#whether it's in heaven
Ramones - It's Gonna Be Alright
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audreytakadart · 4 months
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The Forbidden Bun
He let his impulsive thoughts win
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shadebloopnik · 4 months
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Lucifer saluting Sir Pentious is everything to me.
Hats off to you Sir, you made it, in Heaven.
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mooncakebun · 4 months
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this is day 867701 of me struggling to paint He Xuan
(one of these wips is like 2 years old???)
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
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u forget the word for a group of monkeys for one second and suddenly its personal
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nyuta1509 · 3 months
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Hear me out,,,, Xie Lian with ponytail *inaudible noises*
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thetaterdragon · 4 months
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The ducks of Eden loved his wings
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GO season 2 spoilers!!!
“Aziraphale rejected Crowley”
Did we watch the same show???
Ever since 1941 with the books, Aziraphale has KNOWN that he is head over heels in love with Crowley. Michael Sheen said it himself!! Between the two of them, Aziraphale realized his feelings first. Of course he felt like he shouldn’t because that little angel is jam PACKED with religious trauma and catholic guilt. He never wanted to be without Crowley. Because they are the only two who understand eachother. And oh yeah- they’re GAY.
When Metacunt asks Aziraphale to be the new head angel, Aziraphales FIRST response is “but i don’t want to go back to heaven” because he doesn’t think he can take Crowley with him (and ofc bc he loves earth). When Meta offers that Aziraphale could make Crowley an angel too, Aziraphale starts to consider the offer. Crowley had helped Aziraphale understand that Heaven was toxic, but now Aziraphale has a chance to change it. He sees this as his chance to fix Heaven, save the Earth, AND be with Crowley, all at the same time.
But Meta knows Crowley won’t want to become an angel. He sees Aziraphale and Crowley working together as too powerful, together they are far too strong. We saw that with the massive miracle they combined on. BUT if Meta can control Aziraphale, he can control Crowley too. All he needed was the opportunity to take Aziraphale away from Crowley.
Aziraphale goes back to Crowley with what he thinks is the perfect solution to all of their problems. Crowley shuts him down, because he thinks that there is no saving Heaven. He likes the life that they have carved out for themselves on Earth and doesn’t want it to change. It’s the same argument from season 1. Crowley wants them to run away together and damn the rest. Aziraphale wants to stay and fix things.
When Crowley confesses, Aziraphale doesn’t say no. He never says that the feeling isn’t mutual. Want he’s saying is “yes, and we can be together in heaven.” But Crowley doesn’t want that. The miscommunication is Aziraphale thinks Crowley hates Heaven more than he loves Aziraphale, and Crowley thinks that Aziraphale loves Heaven more than he loves Crowley. AND THEYRE BOTH WRONG. Nina and Maggie were right, these two idiots don’t talk. Not about what really matters.
The kiss is angry. It’s full of frustration and regret. It’s Crowley saying “look at what you do to me. why can’t you stay for me.” Aziraphale kisses him back. He’s holding him close like he doesn’t want the kiss to ever stop. Cause once it does, Crowley will leave. They’re both shaking because there’s so much emotion in these 7 minutes. And isn’t that so human.
Back to my main point. Please note that Aziraphale is not the one that pulls away from the kiss. It’s Crowley that breaks it (always the first to run away, huh). And GOD. Aziraphale looks so hurt after the kiss. Crowley leaves and he touches his hand to his lips like he doesn’t want that feeling to go away. Meta walks back in, and for a short second Aziraphale thinks it’s Crowley, but when he sees it’s Meta he turns away and wipes his tears.
They are so perfect for eachother but holy fuck they really need this break so they can GET THEIR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER.
anyways. i love them.
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andariyadoesart · 2 months
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"Roll the dice" 🎲 I drew the Ghost Simp King himself. Alternate version [UTC]
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crazydaymycrazyway · 2 months
Coming to Ghost city after a meeting in heaven
Xie Lian: Is something burning?
Hua Cheng, leaning on a pillar seductively: Yes, my passion for you
Some random ghost in the background: THE CITY IS BURNING!!!!!
Hua Cheng: *glares at the ghost*
The random ghost, in a lower voice: the city is burning
Hua Cheng, turning back: Now back to what we were saying-
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Ramones – Strength to Endure
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illuminatedferret · 2 months
precisely how hua cheng died is unclear but i like to think he was taken down by a shot to his ankle and then taken out at the throat
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tcfactory · 4 months
I have an idea I will need to ruminate on later to flesh it out more, but it goes something like this:
Shang Qinghua is God of the World, in the sense that he was a god who got a premonition of a Calamity that would destroy the entire world. So to prevent that all the gods pool their power to separate the world into one where all the mythology and stuff is real and a copy that's basically a low-magic/no-magic version that will be safe from said Calamity. They make the System to keep the two separated-but-connected and to help Shang Qinghua remake the original world when the time is right. Shang Qinghua, as the god who foresaw the looming disaster and was pivotal in averting it got tasked with taking the remaining divine power and going to the other world to hide from the Calamity and write the world back into existence once it's all over.
Except something goes wrong. One world is destroyed as anticipated, but Shang Qinghua has lost his godly powers and his memories when he got placed into the no-magic world. He's just our poor author friend Airplane bro.
The System is so relieved when the creator finally starts to write that it immediately implements it all without screening - System has been programmed to be very efficient! It can extrapolate from the smallest crumbs to recreate the world and its history in full! When Shang Qinghua has written enough that the world is back to its fully functioning glory the System is meant to bring the author-creator back to survey the world, but it does an oopsie and hey, transmigration! The restrictions on having to follow the plot are there so Airplane can experience the the life of a human in this recreated world as he had written it, so that corrections can be made before the new world is finalized. The 'Return Home' function isn't meant to take Shang Qinghua back to the other world, it's meant to turn him back into a proper God of the World(s) so he can make revisions, with full admin access. That's why it can't be dismissed permanently, it will happen eventually when Shang Qinghua reaches the end of his life or ascends.
The PIDW world also exists, as a backup copy in a way? So god Qinghua can always look at it and check what the effects of his revisions are. It's real enough that Bingge gets to hop over to the SVSSS world for his appearance in the extras.
Shen Qingqiu gets the System's attention because during his qi deviation he briefly makes contact with his incarnation in the other world and gets a full set of copies of Shen Yuan's memories. Someone who has read the Divine Work and can help keep Airplane on track with the plot and in character, because System is getting really agitated that its god is trying really hard to get out of what the System perceives as a short roleplay session. So it locks Shen Jiu's memories away for the time being and let's 'Shen Yuan' lose on the world.
A lock that gets eventually removed shortly after canon SVSSS ends. And the Shen Jiu personality and all his memories take priority because they are the ones that originally belong to this incarnation.
It's a big old mess, waking up and realizing that he lived the last couple of years as if he was a spoiled young master, shoved against his will into someone else's life. The memories from Shen Yuan's life in the other world are faded - still there, but they don't have as much of an effect on him anymore - but the things he felt and experienced since his qi deviations are all very vivid and very disorienting.
He needs time, to make sense of himself. He needs to think and he needs to be away from Binghe for a while, because the jealous disdain he felt for the child who had all the inherent gifts needed for success but still acted the helpless sheep and the love 'Shen Yuan' felt for adult Binghe are both there, equally vivid.
When he comes out of secluded meditation he's... different. Not cruel Shen Jiu, not kind Shen Yuan, but something in between. Much closer to the former, to the initial displeasure of most everyone who's not Yue Qingyuan, but there are aspects of the person he became in the last few years that he refuses to let go.
The eventual talk with Luo Binghe is beyond uncomfortable. It's not easy to admit to someone so much more powerful than him that he's more of the person Binghe hated rather than the person he loved. He's not the kind shizun, he refuses to pretend to be. If Luo Binghe wants to leave, there could be a way for him to go to Shen Yuan, who is the closest thing, but Binghe should keep in mind: that's not the person who has fallen in love with him. He likely would, if given a chance to meet Binghe, but they don't have history together.
He tells him that despite everything, the person Shen Qingqiu is now still loves Luo Binghe - loves him differently so things will need to change, but this is all he can offer. If Luo Binghe is willing to give it a try and see if he can love this sharper, more cruel Shen Qingqiu back, then Shen Qingqiu will not push him away.
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beebopboom · 7 months
the thing is their whole relationship they have been choosing death(or at least the act of losing everything they hold dear) - every time they meet up, do something for each other, the arrangement - just everything has that risk attached to it if they were ever caught
1941 scared the crap out of Aziraphale - they were moving too fast and getting sloppy with their precautions - Crowley could have been taken away from him because Hell had just a single piece of evidence - and he makes damn sure that this is not going to happen
fast forward to Armageddon and somehow Heaven now has this information about their relationship, not from physically going to Earth and finding them like the demons did, but from somewhere within Heaven.
But it wasn’t until the Metatron said something in season two that Aziraphale realized Heaven actually still had the physical evidence of their entire relationship since the beginning - everything - they were still relevant to care about and maybe still being watched
and the only way to get access to it is going back to Heaven - throwing himself back into the game of Life or Death - He is very much choosing to live any way he can because there is no hiding anymore and he is going to make sure it is safe whatever it may take - for Crowley, for them
and it just so happens that choosing this is what tears them apart
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neotrix-09 · 4 months
I've seen the idea that Adam will be reborn as a sinner,and I honestly love the concept,and I want to see him more as he gets character development. On the other hand,if they do another extermination...
"We've successfully slain all residents of the Hazbin Hotel,down to their most recent guest."
"He looked oddly familiar,though..."
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hualianisms · 6 months
camilikha on twitter posted with mtl the part of the TGCF Audio Drama production team's talk where they discussed hua cheng's character concept, and i love what the AD team said so i attempted a rough translation of the CN text:
"The core of Hua Cheng's character: Ultimate beauty, ultimate danger, ultimate devoutness The simultaneous contradiction and balance in his feelings: On one hand, he has a yearning desire that is blasphemous; on the other hand, he sees Xie Lian as sacred and inviolable, so he simultaneously possesses a devotee's sense of worship and sacrifice [1], and restraint [2]. His love is akin to a fire in the abyss; on the surface he approaches everything with effortless skill and ease, but in his heart he is always simultaneously suppressing and yet burning with fervour and zeal."
*translation notes:
[1] "献祭 worship and sacrifice" here refers to the religious act of a worshipper making sacrificial offerings to their god. the sacrifices offered to the god can be other people/things, or oneself.
[2] for the part about "restraint 禁欲", the CN phrase used refers to religious asceticism or abstinence (the AD team used many phrases with specifically religious connotations in this description of HC). however, "asceticism" felt to me like the wrong eng word for HC as he is not ascetic at all, nor is his devotion or love chaste. I struggled to find an eng word that fit here, but this is what the AD team was likely referring to (his abstinence during the centuries before he met XL):
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(I think the AD team may also have been referring to how HC initially attempted to hold himself back early in Book 1/Arc 1 for fear of overwhelming XL at first (during the period before they started kissing and HC realized XL fully reciprocated his attraction and desire).
and just my thoughts but i love how the AD understood HC as character so well! i love how they highlighted how he is simultaneously the concept of the most faithful devotee, and the most ardent lover. whether it's his religious devotion or his romantic/sexual love for XL, it's intense & passionate to the highest degree
i also love how they described the juxtaposition btwn HC's effortlessly calm & competent exterior, vs the intense passion he holds within. i really love how well the AD understands his character and allows HC to be as layered, multi-faceted and gorgeously romantic as he's meant to be
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