List of all the things Cas has done/sacrificed for sam and dean
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List of things sam and dean have done/sacrificed for Cas
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tikistitch · 5 years
STORY TIME So Misha texted that he wanted us to tell a story but this kinda got too big for a text.
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ONCE UPON A TIME a little MOOSE set out to seek his fortune.
Sam: Best to start in the KITCHEN.  Feelin’ a bit HONGRY.
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Suddenly, he came upon an ANGEL.
Sam: CHOC’LIT!  I mean, Hey, Cas.
Cas: Hello, Sam.
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Sam: Check it out!  You got this CHOC’LIT COOKIE and you NEED A BIGGER MOUTH!!  Mabes should think of SHARIN’????
Cas: That is not the issue, Sam.
Sam: What?
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Cas: Bein’ a FUNKO POP, I do not have a mouth at all.
Sam: Welp, this is a concern.
Cas: Yes it is, Sam, as CHOC’LIT is my favorite-est thing.  Well, other than DEAN.
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Sam: Did someone say, DEAN:????
Dean: CAS.
Cas: DEAN.
Dean: CAS.
Cas: DEAN.
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And so they got to STARIN’.
Dean: CAS.
Cas: DEAN.
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MEANWHILES, looks like somethin’ happened to the CHOC’LIT COOKIE.
Dean: Cas.
Cas: Dean.
AND THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS: CHOC’LIT is really the best thing except maybe for DEAN.
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rebelangel67 · 7 years
Okay, SPN. That’s not funny. Where’s my angel?!
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coffeeandcas · 7 years
Honestly, I haven’t even seen last night’s ep yet and I’m freaking out by the reactions here and on Twitter. I’m super nervous that Cas is going to die in the finale, and that would break my heart. Someone reassure me?? Somehow??
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wherestheangel · 4 years
Ineffable-cas ------> wherestheangel
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Trust me, fans have not forgotten about Cas/Misha, all the people I follow on Twitter are upset and are probably going to be tweeting #wherestheangel all day. Cas fans are pissed man.
Hello anon! Yes, yes I know in twitter the fans are like crazy, is another world, there are a lot of us replying every cw spn tweet with #wherestheangel. It`s here, on tumblr, that I don`t see anything. Very few posts, I think that if is not about a ship, then people tend to forget Cas. That is what gets me so mad, second only with how they are trying to replace him with the bmol and Mick. When Cas went to heaven, I saw dozens of posts about how “good it was because heaven it`s his home” but now, I don`t see ANYONE, talking about how that was a plot to get rid of Cas for the rest of the season. Sorry for my bitterness, I`m glad there are people like you that still care, I don`t know if we are in the majority though. Hugs anon!
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youmightbeanidiotif · 6 years
In 14.13 lulz:
Minions and destihellers were not happy tonight with the 300th episode of SPN:
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Aw, but what about all their years of meta about how Dabb is the great white hope of canon destiel?
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Yeah, actually, Jensen’s already said several times how much he loved it.
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14 years in and they haven’t figured out yet that Dean will kill anyone attacking his Sammy?
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They might not want to hold their breath on that last part.
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I think all the #wherestheangel whining might have tipped them off already.
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Hm, true.
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Almost self aware.
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Surprise self aware!
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They so sad. XD
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When Cas is killed off in 15x18, what annoys me the most is how pointless and lazy it will be. Because honestly how else can they kill him off?
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He’s died holding off an attack to buy more time
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He died in the final confrontation with the big bad.
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He’s died as a result of a reckless choice he made for the greater good stopping an apocalypse.
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He’s killed sat his weakest, just as help gets there.
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He’s killed just when you think things are safe, for shock value.
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He’s been killed off in AU’s for humour
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To show how dark things are
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He’s even killed himself
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And let his son kill him.
So what fresh exciting take on this old, boring, predictable, played out situation are the writers going to come up with this time.
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tikistitch · 5 years
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Sam: Am I DONE yet?  MOOSE ARMS gettin’ pretty TIRED!!
Cas: I said A HUNDURD TIMES, Moose!  My only friends, oughta know how to spell my danged NAME.
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I will be tweeting like crazy tonight #wherestheangel. I´m tired of people accepting without a word, that he is almost being replaced and we`re are not seeing him until 12x19 and after that we`re not sure if he has more episodes (at least he is NOT on 12x20). But everybody is sooo happy that Eileen is back! Whatever. I`m going to be with Cas always, and if he is not in this fucked up show anymore so be it, I will be follow Misha anywhere. In the meanwhile I want respect for an amazing character and an amazing actor. 
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Dear Cas fans and destiel shippers
Please don’t watch the new episode tomorrow live or support the cw promo material
I know Cas is in the episode and it has been a long time since he was on screen, but this is what they do. They make a big point of showing he’s in an episode, then very little happens.
Remember back to s13 when dabb promised big things for Cas and didn’t deliver
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Don’t fall for it again.
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(though not really)
Cas hs to be depowered made less than he is to make sam and dean look better. 
That is bad very bad writing. you don't pull down someone to make someone else  look better. 
We are told not to do that as children. That making someone feel bad wont make you feel better. Yet the spn writers seem to think it is a legitimate writing technique. make sam and dean better themselves show real character development and growth, don't take away form another character to make your designated heroes look better that is lazy and sloppy. 
Cas is a badass. a cosmic being that that has been alive since the dawn of time. A general how lead is own garrison. An angle that stormed hell. That pulled an archangel form their true vassal. He won a civil war against an archangel. He stopped an apocalypse  almost single-handily  and so much more. he is so much more that a tool for the winchestes. he is better than them and their selfishness and self-righteousness. 
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Cas is a BAMF
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