#which I'm sure it's the rifthounds
reginrokkr · 1 year
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𝐂𝐈𝐈𝐈. Different energies used in Khaenri'ahn technology.
Last post for tonight, pinky promise (I need to go to sneep so I wake up earlier tomorrow to revise for the partial 😔). But I find interesting that it's suggested that Void began to be used as a source of energy in Khaenri'ah relatively recently, as until that point they were using Ley Lines and stopped using them upon finding out that the abyssal sources are more convenient (I'm sure that there is also a different backdrop to it which is this desire to control the Abyss, thus they would topple the gods as per Chlothar's words). At the same time, it's also nice to see that there were people involved in the abyssal energy usage who seemed to be timid in voicing out their concerns about using it.
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yaeggravate · 1 year
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VERY messy thoughts on arlecchino based on what we've learned from the unfinished comedy world quest.
i believe she is connected to the narzissenkreuz ordo or rene himself, and might be the result of an experiment to create neohumans.
while theres no confirmation that she's connected to narzissenkreuz both her and caterpillar having the same-ish blackened arms and being called a "wolf in sheep's clothing" are hints that she might be in a similar situation. plus i don't think it's a coincidence that arlecchino has kreuze (crosses) in her eyes.
similar to caterpillar, i think arlecchino might have been involved in soul transmigration.
Caterpillar: "The body is just a shell. Even the body of a hilichurl can bear sentient consciousness."
we're not sure yet what happened to caterpillar aka carter, but i suspect upon his death, rene transferred his original soul into the body of a hilichurl to give him a chance at rebirth. arlecchino could then also be a human who died (which her hand of glory constellation implies) but whose soul was transferred into an inhuman body. or it could even be the opposite: transferring the soul of some powerful being into the (possibly dead) body of a human.
she's the fourth harbinger, ranked just below those that have powers that rival gods, so if she can transform herself it's not going to be a hilichurl 💀 or an abyss lector. maybe something more akin to a dragon/oceanid or something.
however, another possibility for what happened to carter is that he turned into a hilichurl because of rene giving him elynas' blood. and rene simply found a way to partly reverse what happened to him. in that case, arlecchino could have been injected with abyssal blood but couldn't fully adapt to it hence the black arms.
if you look closer, aside from the necrosis, her arms have these strange kind of markings tattooed on them. maybe it's some kind of seal or... it might have been to perform a ritual...
Caterpillar: Narzissenkreuz (Rene) would lead ceremonies with the Holy Blade, in accordance with the ancient dictates. They call it "Tri-Factor Excision" in Liyue, and in Sumeru, "Shattering Atmagraha." He called it "Renunciation of the Ego."
there's also an unmarked enkanomiyan ruin on the map, where a treasure hoarder found someone trapped inside a barrier. initially i thought that might have been carter until we found out he was in prison all this time.
"Didn't find aught else but this arcane formation and the peculiar barriers around it, and after all that effort, too... There seems to be someone trapped inside the barriers... Can't tell if they are alive or not. Well, I'm not going back empty-handed, not after how far I've gone. That's just not my style..." (The remaining pages are filled with black stains, making the text unreadable.)
it's possible this could have just been the rifthounds but maybe this person was arlecchino.
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sunnyy-sunsh1ne · 1 year
The Person that Will Guide us Back Again to the Abyss...Probably (TL;DR)
In this topic, I'll talk about how Tartaglia, Wanderer & Skirk could be some of our keys to go back to the Abyss at some point in the story, besides of course, Dainsleif.
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When Childe was 14 years old, somehow he fell into the abyss & met a woman named Skirk.
There, during three months, Childe learned his combat skills as also became more confident on himself, but this was not all, because in the abyss he learned about the Foul Legacy.
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The Foul Legacy seems to be a technique that doesn't come from his vision nor his delusion, but of whatever he learned during his training in the abyss.
This seems to consists in his 3rd transformation during his boss battle and also in his normal attacks.
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He uses his hydro vision during his normal attacks, but it seems that those attacks come from the Foul Legacy technique.
In his constellations we can see that the names refer to the Foul Legacy and the abyss (ex. Foul Legacy & Abyssal Mayhem).
Besides, there's also an odd similarity in his hydro weapons and the weapons we can find around Enkanomiya, which is in the Dark Sea, a large region in the abyss.
Was Skirk from Enkanomiya and taught Childe to fight with the same weapons? Or was she from Teyvat and just happened to be in the Abyss when Childe was also there?
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Now, Childe could help us like a guide in the abyss if we some day we need to go there, but personally I think that this posibility is not the case, because even though he can be friendly to the traveler, Childe's loyalty stills lies to the Fatui.
If Childe ever helps us, then the only reason he could help us would be because it is related to some Fatui plan.
About Skirk, the only thing we know about her, is that she taught Childe his combat skills and that she inhabits in the abyss (at least at the time Childe met her). We don't know if she actually comes from there or the outside world; maybe she could be part of the Hexenzirkel or not.
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At this point, we cannot consider her an option that could help the traveler while travelling the Abyss because of the lack of information we have about her. We don't know if she will have interest in helping us.
The next and most viable option, is Wanderer.
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He's a very interesting character for the main reason of being a "puppet".
Created by Raiden Ei to sustitue her in the role of ruling Inazuma, she used a "mysterious technique" that came before her eyes, "as if by a stroke of fate".
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With the last line I mentioned, it is a pretty suspicious thing that Ei obtained this techinque, in a way as if it were fate. Let's not forget that the Wanderer is a living being, and to create life it is no an easy task.
It is too much for it to be a coincidence that there's also another technique to create life, being this one the Art of Khemia, the one which Albedo, Durin & Rifthounds were created by a Khaenri'an woman called Rhinedottir, also known as "Gold".
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This fact is of much relevance, because in the character story #4 of Wanderer, we discover that the techniques used in the creation of him, had their roots in Khaenri'ah.
When Dottore & Pierro discovered this when Wanderer joined the Fatui, they used him in various missions in the Abyss. Wanderer was literally sent to the Abyss to do stuff and then come back.
He surely knows ways to enter the abyss, the most safest's paths to use (bc I'm sure that it is not safe at all), what we could encounter there and more!
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He's the best candidate to guide us during a trip in the abyss!
In the quest "Act III: Inversion of Genesis" at the final conversation we had with him, he says that he owns us a favor because we helped him with the whole situation of Dottore's plan and manipulation on him.
So if he indeed helps us in the future, he could be a great ally for exploring the abyss. With his combat skills & intel about the region, exploring the abyss could be a not very difficult task.
I speculate that in some point of the traveler's story, we'll to go back to the Abyss as a part of an archon quest, so if Dainsleif isn't near (which surely will be the case), then the traveler will have no other option than relaing in Wanderer.
All the info of this topic was obtained through character stories and voicelines of Childe, Ei & Wanderer.
As also from this very interesting post in reddit about Childe and his Foul Legacy technique:
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Genshin Gnosticism theory
I went a little too far down the rabbit hole that is the internet tonight, and I stumbled upon something that made a few things click in my brain. Analysis isn't something I'm very comfortable with, so please bear with me for a moment. Also, I'm well aware this is a connection that has already made. Try to think of this as my perspective on the theory!
(disclaimer! I'm in no means an expert on gnosticism, all I have to my name is surface level knowledge on the subject and maybe a dash of delusion. You can be the judge of that, though)
I'm not sure if you know where the word "Gnosis" comes from, but it's the Greek word for knowledge. Cool, right? I'd say what's even cooler is the ties this word has to Gnosticism.
Essentially, gnosticism is a belief in "demiurge" (which literally translates to "craftsman"), which they believe created the universe.
the direct definition:
"a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual."
(key word : ANTAGONISTIC)
They pretty much think that "God" (aka the demiurge) is an evil being who imprisoned humanities souls into flesh, and that our souls, or spirits, are sort of "divine" things that are being suppressed because of this. Not only that, but Jesus was sent to save us from this.
another direct quote:
"...Christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being, esoteric knowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit."
They discourage things like reproduction because in their minds it's just a tool being used by the demiurge to keep us trapped within these bodies.
Anyway, my brain connected this to genshin at "god is actually evil and oppressing us" because, who have we been learning not to completely trust throughout the game? Celestia! And we see how the Archons are not so subtly giving AWAY their gnosis (knowledge?) for this liberation (which could also be why they're named after demons)
The ONE nation that has no Archon controlling it, and what does Celestia do? demand everyone destroy it! and the thing is we KNOW Khaenri'ah was a well developed and welcoming community, in fact it seemed to be doing vastly better off without an archon to rule over it.
And hey, the other archons probably DO realize this, right? why else would they willingly give away their symbols of power? relinquish their control over their nations?
A rundown, for anyone who needs to job their memories:
• Venti has a drunk bard persona and lives comfortably among the people of Mondstat. We are also aware of him lying about how Archons remain so powerful, how he likely let Signora take his gnosis, and his thoughts about ruling a nation through force
• Zhongli faked his death and then destroyed every other contract he's ever made, leaving everything to the hands of humanity, essentially beginning the process of his own eradication from human history
• In her story quest, Raiden has a realization about her plans for Eternity, and while she still has power over Inazuma, seems to have realized the error in her ways and is taking the steps towards a new direction (which she fought 500 years with the shogun for)
• Nahida is generally still growing as the new dendro archon, but has still has a more casual (as casual you can be with your god) relationship with her saviours. Not only that, but she also literally gave away both hers and Raidens Gnosis
• Focalors crafted an ingenious plan 500 years prior (fall of Khaenri'ah) to trick the heavenly principles, and essentially destroy the position of "Hydro Archon", whilst also giving full power back to Neuvillette (a hyrdo sovereign dragon)
A few things: I have NO idea where Paimon would fit into all this, but she no doubt has ties to Celestia. Also, a lot of huge plot points all point to what happened 500 years ago (Khaenri'ah, Focalors, the rifthounds in Inazuma, spread of cursed knowledge in Sumeru, and probably more I can't remember right now).
Also, I'm fairly certain that this "curse of flesh" is just the Hilichurls, let me know if you think differently though.
There are most definitely a lot more ties that my sleep deprived self couldn't dig up, but i'll report back if I find anything else 🫡
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m1d-45 · 1 year
sorry i've been mia i was busy rizzing up the kaeya and diluc ais. anyways imagine reverse isekai with ur main. i personally would have a blast being able to talk about minecraft and mystery flesh pit national park and warrior cats with people who do not even have the internet.
also my diluc and kaeya plushes arrived and now i need to make clothes for them so they won't be naked but i have to make sure they have an equal amount of clothes with an equal amount of effort put into them so that it doesn't seem like i'm favoring one brother over the other (this is the same reason why i bought the diluc and kaeya plushes together in the first place) - teddy anon
1) it’s ok 2) kaeya ai? 3) this idea oml
aside from the fact that showing them all the weird and obscure shit in our world would make them lose their minds (speaking of nobody tell them about organized religion. barbatos is surprised ppl follow him after a few hundred years of no contact well look at this right here-) they’d be fascinated with how you control them.
i imagine they wouldn’t appear in game, and you couldn’t like use them for anything. makes logical sense to me.
if you’re like me and struggle to form teams at all, let alone ones without your One Good Built Character, they’re borderline going to be apologetic at seeing how you struggle. part of them is proud they’re so needed, but the other part is sort of sad.
i literally only run teams w/o kazuha for the abyss because his playstyle and the team i run for everything else is so ingrained in my head. i genuinely struggle if i don’t have an anemo character on my team and always fumble for a while if it doesn’t have kaz because it’s like i forget i don’t have him. it’s a problem—
if you’re not dependent on a single element like i am, they love seeing you work around them. it’s simple, you explain, swapping to an alternate team, and they watch in awe at how easily you adapt to change. they marvel at reactions they haven’t seen, at how much this new team differs from the one with them in it.
if you try and show them how to, they’ll immediately insist that they’re fine watching, that they wouldn’t dare touch such a holy object or manipulate teyvat in your stead.
for some, this is true. for others, they’ll cave with enough pressure.
itto treats your controls with the most delicate care, very gentle with everything as to not break it. not really prone to gamer rage, more so just “your grace, i can’t figure this out :(“ and watching over your shoulder as he promises “ok, i’ve got it this time, swear!” he doesn’t, but the smile on your face as you watch him die for the nth time soothes any anger he feels. refuses to kill rifthounds btw.
mona doesn’t know anything. you could tell her sixteen times how to access the inventory and she’s still asking you which button it is. don’t tell her about the wishing system she’ll quite literally lose her shit. she doesn’t understand the value of items like dream solvent but refuses to spend even a single coin of your mora or your food. collects her own ingredients and keeps track to cook her own food because “i wouldn’t want anyone else touching what’s mine.” pls tell her it’s ok and losing some of your 2k sweet flowers isn’t the end of the world.
ayato wouldn’t directly play, but he does sit beside you and offer semi-functional ideas. “run a team with x y z characters,” “fight this boss without the element it’s vulnerable to/full physical damage,” “take on this enemy without a healer,” etc etc. he likes seeing you solve problems, and likes watching you explore. if you have low mora he’s incredibly confused, but doesn’t comment on it once he sees how much it is to level a talent or ascend someone. if you have like 7mil mora and go “why do i have so little :(“ he’s asking a few more questions, but overall is silent about it. you don’t have a job in teyvat, and get most of your money from chests or leylines. it makes sense you guys would view mora differently.
alhaitham doesn’t touch your device, but kaveh (yes he isn’t out at time of writing no i didn’t ask) could be convinced into exploring a bit. he refuses to engage in combat and always uses his glider, never dropping more than a second or two at a time. panicks if your characters get hurt at all and either runs to a statue of the seven (give him time, he forgets he can teleport) or triggers your healers skill. if you run a character that has hp drain he’s flipping his shit and either demanding to know how to change the team so they don’t get hurt or runs them and three separate characters. loses his shit when you tell him about the teapot. that’s all he does now lmao.
zhongli will tap at stuff a bit, get a hold of the general game, and then just. not play. you tell him he can do commissions if he wants or run domains and he shakes his head, “i will not interfere with a world i don’t own.” so silly. doesn’t understand why shops don’t give you stuff for free. speculates on how monsters dying gives you mora. refers to everything by their full names no matter what silly nicknames you have for anything. if you have a well-decorated teapot/generally take care to plant stuff or collect realm bounties or similar, he’s happy. if you mostly neglect it, he’s asking why. it’s an adeptal art, and he needs to know if it isn’t satisfactory.
yae would love to manipulate a world of her own, but the knowledge that the world you control is real and has real actions is a bit too much. yelan asks to see, but only because she wants to know what you’re on about when you talk about lag, ping, or hitting the wrong button. finds it funny even gods can mess up. yanfei fusses over whether she should even be allowed because of like divine right to rule and whether her interference counts as idolatry since she’d technically be playing god. you let her worry about it in the corner and don’t ask questions about where she pulled that giant book of law from.
if you allow him to, venti sits in your lap while you play. he’s very much just a guy that’ll sit with you and maybe play his lyre if you’re getting frustrated, and adores the ingame soundtrack. give him youtube and point him in the direction of the ost and he’ll obsess over it. within a week he has everything memorized and has composed at least three ballads about ‘the song of the heavens’. wont actually do anything directly, but if you’re running abyss and ask him for suggestions on fun team comps, he’s already got ideas. is a bit unnerved at first if he recognizes some of the people on screen, but rationalizes it quickly enough. if you’re like me and leave your characters sitting at a bench or table before logging off, he insists you sit them in the statue in mond.
neither childe or scara even entertain the idea that they’d be allowed to use your device, and just kinda watches from the side. scara laughs a bit if you get hit by an enemy. childe asks about what his build is prior to his vanishing and probably studies meta and like crit ratios and stuff (no i don’t know what meta qualifies as yes i’m just sayin shit). xiao’s worried his karma could infect through the screen, and wouldn’t dare suggest anything. if you’re doing it, it’s good, if you’re not, you have a reason. ask for his opinion and he’ll bluescreen.
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annoying-probably · 2 years
Hi there. I have three draft posts about akty / vbs vs' / poly jump!
But I'm bad at wording things coherently in a post. So instead, please have a long post on a lot of different genshin lore theories, more specifically linked to Istaroth and Barbatos and Khaenri'ah sometimes. Genshin is a special interest and more specifically, the gods and their lore are! The ending point about the Wind being a primordial one is a favourite theory of ours. We actually wrote about it lightly in our recent fic "With Wind Beside You" on ao3!! Anyways, this is ripped straight from discord! This is a lot of disorganised genshin theory ranting. I'd be happy to hear people's thoughts!
also spoiler stuff for the most recent archon quest iirc
If irminsul can not delete all things, just direct mentions. Venti suddenly knowing every ballad and song ever- along with being connected to a god of time, worshipped with her, and possible from the same origin- the thousand winds (of time) is a lot more scary for him and how omniscient he may be. There's a lot of. Like. Internet connections to genshin. I did ei's story quest2 last night and that ending cutscene with time? How eternity is everything, all at once? Both future and past? How come it looked like a 3d model set up from a spy movie huh. And irminsul.. is kinda like a super computer!!! It's just super weird !!! But also makoto was close with Istaroth!!!! And Ei thought she might have something to do with it all!!!! concerning . istaroth is being mentioned more and more and it scares me cus that's like our once chance of "old teyvat"/ pre war lore that isn't being gatekeeped by celestia because I don't think they can kill a primordial one tbf. I hope we see her but damn I am scared of her. imagining playing a god of time, how fucked up could they be!
gold / rhinedottir was all fucking over the cataclysm. Durin was attacking Mondstadt, making Barbatos wake up and fight him with Dvalin. Ei was fighting Rifthounds in Inazuma, while Makoto died in the cataclysm- both of those things, made by khemia, by gold! What's gold? The last stage of khemia, go memory! And Rifthounds and Durin must be first, really, Soil. This is all going off my albedo lore knowledge without checking give me some slack- but! Durin and Rifthounds share traits! Poison. Completely disintegrating everything and poisoning the land! Yay! Powerful enough to affect god's! And gods familiars! And *ley lines!* Infact they specifically attack ley lines ***which is what causes erosion!!!!*** So. That's very concerning. Whether they thrive off erosion, or ley line power itself, and cause other things to erode thereafter- bad. Durin is also still alive, partly. The heart. So!
After soil comes chalk! Now, Albedo was made to be a perfect being and then abandoned! Did Rhinedottir not need something sentient? Did she not need intelligent life? Did she want a puppet from afar? Where is she now? Albedo, who she so lovingly named /s, is still trying to figure out her question to what human life means!! And the idea that albedo, too, may one day fall to erosion, is terrifying! Because he is strong!! Very, canonically, if i remember!!! Which isn't *great*.
the topic of khaenri'ah.
so the next traveler archon quest has dain and kaeya. Talking. In sumeru. And oh boy Mona's "One day he'll have to pick a side." ***is a lot scarier!*** And ventis line on albedo!! I don't like where this goes!!! Sure I'd kive more cataclysm lore like sure go ahead but holy f u c k. a reason why kaeya isn't cursed would be n i c e. Maybe something of Pierro??? Mentioned??? He's khaenri'an. Theorised to be kaeyas dad really. Which would be funny. And terrifying but funny.
fic idea for my lost notes of Teyvat series but!!
the way mond specifically is where anyone cast out goes is so <3 to me. little monkey brain loves the idea of it just being known for being loving and accepting of anyone new, with some pushing. Collei, albedo, kaeya- and how three of those are specifically khaenri'ah tied but heyo!! I think Collei counts because we don't know what Dottore was using + eleazar specifically comes from some dead god and which one that is could be . important. Unless they mentioned which and I'm just wrong??
Timeloop theory stuff soooo enkanomiya quest, kokomi, irminsul stuff + the sumeru reincarnate theory
timeloop theory makes more sense every day and it's just because of the sumeru reincarnations!! Which again reminds me of black boxes!!!!! Oh so you only have so much data you have to reuse souls? 🤨 okay. /j reincarnation and it's studies and theories have been around forever but not the point. Kokomi being a possible reincarnation of a primordial one could be huge. Does she work on Zelda / Hylia logic? Can she reawaken that power and memories? Can any possible reincarnation? Nahida and Rukkhadevata are literally just reincarnation, too, before the wipe. Also again, the thousand winds itself may be a primordial one-
/lh j
how I jokingly said before in my fic- the wind is very important to death. Atleast to Mondstadtians! The wind carries their souls back to Mondstadt to rest. We can see Venti bring back the memory of Stanley, to bring him to Mond to rest. In the final cutscene of Ei story quest 2, in a literal plane of consciousness, the sakura blossoms of Makoto's life is taken away on the wind. This, and Istaroth, can also link the wind to time and the age old-
Seeds of story, brought by wind and cultivated by time.
The wind, as we know through Venti, can carry songs that don't exist yet, wind is constant through time!! Throughout teyvat!! And we think time could be primordial- and that primordial time goes hand in hand with the wind! Literally!!!! The wind itself/ the Thousand Winds are primordial. They carry all of time, and therefore life and death, stories and songs. Istaroth herself was a god of wind and time. Barbatos a God of wind, freedom, and music. (finally actually said by the most recent lantern rite rite calling him a "patron deity of music.") The wind itself is also sort of a guiding spirit? People usually follow it, or specifically - I have hit the nitro limit oh god - mention it with the moons- also very important to teyvat lore- the three moon sisters, the dead moon and possibly the fake sky! So!!! I personally theorise the Wind is a primordial being and that's why we have three different wind / storm gods and also andrius may count as a storm god. He was a wolf leader and god of snow storms, I think? So??? Maybe. The wind keeps splitting, that's how important it is.
If the wind stops, time stops, I believe.
So imagine if we ever went to the Mare Jirvari. And like where we've seen the corpse of every other god. It's completely frozen in time. The wind stopped there. So time cannot move. And imagine if that's where Istaroth died. that's why it's where the wind doth both blow.
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starcitrine · 1 year
I wonder if Rhinedottir was involved in the institute in Fontaine, The institute has 2 doors that can be opened and they have some sort of weird out of place thing in them.
First room I found was some sort of secret study room with 2 rifthounds and a readable log (I can’t remember if the door needs a key)
The second room is weirder it has a pile of purple-black sludge in the middle surrounded by a circle of some sorts the sludge looks quite similar to the ooze in the chasm, thats not the only out of place object in this room, one side of the room has scarlet quartz near the wall which is strange considering the sludge and quartz are both from subareas where a celestial nail(?) is present.
While im not 100% sure where the Chasm ooze come from (I think Nahida’s story quest said forbidden knowledge?) but since Scarlet quartz is only found in Dragonspine and its pretty similar appearance to Crimson agate which is (imo) very important in Dragonspine and seems to have some source from Durin himself.
I know it could just be the researchers gathering data from other nations like with the Sumeru Tech but I think it would be kinds cool (and im starving for content) if Rhinedottir was involved somehow, even if it was just researchers finding her notes or her anonymously supporting.
I have not finished Fontaine so if I missed some added context or explanation I apologize
edit 1. circle found around the sludge is also found in Elynas (familiar names from the institute aswell)
edit 2. enigmatic page says that jakob confirmed that the Scarlet quartz and sludge were like like Elynas’ flesh and blood
Pictures and readable log from the room below
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1. Rifthounds in study
2. Study with no Rifthounds ( they do not respawn )
3. Sludge in weird circle with Csralet Quartz the the right (Quartz and Sludge cannot be destroyed or removed)
4. Oozing concretion in Chasm
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Ancient Note:
...Though it's a shame, we'll have to miss it. I was looking forward to Coppelius's new work. Ever since he was a child, he's always been incredibly talented...
...Out of consideration for everyone's safety, it has been decided that the Institute shall close. Driven by the energy and vigor of youth, the young ones are clamoring to go out and do battle. I hope someday they will understand the importance of prioritizing post-disaster reconstruction over marching off to die...
...I fear that it shan't be long before we must depart. We've chosen a good piece of land near the Fountain of Lucine as the post-relocation site... They even say they want to use the land to build an opera house — they'd sooner set faces aflame with shame and laughter! To think that anyone could be so comical...
...We're going to pay our respects at Basil's grave...
...I hope it all turns out like Emanuel said. However, it's the Institute's responsibility to support gifted and talented youths...
...Met with the newly-appointed Iudex. He has a peculiar temperament. Seems much more reliable than Leon and those other clowns...
...If all goes well, it has the potential to completely revolutionize our understanding of clockwork meka. The proposed methodology and plan are reliable. Worth paying more attention...
...The results of early phases have been satisfactory, we will increase our investment... Carter's leave requests have been increasing in frequency. Better have someone keep an eye on him. He may be having financial difficulties (not like it's possible for it to be a family matter)...
After some consideration, I've decided to enroll them and temporarily assign them to the same lab. However, I'm concerned about the impact of their joining after Alain on the mental state of others... must keep careful watch...
...Still unconscious during the visit, so couldn't speak...decided to take a blood sample and see if there's a cure, or a way to mitigate it...
Although the proposed research plan is expected to face challenges in obtaining recognition, I believe it holds significant practical value, so it justifies approval. Toxins remain in the soil and water and have not yet been fully neutralized... The water is producing deformed Oceanids... In a way, this could be a reflection of previous events. I only just learned that these are Karl's adopted children. It's a shame the Narzissenkreuz Institute no longer exists...
...This could be the biggest breakthrough in a century, it will change all of society...
...The report mentioned abnormal movements... I'll have to find a chance to talk to Emanuel about it...
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admiral-mason · 2 years
You Reap What You Sow - Chapter 8
Genshin Impact SAGAU x Iron Harvest 1920+
Late Night Prototyping
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Despite Columbina's lullabies lulling you to sleep, you still somehow managed to wake up in the middle of the night.
Seeing that you were out of bed and not willing to go to sleep again, perhaps it would be a good time to try and find a place to take a shower or bath. You got out of bed, waking your rifthound buddy in the process. The Slugas also powered up upon hearing the rifthound whelp's barks. They saw you and you headpat the eight small entities. Thankfully, your room's walls were soundproof. Otherwise, people near you might have been woken up by now. Oh wait- your room is generally away from other people so it wouldn't have mattered that much.
You also noticed some clothing left for you. Ice blue robes with designs of the seven elements on them.
You entered the ocean-blue door from last night. It looked to be a hot tub, steam still floating out of it. Okay, you didn't expect this to be in Snezhnaya. You took off your clothing and entered the tub of hot water, also noticing a bar of soap to your left.
As soon as you put your foot in though- it was pretty hot. "Whoo! Okay, that's pretty hot!" As soon as you said those words, though, you noticed that some of the steam dissipated and less of it was flowing out now. Perplexed at this, you put your foot back into the hot tub. Now, it was at a temperature just right for you.
You then remembered something from the other books you read the last night. Teyvat always listens to the Divine One and their requests. Ah, now you get it.
You exited the room and came back with your robes. Taking in a more detailed view of the internals of the tub, there was a drain alongside sections where you could seat yourself.
After a good half-hour in that tub, you drained the water and put on your robes, then your coat that William Mason brought you. You slung your Polanian rifle which you left in the corner before bed over your shoulders. Then you had the idea to commit some tomfoolery and spoil the tour of Zapolyarny Palace early.
As you quietly exited your room bringing your eight friends along, you walked down the icy blue hallways of the place, only being lit up by the candle chandeliers held from the ceiling.
You tiptoed as quietly as you could. Yet you still were spotted by someone.
"Your grace, what are you doing up at this hour?" you heard someone whisper-shout. You turned around and saw Sandrone, her facial expression a bit surprised at your presence.
"I couldn't go to sleep and I decided to tour the palace all by myself." You said, a cheeky smile plastered on your face. "Why are you up, Sandrone?"
"I was just about to head to bed." She whispered. "Ah, okay then, I'll let you head to bed." You were about to walk off until she said something. "Wait, your grace. Since both of us are up... perhaps we can have some time to ourselves?" Sandrone walked up to you and smiled, putting her right hand to her heart. "You don't have to- of course, just a suggestion."
"Sure," you replied. "why not, I don't think I'm gonna go to bed anyways." You added, and Sandrone now bore an incredibly happy smile. You could feel her feelings get all giddy inside. "Then let's go!" She whisper-shouted, beckoning you to follow her.
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Sandrone's workshop had a lot of metal parts strewn all over the place. A large table and work area were also present, the work area holding a sort of metal ball cockpit of sorts. You looked to your left to find a giant note board of sorts. On it were images depicting rough sketches of Lech Kos' mech. Upon comparing those images to the bits and parts, you deduced that she was trying to recreate Lech's mech from scratch. Your eight little buddies simply just sat on some soft chairs and rested there.
"Excuse me for all the metal all over the area, your grace. I was trying to recreate that gorilla-like machine owned by the one 'Lech Kos' you mentioned yesterday." She said, scratching the back of her head.
"It's fine," you said. "And I know quite a few other machines as well." You practically knew every single mech in Iron Harvest, from the PZM-9 Straznik to the SKS 300 Kaiser. "Maybe I can draw some of them for you?" You asked Sandrone, who softly nodded.
"That would be nice, your grace." She said. You took a random pencil and sheets of paper and sat down on one of the chairs, moving a small table to your area. Then you started to draw some machines, Sandrone walking off to continue to try and recreate Lech's mech.
Firstly, you'd draw a mech that you can actually draw pretty well despite its complicated looks: The Polanian PZM-13 Mocny. It's an artillery mech capable of firing without having to be deployed. It walks around on four legs, the two frontal ones capable of reconfiguring into spikes during its artillery mode for stabilization. The drawbacks of the mech were that it was slow and had terrible durability. It would never survive prolonged frontline combat.
Its cockpit is on the right side of the mech alongside a machine gun turret, and the artillery gun is on the left. You drew the Mocny from its right-side view, grasping the detail of the weird-moving legs pretty well. You also added a human for comparison.
When you were finished, you handed the design to Sandrone.
"What a fascinating machine here. A long-distance surgical striker, it seems." She initially said, already taking a liking to the Mocny. "It can defend itself too- even better. The only thing I would say is to perhaps armor those legs up a bit more, they're quite exposed to the elements in Snezhnaya." She then put the drawing of the Mocny on the wall, adding a note herself: Review design later; lots of potentials.
You then got to work on drawing another mech: The M-19 Knox, also from its right-side view (it's a symmetrical design though). This Usonian mech is based on the black widow spider and walks on a slim chassis using four small legs. It carries a large number of armaments on it as well. The midsection was entirely dedicated to dual rocket pods and twin machine guns, while the top section held four medium cannons, a singular heavy cannon, and two side light cannons.
You were a bit skeptical of this design. Not only is it going to lack ammunition for the weaponry on board, but it's also possibly prone to tipping over due to the concerning chassis the weapons are mounted on. Worst of all, it also isn't the most durable mech as well, although it's certainly more durable than the Mocny. Oh, it's also quite tall for a mech, and it needs a crew of three (one person drives in the chassis, another person works the rocket section in the middle, and the last person works the entire top section).
Sandrone seemed to evoke your thoughts on this. "Whoever designed this is certainly a gun fanatic; if only they managed to make a better chassis for this machine. And judging from the durability, this seems like a more fire-supportive machine compared to a frontline combat walker."
Sandrone put your Knox drawing next to the Mocny's. She wrote the note Notable glaring flaws; if fixed, the machine might be incredibly powerful. Now you were going to draw a mech that might piss her off: the M-8 Attucks, another Usonian creation.
The M-8 Attucks literally defies all realism and logic. Firstly, it's lower than an entire human with an extremely cramped and unviable cockpit/control room. Secondly, it has no space for an engine or ammo compartment whatsoever because all it carries is three giant cannons. The Attucks also has an inadequate range for an artillery unit, and as such is practically relegated to the niche role of surprise attacks.
Despite its flaws, however, the Attucks is a fairly simple design to draw. From the right-side view, all one will see is a bunch of exhausts. The control room is on the left side and you can't see it from the right. Goes to show how cramped this design would be.
You handed it over to Sandrone and she visibly furrowed her eyebrows. "Not to insult your drawing skills, your grace, because I'm not..." She paused, before raising her tone of voice in a slight bit of yelling. "But who had the right mind to create something like this?! This design is not only impossible unless you allowed it to defy realism, but it's also inhumane! I cannot imagine those who have to drive this thing... their bodies must feel so terrible..."
Sandrone put the design next to the Knox and once again wrote a note: Make design better for those who have to pilot this abomination!
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You drew up more designs as she kept trying to tinker with her own iteration of Lech Kos' mech. She was particularly impressed with the Sd. KS 49 Grimbart, the MWF 28 Stiefmutter, and the SKS 300 Kaiser. The Grimbart had a multi-barrel rotary machine gun, which is cutting-edge, even for Fatui technology. The Stiefmutter could produce its own weapons, similarly to that of a Cicin Mage. Except now, it's larger. And more explosive. And lastly, the Kaiser was an intimidating war machine in itself. Just one would send chills up anyone's spine in Teyvat.
Throughout the hours and time she spent tinkering with her machinery, she grew more tired. By the time you showed her the PZM-9 Straznik, she simply said: "It's fine. Legs need some work though" in a very tired tone.
Eventually, Sandrone ended up falling asleep over your right shoulder while you were sitting on her couch without even noticing. A second later, when she realized what she had done, she profusely tried apologizing to you.
"Your grace, I am so sorry for what I tried-" You just put her over your shoulder again, preventing her from falling over using your left arm. A silent implication that you practically gave her the 'go-ahead' to do this. She simply leaned into your touch, smiling as she snored softly. You did this because it felt nice, to be in a position like this after being having yourself get chased all over the world.
"Your grace-" An Electro Cicin Mage said as she opened the door to Sandrone's workshop, stopping herself when she noticed you.
"...I'll leave you two be for now." She closed the door as you just stared at Sandrone's sleeping body.
Genshin Impact is owned by miHoYo. Iron Harvest 1920+ is owned by Jakub Różalski and KING Art Games.
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kyogre-blue · 2 years
*squints at windblume ch.3 in "started playing in 3.3"* I've no care for the hexaedron nor Alice, I only know her from teyvat travel guide and she was such a jerk in the Mondstadt edition. Also I have neither Albedo nor Klee so thank goodness I read up on them beforehand I guess
on the other hand I do find it very funny that Venti getting along with everyone everywhere (xinqiu, kazuha, xinyan, hu tao, yae miko, etc) also extends to those who hold violent intent towards him djdjd (though they really don't explain why the hexagon challenged Venti in particular out of all the archons...or when, bc Venti isn't easily found to posit a challenge to, nor known for his martial prowess if it was purely the hexhocuspocus' arrogance talking. Hope this is a plot thread that they will adress in the future but honestly getting a bit tired of seeing so many threads hanging—ik we're only halfway through the story but still. And NOT a fan of lore being locked behind a time-limited event)
That's not a recent player problem. The Hexenzirkel have never come up in the story before. They've only been mentioned in passing in some character voice lines and bios.
The only thing we knew about them was that they're a bunch of witches who sometimes study the Irminsul, and Alice and Mona's master and Albedo's creator were among them.
Note how this event directly confirms that the group itself is utterly irrelevant. Scarlett thought they were a secret council who can change the course of history, but in fact they're just some randos who happen to include three+ immortals. The entire thing is just spruced up but ultimately pointless pedantry to explain how certain future characters know each other. I'm fairly sure that the writers just thought the aesthetic of a witches' tea party was cool but had no actual use for this idea, so it's just set dressing, basically.
I'll list the members here, because it's easy to lose track... because all these characters are utterly unknown to us:
1) A is Alice, Klee's mom, "One who would never lie". Her amazing feats include killing a whole bunch of eternally cursed people in gruesome ways, cursing a man to only speak by repeating what is said to him while trying to cure his stutter, abandoning her young child and refusing to visit despite having time to screw around endlessly, damaging a location that is both historically significant and has a strong personal importance to others because it "didn't look old enough," and various other nonsense.
2) B is Barbeloth, Mona's master.
3) R is Rhinedottir, "A flower that is not of this world". She is Albedo's creator. But she also created the rifthounds and Durin, and 500 years ago, her (Gold's) monsters ravaged the world.
4) N is Nicole, "Guide who will never get lost". She's the one who speaks to the Traveler at the end of Scaramouche's thing. This entire event probably exists to facilitate her upcoming presence.
5) J is I. Ivanovna, the one who went back home (presumably to Snezhnaya) to get married. She's had many successors, of whom Scarlett is the latest, but Alice refused to acknowledge any of them. Probably irrelevant, since she's succeeded by a bunch of NPCs.
6) M is Andersdotter, "A legend that never ends". She's a human author who wrote the popular fairytale "The Boar Princess"
The thing I can't puzzle out is which one of them killed her lover when he grew old. By elimination, it seems to be Alice? It's not Gold, it's not woman Hans Christian Andersen, it's not Mona's master or J, so it has to be Alice, Nicole, or a secret other member, since this might not be all of them.
In regard to them challenging Barbatos, it's because this is a Mondstadt event and the writers wanted to have Venti involved. Aside from that, I guess it's to show their human arrogation ARROGANCE.
I can guarantee this doesn't matter at all, so you don't need to keep track of it.
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theblueskyofthedawn · 2 years
A little gift for @vistaryl ;3.
Rosaria was just returning from one of her self-imposed patrols – no Treasure Hoarders will take root in Mondstadt on her watch – when familiar voices made her pause.
– You're sure you don't need any help, Albedo? I have people to spare.
A chuckle.
– It's fine, Eula. I am just returning to my camp… – trees slightly obscured the view, but Rosaria still could see how he checked his pouch from time to time. – I'm afraid, my current experiment is better conducted with no potential victims.
– If you say so, – clearly dubious, she frowned. – I'll visit you myself later, then.
– As you wish, – he inclined his head. – May the wind guide you.
Dangerous experiment, huh?
Rosaria's eyes trailed the alchemist's figure to the edge of the woods.
She may join Eula's visit herself, then.
And that would've been the end of it if later that day she didn't stumble upon a different scene.
– Brother Albedo, you really-really have to go? – Klee, dejected, clung to his side, and Sucrose mirrored a pleading expression behind her.
– I'll return sooner than you notice, – Albedo conversationally smirked at the young elf. – Don't get into too much trouble in the meantime, okay?
– Klee will be good! – she quickly nodded, letting him go only to catch Sucrose's hand.
– Mister Albedo… – who, far too worried than usual, mumbled a little before blurting out:
– Be safe there!
– You too, Sucrose, – he laughed. – See you soon!
And disappeared down the stairs, leaving both of them before the Headquarters.
Neither of them noticed frowning Rosaria looking on from the plaza's edge, which was just as well.
Something didn't add up, and she would be damned if she didn't check what.
Trek to Dragonspine it was.
For researchers, curiosity substituted sleep, food, and sometimes health.
Albedo carefully placed rifthounds’ claws, one by one, on the table.
Traveller left two, passing by – the second would be perfect for the control group, but he already could guess that any Abyss traces were null and void there. Their purification ability was uncanny.
The only one to rival them – Albedo shook his head, exasperated, remembering the bard’s cheeky grin when he gave it – was Venti, his power still clinging to the claw in the subtle teal threads. Alchemist supposed that he could look into the source of that later, and not necessarily in the lab.
The one that Razor brought still slightly crackled with Electro, snapping at the snowflakes from time to time, and Albedo couldn’t wait to learn if it was rifthound’s or Razor’s own. He leaned to the latter, but it genuinely was anyone’s guess.
And last, there was the one that he acquired himself, and he was proud to state that he didn’t bring any elemental changes to the claw, relying solely on his sword.
Then his eyes stumbled on the sixth claw.
Albedo frowned and picked it up, looking over. On the first or even second, equipped, glance there was nothing unusual in it.
But since he didn’t know where it arrived from…
Albedo shuffled to the center of the camp to shuffle a bit of Khemia in it. What secretes this one would unravel, living?..
“Experiment – complete failure,” the last thought barely found its way to his failing consciousness.
She didn't jump to action immediately only because sister Grace, resignedly annoyed, pulled her attention back to the evening prayer.
Rosaria looked at the statue's face instead, lazily contemplating its likeness, but the disappointed glances of other sisters didn't bother her any more than usual.
She disappeared into shadows at the first opportunity.
Fir needles crunched her heels as Rosaria allowed her contemplation to return to her target instead.
She could never deny that Albedo intrigued her, as private and ingenious as he was. Mystery clung to him like a second skin, as thrilling as it was dangerous.
Better for her alone than for the city, eh?
The closer she walked, the colder it got, and soon pine and snow mixed under her step.
Rosaria avoided criminal and monster camps alike with practiced ease, pausing only to raise her brow at Snowbearer's Tree growth, red butterflies almost taking to the sky from its branches. Traveller surely poured their soul into reviving it…
And yet, her destination met her with eerie silence.
Alchemist's camp looked empty for the longest time, until…
Albedo groaned, blurs and spots refusing to fade under insistent blinking, and slowly sat up, offending claw innocuously hiding under the table where it clattered from his grip. He had a guess now where it came from, at least.
Although checking on that would have to wait. The left shoulder itched from what felt like fairly deep gashes, and as much as his Vision didn't heal, per se, it was hell-bent on burning out Abyss poison from his system.
Albedo suspected that was one of, if not the only, reasons for Visions' existence in the first place, a weak weapon trusted in the correspondingly feeble mortal hands (exceptions existed, but not that many) made useful by sheer quantity. Not like he could ask any deity about it, though...a pity.
A detached voice pulled him out of his pained musings.
– Do you need help getting to the healer or you're fine?
He slowly blinked.
– I don't need a healer.
Her gray figure blurred a little between pine trees.
She turned to the road, scoffing:
– Bleeding like that?
– Wait!.. – Albedo coughed not-blood out, on the camp's frozen floor. Huh. The claw nicked his lung, then.
Nothing his regeneration couldn't fight, but that hurt like a storm. Master knew how to recreate sensations perfectly.
– I...kh-a...don't want to disturb anyone else, sister, – he paused for a second, recollection hazy, – Rosaria?
She paused, half-turning to him:
– You do know that healing is not my line of work.
– Let me just, – Albedo shook his head, gradually standing up by crawling up the table's leg. Or, at least, tried to as Rosaria came over to straighten him in one rough tug with an irritated sigh, – find my first-aid kit. It should be right… – his eyes scanned the shelves. Was air always this syrupy? – here.
He made a grabbing motion toward the lowest, most protected one and almost toppled over again.
– Stay where you are, – she caught him, firmly propping him up with the table's help, and went to retrieve the kit herself. He could swear she muttered something under her breath.
Albedo obeyed, more out of sheer exhaustion than anything else. If he took the next chain of experiments a day later, it would be no one's business but his, and in the meantime, he could arrange a proper protective barrier – probably even two, for himself and the surroundings – on the nearby ley-line…
Jostling of the table made him hiss at the pain spike, but no new coughing emerged. Good.
Rosaria looked the camp over:
– Is there a bed all of this, – she vaguely gestured at his wounded mess, – could be taken to?
He winced. Explaining that he did not need to sleep and, as such, foregone bedding altogether was out of the question. That's why he preferred traveling alone, after all.
– Here will suffice, – he shrugged with a healthy shoulder.
She warily eyed him but picked up a cleansing vial and a cloth from the kit:
– I'll take your word on it.
The next few minutes were spent in relative silence, interspersed only with hisses and rustling of cloth – he would need to patch this batch of clothes soon… - until Rosaria commented out of the blue:
– I didn't think you would return to chat with little sparkle after your talk with Eula.
It was a miracle – and a well-timed stab of pain, letting him grimace instead – that Albedo didn't gape at her.
Well, she accidentally confirmed his theory, at least.
– Klee deserves all the love, – he didn't need to fake fondness or hide his smile, – so it was a split-second decision.
Rosaria non-committally hummed and reached for bandages.
– You should find Barbara soon, – she muttered, critically eyeing her handiwork. – This looks pretty terrible.
Albedo shrugged again, already a bit more at ease.
– I'll handle it, – especially when he'll manage to chug out of a rejuvenation potion stash. – I appreciate your worry, – he inclined his head. A little bit of politeness went long way, he learned.
She huffed, a fleeting smile on her lips:
– My work is done, then, – she raised her brow, challenging. – I hope I won't find you in a lifeless pile next time.
Looking at her figure, disappearing behind the mountain's slope, he allowed himself a small smile.
Being human…was nice.
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reginrokkr · 9 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐕. My energy levels waned quicker than I thought, so that will be it for today's activity— I seriously hope to adjust soon enough so I can do more without dying to get into bed and hibernate until it's time to wake up and go to class again. But! While I said I wouldn't indulge much the thought of something I read in Princess Mina of the Fallen Nation, I did start to think of it as something actually plausible in regards of Khaenri'ah.
Considering how deeply ingrained was the devotion to the Abyss in the society (at least in higher spheres concerning nobility which I'm sure Dain also touches onto as well as other Black Serpent Knights depending on who they're tasked to guard), I think it's very hard at this point to run with the belief that sussy things happened in the background and no one of those who don't agree with this noticed, which I firmly believe Dain would be included due to the way he lamented so much Khaenri'ah's fall. Even more so when all of a sudden a stranger comes "from the Abyss" and becomes the kingdom's prince(ss).
So, the one thing that I will address is:
"'This will all end as long as we defeat the evil overlords.' That's what we believed then. Naive fools that we were — that was just the beginning of the nightmare." "The thirteen samurai banded together to defeat the Nakura Daimyo who had been destroying this nation." "But Kogami did not revive with the Daimyo gone, and the life-force of the land continued to bleed away." "Not only that — Kogami, now bereft of its ruler, became a paradise for those who would plunder it." "The heroes who had defeated the wicked overlord could not protect it in the end either."
Thinking about Khaenri'ah, this had me wondering: what if part of the society, tired of the dark esotericism that was causing more harm than good and that was a thing since many years ago, wanted to do something to end with this so the people could live peacefully? And that this was enforced by a faction of the military to end. Considering that King Irmin was also neck deep into this, it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that those who wanted to make the nation a better place and not another home where it's unsafe to live or potentially worse than what many people left behind (namely the other seven nations ruled by the Archons) seized the opportunity that this king wasn't at his best point. Which later on would follow with Marshal Anfortas' temporary regency (whether he was the Alberich or not, I have no clue— it could be either him and that he continued to be the regent until Khaenri'ah's destruction or that someone of the Alberich clan stepped in to take the position after him). We do know that the Alberich who took the regent position wanted to mend things and, in my interpretation, it was too late for that.
So back to what I was commenting earlier and which I may adhere to my own particular worldbuilding of Khaenri'ah: part of the army, among which Dain was included, wanted to make out of Khaenri'ah a better place and actually kicked out from positions of power and relevance those who were way too deep into the Abyss dark part (it's known that they were able to invoke rifthounds in Sumeru, I highly doubt they wouldn't in Khaenri'ah even if for experimentation purposes alone that either go wrong or cause too much disruption in the society) and a time of peace follows after that. They believe that everything would go better from that moment onward, when the truth is... that highly likely they only scratched the surface of what Khaenri'ah's darkness supposed, which later on would culminate in the Cataclysm also because of those people in great part.
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
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@bushiido said:
❛ i hope to repay your kindness someday. ❜ =))))))
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"You do know you're human right?" Tetsuya wonders as he patches up a rather nasty gash Kazuha got from their most recent run in with vicious rifthounds. "Which means you only have one life." Big emphasis on one there. "Raise your arms a bit." He instructs, expecting it to be done because that was not a suggestion but a demand. His tone is firm and strict, lightly scolding the wandering samurai for such an absolutely careless display of swordsmanship. He practically launched himself at those hounds like he had more than one life to shave off, it was ridiculous, he could have lost his life. He's no time to entertain savior or guardian complexes honestly, those do nobody any good. That and they annoy Tetsuya to no end. The injury is on his back, right under his shoulder blade, and the reason he ordered him to raise his arms is because he's going to wrap white wraps around him since those would be far more secure rather than a simple patch. The wound is still rather fresh and tender, nasty and crimson, but Tetsuya applied some medicinal ointment that should help prevent it from infection. Though it won't heal it completely, it'll shield it well enough until they get to a medical facility that should be able to to properly treat the wound. Regardless of where Kazuha wants to go next, they're making a beeline straight to a location where he can get proper treatment for this, there's nothing he'll be able to say or do to make Tetsuya think otherwise or change his mind.
Perhaps with a little bit of an attitude, as if he's some sort of grump, he begins to wrap the white wraps around Kazuha once he's got the room to do so. Tetsuya may claim and can act like he's annoyed by Kazuha's actions but that's not truly the case. He's annoyed with the fact that he was there and he still got badly hurt trying to help him against the rifthounds. Tetsuya can not die and the corrosion infection the rifthounds use as some sort of poison against their foes does not affect him either, he is immune... but he supposes Kazuha doesn't know that. Of course he doesn't, Tetsuya hasn't told him or let him know about that. He even has the ability to selfheal so even if he did get hit that would heal on its own over time so long as it isn't a particularly weak point on his body that suffers the damage. He sighs. Why is Niwa's descendant so reckless for? Once he's done with the chore, Tetsuya makes sure the wraps won't come loose and then moves away, taking his seat a mere distance away from Kazuha. "I can't die," he suddenly blurts out, for some reason feeling a stupid pang of guilt that he'd like to act like he has no idea where it came from but he knows better. "I also have the ability to selfheal so even if I did get hurt I would be fine over time, a couple of hours tops." He snaps a branch he got mere moments ago to entertain himself with in half and tosses both ends of it into the burning campfire before them. "I am also immune to corrosion, so nothing would have happened to me either." More like he absorbs the poison the manner in which floral do with water. "I'm not human, is what I'm trying to tell you." He concludes bluntly, looking at Kazuha.
"So that means don't be an idiot and don't just carelessly throw yourself at the enemy that way. Have some sense of self preservation will you." It won't kill him to at least have that. "After you get some rest we're going straight to Sumeru city to have you treated," which won't take all that long, "and don't try to argue with me over it." Not like Tetsuya's expecting any sort of objection or argument to break out, but should the want to be stubborn strike him, he wants to nip it at the bud right now. Instead, after all that ranting of his, he gets some sort of gratitude from Kazuha which, for some reason, Tetsuya wasn't expecting. Did he just say he was kind? Him?!
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Suddenly he's overwhelmed by bashfulness which makes him reach for the rim of his hat and shove it further down his head in order to hide his face under its shadow, the tips of his ears running a bit warmer almost like they're overheating. That's weird, he just recently ran maintenance on them so they should be fine. "Whatever idiot, you don't need to repay me for anything."
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erabundus · 9 months
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@lumintaru &&. said... ‘  why  are  you  bleeding?  ’
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a  hand  clasps  over  his  side  on  reflex.  the  wanderer  frowns  —  then  frowns  deeper  as  he's  greeted  with  a  sensation  of  dampness.  his  own  blood;  it  has  to  be.  a  living  creature  would  never  feel  SO  COLD.  there's  a  long  gash  across  his  ribs,  deep  enough  to  scrape  the  bone.  a  hastily  fired  arrow,  intended  to  skewer  him  in  two.  (  unfortunately  for  his  would-be  attackers,  ren  is  far  more  agile  than  the  average  fowl.  )  what  pain  the  injury  evokes  hardly  registers  —  crushed  so  far  in  the  back  of  his  mind  that  the  wanderer  practically  has  to  reach  to  feel  it.  his  tolerance  for  suffering  is  so  high  that  such  mundane  injuries  barely  register.  he's  far  more  frustrated  that  the  wound  has  yet  to  heal and  can  only  assume  the  arrow  was  coated  in  something  particularly  nasty  —  rifthound  venom  oft  comes  with  a  similar  effect,  slowing  his  body's  natural  regenerative  abilities  as  it  fights  to  overcome  the  constant  DAMAGE. how irritating.
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the  wanderer  clicks  his  tongue.  he  had  been  hoping  all  evidence  of  that  previous  scuffle  would  have  disappeared  by  the  time  he  managed  to  track  down  lumine  —  the  last  thing  he  wants  is  to  be  shown  any  degree  of  CONCERN.   ❝  i'm  fine.  ❞  he's  quick  to  say,  hoping  to  banish  any  stirrings  of  worry  before  they  even  begin.  ❝  just  taking  care  of  a  minor  inconvenience.  ❞   there's  a  furtive  glance  over  one  shoulder,  eyes  narrowing  at  the  assortment  of  people  going  about  their  business.  this  marketplace  is  far  too  crowded  for  his  liking  to  begin  with,  much  less  when  he  isn't  sure  which  strangers  might  potentially  carry  ill  intent. 
❝  ... whatever  business  you  have  here,  i'd  suggest  you  take  care  of  it  QUICKLY.  ❞   there's  a  terseness  to  his  voice  that  makes  it  clear  he  isn't  pressuring  her  out  of  simple  BOREDOM.  turning  back  around,  a  hand then  comes  to  rest  on  the  edge  of  his  kasa  out  of  reflex.  his  fingers  are  still  stained  in  blood  —  its  hue  so  deceptively  human.  ❝  you've  made  quite  the  name  for  yourself,  ❞  he  continues,  voice  dropping  to  little  more  than  a  whisper.  ❝  i  doubt  you  would  be  surprised  to  hear  that  you  have  enemies ...  and  when  you  become  a  large  enough  thorn  in  someone's  side,  they'll  do  anything  they  can  to  REMOVE  YOU.  ❞  it's  a  bit  laughable  to  think  even  the  most  inspired  would-be  assassins  would  stand  a  chance  against  the  traveler.  no  ordinary  person  makes  a  habit  of  regularly  CLASHING  against  divine  forces  —  one  would  have  better  prospects  slaying  a  rishboland  tiger  with  a  toothpick.  even  so,  ren  knows  better  than  to  make  assumptions.  intercepting  them  before  they  had  an  opportunity  to  try  was  simple  enough,  yet  there's  no  telling  whether  there  might  be  more  vermin lurking  around.
❝  i  don't  think  you  want  a  fight  to  break  out  in  a  public  place  like  this,  ❞  he  mutters,   ❝  and  neither  do  i.  ❞
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Vincent had a small smile before walking to stand beside him and look down at the doorway to the land of the deep "and I was wondering where did I hear his voice before" he said calmly.
"That Ronin was one of those few occupying Tsurumi Island and he was chasing after me when I slide down into some open space and he stopped immediately and slowly turned to leave saying something like 'good luck in surviving' or something up that line"
"When I looked at the free piece of ground behind me I saw nothing but a tall and slightly wide hole in the middle of the air, nothing to hold it or make it, it was just there like an abyssal portal.. or something.. when I went closer to it, you could say half a way only, I heard a roaring voice it was all rumbley at first then it did tell me to go away which I asked 'is it bad for me here?' The voice was quiet for a bit before a huge Wolf in gold colour came out of that black hole thing with the body of slim dragon and looked at me while i didn't move from my spot as curiosity got the best of me yet again~" he slipped his tongue out for a second before continuing calmly
"he asked me as he got nearer to me 'can you hear me, human?' He asked and I nodded 'yes, who are you?' I asked and he started laughing, moving around me calmly I dare say he was amused by my reply 'how come? You are not a khaenri'ah not even Gold's child' he sounded delighted for some reason 'I'm surely not' 'then how?' He asked 'I don't know, but how about you tell me who are you and I tell you something you want to know about in this time line?' I suggested a deal and he seemed to think about the matter before nodding and that when I asked to draw him while I answer his question which he allowed me to do"
"He said 'I'm the great Wolflord of the rifthounds, Garmr. Now tell me About Durin, strange human. He is a dragon no one can miss his glorious sight' and then I told him the normal story known by all in Mondstadt which he just started to tell me more about himself and ask in return for few things and the last thing I asked about was the flowers 'Inteyvat' which he gave me as a reward for my strange will to stay and speak to him" he said before looking at Nigredo and add
"Then when I left the arena like ground some riftwolfs popped up from nowhere to attack me but they just stopped mid way and approaches me slowly one of them disappeared just to reappear suddenly under my free hand from my Lance and I believe that Ronin saw that and thought I tamed them. Hehe silly~" he commented on the man's thinking lastly.
"You could say, that one riftwolf came on its own wish to me, I didn't do anything but patting its head calmly since it was my first time being this close to one without attacking me let alone I was so curious about them. The other just went off. And this is the whole story" he said with soft smile to his gardener friend.
Nigredo visibly short-circuited at this information.
“There’s no way that was really Garmr!” he said. “There’s no way! He was always such a dick in the past!”
“There are less vulgar words for it,” Durin chided, “but holding a civil conversation is indeed out of character for him. Perhaps his time spent in isolation on that island has taken a toll on his confrontational nature. I am beginning to think we should visit him.”
“Oh sure,” Nigredo sneered. “That island’s already riddled with ghosts. What’s two more, right?? Durin, give me a fucking break. What would he even think of me now? I mean, look at me!” He gestured to his shadowy imitation of Albedo’s Favonius alchemy uniform. “I’ve gone totally native! And how the hell would we explain Albedo? Do we just stroll up to him and say ‘Hey, Rhinedottir killed me, sent Durin to his death, which is why he’s in this sword now, and then survived the damn apocalypse so she could build my replacement, and at some point I came back to life for no apparent reason’?”
“Do you not think he deserves to know the state of our home and our family? He is still our brother.”
“I don’t think he deserves anything, to be totally frank, Αδελφός. Ugh, but I am painfully curious about something… There was something that got brought up at dinner that’s bugging the absolute shit out of me…”
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jamimix · 2 years
Ain't this just a Dream? (Part 1)
SAGAU x Creator! Reader
Somewhere in the vast ocean, Beidou and her crew stumbled upon an island, away from any civilization, infested with varieties of monsters. Normally, she wouldn't dare risk her crew's life by venturing into an obvious death hole, but something within her, and everyone else, whispers to do so. Their driving point to continuing was the promise they made to their God to fetch them the greatest treasure that they are able to find. Surely with so many mobs concentrated in one place, it meant good loot, right?
After some discussion, a few chosen, including Beidou herself, are tasked to go in, while the others are to stay put and be ready in case they need backup. Because they know, that the moment they step foot in this island, they’re already signing off a contract with death.
But much to their surprise, as one of her people accidentally caught a hoard of rifthound’s attention, it didn’t attack. It all just stared at them wary and suspicious before going back to what it was doing.
Kazuha couldn’t help but be astounded as one of the rifthound pups went barrelling to his legs, looking up at him and then pushing its head his bandaged arm, seemingly asking for some pets, to which he did.
“Well, this is a-uhh surprising turn of events. It seems for once our God has blessed us on our journey.” Beidou chuckled out dryly, while everyone else silently agreed.  “It seems like whatever's here is making them docile. Still, careful. I don’t want anyone dying in my watch.”
Continuing on, the group went deeper, still very wary at the amount of mobs that seems to be growing and with some following them as they went closer and closer to the center of the island. As much as they want to turn back, they’re already in too deep to just give up.
“Captain, there’s someone over there!” It was then that they found you. A gasp resonating from her crew as they saw your appearance. How you look too much like their God. The God that is currently staying in the grandest temple of all of Teyvat, built in Liyue. Of course, suspicion and doubt started to spread because of this.
When some of her men claimed that you may be an imposter, showing signs of hostility towards you, every single monster in the area gave it back, scaring them enough to back down. It was apparent that you're the reason that they acted so... nice.
‌"Everyone, go back to the ship. Kazuha and I will deal with this." Beidou's crew nodded hesitantly before backing away to safety. The monsters around them finally went back to being normal once those who showed hostility are gone. Glancing at Kazuha, Beidou found him staring back, a serious and contemplative look in his face.
"We were all fooled." Beidou lets out a laugh at his words, feeling tired and defeated. How many men has she lost for following someone she thought was her God? The friendships she lost even when she only once tried to reason with them. And to now know it was a fake? How cruel... "That we are, pipsqueak."
Both of them let their gaze go towards your sleeping form, one that was finally showing signs of waking up, not at all surprised as they feel a strong pull from you as they see you open your eyes.
"Everything will be in chaos once we get back. Fun."
(A/n) I have no idea what I'm doing. I should be doing my projects but here I am ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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So!!! when do we get to hear about mondstadt's experience of the cataclysm!!!
I mean obviously they have shit written down and it's in the weapon lore, which is amazing and I'm very glad it's there
...but there HAS to be more than the Dvalin+Barbatos v. Durin fight on Dragonspine ESPECIALLY since the rifthounds are still targeting Boreas !!! presently !!! there are three of them in Mond rn !!! do the knights know !!! I mention them specifically because the rifthounds were also creatures that Gold created and they were the entire background antagonist in Razor's story quest, back before we knew about Inazuma and were introduced to the wolves. Plus, if they're abysmal creatures, were they sent to weaken Boreas for that Abyss Herald from We Will Be Reunited ? Does Albedo see all the abyss creatures attacking Mondstadt and worry about his own loyalties ?? Is that why he asked us to stop him ??
is there a REASON the abyss order is so focused on fucking up Mondstadt at all ?? Like they STOLE a statue of the seven of Barbatos specifically !! does the abyss order consistently going after Mondstadt have ANYTHING to do with Venti's suspicious hello voiceline (which I think is bc he briefly walked with the abyss twin but that's just a hc) or is that a reference to Venti knowing the timeline bc he's connected somehow to Istaroth ??
ALSO WHEN DO WE GET TO HEAR ABOUT VENTI !!! what is the official timeline !! was the Fall of Khaenri'ah the Cataclysm ?? was the Dvalin v. Durin fight going on as Celestia waged war or after ?? was Venti there at Khaenri'ah at the same time as Makato ?? Is Venti a part of Istaroth? Is he one of her shades?? Where is she now and what role does she play in the grand scale??
idk!!!! but I'm sure thinking many Mondstadt centric thoughts!!!!
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