#where’s my fucking car keys Natalie
thebearer · 4 months
please please please need a part two of the fight blurb 😭 what happens next 😭😭😭
should i make it into a full fic omg?? maybe?? lol
but on the real, i think that he would have to take a leave from the restaurant, which truthfully, everyone needed. this is just what broke him. the one time he actually tries to deal with his shit and not just blow up, get embarrassed, try to make it up, and repeat the cycle with no real change. i mean, you took his babies? anchovy and teddy. you're not returning his calls. richie, fak, and sweeps are alternating wellness check watches because they're terrified he's going to hurt himself, especially after the way he spiraled when he found your wedding ring.
he knows where you're at. he managed to become technologically savvy all of a sudden and figured out how to see your location, that you shared with him when you first started dating. fak wouldn't let him take his car. richie had put him on a full blown "psych ward type shit" lockdown until he "got his shit together, cousin".
"richie said-"
"-richie's a fuckin' moron, give me my fucking keys, fak!"
"carmen," fak frowns. "i-i can't."
so carmen walked. he walked to sugar and pete's house. nearly an hour walk through chicago. smoking so much he felt sick.
pete answered the door, face falling as soon as he saw carmen.
"carm, h-hey, man-"
"-where is she?" carmen wasn't interested on any sort of small talk, tunnel visioned to get to you.
"uh, i-i don't-"
"-pete, i really don't want you to fuck with me right now, alright." carmen took a deep breath, throat burning with tears. "i need to see- i-i need to see her pete." he couldn't bring himself to even say your name.
a tiny meow came from behind pete, anchovy skippering towards carmen with bright eyes, tail raised. it made carmen's jaw clench, tears blurring his vision. he knew you had to be close by. looking at the time, you were probably feeding teddy, maybe putting her down for a nap. he should have been more considerate, came later in the day, carmen thought.
pete looked at the cat, down the hall, then back at carmen. "carm..." pete hesitated, gripping the door, letting it shut gently, shielding something behind him. "you know i can't."
"what the fuck? pete that's- just let me in." anger surged through carmen's chest, trying to swallow it down. all he'd been was angry. angry and sick and distraught, a never ending cycle for weeks, just amplified by your leaving.
"you want to get her back? quit actin' like a goddam baby." richie sneered one night, just days ago, when carmen was especially awful and mean. "quit actin' like this isn't your fuckin' fault. like you didn't do this to yourself. take some fuckin' accountability, grow the fuck up, and get your motherfuckin' shit together. and maybe-maybe you'll get your family back."
carmen turned, running a hand over his face, trying to calm himself. keep himself from crying, from screaming, from pushing pete down and running back there so he could see you himself- throw himself at your feet and beg for forgiveness.
"pete, please? please?" carmen's voice wobbled, breaking gently. "please l-let me talk to her. just let me- let me tell her i'm sorry. don't-"
"-carmen?" sugar's voice came from behind pete. her face dropped, different than pete's, her's was angry. "what the fuck are you doing here?"
"why do you think i'm here, natalie? huh?-"
"-oh, you've got a lot of fucking nerve showing up here." natalie sneered, pulling the door open and stepping out. "pete, go inside."
"-i got it." natalie hissed, eyes narrowing at carmen. she waited until pete left, shaking her head at him. "you should be fucking ashamed-"
"-i am-"
"-mortified." sugar continued. "do you know what i came home to the other night? i came home to pete taking care of your baby because your wife came here sobbing- sobbing, because you screamed at her? what the fuck is wrong with you? huh?"
"i don't know." carmen's voice was tight, fighting a tremble. "i-i don't fuckin' know. i didn't- i-i didn't mean-" a tear fell, the final crack in his demeanor. carmen wasn't sure how he had tears left, how he could sob anymore. yet here he was, on his sister's porch, tears flowing again.
sugar didn't comfort him, didn't move, just watched him through glaring eyes. "please let me s-see her. let me se-ee teddy, sugar, don't-don't keep my kid from me-"
"-i'm not keeping your kid from you." sugar snapped. "i didn't take teddy away. you know who did? you. you did carmen."
carmen flinched, he knew it was true but it still stung. "i know you don't remember dad very well, but you're acting just like him." sugar sneered.
"and before you try and come up with an excuse-"
"-i-i'm not-"
"-i want you to know, that every day. every single fucking day, there's days i want to drink myself to sleep. that mj or maggie make me want to pull my hair out and scream, or pete does something that infuriates me, but you know what i don't do?" sugar stepped towards carmen, arms still crosses. "i don't yell at them, i don't drink myself incoherent, i don't fucking act like mom or dad because i know how that felt." sugar jabbed a finger in her chest, eyes holding carmen's gaze intensely.
"i know how that fucked me up, i know how it fucked them up, how it fucked you and mikey up too- how it fucked everything in our fucking life up!" natalie laughed humorlessly. "and the last thing, the very last thing i would want, is to do that to pete, to my kids, to anyone."
carmen felt sick and yet eerily calm all at once. his chest was tight, he was sure he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't stop listening. a damning realization- a shameful one.
"you need to make up your mind, right here, right now, before you see anyone else." natalie stepped back towards the door. "you need to decide if you're going to continue to be a selfish piece of shit, or if you're going to change. and i can tell you, change is uncomfortable- it's not easy. you have to fight for it every single day. but i would rather do that than not have my family."
she looked down at carmen, twisting the knob. "you decide that, then maybe- maybe you can see them." carmen flinched at the door slamming behind her, not moving from his place on the porch, head in his hands.
fak showed up nearly an hour later, wide eyed and rambling about "how the fuck did you just leave? i was playing ball buster and-and then you're gone-"
carmen ignores him, sliding into the car slowly. "carmen?"
"you uh," carmen's voice is hoarse, staring straight ahead. "you said that, uh, that richie's got.... got someone for me to talk to?"
fak blinks, nodding slowly. "the therapist? yeah-"
"-take me there." carmen looks over at sugar's house. he isn't sure if it's his imagination or not, but for a moment he swears he can see you, peeking through the blinds.
"a-are you ok?" fak is worried, a little rattled at the sudden change. especially since carmen had been so adamant about not seeing "your stupid fuckin' therapist, richie, clearly she's no fuckin' good because look at you! you're still fucked up!" carmen's enraged words from days ago.
"no," carmen admits, throat swelling with a growing lump. "but, uh, i-i wanna be." he admits quietly, looking over at fak. "i gotta get my shit together, fak. i-i gotta be better for them."
fak doesn't deny it, doesn't console him. just goes quiet with a nod, driving away. carmen watches sugar's house disappear in the rearview, his heart aching, breaking, but he knows natalie is right. he knows he'll be back once he's better, that he has to be better. for teddy. for you. for your family.
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 & 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓐𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮
jenna x g!poc
summary: jenna avoids talking to her family. jah plans a spontaneous outing
warnings: mature language, smut, tiny bit of violence
a/n: this is my all-time fav fanfic to write. I actually enjoy writing again, it’s been a long time since I’ve said that. also I can’t express enough how much I appreciate 230+ followers it’s small to some but this is huge to me thank you 🥺🫶🏾. enjoy the chapter - 5.5k words
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“Jenna…you’re pregnant?”
Those words coming out of her mother’s mouth made all the air in Jenna’s body disappear. Nervousness filled her and tears started to fill her eyes. At the sight, you instantly stood up from leaning against the car.
“What happened?” You mouthed in concern to her.
“Hello? Jenna?”
Jenna stepped away, “How did you find out?”
It was quiet on the other side for a moment, “So it’s true…you are pregnant.”
“Yeah, Mom I am. Listen I was going to call you and Dad and tell you guys but I had other things to handle first” Jenna explained.
“Handle? What things needed to be handled first? I get a call at one in the morning while on break at work from Hudson. My heart done fell out of my ass because I thought something bad happened to you-”
“Wait, wait Hudson called you and told you?” Jenna questioned.
“Yes. Told me that you got pregnant by some hoodlum. Who is this person anyway? You never mentioned you were seeing anyone” Natalie asked.
Jenna looked at you, you were glancing at her with concern and confusion. You saw that her face contorted into something that kinda scared you…and turned you on.
“Mom I have to go but I promise I will call you back and explain everything,” Jenna said.
Jenna didn’t wait for her mother to reply before she hung up the phone. Her walk back to you was full of annoyance and frustration.
“What happ-”
“I need to go somewhere” Jenna interrupted you and texted Big L to go home. As she passed you, she took the keys out of your hand.
“Uh…” That was all you were able to say as Jenna got into the driver's seat. Sensing the anger radiating from her, you just decided to follow her. You hopped in the car and Jenna pulled off immediately.
After a deathly silent drive to NoHo, you quickly arrive in front of a luxury loft apartment building. Jenna turned off the car and quickly hopped out. You were right on her heels.
She walked into the lobby where she was greeted by a doorman.
“Good evening Ms. Ortega” The doorman greeted.
But Jenna ignored him, her focus was on getting the little bastard on the top floor. You and her walk into the elevator which was thankfully empty.
“You gon’ talk or what? I’m lost on this entire thing right now” You questioned.
“My mother knows” Jenna revealed.
Your eyes widen at the revelation, “oh shit.”
“Oh shit is right. The person who told her lives in this building” Jenna said and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Mhmm” You hummed.
The two of you stood in silence for a moment almost to the floor Hudson lived on. You took the ring off your pinky finger and stuffed your necklace into your shirt. You also pulled off your glasses and held them in your hand.
Jenna looked at you, “What are you doing?”
“I’m getting ready just in case I gotta beat a bitch ass” You shrugged nonchalantly.
Soon, the two of you arrived on Hudson’s floor. You followed behind Jenna until she stopped at the last door on the floor. She started to bang on the door nonstop.
A few moments later, the door swung open to reveal a groggy Hudson. Before the door fully opened, Jenna pushed her way inside.
“You had no right! No fucking right to tell my mother my business” Jenna seethed.
Now Hudson was fully awake, “I did you a favor!”
You casually walked inside the apartment and close the door. You leaned against the counter watching the scene unfold.
“No! You did yourself a favor! I told you to stay out of this. I told you multiple times and you still keep doing it. You were my best friend Hudson and I trusted you! But now I’m done with you Hudson.” Jenna snapped.
Hudson’s face contorts into an angry one, “Done with me! After everything I did for you, you just going to drop me like that! You know what, maybe I should tell the world and your little thug girlfriend everything about you and I mean everything. Show everyone the real Jenna Ortega” Hudson threatened lowly.
If it was possible Hudson would be liquified by the way Jenna was glaring into his soul.
“Or maybe I should just show her all the videos and headlines. Especially the most recent one that’s not even a year old yet.” Hudson challenged the smaller brunette.
Hudson was suddenly cut off by a pain in his left cheek and his head whipped to the right. You instantly get up and pull Jenna away from Hudson.
“Okay, time to go,” You said and continued to pull her away.
Hudson glared at Jenna as he rubbed his cheek. You and Jenna leave the boy’s apartment and make your way back to the elevator. Tears were now falling freely down Jenna’s face. Once inside you push the emergency stop button. The elevator stops and you turn towards Jenna.
Immediately Jenna started to sob and you rushed in to pull her close to you. Your arm wrapped around her and she grabbed a fist full of your shirt. You felt her whole body racked with sobs. You kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter.
It's been two days since Jenna last spoke with her mother. Technically Natalie was calling and texting her daughter but she was too afraid to answer. Instead, the actress coped in her hotel room avoiding everyone, crying, and eating up all the room service food.
You just came back from shooting hoops with Davis and a few other friends. You took your shower and got dressed in some comfortable clothes. You haven't heard from the actress in a while and you were getting worried. So you grabbed your keys and set off to her hotel.
The journey didn't take long and you made your way up to the floor you knew she stayed on. You then knocked three knocks on the door. A few moments later, an exhausted looking Jenna opened the door.
"Damn girl you look terrible" You spoke without a second thought.
Jenna glared at you, "I will slam this door in your face."
"I'm sorry. My intrusive thoughts won that round. What you doing being cooped up in this stuffy ass room?"
"Sulking in my depression" Jenna replied and left from the door. You stepped inside and closed the door behind you. The hotel room was a lot different from the last of you were in. This was like presidential suite, it had a kitchen, multiple rooms, a big ass dining table, and 85inch TVs.
"That Scream money got you in severe luxury. I might have to dabble into the acting business" You joked.
Jenna, however, ignored you, she instead went back into her room and buried herself under her covers.
"Nah get yo ass up," You said and ripped the comforter off Jenna's body. Underneath, she was only dressed in an oversized white button up shirt and real short shorts.
“No” Jenna moaned and tried to grab the comforter but you moved it out of the way.
“Nah get your pregnant emotional ass up” You stated.
“Real talk, I know the news hitting your fam is not the way you wanted it but they know now. It’s been two days, you can’t keep avoiding them, especially your Moms.” You continued.
“You didn’t hear how she sounded Jah. I never heard my mother sound so disappointed in my life. Not even when pictures of me smoking cigarettes came out” Jenna said.
“I get it. You do your best trying to be this perfect child for your parents. When you disappoint them, you’re afraid that they’ll look at you differently” You commented.
“Yeah,” Jenna nodded.
“But they also gotta understand that you are human. Regardless of how perfect you try to be, you are going to make mistakes in your life. If they can’t accept that then, no offense, they got parenting all wrong” You added.
“You gonna be the fun parent while I be the strict one?” Jenna questioned.
"Why can't we both be fun parents with understandable boundaries" You stated and lay back to next to her.
Jenna sighed and the two of you just lay there in a comfortable silence staring at the ceiling before Jenna spoke again. "This room is suffocating. I need to go somewhere or do something"
You sat up on your forearms, "You are just luck Hollywood. I need you to get up and get dressed. I wanna take you somewhere to get your mind off things."
"I mean there are other ways to take my mind off things" Jenna smirked.
For a second you considered what she was implying but then you had to remember your talk yesterday.
"You are a very horny woman Jenna Ortega. Now get up and get a move on you smell like a reheated supreme pizza" You smirk at her annoyed face and leave her room.
“Asshole” Jenna grumbled.
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It was an hour later, Jenna still had a little attitude with you, which you found amusing. She was finally ready to go. The two of you left your apartment and got in your car.
“Where are we going?” Jenna asked.
“You’ll see.” You smiled and started the journey to your destination. Jenna pouted and sat back in her seat. The car journey was mostly just filled with you bopping along to the music while Jenna stared at the scenery.
The disappointment in her mother’s voice still echoed throughout her head. She knew that she needed to talk to her family and explain everything but she wasn’t ready just yet.
Shortly after, you finally arrived at your destination, The Bronx Museum of the Arts. You always wanted to take someone here but you never found the right person until now.
“Welcome to the Bronx Museum of the Arts,” You smiled as you opened the door for her. The two of you walked into the building that was playing a jazzy instrumental softly.
Immediately, Jenna was amazed by the art she saw. From paintings to sculptures to graffiti art. You stood a little bit behind her as she looked over the art. You, too were interested in all the art, especially the graffiti.
Graffiti reminded you of your father. Before he left, he was a construction worker but had a talent for graffiti art. Often getting in trouble in his youth with his friends for tagging buildings, cars, and billboards. Your father tried to teach your older brother how to make graffiti art but he was never interested enough. But when you came along, he was ecstatic to finally share his talent with his one of his offspring.
“This is amazing” Jenna beamed after she finished reading the description of one of the statues.
“I’m glad you like it. I was kinda worried you wouldn’t like it” You said and scratched the back of your neck nervously.
Jenna smirked as she looked at you, “Nervous?”
You stopped scratching the back of your neck and shoved your hands in your jeans pockets.
“Nah I don’t get nervous,” You said and cleared your throat.
Jenna just nodded with a smile. As much as she wanted to hold your hand, she restrained herself and kept walking through the exhibit. You followed behind her and put a good enough distance between the two of you. Jenna took notice of it but didn't make a comment. The two of you just continued enjoying your time at the museum, learning more about the Bronx and Hip-Hop culture.
Two hours have passed and the museum was, unfortunately, closing. You and Jenna left the building, vowing to come back to finish.
Instead of leading her to the car, you make your way down the street.
It wasn’t long until you arrived at the second destination, Black Knight Lounge. It was recommended to you by one of your buddies you play hoop with. It was a low-key club that served banging food and played fire music. But what made you come here was the fact that it had an open mic night, which coincidentally was tonight.
“Party for 2,” You said to the hostess who nodded and grabbed two menus. The hostess led you to a booth to the right of the stage.
“Enjoy” The hostess smiled and placed the menus down before leaving.
“This seems familiar” Jenna joked.
You chuckled and thought back to the night your child was conceived, “Reminds me of the night we conceived our child. A night that I remember daily.”
Jenna hid her red face in the menu which you laughed at. She went back to looking over the menu while you stared at her, taking in her natural beauty. This was the most relaxed you had seen her in the past week. The girl was a busybody and often forgot that she was human and can get exhausted. Hopefully, since she’s pregnant now she’ll take her body's health into consideration more.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Black Knight Open Mic Night. For all my newcomers, open mic night is the chance to showcase your musical, poetic, or comedic talents in front of everyone. Do your best cause you never know who’s watching. Rules are: each person gets a limit of 3-4 minutes, you may perform an original or cover, and you must have the instrumental for your music or perform it yourself. The winner gets $500. Without further ado let’s get it started!” The DJ announced excitedly.
Everyone in the building clapped their hands while one person went up to the DJ booth and handed him a USB.
“Alright, we have our first performer for the night. Give it up Mr. ChiBX” The DJ yelled into the microphone.
“Twenty bucks, he chokes” You challenged the girl.
“He’s not going to choke. I believe in him” Jenna said optimistic.
You pulled out a $20 bill and smacked it on the table with a smirk. Jenna smiled and also pulled out a $20 bill and smacked it on top of yours. The two of you then turned towards the stage where the overweight middle-aged man was sweating bullets.
“I like to start off my set by telling a little joke. What do you call an angry carrot?” ChiBX asked.
No one in the room answered the man so the DJ took pity on him, “I don’t know man what do you call an angry carrot?”
“A steamed veggie” ChiBX wheezed.
You and Jenna covered your mouths as you laughed from secondhand embarrassment. Again, no one in the room laughed or chuckled. The DJ cringed before hitting a button that made a buzzing sound.
ChiBX frowned and without another word just left the stage.
“Poor guy” Jenna pouted.
You, on the other hand, grabbed the $40 from the table, “Aye I’m $40 richer.”
Jenna rolled her eyes in amusement while you did a quick little dance in your seat. The two of you continued playing the game after ordering your drinks and entrees, only adding money to the mix when one of you was super confident of winning.
While sipping your Sprite, you noticed Jenna kept glancing down at her phone.
“Call them” You blurt out.
Jenna looked up, “What?”
“Call your folks. Avoiding them more is only going to make things worse than they should be” You explained.
Jenna didn’t want to talk about it so she switched the subject, “When are you going to tell your mom?”
You sighed when she switched the subject but you didn’t want to push her to talk about anything she didn’t want to.
“She gets back from Jamaica tomorrow. Which brings me to asking you if you feel comfortable meeting her tomorrow? You can absolutely suggest another time too” You said.
Jenna contemplated meeting your mom right now, especially when she’s not on speaking terms with hers right now. But then she weighed the facts that, she’s going to be gone for a few months filming Beetlejuice in London. She didn’t want to wait until she was halfway from giving birth to tell your mother.
“Yeah I would love to meet her” Jenna smiled and nodded.
“Great” You smiled.
Moments later, your food has arrived. The two of you sat in silence and devoured your plates entirely. By the time you were both done, the place was packed now. More people got up to the mic and performed comedy pieces with only three performing rap songs.
You were now sitting beside Jenna with your arm around her and her leaning into your side. You guys wanted to stay for a little bit longer to watch whoever got on stage.
“Jahaziel?” Someone called your name from behind you.
The both of you looked to the side and saw an older gentleman dressed in a polo shirt and slacks. You recognized him as one of your father’s old friends.
“Mr. Greenhill, how you doing?” You greeted the man and shook his hand.
“I’m doing good young blood. I haven’t seen you since you were little. How’s Moms?” Mr. Greenhill gleamed.
“Yeah. She’s doing good. She comes back from Jamaica tomorrow” You answered.
“Word? I might stop by and visit her. I haven’t seen her since she and Emanuel moved to Highbridge” Mr. Greenhill said.
At the mention of your father’s name, your smile faltered a little. You hoped he didn’t ask you about how or where your father was.
“Excuse me, where are my manners. I’m Mr. Greenhill, I was a friend of her father's and I used to babysit this knucklehead” Mr. Greenhill introduced himself.
"This is Jenna...we're friends" You introduced her.
Friends. The title left a bitter taste in your mouth and an arrow in Jenna's heart.
"Nice to meet you Jenna" Mr. Greenhill smiled at her which she reciprocated. "Am I gonna see you on that stage?"
“Nah I don’t think so. I don’t have anything prepared” You declined.
“The lies you tell. You are always prepared when it comes to music. This one used to put on concerts for the whole block when she was little. Singing her heart out using songs no one expected her to sing. Like that time you sang Chain Reaction by Diana Ross” Mr. Greenhill reminisced.
You chuckled, “I remember. Dre and I were using buckets as drums.”
“Yes! Good times” Mr. Greenhill said.
You nodded in agreement.
"Alright, I don't want to interrupt your outing more than I already have. It was good seeing you young blood and again nice meeting you too Jenna." Mr. Greenhill said.
"Likewise" Jenna smiled. Mr. Greenhill left your table. You take a sip of your drink but you felt eyes burning into the side of your skull.
“What?” You questioned as you looked at Jenna.
“When were you going to tell me you made music?” Jenna raised an eyebrow.
"Oh see that's how I know you are a fake friend because I have music out," You said.
“How was I supposed to know that? You don’t even promote it” Jenna replied.
"Because I made it when I was 13. I put out four songs and three had music videos. We spent a hefty amount of money on them. Almost went homeless because of it" You shrugged and placed your drink down.
“What do you mean?” Jenna asked.
“I used to do little shows on the corner by my house with Davis and a few other friends. One day, a guy came up to me after I finished performing a song and basically sold me a dream. Told me that he was a record label agent and if I signed with him I’ll be this big child singer and I’ll be rich and yadayadayadaya. So I begged my Moms to let me sign with this man cause music is my dream, singing and dancing and performing is my love language. It took a while but my mom eventually let me sign with the man under the conditions that she will manage everything and I’ll still be in school. Everything was smooth, I made those four songs and did the music videos, my mom went from having two jobs to basically a part time job so she can manage my career. So I don’t know what made her look more deeply into these people but I’m glad she did because she found out that they were pocketing the money I made from those songs.” You explained.
Jenna gasped, “How much?”
“They pocketed almost 70k from us. We never noticed because they would show us falsified documents of where the money was going too. They would tell us all our money was going to these fake ass fees and shit. ” You said and sipped your soda.
“Wow. Do you want to make music again?” Jenna asked.
"Eh I don’t know maybe later in my career. I haven’t properly performed in almost ten years so I don’t know if I still got it in me" You shrugged.
"Doesn’t hurt to try again. This is a good opportunity to practice " Jenna said and motioned to the stage.
“Oh no thank you. I’m good" You stated.
“Aw come on Jah…like you said singing, dancing, and performing is your love language. Don’t give up on something you love. Don’t let those people prior take away your passion” Jenna said.
After a moment of contemplating, you let out a sigh, “Fine.”
You stood up from the booth and Jenna watched with excitement as you walked over to the DJ booth. You opened your phone to the notes section. You found a song you wrote a couple years ago. You skimmed through the lyrics until you felt like you had the lyrics down pack. You handed the DJ your phone with the beat on it.
“What you wanna be introduced as?” The DJ asked.
“Just Jah is fine” You answered and he nodded.
You walked up to the microphone on the small stage. You can feel everyone’s eyes on you which placed your nerves in. But when your eyes locked on brown ones, you felt every single nerve disappear. You took a deep breath in and gave a thumbs up to the DJ.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our first singing performance of the night, Just Jah!” The DJ announced.
That’s not…whatever.
The beat for your song started playing.
“It’s crazy how your heart just has a mind of its own, yeah, yeah” You started singing.
Jenna’s jaw dropped at the sound of your raspy R&B-suited voice.
“Like when a smile, that makes a choice on its own”
Jenna was completely enchanted by everything about you. From learning that you can sing to your beauty to your mindset. Everything about you made her realize something.
She was falling in love with you. Hard. Which made her even more petrified.
“My mind tries to deny it but girl I can’t fight what I know. I know. I want you baby ooh” You take your voice up a few octaves and stun every single person in the room except for one.
Mr. Greenhill was by the entrance of the building with a proud smile on his face.
You finished the rest of the song and everyone was giving you a standing ovation. You thanked everyone and went back to the booth.
“I need you to sing just for me every day from now on,” Jenna said.
You laugh as you sat down, “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Seriously, I need more music from you. I need it like yesterday” Jenna joked.
You continued to laugh at Jenna's eagerness for more music from you. It gave you the confidence boost you didn't know you needed to actually start making music again.
“Wow! What an amazing performance by Just Jah. Now I’m gonna take a quick 30-minute break and I’ll be right back with some more performances” The DJ said and switched on some music.
You recognized the song as Aaliyah's. All the couples in the room stood from their seats and went to the small dance floor. You grabbed Jenna's hand and pulled her up and towards the dance floor.
"May I have a dance with you darling?" You spoke in a British accent which made Jenna giggle.
"You shall" She replied.
You placed her arms around your neck and your hands on her waist. The two of you start swaying to the beat of the song.
"I know this was a spontaneous friend outing but did you enjoy yourself today?" You asked.
"Best friend outing I've ever been on" Jenna answered honestly.
“The best? You just boosted my ego to astronomical heights” You joked.
Jenna giggled before staring into your hazel eyes. The blue strobe lights in the room bounce off your skin beautifully.
“I want to kiss you so bad” You admitted to the shorter girl.
Before Jenna can stop herself and think, her answer spilled out her mouth instantly.
“Do it” Jenna muttered.
At the consent, you didn't hesitate to connect your lips with hers. The kiss was full of passion and love that it made the both of you slightly dizzy. You pull her closer and grip her waist as the kiss gets deeper. Jenna gripped the hair on the back of your neck. Before the kiss could escalate more in public, you pulled away but kept your forehead on hers.
“My place?” You suggested lowly.
“Absolutely” Jenna nodded quickly.
The both of you knew it was wrong, especially after the discussion you had two days ago. But you couldn't stop yourselves, you were both addicted to each other. An addiction that is going to generate consequences in the future.
By the time the two of you were back in your apartment, lips were interlocked and clothes were scattered everywhere. You barely made it up to the apartment with how much the two of you couldn't keep your hands to yourselves. But you made it safe and clothed until the door was shut.
Jenna sighed in pleasure as your lips enclosed her nipple. Your other hand makes itself useful by rolling the other bud in between your fingers. You gave attention to the other nipple before continuing your way down her body. Kissing every patch of her skin, worshipping her body.
But Jenna was impatient, she wanted you at her golden area to take care of the ache between her thighs. But you weren’t ready just yet.
"Jah...please" Jenna whined.
The sound of her calling your name was enough to get you even harder than before. You decided to stop teasing her and settled between her legs. You looked up and saw her staring down at you with lust-filled eyes waiting for you. You kept eye contact with her as you slowly licked from her hole up to her clit.
Instantly, she threw her head back against the pillows and dragged out a moan. Then, you went to work. You started your pleasurable assault on her clit, going from kitty licks to sucking on it repeatedly.
“Oh my…fuck” Jenna moaned and arched her back while gripping the sheets in her hands. You hook your hands under her thighs and pull her closer. You moaned at the sweet taste of her which sent vibrations throughout her body.
Her moans went up an octave each time you did it. She felt the knot in her stomach appear and she knew she was going to cum soon. You removed one of your hands from her thigh. You ran a finger up and down her slit, gathering wetness before pushing your middle finger inside her hole.
Her knuckles turned white from her grip on the sheets. You started slowly pumping in and out before reattaching your lips to her clit. You added a second finger, your ring finger to the mix.
Jenna’s chest rose and fell rapidly as she panted from the insertion.
You sat up and hovered over the girl with one free arm. You leaned down towards her lips just brushing yours against hers. She tried to lean up and connect your lips but you backed away. She let out a whine which quickly turned into a gasp as you abruptly sped up your fingers.
“Fuck!” She gasped.
Your fingers were increasing in pace, they also were starting to cramp but you pushed through it. The only sounds being heard were the slapping of your palm against her vagina and the moans spewing from Jenna’s mouth. You slowed your pace and curled your fingers and instantly hit the spongy spot inside her walls. Jenna let out a scream as she now gripped your forearm.
You felt her walls pulsating around your fingers. A few more curls and Jenna’s back arched to the sky as her walls trapped your fingers and you felt hot liquid around them. Her jaw fell open as choked moans came out from her intense orgasm. After a moment, Jenna started to relax and you pulled your fingers out.
“You taste delicious” You smirked as you licked her cum off your fingers. She looked at you with half-lidded eyes and a smirk.
After you finished cleaning her off your fingers, you leaned down and captured her lips. She moaned as she tasted herself on your tongue. You took this time to position yourself over her entrance. You broke the kiss for a moment to grab a condom from your dresser, rolling it on your hardened shaft, and lining yourself up before capturing her lips again.
Slowly, you pushed yourself inside her. Jenna broke the kiss as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
You loved seeing her like this, so vulnerable. It was only for your eyes and you couldn’t get enough of it. You bottom out in her as she clenched around you at the feeling of you being deep in her.
“Shit” You hissed as a deep groan escaped your mouth.
Jenna’s eyes snapped to you as she watched your face twist in pleasure. She wanted that godly sent sound to escape your lips again.
“Pick me up” Jenna mumbled.
You obeyed her request and sat up on her your knees with her in your arms. You hooked your arms around the back of her knees and gripped her cheeks with your hands.
Instead of starting slow this time, your hips snapped into a quick pace. Nails dug into your shoulder blades making moon crescent-shaped indents. Your lips attached themselves to her collarbone, bruising up the area with love marks.
"F-F-Fuck Jah" Jenna cried out. Her hips bucked wildly as you hit the right spot inside her. Sweat cling to your forehead as you concentrated on bringing her into a blissful state. But there was something in the back of your head telling you this was wrong. But you ignored it and focused on the trembling woman in your arms.
I can definitely handle you…
A devilish smirk grew on your face. You were going to have fun with her tonight. You stopped your thrusts, much to her dismay. You laid her down back on the bed, her legs now resting on your shoulders. You interlock your fingers with hers and start going to town.
Jenna looked down at the sight of your stick, glistening from her arousal, disappearing inside of her. The knot in her stomach tightened and her walls fluttered around you, signaling how close she was. So naturally, your pace sped up to an inhuman one. Your headboard knocks against the wall.
“Yes, don’t stop!” Jenna sobbed.
A couple more thrusts and immediately Jenna saw stars. The knot in her stomach snapped and she arched into you once more, no sound escaping her lips as her second orgasm ripped through her harsher than the first one. She expected you to stop and let her catch her breath but you did the opposite. You kept thrusting into the girl, fucking her through her orgasm.
“W-W-Wait baby” She hissed as her eyes widen from you continuing. She removed her right hand from yours and pushed it against your pelvis, trying to get you to stop and let her catch her breath.
"Nah" You smirked.
Her legs fell from your shoulders, effectively giving you more access to go deeper. At the feeling of you being deeper, Jenna tried to scoot away from you.
"Nah, where you going?" You said. You flipped her onto her stomach. You pulled her ass towards you and you inserted yourself back into her before she could properly take a breath. A long dragged-out moan escaped her lips. Your hands gripped her hips, forcing the girl to move back onto you.
Jenna’s eyes slammed shut and she buried her face into the pillow. But a gasp was muffled by the pillow escaped her as you delivered a sharp hard thrust.
“Fuck!” Jenna screamed. You smirked as you delivered more sharp thrusts. Choked moans spilled from her mouth until she felt herself tremble. She was sent into another orgasm, her third one for the night.
“I can’t. I-I-I can’t baby” She sobbed as she tried running from you once more.
Your hand went around her throat and you pulled her up against you. You kissed her jawline as your other hand explored her body.
“Give me one more baby girl” Your voice dripped with lust. It was deeper and raspier which made Jenna swoon. You littered her neck with hickeys as she reached behind you and slid her fingers through your hair.
You started slow this last time, setting a smooth pace for both of you. Her heavenly pants went straight into your ear as she rested her head on your shoulder.
“You feel so good” You stated with a groan.
Her fourth and final orgasm was quickly approaching. You were almost there too, you wanted to cum together for the final one. Jenna knew you were close to exploding by the way your hands gripped her hips tighter. She purposely clenched around you which made you hiss and bury your face into her neck.
“Baby…look at…me” Jenna moaned.
You didn't want to look at her because you knew if you do, you'll be a goner. But Jenna wasn't having that, she tugged your hair and forced you to look at her. One look into her eyes had you gone, your hips stuttered as you felt yourself empty into the condom.
“Oh fuck” You groaned and gripped her hips tighter. You knew that was going to leave a bruise.
At the sight of you reaching your climax, Jenna cried out, incoherent words escaping her as she climaxed for the final time tonight. You held her close to you as she trembled in your arms. The two of you shared lazy kisses as you calmed down from tonight's activities. Both of you have tired smiles on your faces.
You pulled out her and she whined from the loss and overstimulation. You pulled the used condom off you, tied it up, and threw it into the trashcan beside your bed. The both of you laid back down on the bed. You lay on your back with your arm behind your head as Jenna cuddled up to your side. It wasn't long until Jenna's breath evened out, signaling that she was asleep and you were following her.
a/n: I also change my mind constantly on everything so the fans/public still don't know...yet cause I have a plan for that *insert evil smile*
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu @zaclewiss @yescruzzzzzzz @silentfor @gemz5 @alwaysdangerouschild @onceblinkarmyandmore @melonfruit442 @zataracloud @nepobaby08 @jennasslut @rimaybank @jaewu @j3nc0re
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richiekirschs · 1 year
SHE’S MY BABY — Spider-Man!Lottie Matthews
and i hope you don’t save some other girl…
warnings— fem reader (she/her used), typical spider-man shenanigans, gun mentions, ooc lottie probably
[part 1]
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lottie: when did you want to get coffee
lottie: 11:15 at little collins?
you: isn’t that in the city?
lottie: yeah but i can venmo you for the ferry fee
you: no it’s fine i can take the bridge
lottie: ok see you tmrw
you: here
you: sitting in a booth towards the back
Lottie’s late.
You’re anxiously checking your phone screen over and over, trying to make sure you haven’t missed any rain-check texts.
11:28. Nothing.
You fidget in your seat, bouncing your leg, looking at the door with hopeful eyes whenever the bell chimes.
At exactly 11:30, the door swings open, a frantic Lottie rushing in from the other side.
“I’m sorry!” she immediately says, collapsing into the booth. “This guy stole an old lady’s purse, and then—“
“Lottie,” you interrupt, “calm down. I’m not mad, I just thought you forgot.”
“No,” she promises, still a bit out of breath. “No, I actually swung over here.”
“What, like, with your webs?”
“Would you lower your voice?” she hisses.
“It’s New York, Lot,” you deadpan. “I literally saw a man taking a shit on the sidewalk.” You lock eyes with a man at the counter, leaning back to stretch his arms. You jerk your thumb at Lottie as you say, “She’s Spider-Man.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he says before turning back to his phone.
You sip from your drink. “So how exactly did this happen? Is this your weird attempt at a fursona?”
“It’s not a fursona,” she mumbles defensively. “I got bit by a spider. I guess it was, like, radioactive or something.”
“Radioactive?” you repeat. “Like the dogs in Chernobyl?”
“Yeah,” she replies, “except I didn’t grow any extra teeth like those fish. I fell onto this lady on the subway the night after and my hand got stuck to her shirt, and I… ripped it off…” She flushes pink.
“How the fuck did that happen?”
“I’m, like… sticky,” she informs you, embarrassed as she flexes her hands. You wrinkle your nose at sticky. “And I get these weird tingles right before something happens.”
“Does the web come out of you?” you question, genuinely intrigued.
“Yeah,” she shrugs. “I don’t have extra legs, though, before you ask.”
“How’d you get out last night?”
“I put the suit back on in the shower, then went back out the window. I went down the balcony into your bedroom. Natalie came in, though, so I hid on… the ceiling…” As the words leave her mouth, she clearly realizes how weird it sounds.
“I’m impressed, Lot,” you admit. “It’s been a year, and I never would’ve guessed it was you. I thought you had some secret lover and that’s why you were sneaking around.”
It’s her turn to wrinkle her nose. “God, no. I felt really bad about always leaving you, though.”
You shrug. “It’s definitely not as bad as when Tai and Van coincidentally sneak off to go have sex. They’re not even subtle about it.”
Lottie laughs, but she shifts uncomfortably, like someone just licked their finger and stuck it in her ear.
You frown. “You okay?”
She looks up, but it’s almost like she’s looking through you. Her eyes track movement in the window at your back.
She grabs her backpack. “I have to go.”
You turn around, but there’s nothing there. You whip back around to face her. “What the hell, Lottie?”
“I’m sorry!” she insists. “I’ll—I’ll call you, okay?”
She doesn’t give you time to respond before she’s sprinting out the door of the café, chasing down whatever she’d seen behind you.
You’re upset, to say the least.
You walk back to the ferry parking garage where you’d parked, grinding your teeth. If it were a cartoon, you might have steam coming out of your ears.
You have to take three laps around the garage before you finally find your car.
But as you approach your car, you can see a figure yanking at your driver’s side door.
“Hey!” you shout. “What the fuck?”
“This your car?” he asks.
“I’m not shouting at you for fun,” you snap.
“Give me your keys,” he commands.
“No, I’m not gonna give you my keys!”
He shoves his hand into the pocket of his jacket and points it at you. “Give me the fucking keys!”
“I can see your thumb sticking out, I know you don’t have a gun! It’s a piece of shit anyway, just back off—“
He starts forward, but he only gets a few steps in before something shoots past you—you literally blink and miss it, and when you look back at the man attempting to carjack you his hand is stuck to the wall with a fucking web.
Fucking Lottie.
“I thought she told you to back off, man,” Lottie sighs.
“Why do you sound like that?” the man asks, which is the same thing you’re wondering.
You know it’s Lottie, of course. But she’s using some weird, Ghostface-esque voice modulator.
“Sound like what?” she bluffs.
“No, I heard you earlier,” the man insists, “when you were chasing me. I know what a girl sounds like.”
“I’m not a girl!” Lottie shouts. “I’m a boy! Fuck—a man!”
If you hadn’t just been a victim of an attempted carjacking (and possibly murder), you would’ve bust out laughing. Lottie’s voice sounded very Mickey Altieri—it’s time, girlfriend!
“Man, I really don’t care,” the man shrugs, defeated.
Lottie mumbles, “Interrogation mode, off,” before turning back to you. “Go home, okay?”
You nod, surprisingly relieved by Lottie saving the day. You get into your car and turn the key.
“That’s gonna dissolve in 2 hours, okay?” Lottie tells the man, who’s still stuck to the wall.
“What?” he exclaims. “No, I need to get home!”
She jogs off. “2 hours! You deserve that!”
You can’t help but laugh as you start your drive home.
KITTY MEOWS! I pray this was as good as y’all wanted it to be… the second half is very heavily based on the scene of Donald Glover in Homecoming I thought it would be silly for Lottie 😞
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yourmommygay · 1 year
Revenge is the sweetest.
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Warnings: swearing, smut, degrading, praise.
Pairings: colby brock x OC, nate Hardy x OC and a made up sister of Mr brock.
"Come one Natalie we are gonna be late for the pizza night" my roommate yelled from the living room, don't get me wrong living with lily is amazing especially since our brothers are best friends but lily has guys over nearly ever night we are at home.
"I'm coming!" I shout as I put on the last few touches in my makeup just a simple look was what I was going for.
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(Makeup hair and outfit)
I walked into the living room and saw lily shut off her phone extremely quick, "got a new boy toy?" I ask her jokingly. "Yeah but um can I ask you something before we leave?" Lily asks me, I nodded and she looked me dead in the eyes. "Would you be mad if I slept with nate?" She asked me biting on her lower lip.
I laughed thinking she was joking but I could tell she wasn't by the way she was biting her lips, "your joking right? You wouldn't sleep with my brother when you said brother we strictly off limits." I said looking at her desperately begging for her to laugh and tell me she was in fact joking.
But that wasn't what happened. "I'm so sorry I was drunk and I didn't know what was happening I was supposed to tell you before tonight, nates already asked colby. He asked him almost 2 months ago" she replied nervously, hold on 2 months ago?. "Lily don't tell me you sleep with nate 2 fucking months ago!?" I shouted getting angry. "Well since that night it's kind of become more, me and nate are together." She said looking ashamed.
I couldn't look at her anymore so I grabbed my phone and my keys and walked out, "Natalie!" I heard lily shout but I just kept walking till I got to my car, "Hey siri, call colby" I said putting my phone in the rack. Lily and nate thinks it's ok to sleep with each other behind my back I guess I'll just have to do the same.
"Hey you on the way?" Colby asks me after picking up the phone, "nate and lily had sex and now they are dating" I said, "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, NATE? YOU THINK ITS OK TO FUCK MY LITTLE SISTER?!" I heard colby shout, "colby, how about we some fun in return?" I asked him making my voice more seductive.
All I heard was "fuck yes come and get here right now" then the call ended as I was driving to Sam and colbys house I saw my brother standing by the bus stop about to go home. I stuck my middle finger up and shouted, "lily's home alone if you want to go fuck her again" as I drove past I pulled into sam and colby driveway seeing sam walk out the door with his coat on and holding a bag. I assume he was staying at bryce's hours as they were going out drinking tonight.
I parked my car and walked in. "COLBY!" I shouted not knowing where about he was. "IN THE KITCHEN" I heard him yell back, I walked into the kitchen and saw him drinking white claw by the island so I went and hopped up on the island, "can I have some?" I asked pointing to the can. He nodded and came closer, instead of giving me the car he took a sip and pulled me into a kiss, letting the liquid slip into my mouth and run down my chin.
He pulled away and smirked at me, I smiled and pulled him back into me placing my lips back with his, he grabbed my thighs and pulled me closer, making me moan in the process. He pulled away and grabbed my hand leading me to his bedroom, we got in his room and he kissed me again slowly walking me back towards his bed, slowly laying me down too.
I pulled him onto me and he started to kiss my neck sucking and nibbling on some parts leaving obvious marks in his way, he pulled my shirt up over my head and threw it behind him somewhere, continuing his attack on my skin moving down from my next to my collar bones and then my boobs and then my cleavage, I sat up slightly and undid my bra pulling it off to free myself and to give myself to him.
He carried on going lower till he got to my stomach, "fuck baby, I would totally want a taste but right now I just need to be inside you" he said pulling my pants, fishnets and underwear off all at the same time, "so fuck me then colby, show me what your capable of" I moaned out watching him release his member from the confides of his jeans and boxers, he was longer then I thought with a beautiful natural curve and a bright pink tip that was leaking precum.
He payed down on top of me again and looked me in the eye "do you want me to go slow or just give it to you" he asked me waiting for my response. "Colby, the more aggressive you are with me the better" I replied as he pushed in making us both moan and groan at the beautiful stretch and tightness, "fuck your so tight" colby said before slowly pulling out and pushing back in building a pace and rhythm.
"Fuck colby just like that" I moaned trying to grab onto his hair. He grabbed both of my hands in one of his and pinned them above my head, "fuck, should've done this ages ago. You feel so ahh good on my dick" he grunted to me, I moaned in response. "Oh you like praise huh?" He asked I nodded and he pulling out flipping us so I was on top, "get yourself off on my cock like the good little slut you are" he said leaning back smirking.
I moaned and started bouncing, he leaned up and grabbed my boobs squeezing and rolling my buds around with his fingers, I moaned and sped up "fuck I'm close" colby moaned. Moving his hand down to rub my clit to get me to finish, I kept going ignoring the pain in my hips ans thighs and I pushed myself over the cliff coming with a scream of colby's name and that lead for him to cum too. I pulled off of him and layer down beside him, as I went to sit up to get dressed thinking this was it he stopped me with a hand on my arm.
"Stay" he said as he yawned I smiled and layed down again, he pulled me into him laying my head on his chest and pulling a leg over his hips. "I love you natalie" he said looking me straight in the eye. He loves me? "You don't mean that" I said hiding my head, "yes I do Natalie, I have loved you for months." Colby replied, "will you be my girlfriend please? We can keep it a secret for as long as you like" he said looking at me, I only nodded and smiled he kissed me then smiled at me "let's keep this from my brother for a while" I said biting my bottom lip. "Too late" colby said I was confused till I saw nate was on colbys phone this entire conversation, "look Natalie I love you, your my sister and I love colby I know he will treat you right" nate said. "Did you guys make up?" I asked they both nodded and I said "ok good but um we are gonna go cause we need to get dressed" I grabbed colbys phone and shut it off.
I turned to colby and kissed him again "round 2 boyfriend?" I asked, "round 2 girlfriend" he replied with a laugh and rolled us over so he was on top, let's just say the rest of the night was amazing.
Hope this was oki it's the first smut I've wrote in nearly 2 years I hope you liked it let me know what other ideas you would like me to do.
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xflixer7 · 10 months
Natalie x fem reader
They are at Natalie's house, because nats parents are gone out somewhere, and reader wanted to go, and Nat and reader are definition of grumpy gf x sunshine gf
Nat was smoking and reader tries but just choked and gets upset 😭😭
pairings:natalie scatorccio x female reader
warnings:kissing? nothing to crazy pipe down
word count:650(rounded)
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it all started when nat was talking about random things to you while untying her cleats “well my moms not home so-“ “OH MY GOD” “what?” “can we go to yours?” “no y/n i like your house better you know that” “BUT PLEASSSSEEE” “your not talking me out of this i said no.” “IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOUL-“
“i can’t believe you convinced me to do this” you smile brightly at her while you guys get in your car “hm? it’s not like i haven’t been there before” “yah but-never mind” “what’s wrong?” “nothing” “we don’t have to go if you really don’t want to…” you sigh and look down “for fucks sake y/n drive before i change my mind” you smile and turn the key
the door opened she sighed and walked to the fridge opening the door before slamming it “uggghh there’s nothing to eat in this shithole can we just go to your house” “no nat! we’re already here so” “fine”
“ok what to watch” nat clicks her tongue “nightmare on elm street?” “bleh no way not again” “ok well all we have is that or disney movies “oh a disney movie! let’s watch that”she sighed and put the tape in the vhs player you guys sit together watching the little mermaid
nat gets up and grunts walking to the bathroom you frown and look at her coming back into the room with two baggys her hand weed and rolling paper “no nat” “what?” “i wanted to watch it with you” “but i am watching it promise” you pause the movie “ok than what just happened she looks at you with her eyebrow’s furrowed “what?” “what just happened because you were watching it” “omg y/n” “what tell me what happened” “uh she put the fork in her hair or whatever” “WRONG” “her dad just destroyed all of her things she collected from the humans” “your weird” you frown and look at her rolling one
“ok well those can’t taste good” “want to try” she says smirking at you holding the blunt out in front of you “um ok” you sit criss cross in front of her she lights it and brings the blunt to her mouth inhaling than exhaling “ok gimmie” you say reaching out for it and putting it in between your lips sucking the smoke into you mouth it quickly fills into your lungs you start a coughing fit waving your hands in your face
“BAHAHAHAHAHA-“ “I CANT BREATHE” you finally calm down after lots of water and breathing “YUCK!” “and you! you laughed at me” “i’m so very sorry dear y/n” you pout and unpause the movie turning on to your side “awww y/n” you grunt and stand up walking out of the room “where are you going??” “IM GETTING A POPSICLE” “HEY GET ME ONE” “GET IT YOURSELF” she scoffs and brings the blunt to her lips you walk back in silently with two popsicles in your hand both wrapped in paper towels you give one to her and sit back down
“aww so sweet of you” “yah yah” you eat your popsicles watching the movie “y/n y/n” nat shakes your arm “what” you say blankly looking at her she kisses you you jolt up and kiss her back than pull away “no i’m mad at you” “aw i’m very sorry for laughing at you dearest wife” “that’s good for now..” she laughs and you kiss again you pull away still holding your popsicle stick in one hand “you taste yucky” “i take offense to that” “no still love you don’t worry! but put that down” you look down at her joint she sighs and puts it out on her side table
“oh look there getting married how cuteeeee” “bleh” “aww there kissing” nat covered your eyes “your too young for these rated r seens!!” you push her hand off of you “oh shut up” you grab her face and kiss all over her “am i too young for that?” “well that’s different..” “ah i see”
send more!! there’s are fun to make hope you like it
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
a/n: i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: guns and shooting, mentions of being shot, slight injury, blackmail, mentions of death, swearing, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Sixteen - Mad Woman
Chapter Sixteen - Mad Woman
Natalie smokes, leaning against her car, while you play some mindless game on your phone. Last night, with what she remembered about you, what she did you for you, it makes you remember how much you had loved her.
She breathes out the smoke, and the wind carries it by you. And she’s always reminded you of cigarettes, so it makes you all the more sadder.
You think back to days in the plane, that first summer, the weed you shared, blowing smoke into each other’s mouths.
The smoke fills up your field of vision, and you have to bat it away, closing your eyes. Today has become the blackest day.
Finally, car lights shine over you, and Taissa and Shauna pull in. Natalie steps out her cigarette, and in a motel like this, she’s really not doing the worst.
“What part of ‘hurry up’ did you guys not understand?” she asks.
“Takes you getting blackmailed to care about being late?” Taissa looks at you. “Besides, it’s not like we had a free invitation to stay with you.” You roll your eyes.
“I’m sorry, but we all have families and lives, okay? We can’t just sneak out a window whenever…” Shauna sighs. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Where’s the money?” Tai asks, and Nat takes out a large stack, looking it over in her hands before placing it in the bag Shauna brought.
“Right here.”
“That’s 50 grand?” Shauna asks, patting it suspiciously.
“Yeah. In $100 bills.”
“Little bit disappointing by movie standards,” Shauna shrugs.
“You got the tracker?” Tai asks.
“Yes. It’s one of Amazon’s top sellers,” she cringes. “Apparently, secretly tracking people is really huge right now.” She takes out the small black device, and you cross your arms, sighing.
“All right, we should put the tracker in the middle of the bills,” Nat says.
“No. Then when they count the money, they’ll just see it.” Shauna says.
“Uh, they’ll see it in that bag too,” Tai says.
“So your big idea was shit?” Nat coos to Shauna.
“It’s not shit. I just through the money would-would be bigger. Like…” she makes some weird movement with her hands, gesturing to the open bag, and you don’t even try to hide your groan. “Okay, we just have to fill the bag with some other stuff. You know? Like, um… Oh! The more stuff he has to go through, right?”
Shauna shuffles through whatever she’s found, muttering about things like towels and trash, while you put your head in your hands.
She places the bag back on the table with a loud thump, staring to pack it up.
“Where did you get that Etsy reject of a bag, anyway, Shauna?” Natalie laughs.
“My daughter made it for Father’s Day back when she was cute. I took it from Jeff’s like, ‘special keeps.’”
“Your not as sentimental as your hubby?
Shauna shoots Natalie a look. “I’m trying to help you guys.” Finally, she sticks the tracker into an empty chip bag, stuffing it in with everything else. “That good?”
“Like a needle in a goddamn haystack,” Natalie remarks, throwing the bag over her shoulder. “Can we go now? I can’t wait to meet Fuckface. Give me the keys.”
“What? Why?” Tai asks.
“I got the money. I’m gonna make the drop.”
Tai and Shauna look at each other, and you just want this to be over. Tai let’s out a small laugh.
“Nah, it’s cool, it’s cool. She’s my baby.”
“All right, meet me east of Carlyle and DeWalt,” Nat says, as Shauna clicks open the sliding doors of her minivan, letting you slide in easily. “Don’t fuck around.”
“She tells us not to take forever. How long does it take to drive a block?”
“Maybe she stopped to score drugs.”
You can barely hide your laugh, because you know Natalie better than you know yourself. That is something she would do.
“Ah, the pay cut I took to run for Senate isn’t gonna fund another stint in rehab.”
“Fuck, Tai, did you really?”
“Why? You’re just enabling her to repeat the same pattern.” Shauna flips around in her seat. “How’d you get away?”
“Hm?” you look away from the window.
“I mean, not to stir the pot, but you guys were like really in love. Like really.”
“Uh, I don’t know. We met up in 2019, fucked around in motels, and then one night she OD’d and I realized I couldn’t watch her kill herself. So, I left, and now we’re here.”
You think about nights with the TV talk shows lulling you to sleep, her heartbeat, her hands and skin, her voice. Nightshade.
“If she won’t change for Y/N, then I don’t know.” Tai says, before turning to look out the window. Tears well in your eyes. “But… we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her. So I do it. Not just for her, for me.”
They both out short sighs, and you wipe away the tears you barely realized were falling, grateful they can’t see you clearly in the darkness.
The car door slides open.
“What the fuck took you so long?” Tai hisses.
“I stopped at a gas station.”
“Oh,” Shauna mutters, the prediction from earlier correct.
“But I couldn’t find any cups,” she smiles, holding out a bottle of alcohol.
“What?” Shauna says, taking the bottle. “Where did you find a gas station in Jersey that sells liquor at 2 a.m.?”
“I bought it off the clerk. You’re welcome.”
“Did you see anyone at the drop?” you ask.
“If I saw somebody, I would have said something by now.”
You can hear Shauna take a small sip.
“Pass that to me.”
Natalie takes a long sip, and then goes to hand it back to Tai and Shauna, but you grab it from her.
“Oh,” she mumbles, watching as you tilt your head back and practically throw the stuff down your throat.
She takes it back from you, her eyes still on you, but you stare at the tracker map on Shauna’s phone.
The little dot still blinks in the same place.
“Come on, take the money,” you whisper.
“This is unacceptable. Blackmail us, fine. But it’s 3:34. Like why have us show up at 2:00, then just keep us waiting. It’s, like…” Shauna trails off, taking another sip.
“Maybe they’re scouring the area, making sure we’re not waiting.”
“Okay. Then find us already.”
You look over at Natalie, ignoring Tai and Shauna. She looks down at her lap, her fingers around nothing. Maybe she’s missing the alcohol bottle.
“Maybe slow down?” she asks, reaching out towards Shauna.
“Mm. What for?” Shauna asks, handing over the alcohol none the less. “Alright. You’re right. We should make the most of this quality time,” Shauna muses. “Tai, how are the wife and kid?”
“Fine,” she says after a moment.
“And the campaign?”
“Also fine?”
“Mhm. It’s just fine.”
“It’s fine. Okay, well, Y/N, what about you? You’re a big hot shot journalist, right? I mean, I don’t pay attention to sports much anymore, but.”
“Nope,” you mutter. “I work at a goddamn Whole Foods.”
“Oh, Y/N, Come on.”
“What?” you mutter, taking the bottle from Natalie.
“You’re talented. You should be doing something with it.”
“It’s just… not how it worked out.”
“Oh, ok. Great talk.”
You sigh and stare out the window, half expecting some masked assailant to run by with a bag marked by Shauna’s daughter’s handprints.
“Well, if anyone wants to know about me, I’ve been fucking Kevyn Tan.” You look over at Natalie.
“Kevyn Tan?” Shauna asks. “The goth kid?”
“Well, he’s a cop now.”
“Are you kidding me?” Tai asks, a wide smile on her face.
“Uh, yeah. And he has two kids, and…”
“Oh, dear,” Shauna coos. “That’s a bit complicated.”
You knew in leaving her that she would probably move on. But you expected to be far away from her when it happened.
“Not to me. He’s, uh… I mean, he’s actually kind of… not bad.”
Shauna and Tai start laughing.
“Well, good for you,” Shauna says after a moment.
You almost want to ask them how. How can they go around and date and get married and love? Do they not have nightmares and visions? Do they not get scared by trees? By everything and anything?
How can they live when you are still there?
Shauna’s phone starts beeping.
“Wait. Shit, shit, he’s moving.” Everyone moves to get their seatbelts on, and you would be lying if you said your body didn’t rush with adrenaline. “Oh, no, no, no. Actually, I don’t think I should drive ‘cause of we die, we will never find out who’s doing this-”
Taissa and Shauna switch seats, and the chase starts.
Taissa drives the van like a mad woman, taking harsh turns, speeding. Shauna urges around a corner, until you finally come to loading dock of a warehouse. A truck backs in.
“Is-is this supposed to happen? What’s going on?” Tai asks.
“The driver must be in on it,” Natalie says. Tai stops the car after a few more seconds, seatbelts unbuckling, but everyone stays still.
None of you know what you’re gonna find. But isn’t this what you’ve been craving? An adventure? A hunt?
“Okay, so. What do we do? I mean-”
“Natalie!” Tai hisses, as Nat opens the minivan door and slides out, and you sigh heavily, following her after a moment. Nat is erratic and quick to fight usually- but drunk like this? There’s no telling what she could do.
“Natalie!” you yell after her, running around the front of the car, but she disappears around the corner. When you see her again, you almost roll your eyes. “Natalie!” you shout, running towards her, holding a man up against his truck- no duffel bag of money in sight.
Then, you notice the handgun in her hand.
“Don’t lie to me!” she shouts, pointing the gun to his chin.
“Natalie, please put the gun down,” Shauna pleads.
“Please don’t shoot me,” the man says, the truck keys dangling from his hands. “Take the truck. Just take it.”
Something slams, and you can barely see the flash of a hooded figure run past- a duffel bag in his hand.
“There he is! There he is!” Shauna shouts.
“Take the keys,” Tai hisses, and you’re too busy following after Natalie, trying to make sure she doesn’t murder anyone. She’s a deadly shot normally, and even drunk, you’re sure she’ll make her target. “Drive around the front!”
The man pushes down people and carts of clothes, running wildly, bursting through the warehouse onto the main floor. You can faintly hear Tai shouting instructions- but this is a hunt. Rules are hazy.
You power on straight ahead, less concerned about Natalie, and more concerned about catching your prey. He shoves around stacks of clothes, and Tai takes a sharp turn, finally managing to catch up to him and tackle him to the floor. You can barely see what’s happening before he’s knocked her off, only to run straight into a bucket full of glitter- but he doesn’t let that deter him.
You keep chasing, running past Tai while she shouts for you to leave her, before jumping up right behind you, following Natalie following the masked figure.
A car rolls past. You can barely see Natalie raise the gun before you’re jumping towards her.
“Natalie!” you shout, throwing yourself over her, so the gun goes off into some random direction.
Then, you hit the ground.
“Jesus fucking Christ, you insane bitch!” you shout, smelling something burning. Natalie starts pacing.
“Are you hurt?” she asks, but doesn’t look at you, tucking the gun back into her pocket.
You stare at the sleeve of your jacket, singed by the bullet, just barely missing your skin. The jump is a tangle of limbs and metal. You don’t know where something ends and another begins.
“God, Natalie,” Taissa hisses, leaning down in front of you.
“You shot me!” you yell at her, and she turns around.
“What?” she breathes.
You show her your singed and ripped jacket arm.
Her face relaxes. “I didn’t shoot you.”
Shauna storms out of her car. “Natalie, what the hell?”
“Oh, me? Y/N is the one who jumped on a woman with a gun!”
You stand up, dusting yourself off, feeling grazes on your legs and hands.
“What was your master plan, Natalie? Go to jail? Ruin your perfect little life with Kevyn Tan?”
She rolls her eyes.
“Seriously!” you shout, and no one else speaks, everyone panting from the chase. “You’re insane,” you breathe after a moment. “You’re insane. Insane!”
She gives you a bored look, and you think back to days in the wilderness, hunting with her- this was the same look she would give you on the rare occasions she missed. She would blame everything else.
“You’re fucking mad,” she hisses. “Do you have a death wish? Is your life as a Whole Foods cashier not thrilling enough for you?”
And maybe you’re just broken from the woods.
“I fucking hate you, Natalie!” you shout like a petulant child.
“We both know you don’t,” she says, before walking over to study the trash the blackmailer had dropped. She pulls out the tracker from the chip bag. “Well, he dumped out all our shit. Got any more good ideas?”
“We look for an asshole covered in glitter.”
Natalie shoves the gun back into her bra and looks up at you.
“I wasn’t gonna kill him,” she says, much later while you’re in the car.
“Oh, really? So what was your plan? Just shoot him in the leg, through the back windshield? ‘Cause it sure felt for a moment there we were all going away for murder.” Shauna sighs, squeezing the steering wheel.
“Like we haven’t done a lot worse.”
“You know what? Speak for yourself, Natalie. Don’t drag us into your endless fucking out of guilt.”
“At least we know Fuckface is a man,” Tai murmurs.
“No. No, we don’t. I mean, he could be working with someone. Including that, like, annoying reporter.”
“Whoever they are, they now got 50 grand. And they know we’re onto them.”
“What if they talk just to spite us?” you ask, biting your nail.
“I’m not gonna let that happen,” Natalie murmurs.
“Oh, yeah? What genius plan do you have this time? Grab a flamethrower and go down Route 9, knocking on doors?” you scoff.
“Pull over.” Shauna doesn’t stop. “Pull over or I’m gonna jump out.”
“Oh, God,” Shauna groans.
“You don’t get it, do you? This isn’t for us. This is for Travis.”
You sigh and tilt your head to the sky.
“Natalie,” you whisper, turning to her. “You weren’t the only person who was friends with Travis. You weren’t the only person who knew him. And Travis wouldn’t want this.”
Against your better judgment, you put your hand over her own.
“Travis wouldn’t want this, Nat.”
She stares into your eyes, and you try to push back the hatred that’s festered up inside of her, focusing on the love that will never go away.
“Besides, we’re not even sure his death is connected to all of this,” Tai says.
“The fuck is isn’t!” she shouts. She rips her hand away from yours. “And this isn’t for him, Y/N. This is for all of us. You know just as much as me what we promised. Travis wouldn’t kill himself. Someone killed him, and they’re coming for us next.”
She stares right into your eyes, and for a moment, you see a flash of blonde hair. Smoother, clearer skin. Unmarked by years of alcohol and drugs. Bright blue eyes that had seen the worst the world had to offer, but hadn’t let her ruin it yet.
“You guys are just as fucked up as me. You’re just better at hiding it. And if you aren’t gonna help me with the plan, then I’ll do it myself.”
She slams the car door shut.
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kk095 · 1 year
The Drive By
Adriana Torrez was a 22 year old Latina with a fiery, outgoing personality. She stood at 5’2 with a pleasantly plump build, had dark curly hair, brown eyes, a naturally tan complexion, and colorful tattoo sleeves up and down both arms. Adriana was always a little rebellious and had the tendency to hang out with a rougher crowd.
A few nights ago, Adriana was hanging out at a friend’s apartment with a few people. It was her, her friend Crystal, a guy Diego who was a drug dealer in the neighborhood, and a guy Jay who’s gang affiliated. The group was just hanging out in the living room of the first floor apartment drinking, smoking weed, and listening to music. Out the living room window, a black SUV pulls up, kind of idling in front of the apartment. “who the hell’s that?” crystal asks. Suddenly, the back passenger side window of the SUV lowers, and out is an Uzi sub machine gun. The gunman sprays a few quick bursts into the apartment through the living room window. Diego is struck twice in the head before he even has a chance to react, dropping dead to the floor. Adriana unfortunately gets caught up in the crossfire, being struck twice in the chest, and once in the left shoulder, collapsing to the floor bleeding profusely. Jay pulls his gun from a drawer in the living room table and heads outside attempting to confront the shooter, but the SUV had already sped off into the night. “oh my God, oh my God! Adriana?!” crystal shouted, on the verge of tears. Adriana laid on the floor, gurgling on her own blood while bleeding out. Adriana had a terrified look in her eyes, but couldn’t get the words out of her mouth. “jay! We gotta call 911!” crystal shouted in a panicked tone. “no no no, fuck that. I got weed and guns in here. I don’t want the cops coming!” Jay protested. “her and Diego got fuckin shot! Come on bro!” crystal cried out. “naw, fuck this shit. I’m outta here.” Jay said, grabbing his car keys and heading out the door, heading to God knows where. Crystal decided to call 911 on her cell phone once Jay left.
“911, what is your emergency?” a female dispatcher’s voice asked. “Help! Help! There’s been a shooting at my friend’s apartment! You gotta hurry!!!” crystal shouted into the phone, practically on the verge of tears. “what is the location of your emergency?” the dispatcher asks in response. “I don’t know! It’s the apartment complex off conway boulevard near the liquor store. You gotta hurry! My friend’s dying!” crystal yelled into the phone, sobbing at this point. “alright ma’am, I have police and EMS en route. Please remain on the line for me.” The 911 operator replied.
In a few minutes, officer Natalie was first on scene. She entered the residence with her gun drawn. “hey! Over here! Help!!!” crystal shouted. Natalie put her gun back in her holster and headed over. “I have 2 victims. One deceased male Hispanic, early 20s, one Hispanic female early 20s, multiple gsw’s. Requesting EMS and homicide on scene.” Natalie said into her radio. “10-4. EMS is already en route. We’ll reach out to homicide.” A male voice on the radio replied to officer Natalie. “hi sweetie, I’m officer Natalie. Can you tell me who did this?” Natalie asks Adriana. The terrified girl gurgles on her own blood, spitting some up, with tears rolling down her face. “I… I don’t know. There was a black truck outside…” Adriana replied to officer Natalie. “great job sweetie, that’s really helpful. Do you know whose truck it is? Have you seen it before?” Natalie replied, holding the mortally wounded young lady’s hand. “I don’t know… I’m so scared…” Adriana replied, squeezing the officer’s hand tightly. “it’s ok sweetie, I have help on the way. The ambulance is gonna be here soon.” Officer Natalie says, trying to keep the girl calm. “What’s your name hunny?” Natalie asks the girl, trying to keep her calm. “adriana…” she replies. “I’m Natalie. I wish we met under different circumstances sweetie.” Natalie says back to the young lady, still holding her hand.
Finally, medics Tracy and Stephanie show up. “whoa, what happened here?” Stephanie asks, looking at the hectic scene. “drive by shooting. Guy over there didn’t make it, coroner and homicide are coming. But this is Adriana. She got hit a couple times and needs some attention.” Officer Natalie tells the two medics. “pleaee… don’t go anywhere… I’m scared…” Adriana says to officer Natalie. “it’s gonna be ok, I’m not gonna go anywhere.” The cop tells Adriana. “is she gonna be ok?!” crystal shouts, standing in the background. “she’s in good hands. I’m sure they’ve seen worse before.” Officer Natalie replies.
Tracy and Stephanie snip off Adriana’s top and bra, examining the bullet trajectory. “all 3 rounds have entry and exit wounds. Went clean through her.” Medic Tracy says. “yeah, tons of blood loss. Let’s get an IV set up and get her going on fluids and pain meds.” Medic Stephanie replied. With that said, IVs were set up in both arms, with fluid resuscitation commencing immediately, along with a dose of pain meds. Tracy stuck some EKG electrodes onto Adriana’s bare, blood soaked chest and set up the heart monitor while Stephanie removed Adriana’s pants, socks, and pair of Jordans she was wearing. “vitals unstable. BP 60/palp, heart rate’s 140, O2 saturation 91%. We gotta get her to the ER ASAP.” Tracy said. Tracy and Stephanie got Adriana onto a gurney, and brought her out of the living room, wheeling her into the ambulance nearby. Officer Natalie was allowed to come into the ambulance with Adriana since homicide and the coroner’s office arrived on scene to begin their investigation, talk to crystal, and take Diego’s body.
The heart monitors beeped loud and fast during the ambulance ride, with no sign of improvement in Adriana’s vital signs. “natalie… am I gonna die?...” Adriana asked the cop, tears running down her face. “it’s all gonna be ok, I promise.” Natalie replied calmly, trying to reassure the girl. “it hurts so much…” Adriana replied, spitting up more blood. “I know sweetie. It’s all gonna be ok.” Natalie replies, holding the girls hand, while stroking her hair with the other hand.
Adriana remained conscious the entire way to the hospital, and was wheeled into the trauma bay where Dr Lindsay, Dr Jose, nurse Nancy, and nurse Heather waited. “22 year old female, multiple GSWs to the chest and shoulder. Hypotensive, tachy, started fluids on scene.” Medic Tracy summarized to the trauma team. “ok thank you, let’s transfer her on my count. 1..23!” Dr Lindsay ordered. Adriana was now on the trauma room table underneath the large, bright overhead light. Officer Natalie and the two medics were asked to wait behind the yellow line in the trauma room so the doctors and nurses could have space to work. “natalie?... You there?...” a terrified Adriana asked. “I’m just over here. They want me to wait here while they work, ok?” the cop replies.
“Diminished breath sounds left side.” Dr Jose calls out after listening to Adriana’s heart and lungs with his steth. “alright, she probably needs a chest tube. Let’s get that set up. And let’s get her started on the MTP. 4 units packed RBCs unmatched, 2 of platelets, 2 of plasma.” Dr Lindsay barked out, taking charge of the stressful situation. “doctor… am I gonna die?...” a terrified Adriana asks Dr Lindsay. “you’re in good hands, ok?” Lindsay replied, not exactly reassuring the young lady. Jose begins placing the chest tube on the left side. Adriana yelps at the top of her lungs, several octaves above her normal speaking voice, feeling the scalpel’s every move, and the large plastic tube being jammed into such a small space. Blood shot out of the chest tube and onto Dr Jose’s trauma gown. Her oxygen saturation improved, but her vitals did not. “please… I’m so scared… I don’t wanna die…” Adriana begged the trauma team after the brutal, painful procedure was finished up.
Not too long after the chest tube was placed, Adriana began to deteriorate rapidly. She spit up more blood, and her eyes started to roll back into her head. “adriana? Stay with us hun.” Nurse Nancy said, doing a sternal rub. Adriana groaned, her eyes opening slightly in response as she fought with everything she had left to remain conscious. Adriana’s eyes were open slightly, letting out a calm exhale followed by a bit of blood before fading away. “I lost a pulse.” Nurse Heather called out, her blue eyes trained on the heart monitor to confirm. “starting compressions.” Nurse Nancy stated to the team. The veteran nurse delivered deep, strong, forceful compressions while nurse Heather grabbed an intubation tray. Officer Natalie was still watching behind the yellow line in the trauma room, absolutely sick to her stomach watching the young lady receive cpr. With CPR ongoing, Heather begins sliding the ET tube into Adriana’s airway while her head bobbed and lolled a bit, making it a bit of a moving target. Heather had to really concentrate, which was easier said than done in the chaotic situation of monitors chirping, CPR ongoing, and people shouting. Finally, Heather gets the tube in, and secures it with a blue tube holder. “I’m in!” she says confidently, then starts ambu bagging. PEA was on the monitors, so epi and atropine were injected intravenously in an attempt to obtain a shockable rhythm. Adriana’s eyes remained half open, staring blankly off to the room as her bare, busty chest is rocked with harsh compressions.
Several minutes of unsuccessful resuscitation efforts and another dose of meds are pushed, but PEA persisted. “thoracotomy tray. I’m gonna open her up.” Dr Lindsay called out decisively. Betadine was squirted into Adriana’s bare chest, with an incision being made no more than a second after the brownish-orange liquid hit her skin. Dr Lindsay made a quick, crude incision in the 5th intercostal space starting just shy of the sternum. The cut was extended laterally across her chest, underneath her large, plump breast, and ending just shy of her left armpit. In the coming moments, Dr Lindsay did her thing and cracked Adriana’s chest wide open.
There was a large rush of blood that exited the incision area upon entry to the chest cavity. The area was suctioned out multiple times, and a vascular clamp was placed on the descending aorta near the girl’s diaphragm. Lindsay performed a quick pericardiotomy and relieved a massive cardiac tamponade with clots that were able to be suctioned out. At that point, Adriana’s heart began to fibrillate. The internal paddles were charged to 20, lowered into her chest, and a shock was delivered. A dull, wet thump was heard. From Natalie and the medics’ position, you could see Adriana’s toes curl, showing off the deep, thick, soft wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 7 feet. “Nothing. Charging to 30.” Dr Lindsay called out. The electric whining of the paddles charging could be heard, followed by a wet ka-thunk. “no change, charging again to 30.” Dr Lindsay called out, eyes trained on the heart monitor for a moment. The large, spoon shaped paddles were lowered back into Adriana’s chest around her twitching heart, and a shock was delivered. Her torso jolted a bit and her large, d cup breasts jiggled for a moment. “still nothing. Let’s hit her again at 40.” Dr Lindsay called out, shaking her head. The paddles were lowered back in, and a shock was delivered. Adriana’s torso twitched sharply in response to the dose of electricity, while her eyes remained half open, staring upwards in an expressionless gaze. Dr Lindsay reached her hands back into Adriana’s chest, firmly wrapped her hands around the dying girl’s heart, and began vigorously massaging it. Another dose of meds were injected intravenously, hoping to stimulate cardiac activity.
A few cycles of internal massage and meds failed to restore spontaneous circulation, so the internal paddles were recharged and called for once again. The blood soaked paddles were lowered back in, and another shock was delivered. “no change. Shocking again at 40.” Lindsay called out, lowering the paddles back in as the electric whining sound was heard. The same dull, wet thump was heard, but the high pitched droning of the monitors going flat was heard almost instantaneously after the shock. Lindsay looked down and saw the girls heart sitting completely motionless and still inside her chest. “pupils fixed and dilated.” Dr Jose added, shining a pen light into Adriana’s eyes. Lindsay sighed, “she’s gone. Time of death, 1:36am.”
The ambu bag was detached from the ET tube and the flatlined monitors were shut off. Nurse Nancy gently shut Adriana’s eyes for the final time. “no! She’s young! Come on, shock her again!” officer Natalie shouts at the team, on the verge of tears. “nat…come on…” medic Stephanie says discretely, putting her hand on the cop’s shoulder. “she can’t be gone! She was talking to me on the way over!” Natalie cried out, trying to plead with Lindsay. “I’m sorry Natalie, but she’s gone. We did the best we could, but she lost so much blood in such a short timespan.” Lindsay replied, trying to be sympathetic towards the upset cop. “then give her more blood! Do something!” Natalie yelled, tears rolling down her face. “nat, I’m sorry. We all did our best.” Lindsay replied. Natalie collapses to the ground and cries “no…”
The drive by shooting of Diego Ortega and Adriana Torrez is still under investigation. Detectives still don’t have any leads on the whereabouts of the black SUV, or the location of Jay. If you have any information critical to this case, please reach out to the authorities. We also would like to keep the family and friends of the victims in our thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 11
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 3687
Warnings: Drunk driving, underage drinking, death, car wreck, grief, implied depression, swearing
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: Highway Don't Care People Need People
The sun had set long ago behind the horizon, but the bright moonlight and the massive bonfire in the middle of the field provided plenty of light for Jake to see his football buddies. They were celebrating the last night they'd all be together. Most of them had been drinking, mainly beer, although some had brought harder stuff, like tequila and vodka. Jake refrained from the libations. He would do nothing to risk his career with the Navy, no matter how much his friends pressured him into trying a sip. 
Annalise hadn't been able to make it as she was returning from a trip to New Orleans, where she'd gone on a family vacation. 
Jake watched as his friends drank and drank, getting rowdier by the hour. He only wished Mike, who had driven him there, had stayed sober too. Otherwise, it would be a long walk home. He could always call his mom, but he hated to wake her up. Not to mention, his dad would be furious if Jake woke him from his beauty sleep.
The night hit two a.m. before Mike finally decided to call it quits. He staggered over to Jake, fumbling for his keys and slurring, "Less go."
"Uh, why don't I drive, man? You're drunk as a skunk," Jake replied, reaching for the keys. Mike pulled them out of his grasp.
"Hell no. No one drives Bridget. Only me."
"Then I'm not getting in the car with you."
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"How the hell you gonna get home? By walkin'?"
"Better than in a body bag," Jake retorted. "Come on, Mike. It's a straight shot down the road to your house, and it's max, three miles. No one's on the roads. I can drive Bridget no problem."
"N. Oooooo. Thas spells nooooo," Mike replied indignantly. "You ain't drivin' my fuckin' truck."
"Then I'm not getting a fucking ride with you. I value my life."
"Fine. Walk home, dickwad."
Jake flipped him off and started the four-mile trek home. He grimaced at the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance, followed by the flashing of menacing lightning. That storm appeared to be rolling in fast if the breeze caressing his skin was anything to go by. Jake wouldn't beat it before he reached home, even if he jogged the entire way there. Maybe he should call his mom...
Reluctantly, Jake pulled out his cell phone and texted Natalie Seresin, asking her to pick him up and praying her insomniac ways held true tonight and that she was up. Thankfully, her response was almost immediate: Of course I can. Where are you?
Giving her instructions on how to reach him, Jake breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned against a tree and waited for her. His senses remained keenly aware of every noise and sight around him. Jake was armed with two pocket knives, a trick Annalise had convinced him would possibly save him if anyone ever attacked. She claimed if the attacker disarmed him with the first knife, the last thing they'd expect is for Jake to whip out a second one. She'd said it so confidently that he believed her logic, whether it was true or not.
Hardly ten minutes later, headlights appeared in the distance, and his mom soon pulled over, allowing him to hop in. Jake settled into the seat and said, "Thank you, Mom. I'm sorry you had to come pick me up. Mike was drinking, and I didn't feel comfortable getting in the car with him."
"You made a good call, sweetie. Never apologize for asking me to pick you up, especially under those circumstances. Did you at least have fun until then?"
Jake shrugged, rolling his window down to get some fresh air. His mom did the same while he said, "Yeah, it wasn't bad. Would've been more fun if Annalise had been there, but she got back from her trip today and wasn't up to it."
"Honey, when are you going to ask her out? You two are practically inseparable. Even when you're not together, you're texting each other and-"
"Moooom," Jake groaned, sliding down into the seat. "We're just-"
"Friends? Jake Glen Seresin, do you really expect me to believe that? Especially with the heart-eyes you give her-"
"Who taught you the term heart-eyes?"
"Your girlfriend," Natalie Seresin chuckled, squinting at the brights of a car coming from the opposite direction.
"She's not my girlfriend!"
"Keep telling yourself- SHIT!"
It happened so fast that Jake had no time to comprehend the situation or its outcomes. The oncoming truck drunkenly swerved into their lane. Natalie had nowhere to go. The vehicle hit theirs, flipping them over the guard rail and into the river below. Jake instinctively covered his head with his arms, only unraveling them after the jarring impact of the truck hitting the water. Dazed, he glanced around, trying to grasp the situation. The cold water spilling into his lap shocked him back to his senses. The bright moonlight illuminated the inside of the sinking vehicle, including his unconscious mother, slumped over the steering wheel with a dark substance covering the side of her face. Jake swiftly unbuckled himself and tried to do the same, but the mechanism wouldn't work. Panicked, he whipped out his knife and furiously cut through the tough material until the strap severed. By now, the water was at their chins and rapidly covering their faces. By the time he maneuvered himself and his mom out of the window, both they and the truck were completely submerged.
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"Give her to me!" A man shouted frantically when Jake surfaced. He noticed blue and red lights on the bridge and put two and two together. He handed his mom to the cop and followed him to the embankment. Sirens in the distance could be heard speeding toward them, and within seconds, an ambulance, fire truck, and more cop cars arrived. EMTs swiftly loaded Natalie Seresin onto a gurney, and Jake insisted he go with them, declaring he was fine. Whether that was true or not, he didn't know, but he knew one thing: his mom wasn't.
"Mom? Mom, can you hear me?" Jake begged, grabbing her hand while the EMTs tried to stabilize her. A cop car followed, and when they arrived at the hospital, a policeman halted Jake to get a statement of what had happened.
"My mom, she- she picked me up from a party, and the truck, it-it swerved into our lane and hit us- is my mom going to be all right?" Jake asked worriedly, running a hand through his hair anxiously. "Oh, God..."
"Easy, son. Why don't you take a seat?" The policeman said gently, placing a guiding hand on Jake's shoulder and leading him to a chair. Jake collapsed into it. "Do you have someone you'd like to call?"
"My dad and brothers. They'll-" Jake's heart constricted in fear. His dad would be irate over the situation. The truck might've been at fault, but the accident never would've happened if Jake hadn't called his mom to pick him up. This was his fault, and he dreaded the consequences. Still, he had to tell him. 
"Why don't I call them for you? Do you have a phone number?" the cop requested, almost like he could read Jake's train of thought.
"Yes, sir." He rattled off the number, and the cop went to make the call. Jake braced his elbow on his knees and buried his face in his hands, terrified for his mom's wellbeing. If he lost her...
Jake could've sworn only seconds passed before he heard his dad and brothers hollering his name. He glanced up in a daze to see them running up to him. His dad grabbed ahold of his shoulders and demanded, "What the hell happened?"
Jake stammered out the story, terrified by the craze in his dad's eyes. Thankfully, before Michael Seresin could berate him, the cop approached along with a doctor. The men straightened up, impatiently awaiting the news. His mother was in critical condition, but they could visit her two at a time. Michael immediately moved first, but Jake remained seated, knowing he was the last person his dad wanted to go with him.
"You go with Dad," Matt told Nick, sitting beside Jake. "I'll wait here with him."
No one argued. Jake slumped in the chair and stared at the ceiling, blinking back tears. Matt cleared his throat and said, "How you holdin' up?"
Jake didn't respond, not entirely trusting his voice. Matt recognized this and continued. "You were always closest to Mom. Whatever happened, whatever Dad says, I know it's not your fault."
"It is, though," Jake whispered shakily. "I asked her to pick me up. If I'd just sucked it up and walked home, this wouldn't have happened."
"In the middle of the night during a torrential thunderstorm?" Matt glanced out a window nearby when lightning flashed. A thunderclap soon followed, shaking the building. "It would've been dangerous, and Mom would be sick with worry."
"But she'd be safe."
"You boys want to see her?" Michael asked, uncharacteristically pale and quiet. Matt and Jake nodded, standing up and heading to Natalie's room. Matt entered first, but Jake hung back, wondering if he really wanted to see what he'd done to his mom, to see what shape he'd put her in. How could he have done this? How could he have been so selfish as to ask her for help when he put himself in the position he had?
But what if this was his last chance to see her? What if Natalie didn't make it through this? The more he played the crash and rescue over in his head, the more Jake realized the dark substance he'd seen on her face had been blood. The memory made him nauseous.
With lead feet, Jake moved forward, determined to see his mom despite the guilt threatening to drown him. He'd barely crossed over the threshold when the heart monitor flatlined. Jake distantly heard himself yelling for his mom, rushing toward her only to be blocked by Matt, who practically carried his brother out of the room while nurses and doctors swarmed Natalie Seresin to resuscitate her. 
For what felt like hours, Jake watched the medical team try and revive his mom, but at 5:02 a.m., the doctor pronounced her dead. Jake collapsed in a chair, sobs wracking his body. A nurse tried to console him, but her kind words were lost. He'd lost his best friend, the only person in his family who Jake truly believed loved and cared for him. Now, she was gone, and he was on his own. Jake would never see her heartwarming smile or hear her contagious laugh; he would never get to talk to her when he had exciting news or needed to vent; he would never get his mom's comforting hugs or hear her screaming at his football matches.
His mom was gone.
How long he sat there with Matt and Nick, Jake couldn't tell, but he followed their cues, getting up when they did and walking out of the hospital after their dad. However, when they stepped outside and turned to the parking lot, Michael Seresin stopped short and glowered at Jake. "What the hell are you doing?"
"W-what?" Jake stammered, blinking in confusion.
"You think I want you coming home with us after what you've just caused?" Michael demanded, his temper and voice rising. "You got your mother killed!"
Matt stepped forward, holding his hands up placatingly. "Dad, come on, the police said it was a drunk-"
"Shut up!" Michael roared, effectively silencing his eldest son. Turning back to Jake, he pointed an accusatory finger at him and snarled, "I don't want you in my sight right now. I'll tell you when and if you can come home. Do you understand me?"
Jake could only nod, hopelessness now crashing into him alongside the grief. Matt hung back, conflicted between staying with Jake or going to the car with his dad and Nick. Jake noticed and, in a surprisingly steady voice, said, "Go."
"Jake, you shouldn't be alo-"
"Go!" Jake snapped, pointing his finger at the rapidly disappearing Michael and Nick. "Just go. I want nothing to do with any of you."
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Matt hesitated once more, reluctantly nodded, then went after the other Seresin men, but he repeatedly looked over his shoulder at Jake, who waited until his family was out of sight before collapsing onto a bench outside the hospital. 
There, in front of God and the moon, he quietly wept over losing his mom, wishing the universe had taken him instead of her. It would've been better for everyone that way. His mom would've been devastated for a while, but she would've moved on. After all, she would've had two other sons to take care of. Jake was almost certain his dad wouldn't have cared at all if it had been Jake who died. Even Annalise probably wouldn't care. It didn't matter that he was her closest friend and vice versa. She never wanted to get close to him in the first place.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Jake ignored it the first time. He ignored it the second time, too, figuring it was Matt trying to call him. But when the person called a third time, he finally answered, "Hello?"
A familiar, worried voice answered, "Jake? Are you okay?" 
"Annie?" he croaked. Hearing her caught him off guard. Of all people at this time of day, she was one of the last people he expected to hear from. "What- how did you- are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but someone texted me saying I needed to call you because your mom just died. Jake, what happened? Are you okay?"
"No. I'm not," he whispered. The story spilled from his lips in between waves of crying. Annalise patiently listened, letting him get through it and stammer out the story. When he finished, he could hear muffled tears on the other end.
"Oh, God, Jake, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you home or still at the hospital?"
"I'm still at the hospital. Dad, he, uh, he said I wasn't welcome home after what I caused."
"You're there alone?!"
"Stay there, don't move. I'm coming over. Do you want me to stay on the phone while I drive there?"
"No, no, it's okay. You don't-"
Annalise interrupted him. "You shouldn't be alone right now. I'm coming to take care of you since your dad and brothers won't. Now, do you want me to stay on the phone while I drive there?"
"No. Focus on the road," Jake said, the urge to cry threatening to overwhelm him again, although this time, out of gratefulness for Annalise. What had he done to deserve her? What had Jake been thinking earlier about how she wouldn't care? Of course she would care if he died. That had been his grief talking. He realized that now.
"Okay. If I can't find you when I get there, I'll call you. I'll be there soon. Love you forever."
"Love you always."
Jake hung up and leaned against the wall, staring blankly at the torrential downpour with only the building's overhang to prevent him from getting soaked. The wind caused a chill in the air that would send most people scurrying for a jacket, but Jake hardly felt it. Lightning crackled menacingly above him and struck the ground nearby, but he disregarded the danger it posed, figuring Mother Nature couldn't hurt him near as much as the loss of his mom.
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An SUV soon parked in front of the doors, and Annalise hopped out of the car. Jake met her gaze. Seeing her concern, seeing her standing there at the hospital just for him, broke him. The numbness disappeared, and Jake rushed to greet her, sobbing into Annalise's shoulder as she cradled his head and hugged him as tightly.
"I don't know where to go," Jake croaked out when the tears finally abated. He pulled away and wiped them off his face. Annalise was the only person Jake felt comfortable crying in front of. He knew she wouldn't judge him for it. "Dad doesn't want me home right now, if ever, and I don't know what to do because we head to college in a couple weeks, and I need to pack, but now I have to attend Mom's funeral, and-"
"Jake-" Annalise interrupted calmly, garnering his attention. He was shocked to see tear stains on her cheeks. "I think the best thing for you right now is for you to come to my house and get out of this storm. Rest first, and then we can figure out what to do from there, okay?"
"You didn't think I would let you go through this all alone, did you? What do we always say?"
"I love you forever."
"Exactly. And I love you always." Annalise smiled softly. "I've got your six. Come on. Let's get home."
The friends slid into the SUV and headed home in the torrential downpour. Jake kept his eyes downcast, unable to look at the road ahead. He'd tried initially, but when panic built in his chest when a car passed them from the opposite direction, he decided against doing that for the rest of the trip. Annalise must've noticed because she reached over and took his hand. As much as he wanted both hands on the wheel, Jake also found comfort in her touch, so he allowed it.
When they arrived at the Blackwood household, the pair shuffled in. Charlie and Jackie were seated at the bar eating breakfast. Jake temporarily wondered where Mr. Blackwood was but figured he was on another business trip. The two women turned around at the sound of the garage door shutting and immediately jumped from their seats at the sight of Annalise and Jake. To his surprise, Charlie went to him first and, without a word, pulled him into a motherly hug. He sank into it. She wasn't his mom, but in this moment, she was the closest thing to one.
"I'm so sorry, sweetie," Charlie whispered. "Whatever you need, we're here for you."
"Thank you, ma'am," he mumbled sincerely, unable to gather the strength to speak any louder. Now that the adrenaline and chaos had subsided, exhaustion swept over Jake. 
Charlie pulled away and gently grasped his shoulders. "Why don't you take a shower, and I'll get some spare clothes for you to change into?"
"I can crash in these-"
"Honey, it's not good for you to stay in those clothes any longer."
"Yes, ma'am..."
Mrs. Blackwood smiled sympathetically. "It's always Charlie to you. Get going. You can use our guest room. I'll drop the clothes on your bed."
Jake nodded, thanked her once more, then ambled to his destination. Almost robotically, he shut the bathroom door behind him, stripped his clothes, and stepped into the shower the second he turned it on. The water had yet to warm up, so it felt like small pellets of hail striking his skin for a few seconds, but Jake ignored it, the shock of today still inhibiting most of his senses. He went through the motions of washing his hair and body, turning off the water, drying off, and wrapping the towel around his waist. He peered into the bedroom, saw the door to it shut, and a clean set of clothes lying on the bed. Jake changed into them and folded his dirty suit, placing it on the chair. As he did, he noticed the red stain on the collar of his shirt. Knowing he hadn't been injured or cut in the crash, the only logical conclusion he could form was that it came from his mom when he dragged her out of the wreck. 
The accident replayed suddenly in his mind, and Jake collapsed onto the bed, burying his face in his hands while he quietly sobbed. A few moments later, the mattress sank in beside him. He looked up to find Annalise; she had tears in her eyes, but her voice was steady when she said, "I, uh, I brought you some tea. Chamomile. It's supposed to help calm anxiety. I figured after the night you've had..."
Jake reached for the mug on his nightstand, staring at the amber liquid. "Thank you. For everything."
"I'm glad I was able to be there. I'll let you get some rest. I just wanted to drop this off and check on you one more time."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Who told you what happened? Where I was?"
"I don't know. They called me until I picked up. When I finally did, they hung up. But I saw a text from the same number giving me a brief sitrep and your location. I called you right after."
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"What's the number?" Jake asked, frowning. Annalise pulled out her phone and rattled it off, and surprisingly, Jake recognized it. "That's Matt's number. He didn't want to leave me, but I yelled at him to..."
"I'll let him know you're here and safe. I'm sure he's worried." Annalise put her phone back into her pocket. "I'll leave you alone-"
"No, no. I don't- could you stay for a bit?"
"Of course," Annalise replied without hesitation. She crawled to the other side of the bed and leaned against the headboard. Jake sidled next to her, his arm brushing hers. "Do you want the TV on or no?"
"You can watch it; I don't mind."
Annalise nodded and turned it on. She flipped through the channels until she landed on Hallmark. Jake watched it with her in silence. Slowly, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, he started sliding down unintentionally under the covers, and his head lolled onto Annalise's shoulder. Once that happened, Jake was out like a light. The last thing he remembered was feeling the weight of his friend's head resting atop his and thinking how she was the only rock in his life now. Without her, God only knows what would happen to him.
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11
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ignorantghost · 30 days
Well, everyone has one of those days where shit hits the fan shit hit the fan. This is something that has been on going for a few months but I haven't let it bugg me because I have been so focused on getting my life together. Well, my brother hasn't worked in about a month now he does odd jobs here and there . He hasn't been on his meds for his schizophrenia for about two months now. He has been drinking which mind you that he already has a seizure at work for drinking too much which could have killed him, so I had to help cover some of his side of the rent and get food for the week . My mothers car brokedown and now we have to cover 300 dollar piece for her mini Cooper and it doesn't help with her tumor and chiari been acting up like crazy so have to help alot there but that doesn't bug me she is my mother. My dad has been getting better at least which is a blessing but my brother is always arguing with him. Its never ending. We just found out my brother didn't pay his side of the rent which we have to cover but now the landlords are pissed and threatening eviction and my name is on this house and I am not trying to ruin my credit I worked hard for the last 5 years building up and trying to save for a car but took a step back to cover most of this. My brother acts like he doesn't care about anybody but himself and it's starting to affect everything myself and parents were working towards . I wanted my own place and same with them but now we all have to cover his fuck ups as always. Granted , the weird universe I have been in with my ex Natalie ( soulmate) it's been nice talking and feeling how it was when we first wanted to date years ago. Its got me remembering key date nights and moments with Zoey that I will cherish for a lifetime. Well, there is my rant for the day.
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December 8th: Awkward-Power Hour vs. Depressive Episode
A lesson I have to continually relearn as I challenge myself to be productive through depressive episodes is that motion is just as addictive as stagnation. If yesterday was about working out through tears, then today was a comedy of errors through frustration. That said, once I was out and moving, my motivation kicked in. Annoyed motivation. Borderline spiteful motivation. It didn’t cure my irritability or depression, but it got on board with getting shit done. 
I put a leash on the little monster again and got my gas tank filled, my car washed, and was told by a very condescending Vavoline employee that “No, we cannot just turn your check-engine light off so you can pass a smog check.”
Sigh. Fair enough. At least, this way I could be sick of lines and car issues instead of sick of myself. Still an upgrade. I took out the trash, did some laundry, meditated. The very applicable point of today’s lesson is that it’s okay if gratitude isn’t always flowing. I even did squats (and was immediately sore). 
The point is I didn’t break my stride even when I low key really felt like breaking my stride. I’m even writing in this journal about a day that was pretty average. But that’s kind of the point. An average day is better than one thrown away because it didn’t start perfectly. 
You can sleep in until 1 and still have a power hour. Start where you are, even when your psyche is screaming that you can’t. Set a barrier (early hair appt) that makes it harder to make the same mistake again tomorrow. Give yourself tools, a yoga mat or organized sneaker and leggings rack, that make your fitness goals that much more achievable even if it’s just 30 seconds at a time. 
Everything happens one second at a time anyway. 
I’m proud of today. It was awkward, felt uncomfortable and anxious, but it still happened. My brain was pissed, but it was still on my side. Last night I dreamed of gigantic waves and waiting for bombs to go off, I slept in late and felt cold. But I didn’t just give up on it and push my life back another day. I pulled back when I caught myself ruminating. I took my fucking meds. I tried to find wonder in the mundane. 
So the streak is still going. Counting in the right direction.
Tomorrow I’m getting my hair blown out, going to lunch with Natalie and trying on outfits before my date with Matt. That’s glam as hell and I’m earning it today in clean, wet hair and my $15 slippers. 
 That’s the thing about gratitude. Sometimes when you acknowledge that it’s okay that you aren’t feeling it, you feel grateful for not giving yourself the guilt trip. 
Now time for some weed and Arrested Development. 
0 notes
usermischief · 3 years
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♜Pairing: Briles ♜Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Brett Talbot ♜Warnings: - ♜Words: 1165 ♜Dialogue Prompt: "We're not jumping off! We're not jumping!" - "We're jumping off!" (for @voidstilesplease) ♜Mini Fic Roulette: 11/∞
Karma works fast. A little too fast for his liking. Fifteen minutes ago, he was hooking up with Brett Talbot in the showers of his prep school, now he is running for his life as fast as he can while having to drag Brett along with him. Those fucking hunters came prepared, and Brett isn’t healing properly. Whatever wolfsbane they’re using, it’s working fast, and they can be lucky most of those assholes have the aim of a stormtrooper, or they’d be in some serious trouble right now.
“Could you make yourself any heavier?” Stiles grunts, hoisting Brett further up his shoulder.
Brett makes a pained sound. “I thought you foxes are oh so capable.”
“Oh my god, really?” Stiles grinds his teeth, dragging this arrogant sack of shit through the halls of his school. Luckily, he does not have to explain the trail of blood left behind to Natalie. He doesn’t even know if there are cameras here. If there are, the hunters probably took care of that issue. “You couldn’t get into my pants fast enough, and now you’re being a fucking baby about this?” Does Stiles prefer to stay away from werewolves? Yes. But he’s not going to say no to an exceptionally hot one, especially not when he’s really good with his fingers and mouth.
“That was before I knew—“
“I will drop you if you finish that sentence.” To Stiles’ surprise, Brett does not say anything. Which is good because Stiles would have never actually dropped and left him to die. He’s not that kind of person — even though he should be because he’d be so much faster. But he’s one of the good guys. Sadly. Sucking in a breath, Stiles slams into the double doors and shoves them open. Parking lot. “Do you have your keys on you?” He could hotwire his car, but he doubts he’s got the time for that. The hunters are slow, not stupid. Someone is going to be here any second.
“Gym bag,” Brett grunts.
“Shit.” What now? Where to? Stiles needs to bring distance between them and the hunters as quickly as possible. They will shoot on sight, and they are going to get away with it. “Fuck,” he spits, dragging Brett over the parking lot. As much as he loves his fox’s speed, Stiles can’t deny that a bit more strength would be helpful in a situation like this. “Okay, Plan B.” Which is actually Plan Z because it’s the only other thing they can do. Stiles isn’t going to fight those hunters alone. There are ten of them and at least one of them has a decent aim. But luckily for them, Devenford Prep is located near a bridge and a river. That is their one way out, and Stiles is going to take it.
“Kate!” Someone yells, “parking lot!”
Brett curses under his breath, but there’s really not much else he can do. His Achilles tendon is destroyed for however long it takes his body to fight the wolfsbane. Swimming is the best option they both have. Plus, the water gives him more cover than the few trees and cars — and the second they’ve crossed the street, Brett seems to have realized exactly what the plan is. “We’re not jumping off,” he says with an authority in his voice that has zero effect on Stiles. “We are not jumping.”
“We are jumping off!” Stiles replies as they enter the bridge.
“Absolutely not,” Brett shoots back immediately, leaning against the railing with a grunt.
Rolling his eyes, Stiles jumps on the other side, almost losing his footing. “A fox or hunters, pick your poison.” Raising a brow, he locks eyes with Brett. This shouldn’t even be a fucking argument, yet here they are with hunters on their trail and a stubborn werewolf who can’t walk to steps on his own without falling on his face. “Talbot, come on.” Stiles secures his footing and offers Brett a hand — Brett who is very pale and sickly looking, knuckles white around the railing. If this guy has a fear of heights, Stiles is going to—
Something punches right through his shoulder, something hot and violent. The impact shoves him backward. His grip on the railing slips. He opens his mouth, but no sound comes out.
“Stiles!” Brett reaches for him.
And then, he’s falling.
When Stiles wakes up, he finds himself in a bed. A surprisingly comfortable one. He blinks his eyes open, scowling at the faint ache in his shoulder. He’s not in the hospital, but he’s not at home either.
“Brett,” a girl says, “you can stop crying now. He’s waking up.”
“Oh, shut up, Lori.” But quick footsteps follow the words, and only a second later, the mattress dips under Brett’s added weight. “Hey,” his voice is surprisingly soft, “how are you feeling?” Fingers ghost over his forehead, almost as if to check for a fever or to brush hair out of his face.
Stiles smiles, heart fluttering obnoxiously in his chest. He’s seen him do it to his sister, saw the worry in his eyes when he looked at her. Stiles never expected to be on the receiving end of this, but he’s not complaining. “Considering someone shot me, I feel surprisingly well.” Stiles gets his arms under him, groaning when pain cuts through his shoulder.
“Careful.” Brett helps him sit up. “You healed surprisingly quickly after our emissary got rid of the wolfsbane.”
“For a fox?” Stiles grimaces, and he’s still very much offended at Brett’s previous behavior, but he’s too exhausted to swat his hands away when he checks the bandages.
Brett glances at him then makes a point of avoiding his gaze. “I may have been a little judgmental.”
“Just like you’ve been a little obsessed with him since the first time you met him?” Lori cackles diabolically, reminding Stiles why he very much appreciates being an only child. “Have fun.” She winks and slips out of the room, waving innocently. The door shuts with a bang, and she yells something that Stiles didn’t catch, but that makes Brett squirm next to him.
The werewolf massages his temples. “What’s it called if you kill your sister?”
“Sororicide.” Stiles massages his aching shoulder, trying not to smile too brightly. “So, you’re obsessed with me?”
Brett shoots him a look and clears his throat. “Shut up.”
Grinning now, he grabs his hand, easily intertwining their fingers. “You know,” he whispers, enjoying the feeling of Brett’s hand in his, how right this feels, “we could totally continue what we started in the locker room.”
A small smile tugs on the corner of Brett’s mouth. “I could also invite you to dinner.”
Stiles tips his head to the side, quirking a brow. “As a thank you for saving your sorry ass? Can’t imagine you’re dating a creature beneath you, oh mighty wolf.”
“Don’t get cocky, fox.”
Smirking, Stiles kisses the back of Brett’s hand. “It would never cross my mind.”
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
Make Me Feel Better Chapter 4
AO3 Link! wow, long time no update! welcome to a filler chapter that's not really a filler chapter but is definitely a filler chapter! I hope y'all enjoy it and tell me your thoughts if you'd like! and as always, sorry for any and every grammatical error!
disclaimer: as it is in 'What About What I Want?', Victoria is the oldest, Elise is the youngest, and Daniela is the middle child. this was started before information about the daughters was released so until I finish this fic up and the other one, that's how it's gonna be. okay?? okay!! enjoy!
Tag List (click here to join): @lord-dimitrescu, @alwaysgoodnight, @paint-it-periwinkle, @lightspica, @ultimatebottom69, @sexyheisenbeast, @crazy-obsessed, @squid3, @inlovewithalcinadimitrescu, @the-obscurity, @sapphicalciee, @ladydimitresculove, @solemnnova, @itsyourgirlmalise, @the-little-shadow, @marvelwomen-simp, @rachelthefanfictionwriter, @d14n4ol, @peachesandlesbians, @celina1221, @theuselesslezbian|Anna, @Gansito83, @Followingmyheartledmetoyou, (won’t tag, idk why)
Two weeks. You’d been down in your cell for two whole weeks. Alcina hadn’t even come down to see you, only sending either Elise or Victoria to check on you and bring you your meals. You stayed facing the wall, your back to the cell as it opened.
“Y/N?” That voice didn’t belong to Elise or Victoria, it belonged to Daniela. You felt yourself tense when your name fell from her lips. “I’m… I’m not here to hurt you. I actually shouldn’t even be down here.” Daniela explained.
You still hadn’t made an effort to turn and face her. You felt the bed dip as Daniela sat down. “What do you want?” You asked, your voice soft.
Daniela sighed. “I’m sorry.” She glanced over at you before continuing. “I’m not expecting you to forgive me for what I said, but I am sorry.” Daniela said, reiterating her two worded apology. She cleared her throat before speaking again. “Mother Miranda said that the way I acted reflected badly on her and my family, I… she was disappointed in me. I’m disappointed in myself, if you can believe that.”
“I don’t.” You replied, still staring at the wall. You wanted her to leave, you wanted to be left alone. In all honesty, you wish you hadn’t run into Heisenberg that night you’d been travelling after escaping your kidnappers.
Daniela stood up from the bed. “Mother Miranda wanted me to give you these. Mother says that Mother Miranda will be visiting in a few days and she wants you to know what the high priestess looks like and how to act when she gets here. You’re to write a report and Elise or Victoria will pick it up tomorrow evening.” Daniela’s tone was now firm as opposed to earlier tone when she was apologising.
Daniela left after that, the cell door closing with a loud thud. You looked over your shoulder and found the room empty, she was really gone. When you sat up in the bed, you looked over at the table and your eyes widened before you let out a scream. The face in the photograph, you knew that face. You stood up from the bed and slowly made your way over to the picture, your hands shaking as you picked up. That was Mother Miranda? You shook your head, no no no, it couldn’t be. You dropped the picture and went over to the door. You were about to bang on it and scream for Alcina when the door creaked open a bit, Daniela hadn’t locked it, strange.
“Hello? Daniela?” You called out into the dungeon. You gulped as you took a step out of the cell, looking around to see if there were any of those ghouls lurking around, you didn’t know what they were called. You tried to remember how Lady Dimitrescu had brought you down here, but it was dark so you could barely see. You’d almost given up and was on your way back to your cell when you heard something. “Hello? Is anybody there?”
You heard a growl in response and a shiver ran down your spine. You could hear a scraping noise, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “Please, can you help me?” You asked the surrounding darkness.
“Run!” Was suddenly screamed into your ear and it was all you needed to set you off.
You ran until you rounded a corner and found yourself face to face with those ghouls. There was little light in this part of the cellar, but you could see that some of them had swords and you gulped. You let out a scream as one of them moved toward you swinging the swords, others trying to claw at you with their sickles. One of their sickles caught your upper arm, tearing the sleeve of your shirt. You pushed past them, managing to find your way to a set of stairs that led to the kitchen area. You grimaced at all of the dead animals hanging up, looking away as you came upon a hallway that led you to a hallway where you saw a door. A door that leads to… the dining room? That was good, right? You knew the door to the right led to main hall. Mostly because you could hear voices, but you’d been through the dining room plenty of times to get to the courtyard. You opened the door slowly, seeing the Lady and her daughters talking and you gulped. You could easily sneak out the courtyard door, go to the gardens, make your way into the woods and leave, but would that really fix everything? Running away again?
“Darling, are you going to stay behind the door or would you like to join us?” A voice asked, you recognised it as Alcina’s. “And how, pray tell, did you get out of your cell?” Alcina asked, but she was looking at Daniela.
Daniela shrugged. “I locked the door, but the key must be faulty.” Daniela replied.
Alcina sighed. “I will deal with you later, Daniela. For now, go find something to do while I talk with Y/N.” Alcina ordered. The girls half swarmed away upstairs and you caught Daniela running her thumb across her neck and mouthing, “You’re dead.”, causing your eyes to widen a bit. “Did you learn your lesson?” Alcina asked.
You frowned. “You left me down there for two weeks, Alcina.” You replied. “Two whole fucking weeks and you didn’t even check on me. And then you send Daniela down there and she fucking gives me a picture of Mother Miranda.” Her name left a bitter taste in your mouth.
“And what about Mother Miranda, dearest?” Alcina asked with a raised eyebrow.
You let out a small sigh. “She’s the one… that was holding me captive. I escaped from her.” You replied.
Alcina hummed. “Impossible. You said you’d been walking for days before you go to the village and Mother Miranda resides here so you must be mistaken.” Alcina said.
“I’m not mistaken, Alcina! She’s the one that I escaped from and I had been walking for days before I ran into Heisenberg.” You argued. You shook your head. “I don’t feel safe here anymore, Alcina.” You said quietly.
“Come here,” Alcina commanded and you went to stand in front of her. “I told you, you are safe here, not anywhere else. Do you understand?” You nodded your head. “Despite your words, you will remain in this Castle, under my protection. I won’t let anyone harm you, and I definitely won’t let Mother Miranda get her hands on you again. Is that clear?” You nodded your head again. “You poor dear, you were down there for an awfully long time. I suppose I should explain why.”
You looked up at her. “Explain why?” You questioned. ”I thought you didn’t…” Your sentence trailed off.
“Didn’t what? Didn’t care?” You chewed on your lip. “Of course I care, darling, that’s why I had you down there. To put it simple, there was… an incident that needed to be tended to and it was best for you to be down there than up here.” Alcina explained.
“What happened?” You asked.
Alcina shook her head. “Nothing to concern that beautiful brain of yours with. Now, why don’t we get you all cleaned up and fed, yes?” She suggested and you nodded your head. You let out a small yelp when she picked you up. “I’m terribly sorry that you had to be down there for so long, perhaps it was a bit cruel of me to subject you to that part of your punishment.” Alcina said as she carried you to the bathroom in her chambers.
“The report?” You asked, suddenly remembering what Daniela told you. Alcina hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t say anything. “Daniela said-“
Alcina cut you off. “Just because Daniela claims that I said something doesn’t mean it’s true. She may have learned her lesson with how she treated you, but it doesn’t mean you’re automatically off her bad side.” Alcina said. “Now, you take your time in here, and I will have Natalie bring you something to eat, I’m sure the two of you have much to catch up on, dear.” Alcina didn’t leave room for you to reply as she exited the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
You didn’t know how long you stayed in the bath for, but by the time you opened your eyes, the water was cold. Stepping out and drying yourself off, you made your way into the bedroom to find Natalie tidying the room up while a tray of food sat on a nearby table.
“Y/N, I’m so glad you’re alright!” Natalie exclaimed. You smiled at her and sat in front of the tray to eat. “So much happened while you were down there. Did the Lady tell you about it?” Natalie asked. You shook your head. “Oh. Well then, I better not speak on it, she might have my head for it.” Natalie said with a small laugh. “The Lady wanted me to tell you to meet her in her study after you’re done eating.”
You nodded your head. “Yeah, okay.” You replied. The two of you sat in silence while you mostly played with your food before deciding that you’d had enough. “I’ll um, I’ll see you around, Nat.” You said as she took the tray from the room.
“Try not to get put in the cellar again. It was very lonely without you around to nag at me.” Natalie said before leaving the bedroom.
You dressed before making your way down a few hallways before coming to Alcina’s study, knocking and only entering when she told you you could. “Natalie sa-“ She put a finger to her lips to quiet you before gesturing for you to sit down.
“Yes, Heisenberg, I am well aware of that now.” Alcina replied before sighing. “If you could just… Heisenberg, listen carefully, whatever you have planned, just keep it under wraps.” Alcina said. “Yes, I know. She did? Mother told you? Well, what about me?” Alcina questioned. Her brows furrowed. “Heisenberg we will continue this discussion another time.” Alcina replied. “Yes, you may come over, but if you bring any of your disgusting mutts here, I will not hesitate to turn them into skewers, do you understand?”Alcina threatened. “Good.” Was all she said before hanging up.
“What did he say?” You asked, shifting a bit in your seat.
Alcina shook her head. “Not now, darling. You’ll know what’s going on in due time.” Alcina replied. “I need you in here be-“ Alcina found herself being cut off by the arrival of her daughter, Daniela. “Because of her.” Alcina said, gesturing toward Daniela.
Daniela crossed her arms. “What is that rat doing here, Mother?” Alcina raised her eyebrow. “Sorry, Mother.”
“You two will be… getting better acquainted before the arrival of Mother Miranda.” Alcina said. “I won’t hear any excuses as to why you don’t want, Daniela. Besides, you’re to make sure Y/N feels safe here in our Castle. This is a much their home as it is yours.” Alcina explained. “And with some new information I received, you and your sisters will remain with Y/N at all times until I feel as if you don’t need to. You all may take turns watching them, but do try to give them as much space as possible.”
“At all times?” You asked.
Alcina nodded her head. “Yes. Excluding when you’re sleeping as you’ll be with me.” Alcina replied. “Any other questions?”
“Why do we have to babysit Y/N?” Daniela asked.
“Because Daniela, it is for their own safety.” Alcina answered. “If you wish to know more about the situation then ask Y/N about it. Until then, you both will need to write letters to each apologising for your actions. You’re dismissed.” Daniela opened her mouth to protest but closed it immediately because of the look her Mother gave her. “Deliver the news to your sisters, thank you. And take Y/N with you. You two can work in the library and I will be by later to check on what you have written so far.” Alcina said before fussing over her paperwork.
“Alcina?” She hummed. “Thank you.” You said quietly before rounding the table and kissing her on the cheek. “I really appreciate you making the effort to make sure that I feel safer in the Castle and hopefully with time I can gain Daniela’s trust.” You gave her a small smile and wave before exiting the study, running to catch up with Daniela who had left you behind.
Alcina let out a sigh, rubbing her temples. She couldn’t necessarily overpower Mother Miranda on her own, but if she could make you feel safer, protect you, and have you be grateful for that then she could accept that until she could take down Mother Miranda for the hell she put you through.
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aftgficlibrary · 3 years
Are there any AUs where renison or lailalverez is the main pairing?
there are quite a few but here you go -maz
Before All I Heard Was Silence by moonqueerdom (T | 7,430 | 1/1)
Allison's eyes widened and her face burned immediately, spreading to her neck and the tips of her ears. "Oh my gosh, Renee," she lowered her face and covered it with her hands.
Renee chuckled. "She is beautiful when she blushes, ok noted."
"Oh my gosh, Walker, stop that," Allison's voice was too wobbly and high-pitched even for her own ears, and there was a grin threatening to pop on her lips.
About to disappear in the afterlife, Allison Reynolds meets Renee Walker, who was ready to change her life even after death.
Last Café by uberimmortal (M | 4,802 | 1/1)
Like every weekend for the past year, Renee finds herself on a Saturday morning in front of the Last Cafe. She takes a deep breath, key still in her hand, shivering from the autumn breeze as she tries to muster up some energy to open the door. The sun is just beginning to poke over the horizon, lighting up the city in a blue haze, not close enough to this side of the earth to provide any real warmth. One by one street lamps flicker until they turn off completely.
The Gracekeepers by wishbonetea (M | 112,116 | 20/20)
The sea has flooded the earth. Allison lives on a circus boat, floating between the scattered islands that remain and trading dazzling and death-defying feats for food from the islanders. Renee lives alone in a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean, with only the birds and fish for company. As penance for her past, she works as a gracekeeper, tending the graves of those who die at sea. A storm brings them together, but under clear skies they must part. When one of the Foxes goes missing, Renee joins to help. It’s meant to be a temporary escape, but Allison might be a reason to stay.
An AU of Kirsty Logan's The Gracekeepers.
she's got lips like wine not sugar by IzzyAguecheek (Not Rated | 8,561 | 1/1)
The coffee shop was mostly empty the first time Allison came in. It was too early for most people, specially on a Sunday, when most people didn’t have work and therefore didn’t need to stop by to grab a coffee to wake up. Allison, however, didn’t strike Renee as the type of girl to drink coffee before a shift at some boring company. She looked more like someone who had stayed up all night and now was trying to fight off a hangover with caffeine.
Dan was late, per usual, so Renee and Andrew were the only employees working. Andrew took one look at the car parked outside, right in front of the window, and firmly turned his back on the girl sitting at the corner booth.
“You take that one”, he decided.
(or: Renee works at a coffee shop, and, when Allison becomes a regular there, she is absolutely in love. It's just a Renison Coffee Shop AU.)
counting my blessings by quensty (T | 10,354 | 1/1)
The last letter is from Wymack.
Allison, it says. Forest Falls, California, has been having problems with a robber. Dan and Matt are too far, and Neil and Andrew are already working a job in Nevada. Get on it. -DW
“Motherfucker,” Allison says.
Real Gravity by loose_canon (T | 1,723 | 1/1)
[begin message]
Hey, Mom. You’re probably watching this and thinking about how much you want to kick my ass right now. Well, my butt, because you don’t say words like “ass,” much less think them. Anyway, I know you’re mad at me. I’m the ungrateful daughter who hijacked an emergency pod and zipped off into space in the middle of the eclipse service like a dumbass—sorry, dumbbutt—with another girl because I just had to go and open myself to the spirit of lesbianism. I’m not gonna lie, I’m mad just like you are. Part of me wants to just say that the spirit is a good fucking time and be on my way. But I need you need to know that I’m losing something, too.
A sci-fi one shot: Allison leaves a final message for her mother after she and Renee escape the generation ship they grew up on.
On Dragon's Wings (Under the Blue) by tinystreetlamp  (T | 8,417 | 3/3)
For hundreds of years the six kingdoms coexisted in peace due to a magical contract that prevents violence between them. Ever since Allison's brother Jean was kidnapped by Riko she has wanted to lead her armies to war against the Island of Night, but the contract prevents her from doing so. When crown prince Nathaniel arrives and asks for sanctuary, Allison sees her chance to unite four of the kingdoms against Riko and rain down her vengeance upon him.
(How to seduce a pirate: drag her underwater unexpectedly)
/Graphic Depictions of Violence
vengeance and death by cthulu_sun (M | 2,446 | 1/1)
legend says you have wax-dipped wings and golden fingernails and knives made of the blood you have spilled. legend says you are not merciful.
in which renee is a tired guardian angel, finds the foxes, and falls in love.
a hundred jewels on throats by ghvsts (T | 3,226 | 1/1)
"have you seen the goddess from the seafoam," they whisper, "she is more beautiful than anything."
(in which seth is ares, renee is persephone, and allison has had enough)
fabrication of a grand scheme by cloudghost (T | 13,787 | 1/1)
Renee was silent for a while. Then, finally, she said, “I want to try going outside.”
“I thought you were scared.”
She hummed her assent. “That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it.”
Since that was basically the philosophy Allison lived by, she nodded. Renee turned back around and met Allison’s gaze. In that moment, Renee looked unbreakable and unshakeable, like nothing that ended up in her way could ever stop her for long. Allison shivered.
Love You a Latte by ceilingfan5 (G | 8,465 | 1/1)
Allison's favorite barista is adorable Renee, so when she gets the news that she has to go on a terrible family vacation and bring an "appropriate plus-one", she decides to finally get herself uninvited from the rest of those events for all eternity. She and Renee go together, pretending to be a very much in love couple, stir shit up, and leave a lot closer than they ever expected. (Obviously they fall in love.) Allison may say "I decided love was fake a long time ago and it’d take a miracle to change my mind now,” but if anyone can be a miracle worker, it's Renee.
say you'll never harden to the world by orphan_account (T | 10,300 | 1/1)
Of course it’s when the knife finally doesn’t feel awkward in her hand anymore that Allison shows up.
Instead of the relaxed way she usually holds her wings, they’re pulled taut behind her back. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest and there’s a decidedly not pleased look on her face.
“Hey,” Natalie says, not interrupting the sequence of stabbing moves she’s been practicing. She has no time for the way seeing Allison makes her feel.
Safe – a joke. Not alone – Allison might not even be real. Cared about – impossible.
Those kinds of emotions aren’t meant for someone like her in the first place, and she’s not going to indulge them.
give me shelter or show me heart by hondayota (Not Rated | 4,720 | 3/3)
Renee had always thought of hope as a feeling, something she scraped out of her insides when she had nothing else to hold onto, but over the past months, hope had ceased to be a feeling and had become synonymous with Allison Reynolds.
the renison zombie au no one asked for
renee and allison are hella gay even when there's zombies
It's Called Fashion Hunty. Look it up. by theKristastrophe (T | 15,440 | 8/8)
Sara works for a company that she doesn't hate but doesn't love either. So she sits at the bar with her two other best friends and tries to get through the work week.
When a fresh lawyer stumbles into thier weekly Rant Club, Sara knows she's in for a wild ride.
Featuring gratious eyerolling, snark, and everyone's favorite Foxes.
Buckle up kiddies. It's time to Sashay, Sashay, Sashay...
Come Close by tinystreetlamp (T | 10,932 | 1/1)
Sometime around 200 BC in Ancient Greece, in a world where the greek gods are real, Laila is a warrior from Sparta. During her first visit to Athens she meets not only Jeremy of Troy but also falls head over heels in love with Sara, a daughter of Apollo and local poet. But Sara is cursed, and soon the three cross the Mediterranean on a quest to break the curse and save Sara.
Sara means Sun by tinystreetlamp (M | 27,739 | 8/8)
Five years ago, ships with black and red sails appeared on the horizon and wiped out all of the royal family - except one. The Raven King conquered Coralia and is doing everything he can to stay in power. Jeremy of Troia, the rightful heir to his kingdom, has been in hiding for the past five years, but he found something worth fighting for.
Laila, an Elven Warrior and Jeremy's best friend, will do anything to protect him. Meeting a cute stranger isn't going to change that.
/Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
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imagine-docx · 4 years
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Summary: Bucky is a cute single dad who needs to get a dress for his daughter because his ex wife’s wedding is in a few weeks. Insert you, the cute kids shop owner who has a ton of knowledge in this department. [ChubbyBucky!SingleDad!AU]
Warnings: swearing, and some insecurity mentions and some body shaming, suggestive content right at the end.
A/N: the amount of love i got on sneaky is astronomical! and i love and appreciate each and everyone of you who read it and enjoyed it! also, please remember to sign all the petitons, and donate if you can and attend protests if you can! black lives matter. - amanda
Nope, nope, no, absolutely not, fuck this. Was the exact thought process Bucky went through his mind. The reminder just popped up that in two weeks was his ex wife’s marriage ceremony and reception.
Bucky and Natasha were once married, and had little Layla from the marriage. Layla was caught in the crossfire of a nasty divorce when Bucky and Nat ended things when she was only 3. When Bucky got the invitation for the wedding, he felt the same exact heartbreak when he realized Nat was cheating on him, and felt someone throw his heart into a fire when he realized the man she was currently engaged to was the exact man she cheated with.
He got up and realized that he should check if Layla had any clothes to wear to the wedding. He looked through her closet and realized Layla outgrew almost all of these or weren’t there for the wow factor.
He sighed, closing her closet. He ran his hands through his hair, he turned around and was greeted by the mirror that was there. 
The divorce was hard on Bucky and it was obvious. He put on a few extra pounds around the waist, his shoulders rounded out, and his thighs filled out his pants from all the late shifts at the security firm. Another sighed escaped his lips, he was seeing his ex in laws again and he didn’t look the greatest. 
He walked down the stairs and grabbed his keys, and was going to pick up Layla from Wanda’s house and take Layla dress shopping.
“Wow you look like shit,” Wanda greeted him.
“Glad to know someone like you is caring for my kid,” Bucky sarcastically responded, allowing himself into her house. 
“You already knew what you were signing up for when you knew I was dating Sam,” Wanda said, guiding him to the kitchen.
Bucky met Wanda through Sam. Sam met Wanda through the security firm, when Wanda was working for her old company and they changed the codes without her knowing, she flipped out and somehow Sam and Wanda clicked, and here they were. 
“Where’s my kid?” He said, looking around for the little bundle of joy.
“Upstairs with Sam,” she responded. He eyed Wanda, “Listen, they’re bonding because I need to talk to you.”
“Shoot,” he said, grabbing a banana from the fruit basket.
“Nat’s getting married next week.”
“I know that.”
“You should get a date,” Wanda said bluntly.
“I would, if I could.” He stated, “Oh, I need a dress for the wedding.”
“Even better!” Wanda exclaimed, “That cute shop owner seems like she can help you out.”
“Wanda,” Bucky warned. Wanda was referring to you. You owned this little shop called Sew Lovely and were always helping him out with clothes for Layla. 
He learned about it through Wanda as she was friends with you, and god was he smittened by you. You always helped out with what she wore, and the majority of her closet came from your little shop. 
Everytime he came to see you, he felt like he was falling deeper and deeper, and it didn’t help that Layla would spend any given moment with you, and you were amazing to his kid.
“I’m trying to help,” she said defensively.
“Daddy!” He heard a little voice exclaim from around the corner. 
“Hi pumpkin, did you have fun with uncle Sam and aunty Wanda?”
“Uh-huh, we coloured, watched movies, so much fun.” Layla said.
“Tell me more while we’re in the car,” he said, getting up from his seat and walking to the door. Before leaving he leaned back to Wanda, “I’m going for the dress,” Wanda smirked, “Not for the girl, for the dress.”
Wanda kept that smirk on her face, “Of course Buckaroo.”
He decided to take Layla out for smoothies before shooting you a text asking you if you were free to help find him a dress. He poked the straw into Layla’s drink before he felt the buzz from his phone in his pocket. He pulled it out and read the text message while poking his own straw into his drink. He let out a small smile “Come love,” he said grabbing her hand before making their way back to the car. 
Upon buckling her in, he brushed some hair out of her face, “We have to go shopping baby,” he cooed.
“I love shopping!” she exclaimed. 
“Glad to hear baby,” he said, before navigating to the shop. 
He held Layla’s hand, while navigating to your shop. “Is aunty here?!” she asked, excitedly. 
“Of course,” he chuckled as Layla dragged him into the store.
He heard someone call out Layla’s name and it could have been confused with an angel. “I knew that was my favourite sugar puff!” you exclaimed, crouching to hug her. 
“Aunty! I’ve missed you!” Layla exclaimed, throwing her arms around you. 
“And would you look at that, it's my favourite client,” you said. 
Your hair was tossed into a messy ponytail, you were wearing an oversized white knit sweater, a pair of black jeans and some white sneakers. Even though the outfit was simple, you look like god himself spent ages creating you. “You know I would have no idea what to do with fashion,” he joked. 
“Of course I do,” you joked back. “So how can I help the two of you today?”
“I need a dress for a wedding,” he said, biting back the fact it was his ex wife’s wedding. “Say no more,” you said, before crouching back down to Layla, “Alright love, we need to get you a dress. What are you thinking?” 
“I want poofy! Colours! Flowers!” She exclaimed. 
“Oh she knows off the bat, let’s go sugar puff,” you said, getting up and grabbing her hand and taking her around the shop. 
And that’s how Bucky spent the remainder of his day looking at dresses with you and Layla. He sat while the two of you looked around and tried things on. He admired how well you two bonded, as if you were mother and daughter, “I like this one the most sugar puff. What do you think?” 
“I love it!” She exclaimed, she threw her arms around you for the second time today, “Thank you Aunty!” 
Bucky looked over and saw that Layla was sporting a poofy white dress with red flowers and green leaves around it. “I love this one,” he said in awe at his daughter. 
“No problem baby, I guess we have to get you matching jewelry,” you said, engulfing her into another hug.  
Bucky let out a groan, “You guys have been shopping for so long.”
“Don’t rush a girl,” you joked. 
Another forty five minutes and almost two hundred dollars later. They were done. “Remind me to never go shopping,” he joked. 
“When you have a girl, you can never say no,” you smiled at him, making his heart melt. 
“Thank you so much,” he said, feeling insecure because he knew someone like you would never like him. 
“Not a problem sugar,” You said, and his heart skipped a beat. “See you next week?”
“You can count on it,” he said, giving you a small smile.
“Bye Aunty,” she said, hugging at your legs.
“Bye sugar puff, bye Buck,” you said, as they walked out the shop.
He should probably stop spending so much money at your shop, but seeing you made it all worth it.
At this point, there was a week until Nat’s wedding and he was internally freaking out, he tried on his suit the previous night and it didn’t fit. The pants could barely make it past his midthigh, the dress shirt needed about three more inches before it could fit around his frame, and the jacket couldn’t even fit his arms.
Layla was asleep in her room, and he sat on the bed and tears started brewing in his eyes. Makes sense why Nat left, and why she wouldn’t like me, he thought referring to you.
He shut his eyes to prevent tears from slipping down his face. He steadied his breathing before shooting Wanda a text asking if she could watch Layla for a little longer than he anticipated. He tossed his phone on his bed, before dumping the suit in the trash can and going to shower.
Bucky left work early, having asked Steve to cover for him while he went suit shopping. Once leaving work he somehow found himself on your street. He decided to see what you were up to before going suit shopping. 
He walked up to the shop and saw you were sitting on the bar stool, innocently chewing at the tip of your pen while looking at the notebook that sits in front of you. You were wearing a black romper with sunflowers all over them, an oversized black cardigan that was slipping off of your body, you had your hair tossed into a messy bun, glasses sat on your nose, and a pair of black sandal heels were on your feet. 
He found himself slowly walking up to the shop, opening the door, the bell went off from above him. You looked up and let out a huge smile, which made his heart melt and he returned a goofy grin. 
“Got worried for you Buck, haven’t seen you in a while,” you joked.
“Dad duties call, doll,” he said walking up to the counter, “You alone?”
“Jessica and Natalie are in the back,” you said pointing your pen off to the back, “It’s fairly early, aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“Don’t want me here doll?” He said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“No, I just need to make sure you have the funds to keep my store running,” you joked.
“Gotta go suit shopping, was on my way, and thought I should stop in and let you know I’m fine,” he joked.
“You going by yourself?” You asked.
“I have no one else doll, Steve and Sam are at work,” he said running his hand through his hair.
“I can come,” you said, quickly adding, “If you want.”
“I don’t want to drag you away from work,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hush hush, I’ll come.” You closed the notebook, got off the stool, “Let me tell them I’m leaving and grab my bag?” 
“I’ll wait here,” he said smiling at you.
“Don’t move,” you warned, before walking to the back.
He looked around at the new displays, he thought about how much time you probably put into it, “You moved, about an inch. Can’t trust you anymore, Barnes,” he heard you say from behind you.
“My apologies doll, how could I possibly make it up to you?” He asked.
You linked your arm around his, “I’ll come up with something,” you said, as the two of you exited the shop.
The two of you found yourselves at this small suit shop at the edge of Brooklyn. Walking in, the two of you heard someone yell, “James.” And an elderly Italian man came and greeted him with a hug.
“Hi Bruno,” he said, returning the hug.
He pulled away and noticed you, “Who’s this beautiful dame?”
He introduced the two of you, before Bruno brought the two of you deeper into the store, “He’s provided suits since I was young.”
You nodded, “It’s cute.”
“How about have the pretty dame sit and I do the measurements,” Bruno said. You sat on the stool provided and sipped on the smoothie that you bought for the two of you. Bucky felt embarrassed as Bruno took his measurements in front of you, but you flashed him a reassuring smile, and he felt some of the insecurities fade away.
An hour later and Bucky found himself getting frustrated. Nothing looked good on him. He tried navy blue suits, beige suits, grey suits, plaid suits, and to no avail he could find anything. Bruno went to look at other options, while Bucky looked in the mirror. It was obvious he was picking at his own body.
You got up and walked over to him, rubbing his back, “You look gorgeous Buck, don’t deflate yourself.”
“It’s just that,” he started, “It’s my ex wife's wedding, and I don’t look good. I want to impress the family, but I look like-”
You cut him off, “You look amazing, and she’s an idiot for letting you go. If her family doesn’t like it, that sucks, cause you’re no longer their family.”
“Thank you,” he said, pulling you into a hug.
“I got your back Buck,” you said, hugging him back, “But you should have told me we were dressed to kill, I would be on it.”
“Now that you’re in on it, what’s running through that mind of yours?” He said, pulling away.
“Black,” you said, “Can’t go wrong with that.”
He smiled before yelling out, “Bruno? You got a black suit?”
He hated how right you were, but also simultaneously loved that you knew him that well. He smiled at you, “Doll you know me well.”
“Gotta look out for my two favourite Barnes, don’t I?” you asked.
“James, you look amazing, you just need a tie,” Bruno said, before going off to find a tie.
You got up and smoothed out the suit near his shoulders, “I owe you one,” he said, looking down at you.
“You owe me a lot sugar,” you said.
Bruno came back with a red tie, “I think this would look good on you James.” You moved away from him, and let Bruno tie the tie to complete the suit. 
“The colour brings out your eyes,” you commented. 
The tie was rich, vibrant, red, and contrasted nicely against the black suit and his blue eyes. “You look amazing James.”
“Thanks Brun, I’ll take it,” Bucky said, looking at himself in the mirror, smiling at how good he looked.
Bruno walked to the front and rung up the order, “You really know what’s good for me doll.”
“What can I say? I know my Barnes,” you joked.
“How about I go change, then I’ll treat you to dinner?” He asked.
“He’s living up to his word,” you joked.
“I always do doll,” he said, before walking back to the dressing room.
Bucky was a man of his word and took you to the small dinner about three streets away, but still was on the outskirts of town. You finished up dinner and were driving back, “You know your way to a girls heart.”
“I always do,” he joked.
You two sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way back. Pulling up to your house, he walked you to your step. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“Anytime Buck,” you responded.
He scratched the back of his neck, “Are you free this Saturday?” He realized what it sounded like, “I mean, you can be my plus one with Layla,” he rushed out.
“Of course I would come Buck,” you unlocked the door, “Text me the details?”
“Of course. Good night doll,” he said.
You kissed him on the cheek, “Night Buck,” you said before scurrying inside, missing the blush that rose to his cheeks.
Bucky didn’t see you at all that week. He was busy getting his haircut, buying other last minute things he needed before the wedding. He kept in contact with you through texts, telling you he’d pick you up at four.
It was three fifty and he was in his car, with Layla in the backseat singing loudly to the pop that played on the radio. He was nervous, he didn’t know what to expect. He unbuckled Layla, before making his way up the steps. He rang the doorbell and waited for you to answer.
Once you opened the door, he felt the wind get knocked out of his lungs. Before him you wore a red satin dress, with a low cut exposing your cleavage, the black heels accentuated the length of your legs, you had a necklace with your initial as the pendant, a small gold bracelet and some gold earrings. 
“Aunty! You look so good!” Layla said, breaking Bucky’s train of thought.
“Thank you sugar puff, you look beautiful,” you said stroking her hair. You pulled the door in behind you and locked it, and dropped the key into your back. 
“You look gorgeous doll,” he said, still in awe at you.
“You clean up well Barnes,” you said, “Let’s get to that wedding.”
Bucky found himself looking at you with awe whenever you didn’t notice. A lot of the family Bucky once met at his wedding leaned into him saying that his current family was cute and received their blessings. 
He didn’t notice how much the three of you looked like a family until one of Nat’s cousins pointed out that his tie, matched your dress, which matched the flowers on Layla’s dress.
He looked over and saw you, Wanda, Carol, Nebula and Sharon sitting and sharing a drink. He smiled, before he heard someone call out his name, he turned around and saw Natasha, “Can we talk?” 
“I wanted to apologize for everything, and I’m glad you found someone who treats you well and loves Lay,” Nat said, motioning to Layla sitting on your lap.
“Thanks Nat,” he responded, sipping on his soda.
“Truce?” She asked.
It was well after twelve, and Bucky was dropping you home. Layla was taken to Wanda’s earlier, and Layla was going to spend the night there. You and Bucky had a grand time, you two laughed, shared drinks, shared a few dances, and a few glances here and there. 
You were wrapped up in his suit jacket due to it being colder than you anticipated when you were leaving the hall. “I had fun tonight,” you said, as you walked up the stairs.
“Thank you for coming, I appreciate it,” he said.
“Anything for you,” you said looking at him, you felt the air shift and you didn’t mind.
Both of you leaned in, until your lips were touching and moving in harmony. Your arms found their way behind his neck, and his hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. You broke away when you needed air. You gave him a sheepish smile, before he pecked your lips again.
“Glad this dress did its job,” you joked.
“You bought this just for me?” He asked, running his fingers along the satin material that was along your waist..
“Of course, I needed to match your tie, for obvious reasons, and I hope it would lead to something like this. Needless to say, it did its job,” you said brushing hair out of his eyes.
“Well, if this dress is for me, I would like to see it on the floor,” he whispered seductively in your ear.
“You better get to work loverboy,” you said, before he picked you up and took you into your house.
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witteksaga · 4 years
Close encounter - Jeff Wittek One Shot
Just a lil’ something I wrote, hope you enjoy it! 😌
Warnings: maybe a little angst, it’s more of a fluff
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Whenever you were in the same room, there was tension. Of course, only you could sense the heaviness of the air. You liked thinking about the energy his presence was causing. It was distracting from him, because god, you could stare at him for hours. You had to be on alert at all times because he was just so damn handsome, every move of his was mesmerising to you. You had always thought no matter how much of a pretty face someone has, if the way his body moved and all of their grimaces and physical behaviour is attractive, that makes a killer combination in terms of appeal. Well, Jeff not only had a ridiculously beautiful face, but each move of his body was sending shivers down your spine.
However, those were thoughts for your head only. You were all friends - it would be awkward to admit your (quite) inappropriate crush on someone in your closest friend circle. But it was hard as fuck, especially when he often enough would meet your admiring gaze, or would brush your hand when you're walking next to each other, or the very subtle way he always made sure he sits somewhere near you. Call you crazy, but you felt a certain similar energy from his side as well.
This went on for a few months when you first started becoming closer with the group. It happened like it does in the movies - you entered a room full of strangers at a party at David's house, and the moment your eyes met his - you knew you were hooked. You noticed that when a mutual friend introduced you he shook your hand too firmly, it even hurt you a bit. But maybe that was a secretive way to leave an impression on you. It did.
The fact that you had lots and lots in common didn't help you either. You could never have a moment of awkward silence as you always find something interesting to talk about. You felt immense pleasure whenever you two communicated. You just couldn't have enough. And on top of it all, you adored his dark and dry sense of humour. It felt so unique and you felt quite embarrassed when you laughed a little too hard at his jokes.
You were deep into your thoughts, analysing your seemingly normal friendship when a loud voice pulled you back to reality. The reality of a rather busy and intense house party, celebrating yet another ridiculous success of David's.
"Yooo, where the hell are you, I've been looking everywhere for you!" - a rather drunk Natalie said as she grabbed you for your shoulders to help keep her own balance.
"You looked where? I've been in the same place for a while now." - you laughed at your drunken friend as you helped her to find a place to sit and collect herself.
"You've been a bad friend, you left me with the boys and they got me drunk."
"I think you and Todd are even drunker than Zane, that's a new for you, Nat." - you said as you let her sit down on the sofa.
"Well, I needed some courage, you know. I'm tired of acting all cool and collected, I need fun as well.." - her attention was caught by a very drunk Todd who was up at the pool table doing god knows what.
"You go get that boy and have all the fun you want!" - you encouraged her as you knew about her not-so-hidden flirt with the biggest flirt of all the boys.
"I see you're the one taking care of the others again." Jeff said as he appeared from somewhere behind you. Just act as if it's nothing, you thought to yourself.
"Yeah, that's the unfortunate fate of the sober friend, you would know that." You said as you turned around to face him.
"No, I just leave them to see to what extent they can embarrass themselves, so that I can have my fun later." He said as he smiled at you.
"Well then my sobriety works in my favour." You said but then a very loud thud distracted you both. You turned around to see Zane curled on the floor with everyone gathered around him and asking if he's okay.
"Wow, Zane, what did you do?" Jeff pushed everyone around so that he can check if he needs to go to the hospital, you standing close behind.
"My head hurts. And my arm." Zane slurred his words. He definitely needed to go the hospital.
"Okay buddy, hold on to me, I'll drive you to the hospital. "You're coming too." He said as he turned to look at you for a second. "Grab my keys from my jacket." You did as you were told. The drive to the hospital was very quick, with Jeff's mad driving you were surprised he didn't manage to get pulled over.
Zane had a minor concussion and needed to sleep a lot, but otherwise he was okay. You felt really shaken up, only noticing it when Jeff handed you down a coffee and you barely could keep it in your hands and not spill it everywhere.
"Hey, you okay? You're shaking." Jeff said as he took the cup from your hands and left it in the floor next to his foot.
"I just don't understand how he does it everytime, he nearly lost consciousness in the car, I'm just worried." You rambled as you felt your voice trembling.
"You know how he is, he'll be fine, you shouldn't worry now. Come here." He said as he opened his arms and pulled your shoulders towards him, embracing your small frame close to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and breathed in deeply, sensing his cologne and immediately feeling calmer. His head found its way in your hair, murmuring softly  "it's okay". The effects this boy had on you were indescribable. You stayed hugged for a while, until you heard someone coughing. You quickly separated and saw David and Heath staring at you.
"Everything okay?" David asked.
"Yeah, man, he's sleeping right now and then we'll take him home. He hit his head a bit too hard but he'll definitely live." Jeff explained as he again put the cup of not-so-hot coffee in your hands.
"You guys seem really tired, why don't you head home, me and Heath will wait and take him home." David offered as he saw the state you were in.
You opened your mind to protest but Jeff's response was quicker. "Okay, call me when you get home." He said as he tapped Heath's shoulder and motioned you to go before him.
You didn't say much in the car, you still felt a bit shaken up and Jeff's close presence wasn't helping with your nerves. He silently parked in front of your building and turned the engine off, rubbing his eyes.
"You wanna come up?" You said without thinking, seeing as he was just as tired as you. "You're tired and it's better if you can rest a bit." You tried explaining.
He looked at you and smiled a little as he said okay. You led the way up the stairs and prayed to calm your nerves, there was so much going on that you felt a bit too much of all of it.
"Just make yourself comfortable. You want something to drink?" You said as you wondered around your little kitchen while Jeff threw himself in the couch.
"Just water, thanks." He said as he took the remote and turned the tv on. He flicked through a few channels and then switched to Netflix and looking though what you've been watching last. You handed him his water and sat next to him. He immediately turned to look at you and just stayed like that. His intense stare made you very conscious until you decided to ignore it.
"Why don't we hang out more?" He asked, still staring at you.
"We hang out all the time, what do you mean?" You were genuinely confused.
"No, I mean just you and me. I feel like you avoid me sometimes."
Oh crap. You had to think of something and quick. "Well, our friends' unfortunate incidents bring us together, so maybe if more of that happens." You tried to use humour to get around his question.
Jeff smiled a little and looked down at hands.  "Just promise me that you're not avoiding me on purpose. I wouldn't like it if I knew you don't like to spend time with me."
You were surprised at his vulnerability. You never thought he cared that much what other people think.
"Jeff, I love spending time with you, I don't know why you think otherwise, you know how highly I think of you. Don't ever question that."
His smile grew a bit more as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. You weren't used to this level of intimacy with him but somehow it felt too good to question it. You relaxed your head on his chest and just enjoyed the moment. He shifted a little, then pressed a feather light kiss on top of your head and continued holding you close. You felt as calm as can be and you soon started to drift of to sleep. Jeff had his head leaning on the couch, lips still slightly pressed into your hair. You both fall asleep almost instantly, just happy to be in each other's arms.
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Summary: Imagine having a secret boyfriend that your friends are all too eager to figure out the identity of.
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Words: 2.4K Warnings: Language. Mentions of a MINOR car accident. Apologies to ‘anonymous’. I was so in love with the idea that I didn’t realize I didn’t actually know how to write a shy/timid person. I hope you still enjoy this.
Requested by anonymous who said: Hi! Can you write something where reader is really innocent and shy and she blushes/gets embarrassed easily but one day she has a hickey and everyone is trying to find out who she’s dating ? Thank you!!! (Omg sorry I’m so dumb😭 could it be for the vlog squad and the boyfriend being someone in vlog squad ! Maybe Jeff but I’m okay with anyone! Tysm!!)
Jeff asking you out came as a big surprise.
You had been a fan of David's videos, tweeting here and there to the group whenever they tweeted something random. You had never got a reply, which was to be expected, but you kept on tweeting them as if you were a long lost friend of theirs. But then everything changed one night when Natalie tweeted you back.
It started off slow, but she would reply to every one of your replies whether it be a couple of words or an emoji. Eventually, Natalie followed you back after a month of so of tweeting. And afterwards, it was a coincidence that the two of you ended up at the same restaurant. She tweeted a picture of her food and the place she was eating at with her mother, and you had replied you were there too.
Natalie had recognized you from your profile picture and she was happy to see you face to face. You were happy too, but you kept the meeting brief since she was there with her mother and promised to message her later. You took no pictures and didn't make a big deal about meeting her, and went about your own dinner before taking your leave.
Then on a whim when you tweeted you were bored, Natalie invited you to lunch. You agreed and met up with her, and it was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Meeting the rest of the gang left Natalie surprised. Where most people gushed and gushed, you were suddenly timid and didn't stray from Natalie's side. It wasn't that you were intimidated, but their personalities were flirtatious and innuendo dripped from every other statement that left their mouths. You had laughed and blushed, and then blushed some more when they teased you for it.
The group instantly accepted you and grew accustomed to your innocence. The girls took to protecting you when out in public, and when they couldn't the boys did. But a majority of the boys were more interested in either filming or finding a one-night-stand, and you really only had one person in your corner. Jeff.
You weren't really a party girl, but you went out with the gang when you were free. And more often than not, Jeff was never too far away and ready to whisk you away from an uncomfortable situation. So even after months of hanging out with Jeff when everyone was too crazy, late night phone calls, and hundreds of texts, you were beyond shocked when he asked you to dinner. At first you had politely declined because someone as handsome as him and who had the reputation Jeff had didn't go for someone like you. But he was patient and promised to go with the pace you set, and you eventually found yourself interested.
And true to his word, Jeff followed your lead and was more than down to spend time at home with you rather than going out on flashy dates.
Then after a couple of months testing the waters with him, you were ready to be exclusive even if you and he agreed to keep it on the down low. You knew your friends and you were dreading the big deal they'd no doubt make.
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Standing at your kitchen counter, you're slicing up a bit of fruit when hands slide around your waist from the back. A scratchy beard settles nuzzles near the crook of your neck before lips press softly to the side of your throat.
Chuckling quietly, you angle your head to the left to give Jeff more room. "Having fun there?"
"Mhm." Teeth nip and you groan, the fruit momentarily forgotten as his tongue then soothes the small sting. "Still want that snack?" He asks as his hands slide just underneath the hem of your tank.
His teeth bite a little harder and you gasp. You quickly set the knife down, sliding it and the cutting board of fruit to the side. "Screw the snack."
All too eager, Jeff turns you around and immediately lifts you onto the counter. Your legs wrap around his waist, his hands pull off your tank, and your hands link behind his neck. Your lips are drawn to one another and you lose yourself in the kiss.
"If only.." Kiss. "Our friends.." Kiss. "Can see you now." Jeff says between kisses.
You pull away, panting and groaning when Jeff's mouth moves back to your neck. "Don't jinx us." Your cellphone suddenly rings and he chuckles. As he continues to lick and nip, you look at your phone and see David calling. "Shit. It's David."
"Don't answer it."
"I have to." Jeff doesn't let up, instead he merely moves to the other side of your neck. Grumbling, you pinch his side just as you answer the call. "Uh, hey David!" Jeff bites, harder than he has been doing, and you muffle your groan into his shoulder.
"Uh, Y/N? You okay?"
"Mhm. Stubbed my toe," you lie. Jeff suddenly pulls back and smirks at you, and you unwrap your legs from his waist to use one of your feet to keep him at bay. "What's going on, David?"
"Me and the boys are going out for some lunch. You in?"
Glancing at your forgotten fruit, you sigh. "Yeah. Give me twenty. I need to shower."
"Okay. I'm picking up Todd right now then heading over to Jeff's since he's not answering my texts. We'll get you last."
Eyes widening, you can't help but stammer. "O-Okay. See you soon." As soon as you hang up and set your phone aside, you hop off the counter and immediately start shoving Jeff out of the kitchen. "Go, go, go. David and the boys are going to your place to see if you want to grab lunch with us. You need to learn to answer your texts."
He laughs. "What? You know I can easily just tell them I'm on my way to yours and they can just pick us up here together."
"Nope. No way," you say. "I don't trust you to let me shower in peace."
Jeff sighs. "You make a valid point."
As soon as you're by the front door, he bends over to slip his feet into his shoes. Then as he stands back up, he presses a quick kiss to your lips. "Okay that's enough. Shoo," you say as you push him out the door.
After one of the quickest showers you've ever taken, you apply a faint amount of makeup before tying your hair up in a messy bun and then shoving your feet into a pair of shoes. David texts that they're outside, so you readily pocket keys and cash before making your way outside.
David's driving and Jason's in the passenger seat. The back passenger door opens and Jeff steps out smirking, you rolling your eyes at him as you slide in before crawling into the third row. Todd greets you with one of his beaming smiles and once you're situated in the back, and Jeff's reclaimed his seat before shutting the door, you lean forward between Todd and Jeff.
But before you can say anything, Todd's eyes widen. "Oh my god! Who hoovered your neck?!"
You freeze as Todd pokes at a particular spot on your neck, your eyes widen when David and Jason twist in their seats, and it takes everything in you to not glance at Jeff.
"Y/N.." David says, slowly smiling. "Care to explain?"
"Seriously though, kudos to the guy or girl who managed to get you to let loose."
"Will you stop poking me!" You say, swatting at Todd as he suddenly cowers away from you, laughing. David and Jason are laughing hysterically in the front, Todd can't stop making kissing noises, and Jeff is chuckling softly. You groan and then hide your heated face in the palms of your hands. "This is why I didn't say anything. You guys know how I am with this stuff and look, you're all being assholes about it."
"Alright, alright," Jason says, ever the dad of the group. "Let's all leave Y/N alone. We're making her uncomfortable."
Instead of thanking him, you merely slide over to hide behind Todd's seat. Then when Jeff glances at you, you glare at him with one hand covering the side of your neck. The apology is in his eyes, but the bastard is finding this all too amusing.
Lunch was quite the amusing affair. Well at least for the boys it was. They couldn't stop staring at the hickey adorning your neck, or asking who the mystery person was, so you had to let your hair down to cover it. And all the while, Jeff never once came to your aid. Which, looking back on it, it was probably for the best. You couldn't chance your friends being suspicious.
But then things only got worse when everyone was back at David's, and Todd found it his mission to inform the girls of the hickey in hopes they knew something the boys didn't. But after much squealing and questioning, they realized no one had a clue as to who your mystery partner was.
It feels like your face has been flaming for hours, eyes on the verge of stinging with tears of embarrassment.
"Can you guys just.. stop," you ask, voice low. "I understand this is out of the norm for me, but I- I don't want things out in the open yet. I mean, just look at what you guys did to Suzy. You all got together and videotaped the first meeting. It's embarrassing."
Natalie, your first friend from the group, leans into you and wraps an arm around your shoulders. "I'm sorry, but it's just- it's you. You, my shy and beautiful and awkward friend," she coos.
You laugh, but the redness still doesn't recede.
"Will you at least tell us if it's a he or she? And if we know them?"
Hesitating briefly, you say, "Him. And you maybe know of him."
Everyone's back to oohing and awwing, and throwing out wild suggestions of who it could be.
Not once do they guess correctly, then again it doesn't help that your little shit of boyfriend is tossing out suggestions of his own, and eventually you leave them to keep wondering as Natalie drives you home.
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Two days later everyone is still trying to figure out who Y/N's boyfriend is and Jeff is grateful that she's not here, she choosing to run a few errands instead.
He's grabbing a drink from David's kitchen when his phone rings, he having left it in the living room where everyone else is. Natalie sees it, picking it up and waving it at him. "It's Y/N."
And not wanting to be suspicious by hurrying for the phone, he says, "Answer it."
Grinning, Natalie does as she's told. But only after seconds of answering the call does her smile her fall and she holding out the phone to Jeff once more when he nears. "It's, uh, it's the hospital."
That seems to shut everyone up and Jeff shakily takes his phone. "Hello?"
The call lasts less than a minute, but it's enough to make everyone suddenly understand why he was the one being called. The second Jeff hangs up and rushes to put on his shoes, everyone else is only a step behind. Only before he can open the door to leave, David stops him.
"Why don't you let someone else drive? Your mindset is all-"
"Look man, not now. I need to get to the hospital because-"
"Because something happened to your girlfriend. Something serious," David says. Jeff doesn't deny it. "We kind of figured it out just now."
"Come on." Natalie sidles up to Jeff's side when he can't come up with anything else to say. She gently takes the keys from his hands. "I'll drive. Y/N won't forgive us if something happens to you because you were in a hurry to get to her."
"I- yeah. Okay."
No one says anything to Jeff about being the mysterious boyfriend, at least not yet, but the seriousness of the situation doesn't stop the others from glancing at one another and mouthing did you know or what the fuck to each other.
Groaning, you rub your temples to keep the headaches at bay. You've never been in a car accident before, so really you're just grateful all you had was a mild concussion from where your head hit the door window. And fortunately for you, you were being released so long as your significant other kept an eye on you as the Doctor explained.
"Is it time to go home?" You ask when Jeff returns from handling some paperwork for you.
"Yeah. About that," he drawls. You glance up at him, frowning. "Everyone kind of figured out we're dating."
"What? How?"
"I panicked!"
You want to be upset or disappointed, really you do, but Jeff's frantic I panicked! has you giggling. "God you're such a goober," you say while subtly shaking your head in amusement.
"A goober? Is that a good thing or-"
You grin. "Sure. Now can we please go home? If you're going to keep me from getting long blissful hours of sleep, I rather do it in the comfort of my house or yours."
Jeff helps you gather all your personal belongings and paperwork from the Police, and you should be surprised but you're really not when you realize your friends are all waiting in the lobby.
The moment the grins start forming, you groan and tuck yourself in Jeff's side as he chuckles. "Don't."
"What?" David feigns innocence. "We're just here to show our support after such a scary ordeal."
"Bullshit. You're here to find out everything about how Jeff and I ended up together."
"I hate you guys so much." Still blushing, you manage to turn your face so you can meet some of your friend's gazes. "I was literally just in a car accident. Can we please not do this now. Or ever."
"Fine." Natalie steps forward, taking you from under Jeff's arm and putting you under her own arm. She leads you out of the hospital and a little further ahead of everyone before lowering her voice. "But seriously, you and I are talking because Jeff? Nice."
You snort and then groan when your head aches. "Fine. Just give me a couple days to recuperate."
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