#which I didn’t know about so I just played the game randomly with no expectations
communistkenobi · 1 year
I don’t think games should have any marketing at all I want to encounter them completely separated from their advertisements
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Sore Loser <3 | Lee Haechan (M)
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Prologue: “At least I don’t fuck every girl I meet.” + “At least I don’t get cheated on.”
Summary: Your boyfriend and you are both sore losers.
Warning: Mature themes. Crack. Relationship goals. Slightly suggestive and smutty.
Note: I AM BACK!! Sorry it took a while but I’m very busy with school and I finished my stuff :)) expect slow updates but I’m returning now.
“Just admit it I’m better at Valorant and you suck absolute ass.” You tell your boyfriend sitting across your bed where you are laying down watching him play Valorant on the computer.
You’re in his bedroom hanging out, essentially you guys were going to play together but the last time you both ended up arguing for hours about losing the round and blaming it on each other. You take your games very seriously and so does Haechan. He doesn’t like losing.
Might be because he’s just a sore loser or perhaps he loves seeing you lose and throw a tantrum over it. Maybe it’s both. Who knows, Haechan’s a weird species of men and you don’t even know why you’re wasting your time arguing with the boy sometimes.
But even though you guys argue there are your moments where you both are very sweet together. You guys understand each other quite well but often you like to annoy the hell out of each other.
Haechan bites his bottom lip as he failed to win the round. He turns around to face you with a deadly look in his eyes as if he was ready to blame you. “You distracted me again!”
You open your mouth defensively. “Do not blame me for your shitty skills. You took that L so badly.”
He rolls his eyes slightly annoyed as he stands up and walks over to the bed edge, scowling, grabbing a potato chip and nomming it down from your chips bag.
“Y’know at least I don’t have daddy issues.” He shrugs confidently sitting down, eating more. Your mouth drops as your eyes go on a squint glare.
“Yeah? Well at least my dad actually gives me attention and loves me.”
Your words shook haechan at his core as his eyes roll over to you. He stops eating and sits up slightly before replying back with equal damage. “At least I don’t cry over the slightest thing.”
“At least I don’t fuck every girl I meet.”
“At least I don’t get cheated on.”
The way you let out a gasp as he did not hold back his words biting down on every syllable which means he meant everything he said to you. “You’re a dick.” You tell him.
He smirks. “You love it.”
You didn’t reply but bite down your bottom lip angrily.
“At least I never made out with Mark’s sister!”
Haechan’s face went beyond red and he side glances around his bedroom hopefully hoping his roommate Mark did not hear them speaking.
you scoff. “Like that excuses you kissing your best friend’s little sister…”
He frowns at you. “At least I didn’t vomit on jaemin’s lap when he was driving.”
You shiver at the flashback at the time when you were very drunk and Jaemin, your best friend, took you home by giving you a ride in his new Porsche car and instantly on the way you threw up on his lap and a little bit of his new car getting dirty.
You grunt. “At least I don’t crave attention 24/7 like an absolute child.”
Haechan rolls over to the side slowly crawling to you as he spoke, so many things at once now, completely off guarding you, without any hesitation, Haechan starts to expose everything about you so freely without discharging how you would feel.
He begins. “Oh yeah I’m the baby? Well at least I don’t act like a complete bitch randomly when i need attention. At least I don’t beg to be touched. At least I don’t get wet easily. At least I’m not the most horny person on the planet. At least I don’t scream out my name loud when I’m giving you the best fuck of your life. At least I’m not the one trembling and whimpering—“
“It’s… it’s my turn! Hey!”
You stutter crawling back away from Haechan as he keeps coming closer to cut you off and trap you down on the bed as he was on top of you pinning your wrists down on the pillows laid behind you to support your back and body, staring down at your eyes with a devious flint and a loud smirk that screamed he won and you lost. Like expected. He was so condescending, but you low-key liked him having this effect on you.
He didn’t care if it was your turn or not. He knew you were finished.
You softly let out looking away from Haechan’s face. “I don’t want to play anymore.” You’d huff out and he laughs a little leaning in to poke your cheeks. “You’re such a sore loser, Y/n.”
“Shut up” you tell him softly looking away.
He raised his eyes. “Did I go too hard on you with my words hm?”
You didn’t reply for a while until you decided to change your mind. “I don’t cry over the slightest thing by the way…”
He starts to laugh as he realised the only thing that upset you was that statement out of all the things he possibly said. You were so unpredictable.
“Okay you don’t. We even now?”
“Yes go away.”
He grins leaning in to whisper in your ears. “I’m not done yet.” As he feeds over your shirt to feet your chest grabbing the bra and unclipping it. Your eyes widen as your cheeks grow red. “Hyuck— what are you doing?”
He looks up at you humming. “I’m proving your statement right. I fuck every girl I meet.” He told jokingly and you couldn’t help but smile unconsciously as he took off his shirt leaning down to kiss you passionately.
“God dammit you’re such a sore loser, hyuck…”
@onyourhyuck please do not copy or translate my work thank you <33 Reblog and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out <3.
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castiwls · 3 months
"your my sun, my moon, and all my stars"
having a baby with patrick zweig...
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I feel Patrick is the type of guy to be absolutely terrified of pregnancy he kinda hates the idea but then the baby is actually born and he’s just smitten.
You’d barely been going out 3 months but you’d both been hooking up for just under a year when you randomly show up at his hotel with a pregnancy test.
His initial reaction is to slam the door in your face - he’s not ready for this. A baby would get in the way of his career.
After having the door slammed in your face you stood there for a moment, the hormones already seeming to affect you more than you’d known as a rush of anger runs through you so you do the only logical thing and bang on the door until he opens it.
“Patrick Zweig open this door right now or I swear to god.”
He opens the door and you have half a mind to slap him for getting you into this mess in the first place.
Neither of you was exactly ready to be parents.
You spend the first few months of your pregnancy trying to get used to your relationship and to the idea of being parents.
The idea terrified you but the fact that Patrick seemed to be slowly coming around to the idea left you feeling more relaxed.
You half expected him to run for the hills when you’d randomly shown up at his hotel yet he surprised you.
I feel he’s the type of guy to buy baby clothes based on his interests (like when they buy football kits for their team.)
He DEFFENTLY buys your baby a little tennis outfit with a toy racket and all.
“You did not buy our unborn child a tennis racket?” He shrugged placing the bag down. He looked at you with that lopsided grin which always made you melt. “I’m being prepared! My child will not be a football player.”
(He’s already looking into tennis lessons for when they're older but you don't have to know that)
He definitely cries the first time you see the baby on an ultrasound.
Also, I'm sorry but he gives girl dad energy - the idea of a mini version of him scares him more than he’d admit.
Secretly hope the baby takes after you more than him.
You both decide to do a really low-key gender reveal with only your close friends and family. When it’s revealed as a girl he completely freaks out.
This man is a MESS when you eventually do go into labour.
“Oh my god. Is…is that normal? You're not going to die right?? I can’t do this alone i don't know the first thing about babies never mind girls.”
You're considerably calmer than him for most of it. (You joke about him needing the gas and air more than you and he fully tries to grab it)
I saw this video on TikTok of a woman being like I wanted my boyfriend by my head the whole time I didn't want him to see anything but then the nurses asked if he wanted to catch the baby and he full-on sprinted to get gowned up - that Patrick.
This man full-on starts crying with the baby the minute she's out.
Holds your hand the entire time she’s being checked and cleaned. He just stands there whispering sweet nothings as you both watch.
Cries again when you get to hold her - you cry with him this time.
“She’s so tiny.” You sniffled slightly stroking a hand over her tiny head. “We made that.” He grins. You laugh quietly. “Yeah…I guess we didn’t do too bad.” He presses a kiss to your lips before running a hand idly up her tiny back. You're both quiet for a moment, watching her in pure disbelief before. “Will you marry me?”
For a moment you think that it's some sort of pain relief-induced dream. There is no way Patrick Zweig of all people just asked you to marry him. This is the same guy who not even a year ago happily lay in bed and planned his next hook-up.
Turns out to be the BEST dad!! This man is happily up at all times of the night to feed her or rock her back to sleep.
Whenever he can't soothe her he just ends up on the couch watching back old tennis games with her until she falls asleep.
Much to your chagrin, your daughter ends up sleeping best when a tennis game is playing in the background - truly her father-daughter,
“I told you she’d like tennis.” “She's 4 months old.”
You both wait a few months before going back to the marriage conversion.
This man was prepared. He had a ring and all much to your shock.
“I didn’t pit you for the marriage type.” “Well, it wasn’t high on my list but you’ve apparently changed that.”
You agree to marry him but you both wanna wait a little till your daughter is older. You make a one-off mention about how cute of a flower girl she would be and he is sold.
Overall he’s a surprisingly good dad and partner. He’s still trying to move up in the tennis world but manages to split his time so that he never misses anything big.
Though he did make you promise that when she’s older you’ll come to his games - you roll your eyes and begrudgingly agree but deep down you know that there is a good chance watching him play tennis may lead to your daughter getting a sibling or two.
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rafecameronsslxt · 2 years
Not so Secret
Warnings: Regular smut and over protective Rafe
Synopsis: You suddenly take an interest in your brother's best friend, Topper Thorton which leads to not so secret sex.
Topper Thorton x Reader
Minors DNI, you will be BLOCKED.
A/N: No because I love Austin North in general.
Words: 1,376
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Topper and Rafe are playing golf while I watch. I’d left the game thirty minutes ago because of boredom. “Do you guys like to plan to match each other or?” Topper randomly throws the question in the air and hits the golf ball. Considering Rafe is my older brother by a month, and since he decides to act tough, I make him match me. He sometimes hides from me because I like to correspond with his outfits. 
   I see Rafe roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye. Topper lingers his eyes on my body for too long. Rafe’s shirt was a bright peach, and mine had been pinker because why would I own something as colourful as his shirt was? I also had a white pleated skirt on that was shorter than expected. Which was also a hassle even to wear because Rafe decided to have a fit about me wearing it. Unlike Rafe and Sarah’s sister and brother relationship, mine was good with Rafe, most likely because I wasn’t the favorite. 
   “Yes, and Rafe loves it. Don’t you?” I throw back my head laughing, and he mumbles something incoherently, hitting the golf ball hard into the air. I walk towards Topper, throwing my hands around his neck and locking them together. “He is such a brat.” My voice is a whispered hush as Rafe looks at Topper and me too close for his liking. Topper furrows his eyebrows at me for a second. 
   I press my soft lips to Topper’s cheek after smiling at Rafe, knowing he can’t stand you seducing his friends. Not that I’ve slept with any of them, you just have to play the game right. All the while, Topper keeps his hands to himself like the gentleman he is and is a suck-up to Rafe. My voice comes out gravelly. “Why don’t you kiss my brother while you’re at it.” I pat Toppers broad shoulders and walk away to the golf cart, getting bored.
Sometimes Topper needed to learn to be his own person and not trying to be twinning with Rafe. Despite me actually looking like a duplicate of my brother.
   After what feels like an hour, they come, finally ready to leave. 
   Their both quiet. 
   I smack Rafe’s leg, knowing he “talked”  with Topper. Top is eighteen, and he doesn’t need a “friendly” conversation, especially from someone like Rafe, who has a girl every other week. I hear Rafe grumble when I switch seats to the back with Topper. Finally, Rafe begins to drive. 
   I subtly slide my hand on Topper's thigh, analyzing his features. He doesn’t acknowledge my touch, Top’s eyes staying on the back of Rafe’s head. His silence confirms it. 
   For a man like Topper, he has a good poker face, so whatever Rafe had said set him straight. My hands glide over his dick and then into Topper's pants. He shifts his body, adjusting to my hand touching his cock. Topper is hard, which I hadn’t anticipated. 
   I run my hand and fingers all over Topper’s dick, feeling every inch of him with just my hand. “Hey, top, I think we should go to the country club tomorrow,” Rafe says nonchalantly, not knowing his little sister is giving his best friend a hand job in the back seat of a very open golf cart at night time. 
   The thrill drags people into messes, which is the fun part, but if Rafe had caught us, this pleasure would diminish, ending in Topper getting a beating from Rafe. Topper concurs with Rafe, but it becomes more of a mumble mixed with a moan slipping through. 
   Rafe turns his head back towards us. My hand quickly leaves Toppers pants, and my body starts palpitating with anxiety. “Are you good?” My brother was exasperated but eyed me specifically. “Yeah, man. I’m good.”
   “Exactly, Rafe, so look at the path to our house. Don’t wreck us.” I mutter and hit the back of Rafe’s head with the hand that didn’t touch Topper's dick. “Bitch.” He rubs the back of his head, leaving me alone for the rest of the ride.
   I look to Topper with a wide grin etched on my face. But, unfortunately, I don’t get the same reaction; he seems agitated. 
   We make it safely to my house, and I watch Rafe walk inside. I press my lips to Toppers. The desire to feel him so close has been edging me all day. He pulls away. “What the fuck was that?” His face is serious like I’d done something wrong. “What? Topper, are you seriously mad at me? Never mind, I’m leaving.” I run my hands through my soft hair and get out of the golf cart. Topper's big hands wrap around my waist, pulling me back in. 
   “I’m sorry. Rafe was just being an asshole.” He whispers and starts nibbling my ear. “I can sneak you into my room.” I turn my head to look into Topper’s pretty blue eyes. He kisses me slowly, such a chaste kiss.
   I open the front door hearing the house's stillness, meaning everyone had gone to bed or was just in their rooms. I interlace Topper’s hand with mine and tiptoe up the stairs and into the hallway. 
   Topper locks my door and throws me on the bed. I laugh and put my finger over my lips. Shhh. Topper hovers his body over mine. His knee goes between my thighs, spreading my legs apart, and his plump lips come down on mine. His hands push down my skirt, throwing it onto the wooden floor somewhere. His fingers pull my silk panties to the side. Two fingers, without hesitation, instantly slip in quickly because of my cum. 
   An unwarranted pornographic moan falls from my lips. Topper's free hand flies to my mouth. “Honey, you can’t be loud.” Topper kisses me softly, his lips drifting down to my neck. He sucks on my flesh while I take my bottom lip between my teeth, trying to keep quiet as he fingers me roughly, his pace quickening by the second. 
   Topper starts making marks on my boobs, leaving rather quickly and slides his tongue down my stomach and then to my pussy. He looks up at me, his breath fanning on me. His lips wrap around my clit, and his stubble rubs against me. “Fuck- Topper.” My hips press into his face, and he chuckles, sending shivers deep into my body. His fingers curl into me, hitting my sweet spot. I cover my mouth while he flicks his tongue on my clit, and his stubble tickles me. I grab hold of his hair gently.
   “Top- fuck. I’m going to-” Moans fall like a song from my red lips. I convulse around Topper's fingers, and a euphoric feeling crosses my mind. Topper gives my pussy one last lick and comes back to face level with me. He kisses me, still remnants of myself in his mouth. 
   I feel his tip rub up and down my slit a few times. Topper must’ve taken his pants off when he was fingering me. His pre cum and mine mixed, creating lubrication in itself. Finally, he pushes halfway in and pulls out. I whine from the loss of contact. I give him a pouty face, and he slides back in, bottoming out. His balls hit against my butt with each profound thrust.
   I wrap my legs around his back. My nails scratched, making cuts into his back, but his speed didn’t slow down. At this point, my nails dug into his back, making crescent moon marks. My fingers find their way through his hair, tugging at his blonde tips. “Good?” He questions with a grunt. “Fuck yes.” I moan loudly, and his thrusts start getting sloppy. 
   My vagina tightens around Topper's cock. “God, you’re such a slut for me.” I nod yes, feeling pure bliss. My vision goes white for a second, and I see Topper smiling down at me while still pounding into me. “You squirted.” He whispers in my ear and then kisses me gently, and I feel his cum paint my insides.
   A banging starts on my door, and the knob rattles. “Did you seriously just fuck Topper!” Rafe screams pounding his fists against my door. Topper ends with a sigh of relief still inside of me. “Can you just fucking chill out, Rafe!? Yes, Topper did that thing you mentioned too.”
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xfgpng · 9 months
Booty call with Hanma but can you make it toxic to fluff I'm sick of angst 😔
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you know he’s toxic. he comes and goes as he pleases and he never stays the night, never makes breakfast and he only comes when it’s dark out and your neighbours can’t be nosey about it.
it’s not like you don’t know what he does, you’ve known him all your life and you should’ve learned your lesson when his ex fell pregnant. he wasn’t going to settle for her and he wasn’t going to settle for you.
things became complicated after you let him fuck you a few months ago. your crush on him since you were kids wasn’t that obvious to everyone else but he knew, he must’ve known because he was so good at making you feel sorry for him each and every time.
your phone buzzing on your nightstand never surprised you anymore. 12:45 am every time. it used to make you feel cheap but now you needed him just as much as he needed it. you weren’t even sure if he was only doing this with you because you know he’s been around.
you’re stupid enough to let him hit it raw but you can’t resist and he fucks you so good that you rarely think about anything else when he’s inside you.
hanma: you up baby?
you: yes
hanma: see you soon yeah?
you: i’ll open up for you
it’s easy to pretend you don’t know he has a key to your place and all this wouldn’t hurt so much if he didn’t randomly pay you visits without always expecting sex or something along those lines.
you sigh, turning on the hallway light and you’re not surprised to hear his car outside already. the butterflies feel more like violent wasps but it gets you all excited anytime you see him anyway.
he smirks, his signature one that makes you feel weak in the knees when he wraps his arms around your waist and leans down to kiss you.
hanma always kisses you like he’s never going to kiss you ever again. it’s passionate and you can pretend he’s pouring all his feelings for you into it even if it makes your chest ache.
your friends always say it must be his dick game because no one has ever had a hold on you the way he does.
“you miss me baby?” he grins and you nod, already feeling dazed.
he chuckles and closes the door behind him.
he leads you down the hallway and into your dimly lit bedroom.
“lay on your back for me sweet thing, lemme see you” he whispers, gently pulling your nightgown off your shoulders.
you’re left in your pretty silk nightie, a gift from him a while ago and you squeeze your legs at the way he looks at you, licking his lips.
“fuck you’re so pretty” he groans. he’s never been shy when it comes to praising you and you try not to let it get to your head.
“spread‘em for me” he tells you, removing his dark pullover and moving to kneel between your legs.
“touch me” you whisper, placing his hands on your hips and he chuckles darkly, looking up into your eyes which almost makes you shy but you hold his gaze.
“you miss me that much?” He grins
“maybe” You say and it’s not a lie, not really.
“i’ve been thinking about you all week” he says but it’s more to himself than you so you don’t say anything, watching as he removes your panties softly and places it in his back pocket.
he slides his middle and index fingers between your folds and groans at how wet you are. hanma never really had to do much to get you going.
“shit baby, this wet already?” he leans down to kiss you as he presses his fingers into your pussy.
he swallows your moans. his fingers are much thicker and longer than your own so he reaches all the right places that you can’t seem to find on your own.
he plays with your body like an instrument that he’s tuned to his liking.
“i just wanna fucking ruin you” he whispers right into your ear as he picks up his paces, scissoring you open for him because he knows you need it, despite your protests of being ready and being able to take him.
“more” you gasp, “please, i’m ready”
“please who?” he raises a brow but he doesn’t stop moving his fingers inside you, pressing his thumb against your clit just to watch you whine and tremble.
“please shuji, i need you” you whine
“only because you asked nicely” he smirks
he’s shameless in the way he slips his fingers into his mouth, groaning at the taste and it makes you feel embarrassed every time he does it.
the thick mushroom tip of his cock pushes into you slowly. he knows it drives you crazy when he takes his time like this and he loves when you beg for him, nails digging into his shoulders hard enough to break the skin and he enjoys the pain. he thinks about you every time he’s reminded of the marks you leave on his chest, shoulders and back.
“can i stay?” he asks, gripping your waist and you bite your lip, looking up at him
“if you’re making breakfast” you say and he grins, leaning down to kiss you
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tsuchigomu · 1 year
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‎♡‧₊˚ Al-Haitham x f!reader (suggestive), 2.3k words
♡⸝⸝ C.W ; 7 minutes in heaven, kissing, grinding, mention of sex, touching each other, possessive!AlHaitham, Kaveh the matchmaker(yeah i can’t think of anything more atm)
‎ ʚɞ Making my first writing post with my beloved Al-Haitham🥹 a lot of you probably see me for the first time so hi, my name is Juju, and I’m a new writer in tumblr >< i plan to keep writing to fulfill my desires of becoming a author so it would be great if you could keep your eyes on me!
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Oh boy, maybe Al Haitham should have kept his mouth shut and not expect any help from Kaveh, because he doesn’t know what he has gotten himself into.
Maybe he shouldn’t have told Kaveh about his ‘puppy-love crush(according to Kaveh)’ he has on his beloved friend(you) who he quite adored since his student life in Akademiya.
When Kaveh randomly asked Al Haitham if he had a crush on anyone a few days ago, he thought there would be no problem telling Kaveh since he knew that Kaveh was quite scared of him and he would keep his mouth shut with few threats. After all, it was Al Haitham’s house he was living in.
Little did he know, that Kaveh preferred actions than words.
Few days later, which brings us to the present, Kaveh asked if he could throw a party in the house inviting his friends. Al Haitham was not very fond of parties, but the part of the reason why he accepted the party was because Kaveh told him that his crush, y/n was coming.
The party was pretty big, and the house was quickly filled with smell of alcohol, cigarettes, the sound of loud music and people’s laughter and chats.
‘I’ll have to tell Kaveh to clean up all of the mess by himself when the party is over.’
Al haitham thought to himself as he quietly flipped through his book, in his room, which was the only peaceful place in the house right now. He was slightly annoyed because of how loud the party was, he did not expect this.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Al Haitham didn’t respond, as he assumed that it was either a drunk person in his house or a random person who was interested about his room.
“Al Haitham? Are you here?”
It was you, y/n. He also did not expect you to come and find him.
“Yeah, y/n. What do you want?”
Al Haitham responded, trying to keep his tone calm.
“Well… we’re playing seven minutes in heaven, and Kaveh asked me to come and find you. Apparently you really wanted to play this game? Haha.” You let out a small laughter.
‘That jerk.’
Al Haitham sighed in annoyance, as it was obviously something Kaveh planned for you two.
But suddenly, a wave of fantasy took over his head.
Maybe- just maybe… today would be the chance he would get to be closer to you?
“I know you’re not much of a party person- if you’re not comfortable, I’ll tell Kaveh that you’re not playing.”
“There’s no need. I’m gonna play it.”
Al Haitham responded quite urgently, he thought he was going to regret this if he missed this chance. And if… you ended up being in the closet with someone else…
He gritted his teeth at the thought.
Haitham walked to the door, opened it, only to see you standing in front of the door, all dressed up pretty with makeup like a doll.
God- only if he could be the only one that could see you like this.
“O-oh! Great! We’re playing in Kaveh’s room, let’s go.”
You were slightly stuttered because of how quickly Al Haitham opened the door, but he did look good in a black shirt that left a few buttons open, revealing his collarbone and the green gem. You could clearly tell that his chest was well-built.
When both of you arrived in Kaveh’s room, him and his few friends were sitting in a circle in front of Kaveh’s big closet. Nilou, Tighnari, Cyno, Dehya- he recognized few faces.
Kaveh immediately put a smirk on his face as he saw Al Haitham enter the room, he fell for his trap.
“Alrighty guys, so, since it’s the first round, I think we should vote for a pair that should go first. I vote for y/n and Al Haitham!”
Kaveh pointed at you two, before smirking and giving Al Haitham the bro-code eye, ‘thank me later.’
Suddenly, Kaveh’s friends started to agree with him as well.
‘Goddammit… Kaveh definitely gave them something to do this.’
Al Haitham bit his lip in annoyance, but for some reason… some part of his heart was… delighted?
He looked over at you, who’s face was flushed and covered in deep red blush, not knowing what to say.
You look so cute like this, Al Haitham thought. But he didn’t want to push you, he was willing to give up this game if you were uncomfortable.
“What do you say? I’m fine with it as long as you are fine with it.”
Al Haitham asked you, looking away with a slight blush on his face.
“Y-yeah… sure…”
Huh? Did he hear that right? Did his crush, accept to be in the same closet for seven minutes, just the two of them?
He snapped his head at you, who was currently looking away from him, ears red, so pretty.
A noise of “ooo~”s was heard from the crowd, and the next thing he knew, he was pushed into the closet with y/n and the closet door slamming on both of you.
Al Haitham let out a sigh, before turning to you, who was sitting awkwardly in a corner of the closet with a flushed face.
‘It wasn’t intended’, of course, but he took this chance to slowly observe your pretty decorated state tonight.
You were wearing a cherry-red lipstick on your puffy lips, and a glittering red eyeshadow on your eyelids that matched your mouth. He wasn’t sure if you used the blusher tonight, because your face was already very red from the blush, probably caused by the sudden 7 minutes in heaven. Your pretty eyes were slightly shining by the little light that was coming from the gap of closet doors.
You also smelled nice tonight- did you get a new perfume? If you did, you certainly have a great choice with perfumes because it smelled like sumeru roses that bloomed in midsummer days. Last time he met you, you were wearing a light padisarah perfume mixed with the smell of lavender and a pinch of roasted grapes… don’t ask how he remembers this.
When he was staring at your beautiful state for a few minutes, your eyes caught his. Was he staring at you this entire time? Why?
It was true that you had feelings for you abnormally smart, emotionless and handsome friend… but when he stares at you like this… it just makes your brain un function.
You decided it was your turn to stare back- as mentioned, Al Haitham was wearing a simple black buttoned up shirt, somehow it showing his toned body and wide shoulders clearly. Simple clothing suited him well, until you saw a small, thin golden necklace that was hanging on his neck. Wasn’t that the necklace you bought him his last birthday? Your face turned even hotter at the thought of him keeping his presents well.
He wasn’t wearing his headphones today, which gave you a chance to observe his ears. His ears were very pretty, as if they were sculpted with marble by a famous sculpter that made ancient god’s sculptures. If you ever saw him in middle of the desert, you would have thought he was the King Deshret in human form. Huh- is that a piercing mark on his right ear? Did Al Haitham used to wear piercings?
Meanwhile, Al Haitham was desperately trying to hold himself, until he didn’t. He only had 7- 5 minutes now- to make you his. It was harder to hold back if you kept staring at him like that.
He couldn’t hold it back anymore.
Al Haitham finally made a move on you, as he crawled on top of your body, locking you in his arms.
“A-Al Haitham?”
He could hear you ask, confused by the sudden act.
But he could smell your sumeru rose perfume better like this- and you could smell his cologne better as well.
Al Haitham called out your name, before taking a big breath in.
“Can I kiss you?”
He asked, staring into your eyes.
This can’t be real. You thought.
This was a situation that only happened in your fantasies- wildest dreams- being this close with Al Haitham, just the two of you. Him asking you if he can kiss you, as the session gets hotter.
Even if this was just a dream… you wanted to catch it.
“Y-yes, Al Haitham. You can kiss me.”
You slightly whimpered.
You could swear you saw a smirk on his face, until he hungrily attached his lips to yours.
Ah, his lips were so warm. It was like a blissful sunlight in middle of the day, a cool, but calming warmth.
You really had no choice but to return the kiss, as you can’t avoid the sunlight.
As soon as Al Haitham felt you return the kiss, his lips rolled up into a smirk on your lip. As if he was waiting for this moment his entire life- his tongue found your teeth, asking for permission into your mouth.
You opened your mouth, letting his tongue explore your mouth, mixing his saliva with yours. You felt your noses bump on each other’s, sounds of wet muscles and heavy breathing filling the closet. You grabbed a handful of his grey locks, before pulling him closer, wanting to be even more close in any way possible.
Al Haitham felt your desires, as he grabbed your waist, and pulled your body closer to his leg, still not breaking the heated kiss.
Next thing you felt was your heat on Al Haitham’s muscular thigh, as he slowly started to move his thigh against you.
“Haah… A-Al Haitham…”
You moaned into the kiss, as you felt his thigh move against your heat.
“Shhh… shh… gotta stay quiet… or else our friends outside the closet will hear you…”
He shushed you with another passionate kiss, smiling as he felt a wet patch grow on his thigh.
Al Haitham let out a sigh, as he took his lips off your lips, and attached his lips onto your neck this time.
It was official. You loved him, and he loved you. It was only logical that he marked what belonged to him.
‘Smells nice…’
He thought to himself as he smelled in the scent, before taking a bite of your neck.
If a food smells good, you bite it, and take a taste of it.
Al Haitham was already losing himself in the taste of you, devouring and biting your neck like a hungry animal.
A predator that was eating its prey.
Your body tensed up when he licked a particular spot on your collarbone.
He smirked on the spot, think that he should remember the spot for next time.
Haitham started to furiously bite the spot, his hand covering your mouth to prevent your moan and his other hand on your waist, preventing you from moving and squirming intensely.
Thankfully, your loud moans didn’t pass Al Haitham’s hand, but you hands automatically looked for something to grab on, and what it found was his wide shoulders. Plenty of space to hold on. Small tears started to form in your eyes. Was it out of pleasure or sexual relief?
“Haitham… want more.. please.”
You managed to whisper in his ear quietly, through your moan and mewls.
“Tch… didn’t know you were such a naughty slut.”
His tone was cold, but you could see his smirk and how quickly he worked to take off his pants and belt.
As soon as Al Haitham got his hands on his belt to take them off, the closet door opened—
“Seven minutes is up! Come out!”
…it was Kaveh, with a wine glass in his hand.
You wouldn’t believe how fast Al Haitham got his hands off you. He turned his face away, red as a tomato, embarrassed for once in his lifetime.
But Kaveh isn’t stupid(you just don’t really realize it because he’s always compared with Al Haitham).
“OHOHOH? OHOHOHOH? Y/n, you look like a beast just attacked you!”
Kaveh laughed, pointing at your neck, and then that’s when you realized how Haitham devoured you like a hungry predator.
You turned to look with a curled up fist, ready to beat the handsome man in front of you, but he was already back to his monotone face, acting like he did nothing wrong(but still avoiding your gaze).
“Heh! Seems like my little matchmaking mission was a success! Of course, it was planned by me, Kaveh the cupid, so no wonder why! Bahahah!”
The blond-haired architect roared like he just won the lottery.
Al Haitham simply sighed, grabbed your wrist and walked out of the room together.
“W-wait! Where are you guys going! I didn’t match make you guys just so y’all can fuck! Holdup!”
By the time Kaveh finished speaking, Haitham and you were already in his room, locking the door.
He threw you onto his bed, as he lazily unbuttoned his shirt.
“Ready to continue what we started?”
Al Haitham said with a smirk, staring into your eyes.
Oh dear… it was going to be a long night for you.
2023 Tsuchigomu. ‎♡
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thatsdemko · 1 year
hate me - m.mount
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requested: n
pairings: mason mount x pulisic!fem!reader
warning: nsfw + not intended for minors + swear words + mentions of alcohol + me calling football soccer (see above pairings) + mason being a dick + me not knowing anything about video games
a/n: I kinda want to do a part two to this so please let me know if you’d be interested! feedback is always appreciated xx
《 the following content is not intended for minors. 》
you’ve never been close to your brothers teammates, sure they followed you on social media platforms and you kept up with their lives, but it wasn’t like you formed a bond with any of them because you weren’t across the world hanging out with them.
one of them had caught your eye, mason mount. the soccer player every girl on social media seemed to have a crush on during the World Cup, and you couldn’t blame them. he was by far your brothers most attractive teammate, but despite his good looks he was actually an asshole to you.
to put things into perspective, that evening you were far beyond wasted and you may have tumbled into him, but that didn’t give him a right to yell at you for your behavior. you vaguely could recall that night the next morning, but seeing he was in your brothers apartment you began to remember it all too well.
he’s not a dick to the media. in fact, he puts on the best show always being kind to fans, opposing team members, etc. but when it came to you? he just didn’t have it in him to play nice.
“my sister comes in today,” christian announced to the team when he entered the locker room, his eyes fall to the particular Brit, who you had ranted to your brother about, “don’t be an asshole.” he says it to the team, but again his eyes fall to Mason.
“why would we? y/n is so nice! how long is she here for?” Ben begins to ask questions while Mason scowls in his seat. to be fair, he didn’t hate you but you had no care in the world and always acted above everyone else. it bothered him how Christian was so grounded and kind, and you couldn’t have been more of the opposite.
“you hear what I said?” Christian comes over to Mason now, he’s got that worried overprotective brother look on his face that he’s seen before. it wasn’t a pleasant sight to be on the receiving end of, “yeah copy that, I’ll be nice.”
it’s not been a day since your arrival and Mason was already in your presence. it’s not his fault, he’s your brothers good friend and teammate, plus they play video games together with Ben so you expected to see him over. you just didn’t assume it would be so soon.
“y/n! oh it’s so nice to see you again.” Ben wraps you in a hug the minute you enter the living space your brother and his teammates are in. you’re happy at least one of them likes you, the other is sitting there phone in hand pretending you aren’t there.
“same to you, chilly.” you pull away taking a spot in one of the chairs deciding to watch the boys play their game. when Mason finally looks over you send him a wave in which he doesn’t return, but his eyebrows lift upward as a way of acknowledging your presence.
“did you want to play?” christian points to the fourth remote he pulled out just in case, he knew your answer but he couldn’t help but be nice and offer.
“no, I’ll just watch. I know how mason is about his games.” you pull your knees into your chest watching the Chelsea player roll his eyes at your comment.
“for the record, I don’t care if you play it’s just the objective wasn’t to kill your teammate.” he recalls the game you played the last time you were in London. it had randomly selected you and Mason to be teammates, your first time playing you accidentally shot Mason and that sent him over the edge. you tried to apologize, but he wanted to hear nothing of it and asked Christian to switch controllers with him.
“and for the record, I didn’t know it was you that I had shot.” you snap back. you could feel Christian’s eyes narrow at you, he gave you the same speech he gave his teammates. he wanted you all to get along, and even if that meant casual smiles and light conversations, he didn’t want this.
“hey, it was her first time relax, mate.” Ben stands up for you handing his controller into your lap, “you should play, I’ll coach you.” he moves to sit on the floor beside your chair and you take the controller in your hands.
Christian gives you one final look to confirm, you just nod, “okay so you’re going to kill the guys in grey, Christian and Mason are on your team and they will have a name above their head so you know it’s them. don’t shoot them.”
Mason scoffs beside Christian earning your brothers elbow to jab in the rib cage, “be nice, mase.” your brother hisses.
Mason glances over, he sees Ben is hovering over you now pointing to the keys you need to press. he doesn’t know why, but he feels some sort of rage—jealousy to be particular. he hates how happy he’s making you.
if things were different and Mason wasn’t already programmed to hate you, he would’ve loved to have been the one showing you how to play. maybe you bring in his lap and his arms around you, guiding your thumbs to press certain buttons. but ever since that night, he can’t shake his true feelings.
“thanks for letting me play, chilly. you’re a great teacher.” you give him one final hug at the door before he’s out. he promised his girlfriend he’d be home for dinner, so he couldn’t stay too long.
“please you’re my best student.” he winks just before you close the door and lock it behind him. when you turn around you can see masons body is in the kitchen. it’s just you two since Christian went to pick up food twenty minutes ago, and he promised he’d be back soon.
“looks like it’s just us.” you say quietly entering the kitchen to grab yourself a beer, you held one up for him which he declines. you notice he’s awfully quiet and you can’t help but wonder if it’s because you decided to join them.
“sorry about today, I didn’t mean to intrude.” you move around the kitchen island and take a seat, and he takes the one two seats away from yours.
“no need to apologize.” he responds, it’s short and there’s edge to it. you can feel that’s not true but you’re not going to test him, you drop it and begin to play with the cap of the beer bottle.
“you did play well today.” he finally says, eyes glancing over at you for a second before you look over. he’s not sure why but he feels if he looks at you it’ll change how he feels. he wants to keep it that way, he feels like hating you might be better than allowing himself to like you.
“and I didn’t kill you.” you crack a smile hoping he returns it, but it’s obvious he doesn’t care for it. you hate how little he pays attention or care, it makes him seem so arrogant.
“we’ve got two months left, let’s see how that goes.” he scoffs, and watches you get up from your seat and move around the island. he knows he did something wrong, because you always storm off when he makes you upset. lucky for him, Christian isn’t there to make amends or force him to apologize.
“why do you always have to be such a dick? I’m trying to be nice and then you always have to come back with a snarky comment.” you want to splash his face with the alcohol. it wouldn’t make you feel better, but it might make him act different.
“at least I can handle people hating me and don’t need to call on big brother to rescue me.” he snaps and that stung. you’ve never asked Christian to step in and “rescue” you from anything. you could handle your own.
“I don’t know what Christian has told you but I’m a big girl.” you cross your arms over your chest and see a smile spread into smirk as he moves across the island stopping in front of you.
“you are now? you don’t act like it.” he leans closer to you, his lips looking irresistible but god you hated everything that came from them.
you’re fidgeting unsure how to respond, his finger tips grab a hold of your chin, thumb swiping across your bottom lip, “you’re such a child, y/n.” he teases watching your eyes grow glossy and big, he can tell you’re scared as you swallow the lump in your throat.
“no I’m not.” you whisper feeling your body gravitate to closing the gap, “I told you I’m a big girl.”
he bends down lips pressing against yours. he’s firm as he begins to kiss you, tongue swiftly moving into your mouth you feel his hands grab your ass pulling you against him. you can feel how hard he is in his pants, it makes you feel dizzy.
his hands are picking you up by the waist and carrying you into the guest bedroom, his foot swiftly shuts the door behind him before he throws you onto the soft mattress, “then someone like you should be able take it, can she?”
you nod, his fingers are pulling at the material of your pants, you feel warmth spread between your legs watching his own pants fly off revealing just how big he is, you swallow hard at the sight.
“you can handle it.” he presses his body against yours, hand over your mouth to muffle your moan. christian could be back any minute and the last thing you want is to get caught.
he’s entering you, and you’re trying to gasp for air, but his hand blocks it. you feel dizzy but everything he’s giving you so far feels so good. his finger tips are dug into your skin while your nails rake his back as he’s pushing further into you. it feels good, but it’s a surprise how far he is.
his strokes aren’t sporadic, rather even and deep, you can tell his tip nudged your clit when a sensation of pleasure and a moan that not even his hand could cover escaped your mouth.
“quiet.” he hisses and you nod. you feel your body reaching climax, but you’re smart enough to know he’ll make you beg and wait until you can come. if he hates you as much as his words he will take every opportunity to make you wait.
“Mason, please.” you beg, your hand has a hold of his wrist trying to remind him to let go you need to breathe, and he knows that. his hand slips down to your throat gently, thumb pressed against your vocal cord.
“what do you want? ask for it.” he nudges your clit one more time hearing you moan his name. he loves hearing it from you, it turns him on even more than he could imagine.
“let me come?” you’re on the verge of letting your body just do it, but when your eyes meet his you swallow back the feeling trying to keep it in longer. he’s just too good for you, you want to show him.
“only because you asked.” your body relaxes feeling the warmth exit against your thighs and he’s there to clean you up.
“when we get back out there, you go back to being that bratty little girl. if you’re good, you’ll get more.” he presses a rewarding kiss against your temple before he puts his clothes back on.
you just lay there against your mattress, before he slips out, and reality settles back in, you make sure to remind him how you feel, “god, I hate you.”
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
My frens! If you know your Mass Effect: Andromeda, then you’ll know what this GIF means.
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I finished the game! 🤗🥳🎉✨
Some important things of note: (SPOILERS, if anybody cares about a 6 year old game 😉)
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I ended up taking 120 hours but, let me tell you, that was with me playing as thoroughly as possible. I did every single task, even the ones where you had to find randomly spawning things like datapads. 😐 Fortunately, thanks to some helpful people on Youtube, I learned that several of those tasks could be sped up by controlling load zones (so you find a datapad or whatever, drive away, drive back and voila, hopefully a new one has spawned in! Sometimes you had to actually fast travel or leave the planet and return to get a new spawn, other times that would totally bork things. It was a process of discovery, lol).
I’m not going to play it through like that again, even when I start over as Scott, but it was fun to take the time to really explore on my first “visit” to the world of Andromeda!
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Fina-frickin’-ly, lol! The big guy played it close to the vest for a lot longer than I was expecting but, well, our love is now true, official and documented! Something I thought was really hysterical, though? Even after you’ve committed to Jaal, which eliminates the option to flirt with anybody else, I STILL had the flirt option for Drack! So, of course, I had to go ahead and take it, Jaal would just have to understand that Drack is an unstoppable Krogan love machine that NO ONE can resist. 😇😛😉 It was all good, though; Drack let me down easy and Jaal never mentioned it.
Though I did wait until Jaal wasn’t, you know, standing right there. Because I have manners and stuff. *nodnods* 😉
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(NOTE: This is a screencap, not a GIF, just so you don’t wonder why it’s not loading, lol) I was SUPER DUPER SAD to learn that I can’t get this look for Scott on his own playthrough. The default face can’t be customized. 😥 ZOMG, I WANT THIS SCRUFFY BEARD LOOK SO VERY MUCH. 😥 I miiiiight see about customizing one of the other faces to look as much like the default face as possible if you can have a scruffy beard. If not, then clean-shaven it will be. *HEAVY SIGH* 😛😉
And speaking of Scott, this actually managed to be something I didn’t know was coming: (SO I’LL MARK THIS WITH ITS OWN SPOILER WARNING, JUST IN CASE) I thought he’d probably wake from his coma by the end of the game but I was FLOORED when I was suddenly playing as Scott and he had a pivotal role in the final fight! 👀 It hit me as hard as an invisible drink, I tell you!
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Hee, for some reason, her drink glasses would randomly not appear several times throughout the game, I dunno why. But that’s not as bad as the glitch that I got thankfully only once where THE GROUND did not spawn in and so she got stuck in a cycle of falling to her death, restarting, falling to her death, restarting, falling, restarting, etc. etc. 😱😱😱 That sucked rocks through a straw big time! 😡
I still kinda laugh at the fact that, because I missed that you can customize your brother or sister, I ended up with customized Sara and default Scott as twins, lol! On Scott’s playthrough, I’m going to customize Sara to look like this Sara, though, just ‘cause. 😎 Also, I find it interesting that their dad Alec changes to match your main character, so if I use default Scott, I’ll have default Alec where as Sara’s Alec matched her look instead, lol. Oh well, clearly Original Pathfinder Ryder™ was a man of many talents! 😛
A few other fun things...
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This is how Peebee showed up when I changed my loadout, lol. You can see Vetra is following me because she’s my Best Girl™ but Peebs (I love it when she starts signing her emails like that 😉) is just hanging out up there! I finally had to get in the NOMAD and then back out again to get her boots on the ground!
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Sara has a radio-like music player at her bedside in the Pathfinder’s quarters and it has my friend THE DANCE PROMPT, YES! (You can’t see it here because I had to shorten the GIF for size limitations. 😕😉) Sara is also modeling both her casual and her sport’s casual looks for y’all as she breaks out her best moves! 😎👍😉
Next, because I’m sure the entire Internet is dying of anticipation to know my next move... 😛😉
Since I’ve learned of my other friend, Manual Save, I kept some points so I can go back and...
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...take Peebee up on her friends-with-benefits offer. And back up a bit farther to do the same for Liam after Sara helps him move the couch. 😛
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Here’s Liam and Jaal giving Sara both Thoughts™ (’cause, hey, she’s been in cryosleep for 600 years and a girl’s got neeeeeeeds, ya know!) and Anxiety™ (’cause she’s the leader of this crew and, fellas, ZOMG, this is Not Professional®) 😂
However, the next full romance I want to do (and am going to back up alllll of the way to when Sara gets the Tempest or thereabouts so I don’t miss anything) is going to be...
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...Vetra, my love. I just freakin’ adore her, what can I say? She was my constant through all of the missions, it was always me, Vetra and somebody else. She’s a total badass but also endearingly a little insecure and with a literal spiky exterior that covers a sweet, caring heart. Nothing but the best full-on romance for my Turian sweetheart! *fist thump* (Can you guess who I already know my fem!Shep will be romancing in the ME trilogy? Three guesses and they’re all spelled Garrus Vakarian... 😂😉)
I still would like to romance Suvi but I get the feeling she’s going to take more work like Jaal did because her flirt options dropped almost immediately as soon as I stopped selecting them. Peebee and Liam, for example, offered flirt options right up until my romance with Jaal locked in, even though I hadn’t selected one for a while. So there’s that to consider.
For Scott, he’ll definitely be romancing Avela because, as we all may recall...
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Also, it’s a short-lived romance so he can probably find time to also romance somebody else in that one playthrough, if I’m feeling it. (I honestly was surprised at how much I ended up loving Gil, so maybe we’ll give that a try, either here or elsewhere?)
But, of course, the full-on romance for Scott is going to be...
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Cora. I legit went *SQUEE* out loud when she kept asking about or mentioning Scott to Sara. *furiously waves Scott/Cora shipper flag* It made me feel kinda like she might’ve had a wee little bit of a crush on her Pathfinder’s son (when Alec was her Pathfinder, of course) but she was keeping it professional and all that. I dunno, that might just be me and those darn shipper glasses that tend to fly out of nowhere and land on my face all the time...
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Also, somebody at some point will be romancing Reyes because, and please pardon my language, but he’s the epitome of a sexy mofo. 😳😛😂
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You also get a glimpse that there’s more to him than meets the eye. The only thing I was disappointed in was that, while I intended to choose him over Sloane, I REALLY disliked that the only way to do that was to promise Sloane you’d have her back and would keep things fair... then you let Reyes assassinate her via a sniper shot. But if you save her, you’re choosing her to “rule” Kadara instead of Reyes. *frustrated sigh* I let her get assassinated but I felt bad about it. Not about my choice but just at how it came about. (Cora also called me out on that later, to not forget that he’d had an unarmed woman killed after promising her a fair fight... 😬😥)
In conclusion of my long-winded rambling, I loved this game a LOT. Was it perfect? Was the animation sometimes WAY WONKY? No and yes. But I was here for the chance for some romance and RPG along with my combat and I really enjoyed that aspect a bunch! I’m sorry that they won’t be continuing Andromeda’s story because I would’ve liked to see more of the Tempest and her crew. As it is, though, I’ll just be content believing they’re out there saving the universe and having more adventures!
I’ll eventually be moving to the OG trilogy and I’m definitely looking forward to that! But for now, thank you, Mass Effect: Andromeda, for 120 hours of fun game time and here’s to many more!
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Inui x reader angst
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Warning: Angst, cheating, ignored, falling for someone else, falling out of love.
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These days haven’t felt right anymore. You felt more lonely and sadder. Maybe it was because you would come home to an empty house and fall asleep alone and wake up to the sound of your boyfriend coming inside the house. Just for him to sleep on the couch. You had stopped getting out of bed just to ask him to come sleep with you, which he always said no too. You wanted to know who took your boyfriend’s time and attention. Even then why didn’t he just leave you. Did he feel bad for you? You didn’t know.
Your boyfriend Inupi still hasn’t come home. You were on the couch waiting for him to come home. You were tired of the lonely nights. The nights where you cry alone. Wanting to know who took his time and attention from you. Wanting to know where everything went wrong. If he ever loved you or was it just a game. You probably weren’t going to get your answer but that isn’t going to stop you from trying. You were watching a dumb show that randomly came up on the tv. You looked at your phone and saw it read 11:00 pm. Zero messages. That was then when you heard the door open. You set your phone on the table and got up to go see him. When you see him taking off his shoes and coat you lean up against the wall. “What’s your excuse today?” You asked. You guess he didn’t think that you were still up from the way he looked at you and stopped what he was doing. Even then he just didn’t say anything. “Seishu…Do you still love me?” You asked, softly. Looking at the ground. You already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from him. To know that you aren't throwing something good away. Something that died a while back. Inupi just stood there, stunned. He didn’t know anymore. Did he love you? I mean he likes hanging out with you but he likes him more. Did he even have any more love left for you? Before he could say anything you just turned around and walked away. He just looked at you confused. He then followed you after a few minutes to see you holding his stuff. You then threw it at the floor in front of him. “Leave” You say quietly. Not wanting to start crying in front of him. You needed to keep yourself together. You didn’t want him to see you weak because of him. You wanted to see what his facial expression was but you knew if you saw his face you would start crying and losing yourself. You turned away before he could say something. You covered your mouth so your sobs wouldn’t be heard unless someone really tired to listen. You then went into your room and closed the door. You then slowly slid down the door like how your tears are going down your cheeks. You heard the door shut. You thought maybe he would actually try to stay and defend himself or try to make things work but you were wrong. You wanted to know when he fell out of love. When did the flowers stop blooming and the sun just went down and never came back up? Were the flowers and sun always like this? Were they always like this? Was there never flowers and suns ever happening? Were you just playing your feelings and mind that the flowers were blooming and the sun was shining so high in the sky.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep after crying so much on your floor. You woke up to your phone going off. You groan and get up from your spot on your floor. You then headed over to your night stand. You then unplugged your phone. You saw that it read Takemichi. You then answered it. You were confused on why Takemichi was calling you. I mean it's not like it was late out anymore. It was now about ten in the morning. You were expecting to sleep so long but it wasn’t like you minded anyways. Especially since you've been staying up late just to see… You then shake that thought of your head. “Hello?” You call out. “Hey, Y/N.” You hear Takemichi from the other line say. You then heard other people talking too. You were still confused on what was going on and things. “I was wondering if you were busy today with anything?” He asked you. You think. I mean you don’t have plans anymore. I mean you were going to hang out with him today but that wasn’t an option. “I’m not busy, why?” You asked. “You want to come and hang out with us then? It's going to be me, Chifuyu, Baji, Draken, Hina, Emma, and Mikey.” Takemichi says, explaining who all will be there and things. You smile softly at this. You were glad that you had people who cared for you and liked to hang out with you. “Sure. What time?” You asked. You heard Takemichi thinking and then asking someone, which you thought was Chifuyu and Baji. “How about in two hours?” He asked. “Sounds good!” You say. “Okay. Bye Y/N. I'll text you where we all are meeting up!” he says before hanging up. You smiled before going and getting ready for the day. You knew that this was going to be a good day for you. At least you hoped it would be. Since coming from a bad night this would be a good thing for you to do to help you get over him and just be yourself and have fun. You then went off to go change. You couldn’t wait to see them all!
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unhappytimeleaper · 2 years
Hello!!, may i please request yan eichi with an oblivious darling?
Requested by anonymous 
Word Count: 1,250+
Update that most might not care about but might give some context to my absence. I found out I’m moving back to Korea in like,, less than 3 weeks to start a new job. Lots of things to get done in not a lot of time…
I promise I will get to the alphabet; I was thinking about this one at work and wanted to get it out.
Also, I played Repurpose, and it was such a good game,, genuine brain rot over most of the characters; I deeply loved Noel’s route and Ramón was a favorite I didn’t expect. Kalei was still just too cute, Mitts was everything I was hoping for, and DJ was an unexpected one I came to enjoy the route for. Give me poly DJ/MC/Noel or give me death /j. If you have 7$ to spare and want a cute game to kill some time highly recommend and I will be pestering the one friend I have endlessly about it.
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Tenshouin Eichi; Unedited. Gender Neutral Reader.
Warnings; yandere content, blackmail, manipulation. Eichi is Eichi, take that as you will. 
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
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I think being oblivious to Eichi is hard, and I don’t believe that it would be the right word to use. In a way, I think everyone at the start might have some level of ‘obliviousness’ before there just is no possibility of denying the truth of his plan.
What I mean is that unless you are extremely perceptive, like ungodly perceptive, Eichi is cunning. He is a master at manipulation and the ability to get others to not only trust him but do what he wants as pawn pieces. There is a reason he was able to gain such power over Yumenosaki in the first game, and there is a reason even from the second he was introduced, there was a wave of power that Eichi naturally exudes. Despite everything, he can come off as very non-threatening given his frailness which might make it easy to confide in giving him needed ammo to blackmail you. Something about your family here or there, a secret about a friend that slipped out and he promised he’d never bring it up again [he will], or even a moment of frustration with working in the idol field. He naturally has an air of eloquence that makes it easy to fall into a web of words and let out more than you expect to share [it also helps he naturally talks a lot in a way that is easy for others get lost in]. He has connections nearly everywhere for better or worse, and can use those to gain links to you, either knowing the little things you swore you hadn’t told him or closer to something on your schedule to randomly show up. Questionable, but nothing you can prove as being shady, so it’s best to brush it off regardless. Who would believe you over one of the most well-known idols in the industry? This isn’t to say obliviousness, in general, doesn’t help him if you manage to make loops to justify all of his weird behaviors. Still, even I think some of those who think of themselves as incredibly cognizant would also fall into these types of traps, even if he has to tiptoe a little harder to get them all to work.
However, this game Eichi plays with you manipulated into a false trust won’t last forever. In fact, he doesn’t want it to because there is something much better about being able to move into a true relationship, the one where he can be open to his motivations and desires. All of this was a stepping stone in the bigger picture for him. Getting the basics down, and being able to tangle you deep enough that struggling to escape only digs the knife in more.
Eichi has two ways this facade comes melting down, revealing the reality behind the set pieces of the stage he’s built to lure you in. The first one is external forces; Eichi has a reputation in nearly all eras of the game for his mental strength and ability to use this to get others to do what he wants. It’s not some hushed topic that no one acknowledges, even Eichi is well aware of his status, and while Eichi likely would be able to shift his opinion to his favor if you talk to him at times, there will be many others, even Eichi’s closest friends willing to call out the dangers he imposes. At that point, it’s no longer really just obliviousness to his actions when often proof and multiple people are able to recount the story where he is the villain. Antagonist? Oh well, semantics; regardless, he often is not framed well. Being oblivious to the signs, the warnings and red flags Eichi holds from this are genuinely hard to pass off with a lack of awareness.
But that is not just the end; Eichi is well aware of this. Often times he won’t deny it either because Eichi doesn’t see what he does as necessarily wrong. To an extent, yes, he has some awareness of the damage he causes and the impacts it has on others, but Eichi very rarely shows remorse for those actions deeming them as a necessity. Much like with you. If you have a bleeding heart and want to believe in the best from him, you can always ask if they are lying. What they said isn’t true. Eichi might have done some things wrong, but even then, everyone makes mistakes. Right? Eichi won’t bother lying or covering up what he’s done to others, and even if you are put in vulnerable positions where he is blatantly manipulating you, he is upfront with his actions. Aren’t you at least happy the confessions are coming from him and not some stranger you work with?
I think back to when Eichi tried to get Trickster to disband; the group did know it was manipulation to make them feel as less, that the win was a fluke only provided due to Undead and 2wink. However, it didn’t comfort them in knowing this was all just the result that he wanted, and they still fell apart in the moment. Eichi wasn’t hiding his intentions but knew he held the power to easily get others to crack regardless and succumb to his desires because, in a sense, resistance is as futile as lying to you. Nothing is gained, and nothing is lost if you can stay so far ahead as he can in most scenarios.
It’s Eichi’s greatest strength as a yandere that out of everyone, he would be the most lucid and, as far as he can push it, make you aware of the lucidity that his actions, while immoral, are the path he will continue to take for the sake of his ideals. Even the most oblivious, good-hearted are forced to come to this realization at some point, just like with Tsumugi’s relationship with him. When, not if, but when Eichi gets what he wants through manipulation, he has no problem shattering the rose-tinted glasses people might wear to him. You can deny it all you want, and you can run from what is the monster that is Eichi to believe he isn’t truly this, but you can’t run forever. He will drill it into your head, sear all of his crimes into your mind to the point you can only accept that the mask he had at the start was to use you. Use your kindness, uses your ignorance, use your trust to gain what he wanted to use against you when the time called for it. It’s a crushing burden to know that the one who sealed you to this fate with him was no one more than yourself. This is what makes him such a terrifying yandere, not the fear of what he will do or can do to keep you as his. But that in the end, you are only as powerless a puppet in the world; he wants you a pawn stuck to his side.
Life with Eichi is trapped in the lucidity of both of you. Once knowing this, you can make it the best of what it is and give in to love him with the cage you’ve been trapped in or make it just as miserable. The glasses will have been shattered, and no amount of glue will be able to mend them. The choice is up to you, but there is no way to keep a lack of awareness of his actions in the long term that you once clung to.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 150 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: mowing the lawn.
JON: "Statement of Herman Gorgoli, regarding his period trapped alone in a suburban area of Cheadle. Original statement written 9th November, 2014." Hmmm... "Statement of Laura Popham, regarding her experience exploring the Three Counties System of caves with her sister Alena Sanderson. Original statement given November the 9th, 2014." So, what does happen if two statements were given on the same day? Apparently nothing, if you missed the fact that they're given on the same day xD But if you don't even give it a case number "officially", then you'll get case #xxxxxxx-A or -B. (Also, it's funny that it's MAG 15 and MAG 150. Like, just added a 0 xD)
So I looked up Cheadle. I don't think I've ever seen a neighborhood like this on the mainland of Europe! These almost identical rows and rows of houses is something I've only encountered in the UK on this side of the pond. We totally have neighborhoods with rows of houses here, but every house looks different in shape or color or even style, all have different driveways, houses are positioned differently on each lot etc.
"I’ve never seen people happily living in a place so obviously dead." Oh static. Tell you what, I live in something that’s structurally build like a suburban neighborhood (I don't know what you actually call that in English...), just not near a city, it’s in a village on the country side. God I wish it was dead. There’s always so much going on, so noisy, it drives me crazy sometimes. And it's not like the other people living here seem unhappy, they like the buzz, they love getting randomly talked to by their neighbors and make stupid small talk...
"I didn’t even try to hide it, not really." Not really-counter of S4: 18!
"Every time I thought I’d found a main road that led out of this weird looping suburbia, a one-way sign seemed to spring up, directing me back into the sprawl. I did U-turn after U-turn as I was channeled into one dead-end cul-de-sac after another, until eventually I decided to simply disregard the one-way signs completely." This could just as well have been a Spiral statement!
"She was talking, or at least it sounded like she was, the cadence and the sounds were so much like English that it took me almost a full minute to realize that she wasn’t actually saying words." This is an effect that already happened in MAG 48 in the Lonely crowd!
Why did all the Road, Street, Way etc. get static but not the "BUY NOW"? I think that should have gotten supernatural attention too!
"I stumbled over my legs, still weak, and grabbed the handset which should have been long out of battery, and I stared at the glowing screen. It was Alberto. He was calling me." Why was that call able to come through? Was the statement-giver a victim because he lost all contacts? Was it the impression that nobody would ever think of him again? But then, his ex Alberto actually thinking of him and reaching out to him cut through that Lonely mantle?
"We’re working on it, the two of us. We’re not exactly back together yet, but I think it’s going well." Glad to hear something like this at the end of a statement. I don't think I would be able to get over a situation like this, cheating I mean, but some people can work it out and that's good for them!
"I checked to see if I could find anything about Yotunde Uthman, and I did find a few old social media profiles, but I wasn’t able to get through to any family or friends. As far as I can tell she disappeared a year ago and nobody noticed." Yeah, that sounds like the quirk of this particular manifestation was about people without anyone left to think of them, to worry about them, to care about them in any way or shape, even if it was just anger.
JON: "The Lonely is possibly the most insidious of the powers, I believe." Totally not biased right now xD (I'd say that the Web is the most insidious. Very subtle, gets you when you least expect it, plays the long game...)
JON: "even the spiders seem to have a hard time matching it for sheer seductiveness. (hmph) Time to yourself. Self-care. Putting yourself first." Yeah, that sounds more like it. The Lonely certainly has an appeal which is passively working.
JON: "Not being a burden on those you care about. Doesn’t even need to tell you any lies – just waits for the lies you tell yourself." Yeah :/ (This also sounds kind of Spiral-y. You don't need to get gaslighted constantly, it's enough to do it a few times to get the ball running and then it just happens on its own.)
MELANIE: "Look. (pause) I’m not going to do my job anymore." JON: "I am not sure I follow you. We can’t quit, we’ve all tried." MELANIE: "I didn’t say I was going to quit, I said I’m not going to do my job. No researching, no filing, no field trips, nothing that is going to help the Institute in any way. I’ll still be around, I just… I can’t be a part of this anymore. If – if I get sick, I get sick, and – and if I die –" Totally fair, if you can't get fired, why still playing their game... I'd assume none of them are actually "working" any more and are mostly doing their own research. Feels hard to believe they would still file fake statements for example xD Still, this begs the question whether not doing work for the Eye would make them sick. Staying away from the Institute did that to Tim (MAG 90).
JON: "What about the Unknowing? We saved the world." MELANIE: "Did we?" Does that count as foreshadowing?
MELANIE: "And he’s still doing harm. You ever think that maybe this whole ritual business is just an excuse, and that we’re all part of some huge, miserable fear machine?" JON: "I’ve… considered the possibility." Does THAT count as foreshadowing? xD
MELANIE: "Right, well. If I’m just another cog, maybe I can’t leave the machine, but from this moment I’m not turning. I’m jammed." Too bad she already fulfilled her purpose... But if it hadn't been Melanie Elias or the Web would have found another solution.
JON: "Melanie, could you – could you describe your therapist for me?" MELANIE: (laughing) "What, you think I wouldn’t notice if she had cobwebs down her face?" That was quite a mean red herring. We heard a brief section of a therapy session in MAG 136, a Web statement featuring Annabelle.
JON: "Okay. (sigh) It’s just… the Web can be subtle, you understand?" MELANIE: "And? For all you know its plan is to paralyze you with indecision. Leaving you sitting here, terrified that everything you do is somehow all part of its grand plan." Does THAT count as foreshadowing?? xDD
And last but not least we get Daisy trivia! Very good, I like! 
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slytherinshua · 2 years
"Wanna kiss since we're bored?"
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: kisses. it's rly just cute fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: subin x fem!reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: stuck in the janitor's closet with the 1 boy who makes your heart race. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 1.1k. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: iykyk for the title.
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Your impression of your highschool was already bad, but after Hide & Seek was the most anticipated game on your school trip, your respect for the school was in the negatives. They really expected a bunch of 18 year olds to get excited about playing? Well, here you were hiding anyway…
The fact that you always seemed to be paired with your classmate, Subin, made it all the worse. There were a million reasons why you wanted him to stay away from you. 
He was annoying, a slacker, teased you nonstop, copied your homework every other day, was unreasonably pretty, and worst of all… made your heart race every single day.
He was a distraction to you. An aggravating, stupid, beautiful distraction. You weren’t aware of when you started falling for him. One day you barely noticed him, and the next day you felt flustered over everything he did. Your heart seemed to speed up from just being in the same room as him.
You decided it was the school’s fault that you were stuck with him in the janitor’s closet at the vacation cabins. This school trip was supposed to be fun, not anxiety inducing from being stuck in a closet with Subin.
Your heart was certainly racing now, sitting on the floor of the janitor’s closet, a mere foot away from the boy who had stolen your heart.
Your converses were about 3 centimetres away from his black boots, both of you in the same position - your knees to your chest, arms clasped around them.
You had found this brilliant hiding spot first, but the moment after you had stepped into the closet, he had followed. And now, you were stuck in here together, amongst the brooms, mops, and highly toxic cleaners.
“Do you think they’ll think to check in here?” Subin asked, interrupting the blissful silence that once blanketed the small space.
“No. I told you, it’s a genius hiding spot.”
“It seems kinda obvious to me. People always end up in closets like these in shows.” He said, looking up at the shelves to not make eye contact with you.
“That only happens in shows, which is why it’s perfect.” You reasoned, “No one thinks stuff like that actually happens in real life.”
“Stuff like what?”
You paused, realising what you just accidentally implied.
“You know just… where the girl and the boy are stuck in a cramped space together…” You trailed off, knowing that he got the jist of it. “Not that I would want to do that with you-” You hurriedly defended, too embarrassed by the thought. 
You nervously looked up at Subin’s face, heart racing at the sight of his lopsided, sarcastic smile. 
“As if I’d want to kiss you.” Subin said harshly, continuing to avoid eye contact. It was a lie, of course. He daydreamed about kissing you. He was just too much of a wimp to initiate anything.
“I didn’t say anything about kissing, just that two people got stuck in a closet together.” You backfired, cheeks burning up. It was a good thing that it was so dark in the closet, or Subin would’ve definitely teased you about your pink cheeks.
“I guess now we just wait until someone finds us…” You said, resting your head on your knees and observing Subin without him noticing (or so you thought).
Subin had always thought you were cute. From the moment he saw you. In fact, he had liked you before you had even acknowledged his existence. He had picked up on your little habits over the months.
The way you brushed your hair back when you were stressed taking a test, how you smiled randomly throughout the day thinking about something (if only he knew you were thinking about him), or how you saved your favourite thing to eat for last - he had picked up on it all, and only fallen more in love with you.
Sure, ending up in the closet together might not be the ideal situation to be in, but Subin was at least happy that you were the person he was stuck with.
Half an hour passed in almost complete silence, but it wasn’t awkward necessarily. It was just… quiet. You both were starting to wonder if people were ever gonna find you, but you weren’t just gonna give up and leave your hiding spot.
“Wanna kiss since we’re bored?” Subin said suddenly, looking up at the ceiling before making eye contact.
“What?” You were stunned, your eyes wide, and your cheeks incredibly pink. “W-why would we do that-”
“I like you, y/n.” 
His face was suddenly right in front of yours, his lips just a small distance away. Your breathing was unsteady, unsure of what to do. Your body didn’t seem to listen to what your brain was telling you as you grabbed the back of his neck and brought his lips to yours.
You were never as in love with him as you were now. The butterflies in your stomach were erupting as he deepened the kiss. The moment felt unreal, and it was gone too quickly as he pulled away.
“So…” He started nervously, blushing harder than he ever had in his entire life.
“I like you too… so much. You make my heart go crazy.” You admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed, but also not caring. You were so happy, you felt like you were on top of the world.
“I do?” He asked, scooting over to sit closer to you.
You smiled and nodded, “It’s racing right now, I don’t know how you’re so calm.”
“I’m not.” You turned your face to his slowly. He took your hand and placed it over his chest and you felt his heartbeat. It was beating just as fast as yours. Knowing that you affected him as much as he affected you gave you extra confidence you didn’t know you had.
“Can I kiss you again?” You whispered. He nodded, moving his face closer to yours again. You both were smiling before you even kissed again.
The second kiss was just as magical as the first, your heart fluttering at the reality of actually kissing Subin twice. He giggled once you pulled out, his hand tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked timidly.
“Yes. Why’d you take so long to ask that?” You both laughed, then looked away from each other shyly, and then looked back at the same time.
“Do you think they’re gonna look in here any time soon? Don’t you think the game is probably over?” You looked over at the door.
“Hide & Seek is the last thing on my mind right now.” Subin said.
“Oh what’s the first thing then?” You asked him.
You slapped his arm lightly, “That’s cheesy!”
“I wasn’t lying, though!” He rubbed the spot on his arm, pouting.
“Let’s get out of here.” You kissed his cheek quickly, causing more blush to appear on his face, before standing up and leaving the janitor’s closet finally.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ victon taglist: @yeonjuns-bluehair
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narasimblr · 9 months
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After Jin shared a video playing guitar on Simsta, Nam Liang - the school's heartthrob and no. 1 softboy himself - extended an invitation for a jam session. Curious, Jin accepted and found himself at Nam's apartment. Contrary to expectations, the place was surprisingly tidy and well-decorated. The walls of his room (no, Jin did not get all anxious when he invited him there) were covered with trippy posters, some graffiti doodles, instruments and groovy furniture. It all looked very Nam.
previous. / beginning. / next.
monday, 6pm @ Nam's apt.
After Jin plays a particularly angry chord, he sighs and looks lost in thought, an insistent crease between his eyebrows. Nam is eyeing him curiously, bass strings still vibrating on his fingers, the sound like a low hum.
“So I guess you’re not friends with the Michaelsons anymore?”
He winces at the memory but can’t blame Nam for asking, especially when Jinho looks ready to unleash his bottled-up anger on the poor guitar.
It’s evident, even after just a day, that something’s off with him and his school friends. At lunch, they’d always be inseparable – sometimes sneaking off to smoke, other times at the library, with Orion dozing on Jinho’s lap while he and Atlas chatted. But never apart.
This Monday, Atlas was MIA, Jinho buried in a book in the classroom, and Orion likely holding court at the team’s table. Gossip was undoubtedly brewing.
“Yeah. I think not. Things are messed up and I don’t feel like they’re gonna get any better soon.”
“Must’ve been some big serious shit. I remember you guys back in grade school,” Nam nods sympathetically, carefully putting his instrument aside and looking at him. Jin misses the nice view of Nam and his bass for a moment. Thankfully, he came closer, and Jin couldn’t complain much longer now that he could smell his nice cologne. “Wanna talk about it?”
He didn’t, really. But it was hard saying no to Nam. Jinho had always had a little thing for the boy, and it made everything else much worse. After Atlas and Orion, he didn’t understand anything about his feelings anymore. Was it even okay for him to still have a crush on Nam? And why wouldn’t it, if he didn’t even have time to feel something for Atlas - or maybe understand what he did feel?
“They… played with me. With my feelings.” Nam looks genuinely interested, head tilting and a compassionate expression on his face, which urged Jinho to elaborate. And so he complies, with another heavy sigh while sitting down. “They made a bet on who would kiss me first. Orion said it was because they both liked me, but I particularly wouldn’t treat ‘kissing someone I like’ like some kind of game. If… if I had feelings for someone, you know, I would like it to be… special. It’s pathetic, yeah, but if I wanted to just kiss someone randomly I would’ve done it before. But Atlas stole my first kiss, made me believe it was indeed something special, and in the end… it was just a bet,” he scoffs. “All of that in, like… three days. I’m so damn confused and pissed off.”
“I don’t blame ya’. That’s a very shitty thing to do to anyone, let alone a friend,” he shakes his head, and Jin feels validated by how incredulous his expression was. “That’s not how you deserve to be treated, Jin. You’re better off without them.”
“Maybe, but not sure I like being alone, though.”
“You won’t be. I’ll be with you, hm?” he smiles. “Atlas won’t even think of trying any shit with me around. He knows I don’t like him already. Is that okay?”
“Yeah…” he answers, embarrassed at how breathless it sounded. “Yeah, it is.”
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tadpole-apocalypse · 10 months
Ask meme questions for Morgan: 16, 17, and 32!
16. Which of the companions does your Tav trust most? - 17. Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
Well we’ll just answer these together :3 I’m gonna go with like, her Act 1 impressions, since by the end of the game she trusts them all.
Ok this is a fun question. First I want to go into something about Morgan; she is always in people’s heads, trying to read their thoughts. This is how I role play her high charisma score; she’s not actually charismatic, she is just practiced at picking out what will get her what she wants from people’s minds. In this game she has two methods; detect thoughts and now this new tadpole mindlink. But the mind link is not sneaky at all, the other tadpoled companions can feel her digging around with it pretty easily, so she doesn’t really use it that way unless both are agreeing to share something. But I do imagine they all still get psychic impressions from one another…man I wish the game went into the tadpole connections more.
Sticking with the origin companions, the ones she trusts right away - Lae’zel, Wyll and Karlach.
Lae’zel has strong mental defenses but with a bit of effort Morgan can tell right away she’s panicked and honest in that she believes the creche will offer them a cure. Wyll and Karlach are also honest in what they say and what they think; more importantly she confirms they all share the desire to avoid ceromorphosis. Morgan is very excited when they recruit Wyll, she can tell right away he’s Noble (though she doesn’t pick up he’s the duke’s son) and expects him to take over as party leader….until he gets bedeviled. Curses.
Distrusts the most - Shadowheart, Gale and Astarion.
As soon as Shadowheart refuses to say who she worships, Morgan figures its one of the evil ones, and sure enough, she picks up on Shar all over her mind. Does she know anything about Shar? No. But it’s enough to make her extremely wary around the cleric and they proceed to have a rocky first act. She doesn’t trust Gale because he’s a wizard, he’s kind of pompous, and because he keeps catching her digging around into her mind, and NO she won’t apologize because for all she knows they have devious intentions and she has every right to protect herself considering their circumstances, and also there is something deeply, tightly guarded inside him that she cannot penetrate that frightens her.
Astarion is silent, except for the tadpole. She uses it once on him; when he goes to bite her for the first time. Once she understands he’s undead, it makes sense. Detect thoughts won’t work. Her trust levels even out when she realizes he just really, really wants blood, to the point of pathetically begging for it.
32. How did your Tav get their scars, if they have any?
Her facial scar was caused by a pissed off pixie with a needle that her wild magic summoned once. There’s a reason she didn’t free the one from the moon lantern 🤭
She also has some scars on her back/shoulders from old childhood beatings. Probably a few burn marks from the times she’s randomly burst into flames.
From this ask meme
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semper-legens · 2 years
3. Queen of the Sea, by Dylan Meconis
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Owned?: Yes   Page count: 394 My summary: Margaret has always lived on the Island. She knows it inside and out - the nuns, the livestock, the storms that wash over the ocean. But when the supply ships bring new arrivals, her world is about to be upturned. First is her new friend WIlliam; then Eleanor, the banished former queen. And Margaret will soon find herself hopelessly entangled in the queen’s plans… My rating: 5/5       My commentary:
This is honestly one of my favourite books that I own, I am so glad that I picked it up randomly at a comic shop at that one time. This is a reread, I have previously talked about it a couple of years ago, but as I’ve recently played through the entirety of Pentiment (an excellent video game that you should play) recently, I thought I’d pick it up again. It’s such a sweet, surprisingly complex story, with a well-grounded and realistic cast of characters who are all very grounded to the world that they live in and the reality they inhabit. I absolutely adore it.
Margaret, our protagonist, is such a strong character, and a part of that to my eyes is the fact that Meconis doesn’t fall into the Not Like Other Girls character archetype. Margaret is raised with the expectation that she will become a nun when she is older, and doesn’t really seem to consider any other future for herself than that initially. We see her learning embroidery, and she seems to like doing it! She does her chores around the convent, and while she’s a headstrong and outspoken girl, she never really contrasts herself with other girls while being that, it’s just a character trait that she has, which is really nice. I love to see historical women who aren’t given anachronistic or heavy-handed ideas to highlight how they’re Strong Independent Women, and are allowed to be independent within a realistic image of how a woman in their era might achieve that. And in addition to that, Margaret is just really sweet, really positive and optimistic, and an interesting character in and of herself! I love her.
The art is gorgeous. It’s #bright, colourful but with more moody tones when needed, with a lot of soft curves and clean lines. Every character’s face is unique and distinctive, and easy to distinguish from each other, which is very much welcome given that all of the nuns have their hair and most of their bodies covered. I absolutely love this style, it’s very welcoming.
This graphic novel is very much made to be accessible to kids, what with the child protagonist and colourful art style and casual tone. However, it’s in no way dumbed down for that audience. It touches on serious themes and political machinations in a very accessible way that can be understood and enjoyed both by children and adults. Part of this is the coming-of-age aspect of Margaret’s life - she’s being introduced to a lot of the harsh truths about the world beyond her island, and has to grow up fast and come into the political sphere when she never assumed that would be part of her life. It’s very much welcome, though, and makes for an interesting, historically grounded narrative. Final note, though - while I’ve talked about the historical influences on this story, the world of it is not Tudor England, it’s a non-real world inspired heavily by Tudor England, so some artistic license and fabrication is absolutely fine because this is not depicting real history, which makes the places where it is historically attested and draws from reality all the more impressive to me. You didn’t have to put this degree of work in, but you did, and I appreciate it!
Next up, some tales from the depths, and the creatures that lurk there.
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biblade · 2 years
Okay, so now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I’m gonna go ahead and dissect the issues I found regarding s2 pertaining to Mal.
It feels strange to say considering I was expecting the opposite when anticipating the new season, but I didn’t hate the direction that they took his character in. A lot of the other characters were changed to fit the narrative, but I feel like at their core book Mal and show Mal are very much the same with some parts omitted for the sake of the storyline.
But there still was a lot omitted and changed that left much to be desired. Ultimately, show Mal is the “best” version of him. Show Mal was catering to the people who hated him in the books, and for that, he was stripped of all of the struggles he faced and the pain and instead reduced to one thing: the simply happy ending for Alina, the obvious choice, the perfect endgame love interest. Is this what Mal was always meant to be on the surface regardless of portrayal? Yes. Does it work for the direction the show was going? Yeah, sure.
So, I didn't hate it. If anything, it feels like he was one of the least disrespected characters, and Archie gave it his all.
But here's the thing:
If you're going to entirely change a character's ending, you have to have some force driving behind that besides one randomly dropped line late in the game about him thinking "like Sturmhond." Because stripping him of characteristics that don't pertain to his relationship with Alina (like showing that he craves freedom, like letting us see how comfortable he is at sea and around people and him laughing and joking and being free) just doesn't work when you've made a character whose entire personality is Alina. Am I supposed to feel happy for Mal to have gained that freedom when at the same time it feels like he's lost everything, has lost everything? He's grieving that piece of himself that died, and now he's losing Alina too. Why don't I feel like he's getting something back?
And the running gag of "don't touch that" when he's on the ship, subjecting him to playing a character but given no control of the ship, just doesn't work. The humor loses all meaning when you feel like he's not suited for this. One scene of him being explained how being a pirate works, of being trained, of talking to the crew of the Volkvolny would have made a difference.
That's not to say I didn't like the ending! It worked for him, for who he is in this story! He's been given the chance to have agency and find a purpose beyond being the love interest, the promise of having some complexity that was taken from him to rush the narrative along. It just very much feels like, with everything they did in the season, his character went from Point A to Point B without much thought of what happened between those two. Isn't it supposed to be about the journey, the adventure?
I'm not going to discuss the way in which he was brought back. As much as I love the idea of "comes back wrong," if s3 happened did ANYTHING to him they would not be safe from these hands. It's a good concept, and probably makes more sense than the book's resurrection, but right now I don't like it. He has been a puppet to his bloodline and merzost for long enough, don't make it worse. (But also, if merzost brought him back, why did he still lose his amplifier powers? It feels like they just wanted him to lose something.)
Regarding the revelation of him being the Firebird — it worked well, but was a little too in-your-face about it. The entire appeal for me is that you aren't supposed to know, Mal is supposed to be Just Some Guy Who's Really Good At Tracking until he's the key to everything. But from the moment the season started, everyone was questioning why he knew what he did. It lost some of the gut-wrenching realization of what would have to happen to him, to see the pieces fit together so early on.
So, yes. I have problems with it, but I didn't hate Mal. And down the line, I will likely make an au to explore the show's storyline, but I will keep my focus on book based interactions because that's my Mal.
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