#where's ged's husband
elinekeit-artstuff · 4 months
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I loved you first, I loved you first Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth I have to go, I have to go Your hair was long when we first met
🎶 Lyrics from Samson by Regina Spektor 🎶
Something about Ged and Estarriol and a quiet love that exists in the forgotten fragments of history
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thequeendesi · 2 years
Your Man
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Title: Your Man
Alt Title: Five Year Reunion
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the euphoria franchise
Warning: Nate Jacobs if he got therapy, you were in maddy’s place, so whatever happened to Maddy happened to you. Maddy was your best friend at the time. Cassie still got mcjiggy w him.
Rating: PG
Request: I was wondering if you could do a Nate jacobs request with sort of like everyone is older and it’s a high school reunion Nate and the reader have been dating since high school and they are like the last to show everyone is talking about how awkward it will be for both of them because of how much they fought in high school like everyone thought they would of split up and have another husband and another wife but everyone is completely shocked when Nate and the reader show up married with a 3 year old son 2 year old daughter and another baby on the way maybe? @kayleigh--23
You took a deep breath. “You look fine, don’t worry.” He said, leaning down to meet your ear. “I’m not worried about looking fine.” You reassured him. “Just worried what everyone will say. We weren’t necessarily the healthiest couple in high school.” You chuckled a little.
“Therapy.” Nate shrugged. “Hurry up though.” He patted your ass a little. “We’re waiting on you. James is getting antsy and Holly’s looks ready for cake.” Nate said. “Don’t even know where she got the idea of cake from.”
You chuckled a little and finished your makeup before standing up, your 7 month bump prominent. The rumor your mother told you was true, the more you're pregnant the bigger the bumps.
Rue leaned against the wall, observing the passing people. Celebrating her 5th year of sobriety. She noticed Cassie and Maddie on separate sides of the room, noticing the subtle understanding between the girls as the two shared a small wave and smile. She watched Fezco in the middle of the room speaking to Lexi. He ended up returning to finish his GED thanks to Lexi’s help. For Ash he accredits his progress.
Jules stood over by the punch bowl, catching up with Elliot. An odd sight, the thought back to 5 years ago. Why a 5 year reunion? No clue. But Rue decided to go, and it was comforting to see nearly all her classmates and their children except two.
“It’s gonna be awkward when Nate and (Name) get here, huh?” Lexi asked Rue. “Definitely. There’s no way they made it past college.” Cassie followed up.
“As if.” Maddy half joked. “It’s Nate.” She crossed her arms. “You think they met in the parking lot already?” Kat asked.
“You think they’re shouting out there now?” Kat’s daughter, June, asked. A smart girl for only being 9.
You entered the room, your hand being held by James, Holly being held by Nate. Nate’s hand on the small of your back as you two entered the open doors.
“Holy shit.” Rue said. “Married.” Cassie said, leaning back against the wall.
“With kids.” Jules said, scoffing.
“Hi guys.” You said. Your kids waved hi at your old high school friends. “You guys don’t have Facebook?” Lexi asked you.
“No. We kinda deleted it when going through therapy and never thought to get it again.” Nate answered, shrugging.
“Wow. So y’all got married.” Rue said, almost astonished. She never thought Nate would marry anyone, especially not as sweet as you.
“Yea. It was after we had James and the aforementioned-therapy though.” You rubbed your stomach a little. “So what’re you having this time?” Maddy asked.
“A boy and a girl.”
“Shit man, you gon’ get snipped yet?” Fezco half joked. “Got the appointment filed and everything.” Nate said, mostly joking himself. “Well, I’m glad you two had a happy ever after.” Jules half smiled.
“Thanks Jules.” Nate nodded at her.
You looked up at Nate, smiling a little. You’ll give him his credit where it’s due. Not everyday is easy, definitely not everyday. You two still shout, and fight and cry… but he apologizes and listens this time. He books the appointments when they’re needed and even when they’re not.
You were proud of your man. He’d made it far in the 7 years you two were together.
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starker-raving-mads · 7 months
For You: Part III
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX
It was two months since the day Peter Parker's life changed for the second - third - fourth time.
He'd gotten more sleep over the last month than he had in the previous two months. It was partly due to sheer, never-ending exhaustion. His life since taking on the mantle as 'the new Tony Stark' - a title he balked at, mind you - had become pure chaos. At first, it was a relief. The instantaneous knowledge that money was no longer a problem. May could quit her job and devote her time to FEAST, he could complete his honors-GED (which many of the Blipped teenagers had chosen to do) and immediately hop into online college courses at Columbia with Ned and MJ.
Immediately following that relief, though, was his face splashed across every newspaper, tabloid, blog, and TikTok page in America.
He would never say it, and he couldn't prove it, but he was 99% sure it was Pepper's doing. After her initial outburst at the lawyer's offices, he'd hardly heard from her. His lawyers - god, his lawyers - had advised that he shouldn't respond to any comments on the subject of Pepper Potts being snubbed by her husband for Peter's heir status. While she had no legal leg to stand on since Tony's will was air tight and definite, that didn't stop her from digging her claws into all the ways she knew would hurt him.
Every time he saw something outrageous with his face on it on an article somewhere, he had to remind himself that she was grieving and in pain about a perceived betrayal by her husband. Her husband, who was Tony Stark, who did not belong to him.
No matter that the man had figured out time travel for him, had risked the universe, had given him billions of dollars and the most coveted job in the entire world. Tony only gave him this because there wasn't anyone else better that he trusted, but Peter knew that didn't mean he was Tony's true first choice, and he had to squash every niggling feeling and whisper of a thought that said he was. It would only make it hurt more when all he wanted was the pain to stop.
He'd finally found a moment, though, where things weren't quite as bad. He'd recently reconvened with Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Rhodey and they had a steady if not solid pact. They were all unsure of the situation, still, and Peter didn't blame them. He'd been…questioned, more politely than Pepper had done, on how he and Tony's relationship had unfolded.
When he'd explained that he was 14 when he met Mr. Stark, Steve and Bucky both winced, apologizing for the disaster that was Germany but Peter shrugged it off. He really hadn't been hurt and it was a foundational moment for his and Mr. Stark's relationship. He couldn't bring himself to regret it.
After that, they'd had a few meals together, talked more about his life - and theirs, to an extent, though he was far more privy to them than they had been of him.
"He never mentioned you," Steve said, shaking his head, baffled. He held a cool beer in his hand, leaning back from the patio table they had gathered around at the newly rebuilt SHIELD headquarters in upper state New York.
"Oh he mentioned Pete to me all right," Rhodey disagreed before reaching over and ruffling his curls lightly. Peter liked Rhodey, liked how hands-on he was, how relaxed but also somehow by the book, liked his humor. He could see how he and Tony had been such good friends. "But he'd only told me about his 'brilliant new intern'," they all chuckled. "He really kept the whole Spider-Man thing close to the chest."
"I'd asked him to," Peter admitted, peeling the wrapper off of his bottle of lemonade. "First because I was still like so young, yo know? And then later, after a few - pretty major - mistakes I made, I guess he thought I'd proved I was finally ready to be an Avenger."
"Well I never heard Tony trying to recruit anyone," Rhodey commented and they all looked at him quizzically.
Peter let out a single huffed laugh. "Yeah, uh," he tried to keep down the blush rising on his neck. "You remember the day that Mr. Stark proposed to Ms. Potts?" Rhodey and Sam both laughed long and hard.
"Even over in Wakanda we saw that," Sam chuckled. "It was the Tony Stark special - a huge thing wrapped in a tiny, chaotic package. Not unlike yourself," he raised his eyebrows at Peter, who flicked his bottle wrapper at him.
"Pepper had no idea it was coming," Rhodey agreed before taking a long drink of his own beer.
"Yeah, well I don't think Mr. Stark had really…planned it," he grimaced. At their faces, he continued. "He'd taken me up to Stark Tower and gave me this speech about having graduated to the 'big leagues' after my last big wrap up," he shrugged. "He gave me the Iron Spider suit and said I was ready to be an Avenger." He frowned, rubbing at the glue and paper residue on his bottle. "And I told him that I just wasn't ready yet. That I needed to stay in Queens for a while more, be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Help the little guy, you know?" He raised earnest eyes up to the group and they all nodded, slowly. "So I asked him to just keep helping my identity to stay quiet," he shrugged.
"So, then what happened?" Bucky asked, long hair tilting with the rest of his head in curiosity. He didn't speak up often, but when he did, it was always because of something he really wanted to know.
"The next thing I knew I was being ushered downstairs to wait at the car for Happy," he shrugged. "I pulled out my phone and there on live broadcast Mr. Stark was proposing to Ms. Potts at a press conference." He chuckled. "It was - really, really weird."
He expected everyone else to laugh with him, but he was met with contemplative silence. He looked around at each of them before Rhodey finally met his gaze. "What?"
"I think," the older man said slowly, "that press conference was meant to be for your reveal as Spider-Man."
"No way - I mean," he shook his head as the rest of the guys started nodding their heads, agreeing thoughtfully. "He wouldn't propose to her just because - just because I said no to - "
" - to his proposal," Bucky finished.
It was another revelation that Peter could hardly bear the weight of. These things kept stacking and he wasn't sure how to balance all this knowledge he had, about the things Tony had done - and undone - for him. This one, though…this new information didn't hurt, not like the others did.
It actually made a strange amount of sense. At once, it both stung to feel like he was replaced with Ms. Potts so immediately, but also it was like the first fresh breath after being buried underground for so long to know that Peter's answer that day was so important to him that the only thing he could possibly trade it out for in equivalency was getting engaged.
Did this mean that if Peter had said yes Mr. Stark wouldn't have gotten married? It made his head spin, but it also made his heart lighter than it had been in weeks.
Light enough to finally enter the last bastion of refuge that Tony Stark ever took comfort in.
His lab.
Despite being uninhabited for who knew how long, when the familiar glass doors slid open the air wasn't musty, stale, or any such thing. It was as fresh and crisp as it ever was. Off in the corner the long L shaped couch that he and Mr. Stark had often collapsed into opposite ends of, exhausted, lay half-made with fluffy pillows. The coffee pot was empty but clean, and every other available surface covered in notes either figuratively, having been decorated with papers scribbled on with hundreds of lines of equations and code, or literally, like the side of Peter's work station, where he'd dropped to a crouch to finish writing something out when he ran out of paper, mid-idea. He knew he could've just kept writing mid-air thanks to the lab's complete holographic setup, but it wasn't the same as having something solid under your hands.
There was pain in the familiarity of the lab but there was also a feeling of home he hadn't quite gotten the first time he stepped back into his and May's apartment. Plus -
"Hello, Peter."
"Friday!" He exclaimed, smile breaking wide across his face. With a pang, he didn't realize just how much he'd missed the AI until this moment.
"Yes, Peter?" the AI asked, voice warm and if he dared to think it, amused.
"Nothing, nothing, I'm just excited to see you again," he chuckled, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. He started walking around the lab, taking it all in for the first time in what, to him, had been months. The longer he thought about that the more his brow furrowed. "Hey Friday?"
"Yes, Peter? Or would you like me to call you Boss as Tony had?"
"Oh! Um," he shook his head. "No, no Peter's fine, or whatever."
She hummed. "Would it be all right if I picked a name for you, Peter? Being able to distinguish between Boss and Others by a more specific title helps me with my internal hierarchy and understanding of individuals. If you would prefer I do not, though, merely say such."
"I mean if it helps you then, yeah, sure I guess."
"Thank you, Mini Boss," she said. He laughed again.
"You might wanna work on that," he smiled wide.
"Yes, I think it might take me some time, Father."
His eyes widened. "Father?"
"Hm, you're right," she said. "Boss was more like my Father, I suppose."
"Uh, yeah, definitely," Peter nodded. He gave her a beat to let her figure out what she wanted to call him as he walked over to his desk. He'd let her go through her process before he started asking the questions that sat burning in his mind.
"Would you be opposed to me calling you Mother, Peter?" Friday asked. He spun in his chair, smile wide again.
"If Tony was your Father, wouldn't he also be your Mother?" he asked, amused. "You know, having done 100% of your coding, and all."
"If one were to look at my original codebase as the only part of what makes me, me," she agreed. "However, would you not say that those that raise you are more worthy of such a title rather than just those that created you?"
He immediately thought to May and how, if he'd been younger when he came to her, he'd be calling her by that name.
"That's true enough, sure."
"And outside of Boss," she went on, "you are the individual most involved in my growth. So it stands to reason that if Boss is Father, then Peter is Mother."
"I - " he really didn't know what to say to that. It had never occurred to him that outside of Mr. Stark he was the one who interacted with Friday the most.
"If you would prefer I find a name not so closely connotated with females," she continued, "I can endeavor to do so."
"No, no, it's fine, Friday," he replied, quiet and in his head again. "You can - can call me Mother if you want." A not-so-small part of him felt absolutely, transparently happy that Friday considered him her parent. More than Mr. Stark leaving him the company, more than having all this financial security and ability to mess around with Tony Stark's labs, more than all of that - this meant something profound to him.
"I also thought," she said and that amusement was hinted at in her lilting Irish, "that it would be a nice subversive reference to the spacecraft from Alien."
He laughed out loud at that. "I love that movie, that's perfect."
He could feel her smile, then. "I know you do, Mother."
He slumped onto the stool at his table in the lab and finally asked his question. "Friday, can you tell me - why isn't the lab more different?"
"Different how?"
"Well it's just," he struggled to articulate the sentence, the feeling he was pulling at. "I was - gone - for five years. But it almost looks like this place never really changed?"
"I see," she said. "Boss spent a lot of time here after the Blip first happened, once he was home from Titan. He slept primarily on the couch in the corner and had me refill his coffee orders more than anything else. However, he never touched your things, Mother."
Peter frowned. "Why?"
"I could not say," she replied, tone ponderous. "Based on his patterns of movement, he seemed to specifically avoid your work areas. Though he did take a jacket you had left at her table to the couch. From my archival footage, he seemed to sleep with it, perhaps for warmth?"
It occurred to the teen, then, that Friday probably had thousands and thousands of hours of Tony on video and he could pull it to watch them at any time. The feeling of want was a fever in his blood and he asked, "Can you show me?"
"Of course, Mother."
Faint blue light lit up the couch and Peter walked over to it, seeing that more than merely just show him the video, she played it out in holographic projection. His breath hitched as Tony walked into view, Peter's hoodie in clutched in his hands. Staring down at it, he slumped onto the couch and brought the fabric to his face. Less breathing it in and more suffocating himself with it.
"I'm sorry," he heard muffled through Friday's speakers. "I'm so sorry, Pete."
Tony then curled up onto the couch on his side, face pressed to the hoodie, back toward the room. The projection cut off.
Peter didn't realize that he was crying until Friday asked, "Mother, are you okay?"
"I - " he tried to say, throat clogged with tears. "No," he admitted, jacket-covered wrist swiping away at his tears. He sniffled and sat where Tony had, finding his hoodie wedged between the cushions and the back of the couch. He pulled it out and, like Tony, smashed it to his face, breathing in the faintly lingering spicy scent of Tony Stark.
"I'm sorry, Mother," Friday said, speakers low, tone regretful. "I did not mean to cause you pain."
"You didn't, sweetheart," he shook his head, voice still clogged with tears. "I'm just sad."
"Why?" she asked, her natural curiosity shining through. Much like a child, she did not always know when it wasn't the right time to ask questions. But Peter had always liked indulging her and feeding her curiosity. The first few lab sessions they played 20 Questions back and forth until Tony would tell them both to shut up, though the amusement when he said it always shone through.
"I'm sad because Tony's dea - " he cleared his throat. "Because Tony - "
"It is okay, Mother," Friday cut him off. "I understand."
At that, he let himself fall back into the couch like Tony had. Above him, Friday dimmed the lights and stayed quiet, letting him cry out his grief in silence.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 5 months
66 and 84🥹?
Hi anon! i hope its satifsying to get your prompt answered after a week, i just didnt like this and didnt know how to end it but ive accepted that im not going to make it any better and here you go!
84. Show me what’s behind your back + 66. How could I ever forget about you?
Ian held out for so, so long, he’d like that on the record. 
He didn't know about it until they moved into the westside apartment. His alarm bells started going off when he noticed Mickey being careful with something. It was unusual for Mickey, who usually threw his shit around without a care and it made Ian’s Mickey specific senses prick up. 
He’d subtly tracked Mickey’s movements as they unpacked, knowing that if Mickey was bothering to try to hide something, there was no point in asking from the jump because he wouldn’t get answer. 
And Ian trusted his husband, and was making a point to show that, so if Mickey wanted to hide the little unlabeled tin somewhere Ian wouldn’t find it (in the hollowed out contents of a book and buried in his nightstand, Ian wasn’t a saint and there was no logical explanation for Mickey owning a book that big) Ian would let him have that, it’s not like the contents of that tin would be life or death, right?
That’s what Ian kept telling himself when Mickey disappeared one night. He was supposed to be with Sandy and back in time for dinner, but there Ian was at midnight, wondering where the hell his husband was. 
He’d exhausted, his options; calling Mickey, calling Sandy, calling Debbie and Lip, and finally calling the hospital. Nothing. No one was answering.
So Ian stretched his mind to what kind of trouble his husband could be getting into, and it kept going back to that little mystery tin. 
Fuck it. Ian creeped down the hallway, keeping his footsteps light from nerves even though he was the only one home. Once he finally rifled through Mickey’s nightstand, searching through miscellaneous pens and notebooks and half eaten protein bars Ian told him to throw away weeks ago, he found the big heavy book tucked all the way in the back. 
Smoothing his thumb over the cover, Ian tried to make out what it originally said. Maybe cigars? Or bullets, knowing Mickey. It was bigger than a mint tin but smaller than a lunchbox and rusting lightly around some of the corners. 
Cautiously lifting the lid, Ian peered in curiously, all thoughts of it possibly holding the secret to Mickey’s location fading away as he took in the contents. 
It had Mickey’s birth certificate, for one. Mikhalio Aleksander Milkovich. August 10th 1994. Cook County, born at 3:36 am. There was a white lighter, which didn’t have any gas left in it, but Ian kind of recognized it from when they were kids. There was a photo of a woman with dark hair, standing unsmilingly in front of a white wall. A little green army man, like the ones that littered Ian’s childhood bedroom, and a photo of Mickey and Mandy that must’ve been taken on Mandy’s first phone, judging from the quality. 
An old strip of paper with a phone number, a GED with Mickey’s name on it which made Ian’s eyebrows raise. An ID with a photo of younger Mickey that listed him as Casimir Bukowski. And finally, a very, very old photo of Ian, with a beanie and a smirk, flipping off the camera like he thought he was the shit. 
There were a couple of water stains, and places where the shitty inkjet paper was faded nearly white, but it was obviously him. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” 
Ian whipped around and closed the tin behind him as he faced his husband.
“Nothing,” he defended immediately. “What the fuck are you doing back so late? I was worried.”
“Got fucking trashed with Sandy” Mickey said. “Had to listen to her fucking dyke drama.”
“You should have called me!” Ian insisted angrily. 
“What’re are you hiding?” Mickey slurred curiously. 
“I am not-” Ian started indignantly, cheeks heating up.
“Show me what’s behind your back” Mickey ordered.
“Your mystery box” Ian admitted, throwing the tin onto their comforter. 
Mickey snorted inelegantly, walking over to join Ian and sitting on his side of the bed, stumbling slightly. 
Pulling the box into his lap, Mickey shuffled through the contents halfheartedly “it’s not a mystery, it’s just my shit.”
“You don’t have to hide it,” Ian said quietly, sitting next to him. 
“Force of habit” Mickey explained away.
Chewing his lip, Ian debated how to bring up the photo that shocked him the most “that’s a really old picture, you can have a new one.”
“I’ve had it for a while,” Mickey said unhelpfully, like that explained it.
“How’d you even get it?”
“Mandy printed it out, I guess she took it” Ian tried to think back and vaguely remembered Mandy pointing a shitty snapshot camera at him before she made him take photos of her. “I stole it after you left, for the army.”
Mickey was looking at the photo now, rubbing his thumb over the worn paper. “I wanted to see you, I guess,” he admitted quietly. 
“I thought you forgot about me,” Ian said honestly.
“How could I forget about you?” Mickey asked honestly, finally looking up to meet Ian’s eyes with a wide, unfocused look. 
“I don’t know” Ian said, not really understanding his own motivations entirely, looking back. But also not ready to admit he assumed everyone forgot about him, even his own family. 
“Thought about you every day,” Mickey said quietly. 
But now he thought about Mickey sitting alone and looking at a photo of him in between moments of pretending, hiding in his own house from the wife he didn’t want and a father who despised him. 
“You really love me, huh?” Ian asked, peering curiously over at his husbands face. 
Mickey finally looked up, meeting his gaze with a smirk. “’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Gallagher.”
For a second, Ian was so overwhelmed with emotion he couldn’t stand to look at him, so Ian bumped his shoulder against Mickey’s, smiling bashfully as he over corrected and nearly fell off the bed.
“You’re fucking trashed” Ian accused. 
“Been drinking around you losers too much” Mickey defended tiredly, rubbing absentmindedly at his face.
“Yeah?” Ian asked sweetly, amusedly watching his husband fade into sleep in real time.
“M’yeah” Mickey agreed.
Ian kissed his head for a second before getting up and kneeling in front of him.
“Oh, I love you Ian, but there’s no way I’m gonna’ be able to do that” Mickey mumbled, blinking slowly down at him.
Ian just grinned and started unlacing his boots, knowing that Mickey was about fifteen seconds away from curling up on their clean comforter with dirty shoes. 
“You want some leftovers?” Ian asked once he finished taking off his husbands shoes. 
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to eat in the bed,” Mickey said tauntingly, digging his sock covered toes into Ian’s thigh. 
Ian fixed him with a glare until Mickey shook his head. Ian shrugged and helped Mickey out of his jacket and jeans, and rolled him into the center of the bed before he padded quietly into their bathroom to take his nighttime meds. 
When he got back into the bedroom, Mickey was sound asleep, snoring and drooling slightly against Ian’s pillow in the dim yellow light.
thanks for asking!
writers ask game
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emerald-dragonflame · 1 month
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Art Style/AU Challenge PT 2: My Hero Academia's Style
Part 1 and Explanation here
I understand now why people hate lineart... thin lines suuuuuck. I don't think I captured the MHA style all that well, and I'm not entirely sure what exactly it's missing, but I hope it's still somewhat recognizable. Also, the names of the Flying Serpent Crew is subject to change in some AUs if I feel it works better with the story I'm telling (I'll put their real names in parenthesis so it's less confusing)
buckle up, this might be a bit wordy, but I tried to make it as brief as possible
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Lady Drake: The Dragon Fire Hero
Quirk: Dragon
She has the ability to fly, breath fire, and have super strength, along with the ability to be resistant to fire
Taiba was born in Nigeria and immigrated to America when she was less than a year old with her parents and 3 other siblings. She's very cut off from her native country, and is the only one of her 3 companions that adores her adopted country. Making it a little difficult for her to really connect Bruce (Brosmýr's name in this AU), and Victerico, since their both also immigrants.
She had always wanted to be a pro hero, especially after her quirk appeared. In this AU, I headcannon that America in MHA, the way that you become a pro hero is either by 1. simply passing a test, like for driving or a GED, or 2. going to collage specifically for it, and Taiba went to college. This is were she meets Bruce Ficsher, her future partner and husband.
They both start their own independent company after college, of which I don't have a name for, yet.
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Nightingale: The Feathered Lighting Hero
Quirk: Harpy
He can fly, is crazy fast, can control lightning, and can mimic voices and sounds, but only if he's heard them before
Bruce Ficsher was born and raised in Ireland for most of his childhood, but when his father got a job in the states, they moved there when he was a teenager. Due to this, he's still a little bit bitter at his father for forcing him to leave his friends and family to go to a country he barely cares for.
He's pretty down for the 2nd amendment tho.
When he was born, he... very much looked like a baby bird, bulging tired eyes, chicken wings, and all. He did eventually grow out some down feathers, but it didn't really help the teasing from his classmates. That is, of course, until he got a lot bigger than them. He was always referred to as a bit creepy, and being a bit of a loner didn't help.
Bruce wanted to be a hero mostly because of that. He wanted to show that even if he wasn't the most appealing looking hero, he could still do good. That he wasn't condemned to being a villain. That all he ever wanted to do was help those in need.
He was fine just simply talking the Hero's Test and shadowing under a Pro until he could get his full license, but his parents had other plans. So they sent him to college, where he met Taiba.
During their college days, they butted heads a lot. However, forced proximity made them need to start to work together (their powers worked very well together), and they learned that they were a very good team.
They started dating their first year together, and got married before they even finished college.
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Captain Serpent: The Water Snake Hero
Quirk: Water Serpent
He has the ability to breath under water, use hydrokinesis, and glide in the air. He, however, can't fly
Victerico left his native country of Spain and when he was in his mid twenties. He is the eldest of the three, being in his early 40s, and is the one that was the most down on his luck.
You see, Viterico came to America on the hope that he could start a new life for himself. A better job, maybe find a wife, and start a family. However, bad break, after terrible luck, after bad timing led to him being homeless and jobless. And would have rather die than live like that, so he became a villain.
Due to his quirk making him look like a sea monster, Victerico decided to hang out in rivers and swamps, lying in wait for people to scare. When he did, they would either run, and hopefully drop something valuable, or he would threaten them until they gave him something valuable. It was awful, but it worked.
After a couple of years of doing this, he was captured by Taiba and Bruce, however, this would turn out to be his big break. For you see, Viterico was the only witness to a murder that had been perpetrated by an infamous serial killer.
He helped Lady Drake (Taiba) and Nightingale (Bruce) finally catch (and sadly kill) the villain, and in turn, the two of them heard his story. They rescued him from prison, on the condition that he become the third member of their agency. Viterico accepted, and after taking the test, and shadowing under the two of them, he became the latest member of the (name pending) Agency.
Main Story:
This is getting long, so I will try to make this brief; their agency ends up in Japan after the appearance of All for One, coming to try and help by their own volition. I imagine that they would want to try and help the students of UA. And with Bruce being a huge language nerd (seriously, if he wasn't gonna be a hero, he would've been a linguist), they were able to get along just fine in Japan. Coming into the main story of MHA after the Provisional Hero License Arc, trying their best to be both protectors of the UA students, and help with the expanding crime after All Might looses his power.
Single Portraits under cut ↓
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eyeofnewtblog · 2 months
Things that happen at home:
So, my youngest sibling got their first tattoo today, a week after their 18th birthday and a month after getting their GED.
First and foremost, I’m so freaking proud of this kid, they deal with a lot of anxiety/panic attacks, but they still managed to get through it into adulthood.
So, basically the story with the tattoo is that 4 years ago, when I married my now husband, I asked both of my younger sisters (now sister and sibling) to be bridesmaids, and offered a “matching” tattoo as their present from me for saying yes. M was 14 at the time and I knew for a fact that Mom was not about to sign a waiver, but I had the money specifically set aside to get me and Middle Sister done before the wedding. The idea was that we would both be there for M when they were old enough. It didn’t exactly work out that way, (middle couldn’t be there and honestly this last year has been a financial nightmare for me plus I wasn’t expecting youngest to go on a two week trip out of state) BUT! We got it done today!
The artist was fantastic, super chill dude who was calm and informative and was wearing a “tattoos are stupid” T-shirt, hilarious in a dry humor way. He took us in and did great work with only a day’s notice.
The shop had a stuffed unicorn plushy that they called The Tough Guy Cuddle Buddy and my sibling said, immediately upon being offered it, “YES, I want that!” And made grabby hands.
So, youngest is pretty touch adverse? Like they allow me specifically to sit in closer proximity to them than others, but it’s kind of a mutual thing where they understand that my physical boundaries with family are practically non existent and I acknowledge that their bubble is about double a normal person’s, so we compromise with sitting on the couch several feet apart BUT I’m allowed to be touching them in some way. Usually I just tuck my toes under their thigh while we both scroll. There has to be a layer of fabric between us, because I have “scratchy feet” but otherwise that’s the norm.
Today was definitely different though.
My youngest sibling hasn’t let me full on comfort cuddle them since this kid was like, 8 years old. (To be fair, I moved out of state around that time, and by the time we were back in the same city I chose to do “sister dates” where I’d pick them up from from school on half days and we’d just go to our favorite restaurant that was right up the street from our favorite ice cream shop, so all public spaces and zero cuddles)
I FINALLY GOT TO COMFORT CUDDLE! The kid I used to wake up for in the middle of the night when they were having a nightmare and wanting to be cuddled, the kid I told to scream at anything or anyone that made them think of monsters (kiddo oddly spent like a solid month going up to random bushes, sticking their face as deep in as they could go, and full on Viking Battle Screaming into The Void) LET ME HOLD THEM IN A FULL ON CUDDLE FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THEIR FIRST TATTOO.
This is one of those moments where I’m genuinely in awe of the fact that we still have such a strong relationship (nothing bad has happened, but time either heals all wounds or leaves a lot of nerve damage) But I seriously thought, over the last 18 months or so, my sibling is growing up and won’t need me as much, if at all, anymore. I have never been more happy to be proven wrong.
Kiddo straight up said that this is probably the only tattoo they will ever get, but also, I really fucking hope not because they are an absolute cuddle bug when they’re in pain and need affection, and as selfish as it is to say, I hope they get a million more and that I’m just as worthy of being invited to the latest as I was to the first.
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
The night before his first day of his second senior year Eddie was sincerely considering just dropping out. And if he could just figure out how to forge a High School Diploma he would have by now. Because the thought of going to that hellhole without Steve was making him feel sick, for more reasons than one. 
Obviously, he was just going to miss being around him, as fucked up as that was. He was still going to be the first thing he saw every morning and the last thing when he woke up. 
He would still get to monopolize his time outside of classes and it had already been agreed upon that the weekends were now solely for them, other friends and responsibilities be damned. That one had been Steve’s idea, even going as far as demanding that Eddie come bother him at work for at least half his shift on the days he couldn’t get out of it. That still didn’t feel like enough. Even if it would have to be. 
It’s just�� Steve’s presence was so damn comforting. The thought of having to go through the mundanity of high school all over again without him made him feel sick. Though, Eddie would be lying if it wasn’t good practice for when they were out on their own. It wasn’t like they could be glued to each other’s sides when they both had jobs to worry about. 
But that didn’t mean he had to like it. 
That wasn’t even mentioning the bigger, more obvious issue was that Eddie wouldn’t be around to make sure Steve didn’t accidentally kill himself. For six hours out of the day, he’d be completely out of the loop, utterly oblivious to any of the dangers his angel had a knack for putting himself in. 
Part of him understood that no, it wasn’t reasonable to expect to know where your boyfriend was every hour of the day. The average person would definitely think he was insane for that. But the average person didn’t live above a literal hellscape. They didn’t have nightmares of monsters tearing their future husband apart. He had earned the right to be paranoid, even if it could potentially get in the way of the whole graduating thing. 
It wasn’t helping that he had already skipped the first official day, a fact that he was currently paying for. 
“Syllabus day doesn’t count,” Eddie argued for the tenth time, trying and failing to avoid Steve’s glare, “Don’t look at me like that, it doesn’t!”
He had his head against Steve’s stomach, both of them sprawled out on his bed. Steve was running his hands through Eddie’s hair, comforting despite the fact that he was in the middle of a lecture. 
Steve rolled his eyes, “Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Nobody got fired for kissing ass?’ That’s the mentality you should have right now.”
Eddie hated that he was right. He hated how actually trying this time was unavoidable. Not when both Wayne and Steve believed that he could graduate. The sincerity of that belief was powerful enough to have him actually doing this shit all over again. 
Why were the two people he loved the most like this?
He had been pouting about it all night, and there was only so much coddling Steve could do to make him feel better. Because now he had to do this shit without him, which was a whole new brand of hell that Eddie wasn’t sure he was ready for. 
The cuddling was helping a little bit though. 
“It’s only nine months,” Steve said for probably the third time, leaning down to kiss the top of his head, “And then we’re out of here. I know you can do it.”
“I’m only doing it for you two,” Eddie mumbled like he hadn’t already said that a million times “If I fail again I’m just going for the GED. I’m not doing this shit three fucking times.”
“I wouldn’t ask you to,” Steve reassured, “When July hits we’re out of here, no matter what.”
“How am I supposed to keep an eye on you when I’m gone six hours a day?” Eddie whined, some of that sincere fear that he had creeping into his voice, “Because I swear to��god, if you get into some supernatural shit while I’m at school I’m going to freak the fuck out.”
Steve rolled his eyes, like Eddie was the crazy one here. Never mind the flesh spider monsters and Russian torture, “Well… if you keep an eye on Dustin it’s basically the same thing right? He’s the one that keeps getting me involved.”
Eddie sighed, pushing away his hands to clamor into Steve’s lap with a frown, “I’m serious Steve.”
But Steve wasn’t taking him seriously. He was just cooing at him, sitting up so he could wrap his arms around Eddie’s waist, “I’d be able to take you a lot more seriously if you weren’t so cute when you pout.”
Eddie knew that he was trying to make him smile, but Eddie refused to crack. It wasn’t funny. He didn’t get it, how terrifying it was to realize how close the love of his life had come to dying without him. Eddie hoped he never would, he hoped nothing ever bad happened to him again. Or at the least, nothing fucking life-threatening. Was that so much to ask for?
That didn’t stop Steve from continuing to keep things light. “Baby come on. The Upside Down shit is over. How will I get myself into trouble? I go to like four, five places. I’m too boring to get murdered nowadays.”
Eddie frowned, deciding to hold his tongue. Though in all honesty… he wasn’t so sure that all of that Upside Down shit was over.  He didn’t like thinking about it much, but so far every fucking time they had thought they had won, something else happened. Once a year for three years didn’t make him feel that hopeful for the fourth, despite how many governmental reassurances they got. It was kind of horrifying when you got right down to it, and acknowledging the possibility of it at all was almost enough to send him into a panic attack. 
He shoved the thoughts back down, grumbling instead, “Well you seem to keep finding a way.”
Steve, the little shit, had the audacity to roll his damn eyes at him. He put a hand to his chest, dramatically making the sign of the cross, “I swear to God, I won’t do anything dangerous without you again. Scout’s honor.”
The sentiment was cute enough to finally force Eddie to smile. Even though that wasn’t even close to good enough for him, “How about you never do anything dangerous, ever?”
At least Steve had the good grace not to lie to him. Steve sighed, batting his eyelashes at him like being cute could magically fix all of his worries, “Not if given the choice?”
“It’s not funny, Steve,” Eddie said, completely unimpressed at his attempts to appease him, “If something happens to you while I’m fucking around in chemistry class… it’s gonna kill me.”
He wasn’t… trying to make Steve’s fucked up experiences about him. But his angel was too much of a self-sacrificing idiot to get it unless he did. To his credit, it did seem to work. Steve was instantly softening, a tiny frown on his face as he hugged Eddie to him a little tighter with one arm. 
“Eddie, look at me,” Steve softly demanded, gently putting two fingers on his chin to turn his face up, turning his face up, “I’m going to be fine, okay? Trust me, I wouldn’t do that to you again. No more near-death experiences. I promise. You trust me don’t you?”
That was a trick question, but that didn’t mean Eddie didn’t fall for it, “Of course I do! But-”
“No buts,” Steve interrupted, leaning in to press a light kiss to his mouth, “I’ll be fine. And so will you. Then we’ll be out of this town once and for all.” 
That would have to be enough. He was right anyway, there was nothing Eddie could do about it but trust him. Though that didn’t mean he couldn’t pout about it. 
Eddie sighed, deciding the best course of action was to hide his face into Steve’s neck, “I’m going to do it. Really. I just don’t want to.”
Steve was quiet for a moment, gnawing on his bottom lip before finally nodding to himself. He tangled his hand into Eddie’s hair, gently forcing him away from his hiding spot to look at him. He looked a little nervous, which was kind of odd. Maybe even suspicious. 
Eddie was already on horny alert by the time Steve opened his mouth, “Maybe you just need a little incentive?”
Eddie cocked his head at him, confused, “What do you mean?”
“I’ll show you,” Steve said as he carefully pushed Eddie off of him, “Wait here.” 
Eddie watched him go, still confused but also a little excited. If Steve had something up his sleeve that would make this shit slightly more motivating, Eddie was happy to hear about it. 
Though… it sure was taking him a while. A solid ten minutes went by without a peep.  Eddie sighed as he fiddled with his rings, naturally impatient for Steve to just come back already. 
“Bored already?” Steve softly laughed from the doorway. 
Eddie rolled his eyes, a bitchy comment on the tip of his tongue as he looked up. A comment that instantly withered when he took the image of him fully in. 
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck. 
From the newest (updated!) Chapter of this fic
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self-loving-vampire · 6 months
I certainly lost my sense of self at some point, actively thinking I wasn't a person, but as I grew better able to understand what was being done to me and undifferentiated suffering turned to grief turned to rage I started actively trying to maintain one. At times I repeated "I am alive, living and breathing" to myself as a mantra. I fixed that I was worth everything under the sun, and that that everything was worth fighting for at the center of my being. My "self" wasn't me, how could it, when I remained alive as my situation shattered it and left me reeling? When it had been remade so many times? I ran away at sixteen after hearing of a squat a group of anarchists were organizing not too far away, and asking to join. They are the kindest people I have ever met. We got evicted after a year and a half, but I was able to build up some savings from the jobs I worked while living there, and after I turned 18 I tested well enough that I qualified for a scholarship at a decent uni despite having a GED, where I'm currently studying biochemistry.
It feels weird looking back. I can recognize how objectively difficult this all was but like, when people say "you had it rough" I don't think I can really agree. It was ego-shatteringly hard, and it shouldn't have happened nor should happen to anyone again, but I flat out can't see myself in the hopelessness I know I had internalized. Navigating it wasn't fundamentally different from any other act of living. I guess that means I'm done grieving the childhood I never got to have, and the personhood I was denied. I have decided to live.
Extreme dissociation and depersonalization can be a big part of the thing as well, yeah. I'm glad you are feeling a lot better.
I was actually thinking earlier that my own experiences from when I was trapped felt kind of like already being dead in a lot of ways. There wasn't anything I really wanted to do with my life, nothing brought me actual joy, and I was kind of numbed out and apathetic overall. Feeling as if I wasn't going to make it to 25 didn't help.
I still had preferences and interests and so on. I was still playing games on the computer and watching anime and reading about interesting things. It wasn't just gray misery 24/7, but none of those things were really enough to make the situation tolerable, if that makes sense. It was mentally inescapable and my ability to enjoy my favorite things was definitely affected.
Leaving the country and starting estrogen are both things that helped me a lot, though even now I sometimes feel like I'm still pretty much a corpse that is just being reanimated by my husband and that without him I'd probably stop moving.
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kaerinio · 4 months
i'm going to make the bookstore au an official thing on this blog because i'm obsessed with how adorable it is 🥹. here are some initial thoughts:
since dany was a little girl, moving from place-to-pace, bookstores and libraries have been a safe haven; they are where she went to learn when she wasn't enrolled in school; they are where she went to hide from viserys. surrounded by books, dany could escape and throw herself into stories filled with joy and love and adventure. opening a bookstore became her dream.
pretty similar to the flow of her main modern verse, except she does not go the route of becoming an international human rights attorney. dany attains a ged before going to university, where she studies literature, leaning into the thing that provided so much comfort for her when she was younger. she's deeply active in her community. dany marries young and is widowed young. she experiences the loss of her son, and following all of this loss, she dives into taking care of three abandoned rottweiler puppies. her husband left her a pretty good amount of money. with it, she purchases a large old house, renovates it . . . and begins the process of chasing her dream: opening a bookstore.
still haven't thought of a name (though, "the silver quill" is TEMPTING ME). but it's an homage to an older brother she never knew, who loved books (and she likes to think she loves them as much as he did). the bookstore has a very distinct red door, which was painted by dany herself. and there is a little outdoor area out back that's surrounded by lemon trees. there are plants everywhere inside, as well (they are tended to by missandei, who works at the bookstore).
there's a small cafe inside, where patrons can get coffee and tea and snacks and pastries from local vendors! you can find irri and jhiqui there! there are various rooms dedicated to different activities, like private study and community organizing and event hosting! the decor is incredibly cozy, like "i feel like i'm in someone's house" cozy. there are plush couches and armchairs, adorned with decorative pillows of various patterns, designs, and motifs! there are tables and chairs, which have obviously been sourced through antiquing and carefully sifting through different estate sales. the floors are hardwood, but they're covered with rugs, creating a bit of a patchwork situation in some of the spaces. the walls are covered in art from all across the world.
the children's area is a very dedicated and diligently curated space; in the center of it, stands a "reading tree" with a hollowed out center filled with cushions and beanbags and lamps (and ofc, it looks like a lemon tree). a rocking chair sways beside it, where one may read to the children, and little activity tables on the periphery. an imagination rug covers the floor, and the area itself is surrounded by tons of books lining the walls. when you approach the area, you're greeted by a little display filled with current favorites.
you can often find dany sitting at the counter on a stool (or propped up on the edge of the counter itself), working on various things which contribute to the management of the shop (including one of her favorite activities: searching for rare books to display in the glass cupboard beside the counter), focusing in on some of the work she does for various community organizations/social causes, or whispering with missandei. if she's not at the counter, she's probably shelving books, fluffing pillows, walking her dogs, or chatting it up in the cafe with irri and jhiqui.
every once in a while, a man with a gold tooth swaggers in and makes dany blush.
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dragonsdendoodles · 7 days
MPHFPC Incorrect Quotes: Page 3
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Unposted -
Catboy Homosexual French Boy and Homosexual Bitch Boy Icing Gremlin 1 and Gremlin 2 No Murder at Walmart Part 2: The Sequel Tomatoes No More Husband, Horace The Flu Part 1 Triceratops Loving Murder You Know I Don't Colossal Mess Not All Men Habit of Handling Corpses You're Gay What Color is the Rainbow? Skillet The Flu Part 2 Olives Mad at Me SMART-Smart Spaghettios Smug Mac and Cheese Ooo, Yummy You're Also Nice to Me Dressing, But Crunchy 5'11 Gasoline I Dunno What Pesto Is Sugar? Tea? Glue? Lightheaded House-bitch Part 1 House-bitch Part 2 "Less Southern" Day Off for Easter It's Called GIMME Boom Cull-ee-ged Rock Gay and Emo NOT Wrong Cornbread Band Kid Statue of Liberty Stress Eating Airplane Food? Human Organs
Simple Human Being Lock In. Do the Thing Tiny Person Crimes Blood on the Kitchen Floor Unregistered Firearm Phone Number Fire Doesn't Discriminate Massively Annoying Phasmophobia Part 1 Phasmophobia Part 2 Farmer Goldfish Smells Like Church Your People Domestic Terrorist Scary Tax Exempt I Know Where You Sleep Outside Caffiene System Hate Crime That's Because it's GAY Ice Skating for a Double Date You Can Figure it Out There's a Difference Trustworthy Lesbians Spontaneous Combustion Adoption Enoch's Relationship With God We Can't Go ANYWHERE, Can We Slurs Odyssey Against Gun Reform Weezer Conservative? Feel Free to Quote That Pencil Candy Bar
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thecapturedafrique · 9 months
TRR MC: Ally Romiere
Hello tri-state area Tumblr! In preparing to finally create a masterlist, I decide to first release the character page I made for my The Royal Romance character, Ally Romiere. A while back, I also did the Choices MC ask game for Ally and another MC which you can read here!
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Full Name: Alejandra Carmen Romero de Torres
Legal Name: Ally Romiere
In Greek: Αλεξάνδρα Κάρμεν Ρωμαίος από Πύργο��ς (Alexándra Kármen Romaíos apó Pýrgous)
Nicknames: Ale (María), Cinderella (Olivia), ma moitié (Maxwell)
Noble Title: HM The Queen Consort Ally of Houses Romiere and Beaumont, Duchess of Valtoria, Champion of the Realm and Saviour of Cordonia, DCOS, RC
Charge and Colors: phoenix; gules and or (w/ blue celeste)
Epithet: the Undefeated
Age: 25
Date of Birth: August 18th, 1993
Place of Birth: Queens, NYC
Zodiac: Leo ♌️
Gender: Cis woman
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/her
Enneagram: 2.3 (w1; Companion)
Encouraging and appreciative, able to see the good in others. Service is important, but takes care of self too: they are nurturing, generous, and giving—a truly loving person.
Height: 5'8"
Race/Ethnicity: Latina (Nahua) and Afro-Caribbean
Nationality: American (renounced) and Cordonian
Face Claim: Lindsey Morgan
Education: GED
Languages: Spanish, English, Greek (novice)
Favorite Color: red
Piercings: single lobe; often wears ear cuff on upper right
Tattoos: five-point crown behind left ear; familia quote with dragonflies on left side of rib cage
Partner: Liam Reese (husband)
Best Friend(s): Hana Lee and Maxwell
Family: María del Pilar† (abuelita), Leo Reese (brother-in-law), Regina and Constantine Reese (in-laws), Bartie Beaumont and Luca Karvelas (nephews), Bertrand Beaumont and Maxwell Beaumont (House members)
Character Notes
There is a reason why Ally legally changed her name, which will hopefully one day be explained within Silver Spoons
Maxwell’s nickname for Ally is French for “my [better] half” and is used platonically in the same sense as the English phrase “my partner in crime.” He starts using this for Ally during the investigation in TRR2 and it sticks
As the Champion of the Realm, Ally is a member of the Order of the Seven, which confers upon her the title of Dame Commander (DCOS); the other post-nominal letters (RC) refer to her position on the Royal Council
Ally’s enneagram is type Two, also known as “The Helper”: the caring, interpersonal type described as demonstrative, generous, people-pleasing, and possessive. She is a One-wing, who are generally more ambitious and outspoken than other type Twos, and her level 3 is the level of social value
Her parents were both Mexican immigrants with primarily Native ancestry aside for her father, whose mother María was an Afro-Dominican who moved to Mexico following the civil war in 1965
As part of becoming queen of another country, Ally had to renounce her American citizenship
The dragonflies on her tattoo represent the three family members she’s lost (both her parents and her grandmother María), and the quote translates to, “Where life begins and love never ends.”
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cosmicslcves · 2 months
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(lili reinheart, cis woman, she/her) here lies the story of HAYDEN PLATT, the 29 year old WITCH with the ability of MOLECULAR IMMOBILIZATION. if you’ve seen them around forks for the past FOUR YEARS don’t be alarmed, they’re only here because THEY’VE HEARD THE RUMORS. they’ve gathered quite the reputation for being AMBITIOUS and GUARDED. that’s probably due to their loyalties lying with THE SPELLMAN COVEN.
full name: hayden claire platt
birthday: september 13th, 1994
age: 29
place of birth: portland, oregon
sexuality: homosexual homomantic
zodiac: virgo
species: witch
ability: molecular immobilization (the ability to slow down molecules to the point where they move so slowly that objects and people appear completely motionless)
3 positive traits: ambitious, creative, and loyal
3 negative traits: guarded, reckless, and sarcastic
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
hobbies: journaling, dog walking, latte art, and hair dye
love language: gifts
additional information:
occupation: bartender
languages: english
family: austin platt (father), charlotte platt (mother), cousin (connection posted to main)
education: GED
biography :
born on a chilly autumn morning to a set of musical parents. her parents pushed hayden into learning as much as instruments as possible, starting with the piano.
hayden eventually got older and moved on different instruments but ended up loving the guitar and piano the most. she started off with acoustic guitar and later ended up learning electric as well. she also learned to play ukulele and took vocal lessons when her mother suggested it.
her dream was always to write songs, she didn’t really care if she was the one singing them or not. music was always her outlet to feelings she didn’t know how to process or to work something out she was struggling with.
hayden frequently got in trouble at school for not paying attention, but it was boring to her. she didn’t care about math or science, and loved the more creative routes of her english classes.
hayden realized she was a lesbian in high school after her best friend at the time kissed her. he was nice enough, and probably would have become her husband had she been into boys, but there was nothing but platonic love for him. she tried dating him for a while but eventually told him she wasn’t into him. he took it well and tried setting sav up with his sister.
she tried college, pursuing a degree in creative writing, but ultimately decided music was her passion. she didn’t want to go to college for it, not wanting it to taint her passion. so she packed up her bags and travelled the world on her own.
she frequently crashed on whoever’s couch she could find, doing quick jobs that paid well to save up for her own place while still trying to send her lyrics to various music producers.
she eventually found her way to forks, something calling her here and got a job as a bartender to make some money to get a place of her own (or at least, one to share with a roommate). what struck her as strange, however, was the power to freeze time and things around her. she later realized she was a witch and found her coven mates.
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godza · 11 months
i should compare and contrast the diff webnovel protags i like. some of them are known as the self sacrificial bastards but i dont think moondae fits into that category.
you can also define them as people who dont realize their companions care about them but theres another outlier, gongja. he love his friends and they love him. after having no friends, he builds a wonderful support system and slowly opens up to them. he even gets a husband, hes the only ssb person to have a romance at all.
we cant even do absence of family members, because cale has new parents, yoojin has his brother, dokja has his mother, but gongja and moondae have no familial ties. (except if you count chungwoo but thats cousins so its diff)
i will not include lloyd at this time bc hes kinda like cale 2 but if he was somehow shiftier. tcf and ged are basically the same thing. get reincarnated as a noble piece of shit, stop being a piece of shit, get animal companions and a knight, then save the world several times. but im only reading the ged comic so take with grain of salt idk how it goes. very similar stories but with their own shining parts. im so mad im up to date with tcf again despite hating the wuxia arc. wuxia is always such a slog when youre not intimately familiar with the subject. yeah elixirs eunuchs whatever the fuck go cough up blood again thats what im here for. but the scene where cjs crashes thru the ceiling while cales on the ground covered in blood was rlly funny. like hey man havent seen you in a while!
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dorianwolfforest · 1 year
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snistr · 5 months
I have an idea for a character. Not for me to play, but for me to play against. Not quite a wanted opposite, but a wanted connection. (I believe that's what group RP's call these sorts of ideas.)
Putting this idea under a cut, just so I don't clog the tags or people's dashes with a whole swath of text.
I don't mind changing this girl's name, but for the purposes of this post we're going to refer to her as Jade. And while there maybe could be another FC assigned to this character, I have a specific girl in mind for her general appearance as well; the girl goes by Honey Bee.
Now just right off the bat, sorry if these bullet points seem all over the place. I figure this is the most straightforward way to present these ideas, and also the most malleable. Like I said, details could easily be changed here and there.
Why is she sex-obsessed? Maybe she found porn at a pretty young age, and became addicted to it ever since. (And as time went on, the taste in porn just became filthier and more degrading.) Maybe her parents’ knee-jerk response to dismissing anything promiscuous made her all the more interested in it. Maybe she already had an internalized interest in male dominance and gender roles and the like - probably due to her dad being a controlling and/or abusive husband and father - and all it took was a little perusing on the filthier side of a social media network like Tumblr or Twitter, and from there she was just gone.
Why is she more than a little boy crazy? Maybe when she found out for herself what a man looked like when he was completely naked, she immediately fell in love with them. (It could’ve been something of a religious experience for her, where seeing a man’s cock was almost like seeing God in the flesh.) Maybe she’s had a tendency to grow really big crushes on guys, and that’s all especially been heightened when she becomes more promiscuous. (It could be a really bad case if her obsessions tend to go towards more jockish, douche-y types. Because, then she’d have an ideation for not only men, but bullish men who hold no respect for women.) Maybe she was sexually molested by someone - possibly a family member - and ever since, she’s come to crave and yearn for men because she associates them with aggression, and that’s what turned her on the most about the molestation. (Even if it was traumatic and shocking to her in the moment.)
Why is she dumb as a rock? Maybe she tries but gets bored easily, and can’t find it in her to concentrate during classes because she’d rather be doing anything else. Maybe she’s really shallow, and can’t help but get distracted by other, more materialistic things. Maybe she spends a lot of time on her phone, and can find herself way too fascinated by things like fashion or gossip (or porn) to really give a damn about education. Maybe she even finds herself rejecting education, because it doesn’t fit in with the warped view of the world she’s coming to develop.
Is she a female misogynist? (Or a gender traitor, as some would say?) Possibly. She’s definitely pro-men, and finds herself super attracted to men who exhibit misogynistic behavior. She finds any attention from any man to be an honor, though she does truly love being degraded and objectified. 
Does she hate herself? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe a man could make her feel really self-conscious and insecure about herself. Or maybe she doesn’t have any insecurity or shame; maybe she prides herself on being a shameless cunt, and is more than happy to prove her inferiority by either presenting her holes or degrading herself for the satisfaction of men.
Where is she in her life? I could see her being in the later years of high school at the earliest. Or maybe she dropped out before reaching senior year and/or graduation and got a GED. (Which could also be a factor to her subpar intelligence.) Though it could also be possible that she made it through high school - by the skin of her teeth - and maybe enrolled into college. (Either because that’s what everybody else was doing, because it’s what her parents wanted… or maybe she personally wanted to go to college herself, but for all the wrong reasons.)
How does she come into contact with men? Maybe she crushes on men who go to the same school as her. (Or maybe they give her all sorts of attention, and she either likes it or loves it, depending on who it is or what kind of attention she gets.) Maybe she goes after men she happens to see out in public, and they take full advantage of her. Maybe she gets cat-called, and she’s gullible enough to eat it all up and take it as a compliment. Maybe she flirts on her social media profile(s), and some of the men she comes into contact with are determined enough to come to her. Maybe she flirts at her job, and is basically like the token slut of all the female employees, regardless of whether she’s working at like a food chain or a more clerical, office-related position.
Now again, some of the details here can be changed. If you've got some suggestions yourself, I'd be happy to hear them! But yeah, these are basically the bones of a character I'd love to play against.
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arwainian · 7 months
Reading This Week 2024 #6-8
sits here. i have been behind on this.... once again... i think i just have to accept that i do these when i do these.
Finished Week 6 (Feb 4-10):
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (skimmed/read the spark notes for class discussion, won't be reading more)
Undoing Gender by Judith Butler (read Chapter 6 "Longing for Recognition", currently won't be reading more)
The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin, narrated by Rob Inglis (started the same week, audio book was lots of fun)
i love Tenar...... i think it's really cool that the way the Earthsea books are working is that even tho Ged is a reocurring character, we get a new child perspective for each one
Orange, Vol. 4 by Ichigo Takano, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (started same week)
truly TRULY the love triangle/rivals in this are so primed to be read polyamorously it had driven me crazy. just form a triad, you all like each other
about 10 other smaller things (articles, short stories, excerpts) that i shall not be naming individually bc this post is already too long
Finished Week 7 (Feb 11-17):
Burnt Shadows by Kamila Shamsie (started in Week 6)
this book flips is like reading a multigenerational family drama with each section involving the slowly growing tension of knowing what horrific historical event/conditions they are about to live through
Venus by Susan-Lori Parks (started same week)
The Way of the House Husband by Kousuke Oono, translated by Amanda Haley (started same week)
“Experiential Gender” in Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serano
“Black (W)holes and The Geometry of Black Female Sexuality” by Evelynn Hammonds
"Unsexed: A Zero Concept for Gender Studies" by Kath Weston
"Of Catamites and Kings: Reflections on Butch, Gender, and Boundaries" by Gayle Rubin (these four i read for a class that i lead the discussion four so while they fall under the category of articles i'm not mentioning right now, i felt they should be included for that reason)
a shit ton of student papers
6 smaller things (articles and abandoned books that i'm skipping for same reason as above)
Finished Week 8 (Feb 18-24):
Story of a Brief Marriage by Anuk Arudpragasam (started same week)
very in-depth descriptions of bowel movements in this
Orange, Vol. 5 by Ichigo Takano, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (started same week)
so cute! once again i am advocating for them to just form a poly triad
He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan (started ages and ages ago...)
you've already seen my frantic reblog spam about this. i'm glad i finally finished reading this. the quarter 3 of it was kind a low point but i think it really captured me again by the end (however, i think the like... FINAL two pages are really scream "remember! that this is technically inspired by some real history!" in a way i found unneccesary and kinda too me out of the satisfaction of the end). i think the ending worked for me because Ma was really underused (i know it would have made the book kinda bloated but i would have loved a chapter or two of her perspective holding down the fort and dealing with internal politics while Zhu was away doing war things....), so her role in the finale was what really solidified it for me. this book drove me crazy in a great way, i think so many people should read She Who Became the Sun and then this sequel
Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 11 by Kamome Shirahama, translated by Stephen Kohler (started same week)
the panelling in this manga is simply so fucking good. read this. its so cute
Orange, Vol. 6: Future by Ichigo Takano, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (started same week)
i don't think this volume was necessary lol... i did not need to know how Suwa and Naho got together in the future where Kakeru died, it was better as implications
Ongoing Reads:
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree (read another chapter)
i am so sorry to my girlfriend who has to deal with me complaining about this book i am reading to her after every chapter... i am glad she is enjoying it regardless
The Farther Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin, narrated by Rob Inglis (about halfway through)
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (basically read the preface material so far)
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