#where's your armor Keef??
alaydabug2 · 4 months
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Twelve
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
Sophie was sitting at home when there was a knock at her door. She went to answer it. Keefe was in front of the door on a bike
"What's up," she asked, giggling when he looked so adorably giddy.
"My parents are letting me ride my bike around on my own now!" He rode in a circle to emphasize it. "I don't have to find a ride to your house anymore!"
"That's awesome!" she exclaimed.
She ran inside to tell her parents Keefe had come over, then put on her helmet. She hopped on her own bike and rode out to the driveway.
They both drove their bikes up and down the street and around the neighborhood. The slightly chilly fall wind blew in their faces. It left them sweating, but their skin freezing cold. Eventually, they had to go inside for lunch.
"Wanna play minecraft?" Sophie asked.
"Sure." Keefe finished off the last of his sandwich.
Sophie turned on the playstation with a ding and sat on the floor with the controllers. Keefe joined her.
They spent the next couple of hours exploring the world and collecting supplies. Once collecting enough items, they started on their house.
As Sophie was finishing off the last touches, Keefe placed their beds next to each other.
"Do you wanna go to the nether?" Sophie murmured.
"Yeah," Keefe said. "I'll grab us some armor."
When they collected the supplies they needed, they built a nether portal. Once in the nether Sophie went off to explore some structures. Keefe went to find netherite debris.
Sophie was looting some chests when she heard Keefe yell, "DANG IT! STUPID GAME, I LOST ALL MY STUFF!"
She couldn't help laughing when she saw the message at the bottom of the screen, 'Hunky_Hair123 tried to swim in lava.'
"Ya good?" she asked.
"No!" He grumbled. "I had enough for three netherite ingots. I quit," he decided.
Sophie playfully rolled her eyes. "Ok, I'll go finish up here and drop the stuff off at the house. Then we can find something else to do. Wanna watch a movie?"
Keefe let out a huff but still said, "I guess."
Sophie put the valuables in the chests at the house, then shut off the game. She pulled up Disney Plus. After searching for a few minutes, she clicked on Zootopia.
They got up off the floor and onto the couch. Keefe scooted a little closer to her. Closer than usual.
She grabbed one of the blankets off the back of the couch and threw it over him since he seemed to be cold. He adjusted it to where it covered the both of them and scootced even closer. He must not have been adjusted to the fall weather change yet.
Again, Sophie's heart did that weird jolt. A heat spread across her cheeks. If that didn't stop soon, she was going to have to bring it up to her neurologist. See if it was a new type of aura she was having.
For the moment, she got settled under the covers with her friend, and the movie started.
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uragirinoteme · 6 years
Tumblr media
So I just watched the trailer but excuse me-- WHAT THE QuIZnaK IS HAppEniNG?!
Also that scene with Keith battling with only his under armor is intense-- I’m curious--
Commission Info | Ko-fi | Society6
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
the story of us (taylor swift) + keefitz...... thoughts?
Ah yes, Taylor Swift has made another reappearance. It's always just a matter of time. I welcome her back with open, if slightly lost arms. But! I do have many thoughts like always!
Closer to the beginning there's this line, "'cause lately, I don't even know what page you're on," and it truly captures just how lost the two of them are in their relationship right now. They used to be this pair, this team, they were the other person's person, you know? the one they'd go to, the one they told their secrets. They were one, so tightly knit and practically reading each other's thoughts (ignore the fact that Fitz's literally can). And now, due to circumstances and their reactions, they gotten thrown apart. They're not in sync anymore and have no idea how to get back to each other. They aren't just a little off anymore, they're oceans apart and can't even see the other. It's not we're a little different now, it's "I don't know who you are anymore and I don't know if I ever did." They don't know what page the other is on, how to find each other again or what direction to go to find it again.
There's also the line from the chorus, which is "the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now." And I gotta say when I saw this one I knew I had to include it because it is so accurate to their situation and how their relationship has deteriorated over now. They started on top of the world, just the two of them. But as the story's gone they've drifted, and they didn't work things out and talk to each other when they needed to and now there's no pleasant way to deal with the consequences. There are ways to get through it, but no way where everyone comes out entirely satisfied. And part of that is the love triangle and how now one of them is going to "win" Sophie and the other will have to accept the "loss," and seeing their best friend live the life they wanted for themselves but don't get to have. And I just hope their relationship will survive it, because right now they're not making much if any effort towards repairing it. they're pretending things are okay, but they haven't addressed the root of the issue. it's going to be a tragedy where everybody looses.
Then there's this line towards the end that stands out for some reason, so I'm gonna start rambling until I am struck by inspiration as I always do. The line is, "But I liked it better when you were on my side / The battle's in your hands now / But I would lay my armor down," which I think captures the regret and nostalgia the two of them have for what they used to be. They didn't want to loose each other, not the way they currently are. They didn't want to be fighting and keeping secrets and being jealous. They don't like where they stand with each other, but don't know how to proceed. They want to go back to what they used to be, when they were friends, when they were a team. When it was the two of them, the weird outcasts, against the world. And I think they're both waiting for the other to make the move to start fixing things. Keefe is waiting for Fitz to reach out to him and Fitz is waiting for Keefe to take that step towards him. Because it has so much potential to hurt, and they don't want to be the one hurting. They don't want to be the one to make themselves vulnerable and risk that pain and humiliation. So they're waiting for the other to make the move and in the process they're making no progress and nothing is happening. They both want to go back to what they used to be but neither of them is willing to be the first to do something, at least not right now.
There's a lot in the song that's similar to the portrayal of their relationship in the series!! I'm curious/nervous to see what Shannon decides is best for them. Because I desperately want things to work out between the two of them and for them to start reforging a healthy bond, but I also...don't know if the characters will be ready for that in the next too books. And I value staying accurate to the character more, so.
Either way, I love the topic so thank you for the song suggestion!!
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the-keeper-crew · 4 years
48. “What is a god…to a cowboy?” writing prompt for mod Misty!! <3
“Keefe! How do you keep winning at this?” Tam groaned, throwing his xbox controller down in defeat. 
“What can I say, I’m the best at video games!” Keefe did a little victory dance in his seat. Biana snickered from the back of the room, where she was cuddling with Linh, Marella, and Sophie. 
“I’m serious! You’re playing the worst character in the whole game! This should be impossible!” Tam was growing increasingly aggravated by the second. Linh  stifled her laughter. 
“Because I have skills.” Keefe laughed. 
“That’s it, I’m picking the most overpowered character. Plot armor, crazy-strong finishing moves, the whole thing. Let’s see how your ‘skills’ hold up against my... main character!” Tam smirked, picking up his controller again and pressing a few buttons. 
Three minutes passed, Keefe flopped across the couch, gazing up at the screen with no sign of effort at all. Tam mashed buttons furiously, cursing under his breath at the game. Finally, the end-of-game sound blared from the television, and Keefe’s winning animation played. 
“How are you doing this?” Tam complained, halfheartedly flinging a pillow at Keefe. He caught it easily. “I’m playing as a literal god, this is unfair!”
“Well, Bangs Boy...” Keefe started. “What is a god... to a cowboy?”
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S1E1 - VLD Rewatch
Putting this beneath the cut because it’s a long one! Not every episode is gonna prompt this much talking- I hope
And right off the bat I am being teased
Okay so I do remember being a Dreamworks stan when I first started this series and being so excited that Dreamworks’ name was on it. I knew what Voltron was at the time mainly because of my dad; he’d watched 80s Voltron as a kid and would talk about it occasionally which I think is why he puts up with my fanboy bullshit over this cartoon? Anyway I wasn’t ever going to watch Voltron at first, and the main reason I started the series was for the bonds with the Lions- I was a weird child
When I saw the Kerberos mission I do remember thinking “oh shit this is gonna be boring” and then BOOM aliens. Also, it hurts me watching Shiro in so much pain and terror
I immediately fell for the Garrison trio, no doubt about that. Everything they do is perfect. And Jesus Christ, Iverson is such a dick
Pidge being smug about building her own computer is my life. Also love the scary little sketches of Voltron she did
“That’s NOT one of ours!” PLOT TWIST Shiro’s in there
Lance focusing on a pretty girl instead of the literal alien spaceship is a mood
“Don’t put me under!” God I can’t imagine how horrifying this would be. Imagine going through all that and developing PTSD and then hearing your brain state is about to be altered so that you’re completely under someone else’s control I hate the Garrison for doing this to Shiro
“We need a distraction” BOOM KEEF
I want him to hit me that hard
Bring back the red bandana 2k18
Yeah I immediately shipped Klance regardless of my plans not to ship anything it was inevitable okay I was and still am a sucker for rivals to lovers
The moment Keith smirks and decides to jump the cliff was the moment I fell in love with him
I was a blind dumbass and didn’t actually ship Sheith until s2, but looking back now I think that was more my determination not to get into shipping anything than not liking Sheith because DAMN these two
Poor Pidge
Keith is so pretty
Smart Hunk
Also why would a frequency be shaped like a line of rock outcroppings is that an actual thing
Never did understand that
iS tHiS tHe VoLtRon
“Looks like there's a forcefield around it” no shit
Blue loves you baby #sheslookingatLance
So much screaming
Whenever someone makes fun of the group for screaming so much in the first episode I just
Lance immediately connects with Blue so deeply that he's able to pilot and fight a Galra ship even though he has so little experience and being the “worst pilot ever” according to Keith I love him
“Guess we're all ditching class tomorrow” and the next year?
K/L banter is my favorite kind of banter
“I'm not gonna let it happen again” Shiro, I love you, but this is an entire castle full of aliens as far as you know
“I guess we're going that way” I'd be the asshole exploring every inch of the castle EXCEPT for where it wanted to guide me
One of Coran's first words is fuck
Alexa this is so sad play d
Zarkon it took you 10,000 years and you still only have one lion?
Fuck you, Sendak
I forgot when he didn't look a crazed evil asshole
You forget to mention the Yellow Lion can kick some ass just like Hunk
Keith's so pleased to get Red it's adorable
I would not mind being stuck on the Green lion's planet for the rest of my life at all
Shiro's so fucking cute help me
He unknowingly comforts Pidge with her own father's words I'm crying
Hunk saving Lance and Blue in Yellow by exploding out of the ground will always be my favorite lion moment in the entire show
“Your suits of armor” that don't protect half your vital organs and won't match your lions for most of the show ANYWAY
“They LIED to us!” Or you scared the shit out of them by firing up the tractor beam?
cOmMaNdEr hOLt iS yOuR fAtHeR!?
bY mYsELf?? Keef honey
“Patience… yields focus… Gotcha” GHHHHGHHHHHHH
iTs Me
yOuR bUdDy
fuck me I forgot I'd have to handle seeing Shiro fighting
Not that I don't love Keith as a leader but watching Shiro meeting Black for the first time is hurting my heart
Red is smaller than Blue
“It's been an honor flying with you boys” this line BROKE MY HEART the first time I heard it and it BREAKS MY HEART NOW never tell me Keith is disrespectful or doesn't care about his team he's known this group of rowdy kids for what a DAY and uses what could be his last words to say THAT??? And yes I am going into more detail on this later
Sendak’s “I just shat myself” face when he first sees Voltron is beautiful
The contrast between (most) Galra's cowardice and team Voltron's determination to keep going no matter what kills me
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allorana · 7 years
Bruising Waters Pt. 5: Epilogue!
Ahhhh Lance is finally healing fully and they are all such nerds.  Team as family for the win
Link to AO3 (for full fic directly)  Part 1 Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
“You scared, Mullet?”
“I’m not scared!”
“3-2-1-Go!” Lance cackled as he shot away into the water, fins and tail cutting seamlessly through the water.
“Hey!”  Keith roared, taking off after him, surging through after Lance, powerful strokes propelling him quickly.  He was no match for Lance, however.  With a flick of his tail, Lance was long gone, flipping and twirling in the water as he raced Keith.  Lance had goaded Keith into racing them upon entering the pool area.  Keith, never one to back down from Lance’s challenges, dove straight in, fiery and determined.  So far, he’d lost all of them.  Much to Keith’s rapidly growing impatience and Lance’s delight.
“C’mon, Keef.”  Lance smirked as he flipped lazily around Keith in the middle of the pool.  Keith had  given up halfway through this time.  He crossed his arms as he tread in the center, pouting petulantly.  “It’s no fun if you don’t participate!”  Lance smirked, not even bothering to contain his glee.  He snickered, dodging languidly as Keith swiped at his fins.
“I’m done racing.  It’s no fair with your tail.”
Shiro smirked, “I don’t know why you didn’t figure that out earlier.”  He let out a booming laugh when Keith shot him a nasty glare. “Or, why you agreed in the first place!”
Lance just laughed at Keith’s disgruntled look and shot off, powerful strokes propelling him so he constantly broke the surface, twisting and spinning gleefully as he went.  The deep iridescent blue of his scales had all but returned, the range of hues in them slowly becoming more prominent than the gray and faded patches.  Some of his fins were still haggard, and the worst bits had to be shaved off to let the new growth take over.  However, their color had returned much quicker.  See through and glimmering, but distinctly blue, like the range of the sky on a clear summer’s day from its horizon to its epicenter.  Lance had a few more weeks of healing to go, but he was thrilled by the progress, treasuring the sensation of water running past his body at last.
“We could teach Allura and Coran water polo.”  Pidge piped up from where she was dangling her legs in the water.
“I call Lance on my team!”  Hunk yelled.
“No way, that’s cheating!”  Keith cried.
“Yeah, Lance has to face Allura and all of us himself!”  Pidge crossed her arms, eyes glittering as she glared at Hunk.
“What?  No fair, brothers stick together!”
“Aw, come one, Hunk!  You know you want to see Lance take on Allura.  Shiro, back me up here!”
Lance just laughed as the paladins squabbled with each other, diving backwards beneath surface, and spinning with glee at the currents dancing and flashing alongside him.  Giggles bubbled up around him as he danced about under the paladins’ feet.  He grinned lazily, mind wandering as he lay back, staring up at the way the light bounced off of the surface of the pool and streamed through the water.  He couldn’t believe that Allura and Coran had a pool he could use.
They’d spent the past week setting it up for him, changing things around according to suggestions from the other paladins while Lance continued to recuperate in his room.  From what he’d heard from Hunk, the pool had actually been upside down on the ceiling of all places at one point.  He was glad they’d worked out the gravity, though Coran complained endlessly about how odd Earthling customs and pools were.
Lance had known something was up as soon as he walked into the dining hall that morning.  Hunk was practically vibrating with excitement, biting his lip against a grin and glancing constantly at Lance.  Pidge was no better, hiding a grin as she watched him almost constantly.  Keith and Shiro kept discussing something with Allura.  Coran had been nowhere to be seen.  Lance managed to corner Hunk after breakfast and had almost wheedled answers out of his fidgeting best friend when Shiro caught him.
He was even more suspicious when the rest of the team trooped up behind Shiro, identical, highly suspicious grins on their faces.  “Ok, what are you all up to,” He’d asked, squinting at them.  Shiro had just grinned and announced that they were all going to change into some altean clothes Allura had found for them for a special bonding exercise.  Lance raised an eyebrow, but followed Coran to his room.  His suspicions had mounted when he realized there was just a pair of blue swimming trunks on his head.
After Lance had changed, Coran had drug him to the elevator, and then to an area of the castle they’d never been in before.  His jaw dropped when he saw the pool and the other paladins cheered, calling out ‘Surprise!’ and all dressed up in swim gear similar to his own.  He’d burst into tears and thrown himself into their midst, then took off, slipping into the water and relishing the freedom that came with changing.  He immediately began goading Keith into racing him.  And that’s how they ended up here.
Lance chuckled as he watched Pidge float through the water with Hunk, splashing back and forth.  He grinned, a idea forming and with a flick of his tail, dove deeper and snuck up under Pidge, tail flicking back and forth as he waited for the perfect moment.
Hunk backed away and Lance took his chance.
He shot upward, reaching his arms out and aiming directly for Pidge.  His arms snagged waist and she screamed, shooting up into the air with Lance holding her tight as his speed propelled them above the surface high enough that most of his tail was out of the water.  “Deep breath!”  Lance called and Pidge shrieked at him as they went barrelling deep beneath the surface, sucking in a breath just before her head hit the water.
Lance laughed heartily, rolling with her underwater, then flicked his tail, dragging both of them up to the surface.  Pidge spluttered as they burst out, hair sticking haphazardly to her face and flailing.  Lance chortled and she punched his arm, glaring daggers as she swept her hair out of her eyes.  “Lance!”
Hunk was bent doubled, wheezing and clinging to the edge of the pool.  Allura was desperately trying to school her expression into one of disapproval.  Shiro pressed his fist into his mouth, but he couldn’t bite back the laughter that was bubbling out of him.
“What was that for, you jerk!”
Lance grinned and cooed at Pidge placatingly, earning more swipes.  “Aw don’t be like that Pidgey.  I just wanted to help you fly.”  He dissolved into snickers, swimming back out of her reach once she was calm enough to tread water on her own again.
“Then do it to Keith, not me!”
“Wait, what?  No, don’t you dar- Lance!-”  Keith screamed and kicked out as Lance charged him with a grin, lifting him high into the air and then dragging him back down under the water like he did with Pidge.
Shiro lost it and fell into the pool, laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.  Allura broke as soon as Shiro fell.  Soon they were all in the pool, grinning as they watched Lance and Keith wrestle under the water.  Hunk cheering on Lance while Pidge screamed for Keith to “Get that overblown guppy!”
Lance gasped indignantly as he grappled with Keith.  “Just for that, you’re next, Pidgeon!”  Pidge yelped and swam behind Hunk, using him as a shield as Lance creeped up on them, mimicking a grinning alligator, as he lay partly in the water, and partly above, flicking his tail back and forth.  Mischief glittered in Lance’s eyes as Hunk hauled Pidge up and away from him with a screech.
They spent the rest of the day playing in the pool.  Lance grappled with his friends, pulling people under water and racing them in both Mer and human form, declaring that he was going to prove to Keith that he could win without his tail (He did).  He showed Pidge how his fins helped him swim faster and detect things that she hid in the water with the aid of her paladin armor for him to find.  Shiro’s heart swelled as he watch Lance play.  From the fond smiles on Allura and Coran’s faces, they felt the same.  Lance grinned and waved at them from behind Keith before he launched himself onto his back.  Keith screeched, flailing in an undignified manner before angrily flipping him a cackling Lance off.  It wasn’t Veradero Beach, but, Lance thought as he danced back and forth in the water with his friends, maybe, this was still home.
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redyarns · 7 years
i just had an a m a zing thought. HEAR ME OUT
what if after keith discovered he was galra, his traits start kicking in? i’m assuming that his galra heritage is dominant as fu ck
it’s small things at first, like his ears start popping out and his eyes go golden from time to time
until it gets kinda weird and also hella confusing
one day lance wakes up and showers and all that, ready to train
he opens his door and shrieks so loudly it has the entire team running to his room
cause right in front of lance’s door is a giant fucking elephant-like alien dead on its side. it looks like it was cleanly killed, cause it didn’t have any excess blood or jagged cuts
everyone freaks out with lance who wants that thing away from him as soon as possible
they work fast and soon it’s gone
and lance turns, only to see a really red keith. like. really red. redder than his armor red
keef’s ears are twitched in agitation, and lance resists the urge to coo and stroke them because keith’s eyes are going golden - which is a bad sign
“kei - ”
lance doesn’t even get to finish his question because keith just growls really loudly before stomping away
a few hours later hunk goes to lance and asks, “did you and keith have a fight again? he’s been sulking in the training room and hasn’t stopped growling”
and lance is all “what?? no???? is he okay?????”
the next day lance wakes up and goes to his door a lot more cautiously…. to see a box in front of it
he opens it and gapes widely, what the fuck???
in it is about ten different gems, all unlike any other color lance has ever seen, and he cooes over them, before going back to his room and careully tucking the box away
lance gets to the dining room and sits down. surprisingly keith is the last to join the ohers, stumbling through the door
and everybody notices how his hair is ragged and the heavy bags under his eyes, but the most porminent thing is the giant, goofy grin on his face
lance goes red (holy shit keith’s smile is what he lives for) as keith sits down beside him, tired and worn but very very happy
the next day there was another gift. this time, really pretty and silky robes
of course lance squeals over them and yanks them on immediately, twirling in front of his mirror and loving it
he likes these gifts and all, but he wonders who they’re all from???
fast forward about two weeks later and lance’s room is overflowing with gifts, all more lovely and extravagant than the last
but lance is more worried about keith - cause although the red paladin is now constantly grinning and purring, he’s also always very tired and exhausted
it gets to the point they have to address the issue
they all gather up in the control room and ask keith what’s going on
when he doesn’t answer, pidge goes, “where have you been visiting all these nights? don’t think i haven’t noticed red missing from her hanger”
and keith goes red but he’s still silent
they all ask him one at a time, until finally it’s lance’s turn. he breathes and says, “keith, buddy, please. just tell us?”
and keith looks at him with wide eyes before nodding slowly. they all hold their breath as he finally says, “… i was gathering.”
“gathering?” allura asks. “what for?”
“i don’t know!” keith spouts. “i just - i had to, okay???”
and pidge lights up as she gets her computer and starts typing. “aha! i knew it - i mean, not really, but i had a suspicion.”
“the galra are a very affectionate and loyal race,” pidge reads. “they often express romantic interest in another by courting; typically, courting is a way to prove that they are worthy of the other’s affections. it starts with usually a good hunt, to show that they are able to provide the other’s needs. from then on, they continue to lavish the other with beautiful gifts and trinkets until their courtship is accepted.”
then explosion.
but all that mattered was lance had gone increasingly redder and redder, with keith’s ears flattening to his head as he waits for lance’s reaction
it’s not the one he’s expecting
“you… got all of those… for me?” lance whispers in awe, staring at keith with wide eyes
keith hesitates. then he nods
and lance surges forward, pressing kisses frantically all over keith’s face
and keith is purring, l o u dl y, as he grabs lance and pulls him closer
“that’s - amazing - i can’t - believe - love you - so much - ” lance whisers between kisses
finally, they pause to take breath, and keith says, “i still haven’t given you your last gift.”
keith slowly takes lance’s hand and presses it to his chest. and keith smiles, and it’s sweet and beautiful and go r g eous as he says, “my heart. but you’ve always had it to begin with.”
“um, guys, we’re still here” pidge gags loudly
turns out that keith’s genes had kicked in and his instincts had made him court lance, whom he had been in love with since the garrison. it was why he was always so tired - he had been up all those nights getting lance’s gifts
it’s also why he was so upset during the first day; he had taken lance’s shock as rejection
of course, keith’s stubborn so he continued courting lance anyway
“hey, pidge?”
“when are you going to tell the others you helped keith sneak in and out?”
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Interrupted Birthday [Keith x Reader]
A/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINA (@jxsontxdds)!!!!!!!! I hope you love this little present for you!!! Of course it’s Keef!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!! LOVE YOU!!!! ❤️😘🎉🎊🎂🍰 ______
Living in space made some things hard, especially so far away from Earth. One of those things was keeping track of dates back home. If it weren’t for Pidge and the castle’s high tech advancements, it would be a wonder if Keith kept track of dates and times back on Earth. But thankfully, he’s been able too. So he remembered that today is your birthday! Oh how he’d been secretly planning for today. You and Keith have been a thing since he left, or was kicked out, of the Garrison. You kept him somewhat in touch with society after he decided to move into a shack, in the desert, alone. It’s a good thing this boy has you. And he knows it.
That is just one of the reasons he wanted to give you something special for your birthday. He talked to Hunk about helping him make a cake, Pidge about what to get you as a gift since you were good friends with her as well. But Keith isn’t exactly ‘romantic.’ So, he was kind of blind for what to do in that sense. He thought about going to Shiro, but he couldn’t even remember when he last had a date. On Earth before Kerberos he was focused on training and studying and after that they got in to this mess. There was one person he knows has knowledge of the subject, but boy was he dreading going to Lance.
Nonetheless he ended up going to him, and Lance as suspected teased him. Though when Keith was fed up and turned to leave Lance stopped him and gave him some actual advice on what to do. His advice was to have a small picnic in the observatory.
Keith had everything set up and ready, he wasn’t even positive if you knew it was your birthday. He was walking up to your door when all his plans got cut off by Allura’s voice blaring over the speakers. “PALADINS! ZARKON IS ATTACKING!” Right then the castle shook from an explosion. Immediately he turned around and ran toward the control room, eventually hearing your footsteps behind him. As soon as he got in the room he went straight to his lion, unable to even say anything to you.
Keith growled to himself as he flew into battle with the other paladins. Taking out a fleet of galra fighters on his own. You could hear him grumbling under his breath the entire time. “Keith, you okay?” Asking through an isolated signal, not wanting the other paladins to realize his more frustrated (than usual) behavior. “I’m fine, just wanted to do something today, because you know it’s a special one.” Your brows furrowed in confusion, “What’s special?” He sighed and let out a small chuckle “I’ll tell you later.” After that the comm switched back to their main comm system.
You just shook your head and went back to helping with the castle’s defenses. After what felt like hours, the paladins had defeated the fleet and returned back to the castle. However it lasted long enough to push Keith’s plans back far enough that it was past your birthday now on Earth. Keith was a bit disappointed that he missed your birthday due to the battle.
You tried to ask him what was wrong, but before he answered he looked over your shoulder to see Pidge tapping her watch and Lance and Hunk shooing him. Pidge mouthed ‘you still have time.’ Getting the message he grabbed your hand and pulled you throughout the castle. Dragging you behind him as he ran. “Keith? Where are we going?” You laughed, he didn’t even wait to get out of his armor.
All of a sudden you were pulled through the doors of the observatory. All the lights were out and the giant window displayed the stars. A small amount of light came from a few small candles placed around a blanket with a picnic basket atop it. A hand shot to cover your mouth. “Keith? What’s all this?” Looking over at him.
He looked at the ground a bit bashfully before taking your hand and pulling you closer to him. “Happy Birthday [F/n].” A large smile pulled at his lips. “My Birthday?” You began to laugh, you didn’t even remember. “How’d you keep track of the days? I didn’t even know.”
He tucked a piece of hair out of your face. “I had help.” You smiled and giggled, before looking around more. “I didn’t realize you were a romantic.” He looked around too and chuckled, “I had some help there to. Do you like it?” Nodding you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I love it. Thank you.” He grinned before kissing you sweetly, “Anything for you. Happy Birthday.”
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bun-bun-bum · 7 years
Can We Talk? - Chapter 1
A 3 am Klance fanfic. I’m gonna post this on Ao3 but I have to wait to get an account so here it is. Do I know what direction I’m taking this in? Nope. Are my writing skills the best? Nope. But hey hey hey am I still gonna continue this? Nope Maybe!
Chapter 2  | Chapter 3
Lance sends Keith out of all people a video at 4 am, along with 57 messages that get increasingly more and more worrisome. Something is wrong.
“I'm not really sure how to start this,”
Keith smiled. Was Lance ever sure about anything?
“There's just so much I want to say...”
Lance always had too much to say.
“...I hope this doesn't get too long.”
Wait. Keith paused the video and checked the length of it. 30 minutes?! He rolled his eyes and sighed. Typical Lance. Might as well get comfortable, he thought as he reluctantly got up out of bed and tiptoed towards the kitchen to grab a 4-am snack.
He opened the fridge and tried to pick between leftover pie that Shiro had put a sticky note over that said “Mine!” or leftover pizza that Pidge had put a “Touch this and die” note on top of, but his heart was just not into it. All he could think about was the video that Lance had sent him. It wasn't like Lance to be up at 4 am, the guy had to get his so-called “Beauty Sleep”. Plus he was at home, no way would his mom let her little “Lancy Lance” be up after 12. But nonetheless, he had sent him a text in the dead of night that read, “Keith Whatever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Kogane, you better watch this video or so help me God I will fly to Texas and kick your ass”.
Keith had rolled his eyes and laid back into bed to go to sleep but found himself lying awake for 10 minutes, pondering the explanations behind the text. It wasn't like Lance didn't text him often, he did daily to mostly send him pictures of disgusting images and say “Hey it's you” and other immature jokes since he couldn't do them in person. But this time, something was off.
Maybe it was because, for the 10 minutes where Keith lied trying to sleep, Lance spammed him with 57 messages that got increasingly more and more worrisome with each buzz.
It started off the way Lance usually spammed Keith:
U there?
Don't tell me you’re sleeping
Sleep is for the weak
But it started getting...different?
I know u’re up
U probs pulled an all-nighter again
You can take a break and WATCH THE GODDAMN VIDEO
U r such a dick
Just watch the video it ain't hard
Omg I'm talking like u now
C’mon Keith
Are you mad at me?
And then:
Keith please
Don't ignore me
Please don't ignore me
Are you mad at me?
Please don't be mad.
I’m sorry I'm spamming you.
I just
Need you to watch this video right now
It can't wait until the morning
I need a response Keith
Please watch the video
I have no idea what I’m doing
It's important
To me anyway
I guess you can live without knowing
But I can't
You’ll probably hate me afterward
I did a bad thing
A really really bad thing
I fucked up man
I don't know what to do
I'm crying right now
No joke
Can we talk?
Help me
And then ended with this final message:
I'm sorry.
Keith immediately knew something was up, Lance never said “please” or “sorry”. Something was very wrong.
He walked back into his room, juggling his plate of pie and pizza along with his phone and glass of almond milk. Balancing them all on his bedside desk, he flopped back into bed, wrapped himself in his blankets, and helped himself to pizza and milk before pressing play.
Lance’s usually cheerful face looked nervous and downcast today.
“So...you’re probably wondering why I sent this video. The reason? I'm dead.”
Keith choked and spat out his milk. No. No no no no no no no. That was more than impossible, how could Lance have been spamming him for the last 10 minutes then? Not possible. Unless that wasn't Lance.
Keith had almost begun putting together the theory that Lance had never even existed when Video-Lance laughed.
“Ah, dude I'm obviously joking.”
“The reason I made this video, the real reason is….”
Lance shuffled in his seat awkwardly, the desk lamp shining upon him reflecting the trickles of sweat forming on his forehead. The background of his video was unfamiliar, very different from what Keith was expecting. When Lance was home, whenever he Skyped his friends he always did it in his room, in front of his bed and behind his desk. Keith had memorized the placements of the photographs on his walls of his family and friends, the Paladin armor, and Garrison uniform that he had hanging up on his closet door, and his always open window and turned-on fan to keep his room cool during the hot summers in Cuba.
But the background was different this time. A neatly made bed was behind him, with no familiar photographs to be seen on the walls. From the direction he was filming Keith could see no windows or closet. Perhaps he was in a hotel room on vacation with his family? Keith wouldn't have been surprised, Lance’s family always did something extravagant when he came home. He was lucky.
Keith didn't realize that he had zoned out for a couple of minutes and yelped when he saw Lance rubbing his eyes. Oh no no no no no. Fuck what happened? What did he miss? Was Lance crying? Did something happen? Is he alright? Damn it, he was a bad friend, he couldn't even pay attention for more than 2 minutes. Keith mentally slapped himself and rewind the video to catch up for the time he wasn't listening.
“....because I want to talk. But like, you’re annoying and I don't want you to keep interrupting me but I still want a response in the end so I'm gonna film myself and send it to you rather than Skype or whatever.”
Keith groaned and all his feelings of worry for Lance vanished. Typical.
“...but also, I don't think I could even say this while seeing your face. Even if it's through a screen, I just….I don't know. I just can't. Maybe I'm scared? I don't know I just….don't want you to judge me.”
Keith frowned. He knew they weren't that close but he never thought that Lance would ever think that he’d seriously judge him. They were friends after all. Just barely, but they were friends.
Then again Lance had other friends. Why wasn't he talking to them?
“You’re probably thinking that I should be talking to some of my other friends right?”
Was this guy psychic?
“Well jokes on you because I have no friends.”
Lance stopped himself and rubbed his temple. “Joking again, I need to stop that this is serious. I mean, I could have talked to other people yeah, Hunk’s a great listener, Shiro gives great advice, and Pidge is real about stuff, but I can't bother them at what, 5 in the morning? You’re the only one I'd wake up in the middle of the night or morning or whatever to ask for advice, Samurai.”
Lance gave the camera his iconic little flirty smile and Keith couldn't help but smile as he scoffed. Of course, that's why he woke him up. He didn't have any other options.
“And, I really want your help right now.”
That was new.
Lance took a shaky deep breath, running a hand through his messy hair and rubbing his watery puffy tired eyes. Keith stared at them. Was he….crying before this?
“So I fucked up. Yeah, I know, not surprising, I know I know, hilarious. But seriously. I messed up really really badly, Keith. Where do I even begin….”
Lance held his arms to his chest and lowered his head. He took a shaky breath.
“Keith….I ran away.”
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flippytwine · 7 years
We're Finally Home
For @lancenetwork ’s Lance’s BDay Week - Day 4: Family/Friends/Earth
“Takeoff in five…four…three…two…one…hangars opening!”
The lions sped off out of the castle ship, following Shiro in an arrow formation, and headed to a familiar blue planet.
The Blue Lion, though, broke the formation and sped towards Earth, focusing one specific point on the planet.
“Lance! Get back in formation!-” The sound of Allura’s voice in the intercom was then muted, as the paladin ignored her orders and kept going, determined to get to his location.
Each paladin tried and failed to try to reason with Lance, even Hunk was muted. Soon, the other four lions were chasing Lance, with Pidge trying to hack through Lance’s communication system.
“La—get your—-over here!” The static was cutting Pidge off, but her order was clear, and Lance did not care.
“Almost there, Blue. Back to the Varadero Beach. And the warmth of the sun. And the sight of home…we’re almost there.”
The Blue Lion broke the atmosphere with a bang, the parting clouds giving way to the vast blue ocean. Land was seen just on the horizon, with a house near the sea.
“Officer Shirogane, why aren’t you landing at our agreed location?!” Iverson was screeching through the microphone, deafening Shiro’s ears.
“Hold on, Iverson. One of our pilots has changed course.”
Shiro cut off Iverson to keep himself from strangling him through the intercom. “Pidge, what’s the status on Lance?”
“His lion has stopped moving, it landed in this place called Varadero Beach, a couple thousand miles away from here,” Pidge said, transferring the information from her tracker to the other three lions.
Keith’s galran ears perked up, “Didn’t Lance mention this place a couple years ago? When we were still with the Arusians?”
“Yeah, I visited Lance’s family there a couple of times,” Hunk said, tapping on one of the houses on his tracker.
“Send the address to us, Hunk,” Shiro requested, “cause’ I feel like we’re about to have a family reunion.”
Lance sprinted to the house, with keys in his hand, ready to reunite with his family. He jumped over the fence and crossed over the green lawn covered with pearls of water. Stopping at the door, he took a breather.
Then, he inserted the keys, and stepped inside.
“Honey? Is that you?” His mom’s voice echoed from the kitchen and was like music to Lance’s ears.
“Yeah, mom. I’m finally home.”
All movement from the kitchen had halted to a stop. And then, after what sounded like a plate breaking and shouting, Lance’s mother emerged from the kitchen, her eyes widening in disbelief and shock.
She tackled Lance into a hug, tears streaming down her face. “My son! It’s been so long!”
Lance wrapped his arms around her, failing to hold back his tears. “I’m home, mom. I’m home.”
His cousins heard the commotion and rushed out of the kitchen to see for themselves. The moment their eyes met Lance’s figure, their irises shrinked, as if they had seen a ghost.
One of his younger cousins, who was ten years old when Lance last saw him and was now in their last year of high school, broke the silence of tears and shock, “Lance! Where have you been?!”
He was soon tackled by all of his cousins, brothers, and sisters, suffocating under all the weight, hugs, and love.
Lance’s finally felt like home again.
But the universe wasn’t done with Lance yet.
Soon, the sound of four lions parking on the beach front shook the house, leaving his relatives in fear.
Lance tried to calm them down with assuring words, “Shh! Shh! It’s okay!”
His mother looked up at him, “Lance, what is that?!”
“Just some friends of mine.”
As if on queue, four paladins had jumped over the fence. “Lance, you had us worri-” Shiro stopped once he saw his family behind Lance, in shock and awe of the four paladins. “Excuse our interruptions, Mrs. McClain. I’m Takashi Shirogane, a paladin of Voltron and a friend of your son,” Shiro said, then proceeding to introduce the rest of the paladins to Lance’s family.
“Is this where you’ve been all this time, Uncle Lance?” Lance’s niece tugged on his paladin armor, wanting to know more.
“We’ll tell you everything you need to know,” Keith said, ruffling the brown hair of the girl.
She smiled, “Okay, Uncle Keef!”
The paladins were sat to a feast that night. Shiro told Lance’s mother the things that they achieved before going back to Earth. At first, she couldn’t move from the knowledge that her son was out in the universe, fighting and working with aliens who could’ve destroyed Earth with a single blast from their ship. She clung to Lance’s arm, cutting off the blood circulation and all the feeling in his arm.
Keith was having fun with Lance’s nephews and nieces as well as a few younger cousins and siblings Lance never knew. He got along well with them, giving piggyback rides and running around the house acting like an airplane.
Hunk and Pidge were with Lance’s older cousins, who were in college in high school. They were awed by Pidge’s hacking skills and Hunk’s knowledge of alien mechanics, trying to recreate some of the technology with their materials, which were unsuccessful since it required altean energy to power it.
Lance sat in the midst of the chaos and laughter among his friends and family. A smile crept up his lips as he settled into the chair.
He was finally home.
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kenziiithegeek · 5 years
A dumb excuse for whump
Keith and Shiro were engaging in a sparring session, working on dodging tactics. Shiro was fast but Keith could dodge easily for him being smaller and more sleek. Sheewo, not realizing it, accidentally activated his mechanical arm and punched Keef in the chest. Shiro didn’t realize what he was doing until he heard the hissed profanity of his best friend. Keith was launched backward and landed on his ass on the floor, he was wearing his armor, but he must have a pretty nasty bruise. “K-Keith?! I’m so sorry, I di-didn’t mean to-“, Shiro is cut off by Keith sighing heavily. “It’s fine, but i’m going to have to sit out training for a while... thanks....”. Keith didn’t look that pleased with his predicament. “Why don’t you go help Pidge or play with the mice or something?”. “Ok?” Shiro said, that was a bit scary.
Pidge and Hunk were working on a new invention, it was a tiny mouse house for the mice. Shiro had walked in to check on them. “Shiro! Just who we needed! Can you hand me the wrench?” Hunk exclaims. “Uhh, sure?” Shiro says, he quickly hands Hunk the wrench. Hunk screws in a loose bolt, then Pidge notices that there is a unnecessary rise of plastic in the house, “Shiro, can you get me the scalpel?” She says. Shiro gets the scalpel, but Chulatt runs right in front of his feet. Shiro has a mini heart attack and falls over, Hunk and Pidge are able to escape in time, but the scalpel stabs right through the almost finished house. Shiro jumps back, he rises his hands as if begging for forgiveness. Pidge looks absolutely enraged and at the same time looks like a gamer being defeated by a noob. Chulatt senses the anger and runs off. Hunk gives the house a sad look. “You know... we worked on that for 9 days... 9 DAYS YOU ASSHOLE!” Pidge screams, “Pidgeon, chill!” Hunk says. “And while she’s raging Shiro, could you please leave?”. Shiro looks very hurt, “Ok?...”. “Now, why did you go off on Chulatt like that?!”, Hunk questions. “HE MADE OUR STUPID LEADER YEET HIMSELF INTO THE TABLE AND STAB IT!!!! Dumb rat...” Pidge screeches. Pidge didn’t know that Shiro heard only the words, “Now why did you go off... OUR STUPID LEADER... INTO THE TABLE...”.
Allura and Coran were cleaning out the pods, Shiro sauntered in and was immediately greeted with, “Ah ha! There he is Princess!”. “Greetings my friend, we were just getting prepared to place Keith in a pod, he should be out in about 15 ticks. He was getting very impatient and seemed a little concerned about something...” Allura says. “Ok...” Shiro says, and without warning, walks off. “Huh, is he alright?” Keith is leaning against one of the pods. “I don’t know Keith... is he?” Coran questions.
Shiro tried to go see what Lance was doing, but this time, Lance actually told him directly, “Nah, it’s fine bro, I heard that the blues were coming off of you from Mullet head, I don’t want to make you feel any more stressed than you already are... ok?”. Shiro was getting very teary-eyed now, “O-ok...” Shiro says with a crack to his voice. He stalks out of the room, holding the tears until he gets in his room. Which he locks himself in and begins to burrow himself under the blankets, curls up into a ball, and starts letting the tears flow.
“Has anyone seen Shiro yet?”, Lance questions, he is sitting right beside where Shiro usually sits. “He’s probably resting, he looked pretty tired earlier” Says Pidge. “I’m going to go check on him” Hunk plactates.
Hunk goes up to the door, and the squeaking becomes a bit louder, but Hunk hears sniffling all between it. “Buddy?” Hunk murmurs, opening the door. The sound hits him fully, sobbing, wet with tears. “Shiro!... Shiro... what’s wrong...?”. Shiro looks up from his cocoon of blankets, his face wet. “Hey... what’s wrong?” Hunk says, Shiro whimpers and crawls into Hunks lap, his face burrowing into Hunks chest. Hunk runs a gentle hand through Shiro’s hair, “Ok... what’s wrong?...” Hunk plactates. “E-every-everyone s-seems t-t-to w-want me t-to g-go a-a-away... I-i was t-trying m-m-my b-best n-not t-to r-ruin your d-days but-“ Shiro is shushed by a finger to his lips. “Shh... it’s okay, let it out... we didn’t think you ruined our days, Keith told me he was only disappointed and didn’t mean to snap at you, Pidge was working on the house for nine days, she was just angry at Chulatt because he ruined her creation by startling you, Allura and Coran were actually trying to ask if you could help with feeding Kaltenecker, they didn’t know you were so stressed, and Lance was trying not to make you feel any worse, he wasn’t dismissing you because you were about to “ruin” his day...” Hunk soothes Shiro when he starts sobbing again. “I-it d-doesn’t matter, i-i was the c-cause i-i-in this a-all...” Shiro tries to squirm away from his teammates grip, but Hunk pets his hair to comfort him. “Hon, do you want me to tell you what we feel? Your an amazing leader and a very good friend, you help us when things get screwy around here, you’re also the best person to be around and despite you being quiet, your always giving us orders so we don’t die...”.
Shiro snorts after the speech from his friend, “Tch... why d-did A-Allura e-even c-c-choose me? I-I’m b-broken...”. “N-no your not!” Hunk is being brought to tears too by his heart aching for the Black Paladin. “Y-your always in control, even when your scared, and you always protect us. Remember that space tornado we had? It was you who carried Pidge down to the basement when she was scared and who ran through the halls checking if everyone was down in the basement. You even ran when the tornado broke a window and stabbed you in the neck with it. We were all very worried when you collapsed down the stairs, but you... while very slurred... comforted us while Coran tried to remove the glass from your neck...” Hunks voice is shaking, but he managed to hide it to keep Shiro from thinking he made Hunk cry. The speech still makes Shiro hiccup and cry even harder, Hunk hugs him even closer and whispers into Shiro’s hair. “Shhh... we all love you, and we would never purposely try to make you cry...” Hunk rubs Shiro’s back and he notices Pidge in the doorway. She looks saddened by her friends crying and at the same time Hunk can see the barest hint of a tear on her cheek.
Hunk smiles at her and feels Shiro start to calm down in his arms. “Thank you...” Shiro says, breathless from all the crying. Hunk simply just closes his eyes and gives a toothy grin. “STUPID RAT!” Comes the yelled exclamation from the doorway. Pidge was knocked down by the Plachu.
Bonus chapter:
Shiro yeeted himself inside his lion.
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