Thank you, Jenni! I answered 📝 here! ...And I may have forgotten this was in my drafts so long. Oops
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✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
I think I'd be... Not popular, per se, since this is a fandom aimed at teens that tends to focus on its primarily teen cast and I don't know how yuri that starts out this toxic would go over with that demographic, but the adults who like the series would definitely love me! Primarily for my relationship with Laurel and how it evolves over the story, but also for my cool powers that get put on explosive display at key points in my arc. My fellow milf-loving sapphics would definitely think my S/I is living the dream, and might even project onto said S/I when writing ship fic.
And hey, on the younger side of things, maybe I'd even start a trend where a bunch of teen viewers discover 90s alternative rock and grunge thanks to my music taste! (My S/I definitely wears an AiC shirt at some point.)
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
I'd say my catgirl tendencies, but honestly? I meow and knead and stuff to stim pretty often in real life, too, so I don't think it'd even be far off to focus on those. Fandom might exaggerate the pointiness of my teeth or give me cat eyes in fanart when neither of those are canon traits, I guess? It'd also be inaccurate if they claimed I'm a furry. (I technically have a fursona if you count my Sonic AU and I like cartoony art with animal characters, I just don't consider myself part of the overall fandom. They're cool in my book, though!)
I feel like they'd also exaggerate how much of a doormat I am for Laurel. And I mean, yeah, I do spend our early relationship getting manipulated and controlled, but I do very much put my foot down and go "hey what the fuck" once I realize what's going on. That misconception would drive the meta-writing fandom nuts, too, since that's actually one of the key factors motivating Laurel to change: the fact that I now see her for who she really is, and still hold onto the belief that she can be better, but don't take any bullshit from her in the meantime. That's the push she needs from someone she (secretly) cares about to reevaluate everything.
(And also my reason why Larissa's attempt to reason with her failed: not only did Laurel not have the same soft spot for her, but she still said "please don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn" and not her real name. So she was still denying the real Laurel, unlike my S/I when my first line after learning her identity is "...Laurel?")
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mokutone · 2 years
Ask meme: Gai!
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hee hee hee...i got SO MANY gai asks💚
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answers under the cut!
favorite thing about them okay so there was this ninja clash game i played when i was a kid before i even liked naruto, and might gai was my favorite character to play because he had this special move where you would like. grip the other character around the middle, tell them how proud you were of them, and a SUNSET would MANIFEST behind you...and then you would hug them so tight that they'd go down instantly I did not give a shit about naruto at this time. i did not know who gai sensei was. i was still, absolutely obsessed, and i still kind of am. so like!!! what i like about him is how much FUN he is. he's still a character with serious narative weight behind him, but he's fun, and he's full of love! and he's also so handsome...and he's so compassionate to the people around him and—[is pulled off stage by a hook]
least favorite thing about them UM. sometimes. he puts rock lees dreams before rock lees safety. and while i. understand. that. i am also like gai sensei my beloved. i will take my squeaky hammer to your head stop it stop it stop it. ALSO. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE BIT WHERE HE WAS LIKE. "rock lee if this surgery doesnt work out i will die along side you." LIKE. DUDE A SU*CIDE PACT WITH YOUR STUDENT. DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! AAUAUAUAUAUA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN HELP!!!!!!! i'm in pain? i'm in pain!!! was that helpful???? to anyone??? what the fuck!!!
favorite line when gaara is like. why wont u let me kill him [rock lee]. why are u protecting him [rock lee]. and gai is just like. "He is precious to me." i fuckin. WAAHHHHHH...... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH....
brOTP kakashi!!!! :) he's kakashis best friend, his right hand arm...man. his everything. his confidant. his silly rabbit. kakashi is also all of these things to him.
OTP bleh bleh bleh! idk. kakayamagai is still my favorite here if i have to pick a ship
nOTP god whats something insane. uhhh. ive literally never seen any gai ship that wasnt like kakagai or kakayamagai which are both absolutely fine. yamagai itself is also fine i just think theyd also be like hilariously unbalanced on their own. maybe gai + kurenai. i'm having trouble with these notp questions. i dont really care!
random headcanon gai is a cat person more than a dog person but hes also wildly allergic to cats. you would think because hes loud and energetic hed be more of a dog person, but this is not the case. he doesn't dislike dogs ofc, kakashi is his best friend rival etc etc + he loves pakkun, but hes a cat person. big cats especially. hes a turtle person overall, though, obviously.
unpopular opinion ACK...UHHHH. i dont know. i get really uncomfortable with specifically romantic fics or art or stuff where it's all just like. kakashi is in pain and suffering, and gai is taking care of him, you know? like. a relationship should be reciprocal...that is arguably the most defining feature of their relationship since gai characterizes them as rivals!!! people who compete, and through their competition, better each other... obviously gai cares a lot about kakashi and would lay down his life if he thought it would help kakashi, but a lot of times i worry abt it sliding towards the fantasy of a partner who is also a caretaker, and that makes me like. desperately uncomfortable. i don't think it's like. a problem to make or find comfort in that kind of content, because like there's a reason hurt/comfort is so popular, and there is obviously nothing inherently bad about wanting to be helped! or wanting to help others!!! it's just like. ack. sometimes on a bad day it skeeves me out, personally. gai should be on the receiving end of care and attention from kakashi too—and we know kakashi isn't good about that kind of thing. but like. gai is also his best friend. he makes an effort.
song i associate with them tubthumping by chumbawamba. im so sorry. uhhh a really repetitive song which talks kind of only about standing yourself back up and focusing on the positive while also avoiding mentioning directly any of the negative things which ARE knocking you down. it feels very like. avoidant and repetitive while also being fun and bright and something i'd gladly howl along to were i inebriated and in good company. i wanted to give him a cool song, i really did, but just...the kind of mantra vibe of this. yeah i really feel it for gai
favorite picture of them
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i literally love him so much looooook at himmmmmm
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